This is a Heist: A Cookie Heist

by Ded account

First published

All that matters now are those cookies...

Wind Sprints mom, Clear Sky, is going to meet her old friend, Berry Punch, also known as Ruby Pinch's mom. The two mothers also thought this a great opportunity for their daughters to make friends!

Problem is, these fillies don't want to make friends with each other. But sometimes, you are placed in a situation where you need to.
It's for the cookies...

(Entry for The May 2021 Pairing Contest)
(Cover art by none other than me! 😋)

They Meet.

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"Why do I have to cooooooome!?" Wind Sprint asked her mom in a whiny tone as she rolled around on the floor of the train. Wind Sprint's mom, also known as Clear Sky, rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Didn't I tell you 5 minutes ago that you are waaaaay to young to stay at home alone and daddy is to busy to watch over you?" Clear Sky asked her whiny daughter.

Wind Sprint didn't answer. Instead, she just flopped around on the floor and whined. "But I don't wanna goooooooooo!I'm gonna be bored with nopony to play with!" Wind Sprint stopped rolling on the floor and gave her mother the best puppy dog eyes she could make. "Pwease don't make me go[i/]!" Wind Sprint said in her most adorable voice. "Pwetty Pweeeaaase with a Chewwy on top!"

Clear Sky stared at her daughter for a few seconds. "Hmm, let me think about it. No." Clear Sky said, followed by a cry from Wind Sprint.

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO GOOOOOOOO!" Wind Sprint yelled, attracting the attention of other passengers. Clear Sky sighed.

"I'm sorry, Wind Sprint, but think about it, we're already half-way there! Plus, you can always play with Ruby Pinch!" Clear Sky reasoned. Wind Sprint frowned at the name Ruby Pinch.

"You mean that boring unicorn filly?" Wind Sprint asked, much to the anger of her mom.

"Wind Sprint! Don't be like that!" Clear Sky scolded. "Ruby is a lovely filly!"

Wind Sprint rolled her eyes. "Still, I'd rather stay with Quibble." Wind Sprint muttered as she looked out the window, watching trees and go by in a blur.

"Are you ready to head to the train station, Ruby?" Asked Berry Punch, also known as Ruby Pinch's mother, from the bottom floor of their two story house.

Ruby Pinch quietly groaned so her mother wouldn't hear her. "Almost ready, mom!" Ruby Pinch answered in a forced happy tone from her room as she reluctantly lifted herself off her bed. She was, of course, not ready in the slightest as she had been wasting her time laying in bed instead of getting ready like her mother told her too.

"Hurry up, Ruby! We're going to be late!" Berry Punch called."

Ruby Pinch didn't hurry up at all. She was in no hurry to get to the train station for she was in no mood to be forced to play with this Wind Sprint filly while her mom talked to her 'old friend'.

Ruby Pinch walked over to the mirror and stared at herself. She had an extremely messy bedhead today! And that was saying something when you think about how easily her mane could get messed up! Usually if her mane was this messy, Ruby Pinch would levitate her brush with her magic and go out of her way to make her messy mane clean again so other ponies wouldn't think she's a weirdo. Not today though! Today, she couldn't care less what others would think, for as long as there was a chance she didn't have to go to the train station, it would be worth it!

Wearing a smirk, Ruby Pinch took one last glance at herself in the mirror and headed downstairs. As she walked down, she tried to scrunch up her face to make it look as though she had been crying. Once she was satisfied with that, she started fake crying.

"MOOOO-OM!" Ruby Pinch cried. "MY MA-MA-MANE LOOKS SO ME-MESSY A-AND I C-CAN'T MAKE IT LOOK CLEEEEEAAAAAAAN! I'VE T-TRIED EVERYTHIIIIIIIING!" Ruby Pinch galloped to her mother, put her face on her mothers side (much to her moms surprise), and started wailing.


Berry Punch looked towards her daughter sympathetically. Ruby Pinch looked up to her mother with very sad eyes. 'I think my trick's working!' Ruby Pinch thought to herself, smirking on the inside, unaware that she was very wrong.

’Cute little plan, Ruby, but it looks like you forgot that you couldn’t of tried to clean your messy mane without a mane brush and that you left yours in the living room! HA!’ Berry Punch thought before speaking.

