> Sisters Reconnect > by sapphireStarzzzz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reconciliation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Will you accept my friendship?", asked Celestia hopefully. Luna took in a deep breath before saying firmly, "no". "WHAT!!!, b-but Lulu, times have changed. Many ponies love your nights and I'm sure they’ll welcome with open hooves. Even the thestrals have returned to Equestria, so you'll have you own subjects to rule over now." This statement made Luna's blood begin to boil. "Subjects", she whispered, "SUBJECTS", she then yelled in the loudest Canterlot Voice she could muster. "YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE YOU MONSTER." By now both of their eyes were starting to tear up. Celestia mustered up enough willpower to say, "Luna, I know I should've noticed and listened to your pleas but, it wasn't my fault that ponies didn't notice and appreciate your hardwork. "DON'T YOU GET IT, IT WAS NEVER ABOUT ATTENTION OR GLORY." This statement caused Celestia and the Mane 6 (who were standing in the corner watching the whole spectacle take place) to exchange inquisitive looks. "When we were both little fillies", she began much more softly, though her voice was shaking and unstable, "remember how you were always there for me, to protect me from everything, ranging from things like imaginary monsters under the bed to real and exceedingly dangerous changelings. You used to sing me lullabies and read me fairy tales. We were completely inseparable and I thought that it would always be that way but well, we started growing up. It all began when you were a teenager. You started having royal duties to attend to and you became so wrapped up in them that you started spending less and less time with me. At first I understood where you were coming from and I knew that you really wanted to make mom and dad proud so I coped with my loneliness while putting up a brave face. After sometime however, I noticed that you were acting slightly cold towards me and not even saying 'hello' when we saw each other in the palace hallways. It hurt me so much you know, broke me down to the core. I thought that the reason of your change in behaviour was because of me. So as soon as I became old and mature enough to handle kingdom affairs and take over the night sky, I got to work. I made sure to handle the paperwork quickly, handle delegates and ambassadors with efficiency, and make the night sky as breath-taking as I could, probably the only task I truly enjoyed. At first I had done this to just impress you, but later on I just did to keep my self too busy to think that I'd lost my only friend. Our parents and aunties appreciated my diligence but were also extremely concerned about my emotional wellbeing. They had questioned me about my well-being more than a few times but I chased them away every-time. And then, mother, father and aunties were soon taken away from me, they may not have died, but they still were gone. Even all of our distant alicorn cousins were gone. This is probably what pushed me to the edge, that the one pony who wasn't there for me was my only remaining family. You had tried to reach out from then on, to make sure I was okay, but by then I was too emotionally broken and furious, and the one pony whom most of my rage was directed at was you. And then, once the two of us took the thrones, ponies started showering most of their attention to you, when it was I who fought of the beasts of darkness and was in charge of their safety, both in real world and the realm of dreams, yet it was you who was praised and hailed, and I suppose this was the breaking point that let loose the years of negative emotions stored up inside. But you know, despite all of that, a part of me, the same part that had caused me to work myself to the bone just to impress you, hoped, rather naively really, that you would at least ask why I was doing it, but alas, as always, I was disappointed. Despite having trained to keep her composure for a thousand years, hearing Luna say all of that and seeing her whimpering like a hurt puppy was enough for Celestia's hooves to give out and for her to collapse, with tears coming from her eyes and falling down on the floor of the old castle, drop be drop. Even the mane 6 (including RD and AJ) had started sobbing uncontrollably. "And you know what, I spent ten years, TEN YEARS TRYING TO REPAIR A BOND THAT WAS" she sighed and they both finished it together in a barely audible whisper,"completely broken.", she said, a tear rolling down her cheek, before she started laughing, a sarcastic, humourless, harsh and insane bark-like laugh Her laughter slowly died down and was slowly replaced by an innocent look and a warm smile. "You're in luck because it seems that naive part of me is the one that eventually won in the end." Celestia gasped, "So does that mean!!!" Luna nodded. "Celestia Solaris, Princess of The Day, I, Lunasis Sylina, Princess of the