The Cherry Pop Chronicles: Rarity

by PegPony

First published

The story of how Rarity lost her virginity

Rarity has just experienced fashion week in New York with her good friend Pistachio, a boy she had promised to take to fashion week after giving him a stylish hat at Christmas. Charmed by his boyish manner and with his 18th birthday so close, she decides that maybe Pistachio is the one who deserves just a little more than some birthday cake and a few cards on his birthday, perhaps he'd prefer pussy?

Constructive criticism welcome (and inevitable, probably).


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"Of all the worst possible things that could happen this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!!" Rarity was in distress, she had realized that for this slumber party she didn't have any exfoliating creams or mud masks to spread all over her already unblemished face before she went to sleep in the barn. The girls knew Rarity was a drama queen and loved her beauty products, but they still rolled their eyes at how over the top she was when it came to such trivial things.

Applejack turned to Rarity and said "Rarity, you look plenty fine, you don't need to smother your face with whatever lotions and potions you think are gonna keep you young forever"

Rarity replied with "I understand your point Applejack, but I simply cannot get the proper beauty rest I need without something that will keep my skin as smooth as possible, my skin care regimen takes a lot of work and dedication and I don't intend to go to sleep without taking care of my face first!"

Applejack sighed and said "Will you just relax? We're all gonna be sleeping soon so it's too late for you to go back to the boutique and pick up whatever is you need, unless you intend to walk around town in the dark".

Rarity pouted "But I need to do something! I can't just..." then Rarity had an idea "Oh... I know what I can use! Oh Chester honey..." she crawled over to Chester and began massaging his nuts "Would you be a dear and give me some of that delicious stallion spunk?" Chester was already beginning to grow erect, Rarity curled her fingers around his rapidly extending dick and began pumping it eagerly.

Applejack couldn't believe it "You're gonna make Chester cum on your face before bed?!"

Rarity scowled and said "Yes Applejack, I want him to cover my face in his cum before bed!"

Applejack sighed and simply decided to lie down and let Rarity do what she needed to do, meanwhile Rarity was slightly distracted by the sound of Fluttershy typing away on her laptop. "Fluttershy dear, what are you doing?"

Fluttershy, without looking away from the screen, said "I'm doing a blog post regarding virginity"

Virginity, that was something Rarity hadn't thought about it in a long time, but she still remembered how she had lost hers...

Fashion and Fucking (Part 1)

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It was fashion week in New York and Rarity was beyond excited, she owned three boutiques, was already fairly popular among some of the biggest names in fashion and she was only 23! It really had been a meteoric rise to fame for her, what's more is that this time she had some companionship in the form of the charming young boy she had accidentally sent a rather fetching hat to, Pistachio. Pistachio was ecstatic, spending time with Rarity during fashion week in New York and to top it all off he would be turning 18 at the end of the week? It was like Christmas had come early. "Thank you so much for inviting me to fashion week Rarity! I really cannot express to you how grateful I am!" Pistachio said as Rarity was fetching her designs in the back room of "Rarity For You".

Rarity smiled and said "Oh think nothing of it my dear! You obviously share my passion for fashion, how I could deny a handsome young man like you a chance to experience one of the biggest fashion events that I happen to be attending? Especially now that I'm going to be demonstrating my femme fatale range!"

Rarity revealed a clothes rail lined with several forms of attire in various deep purples and reds all perfectly meshed with accents of black, the clothes weren't exactly lingerie but they were a tad more risque than Rarity's usual designs, but the theme if this years fashion week was "Sensuality" so it made perfect sense to go for something... well, sensual!

Pistachio was mesmerized, he always loved Rarity's designs and this time was no different "Wow, they're incredible Rarity!" he said, he just couldn't contain how excited he was.

Rarity smiled and said "Oh Pistachio you're far too kind! Anyway, we must dash, we'll want to make sure that the lovely ladies who will be wearing these garments are properly prepped for the event, we'll have to catch a taxi!" With that, Pistachio and Rarity left the boutique to catch a taxi to to venue where fashion week was being held.

-1 hour later-

"My goodness! Finally here! Honestly, there is almost too much hustle and bustle in this city. It really should not take an hour to flag down a taxi and get us from point A to point B, I suppose it's lucky that we left earlier than we needed to, I pride myself on being punctual".

