> PTE: Ponies Trapped on Earth > by Yuki Harima > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: I have only watched up to episode Call of the cutie episode so please correct me when I am wrong. It was an average day today. I went to my college classes, went to my job as a game tester, spend some time with my girlfriend and watch the latest episode of MLP. Oh did I forget to mention I am a brony. Now some of you are wondering "how do I have a girl friend." Well she is a pegasister and has a lot in common with me. So deal with it. Anyway it was 12:30 in the morning and I needed fresh air, that and my insomnia was acting up again. I noticed a shooting star and made a wish. It is a corny wish that every brony has. I wished that I could meet my favorite character, Twilight Sparkle. I just realized something. The shooting star was heading towards the forest that is behind my apartment. Me being bored as hell, very curious, and suffering from insomnia, I decided to head out to the impact zone and investigate. I followed the trail the shooting star left and found…an alien with a ray gun and C4 explosives! Just K. It kidding, it was Twilight Sparkle “…” Twilight Sparkle! What the Hell is she doing here! Oh no! She passed and I don’t know whether on being happy or concerned! I chose concerned so I decided to pick her up and put her in my room Thank god it is 1 in the morning and no one is up. Thank You Insomnia. Well that is my current situation right now. Twilight is in my bed…no I did not have sex with her. Remember, I hate clop. Where was I…oh, I have no idea on what I should do. I know when life gives you a problem…you go on the Internet. Quick to fan fiction and Wikipedia! Five hours later It is six in the morning and I am tired. Curse you insomnia. Oh yea I forgot about Twilight sleeping in my bed. Now what do I do. Quick to the coffee machine! As I walk past my bedroom, I hear a rustling of covers. Oh crap what do I do! Let me think. Oh yea, fan fiction dictates that you hide the fact that their life is a TV show from them until necessary. You also hide them from everyone you know. Well the only person I have to worry about is my girl friend and I do not have a roommate living with me. All right the time is six thirty and I am about to meet a talking pony from a children’s show that is now a cult for adults, that is not creepy at all. Wait, I will talk to her outside so I can gain her trust before revealing myself. Genius plan Alex! That is why you are in college. I walk up to the door and put a glass cup on the door to my ear. Well one thing is for certain, I’m surprise it work. I hear a rustling of the covers and then foot…I mean hoofsteps. I think I am about to have a fangasm. Now I can hear her talking to herself. “Ow, my head,” Twilight moaned. “What Happened? Oh No! Where the hay am I!” Now she is starting to hyperventilate. What should I do!? I know a gentle knock at the door could help. * KNOCK KNOCK * Wait that was louder than it suppose to be. I guess it freaked her out a little bit more. “Oh my Celestia who are you!?” she asked with worry in her tone. “Well my name is unimportant right now. I would like to know who are you and what are you?” I already know who she is but just to be on the safe side and not freak her out. “I found you in the middle of the forest unconscious” “Oh, i-i-i-I’m-m-m-m so-o-r-r-r-y my-y-y-y name is Twi-i-ilight spark-k-k-kle” stammered Twilight. Oh great she is stuttering now let me try to calm her down now. “I am sorry Twilight if I scared you. I mean you no harm” I cooed her into a sense of calmness. “So please calm down and relax.” I guess it is working because her breathing started to decrease and not be in short gasps. “Thank you mister…” “Alex. Call me Alex” “Well that is a weird name.” “I can say the same for you.” “Why? Is it weird to have that type of name in this…hey I almost forgot what town am I in?” She asked “You are in Branchburg.” I replied “Branchburg?” Twilight questioned, “Where in Equestria is that? Is it filled with trees?” “What’s Equesteria?” Like I need to ask her that “We are in the United States of America on a planet called Earth.” Okay now I hear her gasp but I think it is a gasp of excitement. “Oh my Celestia the Spell worked!” Twilight said in an excited tone “Did you say spell as in magic?” “Yes I did. Why? Don’t you have magic here?” “We do but our magic is fake.” “Well can I talk to you face to face please. It is really hard to hear you through a door and I would like to thank you for helping me.” “All right but I look different for what you told me about your kind. Just remember that I am friendly and will not hurt you.” I said in a nice calm tone. “All right but what do you mean by differ…” she started to say but stopped I open the door and walk in during midsentence. She is gasping and is starting to freak out. What to do, what to do? I already told that I am friendly and…” I couldn’t finish because she interrupts me and screams “What the Hay are you!” “Did I just tell you not to scream!” great now I am screaming. “That was before you look like a monster!” Well now I am angry, “Well sorry I look like this but this is how our species look like!” I tried to add sarcasm in the sentence while accenting each syllable in sorry. “Oh and what species