> Jevil vs. Discord > by Jevil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a peaceful calm day in Ponyvile but this wasn't just like any other peaceful day. This was a day so peaceful and so calm it could be seen as mind numbingly boring or dull to say the least. This type of day was few and far flung between because of a certain six ponies who decided to call this place their home. Yes the Elements of Harmony: the protectors of Equestria yada yada who cares? They are of none of my concern but what is of my concern is this day. If there's one thing I hate its dull and this day has the nerve to go more than just a bit beyond just dull. Hmph the nerve of this day... but I'm rambling you didn't come here to hear me talk about the day and how I despise it, you came here to see what happened to I your dear dear friend Discord, distriputer of disharmony, the spirit of chaos, the overseer of overcomplicated titles, the most ravishly handsome draconequus in all of Equestria. I was simply minding my own business watching the ponies of Ponyvile and thinking of how to spoil this orderly day without Fluttershy finding out. I thought about what I could do... yes of course I could make all the cabbages speak and turn the manes of a few ponies to pink polka dots but I had already done that and I do hate repeating myself. I could go and pay Fluttershy a visit but that would most likely only make the day even duller. Even though she would make good company it would be awkward because not much has really happened. But on the other hand it was Fluttershy. I decided to go to my thinking tree for a decision of this magnitude. But then a thought came to me. Why do I have to stay here? Getting to my thinking tree is a bit of a hard thing to do or even explain. Hmm where to begin... Alright imagine if you will focusing so hard the things around you become shapes and the air becomes interwoven yarn. If you try hard enough you can stretch and bend the yarn into a opening that you can go through. So that's exactly what I did. I grasped my talen into the woven srans and ripped down with all my might. Chaos magic flowed and surged through my talon as space itself ripped. Time itself seemed to stop as I stared into the swirling vortex of blues, purples, and other atherial colors. It was mesmerizing no matter how much you looked at it. Any mind young or old, powerful or weak could easily get lost in it. I put my cloven hoof forward into the swirling portal then my dragon leg and soon I was all the way through. As I passed through I felt a rush of power surge over me as I continued. Past the portal is a sort of anteroom between universes where there is a long white brick hallway of brick and at the end was the portal to my realm. My powers acted differently here I couldn't see outside or teleport out of the hallway however besides that my powers worked fine. However this time there was something very very off. A little less than half way down the hall on the floor there was a crack and a few bricks missing running from the wall to the floor. Bein the curious little spirit I am I rushed over to the crack and knelt down. I elongated my eye to extend out of the hole. After all I was in a mysterious completely uncharted never before discovered territory. I wouldn't want to walk into an ambush. The sight I saw was beyond indescribable. It seemed the hallway I stood in floated in a giant expanse of twisting writhing colors. Various hues of purples, blues, greens, and scarlets were most prominent but it seemed a nearly endless array of colors screeched out into the void. They jutted out violently into each other, bending, breaking, morphing, and forming into new colors and shapes fighting for dominance among one another. However in the void there was quite a sight. There were giant bubbles spanning unknowable expanses each one of different colors. It seemed my little anteroom hallway bridged between a bubble with a variety of swirling bright colors (witch I presume to be Equus) and a bubble that was ripping and tearing itself apart in a weird shape full of rotten icky colors of all sorts (witch I sadly must assume is my chaos world.) I wasted no time in shrinking down my body and rushing through the crack. Once I was outside the hall I grew back to my normal size and looked around. There were an uncountable number of what I presume to be universes all around me of different sizes. I went up to the bubble that I thought was Equus and put my paw on it. I'm honestly not sure what I expected when I put my hand down but I felt my conchisness leave my body and I got a sort of overview. I soaked up the knowledge that my assumption had been corrected and this was indeed Equus