Mr. Hall Monitor recks the Legion of Doom

by AntiBronyBenSwolo

First published

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow were expecting to face off against Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony one final time. Instead, they faced off against much worse.

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow were expecting to face off against Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony one final time. Instead, they faced off against much worse.

Please don't do that

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The day has finally come. And it is a dark day indeed. For the infamous villains, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow have finally taken Canterlot Palace for themselves with the strength of their alliance and the Bewitching Bell.

"We did it!!!" Cozy Glow declared as she danced around with the bell and her newfound magic. Tirek and Chrysalis looked down at the child with much concern.

"Not yet, we haven't," Tirek reminded the child as she stopped dancing in the air. "We still have to take care of Princess Twilight,"

"And her little friends too," Chrysalis cackled, while Tirek and Cozy looked at her funny.

"Oh come on. You expected me to go through this dumb fic without one random pop culture reference?" Chrysalis asked as Tirek groaned.

"Come on, you two. The sooner we obliterate Twilight's puny friends, the sooner we can--" Tirek relayed to his two companions, before a large explosion occurred outside the palace doors, knocking the three villains over. With their visions temporarily blurred and their ears ringing, Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis slowly recovered from the blast, their legs shaking as they regained their balance.

"Princess Twilight. We have been expecting you," Cozy Glow said, calling out to the cloud of fine rubble that used to be a rather large door. In truth, Cozy was expecting Twilight to appear, so the villains can face off and destroy the Elements of Harmony once and for all. Instead, a rather strange figure emerged. He wore a light blue uniform with a copper badge, a pair of black pants and shoes, and wore a police man's cap on his rectangular head, resembling a computer monitor that displayed his emotions. And the current emotion the man was feeling was rage. Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis all stood around in silence as the presence of the figure was very much unsettling to them.

"Are you kids stealing the magic of an entire realm?" The officer asked in a robotic voice as Chrysalis pulled the bell out from the rubble and aimed it at the abnormal figure to steal his magic. A beam of black magic fired from the ancient relic and hit the robotic figure in the face, causing him to collapse. The villains all cackled gleefully as they will now add the intruder's magic to their own...only to cease their laughter when they noticed something off about the bell.

"Strange. You have nothing to take," Tirek noticed as the figure recovered from the blast, angrier than ever, and unsettling the villains even more.

"I think it is clear what you are doing is


I L L E G A L ! ! !" The robot said as he pulled out a stinkin' bazooka and aimed it at them, much to their surprise.

"What in the--?" Cozy Glow exclaimed before the weapon fired and made a larger explosion to knock the villains over once more. As the villains recovered from the second blast, the monstrous officer walked over slowly with the bazooka perched on his shoulder ready to fire a third epic blast. However, that would not be the case as Cozy Glow fired a red beam of magic to knock him back so the villains can make their retreat.

"So, what's the plan this time?" Chrysalis asked as Cozy Glow caught up with her fellow evildoers.

"Well, the bell clearly didn't work on him, so I can't simply eat his magic either. He doesn't have any to take," Tirek relayed as they tried harder to strategize.

"The same goes for me. Usually, I would eat his love and get it over with, but this...thing's mind is too deranged to even understand it," Chrysalis explained as the three were starting to panic.

"So...what are we gonna do?" Cozy Glow asked, running out of ideas. Suddenly, a bit of the rubble crumbled beneath the officer's feet, startling the supervillains. Not wanting another Earth-shattering blast, the three villains prepared a force field of red, orange, and green magic to prepare for another rocket to come and strike them down once more. They peered outside the magic bubble looking for where he could have gone to make sure they're caught off guard. Of course, the last thing they were expecting was--

"Are you summoning a bubble?" The robotic officer asked from inside the projected force field, startling the three villains. The officer then pulled out a small green canister from his pocket and held it up high.

"I bet you won't mind if I do this then," The policeman guessed as the canister started dispensing a white gas with an awful smell. The three villains coughed, gagged, and wheezed at the thick white smoke, and their heads all started feeling dizzier, and their eyes felt heavier. The coughing and gagging stopped, however, when the force field bubble dissipated, and the villains fell over unconscious, while the officer remained unaffected by the knockout gas.

"Huzzah! Justice has now been served," The man proclaimed with a goofy smile on his face, as he dragged the unconscious supervillains out of the palace.

"Uuugh...What happened?" Cozy Glow groaned as she rubbed her eye and yawned from being asleep for so long. She found Tirek playing the harmonica and Chrysalis playing with a small green rubble ball as Cozy Glow realized exactly where they were: in a jail cell.

"Aw, nuts," The little filly pouted as she sat idly in her cell with her fellow supervillains.

"Hey, he got you too, huh?" Wario asked from the next cell over, much to the surprise of the child.

"Well, SMG4, I got the villains you requested," Mr. Hall Moniter explained while a blue-and-white recolor of Mario looked into the cell of Equestrian villains. And the recolor was...confused, to say the least.

"But I didn't request them. You literally just hopped into another dimension to arrest them," SMG4 argued.

"But what they were doing was still very ILLEGAL so I did what had to be done!" Hall Monitor explained as, to him at least, the law had no bounds.

"Yeah, whatever," SMG4 said, as there would be no point to argue with a police officer with a computer monitor for a head.

"Well, now I'm off to completely humiliate Horde Prime," Mr. Monitor announced as he left SMG4 alone with Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.

" you guys like memes?" SMG4 asked as Cozy Glow fluttered over to the cell bars.