> A New Start > by Darksoul85 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new start By darksoul85 Prologue: Sealed away Deep in the frozen north of Equestria, farther then they ever went before, There Celestia and Luna, stood now the only two ruler's of there of their nation. With them stood one hundred gaurds poines from both lunar and solar guards of the royal guard, the pony that had broguht them this for up north was chained up before them. For it was the princess's younger brother Earth Thunder, his mane was covered a side of his face. Earth Thunder server the kingdom well help the farmers by getting his hands dirty, where nobles would not. He was well trained in being a fair judge when he did day or night court. He was loved by the pony for his acts of kindness all over the kingdom. But at end of the war with the Nagas there mother used a power that made her go into a deep slumber and vanished. Earth thunder tried to bring her back by using a spell to bring her back, but a storm started and cover the whole kingdom that threatend to destory it. Celestia and Luna had stop him with the help of there Colt friends, by stopping him and the storm stop and the kingdom was safe once again. "Earth Thunder please w-we are so sorry but we had no other choice" Celestia said to her younger brother but he did not say a word to her at all while looking at them, yet he stood there with the chains on him. "Please Earth Thunder this only way to keep you safe and we have to seal you away, but mother would not want this " Luna said to him, but before she could say any more Earth Thunder shot forward at them but the chain's on his arms and legs stopped him. "STOP ME YOU TWO HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL HER THAT, I WOULD OF HAD HER BACK IF YOU DID'T STOPPED ME" he yelled at his sister's with his anger washed over him, and his magic was sealed off do to the ring on his horn. "Please brother you know s-she would of wanted this" Luna said said trying to hold her tears back in front of her sister and Ulfric. "HAD TO STOP ME DID I NOT ASK FOR YOUR HELP FROM THE TWO OF YOU, BUT YOU TWO DID NOT HELP AND SHE IS NOT COMING BACK" Earth Thunder srceamed at his sister's, and he tryed to get near them and attack Luna and Celestia. But Stardust Judgement just punch him in the gut, after a few minutes Earth thunder stopped moving were he was. "The two of you only wanted the throne's you for your self, and have the pony's of the kingdom to love the the two of you" Earth Thunder slumped to the ground and with his face looking at the ground. There they stood at with their husband about to seal ther brother in the frozen north waste land's. "Prince Earth Thunder all of us wish there was another way but here is will you be sealed" Stardust Judgement said to the prince with tear's in his eye's, that's when they got in to there spot's and began to seal him away. As the seal was starting work take him away he looked at them and spoke to all of them. "You be seeing me one day and won't see it coming" Earth Thunder said as the seal finish and hide him from all the kingdom never to hear form him again. Ulfric looked around at the guards and seen they had ready to leave. "Princess Celestia and Luna we better get going before we get sick" Ulfric said to them and they started and way back to the castle. Later when they were back at the castle sitting in the throne room they could not get his last words out of there head's, looked at each then out the window hopeing if he came back he would for give them. > Chapter one- The broken seal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one: The broken seal Celestia and Luna were at the Crystal Empire visiting Cadance and shining, and there was a strong snow storm that was going on outside the shield that was protecting the city. "Shining don't worry Twilight will get here safe, but I gotta ask you a question?" Celestia asking him, while looking out the window of the dining hall. "What is it you want to ask me about? I'll give you an honest answer. '' Shining Armor said to Celestia, and he took a mouth full of coffee. That is when Cadance came in with her aunt Luna and sat down by her husband. Luna went over to her sister and saw the look on her face. "Shining Armor the storm outside, what do you think is the reason for the storm outside going on right now" Celestia said, still looking out the window, Luna was wondering why she was asking the question herself now. He took his time to think and was about to answer when his sister came in with her friends and general Ulfric was with them. "That storm outside is strong, but the good general was kind enough to come with us to make sure we got here" Twilight said as she took her coat off and took her seat at the table by her brother, Everyone else sat down at the table and Ulfric went over to Luna. "Well a storm out of the control" Shining said to her, then she turned around looking at the whole room with a worried look on her face. Then Luna and Ulfric felt it something they have not felt in a long time. Luna went to the table and took a seat, then she spoke up. "It's the seal that has broken and he woke up," Luna said with a tear's starting to fall from her face, then covering her face. Ulfric knew all too well and went to his wife to comfort her, he hugged her and she turned to his chest. "Princess Celestia what do you mean by he awakened ?" Twilight asked her old teacher, then she remembered an old book she found and looked it over once. Pinkie was sitting and put her hand in the air like she was in school, and Celestia pointed to her to speak. But just then a loud like boom was heard, and just like that the storm stopped then the ground started to shake. "It is time he'll be coming here for us three" Celestia said to her sister and brother-in-law and she went on "I'll be right back with Stardust Judgement