Night accept you hoof in friendship but, I don't think I'll ever be able to truly forgive you. The wounds will heal, but the scars never will go away.", she proclaimed. Celestia sighed and replied "I understand sister." They both smiled at each other and after slight reluctance, they approached each other nervously and hugged. "Oh Luna, I've missed you ever so much. It was after I lost you, after you weren't there anymore that I finally realised how important you are to me." They then heard awwwwwwws coming fom behind them and they turned to see the mane 6 staring at them with emotional expressions on their faces and they chuckled bashfully, since both of them had almost forgotten that those six were there watching and listening to everything. Soon the mane 6 joined the chuckling which soon turned into an uproar of laughter. Yes, everything was going to be just fine. > Meeting of The Two Princesses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia was nervously pacing in the throne room worriedly. "Oh what is going to happen, will they like each other. What if Luna doesn't like her or she doesn't like Luna. I should calm down right, I mean nothing extreme is going to happen, but whatever if it does!!? I should reeeeeally stop talking to myself. Calm down Celestia, if anything extreme does happen you'll be there to control the situation. Aaaand I'm talking to myself again." Celestia slowly took a deep breath in and a deep breath out as she slowly flew over to her throne and sat down. Soon enough, the doors slowly opened with a soft creak and a sweet voice asked, "Hello auntie, what can I do for you today?". Slowly, the owner of that voice entered. She was a tall slim alicorn mare, with a flawless baby pink coat, with a slightly curled tri-coloured mane of violet, magenta and peach. Her eyes were the colour of lavender and she was adorned in a golden tiara, shoes and collar. "Ah Cadance, you're here. I know you must be wondering why I called you here but please be patient. I'll tell you as soon as she arrives." "Auntie who're you talking about and don't you have to raise the moon?" "As I said, you must be patient." After about 5 minutes, a rather wise and authoritative voice called out, "Sister, didst thou summon us to thy throne room?" Soon entered an alicorn who was only slightly taller than Princess Cadance. Her coat was a dark cornflower blue, her rather etherial-looking, dark indigo mane, was billowing in a non-existent wind. Her eyes were a light cerulean and she was adorned in a black tiara, a collar a crescent moon shaped symbol and light cerulean footwear. "Ah Luna, there you are, I have been waiting for you." "We apologise for the late arrival but we were busy brining about the night because and as much we hate to brag, your nights were a rather pale imitation of mine. Now where is that pony thou were going to introduce us to?", she asked. "She's right over here Luna", Celestia replied while pointing towards Cadance. "SWEET MOON, ANOTHER ALICORN PRINCESS", Luna yelled out in her infamous royal canterlot voice. "Luna, meet our distant niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadance as she prefers to go by. She is the princess of love", Celestia introduced. "Greetings Princess Cadenza, we art Luna, Princess of the Night and Princess Celestia's younger sister, but thou can calleth us Luna, or the pony with a bossy long pillock for a big sister, who, with the amount of sweets she eats, should be as as fat a couch potato", she added, with a smirk, earning her a glare from Celestia. "For your information, I recently went on a diet." Celestia replied, trying her best to keep the annoyance out of her voice, causing an uproar of laughter from Cadance and Luna. "Auntie Tia, why didn't you ever tell me you had a sister, and where was she all this time?" Cadance asked. Celestia sighed heavily and readied herself to answer the dreaded yet inevitable question but Luna, sensing her sister's distress, answered in her place. "Cadance hast thou heard the myth of Nightmare Moon?", "Um, yes, hasn't everyone?" "So, let's just say that the myth is actually real, and that Celestia and I were the two sisters that the myth is surrounded around." "Wait, WHAT? b-but how come nopony ever knew about this?" "Well, the thing is that, I felt so guilty about banishing Luna, that other ponies knowing was just a reminder of how miserably I failed as a sister", Celestia replied, tears slowly trickling down her face. Luna and Cadance exchanged soft smiles and enveloped Celestia in a hug. "That's in the past now auntie", "Cadance is right Celly. I'm back now and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Celestia smiled at how much her sister and distant niece loved her, and yes it was true that despite not being dead, most of her family, her parents and the six mare she'd always regarded as aunts were trapped, someway or another, but that was for later, after all they had all the time in the world, or did they?