A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 3: The Storm’s Snare

by TheSuperTransformerFan

First published

Grid Battleforce shuts down the Morph-X towers to lure the Storm King into a trap, while Devon and Rainbow Dash go through ranger history to figure out a way to save Mayor Daniels. Part 3 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

Following the reveal of the Storm King possessing Mayor Daniels, and the big battle against Cosmos, the Rangers now have a new member of the team: Cozy Glow, the Black Ranger! And with her now being a ranger, the heroes just may have their chances increased to new heights!

However, to lure the Storm King into a trap, Grid Battleforce decides to shut down the entire Morph-X Tower network. Nate has a plan to imprison him with a hyper-freeze arrow, from the newest weapon: The Beast-X Ultra Cannon! However, Devon and Rainbow Dash don’t agree with Nate’s plan, and decide to take matters into their own hands to save the Mayor, by going through ranger history, as well as getting in touch with a legendary ranger ally, who just may have the solution.

Meanwhile, the remaining heroes have a plan to confront Grubber, Vargoyle and the rest of the Storm King’s forces as part of Grid Battleforce’s plan. But, their enemy may be more cunning then they thought... Devon and Rainbow Dash will have to step in, and save the Mayor, and their friends, with the help of a few old Wonderbolt allies to take care of this threat. Memories will be sparked, old friends will return, and an old family member will be reunited with his son...with the help of someone who once told him off in the past.

Beast Morphers - A rewrite of the episode, “The Evox Snare,” taking place after big battle with Cosmos, and Cozy joining the team as the Black Ranger.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - A rewrite of the third and final act of the season 10 episode, “Deep Tissue Memories,” so most of this will probably not be canon.

This is the third and final story in the Rainbow Dash X Red Ranger arc.

I don't own anything. MLP & Power Rangers are both owned by Hasbro.

Prologue: The Beast-X Ultra Cannon

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Twilight Sparkle: “I know those stars...We gotta tell the Rangers!”


Twilight Sparkle: “This is the Andalusian! It’s a series of stars that just showed up in the night sky one day...centuries ago!”


Twilight Sparkle: “At last...somepony powerful enough for to embody has found me!”


Discord: “She’s FOUND ONE?!?!”

Zoey: “Yes! Shouldn’t you be excited!”

Discord: “We have to get out of here! Twilight cannot reunite all the pieces! They are COSMOS!”


Twilight, Celestia and Luna: “Discord! Darling! It’s so lovely to see you again!”

Discord: “Oooooooh No!”


Zoey: He’s not joining you! He’s one of the good guys now!”

Discord: “Did you really have to say that, Zoey?”


Devon: “Stop right there...Twilight?”


Rainbow Dash: “TWI!!! Don’t fire! It’s me! I’m your friend!


Ben: “Big Mac! You’re under Cosmos’s control!“

Steel: “Now, that is so messed up!”


Ravi: “We either go back there, and help or Twilight will be stuck like this forever!”


Cadence: “Finally...All my stars together again. At last, I can be myself after all this time!”


Cozy Glow: “Starting today, I’ll be your opponent! It’s Morphin Time!“


Cozy Glow: “This is similar to one of our earlier battles, only it’s a role reversal, Twilight! This time I’m the good guy, and you’re the bad guy! Strange, isn't it?”


Nate, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Applejack, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Steel, Ravi, Zoey, & Fluttershy: “BEAST-X KING ULTRA STRIKE!”


Rainbow Dash: “Twilight, I’ll never let a strange, cosmic creature possess you again!”


Robo-Blaze: “How are we supposed to recruit a mob when all you do is scare them away?!”

Robo-Roxy: “At least I don’t build stupid, lumbering, ROBOTRONS!!!

Robo-Blaze: “Now, you’ve...wounded me.”

It was a nice day in Coral Harbor as everyone was out and about, going on with their day. However, at Grid Battleforce, it was a day of importance since the Storm asking revealed his secret to the heroes about his double identity. This made him vulnerable to the entire Morph-X network, and the heroes needed to find a way to separate him from Devon’s own father, Mayor Daniels.

“Status report...City wide communication is open.” A worker said, as she got the computer ready in the lab for an announcement.

Inside, Commander Shaw was ready to give her announcement to the entire city of Coral Harbor. “Citizens of Coral Harbor, I’m Commander Shaw.” She introduced herself. “As you know, the Storm King, an old Equestrian enemy, is trying to take control of the Morph-X tower network. We have a reason to believe that he may have compromised the network’s computer system. As a result, this puts the entire world in jeopardy.”

All across the city, everyone was listening in on the Commander’s message, via billboards, TVs at the gym and more. “Therefore effective immediately, the towers will be shut down, and the Morph-X will be returned to the Morphin grid, where the Storm King can’t reach it.” She continued. “The old power system will be turned on temporarily. Thank you.” She wrapped up her message.

“Communication ended.” The worker said, as she wrapped up the transmission.

The Commander nodded, got up and went over to the Center of the room, where three of the greatest heroes, Devon Daniels...the red ranger, Ravi Shaw...the blue ranger, and Princess Twilight Sparkle...the current ruler of Equestria, and leader of the Mane Six were standing before her. “Commander, how can we know that the Storm King didn’t put some malware in the system?” Devon asked her.

“We’re searching for traces of his residue now.” She told them. She turned to the workers. “In the meantime, start draining the towers one at a time.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” The worker said, as she started the controls. “Beginning Tower 1 shut down.” With a few flicks of the controls, the first Morph-X tower was shutting down, and was drained of the energy.

“I know it's bad that the Storm King took control of Devon’s dad like Cosmos did to me and the other Princesses...” Twilight said, concerned. “...but is all this really necessary, Commander?”

“I’m afraid it is, Twilight.” She told her. “Since the Storm King is right in front of our Morph-X towers, this makes an easy opportunity for him to steal it. We can’t take that chance. So, we have to shut the towers down for precautions.”

“If He tries to get the Morph-X, who knows what will happen?” Ravi asked as well.

“True, but this is getting a little out of hand.” Twilight said solemnly.

“I understand, but right now, there’s no other way.” Commander Shaw told them, seriously. “Right now, we need to remove the Morph-X, so that the Storm King will be rendered weak.”

“And, by the way, Nate’s said he was working on something new.” Ravi suggested. “You guys want to check it out?”

“Yeah.” Devon said, nodding. “Come on!” They all went to the training room, to hear about Nate’s newest invention in the ranger arsenal.

In another lab room, Rainbow Dash...the element of Loyalty...was straining as she was trying to try telekinesis with her mind, like Twilight did. A brick was in front of her, as her eyes were closed.

“All is peace...all is calm.” She heard Nate’s voice guide her. “Within the silence of yourself, reach out with your mind and raise up that brick.” She strained so hard, she might burst a blood vessel as she was sweating with stress. Then, slowly, the brick started to rise up in the air, all by itself, and it levitated over to Rainbow’s face.

But, it was especially hard to teach a Pegasus pony unicorn magic, because as soon as it did that, the brick clubbed Rainbow in the face, as she tumbled onto her back. She opened her eyes, and rubbed her head in pain. “Ow!” She groaned.

“A little bit more.” Nate said, as she got back up, “Try again.”

“No way, Nate!” The Pegasus said defiantly. “This telekinesis stuff is dumb! Like egghead dumb! Why do I have to try to lift this up with my mind?”

Nate sighed. “Strength and speed can only take you so far, Dash.” He said to her.

“It got us the Black Ranger!” Rainbow shot back smugly.

“You can’t count on that!” The genius said, frustrated as he shook Rainbow’s body. “There’s more to being a warrior than just speed, and weapons!” He let go of her, as she regained her composure.

“So, will they like me more if I have the power to move things up, and hit me in the head?” Rainbow asked, confused. “Is this a good skill?!”

“Learn to do it right!” Nate said seriously to her. “Now, try a little harder, or you’ll get nothing for dinner but a piece of leather, and a blatherskite.”

“What’s a blatherskite?” She asked again.

“It’s a piece of leather!” Nate shouted in seriousness. “Now concentrate!”

“But, I’m supposed to be helping Devon find a way to save the Mayor.” Rainbow warned him.

“You’ve got time!” Nate reassured her. “Now, focus! All is peace...all is calm. Within the silence of yourself, reach out with your mind and raise that brick!”

Rainbow sighed, and rolled her eyes as she closed them, and strained to lift the brick up again. Sure enough, the brick started to lift off. “Ah...” Nate said, smiling at the process.

“Ah!” Rainbow shouted as the brick hit her in the head, and split in half. Nate was shocked at this.

“Oh, Crud!” He shouted angrily, throwing his arms up and leaving to meet up with the others in the training room.

In the training room, the Mane Six, Starlight, Spike and the rangers...minus Nate and Dash were awaiting him to unveil his new invention.

“Where is Nate?” Starlight asked, concerned.

“He said he’d be a little late coming in, Steel told them. “He’ll be here soon.”

“He’s probably finishing up his invention.” Spike said. At that moment, Nate came in as if he was through a train wreck. “Well, speak of the devil.” He said in surprise.

“What took you so long, Darling?” Rarity asked him. “You look like you’ve been through an ordeal!”

“I was trying to teach Rainbow telekinesis earlier.” Nate told them calmly, “...with less than satisfactory results. I’ll get back to that later. For months, the Storm King has been using the Mayor’s body to appear human.”

“We know that, Sugarcube!” Applejack sighed. “It’s like when Twilight here, and the others were taken over by that spooky Cosmos fella.” She made a cuckoo sign.

Twilight saw her imitation. “Hey!” She said defensively.

“But, luckily, human DNA can corrupt his body.” Nate finished. “By my calculations, such a lengthy exposure had made him dependent on Morph-X to survive. He’ll need lots of it!”

The others gasped in shock as they heard this. “How’s he going to get all that Morph-X if he’s dependent like that?” Starlight asked.

“I’m not sure, Starlight.” Zoey said. “When he realizes that the City’s supplies are going away, he’ll get desperate.”

“So, we think he’s going to show up in person.” Twilight guessed, as she wondered this possibility.

“And, that’s when we hit, and trap him with this!” Steel said, as he opened a blue container, to reveal a blue arrow. “A hyper-freeze Arrow! Check it out!”

“It’s a tricky shot...” Nate said, as he took the arrow carefully. “But, I’ve made a new weapon formation.” He led them over to his newest weapon. “The Beast-X Ultra Cannon.” He said bravely. “It’s perfect to shoot the arrow at the Storm King.”

The others oogled in glory at the new weapon. “Whoa!” Devon and Spike said in amazement. “The Ultra Blaster and King Ultra Bow...combined?” Devon said in surprise.

“Betty, ready the target.” Zoey said, as Betty Burke entered with a tuxedo suit onto a mannequin.

“Alright, Zoey!” Betty said enthusiastically. “I’m ready when you are!”

“Thanks!” Zoey said, as she picked up the Ultra Cannon, and aimed it at the target. “Okay...” she pulled the trigger on the Ultra Bow, and fired, making the target encased in a block of ice.

Everyone was shocked and amazed at this attempt. “Whoa!” They said in shock.

“Wow!” Spike said as he flew up. “This could easily put the Storm King in a cold snap!” He giggled, as the others followed suit as he said that.

“Very impressive!” Rarity said in awe.

“And, thanks to my genius brother...” Steel said, as he walked up to the ice block. “It’s hard as Diamond!” He tapped on it. “No way out!”

“Golly, nice work, Steel!” Cozy said, smiling.

“I aim to please, Cozy!” Steel said, accepting the compliment.

“Uh, sis!” Ben said as he ran up to the block of ice. “You do realize our dad’s wedding tux is in there?” He asked in shock.

“That’s your Dad’s tux?” Nate asked, surprised.

Betty turned around to them, and blushed. “Bad idea, huh?” She asked. “I gotta get it out!”

“I don’t think it will break.” Nate said unsure of all this.

“Stand back, Nate!” Twilight said, as she readied up her horn, and aimed it at the block. “Let’s crack that sucker open!” She fired a magic beam at it.

“WAIT, TWILIGHT! NO!” Nate shouted in alarm, but it was too late. The beam, hit the ice and deflected over to the group. “Yipe!” She yelped as the beam, was shot back to the heroes. They all gasped as they ducked, while the beam hit a wall in the hall, making it explode.

They all then looked to see the shattered pieces of debris from the wall, and were surprised at how much the horn’s destruction caused. Twilight giggled sheepishly. “Oh, Nice going, Twilight!” Pinkie said, a little frustrated. “You didn't just zap the ice... you zapped the whole freakin' wall!”

“Sorry?” The Alicorn asked, as Pinkie glared at her. She gulped, and then diverted her attention to the ice block. “So, this ice is unbreakable? Does it even melt?”

Nate shook his head. “I don’t think so, Twilight.” He told her. “Although, it could.”

“So, after we freeze the Storm King...” Devon asked, as he took a look at the block. “...how do we separate him, and my dad?”

The others, except Nate and Zoey started to gasp a little bit, as they didn’t think the consequences through of that plan. “Oh, my.” Fluttershy said in worry. “I don’t think we thought about that.”

“Yeah, It seems we kinda went blindly into this before the outcome.” Applejack agreed with her friend.

“I...haven’t figured that part out, yet.” Nate said regretfully. Devon started to feel uncomfortable at his words.

“Right now, we need to focus on stopping the Storm King, Sugarcube.” Applejack said, her face appearing serious.

“After we do that...” Commander Shaw added. “He’ll stay frozen until we can find a safe way to save your dad.”

“And, how long will it take to find a safe way to save my dad?” Devon asked again.

“I don’t know.” Nate told him. “It’s difficult to do. It could take a long time.”

Devon was trying to grasp what Nate was telling him. “My dad could be frozen...forever?” He asked, with uncertainty.

“I didn’t say forever...” Nate started, but Devon didn’t let him finish.

“You might as well have!” Devon said, worriedly. “That’s not going to happen!”

“Uh, oh!” Spike said, as he was watching the two bicker. “Here we go.”

“Hey, I’ve been working around the clock to find a way to stop the Storm King!” Nate said calm, but a little offended. “But, there’s only so much I can do.”

“There has to be another way!” Devon said, now boarding on almost panic. “You haven’t faced the Storm King before! Twilight and the others have!” He pointed to them as he said that. They slowly gasped, but realized he did have a point: none of the rangers have ever faced the Storm King in person. Only, Twilight and her friends did.

“And, if you won’t find it, I will!” Devon finished, as he left the room, and calmly pushed some of them out of the way. Leaving everyone else, without Dash in the room.

“Nate, the Hyper-Freeze arrow is good work.” The Commander thanked him. She turned to Ravi. “Get the decoy truck ready for deployment. Ravi nodded, as he went off to execute the plan. A few still felt a little sympathy towards their friend, who was feeling distressed.

