Pets of Ponyville

by FIM Fiction

First published

There are so many stories of people becoming the Mane Six. This is people becoming their pets.

Join Angelo, Willow, Timmy, Gabriel, Odin, and Olivia as they live a second chance for life.

As the pets of the mane six!?

With a sassy (or rather angsty) hispanic rabbit as their leader, will these animals ever get used to their new life?

And if so, what sort of adventures are right around the corner? Read the story and find out!

1, Wakey wakey

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How does one start a story? Some start with the future, and delve into the past. Others choose a present, and continue on boldly. Others, Once Upon A Time.

Me? I just throw words down and hope it works. So here we go and here you go.


Angelo awoke with a groan upon a soft green couch. "Where am I?" he asked aloud. He got to his feet and stared around in disbelief at the cottage. He stared down at his now white paws. "Oh hell naw."

"Angel! Such language!"

Angelo slowly looked upwards. What he saw was some weird yellow animal thing. "Oh HELLLL NAW!" With that, he jumped off the couch, bolted to the window, and leaped headfirst out onto the lawn. "Adios diablo!"

"Angel!" Fluttershy quickly ran out of the cottage in attempt to catch the rabbit.


Timmy awoke with a rather long yawn. He tried to stand, and failed. "Hmph. Seems like it gets harder each day now." the old army pilot said to himself. He blinked in surprise. He didn't wake up to any flashbacks from Vietnam! For him, this was a rather happy thing. "Now if only I could stand..." He tried once more, before feeling two gentle thuds on his back and a rubbing on his head.

"Morning Tank!" Rainbow Dash said, petting her pet. "How you doing this morning?"

Timmy stared at the cyan pegasus. "I knew I was bound to die soon, but what sort of afterlife is this?" he asked in shock.

Rainbow Dash stared at Timmy with concern. "You alright buddy?"

Timmy nodded. "Sure. Reincarnation may be messed up, but I'll do my best to enjoy it." He paused. "What even am I?"

"Well come on then! We've gone a full day of pranking, and you're coming with me." Rainbow Dash proclaimed, grabbing her tortoise and flying out the door. She flew back inside rushing to the kitchen, grabbed some toast, and flew out again. She released Tank, before quickly catching him when he didn't start flying. "Hew alhight bud?" she asked, mouth full of toast.

Timmy tested his propeller, gently floating. "Huh." he said, before zooming off. "WOO YEAH-HAH!"

Rainbow Dash coughed in surprise, some toast spilling out of her mouth. She didn't know why Tank was suddenly so energized, but she wasn't gonna complain. "Awww yeaaah." she said, before zooming off to catch up.


Olivia breathed softly as she awoke. The blankets were softer than she remembered, and so she lingered. Someone left the bed beside her. "Steven?" she asked sleepily.

"Shh, go back to sleep." a voice said, a brush gently moving through Olivia's hair. "I'll wake you up after I'm done making breakfast."

"Fine with me." Olivia said, getting more comfortable. The person left the bed, before gently opening and closing the door.

Eventually the sun shined upon her face as the smell of breakfast drifted to her nose. Olivia breath in deeply. "Mmm..." She wiggled out from beneath the covers, letting the sun warm her better. She arched her back as she stretched like a cat. She opened her eyes as she realized how oddly she moved. "Wait..." She looked down at her white paws. "I... I'm not dreaming." Olivia let out a simple "heh" before fainting. She was quickly awoken by someone lifting her without hands. "Whoa, hey!" she hissed.

"I am sorry Opalescence, but you know I always make my bed after breakfast! Now head downstairs, your breakfast is waiting."

"Uhh... okay." Olivia stumbled over to the door as fast as she could.

"Strange... I could have sworn I saw fear on Opal's face." Rarity commented. She shook her head. "That's ridiculous."

Olivia reached the stairs. "Good lord why is there a horse and why am I a cat what the HAAAAHHH!" Olivia tripped down the stairs, rolling and tumbling all the way down. "Owww..." She slowly got to her paws, before stumbling over to a food bowl. She sniffed. Whatever it was, it smelt good. "Wait, NO! I'm not eating cat food. No way!" She shook her head, before glancing up at the table. "Hmm..."

Olivia walked clumsily over to a chair, before trying to jump on it. She utterly failed and hit the ground. She watched , slightly frightened as a white pony thing gave her a piece of pancake.

"Shh, don't tell Rarity." Sweetie Belle said in a hushed voice.

"S-sure." Olivia said, before taking the pancake. Suddenly, a hawk burst through the window, grabbed Olivia, and flew off. "AHHHHH!" she screamed as she was carried off into the distance.

"RARITY!" Sweetie Belle shrieked. "THE HAWK CAME BACK! IT TOOK OPAL!!!"


Willow let out a yawn. She smacked her lips as she got to her feet. Her eyes widened. "Ooh! I'm a doggy!" She leaped to her paws, running around and jumping onto a bed. "I'm a doggy! Yay!" She froze, thinking. "If I'm a doggy, then... I lick faces!" She pulled back the blankets of the bed.

"Mnph. Let me sleep." Apple Bloom groaned.

Willow let out a long gasp, shocking Apple Bloom awake. "PONY!" Willow squealed, licking the pony's face.

"Hey! Cut that out!" Apple Bloom giggled. She shoved Willow onto her back, before rubbing her belly.

"Ooo!" Willow calmed down for a moment. 'Belly rubs feel nice!'.

"Breakfast!" came the call from downstairs. Willow and Apple Bloom raised their heads, before both of them leaped off the bed.

"Yay breakfast!" Willow tripped and stumbled down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom.

"You alright!?" Apple Bloom asked, reaching the bottom.

Willow stayed stunned at the bottom. Her eyes slid over to stare Apple Bloom in her eyes. "I hurt." she whined. She sniffed, before flipping onto her feet. "Breakfast!" she barked. She scampered into the kitchen, hopping onto a chair and waiting patiently. After all, Momma always said a lady should always be proper when eating.

"Winona, down." Applejack firmly said.

Willow looked around, before looking at Applejack. "Me?" she asked.

Applejack blinked. "Uhh... down." she said again. Willow gave another confused look. "That means you. Down from the table." Willow looked at a pancake, before reaching for it with her paw. "No." Willow looked at her, before stretching her leg further. "Stop it Winona. Down."

