One Night as Another

by ScarletRibbon

First published

Granny Smith's birthday party is a great time for Stellar Flare, until it's not.

It's Granny Smith's birthday party! Just like every other year, everypony in Ponyville is invited... as long as they're adults and understand a few very... peculiar rules. Stellar Flare's never attended before, but after convincing Firelight to come along, she's really looking forward to an opportunity she wouldn't otherwise get.

Starlight only wishes her night went as good.

3rd place in the Incest is Wincest Mother's Day 2021 contest.

Unsurprisingly, it contains Incest. Also, shenanigans.

A Party to Remember

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In Equestria, a slow sunset was always a sign that things were doing well in the nation's capital. After all, it meant Celestia had the freedom to provide the nation with a much slower, more deliberate, more visually stunning sunset. And this evening was no exception.

Stellar Flare smiled wistfully as the changing colors of the setting sun bathed Sweet Apple Acres in a soft orange-red light. Ponies in front of her stood in a line slowly snaking its way into the Apple family barn, each one of them excited for a celebration that came to Ponyville only one night a year.

She didn't actually know the Apples or Ponyville all that well. She'd come here because Sunburst, despite always complaining about being treated like a foal, was still a momma's colt at heart. He had confided in her about how anxious he was to attend some big party that Starlight had invited him to. After he'd explained the party to her, she understood his anxiety fully, but had still suggested that he attend.

It wasn't her intent to come to the party herself. At least, not originally. Even though it sounded fun, she couldn't attend alone. Plus-ones were, apparently, mandatory for the event, to keep the attendees balanced - which was ostensibly why Starlight had asked Sunburst in the first place. It didn't have to be someone they were dating, but it was required that it be a pony matching their sexual preference, so that it would minimize the number of ponies who were left out of the fun.

Firelight stood silently next to her. Stellar glanced over at him, but he wasn't paying any attention to her. This was sadly a common occurrence. Ever since their feud had been resolved by their respective children, she couldn't help but find him rather handsome. He, on the other hoof, had barely acknowledged her beyond the bare minimum. It was a miracle she'd managed to get him to agree to come with her.

After dwelling on Sunburst's concerns for a few days, a crazy idea struck her and she asked Firelight to come along. He initially refused until she had explained the party to him. It still wasn't entirely clear why Firelight had agreed to go along with it, but Stellar could hazard multiple guesses, with most of them being 'opportunities for him to score a young, pretty mare.' And given that he seemed to be ogling two young mares in line not far in front of them, she was fairly confident in those guesses.

Speaking of opportunity, she siezed her own chance to run her eyes along his flanks. He might be older than many of the young stallions on offer, but he still looked good. Damn good, even. If she was lucky, she'd get her field plowed by those gorgeous muscular legs before the night was out. That chance, slim as it was, was the real reason she had ever agreed to trek all the way out to Ponyville for some old mare's birthday party.

The line moved forward, and Stellar let Firelight walk in front of her, admiring everything about the way he moved, but also the robust package dangling between his legs. Oh Goddess, how she wanted to see him drop from his sheathe to see if the bat could compete with the balls.

But it was not yet time for such things. She had to restrain herself for now. She reluctantly stepped up and took her place next to him in the line again. There was only a few ponies between herself and the barn now. The closer they got to the barn, the more excited Stellar became - in every sense of the word. She was actually quite glad there were so few ponies in the line behind them - one advantage to arriving late from out-of-town - to see her aroused state.

The line shuffled forward again. Stellar and Firelight stepped into the dimly lit barn. Just inside the barn was a wooden palisade that had been erected to block access to the inner portion of the barn, funneling ponies into one of three separate halls. From what Sunburst had explained to her, there was a ritual that would have to be performed before the party really started, and then...

"Welcome to Granny Smith's Birthday Mixer!" an orange mare said, smiling wide. "I'm Applejack! I don't think we've ever seen your face here before, so if you don't know how this party works, talk to the mare in the corner and she'll happily explain the process to you." Stellar glanced where Applejack was pointing. A white unicorn with a carefully coiffed purple mane sat at a table there, explaining things to a green unicorn stallion in hushed tones. "But, if you already know how the party works, and you don't care about your gender assignment, head straight on in through the middle," Applejack continued. "Otherwise, it's mares to the left and stallions to the right!"

Sunburst had already explained the whole process to her well enough, so Stellar Flare nodded and got in line on the left while Firelight veered right. Stellar wasn't fully certain how she felt that Firelight wouldn't gamble on the mixed group, as it might make her night even more exciting, but there wasn't any guarantee that she'd be able to catch his magnificent dad-bod on the other side of the ritual anyway.

A few moments later she was ushered into a room perhaps only three times the size of an outhouse with a chest-high counter bisecting the tiny space. The counter was capable of being raised to allow ponies to pass, and a door on the other side had a sign that commanded 'WAIT HERE'. After a few moments, a bouncy pink earth pony opened the door. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and you've come to the greatest party in all of Ponyville! No time to chat, though, I just need a quick sample of your mane!"

