The Shimmer Code

by sunshim_13

First published

Welcome to the official channel of The Shimmer Code

Welcome to the official channel of The Shimmer Code!!!
Video games are her specialty but sometimes leads to a broken controller.
She might whine, but she can grind.
Either she laughs or she'll get mad.
Everyone's favorite gamer girl, Sunset Shimmer!!!

An official series adapted from The Ballad of Raging Sunset and Equestria Girls short by yours truly. (I do not own anything MLP or characters obvi)

Some of the chapters might also have guest collabs or guest characters

Request for a video game Sunset plays in the next chapters by commenting
The * on the chapter titles denotes that they'll be another chapter on it.

*FEATURED: 1/19*
Peaked #6 - without Mature
Peaked #8 - with Mature

Funkin’ On Friday Nights (ft. ThePinkedWonder)*

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The Shimmer Code

“Yoooo, it’s your favorite streamer back on The Shimmer Code,” a teenage girl speaks into her mic. The screen on the viewer’s perspective shows the channel logo on the live stream. “You guys ready to do some Friday Night Funkin’?”

About five hundred people had entered the stream already; most types in greetings or answers of “I’m ready!” in the chat. The gamer girl changes the screen on her computer, and the audience finally gets to meet, once again, the one and only Sunset Shimmer.

“Alright, my fellow coders, before we get to funkin’, how are you all doing?” she greets her viewers. The chat constantly updates itself with new messages at random speeds.

“Aww, thank you! I try to keep my hair in good shape. Oh, you think you could beat me one-on-one in a PvP version of Friday Night Funkin, huh? We’ll see about that one day! Anyway, it looks like you all are all right and ready to go, so I won’t keep you waiting!”

“But first, I’m sure most of you already know, but for the few that don’t, Friday Night Funkin’ is a rhythm game where you must press the arrow keys when the rising on-screen arrows reach the top of the screen, and you must outdo the computer player. It’s a pretty easy game to understand but can be quite challenging to play at first, especially on harder difficulty levels. If you have played ‘Dance Dance Revolution', this plays the same way, but you use fingers on a keyboard instead of feet on a dance pad.”

In the chat, comments of “got it”, “I’m ready, I’m ready”, or other similar comments pop up, hich Sunset sees.

“With that out of the way and all of us are ready, let’s begin! What difficulty do you want to see me play?”

Sunset looks over the stream of answers in the chat.

“Hard difficulty? Hee hee, I was hoping you’ll pick the fun choice!” Sunset furiously wriggled her fingers. “Gotta get my fingers nice and loose.”

Her fingers now ready, Sunset starts the game and chooses a set of songs she will play. The first song starts, and it has a funk-esque tone and beat.

A few arrows, pointing up, down, left, and right, climb from the bottom of the left side of the screen, the computer’s play area, to the top. It takes each arrow about three-fourths of a second to reach the top of the screen. Seconds later, arrows ascend from the right half of the screen, Sunset’s play area, in the same order and speed as the previous ones.

Sunset’s gaze tightens; she is in her gaming zone. With both hands, she taps the arrows on her keyboard with perfect timing.

A second round of arrows, a little more numerous this time, shoot up on the left side of the screen. The same pattern follows suit on the right with Sunset’s fingers going to work on her keyboard.

“Ha! Easy peasy!”

The arrow-mashing continues with Sunset hitting at least most of the arrows.

The first song ends with Sunset dominating the computer player.

Back in the chat, some comments say, “Thisis hard mode?”, “I could have done that!”, or the like from unimpressed viewers.

Sunset checks the comments and assures, “Don’t worry, that was just the first song. They get harder as we go along.”

The second song begins. As before, arrows rise from the left side first but faster -- it takes each about half a second to reach the top of the screen and they are higher in number -- then the right side. Sunset nails them all.

The arrows begin to become more numerous, with seven or eight being visible on one side of the screen at once. Sunset’s fingers pick up speed, grunts of effort rumbling from her mouth.