Janine Manewitz remained silent for a moment to make sure Rarity had finished her rant, then said "The models are waiting in the backstage area, you have 15 minutes to get them ready before the show starts". 15 minutes?! Rarity went into a frantic frenzy and immediately, she and Pistachio rushed backstage. The six models were standing there in nothing but their undergarments and Rarity thanked whatever higher power there was that the models had the good sense to apply their own make-up, knowing that they were going to be displaying Rarity's "femme fatale" range, they had chosen all the right color for their lipstick and eye shadow, reds, purple and blacks to perfectly match the outfits. Pistachio blushed rather hard, he had never seen so much skin on show before, let alone six half naked women who had made a career out of looking good.

"Oh girls! Sorry for being so late! Here are the clothes you'll be wearing, it doesn't matter particularly which ones you wear but do try and pick out ones that will accentuate your assets and match the make-up your wearing, quick as you can please!" The models did as instructed and made their way to the changing rooms.

"Wow Rarity" said Pistachio "I don't know how you do it! Being so organized, ready to show the world your designs, it all seems so daunting. I don't know that I could do it..." Pistachio seemed a little disheartened, witnessing the "behind the scenes" of the fashion world made him feel that despite his desire to design his own fashion one day, he might not be cut out for it. He knew that fashion must be hard work, but to be a perfectionist in every aspect of it! He didn't think he was capable.

Rarity saw the look on Pistachio's face and placed a hand on his shoulder "Now you listen here Pistachio, I didn't give you that rather gorgeous hat and invite you to fashion week just because I'm a generous woman, you my dear are destined for a career in fashion. Besides, you don't honestly think I do all this without any help do you? Pistachio, when you hit the scene the world of fashion won't know what hit it, but they'll like it!"

Pistachio smiled "You really think so?"

Rarity said "I know so" and pulled him into a hug, which much to Pistachio's embarrassment, inadvertently smooshed his face right in between Rarity's massive tits. As Rarity released him, the models came out of the dressing rooms looking like they were villains and walked straight out from a James Bond movie, they all looked deliciously seductive with just a hint of danger, the perfect look for any femme fatale, naughty but in the best possible way. Pistachio was flustered, he had no idea where to look, so he just looked at the floor, begging his body not to have a particular reaction to being surrounded by seven gorgeous women. Luckily he was saved when an announcement rang out through the studio.

"Welcome everyone to this year's fashion week! Now as you all know the theme of this year's fashion week is sensuality, so you can expect to see some rather risque designs! Speaking of which, let's begin the show! Up first is the latest in fashion from one of our favorite fashionista's, that's right, displaying her femme fatale range is Rarity!"

Rarity gasped "Ah! Go girls! Get out on that catwalk and strut your stuff!"

The girls, rather calmly began their demonstration of Rarity's garments. Rarity and Pistachio found a good place backstage where they could view the show and see who and what they were up against. Pistachio didn't realize just how provocative this show was going to be, the poses were borderline soft core pornography! The first model in the femme fatale attire got to the front of the catwalk and then struck three poses, the first was facing the audience with her legs spread wide on her knees, thrusting her chest out, the next she was faced with her side to the audience, bent over with her back arched, the third was the most sexual pose of them all. She was faced away from the audience and in a bizarre twist began to slip what she was wearing off, she let the fabric roll down her body until it reached top of her ass crack, at which point she stopped the clothing from falling off completely, giving the audience a lovely view of her slender back whilst managing to hide her breasts. But Pistachio and Rarity were not part of the audience, so they got to see a full view of this particular models bust, it was a decent size, though a cup size or two down from Rarity's particularly impressive mammaries.

The rest of the show continued like this, a continuous performance of women in some of the most enticing clothing going to the front of the catwalk and being the biggest teases in fashion history. Pistachio, being at the age he was, was entirely transfixed and unsurprisingly had become increasingly hard. The audience were similarly riveted, plenty of wolf whistles and flash photography, but nothing overtly sexual, otherwise security would have been called in to have them removed, this was a fashion show after all, not a strip club. The judges were sat there, silently inspecting the clothes and seeming not to react to the rather sultry poses the models were striking for each line, the rumor was that each judge had a companion hidden under the judges desk who was employed specifically to service them at events like this, though nothing had ever been confirmed.