"Ah, just let her eat. Who knows, maybe shes got decent table manners!" Granny Smith joked. She set down a plate of pancakes for the dog.

"Thank you miss!" Willow yipped. She reached for a fork, before looking at her paws. She grabbed the fork with her mouth, and stuck it into the pancake. Willow tore off a chunk, before dropping the fork on the plate. "I dunno how to do this." she said simply, uncertain as to how to proceed.

The others stared in surprise at Willow's attempt to eat properly. "Nice try pippo." Granny Smith said, patting Willow on the head.

"Eyup." Macintosh added.

Apple Bloom sat beside Willow. "Here." She cut up a piece of pancake, before pointing it at Willow. "Go ahh" she said, holding her own mouth wide open as an example.

Willow quickly opened her mouth, before clamping down on the fork. She hummed, enjoying the food. 'This is really nice!'

"Shucks. Never thought I'd see any day that Winona would eat proper." Applejack said. "After you're done feedin her, wanna come with us to the park?"

"Yes!" Apple Bloom said excited.


Odin blinked as he awoke. "Hm. Peculiar. I appear to be an avian. Owl, to be precise." He knew it was not a lucid dream. His eyes glanced around the library. "Ah, a purple unicorn. Where is our wizard, if that is my fate now."

"Ah, Owlysius! Nice to see you awake." Twilight said.

"Who?" Owen asked.

Twilight gave a small laugh. "You of course!"

"Ah, well you see I-" Odin stopped. "Alright, how do I put this and you've left. Well then." He hummed. "A library. That is inside a tree." He gave a hoot, ruffling his feathers. He hopped down from his perch with a flump. "Ah. That makes sense. I don't know how to fly, but I can feel instinct and muscle memory." He rolled to his claws.

"Well, aren't you com-" Twilight stopped, seeing her owl walking on the ground. Said owl walked up to her before giving a single "Hoot". "Uhh... okay?" Twilight was confused. "Why are you walking around?"

"Well I decided I probably fly too often and should strengthen my long skinny legs that are hidden beneath this robe of feathers." Odin answered.

"... I'll just have Fluttershy translate for me later."


"Sense. That which allow you to feel this realm. Touch." He felt the wooden floor beneath himself. "Scent." The smell of sweets were mouthwatering to most. "Sound." Children laughing, and a woman's voice. "Taste." For a reason he had yet to understand, a delightful taste was in his mouth. "Sight." He opened his eyes, staring at a set of bright blue eyes. "These are what many believe allow one to truly live. But even as we have all these, we lose them as we age. At death, we seem to lose them all. But in the afterlife, we gain them all, and more."

Pinkie wiped away a tear. "Wow Gummy. That was b-beautiful!"

Gabriel nodded. "It was, but at times it doesn't seem to make any sense." he said with a wink.

Pinkie burst out laughing. "Oh Gummy, you are too much!"

"Many a time it seems I'm not enough." He frowned. "No wait, that sounds sad."

"Well here's something that will cheer ya up! It's Park Day!" Pinkie shouted.

Gabriel licked his nose in thought. "First, we get a basket. Fill it with treats, and-"

"Way ahead of ya Gummy!" Pinkie said, holding a large picnic basket.

"Well then, let us proceed."


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Timmy buzzed through the air, laughing. "Woo haya!" He flew strait up, until his rotors couldn't catch air. He cut the power, free falling.

"Whoa! hey tank, when did you get so much like me?" Rainbow Dash asked, free falling with him. "What am I saying!? It's obvious. I'm so awesome that you gain some of my awesomeness by... yeah!" She looked down. "Come on. We free fall any longer and we'll go splat." Timmy turned on his rotor while Rainbow Dash spread her wings.

A brown and white blur shot past them. "HELP ME I'M BEING KIDNAPPED BY A HAWK!"

"Whoa! What was that?" Rainbow Dash squinted. "Is that Opal?" A green blur shot past Rainbow Dash. "Hey! Wait up Tank!"


Angelo ran as as as his paws could carry him. "Por qué está pasando esto!?" He scampered beneath a bush. "Joder, how long have I been running!?" He thought to himself on what he had witnessed. "Okay, so I'm a rabbit in a world of talking neon ponis..." He leaned his back on the trunk of the bush, sliding onto his rump. "Joder, I'm high, aren't I?" He shook his had. "No, this feels too real to be una alucinacion." He let out a sigh. "Well, I'll perecer if I do nothing..." He exited the bush. "Now where am I?"

"INCOMING!" Angel looked up in time to see a turtle flying towards him. He paused for a moment as his brain tried to process this fact. Afterwords it decided "ya know man, we should probably move out of the way" along with "Oh hey looks like this is gonna hurt".


The two went rolling down a slight slope, bumbling and bumping along the ground. Angelo rolled onto his back. "One thing for certain." he moaned. "This is not una alucinacion." A hawk thudded down beside him, stunned.

"GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" Olivia shouted from the top of a tree.

"Aw shuddup. I got the hawk to drop you, didn't I?" Timmy shouted, trying to right himself.

"Why I never!" Olivia said with a huff.

"Well I always!" Gabriel replied.

"Ack! Who are you and how did you get up here!?"

Gabriel opened his mouth, before closing it. "I... I really don't know." He glanced around, before waving at Pinkie Pie who was waving at him from the ground. "My name is Gabriel. Yours?"

"Olivia Abreo." she said.

"Ah, so you are french." Gabriel said, licking his eye.

"Ugh. Why did you do that?" Olivia asked in disgust.

"Not sure. Now then, we shall wait, until help arrives."


Apple Bloom and Applejack happily trotted down the path to the park with their dog. Willow hummed as she walked beside them.

"Well, I sure don't know why she's actin so funny, but so long as it ain't bad-"

"SQUIRREL!" Willow took off running after the small critter.

"Heh heh! Looks like she's already havin fun. Apple Bloom, go join her. I'll go get the picnic set up." Applejack told her sister.

Apple Bloom ran after Willow. "Hey Winona! Let's play fetch!"


Twilight and Spike watched in large curiosity as Odin walked.

"So... Why is Owlysius doing this?" Spike asked, giving the owl a wary look.

"I have no idea, but he seems content." Twilight said.

"Who?" Odin asked.