“Well, we did all we could.” Twilight said with worry.

Fluttershy took a good look at the wall. “He seemed really sad.” She said, with worry. “This feels... not good.”

“Oh, Devon must feel like he’s left out.” Cozy said with worry, as she turned to the others. “Just like I was earlier when we were facing Cosmos.”

Zoey was shocked, as she remembered what happened with Target practice, and how the beast bots teased her after she got dirt on herself.

The alicorn turned to Nate. “Honestly, Nate. I don’t think that this is a good idea. Without Mayor Daniels, the city could be in a uproar.”

“I’ve been trying to work on a solution...” Nate said, getting frustrated. “The least you could do is...”

“No!” Applejack cut him off. “The least you’re doing is trying to encase the Mayor in a block of ice!”

FOREVER!” Pinkie said as she jumped up, and took the others by surprise.

“And, you heard what Devon said!” Rarity added, as they nodded. “There has to be another way!”

“I understand your sympathy.” Nate said. “But right now, this is the only way.” He then turned attention over to the commander. “I’ve been trying to get the Beast-X King Megazord system back online. It hasn’t been used since the the last time we faced Evox.”

“And, We still need a few more memories for the scrapbook.” Spike said, not too loud to him, so that Twilight wouldn’t grab attention to his big sister as he showed him the scrapbook, and showed them a section that was still empty. “What are the chances any of us or Devon can get Twilight to remember stuff in her own quiet way?”

“I don’t know right now, Spike.” Nate told him. “But, it looks like it could be useful to reignite Devon’s Element-X mode. We may need it, and the Zord combination.”

“Good.” Commander Shaw said. They all nodded, as she left. “Stay alert, everyone.”

The rest of the heroes started to feel a little uncomfortable about Nate’s plan, but Nate himself was confident that it might be the only way to stop the Storm King.

“Alright.” Starlight said. “We’ll try your plan, but you should know that planning a mission is a two-way street.”

“I agree with Starlight.” Twilight said, as she came up to Nate as well. “Everypony knows you're a great ranger, Nate. But, so is Devon. It wouldn’t hurt to actually listen to his plan, and it might be more challenging than you think.”

Nate sighed, and realized they were right. “Aw, you're right!” He said in realization. “I mean, Devon’s got a good plan too. But could it work? Separating the Mayor and Storm King would automatically work, but is that scientifically possible? Maybe I'td work if we just froze him, and I figured out a way after that.”

The others gave him a few stares while Twilight groaned, as Starlight patted her. It would look like Nate would almost have a long way to go before he could fully trust Devon with his plan. That is...if they knew what the plan was.

Meanwhile, just outside the building, a dreadlocked, silver robot...Vargoyle...was watching through binoculars, and saw the heroes start to exit with a decoy truck to start to lure the Storm King into a trap. He watched the truck take off.

“Nate’s busy with the Morph-X towers.” Vargoyle said out loud to himself, as he took the binoculars off. “That’s one less thing to worry about.”

He lept like a ninja from building to building trying to not to be seen. Sure enough, we wasn’t! He continued leaping, until he arrived at a balcony where he met up with the current pony general of the Storm King...Tempest Shadow! Tempest smiled, as he arrived as they were ready to execute their counter plan for the heroes.

“Everything ready for today?” Vargoyle asked her.

She nodded. “Yes.” She said, smiling evilly.

“Oh, simpatico!” Vargoyle said in excitement, as he turned, and jumped to get back to the Crystal Dimension.

Tempest started to snarl as she looked at her orbs. “He didn’t say a thing about my stone orbs!” She though out loud. “Well, I think they’re light, and cheerful!” She galloped off to meet up with her master, and discuss the plan to get back at the rangers. The good guys have a plan, but the bad guys have a counter plan to prevent them. And, the outcome of this battle would lead to an encounter, nobody thought of!

Part 1: A Wonderbolt Encounter

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In the Crystal Dimension, Grubber was watching the city wide communication from Commander Shaw about their plan to stop the Storm King. “Therefore effective immediately, the towers will be shut down, and the Morph-X will be returned to the Morphin grid, where the Storm King can’t reach it.” He heard the Commander’s message loud and clear, and was shocked as if he was about to spit out his popcorn!

WHAT?!” Grubber said in horror. “No more Morph-X?!” At that moment, Tempest and Vargoyle arrived as he said that.

“Yes, Grubber. We already know that!” Tempest said, calmly.

“But, our Morph-X levels are severely low!” Grubber shouted urgently. “Once, they’re out, that’s it!”

“Have no fear!” Vargoyle said bravely. “The rangers have a plan to shut the towers, but we have a counterplan to stop them in their tracks!”

“That’s great!” Grubber said sarcastically, and happy. “What are you going to do? Wander around the town calling out, ‘Here, ranger ranger? Here, ranger ranger?’”

“Well, anything sounds dumb, when you say it like that.” Tempest said, feeling a little bit uneasy by his remark.

Grubber stomped his foot down for emphasis, as the two jumped back as he meant business. Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy arrived at that moment. “We need to drain the Morph-X towers and supply them to the Storm King quickly!” He told them.

“But, Battleforce has already shut down the first tower.” Robo-Roxy warned him.

“Once again, something that could’ve been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!!!” the Storm King shouted in anger as he arrived toward them. “It’s bad enough we lost Cosmos! But, this could put my levels of survival at risk!”

He turned to his four generals! “Blaze! Roxy! Tempest! Vargoyle!” He said to them. “Execute your counterplan, and get me more Morph-X before all those towers are empty!” He snarled at them. “I don’t CARE what it takes!” He aimed his staff at them. “Just do it!”

The generals nodded. “Yes, Master!” Robo-Blaze said as he nodded.

“Rest assured, Boss!” Tempest said, as she smiled. “Those rangers and their allies will get what’s coming to them, soon enough!” She, and the others left the dimension to execute their plan to save their master’s Morph-X levels...whatever it took!

In a library-like room inside Grid Battleforce, Devon was checking through his files of his father, Mayor Daniels. He was looking through a few folders to see if there was another way to save him. So far, nothing as he out a folder aside.

He then looked another binder that had a few news articles. He flipped to one page in particular with him and his dad, being at his re-election rally, and the headline was explaining the attack there when the Mane Six, and their friends came to help. Devon smiled as he saw that, and started to recall a few memories when he helped his own father.

Devon got up to see what was going on and saw Ben & Betty both on a tandem bike frantically telling people to get out of the way! The people ran every which way not only from the bike, but also from the foot-soldiers chasing the people and causing chaos. He immediately took notice. “Tronics!” Devon said in realization. He couldn’t stand by and do nothing! He had to help out. “Okay, everybody! Do not panic!” He said to them. “Proceed in a nice fashion! Everything will be fine!” He guided everyone out of the way safely. “Come on.” He told them. “It’ll be okay! Stay with your friends and family.” He continued to guide them to safety.

Once that was taken care of, Devon decided to step into the game! “I’ll get help, Dad!” He said, as he darted behind a nearby billboard for his father’s rally & readied his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” Devon shouted, and morphed off-screen into the red ranger to join the battle.

Devon’s dad saw the red ranger come out from behind the billboard. “Did I just see what I think I saw?” He wondered as the red ranger entered the battle.

Devon put the binder aside, and shook that memory off as he knew he needed to find a way fast. Just then, the doors opened. “Hey, Devon. Sorry I took so long.” Cruise said as he arrived, putting a few piles of folders onto the desk. “Anyways, these are the rest of the ranger records that you wanted.”

“Thanks, Cruise.” Devon said, nodding.

“Anytime.” Cruise said as he left, and Rainbow Dash flew in safely, and slowly.

“Hey, Devon!” She said calmly to him. “I saw that Nate was just working on the Beast-X Ultra Cannon, and...” she noticed the papers and binders on the table, and noticed he was hard at work. “Uh, What's going on?“ she flew over to his side.

Devon saw her, and smiled. “Oh, hi Dash.” He said, as he was looking for some files on possible solutions. “I’m just going through some ranger records.” He then noticed his friend was rubbing her head. “What happened to you?”

“Oh, Nate was teaching me how to do telekinesis.” Rainbow groaned as she rubbed her temples.

“Whoa! Nate was teaching you how to do unicorn magic?” Devon asked, as he let out a chuckle. “That seems hard as it looks, considering you’re not a unicorn.”

“Yeah, and he made me start with a brick, and it hit me in the head a few time.” Rainbow said, as she groaned.

“Ouch.” Devon said, understanding.

“Yeah.” She said. “It hurts so much, it’ll leave a mark.” She then looked at the files, which contained articles about her friend’s father, and slowly understood why he was doing this. “You’re trying to find a way to separate your dad from the Storm King?” She guessed.

“How did you know?” He asked astonished.

“Judging from the files...” she pointed to the piles of paper. “...you’ve been really hard at work.”

“I have so far.” He answered. At that moment, Ravi took notice and came in. “Hey, Dash! Devon!” He said, calmly. “Find anything?”

“Maybe.” Devon said, handing him a file. “There was a black ranger once....in another dimension.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened as she heard that. “Hold on. Don’t we already have a black ranger?” She asked. “We’ve got Cozy!”

“He was slowly turning into an evil cyborg.” Devon clarified them, as he looked at the article on the computer. “Their lead scientist found a way to stop the process.”

Her ears perked. “Did you say lead scientist?” She asked him. He nodded. “Who?”

He responded by turning the montor over to them, showing them a picture of the core 5 RPM rangers with a scientist in the lower Center photo. “Her name was Doctor K.” He said to them.

Rainbow saw the photo, and was surprised. “You mean...the RPM rangers? And the black ranger you mentioned is a legendary ranger?!” She gawked.

“Yeah.” Devon said. “And, Doctor K managed to help the virus stop spreading.”

“Doctor K?” Dash asked. “As in...the scientist of the RPM rangers?”

“That’s correct.” Devon answered.

Ravi was intrigued by what he saw. “Great!” He said. “Then, you need to speak to her!”

“I tried.” Devon said, as he flipped the monitor back. “But, she’s only been heard a couple of times from the past decade. So far, no response.”

Rainbow just groaned in disappointment as she heard that. “Then, how are we going to stop the Storm King now?!” She asked in frustration and worry.

Ravi looked at the screen, and understood his friend’s feelings. “Look, if Dr. K can’t help, we don’t have a choice.” He said solemnly. “We have to try and freeze the Storm King.” He patted Devon on the shoulder.

“Wait...FREEZE the Storm King?” Rainbow asked in shock, slowly understanding what was going on. “As in freeze Devon’s dad, also?” She put her hoof down in the air for emphasis. “What?! No way! Devon needs his dad, who also belongs here!”

“I know he does, Rainbow. But for now, this is probably the only way.” Ravi said calmly.

“Yeah. I know.” Devon said disappointingly.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I cannot believe Devon’s giving up so easily.” The Wonderbolt said seriously and surprised as if she was facing the end of the world. “You're the Power Rangers! Solving tough problems is what you do.”

“Well, you and your friends are pretty good at coming up with ideas to take down some bad guys.” Ravi said, as his expression lit up.

“That's right.” Devon added in agreement. “When we work together, we're unstoppable!”

“That’s the spirit, Devon!” Rainbow said, and not a moment too soon, when they got a call on their Morphers. Rainbow seized Ravi’s and checked in. “Hey!” Ravi said in frustration.

Rainbow paid no attention. “Commander, go ahead!” She said.

In one of the garages, decoy truck was taking off as Commander Shaw spoke up. “The decoy truck is moving out!” She said bravely. “It’s game time, rangers!” It was time for Operation: Morph-X Decoy to go into action!

The Decoy truck was cruising through the city, and was about to continue to press through. However, a bulldozer-like robotron arrived on the scene, RIGHT in front of the truck! “The Morph-X is going nowhere! Ra, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” He said evilly as the drivers vacated the vehicle, and civilians ran from the robot.

“Aw, I didn’t even get to smash anything!” He said disappointed.

“HOLD IT!” He heard a female voice, and he turned to see the Elements of Harmony and Rangers arrive before him.

“You twerps are no match for Bulldozertron!” He said, introducing himself to the heroes.

“Bulldozer, eh?” Applejack asked smugly. “Well, we’re about to bury y’all!” She nodded to Devon, as they were ready to fight!

“IT’S MORPHIN TIME!” Devon, and Cozy both shouted, as the rangers activated their Morphers, and keys.

“ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They shouted, as all 7 rangers were instantly morphed before the robotron. “UNLEASH THE BEAST!” They shouted, introducing themselves. However, Rainbow felt a little dazed, during the roll call, as she started to fall over, as if she were asleep onto her friends.

“Oh, no! Rainbow!” Twilight said, as she and Rarity both caught her.

“Darling, are you okay?” Rarity asked, worriedly.

“You won’t be for long!” Bulldozertron said, as he got his dozer arms ready. “Time for you to be buried!”

“Not going to happen!” Cozy said, as she turned to the others. “Nate! Can you try to help Rainbow?” She asked him. “We’ll take that walking bulldozer down!”

“I’ll try.” Nate said.

“Right!” They all said, as they ran towards him.

“TRANSPORT...BEAST-X SABERS!” Devon, Zoey, Ben & Ravi said, as they hit their transporters, and their sabers came to them.

“TRANSPORT...BEAST-X KING BLASTER!” Cozy said, as she hit her transporter and summoned her weapon.

“That won’t stop me!” Bulldozertron said as he made a mad dash for his enemies.

“BEAST-X CANNON READY!” The 4 rangers shouted as they combined their weapons together!

“STRIKER MORPHER CHARGED!” Nate and Steel said, aiming their Morphers at him.

“ELEMENTS OF HARMONY...UNITE!” The ponies announced as they aimed their elements at him. Spike readied his fire breath at him.

“BEAST-X KING ULTRA BLAST!” Cozy shouted, aiming her weapon.

“BEAST BLAST!” The rangers shouted as they all fired at the robotron, which sent him flying a few feet back, before landing with a mighty hard thud!

“Get him!” Devon said, as they all...except Nate and Rainbow...ran toward the robotron.

Bulldozertron got up, and growled. “You’re gonna regret messing with me!” He said, as he got his arms ready again to fight them.

“We’ll see about that!” Twilight shot back as they were ready. “Let’s get them, girls!” They all nodded.

The remaining heroes used their weapons to try to get to his defences. But, his arm guards were hard to break through. They tried shooting their magic beams, using sabers and fists to get to him. But so far, he was a formidable opponent for them.

Nate tried to shake her awake. “Come on, Dash! Snap out of it!” He said seriously to her. “Bulldozertron’s here, and he’s closing in fast!”

Rainbow still remained in her dazed state. “All is brick.” She said in a monotone voice.