so hold on" she said and was gone in a flash. Outside a pony got up and looked in the direction and felt two of the four he was looking for. "I will be seeing you soon sister" the male alicorn said and started to walk towards the empire, but stopped and punched the ground, shattering the ground so he could not be sealed again, then went on. "Thank mother, the seal is broken now" . Back in the crystal castle Celestia came back with Stardust Judgement and with the elements of harmony."Be ready cause he will be here in two days, Ulfric go tell the guards here they are not to get in his way" Stardust told Uflric and he nodded and went off to tell all the guards and make sure everypony stayed in there home. "Aunt Celestia, why are you worried so much, who is on their way here cause" Cadence asked her, the whole room felt the same way too. Celestia looked at her husband and he nodded at her. She pulled a chair out and sat down. Celestia knew this day was coming and looked at them. "Me and Luna have a brother we had to seal away long ago, and he almost destroyed the kingdom just to bring our mother back" she said to them all. The whole room was in shock, all their jaw hit the ground. Applejack was first to clear her head. "But why would he be coming for you princess's and the other two" Applejack asked the three other pony's, all Luna did was put a picture on the table and used her magic to push it to the other side of the table. They all looked down and saw a male alicorn holding a bat pony in his arms , then they saw where his hands were a top of. Stardust Judgement was looking away from the picture. "I had to put her down cause she tried to free him, she fell before him and will be likely coming at me when he gets here" he said with his back to the rest of the group of pony's. Luna took over from there. "She was with the foal and he was happy, with her final bit of strength held onto him before passing" Luna said, then there were tears in every pony's eye's. Then Ulfric came back and told Stardust that he would have a clear path to the castle. Then as if the sound of the whole city went dead, it was then when they heard his voice. "Celestia,Luna,Ulfirc and Stardust judge I'm here in the city and coming for you, but Stardust Judgement you are first on my list so you better not run foal killer" the voice said and went silent. Stallion was going right to the castle and he was on a mission. They waited for the doors to the dining hall open, "Sister I have a spell ready to use against him, it will make him a foal so he can have a fresh start" Luna said to Celestia and she nodded. They heard hooves steps coming closer, that is when the door's boom opened. There stood a six foot tall alicorn stallion with rage on his face. "Time to pay the price for your crime now, oh what no hello brother or hi Earth Thunder '' Earth Thunder said as he looked at the four whole who were standing together, but he charged right at Stardust Judgement because of what he did. Luna steps in front of her brother-in-law. "This is for your own good brother" Luna said and fired the spell at him, sending him back into the wall and the banner came down upon him. Everypony in the room waited for him to get up, but they heard the cry of a foal under the banner. Luna ran over to the cry and moved the banner and picked up her now foal brother. "It's ok you get a new start my little brother" Luna said as she walked over to the rest of the group, Celestia walked over and looked down at him with a smile. > Chapter 2- The first night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The first night After everything was fixed and cleaned up, Stardust Judgement used his eye magic to fix the wall up where Earth was sent into. Luna and Celestia were sitting at the table holding their brother who was now sleeping. "Cadence, can you get Flurry Heart old crib out so we can put your uncle to bed, cause I think we are in for a long night" Celestia asked Cadance, she used her magic and had the right beside them. Stardust looked down at the now sleeping prince who was covered in a blanket, Celestia then walked over to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'll sleep by him tonight so every pony else can get some sleep" Stardust said as he teleported to the room where he and Celestia would be staying. It was five minutes later when the Earth Thunder woke up and Stardust Judgement picked him to hold him. That's when Luna, Ulfric and his wife walked in the room, he turned around while holding him in his arms. "This is a good thing that happened, but I will be in for a long night" Stardust Judgement said while little Earth Thunder was looking around the room. Celestia came up to her husband and wanted to hold her brother, when she held him she played with him, he giggled looking at her. Then a smell was in the air, a foul smell, Ulfric held a diaper out to Celestia, she took the diaper and laid on the bed. "I'll change him cause I smelled it, ok it's been a while so bear with me little prince" Ulfric said while he took the diaper of him, he wiped him down and when he was almost done Earth Thunder peed on him and he was laughing. Luna came up to him with a towel to wipe his face off, Luna took over the rest of the diaper change. "Well you know that is not the first time he peed on you, I remember when he did that to me when i had to change him and did that to me" Luna said and when she was done picked him up and held him until he went back to sleep and placed him back in the crib and cover him back up. When she sat by her brother humming a song for him, Celestia knew the song and joined her and sat down on the other side of the crib. "We have to talk with Twilight and Cadance in the morning, why you all think cause who will raise him is the big question" Stardust Judgement said and they all nodded, and Ulfric took a spot near the crib then