“I missed more of them that time, but it’s okay. I’m still winning.”

A new flood of arrows attacks the left, then right of the screen. Sunset’s fingers fly even faster while her growingly frustrated grunts and scowl intensify.

“Shoot, but it’s cool. Still got the lead.”

Surge after surge of arrows packs the computer screen. However, Sunset manages to keep her lead.

The second round ends. Comments say, “That’s better!” or similar remarks; others praise Sunset’s skills.

She checks the chat. “Y’all like that? Wait until you see the last song!”

The final song begins! Arrows swamp the left side of the screen even faster, in less than half a second, and in even higher numbers than before. Now the right.

Sunset’s fingers whizz about and hit most arrows in time, making even the speed of light think “not bad”. She jumps out an early lead.

But, during the second, larger surge of arrows that all but fills one half of the screen, she only hits around half of them, losing the lead.

For the first time in this stream, Sunset is losing. Losing!

Sweat flows from Sunset’s face. She can’t lose here! Not with her viewers watching, and possibly laughing at her struggle!

“What?! I thought I hit those--no, focus!”

Moans mix with grunts as Sunset fights to close the gap on the computer’s lead. The arrows pour on further and, in small bursts, start surging up on both sides of the screen in an arrow hurricane.

“C’mon fingers, work with me here!”

Finally, the final burst of arrows rise and disappear from the screen. Sunset takes one last look at the score meter, and moans.

It favors the computer.

“I lost! Fuck! How did I--” Sunset clears her throat, and a sheepish smile curls on her lips. “B-but don’t worry, guys! I was just getting warmed up! Uh, yeah, that’s it!”

New comments flashes in the chat.

“Of course I was only getting warmed up! I can play far better than what you saw! I’m going to have a rematch, and I mean business this time!”

Sunset restarts the game. As before, she easily wins the first song and passes the second one with only moderate difficulty.

Now, with the last song starting, Sunset is poised to avenge her previous defeat.

“Eyes on your girl, guys! This thing is going down!”

A pack of arrows swarms the screen in its familiar order. Sunset’s fingers work their magic on the keyboard’s arrows in a flurry of mashes.

She earns an early lead for a second time.

“See? I told you--ugh, no!”

A few untimely misses drop the meter to a tie. Sunset bears her teeth and wills her fingers to dig deep. She can’t lose again!

With no arrows on her half on the screen for the moment, Sunset says, “Uh, I could have held that lead, but I have to make this interesting for you all!”

Comments of “#LiarShimmer” rolls in the chat.

“Oh, very fu--”

A flash of arrows flying up her play zone forces Sunset to save her fibbing for later and restart her finger dance.

“I got this! Sunset Shimmer never loses twice in a row!” Sunset declares with her storm of arrows dealt with, which she had missed a little over half of.

The battle wages on. More sweat drops run down Sunset’s scowling face.

“I can do this! NO, I hit those arrows--don’t you fucking rob me!”

The song comes to an end. Sunset is 0-2. The furious girl screams, punches her mattress on her bed, and screams again to the heavens--and makes it hide under its bed.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I hit those arrows at the right time, but it didn’t register! I knew I shouldn’t have brought this cheap-ass lap--”

Comments from her streamers flow, some begging Sunset to calm down, others have “#RageShimmer” or otherwise teased her temper--since she couldn’t grab and show them that she is a reformed villain, it was safe for them to troll her. She looks at the comments, the ones imploring her to calm down, that is, and her scowl melts. She takes a deep breath and says, “I know, I know. I need to chill, but I can’t help it! I should have won!”

Another round of comments comes. Sunset rolls her eyes at them.

“Yes, I have beaten hard mode befe--no, don’t try to get ‘#NormalSunset’ trending, because I don’t have to lower the game to ‘normal’ difficulty. I’m gonna go again, and I’m putting all my pride into this! Watch your girl when she means business!”

A string of comments reminding of what she had said at the start of the second game follows.

