> A Not So Alone Hearth’s Warming Eve > by Twilight Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Surprise Visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight raised the full moon in the sky, causing the color of the sky to change from pink to dark blue. When finished, she added stars and constellations. She opened her eyes and watched her work with a smile. Tonight was a special night: it was Hearth’s Warming Eve. But her smile soon fell, knowing that she had moved to Canterlot permanently to start ruling Equestria, and she would not have her friends to celebrate that date with her. The purple alicorn let out a sad sigh, it looked like this would be one of the first Hearth’s Warming Eve that she would celebrate alone. If she could, she would go to Ponyville to celebrate with one of her friends on that date, but the problem was that the cooks were already preparing the food, and she didn’t want to ask the cooks to throw the food away, since she didn’t want to waste food. Twilight sat on her hips, watching the night sky sadly, she could feel tears threatening to come out of her eyes. Did that mean that all Hearth’s Warming Eve would be like this now? Would she be alone? She didn’t want that… if only somepony came to spend that holiday night with her, she would be happier. Then she heard a knock on the door. Twilight wiped the tears with a hoof, got up and entered the room. “You can enter,” she said. The door opened, revealing Gallus, who bowed and said, “Princess, you have a visitor.” Twilight was surprised by what Gallus said. Did she have a visitor? But who would visit her at night? “Visitor?” asked Twilight in a confused tone. “Yes, Princess Twilight. This visitor intends to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with you,” Gallus replied. A smile appeared on Twilight’s face at Gallus’s words. Did this visitor intend to spend this holiday night with her? Her prayers were answered! She wondered who that visitor was. Could it be any of her friends? “Who is this visitor, Gallus? Are one of my friends?” asked Twilight. “It is not one of your friends, princess. It’s Luna, the ex-Princess of the Night,” Gallus replied. Twilight was surprised by what Gallus said. Did Luna intend to spend that holiday night with her? But what about Celestia? Would Celestia spend that holiday night alone? Like, she was happy that somepony close to her wanted to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with her, she just didn’t know how her former mentor could feel about it. “Do you know where she is, Gallus?” asked Twilight. “Yes, she is in the dining room, waiting for you,” Gallus replied. “Would you like to go there or for me to ask her to come to you?” Twilight put the hoof on her chin in thought. Well, she has already finished raising the moon, what was left was to wait for the food to be ready. She looked at Gallus and said, “Is the food already on the table?” “Not yet, princess,” the blue griffon replied. “So, ask her to come to my room, please,” Twilight asked politely. Gallus bowed and agreed before turning around to do what the princess asked. Twilight watched Gallus walk away and close the bedroom door before approaching a bookcase, wrapping a book with her magic and lying on her stomach on the golden bed to distract herself while Luna didn’t arrive at her bedroom. After a minute, her reading was soon interrupted by a knock on the door. Knowing it was Luna, she decided to open the door instead of asking to enter. On the other side was Luna, who was smiling at her. “Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve, love,” Luna greeted. “Thank you, Luna, for you too. Come on in,“ said Twilight with a smile, giving Luna room to enter her room. Luna entered the room and observed what the bedroom looked like, and she couldn’t help but agree that it was beautiful. “Your room is beautiful.” “Thank you, Luna. Rarity helped me with the castle decoration,” said Twilight, closing the door and approaching Luna. “Luna, I have a question.” Luna looked at Twilight and said, “What’s your question?” “I’m glad you want to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with me, but what about Celestia? She won’t feel sad about having to spend this holiday night alone?” asked Twilight. “Love, I can guarantee you: my sister is not sad that I am coming here to spend the night of the holiday with you. She knows very well that I would not be without seeing you for one night, and this holiday night is no different,” Luna replied with a smile. “So does that mean she’s not sad that she has to spend this holiday night alone?” asked Twilight, wanting to be sure. “No, Twilight.” Twilight blew out a sigh of relief and said, “Any news?” “Yes, there was a party this week, my sister and I were invited. Celestia went, but I stayed at home due to not being such a party fan,” Luna replied. “What about you?” “Well, in this week, Rarity came to Canterlot to see Spike,” Twilight replied. A question soon came to mind of the ex-Princess of the Night. “Are Spike and Rarity together?” “Yes, it all started when Spike’s birthday came and he had won a fire ruby, but Rarity had liked the ruby, so he had given it to her. When the