> Bricks and Pride > by TheOneAJ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Positive Rock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Okay!” Sunset cheered, fist pumped in the air, kicking the door to her apartment open. “We went through hell, and now, we enjoy victory!” Her girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle, followed behind with a box of pizza—half cheese and half pineapple—in her arms.  “You act like we didn’t have any fun putting that play together,” she teased, shutting the door behind them. “Not at all,” Sunset said as she turned on the radio to the middle of a Post Crush number. “But you had to admit, by non-magical inducing standards, it was a crazy couple of weeks that I can’t wait to get my mind off of.” She threw off her shows and landed on her couch. “Which part?” Twilight asked, laughing and falling onto the couch next to Sunset. “The school play we just put on, getting the Dazzlings reformed while doing so, Adagio diva trip, us getting together, Flash and Derpy becoming a couple, coming out to everyone we were a couple, dealing with your parents, that thing that happened with Sonata and Octavia?” “All of the above!” Sunset cackled, staring into those beautiful violet eyes she had come to love in the past several weeks. Although, after all that excitement, she was ready to kick back, play some video games, and best of all, do it with her brand new girlfriend. “Now then,” Sunset she said, rubbing Twilight's blushing cheek with her fingers. “How about we simply enjoy ourselves tonight, Sparky?.” “Yeah,” Twilight smiled, adjusting her glasses. “I’d like that.” It was still bizarre for her to think that they were now a thing. Yet, through all the trails they had to face, here they were now! With Sunset leaning in to kiss. Twilight leaned in herself and—  There was a crashing sound, and both girls leapt to their feet. Looking to the source of the sound, they found a broken window, a brick laying on the floor, and the sound of profound language and a car speeding up. Sunset raced to the window, shouting at the offenders. “Hey, you bastards! Get back here!” Twilight stayed stunned for a moment longer, before standing up, and reaching out to pick up the object that had suddenly shamed its way into their date.  It was a common constitution brick. Nothing fancy, and yet, looking at it more closely, Twilight’s face paled. “Mules,” Sunset huffed, before turning around to see her girlfriends face had paled. “Twilight?” she asked carefully, reaching a hand out. “It’s fine, just some random jerks who— Twilight, eyes misting up, showed Sunset the brick, and the writing on it. Sunset blinked at the offending words. Then her face reddened in furry.  “I’ll be back,” she said, in an eerily calm voice. She reached for a baseball bat, only for Twilight to reach for it first. “No,” Twilight said plainly. “Twilight,” Sunset said through her teeth. “Sunset,” Twilight responded, matching her friends fierce gaze. They stared down for several seconds, before Sunset was the one to back down. “Fine.” She breathed. Then, with a sad smile, asked her girlfriend, “You okay?” Twilight slowly nodded, tossing the brick to the ground. Shaking her head, Sunset made to her supply closet for some wrapping paper and tape for a temporary fix to the window. “I just don’t understand it,” Sunset muttered as she tapped the window up. “What?” Twilight crossed her arms, glancing at the homophobic words on the brick. “That two girls or boys can’t love each other?” “Yeah, that,” Sunset confirmed, adding the last bit of tape and stepping back down to her girlfriend.  “What?” Twilight laughed. “You don’t have this kind of problem in equestria?” Sunset straight face said everything. “You're kidding me.” “Nope,” Sunset shrugged. “Aside from walking on two legs and my new diet, finding that I needed to laugh at jokes were the punch line is ‘they’re gay,’ was one of the hardest things for me to get use to. Nearly blew it when I couldn’t get why everyone was laughing at certain things for awhile.” Twilight’s hand went to her head. “That’s not,” she walked over, and crashed onto the couch. “How? Equestria can’t be ‘that’ perfect.” She scrunched her face. “Guess that’s why telling your parents I was your girlfriend was the easier part of that conversation?” “Well, I wouldn’t say ‘perfect,’ Twi.” Frowning, Sunset carefully walked over to sit down next to Twilight. “We have what might be consider, specisum.” She rubbed her chin. “I guess by having that, gender relationship prejudice wouldn’t be anyone’s concern.” “Small comfort,” Twilight sighed. “I know,” Sunset assured, rubbing Twilight’s back.  The two stayed silent for a moment. Simply trying to catch their thoughts. “No,” Twilight edventually said with a  sniffle. “This just isn’t fair! Ugh!” She broke out of Sunset’s grasp to hold her face. “Why has there got to be so much hate with two people trying to be happy? Huh? What’s the big deal?!” She sighed “I’m sorry I put you into this situation, Sunset.” “Hey, hey, HEY!” Sunset retorted. “None of that, Sparky! I don’t regret one moment with you. Besides, it’s just a few loud people.” “Not as much as it is the society that raised them.” Twilight sniffled. “True,” Sunset admitted, pulling Twilight into an embrace.  “So, what do we do about it?” Twilight asked, holding Sunset back. “For now,” Sunset answered, taking Twilight’s hand, “be happy that we found love, while jerks like those have great grandchildren who try to deny they were ever related.” Twilight looked up with a curious eyebrow. “Eh, something funny that came to mind.” Sunset smiled and relaxed at Twilight's curious gaze. “See, in history class, we’re learning about human slavery.” At twilight’s winch, Sunset asserted, “It’s fine, Twi. We ponies had it too.” At Twilight’s surprised expression, she continued. “Anyways, after hearing about how it was made illegal eventually, I happened upon some apologetics, trying to make it sound like it wasn’t ‘that’ bad a thing. Going on about how that was simply acceptable at the time. While at the same time, trying to brush around the subject that their parents were slaver owners, while they were personally homophobic themselves.” “Okay,” Twilight nodded, adjusting her glasses. “So, you’re saying, it’s fine now, because their kids will look down and try to deny they were ever related? Small comfort.” “I know,” Sunset said, giving Twilight a kiss. “But you know, the bigger comfort is our friends and family are happy for us, and the fact I have one of the hottest girls at CHS in my lap right now.” “Oh stop it!” Twilight grinned, fighting half heartedly before submitting to Sunset’s wonderful kisses. “Still,” she looked for a moment at the brick. “You think we should still worry?” “Eh, I’m sure nothing else will happen tonight.” Sunset assured, knowing she’d probably have to make a few calls later. “They were just a bunch of spineless cowards. Let’s just give them the middle finger by going about our night as we had planned, okay?” Twilight gave a skeptical look, but in the end, submitted to her girlfriend's warm embrace. “Okay.” With that, she snuggled into Sunset. “I love you so much, you know. Thanks for always being my rock, Sunset.” “I know,” Sunset smirked, tapping Twilight on the nose. “I love you two, my little Sparky.”