went to sleep. A few hours later in the middle of the night Earth Thunder was crying, and awakened every pony in the room. "What's wrong with him?" Stardust asked while he sat up on the bed, Celestia was just finishing changing and threw the dirty diaper out. "That was all wrong with him, I'll watch him for him now you get some sleep Tia" Stardust said to his wife. When morning came, Celestia saw Stardust Judgement sleeping, holding Earth Thunder in his arms, she walked over to him and gently woke up Stardust. "Time to get Dusty up, and I'll carry him to breakfast" Celestia said to him and picked up her brother who was still sleeping, on the way to the dining hall Celestia made her mind up on who should raise her brother. "Tia you made your mind up already on who should rise him, and I will back you on your choice" Luna said as she walked by her on the way to the dining hall, knowing this would not be the last time seeing she stopped and held her arms out and her sister pass him over to her to carry the rest of the way. "Aunt Celestia and Luna look like there is something on your mind" Cadence said as they made their way to the table, Stardust sat beside his wife. As the rest of the group walked in and sat down at the table, Pinkie Pie walk up to the princess's and held out a plushie. "It's for him cause every pony need's a plushie, think of the fun you'll have with it" Pinkie Pie said to them, they kindly took it and gave it to him. Everypony took their seats and looked there, Twilight just got there and took her seat quickly. "My sister and I want to ask a question to Twilight and Cadance, would one of you want to raise Earth thunder as your own '' Luna asked them, the whole room was shocked by her words. Cadence was thinking of her answer, but wanted to talk to Shining and Flurry her about this first cause they should have a say in this. Twilight was wondering what life with a foal cause this would be new for her, Rarity held her hand showing she would be there for marefriend. "Can we have some time to think before giving you answer, just so we know we are doing the right thing here" Twilight ask they nod at her, Twilight and Rarity went to one side of the room, Cadence sent Shining Armor to get Flurry Heart so they could get her input on this. "Twilight I know you want this so I will support you on this, but I want to ask them if we can change the name at least '' Rarity Said to Twilight then hugged her, she had tears in her eyes at the words Rarity said to her. They both walked to their seat's with tell the princess they had an answer, Cadence and her family walked to the table and took their seats as well. Celestia and Luna looked at them with hope for one of them to raise him as their own, Cadence spoke first to them. "Well we would love to raise him, but we are happy with what we have now" Cadence said to the, but knew Twilight wanted a foal of her own to rise. "Thank you for your honest answer Cadance, now Twilight what is your answer" Celestia said to her old student and knew her answer, when she was waiting for her to speak Earth Thunder woke up and saw the pushie on the table reaching for it. "You want this, ok you can have it" Celestia said and gave it to him, he was hugging it like it was the first toy he got in his life and loved it. Twilight stood up and started to speak to Celestia, with a look of a mother then cleared her throat. "Me and Rarity will raise him to give him a good life, but can we change his name if that is alright with you two" she said to Celestia and Luna with hope, they were thinking and wanted him to keep part of his name. "Twilight Sparkle we thank you for doing this, but we want him to keep at least one part of the name" Luna said to Twilight, Rarity nodded to her mare friend and stood by her. Went over to pick up her new son, Celestia stood up with her brother who was now going to his new home. "Have you pick a what part of his name you are going to keep" Luna ask her while standing by her sister, she had a lone tear going down her face. "Yes we have Earth Wind will be his name, but like to ask Stardust Judgement something that is ok '' Twilight said to them and Stardust Judgement came over to them. "Would you be a father figure to him when he gets older?" she asked and Stardust was thinking and this could be a way to help. "It would be an honor" Stardust Judgement said with a smile looking at Twilight, Celestia passed over Earth Wind to Twilight. Earth Wind hid behind his plushie cause he did not know what was going on, Rarity saw this and got an idea. "Look, we are your mom's and know you are scared, but how about show your handsome face to us" Rarity said to him, he lowered the plushie so only his eyes were showing. "You have lovely eyes' Earth Wind, can I hold you now please" she asked Earth Wind, he reached out one hand while the other was holding the plushie so he would not drop it. The whole room was waiting to see what would happen, and he went to her without being handed to her. Twilight was shocked when he reached out to her too with the plushie, "Twilight I think he wants you over near him" Shining Armor said, so she went over to him and Rarity passed him over to her. "Rarity was right you do have lovely eyes" Twilight said to Earth Wind, then he yawned and hugged his plushie sleeping. Everypony was quiet as they seen him sleeping in his arms, Rarity came over with a chair and so she can sit by her. Then when a guard came shutting the door to the dining room saying in a loud voice saying the train will be ready tomorrow, that's when Earth Wind woke up crying and the guard got the glare from Twilight along with Rarity. "I'll handle this lady you go take care of your son, you on the other hand will be placed at the train station for a month" Cadence said to the guard, Twilight went to her room with her son who was still crying. When Twilight got