“Yeah, I know I said it before the second game, but that ‘business’ and this ‘business’ are two different things! I’ll show you!”

Sunset starts the game for a third time. She easily wins the first two songs.

Now it’s the last song again. Arrows flood the screen, and Sunset’s fingers work their magic. A confident smirk curls on her lips as she snatches another early lead. She is going to win, or her name isn’t Sunset Shimmer!

“See that? This is me playing when I mean it!”

Some misses lower Sunset’s early lead.

“Okay, a few misses is okay.”

Arrows pour on the screen in a dizzying assault. The fiery teen’s fingers fly in a blur, something that a human’s fingers, even if this human’s native form is a unicorn, shouldn’t be able to do.

Unless they mean business!

Sunset’s lead vanishes despite the gamer’s spirit, and the meter hovers in an utter tie.

Her fingers begin to feel sluggish and stiff. “It’s crunch time! Don’t give up on me, fingers!” Sunset yells a battle cry and calls forth all of her will and energy into every cell in her blitzing fingers. Those fingers will not give out! She won’t let them!

At last, the last round of arrows clears. The sight before her sends Sunset into a roaring rage.

I meant, a roaring cheer.

“YES! I win!” She pumps her fists in the air. See? I told you all I meant business! I never lose when I mean business!

Comments with #BusinessShimmy fill the chat.

“That’s right, and that hashtag can start trending! Oh, that’s right: that was only one group of songs, so let’s keep--ow!”

A spasm cuts into Sunset’s hands. One eyelid lowers from the sudden pain, and she grimaces and massages each hand with the other. “I must have meant business toomuch because my hands are cramping. I’m so sorry, but I will have to end the stream early and rest my hands. But I’ll be back to crush more games, so thank you for coming to The Shimmer Code, and until next time, Sunset Shimmer out!”

Sunset switches her screen as she gets ready to disconnect the stream and finish it off, the chat still typing in their words as they say their goodbyes to the streamer.

The stream officially ends and is now inactive as everyone gets on with their day.

The DJ Sunset*

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"Yo. Dude it's Saturday, why are you clocking out so early?"

Another day, another stream. Sunset pulls up her window on her computer to get to the Steam platform.

"Alright then, so we're gonna play once again another rhythm music game. This time it is a game called Fuser," she searches the name in the search bar and the desired game she needs pops up. "Ah, there you go. So yeah I don't really know too much about this game but all I know is that apparently it's from the same creators of the Rock Band series," she explains.

"I guess we'll give this a shot then."

She clicks play and the window launches her into the game. The gamer girl looks at her chat just to see someone poke fun and say she'll fail every level. "NO... nonononono do not start with that bullshit," she says as she laughs a little but then multiple people utter 'lol'. The screen goes through a series of logos and extra studio credits until it finally gets to the main menu after its intro montage.

"Catchy I like it," she compliments the pop/EDM song playing in the background on the menu. "Ok then. Y'all ready for some cursed mashups... or blessed or whatever you wanna deem it," the chat repeatedly signals Sunset to play the game.

The gamer girl clicks on the career mode and launches the campaign. It heads to a character designing section. "Oop, we already know what this badass will look like," she says in a cocky-esque manner. She accesses her in-game avatar with a rainbow-burst hoodie and some bagged pants for her female character with some headphones around the neck and a snapback cap. After she finishes her avatar she presses continue as her chat spams 'lit' to compliment her outfits.

The screen goes to a first person perspective showing a guy in festive clothing. The non playable character speaks his monologue:

Ahhh you hear that? That's the sound of a thousand of my most diehard superfans. In other words: THEY'RE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!! So you've got nothing to worry about and I'll be back here talking through your headset. I'll let you know what the crowd wants and how to keep the party going. Alright, let's do this.

Here we go. Now they are on to the main event, the venue shown to be a huge monument of what looks like to be egyptian descended structures. Random color coded turntables appear at the bottom as the top shows a list of songs with the little instrument icons.