When the show ended, the audience roared with applause, while Pistachio and even Rarity had become a bit hot under the collar. Another announcement rang out "Thank you very much to the lovely models and designers for this shows fashion week, very adequately displaying the theme of sensuality! We will now take a 10 minute break where the judges will be discussing who they think had the hottest fashion to ever greet the catwalk".

Rarity let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and said "Ooh! Now all we have to do is wait!" She turned to Pistachio and immediately saw the rather uncomfortable situation he was in, there was no denying the tent he was pitching in his pants.

Pistachio was immeasurably embarrassed "I'm so sorry! It's... well because of the... and I-" Rarity instantly shushed him.

"Now now dear, it's quite understandable, I admit I became rather flustered myself at the displays on that catwalk, but this simply won't do. Go find a secluded room and come back when you've calmed down alright?" Pistachio nodded and dashed off to find a room where he could wait for his boner to go down. The models walked in on their way to the dressing rooms to get changed, Rarity beamed and said "Bravo girls! Terrific stuff! You get changed and take a rest, you deserve it!" As the girls all filed into the dressing room, who should appear around the corner but Coco Pommel. Rarity was overjoyed "Coco darling! There you are! Where have you been?"

Coco smiled and said "Hello Rarity, I would have come to see you earlier but I was... um... following your instructions" she said. Coco had been employed by Rarity to act as an assistant, but over time her job description became more and more like a servant rather than an assistant, but Coco was not complaining in the slightest. Coco continued "Hoity Toity sends his thanks, he said that my skills under the judges desk helped him keep a clear head when evaluating the clothing on show"

Rarity gave a sultry smile before bringing Coco in for a passionate kiss, when they separated Rarity said "How have you been handling your other instructions dear?"

Coco lifted the front of her skirt, showing off her utterly soaked panties "Very well Miss Rarity, as promised I have not touched myself since the last time you were in New York. I've had to change panties and clean myself up on numerous occasions, people were starting to wonder why I was visiting the bathroom so frequently"

Rarity gave an approving look before saying "What about the back?"

Coco turned around and lifted the back of her skirt, showing the butt plug she had firmly lodged in her ass "It has been in there since this morning Miss Rarity"

Rarity grinned "Excellent" she said as she gave Coco's butt a swat.

Coco let go of her skirt and turned to face Rarity, then nervously she said "Miss Rarity...may I please take out the butt plug? I really... really need to take a shit".

Coco gasped as she realized her fatal error, one of Rarity's rules was to never use vulgar language, how could she have forgotten? Rarity gave her a disapproving look as she reached into her handbag and pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. Coco whimpered as she obediently lifted up her shirt to reveal her breasts, Rarity made sure the clamps were firmly in place, making Coco wince, before she moved away and allowed Coco to put her shirt back down. Though Rarity wasn't completely cruel and heartless "Tell you what Coco dear, keep in that butt plug and those clamps on for the next two hours, if you can do that then the next time I come to New York, I will set aside a whole day where you and I can have some fun and play time, OK?"

Coco bowed and said "Yes Miss Rarity" then made her leave just as Pistachio had returned with his dick perfectly soft again, which Rarity considered a shame seeing as Coco's visit had greatly heightened her libido, just her luck to be in the mood when she was in the company of a boy who wasn't going to be legal until the end of the week. Then again, it wasn't likely that she wouldn't be horny by the time that came around and she was a patient woman, that was an idea. Pistachio said "Hi Rarity! Again, sorry about before, you know how it is with boys my age, right?"

Rarity chuckled and said "Oh indeed I do Pistachio darling, come come, they are about to announce the winner!"

Pistachio scoffed "There's no way you didn't win Rarity, you had the best clothes out there!"

Rarity smiled and gave him a soft peck on the cheek "You are a sweetheart, but let's not jump to conclusions, maybe some other designer clinched the prize"

Pistachio again was skeptical "Yeah right!"

Fashion and Fucking (Part 2)

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She didn't win, she got second place. It seemed that Rarity's generous gift to Hoity Toity had swayed the decision in Coco Pommel's favor rather than hers, Rarity was happy for Coco of course and Rarity didn't mind at all that she got second place, but she felt that perhaps Hoity Toity had judged the show based on Coco Pommel's oral prowess rather than actually paying attention to the clothing. Pistachio was the one who seemed thoroughly disappointed that Rarity didn't get first place, his only consolation was the clothes still got a little bit of publicity and would no doubt sell pretty decently once they were for sale at "Rarity For You". He just couldn't see why people didn't idolize Rarity as much as he did, then again he didn't know that Hoity Toity had probably voted for Coco simply because she was so good at sucking him off under a desk.

