> Fashionably Late > by Midday Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Council of Goth Girls + 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A cold wind blew at 11 at night, the snow was just starting to fall over the town. "It's going to be cold tomorrow. And hard." Maud Pie said as she nursed on her soda. "Like a rock." The eldest Pie Sister was relieved to finally be back home, even if her face was as stoic as it usually was. She wasn't the best at conveying emotions, or reading them-emotions in general were a lost art on Maud. All she really knew were rocks. Oh, and that grey sweaters were comfy when the weather got cold. Her sister was so considerate to have shipped it to her while she was at college. It was the color of her pet rock, boulder, and it went well with her violet hair. "Tell me about it. I can't wait for the world to become as cold as my heart." Moonlight Raven said as she finished off the last of the chips. Her midnight-blue hair licked at the back of her own matching sweater, amber eyes now straying to the window. She was the palest woman in the group-a commendable feat among her other goth friends-as though she tanned by moonlight, unlike Maud, who's skin was much more tan from her time in the sun. "I'm afraid this this is Canterlot, not the North Pole." Inky Rose gave a low chuckle as she lightly teased Moonlight, who gave a playful roll of her eyes. Her own sweater was black like ink, matching the tights that her and Moonlight were wearing, and her pale-blue eyes glancing at the window for just a moment. Her own grey hair was done in a pair of twin braids. "Ha. Ha ha." Maud's tone was as plain as ever, with her face unmoving. "That's funny." "Oh bite me." Moonlight said as she leaned further onto the couch and glanced at the roaring fire in the fireplace, twitching when she heard a 'KER-CLICK' from the kitchen. No doubt the sound of the only other person in the house; Pinkie Pie. A ninja, she was not, Pinkie Pie stuck out like a sore thumb compared to Maud and her friends. Her hair was bright pink and done in a pair of poofy buns. Instead of wearing weather-appropriate clothes, she was walking around in a pair of pink basketball shorts and baby-blue hoodie. The three of them could see Highschool Senior digging through the fridge and pulling out a can of whipped cream. When she noticed that Maud and her friends were looking at her, she closed the fridge and gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt anything. Just came for a snack." Pinkie said, giving a wink and her can a shake. She promised not to get in the way of anything, but it wasn't like Maud really cared or her friends really minded. Though, in truth, Pinkie had no real intentions of leaving them alone-cause any chance she had to check out Maud's friends was a chance she'd gladly take. (Stupid, sexy goths.) Pinkie thought as she started spraying whipped cream into her mouth, unable to stop herself from thinking of spraying a different kind of cream onto Moonlight and Inky's mouths. Was a good thing her shorts were so loose, so they didn't see the throbbing cock Pinkie was packing underneath. Unlike her other sisters, Pinkie was cursed-she would argue blessed-with a man's dick. One that, she was proud to say, was a pretty hefty hog. "It's fine, Pinkie." Maud said, glancing over the coffee table in seeing the snacks she had brought out were gone. "Oh. I guess I should've gotten more snacks though." Pinkie nearly choked on her cream as Maud stood up and dusted off her jeans. "I'm gonna go on a snack run." (Wait, she's leaving?!) Pinkie thought with wide eyes and whipped cream gliding down her lip. "Is any place gonna be open? It's almost 11:20." Inky said as she glanced at the clock. "There's a 24-Hour place." Maud said simply as she grabbed her keys. (This is perfect! This is my chance!) Pinkie thought excitedly as she hurried to the sink to wash the whipped cream off her face. (I'll be all alone with two sexy goth girls!) "But isn't that place an hour away from here?" Moonlight asked. "It's fine." Maud said, "I'll make it quick." She headed for the door and said, "don't start the movie without me." "How would you know if we did?" Inky said with a challenging smirk as Maud looked back at her. Somehow, her stoic expression that hadn't even so much as twitched seemed rather cold. "Right, yes ma'am." "Good." Maud said as she popped the door open. The cold wind sent shivers up Moonlight and Inky's spines, but Pinkie was busy drying her face and cooking up all the best lines