Flurry Heart is Hilarious

by Badguy400

First published

A certain baby filly who’s taken lessons from a silly pony about silliness.

Flurry Heart had a bad day, and then she was feeling sad about it… . Luckily; Pinkie Pie stopped by to help make her feel better.

Unfortunately; this made Flurry Heart become something, or someone that she isn’t. And it’s driving everypony bonkers… . Will there be a solution to this joker’s paradise? Only one way to find out… .

Prologue: Flurry Heart’s not so Fun Day

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Flurry Heart is currently having the time of her life: playing with her plushies, getting tummy raspberries from her mommy, and of course on some occasions; flying around the castle without her diaper on because she felt like it. However; all of that will soon come to an end eventually. How?... . Here’s how... .

“Awwwww. Who’s my wittle baby pwincess?” Cadence cooed to her daughter. In response; Flurry Heart giggles, and babbles happily. After that; Cadence proceeded to bounce her daughter up and down whilst carrying her, and blowing a raspberry on her tummy.

This repeated for a few more minutes, before her husband: Shining Armor; proceeded to enter the room, and summoned them for lunchtime. With that; Cadence hugged her daughter, and the two then proceeded to follow by flying so they can find their seats during lunch.

“Alright”; Shining Armor began. “Enjoy.” After that; the Royal Family then proceeded to get into their seats, and then began eating.

Few hours have passed, and Flurry Heart is now happily playing with her toy choo choo train.

Meanwhile; Flurry Heart’s parents were just in their bedroom napping. Why? Food coma; that’s why.

“Before the story continues; technically the train isn’t really Flurry Heart’s… . It actually belonged to Poundcake when he visited with his family to deliver sweets to them. That, and his parents scheduled for him to have a playdate with Flurry Heart; yet forgotten his toy train when they left.”

“Oh well… . Poundcake can always have another toy train anyways… . And besides; he forgot all about it too… . Now; on with the rest of the story… .”

Flurry Heart is just happily rolling the train car back and forth; when suddenly she felt the train car break, and seeing a wheel roll away from her.

Soon after though; the rest of the toy crumbled beneath her hoof, and lied down in a piling wreck before her.

Realizing that her toy was broken; she knelt down and started bawling while holding her broken toy in her hooves.

With that; the parents rushed to their daughter’s aid, and tried comforting her.

They tried constantly to calm her, but to no avail… .

Sooner or later though; they decided to call Pinkie Pie for just the emergency such as this!

Pinkie has arrived, and then started to tend to Flurry Heart’s crying.

She first tried to fix the toy… but it eventually broke apart again, and then crumbled into dust. That made Flurry Heart cry even more now… .

Next; she tried to rock her back and forth; as if to soothe her into a peaceful sleep. Yet sadly; that didn’t work either.

Lastly; she tried to dance and sing the pig song; (or whatever it’s called).

But unfortunately though… and just like the Cake Twins before when they were younger; Flurry Heart then proceeded to cry very loudly, and longer… .

Pinkie Pie has tried everything to calm down Flurry Heart… but nothing seems to be working… .

Suddenly; she got an idea! She then decided to blow a big and loud raspberry with both of her hooves covering her mouth while doing so.

After that; Flurry Heart paused crying, and started laughing; (albeit with tears still running down her cheeks because she was crying before).

Unfortunately though… what the Royal Couple didn’t know; is that what Pinkie just did is about to make Flurry Heart into something that they don’t want her to be… . Another Pinkie Pie… .

Chapter One: An interesting Joke; I Think

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Flurry Heart is fast asleep in her room; dreaming about what happened last time that made her laugh so hard.

Thinking about what Pinkie Pie did; she’s thinking that maybe she too can make ponies laugh like when Pinkie Pie made her laugh.

And so with that; her decision was made… .

Shining Armor yawns as he approached the kitchen; went to the coffee machine; (or Equestria’s version of one), and then looked towards his wife and says; “good morning”; while waiting for his coffee to be made.

Cadence; also looking like that she just woke up; smiles meekly at her husband, and then says; “good morning shiny”, and then yawns afterwards before taking a sip from her coffee.

