> Potluck > by DHeroRedMagma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Potlucked > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was your average overcast day in Ponyville with not much going on, except for a meeting with a rather interesting group who is holding a rather special event for its members. In a local barn near the outskirts of Ponyville they attend the seventy fifth meeting of the group known as C.U.M.M.I.N.G, which stood for Cock Users Mating Mares In Numerous Glory. Such an organization was the brainchild of one very horny founder, who also happened to run a very successful farm. “Attention everypony may we all be seated for today's meeting,” Hollow announces on the podium, drawing the attention of all the members to be seated as they begin the meeting. All of the members were all bearing a cock some male some futanari, while wearing the special organization shirts and no bottoms letting their rods breath freely. “Alright let us go over the minutes of the last meeting,” Hollow says, pulling out the paper that had the recording of said minutes. “So we discussed the possibility of changing the name of our organization to something else. Some of the suggestions were C.U.M and C.U.M.F.O.R.E, but after much discussion both ideas were shot down due to not really getting our message across,” she informs them. “And lastly we discussed our uniforms for the winter of potentially wearing cock socks to keep our penises warm but did not have time to take a vote,” she mentions to them. “So let us begin the voting now, all in favor,” she says. “Aye!” most of the members let out in favor. “Opposed?” she asks. “Nay,” a small portion answered. “The motion carries along with our C.U.M.M.I.N.G shirts we will add special cock socks to our attire,” Hollow informs them. “Anypony with any idea of whom we should approach about the manufacturing of said cock socks can leave suggestions in the suggestion box,” she tells them. “Moving on to today's business to celebrate our seventy fifth meeting we are hosting our first ever potluck stuffing, after vigorous searching we found a consenting mare who agreed to be our pot today,” Hollow informs them all. “Wait, I thought this was the actual potluck where we bring food!” a member in the back chimes in. “No that is next week,” Hollow answers back. “But I brought potato salad!” he tells her. “Ugh then anypony whose hungry can partake in said potato salad,” she responds. “Anyway back on the topic at hand the rules for this are simple,” Hollow mentions as Minerva rolls out a metal bingo cage filled with numbered balls while Hidden Heart hands out cards with numbers to each member. “Everyone has received a card with a number, I will spin and a number will fall out signifying that ponies turn,” she explains. “Each member will have a turn fucking the ‘pot’s’ pussy and dump a nice creamy load into it, once finished the next number drawn will take the pussy while the other takes the mouth to be cleaned off,” she finishes just as Hidden Heart finished handing out the number cards. “And now let us introduce today's pot!” Hollow announces as Minerva then wheels out a tray cart with a giant silver serving platter that could hold a pony in. “She is a rather randy unicorn mare who can go at it for hours on end. Please give a big hand to Leech!” Hollow announces as Minerva takes the lid off to reveal a naked Leech looking out at the crowd. “So...where's the food?” Leech asks, clearly confused as to what kind of potluck she is in. “Cause I’m hungry and why does everypony here have a cock but me?” she fires rapidly asking questions. “In due time, as acting chairmare of the organization I will go first in adding the first amount to our lovely pot,” Hollow announces as she strokes her light blue cock with Leech’s drooling snatch. “Wait pot?” Leech questions now putting two and two together. “Oh fuuuuuuck!” Leech let’s out as she is immediately penetrated by the lusty bug. Her purple eyes went wide as the large light blue member began to plow her pussy. Hollow slaps Leech’s hips as she roughly pound her without any mercy clearly wanting to get her ready for everypony else, as her nuts echo throughout the barn with a meaty slap. Meanwhile most of the members began to converse, eat potato salad or just start jerking off in anticipation. “So what number did you draw Silent?” Magma asks the magician pony. “I got number twenty three,” Silent responds. “You?” he asks. “Number ten” Magma responds as he looks up and sees Hollow going hog wild on the aforementioned pot. “Cool, I just don’t know how long this is gonna take,” Silent whines a bit. “If you want I can give you some form of pleasure to pass the time,” Minerva offers in a monotone voice. “Is that allowed?” Silent questions. “As long as neither of us cums,” Minerva tells him. “Well sure then!” Silent responds more cheerily now. “Think I’m gonna