> A Nice day > by Silver Butcher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Strong winds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A silent breeze was blowing across the rock fields as Marble made her way outside, silently closing the front door behind her as she left. Marble looked up at the sky, Luna's Moon was slowly drifting down as she made her way down the rocky path that lead from her home into the rock farm. Marble walked past Holders Bolder, kicking a few rocks that rest on the ground as she passed. The inky black of the sky and it's many star's slowly but surley being overtaken by the encroachment of the sun, Marble took a moment to appreciate the clouds that could now be seen in the sky. once her moment was done she continued walking, to any other creature the endsless feilds of rock might have been seen as some sort of hellish nightmare, lost forever in a place with no distiguisable land marks for what looked like miles. For Marble she could easily spot the uniquness of each rock, minor or major, and use it to easily navigate the fields she had spent her life wondering upon. As she walked she could smell the faint sent of grass and stopped to spy the small patch that had forced it's way on to otherwise lifeless dirt, She enjoyed pondering for a moment how this tiny piece of green had managed to sneak into the fields, but she already tell from it's weak colors that it wouldn't be long before the grass lost to the harshness of the feilds and sooner rather than later it would be overcome and faid into nothing but another spot of dirt in an ocean of it. Marble left the dying island of green to it's destiney and continued on her walk, The further she went the less progress she seemed to make as not even a hint of someting other than rocks and dirt could been seen. After an eternity of walking the background was treated to a trainstation in the far distance, Marble didn't even bother to look at it as it was not her desiered desitnation this day. As she walked she felt the winds slowly grow until her mane went from hanginig off her head to dancing in the winds. Marble stopped and held her head up high, nose pointed to the sky, and let the winds flow around her. She could feel it's desprate desire to push her back, to get her in it's grasp and sent her flying into the horizon, Marble enjoyed the simple day dream of flying as she continued walking forward to get to her destination. enjoying the visions she played for herself in her own mind, imagining what it might feel like to flap her wings, the feel of having feathers, the thrill of moving across great distances in a matter of minutes, the feeling of laying upon a cloud. Marble imagination was disrupted when she spotted movment and went off her beaten path to watch a Spider at it's spun it's web beneath an outcropping of a rock, she watched as it moved back and forth, up and down, in any direction it pleased as it set up it's web. Marble thought about breaking the web just to see if the Spider would start again or give up and move on, but couldn't bring herself to do anything past thinking about it as she left the Spider to it's work, making a mental note to check back in on the way back to see if the Spider had finished it's web or if the world it self was going to decided the rock was a particualy poor place for a web and send it on it's way with a gust of wind. Marble wished the small arachnid luck in it's jounry to catch it's dinner and continued on her path, her mind now racing with diffrent dreams, wondering if Unicorns had a spell to make webs of some kind, he Unicorn with Spider powers qucikly changed to her having Spider powers for a moment before settling on her being a Unciorn and all the ways it would be both great and terrible, having the potenital for greatness, but being put off by the idea off all the work one might spend only to find they lacked the natrual born magic power to do much past levitation, only to think of how great just being able to levtitate things would be, and finnaly ending off on how if she was a unicorn who could only use one spell she'd probably become bitter to others whould where born with more than she possesed. as Marble enjoyed thinking about the problems of a pretend problem she might have had in a diffrent life she came to a halt when somehting that was neither dirt or rock came to rust beneath her hoof. Marble actualy payed attention to her surrounding and found she had reached her destination. Now in the far western part of the farm Marble found herself at one of the few spots on the farm that had not been terreformed by past generation for the cultivation of rocks, instead of a flat drist expance she was greeted with a welcome splash of a small hill, she waded her way up, the gress easily long enough to tickle her chin her mind was no longer filled with day dreams as she made her way to the top of the hill, the grass growing steadily shorter untile she hit the top and found her prize, the absolute edge of their land, and with that the mass of Dirt gave way to lush fields of tree's, she could see a lake, bushes, even animals wandering abount, some at the opposite side of the hill she now sat upon grazzing in peace. Marble looked out at the mass expance of green, and for a moment thought of all the work she would be required to do today, several large chunckes of rock needed to be prepared for delivery for use in paving a decorative garden, several pounds of rocks needed to be crushed into gravel and that was just all the things that needed to be done before the chores and the normal work routine. But Marble chose to instead enjoy the view, thinking of how much fun it would be instead to bring her lunch out here some day and just enjoy her time. Marble ran her hooves through her mane as the strong winds picked up and she enjoyed watching the forest dance with the wind. And so she continuted to sit until the Moon turned in and the Sun began to rise in the sky, After enjoying the morning sun she smile and gave her lush green forest one last look before turning her back to it. Some day she'd get to spend more of her time the way she wanted to. but for the forseable future, she had work to and was already waisting her precious time on menail nothings and sight seeing. And with a sigh Marble smiled. Because she was worth the trouble and she regreted nothing. She began the arguous journy that would be going home and hopefully making it in time for breakfast, She pondered how the Spider might be doing and decided it to was worth the trouble of checking in on. And thus Marble walked with the wind now to her back, returning to the place that promised her hard work. Excited to wake up tommorow and see her lush feilds dance in the Strong winds once again.