she could think of to try and get into their pants. (This could be my one chance! Come on, Pinkie, don't let this slip through your fingers!) When the door closed, suddenly Pinkie sprang to life. She was like a jungle cat in heat now, her senses heightened and her dick as hard as a rock. (Heh heh, rock, but no time to laugh now!) Meanwhile, back in the foyer, Moonlight gave a low groan as she leaned into her place on the couch. "Well, I guess we're not gonna get a jump on 'Evil In The Sea' now." "At least she'll be back with popcorn, I hope." Inky said with a shrug. She reached for her phone, but popping in between the two goths was the ever bubbly Pinkie Pie, making both of them jump with a sudden start. "Hey-a, girls~" "Oh, hello there, Pinkamena." Moonlight Raven greeted. Pinkie normally wouldn't like it when someone called her by her full name, but she didn't mind it when Maud's friends said it. Inky gave an uneven chuckle, "say, do you mind not scaring us before we watch the actual horror movie?" She glanced at the kitchen before back at the fair-skinned girl with big, baby blue eyes. Just how did Pinkie move so quickly without either of them noticing? "I'm sorry~" Pinkie giggled, "I guess I just got so excited to see you two again!" Her smile faltered a bit, "and, uh, actually, I wanted to ask you two something." She lightly scratched her cheek, bringing both older goths to cock eyebrows. As far as they could remember, they had never seen Pinkie look so bashful. "it's a bit too embarrassing to say in front of Maud." Moonlight was more confused; Pinkie and Maud were incredibly close. "Oh? What, uh, is it?" "See, I kind of need help with something for my Health Class..." "Health?" Inky asked back, "but aren't you a senior by now? You're supposed to be taking Health Freshman Year." "Yeah, see, I should've...but, well, I didn't." Pinkie mumbled, "I didn't think it was a requirement to graduate. So, uh, I was hoping you two could help me with a little something for my class." "Well, I'd be more than happy to help." Inky said with a subtle smile, "me and Moonlight both would." "Anything for one of Maud's sisters." Moonlight nodded, "how can we help?" Pinkie smirked, "well, it's about sexual education." "O-oh?" Both girls were taken aback. Before either of them could ask further, Pinkie had elected to show them, rather than tell them. She grabbed the hem of her shorts and whipped out her cock! It popped out with a comical 'BOING', leaving both girls to gasp. "O-oh..." The girls weren't anything close to sexual deviants, but they weren't prudes either. College life had done wonders for their sex lives, but never had they seen a dick so big and thick as Pinkie's. Inky had to bite her lip to stop herself from drooling, with Moonlight giving a quick lip of her lips as she gazed at the cock. And the musk was driving both girls wild. "So, you need help with sexual education, you said?" Moonlight asked, grabbing the shaft of Pinkie's erect cock. It felt so warm at the touch, and her cold hand made Pinkie shudder and moan. "Hmm, warm. Sure feels healthy to me." She began to glide her hand up and down Pinkie's cock as she purred excitedly. "Here, lemme help you with that." Inky shifted on the couch, lying down on her belly before she leaned in close to Pinkie's cock. She gave a long lick up the shaft, lapping up the head of the penis. Pinkie shivered a bit as her tongue glided up and down, slicking her cock with spit. In turn, Moonlight would continue to jerk Pinkie's dick. Her hand went slowly and methodically as Inky's tongue moved much faster to lather her up. "Alright, this all looks good." Moonlight said, "but I think we need a further examination." She grabbed at Pinkie's shorts and hauled them down her legs, fully releasing her balls. They dripped in sweat from being locked inside their fabric prison. Inky had stopped licking at Pinkie's cock and started to slowly lick at her balls. Her nose lightly grazed against Moonlight's hands as she got a deep whiff of Pinkie's scene. The aroma drew her in closer, planting kisses across Pinkie's testicles, her pale rose lipsticks leaving its mark. "W-wowie-Zowie..." Pinkie mumbled; she had dreamed of this, but never thought it would be real, let alone feel so good. She let out another hot gasp as Moonlight continued to pump her cock with her hand. Now that her cock was slick, she was able to go a bit faster with longer strokes. Her hand went up and down the shaft as her opposite hand rested upon the head of Pinkie's dick and started to roll