Love Hurts

by PegPony

First published

A glimpse of Applejack and Fluttershy's violent sexual tendencies

Applejack and Fluttershy are in a loving relationship, a relationship based on trust, understanding and a mutual love of bestiality. However, one thing that Fluttershy yearns for during sex is the thrill of being abused by her lover. Unfortunately, Applejack needs a little convincing, but when she is convinced it leads to one of the happiest moments of their life together. This story is set in the FG/AC universe.

This story was written for: Sykko


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Fluttershy and Applejack always had an interesting sex life, especially when you consider the fact that they got together soon after Applejack was caught with a horses dick stuck in her pussy. What Applejack never realized though was that not only was Fluttershy into bestiality, but she liked to be hurt, sometimes almost too violently for her tastes.

It started out small with the kind of things you might expect, spanking, using strap-ons that really stretched a girl out, a bit of hair tugging. As time progressed however, Fluttershy kept begging Applejack to get more violent in bed, Applejack was fine with that but she was always worried she'd go too far, she didn't want to actually hurt her girlfriend.

For Fluttershy though, enough was never enough, she would have happily let Applejack practically beat her up, fuck her and then leave her face down in the dirt until her body healed. Fluttershy was deeply and disturbingly kinky, always horny and most of the time when she was feeling adventurous she was just completely fucked up.

Fluttershy never pressured Applejack into doing something she didn't want to do though, the first time she had asked Applejack to punch her in the face whilst fucking, Applejack asked her if she was sure before doing it, that told them both that on some level they were both OK with a little bit of violence in the bedroom. Not to mention Applejack started fucking a lot harder and faster when Fluttershy's nose started to bleed.

One day however, Fluttershy started wanting sex to be so violent, that it lead to something that would change their lives forever.

The Brutality Begins

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Applejack was panting and sweating as she pounded Fluttershy's pussy with her strap-on, Fluttershy was just moaning with her legs wrapped around Applejack's waist and her hands squeezing her own breasts. Fluttershy was getting close and so was Applejack, but there was something missing, they were enjoying the sex as much as any other time but through the heavy breathing, creaking bed and pleasured moans there was something they felt could have added that last little bit of kink factor that they both liked so much.

Fluttershy found the strength in her body to haul her front half up, grabbing onto Applejack's shoulders and whispering in her ear "Slap me". As Fluttershy let herself fall back onto the bed Applejack gave her a confused look, slowing her thrusts down a little.

Applejack went "Um... you sure about that sugar cube?"

Fluttershy nodded, Applejack picked up her thrusting again and tentatively gave Fluttershy a light tap on the face, Fluttershy wasn't impressed. "Come on Applejack..." she said "You've spanked me harder than that, if you can abuse my ass cheeks then you can abuse my face cheeks, now slap me!"

Applejack swung her hand right across Fluttershy's face, a loud "clap" echoed throughout the room, a red palm print started to form on Fluttershy's face and even Applejack's hand stung a little from the strength of the impact. After that Applejack considered stopping the sex, maybe she had hit her too hard? Concerned, Applejack said "Fluttershy, I'm sorry! You OK?!"

When Fluttershy faced Applejack she was laughing maniacally "Oh fuck Applejack, that was so fucking hot!" She pulled Applejack's front half down and bit on her earlobe, Applejack grit her teeth as she put a little more power into her next few thrusts until they both came simultaneously, relaxing and exhausted. Applejack pulled the strap-on out of Fluttershy's pussy and rolled over, too tired to take it off as she fell asleep, with Fluttershy following suit soon afterwards.

The next day, Applejack and Fluttershy were going about their day as usual in the house, cleaning up, watching TV, having breakfast together. The palm print on Fluttershy's face had faded over the course of the night and Applejack was relieved to see that she hadn't bruised her girlfriends beautiful face. When Fluttershy had looked in the mirror that morning, she was more disappointed that Applejack hadn't left some kind of mark or bruise on her face, she knew Applejack didn't want to hurt her, but she couldn't quite explain to Applejack clearly enough that the more it hurt, the better it felt.

Fluttershy decided that the same way she had gradually gotten more of her friends to accept their exotic desire to fuck animals, she would have to gradually get Applejack to be rougher and rougher with her so that she could accept that Fluttershy wasn't a delicate little flower that can only handle a bit of roughness, she was a fucking bitch who needed to be destroyed hard. It was when she took more notice of Applejack, that she realized one such opportunity might just arise sooner than she thought.

There was a prominent bulge at the front of Applejack's jeans which meant one of two things, either she had somehow miraculously grown a fully operational cock and set of balls during the night, which wasn't very likely, or the much more likely option was that she had decided to keep the strap-on on when she was getting dressed to be sexy and was waiting for Fluttershy to point it out so that they could have a cheeky morning fuck.

Fluttershy smirked and said "So Applejack... I can't help but notice that there's something big stuffed in your pants, are you still wearing the strap-on or have you just had a really well hidden cock for our entire relationship?"

Applejack grinned and said "I was wonderin' when you were gonna notice" then proceeding to unzip her jeans, letting the strap-on cock spring up, sticking straight out from Applejack's crotch. Fluttershy immediately got up on the kitchen table and spread her legs, inviting Applejack to fuck her, Applejack rushed forward and embraced Fluttershy in a passionate kiss while using one hand to guide the strap-on to Fluttershy's pussy. As soon as Applejack found her mark, she roughly shoved the strap-on in and start fucking Fluttershy as hard as she could, the table creaked from the force of Applejack's thrusts, Fluttershy was moaning as she once again was holding onto Applejack's shoulders and her legs wrapped around her waist.

