Two Curious Colts

by Inked Moongleam

First published

On a beautiful summer day, Shady Daze wonders why his friend Rumble isn't out playing. A sweet, simple Colt x Colt one-shot.

Rumble likes colts. Shady Daze likes fillies. Still, neither has a special somepony, and both are at an age for colts to discover their sexuality. When all else fails, friends will be there for each other.

Contains: Colt x colt sex, foalcon, first time, oral, 69, anal, and quite a bit of cum. (AKA, nothing that should be particularly surprising given the tags and description)

Cover art's vectors by Sinkbon and ryanbate.

Two Curious Colts

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It was a lovely summer day, and Ponyville's denizens were enjoying it to the utmost. Seemingly everypony in town was at the lake, or picnicking, or playing sports. To Shady Daze, that last option seemed like the best place to find Rumble; the young pegasus normally never missed a chance to fly around. Shady Daze generally preferred reading and photography over sports, but Rumble was a good friend regardless.

Daze was an earth pony colt with a light blue coat and two-toned gray-blue mane. He wasn’t really searching for Rumble that day; he'd gone out to take some landscape pictures with his new camera, and would have happily spent his entire afternoon doing just that. Still, not seeing Rumble around struck him as odd. His brother Thunderlane — a real wonderbolt! — was there, and Rumble never missed a chance to be with him.

Shady Daze finally stumbled upon his pal at Sugarcube Corner, where Rumble was drinking a strawberry milkshake, slumped at the table like it was the most boring thing ever.

"Uh, what are you doing here, Rumble?" Daze asked, sitting in front of him.

The question drew Rumble out of his thoughts, giving Daze a quizzical glance. "What do you mean? I'm drinking a milkshake."

"Yeah, I can see that. But why are you not gulping it down in like three seconds so you can go fly with your big brother? Something's bothering you?"

"Oh, right…" Rumble went back to stare at his drink.

Shady Daze waited for him to continue, but it didn't come, so he prodded him a little. "Wanna talk about it?"

Rumble looked around, but there was nopony else nearby. He sighed. "Uh… I saw Pipsqueak yesterday."


Rumble looked away. "He was making out with Diamond Tiara, behind the school."

Well, this explained that. "Ah, I see." Shady Daze gave Rumble a sympathetic look. Seeing him nervously glance around once more, he added, "Wanna come play at my place?"

Rumble nodded, and finished his milkshake with a slurp.

The two colts made their way to Shady Daze's home. There was nopony there during the day, so it was a good place for a chat. They went straight to Daze's room, as they always did. Rumble flopped belly-first on the bed, and dropped his saddlebag on the floor. "Urg, why are all the cute colts into fillies? It's not fair."

The little gray pegasus was gay, something Shady Daze had known for a long time. They had often talked about it, trying to find a coltfriend for Rumble, and a fillyfriend for Daze, without much success on either side. "I'm sure you'll find someone to date, eventually. Heck, I can't find a filly either."

Rumble just groaned, and fell silent. "I… I just… I'd like to, you know, at least try it with a colt," he finally said, a couple minutes later.

"Try what?"

"You know… s-sex."

"Oh…" Shady Daze blushed. "Yeah, I haven't done it either. Do you, like, clop?"

Rumble shrugged. "Well, sure. Everypony does, I guess. Hooves feel nice, but…"

Daze's blush intensified; he couldn't help imagine his friend pleasuring himself, forehooves stroking his colthood. He shook the compromising picture out of his mind. "I know… I guess it's normal for ponies our age wanting to experiment. Just need somepony to try it with."

Both colts looked away, embarrassed by the sudden possibility that dawned on them. After an awkward pause, Rumble cleared his throat. "Erm… Daze? Do you mean… we could… like, together?"

"Um, no… It's, uh… I meant…" Shady Daze stammered, fiddling with his hooves.

"Right, right. Sorry, Daze," Rumble apologized hurriedly. "I know you’re not into colts."

"Yeah, that would be kinda weird, since we're friends."

Another awkward silence…

Daze checked out his friend, and was surprised to feel a pang of desire, a potential at least. There was even a tingle of arousal in his sheath. Rumble's body was fit, but his traits had not quite turned into the angular shape of a stallion yet. Daze realized that he could lose his virginity right now, if he wanted to. He just had to say 'yes' to Rumble.

