> Scootarella > by sunshim_13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a pretty crazy day in Canterlot as the wedding wedding reception for Shining and Cadence was in full swing. By now the moon was already up in the night sky and everyone were probably dancing at the reception. However not everyone was at the party. In the Canterlot Gardens Scootaloo was sitting by herself on a bench watching the Stars of the night sky. She was thinking about all the recent events that happened on this day. Sure the day had many different surprises, but it all ended well in the end. As she continued looking at the sky she heard a familiar male voice from behind her saying to her, "So this is where you've been all this time huh Scootaloo." The young pegasus turned around to see Spike still in his tux and was looking at her as she was staring at the sky. The young dragon walked up to her and sat next to her and watched the the stars with her. Silence fell after that as the two didn't spoke to each other while the stars in the night sky twinkled. Then the silence was broken by Scoots as she spoke to Spike, "So… how's the party going?" Spike looked at Scoots and replied to her with a smile, "Pretty well. Shining managed to apologize to Twilight about the whole not knowing Chrysalis' plan and everything." Scootaloo smiled and said to Spike, "That's great to know at least they made up after the whole thing earlier today." Spike nodded in agreement and began to think about the day's event too and Boy it will be a day he will have to remember for the rest of his life. Suddenly an idea flew into his brain as he looked at Scootaloo and asked the filly, "Hey Scootaloo would you like to dance with me?" Scootaloo looked at Spike with a surprised look on her face as she was never asked to dance with someone before in her life. But with Spike this was first as she responded to Spike's request, "Sure thing Spike." Spike got up from his spot along with Scootaloo as she got up from her spot as well. The filly brought up her hands which Spike took with his hands as the two looked at each other and red streaks streaked across their faces making them feel a bit sheepish. But then the two started to dance a waltz at a slow pace as Spike started first while Scootaloo followed mirroring his moves. The two dancers continued their private dance under the bright light of the moon. Spike and Scoots had never danced together before and yet… something felt right about this too. There were even feeling that the two never felt before and it was like they were meant to dance to together or something like that. As they danced a bit Spike noticed Scootaloo wasn't a bad dancer as she was in sync with his foot steps. Then he said to her with a smile, "Hey your not a bad dancer Scootaloo." Scootaloo smiled and said back to Spike, "Thanks Spike. Your not a bad dancer yourself." As they danced they gazed at each other as they saw the sparkle in each other's eyes. It's like nothing else even mattered anymore, they just continued to have their slow dance as it seemed that everything just disappeared around them and then reappeared as a special ball room. Everything was just pink or shade of magenta with red hearts floating around them. The romantic moment ended when they overheard Twilight calling out to Spike. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were looking for Scootaloo as they were calling her name. “I guess we should go back in there right?” Spike said. “Yeah, wouldn’t want them to think we’re gone,” the young pegasus says as they both made their way back to the others. As the two walked they remained silent for a while until Spike breaks silence. “Say, you think that... well you and I... might be each other’s type or... well something,” Spike says a little nervously as some of his words were stuck in his throat. “If... and just an if... you and I were a thing?” Scootaloo asked to see if that was what Spike meant. “Well yeah... I mean it’s just an if,” Spike points out. “Yeah... ‘if’,” she repeats. Then the dragon goes on and says “A huge if.” Both of them laughed a bit at the thought as they continued to walk. Then Scootaloo asks. “It’s not like that that will ever happen right?” “Yeah... never we’re just friends.” “Yeah... friends,” she says as they went back to silence, a blush creeping on both of their faces. Later on they would split up, saying their quick goodbyes. Spike would meet up with Twilight as Scootaloo joins her fellow Cutie Mark Crusader partners. The Wedding was about to start (well... again) and every pony was already in their positions for the special evening. A pony named Octavia was handling the music and the CMCs were the flower girls. Twilight was gonna walk with Shining Armor down the red carpet and Spike was going down with Cadence. Every pony got in their seats as the wedding began. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo walked down the carpet as they tossed out the flowers, mostly sunflowers, roses, and some violets. After that Twilight's friends along with a few stallions walked down the carpet as well. That's when the main event finally began. Octavia plays on her cello the original piece of 'Here Comes The Bride' as Cadence walks down the isle in her beautiful white dress. Everyone looks towards her as if the alicorn princess was a goddess (well I guess an alicorn is kinda a god or goddess or so). As the alicorn makes it to Shining Armor along with the other ponies Granny Smith says the usual words said in weddings. Meanwhile while no pony noticed, Scootaloo took a qick glance at Spike as he also does the same and they both smiled. Now the wedding was almost complete, all they have to do was complete their vows. Every pony was smiling as the two ponies getting married were going to blissfully spend time with each other, Twilight was excited for her brother and her sister-in-law as she smiles as well. As the two ponies say their ‘I do’s’ the couple kiss each other passionately as they were officially mare and colt. Every pony cheered and shouted for the bride and groom. Later on after the wedding every pony had celebrated the couple as there was some foods, some drinks, and even some cake that were made by Applejack and Pinkie Pie. After the they were done they went outside as they see Shining Armor and Cadence step out to a balcony to wave to a crowd of cheering ponies. Rainbow Dash would soon be doing her special Sonic Rainboom as the newly wedded couple share another kiss. Sooner or later the couple would be in the courtyard, where the newlyweds start dancing. At the end of the party, Shining Armor thanks Twilight and they hug. Shining and Cadence would soon go to their royal carriage as they were getting ready to leave Canterlot as mare and colt. Before departing, Cadance tosses her bouquet to the onlookers, which Rarity, in a screaming fit, snatches from the other bridesmaids. Now it was time for Twilight and her friends happily watch the royal carriage depart as they wave at the newlyweds. Meanwhile Spike and Scootaloo would meet up again as every pony was leaving since the party was done. “Hey,” Spike greets as he walks with Scootaloo. “Hey,” she giggles a bit. “What’s so funny?” “I’m a little surprised that you would still try to meet up with me, even after the wedding,” Scootaloo says as she giggles a little bit more. “Well you are my friend so...” Spike says as he chuckles nervously. “Well I guess you would have a point.” As the two walk they remained silent for a little bit until Spike spoke up. “It’s a beautiful night out here huh?” he asked. “Yeah, I guess it is,” said the young pegasus. “You guess? Even I could tell that it could be a romantic setting... uh not that it is or... I’m just saying,” Spike says as he blushes a little. “Well... I mean it is not that... um... well it’s not that I’m interested in romantic stuff or something,” Scootaloo hesitantly said. “Well it’s just that I’m not really the type to date someone... for right now I mean... even if I wanted to it’s not like I would have a chance.” “What do you mean?” Spike asked. “Well I’ve never really been... attractive to other colts since I’m not that into what some other fillies like. Some even made front of me for it,” she explains as she scowls at the thought being a laughing stock to other fillies. “I don’t know though but... maybe they’re right...” “Oh come on, do you really believe what they have to say?” “Well...” “Look Scootaloo if any pony is not willing to love you just for you then that’s their problem,” Spike says as he encourages the filly to not feel ashamed. “And besides you look great...oop,” as those last words came out of his mouth he felt like that might’ve been a mistake and he puts a hand over his mouth to covered as if he said something offensive. “Really? You actually think that I’m... cute?” Scootaloo says as she blushes at Spike’s words. Spike blushes himself as well as he then speaks up once again. “yes,” he says as he blushes a little bit harder. “oh uhh... thank you,” Scootaloo says as Spike’s words surprises her and she blushes into a cherry red. “This might be random but... do you think that we would... be together?” “Well... maybe. I mean we do have some things in common,” Spike said. “Like what?” “Well we’re both incapable of flying.” “I still don’t know why you don’t have any wings,” Scootaloo says as she giggles once again just like earlier. “Honestly, I don’t know either... I guess some dragons are born without them I guess, though that is kinda silly,” Spike said as he and and the young pegasus chuckled and giggled together. As the somewhat quiet laughter died down Twilight called out to Spike as she was ready to go back to their home of the tree house. “Spike, ready to go home?” “Well I should probably get going,” he said. The filly nods as she says “Yeah I should leave too, Rainbow Dash is giving me a ride back to Cloudsdale so... I can’t miss it ya know.” “Yeah... well