The heroes were still going at it with Bulldozertron, refusing to give up as they kept trying to penetrate him. Steel, and Cozy both noticed Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy had arrived. “Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy! They’re back!” Cozy said in alarm.

“And, so are Tempest and Vargoyle!” Steel said, pointing to the crimson unicorn, and silver dreadlock robot that have arrived as well.

Robo-Blaze nodded to the other two generals. “Take the Morph-X!” He ordered as they nodded.

“You can count on us!” Vargoyle said as they went for the decoy truck.

Nate took notice of the villains, and was shocked. “A vast river of woe is heading our way!” He said worriedly, shaking her harder. “Come to your senses now!”

Rainbow finally started to spur awake as if she just entered the battle. “What?” She asked confused. “What’s wrong?” Now, the heroes had TWO problems to face: defending the Morph-X, and stopping Bulldozertron! It looked like they were caught between a rock and a hard place!

“Will you hug me?” She cooed, as she hugged her friend, and fell asleep. “I’m needy.”

“GO TO WORK!” Nate shouted angrily as he shoved her off him.

Rainbow took notice of the robotron fight, and knew what she had to do. “Right!” She said, as she joined in the battle with her friends.

Bulldozertron was about to slam into them, when the speedy Pegasus zoomed around him quickly. “Whoa!” He said in shock. “I wasn’t expecting to be thrown up again!”

“Get out!” Rainbow said, as she kicked the robotron up into the sky, and slammed it down hard again to the ground. She then rejoined her friends on foot.

“A little late to join in this fight. Huh, Dash?” Starlight asked, as she crossed her arms.

“Hey, better late than never!” Rainbow said, smugly. “Now, let’s send this abomination to the junkyard!” They all nodded, and were ready for round 2 with this tough robot.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both noticed the generals coming toward the decoy truck. “Fluttershy!” Pinkie called out. “It’s Blaze and Roxy!”

“I see them!” Fluttershy added as they went to join, Nate, Steel and Cozy to fight the generals.

They arrived in front of the villains. “That Morph-X isn’t going anywhere!” Pinkie shouted, as she pointed to them.

The generals turned to them, giving a menacing look. “Actually, it is!” Robo-Roxy said, as she and Robo-Blaze whipped out their keys, and morphed into their evil ranger forms.

“Try, and stop us!” Robo-Blaze said, smugly.

“With pleasure!” Steel said, as the heroes made a dash towards the truck. Fluttershy and Pinkie took on the Robo rangers, as the kind Pegasus used her tail to whip the two down, while Pinkie dogpiled on them.

Nate, Steel and Cozy were taking on the Tronics who had JUST appeared to them. Nate, and Cozy threw a few punches towards the Tronics, and kicked a few down. Cozy took notice at one about to enter the truck. “Get down here!” She shouted, as she grabbed it and threw it aside.

Nate saw another tronic about to get in the truck as well. “Hey!” He darted up to him, and grabbed it. “You should’ve worn your seatbelt!” He yelled, as he tackled the foot soldier to the ground easily.

Steel was taking on another cluster of Tronics too, as he dodged and kicked a few pretty quickly. He opened the door to the truck, and saw a tronic in there. “I know YOU don’t have a license!” Steel shouted, as he threw him out.

“Bad move!” Robo-Blaze snapped, as he got out his rapier, and whacked him with it! Steel tried to fight back, but Tempest kicked him from behind, while Robo-Blaze kicked him down.

“Party time!” Pinkie said, as she aimed her party cannon at him. “See if you can handle my fastballs!” She fired out a barrage of confetti balls, which sped by him so fast that he could barely keep up. Eventually, he was knocked down by the might of her ammunition.

Fluttershy came right to her side, excitedly. “He’s no match for pony power!” She said, as the two hoof bumped.

“Aw, yeah!” Pinkie piped up in agreement.

Meanwhile, the others were still going at it with Bulldozertron as he clapped his arm gauntlets together, and sent a blast to them, throwing them down.

“Ultra Blast!” Ben shouted, as he fired at him.

“Take this!” Bulldozertron shouted, as he clapped his hands and fired another blast at him, sending him down.

“Ben, are you okay?” Spike asked, as they came to his side.

“Yeah, I am.” Ben answered weakly.

“This guy’s just too tough for us!” Ravi said in shock.

“We can’t give up, Everyone!” Twilight said bravely. “No pony’s too tough for us!”

“Then, let me introduce myself!” Bulldozertron said smugly to the heroes. “I’m no one, and I’m too tough for all of you!” He got his hands ready to clap, and send the heroes down and out for the count.

“This can’t be happening!” Starlight said in shock as they all gasped.

“Oh, but it is!” The robotron gloated as he was ready to finish them off. But he never got the chance, as a blue and white electric blur came in and charged at the robotron, sending him down.

The heroes were shocked as they saw the blurs zooming right past them. “Whoa!” Devon shouted. “What was that?!”

“No idea!” Ravi said, as he didn’t know either.

“They’re on our side, though!” Starlight said, as they witnessed what they did to the robotron.

“I hope they’re on our side!” Ben said, as he got back up.

The blurs zoomed by the Gold, Black, & Silver rangers as well as Pinkie and Fluttershy, as they took out an entire army of Tronics easily. “Bro, look at that!” Steel said, pointing at the blurs.

“Whoa!” Nate said in shock.

“Holy guacamole!” Cozy shouted in sheer surprise. “Are you all seeing what I’m seeing?”

Pinkie and Fluttershy came over to them, and they too were surprised. “We’re as shocked as you!” Fluttershy said, as they couldn’t believe their eyes.

The two blurs eventually raced back to the heroes who were fighting Bulldozertron, and were shocked at this. “They’re coming back to us?” Zoey asked confused.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked. They got their answer as the blurs slowed down to reveal a blue male Pegasus with a electrified green mane, and a white female Pegasus with a light cyanish grey cloud mane. The two Pegasi landed on the ground, and smiled.

“Did you miss us?” The Blue male Pegasi questioned, as he turned to the heroes. Twilight was shocked to see him as she knew who he was.

“Sky?! Vapor?!” Twilight asked in shock. “What are you two doing here?”

Vapor Trail chuckled. “Why else would we be here?” She asked. “You guys looked like you could use a hand!”

“So, let’s finish the job for you!” Sky Stinger said, as he looked at Vapor. “Ready?” He asked her.

“Always!” She said, smugly as they took off, and divebombed the robotron quickly.

“What the?!” Bulldozertron asked in shock, as the two Pegasi turned to him again.

Sky Stinger rammed into The robotron easily, as he kicked him hard to the ground, while Vapor Trail flew up, and got her wings ready. “You know, I’m feeling a little draft, Bulldozertron!” She said, as she used her wings to create her wind that used to help Sky, over to him. “So, why don’t you just close the door, while you’re at it?” Her wind attack sent the robotron down to the ground, and thrown off course!

The others were still fighting the four generals as Vargoyle was about to slash Steel down. “Hands off!” He shouted, as she slashed him, sending him flying up, and back down to the ground. Nate was thrown down too. “Crud!” He shouted.

Rainbow was about to go over there and help them, when she saw two blurs zoom over to Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy, instantly knocking them down. The blurs swirled around them, creating a tornado, throwing them up, and launching them back down. The two blurs landed in front of the others, revealing themselves. “Is this a private party or can anypony join?” Vapor asked, quizzically.

Rainbow gasped in shock, as she instantly recognized them. “Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail!” She said in amazement.

“Rainbow!” Sky said smugly. “So, you do remember us?”

“How could I forget the face of an ol’ Wonderbolt?” Dash shot back as well.

“Wait, Rainbow...you know these two?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah! I met them when Twi and I were called to solve a friendship problem at Wonderbolts HQ.” Rainbow answered them.

“You can save history for later!” Robo-Roxy said, as she aimed her blasters at them. “Right now, we’re gonna fry you!”

“Not if we can help it!” Sky said, as they got ready to fight. “Go and help the rangers!” He alerted Rainbow. She nodded, and went over to help her friends.

“And now, it’s time to send you back to construction school!” Vapor said as she smirked.

“Oh, yeah?” Robo-Blaze asked in rage.

“Yeah!” Sky and Vapor both said, as they nodded and flew up, and zoomed over to Robo-Blaze, and right past him.

“No one tries to pass me by!” He shouted, as he got his rapier ready. But, he never got the chance as Sky performed a kick right to his gut, sending him down and out.

“You’ll pay for interfering!” Robo-Roxy said, as she got her blasters ready. “Accept your tomb!” She fired a barrage of bullets at her.

“Nah, YOU take it!” Vapor said, as she used her wing power to send the bullets back to her.

“Aah!” The female robot said in agony. “That’s it!”

“Vapor, look out!” Vapor turned to see Sky zooming right toward her, and ducked out of the way.

“Thanks!” Vapor said happily.

“You’re welcome!” Sky said, saluting her before diverting his attention to Robo-Blaze. “Time to pop YOUR tires!” He said as he slammed in the Robo-general, and made him land right next to Roxy!

“Let’s finish this!” Sky told his wing-pony as she nodded. They took a running start, and then within seconds, they struck through the two robots like a knife through butter.

“NOT AGAIN!!!” Robo-Blaze shouted, as he and Roxy exploded again. Vapor and Sky landed before the wreckage, and smiled at a good job well done.

“Down...” Sky started.

“...and out!” Vapor finished as they hoof-bumped in victory.

The others were taking a massive beating from Bulldozertron, but they still wouldn’t give up, even though he was so strong. At that moment, Dash arrived on the spot. “Stand back!” She confronted him bravely. “Or face the wrath of my new telekinetic mind power!”

“Is this another one of your jokes, Rainbow Dash?” The robotron scoffed at her.

“You asked for it!” Rainbow growled. “How about a nice, transparent prison cell?” She closed her eyes. “All is peace...all is calm.” she chanted. Bulldozertron looked at her, and laughed evilly, but the speedy hero refused to give up as she kept straining.

Eventually, something did rise up from the decoy truck. Nate, Cozy and Steel took notice. “Huh?!” They all asked in shock.

“What?!” Fluttershy asked, getting frightened.

“I’ve heard of moving pictures, but this is ridiculous!” Pinkie said, confused as well.

The robotron was shocked to see that a clear cage was levitating over to him by the sheer power of Rainbow’s mind. It looked like they would win, but to the robotron’s victory, and the Pegasus’s disappointment, the case trapped her instead!

Bulldozertron laughed evilly at that sight. “Well, what do you know? Dash under glass!” He joked harshly.

“Rainbow!” The heroes all shouted in shock as they saw their friend helpless.

Nate, Steel, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Cozy were thrown violently by Tempest and Vargoyle meanwhile, and it looked like those heroes were losing.

“You should’ve minded your own business!” Tempest said, as she smiled evilly towards them.

At that moment, Bulldozertron ran towards them. “I’ve beaten the rangers!” He said victorious.

“Splendid!” Tempest said happily and evilly.

“Hey, Tempest! Let’s go!” Vargoyle said urgently to Tempest, who nodded as they went to the decoy truck.

Nate was horrified that they were hijacking their decoy truck. “No!” He shouted. “We can’t let them take the Morph-X!”

The others arrived at that moment to help their friends. “Nate, Steel, Cozy!” Ravi said urgently.

“Fluttershy, Pinkie!” Twilight said to them, as they helped their friends up. “Are all of you okay?”

“We’re fine.” Pinkie answered. “But, they’re getting away!” She pointed to the truck that was leaving, and they all gasped as they saw their enemies leave with their energy.

“Better luck next time!” Tempest said, as she blasted Nate, and sent him down.

“NATE!” They shouted, as they rushed over to help him.

The robotron was about to leave too, but he turned to the imprisoned Pegasus, and laughed. “Keep working on your new power, Rainbow Dash!” He cackled. “Practice makes imperfect!” He took off towards the decoy truck, and hopped on, as the two generals teleported away with the Decoy Truck in victory.

"No! The Morph-X!" Zoey shouted in horror, as they failed to stop them from getting it. Their plan failed miserably.

“Oh, they got away!” Applejack shouted, as she threw her hat down in anger.

Ravi contacted the Commander on his morpher. “Bad news, Commander.” He said solemnly to her. “That robotron got away, AND he took the Morph-X!”

“What?!” The Commander asked over the Morpher.

Nate demorphed, and groaned as he started to come too. However, he was horrified when he saw Rainbow stuck in the cage. He ran over to get her out. “Dash! Are you okay?” He asked, urgently.

“Brick.” Rainbow just said.

“What?” Nate asked confused.

“Brick Brick!” She said again, and Nate was worried about her. He needed to get the team back to the base, and Rainbow over to a bed to get her to rest, feeling that the whole telekinesis thing was all his fault.

So far, things went wrong for the heroes, except for Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger coming to help them. But, their plan to stop Tempest and Vargoyle from taking the Morph-X failed, as they got away and their counterplan worked. The rangers needed a plan B to stop the Storm King’s minions, and so far, The Storm King was going to get his usual dose of energy. They needed a miracle to beat him, and fast!

Part 2: Missing A Rainbow

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Vapor Trail & Sky Stinger both headed inside the Battleforce base through the entrance. They had met their old friend from Wonderbolt Academy earlier during the fight with Bulldozertron. Now, they were going inside to check on her to see if she was okay.

As they were about to head in the hall, one of the guards stopped her. “Uh Uh.” He said. “Sorry. No unauthorized personnel is allowed.”

“It’s alright.” Sky said calmly. “We’re here to check on a buddy of ours, if that’s okay. We heard that she works with those inside.”

The guard moved to the side. “Of course.” He said, letting them in. “You may pass.”

“Thank you.” Vapor said as they made their way in the hall, and over to Nate’s lab.

Inside Nate’s lab, the rangers, and ponies were checking on Rainbow Dash, who was in bed, trying to rest. They had a plan to send a decoy truck over to stop the Storm King from taking the Morph-X, which failed since Tempest and Vargoyle got away with it. That was the least of their worries however as right now, their friend’s safety was of most importance.

The two Pegasi came in the lab to see their friend. Zoey took notice of them. “Sky! Vapor!” She said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“We’re here to check on Rainbow Dash.” Vapor answered.

“How is she doing?” Sky asked, worried.

“She’s right over there.” Zoey said, pointing to her, trying to recover in the cot-like bed. “It’s not good.” The two looked at her, and exchanged looks of worry, and sympathy, as they, along with the others hoped that she would be alright. Nate watched her, and felt that the telekinesis lesson put too much pressure on her, and that is was all his fault.

Ravi got out a tongue depressor, and put it to Rainbow’s mouth. “Say ‘Ah’.” He said, as he kept down to her.

“Ah, brick.” Rainbow said weakly to him.

“Dash isn’t doing too good.” Starlight said, concerned.

Nate sighed sadly. “I blame myself, Starlight.” He apologized.