Flurry Heart then flew by them, and then started to hide for some reason… . Almost as if she’s thinking about pulling a prank on them… .

Shining Armor and Cadence didn’t even notice; as they were too busy sipping from their coffee mugs, and trying their hardest to keep their eyes open.

Feeling bad for them, yet also wanting to prank them so hard; Flurry Heart then began thinking as to how to solve both of her problems… . With a gasp, she had an idea. Not wasting anymore time; Flurry Heart flew away, and giggled at her plan.

Cadence and Shining Armor are now sitting at the dining room table; currently opening their eyes quickly, and closing them slowly again… (almost like a cartoon character would in a show).

“So… *yawns*, have you checked up on Flurry Heart yet?” Princess Cadence asked her husband.

“Maybe…” Shining Armor began. “I haven’t seen her in her room… . Maybe she got out on her own.. ?”

Cadence chuckled, but then says; “hmm… . You don’t think maybe Flurry Heart opened the door on her own again did she… ?”

Realizing this; Shining Armor stood up, and says; “uh oh… . Uh… honey? I think maybe we should go…”. However; before they could get up to check on Flurry Heart; they were doused with a splash of cold water. Stunned; they looked up to see Flurry Heart with a bucket that was dripping with the cold water she poured over them.

A little furious; Cadence shouted lightly; “Flurry Heart; you get down here this instant!”

Still feeling like a little joker; Flurry Heart shouted back; “no!” and giggles while flying away from the scene of the crime.

Still dripping with water; Cadence took a breather, and then says; “I think maybe we should have a talk with her about pranking… .” She then proceeded to get a dish towel to clean herself up a bit, and then says; “but first we might need to clean this up.” Shining Armor nodded, and got out a mop and bucket to clean up the water that was spilt.

Flurry Heart meanwhile was just laughing really hard for a toddler. Almost as if she pulled the biggest prank ever! However; this little prank of hers was far from over… . And she had plenty more pranks where that came from… .

And so without further ado; she got to planning.

Chapter Two: The Royal Prankathon Pt. 1

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Flurry Heart has been busy lately in the Crystal Empire… ; constantly gathering up supplies from her room closet for her best prank marathon ever! Or as Flurry Heart has known from countless foal friendly books: The Prankathon! Now; how did she get the supplies for her pranks… ? That’s easy… ! Flurry Heart just managed to have some stored, or leftover from countless parties! A couple of those parties are from Flurry Heart’s birthdays… .

Meanwhile; Twilight and her pals are currently at Twilight’s castle in Ponyville… ; reminiscing about the fond memories that they’ve had. Well… ; fond memories that were good of course… . They were just goofing around and having a blast; playing with a few nicknacks that they acquired from their adventures… . Like a medallion from one of the McColts for instance during their time when Twilight and Fluttershy were helping with an ancient family feud… . A medal for participation from the time that Applejack’s race from Appleloosa was a bust, and that her friends had to make her feel better… . And lastly; some messy looking; yet cute little drawings from Flurry Heart from the time that she was being babysat by her aunt Twilight when her parents went out to look at some weird art at Shining Armor’s friend’s art gallery in Ponyville Cafe… .

Things were going great up until there was a knock on the door… . Confused as to who could be knocking at this time; Twilight gestured for her friends to stay put, and then went to investigate who’s at the door right now… . Twilight opened it to see her big brother, and her sister in law. Problem with them is that they looked worried, and were sweating profusely just a little bit.

Getting worried for them; Twilight began to ask a little nervously; “uh… . You guys okay… ?”

Both shook their heads no, and then Shining Armor began to say; “we’re sorry for bothering you like this… . But can we come inside… ? We have something that we’d like to discuss with you… .”

Seeing the urgency of this situation; Twilight said; “oh… come on in!” and then gestures for them to come inside. They did, and Twilight closed the door to lock it behind her before following the two to the map room… .

Flurry Heart is in Ponyville right now… . The reason is that she heard about what her parents were doing there… , and she’s feeling like putting a stop to it… . But first; Flurry Heart feels like pranking at the moment… . And with that; she’s off… !

Meanwhile; back at the castle… .

“Woah… .” Twilight said in disbelief. “She actually said that… ?!”