and I could tell the surroundings from Equestria to Tartarus and everything in between. I was also able to pick up chaotic signatures (witch there sadly wasn't much of) and the most chaotic parts were Tartarus, the dragon lands, and the griffins. Next I went over to my universe and the only thing I could pick up was it was giving off waves and waves of chaos. After I got my fill of soaking up knowledge I looked to the other universes. There was a universe fairly close to Equus that had two pieces. The to half was a bright white with specs of black while the bottom half was a depth of black with specs of white. The entire universe looked very unstable as it was shaking quivering and occasionally cracking. It was also giving off an extremely strong chaotic signature so strong it could nearly match my universes chaos. I decided to try soaking up information to find out what was causing all the wonderful chaos. I was able to find out that the overall universe was called DELTARUNE and was primarily made up of two plains of land. The top and less chaotic half had inhabitants of humans and monsters. The humans are some weird hairless bipedal ape that wear clothing although I did see them through the mirror that Celestia activated. And if I do recall than humans at one point did exist in Equus in a much less advanced phase, a sort of 'stone age' if you will. However they existed so far back that even my impeccable memory falters, around as far back as when the dragons first existed. The monsters had many beautifuly chaotic different from one another with barely any looking the same! But that had me wonder. If this top half witch is more chaotic than even Equus... what could possibly be in the bottom half? The bottom half was once again populated by two races as well, Lightners and darkners. The Lightners were just a fancy smachy name for humans and monsters but they just get a color pallet change. The Darkners on the other paw were a race so unique I had barely seen anything like it. They were comprised of nearly entirely chaos magic with barely any biological aspects in them. A few of them also had a large amount of dark magic. In factomundo they had so much chaos magic the more powerful among them might even be able to sense me, being the spirit of chaos and all. I decided to go to the strongest signature of chaotic magic I could find witch was in the King's castle in the basement floors signals of chaos got stronger and stronger the closer I got to it but then everything went back. I went to the bottom half of the bubble and with all my might I was able to make an opening just big enough for me to squirm my way in. Now that I was in I looked over the darkened landscape and teleported to the strongest chaotic area before it went black. I found myself in a purple-blackish hall with a staircase leading down. The floor had not been stepped on or cleaned in years by the look and feel. But when I reached the bottom a large door made of wood or stone sat in front of me as long dead hollow carnival music started to play and a voice rang out. "Boo hoo hoo vee hee hee!" > The Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was caught by slight surprise as the voice rang out. Not because there was a voice but because it sounded so... pained like it hadn't heard another voice in years, witch it probably hadn't. I stepped closer and put an ear to the door to listen as he continued. "So lonely, lonely I be! But standing beyond my door stands the one and only chaos lord!" I personally was a bit... apprehensious. Not only was he powerful enough to sense me coming, but on top of that he knew I was a chaos lord. However my apprehension was also mixed with a big healthy dose of smug that it seemed in a sense he respected me. "Ah why yes I am Discord the one and only Avatar of chaos and disharmony. And who might you be?" "Why I am simply Jevil the four Kings locked up court jester. But I'm innocent, innocent. I just wanted to play a game, game, but the boring Kings found such fun to be a trouble, as punishment they craved to imprison my body. But I'm fast, fast, clever, clever. They lost the chase and locked up their entire race, building a prison around the whole world now I'm the only free one." My apprehension was quickly turning to pity as I realized we were alike in many ways even if he was a tad bit more... insane. "Oh believe me pal I know the feeling. I only wanted to play a game as well and they bound me so tightly I couldn't even move. No one deserves what you or I has went through. How long have they had you locked up for?" In truth my voice sounded more hurt and worried than I would of liked. But can you blame me? This is the closest someone had come