her palm against it, getting a louder moan to escape Pinkie's plump lips. "How's this feel?" Moonlight asked over the sound of Inky's wet kisses peppering Pinkie's sack. Pinkie managed to choke out, "a-amazing! It feels so good!" Pinkie couldn't help but thrust her hips into Moonlight's hand. "Better than I could've imagined!" "That's good." Moonlight smirked, pulling her hand away as Inky stopped kissing her balls. Pinkie took the moment to catch her breath, but Inky Rose then quickly opened her mouth and took in Pinkie's girth. Pinkie gave a hot gasp as Moonlight said, "now let's go over the next lesson." She gave a giggle as Inky started to bob her head up and down Pinkie's dick. Inky was a bit overwhelmed by just how big she was. She had heard Maud mention it off hand that her sister had a penis, but never did she think she'd be bigger than any guy she had ever done this for before! She did her best to push herself as far as she could before pulling herself back up, her tongue swirly and lashing at the meaty rod in her mouth. Fuck, she's big! And before she could come to terms with that, she began to thrust her hips up into her mouth, swabbing her mouth and poking at her throat. She started to pull her head up and take a deep breath through her nose, breathing in that heavy smell, but then she felt someone grab her head! "Come on now, Inky. We need to properly help Pinkamena here." She held Inky in place as Pinkie continued to thrust into her mouth. Moonlight then began to push her head down, forcing Inky to take more of Pinkie's pulsating cock into her mouth. She was getting close, and she could feel trickles of pre-cum gliding down her throat. Odd, it should've tasted salty, but Pinkie's tasted somewhat sweet. That was new. However, Inky had no time to process that small bit of information as Moonlight guided her further down Pinkie's shaft. Moonlight gently caressed Pinkie's sack before she pushed Inky down. Now she was properly deep-throating Pinkie's dick. At first, she gagged, bringing Pinkie to stop her humping, but Moonlight knew she could keep going and helped Inky to bob her head up and down her shaft. "Don't stop on our account." Moonlight told her, giving Pinkie's balls a squeeze. Pinkie yelped as Moonlight continued to push Inky's mouth up and down. The mix of pain and pleasure brought her cock to a quiver. "This isn't the first time Inky Rose has done this. She loves it rough." Pinkie bit her lower lip, glancing down at Inky Rose; tears burned in the corner of her eyes, but she gave Pinkie a thumbs up with a deep exhale. "Wow, you two are good then!" Pinkie smiled, regaining almost all the energy Pinkie had sucked out of her penis, but before she could say anything more, Inky had managed to reach the base of her cock. "H-Holy Moly!" Her cock was twitching and pulsating as she felt Inky slowly glide her lips up the shaft. She reached the head and began to suckle at the head of her cock, suckling the sweet-tasting pre-cum and lapping at the tip with her tongue. She could swear that she could taste whipped cream. "O-oh man! I-I'm gonna cum!" 'That's good,' Inky Rose said-or, rather, she tried to say with her mouth full of cock. She glanced back at Moonlight and giving her a bit of a grunt. She knew she'd need a hand for what she wanted to do. Moonlight understood, grabbing at the back of her hair and forced Inky Rose down in a hard push. She flew back down to the base of Pinkie's cock, taking it into the depth of her tight throat. Pinkie then gave a loud howl into the empty house as she exploded; blowing a hot stream of cum down Inky's throat. She did her best to chug it, but Moonlight thankfully pulled her up and off of Pinkie's dick, letting a few streaks pour out and onto her sweater as she coughed and wheezed. Cum dripped off of her painted lips and her mascara was running down her face in hot, salty tears that mixed with the sweet cream that was dripping onto her sweater. "S-suffer succotash~" Pinkie muttered, head spinning. She could see stars, but she gave a shake of her head as she pulled up to look at the coughing Inky Rose. "Heh heh heh, sorry." She said nervously, "are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine." Inky said, lightly licking her lips. "It's so sweet though." Pinkie blushed; did she mean her cum? She watched Inky start to collect her breath as she said, "this was...quite the experience. Shame about my sweater, semen is hard to get out of clothes." "Well, you certainly left your mark on me too." Pinkie giggled, glancing at the lipstick rings around her cock. Inky Rose smirked, "that's how you know I was here." Her makeup looked ruined to hell and back and her sweater was a mess, but somehow, she looked even hotter than before Pinkie fucked her throat. "But this sweater has to go." Inky grabbed at it and hauled it over her head. Pinkie expected to see a long-sleeved shirt, but Pinkie saw two things instead. 