Both of the Royal Couple nodded their heads in unison, and then Cadence says; “we think we know what’s going on here… . And I think that we might have to give her a little chat when this is all said and done… . But first… ; we’d like to have a talk with Pinkie Pie… ; if you don’t mind… .”

Twilight Sparkle looked a bit surprised, and then said; “oh… no problem! Feel free to let me know how it went; okay?” Both of the Royal Couple nodded their heads, and then went to go speak with Pinkie Pie… .

Feeling like that she’s in trouble; Pinkie Pie then got a bit nervous… . Shook a little bit anxiously… . And then began to cry a little, then confessed; “okay I’m sorry… ! Flurry Heart was just feeling bad for what she went through… . And I just can’t bear to see her sad like that… ! So I just basically played with her to make her happy, and that’s it! I didn’t mean for her to enjoy pranking so much because of that… ! I’m sorry… !” And then Pinkie Pie cried some more… .

Looking confused; Twilight then said; “wait, what?!” before hearing a massive splatter sound… ; signifying that someone or some pony just got hit with a tomato. After hearing that; Twilight then said; “uh oh… .” and awaited for what’s to come… .

Chapter Three: The Royal Prankathon Pt. 2

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Seeing in shock as to what’s happening outside; they just couldn’t believe it… .

There… ; outside in Ponyville; was Baby Flurry Heart… ; gleefully just pranking as many ponies as she can from within the village… . Splattering tomatoes at them… . Tossing a few eggs at some of the ponies’ windows… . And even going the extra mile as to covering entire blocks; (if not baby carriages), in so many confetti that even Pinkie Pie would be proud of… .

Back at Twilight’s castle however… ; she isn’t. Least; not at the moment anyways… . Pinkie Pie is currently crying her eyes out; (metaphorically of course), because she’s still feeling bad about what she unintentionally made Flurry Heart into… . And is feeling bad about getting in trouble also… . Plus; she’s worried about having to receive a punishment later on… ; for when this little fiasco is all said and done. What kind of punishment… ? Something that even Pinkie Pie would hate… .

(Since after all; she does have the mindset of a child at times… . Am I right? But enough about that; let’s get back to the story… ).

While Flurry Heart is causing trouble for the citizens of Ponyville; Twilight Sparkle is at her castle with her friends; deciding on what would be the best course of action to stop Flurry Heart without her causing much of a scene by crying… .

Meanwhile; the parents are fast asleep… ; wondering as to whether it would be a good idea or not to punish their daughter in the most severest way possible; (for disciplining an infant of course… ). So with that; they’re sleeping on it… ; hoping that their final decision wouldn’t be too severe… in a sense… .

After a few hours of planning; they went out to stop Flurry Heart from pranking… .

And as for the parents; they’re still fast asleep to really be of any help as much.

With Twilight and her friends ready on the plan; they sprang into action… .

Chapter Four: The Joker’s End

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Twilight and her friends are currently observing Flurry Heart… ; deciding on what to do if their plan were to go sideways, and or if Flurry Heart will have a bad reaction to their plan… .

Basically; their plan originally was to capture Flurry Heart in a trap that you would see in a cartoon, and then bring her back to the castle to punish her in a way that others would punish a misbehaving infant or toddler.

They’ve then decided to go with their other plan; to get Flurry Heart to stop pranking by talking to her… . They would’ve yelled at her instead, but didn’t wanna risk Flurry Heart crying, and blasting magic lasers all over the place. Not to mention that she’s still a baby after all… .

Lastly; they even thought about scaring her out of pranking… but decided against it since again; Flurry Heart might shoot magic lasers everywhere while crying… . Or she might just cry for a very long time without shooting lasers everywhere… .

So after some reasoning and thinking… ; they’ve decided to go with the former, and then waited for Flurry Heart to get close so that way they could capture her… .

Hours have passed; (despite it being only half an hour), and it seemed as if Flurry Heart was not gonna approach them for capture… .

However; just before they gave up; Flurry Heart starts flying to them while crying. Seeing this; they all got out of the bushes, disarmed their traps, and then Twilight embraced her niece while Flurry Heart had tears streaming down her cheeks… .

