
by Just_a_guy

First published

Twilight looses it and joins Day Breaker thinking it will bring back Spike. It's up to Zecora and the resistance to stop Day Breaker and get Twilight Back

The story is set in an alternate universe where Luna doesn't become Nightmare moon. Instead, Celestia is the one that is jealous and she turns into Day Breaker. Luna easily defeats her and the prophecy of Day breakers return is still the same but this time, she was banished to the sun and doesn't burn since she is the essence of fire. The events afterwards plays the same except that Cadance and Shining armor had Flurry Heart early and Queen chrysalis was defeated by Cadance very easily, Luna becomes Twilights teacher and master, Zecora was well respected instead of being feared from the start, Flurry heart mastered her powers, and Starlight Glimmer got her Cutie Mark alongside with Sunburst.

Day Breaker wasn't defeated by the elements and turned back into Celestia, she retreated and started to plot. She orchestrated a disaster that took away spike's life and unhinged Twilight to insanity. Daybreaker takes advantage of this to use her as her pawn. Zecora forms a resistance to stop Day Breaker and Twilight. Will they win?

Note: Give me time, I might not be committed to finish this since I have school

1: Prologue

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Once upon a time, there were 2 Alicorn sisters named Celestia and Luna. Celestia was incharge of the sun while Luna was in charge of the moon. Together, they brought harmony and peace through out Equestria. When violence came to their land, they act immediately to defeat evil to keep the harmony. Together, they use the Elements of Harmony against all those that bring chaos and Injustice to the land. But things are about to change in this story.

When the summer starts to kick in, every pony stays indoors to stay cool or even go north to an Icey place away from the heat. This upsets Celestia deeply but not Luna. As you can see, Luna likes raising the moon because everypony doesn't complain about the temperature and they praise Luna for that every summer. Celestia sees that their praise to Luna every summer gets loud and loud as a new summer kicks in. One night, Celestia approached Luna at the castle of the 2 sisters. She looks at her sister very happy for the praise she gets but she knows that Luna would not have fame go to her head as she knew her since they were young.

Celestia said "Hey sister, wow every pony is saying your name every night."

Luna looks at Celestia and responds by saying "Yes my sister. I appreciate their praise of me doing my Job and I don't let it go through my head. I do what I have to do to our Subjects"

Celestia then said "I just have something to ask, why Am I being left out every summer? I don't hear ponies singing my name during summer."

"It's hard to say. Ponies have different feelings during different seasons. But hey, ponies praise you during the winter. "

"I know that, but winter is somewhat short than summer. It bugs me that I get praise during a short season."

Celestias horn start to glow but not the usual color of her normal glow. It looks more orange and fiery like the sun. Luna takes notice and said

"Celstia calm down. Look, just don't get this into your head. What's important is that we bring harmony through out Equestria"

Luna gets a towel using her magic and rubs it on Celestia's sweaty head. But as she starts rubbing it, Celestia slaps the towel away from her

"I bet you're pretending to not getting it in your head just to rub it on my face. You've been pretending to just gloat."

Luna was shocked to hear this.

"WHAT? No I would never! Celestia snap out of it. It's consuming you."

Celestia is starting to float but not by using her wings, she uses magic. Celestia is starting to loose it after holding her jealousy of Luna for so long. Her eyes aren'y like the eyes of a princess, but more like a tyrant from Hell.

"You get more praise than I do, I just stand around raising and lowering the sun! And I get nothing out of it!"

"You do get something out of it, you bring balance to the lives of ponies. Don't forget that you defended pony kind like when we defeated queen Chrysalis ."

Luna touches Celestia's necklace which is a symbol of love and hope to them. Celestia slaps Lunas hoof and gets even mad. She says in an angry voice.

" Don't touch me, You were the one that finished Chrysalis off and banished her even though I wanted her dead for hurting an innocent family! And you got more attention for just banishing her while I was just a minority in the story. I was the real hero that saved that family and took down the changeling army"

" With my help! Celestia please stop! "

Celestia snapped and started to become unhinged even at Lunas small innocent words

" Hahahaha I'm sorry that this has to come to this (Her voice begins to change) but there can only be one Princess..... No actually, I want to be queen"

As soon as she said this, she started to change forms. Her once beautiful face, started to become scary that a little filly would be scared of. Her tiara changed into a helmet of war not peace. Her necklace and hoof shoes (I think that's what you call it) became orange and the symbol change into the scorching sun along with her cutie mark. Her mane and her tail turned into the fires of the sun and her eyes glowed orange and red.