He mulled over it, trying to figure out if he really should. Having sex with Rumble... would it make things weird? In the end, he figured it didn't had to be complicated, or a big deal: just some fun with a friend. Right? Still, it took Daze a while to actually form the words with his mouth. "Uh, Rumble, you know… actually, if you want… I… We could try it, just to know how it feels."

Rumble snapped back at attention, visibly shocked. "Whaa? Really? Uh, I mean… Are you sure? We don't have to."

"I know, I know. But, if it's just between us, I guess there's no harm in trying it, just this once. I mean, we're just friends, and we'll stay friends after. Right?"

"R-Right…" Rumble muttered nervously.

Both colts were lying on Shady Daze's bed, side by side. Fairly quickly, an obvious question emerged. "So, uh… what should we do?" Rumble asked.

"I… don't know. You're the one who clops to colts. Don't you know what stallions can do together?"

Rumble hesitated. "Well, uh… I guess I've heard about a few things, but, maybe we should just start by, uh… Well, maybe I could, you know, look at you."

Daze gave him a confused stare. "Uh? I'm right next to you..."

"I mean, you know… between your legs, Daze. Your penis. If you don't mind..."

"Oh… right… yeah. We're doing that..." Slowly, nervously, Shady Daze rolled on his side, then on his back. "Like this?" he asked, spreading his hindlegs.

Rumble simply nodded, eyes wide. Almost reverently, the little pegasus approached his friend's crotch. Between Daze's legs, the tip of his colthood was peeking out of its sheath, just a little pink nub for now. His ballsack laid just a little lower, bulging with colt seed. Carefully, Rumble brought his hoof closer, but stopped just short of Daze's sex. "Can… Can I touch?"

Shady Daze swallowed up his nervousness. "Y-Yeah… sure."

Both colts stared at Rumble's hoof, each seconds an eternity as it closed the tiny gap. Daze inhaled sharply, feeling the gentle touch on his sheath. Slowly, Rumble caressed his friend's sex, moving down his balls and cupping the small sack, feeling through his frog its smooth, warm firmness. Daze's cock twitched at the contact, making Rumble smile. The pegasus gave it a few gentle strokes, teasing it out of its sheath. Dumbstruck, Daze watched his penis spill out on his belly under his friend's caring hoof.

"Wow, your cock… it's so pretty, Daze," Rumble muttered, fascinated by the sight. "D-Do you want to see m-mine?"

"Oh… okay. Yeah…"

The two colt shifted position on the bed, lying on their side belly to belly, facing opposite directions. Daze, his head between Rumble's thighs, was greeted by the sight of his friend's cock. Rumble's colthood was on full display, already hard with arousal. Daze tentatively stroked the hard shaft, feeling it twitch under his hoof. Unlike his own, Rumble's penis was entirely black, without any pink spots. His glans was flared, a glob of precum pearling at the tip.

Instinctively, Daze wanted to pleasure Rumble, to make him feel good, but their position didn't give much room to use their hooves. He was pondering the situation when he felt Rumble's tongue on his cock, the other colt licking his exposed shaft.

"Mmh, ahh! R-Rumble, that’s… ohh!" Daze moaned in delight, his erection sliding in his friend's muzzle as Rumble suckled the flared tip. Rumble's own cock throbbed right in front of him, visibly desperate for stimulation. Without thinking, Shady Daze wrapped his lips around his friend's flare, getting for the first time a taste of another colt's penis, a big dollop of salty pre dripping on his tongue.

Rumble twitched in pleasure, redoubling his effort on Daze's shaft. The two colts lost themselves in their mating, caring only for their partner's bulging colthood, the moans and gasps they shared. Shady Daze gently rubbed Rumble's balls as he sucked his tip, caressing his flank and whatever he could reach, enjoying the cute noises his friend made with each stroke.

They kept blowing each other, sucking and licking their friends' penises. Their hooves explored the other's body, the intimate touches driving their pleasure to new heights. Daze moaned, feeling Rumble play with his balls.

"Mmh, um, aah!"

Suddenly, Shady Daze realized he was about to cum. It was too much. His penis throbbed in Rumble's mouth, pushing him over the edge. He couldn't hold it back, couldn't even warn his friend because he had his muzzle full of his cock. With a whimper, Daze tensed. The first load of his cum gushed from his urethra, painting Rumble's tongue with his thick, gooey semen. Rumble froze immediately, but made no effort to pull back, letting Daze cum in his mouth.