Rarity could see the rather melancholy look on Pistachio's face and decided to try and cheer him up "Now now Pistachio, I've already said it's perfectly fine, there is always next year! Who knows, maybe next year you'll be coming to New York with some of your own fashion!" Pistachio appreciated what Rarity was trying to do, but he didn't feel any better.

"I know, it's just I don't think her clothes were as good as yours, don't get me wrong, they were great, but I liked yours more" said Pistachio.

Rarity tutted and said "You think perhaps you're just a bit biased?"

Pistachio chuckled with a slight blush and said "Maybe, but I'm still kinda depressed about it".

That's when Rarity had an idea "Tell you what, how about when we drop the femme fatale range off at my boutique, I take some measurements and design something lovely for you to wear? Something completely original, unique, one of a kind!"

Pistachio certainly perked up at those words "R... Really? You mean it?"

Rarity smiled as she said "Oh but of course! Consider it a thank you for accompanying me"

Pistachio laughed and said "Well, I'm sure your boyfriend would have preferred to come"

Now was the time for Rarity's ulterior motive to be set in motion, he was going to be 18 in a day or so and while nobody had popped her cherry yet, she was certain that she wanted a barely legal boy to be the one to do it, in a way it would be poetic that they would both be losing their virginity to each other, it was almost perfect! "Alas, I do not have a significant other Pistachio, if you don't mind my saying, nobody has yet to even have me in their embrace"

Pistachio was gobsmacked "You mean you're a... but... but you're Rarity!"

Rarity laughed and said "While I appreciate that you think so highly of me, it would seem my name is not enough to attract a man to invite me into his chambers"

That was when Pistachio almost interrupted and said "No no no, that's not what I meant. I mean you're beautiful! I'd sell everything I own to sleep with you!" Rarity raised an eyebrow at him, Pistachio realized he had probably said too much "What I mean to say is that... you're a very talented and attractive woman, any guy would be lucky to have you". Rarity was going to have fun with Pistachio, he was just too adorable. As they reached the door of "Rarity For You" Rarity dropped off her femme fatale range in the back room where she had got them from then came back out with a measuring tape.

"Pistachio, be a dear and strike a T-pose for me would you? It will make taking your measurements much easier". Pistachio did as instructed and allowed Rarity to take all the necessary measurements she needed, after she was done she "Magnificent darling, I should be able to get something ready for you by the end of the week, ooh! I could give it you as a birthday present! Your parents wouldn't mind if you visited me at Carousel Boutique would they?"

Pistachio, without even really thinking about what his parents would say, said "Absolutely! What time?" Rarity wanted to have as much fun with him on his birthday as possible, there was really only one time where that scenario could work.

"Well truth be told Pistachio, I will be quite swamped with work during the day, I fear you would have to visit me during the evening and stay the night until the next morning when I can escort you home, will that be a problem?"

Spending the night with Rarity in her home/boutique on his birthday receiving some free designer clothes made specially for him? It was a dream come true! Pistachio shook his head rapidly, which Rarity giggled at, it seemed that was a very clear "No". "Excellent honey, I'll let you visit your parents for the next few days and you can come see me on your birthday" Rarity said. With that, Rarity locked up "Rarity For You" and they both took the train to their respective homes.

-a few days later-

Rarity was putting the finishing touches on Pistachio's outfit, it was absolutely perfect, it was certainly going to be something Pistachio wouldn't have expected, but she had a feeling he'd love it all the same, Rarity had an intuition for these sorts of things. After Rarity had eaten her dinner, there was a knock on the door, Rarity opened the door and of course Pistachio was stood there with a big grin on his face. "Hi Rarity!"

Rarity pulled him in to a hug, this time his face was smooshed in between her breasts intentionally, "Hello Pistachio! Happy 18th birthday!" Rarity felt excited, this boy was about to get two gifts from her that night, an outfit and her virginity. Rarity released him then closed the front door, locked it and turned the "open" sign so that instead it read "closed". "Tell me Pistachio, how have you been?"

Pistachio said "Oh not too bad, I've mainly just been looking forward to spending time with you". This poor boy, he had no idea what kind of night he was in for.