“Poor Ruby! You tried everything?” Berry Punch asked dramatically.

Ruby Pinch nodded her head in a sober way.

“Oh poor Ruby! Whatever did you use to try and calm the vicious beast that is your mane?”

Ruby Pinch was confused. So confused, she forgot to use her ‘I was crying earlier and I’m trying to stop’ voice.

"Uh- well, I used a mane brush?"

"Oh, really, Ruby! Where did you get it? Last I checked, your mane brush was in the living room and mine is in my room!"

It only took Ruby Pinch a few seconds to realize her mistake. Right when she realized what she failed to notice before, she started sweating out of pressure.

"O-oh! Really?" Ruby Pinch said nervously. Her mom nodded.

"Oh! W-well I-" Ruby Pinch was interrupted by her mother by her mothers chuckle.

"Suck it up, buster, you've been caught!" Berry Punch said.

Ruby Pinch smiled sheepishly.

"Hehe," She laughed. "So uh, how long until you come back, mom?"

Berry Punch smirked. "Tsk tsk. Your not getting out of this one." Berry Punch said and she grabbed Ruby Pinch's tail with her mouth and dragged her frowning, messy maned daughter outside.

Ruby Pinch tugged at her tail, but her mother just wouldn't let go!

"Your coming with me!" Berry Punch said in a muffled tone.

And so the two set off towards the train station, earning odd glances from passing ponies.

Wind Sprint and Clear Sky got off the train and headed towards a bench to wait for Berry Punch and her daughter. Wind Sprint looked around the train station.

'Seems we've arrived in them dreaded place that is Ponyville.' Wind Sprint thought to herself with a western accent as she looked around. 'We're in for some bor'in day.' Wind Sprint took one more glance around, then turned to her mother.

"I'm bored," She said. "Why are they taking so long?"

Clear Sky looked at the big clock. "Hmm, they are taking a bit longer to get here than I thought they would." She mutter, before answering. "I'm sorry, honey. We're just going to have to wait for them to arrive. I promise it won't be to lo-" Clear Sky started staring at something in the distance with a shocked expression.

Wind Sprint turned around, and had a very different reaction than her mom.

Wind Sprint couldn't hold it in. She had one hoof on her mouth to stop it, but it wasn't enough! Sh-she h-had to- "HAH! BWAHAHAHA!" -laugh!

Clear Sky stared at her daughter, as did many other ponies, but Wind Sprint was laughing to much to notice! The sight of Ruby Pinch with her messy monster mane trying to escape from her very annoyed mother, who was dragging Ruby Pinch by her tail was too much for her!

"BWAHAHAAAAA!" Wind Sprint laughed as she beat her hoof against the ground. "SH-SHE LOOKS S-SO-BWAHAHAHAAAA-FUNNY! HE HAAAHAAAAA!"

As soon as Ruby Pinch heard this maniac laughter, she immediately stopped tugging her tail for freedom. Instead, she turned towards the Ponyville train station, where the sight of a crazy laughing filly and her mother, who was waving with a sheepish smile, entered her view.

Ruby Pinch immediately frowned. Because of the mothers wave, she knew exactly who the ponies were. She had found 'the friend' and 'the super annoying filly who she was going to be forced friended with' (Well, she had to call them something.)

Her hypothesis was, sadly, proven correct when she noticed her mother dragging her towards these two ponies. Ruby Pinch didn't even try to escape this time. Instead, she frowned and crossed her hoofs as she was being dragged closer to 'the worst day ever'. She was to grumpy that her plan failed, and that she was going to have to make friends to this filly, who was proven to be very crazy and rude, as Ruby Pinch found out she was probably laughing at her messy mane.

Clear Sky started walking towards Berry Punch, and the two of them exchanged a short hug, unaware that their daughters were having a silent battle by shooting faces at each other, only stopping when Berry Punch decided they should head to her house for lunch.

Berry Punch and Clear Sky talked as the group headed towards Berry Punch's house, leaving their daughters to do nothing but stare at each other. Berry Punch looked back at the two fillies.

"How about you give Wind Sprint here a tour around Ponyvil, Ruby." Berry Punch suggested.