to going through what I went through and for similar reasons. And a few times in stone I also felt like the ponies locked themselves away by not experiencing chaos. "Why that sounds terrible, terrible! It's hard to imagine a fate so awful! Why I have been here for many a year, a decade or two. But could you be so kind as to do me a favor? Go talk to the shopkeeper and ask him about my cell's key if you would be so kind. Then I can play with you and everyone else too!" "Hmm I don't believe that I could retrieve the key but I could possibly... bust down the door if you so desire." I usually don't like helping anybody but I felt in a sense I owed it to Jevil in a cosmic sorta way. Plus if he had bad intentions I could handle him myself. "Oh yes that would be wonderful, wonderful! Blow it to smithereens!" His voice was giddy, hopeful, and hopeless all at the same time. As if he believed I would and could but he might of thought that I was just a hallucination or was just taunting him. "Stand back!" I readied an actual good amount of my power to blow the door down because if it was powerful enough to keep him in it might be a tad bit difficult to destroy. With a fair bit of effort on my part I fired a bolt of force at the door where it instantly shattered with a humongous bang that shook the entire castle for sure. And on the other side of the doorway stood Jevil. He had very pale purplish skin and wore purple and black robes and a jester hat of the same color. The neck of his robes were trimmed with yellow and green and he wore green clown shoes that were clearly far too large for him as his stature was... quite elvish for a biped for without his hat he was slightly shorter than a pony. His expression had so much excitement it looked like his heart might stop. I stepped through the door into the carousel type room with a wide grin plastered on my face and spoke with a bit of cool excitement. "So what do you think?" He looked to me with a wide smile of...admittedly pointed teeth. "Why its just marvelous, marvelous! But before I share my freedom and chaos with everyone else..." his expression darkened but at the time I didn't notice. "Would you like to play a game?" Feeling a bit cheerful and in an overall good mood I said. "Why yes I am quite fond of games. What did you have in mind?" "Oh it's just a simple numbers game..." right as I was about to interject I felt red hot pain as a scythe got imbedded in my chest, shattering my ribs. "If your HP drops to zero you loose!" I turned my insides to cement shattering the scythe but I felt a lasting magical effect and put on a dark toothy grin. "Well if that's how you want to play..." I snarled. "You're dealing with a chaos lord." "Ah yes chaos to chaos, I wouldn't have it any other way! Now let the games begin!" Two health bars appeared below us credit of me as I made sure to kick on some deranged carnival music to fit the occasion. Discord:7100/7200 Jevil:3500/3500 However when the entire carousel started to spin that was his doing. Jevil started by sending several spades whizzing through the air at me in a circular pattern witch I knocked several of them back at him with an inflatable mallet. As one hit me I heard him say with glee. "Shall we play the ring around?" Discord:7032/7200 Jevil:3500/3500 As his attack subsided I sent a whirlwind of explosive pies with spiked pie tins at him witch he took out a scythe and sliced many of them in half as he did his best to dodge. Of course however a few smacked him in his face witch just made him giggle in glee. "Ya know buddy I was willing to play nice with you. I even gave you a favor! And this is how you repay my hospitality?" My mail storm of pies was joined by a tornado of glass shards that ravaged around the carousel. Discord:7032/7200 Jevil:3456/3500 Jevil busted through the glass shards and swung at me witch I just narrowly avoided. I briefly doubled the speed of the carousel witch had the desired result of flinging him into the wall and away from me. "Vee hee hee! Honestly chaos lord what did you think would happen? We would sit down and share tea and cucumber sandwiches?" He let out a single deranged laugh. "But I must give credit where credit is due. Those relish and jam pies were absolutely marvelous, marvelous!" He emerged from the wall floating across from me on the opposite side of the carousel. "And for that my heart goes out to you!" Discord:7032/7200 Jevil:3380/3500 As he said this boxes started falling from the ceiling that exploded into a barrage of rotating hearts. It was beautiful, beautiful chaos until one slammed into my chest making me grunt in discomfort. "Ha finally someone with a good taste in food!" I exclaimed as I melded all