With a quick snap of a hoof, Pinkie Pie had snatched a strand of Stellar Flare's mane and tugged it out at the root, causing Stellar to flinch at the sudden assault. It didn't hurt, really, as Pinkie Pie had been quite precise and really did only grab a single strand, but she couldn't help but wonder how often Pinkie had grabbed a hoofful of mane and just torn a pony's scalp off on accident.

"And now for the blindfold!" Before Stellar could even object, or even really process what had just been said, a piece of dark cloth was wrapped securely around her head, covering her eyes. "And follow me!"

"But I can't see!" Stellar objected.

"Right! That's why I'm going to guide you!"

Stellar felt the countertop move, and Pinkie's hoof wrapped gently around her neck, pulling her softly forward. Stellar took a step, and then another, and then another, half-walking-half-being-dragged by her guide.

"Here you go," Pinkie said after a few moments. "Please just sit down and wait quietly, we're almost ready to start. No talking!"

Stellar felt around for the expected chair in question and gingerly took a seat. She could tell from the creaking of chairs as ponies adjusted themselves that other ponies were in the same room, but, as instructed, nopony else seemed to be talking.

'Almost' was certainly an understatement. The wait was only a few moments.

"Welcome!" a familiar voice boomed out from somewhere else in the room. "I'm sure you all know why you're here, but for the sake of anypony who has forgotten the rules in the pamphlets or needs a quick reminder, I'm going to review as we pass out potions to everypony."

Stellar knew that voice: Starlight Glimmer. The very mare who was the reason Sunburst had invited Stellar here in the first place, and by extension, why Stellar was here, too.

"First, let's review the procedure. You will each be given a potion, and everypony will drink. Once everypony has drank their flask, I will cast a spell that activates the latent magic in the potion. When that happens, we will all randomly swap our physical bodies, allowing each of us six hours to be somepony else entirely.

"There are some rules that come with this swap. First, the sharing of real identities is forbidden. Second, prying into anypony else's real identity is also forbidden. We're all here for some anonymous fun, so let's keep it that way. Anypony found in violation of these rules will be forcefully removed and banned from ever coming back."

A glass vial was pressed into Stellar's hoof, which startled her for a moment before she grasped it firmly.

"Third, sexual activity is both allowed and encouraged. A limited number of private rooms are available for those ponies who want it, but don't let being in public stop you from doing your thing if that's the kind of wild fun you want. However, enthusiastic consent is absolutely mandatory. Violators will be punished to the full extent of law.

"On the topic of sex, impregnation kinks are all well and good - feel free to roleplay to your heart's content. But there's no risks here. The effect of these potions render semen infertile, so there's no concerns about mares getting pregnant. We don't want anypony getting their body back with an unwanted baby in it, after all."

Stellar smiled wryly. Her body wouldn't be getting pregnant by anypony at her age either way. But if Firelight was the one to knock her up, she wouldn't argue.

"Now, everypony has received their potion, so let's all go ahead and drink up!"

Steller sniffed at the strange liquid that audibly bubbled in the vial she was given. It smelled like apple cider, and if cider wasn't a part of the concoction, she would be shocked. She closed her eyes and steeled her nerves for what would certainly be some kind of unpleasant jarring sensation, tossed her head back and chugged the contents. It tasted sweet and left a strange sizzle on the tongue as it went down.

And nothing happened.

Wasn't something supposed to happen?

"Alright, Granny. Has everyone finished their drink?"

"All's good," croaked an elderly mare.

Stellar's senses suddenly went completely numb as a very unpleasant shifting sensation washed over her - like her soul had just been taken on a rollercoaster that her body wasn't invited to. A sudden dizziness overwhelmed her and she felt herself tumbling off of her seat. Several feminine voices cried out, and Stellar could hear what sounded like several other ponies falling to the ground.

What had she drank?! Were they being poisoned?

"You can remove your blindfolds now."

After finding firm footing, Stellar pulled away her blindfold and gasped in shock. Bodies littered the floor in front of her, including her own. She watched in fascination as her own body, several feet in front of her, picked itself off of the ground and glanced around in confusion.

It had worked just like Sunburst said it would! She'd been body-swapped! She even felt young again. And if what Sunburst said was true, no pony would know who she really was. And the stallions should have been similarly 'shuffled'.

This was her chance! Firelight might not ever give her the time of day, but some random other stallion in his body might.

Sunburst stopped himself in front of one of the full-body mirrors propped up in the barn.

Firelight? he wondered. Why on earth would Starlight's dad be here?

It was confusing, but it was just as well. It was an 'older model', so to speak. Certainly not one that would be in high demand. The idea of having to fight off multiple mares vying for attention terrified him.

Sunburst gingerly stepped out from the shelter of the barn and into the dying light of the sunset. The blindfold and the relatively dim light of the barn had left his eyes dilated, forcing him to shield his eyes against the glare. As his eyes adjusted, it was clear that something had changed. And not just his body.