Ruby Pinch didn't reply. Instead, she continued to stare at Wind Sprint, frowning, as she trotted on. Berry Punch coughed.

"Excuse me, Ruby. Do you hear me?" Berry Punch asked sternly. Ruby Pinch ignored her.

"Ruby, can you hear me?" Berry Punch asked, getting angrier. No reply. Clear Sky looked questionably towards her friend, who smiled sheepishly.

"I'm so sorry for this! I really don't know what's going on with her today!" Berry Punch said sheepishly. Clear Sky smiled warmly.

"It's alright! She's probably just excited to head home and play with her new friend!" Clear Sky replied. Berry Punch smiled.

"Your right! Let's just head home!" Berry Punch said, and she and Clear Sky started talking again as their daughters humored how very wrong their moms were.

They Heist

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The group arrived at the house of Berry Punch and entered. They were greeted by a cozy looking open living room that was some-what square.

"Now you two behave as we make lunch, okay?" Clear Sky asked the two fillies. Both fillies nodded, both aware that their moms were probably going to talk with each other more than cook. Berry Punch and Clear Sky walked out of the living room and through a very large pathway through the wall on the left of the entrance door that led to the kitchen, leaving the Ruby Pinch and Wind Sprint all alone, staring at each other at the entrance door.

After a few moments of silence, Ruby Pinch decides to try to start conversation as it's better than doing nothing.

"Wanna play something?" Ruby Pinch asks in a tone far from excited or happy.

"OK." Wind Sprint replies.

Ruby Pinch gets up and gestures Wind Sprint up the stairs. Wind Sprint follows.

Up the stairs the girls went and into Ruby Pinch's room they go.

"So, this is my room." Ruby Pinch says to Wind Sprint, who nods. Wind Sprint walks around the bedroom with Ruby Pinch close by because for all she knows, Wind Sprint could be some maniac filly that's waiting to take over all of Ponyvil and then Equestria and then the whole world with her maniac powers!

Ruby's not taking chances.

"So, uh, you gonna fix your messy mane or what?" Wind Sprint asked. Ruby Pinch looked up at her mane.

"Sure." She said. Ruby Pinch started walking out of the room but, she accidently stepped on a toy car and, as one does when one steps on a car, fell on her face in a very foolish matter.

"OOF!" Ruby Pinch yelled in shock. She got up and started rubbing her chin. Wind Sprint noticed that Ruby Pinch was okay and decided she was clear to pull out the laughter card.


Ruby Pinch frowned. 'I guess I was wrong. Pinkie Pie is not the craziest pony I've ever met. This cookoo-crazy filly is!'

"Hey! Stop laughing or I'll tell your mom" Ruby Pinch yelled in a hurt tone, unaware that these words were echoing in Wind Sprint head.

'Or I'll tell your mom, mom, mom. Tell your mom, mom, mom.' Went the echo. Wind Sprint was staring at the roof as she listened to this pattern of words. She had realized something. She realized she was becoming a bully. She remembered she was that filly who was laughed at for tripping. Oops.

Wind Sprint tilted her head down and stared at the floor.

Ruby Pinch noticed this unusual behavior and started smirking. She noticed how this could be the pathway for her to have fun! For her to get what she never got to have; Not without Wind Sprint that is. They needed to work together this time.

Not as friends. Just for her benefit.

"So, were you bullied a lot in your school?" Ruby Pinch asked out of curiosity. Wind Sprint started tearing up as she slowly nodded.

"Oh, sorry." Ruby Pinch said, this time with a small amount of sympathy. "Uh-" Ruby Pinch was desperate for topic change, but luckily, she didn't need to make one.

"So, what do you wanna play?" Wind Sprint asked, with her tears somehow gone.

"I d'know." Ruby Pinch replied even though she did know. She wanted to pretend she decided randomly. "How 'bout tea party?"

Wind Sprint wanted with all her heart to yell 'NO! NEVER!', but the fact that she was acting so rude before stopped her.

"K. Fine. Where's the blankie and the cups full of fake water and the non-existents snacks?" Wind Sprint asked with zero enthusiasm or excitement. Hey, she’s not happy about this and she’s not going to pretend.

“We won’t need any of that stuff for this tea-party!" Ruby Pinch said. "This is a heist!"