to her she started to hum a song to calm him, after a few minutes he was sleeping on the bed. "My darling you know how to calm a crying foal" Rarity said from the doorway, Twilight nodded at her and was laying down with her son. When dinner was ready for Twilight, Rarity along with Earth Wind came to the dining room. "Hey there partner you look so cute" Applejack said to him as she walked to the three, he reached out and boop Applejack on the nose then giggled. When Rarity fed Earth Wind, he ate all his food and was covered. When they got back to their room Twilight ran a bath for him, Rarity got him ready for the bath. Twilight came out of the bathroom telling Rarity the bath was ready, so the three of them went in and put him in the water. "Ok time to get you clean and put you to bed" Twilight said to her son, and he was just playing in the water smacking the water. Just then there was a knock at the door and it was Stardust Judgement with Celestia with the crib and some sleeper's for them. "We thought this would you need these, Stardust you set the crib up by the bed for them please" Celestis told him, Rarity helped him with that and she put the sleeper's on the bed but one then took it to the bathroom. "Princess Celestis thank you came when you did, please can you get me the towel from over there" Twilight asked Celestia, and she did. When she picked Earth Wind from the tub Twilight dried him off, Celestia handed her the sleeper and a diaper. As they were walking out of the bathroom Earth Wind saw his plushie and was reaching out for it. Rarity and Stardust just finish the crib being put together, they hear the bathroom door open and see them come out. "Hey sweety your crib is ready" Rarity said to her son and saw he was reaching out for his plushie, she pick it up with her magic and gave it to him. Twilight walked over to the crib and placed him in there then covered him up with a blanket, Earth wind yawned then closed his eyes and went to sleep. After Celestia and Stardust left they got ready for bed. "You know it will be a long night for the two of us, but I'm happy we got this chance" Rarity said to Twilight who was already in bed facing the crib, Rarity got under the covers and closed her eyes. It was a few hours later when Earth Wind woke up crying, Twilight got awakened by him and she got out of bed. "What's wrong Earth Wind, do you need to be changed" Twilight said and felt his bottom, she took him to the bathroom with a new sleeper and a diaper in her magic. He needed a change cause of a wet diaper,after that was done Twilight put him back in the crib and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The next time he cried Rarity woke up and picked him up, she heard his stomach growl. "You want a bottle sweetheart, let me get you one my son" Rarity said and she did fine one in the foal stuff, after she fed him the bottle and checked to see if Earth Wind needed a new diaper. But he was dry as a bone, then Rarity laid him back in the crib and went back to bed. > Chapter 3- Meet your grand son > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Meet your grandson It was a rough start for Twilight and Rarity, but they never gave up and kept pushing forward for their son. When they were on the way home to ponyville they asked her friends for help, Stardust knew what she wanted help with and spoke up. "I'll have your parent's brought to ponyville, and don't worry I won't tell them why" Stardust said to them in a quiet voice, cause Earth Wind was sleeping in Rarity's arms while hugging the plushie. What shocked every pony was Pinkie Pie was quiet until Twilight told her she could talk. "Can I throw a meet your grandson party for your parent's, and it will be just them and Rarity sister's if I can" Pinkie said to them, and they told her yes then got right to work on the plans. When she was done with the plans for the party she let Twilight and Rarity look at, Rarity asked Pinkie if she would hold Earth Wind while they looked at the plans. Earth Wind woke up and looked at Pinkie and smiled and bopped her on the nose, Pinkie was careful while holding him in her arms. "Wow Pinkie Pie you are good with foals, hey Twilight would mind if I brought my foal Feather Dust over one time for a play date?" Rainbow Dash said to Twilight for her, cause her foal was at home in ponyville with coltfriend Big Mac. "Yes Rainbow Dash that would be a good idea, and you could all come when we introduce Earth Wind to our parents." Twilight said to them all, that's when a knock came at the cabin of the train. It was Stardust Judgement with some coffee and a flesh bottle of milk for Earth Wind. "Thought you all would love a coffee to drink, and for you little colt did you want some milk." Stardust Judgement said to Earthwhile holding the bottle out to him, after he handed him the bottle of milk and turned to leave Earth and started to cry. "What's wrong little one, did you want me to feed the bottle to you." he asked Earth Wind, held the bottle in one hand and reached out with the other, Stardust bent down, picked him up and fed him the bottle. When he was done, he gave him back to Twilight and left quietly. Twilight looked down to see that he left quietly, Earth Wind was sleeping hanging on to the bottle. The rest of the train ride was a good one, all their friends had a turn holding Earth Wind. When they got to ponyville there was one thing forgotten, how to get to the castle of friendship without Earth Wind being seen. "Don't worry my old student, we got that covered." Celestia said when they saw a carriage there so they could get her son home, he woke up and was looking around. "Thank you Celestia for that carriage, but hope we have to get him home and down for a nap." Twilight said to Celestia, they got in the carriage with no problem. Rarity saw the look of worry in her eyes, when they were moving