would that be?” “Oh I don’t know the human race!” Surprisingly she became quiet when I mentioned human. “Did you say Human?” “Yes I did,” great now I am worried about what she is going to do next. “Then Lyra was right the entire time. Humans do exist,” she realized. “What?” “I have a friend back home who is obsessed with Humans. All she does is research on humans and tries to convince the ponies that they exist. She even tries to walk like them. She describes your race as bipedal creatures with hair on your heads and looks similar to monkeys and apes.” I just realize where Twilight was going with this. I read about what the fan say about Lyra. They depict her as a nut job and in the fan fictions they always make her human crazy driving her best friend Bon Bon up a wall. Well I decide to ask Twilight if she can trust me after coming to a realization. “Well Twilight now that you know who my species are; now do you trust me?” She is now pondering about what I asked her and came to a conclusion. “Yea Alex I trust you and besides. If you were bad you would have done something to me in my sleep.” Time to have some fun now. “Well Twilight I did do something to you in your sleep.” Now she is staring at me with those WTH eyes. “Just kidding.” Now she is relaxed. “Or am I?” Now she is giving me those eyes again. “Yea I am just joking with you. I could never do anything evil to any living being.” She is still giving the “Can I really trust you” look but it just turn into a sigh. She is probably use to this from her crazy friends. Wait how did Twilight get here and is her friends here as well? “Hey Twilight I have a question to ask you?” I asked. “Well what is it. Since you saved me, I feel obliged that I have to answer some of your questions.” She smiled “Well I was just wondering, how did you get here exactly.” “Well I was working on a spell at my tree house that will let me gazed into different worlds and dimensions. I wanted to show my friends about the spell and…” Oh crap her face is in a panic state and she is freaking out again. After seeing this look and reading about the fan fiction, this can only mean one thing. “My friends were affected by the spell that sent me here and are trapped here as well!” She panicked. CRAP! Author's note. Hey there everyone Yuki Harima here. THis story was the first Fan fiction chapter I ever wrote and this was over six to eight months ago. Anyway leave a like and a favorite if you want. Comment on how aweful it is and what I need to improve, or praise it...if you want. Also I do help people if they are stuck on story ideas or need help with thier writing. I will not do grammatical pre reading but I will help you if you need. it. ALso leave a watch and follow me on my many accounts. Anyway Yuki Harima out! > Chapter 2: My girlfriend and Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: My Girlfriend and Twilight “Well do you know where they are?!” I asked because knowing that there are crazy people out there who would want to get their hands on them and those people are either criminals, the government, crazy people, or every Brony in America. “NO! I don’t know they could be anywhere!” Twilight frantically said Oh No! This is bad! This is…that is when it hit me. I just remembered something important. In My Second Life, Coal and Twilight found Rainbow and Copper with a tracking spell when they were lost or captured. “You said you know magic correct?” I asked. “Yes but what does that have to do anything!” Okay, Twilight is freaking out even more than her usual self, but I would too if I was trapped on some unknown place, too. “Do you know a spell to locate your friends are at least show them on a map?” I ask. Now she is calming down. “Your right!” she exclaims, “I do know a spell and if you have a map I can find at least the area that they are in!” “Perfect! Now let me get the map.” I walk to my desk and pull out a map of the local area. I always carry a map with me in case I want to plan a date for my girlfriend, go for a walk or direction while driving. “Here” Alex gave Twilight the map, “Do you know the spell?” “Yes I do. I had to use it to find my friends when they got lost in the Everfree Forest.” She says a little bit calmer than before “Let’s just hope this works,” I say with concerned tone. Twilight cast the spell and I saw five dots appear on the map. Rarity is in the local dump which I find it ironic for her. Fluttershy is in the forest, which is close by my apartment complex. Apple Jack is at a farm around the outskirts of town. Lastly, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are in a warehouse near the center of town. You know, this reminds me of the show Sonic X when Sonic and his gang are trapped on Earth except there wasn’t a series based on them on Earth. “It worked, thank Celestia,” Twilight said with relief on her face. “And they are close to each other and we could find them before lunch” I check the time and it is seven in the morning. I have to be quick about this before anybody sees the girls or mares or whatever the terminology is. “Now you are going to hide in my car when I go look for them and I know what you are thinking, but trust me. If any of my kind sees talking multicolor ponies they will freak out in a bad way” I told her. “It would be worse if one