“Whoa, how is this YOUR fault?” Devon asked concerned as well.

“Because, Devon, that telekinesis lesson...I may have pushed her too hard.” Nate said, regretfully. “Anger and pride led me down the wrong path. But I’ve learned that from now on, I’ll keep my temper in check, and my lip buttoned.”

“We’ll see how long that lasts.” Steel said, sarcastically.

“Don’t patronize me, Steel!” Nate said, turning to him and gritting his teeth.

“Hey, Calm down Bro!” Steel said as he backed away. “I was only joking!”

“What happened to Rainbow Dash?” Vapor asked Nate as she came up to him.

“She hit herself in the head with a brick 37 times...” Nate explained to her. “Then, the brick split in half.”

“You taught her telekinesis?!” Twilight asked in shock. “Like unicorn magic?!”

“That’s not easy to do when you’re a Pegasus.” Cozy answered. “That IS a serious problem.”

“Was this a karate test of some kind?” Spike asked, curious.

“Not precisely.” Nate simply answered.

The commander turned to him solemnly, after scanning her head. “I’m afraid the stress has caused her to mentally withdraw.” She said concerned, to which Nate started to gasp sadly. “But, I have a plan to shock her out of it.”

This made Nate’s spirit soar. “Anything.” He said, hopefully. “Anything that will help her.”

“How do you plan to shock her out of it?” Ben asked. The commander thought it was best if they found out in their own.

She then came over the the front of the bed, and looked at the recovering speedy ally. “Now, Rainbow Dash....” she said to her. “I’m going to show you a few things. I want you to say out loud what they are. Okay?” Rainbow Dash just silently nodded as she got out the first object.

She instantly recognized the object. “Pen. Brick.” She said. She was then shown another object. “Pencil. Brick.” She said again. The commander shown her one more object to her, and she gasped as she saw that object when she was training with Nate. “BRICK!” Rainbow shouted, as she went into hysterics, and sobbed uncontrollably into her arms. “BRICK!” She sobbed again.

“She’ll be fine.” Commander Shaw told them. “She just needs to rest.”

“We’ll have to get that Morph-X back ourselves.” Nate said, now focusing on the mission.

“Right!” Devon added. “It’s probably in the Morph-X LIMA tower, right by the woods.”

“And, that means we’ll have to step through doody water.” Nate said, as he started to leave. The others exchanged looks of confusion and shock, as they held their noses and groaned in disgust.

In the Crystal Dimension, Vargoyle & Tempest were discussing their latest victory over the rangers and ponies to Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy, who were rebuilt through the Robo-Maker. “And, so I said, well what do you know? Dash Under Glass!” Bulldozertron said in triumph.

“Excellent work, you 5!” The Storm King said pleased, that they had managed to hand him the energy he needed. “We have just enough for another attempt to change back into the Red Ranger’s father for a few hours again!”

“But, boss!” Robo-Blaze warned him. “What if you change back in front of the rangers again?”

“That...was a temporary setback earlier!” The Storm King growled a little bit at the Robo-general, as he slowly backed away. “This time, we will make sure that never happens again!”

“Yes, Boss.” Robo-Blaze said, nodding.

“That was an amazing plan you had Vargoyle!” Bulldozertron said excitedly as he jumped up.

“You bet it was!” Vargoyle said, getting into an action-like pose.

“Normally, they’d search the LIMA tower...” The Storm King started.

“...and find nothing!” Tempest said, as she laughed evilly. “Oh boy, Vargoyle’s hiding place was flawless: The Albany Scenic Reserve!”

“It’s been closed for eons!” Robo-Roxy said in glee as she heard this.

“Excellent!” The grey Tirek said bravely. “Go there, and scope the area for more of the Morph-X for my plan!”

The generals nodded, as their boss took off to find Grubber. “Not to trod old ground...” Robo-Blaze asked. “But, are you sure that the location is securely safe?”

“Those Tronics will destroy anyone who finds it.” Tempest hissed.

“Good! That won’t be Rainbow Dash!” Robo-Roxy said, pounding her fists together.

“Last time we saw her, she was surrounded by more glass than a jar of pickles!” Bulldozertron said, as they all laughed evilly. They had a good hiding spot for the heroes, which would never be found. Not unless someone happened to reveal the location of it yet.

Back at the base, the alarm started to go off again, just as their friend was being checked on. “Rangers!” The commander said in alert. “We’ve just spotted Bulldozertron and Vargoyle at the Albany Scenic Reserve in sector TIA 10-3! Be on the ready!”

“Copy that, commander.” Devon said over the Morpher, as they got in the GB vehicle. “Come on, guys!” The vehicle took off for said reserve, as they were ready for round 2 with that robotron.

At the Albany Scenic Reserve, Bulldozertron was already here and ready to fight the heroes again, just as the heroes...minus Rainbow Dash arrived. “Right on time!” The robotron said gleefully.

“Alright, Bulldozertron!” Devon said fiercely to him. “It’s time to send you back!”

“Oh yeah?!” He asked, as he got ready to clap his hands.

The heroes nodded towards each other, as they stepped up, and got ready to morph! “IT’S MORPHIN TIME!” Devon shouted, as the rangers activated their Morphers, and keys.

“ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They shouted, as all 7 rangers were instantly morphed before the robotron. “UNLEASH THE BEAST!” The heroes shouted.

“TRONICS!” The robotron shouted, as the tronics appeared right next to him, clumped and ready.

Nate had a plan to deal with the Tronics. “Devon, we’ll handle the Tronics!” He told them as they nodded. “You, Cozy, Sky, Vapor, Applejack, Fluttershy, Ravi and Zoey handle the robotron!”

“Already on it, Sugarcube!” Applejack agreed as they got into a fighting pose.

“Consider it done!” Fluttershy said as well.

“ATTACK!” Bulldozertron bellowed told his army as the Tronics got ready to face the heroes!

“Let’s do it!” Nate said as he, Steel, Spike, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Ben, and Starlight went for the tronic army, while the others went for the robotron.

Meanwhile, Vargoyle, Blaze, Roxy and Tempest arrived at the location, and were shocked to see the heroes were already there fighting Bulldozertron. “Well, that’s a fumble for our team!” Robo-Blaze groaned.

“We’ll get it back!” Tempest said, as they got ready to fight.

“How in BLAZES do you suppose the rangers FOUND this place?!” Vargoyle asked in shock.

“I’ll be the commander ratted them out!” Tempest snarled. “She does that sometimes!”

“Maybe, it’s time we step in and settle things!” Robo-Roxy said, as she readied her blasters.

“You got it!” Robo-Blaze said. “Let’s go!” And the 4 generals ran to the scene where the Gold Ranger’s team was taking on the Tronics. Things would be tough for the heroes now, as they would have 4 evil generals on their platter to deal with.

Nate threw down a tronic with his hands, while Twilight and Starlight teamed up to zap a few Tronics that came near them. At that moment, a few zaps came off at the team, startling them. “WHOA!” Steel said, as he pointed at who was approaching. “GUYS! LOOK!” They all turned to see the generals heading right toward them.

“All the rats in one place!” Nate said, as he clenched his fist. “How convenient!”

“And now, it’s time to finish you!” Vargoyle said, as he got his talons ready, as the others got their weapons ready.

“Oh, really?” Starlight asked, glaring at them. “We’ll be the judges of that!”

“Attack!” Vargoyle said, as he and his subordinates charged into battle.

“Let’s give them a party they’ll never forget!” Pinkie said, as she whipped out her party cannon, and the others got ready to charge at the generals. “TALLYHO!” They got ready to charge too, as they were in the fight of their lives.

Meanwhile, Devon’s team was ready to step it up a notice as they summoned their Beast-X Visors. “BEAST-X VISOR LINKED!” All 3 rangers said, linking their visors with their Morphers. They readied their Morph-X Keys at once. “ACTIVATE BEAST-X MODE!” They called out, as they were transformed into their power-up forms.

“BEAST-X MODE READY!” They shouted as they were ready to even out the odds, and started to charge at the robotron.

“Nothing can bulldoze through me!” Bulldozertron said, as he got ready to charge too.

“Is that true?” Sky said, smiling. “Well, you’ve got another thing coming!” They ran up to the robotron, who linked his arms together and delivered a powerful punch, which sent him flying a few feet back, and back to the ground.

“Whoo!” Vapor Trail said in excitement. “We are on fire!” Bulldozertron started to get up, but was overwhelmed by the heroes’ attacks.

“You guys finish him!” Ravi said to the others. “I’ll go help Nate and Steel!”

“Got it, Y’all!” AJ said, as she tugged on her hat, and Ravi took off to help the others. They were ready to finish the mechanical construction vehicle off.

“Copy!” Zoey added in agreement. “Come on, Everyone!” They nodded as Zoey jumped in the air with Fluttershy following suit.

“Let’s send this pile of scrap to the trash compactor!” Vapor said bravely, as she and Sky nodded.

“With you all the way!” Sky said in agreement as they took off into the sky.

Devon and Applejack took a running start to the robotron as he channeled his energy and got ready for his attack. “CHEETAH CHARGE!” He called out as he went through the energy cylinder and became a holographic version of his zord.

Zoey and Fluttershy did a swirling corkscrew kick to it as well. “JACKRABBIT SPIN STRIKE!” They shouted.

Sky and Vapor zoomed towards the robotron, forming a navy-white streak from the sky as they were about to dive bomb him, or slam into him. Bulldozertron got up, and was shocked at all the attacks they were coming right for him. “Uh oh!” He said in shock.

Their combined attacks punctured the robotron like a hot knife through butter, and they landed on the ground in victory. But to their surprise, their attacks only weakened him rather than destroy him.

“What?!” Applejack asked, horrified. “I thought that would work!”

“That is one tough robotron.” Sky said in agreement.

“Can nothing stop this thing?” Devon asked in shock.

“Just let me throw a blaster at it!” Cozy said, as she got out her Beast-X King Blaster.

“Wha?!” They asked in shock and confusion.

“Our attacks alone aren’t enough.” Cozy said. “We need to work together to finish him off!”

“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing the whole time?!” Zoey asked in exasperation.

“Yes, but not as a team.” Cozy said, as she aimed the blaster at it. “Let’s try using this!”

“Great idea, Cozy!” Devon said, as they got to the blaster. “Just in time!”

“Hello?” Bulldozertron asked in mere frustration. “I’m still working here!”

The heroes took notice, and knew what needed to be done. “Let’s try this again!” Devon said as he got into position. “Zoey, Fluttershy, AJ, Sky, Vapor, Cozy!” Zoey, Fluttershy, and Applejack got on the right side of the blaster, while Sky, Vapor & Cozy got on the left side.

“FIRE!” Devon shouted.

“FIRE!” Cozy shouted, as the Beast-X King blaster emitted a powerful blast, making Bulldozertron explode and good as scrap, well at least they thought he did. But, unknown to the heroes, he teleported away before he could face his fate. They didn’t know that yet.

“Whoo hoo!” Devon said, he jumped up in triumph.

“Alright!” Applejack said in glee. “That robotron should’ve known that he was no match for ranger and pony power!” She stuck out her hoof, and they all did a hi-five.

“Together...like how it’s supposed to be!” Cozy said in agreement, as they all smiled. At that moment, Ravi and his team rushed back to the others.

“We did it!” Nate said in triumph. “Blaze & Roxy are down and out again!”

“And so are Tempest and Vargoyle?” Applejack asked in amazement.

“Uh...” Starlight said, as she pointed to the other two generals, who were shorting out.

“You may have defeated Bulldozertron....” Tempest snarled in rage. “But, it’s not over!”

“We’ll be back next time, rangers!” Vargoyle said, shaking his fist at them.

“Oh!” Applejack groaned in anger as she saw them teleport.

“Well, at least we stopped the robotron?” Fluttershy asked, as her friend gave her a dirty look.

Just then, a GB vehicle pulled up to the heroes, and Commander Shaw stepped out of it. “Commander?” Devon asked in calm shock.

“Blaze, & Roxy are eliminated.” Starlight said to the commander.

“Good work, everyone.” The Commander said proudly. She then shifted to disappointment. “But, I have some bad news.”

“What?!” Everyone asked.

“Oh, no. What’s wrong, Commander?” Twilight asked worriedly.

“Tower 5 had a system failure.” Shaw said solemnly. “We cannon drain it.”

“Uh oh!” Ben said in surprise. “Not good!”

“Then, we gotta protect it!” Pinkie said.

“That’ll draw too much attention.” She said to them. “We’ll leave it unguarded, and The Storm King will think it’s empty just like the others.”

The others smiled at this, as their perfect counterplan was ready to be set in motion. “He’ll never suspect it’s actually full of Morph-X!” Spike said sneakily.

“Correct.” Shaw told them. “I want each of you to...”

Unknown to them, Grubber was listening to the conversation nearby unnoticed, and smirked evilly. “So, tower 5 is full, and unguarded!” He said out out to himself, as he smiled. “This is the Storm King’s lucky day!” He teleported away, not knowing that Zoey, and Fluttershy watched his scheming.

“Ha, that’s what you think.” Zoey said, as she and Fluttershy got down to meet back up with the others.

“Guys! Good news!” Fluttershy squealed in excitement. “Grubber took the bait! Hook, line and sinker!” The others smiled at that announcement.

“Then, the Storm king is in for a big surprise!” Nate said determined.

“He won’t know WHAT hit him!” Twilight agreed.

At that moment, there was a call on the wristcoms. Commander Shaw answered it. “Go ahead.” She answered.

“We’ve detected an incoming gigadrone.” One of the workers contacted her. “It’s headed for tower 5.”

The heroes were shocked upon hearing this. “Uh-oh!” Spike said in shock.

“That was unexpected.” Pinkie agreed as well.

“We gotta stop those gigadrones before it makes tower 5 a dead husk!” Sky said, with Vapor nodding.

“Right on time.” Commander Shaw said. “Deploy the Ranger’s Zords.”

“Wait. There’s something else.” The worker said, as she looked at the monitor. “We received a strange message...we think it might be trans-dimensional...from someone called Dr. K.”

This was news to Devon as he heard this. “Dr. K?!” He said in amazement. “She responded!”

“Who is this...Dr. K you’re trying to contact, Devon?” Applejack asked, confused.

“She’s a lead scientist for the RPM rangers!” Devon relayed quickly. “I think she may have the solution to the Storm King!”

“Then, you better get back to the base, Darling!” Rarity said in shock.

“Mom, the rest of us can handle that gigadrone.” Ravi said, as he stepped up to the commander.

“I agree with Ravi.” Starlight said as well. “Devon needs to take that call! It’s important.”

“Ok, Devon. Back to the base.” The commander complied. “The rest of you wipe that gigadrone out fast.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Starlight said bravely.