afternoon came, we celebrated his birthday, but in the next day, he began to grown up and get more things because of dragon greed. Until he took Rarity to a mountain. It was thanks to the fire ruby ​​that he went back to normal size, but when they started to fall, Spike would confess that he loved her, but Rarity stopped him because he already knew that, and from that day on, they started dating,” Twilight told Luna how Spike and Rarity got together. Luna was surprised by the story and said, “Did Rarity feel the same way as Spike from the beginning?” “Yes, it surprised me at first that Rarity felt the same way, but never confessed. I think she feared being rejected,” said Twilight. “I can see why,” Luna agreed, knowing that she also felt the same way before she and Twilight started dating. “Would you like to watch the stars while supper is not ready?” A smile appeared on Twilight’s face, she liked the sound of it. “Good idea!” The two went to the balcony and sat on their hips, watching the night sky with smiles. Twilight soon felt the wind on her, resulting in her shaking. Luna, noticing this, hugged her marefriend with a wing. Twilight looked at Luna with a smile as she felt the warm wing of the dark blue alicorn hug her. “Thank you, Luna.” “You’re welcome, love. I just don’t want you to be cold,” said Luna with a loving smile. Twilight soon returned to look at the night sky, placing her head on her marefriend’s shoulder, Luna couldn’t help but smile with the affection. After an hour, the two heard a knock on the door and looked back. “You can enter!” said Twilight. The door opened, revealing the knocker to be Gallus, who immediately bowed and said, “Princess, the supper is already on the table.” “Thanks for letting me know. I’m already going. You can return to your post,” said Twilight. Gallus nodded and bowed, closing the door. Twilight looked at Luna and said, “Shall we go, Luna?” “Yes, Twilight,” Luna replied. They got up, went into the room and went to the door. Twilight opened the door, leaving the room with her marefriend. Luna was happy that she decided to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with her marefriend, mainly because she knew that her love would feel lonely and sad for not having her friends on that date. Twilight soon opened a golden door and entered first, at Luna’s request. Upon entering, she was surprised at how much food it had on the table, it looked like a banquet. Spike was already at the table eating, but he stopped when he heard footsteps. He looked where he heard the sound, but soon smiled when he saw that it was just Twilight and Luna approaching the table and went back to eating. The two sat together and started eating. Twilight started to think about what she and her marefriend could do after supper. She looked at Luna and asked as soon as she swallowed the piece of food, “What would you like to do next, Luna?” Luna looked at Twilight and swallowed the food before answering, “I was thinking about us cuddling up in bed until we sleep.” “It’s a good idea,” Twilight agreed. After about ten minutes, the two mares and the dragon finished eating the food from their plates, got up and left the dining room to go to their rooms. Twilight started thinking about what happened tonight, she needed to confess that she never imagined that Luna would want to spend this Hearth’s Warming Eve with her, especially now that Luna was retired, but, deep down, she was happy that Luna decided to spend this holiday night with her, knowing she didn’t have a sad and lonely night. The two mares soon arrived at the door of the room, entered and went to the bed. Twilight lay down on the left and Luna on the right. Twilight took the blanket from the bed with her pink magic and covered her and Luna up to their necks to keep warm on that cold night, they soon hugged each other with their hooves and snuggled in the warm blanket. They closed their eyes and let out a slight breath, relaxing in the embrace that they were involved and the cozy blanket that covered both of them. “Luna, thank you for spending Hearth’s Warming Eve with me. Without you, it would certainly have been a sad and lonely holiday night for me,” Twilight said with a sweet smile. Luna looked at Twilight with a loving smile and said, “You’re welcome, love. I know that with you now ruling Equestria you had to move permanently to Canterlot, and that definitely can make you feel sad, but I can guarantee you two things: I will support you and visit you during your years as a ruler.” Twilight looked at Luna, now surprised. “But don’t you intend to enjoy your retirement with Celestia?” “Yes, but even though I am no longer the Princess of the Night, I would never fail to visit you or stop thinking about you,” Luna replied, now lovingly stroking the purple alicorn’s mane. Twilight, in response, smiled as she looked to the left, knowing she was lucky to have Luna as a marefriend. Of course, now the table has turned, because now she was Equestria’s ruler, not Luna and Celestia, but at least that would mean that Luna would spend the next Hearth’s Warming Eve with her, which for her, was one of best gift of Hearth’s Warming Eve that she already received.