Rarity held him and hummed a tune so he would go to sleep. "Rarity thank you for holding him, when we get home Pinkie pie can go set up his crib." Twilight asked her, and she nodded yes and was gone. Spike was at the castle with Sweetie Belle when Pinkie showed up, they never seen her move so quick. "Sweetie you have to go back to Rarity shop and take Spike with you, as for me I was given a job that needs to be done." Pinkie said and the two of them left without question. Twilight and the rest of their friends showed up and a sleeping foal in Rarity's arms, Pinkie showed them the room and they loved it. Pinkie Pie told them she was going to get on making the cake for their parents when they got there later in the week, Rarity put Earth in the crib with his plushie and covered him up. "Stardust can you get them here in two days, so we can have some time alone with our son please" Rarity asked him, he nodded yes and left with his wife. Earth woke up a couple of hours later and saw that he was alone, Rarity walked in to check on him and saw he was awake. A smell was in the air that she knew what had to be done, she took him to the changing table and gave him a new diaper and a new outfit to wear. Twilight walked and saw Rarity changing him and when she was done Twilight walked up to her. "You want to tell him while I put these in the laundry." Rarity said to her. Earth looked at Twilight and reached out with one of his hands and booped her on the nose, she just was smiling now she had her son in her arms. When Spike got back from hanging out with Sweetie, he saw Rarity come out of the laundry room. "Rarity, what can you tell me why Pinkie had me and Sweetie leave earlier?" Spike asked her, all she told him was to follow her and be quiet, when they got to the room Twilight was in he was shocked, his jaw dropped to the ground when he saw the foal in her arms. "Is that why you guys had to go to the empire, cause he is a cute little guy." Spike said and got Earth attention, Spike walked forward to him and got his nose booped when he got close enough. "You are not to say a word to Sweetie Belle, is going to find out in two days when her parents get here with mine Spike." Twilight said to him and he nodded to her, then he asked if he could hold him. He sat down in a chair to hold him, when Earth was in his arms he yawned and was going to sleep. They looked at him and all smiled as he got comfortable in Spike arms, Rarity told them she was going to make some clothes for him to wear and left for her shop. That night Spike said he would sleep on Earth so they could get some sleep. Spike rolled out a sleeping bag and was getting ready when Twilight came into the room. "Spike thank you for doing this for us, and tomorrow morning Rarity will be here then I'll be with him in the afternoon." Twilight said to Spike and he just nodded, he told her he was going to go buy Earth a gift tomorrow anyway. It was the next morning when Rarity came in and saw Spike rolling up his sleeping bag, Rarity went to her son and woke him up. " Time to get up my son" Rarity said to Earth Wind slowly picking him up and over to the change table, when she was done she took him to the kitchen for breakfast. Twilight was there having a coffee when Rarity was coming in the kitchen, she got up and went to give him a hug while Rarity was getting his food ready. "Did you sleep well my little one." Twilight said looking at her son, and he was just looking around. Rarity came back with the food and a bowl, Twilight put him in a high chair then left, Rarity put the bowl in front of Earth Wind then filled it. When she fed him some of the apple sauce and wiped his face clean they went to her work room at the castle, when they got there she placed Earth Wind in the playpen she had set up by Spike. Earth wind just looked around the room and crawled to the edge of the crib and patted the side of the crib, Rarity saw this and came back over to him. "You like your mommy's work room with all the colours in it, but look what I got for you." Rarity said as she gave him his plushie with a cape on it, Earth just hugged it and watched his mommy go back to work. It was some time later when Luna showed up for her fitting and Ulfirc was with her, Rarity put her finger to her mouth then pointed to the playpen. They both looked down to see a sleepy Earth covered in a blanket hugging his plushie, Ulfric nodded and walked out of the room to make sure the guards here stayed quiet. "How is life with Earth Wind going, good I hope and if he is up when before I leave can I hold him?" Luna said to Rarity as she handed her the dress she made for Luna, she thought about it and told her yes. Ulfric came back in when Rarity told him thought the door he could back in the room, Luna was holding Earth Wind in her arms. "Aurora can foal sit for you if you need a sitter if you two want a night out, cause she wants to earn some bits for a trip." Luna said to Rarity, Ulfric came over to Luna and tickled Earth Wind tummy until he wet his diaper and started to cry. "Don't worry little guy, I'll change you and you will be like it never happened." Ulfric said and took him to get changed, Rarity and Luna followed to watch him and see what would happen. They smiled at how careful he was when he finished changing him, Then he gently picked him up and rocked him back to sleep. When some guards were walking by and talking loudly it awoke Earth Wind crying, and he was about to go give them a piece of his mind when Rarity told her would. "See you got a mommy who strong, but you don't need to see what she will do to those guards." Ulfric said to him, Earth just grabbed Ulfric's thumb and started to suck on it and drift off to sleep. Rarity came back to Twilight with her and the two guards, they were saying sorry until they saw Earth Wind sleeping in Ulfric's arms. "Would you look at that, looks