of those crazy bronies find them” “Wait you don’t have talking ponies here, and what is a car?” Twilight asks. “Listen, I will tell you in the car now let’s go!” I rush Twilight. “The more time spent here the least likely we find them at those locations!” Right now I am worry about where those girls are. “Okay then let’s g…” Twilight said midsentence as a knock on the door interrupts her. “Hey Alex, I forgot the key to your apartment. Can I come in? I want to spend some time with my number one brony boyfriend.” OH NO! It’s my girlfriend, Allison, and she is using her sing-song tone. She also used the term brony too! Oh no I am panicking right now! This cannot be good! “Umm Alex. There is somepony at the doo…” I cover her snout with my hands. Her voice is being muffled now. Okay what to do! What to do! I don’t think hiding her in my closet is no good because Ally keeps some of her things in there. Now my apartment is not that big to hide a pony. I have one bedroom that is big enough to have two beds in it. In it, a small desk, a closet and some posters of my favorite anime and bands. I have a small kitchen next to the living room. In the corner I have the bathroom and that is pretty much it to my apartment. Being a video game tester doesn’t pay well. The big money is producing and programming the games. Anyway…getting back on topic, where do I hide Twilight. Think to your T.V. show. “Alex?” Ally, her nickname, knocked on the door again but a little bit harder this time. I guessing she is impatient right now. “Can you please let me in?” “One second,” I reply to her. “I’m…changing.” “Well hurry up! I have to go to work soon. They need my artwork for the upcoming project.” Ally is a great artist and got noticed by a video game company and they hired her. They are even paying for her college, unlike me. “Alright,” I answer back. I turn around to face Twilight. I stare at the various posters in my room. I look at my Sonic X poster…that’s it! I’ll do what Chris did to hide Sonic and his friends from the human! I walk over to her and kneel down so we are eye level. That is a sign of respect so I hope she trusts me. She turns around to face me. “Twilight I need you to do one thing for me.” I tell her. “Sure, what is it?” She asks. Please hope this works. “I need you to pretend that you are a doll.” I say to her. Insert awkward silence here. Twilight is now confused at what I just ask her to do. “You want me to act like a doll?” “Yes. You see, talking unicorns do not exist in this world and if she saw you then there could be negative consequences.” I appeal to her. “I don’t know. Are you sure that this is the right thing.” Twilight questioning my answer. “Well…My girlfriend will be a hindrance to us and the search of your friends.” I reason with her. “So, lying to your girlfriend is the answer to this.” Twilight said uncertainly. “Listen I will tell her later, but really. Your friends are, and pardon my French, deep shit right now. “Fine I will try.” “Thank you” I hug Twilight. I just realize that this might be awkward for her. I let go of her and gave her a bashful smile. “Sorry about that Twilight.” Twilight is blushing right now. “It’s alright Alex, now where do I go.” “Hide in the corner.” I pointed to a small corner filled with random things. “She doesn’t look there.” She walks over to the corner and stays still. Now, time to go talk to my overly-hyperactive girlfriend…I hope this ends well. Wait… I facepalm at what I just said. Great…I’m screwed! I walk over and open the door. “What took you so long Alex?” I look at my girlfriend. She is 5 foot 4 and has long red hair. She is an Italian American girl with a light tan skin. Also, she has brown eyes. “I said I was changing.” I reply back to her and gave her a kiss on the lips. “We can make out later.” She pushes me away. “Why don’t we head over to your room.” She is now walking to my room. “But here is fine!” I yell at her. “I mean…my room is such a mess.” I start to take her towards the couch but she wouldn’t budge. I look at her and she gave me an scrutinizing look. “Your hiding something from me aren’t you.” “N-n-n-n-n-o-o-o-o , wh-y wo-o-ould you-sa-ay that.” I stutter. This is not going well. I am a terrible liar to my girlfriend. For some reason, she can always tell me when I lie and call me out on it. Also she is really intimidating when she gets angry. Compare her to Fluttershy when she gets angry and multiply it by 10. “Well…are you going to let me in your room to look then.” She sternly said to me. Great she is now mad at me. Shit. “Fine” I gave up. I hope my plan might actually work. I walk away from the door. Ally walks right by me and I hear the inevitable scream. “Oh! My! GOD!” I turn around to see that she is staring at Twilight. Twilight is still in character which is great but how long can she stay in character is what I am wondering. Ally walks up to Twilight and gets down on her knees, and then, picks Twilight up. I am sweating bullets right now! If it was Rarity, I’m sure she would be able to keep a façade going on. Please Twilight don’t do anything to compromise your position. Ally turns around with Twilight in her grasp. “Alex…” She starts off with a serious face on. Then, it turns into a smile. “This is great! You got my a life-size Twilight Sparkle