1. Inky Rose was wearing a very long sweater, and those tights Pinkie thought she was wearing were stockings. 2. She had a pair of black side-tie panties and matching bra, with a garter belt to hold those stockings up. Not to mention that bra of hers was holding a pair of E-Cups, bigger than even Pinkie's impressive Ds. "Now those are some sweater puppies." Pinkie gawked; how did she make it through the cold ride to her house with just a sweater to cover her lingerie? Did she always dress like this? "Well geez." Moonlight began to take off her own sweater. "Your cock is already getting hard again. How insatiable." Moonlight tossed her own sweater aside. She was wearing tights, unlike Inky, but she could also see her lacy, orchid-color bra that was holding her own DD-Cups, with a thong that she could make out through the tights. "It seems we'll need to start a more advanced lessons." "A-advanced?" Pinkie couldn't be more excited unless she was injected with 20ccs of pure sugar. If she could get harder, than she would! "Yes." Moonlight began to peel her tights off; they stuck like a second skin. She had turned around and bent over, peeling them off of her ass and sticking it in Pinkie's face. "I'll be happy to tutor you in these matters." A wide grin was on her face, but then she watched Inky Rose walk up behind Moonlight, pull her hand back, and- SMACK! "ACK!" Moonlight yelped as a red hand-print was emblazoned upon her ass. "The hell was that for?!" "Cause I'm going to ride it first." Inky said, "I've earned it after nearly drowning in cum." She grabbed the string on the side of her underwear, undoing the knot that held them up and letting them fall onto the floor. "Yeah, you did blow her. So it's my turn now." Moonlight leered. Pinkie could see that these two would devolve into a full catfight at this rate. And while Pinkie would love to see two sexy women fight over her, especially if they had a nice pool of jell-o to fight in. But Pinkie didn't want this to take up too much time or Maud might come back and walk in on her fucking her friends and that might be a fate worse than death! "Ladies, ladies~" Pinkie said in a surprisingly smooth voice, "my balloony pony is big enough for both of you to ride~" "..." Both girls stared blankly. Then there scowls started to crack and both girls had to cover their mouths and let out a few sharp giggles. Pinkie couldn't help but giggle herself. "Alright, fine, you can go first. Warm her up for me." inky said, giving Moonlight another, loud smack. It made her jump and brought her to glare at Inky, but she dragged her feet back to Pinkie and gave it a light stroke with her finger. Pinkie purred as Moonlight mused. "Still nice and slick. This will do." She began to pull herself back onto the couch, straddling atop of Pinkie. Pinkie could feel the heat of her pussy against her dick. She began to bounce her hips up and down Pinkie's cock, lubing her snatch up with Inky's spit and Pinkie's pre-cum. "If I knew I was gonna get laid tonight, I would've brought some proper lube." Moonlight shuddered, her pussy started to tremble and was starting to drip. "But this will have to suffice." She stopped grinding against Pinkie's cock and began to pull herself up. She took a hold of Pinkie's cock lined it up with her pussy. Without much of any declaration, she began to bring her pussy down onto Pinkie's slick rod. "S-so tight." Pinkie quietly gawked as Moonlight began to slide herself down Pinkie's cock, giving a harsh grunt. "Damn, here we go." Moonlight Raven began to lean forward, straddling herself atop of Pinkie's pink dick. Her hips slowly began to move up and down as she put her hands onto Pinkie's shoulders for balance. Tight, but thankfully the mix of spit and cum had made the process easier. She gave a purr as she gave a wiggle of her hips, slowly sliding back up Pinkie's shaft. "Alright, I think we're getting somewhere now~" Meanwhile, Pinkie had grabbed at the older goth's hips and had taken control; she forced Moonlight back down on her cock as she gave a mighty thrust of her hips. The sudden thrust got a gasp from Moonlight, but Pinkie wasn't satisfied. Each