"You." Spike answered.

"Who?" Odin asked again. 'My my, there are a lot of ponies.'

"You." Spike repeated, sounding a little annoyed. Twilight giggled.

"Who?" Odin asked yet again. 'Many ponies but only one with a dragon. She must be the wizard.'

"You!" Spike shouted angrily. "Why do you keep asking!?"

"Relax Spike." Twilight said. "Owlysius is only saying who because it's the only thing he can say." Twilight explain.

"Hoot." Spike stopped, glaring at Odin. "Hoot. Hoot. Hoot."

"Grr..." Spike humphed and crossed his arms. "Dumb owl." he muttered under his breath.

"Rather smart Owl, you mean. Now if only I was a raven. That I could speak." Odin shrugged to himself.

Fluttershy ran up to Spike and Twilight. "Sorry, but have either of you seen Angel Bunny?" she asked franticlly.

"Nope. Did he run off?" Spike asked.

"Yes! He started swearing, before speaking in a language that even I couldn't understand! Then he ran off in a panic... Ohh, did I do something bad to him!?" Fluttershy's eyes glanced around as she tried to recall the day. "Lets see I woke up, set out breakfast then went to wake Angel but he was already awake- Did I mess up breakfast!?"

"Woah! Calm down!" Odin hooted. "Take some deep breaths, alright? Iiiinnnn, Ooouuut. Iiiinnnn, Ooouuut. Iiiinnnn, Ooouuut. Iiiinnnn, Ooouuut. There, feel better?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes."

'So she can understand me.' "Alright, we are heading to the park for "Pet Day". Maybe he's waiting for you there." Odin said.

"That... That does make sense." Fluttershy said, far more relieved. "Thank you Owlysius."

"You are very welcome!" Odin said with a nod.

"...So, Fluttershy. Good news?" Spike asked.

"Oh, yes. Owlysius thinks Angel Bunny is waitng for me at the park." Fluttershy said. The whole group continued their trek to the park.

After a while, Spike spoke up. "Hey Fluttershy. Can you tell me why Owlysius is walking?"

"Leg day." Odin answered.

"Leg day?" Fluttershy asked.

"Leg day." Odin said with a nod.

"He's doing leg day." Fluttershy said to Spike.

"Hey, I think I see Ange-" Twilight's eyes widened.

Over near a tree, Angelo wrestled with the hawk, swearing to the heavens in the laungauge of Spanish.

Gabriel yawned. "So, when do you think 'Rainbow Dash' is gonna grab us?"

Olivia looked down at where Rainbow Dash was cheering on the bunny in his battle. "I doubt it will be by her own choice."

Tank finally righted himself. He flew up and landed in the tree. "Need a lift?"

"Heavens, yes." Olivia replied.

"Alright, just-" Timmy stopped to stare as he saw Gabriel roll over the edge of the leaves. "I don't care how light he is, he should have fallen through."

"A-HEM." Olivia said, raising a paw.

"Oh yeah." Timmy lifted in the air, before clamping his legs around the feline. He then flew close to the ground and release her.

Gabriel sat on the ground with a tiny popcorn bag infront of him. Inside the bag were peices of bread. "I think I should stop this battle, but I am uncertain as to if they are in any real harm." He looked at his stubby claws. "Along with questioning how I gripp items."

"Oh, Mr Falcon! Angel Bunny! Stop fighting!"

Angelo looked up at Fluttershy, before leaping out of a claw swipe. "Stupid halcon! I'll stick my foot up your culo!"

"Oh, I'm terrified!" the hawk said in a sarcastic tone. "The little bunny thinks he can scare me?"

Angelo rubbed his ears. The bird's voice sounded understandable, but also like he was speaking a different language. "I intend to keep my promise, senor." He gave a cold, yet happy stare, greatly unnerving the hawk.

"Arf!" A stick landed near the hawk. The hawk flew off as a dog ran up. "Bunny! Bunny bunny bunny!" Willow circled Angelo, leaping around him.

"Hey! Back off perra!" Angel shouted.

"Okay, I just need the stick." Willow grabbed the stick, before walking up to Apple Bloom. "Fetch!" she said, throwing the stick. Laughing, Apple Bloom ran after the stick.

Odin preened a feather. "Well, this seems rather intriguing."

"SHUT IT!" Ponies and pets alike stopped and stared at Angelo. "You tonto animals, Front and CENTER!" he roared. "The rest of you, scram!"

Willow whimpered as she walked over. Angelo turned to face the others. "Did. I. STUTTER!?"

The rest of the animals quickly ran up to Angelo. Fluttershy walked to her friends. "I think Angel wants a private talk with the others." she said, gently pushing her friends away.

"Woowee. Never knew rabbits could scream." Applejack said.

Apple Bloom shook. "That was the scariest thing I've ever heard."


Over 130 Favorites Holy Cow! I never expected this story to become so popular so quickly! however, favorites don't show others how good it is. Please be sure to like this story with the green thumbs up. It would really make my day, and would make it one of the top stories on Fimfiction!

Again, HOLY COW that's a lot of Favs. And in less than 5 days.


"Oh, they really only do that if they think they're gonna die." Fluttershy explained as they walked away.

Angelo watch carefully until the ponies were out of sight. He turned to face the group. "Alright amigos. Your voice sound..." Angelo stopped, rubbing his chin. "Alright. From the hawk's voice, the voice of an annoying bunny doe, and your voices, I conclude you all were humans once. Si?"

The others looked amonst themselves. "Yes?" Olivia replied.

"Alright. So we keep it a secret and never tell those ponis." Angelo said with a nod.

"What!?" Olivia hissed.

"Hold up." Odin said, raising a wing slightly. "Why would we keep it secret? We need our old lives back."

"Well senor, I'll tell you why. We are all their most beloved pets. So this means that if they think we are di- demons, then they will try to exorcise us." Angelo explained.

"And what does that have to do with anything?" Odin asked.

Angelo rubbed his chest, remembering the blood from his wound. "You don't remember dying then? Alright, what were you doing before you woke up in this world?"

"Well, I was on my honeymoon with-" Olivia paused. She thought back of her fiance's odd actions, along with him pouring out the wine they were to share from a bottle. "Ooohh you basterd." she growled. "Oh, not you. But you have a point."

