Work is Hell

by DHeroRedMagma

First published

After arriving in Equestria, Loona must now begin work in the milk mine. Her first job is to help with the milking.

After some time on the farm and confirming that she will be carrying a certain Amazonians pups. Loona decides to stay at the Milk Mine but quickly learn she must pull her own weight like everypony else. Luckily Hollow has just the job for her.

Cover art by Suirano.

The following fic contains: Ass eating, futanari, face fucking, handjob, a full changeling, crackers and enough cum to fill a bucket. Reader discretion is advised.

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After Magma’s excursion to hell. He returned with a rather bitchy hellhound, who’s heat he helped quell with his meat rocket. And thankfully Hollow was able to bring him back to further encourage him to pump the horny hound with even more of his seed just to be sure he quells the fire between her loins.

Hollow made sure to give Loona proper accommodations in the barn to allow her to rest and enjoy her time here in what she calls the Overworld. Considering how she has been impregnated with Magma’s kin, it’s only natural that she is welcomed to stay on their happy farm.

In the living room Loona and Hollow were relaxing while eating some cheese and crackers.

“So how are you holding up here?” Hollow asks Loona while enjoying a cracker.

“Better then when I first arrived,” Loona responds, chowing down on the snacks.

“That caused the fact you had coffee spilt on your fur or the fact you were being blown up like a balloon with cum?” Hollow asks her as she goes to grab another cracker.

“Look, that was cause of the heat,” Loona corrects her.

“And is it fixed now?” Hollow adds.

“...yeah,” Loona admits putting a hand on her stomach knowing what is expected.

“Well since you are gonna be staying for a while here,” Hollow says tossing something onto the table. It was a spiked collar that had a little tag on it reading ‘Property of Hollow and Magma’s Milk Mine’.

“Seriously?” Loona responds looking over it.

“It’s also magically imbued with a tracker that works even in the other world you hail from,” Hollow explains. “So we plan on letting you come and go as you please, and we will assist with your litter as well,” Hollow finishes

“For real? That’s pretty cool,” Loona says before donning the collar and clasping it on. “Comfy,” she mutters to herself.

“Glad you like it, and we plan to put you to work right away!” Hollow informs her.

“Wait what?” Loona responds.

“What? Everypony here pulls their weight here,” Hollow explains, wiping crumbs from her mouth. “We won’t give you anything too stressful for an expecting mother should be doing however,” she adds.

“What about my old job?” Loona asks.

“I went down there and talked with them and after some… convincing them okay with you being uptop just comes down from time to time,” Hollow says with a smug smirk.

“How did you…” Loona asks only to see Hollow make a gesture implying she might have given them a couple of blowjobs. “Oh fuck I got the worse mental picture ever,” Loona tells herself having the mental image of Hollow blowing Moxxie and Blitzo.

“Anywho some of our helpers are in the barn ready to show you the ropes,” Hollow informs her. “Best to not keep them waiting,” Hollow informs her to which she does leave to head to the barn. “Oh one more thing,” Hollow calls out to which Loona stops and turns around. “Is all the cum down there spicy? Cause those two had some heat to it,” Hollow genuinely asks. “It actually tasted a bit like chipotle,” she points out.

“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Loona responds before running out to the barn.

Loona soon enters the barn where she sees two figures talking and discussing something. One of them looks like Hollow but instead of having blue tints and accents they were green and her hair was longer and a different color. The other had a horn like Magma but also head wings and was purple in color.

“Oh you must be Loona,” the purple one says running up and presenting her hand.

“My name is Twilight. I am an alicorn princess of Equestria,” she says with a beaming smile.

“Okay…” Loona responds confused by all this.

“And this is,” Twilight responds, giving the other a chance to introduce herself.

“Chrysalis,” she responds unenthusiastically.

“And we are well I guess pets/friends/helpers here,” Twilight tells the hellhound.

“Pretty much,” Chrysalis adds.

“And today were gonna be helping with some of the milking!” Twilight cheers enthusiastically which is odd considering the other two aren’t producing any energy at all.

“You are gonna be doing some ‘hands on’ work however since you’re a newbie,” Chrysalis adds.

“What do you mean hands on?” Loona asks.

“She means you're getting fucked,” a voice says from behind Loona. It was Minerva with her brothers Hidden Heart and Yubie.

“Hey girls!” Yubie the half demon half pony says running up to the trio collarees.

“Hey Yubie,” Twilight and Chrysalis say in unison.

“You gals are looking smoking,” He compliments as Minerva walks up with Hidden hiding behind her.

“You mind if I go first,” Yubie asks his siblings. “Have been storing up for quite a bit so need to bust a nut,” he informs them.

“Sure I don’t mind waiting to split dad’s new bitch in,” Minerva responds.

“A-as long as I go last…” Hidden adds.

“Then it is decided let’s go get into a stall!” Yubie says before leading the hound by the hand into the stall ready to get started.

Soon as they enter the stall Yubie puts down a bucket and strips naked exposing his purple sixteen incher. Loona in turn sighes and strips herself and gets nude as well, accepting her role as a tool for milking.