“What’s wrong?” Twilight Sparkle asked her niece. Flurry Heart then babbled something, and then starts crying again. Sighing; knowing as to what happened; Twilight then said; “well… . This is what happens when you prank the wrong pony… . Speaking of which; who did you prank… ?” Before her niece could answer her aunt’s question; a nut cart landed in front of them; shattering the entire cart.

Now realizing as to who Flurry Heart pranked; Twilight then started to shutter in slight nervousness, made a gulp noise while sweating from fear and nerves, and then says; “oh no… “ before Bulk Biceps’s screams can be heard… .

Epilogue: A Welcoming Outcome

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Bulk Biceps is currently looking at his prankster… ; Baby Flurry Heart. Now; usually Bulk wouldn’t get so angry like this; especially when he got pranked… . But it seems that whatever Flurry Heart has done to him had really stirred up something fierce from within… . And it seemed like that he was just about to lose his cool as well… ; especially in front of a little infant.

“So… ; Bulk. Hehe… . H-how’re you doing… ?” Twilight said nervously.

Bulk snorts in anger, and then says in a raised voice; almost yelling; “your niece had broken my cart by taking all of the nuts and bolts from them, and then proceeded to toss them all into the river!”

Twilight made a noise as if to signify her worry, and nervousness… ; when suddenly she stopped, looked at Bulk Biceps with slight concern, and then asks; “wait… . How did you know that Flurry Heart was my niece? I never told anyone this… .” With that; Bulk Biceps threw a newspaper on the ground with the headline that read: “Princess of Friendship’s Niece; A Prankster?” After that, Twilight replied; “oooohhhh… . That makes sense… .”

Bulk eventually calms down, and then asks; “look; can you please get me some more supplies to fix my nut cart? I really gotta get back to making more bits; you know… ?”

Twilight sighs, and then says; “I suppose so… .” She then turns to her niece, and then says in a slight bitter and sour tone; “cmon Flurry; you’re helping me out since you started this mess. Got it?!” Flurry Heart then whimpered while nodding her head in reply, and then began to fly beside her aunt so she could follow her.

Seeing the baby princess all sad and depressed; Bulk Biceps then sighs loudly, and says; “you know what… ? I think the little tike here has had enough for one day… ; don’t you think?”

Twilight turned to look at him, and then asks; “you serious… ? I mean; my niece did after all break one of your things… ; right?!”

Bulk nodded sheepishly, and says; “yeah… ? But look at her… . Don’t you feel sorry for her?”

Twilight turned to look at her niece; whom apparently has tears flowing down her cheeks, and then says; “nope. Not really… .”

Because of that; Flurry Heart then began crying loudly, and then babbles; “I a bad. Waaaaaaaaa!”

Twilight then eventually felt sorry for her niece, and then says; “okay okay; I forgive you… . Now will you please stop crying… ?”

Flurry Heart sniffled in response, and then responds with a slight whimper and with tears running down her cheeks while saying; “uh huh…” and starts wiping them away.

Twilight takes a deep breath to calm herself down, and then says; “look; how about we head back to the castle and have some ice cream; okay?”

Flurry Heart nodded and sniffled; “owkay… .”

Twilight then starts holding her niece close to her, and then says; “sorry if Flurry Heart pranked you like that… ; I really am… .”

Bulk chuckles a little, and then says; “eh… . No problem… . That cart was getting too old anyways… . I think it’s about time I get a new replacement one; you know… ?”

Twilight blinks, and then says; “I think so…” before walking away… .

But; before Twilight could leave; Bulk ran up to her, and asks; “say uh… ? Is it okay if I have some too? I could use a break… .”

Twilight looked up at Bulk, and then asks; “are you sure… ?”

Bulk then nodded, and then says; “why not… ? And besides; I’m sure that the little prankster wouldn’t mind; right?” Flurry Heart nodded a little, and then hid her face within Twilight’s chest. To which point; Bulk replies; “on second thought; how about I treat y’all to some donuts… . What do ya say?”

Twilight thought for a bit, and then nodded. “Sure! I don’t see why not?”

Bulk then said; “great! Let’s go!”

And with that; the group made it to the castle first to get the parents, and then began to make the trip to Donut Joe’s donut shop.

The end.