“Nate, Ben, Steel, Twilight, Starlight, Pinkie, Spike, Rarity....” the commander continued. “Come with Devon back to the base. Complete the second hyperfreeze arrow to use on the Storm king when he attacks tower five!”

“You got it!” Spike said, as he and the others raced toward the GB vehicle. “Let’s go!”

“Right!” They said, as they joined them in the car.

“Move out.” Commander Shaw warned them.

“Alright!” Cozy said, as the rest of them went to fight that gigadrone. “DEPLOY BEAST-X KING ZORD!” She shouted as her Zord left Pine Ridge woods, and to the city. The Wheeler and Chopper zords were deployed too, as they joined Cozy’s Zord.

The heroes saw their zords arrive. It was time to act fast. “Here come out Zords!” Zoey said. “Quick! Let’s go!” They all jumped to their respective vehicles.

Sky and Vapor decided to join too. “We’d better go with them!” Sky said, as they jumped to the Beast-X King Zord.

“With you all the way!” Vapor added as they joined Cozy.

Once inside, it was time to take charge, as they activated their Megazord combination. “DISASSEMBLY ENGAGED!” They shouted, as the zords started to combine.

“BEAST-X KING MEGAZORD...COMBINE!” Cozy shouted, and within seconds, the zords combined to form an alternate version of the Beast-X Megazord, with a lion in place of a cheetah.

“BEAST-X KING MEGAZORD...UNLEASHED!” Cozy shouted, as their Megazord was ready to fight!

“Cool formation!” Vapor said in excitement, upon witnessing it.

“Time to rock and roll!” Sky said as well.

“You bet it is!” Cozy said, giving them the thumbs up. “Let’s go!”

Their Megazord was approaching Bulldozerdrone, who was already wrecking havoc in the area. “Time to destroy that Hunk of junk, team!” Ravi said boldly.

“Yeah!” The others shouted as the Megazord advanced toward Bulldozerdrone. The gigadrone was ready too, as he tried to use his hands to block the attacks, but the Megazord’s sword deflected its attacks. Then, it performed some swift kicks, and a few punches, and slashes, which were starting to overwhelm the gigadrone.

The heroes were ready to activate the finisher. “Ready, guys?” Cozy asked the others.

“You got it!” AJ said, as she tugged on her hat.

“Let’s finish this creep!” Zoey said, pumping her fist, while Fluttershy nodded.

The gigadrone was coming nearer to the Zord. “Ready!” Cozy shouted. “LION BLASTER...ACTIVATE!” They all shouted as the Beast-X King Megazord fired a huge energy beam from its chest, hitting the gigadrone spot on, severely weakening and destroying it.

“What a day...” Cozy said happily with relief as the Megazord turned to face the tower.

“VIRUS ELIMINATED!” The heroes shouted in victory as they had successfully stopped the gigadrone from taking Morph-X tower 5! All was well with the world, but it’s not over yet! They still had to find a way to separate the Storm King from Mayor Daniels, and defend the Morph-X tower network!

Part 3: The Split Emitters

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In the library-like room inside Grid Battleforce, Devon was on the computer talking with a legendary ranger ally from the domed city of Corinth...specifically, Dr. K, the lead scientist of the RPM rangers. He had tried in the past to contact her, and this time, she finally responded to his call, and so he left to go back to the base while the rangers dealt with Bulldozerdrone.

He was listening in on what the doctor had to say about his recent situation. Maybe, she could provide a solution?

“Over the course of months, humans and their anatomies had linked with robot structures with electronic impulses.” Dr. K explained to him.

“I’m sorry, Dr. K.” Devon apologized. “But, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“What I’m saying is...” Dr. K said regretfully. “...what happened to Ranger Black is very different to what happened to your father. I’m sorry, but none of my technology can help you.”

Devon was disappointed, as all his hard work might as well have been wiped out, and that they would really have to freeze the Storm King...and Mayor Daniels as well forever. He would have to accept that. “Please!” Devon pleaded. “He’s my dad! There must be something you can do!”

Dr. K had suddenly remembered an important thing, and what she would say next would actually turn out to be really useful for the red ranger. “A few years ago, I remembered something.” The doctor said. “A ranger named Zenowing was trapped in the body of the evil Doomwing. To separate him, his team developed devices called split emitters.”

Devon felt his spirits soar as what he heard just may be the solution to saving his father, without having to freeze him! “Hold on.” Devon said. “Split emitters?” The doctor nodded. “Tell me more!”

Back in the lab, Rainbow Dash was trying to recuperate in her bed, recovering from all the stress that happened with the battle with Bulldozertron earlier. She was trying to get water from the jug that Nate had put beside her bed, only to discover in shock, that the jug was empty.

She hit the button on her bed to send for help, but she saw that the remote had been unplugged. She was disappointed. That no one was around. Devon was talking a call with Dr. K, and Nate and the rest of the team had already left with the Ultra Cannon and Hyperfreeze arrow in hand. She had to call out for help.

“Excuse me, Nurse?” She called out, in hopes of being heard. “Could I have some water please?” No response. She had to try again. “Doctor’s orders!” She shouted. “I’m supposed to stay in bed, and drink plenty of fluids! I’m in bed! I’d like more fluids!” Still no response. She growled for a second, and then thought of a solution. It had to work!

“HELP!” Rainbow shouted in fear. “THERE’S A BEAR IN HERE! SAVE ME! BRING WATER WITH YOU WHEN YOU COME!!!” Still no answer. Everyone had already left when the rangers got ready to stop the Storm King. She crossed her arms furiously in the bed, and snarled.

“Typical. Just typical!” She grumbled. “Everypony in here is probably watching some soap opera!” Unknown to her, as she said that, the empty cup levitated away from her, and out of the lab. “I could perish from thirst like some prospector in the desert for all they care!” The cup levitated over to the sink in the bathroom. “They’ll come in all chirper-like and say, ‘how are we this morning’?” The cup filled with water. “Here have a pill. And, all they’ll find are my bleached bones!” The cup levitated back to the lab, and into Dash’s hoof.

“Thanks.” She said to the air, as if there was someone there. She drank the water up. “Then, they’ll cry ‘Oh no! Why didn’t we bring her water? We were selfish and dumb!’” Just then, she realized that she made water appear over to her, and did a spit take! “Whoa!” She said in astonishment, after witnessing what had just happened. “Did I...with the water...make and do?” She asked excitedly. “This is great! Wait till Nate hears about this!”

As soon as she drank the water again, Devon came in the room and Rainbow did another spit take. “Oh, hi Devon.” She said, smiling.

“Hey, Dash!” Devon said, patting her. “You feeling better?”

She nodded. “Much better!” She said happily. “Hey, could you tell the employees to hand me water? Wait, don’t do that. I just made the water appear with my mind!”

Devon was confused. “With your mind?” He asked.

“Yeah. Check this out!” She showed him the glass of water that had just shown up. Devon was taken aback by all this.

“Wow!” Devon said in amazement. “I guess Nate’s telekinesis lessons really are paying off.”

“They sure are!” Rainbow agreed. “Ravi, and the others have left with the Hyperfreeze arrow, and the ultra cannon.” She shook her head. “I’m still not sure the idea will work, though. He might be cunning than we all thought. Unless, you found another way?”

Devon nodded. “Yeah. He might be.” He said to her. “And, yes I did. Nate’s got old ranger tech inside his vault. Right?”

Dash nodded. “Yeah. Nate told me he uses it a a base for developing the Beast Morphers tech.” She answered.

“I’m looking for something called Split Emitters.” Devon explained.

“Split emitters....” Dash thought out loud. She then realized something that was told about those devices. “Yeah. I think they’re in there...somewhere. What do they do?”

“Dr. K thinks that they might be able to split my dad from the Storm King.” Devon explained thoroughly.

“Really?” Dash asked, as if her spirits were soaring.

“That might be the case.” Devon answered, as a ginormous grin spread across his friend’s face.

“Well don’t just stand there buddy,” She said. “Let’s get those suckers out there, and—!” She then realized why Devon was getting the split emitters. “You miss your dad, don’t you?” She asked sympathetically.

“Yeah, I do.” Devon said, his head drooping down.

“Understandable.” Dash said, patting his back. “If my dad was gone, I’d be sad too.”

Devon looked up, as if a brick had hit him. “Really?” He asked.

“Yeah. Y’know, my parents were kind of embarrassing. They way they cheer me on for every single little thing!” She told him. “It wasn’t till Scootaloo told me that they actually did that so they could drive me to succeed.”


Devon was surprised that he was learning this from his friend, that he never knew how special her parents were too. “I guess you don't realize how much tension you hold in your flank.” She continued. “Yeah, I know my friends like hanging out with me, and I like fighting with you guys, but sometimes I can be a little over the top with my crazy antics.”

Devon started to snicker a little bit. “Trust me, I know what it’s like to be over in my head a little bit.” He commented. “I bet that’s what it felt like for you.

“Trust me...” Rainbow Answered. “You have NO idea!”



“You might be a hoofful sometimes, and that’s true.” Devon said, in light of the situation. “...but you’re also the most loyal friend in Equestria, and Earth.” He even patted her. “You even have been a good ally!”

Rainbow blushed, as she scoffed. “Come on!” She joked.

“No, really!” Devon reminded her. “Think of all the times you helped us defeat Evox and Grogar’s forces!” Rainbow started to ponder all this, as more memories were sparked.



Rainbow, Fluttershy and Zoey were still going at it with WeatherTron as he hurled some storm clouds right to them! “Time for someone to rain on their parade!” He said evilly.

Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were on to him, as they went out the robotron’s vision! “What?!” He asked. “Where did they go?.”

”Right here, Sucker!” Rainbow Dash announced, as she and Fluttershy kicked the robotron in the back, knocking him down!

The tronics were about to head for the Rangers when suddenly, a cyan hoof knocked some out.

“Gotcha!” The voice said as a cyan rainbow maned Pegasus came and dashed around the tronics, knocking them down.

Devon recognized who the pony was. “Rainbow Dash!” He said in surprise.

“Who, me?” She asked. “Your knight in shining armor?” She punched out a few more tronics. “Let’s get those creeps!”

They had Grubber tied up to a lamppost a few minutes later, and secured him there. Cozy noticed a remote-like device and room it out of his belt. She examined it. “You want to clue us in on what this is?” She asked him.

”It’s the star tracker that I use to contact Robo-Roxy about where each of the Andalusian stars are.” He told them.

“Do you have any more of those...stars?” Applejack asked him.

”No.” Grubber said. “But Princess Twilight and her subordinates do! They have the first five!”

”And, where is Twilight now?” Devon asked him.

”I’ll never talk!” Grubber said, nodding his head as he tried to break free from his prison.

”You’d better!” Rainbow said, as she flew up to him, readying her fists to punch him. “...or else I’m gonna get sarcastic!”

Grubber didn’t want to be punched as he felt his face sweat. He was ready to spill the beans. “Okay! Okay!” He fessed up. “She’s in the throne room at Canterlot Castle! She and the Princesses are about to find the location of the final star!” He took in a deep breath of relief as she moved her fists away from him.

”See? Nothing beats cutting wit!” Rainbow said, smugly.

Rainbow smiled, as all those memories were sparked, and she knew all the times she helped the rangers fight off those evil forces. “I guess I do...remember all those times. No, wait. I KNOW I remember those times when we took on Evox, Grogar, and the Storm King!” She answered. “Those were some pretty epic moments.”

“It's pretty hard not to have a loyal friend like that.” Devon added in agreement. “I mean...you, and your friends did have had some pretty great times together.”

Rainbow Smiled. “Devon, if only you knew!” She smirked.


“It’s really nice to get along so well, especially if it’s a friend you know and trust.” Devon said, smiling.

“It sure was.” Rainbow agreed. “There was a time you and your dad didn’t see eye to eye. Remember when he got you that job at the car wash?”


“And, remember when I told your dad off when he scolded you that one time, we were trying to find the mega transporters?” Rainbow asked. “I wanted to hide the fact you were a ranger at the time, when Blaze attacked the city.”

”Devon!” A voice said. The others all jumped and turned to see who it was. It was Mayor Adam Daniels, Devon’s father, and he wasn’t too happy upon seeing his son.

Devon was shocked to see his dad there, but quickly changed his emotion. “Oh...uh, Hey dad.” He said as he walked up to him.

The others were shocked that Devon’s dad was here. Rainbow turned to Applejack. “His dad’s the mayor?” She asked her.

”Looks like it.” Applejack said, getting a good look at how he was well dressed and that his advisor was with him.

”Don’t ‘Hey, Dad’ me.” Mayor Daniels said as he walked straight up to him son. “You didn’t answer any of my calls or texts. I am deeply, deeply disappointed in you.” He said calm, but serious.

Rainbow Dash was totally shocked now, that his own dad was disappointed in him even though he SHOULD be proud of him for being a hero! “Wait...what?!” She asked in shock. “Why is he so disappointed in him? Shouldn’t he be proud of him for all the hard work he’s doing?”

”You dodged behind a billboard, your out till all hours, you don’t have a job, and you come back like you have been fighting.” Mayor Daniels said strictly to his son.

Well, THAT was the last straw for Rainbow Dash! She was NOT going to stand by, and let him get chewed out by his old man! She HAD to speak up! “I can’t believe this!” She growled in anger. “I’m not just letting Devon get chewed out by his father! I’ve got to do something!”

“But ya heard the Commander.” Applejack whispered back.

”Since when I have left Devon hanging when he needs me, even if she didn't realize it?" Rainbow pointed out.

”Rainbow, don’t let your emotions cloud ya, Sugarcube.” Applejack tried to reassure her. “I know you don’t like this, but...”

”Who CARES about keeping this a secret or NOT?!” Rainbow said, anger rising in her. “THAT’S IT! I’m telling his dad off whether HE likes it or not!” And she flew up pretty fast before her friend could lasso her.

”Rainbow, Wait!” Applejack tried to warn her, but it was no use. She landed RIGHT in front of Mayor who was already disappointed with his son as it is. He may have been disappointed, but he was about to get chewed out big time by one of Devon’s friends...a rainbow maned Pegasus wonderbolt!

”Hey, you!” He heard a voice shout. “Yeah, you in the suit!” He looked down, and saw a rainbow managed Pegasus who was not very happy with how he was treating his son. He rubbed his eyes, and she was still there. Sure enough, she was not his imagination.

“How dare you treat your own son like that!” Rainbow spat out angrily. “Especially since he’s doing all he can to protect the Earth and everyone on it!”

Mayor Daniels was shocked that he was getting chewed out by a Pegasus pony. “But, he hasn’t been answering my calls...” he started to say calmly.

“...BECAUSE, he’s already GOT a job!” Rainbow finished furiously. “In case you didn’t know...” Rainbow pointed to Devon. “Your son, Devon has already got a job working for the CIA!”