thrust had a grunt escape her lips, leaving Moonlight to howl and grown as Pinkie squeezed at her hips and forced her to bounce off her cock. "F-fuck! W-wait! P-Pinkamena!" Moonlight tried to cry out, "s-slow down! F-fuck, shit!" She swore and cursed, but her screams began to melt into moans as she felt Pinkie ram her pussy. "You're really getting into," she let out a gasp, "the swing of things!" "Damn." Inky Rose mumbled, sliding her own fingers into her panties before she started to stroke at her clit. She watched impatiently; her eyes bopped up and down as Moonlight was roughly fucked by the Pie Sister as she worked on her own body. Meanwhile, Moonlight was trying to gyrate her hips in rhythm with Pinkie's thrusts. With each second, her pussy dripped with excitement and eagerly took in Pinkie's rod. She leaned in closer, lightly nipping at Pinkie's neck. These love bites kept Pinkie going as she kept thrusting hard and fast. "Fuck, my pussy is being molded by your dick." Moonlight's husky, hot voice sent shivers up Pinkie's spine. It drove her wild and only made her wild thrusts into Moonlight more erratic. "I can feel your greedy dick throbbing. I'm going to milk you for all your worth!" She tried to keep the haughty, seductive tone, but she couldn't help but moan loudly into Pinkie's ear devolving into lustfully bouncing off of her dick. Her seductive moaning turned into lustful cries that melted into Pinkie's grunts. Moonlight howled to the heavens as she began to cum onto Pinkie's dick, her inner walls clamping down and squeezing Pinkie's cock. In mere seconds, Pinkie couldn't take it anymore and began to cum into Moonlight's pussy. Hot loads of cum flooded inside of Moonlight as both of their cum began to spill over onto the couch and pour slowly onto the carpeted floor. Pinkie would have a lot to clean up later, but her mind was too hazy from the heat of sex to really care. Finally, Pinkie had let go of Moonlight's hips. Both of them huffed and puffed, Moonlight taking a moment to lean and lie down atop of Pinkie's heaving frame, needing to recover their breath as well. Pinkie's dick slipped right out of her pussy as cum began to flow out onto the floor. Moonlight mumbled a, "f-fuck," as she weakly rolled herself off of Pinkie and pulled herself up onto the couch. "Can't remember getting fucked like that." She looked over at Pinkie, who was grinning like a madwoman and giving a few uneven giggles. "How was it for you?" "Gimmie a sec." Pinkie dug into her shirt, hand digging around her tits. Moonlight and Inky watched in bewilderment as Pinkie pulled out another can of whipped cream. How she was able to keep that, neither of the older goths were sure, but they watched as Pinkie shook the can, opened her mouth, and unloaded some cold cream. When she gulped it down, her eyes popped open wide as though she had just came back to life. Even her dick, which was going flaccid, was erect once again! "That's better!" Pinkie had a wide smile on her face before she bounced onto her feet. "That was the best fuck I ever had! It was better than I ever could've imagined it being like!" Although, Moonlight's only competition thus far was a fleshlight Pinkie had dropped a few bits on, but nobody needed to know that yet, right? "W-wow..." Moonlight mumbled, staring in bewilderment at the Pie's Sister's energy. "Alright, that's enough of the Moonlight show." Inky said, pushing Pinkie back down onto the sticky seat. "It's time for your new best fuck." Moonlight gave a roll of her eyes as Pinkie looked pretty excited, much like her cock. "Since that dick of yours is standing at attention, you look ready to go." "Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie grinned eagerly, her cock still coated with cum. She got really to take Inky's pussy next, but instead, Inky Rose forced her to sit further down into the bed. She gave a light 'oof' before Inky started grinding her ass up and against Pinkie's member. Pinkie was surprised by Inky's bubble butt, with a matching pair of baby-making hips shaking in her face. "Moonlight already told you that I like it rough." Inky pulled her cheeks open, exposing her asshole right to Pinkie, who's blue-eyes grew wide and her grin grew tighter. "Now get back up and get this ass." "Yes ma'am!" Pinkie hopped back up and took a hold of Inky's hips. She began to rub the head of her still dripping cock against Inky's exposed hole. Painting the entrance with her dick, Pinkie grit her teeth with a big smile to hold back a moan. She didn't wanna blow another