"That exorcism nonsense won't happen." Timmy said.

"Yeah? I've been listening around. That purple unicornio? Most powerful sorcerer the Crown has had in centuries. She could get the pets back as those others are her besties. They will still want their pets back. And if the pets return, we either are flung out as a ghost, are trapped in the mind of an animal. I don't know about you, but I won't aim the pistola at my head and pull the trigger."

"Well then, what do you suggest we do, oh wise Angelo." Odin asked.

Gabriel was taken notes on a tiny notebook, writing in Hebrew.

"We act normal, live our own lives how we choose. But we are pets, and need support from others. We never talk about our lives near that yellow pegaso. She can understand animales from some magic she was born with. Word is she's the only one who can."

"...I died?" Willow asked.

Gabriel sat down on his rump with his arms at his sides. "Gabriel."

"Huh?" The others turned to look at Gabriel.

"I'm telling you my name. I could give you all nicknames like Boss, Propeller and such, but I would like your names." Gabriel explained.

"My name is Timmy. Timmy Houston."

"Olivia Abreo."

"Lady Willow of the Dream Family." Willow attempted a curtsy, and fell over giggling.

"Ah. So we have a ninita" Angelo said.

"Neeneeta?" Willow asked.

"Little girl." Angelo explained.

"My name is Odin Higgins. And now for you."

Angelo smirked. "I like the name Boss, thank you."

"We told you our names you tell us yours." Timmy said.

Angelo frowned. "Fine. I'll tell you my three names. Uno, F***Di**B**chWh**e." All the other's eyes shot open. "Dos, Fredrick Butcher. Tres, Angelo Carnicero." A smirk returned to his face. "I'll only respond to F***Di**B**chWh**e, or Boss. Take your pick, amigo."

"You speak as if it was true." Gabriel said. 'This man is a very good liar.' "Very well Boss. What shall we do, now that basics are covered?"

Angelo glanced around. "Well, we are in a park. I say we enjoy ourselves, get used to these new cuerpos, and see where to go from there."

"Ima play fetch with the pony!" Willow picked up a stick in her mouth, before running off.

"Dismissed." Angelo said, with a wave of his paw.



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Angelo laid beneath a tree, his paws behind his head. 'Second chances... Compared to my old life, this ain't so bad.'

"Mr Boss?"

"Hm?" Angelo opened his eyes and raised his head. "Hola perrita. You need something?"

"Umm..." Willow scratched her left ear with her left forepaw. "I know I can't understand it, but may you please not cuss? In any laungauge?"

Angelo shrugged. "Sure ninita. And hey, if you ever wanna learn the safe swears, just ask me, kay?"

"Safe swears?" Willow asked.

"Si. Like-" He paused, rubbing his chin. "Actually, I'll hold off on that one. I don't know if this poni place has swears, and how bad they are."

The two glanced at Fluttershy as she rushed over and set a massive bowl of salad down. "Here you go Angel! Your favorite!"

Angelo stared at the massive amount of food. "Holy j- Holy Toledo!" Angelo caught himself before he cussed. "Gracias Cuidadora!"

"I- Your're welcome???" Fluttershy said. "You said Thank you, right???"

"Oh, Yeah. Thank you..." Angelo pondered if Mom should be added. "Madre." With that, he began stuffing his face with salad. "Ninita, go play." he said with a wave of his paw.

Willow nodded, before running over to where Apple bloom was. She watched the pony climb the tree. "Ohh" She attempted to climb the tree, and failed. "Aww. Hey Olivia! Climb the tree!"

Olivia sat nearby being fanned by Gabriel. "Why would I do that? I am perfectly comfortable where I am." Gabriel threw the fan away, where it sunk into Pinkie's hair. "Hey, what did you do that for?"

"Barnacle geese drop their children off a multi-hundred foot cliff so that they may fly." Gabriel responded, writing in his notebook. This time he wrote in Arabic.

"What in heavens name does that mean?" Olivia asked.

"It means you have not practiced your leg day and they will attempt to force you to be able to walk properly or climb or both." Odin said, walking over. "I myself can hover for a few moments."

Gabriel walked over to Willow, climbed up her back, and whispered in her ear. He jumped down, landing on his claws. "Activate Operation Barnicle Goose."

"BARK BARK RUFF BARK!" Willow rushed for Olivia.

"Stop." Olivia simply batted Willow on the nose, surprising the pooch. "I will not be intimidated."

"Hmm..." Gabriel rubbed his chin. "Hey, if a cat can't walk well that's because they're sick, right?"

"At times, yes." Odin answered with a nod.

"And how do you take a cat's temperature?" Gabriel asked.

"You use a rectal thermom-OH!" Odin's head swiveled to Olivia. "Unless you want a thermometer up your butt, I'd suggest you try to walk!"

Olivia gulped, before getting up to her paws. "You boys make a good point."


"Hey Twi?" Applejack trotted over to Twilight.

"Yes Applejack?"

"I know most of the time I just play with Winona, but have them animals ever grouped up like that?"

"No, they haven't." Twilight said. "I guess whatever Angel told them brought them closer."

"Yeah... You notice anythin funny bout them though?" Applejack asked.

"You mean besides Apple Bloom being the one to grab the stick while Winona tosses it?" Rainbow Dash asked, hovering above them.

"Well, yeah. Our animals have been acting real odd." Applejack answered. "Like Tank. He's more energetic them usual."

"Heck yeah he is! And it's awesome! He's becoming just like his momma!" Rainbow Dash proudly exclaimed. "I- I mean he's becoming just like me! Yeah."


"I'm your elder!" Timmy barked. He paused. "Huh. I didn't know turtles could bark."

"Actually you're a tortoise." Gabriel explained.


"Yeah, but still... Just this mornin Winona sat down at the table to eat! And it wasn't just learnin a new trick. When she ate, she ate slowly." Applejack explained.

"So your dog got cooler and you're complaining?? Ha!" Rainbow Dash flew over to a tree. "Okay, is this a bad thing or something?"

"Not really, I guess." Applejack answered.

"Then don't worry about it!" Rainbow Dash said with a wave of her hoof. "If the animals are cooler, let them be cooler!"

"Really Applejack, darling. Rainbow Dash holds a good point." Rarity said. "In fact oh Celestia no." She watched as the hawk swooped down picking up her cat. "Twilight do something!"