In just the few minutes they had been in the barn, the open space between the barn and the farmhouse had transformed. Around the perimeter, long, low tables overflowed with food of all kinds, buffet-style. Fancy, round tables, just large enough for two, with elegant white tablecloths also sat around the area just inside the buffet tables, each with lit candles and a pair of chairs. Inside of that circle of tables was a large, freshly-polished wooden platform to serve as an impromptu dance floor. A dry bar rounded out the corner closest to the farmhouse, though no pony seemed to be attending to it at present.

Sunburst had never attended this particular event before, and he was beginning to question why he was here now. He'd never been interested in dating random ponies. He wanted nothing more than to be with Starlight Glimmer, but the prospect of actually dating was terrifying and he'd never had the courage to ask her out.

Yet Starlight had asked him to attend this party, and he'd foolishly agreed. Who wouldn't agree to attend a party when the mare they were infatuated with asked? Then again, what was she expecting that he would get out of an anonymous dating and sex party? And why did she care? Sunburst had far more questions than answers.

A stallion behind him coughed into a hoof, impatient to get to the buffet. Sunburst realized he was blocking the path and stepped aside. He wasn't particularly hungry, and he didn't really want to be here anymore, but he wouldn't be allowed to leave the premises without a partner.

He looked around again. Granny Smith was now attending the dry bar. That was exactly what he needed: something to take the edge off his nerves. A somewhat relieved sigh erupted from his lips as he headed toward the bar. The realization that Granny Smith wasn't hiding amongst the other mares in secret was somewhat relieving, too. He hadn't actually considered it before, but that would have been extremely awkward for some unlucky stallion the next morning.

As he approached the bar, Granny was slamming mug after mug of something onto the bar, and ponies were simply taking one mug after another as opposed to ordering anything in particular.

"All we gots is cider," Granny said to him as he approached. "But this special batch packs a wallop. If you're looking for a room, you need a partner first."

"Uh, alright, thanks." Sunburst smiled awkwardly and took one of the mugs before turning away from the bar. He wasn't sure exactly what he'd expected, but hospitality was usually one of the Apple family's strong points, so the almost dismissive way Granny had spoken was a bit off putting.

He shuffled over to the nearest empty table and slumped into a chair, red candles dancing as he jostled the table. Hard cider wasn't Sunburst's first choice of drink, but it smelled good.

Music started up from somewhere, and the sound of ponies hooves on the dancefloor began to sound out. Sunburst took a sip of the cider as he watched ponies dance. It was good, with a pleasant burn, but it wasn't something he wanted to savor, so he started drinking it in earnest.

Several ponies had entered the dancefloor alone, and many of them quickly paired off and began dancing together. Some eventually left the dancefloor toward the buffet tables or the farmhouse, most of them with a partner in tow. Others continued to dance in increasingly lewd fashion.

And here he was, at the most anonymous party in Equestria, and what was he doing? Drinking alone and still unable to get the courage to talk to mares. His mug was empty.

"Hey, there, handsome," a sultry but very familiar voice said. "Is this seat taken?"

Sunburst did a double-take as Starlight Glimmer stood in front of him, levitating a plate of food and smiling wide. Panic set in. Did she know who he was?!

No, he had to remind himself. This wasn't actually Starlight Glimmer. The odds were stacked strongly against a random pony in Starlight's body simply taking a shine to him, but it wasn't impossible.

Starlight - or the pony who looked like her - tilted her head. "Is everything alright?"

"Uh, yes!" Sunburst blurted. "I mean, the seat is not taken, but everything is alright."

With a smile, the mare set her tray on the table and took a seat. "So, why are you here?" she asked. "Looking for a bit of fun?"

No, actually. Parties were a place where socially anxious ponies like Sunburst went to hate themselves even more. "Aren't most parties about having fun?" he forced himself to reply.

A wide smile crossed her face. "Oh, I don't know. I think that depends on the kind of fun you're looking for." She leaned across the table, getting uncomfortably close. "Let me tell you, I've been interested in you for a long time. And this is the perfect opportunity to have a quick lay, so do you mind if we just skip the pleasantries? Nopony will know."

He was being propositioned for sex. Alarm bells went off in his head. He'd never had sex before, and though a small part of him understood that was what this party was about, the reality was that he'd expected to just sit at a table alone hoping that everypony else would ignore him! Now he was being propositioned by a total stranger, in a body that he'd been lusting after his entire life.

... Wait, interested for a long time? His mental processes ground to a sudden halt.

He was in Firelight's body. As far as he knew, Firelight had never been to Ponyville, and didn't know anypony here. Nopony should have had interest in him at all!

Yet Starlight had practically begged him to attend this party. She was the one of the ones who was in charge of the spells, and she might know who he really was even though it wasn't his body. And she was one of the only ponies that might be able to slip into the party with her real body still intact.

The conclusion was surefire: this was the real Starlight. Was Starlight really into him in that way, and trying to use anonymity as a way to get him out of his shell? Was that why she was so adamant about bringing him as her plus one?

And she was currently trying to get him into bed with her! Did she also have control over who got what body? If it was, why would she have given him her dad's body? And if this wasn't controlled, then the fact that she still wanted to continue with this in spite of it being her dad's body...