"Ok. uh... what am I supposed to do," she laughs a little bit nervously. The instructions flash up on the screen telling her the progress step by step. "Ok so just click... this?"

Sunset just clicks on the beat and bass tracks of bad guy. to start off the set. Her mouse drags over to the vocal track of All Star and clicks it to mix the songs. "...oh no," says a tickled Sunset. "This actually sounds like a good mashup." The whole chat spams on the mashup by praising it saying #BLESSED.

"Oh fuck we're already getting it let's try another fusion... how about we keep Smash Mouth and we'll put it on top of Take On Me," the chat gives her the 'Just Do It' treatment and the gamer girl drops the tracks on the turntables. The game congratulates her on the mixes she just made and instructs her further to progress. She drags more colored discs and put them in the second slots of the pairs as instructed. As soon as it finishes its current tutorial, Sunset triggers the mix to an instant transition. The chat praises their streamer for the game.

"Ha. You better praise me for this mix. Spam sunsetPOG in that chat this is a fucking great game."

The viewers started to suggest her some song tracks to use next and spammed "rickroll hype." Sunset drops some instrument tracks from different artists like Rick Astley and Carly Rae Jepsen and drags them to the colored turntables. As of now, to everyone viewing including Sunset, this was some next level mashups in the making. The streamer herself just puts her hand on her forehead to rub it while for some reason also moving to the beat as if this was a disappointment and accomplishment. "This shouldn't sound good... I want someone to get a disc of this game and destroy it but I can't destroy an actual good game dammit," someone in the chat types in, confused vibing. "Ha! Confused vibing yo, you're right."

As with that the level of the game was done as it flashes up the stars on the computer screen. The screen fills up each circle to complete each star only to fully give her four stars with the fifth one only filled at three quarters.

"Oh fuck no WHAT?!," Sunset couldn't believe her eyes that it didn't get to a complete set of five stars, especially since she did good enough in this level. "Screw you, that was easily five stars you dumbo," she scowls a little at the game. "Ok, ok. It's just one level of this game, maybe they don't instantly have five stars for rookie DJs."

The viewers sooner or later type in their messages: Justice for DJ Sunset.

"Alright let's just move on to the next level. That shit was gold too."

Three Levels Later

"Alright my peeps give me some ideas, we gotta keep the crowd going in here," her viewers start suggesting different songs with different tracks to fuse with. "Ok, we'll do Take On Me vocals on top of Happy beats," says Sunset as she selects the tracks to play them separately. The streamer clicks on her mouse for her secondary computer to trigger a special effect of the stream.

"We have our Shimmer Meter ready and oh my god," she says in amazement.

The meter of the chat's screens fill all the way up in an instant and explodes into Sunset's joyful face emote. The gamer girl shouts a long 'wooo' as the stream of hers goes from 0 to 100 during the gameplay. The messages currently being spam the hell out of itself as everyone kept typing in and dubbing their gamer DJ Sunset. One of the people in the chat messages her:

Vinyl28: Yo, DJ Sunset just dropped in to see you play Fuser here. How about next time you stream it I can come on over to make some bangers. Maybe we can form a mixtape uwu.

100 bit donation

"Vinyl28, Thank you so freaking much for the donation and yes we'll have to do some multiplayer stuff on Fuser sometime," she agrees on the user's offer. "This shit is absolutely fire. I might go for some of the DLC maybe," she notes for herself and the viewers.

The level has now come to a close and it gives Sunset another four stars as the fifth is barely even complete by only a few pixels.

"Damn, unlucky," she says a bit reluctantly "I think that'll do it for the stream though. I definitely wanna go for the five star set in at least one level. Anyways, Thank all of you guys and girls for tuning into the stream. Also, Vinyl we're gonna be jamming next time I get to play Fuser, you have my word. See y'all next time."

She flashes up her exit card screen as she gets ready to disconnect the stream as the chat say their goodbyes and leave.