Before Twilight could react, an acorn beaned the hawk on the head, causing it to drop the feline on a tree as it crashed into the ground.

Pinkie let out a gasp. "Gummy! You finally used your Gummy sized party cannon!" She squealed in delight, before letting out a bigger gasp. "OH MY GOODNESS THIS CALLS FOR A PARTY!!!"

Odin looked at Gabriel. "Where did you get that?" he asked.

"I saw Pinkie drop it, so I grabbed it as it was my size." Gabriel answered.

Timmy flew up to the top of the tree. "First time's free. Next time isn't."

"Don't joke with me Just GET ME DOWN!" Olivia hissed angrily.

"Sorry." Timmy grabbed Olivia and flew her down.

Angelo finished his salad. "Thank you! That was quite filling."

"Oh! Well, I'm glad you liked it so much!" Fluttershy said cheerfully.

Angelo hopped over to where Willow was trying to climb a tree, with Apple Bloom's help. "Any luck?" he asked.

"No." Willow said. "but I'll keep trying!"

Angelo chuckled, before reaching for his shirt pocket. His mind slowed down as he remembered 'Oh yeah I don't have a shirt pocket.'.

"Something the matter?" Odin asked, walking over.

"...I don't have any cigarettes or beer." Angelo said.

"Heavily addicted to both?"


"Cause of death?"


"So, you're fine for today, but on later days you will be suffering mental withdraw symptoms , which will affect your physicality."

"Seems about right." Angelo said.

"Which means tomorrow you will be..." Odin tried to choose a proper word.

"El bastardo." Angelo said.

Odin cringed. "And if that's the case, by next week you will be a literal monster."

"Si. So I guess I should enjoy my day before-" Angelo stopped talking as Fluttershy walked over.

"O-oh! Am I interrupting something?" Fluttershy asked.

"Eh, not really." Angelo answered.


"Alright, but y'all gotta admit, Angel's acting a lot more nice then usual." Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to object, before closing it and staring at the bunny. "Huh."

"You have a point there darling." Rarity said, hmming to herself.

Twilight groaned. "You're over thinking this whole thin-" Twilight glared as her friends started to laugh, with a chuckle from Applejack, a giggle from Rarity, and outright boisterous laughter from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. "Really?" Twilight growled.

"N-no offence Twi." Rainbow Dash said, chocking back her laughter. "But coming from you, that's hilarious." Rainbow Dash glanced up at the sky. "Geez, it's late. Well, see you guys tomorrow." She rushed over to Timmy, yanking him into the sky. "Let's go home, tough guy."

"Guess I'm off. I'll see you all later!" Timmy said, waving goodbye.

"Come along Opal." Rarity levitated Olivia into a cage, before waving to her friends. "Farewell!"

Olivia laid down. "Bye. Hopefully this woman is not a cats in dress person."

Odin walked up to Twilight and Spike. "Farewell friends! I'll see you at the library, unless I am busy with something else." With that, he flew up and landed on Twilight's back. He arched a brow as Spike growled.

Gabriel climbed upon Pinkie's back. "Well, I'm excited for the party."

"Oh, I know Gummy! It's gonna be GREAAAT!" Pinkie sang, bouncing and boinging away.

Gabriel started writing in his notebook, in Bangla. "See you at the party, friends."

"Bye Boss!" Willow barked, trying to wave at Angelo. She fell over, before laughing and getting to her paws.

"Boss?" Fluttershy asked. She glance down at Angelo. He stared back, before giving a shrug and jumping onto her back. He got cozy between the wings, and enjoyed the view.

THATS IT FOR CHAPTER 3 BE SURE TO CLICK THAT LIKE BUTTON AND MAKE MY DAY!!! I will be working on a Spike Dog but with human mind story. It will take place before ANY of the movies series and yadablah, because I have only seen the 1st movie plus dvd extras.

Also Pinkie doesn't completely understand Gabriel. It's kinda like with Garfield and John: John doesn't know what Garfield is saying but can usually guess by Garfield's actions. Even if Garfield is insulting John while laying in his bed and literally making no movements.

So yeah.
Hope you like this chapter!


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The sun rose over the land, beckoning to all to be awake. Celestia herself ate, awaiting her sister. Philomena flapped awkwardly over, bonking into Celestia, before rolling onto the table. "Goodness! Are you alright?"

Pacifica rolled to her feet. "Yes and no. I'm a phoenix, but I also died. So I'm now immortal, and have no idea what to do. Anyways you can't understand me so Ima call you ugly, then Ima take your breakfast."

Celestia watched as her bird grabbed her pancake, before flying off. She stared for a few moments, before her sister groggily entered. Her sister grabbed a pineapple, and was about to bite into it when it was also grabbed by the phoenix.


Tim had lived a simple life, yes. And it was true he was now a rock, yes. But things could be worse, yes? Yes. He saw a hoof poke his face. Every side of him was his face, yes. But that was not really important to the hoof, yes? Maybe.

He stared at the hoof. It was pink, yes. And fuzzy, true. And slightly damp. he stared at the pony. It smushed it's face against his. Pink it was, yes. Bleeding it was, yes. Bleeding from trying to break something far stronger then it, yes.

Tim felt proud and sad. He was stronger, yes. But she bled, true. And so, he rolled out of the way, yes.


Patrick bounded out of the whole. Finally, he was free! His stomach grumbled heavily. "I- I need food." He watched the stone that blocked his path role into the woods, before coming back with an apple. He snatched the apple, scarfing it down. Patrick stared at the rock. "Wait... How did you...?" He shook his head. "Get me more Apples." He watched as the stone rolled away once more.

(This will probably be a side series, if enough people want this to be a thing. Otherwise, it will just be here to be here.)


Fluttershy hummed to herself as she got food out. Sh walked over to where Angelo slept. "Time to wake up!" she softly sang, opening the curtains.

Angelo hissed, before rolling off the couch and landed with a light thump. He groggily got up, suffering a mental hangover. "Necesito mis cigarrillos."

"...What?" Fluttershy asked, tilting her head. "I'm sorry Angel. I don't understand."