Devon was shocked upon hearing this. Even his dad was shocked as he asked him. “Is this true? He asked calmly. “You’re working for the CIA government agency?”

Devon lied. “Yeah.” He said. “I am.” His dad actually bought the excuse, making him further shocked.

“That’s right!” The wonderbolt continued to chew him out. “Devon’s got a highly important job that’s highly classified, he doesn’t want you butting in his business, thinking he’s always running off because it’s an important project that’s not just video games!” Devon’s dad started to turn pale and shocked as he was being told off and that he didn’t know that he had a job. Rainbow sure didn’t have to tell him the he was a Power Ranger!

”His job matters more than just a pep talk from you and he would like to focus on his important business. He’s not a little kid anymore!” She flew up and got right in his face. “So, DON’T RUIN IT!” She shouted, making the mayor stepped back, feeling both frightened and surprised that he was hearing all this. He felt a little regret saying that he was disappointed in his own son.

“I’m sorry.” He confessed. “I didn’t know he had a job. I’ll just go leave you alone.” He said as he ran back the other direction.

”Yeah!” Rainbow Dash flew up and was proud that her plan to chew her friend’s dad out had worked. “Run away, you coward!” She was already about to give herself a pat on the back for a job well done!

“But, your dad later found out that your were a ranger!” Rainbow continued. “...and he went to save you from the cyber Dimension!”

Mayor Daniels saw the whole thing unfold and was shocked to see that his son was the red power ranger. “Devon’s a ranger?” He asked in surprise.

Rainbow Dash, who was fighting with the others, took notice upon seeing Devon demorph and gasped in absolute horror! “OH NO!” Rainbow shouted as she broke away from the fight to go help her friend.

”Rainbow, Wait!” The Rest of the pony team shouted, but the wonderbolt ignored them as she dashed for her friend!

“And the last transporter is activated!” Blaze said triumphantly as he turned it on! The final phase was complete! “This tower belongs to Evox!” He shouted boldly.

The others noticed and were shocked as they saw the transporters activate. “NO!” They all shouted as the transporters beamed the Morph-X tower.

Blaze laughed evilly as he went to his captured target. “Finally!” He announced. “The tower is ours!”

Mayor Daniels ran from the tree where he was hiding and tried to scramble to save his son. “Devon!” He shouted.

“DEVON!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she tried to race to her friend and save him from the avatar! But try as they might, they got there too late! Blaze was gone and he took not only Devon, but the entire Morph-X tower with him as well!

Mayor Daniels was extremely shocked that his son was taken. The others were in total shock and panic that their friend was captured a second time!

“NO! Devon!” The others shouted in complete shock that the red ranger was taken.

Rainbow Dash saw that her friend was gone as she slowly hovered down on her knees. She was mortified. Completely mortified that her own friend was captured. “No.” She said softly, pretty sad that Devon was gone. “No. No!” Her emotions rose up upon seeing that her friend was taken to the cyber dimension. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!“ she shouted at the sky. Then. She buried her face in her hooves and sobbed loudly for everyone to hear. “Why? Why?!” She sobbed.

Mayor Daniels came over to comfort her. He patted her on the back gently. “I’m really sorry about your friend.” He said kindly.

Devon was captured in the Cyber Dimension and was tied up like an X. It looked like all was lost, until someone threw a brick on the ground, getting the Tronics attention! Mayor Daniels then snuck behind, and hit them with a lead pipe from behind!

Devon was shocked that his dad was here to save him. “Dad?!” He asked in surprise.

The mayor shushed him as he used a key to unlock the chains holding him. “I’m getting you outta here, son.” He said as he unlocked the last chain, freeing Devon. “I got you. Let’s go!” They both left, before the Tronic got back up and noticed that their prisoner would be missing!

”Son, I’m so proud of you.” Mayor Daniels said. “I always admired the red ranger. So, in a way, I was proud of you all along.”

Devon smiled at his dad for the first time in such a long time before the previous time. “Thanks, Dad.” He said.

“Sounds like when parents get upset with their kids...” Rainbow said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “...it doesn’t change how much they love them! Just like how he still loves you!” She put her hoof on his shoulder, for empathy.

“And, it’s not just my dad whom I’ve had some memories with!” Devon added. “You, and Cruise were also there for me too!”

Rainbow’s ears perked, and she realized Cruise was an important part of his life too. “Of course!” She said in excitement. “Why didn’t I see this sooner? No wonder Cruise also helped you in battle too! You and cruise were also like a fighting powerhouse out there!” She nudged him.

Devon chucked. “True, Cruise was also a good part of my life as well.” He said, as he thought of another memory. “Oh! Remember that one time that Fury-powered robotron almost had me, Ravi and Zoey on the ropes? That was before I got the fury cells.”


“If he hadn’t surprised him, we wouldn’t have come up with a way to beat him.” Devon said.

Rainbow smiled. “And, what about that time when you guys activated Beast-X Mode?” She asked. “I bet that was awesome for you too, huh?”


“It sure was!” Devon said, smiling. “In fact meeting Cruise, you and your friends and the others...that was all amazing!”

Dash nodded. “It sure was. Come on, Devon!” She said, calmly. “Let’s find those split emitters...whatever it takes!” His friend nodded as they went to the vault, and that was when Ben and Betty came by the lab.

They exchanged looks and got an idea. “Ben! Betty!” Rainbow called out to them.

They both came into the room. “Hey, guys.” Ben said.

“If you’re free, Dash and I could really use a hand.” Devon said excitedly and urgently.

Ben stammered at first, but Betty chipped in. “Absolutely!” She said, as they nodded and went over to the ranger vault.

“We need to find something called ‘split emitters’.” Devon told them, as he opened the door.

“Split emitters?” Betty asked confused.

“Well, I’ve never heard of them.” Ben said. “What do they look like?”

“Unfortunately, no idea.” Rainbow said, as she and Devon scoped out the area for any sign of them.

“Cool!” Ben said in awe, upon seeing the legendary ranger tech inside the vault. “Look at all this old ranger stuff!”

“That ‘old ranger stuff’ might just save my dad.” Devon said hopefully, as they nodded and searched the room. Ben and Betty were surprised upon seeing the legendary ranger tech, that they decided to check them out.

“Whoa!” Ben said in amazement upon seeing a blue Dino-like blaster. “That’s a Thundermax Blaster! How did it get in here?”

Betty saw a few gold phone Morphers, and was surprised. “Wow!” She said silently but surprised. “That’s a mystic Morpher! Quite a collection!”

Rainbow hovered over to them, and gasped at what she saw. “Ohmygosh!” She said, as she picked up a phone like morpher. “Sweet! An RPM cell shift morpher!” She picked up, and looked at it, before putting it back.

Betty saw two crates that were labeled ‘Split Emitters!’ Bingo! “Split Emitters!” Betty said in triumph.

“Devon, we found them!” Dash shouted a little too loud. Nevertheless, Devon rushed over to them, and saw they they’re were the ones.

“That’s it!” Devon said, excitedly. “Come on!” They went out of the ranger vault, and into the lab.

They set the crates down, and got ready to unload them. “Each split Emitter produced one beam of energy.” Devon told them. “The theory is that when 4 beams cross, they can separate my dad from the Storm King.”

“That’s good!” Dash said in excitement.

“But, they’re probably dead.” Devon finished.

Rainbow did not like the sound of this, as her heart sank. “That’s bad.” She said, disappointed. “So, how are we going to use them now?”

“That’s where this comes in!” Devon got out a beaker of Morph-X. “I want you to charge all the split Emitters with this Morph-X.” He told Ben and Betty. Dash smiled as she saw this.

Ben and Betty took the beaker, unsure of all this. “And then what?” Ben asked.

“Listen closely!” Dash said, as she flew to Devon’s side. “Devon and I will tell you exactly what to do!” The twins were unsure of all this, but they were ready. And, this would be one sneak attack the Storm King didn’t have scheduled!

Part 4: The Dash, The Bad & The Split

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At the lab inside Grid Battleforce, Ben and Betty had finished filling up the split Emitters with Morph-X. Devon and Dash’s plan to save Mayor Daniels would work without a hitch. It just had to!

Betty had just rolled the emitters over to the transporter cases and returned to them. “We just put the split Emitters in the transporter cases!” Betty said to them chipper.

“Not bad, huh?” Ben asked as well.

“Nice work, you two.” Devon said, ready for his plan to work.

“It’s the perfect plan!” Rainbow said boldly with Devon. “The Storm King won’t find it easy to slip by that!”

At that moment, a news bulletin came on the TV as they turned to see what was going on. It revealed the news headline, “Morph-X Tower Under Seige.

“We interrupt this program to bring you this important message!” Zoey’s mom, was reporting offscreen, showing footage of the rangers, and their allies being blasted by the Storm King’s tremendous force. “The Power Rangers, and a few of the Elements of Harmony are being attacked by the Storm King, and an unidentified Bulldozer-like robot.” She reported.

Devon, and the others were shocked upon seeing the Storm King and Bulldozertron, who somehow survived the rangers finishers, and that they were attacking their friends. “Bulldozertron?” Devon asked. “I thought we defeated him!”

“We thought so too.” Rainbow said, as they continued to watch on in horror.

“So far, this puts tower 5 of the Morph-X network in danger, and this may be the most unspeakable thing ever imagined.” Zoey’s mom continued to report. “We’ll have more information on all this as soon as it develops! And now, back to Jeopardy!, with Alex Trebek.”

Rainbow, Devon and Ben now knew what they had to do, as they had their games faces on. “They can’t do that to our pals!” the speedy Pegasus shouted furiously, pointing at the screen.

“Let’s go!” Devon said, as he and Ben nodded in agreement, and they left to go find their friends at Morph-X tower 5! They couldn’t be too late to save them. They had to get their in time.

At Tower 5, the rest of the rangers, and Ponies with Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger were keeping a close eye on watching the Storm King pass by. They had the Ultra Cannon ready with the Hyperfreeze arrow. Now, they had to wait for their target.

“Anything yet?” Fluttershy asked, worriedly.

“Negative.” Ravi answered, as he nodded. “Still no sign of the Storm King.”

“Oh, for the love of Celestia!” Applejack said as, she threw her hat down. “Isn’t he going to show up at all?!”

“Don’t worry, Applejack.” Steel said, bravely, as he got ready to get the arrow out. “We’ll be ready in just a sec.” he opened the container, while Nate carefully took the arrow, and loaded the Ultra Cannon.

“I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Nate.” Starlight warned him. “The Storm King isn’t one to capture so easily.”

“I do, Starlight.” Nate answered. “Trust me. Once he arrives, we’ll strike him without him knowing it.”

“Well, if this plan fails...” Vapor put in. “Devon, and Dash will be able to stomp him flat! No contest.”

“That’s good.” Pinkie said, upon seeing a figure materialize. “Because, look who just showed up!” She pointed to said figure, as the others took notice and saw the figure, and were further shocked at who it was. It was the Storm King, and Bulldozertron, both right on time for Nate to execute the Hyperfreeze arrow plan.

Zoey looked through the binoculars, and saw that their friend was right. “You were right, Pinkie!” Zoey said in silent excitement. “There he is!” The others looked, and saw him there, gingerly walking toward Tower 5. He was ready to get his daily dose of energy!

“Time to blow this popsicle stand!” Steel said, as they got ready. “He’s in the Target zone!”

Nate had finished loading the arrow in the cannon, and aimed it at the villain. “You’ve got this, Nate!” Rarity said to him, as Nate slowly raised him arm, and put his finger on the trigger.

“Ready?” Twilight asked, as everyone nodded. She raised her arm, to wait for the right time. “Ready....NOW!” She lowered her arm down, quickly.

Nate nodded as he pulled the trigger, and fired the arrow toward the villains. The arrow would have hit them both, leaving them in the cold, but the Storm King noticed, and put his arm out, halting the arrow. He turned to the heroes, and snarled.

“Whoa!” Steel said, as he saw the villain use ‘the force.’

“No way!” Spike said in shock upon watching this.

“Oh, rangers!” The Storm King growled. “You really think this little stick is going to stop me!?” He redirected the arrow, and sent it back to the heroes.

“LOOK OUT!” Ravi shouted, as the arrow was launched at the ground, back to the good side.

“Take evasive action!” Starlight said in alarm, as they were jolted backwards, and they all landed on their backs. Their plan to freeze the Storm King failed.

Twilight got back up and was shocked at all this. “Was that supposed to happen?!” She asked in fright.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy said, as they all got back up, from the jolt.

“I don’t think it was to happen like that.” Sky Stinger.

“I don’t think so.” Cozy said, as she got back up. She turned to Nate. “You said this was a good hiding place, but there’s no overhead cover!” She told him.

“I honestly thought that was going to work!” Nate said, reassuringly.

Cozy gasped and stretched her arms to the heavens. “CRUD!!!” She screamed to the sky in rage.

“If I want your precious Morph-X, I will take it!” The Storm King bellowed as he and Bulldozertron started toward Tower 5. “You can’t stop me!”

“Wrong!” A voice said. The two villains turned to see Devon, Ben and Rainbow Dash running towards them, as two of them readied their Morphers. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” Devon and Ben shouted as they Morphed into the Red and Green rangers. The two rangers took their shots at the villains, which they tried to deflect the blasts.

Rainbow Dash streaked over to the other side of the villains, and grabbed the Storm King, throwing him to either side with all her might. “Stop...hurting...our...friends!” She shouted furiously as she spun him around on her hind legs. “...You big dumbhead!” She kicked him right over to Bulldozertron, as the two collided to the ground.

They both got up and were shocked, and angry to see them here. “You again?” Bulldozertron asked in shock.

Rainbow zoomed over to the others, and landed before them. “Are you guys okay?” She asked.

“Super duper, Dashie!” Pinkie said, as she gave the thumbs up to her. The others nodded as well.

“Yeah, we’re good now. Thanks to you.” Ravi said, as they nodded.

“Of course, we softened them up for you.” Nate finished, as he pointed to the villains, who were ready to fight them.

Rainbow was ready to fight them, as she put her game face on. “You guys hang back!” She said, putting her arms in a stop position at them. “This isn’t going to be pretty!” She turned toward the two villains, as she and the two rangers were ready to confront them.

“Step away from the Morph-X right now!” She shouted, pointing to the villains.

The Storm King snarled. “Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!” He said, aiming his staff of Sarcanas at them.

“Take it, rangers!” Bulldozertron said. “...if you can get by us, and our army of Tronics!” The tronics appeared right before the heroes, as Bulldozertron and the Storm King laughed evilly to them.

Rainbow gasped, and knew that it was time to take charge as she cracked her knuckles, and grunted, as she aimed her hooves at the villains. Bulldozertron and the Storm King both could feel themselves rising, as they were lifted off the ground, and were separated from each other as they were thrown off to the side, with Bulldozertron landing in a pile of empty containers, and the other in a pile of reeking garbage.

