> Learning that friendship can be magic > by Moon_Unsay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 0 The Fall [prologue] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stand at the top of a building, its just some random building that had the top floor unlocked. Maybe a telecoms building or something. “It’s cold up here.” I say to myself practically shivering, unsure whether its the fear or the cold making me do so... I’m really going to do it huh? Well its probably for the best anyway, Id rather die than be hunted by loan sharks and everyone else in the world. I’ve got no one to help me but myself, so this is the only thing that will help me. I step on the high ledge of the buildings 45 floor. “Wow, that’s high.” I joke to my self as vertigo sets in. Is this really how it’s going to end? My crappy life up till this point ends like this? “Well, look on the bright side!” I say in the most reassuring tone I can muster. “At least I’m going out on my own terms hehe...” I can feel all the emotions I’ve been suppressing start to build-up. I take a set with my feet dangling off the edge. I would like to think of any happy moments for my final goodbye but none come to mind. Has my life really been that bad? The only good things I remember in my life is seeing my mum again in court, but even though it was because of abusive parenting and premeditated murder charges to her new son, my little brother that I didn’t even get to see. There was the time I won a jackpot! But I had to give it right back to my debt collectors. Not a cent for myself. “Welp! Enough of that!” I shout aloud to stop the depressing thoughts as I can feel my face getting wet with tears. ...Its time... The wind starts to pick up as I stand almost pushing my off at that moment. “Ha, even nature wants me to get it over with.” I’ll soon die of frostbite from the almost frozen tears on my face than the Asphalt. “21 is a good age to die, right? After all, they always say ‘I want to die young’ in pop songs” I joke trying to ease my nerves. Ok... “See Yah world, not going to miss you.” I take a step forward... And fall... I can feel my heartbeat and hear it reverberate in my body even with all the wind flying past me, it’s so cold but the adrenaline is keeping me from feeling it. As I’m falling Its like time is moving slower than normal as the ground slowly comes closer. Was this the only way out? Could I have made it if I persevered longer? Wold someone of helped me find a way out? ... “He, haha. HaHa. HAHAAHAHAHA!” the first time I laugh in so long and it’s because of that thought while I’m free-falling to my death. “Everyone is out to get me and no one will help me! AND THAT’S JUST LIFE MOTHER FUCKER!!!” my last words as the sidewalk fills my vision. > 1 New World, Same old me. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I take my last breath and close my eyes. Suddenly Its as bright outside as if someone replaced the moon with 20 suns. By instinct, I cup my hands over my eyes to stop the blinding light. It still feels like I’m falling, but there is no wind, just the weightlessness of being in a free-fall, like someone turned off gravity. “What is that critter? And how did it get in the sky?” Someone is talking, and with an accent, you’ve only here on cowboy TV shows. “I don’t know Apple Jack, I hope it’s ok, it looks like somepony’s exotic pet or something with all the clothes it wearing.” another voice said in a tone that sounds like that girl who asks me if I had seen her dog (yes I did see her dog but I wasn’t going to tell her it got hit by a car) “What are you talking about?” I said on instinct while rubbing my eyes. “AHH!” “WHAA!” The two screamed as I felt the wind again but then suddenly the ground and a face full of dirt. Oof. “Did it just talk?” the cowgirl voice asked. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN IT?!” I shouted defensively as I opened my eyes to meet the rude person. But what I saw was so unexpected I blurted out “what the fuck?” Standing before me is an orange furry pony with a cowboy hat and blond hair in a ponytail, staring at me like I was the weird one! I looked around for the source of the other voice and standing beside me is something strange like it just came out of a fantasy book. It’s a purple unicorn Pegasus thing with deep purple bangs with a pink streak. “Holy shit” I mutter to myself “Well, its got one heck of a mouth whatever it is.” the cow...pony? Yeah, cowpony. The cowpony said with a smug grin on its face. “Hay, are you lost?” the pegicorn ask with what seems like genuine concern. “I’m I dead?” I ask myself more than them. “No, but if Apple Jack and I weren’t here you may have been.” she said in a grim tone. “How in the heck did you even get up in the sky?” the cowpony ask looking up as if she would see something to explain my unexpended arrival. “I ah... Well...” Unsure whether you should tell the ponys that you were trying to kill yourself, hell they might be angels and this is a test to get into even or the afterlife of some kind. The orange cowpony looks at me waiting for my answer. I fell like I should be honest with her as if I lied she would know instantly. “I... Jumped off a building.” I said no louder than a mumble as I bring my knees up to my chest, bringing me into a sudo fetal pose. She flinched a bit seeming to know my intentions but then it seems like more questions filed her mind, the pegicorn had the same look on her face but seemed like she wanted to know more. “How did you get on top of the barn? Did somepony put you up there?” she asked putting a hoof on my back I assume trying to be reassuring. God, I just want to run away from this conversation, but I doubt I can outrun a horse winged or not. “No- i- In away- but” the words just won’t come out, I don’t know whether it because I just don’t trust them or its because I don’t want to unload my baggage on some random talking animals. The cowpony somehow understands my unwanting to talk more about this situations and changes the question. “What are you anyhow? Some kinda lanky hairless monkey?” I appreciate her changing the question but calling me a monkey? “I’m a human!” I say a little offended. “What’s your name? I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is Apple Jack.” “Howdy!” Apple Jack adds. This whole ordeal feels so weird, not only was I supposed to be a splat on the sidewalk but I was now conversing with Pastel coloured talking fantasy ponys with names that sounds like they came out of a kids show! Fuck it, this is so weird It can’t be real, Mabey I somehow survived the fall and this is a weird coma dream. “I-I’m Anon... Just Anon.”