Would he ever get to see Starlight in the same way ever again?

What happens at Sweet Apple Acres, stays at Sweet Apple Acres.

Those words echoed through his mind. Even if everything went to Tartarus in a saddlebag tonight - if he completely blew his first chance to have sex with Starlight Glimmer - no one would know, because Starlight couldn't reveal her deception. Or her weird willingness to have sex with a stallion that looked like her dad.

He swallowed hard. "Uh, s-s-sure."

Starlight stood up from the table and looped her foreleg around his neck, practically dragging him from his seat.

"Let's go, then!"

It was a deliberate plan on Starlight's part: get Sunburst to attend the party, have him get used to chatting with and hopefully even fucking another mare, and then maybe he'd finally stop pining for her. Simply put, she wasn't interested in him in that way, but they were still super-close friends and she didn't want to completely break his heart.

She had deliberately chosen a seat that could watch three of the four exits to the barn. The stream of ponies filtering out of the barn had dried up by now and Sunburst hadn't been among the stallions shuffling out. Did she miss him in the throng? Had he taken the exit she couldn't see? Or did he simply not show up to the party?

"...and I really enjoy a mare who knows what she wants and yet..."

Starlight continued ignoring the rather self-absorbed stallion chatting her up across the table. His appearance said 'Thunderlane', but his mannerisms said anything but. Feigning interest, she shuffled in her chair a little bit, trying to look around his fat head and see if she'd just missed Sunburst somewhere else. If that poor stallion had somehow eluded her before, he still had to be somewhere around here.

But instead, something else caught her eye. An entirely different and yet even more familiar stallion: Her father! What was he even doing here? And how did he find out about this party in the first place?

And whoever was inhabiting his body was already hitting it off with another mare... herself?!

And now the two of them seemed to be leaving the premises. Together.

"...Are you alright?" the stallion across the table asked her. "I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?"

"I'm fine," Starlight replied mechanically, though it came out in Fluttershy's voice.

Internally, her thoughts were scrambling. There was no time - she needed to follow them. To stop them. She forced herself to look at her 'partner' again. "Sorry. To be honest, I'm really not interested in chit-chat," Starlight lied.

"Oh, should we just get a private room then?" 'Thunderlane' said, grinning from ear to ear. He glanced around for a few moments before returning his gaze to Starlight. "This party makes me feel like I'm too old for modern dating anyway," he whispered.

A private room. That was it! She could use that as an excuse to track them down.

"Sounds great!" Starlight deadpanned. "Catch me if you can."

And with a beating of her yellow wings, Starlight took off in her pegasus body. She wasn't the greatest flier, but she'd practiced a simple flight technique in previous years. Hopefully her partner wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Wait!" he shouted, taking off behind her. "I'm not used to this!"

Oh, good. He wasn't used to a pegasus body. That was perfect, because she'd done this a few times before.

She ascended in a wide circle, gaining altitude in one of the simplest ways possible: pull your neck back just a little bit, flap your wings, and lean just a little bit to the side. The broad circle gained a dozen or so feet of altitude with each loop.

After a minute or so, Starlight began hovering. With her eagle-eyed pegasus vision, now that she was above the apple trees, Starlight could see the wandering pair of unicorns heading out of Sweet Apple Acres and toward Ponyville proper. There were only three possible hotels they could be going to, and she just needed to see which one.

"Whoa, watch out!" Her date blew past her, ascending uncontrollably before fighting to a clumsy hover several feet above her. "We're flying there?" he gasped. "I've never done this before!"

The two ponies Starlight was tracking turned left at Stable Street, which meant, unless they were lost, they must be headed for Dusty's Den. She pointed her body toward the massive building that had a roof vaguely resembling a dust pan, and then leaned forward just a bit. With a couple flaps of her wings, she picked up her pace, and then held her wings out to glide on the air currents.

"Oh, we're playing hard to get, now? I love a chase!" he shouted behind her.

Starlight ignored him. Air rushed past her as she picked up speed, but Fluttershy's rather weak flight muscles really hindered her compared to the pegasi she'd found herself possessing in previous years.

Thunderlane, on the other hand, was a fine flying specimen - literally Wonderbolt caliber. There was no way she'd be able to lose him just by flying, even with a little bit more experience.

"WHOO! This is actually pretty fun!" the stallion behind her whooped. "Better hurry up or I'm gonna catch ya!"

The Dusty Den came up on her quickly. As she approached, she watched herself and her father trot right in front of her and into the hotel. Bingo! Now she just needed to follow them in and stop them before something terrible happened.

...But first, she needed to slow herself down immediately or she would crash. And without any experience in emergency crash procedures, she didn't want to have to explain to Fluttershy why she got her body back with a broken wing, or leg, or worse. Flaring her wings out, the wind resistance quickly brought her speed down and she began to descend gently to earth.

Thunderlane wouldn't be so lucky. "Wait, how do I stop?!" he screamed, moments before slamming into the side of the building. A deep pang of guilt and regret welled up inside of Starlight as he dropped to the ground in a heap. She might have just mangled a professional athlete's career!