The others were shocked and amazed by Rainbow Dash’s new ability. But, Nate was the most surprised of all. In the last few times training, the telekinesis powers seemed only to hit her in the head. Now, she could use them to her full advantage thanks to her rage, and ambition to fight.

“Did you just see that?!” Steel asked to the others, who were just as shocked.

“Holy cow!” Cozy said in surprise.

“NO WAY!” Ravi and Zoey both said in shock as well.

“That was incredible!” Vapor said excitedly. “Nopony can do that!”

“That was riveting!” Sky said in amazement. “I thought only unicorns could do that!”

“Sweet Celestia!” Rarity cried out in surprise. “Are you all seeing what I'm seeing?”

“By Celestia’s mane!” Nate said, as he witnessed the attack Rainbow just pulled, and smiled in excitement. “Dash has done it!”

The tronics charged at the heroes, as they too did the same. Ben threw a few punches at a tronic, and kicked one down. He did the same with another, and this time, threw him to a nearby building wall.

Devon zoomed by a few Tronics as he swiftly slashed a few down, making them down and out.

Rainbow even performed a swirling corkscrew kick toward the Tronics, as they were violently thrown back to another building wall, and disintegrated.

Ben tackled another tronic, and threw his whole body on it as it was tackled. Devon slashed a few more, sending them to the ground. And, Rainbow Dash threw a few punches toward them, sending them down as well. So far, beating Tronics was easy as pie.

The Storm King and Bulldozertron reunited, and saw the tronic army defeated. “I saw that comic from a mile away!” He said, as he seethed.

Bulldozertron let out in inarticulate yell of rage. “Those rangers will PAY!” he said, angrily.

“Fine by me!” The Storm King said, as he roared and unleashed his staff, as Bulldozertron screamed in fright upon seeing him do that.

“Will you stop THAT?!” The robotron asked in rage to his boss, as they headed toward Tower 5.

The rangers and Rainbow has successfully stopped the army of Tronics as they hi-fived each other. “We did it!” The speedy Pegasus said in triumph.

“I couldn't have done it if it weren’t for you!” Devon said happily.

“Uh, guys?” Ben said, pointing to the Tower, and seeing the villains heading to it. “I'm not sure we did!”

“What?!” The speedy duo turned to see that the villains were getting away, and the Storm King was about to get his Morph-X dose!

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” Rainbow cried out in shock, as she saw the Morph-X about to be drained from the tower, and the heroes were too far away! “We totally messed up! The Storm King has won! It’s all over!” She was about to sob hysterically on the ground. “It’s too late! We’re never going to stop him!”

“Please don’t say that, Rainbow!” Devon said to her. “We can still stop them!”

“He’s right!” Ben said as he patted her on the shoulder, as she looked up. “Never is a long time!”

“Never is forever!” Bulldozertron said, as he jumped right in front of the heroes. “And, I’m going to make certain of that!”

Devon and Ben got into fighting positions. “That’s never stopped us before!” Ben said, bravely. “And, it won’t now!”

Bulldozertron clapped his arms together in glee. “Come, and meet your doom!” He bellowed.

“We need to go Beast-X Mode!” Rainbow said, worriedly.

Devon put his arm out to her, stopping her. “No.” He said. “Not Beast-X! Element-X!” He said, as he took out his key, which was indeed glowing in a rainbow aura.

“Devon!” Rainbow said, as she pointed to the key. “Your Morph-X key is glowing!”

“Yes, it is, Rainbow Dash!” Devon said, as he readied his Morpher. “And this time, no force in the universe can stop us. Let’s power up!” He plugged the key into his morpher. “Activate...Super Beast Powers! Hah!" He shouted, as the transformation started.

The transformation was the same for him, as the tornado enveloped him. But to Rainbow’s surprise, the tornado enveloped her too, as they were both caught in the crossfire of the transformation. The element of Loyalty was shown in place of Devon’s cheetah projection. Once the transformation finished, the helmet and visor materialized, as the tornado dissipated. However, Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Devon’s new super form stood in its place. His suit, and helmet was coloured sky blue like Rainbow Dash’s coat, and his visor was now a multitude of colours like a rainbow. The suit and visor shined in the sun in its glory as it posed for all to see! Even Bulldozertron was shocked upon seeing this!

“ELEMENT-X LOYALTY FORM...READY!” Devon said bravely, ready to fight.

Devon’s visor flashed, as he heard another voice. “Hahahaha!” It said, gleefully. Devon knew that voice anywhere! “Rainbow?!” He asked in shock.

“That’s right!” Rainbow said within the visor. “We are as one now, Devon!”

“Well, that’s a new fusion transformation we’ve never experienced before!” Devon said in surprise.

“I’ll say!” Dash said within the visor. “Let’s stop that robotron!”

“You got it!” Devon said, as the fusioned ranger took off for the robotron!

“I’ll help you take care of him!” Ben said, as he hit his transporter. “Transport...Ultra Blaster!” He shouted, as the The Beast-X Ultra Blaster appeared before him. “BEAST-X ULTRA BLAST!” He fired a barrage of rapid fire blasts at him.

Bulldozertron was hit repeatedly by the blasts, that he couldn’t deflect them all with his hands. He was eventually hit in the inside by said blaster. “Ow!” He said in pain, as he was ricocheted back a few feet.

“Aquatic punch!” Ben shouted, as he threw a punch at him, also emitting a water blast from his fist, rusting him, and sending him back a few more feet.

“Ahh!” Bulldozertron said as he felt a little frozen from the Green Ranger’s attacks. He then turned to see the fusioned red ranger running up toward him. “What the—?” He asked in shock, as it zoomed around him, and conjured up a tornado, powerful enough to throw him off the ground, and back down hard.

“Take that, Bulldozertron!” Devon said as he zoomed by him, and posed triumphantly.

“How did you do that?!” Bulldozertron asked angrily as he marched up to them. “Doesn’t matter! There’s two of us!”

“But you’re solo bots!” Devon said bravely. “I’m a team! Right, Rainbow?”

“You got it, Devon!” Rainbow said within his visor.

He zoomed past the robotron again, hitting him even harder than before. “This is amazing!” Devon said, as he threw a few speedy punches at the robotron, overwhelming him. “I’ve never ran like that before!” His cheetah speed was combined with Rainbow Dash’s, amplifying it by 20 times. His attacks and stats were on par with his Beast-X mode. Almost, even stronger than it!

“Just watch!” Dash said within the visor, smugly.

“I can’t avoid watching. I’m here, remember?” Devon asked, reassuring her.

“Then prepare to be mega amazed....dddddd?” Rainbow said within the visor, as Bulldozertron knocked the ranger down.

“Game’s over!” The robotron gloated, as he fell down. “You lose!”

Meanwhile, the others, who were watching, saw Bulldozertron head for tower 5 with the Storm King in tow. “Ravi!” Twilight said in alarm. “Bulldozertron is escaping!”

“Don’t worry, Twilight!” Ravi said, as he started to get up and fight. “I’ll blow that guy up as dust!”

“STOP!” Vapor Trail shouted, stopping him. “Rainbow Dash is in that thing!” She pointed the cyan ranger suit, that was fighting the robotron.

“We gotta find a way to help Devon get to that robotron!” Applejack said worriedly. “But, how?”

“We got her into this mess!” Sky Stinger said, as he got his wings ready! “So, let’s get her out of it!” He took off to help the rangers. “Hop on, Spike!”

“I’m right behind ya!” Spike said, he hopped on his back to join the fight.

“Right, Sky!” Vapor said, as she took off too. “And, I’ll go with you!”

The three speed demons zoomed toward Bulldozertron, who was not suspecting the fliers coming right towards them.

“I’ll assist you, Vapor Trail!” Ben said, as he readied his Ultra Blaster again. He got a clear shot at the robotron, and pulled the trigger.

The aim was true, as Bulldozertron was blasted from behind, and landed on his butt. “Hey, no fair!” He shouted. At that moment, Vapor, Sky, and Spike zoomed by him with Sky ramming into his gut, sending him down, and Spike jumping off and singeing it with his fire breath!

“You’re in hot water now, robotron!” Spike said boldly as they landed safely.

“Prepare to fire!” Ben said, as he aimed his blaster again at it. Vapor trail used her wing power to create a gust of wind, sending the robotron down to the ground again.

“FIRE!” Ben shouted, as he and Spike fired at the robotron. Their combined attacks overwhelmed him greatly.

“I gotta get out of here before they do a number on me!” Bulldozertron said in horror, as he got up and went to tower 5.

The fusioned ranger too notice, and growled. “Oh, you really frost me!” Dash and Devon said in fury as Devon used Dash’s telekinetic powers to send a barrel of Morph-X above the villains. They took notice as they tried to get to it, only for it to be lifted to the top of the tower. They groaned as they ran up the entire tower.

It wasn’t easy to do, as Bulldozertron was bulky to climb up, and the Storm King, even though he seemed lean appeared to be out of shape. Eventually, they got to the top, and he caught the barrel. “Bingo!” He said, as they started to slowly walk down.

“Why did the Red ranger and Rainbow Dash give up so easily?” The robotron asked, confused.

“Those two are buffoons.” The Storm King simply answered. “They probably forgot they were supposed to catch us.”

Unknown to them, the ranger was watching, and chuckled. “That’s what you think!” Rainbow said within the visor. The fusioned ranger got into a running pose (similar to the Black Ranger, or Red Ranger’s Beast-X Mode), and channeled its energy and got ready to execute the finisher. “We need more power! Crank up the speed, Devon!”

The ranger went through a cyan/rainbow energy cylinder and became blinding light version of itself, as it zoomed to the villains, even faster than before. “SONIC RANGERBOOM!” Devon, and Dash both shouted at the same time, as it ran with its super amplified speed towards them, creating a rainbow energy-like streak as it ran by.

The villains took notice at the ranger running towards them, and screamed as they started to turn heel, and run. But the ranger was faster than ever, as it whizzed and hit them on the spot. A sonic boom appeared from behind it, as a rainbow aura bloomed.

The Storm King landed on the ground, unconscious. But, Bulldozertron landed in one piece as it got back up. “Uh oh!” He shouted, as he saw the ranger jump up, and perform a kick as it zoomed down at him, super fast. The Ranger’s finisher quickly punctured the robotron, easily like a hot knife through butter as it went right through him!

He tumbled down on the ground, and was shorting out quickly. “I feel like the floor of a movie theatre!” He said in agony as he fell to the ground, and exploded as he was now no more.

The ranger landed and turned to face him, and gave the thumbs up sign. “Take that, Bulldozertron!” Dash said within the visor.

“Yeah!” Devon said in agreement. “You just got blasted by a Sonic Rainboom performed by a red ranger!”

Ben, Spike, Vapor and Sky ran up to him excitedly that he was able to defeat the robotron. “That was amazing!” Vapor said happily.

“I can’t believe you did that!” Spike said as well, as he gave the ranger a hi-five.

“Bullseye!” Ben said, as he did a hi-five too.

“Now, that put the crease in his pants!” Sky said in victory as they joined him.

“Nothing beats ranger, and equestrian power!” Devon said, as he posed triumphantly. It looked like it was over, right?

Wrong! Because the Storm King got up, and was furious that his lackey was destroyed. “You may have defeated Bulldozertron!” He said, pointing his staff at him, angrily. “But, that Morph-X is mine!” He started to walk toward the rangers, and the tower in a threatening way.

The others got into a fighting pose, while Devon took the Beast-X King Blaster, and aimed it at him. “That’s where you’re wrong!” Rainbow said within the visor angrily.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Devon and Rainbow both said, their voices synchronized. “Not with my father inside you!”

“You want that Morph-X?” Ben asked, as he aimed the Ultra Blaster at him, as well. “Then, you’re gonna have to go through us!”

The Storm King quickly took the initiative, and morphed back into his alter ego, Mayor Daniels, as he coughed. The ranger aimed his blaster at him. The heroes were shocked, at this, but still kept their weapons at the ready.

“Devon...” the Mayor started. “Let the Storm King pass. He needs the Morph-X to live.”

“Yeah, right!” Sky shouted. “We’re not falling for your tricks, Storm King! We know your little game!”

“Listen to me!” The mayor pleaded. “If you stop him from getting it, you’ll destroy him, and me.”

Everyone’s eyes widened. They didn’t think this out throughly. Devon, and Dash demorphed back into their civilian and pony forms, as he said this. “That’s pretty bad.” Rainbow said, quietly. “We didn’t think this through.”

“Please, Mayor!” Vapor pleaded. “There must be another way!”

“That’s not your dad talking!” Fluttershy said, as she got back up.

“Don’t listen to him, Devon!” Spike shouted. They turned to look at them, pleading.

“Devon...” His father said again, as they turned to him again. “Please son. I saved you once.” He slowly walked toward them. “Now, it’s your turn to save me.”

“Don’t do it!” Cozy shouted to them.

“Devon! Dash! No!” Starlight shouted.

“Devon, come on!” Zoey called out.

“No!” Applejack shouted. “Please don’t listen to him, Sugarcube!” But Devon lowered the blaster, and stepped aside for him to pass. The others were shocked at this, but decided to step aside too. The mayor nodded, and slowly walked past them. It looked like it was over for them.

“What?!” Rainbow shouted at him angrily. “You’re just going to let him get away like that?! Have you any idea what—?!”

“Dash, wait!” Devon whispered in her ear the plan he had set for him. Her ears perked, and she smiled a devious grin.

“Ooh, sneaky!” She said, remembering what they had set out for him. She nodded.

At that moment, Devon got a call on his wristcom, and answered it. “Devon! Rainbow Dash! They’re ready!” Betty contacted them.

The speedy heroes nodded, and shouted “TRANSPORT!” To which all 4 of the split Emitters arrived on either side of the Mayor, like a cube.

“What’s going on?” He asked, not expecting this.

“I think you’re about to find out!” Vapor said, smugly as she took the remote, and hit the button, making the emitters go off!

“NO!” The mayor shouted, as four beams crossed and zapped him, enveloping him in their energy. Devon, Rainbow, Sky, Vapor, Spike and Ben braced their eyes from the light of the emitters.

Ravi, Zoey, Steel, Nate, Applejack, Starlight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, & Cozy all braced their eyes for impact from the light as well. “Brace yourselves, everypony!” Twilight shouted, as they covered their eyes.

Either way, the two alter egos screamed as they were slowly being split apart from each other. They separated more and more until a big explosion gave way. The Storm King fell on one side, groaning in pain, while Mayor Daniels himself was on the other side of the emitters, tumbling on the ground. The plan had worked! The Storm King and the Mayor were successfully separated from each other!

They uncovered their eyes, and rushed to him, and helped him up. “Dad!” Devon said with relief, and worry as they helped him.