the hearts into one giant beating heart that sprayed a torrent of raspberry jam at him witch only had the result of spinning him like a top across the area. "But I gotta ask... why me? You could have simply left your cell and wrecked your own world. Or I could of taken you back to my world and let you run rampant in the dragon lands." He stopped spinning. "So why attack me instead?" Discord:6942/7200 Jevil:3380/3500 The center of the carousel exploded in an humongous spray of razor diamonds. Now don't get me wrong I am very, very fast but these things were coming at me like bullets and needless to say I mournfully admit I barely dodged any of them. I felt my tough fur get sliced and shredded by things as sharp as knives as a crimson liquid spilled from my lips. I was returned back to my senses just in time to hear another cackle ring out. "Why you do not understand chaos lord!" I jumped out of the way of a scythe. "My actions are beyond my control and so are yours! The fabric that holds this reality is thin, stretched, incomplete. I never had a choice in the matter to begin with!" Discord:6203/7200 Jevil:3380/3500 As the flurry finally stopped, I decided to stop playing around and cut to the part where I win and stop the 'game'. I snapped my fingers to get rid of the health bars and stop the madness. Nothing happened. In my sea of shock I made sure to feel I sharp pang of primal fear. Things were beyond my control. "What's wrong chaos lord?" I felt him appear right behind me as he whispered in my ear. "Realizing just how right I am?" I teleported away to look back and see his scythe ram into an inflatable Discord witch when popped flew into him and forced him to the center of the carousel. The one beam in the middle shattered as Jevil fell the weight of the entire top of the carousel impale him through the chest. Oh how he screamed. Screams that would teach him just who he medaled with and the top and bottom of the carousel revolved in opposite directions like a drill through him. However after a while his screams got rather boring so I lifted him off the spike. But of course I accompanied it with acid rain clouds that struck him with two lightning bolts at once. Discord:6203/7200 Jevil:1113/3500 "You... you dare?! You have no idea the forces that you've meddled with! And you dare insult Fluttershy?!" I was furious. He had dared to force the game to continue even after I tried to stop it. I'm the master of games! Who did he think he was?! I levitated into the air and charged up my paw and talon. I would win this battle. I would strike the killing blow to shatter his fragile body across the carousel. He would learn what true chaos is. The entire carousel quaked beneath me as space itself bended and stretched around me. A blinding white beam shot from my grip and cascaded towards him with the power to shatter mountains. Of course no one could have predicted when a skeletal hand caught my shot and threw it right back at me. I just barely had enough sense to create a giant baseball bat and smash the shot into the top of the carousel. There was a quaking that shook the carousel as I slowly turned to look at Jevil. There was a puddle of black ichor at his feet. His jester hat covered his feachers. "...did you honestly think that was it?" Jevil:1113/3500 The puddle moved to behind him and slowly started to seep upward into a cloaked shape. "Did you honestly think that was my best shot?" J̶e̷v̷i̵l̶:1686/3500 A face started to show itself on the puddle. It was a skull with cracks on each of the eyes. "Did you think that this battle was just some kind of joke that you could snap your fingers to stop at your leisure?!" J̵͎̓e̴̠͒v̴̹͘ĭ̵̖l̸̪͝:2321/3500 Eight small hands snapped into existence around the figure. Each one radiated a power that a unicorn could only dream of matching. "DO YOU THINK THAT I SPENT YEARS LOCKED IN A GOD DAMN PRISON CELL AS I COULD FEEL MY MIND WARPING JUST FOR SOME EGOTISTICAL DRACONEQUUS TO COME AND IMPAIL ME LIKE A SHISH CABOB?!" J̴̗̺̋̐̋̿͠ḙ̵̙̰̮̗͠g̵͙͓̱̟͆͜a̸͔̺͕̰͐̇s̵͖̠͒̃̍͠͠ͅt̶̟̎̆̚ẽ̴̞̦̥͖̥̾̍̿v̶̻̝̈́̎į̵͚͆l̶̨̩̹̩͆̆:3500/3650 Two giant hands appeared above the figure each one around as big as myself, one badly cracked. "Well listen here 'buddy' I'm sad to tell you but if you think that's how things are gonna go then you are very badly mistaken." Ǵ̴̺͚͍̝̭̆̀͂͐å̸͕͙̣͑̽͂̑̕͜ͅ§̶̢̧̛̻͈̺̅̿̿̉†̸̡̗̖͖͕͊̓̌̍̓ế̶̢͉̣̝̦̌̐̕͠r̶͚̪͓̹̣͑͐̿̒̚;6666/6666 Strings came from each of the giant hands and latched onto Jevil, stringing him up like nothing more then a puppet. "After all I already told you you're not the one in control..." The strings forcefully pulled his head up revealing his face, strings forced and bent his face to a broad grin though his eyes bared only