In fact, it excited him even more. Rumble's glans flared in Daze's mouth, locking him inside. Without any further warning, Rumble ejaculated too. His musky, bitter seed coated Shady Daze's tongue, each twitch delivering a fresh dose in his muzzle. It… didn’t taste good, but he couldn't go anywhere, so he closed his eyes and waited for Rumble to finish. The little pegasus kept cumming, ejaculating his pent up load to his heart's content.

As his own climax waned, Daze felt Rumble swallow his seed, letting his softening sex slip out of his mouth and back into its sheath, giving it a little farewell kiss as it went. With some difficulty, Daze swallowed too, gulping down Rumble's sticky essence, feeling the warm, creamy spunk traveling down his throat and into his stomach. Rumble squirted a couple extra spurt of his semen before finally relaxing, his colthood sliping out of Daze's muzzle.

Panting, Shady Daze laid his head on Rumble's firm, muscular thigh. Utterly spent, he slowly managed to disentangle himself from the other colt. With a little maneuvering, Rumble and Daze settled on their backs, their heads laid down on the bed's pillows, their well used, now flaccid cocks on proud display on their belly.

Rumble was barely catching his breath. "That… umf… uh… That was…"


"Damn, this is so great, Daze… I didn’t think… umf… it would be like that." Rumble idly played around with his limp penis. "When you came, it was… I don't know… It was amazing."

"It was kinda icky, though." Daze still had the stale aftertaste of cum in his mouth. "Yours was bitter and sticky".

"Yeah, uh… sorry. Yours too, I guess… but it was still fun, right?" There was a hint of desperation in Rumble's voice, a sort of plea to know the pleasure had been mutual.

"Mmhmm, you're right. It was fun."

Rumble relaxed, more at ease. "Oh… good."

"Still, uh…" Daze added, "can we go and get a bit of juice from the icebox? I, um… I wouldn’t mind getting rid of the taste. No offense."

Rumble let out a little chuckle. "Sure… me too."

A few minutes later, Shady Daze was in the kitchen with Rumble, happily gulping down fresh apple juices, the sweet liquid cleansing his palate of the taste of colt seed. After he put back the bottle in the icebox and cleaned their glasses, Daze turned back to Rumble, noticing a deep blush on the pegasus' cheeks. "Um, what is it?"

Rumble looked away, bashful. "Oh, um… nothing. It's just… your tail was up, and, uh… you have a really pretty ass, Daze. It kind of… well…" He stepped sideways, revealing his erection.

"Uh, you're hard again... D-Do you want to go back to my room?"

Rumble nodded. "Yeah, that… that would be good."

They went back to Shady Daze's bedroom, hopping down on the bed. Rumble immediately settled on his back, his hindlegs sprawled to show his cock.

Daze stared at his friend's colthood, Rumble's tight ballsack hanging over his tailhole, looking a little less full after his first ejaculation. "Um, what did you wanna do? I'm… kinda spent right now. I guess I can just watch, if you want."

Rumble turned red, fidgeting with his hooves. "Eh, Daze, actually, could we… like, have sex? I could mount you, and… you know… do it in your butt. You know… anal."

"I, erm…"

"We don't have to if you don't want to," Rumble added immediately. "I'd just… like to try, if you're okay with it."

"No… I mean, yes… I mean, it's alright. We can do it." Daze wasn’t really entirely sure, but he figured it might be worth a try.

A bright smile lit up Rumble's face. "Really? You mean it?"

"Yeah, sure," Daze replied with a hint of nervosity. "But, uh... don't we need, like, lube?"

"Oh, yeah... uh, that." Impossibly, Rumble blush turned to a deep crimson. Looking pointedly at nothing, he added, "I... actually have some. Just in case..." Fumbling a moment in his bag, he retrieved a clear bottle of lubricant. He squeezed a generous dose on his erect colthood, making it nice and slippery.

"So, um, what should I do?" Daze asked.

"Hm, I don’t think you have to do much… just stay there, and lift your butt so I can get in…" Rumble dropped the bottle and wiped the excess lube from his hooves, then mounted Daze, his cock and balls resting on the dock of his tail. He didn’t go any further, though. "Erm, Daze? Actually, could you flip on your back, please? I'd... like to see your face."

"Oh, okay. Sure." Daze squirmed under Rumble, switching position between his legs, until they were face to face. Rumble pressed down with his pelvis, rubbing their colthoods together. A mix of anticipation and nerves on his face, he pulled back, lining up his cock with the pucker of Shady Daze's anus, slathering the tight sphincter with lube and precum.