Luna then asked her "Celestia! What have you become?"

Celestia answers back with a voice change saying "Don't call me Celestia anymore. She is dead. Now I am..... Day breaker! Your new queen and you will be de eliminated for there can only be one HAHAHA"

Luna hears this and she knew she had to do something
"I'm sorry for this"

Luna sheds a tear after saying this. She then flew and slammed her sister into a wall but not breaking it. In rage, Day breaker retaliated by taking a piece wood using her magic and started to beat the tar out of Luna but Luna was strong enough to resist. Luna used her magic to get rid of the wood and summoned an army or birds at her aid. The birds swarmed in front of Day breaker but all she did was just laugh. She drove away the birds by setting their feathers on fire but luckily, the birds didn't die. Day breaker punched her sister so hard that Luna hit the roof. Luna then flew down and punched Day Breaker back. Day breaker then used magic to paralyze Luna.

Day breaker goes up to Liuna and starts to laugh.

" Mwahahaah. You can't stop me. I am a much powerful version of myself. If only you can turn into something like this, I bet you'd look prettier with sharper fangs."

Luna started to feel pain in her paralysis. She finally begged her sister saying.

"Ok sister! You win... Now tell me what do you want?"

Day breaker thought of this and after 1 minute, she answered her.

"Give me your ability to walk in dreams. To talk to the sleeping ponies so that I can have a deep connection with them."

Luna had a plan. She decided to play with it and said

" If that's what you want....Just let me move sister!"

"So be it"

Day breaker breaks Luna free from her spell. Luna then used her magic but Day Breaker doesn't feel anything flowing into her. She felt that something was wrong so she asked in rage.

" What is this? What are you doing?"

Luna responded


Suddenly, something came up from the floor. It looked like a solar system model, but there were 6 elements that we all know. The elements of harmony started to appear and glow. The element of magic glowed the brightest since it is the strongest element. She used her magic to get all the elements near her and stated the banishing spell.

Day Breaker then said while her eyes glowed orange.

" What is this? Stop what you are doing"

Luna responded.

"I'm sorry for this. I tried to tell you to stop fighting. I convinced you that other ponies loved your work. And I even told you that all the praise and fame didn't matter to me, that the duty of protecting Equestria and raising the moon is much more important to me. Yet, you didn't listen"

" Stop this!"

"Goodbye Celestia. See you in a thousand years."

The elements then produced a glowing bright light that made Day Breaker to cover her eyes. She screamed while saying no and was banished to the sun. As long as she stays in her current form, she will survive extreme heat.

Luna felt regret and said

" I can't believe it...... What have I done?"

Just then, she sees the ghost of her former master that thought her and Celestia everything about leadership. The ghost said to her

" I never knew that it would come to this. You and your sister fighting again, but this time something big rather that who would be the best in a dress"

Luna chuckled a bit to what he said last.

" Hehe I remember those days. The Celestia now is dead. There is only Day Breaker. I don't know how to get Celestia back"

"You will my student. Any pony can be saved."

Luna felt touched by these words that she tried to hug her master. But the master was just a ghost, or a figment of her imagination after experiencing something bad. Luna then continued to do her duties and this time, raised both the sun and the moon. This is how Day Breaker began, how she was born, and her return will change the fate of the Mane 6. Especially Twilight.

2: Fall

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It has been a thousand years since Day Breaker has been banished. Things play out as normal but of course, since it is an alternate universe, some things has changed. The important changes is that Luna became Twilights teacher, Shining armor and Cadence are a bit older and had Flurry Heart early. She's around 10 at this point. Zecora was welcomed and not suspected as an enchantress in Ponyville but she still lives near the Everfree Forest. Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst took their cutie marks together, went to the same school, and moved to the same village canon Starlight used to Live. There are more changes but we'll get to that when it's needed.