load before she even got inside! Inky, meanwhile, was already shaking a bit as she felt Pinkie poke and prod at her backdoor. "Stop teasing me and fuck my ass already." She sneered at Pinkie, who flinched a bit. She quickly nodded her head before she started to push her cock into Inky's ass. Slowly, but surely, she was starting to push into the tight hallway of Inky's ass. "H-holy fuck." Pinkie gasped as she began to push into Inky's ass. Inky gave her own grunt as she started to take Pinkie's dick. It was bigger than she thought, and she was watching her fuck Moonlight Raven! "Well? What are you waiting for?" Inky looked back with a leer. "Fuck. My. Ass." Pinkie gave a nod and gave a hard squeeze of the woman's hips. With a hard grunt, she pulled her own hips back and gave a hard thrust! Her cock drilled into Inky's ass. It was rough at first, but her own lubed up cock rubbed around the walls of Inky's ass as she pulled in and out, starting to develop a speedy rhythm as their hips slapped against each other. "H-how's this?" Pinkie grunted as her balls swung to and fro and dick wormed its way into Inky's ass. Tighter than Pinkie was used to, but the way she squeezed her dick only seemed to encourage the Pie Sister to keep going. "H-harder." Grunted Inky Rose as she moved her own hips to and fro. Pinkie let out another grunt as she kept trying pound her ass. She gave a small chuckle as she raised her hand up and gave a firm smack against Inky's ass. Inky let out a small yelp as Pinkie's ass left a mark on her pasty ass. Before she could say anything, however, Pinkie began to ram her ass with renewed vigor. Her hips moved slower, but harder thrusts left Inky to gasp. She felt Pinkie let go of her hips and grab at her dangling braids. Using it as leverage, Pinkie began to pull Inky Rose back like a bucking bronco before she started to pound at her ass. She let out a howl, but Pinkie continued to drive her cock into her ass like a wild beast. "Now this is getting hot..." Moonlight mumbled, watching as Pinkie's lustfully slammed her dick into Inky Rose, feeling her thighs twitch as she listened to Inky Rose howling and crying out for more. "Y-yes! Like this! LIKE THAT! PULL MY HAIR AND BREAK MY ASS!" Inky cried out, "fuck my ass!" Pinkie was happy to oblige. Inky's legs quivered and shook, a thin stream of precum trickling down her inner thighs as she was roughly fucked. Meanwhile, she could feel Pinkie's dick throb and twitch. "F-fuck, your close! I can feel it! D-don't hold back! Fill my ass with your cum! Make me your bitch with your fat cock!" Pinkie gave a nod, even if Inky couldn't really see with her head forcibly looking up from the hair pulling. Both were a panting mess of sweat and sex. Pinkie's thrusts had slowed down, but they were much harder, much more desperate and lustful before finally, Pinkie began to cum, flooding Inky's ass with her cum, just as Inky started to cum as well. They both howled to the sky as the earth below seemed to shake from their mind-melting orgasms. Finally, Pinkie let go of Inky's hair, her cock sliding out of Inky's dick before she Pinkie fell onto the couch, gasping for breath. She didn't know she was holding her breath for a second or two until she was left to recover her breath. Inky, meanwhile, had taken a seat on the opposite side of the couch, leaving Inky to gasp and wheeze as well. "Damn. That was good." Inky said, looking over at Pinkie with a smirk. "So, how was that? Better than Moonlight's, right?" Pinkie felt her words get caught in her throat, but before she could work out an answer, Moonlight interrupted. "It's not a competition, Inky." Moonlight said with a leer at Inky. "If it were, I would've already won." "Oh whatever." Inky rolled her eyes, leaving Pinkie a bit relieved. "So, was wondering something." Moonlight asked as she leaned in closer to Pinkie Pie. "Just how true was that story you spoon-fed us? About you being in Health Class." Pinkie mused for a bit. "Well, uh, I am in Health Class. And I do got a paper due before Winter Break is over." "If you fuck me again, I'll do your paper for you." "Inky!" Moonlight gawked as Pinkie grinned excitedly. "What? You were planning that, weren't you?" Inky asked with a smirk on her face. "Yeah, and you cut me off!" Moonlight said as she leaned atop of Pinkie. "Besides, she said I was the best fuck she ever had!" Inky grabbed Pinkie's arm. "Yeah, before she fucked me." "Uh, girls," Pinkie said, "I'd love to fuck you girls, but we should probably clean this up before Maud gets back..."