“Mayor Daniels!” Rainbow shouted as she helped him up too. “Are you okay?”

“Much better.” He said, as he was now up. “Thanks to all of you.” He hugged his son, and Rainbow and they embraced this moment.

“Hugging! Hugging now!” Vapor said, pulling them all in for a group hug, as both speedy heroes, along with their Wonderbolt allies teared up with joy. Devon was happy to have his father back.

Meanwhile, the Storm King growled furiously as he struggled to get back up. “Ai-yi-yi!” Grubber said as he rushed over to him to help him up. “Boss, are you hurt?” He asked him. “Let me help you up!”

The Storm King snarled as he saw him. “Get off me!” He shouted, swatting him away! “I need Morph-X!”

“We’ll find another way!” Grubber said, as they teleported away from the heroes.

Vapor took notice of them, and pointed to them. “Don’t let Grubber and the Storm King are get away!” She shouted.

Rainbow saw, and got angry as she dashed to them. “Hey! Come back! I’m not through with you!” She said, as she tried to get to them.

The heroes took notice as Rainbow flew over to them, but they were gone. “Oh, they got away!” She shouted angrily. “AGAIN!” She started to stretch her wings again. “I ought to press them into jerk cider!”

“No. Let them go, Rainbow Dash.” Sky said, as she stopped.

“What?! Why?!” She asked, upset.

“He’s right.” Vapor told her. “He who runs away will be back to fight another day.”

Rainbow looked like she wanted to go into a fit, but realized she was right. “You’re right.” She said, her anger subsiding. “But, I’ve got a feeling he’ll be back.” As she said that, the rest of the heroes ran over to their friends, happy that Devon and Dash’s plan worked.

"Thank you so much for saving the Mayor, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said excitedly. “Just how did you ever pull this off?"

“Long story, egghead.” Rainbow said. “But Devon and I used the split Emitters from Tyler’s team to split the Storm King from him.”

“Using those split Emitters was a brave thing you did, Rainbow!” Starlight congratulated her.

“You were so amazing" Fluttershy squealed out, as she hugged her friends, and the others did the same.

“Whoa, thanks guys.” She said, as she calmly broke the hug after a few seconds. “I really appreciate it! I’d also like to tell you how I used my new powers against Bulldozertron!”

“I don’t think words can explain how you did that!” Nate said, smiling excitedly. “And from what I saw, it looks like your telekinetic powers only work when you get really angry.”

“Then, I’ll only use them when I’m really angry!” Dash said, putting her brave game face on.

“That’s what I just said!” Nate said, gritting his teeth and getting angry again, as he tapped her on the head. “Can you hear, or is there a goblin in your head eating my words?!”

Rainbow rubbed her temples. “I don’t think there’s a goblin in there.” She said, confused to him.

Back at the base, everyone was happy that the Mayor was successfully separated from the Storm King and about Devon and Dash’s victory. Nate and Twilight were checking on the Morph-X towers, as they were filling up again, and the network was going back to normal. “The last tower is filling with Morph-X.” Nate said. “We did find traces of the Storm King’s residue, but the system is clear now.”

Twilight, and Starlight looked at each other, and nodded as they walked up to the mayor. “Mayor Daniels...” Starlight began. “If it’s not too much trouble, we’d like to ask you something.”

“Fire away!” He said, smiling.

“Do you remember anything about what happened before the Storm King took over?” Twilight asked. “What he did, or what he’s planning to do in the future?”

He tried to recall what had happened. Finally, he remembered the last thing that did happen. “My last clear memory was when we just escaped from the Cyber Dimension from Evox. There was an explosion, and then, there was something wrong with my hands.”

Cozy contacted the Commander. “Commander!” She shouted. “Beam us up!” And like that, all three Megazords with their occupants were teleported out there safely before they could be taken with the explosion.

Evox was not so lucky as he lost the battle with the Power Rangers and Elements of Harmony and was caught in the crossfire of the explosion as well! “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” He shouted as he blew up along with his dimension, as he, his world and Blaze were no more!

Back at Grid Battleforce, everyone is safe but Mayor Daniels notices his hand was glowing in a shade of metallic blue.

“After that, it was all a blur.” He continued. “Until the moment you all saved me.”

“Actually, our plan was a failure.” Nate told him, as he walked up to him. “The only reason you’re standing here right now, is because of Devon and Rainbow Dash.”

“You two never gave up saving Devon’s dad.” Cozy added as well.

Devon, and Rainbow both smiled at the compliment. “Well, you and Dash did save me from the Cyber Dimension.” He said to them.

“And, I tried to help you!” Rainbow said, as she gave him a playful tap on the shoulder, as her friend giggled. “So, now we’re all even.”

Mayor Daniels smiled, as he put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Let’s just hope neither of us has to save the other...ever again.” He hugged them both as they chuckled.

After he broke the hug, he smiled at the others as well. “So far, the Morph-X tower network has been reenergizing.” He said to them. “Rest assured that they are safe once again, and that the Power Rangers and Elements of Harmony will make sure it stays that way.”

“We’re all just glad we managed to help Devon and Rainbow separate them from each other, AND we defended the towers!” Vapor Trail said in excitement while Sky nodded in agreement.

“And, if they hadn’t come up with that plan, today would have been a lot different.” Sky added, smiling at them as well.

“Hah! Yeah, it did work!” Rainbow said, as she smiled happily. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Commander came and gave us a pat on the back for a job well done!”

Just then, they heard a voice that made both speedy heroes jump. “Devon! Dash!” The voice said. “Get out here NOW!”

Rainbow’s heart sunk, as she and Devon turned to see Commander Shaw, glaring at them. And judging by the looks of it, she didn’t look too happy. They slowly walked over to her, nervous and a little regretful. Nope, definitely not a happy Commander.

“You wanted to see us, Commander?” Rainbow asked, as she gulped nervously and her head was hung low.

“Yes, I did.” She said, blithely, and angry at them. “You two disobeyed a direct order! You put the mayor ahead of the entire city!” The others were shocked upon seeing Ravi’s own mother scold them, when they should be congratulated for saving the mayor, and the towers. Ravi was extremely surprised upon seeing her say things like that to them.

“If Coral Harbor is destroyed because The Storm King has those Mega Transporters...” she scolded them.

“It’ll be all on us.” Devon said, as he looked at the Commander sadly.

“We know, and we’re sorry.” Rainbow apologized as well, hanging her head down, and giving her puppy eyes. “We should’ve told you about our plan in the first place.”

The Commander looked down for a second, and put her hand on Devon’s shoulder. “I’m sorry too.” She said. “About the Mayor.”

The Mayor was shocked upon seeing this, and decided to step in. “Don’t be.” He said, coming to their defence. “Devon and Rainbow saved the Tower Network, and quite possibly the world! You should be thanking them!”

He pointed to her, seriously to show that he meant business. “And how dare you scold my son, after what he did to save me!!” He scolded her. “Honestly, the commander of Battleforce, yelling at two superheroes...You oughta be ashamed of yourself!”

Commander Shaw was shocked, as she was told off by Devon’s own dad, the one who he and Dash saved. She felt tears welling up, as she bowed her head down. “I...I'm sorry, mayor...” she said depressed, as she walked out of the room. Devon, and Rainbow both looked at each other with excitement, seeing the Commander get yelled at by the mayor.

“ALRIGHT!” Devon and Dash’s shouted in excitement as they both gave a hi-five. “YEAH!” They noticed the Mayor giving them a glance. Dash gulped, as he held out her hoof. “Hi-five?” He kept giving them the look. “Not much of a hi-five guy?”

He smiled, as he gave them both a hi-five. “I’m just messing with you all.” He chucked. “It seems I really owe you two.”

Rainbow smiled, knowing that their plan went off without a hitch. “All’s well that ends well, right Devon?” She asked, as he nodded.

“Yeah.” Devon simply answered, smiling.

“Hey, what happened to the Split Emitters?” Zoey asked, pointing at the empty crates behind them. Dash’s eyes widened in shock, as she saw them. And, they could only wonder where they could possibly be.

In the training room, Ben and Betty were putting each of the Split Emitters around the tux, which was frozen in a block of ice. “And, two more emitters on this side.” Betty said, as they finished setting them down.

General Burke came in as they set them down. “Those things better work!” He said seriously. “That’s my favourite tuxedo.”

The Burke twins got out of the way of the Split Emitters, and hit the button, as the Emitters roared to life. However, General Burke was enveloped in the energy of the Emitters as he was now in his Tuxedo, and also in the block of ice as well!

They were both shocked upon seeing this. “Dad!” They said, as they rushed over to him,

“Hurry! Try it again!” Ben said, as Betty hit the button.

The others rushed in the room, and were shocked to see the twins break their father out of the ice. “BEN, NO!” Rainbow shouted in alarm. But, it was too late as they were enveloped in their energy. Now, the General was in Ben’s clothes, Betty was in his Tux, and Ben was in the General’s outfit and in the block of ice.

They were further shocked. “Get your brother outta here!” He said, shocked, and worried.

Dash went over to them. “Give me that!” She said, snatching the remote, and tossing it to Devon. “Devon, Catch!”

Devon caught the remote. “Thanks!” He said, as they both got out of the way, and hit the button, enveloping the entire Burke family in its energy. Now, Ben was out of the block of ice (which was now empty), but he still had his dad’s outfit on!

He looked at it, and was surprised. “Huh?” He asked. The others were surprised too. “Have I been promoted?” He asked in sheer surprise.

Everyone smiled, and laughed together upon seeing this funny wardrobe mix-up, and Ben’s comment. Rainbow Dash shook her head, and smiled as they all had a good laugh. It looked like a happy ending for the team, and they felt like it couldn’t get better than this. Mission successfully accomplished!

Epilogue: Awesome As We Want To Be

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Outside of the base on a park bench, Devon was sitting, and thinking about all that happened that day, and all that led up to that moment. Zoey and Nate being a couple, the Storm King’s alter ego revealed, Twilight being possessed, Cosmos coming, the Hyperfreeze arrow, and the Split Emitters. But all in all, they successfully saved the Morph-X from the Storm King’s clutches! He felt like he could relax a little bit after all that.

Rainbow Dash flew over to him, and sat right by him. Devon smiled at her. “Never thought I’d see you here.” He said happily.

The Wonderbolt just giggled. “Trust me.” She explained. “I thought it’d be great to just chillax after a whole day of fighting robotrons and defending the Morph-X! I know! I’m glad me and my friends were able to help! It’s not like we need a fanfare to show for it!”

“I wish everyone had your attitude around here, Rainbow Dash.” Devon said, as he looked, and pointed at two people on a bike.

Rainbow took a good look at who was on said bike, and groaned in a good way. “Hoo boy.” She said, a little surprised, upon seeing Ben and Betty on an X-Bike, showing off their skills to them.

“Hi, guys!” The twins said to the speedy heroes.

“We just thought we’d show our X-Bike contraption to Rainbow for the first time!” Betty said, as she and her brother nodded. “So...we had converted our tandem into...” she hit a button on the bike, as the Morph-X flowed through to the Center of it, as it split apart.

“Ta Da! X-Unicycles!” She announced. They were now unicycle-like machines, as they were pedalling around the area in front of the them.

Just then, Ben got nervous on his unicycle. “Uh-oh!” He said in realization. “Betty! I just remembered...we don’t know how to ride these things!”

“Oh no!” Betty said in shock too, as her unicycle started to speed up in one direction, as did Ben’s and they both went fast until they crashed into a few garbage cans.

“Ooh!” Rainbow groaned, as Devon cringed upon seeing their blunder, which was not on-screen for all of you to enjoy. “Uh, Betty? You and Ben might want to practice on those a bit more!” She called out to the twins.

“We’re okay!” Betty said, as she and her brother gave them thumbs up. Dash just smiled, as she turned back to her pal.

“You might be a hoofful sometimes, but what not to love a loyal sidekick like you?” Devon asked, as Dash blushed. “It’s hard not to have someone as courageous as you!”

Dash smiled, as tears welled up in her eyes. “Wow. That was pretty...sappy.” She said, wiping her tears. “But, that’s okay since we saved your dad, and all.”

“And, we saved Twilight as well.” Devon added. “Don't forget that.”

Dash’s eyes widened as she smiled, and realized they did save her as well. “Yeah! We did do that too!” She said, happy. “This wasn’t the first time we’ve had victories like this.”

“Oh, no?” Her friend asked, curiously.

Dash nodded. “Sometimes, I have a few moral victories in which I learned a lesson while, succeeding.” She told her friend. “And, there’s been a while.”


Devon chuckled. “Well, this hasn't exactly been the day any of us were expecting, but it was pretty great all the same.” He said, smiling.

“And it's good to know I can always fall back on a career as a spa pony if the Wonderbolts don't work out.” Rainbow said, jokingly.

“What?” Devon was confused at this comment.

“Nothing!” She tried to cover it up. “Just forget I ever said that!”

“I wouldn't go that far.” Devon said, as he and Dash shared a laugh together. “But, all in all, you are the best sidekick a red ranger has ever had!” He patted her on the back.

“Devon, I’m the only good sidekick the red ranger has ever had.” She pointed out. “Except for Cruise, that is!”

“But, who knows?” Devon asked her. “Maybe, there’ll be someone just like you!”

“I wouldn't go that far just yet!” Rainbow said, as she gave her friend a playful punch. “But... but seriously.” She then heard a noice, and turned to see Starlight and Spike filling up the last page of her and Devon’s memories up. Spike gave her the thumbs up, which made Rainbow sigh in relief. “Whew!”

“What’s going on, Rainbow?” Devon asked, to which he then saw the memory scrapbook, and smiled. “You’re right! Phew!” He sighed with his pal in relief as well.

They both sighed in relief, as they leaned their backs against the park bench. “Awwwww!!” They sighed, as they dipped their heads back, and looked at the sky. “Awwwwwww!!!” They were chillaxing, as a way to celebrate their latest victory. It was sunny out, the birds were chirping, and they could feel the cool breeze running through their hair or manes. They felt like life couldn’t get any better than this! What could spoil this one moment of dazing up into the breeze, and thinking about nothing?

They sat there for a few moments, until Devon got back up, and had an idea. “Say, Dash...” he nudged his friend awake, getting her attention, as she woke up as well. “You wanna go to the arcade with me?”

“Do I ever!” Rainbow said, as she stretched her wings. “Let’s go!” And with that, she and Devon took off for the arcade to spend a good afternoon of playing video games, and kicking their butts at it.

Starlight and Spike both watched their friends leave, and smiled as they slipped in the last memory of the speedy heroes for the scrapbook. Their section of the book was all filled up. Now, they had to get some memories of Ravi and Applejack. But, they would save that for a later time, when they were ready to run into them. It was a perfect way to wrap up the day!