"Now girls! This is our chance to defeat her!"

Twilight shouted. Right now, the mane 6 are at the castle of the 2 sisters and have discovered the elements of Harmony. They fought Day Breaker and it looks like the end of Day Breaker. Luna us present but is unconscious. Day breaker knew that there is nothing else to do. She still wanted to get every ponies respect and praise. SHe then said.

"No! this is not the end of it!"

Day Breaker started to fly out as soon as possible creating a hole on the roof. This battle is over and the Mane 6 has won for now. Rainbow Dash shouts in joy

"aw yeah! My first epic battle, and she just runs away like a coward"

Pinkie pie added.

"This is way better than baking. Hey I shall make a cake to celebrate."

Rarity stepped forward and said

"These necklaces are so beautiful. They represent out cutie marks!"

Apple Jack and Fluttershy noticed and they said

"Yeah! This is amazing!"

Luna started to become conscious and tried to stand up

"Princess Luna! Are you ok?"

Twilight asked her mentor. Luna got up and had a smile on her mouth

"I'm fine. But it's still not over. My sister has escaped and there is no idea of what she could be thinking as her next move. For now, let's get out of here and continue the moonlight celebration."

Twilight was both happy to hear that the moonlight celebration would continue, and is also worried about Day Breaker. Twilight asked Luna

"But what if she strikes someday? I'm worried that she might come after my family or even my new friends."

Luna responded

"Don't worry. Just be prepared and as long as you still have your friends at your side, you'll be unstoppable."

"Yeah, we are here for you Twi."

Apple Jack stepped forward along with Rarity.

"We'll fight with you, and help you through your struggles."

Rarity said. Pinkie then added

"And when you're down, we'll be here to throw you a party woo hoo!"

After the battle, Twilight and everypony returned to celebrate the moonlight celebration. Everypony cheered for Luna adn had a great time. Twilight was happy that everything was going well. She kept her mind off from Day Breaker after days to enjoy life in Pony Ville. She still lives at the library with her baby dragon Spike. A year has passed and things are still pretty normal. One day, Twilight was reading a new Daring do book that she hasn't read yet.

"This book is interesting Spike! It's about how Daring Do took down the leader of an evil tribe to retrieve an artifact that isn't theirs and returned it to the proper tribe instead of taking it to a museum."

Spike said to her

"Yo! Spoilers!.... Hahahah just kidding. I've read this."

Suddenly, spike felt something in his stomach. He burped out a letter from Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Spike took the letter and said

"Twilight! A letter from Cadance and Shining!"

Twilight stopped reading the book and excitedly took the letter using her magic. She wondered what Cadance would want to tell her. She opens the letter and this is what it says.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle

We have good news about our daughter Flurry Heart, she is having a moving up ceremony and
will receive many awards for perfect grade, leadership skills, and advanced magic. We were wondering
if you and Spike want to watch the graduation ceremony for your niece! We'll even have a family photo along
with mom and dad.


Twilight was happy to read that Flurry Heart is doing well in school. She said to spike

"I'm so proud of her! My niece becoming as intelligent as me"

"Yeah I bet you aren't as intelligent as Doctor Hooves"

Spike said. Spike continued to say

"I don't think I can come. I'm kind of tired after trying to re-organize all these books after our party here with Pinkie Pie heheeh"

Twilight was a little sad that Spike couldn't come. She still loves spike and understands he was tired from last night. So she allows Spike to stay at home. It was the day Twilight was about to leave. Before she left to the crystal empire, she said to Spike

"I'm gonna leave now Spike. Remember all the chores that I left for you and take care of Owlowiscious. And if you need help, just send me a letter or talk to my other friends"

"Don't worry Twilight, I got this. Me and Owlowiscious can gaurd this home like a castle."

Spike said. Twilight chuckled and pats Spikes head. She then left the house and boarded the next train to the Crystal Empire.

"Ah yeah! Owlowiscious, we are now alone. But yeah, we got some chores to do."