go try some of that potato salad,” Magma says trotting off to get some grub. Silent is then led into one of the stalls with Minerva. “Alright turn around,” she tells him which he complies to which she drops to her knees and begins to lick his asshole. “Oh fuck been a while since I had a rim-” he is then cut off when he hears a clicking sound around his cock as a cock ring has been attached. “What the…” he questions looking over his shoulder. “Remember you can’t cum, so I am just making sure you don’t,” Minerva tells him as she begins eating his ass out. “Fuuuuuuck! Cumming!” Hollow announces slamming home one last time as she lets loose numerous torrents of fresh spooge into the pot that is Leech. With Leech now gaining somewhat of a cum paunch after only one fuck and she has a large amount to go. “Phew, okay next is,” Hollow says, still dumping using her magic to spin the machine and draw a number. “Next up is number fourteen!” she announces pulling out as some cum begins to spill out. “Okay Celestia no one knows it’s you thanks to this new look you’ve been using for these meetings,” Celestia says to herself in her goth look to not be recognized by other ponies. “Right here, number fourteen,” she says, putting the card on the table. And approaching the now stuffed mare and plugging up her leaky cunt with her pink spotty horse dong. “Oh shiii- mmmmphf!” Leech lets out but is cut off by Hollow’s cock entering her maw and starts fucking the pots throat. “Oh my this mare’s cunt is fantastic!” Celestia points out. “Yup but here let me make her tighten up a bit,” Hollow says reaching and grabbing Leech’s tits and twisting her nipples causing her to squirm in pleasure and tighten up on both ends. As the two begin to plap the pot with gusto. Elsewhere many ponies are enjoying the potato salad that was made and brought. And in one of the stalls a certain grey pony is digging his fingers into the wood as he continues to be tongue punched by a goth like changeling who has his cock locked up and aching for release. “Can I please cum?” Silent begs his dick leaking out pre cum at an alarming rate. “Nope you did agree to this,” Minerva tells him, going back to tonguing his bum. “This is sssso unfair!” he whines as his cock throbs trying to achieve release but unable to. “No it’s not, I’ll let you go when your number is called,” Minerva adds in. Back on the stage, Hollow lets out a howl of joy as she floods Leech’s maw with fresh spooge, giving her a salty surprise to enjoy. “Phew, that was a major load off,” Hollow comments, pulling out her spit coated member and rubbing her nuts all over Leech’s face for emphasis. “Oh my goodness I am about to nut!” Celestia announces before painting Leech’s vagina white with more cum to add to her womb. “Alright the next number is…: Hollow starts rolling the machine and drawing a number. “Number six!” Hollow announces to which Hidden Heart perks up his ears. “O-oh that’s me mom!” he says running up with his spotty neon blue cock leading the way. He climbs up on stage as Celestia switches over to Leech’s maw ready to get cleaned off. He walks up spreading her legs which are pretty much feeling like jelly at this point as she once again stuck it in her cunt. Hidden Heart gave a few sloppy thrusts but soon found a rhythm as Celestia toys with Leech’s boobs as she is further sucked off. Hollow and Magma meanwhile watch as they both enjoy some of the potato salad that was brought. “So how did you con this mare into being the ‘pot’ as you put it?” Magma asks her. “Well not really hard she thought there would be food,” Hollow explains stuffing her maw with potato salad. “Oh and she didn’t question it at all?” he adds. “Nope,” she responds. “Huh and here I thought it would be something more complex and elaborate,” he informs her. “Well it wasn’t,” Hollow says finishing her salad. “So think you’ll have a long wait?” she asks him. “Well I drew number ten and since it’s random I don’t know how long that is gonna be since it looks like Hidden is about to cum right about now,” Magma comments looking up as he soon lets loose a howl and begins to fill the ‘pot’ even more. “Wow good timing,” Hollow comments. “What can I say I know about my boy,” Magma retorts, finishing his salad. Hollow then uses her magic and draws the next recipient and makes the announcement. “Tch this lottery system is gonna take some time isn’t it?” Magma complains before looking over at Hollow before eying her rump and getting himself fully hard. “Fuck it I can’t wait come on,” Magma says before picking Hollow up over his shoulder and hauling her off to an empty stall. “W-woah! You’re supposed to fill the pot not me!” Hollow informs him. “I’ll still have plenty left over, plus I can drink your milk to restock,” he adds as they are carried off to their usual milking stall. He plops her down on some hay before flipping her over exposing her