"Are you okay?" she shouted, rushing up beside him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that!" Starlight grit her teeth. She really needed to stop what was about to happen inside, but the seemingly unconscious stallion in front of her was arguably entirely her own fault. She had a responsibility to make sure he was, at the very least, uninjured.

Room 403

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The pamphlet Stellar Flare had studied for the entire train ride to Ponyville had convinced her that Dusty's Den was the closest place to go to. It was a five-story building that looked a rather rustic, brick-red from the outside, but now that she was inside, the place was mostly just barren.

A bored clerk sat at the front desk, writing in some kind of black book.

Firelight - or rather, the stallion inhabiting him - seemed increasingly nervous ever since they'd left Sweet Apple Acres. Stellar Flare smiled at the hapless stallion as she coaxed him up to the front desk.

He finally managed to make it up to the desk, his eyes darting every which way, as if he didn't know where to look. "C-c-can we get a room, please?" he finally croaked out.

"A room for two?" the mare asked, not even looking up from the little black book. "Are you a part of the Apple party?"

"We are!" Stellar replied cheerfully.

"Rooms are already paid for, then." She dropped her pen and fished out two keys from a drawer. "Your room is on the fourth floor, go up the stairs to your left, and then it's the second door on the right."

"T-t-thank you!" Firelight took the keys from the mare with a shaky hoof.

"You heard the mare," Stellar said, gesturing toward the stairs. "Lead the way, handsome."

His cheeks flushed red as he hesitated for a moment and then began walking. This proved to be a great choice for Stellar, as his tool had started descending from his sheathe and she finally got an eye-full of what Firelight was packing. It wasn't yet fully erect, but she could already tell it was going to feel amazing when it pounded into her. Which hopefully wouldn't take too long.

The motion of his hips as they ascended the stairs caused it to bob back and forth gently, and she followed behind at just enough distance that she could keep her eyes glued to it. She was so distracted that when he suddenly stopped at their room, she ran snout-first into his backside, getting a solid whiff of the musky scent coming off of him. It was almost enough for her to shove him down right in the hall and take him.

But instead, she stuck her tongue out and ran it along his scrotum.

"Starlight!?" he yelped, fumbling with the keys and dropping them on the floor. "Can you at least wait until we get inside?"

Stellar smiled. His mannerisms were nothing like the real Firelight, but the way he had just yelped Starlight's name sounded so incredibly like the real Firelight whenever Starlight had surprised him. It warmed her heart a little bit.

No, wait. That wasn't her heart, just the fire of desperation inside of her. Her fantasies usually involved taboos of one kind or another, and she had to admit being in Starlight's body was only making her even hornier. This was certainly not one of her usual fantasies. She never would have imagined this outcome.

"What makes you think I would want to wait?" she replied, her voice getting husky with seduction.

She could see him visibly trembling as he picked up one of the keys and opened the door. Suddenly the memory of Poplar Grove, her late husband, came to her mind. It was just like how he'd nervously unlocked the door to their honeymoon suite in Las Pegasus. A flood of memories of that night came back to her.

The sense of absolute control as she'd gently led him through the motions of sex for the first time. The embarassment that led him to fumble his way through the first penetration. How he was utterly overwhelmed by the new sensations. And the look of esctasy on his face when he hit his peak.

Her arousal began to run down her thighs, dragging her back to the present. That was an experience Stellar had never had before. Was Starlight a squirter? Her body certainly got wetter than Stellar's own ever did. Or was she just hornier than she'd ever been? Was it the memory of Poplar that had done it?

It took almost an entire minute for Firelight to open the door as he nervously fumbled with the key. The moment the door was open, she shoved him inside, pinning him to the floor and kissing him passionately. He didn't seem to reciprocate at first, trying initially to speak around her muzzle - an attempt she didn't intend to let him succeed at. When he finally began returning the kiss, his technique was awkward and amateurish.

Stellar pulled back. She'd wanted Firelight so bad, ever since Poplar died. Now that she had him pinned beneath her, even though it was the form of the strong-willed, gorgeous hunk of stallion that was Firelight, in this stallion's hesitant, trembling state she couldn't help but see the innocent, vulnerable virgin Poplar had been on their wedding night. Conflicting desires bubbled up as she fought between the rough ride she'd wanted to get tonight, and the tender, loving experience she'd gotten from her husband all those years ago.

Looking into the fearful but determined eyes of the stallion beneath her, the decision was clear. This stallion was not capable of giving her the rough treatment she wanted. But maybe his innocent nature would give her something that was better than that: a moment to relive her first time with her first love.

"This is your first time, isn't it?" she said gently, still laying across his chest in the hallway.

The question seemed to hurt him. Tears began welling up in his eyes. "Is it that obvious?" he replied, his tremulous voice breaking.

"It's okay," she said, running a hoof through his mane comfortingly. "I kinda like that. Come on, let's go inside and get comfortable."

Starlight watched through the window as her quarry stopped at the second door on the right.