"Eh." Angelo weakly waved a paw at Fluttershy, before his stomach growled. "Food. No talk, just munch." he rapidly blinked his eyes, his mental pattern not used to not being hung over and no nicotine in the system. A bowl of food was set next to him. He stared at it for a moment, before faceplanting into the bowl. He munched on the food, hmming happlily.

Fluttershy let out a small giggle. She grabbed a brush and began to clean Angelo, singing softly.


Olivia awoke with a yawn. She stretched her legs, before glancing around the room. Rarity was still asleep. Olivia got up, jumping out of bed and landing with a thump. "Ow. I need to learn how to land. And to jump." She let a sigh of relief, seeing the door open. She gently walked down the stairs (more of hopping down each step) and jumped out a window. "Alright, let's explore the town." Olivia said.


Winona leapt out of bed as a massive ringing woke her up. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" she barked.

"Meh." Apple Bloom whacked her alarm clock, shutting it off. She let out a yawn, stretching her arms (fun fact: Horses front legs are called arms). "Hi Winona." she groggily said. Apple Bloom shook her head rapidly. She hopped out of bed, looking energized.

"BREAKFAST!" came the shout of her sister from downstairs.

Apple Bloom quickly headed down, Willow right behind her. Winona sat next to Apple Bloom, opening her mouth.

"Nope. You gotta eat dog food." Applejack said, pulling Willow down. She set a bowl of food on the ground. "Enjoy."

Willow sniffed at the food. It smelled weird, but not that bad. She opened her mouth to eat, and hesitated.


Willow set her food next to Poochie. "Willow! What on earth are you doing!?" Willow looked up, seeing a tall woman in an elegant dress, lined with actual silver.

"I'm eating with Poochie!" Willow proudly said.

Her mother tutted softly. "I know you like to eat with servants and staff, but no matter how you eat, eat like a lady." She picked up the plate and brought it to the dining room. She set the plate on the table. "A lady always eats at a table."


Willow whimpered, before grabbing her bowl. She lifted it and set it on the table, next to Apple Bloom. She then proceeded to eat, being careful not to make a mess.

"What in heaven?" Granny Smith exclaimed. "The dog's gotten manners!"

"Eyup." Big Mac said simply. His eyebrows raised, but not his eyelids.

Breakfast was soon finished. "Bye! I'm off to school!" Apple Bloom said, running out the door.

"School? SCHOOL!" Willow ran out the door after Apple Bloom. "I can't be late for school!" She screeched to a halt, looking at Apple Bloom. "Where's school?"

"Whoa, calm down girl!" Apple Bloom giggled. "I'm going to school. Stay here." Willow wimpered, but obeyed. Once Apple Bloom left her sight, she sprinted after the child.


Odin stared down at Spike. "Hey. Hey wake up. Sun's up, time to open the library."

Spike groaned as he awoke, before letting out a scream. He smacked Odin's face, before scuttling out of his basket.

"I'M UP WHAT'S WRONG?" Twilight shouted, waking with a start.

"Farewell I'm going on break!" Odin quickly flew out the window, fluttering to the ground. "Progress."


Once in town, Willow saw many children heading a certain direction. She followed them to the school, and leaped into a desk, sitting with a happy pant.

The classroom soon filled up, many children petting Willow. Cheerliee entered the room. "Alright class-" She stopped, before letting out a sigh. "Children, please sit in your seats." The students quickly did so. "Now, whose dog is this?"

"She's mine." Apple Bloom said. "I made sure to tell her to stay at home, but... I guess she followed me." A few scattered snickers 🍫😋 could be heard.

Cheerilee shook her head. "Could you please bring her home? I'll provide you your make up homework later.

Apple Bloom nodded, her ears flattened in embarrassment. She headed over to Willow. "Come on Winona." Willow growled, barring her teeth and shocking Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom turned to Cheerilee. "She doesn't want to leave."

"Phh, the dumb dog think's she's a student!" Diamond Tiara mocked. A laugh traveled through the classroom.

"Idea!" Willow jumped out of the desk, running up the the front of the room. She sat down next to Cheerilee's desk. "Hi! I'm Willow, but you guys can call me Winona." She grabbed a piece of chalk in her mouth, making marks on the blackboard.

\/\/ | |\| (

Willow spat the chalk out, not being able to stand the taste any longer. She blew a raspberry, before facing the others. "I enjoy reading, and I LOVE head pats." She bended her legs in a makeshift bow, and headed back to the desk.

Cheerilee let out a laugh. "Well, I'll play along Apple Bloom, but just for today. Everypony, this is our new student for today; Winona!"


"Life. What defines one as alive? Is it our senses? That which-" Gabriel's inner thoughts were interrupted by a blue glow covering him. He was then levitated upside-down. "What in the nine circles of hell?" He was floated out of the room, past Pinkie. "Hello."

"Oh no not again!" Pinkie grabbed onto Gabriel, yanking him. "Pumpkin, let go! My baby is not your chew toy!" she shouted, yanking hard. "Pumpkin! Drop it!" she grunted. The blue glow suddenly disappeared, sending the two crashing into a dresser at the end of the hall. "Ow. Gummy! Are you alright!?" Pinkie asked, rushing to set Gummy back on his claws.

"We need to make some tacos and guacamole." Gabriel responded.

"Tacos? Why tacos?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

"It always makes me feel better when I make someone else feel better." Gabriel said.

"Hmmm... Alright, we'll add tacos to your party!"


The sound of a school bell would usually have shook Scootaloo awake. However, she was awake. Awake and amazed. Despite having the worst mouth writing of anypony in the classroom, Willow had gotten the best grades and seemed rather proud of her self.

"Class dismissed." Cheerilee said. The students slowly left the room, a crowd gathered around Apple Bloom and her dog. Cheerilee scratched her chin. 'Should I let Winona be a student? She's quite eager to learn, but she is a dog!' She shook her head. "I'll have to talk to the board about it." she said to herself.

Willow hopped in the Crusader's wagon, starting to sing softly to herself.

"Oh wow! Your dog is more talented then you!" Diamond Tiara said, half in amazement and half in mockery.

"How did you train her to do all that?" Zipporwhill asked.

"Ah guess she learned from watchin me!" Apple Bloom said, pride swelling in her chest.

Willow stopped singing and looked at Diamond Tiara. She felt sad looking at her. Willow hopped out of the wagon and nuzzled Diamond. "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Don't worry, okay?" she gently said.