like you got a friend Ulfric." Twilight said to him as she walked up to him, Ulfric just looked down at Earth and smiled. Twilight gently took Earth in her arms and Ulfric's thumb came out slowly so as not to wake up Earth Wind, Rarity offered him a washcloth to wipe off his thumb and Ulfric took the wash cloth. "Looks like he had a big morning, and these two will help you Rarity for the rest of the day." Twilight said while holding a sleeping Earth Wind in her arms, Luna saw she was about to leave and tapped her on her shoulder, Twilight turned around and saw her hold out his plushie to her. Twilight nodded thanks to her and went to the library, when she got there Spike was setting up another playpen with a changing table nearby. "Can I stay and help you with him while working, and think of it this way you can get more work done if I stay" Spike said to her, but she knew he wanted to play with him and watch him. Twilight nodded yes and she went to her desk but noticed Spike made sure he was in her line of sight, Earth woke up to see Spike sitting near him with a ball and crawled over to him patting the ball to get Spike to play with him. They rolled the ball to each other for a bit until Celestia and Stardust Judgement showed up, Celestia went over to the two of them and bent down waving at Earth Wind. He crawled over to her and touched her hand and smiled at her, Spike rolled the ball to Celestia to get her to play with him. "Do you want me to play with you?" Celestia asked her as she rolled the ball to him and was happy some pony new to play with. This went on for about a few minutes until Twilight asked Celestia to come see the work she asked her to do, he was sad that she was walking away and Stardust saw this. "Hello do you want to be pick up little one, or did you want to go for a little fly around the room" Stardust said to him as he looked at Earth Wind, then he clapped at the second thing he said to him and try to flap his little wings but could get off the ground. "Twilight do you mind if I fly him around the, room for a bit cause when you called Celestia over there he was a bit sad" Stardust said to her and she nodded yes and stopped her work to watch them, as they were fly in the room he hung on tight to Stardust and giggled as they were flying. When they came down he was asleep in Stardust arms, what made it all the cuter was Earth was hugging his arm like it was a plushie. "Looks like he had a good time with you, that and he thinks you are his plushie makes it super cute." Twilight said to Stardust as he gave Earth Wind as he shrugged in Twilight's arms, then looked at Stardust again and he knew what was coming. "Can you have our parents here for noon please, so they can meet there grandson please." Stardust told her yes that they would be here for that time, Celestia gave the sleeping foal a kiss on the forehead and the two of them left. It was dinner time and they all sat down for dinner, Spike grabbed the spot by Earth Wind to sit by so he could feed him, Rarity along with Twilight both thought this was nice of him. "Ok little guy here comes the wonderbolt open wide." Spike said to Earth and he opened wide for Spike, Twilight looked on with a smile on her face as Spike fed her son. When dinner was done Spike picked him up and burped him, then he smelled a fowl coming from him. "Looks like you need a change along with a bath, I'll do it for you two cause I find him cute" Spike said as he took him to the bathroom to clean him, Rarity turned to twilight and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "We need to get ready for tomorrow and need our sleep, and I think Spike would sleep in Earth Winds room for the night." Rarity said to Twilight as they walked to the bathroom, when they got there Spike had just took out Earth from the bath and was putting on him. Twilight walked over to him and got Earth in his sleeper for the night, Rarity smiled at her and hoped everything went well tomorrow. Twilight held Earth till he fell asleep in her arms sucking on his thumb, she started to walk to the door but Rarity looked at her wanting to carry their son to his room. "Rarity you carry him to his crib and tuck him, Spike I'll teleport your bed in his room for now hope you do not mind? '' Twilight said to Rarity then asked Spike the quick question, Rarity carried him to his room and Spike could not be happier about what was said. "Ok you two go and sleep, I'll watch over him in the night so bed now." Spike said to the two of them and pointed to the door, after they left Spike got ready for bed himself. A few hours later when Earth Wind woke up crying and that got Spike up as well, he walked up to the crib then picked him up. "What's wrong little one, you don't need a change so you must want something to eat." Spike said to him then heard his tummy growl, so he took him the kitchen and got him a bottle. When Earth wind was done he got burned, Spike put him back in his crib and got a story book to read to him back to sleep. "how about I read you the three little pony's." Spike said to him and began to read the story, when he was done reading Earth was out cold sleeping so Spike went back to bed himself because he needs some energy himself as well then closed his and went to sleep. Morning came and Rarity was getting dressed, when Twilight got out of the bathroom and was ready for their parents. "I'll go get Earth up and Spike as well, cause they should up by now." Twilight said to Rarity as she left their room, on the way to Earth room she heard pop behind her. When she turned around to see it was Luna and Ulfric standing there, she waved to them to follow her. "I'm going to go get Earth ready for today, you are welcomed to come with me to get him ready." Twilight said to them and they nodded then followed her to his room, Luna saw the little foal was up and sucking on his thumb