Room 403! That was the room they were in.

Starlight rubbed her hooves together as she descended from the 4th story window. She didn't have much time before it would be too late. Thunderlane was still unconscious on the ground. She hadn't found any evidence of any broken bones, and had no way to wake him, so she dragged him behind a bush and left him there. He wouldn't know the difference when he awoke. Probably.

The bell chimed as she burst through the doors to the front lobby and made a beeline for the stairs.

"Excuse me, miss!" the mare at the front desk shouted. "You can't go up there!"

Starlight stopped, one hoof on the stairs. "Why not?" she inquired.

"The entire hotel is currently being rented by a client. If you aren't with the client, you will need to leave." The client, obviously, being Sweet Apple Acres.

"But I am with the client."

"Sorry, miss. If you don't have a partner, the client doesn't recognize you as a valid guest."

"Sweet, merciful Celestia," Starlight cursed. "Alright, I'll go get him."

She went back outside. Thunderlane was on his feet, now, but was staggering about in confusion.

"Thunder!" Starlight hissed from the doorway. "Come on!"

The disoriented stallion stared at her for a moment before staggering toward her. His gait steadily improved as he reoriented himself. "Right," he mumbled. "Right, I almost forgot why I was here."

Starlight dragged Thunderlane into the lobby. "My partner!" she declared. "Now, can you give us a room on the fourth floor?"

The clerk nodded, pulling open a drawer and fishing around for keys. Starlight tapped a hoof impatiently on the desk.

"Hmm," the clerk murmured. "I only have room 412 available," she said, lifting the keys from the tray. "Up the staircase to your right, second door on the right."

Starlight didn't even wait for her to set them down, snatching them right out of the clerk's hoof. "Thanks!" she shouted, dashing toward the stairs.

"Wait up," Thunderlane called behind her, still moving sluggishly.

The fourth floor was only a few quick bounds up the stairs. Starlight tried to flap her wings to help her climb them more quickly, but rapidly learned that smacking her wings into the walls of the stairwell hurt. A lot. She was also really starting to feel winded. Fluttershy's form was not exactly built for this kind of activity.

Something on the floor caught her eye as she turned away from the stairs and toward the fourth floor hallway - a room key. Right in front of Room 403! One of them must have dropped it!

She scooped up the key and immediately started trying to unlock the door, but before she could even get the key to the keyhole, somepony was shoving her down the hall.

"Wrong room, miss," Thunderlane said, chuckling. "I know you're in a hurry to get to the action, but you took the wrong flight of stairs. Our room is going to be up there on the left."

Starlight stared, aghast, as her objective grew more distant. After what she'd already done to the poor soul, she couldn't just shove him away. And she couldn't blow her cover, either!

Sunburst gasped as Starlight, her body illuminated only by a pale orange light from two lamps at either side of the headboard, pressed him down onto the bed. She straddled his knees, kissing his lips forcefully as he head came to rest against a pillow that was far thicker and fluffier than he would ever willingly use to sleep on.

He kissed her back, uncertain in his technique, but not wanting to leave her hanging. Her tongue forced its way into his mouth as her chest came to rest against his, and after a moment, she pulled away.

"Oh goddess," he moaned. "I never thought we would ever do this."

"I know," Starlight said, smiling down at him. "It's not exactly what I imagined, but it's just as wonderful."

Sunburst's heart dropped briefly at the first part of that statement, only to rebound completely at the second.

... But he was completely unsure of how to proceed. He simply gazed into her eyes, lost in the deep purple of Starlight's orbs. The mare he loved had orchestrated this entire fiasco just to sleep with him.

A touch against his erection caused him to jump. He looked down and saw Starlight's hoof rubbing gently against the deep purple of his shaft.

"Relax," she said, soothingly. "Let momma take care of you."

Her hoof continued to stroke up and down his shaft. Sunburst was weirded out by her choice of dirty talk, but he wasn't about to kink-shame her. And he figured if he wanted to be with her, he would have to get used to it. He could certainly get used to her soft touch on his sensitive bits, that was for sure.

"First, we need to get you ready." Her voice was nearly melodic in nature, soothing his frayed nerves. "Are you okay?"

"We're okay," he replied, trembling.

With that, her head began to wander downward, and her tongue teasing along the thin fur of his chest until it reached the very tip of his cock. She gazed up at him through lidded eyes as she gave it a slow, teasing lick up along the slit. A clear strand of pre-cum from his raging arousal stuck to her tongue, stretching out several inches before breaking.

For the first time in Sunburst's life, as his eyes locked with hers, he understood what it meant to feel truly wanted by a lusty mare. His heart, already threatening to pound right out of his chest, began to thump even faster in anticipation.

Starlight gave several more lascivious swabs of his cockhead before diving upon it completely. Sunburst had never in his life felt a warmth completely enveloping his penis before, but now he was sure he never wanted it to leave.

He groaned unintelligibly with the pleasure. Starlight clearly knew what she was doing, taking him all the way to his medial ring without any preparation at all. His entire shaft was squeezed into the back of her throat, a wave of muscular motion stroking him repeatedly as she tried to swallow the entire thing.