"I- Hi?" Diamond pet Willow, wondering why the dog decided to comfort her. A sharp whistle pierced through the air.

"Winona! Come!" Applejack shouted. Willow immediately ran over. "Bad girl! Bad. You know better then to head to the school house." Applejack gave a glance to Cheerilee. "Sorry if she bothered ya."

"The opposite, really!" Cheerilee said. "Winona was a student today, and surprised all of us with how much she knew!"

"...Say what now?"

I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! I know I did!
Let me know what you think about the Pinkie Clone. Want more of it?
And who knows what sort of pranks a bored and confused phoenix can get up to?

5, The fifth chapter

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Pacifica laid on her belly, stared at the opossum, who stared back on his belly. "Sup?"

"Sup." Tavener replied.

"So, you're different. You a human?"

"I'm a middle aged guy who doesn't give a shit about others." the opposum replied.

"Dude, we're soul besties." Pacifica said.




"Hey, wanna go ruin someone's day?" Pacifica asked.

Tavener got up. "Yes." he said, his eyes gleaming.


A racoon dragged itself off of the road. "Well, I never saw this coming." He looked at his paws. "I wonder if the others are here. Hey! Sick Beat! Slick Beat!... Regular Beat?" A whimper escaped his lips. "Domino? Kitty Cat Clyde?" He walked over to the wall and sat down. "Come on Grunt ya runt! (In reference to Grunt_runt17) Get it together."

"Alright, so you're now a racoon-" He paused, and grinned. "You're now a racoon. No one suspects a racoon." Grunt said with a smile. He walked out of the alley with a grin. "No one."


Patrick finished setting up the harness he made for the rock. "Alright, let's Raya and the Last Dragon this crap." He sat upon the rock, dressed in a cloak of simple brown and a chinese hat. Patrick checked the bags of supplies once more. "World of My Little Pony, meet Patrick the Pinkie Clone.


Tim had lived a simple life, yes. And he was now a rock, True. Life was now simpler, No. No? No. Life was different, yes.He was a rock, yes. And now he has a Pink Pony Mare sitting on him, true. The mare said she was a he, yes? So she was a trans he, true. But do ponies have trans? They will see, yes.


Timmy lazily drifted through town. "Oddly, I feel younger." he said to a random pony.

Derpy smiled at the tortoise. "Heya Mister Tank! I don't have any turtle treats, sorry."

"That's alright." Timmy said. He booped the mare on the snout. "For that'll do." Suddenly, a trashcan exploded into confetti.

"Derpy! You're invited to Gummy's First Time using personalized Party Cannon Party!" Pinkie exclaimed. She gave Derpy an envelope, before popping back into the trash can.

Derpy blinked as she looked at the envelope, before putting it in her mail bag.


Angelo glared as he stared out the door. "Is something wrong Angel?"

Angelo shook his head. "No. Not yet at least." He hopped out the door. "Have dinner ready for me when I get back." He said as he hopped down the path.

Fluttershy let out an eep, and nodded, heading inside. She froze. "Oh my, I almost forgot! Pinkies having a party!"


"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo sighed. "Yes, I'm sure. We moved all the desks outside and gathered as many animals we could. It's perfect."

Button Mash looked at the scene with confusion and curiosity. All the kids were about to go home, when Twist wondered out loud if Winona was the smartest in the class, if she could teach. And so with the supervision of Cheerilee and Applejack, they set up school for animals.

So far Winona wasn't having much luck. "Now students, I now you can all count, but if we could try addition? What's 7 + 12?"

A bluebird count the feathers on her wing, paused, and counted again. "Twwwwenty two?" she asked.

"No, I'm afraid that's wrong." Winona said. She didn't know how to teach, but she was learning that certain of the animals understood different things about math. Birds and dogs knew counting. Ravens and squirrels knew addition, and no on knew multiplication.

"I'm getting bored." Diamond Tiara said. "Let's just face it. Winona is smart, and other animals aren't."

Rumble nodded. "Yeah, it was fun at first, but now it's just dragging on."

Sweetie Belle started to talk, only to let out a shriek as a hawk started attacking everyone.


Fancy Pants talked slowly as he tried to focused. "And so *peck* with this improved crate *peck* design, I believe that *peck* we would lose far less cargo *peck* when deliveries crash-land. *peck*

Pacifica stood on Fancy Pant's head, pecking his face while Tavener slowly clawed his coat.

Celestia was doing her hardest not to laugh, but was finding it rather difficult. "Well, that does sound-" Philomena suddenly flew over to Celestia and started to nibble on her hooves. "P-Philomena" she said, trying not to laugh. "Please stop"

Pacifica looked at Celestia, stared her dead in the eye, then licked Celestia's hoof. A snort escaped her lips. Celestia watched as Philomena then flew away, grabbing Tiberius.

Celestia and Fancy Pants both let out a sigh, before being blasted by a water hose. "SWEET ME THAT'S FREEZING!" Celestia shouted. Fancy Pants let out a yelp as the force of the water shoved him across the room.


Hitler stood up. "HA! NOT ENOUGH DEATH CAN STOP" He was squashed flat by a Hydra.

"Dammit Steve you just killed the only other human there was."

"Oh I killed him, huh? We all control the legs Greg."

"Do you think he was tasty?"

"...That's messed up, Bob."

"Well screw you. Also shut up Sam got something to say. Go ahead Sam."

"O-oh. Well I think we just killed Hitler. Maybe."

"Alright, mission accomplished. Send us back God, we did your task."


"Hey Greg?"

"What, Sam?"

"I don't think it works that way."

Mwuh a masterpiece enjoy I go eat dinner being dead for months works up an appetite.

I am having so much fun with this story.


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Gabriel sat on the kitchen counter. "Ah, food. Tasty. Nutritious. And needed for substance." He stared at the nachos. He ate one and hummed. "Hmm... We need salsa."

"Way ahead of you, Gummy!" Pinkie said, slamming down some tomatoes. "Hiyah!" The tomatoes exploded as Pinkie punched them. "...Whoops."


"Hey Sam, check to see if he's following us."

"... Yeah. He still is."

Steve sighed. "How many time have we squashed him?"

"We could eat him" Bob suggested.