doll. Where did you get it.” I exhale the breath I was holding in. “Well, you know…the internet.” I reply back. I now look at Twilight who, thankfully is now looking at me and not my girlfriend because Ally would have seen the shocked look on her face when she mentioned her name. “I love it! And just in time for our two year anniversary. That’s coming up.” Ally exclaims. She then starts to hug Twilight. I am still nervous about what Ally said but I just hope that she stays in character through this ordeal. I walk behind Ally who is still hugging Twilight. Twilight is giving me a clod stare which is saying “You have some explaining to do.” I grab a piece of paper and marker to write “I will explain everything after she leaves.” My response from the message was a roll of the eyes. I decide to write Thank you on the paper as well. “Hey Ally, don’t you have somewhere to be right now.” I tell her to get her attention away from Twilight. “Shit!” She franticly said. She put Twilight down and went to get her things that she left here yesterday. “I totally forgot. I need to be at work soon! Thanks for the present Alex! I would be taking it with me.” Oh no. She can’t take Twilight. I need her help with gathering her friends. Wait I have an idea. “Well, why don’t you leave it here since it was meant to be a present for you.” I suggested to her. “So I can give it to you on our anniversary next week. She ponders my response. “Well…Alright then. Just don’t do anything to damage it.” She then points her finger at me. “Remember what happen to my Domo doll.” I shudder at what happened to the Domo doll. He ended up getting thrown out the window and falling into a lawnmower. There was stuffing everywhere. Ally, has never trusted me with some of her important items since then. “I promise” I reassure her. “I am sure that Twilight will be in great hands.” I go over to hug her good bye and I kiss her cheek. “Now go before your boss yells at you for coming in late…again.” “Hey! I’m not a morning person. Also, I cannot pull all-nighters like a certain gamer.” She teased me. “It’s not my fault that I have insomnia and that I need sleeping pills.” I defend myself. “Now shouldn’t you go to work.” “Yea, yea” She walks out and heads down the stair of the apartment. “I’ll call you later. Bye.” “Bye,” I close the door and released my breath. “That was close. All right Twilight. Let’s go find your friends.” I turn around to see her frowning at me. “What? “How did she know my name? Twilight asks me. Oh yea…damn it Murphy ’s Law! I knew this might happen. “Well...listen. I would like to tell you right now but we have to go and find your friends. “ I try to reason with Twilight. She is smarter than my girlfriend and can possibly kick my ass with her magic. “Fine I will go with you but you have some explaining to do on the way there in this “car” of yours.” Twilight fumes and walks out the door that leads to outside. “Sheesh I didn’t think she could intimidate me like Fluttershy can with her stare.” I mumble under my breath. I notice Twilight flinch as I mention that to myself. She turned around and walk right back at me with an angry stare. “That’s it!” She shoved me with her magic, pinning me against the wall. “Listen…I have been here for what…a few hours. There is no way in Equestria that she knew my name.” She started to walk to me and kept going on with her rant. I squirm trying to get free from her grasp. “I didn’t hear you say anything to her about my name. Next you talk about Fluttershy and her stare. Since I have been awake. I have never mentioned any of my friends’ names or their abilities.” She is getting closer and close. I need help! A crazy cartoon character is going to kill me. That would be funny to tell people when I die. ‘Hey Alex how did you die.’ ‘I got killed by a magical colorful talking unicorn.’ Twilight’s angry voice snapped me back into reality. “And how would you now to ask me if I have friends in the first place. I think you know more then you are telling me.” She is now face to face with me. My frantic gaze on her angry face. I guess I will face the inevitable pretty soon. “Alright I tell you.” I plead. “Just let me go and I will tell you what I know.” She drops me on the floor with a reassuring bump. “Ow.” “Well I’m waiting.” Twilight impatiently said. “Well…” I nervously start. “The thing is that…you and your friends and your life is kinda…well known here.” Twilight’s angry face turns to shock. “WHAT!” Well that escilated quickly. Will Twilight cope with what she has been told. Will remain intact from an angry Twilight. What will happen to our other characters! FInd out next time on Ponies Trappen on Earth! > update chapter sorry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am really sorry that I haven't updated this chapter in over a month. The reason why I couldn't is that I have been doing three collaborations with other writers, I have a ton of school work to do. I also need to write that hearth's warming eve's story for Kiki which I really want to do since I already have a plot written out and just need to write it. I will try for a chapter by saturday or sunday and I am really sorry for not updating. I will be shock if people still want to read it. So Yuki Harima signing off and I will try to update by the weekend.