“Wow I can see why dad brought you back,” Yubie mentions with a low whistle of approval. “But I won’t get a whack at your holes today,” he informs her which confuses her until he turns around moving the bucket and places his hands against the stall wall showing off his perfect bubble butt. “Dinner is served!” he announces taking a hand to pull his cheek to expose his tailhole.

“More of the one to be eaten out rather than do the eating huh?” she says before getting down on her knees and placing a hand on his asscheeks before letting her long canine tongue give his hole a lick. A shiver of pleasure goes down Yubie’s spine as her hot breath makes contact with his now twitching hole before she places her muzzle between his cheeks and gets to work eating his ass.

“Oooooooo that tongue feels so good!” Yubie moans out loud. As he places a hand on his pecker and begins to stroke it while he enjoys his ass being devoured like a five course meal by the hellhound with her tongue eventually tickling his prostate. She then grabs a hold on his junk aiming it downwards to the bucket and giving it some hearty pumps which soon result in him shooting hot jets of cum downward into the bucket.

“Oh shit fuuuuuck!” he announces as he cums his brains out, and fills the bucket to about a third full.

Once his orgasm has died down Loona back out from between his cheeks and leaves him wobbly legged.

Phew I needed that,” Yubie says before bending over and grabbing his clothes. “I’ll send Minerva in, and watch out cause she for some reason is really mean to females,” Yubie warns, before stepping out.

“My turn,” Minerva says, walking in the stall led by her erection. “On all fours you dog,” she spits.

“What did you call me!?” Loona asks, getting angry.

“Oh I’m sorry do you prefer bitch?” Minerva responds. “Now I said, on all fours now!” she barks which then starts a stare down between the two.

“Fuck you!” Loona spits.

“No fuck you!” Minerva responds which results in the two trading fuck yous back and forth.

Eventually the two stop and Minerva shoves Loona to her knees and slaps her in the face with her meat, before unceremoniously shoving it down the hellhounds throat and begins face fucking her.

“I’ll settle for fucking your dirty mouth this time cunt,” Minerva spits working her hips like a jack hammer shoving her sausage as far down the canines throat as possible.

“Glr glck glurrr glick!” Loona lets out muffled by the meat and the rapid pace Minerva is going at is unable to get any words out. Her tongue brushes the underside of the purple prick that’s forced in her maw.

“Yeah fuck you too bitch!” Minerva responds with a smirk and flips Loona off as she keeps slinging her dick in and out.

Outside of the stall a certain red unicorn walks in, without pants and with his nuts swollen to the size of watermelons.

“Oh my what happened to you master?” Twilight asks him as he walks past, grabs Chrysalis by the hand and leads her into a separate stall and slamming the stall door shut.

“I think that might have been one of Sneak’s experiments,” Hidden comments.

“Oh, hope Chrysalis can handle it,” Twilight adds, worried about the output his swollen nuts will give.

Back in the stall Mierva pulls out the rest of her cock up to the tip and begins stroking her length.

“Don’t swallow,” Minerva informs her as she lets loose a thick torrent of jizz in the hounds mouth. Loona grunts and groans as her cheeks puff up with the changelings cum and the salty taste being ingrained on her tongue.

After a good five minutes of letting off her jizz bomb in the hounds mouth with her struggling and coughing due to the volume of the load. Minerva then slides her now slickened rod out giving a few playful cock slaps to Loona trying to get her to swallow.

“Good girl, just my brother left,” Minerva says, patting her on the head and walking out of the stall. Loona flips her off as she goes and spits the load out into the bucket. With the bucket now half full.

“Fucking cunt,” Loona spits trying to get the taste of Minerva’s cum out of her mouth.

Soon Hidden Heart enters with a throbbing erection.

“Um it’s my turn,” he points out nervously as his cock twitches in anticipation.

“Okay so what do you want to do?” Loona asks, raising an eyebrow only to see him not respond. Loona sighes lifting the bucket and grabbing his blue splotchy member and starts jerking him off noting that he is already producing pre cum.

Nnngh so good,” he moans out as she keeps pumping his prick from base to tip, increasing in speed as she lubes him up with his pre cum. She sneaks a finger into his asshole looking for his prostate to further speed up his orgasm.

As soon as she brushes over it he shrieks in pleasure before firing hot lances of spooge out with some landing in the bucket but most of it rocketing on the stall wall painting a weird artistic interpretation with his nut butter.

By the time he finishes he slumps over and dozes off with the sheer power of his orgasm tuckering him out. With a sigh of relief Loona removes her hand from his booty hole and grabs the bucket and heads out of the stall.

“All done,” she says showing the bucket to Twilight. “Where’s Chrysalis?” she adds, which in perfect timing the other stall door opens with Magma walking out stretching and yawning.

“Girls,” he says with a wink as he walks out his balls now back to their regular size.

Following shortly after is Chrysalis with a gut swollen as big as she would be if she was carrying twins and face smeared with white and some on her luscious melons.

“I am gonna get Sneak back for this,” Chrysalis says before letting out a salty burp.