pain. "He is." The upper half of the carousel was levitated up, floating and spinning idly as the wound in Jevils chest mended itself. The strings hoisted him into the air as one of the most intense battles of my life began. Diamonds started whizzing at me from slits that opened in the carousel, each one threatening to shred my fragile body to ribbons. I sprinted futilely in a panic as my scales, fur and skin were slashed and cut, blood seeping from my wounds. Two of the hands sprung into action, powering up and blasting red lasers out of them at me. It was as if the world class limbo contest was happening around me as I created a pole to hold as I limboed under the lasers. After I felt like I had shown off enough I lifted the pole. The hands focused on the pole, pouring all their energy into the pole as I used it to send a shock back at the hands, lightly cracking them. I made a small meteorite barrel through the top of the carousel, shattering a hand to splintered bones and colliding into part of where the diamonds were coming from, stopping them. Exploding bombs fell from the celling, exploding into an erratic array of hearts and clubs. Each one felt like a mallet as it impacted. To make the clearly fantastic situation even better *cough* sarcasm *cough* Three hand powered up, two yellow , one purple. The yellow hand started to fire bullets at me bearing the same color while the purple hand produced over a dozen little purple lasers. The battlefield was crowded. The odds of me getting through were slim. Survival could be an impossibility. Then again impossible is great odds. I lunged forward in a sprint, hurling myself out of the way of clubs and bullets as at the same time I had to elegantly dance between lasers and hearts until I saw it. His scythe. As it was hearled at me I grabbed it and swallowed it making spikes appear all over my body. I sprinted forward on all fours towards him gaining speed. As I approached I had to dash blindly through the attacks, I couldn't sacrifice an ounce of speed. Two of the hands glowed green, forming a shield around him but I had to keep going this was my only shot. It didn't matter how badly my skin was cut. It didn't matter how every fiber of my being told me to turn back, to run. It didn't matter if I was running to my demise. My sprint turned into a roll as I saw him clearly strung up with green wires, they forced his actions as his figured shuttered. My speed broke the sound barrier as I slammed it the shield, shattering it. I reached out at the strings in handfuls ripping them to shreds. Most of them were nothing more then broken tatters when his scythe struck me, flinging me across the arena. A screech rang out through the arena that sounded more like garbled computer sounds than anything else. With most of his strings gone I saw Jevil thrashing around in the grasp of his puppeteer but I had to hope he could handle himself as I saw all the remaining hands gliding towards me, glowing a dangerous red. When the hands got within range they burst into flaming orbs of red, singeing and burning my flesh. I tried to run, I really truly did but every step I took hurt. My bones felt bridle, my mussels tired, my magic reserves being limited by this thing before me. My escape was blocked by more hands, there was too many of them and everywhere I looked there was another. A sickening realization came to mind. This is where I die. This is where it all ends. This is where I lose my one chance that life gave me at living a life. This is where I lose... her. Tears flowed from my eyes. This is where I lose Fluttershy. "Oh what's wrong chaos lord? Have you fallen dooooown?~ No, no... don't get up. His voice seeped with malice as he stepped closer holding his scythe. As all looked darkest a thought came to mind. Who did he think he was? Who was he to strike me down? How DARE he. I'm the lord of chaos and here I am about to lose to a would be murderer. A pathetic little welp of a man. This was MY universe. No... my... multiverse. A torrent of rage and power rushed through my being as I levitated. The air around my form froze into ice particles as fleeting specks of rime speckled off my fur. "Listen here CLOWN. I don't know who you think you are to stand to me but know this. If you continue with this fight it will result in your DEATH." I teleported an inch from his face and locked eyes with him. "AND I WILL BURN IT IN YOUR BRAIN." With a flick of my talon I effortlessly smashed him into the ground with a sickening crack and watched with sadistic delight as his body crumpled like an accordion. I used magic to grab the strings hovering above his head and wrap them around his neck and lifted the giant hands, strangling