Spike sighed a bit that Twilight would even give him chores while she was away. Spike, being Twilights best assistant, decides to start doing them. A few hours later, Spike went out to the market area to buy some food as it says in the list. Spike couldn't decide which orange to get (because of so many other brands).

"Should I get this one? or this one?"

Spike asked to himself. The vendor got a little impatient including the line. The vendor angrily told him

"Spike, it doesn't matter at what brand it is. They both taste the same. Just pick one because the line doesn't seem happy."

Spike eventually chose an orange and bought is which took a long time. Just then, Spike heard some ponies screaming and running from afar. He sees the ponies and heard what one of them said. A pony screamed

"Run! The monsters of Tartarus somehow escaped!"

Spike was shocked to hear that the monsters escaped Tartarus. But he was also shocked that Cerberus didn't do his job well in guarding the gates. Scared, Spike ran away from the market place. Then, came a hoard of monsters roaring and slaughtering some innocent ponies. They were oddly chasing down Spike and a few scared ponies.

"What? It looks like they are coming after me? Why are they coming after me? What do they want with me?"

Spike said in confusion. Spike managed to get back to his home and he slammed the door shut which frightened Owlowiscious. Owlowisciouswas worried for Spike so he flew to his shoulder to comfort him.

"Oh hey, I need to send a quick letter to Princess Luna, because the monsters from Tartarus are here!!. But the big question why isn't she taking care of this mess in an instant."

Spike said to Owlowiscious. As soon as he starts to get the scroll and the feather along with the ink to write, the walls of the house burst open with one monster looking at Spike. Spike got so scared that he tried to reason with the monster. He said to it

"Hey pal. please I don't want any trouble. I'm just gonna send a letter and we can all be cool."

But the monster doesn't want to hear it. He roars and starts to charge in. Owlowiscious flew and started to attack the monsters big eyes almost blinding him. He is distracting the monster in order for Spike to send the letter to Luna to deal with this mess. Spike starts to write the following

"Dear Princess Luna




As soon as he is nearly done writing, Owlowiscious still distracted the monster but it wasn't for long. The monster grabbed Owlowiscious to prevent him from becoming completely blind and ate him like a cooked chicken. Spike finished writing the letter and he was ready to send it the quickest way possible. Unfortunately for him, as soon as he is about to blow the letter, the monster shuts his mouth and grabbed him on the neck choking him. There is no way for spike to send the letter since he cant exhale. Spike, knowing that there is no way out of this, closed his eyes and accepted his very end. He sees something before he goes, a white plain of nothingness. He sees someone that he has never seen before. His biological mother and father smiling at him. He also sees the mane 6 and the other princesses since they are the ponies closest to Spike. He says

"Mom? Dad? Twilight? guys? I'm ready."

Spike was brave to accept death.

The monster snaps Spikes neck and crushes it with blood coming out like popping a water balloon. Spikes body stopped moving and his body was dropped to the floor. The monster then left to find other ponies to feast on. This was the end for Spikes adventure. This is one of the saddest deaths in the story and one of the important ones for later on. This will affect the mane 6 but mostly Twilight deeply, since Twilight views Spike not only as a friend or an assistant, but as an actual son to her.

The next day, a train came to Ponyville train station. The doors open and we see Twilight happy after seeing her niece moving up. She starts to walk home peacefully while whistling a familiar theme song. As she enters Ponyville, she sees a lot of Ponies mourning and grieving their loved ones that were slaughtered by the monsters. Twilight got confused on what could have caused all of this. As she gets closer to her home, she sees a hole on the wall. She was worried and scared so she rushes in and sees the horrible news that she couldn't bear. She sees Spike dead on the floor with blood everywhere on his head. Twilights heart shatters and she runs towards Spike's body.

"Spike? Spike!? Oh my gosh, please don't be dead. This cannot be happening!!"

Twilight said in despare. Twilight held Spikes body with tears in her eyes. This truly devastated her. She then said.

"No..... My son."

Days afterwards, a funeral was made to honor the fallen ponies including Spike. Everypony that were still alive attended with all tears in their eyes. The mane 6 was present to honor Spike. Luna was on a podium giving a speech. She says

"Today is a sad day for everypony. These ponies were slaughtered by the monsters from Tartarus. We still haven't captured all of the monsters but we assure you, there will be justice. These Ponies were innocent. No pony deserved to die."