"Don't eat Nazis, you've no idea where they've been." Greg said. "Besides, he would probably come out the other end and I don't want a wiggly man coming out my butt."

Adolf trudged through the swamp after the Hydra. He couldn't die, but that didn't mean he couldn't be torn apart. His best chances of survival were to stick with this monster.

Sam thought to himself. "So we can't kill Hitler... Can we reform him?" All heads turned to Sam, who sunk a little from the stares. "J-just a suggestion."

Hitler gulped as the heads all moved to peer at him. They seemed to be judging him, each head holding different expressions.

"...Fine." Greg said. "I guess we don't have a choice, seeing how we can't kill him."

Bob rubbed his chin on Sam's head. "Could we cut off his limbs and sell them as exotic food, seeing as he'll grow them back?"

They all looked at Bob for a moment, horror growing. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" "THIS IS WHY WE'RE NO LONGER FRIENDS" "Dude. Just no."

Sam bent down and gently picked up Hitler, before tossing the man onto his head. "Well, I guess this is your redemption arc! Hopefully. Please don't make me regret this."

"What do we even do with Hitler?" Steve asked as they tromped through the swamp.

"Vore" Bob said simply.

"Overruled." Greg said with a glare.

"Have him paint vore." Bob said.

"N- Actually..." Steve hummed in thought.

"I said No!" Greg growled.

"First off *uck you, second off, we don't know what we look like. Sorta. So we can have Hitler paint us." Steve explained.

"...Fine," Greg agreed.

Sam gently set Hitler on the ground. "Stay." he said firmly, forcing Hitler to sit. He reached over and ripped a massive chunk of bark off a tree and set it beside the Nazi, before grabbing some slime and spitting it out near the wood.

Adolf looked at the wood and the slime. "What am I supposed to do with this?" The hydra struck a pose, each head bearing a unique expression. One was smug, the second confident, the third smiling shyly, and the forth... He could only describe it as horny. "I'm not going to paint-" The forth head slammed into the ground, tearing up dirt with it's giant teeth. Adolf jumped back in fear. "Holy crap, alright already!"


Patrick rode out into the country side. "Oh, I'm a rolling stone-" He stopped, looking down at the rock beneath him. "Hey, is that offensive to you?"

The rock wobbled in response.

"...Yeah, we need to find a way to communicate. Maybe Maud could translate." He turned to the forth wall. "Alright, I'm guessing as a Pinkie I have the ability to talk to the audience, or something." He scratched his chin. "So first the obvious. Why aren't I hanging with the other Pinkie? Because POP goes the weasel, that's why. So... Give me some ideas. Like where should I go?"

This was strange of the pink one, yes. But doesn't make much difference, true. But stranger still was being a stone, yes. Strong, formidable, and with what feels like an ancient purpose. Tim supposed it was ironic, after all.


Pacifica looked out at the city of victims. "So, capital city."

"Full of rich jackoffs," Tavener added.

"With pockets loaded with gold." Pacifica commented.

"Gold ain't worth crap here." Tavener said.

"Ah. Frick."

"Why frick?" Tavener asked.

"I paid a crap load of children to steal a thousand gold. But that's... Hm." Pacifica rubbed her chin with her wings. "Oh dang, my wings feel weird as heck." She frowned. "They kinda hurt."

"Just preen them." Tavener said, ducking his head as a guard ran by.

"What's preening?"


"WHY? WHY ME?" "Ew ew ew ew!" "I hate birds now." "Why are there so many pooping birds!?" "I hate a dream it would end this way."

Willow whimpered as she hid beneath the desk. "Why are you doing this?"

"Revenge!" the hawk laughed.

"But Boss isn't even here!" Willow cried out.

All the birds stopped. They turned to face the hawk. "Uhhh... Oops?"

"We missed bread from the park lady because you said we were pooping on jerks." a bird growled. "We missed bread!"

"Get him!"

"Well goodbye I'll be leaving now!" The children all watched as all the birds started chasing the single hawk.

"Yeah, got lost you big meanie!" Sweetie Belle shouted. The students cheered as the birds all left.

"So... Winona can still come to school tomorrow, yeah?" Scootaloo asked.


A mouse sat on an officer's hat, watching as creatures moved through the busy street. He noticed movement, and uttered a single word. "Grunt"

Grunt froze in his tracks, dropping the food from the trash can he was robbing. "D-Domino! You're alive!"

"Correct. Which means the others will likely be here as well." he said, still watching the street. "We all failed that robbery. That fault falls on me for not setting up the signal jammer. We will regroup with the others, then make preparations. Finding the Beats and Clyde are number one priority."

"Yessir!" Grunt said, saluting.

"In the mean time, meet the owner of our new safe house, Officer Cuffs." Domino said, tapping the hat.

Officer Fisti Cuffs gave a small chuckle, petting the mouse on her head. "Don't worry little cutie. I've got plenty of room for you in my garage."


Olivia walked calmly through town. "Goodness, wakings a lot more work when your legs are shorter." she said, walking up to a market place. She sat to the side, watching people go about their day. "How do you seek opportunity as a cat?"

"Cat videos." Odin said, walking over. He sat down next to her. "So, are you going to Gabriel's party later?"

"He's been here for a day and he's already throwing a party?" she asked, laying down. She looked more like a dog then a cat loafing.

"Oh yeah, it's the talk of the town." Odin replied. "It's gonna start sometime after four."

Olivia tapped her chin. "Maybe later. But that gives me plenty of time to relax and people watch."

"Very well. I am going to practice flying." Odin said, getting up. "And if you need someone to talk to, the Library has a quiet corner." he said, flying away.

Olivia said nothing, and somehow found more interest in a pony sniffing a carrot.


Angelo stared at a mirror. "Geez, I'm fat." he said. He turned, staring at his tail. "A bit chunky, but mostly adorable. How the hell I'm I gonna look menacing like this?" he growled. Angelo let out a sigh, hopping towards the exit. "Ah well. I figure something out."

"Hello, would you like to buy-" Angelo quickly kicked the store salesman in the jaw in fear, knocking him unconscious.

"I suppose that will do." Angelo said, rubbing his chin. He glared at his foot as it kept tapping. "That's gonna be going a lot, isn't it?"

Finally done forgive me for the near year gap.
Still trying to figure if I want to how to comedically kill Hitler.