Unfortunately, Sunburst was not used to this kind of stimulation. A familiar tightness in his groin began building - the telltale sign of an impending orgasm. If he blew his load, the whole night would end, just like that. He knew from countless years of self-pleasure that his refractory period was just too long.

His eyes went wide. "S—stop," he forced out between gasping breaths. "If you keep doing that, I'm gonna—"

"Give me just a minute to wash up before we continue," Starlight sing-songed, slipping into the bathroom.

As the door closed, she coughed a couple of times, then scraped her tongue against her teeth to pull the clinging remnants of Thunderlane's cum from her taste buds. She wasn't sure what kind of diet the Wonderbolt regimen required, but the resultant taste left a lot to be desired.

Starlight turned on the shower to create some noise. It would give her time to think, and hopefully stop him from simply barging in on her. Not a foolproof plan, as the whole point of the party was sex, and everypony knew and expected everypony else to just go along with it.

As a result, Thunderlane - or whoever he really was - hadn't given her any opportunity to leave, and after smashing him into the side of the inn, she didn't want to leave him completely hanging, either. So, the logical next step had been to just let him get it out of his system.

The result was the fastest, most desperate blowjob she'd ever given a stallion.

The worst part was that she actually wanted to keep going with him. His cock was a glorious specimen, and her pussy was burning with desire. If she hadn't had other, much higher priorities, she would fuck him until Fluttershy couldn't walk straight in the morning!

Besides, she knew she was too late. Even if it wasn't herself or her father in spirit, it was still their bodies in the flesh. There was no way she could stop them from where she was now, assuming they weren't already doing it. At this point, her biggest hope, if she could find a temporary escape, was to stop them before they went too far. But that all depended on finding a way to get away from Thunderlane.

A cup next to the sink caught her eye. She filled it enough to take a mouthful, and then swished it around in her mouth, and spat the cummy remains down the drain. It helped with the foul taste immensely, so she filled the cup and drank some down, trying to wash the slimy sensation from her throat.

As she filled the cup again, she peered up at the mirror. Fluttershy's mane was a mess, and her face was streaked in cum. She'd never thought of Fluttershy as a slut before, but the vision in front of her wasn't likely to disappear any time soon. Something else caught her eye... this bathroom had a window!

She clambered up onto the toilet and checked the frame. The glass was frosted over, so no pegasus ponies could do a fly-by peeping, but there was a lock, which meant it should be able to open.

With the flick of a hoof, the latch sprung open, and Starlight hoisted herself up through the narrow window frame. She was barely able to squeeze through it, but it worked! She was outside the room, and could now put a stop to the activities over in room 403!

The Missing Scenes

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Stellar pushed herself slowly up and down on Firelight's mammoth cock, riding him in cowmare position as she gazed down into his eyes. To think that she was now moving so tenderly, when she would have had him mounting her and destroying her cervix instead, like she'd originally hoped...

But the sense of awe and wonder in the eyes that gazed back sparked her nostalgic passion for that special night with her husband so many years ago. His body trembled softly beneath her, betraying his apprehension about their activities. She didn't want him to do anything else but lie there so she could lose herself in his eyes.

There was also another thing she could feel flowing freely from this stallion: love. He loved her. Perhaps if she wasn't drunk on lust she would be deeply concerned, considering their current forms, but it seemed utterly inconsequential to her in this moment.

"This is incredible," he whispered. "Thank you."

Stellar Flare smiled, still slowly, deeply thrusting herself down on his member. It filled her up completely, and pulled away again, giving her a sense of emptiness and longing.

She had grown to be a bitter, selfish mare. She knew that. It was because of the emptiness in her heart when her husband had left her to raise Sunburst completely alone.

And this stallion was filling her emptiness with his entire self, body and soul. She realized as they slowly shifted their bodies that she didn't want Firelight anymore.

His cock began to pulse inside of her. She knew what was coming. "It's okay," she whispered. "Fill momma up." Seed flooded into her as his member began to seize and kick, and the stallion grunted and groaned in ecstasy.

Stellar secretly wished that she were young and fertile. That the spell wasn't protecting against an unwanted pregnancy. Because right now, whoever this stallion really was - when they woke up side-by-side the next morning - that was the stallion she wanted to be with.

Nothing could ever convince her otherwise.

Starlight stared, aghast, as she hovered outside the window of Room 403, peering through a small gap in the curtains. She'd tried pounding on the window to get their attention, but it seems the windows had a soundproofing spell.
A growing terror filled her heart with every single movement of hips, every deep, penetrating stroke into her own body's pussy. And it bothered her immensely that watching such a debauched act was turning her on as much as it was terrifying her.

She watched herself slowly lean forward to kiss her father full on the lips, her father's penis spilling semen from between her own thighs as it came free.

This was the worst possible thing that could have happened. She would never live this down - every pony in Ponyville would know about it, and her life was ruined.

"Look, there's the pony who fucked her dad."