I’ll see you next time Scoots,” Spike says as he calls Scootaloo by her new nickname. “Scoots... heh I like it,” she says. As both of them say their goodbyes they walk away to get back to their homes. Spike meets up with Twilight and they walk. “Hey Twilight,” the purple dragon says. “Hey Spike. Had fun hanging out with Scootaloo?” Twilight says as she teases Spike and Scootaloo. “Wait... Wha... do you have to say it out loud?” Spike asks as a blush creeps onto his face. “What? Don’t worry Spike I won’t tell if you don’t want me to,” Twilight says as she smiles innocently. “You sure you wanna make that promise after you blew it last time?” Spike questioned. “Spike, it was only one time. Plus I almost lasted that entire day,” Twilight says as she shot Spike a glare. “Whatever you say Twilight,” Spike rolled his eyes. “And besides it’s not like we like each other that much or anything so... just forget about it.” “Ok Spike... for now.” “I heard that,” he says as he caught what Twilight was trying to whisper. Well after that Spike, Twilight, and the rest of her friends were on their way back to their homes once they hop on the train to leave Canterlot and to make it back to Ponyville. On the ride home Spike was just thinking about Scootaloo. As for the young filly, she was with Rainbow Dash as she was going to spend the night with her in Cloudsdale as she was thinking about Spike in return. Who knows, maybe they will become couples one day. Maybe they’ll even get married. But I guess only time will tell. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo was just traveling around Ponyville on her scooter. It’s been a few days ever since the events of the gala happened and since then things were getting back to normal. The filly couldn’t help but to think about that night out in the Canterlot Garden when she danced with Spike. She enjoyed the moment in the garden with great feeling. Speaking of which there’s Spike right now.  Spike is here? Well maybe I could just talk to him for a little bit. She thought. She rides her scooter over to Spike to talk with him. The purple dragon notices Scootaloo and waves as she gets closer to him for approach.  "Hey, Scootaloo. What are you doing around here?" Spike asks.  "Oh... well... you know just going around town on my scooter I guess. I was gonna meet up with Rainbow Dash soon," she answers as she giggles nervously. "How about you?" "Well I was just waltzing around pretty much," he says. "Honestly I was getting a little bit bored now that I think about it." Scootaloo isn't sure where this is going but the back of her mind tells her to go for it and ask Spike if he wants to hang out with her. She doesn't want to do it now since she's nervous. What is she feeling right now? She is literally a filly, she's too young to understand anything about this emotion. Then again she's just about the same age as the purple dragon, but what does he know about this? Just ask him if he wants to hang out... but I can't just say it out of the blue and besides I have to meet Rainbow. Scootaloo and her mind argue as to whether or not to ask out Spike. Come Oooooon... JUST DO IT!!! “Well... uh, Spike?” the filly asks.  “Yes?” he gets ready to listen to whatever Scootaloo has to say.  COME ON DO IT!!!!!!! Scootaloo’s head yells at her.  “I just want..... to thank you,” she says.  “For what exactly?” he asks.  “For... that dance!... I really had a great time there in the garden,” Scootaloo blurts out a little. Meanwhile her mind just wanted to smack her upside the head while shouting, WHY??!! “Uh, you’re welcome I guess. Thought why are you mentioning the dance we had a week ago at the wedding?” Spike says as he looks away for a bit and Scootaloo frustratingly smacks her hand on her face.  “Well... no reason... I mean other than the reason we had fun that night so,” a nervous Scootaloo says.  “...ok. Well I did have fun back there so I guess I should thank you for that dance too, Scoots.” “wait... Scoots?” she says in confusion.  “Oh uh... well I thought that ever since that one night that... you and I are friends maybe so I thought I could give you a nickname,” he explains.  “Oh... ok.” “Yep...” "Well it was nice meeting you but I'll have to skedaddle," Scootaloo rides off on her scooter. "Oh. Well ok then... See ya!" Spike waves goodbye as the filly rides away.  ...you’re hopeless... gotta skedaddle really? “I don’t see you coming up with ideas.” Hard to do when you say stuff randomly. Scootaloo and her mind argue with each other.  Meanwhile Spike was standing there watching Scootaloo leave until she’s out of his vision. Then he walks away as well and continues on with the rest of his day.  Later on Scootaloo would soon meet up with her friends so they can use the slingshot they made to get her to Cloudsdale. They prepare the big slingshot, which is wrapped around the trees, with Scootaloo in front of it getting ready for lift off. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle pull the slingshot and stretch it out as long as they can. As they stretch it out long enough so it can send the orange fully flying they say their goodbyes for now as they get ready to let go. The two fillies finally take their hands off of the slingshot and Scootaloo is now flying all the way up to Cloudsdale on her scooter.  The little stud makes it to the floating area and lands on the soft clouds.  “And she sticks the landing!” some random pony calls out to Scootaloo. The young filly looks around only to see that it was Rainbow Dash cheering her on.  “Hey, Dash,” she greets.  “Ready to have some fun with the one and only?” she brags about herself.  “Of course!!!” Scootaloo says excitedly. “Everyday is awesome cause you make it awesome Dash.” “I just make things 20 percent cooler myself,” Rainbow further brags. “Anyways come on, we’re gonna go flying in the air. You’re favorite thing to do with me.”  “Alright” the young pegasus shows her enthusiasm.  “Ok. So are you ready to fly or do you need a second?” Rainbow Dash says.  “Please, I was born ready. Are you?” says a challenging filly.  “Alright, alright. Let’s get ready to lift off, hot shot,” she jokes.  Scootaloo gets behind the older Pegasus and jumps on behind her back. Rainbow then flaps her wings with enough to get herself off of the puffy ground made out of clouds. As she starts to hover, she prepares herself and gets ready to fly.  “You ready little stud?” she asks before she officially goes.  “More than ready,” she answers with no hesitation.  Rainbow Dash then blasts off and starts to fly at an acceleration of speed. Scootaloo screams out loud in excitement and joy as the two pegasus ponies start to fly around Cloudsdale.  “Jeez you didn’t have to shout in my ears we just started flying,” Rainbow chuckles.  “Tee hee. Sorry,” Scootaloo apologizes.  “No need. Might wanna hold on.” “Do the barrel roll!!!” “Alright, Scoots. Hold on!!!” Rainbow says as the filly holds on to Dash’s back. Sooner enough Rainbow stops using her wings to take a free fall and moves herself in a circular motion, indicating the attempt of a barrel roll. The light blue wing pony uses her wings again to catch herself and start flying properly again, completing the special move.  Rainbow does a couple more tricks while Scootaloo holds on to her back. The flying pegasus did a couple loops, even flying up and spins multiple times like a spinning top.  “Woooo!!! That was awesome!!!” Scootaloo says in excitement.  “You know it is,” Rainbow smiles. “What do ya say? Let’s fly around Ponyville for a bit.” The pegasus flies down and goes above the town of Ponyville. Scoot also holds on as they hover over the town and gazed down on it. As the two look down on Ponyville they see small things in their vision. Within a closer line of sight, various ponies walking around parts of the community.  “Isn’t this a cool view?” she asks.  “It’s amazing Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo says as she looks down on the normal, casual town full of different ponies. But then the filly couldn’t help but to spot out something purple in her vision that’s headed for Sugarcube Corner. She figures out that it was Spike who she talked to earlier.  All of the sudden the excitement disappeared from Scootaloo’s mind and instead was filled with an overwhelmed feeling. Now she couldn’t help but to think back to the night of the Canterlot wedding when she shared a dance with Spike.  “Hey. You ok?” a concerned Rainbow Dash asked.  “Oh um... yes I’m alright just... loving the view,” she lies. RD sighs as she flies down on the roof of Sugarcube Corner. Both of the two pegasus sat there to have a little talk.  “Scootaloo, is something wrong?”  “No... Maybe...” she says. Rainbow cocks an eyebrow.  “...yes,” she says in a defeated tone.  “What’s going on?”  “Uh... I... can’t stop thinking about something,” Scootaloo hesitantly says.  “And that something is...”  “Uh... I shared a dance with another... um.” “You shared a dance with another stallion? I never pegged you as a romantic type,” she says.  “Well... I can’t say who it is... it feels a bit weird,” Scootaloo replies.  “Hey... You can tell me anything. In fact, you can always come to me if you have any problems. Like.... a uh..... honorary step sister.” “Honorary step sister?” she asks.  “It’s the best I can think of. You can always be honest to me, alright?”  “Ok...” The two pegasus ponies give each other a hug as Rainbow’s wings wrap around them both for more embrace. After a minute, they let go of each other’s embrace and then the little filly jumps on Rainbow’s back again and they fly away.  “So... wanna go hang out for the day? Maybe play some games if you want,” she recommends.  “Sure,” Scootaloo grins.  The two pegasus ponies fly away and continue their activities for the rest of the day. Scootaloo still wonders about how she thinks about Spike. Maybe this could mean something in the future, maybe not. Only time can tell then.