Both of them were sweaty and panting, sharing occasional and brief passionate kisses, Fluttershy needed pain. She looked Applejack in the eyes and with a vicious and almost venomous tone to her voice said "Choke me".

Applejack looked at her, again she was confused at why she requested such things, but she was too horny right now to care and simply grabbed Fluttershy by the throat and gently squeezed. While Fluttershy could still breath, considering the rigorous activity she was currently involved in, there wasn't enough oxygen reaching her lungs. It made her so so wet. It still wasn't enough however, if she was going to make Applejack understand just how much she loved it whenever things got more sexually violent she had to up the ante, "Punch me" she said.

AJ Proposal, FS Proposal

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"Come again?" Applejack wasn't sure she had hear her right, this time she wanted to question Fluttershy's demand while still fucking her.

Fluttershy moaned and said "You heard what I said bitch! Now punch me! Punch me right in my fucking whore face you cunt!" Yikes, horny Fluttershy was scary sometimes. Hesitantly Applejack reeled an arm back then sent a fist launching at her girlfriends face, it hurt her emotionally to do it and it hurt Fluttershy physically when it happened. Fluttershy groaned and before Applejack could ask if she was OK, Fluttershy pushed her until Applejack was suddenly on her back on the floor, with Fluttershy riding her so hard it was as if she would die if she stopped.

A few seconds later Fluttershy called out as she came, her screams of delight echoing through the house. Applejack looked up at her face and to her surprise, with no shock or horror, she just simply stated "Your nose is bleedin' honey".

Fluttershy looked at her then pressed two fingers to her top lip, Applejack's statement was confirmed when she saw her fingers coated in a scarlet liquid. Fluttershy giggled as her crimson blood continued to trickle down her face and said "What do you think babe?" In all honesty, as Applejack looked up at her girlfriends bruised, battered and bleeding face, she felt a switch flick inside her. A wave of shame, guilt but also ecstasy swept over her mind, synapses firing in her brain, Fluttershy looked really fucking sexy.

Applejack chuckled and said "You know what? You look real pretty with your face so fucked up". Fluttershy grinned and stood up, getting off of Applejack's lap and then went to the sink to clean herself up. Applejack removed the strap-on and just left it on the table, she had a feeling that she might want Fluttershy to fuck her ass later on anyway. She turned to Fluttershy and said "You really like bein' hurt huh?"

Fluttershy, her face now clean said "Yes baby... I love it so much". There was a tone of emotion there, Applejack realized that whenever she hurt Fluttershy, Fluttershy didn't just feel pain, she felt love. Whenever Applejack had spanked her, bitten her nipples, everything she had ever done that had been excruciatingly painful, Fluttershy just felt truly and powerfully loved by Applejack in those tiny moments.

Applejack sighed and said "Well honey, I'm happy to keep hurtin' you during sex, on one condition".

This excited Fluttershy, her mood perked up as she said "Yes?"

Applejack grinned deviously, the kind of smile when she was up to no good, the kind of no good that Fluttershy absolutely fucking loved.


"Now Fluttershy, I only have to do this once alright? So don't expect this to happen again. Now I'm just perfectly happy to hurt you durin' sex on a regular basis, but I wanna do this to prove to you that I love you whether I decide to hurt you in bed or not, OK?"

Fluttershy was bent over in the barn with her ass on show, when Applejack had proposed this idea she was up for it, but was still very nervous "A-Alright Applejack I...I'm ready".

Applejack nodded and pulled the branding iron out of the bucket of hot coals, the branding iron itself was shaped like Applejack's initials "AJ". She wanted to brand Fluttershy's ass not just because she knew Fluttershy might like it, but to mark Fluttershy as truly hers and hers alone, that was where the proof of love was despite the immense pain Fluttershy was about to experience. Applejack made sure Fluttershy was truly willing to accept this before proceeding "Now Fluttershy, you know that a brand scars right? It will be there forever and won't go away, it's like a tattoo except you can't exactly have it removed. You sure you're OK with this?"

Fluttershy nodded and made sure to force herself not to move, lest she ruin the mark.

With that, Applejack gathered up all her courage and then pressed the brand right up against Fluttershy's right ass cheek. The first noise was the sound of sizzling skin and flesh as the iron burned Applejack's initial onto Fluttershy's body, the next noise was the pained and pleasured screams of Fluttershy as she felt the intense stinging and burning on her ass while her pussy convulsed and quivered as she came harder than she had ever cum in her entire life. Applejack pulled the branding iron away and put it in a bucket of water, immediately cooling the metal down.

Fluttershy by some miracle had managed not to faint, she was in a lot of pain but it had caused untold amounts of pleasure. Fluttershy was majorly fucked up in the head. As Applejack came to her side to see if she was OK, there was only one question on her mind "Applejack..."

"Yes sugar cube?" Applejack waited for Fluttershy to speak, desperately hoping that she hadn't gone too far.

Fluttershy said "Will...will you m-marry me?"

Applejack was shocked, she wan't expecting that, Fluttershy had just proposed to her! Applejack was so happy that Fluttershy wanted to spend her life with her, she was almost in tears "Oh sugar cube... of course I'll marry you!" Applejack hugged Fluttershy as hard as she could and Fluttershy hugged back. After a couple of minutes of hugging, Applejack's mischievous streak returned as she eyed the brand on Fluttershy's ass, she quickly reached out with one hand and gave her a slap on the ass right where her brand was.

Fluttershy gasped loudly "Ah! Oh Applejack, you bitch! I love you!"

Applejack laughed "I love you too Fluttershy"

The End