Wind Sprint had no idea what a heist was, but it sounded cool, so who was she to say no?

"So, what do we need for a heist?" Wind Sprint asked. Ruby Pinch thought about it.

"Hmm, well, we need to get cups," Ruby Pinch said as she rubbed her chin. "And we need water because tea is yuck-y!"

Wind Sprint agreed. "Your ri... I mean, yes," Wind Sprint stuck her head into Ruby Pinch's toy box. "But we already have all that stuff." Wind Sprint paused and blushed with embarrassment. "And uh, what's a heist?"

Half of Ruby Pinch- no, three quarters of Ruby Pinch wanted to laugh at this to get pay back for Wind Sprints scene at the train station, but of course, she was not going to laugh! She was going to be mature and not at all like Wind Sprint the clown!

"A heist is like a robbery. And the-uh... rob-y is the most important thing on our list. That rob-y is," Ruby Pinch quickly grabbed a pencil from the floor and stuck the eraser part in her mouth and took it out right after as she stared into the distance. "The cookies." (Dramatic, am I right!)

Wind Sprint ruined the vibe. "What's a 'rob-y'?" She asked, annoying Ruby Pinch without knowing.

Ruby Pinch's eye twitched a bit. "Never mind. Let's just focus on what we need."

Wind Sprint shrugged it off. She was to excited to commit robbery to be bothered much. "Well, in the movies, robbers wear black stuff all over them. I d'know why, they just do. I think it's for uh... 'camaflaage' I think?

"Hmm, ok. What else?" Ruby Pinch asked.

"Lassos, walkie-talkies, and bananas."

"Umm, why bananas?"

Wind Sprint rolled her eyes. "We need to throw the peels around the room so we can distract the enemy." Wind Sprint answered as though your supposed to learn this in school. "Ya doof." She added quietly.

Ruby Pinch didn't notice Wind Sprints addition. Instead, she nodded her head and grabbed a paper and pencil.

"Let's make a plan to steal the cookies now!" She said.

Wind Sprint nodded and sat nearby Ruby Pinch. Trust levels weren't high enough to let this filly sit next to her. She could be stabbed by that pencil! It was pretty sharp.

"First, we need to get the enemies out of the kitchen," Ruby Pinch said as she drew a wonky picture of the enemies walking out of the kitchen towards some banana peels.

Wind Sprint nodded and grabbed a red crayon lying on the floor. "And then, we scatter some bananas in front of the kitchen door so we'll hear them slip when trying to enter and we'll know when to hide!" Wind Sprint said , smiling, as she drew some more banana peels. She was actually having fun!

Not that much fun. Just a bit more than she thought.

"Good ide- I mean, uh- Yes, and we need to get the proper clothes too." Ruby Pinch said as she walked over to her closet and started pulling out clothing and throwing it on the floor behind her.

After awhile of Ruby Pinch's search, Wind Sprint started drawing a fake watch on her wrist with the red crayon. 'Why the hay does she have so much clothing?' Wind Sprint asked herself as the pile of clothing piled up. 'She walks around naked all day like a normal pony, doesn't she?' Wind Sprint started questioning reality.

'Heck, even Princess Celestia walks around naked! Why do ponies even make clothing if nopony wears it except at the gala? How do the ponies who make clothing earn enough money? They need to buy the materials to make the clothes and then barely any ponies even need 'em! Oh right, ponies probably buy clothing out of pity for the ponies who are only good at making cloth wearable. Right? Maybe there's a secret cloth burning ritual and the cloth has to be beautiful and 'magnificent' so the ponies who preform the ritual need to buy very fine clothing! Why would the ponies nee-'

And Wind Sprints thoughts were interrupted by an "I found it!" From Ruby Pinch.

Wind Sprint looked over to the unicorn filly who was holding a black sweater and a big dark red hat. Wind Sprints eyes went wide when she saw the black sweater. That's just like the sweater her dad would wear when the he wanted to secretly take Wind Sprint to practice Buckball!

Wind Sprint dashed to the sweater and snatched it from Ruby Pinch. "DIBS!" She yelled and she put the sweater on as fast as she could, coincidently catching the eye of a passing Rainbow Dash through the window, who gave an impressed nod as she pulled down her sunglasses.