him. He ripped his head out of the strings just in time for me to coat the interior of his cloths with barbed wire. Oh he screamed. Oh how he screamed. But I collected myself enough to make a deal. "So what will it be?! Give up or die!" He coughed up a mouthful of blood and stared into my eyes. "B-burn in hell..." His form morphed into that of his scythe and started floating in the air above me. "Prepare for the TRUE AND FINAL CHAOS!" A raucous deranged laugh deafened my ears as the world around me started to blacken out. The blackness surrounded me darker yet darker. Darkness cutting deeper. Photon reading neg- wait hang on sorry don't know what just came over me. Giant scythes started falling from the sky above, raining down a torrent of rip roaring chaos. "Oh the light is running low," It was hard to dodge the scythes as it seemed like my feet were stuck in tar. "and the shadows start to grow," The darkness was consuming, all encompassing, complimented by the searing pain I felt through my core as scythe after scythe ripped through my being. "and the places that you know cut away the afterglow!" He snarled at me with delight as I tried to summon up magic, tried to form a shield, tried to do anything. "There's a light inside your soul," My core pulsed and throbbed with exertion as I summoned up all the magic I could to cut through the ichor. "slowly shrinking in the cold!" The freezing cold returned, gnawing at my power striking my core. "From the truth deep down you know." I faced the end. I now understood what he meant by "beyond our control" It wasn't me fighting him at all. It was this- this thing that was pulling our strings, this was nothing more then a puppeteer playing with his playthings. And I was one of them. "And yet darker we will go! Cant you see?" The darkness faded, along with the scythes and we were brought back to the carousel. Jevil was rapidly fading in and out of existence, his very being wavering but on the bright side his strings were gone. "Insanity's my goal!" An absolute hodgepodge of projectiles ripped through the area as he was teleporting around so fast he appeared as if he was in two places at once. Maybe he was. "Your life's beyond control!" I fell to my knees at the onslaught, barley able to keep conciseness as I just tried to focus on an escape. "The bells of chaos toll!" Ripping through the ley lines of magic that flowed invisibly around me I saw a glimmer of hope, a small path in the interwoven mesh of this world through to the other side. I just had to get to it. "Pay with your retched soul!" Just as the tunnel was opening up it was shrouded by a pool of darkness. I stared up into the sky, my entire being trembled with fear. "This endings just the start!" An absolutely ginormous blade blotted out the sky, bigger then buildings. It started to slowly descend upon me, my demise inching ever closer. "There's darkness in your heart!" I weakly extended my arms outward trying to form any magical shield possible or even shield myself with nearby debris. "The world will fall apart!" I looked on with glistening eyes as my shield sputtered and faded to nothing more then a magical fizzle. I stared into the white abyss to see the scythe mere feet away. Oh chaos this was gonna hurt. "And forget you in the dark!" > The Afterglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I heaved in heavy breaths as the colors of the world returned. I looked around. Everything had a tint of monochrome to it, an absence of color in the world. Wavelengths of air around me warping my view. The air was cold, oh so frigidly cold. Every breath I took burned my lungs with its frigid nature. Each throb of my heart sent a low thrum of pain through my body. Aching muscles on tired bones is the only thing that held me up. The air around me looked ripped and tattered, I could peer through it seeing a dark abyss. So dark. My god so dark. Everywhere. Dark. A pitch blackness cutting through my vision. For an instant I could see everything that had ever come to be, and ever would be, the infinite event horizon staring at me, worthless life begging to be extinguished. I couldn't take it. I fell to the ground. For one of the only times in my infinite life I broke down sobbing. Thick tears fell from my eyes except they weren't mine. It was just an illusion- a hoax- a sham. My god it stung, he was right, he was right, he was right. I will be the one. I have to be the one. I will end this all. He will pay, they will pay. I'll show them all. A retched laugh escaped my burnt lungs. I felt so... powerful. Powerful enough to do what I want- to get what I want. It would all be mine. "Do you hear me Celestia?!" *DEVILSKNIFE was added to your inventory*