looking out the bars. Spike walked out of the bathroom and looked like he barely got any sleep, waved at them as he put his dress shirt on. "What happen to you spike, come on you and me will go get some coffee to wake you up." Ulfric said to him and they left for the kitchen, Earth Wind stood up in his crib looking at twilight the pat his free hand on the edge of it. Twilight walked over to the crib and picked him up, Luna got a cleaner deeper than a clean outfit for him to wear. "Some pony needs a clean diaper, are you ready to meet your grandparents today." Twilight asked him while taking him to the bathroom to give him a bath, Luna followed behind her and started the water to make sure is was the right safe for him then she put some bubbles in the water for him. "Do you like the bubbles in the water, and you are a little cutie too" Luna said to him when he was in the water, while in the water he was happy to play in the bubbles and put some on Luna 's nose. "Ok it's time to get you out and dressed, your grandparents will be here soon." Twilight said to her son as she was drying him off, Luna handed her the diaper then the outfit when she needed it. When Ulfric came back with coffee for him and the two mare's, they were sitting on Spike's bed and Earth saw Ulfric then hold his arms up to be picked up. "Here you two go coffee, for the little guy here a bottle of milk." Ulfric said while going to pick him, Earth wind saw the bottle and reached out for it.Ulfric handed him the bottle and started to drink his milk. Ulfric offered to watch him so Twilight could be there when her parents got there. "So little guy you are ready to meet your grandparents, cause I know they will be happy about meeting you." Ulfric said to Earth Wind looking at him, Earth was patting on chest plate when and smiled. "Twilight sweetheart, why did you call the two of us here, but we are glad to come and I see your friends are here too." Night Light said to his daughter as he hugged her, Spike came in the room looking a bit more awake. Twilight's mother came in with Shining and Cadence but she looked different, Rarity's parents came in with Sweetie with smile's on their faces. "Rarity, can I ask what's up with calling us here, that's why you had Stardust get us and Twilight parents?" Sweetie asked her sister as every pony was getting ready to sit down, Twilight sent Spike to go check on Ulfric. That's when Rainbow Dash showed up with Feather Dust and sat down with her, that is when in a flash of light the Shining family showed up. "We did not want to miss this, and we want to add to it if it's ok sis" Shining said to her and she just nodded to him, that is when Spike showed at the door waving for Twilight to come over to him. When she got there seen Earth Wind sleeping in Ulfric arms, then looked at Spike, after she told him to go tell every pony to sit down and be quiet. Ulfric handed the sleep foal over to her and went in a head of her, Rarity stood up and started to speak. "Friends and family, me and Twilight have a special surprise every pony turns to the door please" Rarity said as she walked to the door and opened it. Both family's eyes went wide with surprise, as Twilight walked up to them with a sleeping foal in her arms. "This is your grandson and Sweetie your nephew Earth wind" she said as he shifted in Twilight, the five pony's came close but quietly to sleep there new foal to the family. "Can I hold him sis? I'll sit down and be very careful, and will be quiet to." Sweetie said to her sister while she pulled a chair closer for her to sit down in, Twilight let her hold him just as he was waking with a cute yawn. "Hi there little one I'm your aunt Sweetie." Sweetie said to him while holding him, Earth Wind reached out for her hand then was looking at her thumb and put it in his mouth. The two families looked at this and smiled warmly at the site, Shining looked at Twilight hoping she would let him add to the news she just nodded yes. "Mom, dad you are going to be happy with more new Cadence is with the foal and she is done any day now." Shining said to them, then Cadance dropped her spell that she had in place. > Chapter 4- The arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: The arrival For the rest of the day the family and friends had a blast, while in the play pen Feather Dust began to cry Earth wind crawl over to her and hugged her. "Looks like someone like you Feather, and looks like you need a change to." Rainbow Dash bent down to pick her filly up and over to the change table, Earth did not like being left alone and went red face. A smell filled the air that got the room to look at Earth Wind sucking on his thumb. Twilight Velvet walked over to her grandson then saw him look over at the change table where Rainbow Dash was with her filly. "Oh you want to be by her don't, dirtied your just so she would not feel bad." Twilight Velvet said to Earth Wind, at the changing table the two foals were happy that they were back together. "Oh that's why I did that and went over here, you little rascal you" Velvet said to her grandson and took him to see his grand fathers, but then she turned to her and Rarity. "I think you got a little colt that does not want to be alone, and he dirty his diaper so he could be by Feather on the change table" Velvet said to them and he was just looking around, Night Light smiled at him then wanted to hold him in his arms. "Ok little guy time for you to hang out with your grand fathers, and we want to tell you stories about your mom's" Night said to him as they were walking away from them, but Earth was reaching out to Feather not wanting to leave his friend. Hondo Flanks went to Rainbow and offered to hold Feather and Earth started to clap his hands together as he saw this, Feather was happy that she was with her friend again. "Hey look who I have for you little colt, and you're