glistening snatch that was hidden under her sack before lining up his meat lance and thrusting his way in. She lets out her own throaty moan of pleasure as her dick twitches with delight. He then begins to roughly plow her giving into their lusts as the two pant heavily like rutting beasts In another stall where Silent was still being tongue punched by Minerva they soon hear. “Number twenty three!” is announced. “Looks like your up,” she says stopping her tongue torture on him. His sack has swollen and looked slightly blue from all the teasing and denying him of an orgasm. “O-okay,” Silent says, walking on spaghetti legs as he exits the stall and takes his place to fill the pot next. “I’ll wait till he puts it in before I remove the cockring,” Minerva comments to herself seeing as Silent forgot to ask her to take it off. He soon gets up and lines up his black pecker with the cum waterfall that is Leech’s cunt and slams himself home. As soon as he does Minerva using her magic removes the cockring and Silents dick finally lets loose spraying her full of his jizz as he hollers in pleasure at finally achieving some form of release. “Heh got em,” Minerva adds as she hears a loud moan coming from one of the stalls that sounded like a mare nutting really hard. A few moments later Magma emerges from the stall wiping some sweat off his brow before noticing Minerva. “Hey sweetie still waiting?” he asks her. “Uh yeah, you?” Minerva asks quizzically. “Same,” he responds. “Number ten is next!” somepony announces. “Sounds like I'm up, gotta go,” Magma says before making a beeline to the stage. Curious Minerva looks into the stall her father came out of, only to find her mother fucked silly with a river of cum leaking out of her cunny and down her balls as well as what looks to be a steady stream of cum staining the stall floor. “Hey sweetie,” Hollow says, noticing Minerva but still out of it. “Might be having another sibling look forward to that,” she adds before passing out into a post sex nap. “Right… Dad really does got it going on,” Minerva comments. On the stage Magma plunges in plugging up Leech’s pussy once again and with a vigor of ten ponies begins to roughly fuck her silly too. The cum paunch of Leech has turned into a big cum belly with it sloshing around as she is rocked back and forth, past the point of being full as she sucks off another sweaty smelling horse cock that has nothing but musk in her nose as the balls of them keep plapping into her face. Her mind has all but checked out, losing track of her own orgasms and only registering ones of the stallions and dick bearing mares continuing to fill their ‘pot’ full to the point of spilling. Her legs have gone numb and remain splayed open and her pussy feels like it has taken an entire hoofball locker rooms players and coaches and referees too! Her maw has all but unhinged or gone numb from sucking so much dick and her taste buds only taste salty spooge, with her throat being stretched just as wide and constantly receiving charitable treats from each cock that enters, thankfully her gag reflex has all but given out. And thanks to all the cum it aids with the stretching being a form of lubricant for the other ponies to slide right in. “Shit cumming!” Magma announces as he lets loose his own torrent further bloating the past filled pot making her tummy expand even more. As the ocean of cum inside her continues to wobble and slosh like never before. Magma pulls out and then goes around for his oral treatment ready to get his cock sucked till it’s spotless. Time passes as each member of C.U.M.M.I.N.G has their respective turn with her pussy and mouth with each member leaving the meeting satisfied. By the time it ends Magma stretches as he and his spawn help clean out the barn save for Leech who is still lying on the table with a belly that is all but inflated like a balloon. “So what should we do about the pot?” Hidden asks pointing to Leech. “Eh leave her, I think she needs the rest,” Magma points out. “That reminds me, did anypony cast a sterility spell on her?” Minerva asks. “Knowing your mother probably not,” Magma responds, as Hollow is stirred awake and out of the stall with a cum belly of her own, granted not as big as Leech’s. “Phew sweet Celestia I needed that,” she says stretching looking over at Leech and feeling quite jealous that she isn’t as stuffed as her. “Anywho it’s late and we need to get to bed,” she says, grabbing Magma’s arm and dragging him off. “Wait why are you pulling on me!” Magma says as he is dragged off to flood Hollow again. With the children in tow heading back inside the house to head to bed. Meanwhile inside the “pot’s” womb and all out battle and race is going on between all the sperm that was deposited desperate to find the egg and get the victory royale each from a different male. “Boy I hope I don’t get pregnant,” Leech says to herself.