Wind Sprint didn't notice this as she was to happy to have something that reminded her of her dad on her. Ruby Pinch didn't know this, of course, and just assumed that Wind Sprint liked the color black or something.

Ruby Pinch put the over-sized hat on her head. "Now we're almost ready for the heist! We just need to grab the other materials!"

Ruby Pinch walked over to her toy box and pulled out two walkie-talkies and a yo-yo. "Meh, yo-yo's are kinda like lasso's." She said carelessly.

Wind Sprint took one walkie-talkie and shoved it into one of the sweater's pockets, while Ruby Pinch shoved hers into her big hat.

"Now let's go!" Wind Sprint yelled, earning her a smack from Ruby Pinch.

"What was that for?" Wind Sprint asked angrily as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Shhh; Your too loud. They'll hear us." Ruby Pinch whispered.

"Oh yeah!" Wind Sprint says in a tone far to loud to be called a whisper before covering her mouth with her hooves. "I mean, oh yeah." She says again, this time in a whispered tone.

Ruby Pinch rolled her eyes. "Ok, your new nickname will be-"

"Agent Bucker." Wind Sprint interrupted.

"Fine. And mine will be Miss Ruby."

"OK. Let's go now, Miss Ruby."

And with that, the two fillies headed down to heist.

Once the two fillies reached the bottom floor, the enemies voices could be heard and, just as they predicted, were talking about non-sense stuff unrelated to cooking.

Ruby Pinch tippy-toed to the living room table, where there was a fruit bowl, and grabbed all the bananas; 3 bananas.

This was a bit worrying as the original plan needed at least 20 bananas to work.

Wind Sprint and Ruby Pinch stared at the bananas they did have.


"Uh- This isn't too bad! We can use these somehow!" Ruby Pinch whispered. She and Wind Sprint thought for a bit.

"Uh- Maybe we could eat the bananas and pretend to be monkeys?" Wind Sprint suggested.

""Naw; We look nothing like monkeys. How about weeeeee- Throw the peels at their faces so they can't see us?" Ruby Pinch continued.

"Uh, no. We'd probably get into trouble for that."

"Oh yeah. Maybe we could bring my dog inside? My mom doesn't allow him in when she's making food."

"You have a dog?"

"Yeah. His name's Brownie. Didn't you see him when you walked in?"

"No, I didn't really pay atte- Wait! I have an idea! We should throw the bananas at your dog to make him bark so our moms will go outside to check on him, and then we'll quickly grab the cookie jar, bring it upstairs, and hide it!"

"Tha- That's perfect!" Ruby Pinch whispered excitedly. Wind Sprint smiled.

"Let's go, Agent Bucker! Our plan won't finish itself!" Ruby Pinch said, determined to get those cookies!

So the two fillies start to work the magic of their plan. Wind Sprint grabs as three bananas and she balances them on her back. Ruby Pinch is waiting at the bottom of the stairs, watching her fellow heist-er tip-toe to the door and open it with a faint squeak.

”So far, so good, Agent Bucker. Now find Brownie and throw the banana near him. Over” Ruby Pinch said through the walkie-talkie.

"I thought our plan was to throw it at him, Miss Ruby. Over" Wind Sprint replied.

Yeah, do that if you want to leave with scars and bite marks all over you! Over"

Wind Sprint looked back at Ruby Pinch and smiled sheepishly.

"I thought he was a sweet dog! Over" Wind Sprint replied as she started to slowly tip-toe outside.

Ruby Pinch ignored this and watched Wind Sprint, stomach lurching. This was getting tense.

A pause. Possibly the longest pause ever. This was the pause where Ruby Pinch had to stay silent and hope Wind Sprint would make it out alive. As years turned to decades, and decades into centuries, Ruby Pinch was frozen in place, hoping for the best, until it came. A bark.

And without a second passing, Wind Sprint was next to Ruby Pinch again, and the dog was barking about.


Ruby Pinch and Wind Sprint hoof bumped each other, somehow without fail, and waited for the voices of their mothers. This wait didn't last long, as their mothers didn't take long to notice a noisy dog.

"Oh, seems Brownie wants attention!" Berry Punch said. "Let's check up on him."