really happy by the looks," Hondo said to him when they got over there, they receach for each other and touched hands. As time went on the foals went to sleep in the arms of the stallions, Rainbow was about to go home when she was offered a room. Rainbow saw Feather sleep in Hondo arms, she nodded yes and went to her foal and took her in her arms. "Hey Twilight can I let Feather sleep in with Earth tonight, cause the two seem to like each other" Rainbow Dash said as she saw her sleeping quietly, Sweetie Belle raised her hand hand in the air and Rarity knew what she wanted to ask. "Sure Sweetie you can do that, and Spike can you get a extra sleeping bag" Rarity asked him and he was off to get one for Sweetie, when she walked over to her father in-law and took her son in her arms quietly cause he was sleeping and when in Rarity arms he snuggled close to his mother. When a bat pony guard came walking into the room he showed them to every pony where they would be sleeping, on the way Shining looked at the guard but shook his head clear when he and Cadence made it to their room. When they were getting ready for bed Cadence looked at shining and saw him in deep thought, she went up to him and sat by him when she felt a kick her stomach "Shining come to feel your son is kicking.” Shining Armor placed a hoof on Cadence’s abdomen and felt a kick. “He’s gonna be a strong one for sure. Can't wait till he's born! I wonder who he's gonna look more like? Me or you? Or possibly both? Or look completely different. I say we name him after he's born, his looks may inspire the perfect name." "Remember dear, the doctor said that it was due in winter at some time." The next morning, as the families were Cadence, gasping, her water broke and it was a hell of a scramble to get her to the hospital. Shining Armor paced for a solid day and no word yet. It had been nearly thirty-six hours when the doctor brought out a blanket and inside was the cutest little colt, he was bluish in the colour scheme. He carried it into Cadence's room and they began trying to decide on a name. Looking out the window a blizzard had kicked in………."That's it Shining! We'll name him Frost Storm, being born on the day a blizzard hit!" so the name was finalized. > Chapter 5- A day with aunt Sweetie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: A day with aunt Sweetie With things being crazy for two days Earth Wind felt lonely, Feather Dust went home with her mom and he was sad about that. Sweetie Belle showed up and saw her nephew was not his happy self she met a few days ago then she had an idea, Rarity walked in with Twilight hope then they saw Sweetie trying to get Earth wind to smile. "Sweetie belle what's going on." here?" Rarity asked and saw Earth Wind lean up against the side of the crib holding the blanket that the two shared, Twilight knew what was wrong but got an idea. "Sweetie why not take him out for the day, and Knuckles you can come out." Twilight said to Sweetie another, out of the shadows came Knuckles Shadow, a bat pony stood in the corner of the room. Rarity knew that knuckles would make sure nothing would happen to her sister or son, Sweetie was shocked that there was some pony in the room with her but that got her thinking was he in there the night she was sleeping. Sweetie went to Earth Wind and held him protectively, Rarity saw this and knew sweet was doing what she thought was right. "Don't worry miss I was at home the day the grandparents were here, right in the next room I have my two little ones here sorry princess Twilight but I could not find a sitter today ." Knuckles said to Sweetie Belle as he pulled a photo out of his two foals and showed it to her, Sweetie looked at the photo of them and saw the two fillies on his lap. "Why is it hard to find a sitter for them, and may I meet them cause they do look cute." Sweetie said and he told her would be right back with them, a couple of minutes later he walked back in with his oldest walking with a stick in front of her and pushing the younger one in a wheelchair. They were all shocked at this but Twilight knew he cared for his loved ones, Sweetie was looking at them then got an idea. "Why don't we spend the day here in the castle garden, that way you can be near your kids." Sweetie said and her sister was proud of her for that, Rarity was also thinking and knew the mare that could help him. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get some pony to help out today." Rarity said then left the room for a bit, When she was gone Earth Wind look over at the two by knuckles and reached out. Sweetie Belle saw this and looked down at Earth Wind, she walked over to Knuckles and boop him on his nose. "Why I think I know what was going on, he misses the little filly he shared the crib with." Knuckles said with a smiled on his face. That's when Rarity walked with a mare who would watch the two while he did his job, he nodded and followed Sweetie Belle out of the room and to the garden area. Earth Wind rolled the ball to his aunt for a bit before he yawns and goes to sleep on his aunt's lap, when he was sleeping Spike came out with some tea for them. "Oh hey Knuckles how are things, and your daughters are sleeping right now." He told him as he passed him a tea, Spike sat down by Sweetie Belle and gave her a kiss on the cheek. " Well I think when we are done here, I think the young prince here should go in for a nap." Knuckles said as he sat down on the ground, that is when Earth Wind woke up and went to the guard wanting to play. Spike passed the ball to Knuckles, and he just played with him. Rarity and Twilight came outside to see how things were going, Twilight saw her son sleeping on Knuckles lap. "So Sweetie Belle how was the day with Earth Wind?" Rarity asked her sister with a smile on her face, Twilight picked up her sleeping and took him back in for a nap.