
by Shadowblade93

First published

Derpy grows up

Derpy grows up

Chapter 1

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My first day school starts tomorrow! Screamed a light gray pegasus as she bounded into the kitchen almost knocking a vase off a small round table by the kitchen door way. Her mother turned around and gently scolded:

"Derpy dear, what have I said about running indoors?"

Derpy sheepishly shuffled her little hooves and stared at the wood floor and said, "You told me not to do so......sorry momma." Derpy's mother was a gentle creature, light gray like her daughter with a light blue mane and tail and her cutie mark was snow blown by the wind. Her parents named her 'Windigo' in remembrance that friendship and a warm heart can overcome the coldest of hearts. Derpy's father was a stern stallion, he was brown as sandstone, his mane was dark brown his cutie mark was a shovel and an Aspen tree; thus his name, Aspen. The family cleaned up and sat down to dinner.

Late that night as Derpy lay awake she listened to her parents talk in the kitchen below her room.

"Windi, I know that derpy needs glasses and eye surgery but we can't afford it. We both are working as hard as those Apples at Sweet Apple Acres........with bills piling up from your injury at the post office. I feel as if we failed our daughter. What the buck am I doing wrong ?"

"Aspen dear, times are rough now but we'll pull through this I know we will. Our little fillie knows you love her." As the conversation wore on Derpy began feeling like a burden.

Monday morning came and as Derpy joined her parents she asked, "Am I a burden?" Aspen and Windigo both looked at each other horrified that she heard their conversation the night before.

"Derpy you're not a burden..........and you will never be one......ever!"

never be "normal". She never imagined that this marked that her grade school years would be a trial of pain.

Chapter 2 Derpy's New Glasses

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Doctor Looking-glass had Derpy in the chair adjusting lenses until her eyes could see clearly, afterwards they looked at the various frames. Derpy settled to an elegant pair of black wire framed glasses and the wore formed two roses on each side of the ear pieces.

Derpy loved being able to see clearly. She was aware that she could see and read signs from a good distance. At school she got called names occasionally.

She pressed on nearing the end of 7th grade now her bullies went from physical abuse to verbal and sometimes Slick when no one was around would pen her to the wall and demand tht she give him her bits (that were her allowance).

Derpy's grades setting her up finishing up schooling with a c plus.

She sat down and began blowing bubbles with bubbles she bought on the way to school that day, remembering the day she got her cutie mark.

Back to the topic at hand, her glasses made her look super adorable and many ponies said so.

There were few who thought that Aspen and Windigo should've done something with their lives to earn more bits or give Derpy a better life.

Derpy was in her room staring at her glasses, they weren't cheap costing her parents 230 bits for a good pair. That was 230 bits less for her medical bills.

Could she earn enough bits to pay her parents back? She badly wanted to alleviate her parents' burden.

Chapter 3 My Cutie Mark

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The day I got my cutie was way back when I was in the third grade. I was with my parents at the hardware store looking at paint. I got bored and saw that they had a large pan set out with wire and soapy water for bubble blowing.
I had trotted over picked a two pieces of wire and bent them into the desired shapes and dipped them in. I lifted them out slowly and blew the soapy liquid out and I had bubbles that made me let out a giggle. After a few more times I found what I was good at...........making impressive bubble shapes. I had an audiance that drew my parents attention when someone asked them if I was their filled.
My parents stared as formed bubbles that were shaped like the cutie marks around me. Who would think that I'd get my cutie mark in bubbles?

Chapter 4 My Parent's Debt

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My parents conversation from all those years ago came flooding back when I was going through their stuff in father's study; I found a contract saying that he had borrowed money from a pony in Las Pegasus. If the debt wasn't paid by set time the house and all that was in it was to be used to pay off the debt.

The pony was none other than Filthy Rich! The date that the debt was to be paid was........"Sweet Celestia"!

I asked my parents where the bits were tht they saved to pay off the debt. The answer horrified me, it was paying the med bills for my father's newly discovered cancer.

As we sat trying to figure something out Filthy Rich showed up with police and an eviction notice. The grief was too much for my father had lived in tht house since he was a colt; my parents had that house since they were married, buck I was born in that house

Filthy Rich also piled a massive compound interest in fine print that my parents didn't read.

Their grief killed em. With me having to fend for myself now young no fancy degree my job pool was small. I ended up in ponyville at the post office.

Chapter 5 Post Office Work

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My new job at the post office was rough, being at the bottom meant I had all the worst shifts and longest routes. My favorite route took me by Sugar Cube Corner where I got my usual muffin. The Cakes were real sweet folks especially since that hyper pink mare....... Pinkie Pie I think her name was, was always bouncing around....... literally!

The route also took me past the dental practice of one Colgate & the most ear throbbing stop was the home of a Canterlot cellist Octavia Philharmonica & Vinyl Scratch.

The ponyville residents are really nice and friendly. We even have a princess living here! Princess Twilight Sparkle she just became and A-li-corn.

Fast forward now, I've worked here 5 years and I am now post office manager,I get interview mail pony candidates and so forth. My biggest surprise was I saw the list of ponies I was to interview today.......Waffle and Slick. The memories of their bullying flooded back I wanted to turn them out without giving em a chance. But I had the presented to me to offer them friendship and a clean slate.

They changed for the better got married had foals and we're perfect gentlecolts. It is true I guess kindness can truly change a soul.......buck look at Discord "The Lord of Chaos". Fluttershy changed him with her kindness. Who would have thought that I'd be working with the ones who caused a tone of physical and emotional hurt being a couple of good friends? Well........maybe not as good of friends as the ones I made before they showed up in my life again.

I maybe a klutz but I happy with my lot in life, which my parents could see the strange turn of events but I know they still watch over me