Starlight could already hear the whisperings. Everypony that ever...

She stopped as a sudden realization struck her. Nopony in Ponyville had ever met her father before. Not a single one. There was no reputation to harm. At most, all anypony would have seen was the two of them walking together. She'd built up an insane scenario in her own head and she had been chasing this crazy problem over nothing.

A wave of relief washed over her. And with the stress melting away, so, too, did her inhibitions. She needed a cock. And she needed a cock now.

Flying as fast as Fluttershy's wings would allow, she forced herself back in through the window of room 412. She almost burst out of the bathroom, but then realized she was completely dry, and instead jumped under the water of the still-running shower.

It was cold. She shrieked involuntarily at the shock, but stayed under the spray long enough to not arouse suspicion in her beau, who was presumably waiting patiently for her return.

Turning off the water, Starlight hopped quickly out of the tub and pushed the door to the other room open again.
A note greeted her.

"To the pretty yellow mare, whoever you were: you give great head. But fuck you for ruining my vacation."

Thunderlane was nowhere in sight. Regret bubbled up in Starlight's heart as she read the note over again.

She fell back onto the chair in the corner. She'd fucked up her own weekend, too. Over what?

Over the possible thought that her father, who wasn't actually her dad, might be seen fucking herself? Even though no one knew who he was?

And the thought still had her a bit heated in the nethers. She set the note on the arm of the chair, and her forehoof wandered idly toward her slit.

Starlight began rubbing her clit, imagining that it was really herself being fucked by her dad. The thought itself was so much hotter than it had any right to be!

And as Starlight got into it, the chair began to rock. And the note fluttered to the ground, right next to something else that caught Starlight's attention just enough to give her pause.

It was a small key.

Engraved with Room 403.

Awkward Trains of Thought

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Firelight flopped into the seat across from Stellar Flare just as the train began moving. Stellar didn't reply, simply staring morosely out the window.

"That bad, huh?" he said, empathizing with her seeming misery.


It seemed as if she genuinely hadn't noticed his arrival. Considering how she'd been nearly crawling all over him on the train ride here, that was genuinely surprising.

"Did it go as well as you hoped?"

"For a while," she replied evenly. The uncertainty in her voice was thick, and Firelight almost felt bad. He had to remind himself that the two of them were not friends, because just then he'd nearly crossed the aisle to give her a hug.

"You want to talk about it?" he offered, leaning forward. He could take some glee in her misfortune, right?

Stellar turned to face him, tears rolling down her face. "I don't even know where to start," she said, bursting into sobs.

Firelight was taken aback. She'd seemed so excited for this trip when they'd left. Even if he didn't consider her a good friend, he didn't hate her.

"Why don't you start at the beginning?"

"You mean the part where I fucked my son?!" she blurted, before immediately covering her mouth with her hooves.

He quickly glanced around the train car, but there was only a single other pony - an old stallion, snoring at the opposite end of the car. Firelight sat back in his seat with a sigh. This was a heavy weight that he was not prepared for.

Several moments passed in awkward silence. "Your son?" he finally said.

"How was I supposed to know?" she lamented. "Everything was supposed to be anonymous!"

Firelight nodded slowly. That would certainly have been difficult.

"And to make matters worse," she continued, "it was some of the most sensual sex I've ever had in my life. It was like being in heaven. And then some random mare I've never met before accidentally stumbled into my room, and it turned into the most intense threesome I've ever had. She was all over you. And it was hot."

"What do you mean, all over me?" Firelight blurted.

"... Sunburst had your form. I intentionally sought you out," she confessed. "I knew it wouldn't be you, but I've always wanted..." she trailed off, but it didn't matter. Firelight got the hint.

"And it was Sunburst?"

She nodded sadly. "I fell in love with the stallion that was you last night. And I woke up to find a love that couldn't be."

Firelight stared out the window at trees whizzing past, processing her words. It was crazy that she was so into him that she had dragged him here just for that chance. Part of him was kinda happy that it backfired on her so miserably.

"And what about the other mare?" he wondered aloud.

Stellar frowned. "She left after we were done cleaning up. I don't know who she was. She wasn't really the problem, just Sunburst."

"I see."

Silence. Firelight faltered. She really was into him. He knew it. And now he couldn't even figure out why he'd hated her so much in the first place.

But there was one thing that floated to the top of his thoughts. If he had just given her a chance, knowing that she was so into him, she wouldn't have had such a terrible experience this weekend. But maybe he could make it up to her?

He looked up again to meet her gaze, but she seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, staring at the floor. He lifted her chin with a hoof, but she recoiled from his touch.

Firelight frowned. "For what it's worth, Stell, I'm sorry."

She stared at him, studying him in the same way a scientist might study their research findings. He felt strangely exposed.

"Was it good for you?" she asked suddenly.

"Ugh," he groaned. Why did she have to ask that? "I'd consider it a bust, myself."


"It started off great. Chatted up a beautiful mare, felt like there was something there. But then she took me on a flight that nearly killed me, gave me the fastest quickie I've had in my life, and ghosted me."