Rarity smiled and said "Oh Pistachio dear, you're too kind! Would you mind waiting here a moment? I just need to prepare something in my bedroom" Pistachio simply shook his head and waited silently as Rarity went up stairs. A few seconds later Rarity's voice rang out from the bedroom "Oh Pistachio! Can you come here for a while?" Pistachio, still not realizing the implications of entering Rarity's bedroom, simply dashed upstairs and when he entered the room... oh my goodness. Rarity was stood there, wearing nothing but a silky blue bra and pair of panties, Pistachio couldn't look away, he was absolutely frozen with shock, but it was the best kind of shock. Rarity smiled and said "Pistachio, it's your birthday and I want to give you something special. So I'm gonna blow you and let you play around with my body. Then you're going to fuck me, I'll give you your outfit, then we'll do some more fucking. How does that sound?" Pistachio didn't say a word, but his body spoke for him, he had never ever been more erect in his life than he was right then and there.

Rarity giggled and said "It seems like your body is interested, how about you remove those clothes?" Pistachio didn't waste any time, he instantly took off his shirt, pants and underwear revealing his decently sized equipment. It wasn't bigger than average and it wasn't smaller than average, it was somewhere in the middle, Rarity loved it. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she beckoned Pistachio closer and he obeyed, not being one to tease she simply slipped Pistachio's cock into her mouth and in a totally unexpected move effortlessly slid down right to his base, taking the whole thing into her mouth. Pistachio moaned, he was in heaven and Rarity was his angel, she moved her head back and forth, deep-throating him as if it were as second nature as breathing, her tongue lavishing his dick with affection until it shined. Rarity removed her mouth from his cock, as she looked up at Pistachio she used her hand to pump his dick in order to keep him hard, not that he needed much help.

"What part of my body would you like to have fun with before moving onto my simply fabulous untouched pussy darling?"

Pistachio, finding the courage to speak said "Can... can I play with your ass?" Rarity kept pumping him, but took on a stern look as she made something very clear.

"Pistachio dearest, as much as I adore you, a lady simply does not allow anything to enter her derriere! Believe me, nobody will ever be special enough for me to let them bust a nut in my butt!"

Pistachio was fine with that, but he implored again "Please Rarity, I don't want to... fuck your butt... I just wanna... y'know... touch it".

Rarity thought for a moment, though she never intended to ever have anything inserted in her rear end, that didn't mean she couldn't allow him to simply lay his hands on it. "Very well darling, you may handle my buttocks, but let me be clear, hands only. I don't want to feel any teeth or tongues, those acts are simply detestable... though I suppose I can permit kissing." Rarity removed her bra and panties, then getting on all fours on the bed, she stuck out her behind and said "Now come and worship this ass!" Pistachio didn't need to be told twice, he immediately clapped his hands on Rarity's rump and began to stroke and squeeze her cheeks, planted little kisses on them every few seconds. Rarity was enjoying the attention her butt was receiving more than she thought she would, though she got a bit of a shock when in an extremely bold move, Pistachio pulled apart her ass cheeks and planted one final kiss right on her tight and twitching puckered asshole. It wasn't a nasty shock by any means, but the sensation surprised her.

After that Pistachio spoke up again "I'm ready Rarity"

Rarity smirked, she doubted he was as ready as he felt. Nevertheless, she flipped herself over and opened her legs to display her glistening wet pussy. Pistachio clambered onto the bed and lined up his throbbing teenage cock with her pussy, slowly he pushed his way inside, the walls of her pussy rippling over and squeezing every single inch of his member. Part way through his penetration his tip reached a barrier, Rarity's hymen, Pistachio looked at her for her approval for him to continue, which she granted with a simple smile and a nod. Pistachio took a deep breath and pushing harder broke through her hymen, claiming her virginity. Despite the obvious pain Rarity felt, she didn't show that it phased her lest it discourage Pistachio, he continued entering her until finally his whole cock was nestled comfortably in Rarity's pussy, embedded in warmth and wetness.

