> Fluttertry > by fair town read > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Café Hay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy insists the both of you should go to Café Hay for a night out. Fluttershy engages in an eternity of clueless cider talk before ordering a bottle. When the Cider arrives she eagerly drinks. It looks like it takes everything in her to not spit it out. Fluttershy insists you should still drink while she has a glass of water. The tables weren’t far apart and a couple of mares next to you kept laughing at Fluttershy’s attempts. You actually felt bad for her until she then groped you while leaving the Café. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > Milkshakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You still don’t know why you agreed to get milkshakes with Fluttershy. You make sure to look your best, as you always do. You head out and it’s quite a nice day. You meet up with Fluttershy and the two of you are seated. It’s not long after you order that your milkshakes arrive. As you go to drink, Fluttershy spews her milkshake all over you. She looks mortified, you’re simply unamused. She immediately apologies and explains as she took a sip, she sneezed. She gets up to get you some napkins, tripping instantly. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > The Movies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy says that because Rainbow will be there too, going to the movies with her isn’t a date and that you should go. You reluctantly decide to go as you’ve nothing better to do and it’s been a while since you’ve seen a film anyway. During a romantic part of the movie, Fluttershy goes to snuggle up to you, only to then accidentally hit your drink and spill it all over you. She was so flustered and embarrassed by this that when she turned to Rainbow for help she did the same to her. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > Your Table > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While alone at a restaurant Fluttershy finds you and sits herself down at your table. She pulls out a pad of paper and pushes it your way. She lets you know she’s taken up writing and that she’d like your opinion. She just stares at you until you agree. It's a lot longer than you expected. It’s a story about a couple - from the mare's point of view. The story ends with the mare taking the guy by force and the sexual descriptions are very specific. She asks you to help rehearse her play. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > A Restaurant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After many weeks of Fluttershy attempting to flirt with you, you finally agree to go out to a restaurant with her as friends. You go and are having an okay time, but then her parents show up. She introduces you to them as “my special somepony” and you regretfully play along. You’re there just to humor her, Fluttershy’s there because she thinks this is a date. She’s already introduced you to the parents, unbelievable. After the affair you ask Fluttershy to back off, she tells you she won’t because her parents really need this. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > Going Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy has been pursuing you for ages and you finally agree to go out with her, but not get her hopes up. You go for a walk around town. Fluttershy brought sandwiches in little satchels on her back. She takes them out and you have to wait for her to eat them. She sensed things weren't going great. While you are walking through a store, in a desperate attempt to make any meaningful connection with you, she tries to kiss you, which you reject. So, she tells you she loves you. You just leave. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > As Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy asks you out again and you reluctantly agree to go, but only as friends. Fluttershy tells you to pick her up at dusk. Later, just after leaving her cottage Fluttershy tells you that she forgot her jacket and that both of you should go back and get it. As you enter her cottage you're greeted by her full family, her mother, father, brother, and some other family members are there. Fluttershy’s mother tells you that they were all there to meet you. In front of everypony, Fluttershy insists that you stay for dinner. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > A Simple Question > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy asks if you would fight somepony off for her. You don’t really know Fluttershy all that well and although you think you follow what she’s getting at, you don’t really think of her in that way. Without much of a pause, you say to her  “What? No, you’re out of your mind, Fluttershy”. She actually looks almost mad. You try to apologize and explain your reasoning but she doesn’t seem to want to accept it. Who asks that kind of question anyway? You spend the rest of the time with Fluttershy in silence. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > The Park > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both you and Fluttershy sit in the park with your drinks from the nearby stand. You both talk about where you both grew up and what it was like. Fluttershy then decides to change the topic and asks if you’re into mares. She then gets very specific as to certain unique positions that would be possible. You sit there dumbfounded, wondering how you’ve managed to get yourself into this situation and why this pony is talking to you about this. She gets more into her fetishes and you decide you really want to flee. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy. > Sweet Apple Acres > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy invited you to a party at Sweet Apple Acres, you knew this party was a fairly regular event so you decide to go. While both you and Fluttershy are in one of the fields, Fluttershy proceeds to get so drunk on cider that she passes out and starts vomiting in her sleep. You have to rotate and roll her over many times just so she wouldn’t drown in her own vomit. Disgusting. You're stuck there doing this all night for her, and she keeps telling you the entire time that she loves you. Damn, you really do hate Fluttershy.