Hours after the burial, Twilight stayed at the grave of Spike and didn't feel like moving. Princess Luna approached her in pity and told her

"I'm very sorry that Spike died. He and many others didn't deserve this. The truth is, peace cannot be achieved easily. Even if you find a solution, something will always stop that peace for power. If only we were harder on Cerberus and harder on the monsters, they might not have brought the chaos here. All I can say is, to bring better peace, you must do what you think is right in order to bring it. No matter what others think."

These words made Twilight look at Luna and she chuckled a bit but not in a good way. She then said to her

"You're right. I'll be going now. Good day Princess."

Twilight then left and went to a place no one would expect her to go to. She is at the gates of Tartarus and she puts a sleeping spell on Cerberus who was confused at first. She enters the cave and sees all the monsters. She had a smile on her face and her eyes started to twitch. she said.

"Good evening everyone. NOW TIME TO GET WHAT YOU ALL DESERVE."

The monsters woke up and were confused on what she said, as if they never gotten out and done anything. They still had to defend themselves. Twilight unleashed her rage with spells that are bloody brutal. One of them sliced a monsters head in half and blood came out along with its brain. She used a spell to cut off the monsters arms and legs and uses them as weapons. She uses a spell that would gouge out the eyes of a monster. Many other spells were used in this bloody battle. After a few hours of battle, Twilight was the only breathing creature left. She laughed manically and said

"This..... is..... JUSTICE!"

"Yes, I believe it is Twilight."

A mysterious voice said. Twilight heard this voice and tried to find it. Just then, time began to freeze. Twilight noticed this by seeing the blood of a creature stopped dripping. She then sees a pony that she hasn't seen in a long time. It was Day Breaker. Day breaker said to her

"No need to attack, I'm here to tell you something. I heard the echoes about these monsters coming into Ponyville slaughtering hundreds. Even Spike. I attended the funeral in secret and after seeing you sad, I took pity. The I noticed some chaos here, I decided to check it out and surprise surprise, I see you here."

Twilight told her.

"So you came here out of pity? Are you gonna help me or something? What would you do that would make me trust you? I already solved the chaos problem by killing all these monsters that took away my Spikes life!!"

Daybreaker answered back.

"I heard that you want to achieve peace in this world, I can help you. Me and Luna talked about this whole Peace on Equestria thing many years ago but she said that it would be impossible to achieve. I think it is possible but I need your help. Besides, I can help you bring back Spike from the grave."

When Twilight heard the last part, she smiled and said to her.

"Really? Well a resurrection spell is said to have never exist...."

"Oh it's possible. Since I am powerful and have knowledge, a resurrection spell can be made. However, it will take years since it hasn't been done yet in History. So what do you say? Do you want to help achieve world peace by any means necessary? Do you want Spike back?"

Twilight thought this through, but she was blinded by the fact that Day Breaker can somehow bring Spike from the dead. Immediately, Twilight shook Day Breakers hoof and this was the start of her descent into madness. Many Ponies being killed if those don't want to follow her or Day Breaker, leading into a war for what is right. whether peace should be forced upon the people, or have the people choose their own path to create chaos or not.

On cliff, Day Breaker is standing on the edge watching the sunset. Just then, Princess Luna came out and said to her sister.

"How did things go?"

"Things are moving perfectly. The plan worked, and now we can finally take over this place with our Puppet student Twilight"

"Oh yes Day Breaker, all ponies shall bow down before us."

Princess Luna wasn't herself, she transformed to her original form and it turns out she isn't Luna. She was actually Queen Chrysalis pretending to be Luna. The real Luna is held in Captive by the 2 of them. This explains the truth of the incident. It was a setup by the both of them to get Twilight into their side since they know she is a talented, gifted, and powerful pony and to get Luna out of their way. Chrysalis used her changelings to make them transform into the monsters of Tartarus to make that attack on Ponyville and killing Spike. This explains why the monsters before were confused at Twilight.

They both make an evil laugh when the sun was setting. Thus, this is the beginning of the war and Twilights madness.