What followed wasn't a rough "I hope this hurts in a good way" pounding, but more like a slightly hot and steamy love-making session. Pistachio gave moderately paced deliberate thrusts inside Rarity, designed to please both her and himself in equal measure. Though this being his first time, he wasn't perfect. It was a little bit clumsy, but having never been penetrated before, Rarity didn't have anything to compare it to, so she barely noticed. They were both moaning as warm pleasure permeated their bodies, Rarity's orgasm actually caught her by surprise and she let out a small shriek as unexpected ecstasy shook her to the core. It was at that moment that Pistachio began to speed up, his heavy breathing clearly indicating his own approaching orgasm, Rarity wasn't too keen on the risk of getting pregnant so she paused her self indulgent moaning to ask Pistachio a very clear question "Pistachio.. I... I'd rather you didn't cum inside me... where would you... oh goodness... where would you like to finish?"

Though it pained him to do so, Pistachio pulled out and with a frantic almost wild look in his eyes he just blurted out "Your tits!" Rarity sniggered, her boobs were her best asset.

"You wanna cum on the girls huh? Well come get 'em then" she said, grasping her breasts and jiggling them a little. Pistachio rushed forward and watched as his cock seemingly vanished from view in the deep valley of Rarity's cleavage, then began humping away as hard as he could until eventually he let out a long guttural moan and painted Rarity's tits white with his spunk. As Pistachio panted heavily and removed himself from Rarity's torso, Rarity cleaned up her chest with a nearby tissue. While Pistachio was resting Rarity got up and retrieved something from the cupboard "Oh Pistachio, remember how you said I'd make you an outfit? Well, ta-da!" Pistachio raised his head and his eyes widened as Rarity held up an outfit that could only be described as a pink schoolgirl outfit. It was a pink sleeveless shirt with white frills to perfectly match the pink skirt that went with it.

Rarity could see Pistachio's confusion, but also his intrigue. "You're a very feminine young boy Pistachio, such smooth soft skin, girlish features, not to mention your wonderful curves and adorable butt. This should fit you quite nicely and accentuate those breeding hips" she giggled and handed him the outfit to put on. Sheepishly and with a large blush, he went about putting on the clothes, when he was done Rarity was grinning from ear to ear "Goodness Pistachio, you're such a trap! Were it not for that flat chest and the equipment between your legs you could easily pass as a delicate and effeminate little girl!" Pistachio had to admit, he did like how this felt, though what came next was something he had not suspected in the least. Rarity reached back into the cupboard and appeared to be putting something on, when Rarity turned around, Pistachio found out what it was. A long and thick jet black strap-on cock. Rarity walked over to him, the strap-on swaying from side to side, she put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him to his knees.

"In any other situation, I would apply lube, but you're a girl right now aren't you? So suck it girly boy" said Rarity as she pointed the tip of the strap-on straight at Pistachio's mouth. Pistachio felt something inside him snap, like a desire he didn't know he had had been unleashed and burst into life in his soul, with no explanation whatsoever he crammed the strap-on into his mouth and moved back and forth as he sucked with all his might. Rarity was taken aback, but welcomed the energy "My goodness, someone is eager!" It was only a matter of seconds before the strap-on was adequately coated in saliva, making Rarity pull out of his mouth. Pistachio looked up at her for further instruction, Rarity pointed and said "Up against the wall" causing Pistachio to immediately stand up and lean against the nearest wall, sticking out his butt.

Rarity got behind him and caressed his cheeks "Oh my Pistachio, this butt was made to be fucked, to take big fat cocks" she said and gave his ass a smack, making him yelp out in surprise, a good surprise. Rarity lined up the strap-on with his virgin asshole and as slowly and softly as she could, began to push inside, she would have kept up that pace had Pistachio not become impatient when she was halfway in and pushed back, slamming the strap-on all the way inside. Rarity grinned, this boy knew what he wanted and she wasn't one to deprive him, so with one hand gripping his shoulder and the other tugging on his hair she began to fuck him as hard and as fast as she could, her hips becoming a blur as she rammed Pistachio like a jackhammer. Pistachio was crying out with a pleasured high pitched whining quality to his voice, Rarity was simply breathing heavily, working to push Pistachio to orgasm as the strap-on repeatedly and unrelentingly stimulated his prostate, Rarity was showing no mercy and boy did it pay off.

Pistachio cried out as he came as hard as he had ever cum in his life, copious amount of hiss jizz shot against the wall and dripped onto the floor as he blew an extremely intense load. Rarity, covered in sweat and panting simply said "Well... that's one way to end a birthday isn't it?"

The End.