Ruby Pinch and Wind Sprint smirked as they watched their mothers head out.

"Hurry! Let's get those cookies!" Ruby Pinch whispered as she shoved Wind Sprint into the kitchen. Wind Sprint didn't need telling twice.

Wind Sprint followed Ruby Pinch to part of the table. Ruby Pinch pointed towards the cupboard on the wall.

"Fly up their, open the cupboard and grab the cookie jar." Ruby Pinch directed Wind Sprint in a whisper. Wind Sprint nodded and flew up to the cupboard and opened it.

Wind Sprint's eyes grew as she grabbed the precious cookie jar. She held it for a few seconds before slowly flying down.

"Yes! Mission comple-" Ruby Pinch started before a squeak was heard. The squeak of a specific door...

"Wow! Brownie sure has a story!" Clear Sky exclaimed. Wind Sprint and Ruby Pinch didn't even need to stick their heads out of the kitchen to realize that they were in danger.

Wind Sprint and Ruby Pinch looked at each other.

“Uh- run?” Ruby Pinch suggested. Wind Sprint nodded.

The two fillies ran as fast as they could up the stairs with the cookies jar, but, sadly, just weren’t fast enough. The two were halfway up the stairs when their tails were caught by something. Unicorn magic.

“Dangabit, MOM!” Wind Sprint yelled in defeat.

Clear Sky stare down at her daughter with a smirk. “Now what are you two up to?” Clear Sky asked.

"We weren't doing anything!" Wind Sprint said quickly. Clear Sky and Berry Punch raised their eyebrows.

"Really? Then what's this!" Clear Sky used her unicorn magic to grab whatever Wind Sprint had behind her back. Wind Sprint sighed in defeat. Nothing left to do but give in. Not unless a certain Ruby Pinch nudges your side, making you look up and realize that somehow, the cookie jar was replaced by a walkie-talkie. A very familiar walkie-talkie...

Wind Sprint gasped. She understood what Ruby Pinch had done! The cookie's were theirs!

“So, girls,” Clear Sky continued. “Why are you wearing those clothes?” Clear Sky asked.

"Because this sweater reminds me of the one dad used to wear." Wind Sprint said as though she had been studying for this question ever since birth. She even said it with the perfect mixture of sadness and seriousness. This helped Ruby Pinch understand. That was why she wanted the sweater so much! But wait- 'Used' to? That means...

Ruby Pinch gave Wind Sprint eyes that said 'I feel so sorry for you!'. Wind Sprint smiled.

"It's alright." She whispered through the corner of her mouth before looking back at her mom, who was tearing up.

"Oh, I think I understand. You two are free to go." Clear Sky said, trying to contain her tears as she let down her magic from the fillies tails.

The fillies only stayed to watch as Berry Punch led Clear Sky to a couch in the living room, but then quickly ran back up the stairs into Ruby Pinch's room, where they flopped on the bed, and started embracing their victory.

"The plan to switch the cookie jar out with the walkie-talkie was AMAZING!" Wind Sprint yelled in delight as she took a bite of a cookie. Ruby Pinch bit a cookie.

"Yeah, but the way you spoke so surely earlier helped to!" Ruby Pinch replied.

Wind Sprint saluted. "Just do'in my job, captain!"

Ruby Pinch and Wind Sprint both laughed at this and resumed munching on their cookies. They were halfway into the whole jar when Ruby Pinch realized something.

Ruby Pinch hit her forehead with her hoof. "These were for our tea party, remember!"

Wind Sprint stared. She then quickly grabbed two cups from the toy box and Ruby Pinch's water bottle to fill up the cups with water. She then took a sip and smiled.

"There! I drank and now this is officially a tea party!" Wind Sprint said.

Ruby Pinch followed Wind Sprint. "Me to!" She said.

The two hoof bumped each other and, like before, didn't miss. They stared at their hoofs for a bit, before laughing it off and presume their munching of cookies, like the best friends they were always destined to be.

"But mooooom, I don't wanna go!" Wind Sprint whined. Clear Sky sighed as she dragged Wind Sprint to the train station.

"Why must you be like this, Wind Sprint?" Clear Sky asked. "Just why?"