"S-Slowly," Daze reminded him as his friend's glans prodded his entrance. Rumble had an habit of going fast and rushing into things, but that probably wasn't desirable right then. The pegasus simply nodded, and cautiously pushed forward. Daze felt a pang of discomfort as the flared tip of Rumble's penis stretched his anus. It lasted only a moment, though: soon, the glans was entirely in Daze's ass, letting his sphincter clench comfortably around Rumble's shaft.

The two colts stared in each other's eyes, too overwhelmed to say anything. Rumble wiggled his hips, working his way inside. His glans went deeper, Daze feeling his friend's flare sink in his rectum. His own cock, which had hung limp since his earlier orgasm, started to swell once more. Taking notice, Rumble stroked it with his hoof. "Don't be shy, Daze. Show me that beautiful dick you have. There you go…" He continued to play with the growing penis, teasing it out as he pushed deeper in the other colt's butt.

Shady Daze felt Rumble's medial ring enter his tailhole, letting a pleased gasp at the sudden sensation. Rumble wrapped his forelegs around his neck, sandwiching Daze's hardening colthood in-between their belly. Daze returned the embrace, pulling his friend in close until their foreheads and snouts were all but touching. Panting hard, Rumble pushed his pelvis forward until his balls caressed Daze's dock.

A wonderful feeling of fullness overtook Daze. "You… you're…"

A dreamy, longing expression on his face, Rumble nodded. "Y-Yeah… I'm all the way in. You… you feel so good, Daze."

"You too… You feel so big inside."

"A-Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"Nngh… not really… It's kind of sore, but it feels good…"

Rumble let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad…" Then he kissed him.

Daze was startled as Rumble's lips met his own, but he soon let it happen. He let out a moan as the other colt ground his hips against his backside, driving his cock just a little deeper, and Rumble took the opportunity to slip his tongue in Daze's muzzle. The two colts made out tenderly, each exploring the other one's mouth, Daze stroking the pegasus short gray mane. Then, Rumble started slow, deep thrusts with his hips, and they began to mate properly. Pulling out of the kiss, the young pegasus sped up the motion.

It was their first time having sex, and Rumble gave it everything he had. His colthood plunged relentlessly in Daze's anus, going in and out of tight pucker. Instincts guided his thrusts: his body knew what to do.

"Mmh, aah! Yes!" Daze was lost in heaven. Rumble's cock in his rectum stroked his tight inner walls with each motion, the thicker medial ring caressing his prostate delightfully, the flared glans throbbing deep inside. Each thrust squeezed his own penis in-between their tummies, rubbing it in Rumble's soft gray fur. "Rumble, I-I'm… I'm… ah!" Streaks of warm, sticky colt cum painted Shady Daze's chest as the young earth pony ejaculated. In the throes of orgasm, his rectum contracted around Rumble's length, hurrying him along too.

Throwing his head back, Rumble thrusted harder, deeper, faster in his friend's ass. His cock was twitching, and his breath was growing short. "Aah… D-Daze, I'm… nnh!" With a final, desperate whinny, Rumble slammed all the way in, his flare bulging immensely in Daze's rectum. Burying his face in his friend's neck, Rumble held him tight, getting Daze's seed all over his chest.

Gooey cum gushed deep in Daze's bowels, Rumble trembling with each spurt of his sperm he delivered in his friend. For a blessed moment, both colts embraced each other, the two of them shamelessly emptying their testicles, ejaculating in shared pleasure, until, at long last, they had nothing left to give. Rumble went completely limp atop Daze, his softening cock still in his butt. Their chest heaved, sticky with Daze's ejaculate, as they came down from their peak.

"Damn, Rumble, we… we really did it," Shady Daze said, his penis softening once more.

"Yeah… that… that was amazing!" Rumble pulled his flaccid cock out of Daze, leaving a stream of cum oozing from his gaping tailhole, and rolled off him. "Daze… thanks…"

"It's okay. I loved it too."

A soothing silence filled the room, the two colts lost in their afterglow. They were sweaty, exhausted, covered in flaky, dried cum, but it didn't matter. They had discovered the joy of sex, and it was wonderful. Between their legs, their well satisfied sexes retreated in their sheath.

"So, uh… does that mean… we're… you know…" Rumble bit his lip, giving Daze a longing gaze.

Daze gently pushed him back. "We're friends. Just friends, alright?"

Rumble couldn't hide his disappointment. "Right… you're right."

"Still," Daze added, "until one of us has a special somepony, we can do this again, any time we want. Deal?"

Rumble grinned. "Deal!"