> Farmgirl's 'Tender Love and Care' Session~ > by Alphamon_Ouryuken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intimate Passion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack let out a sigh as she exited the taxi, fishing through her pocket she pulled out a small coupon. Glancing up at her destination, a rather tall yet extravagant building with a pink and blue lotus blossom for a roof, and above the entrance was the name of the establishment: The La Ti Da Spa. "Still can't believe Ah let Rarity talk me into comin' here..." Applejack sighed as she stopped before the door, her thoughts drifting to yesterday afternoon... Applejack groaned in pain as she pushed open the doors to Sweet Treat Corner. While it had taken her a little longer than she'd expected to finish up her chores at the family barn, she couldn't help but feel a proud sense of accomplishment after a long day of work. Sure, her muscles were sore... ok, really sore, and her mind was a little sluggish from exhaustion, but she still had the company of her friends to look forward to! Her mood brightened the moment she caught sight of Rarity's purple hair at a table closest to the window and she ran over to greet her friends, and as she got closer she saw that she was chatting with Pinkie Pie. "...and then Rainbow Dash just glared at Dumbell and shouted: "AT LEAST MY MOM ISN'T BANGING THE COACH TO KEEP YOU ON THE TEAM!", right in the middle of the field!" Pinkie exclaimed, doing an exaggerated imitation of her friend's voice while just barely holding back her giggles. " You should have seen how red his face got while the rest of the team laughed at him! it was priceless!" Rarity couldn't help but snort a little bit at her friend's story as Applejack approached the table. "W-Well, while I don't agree with her more... crass methods... it was certainly an effective way of silencing that brute." The fashionista chuckled as she took a sip from her smoothie... right before noticing Applejack. "Well, look who finally showed up!" "Heh, sorry fer the wait girls..." The farmer sighed as she sat next to Rarity... only to wince in pain. "I had tah help the family with a few extra chores..." She explained, rubbing her shoulder as she shifted in her seat. Not noticing Rarity glancing at her with a raised brow. "So uh, where's everybody else?" "Oh, Fluttershy had to take care of a few things at the animal shelter, Rainbow Dash is looking after Scootaloo, and Sunset went back to Equestria with Twilight, something about a magic-related friendship mission..." Pinkie offhandedly explained as she started munching on her cupcake. "Huh... so it's just us-ow!" The farmer winced again, holding her right arm. "Darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked in concern, scooting closer to her friend to get a better look at her. Applejack groaned in pain again as she turned to face Rarity. "It's nothin', might've just pulled somethin' while working... nothin' tah worry about... Ah promise." The farmer explained, grinning sheepishly... Naturally, Rarity wasn't buying it. "Ohhh no, I know joint pains when I see them." The fashionista huffed, taking hold of the farmer's rather muscular arm. "N-No, it's nothing..." Applejack protested, trying to remain composed. "It's just been a long day." "AJ... you know we care about you... right?" Pinkie began, looking the farmer in the eyes and taking a deep breath. "...I mean, I get that you're a bit of a workaholic, but this isn't healthy..." "She's right, darling." Rarity chimed in before the farmer could protest, placing a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. "If you need to take a break... just do it. Joint pains like that can lead to very serious consequences." The fashionista explained, her tone becoming more serious as she began rummaging through her purse. "Lemme see… where did I put-aha!" She smiled as she pulled out a purple coupon with the words "La Ti Da Spa" printed on the front and handed it to Applejack. "This here is a special coupon for a deep tissue massage! Perfect for any aches and pains you may be dealing with!" "Oooo! Sounds fancy!" Pinkie exclaimed as Rarity handed it over to Applejack. "But aren't those kinds of massages really expensive?" The party girl asked as she munched on another cupcake. "Normally yes, but this coupon is for a free session!" Rarity replied as Applejack hesitantly took the coupon. "Uh... Ah appreciate the thought, but this kinda stuff ain't mah style-" The farmer sighed, only to be cut off by her friend. "Now now darling, this is for your own good." She reassured her friend, her tone slightly more stern than before. "Trust me, Rainbow Dash went through the same thing when she was training, and I have to say... it worked wonders for her!" The fashionista said before giving Applejack an almost pleading look. "Please Applejack, help me… help you." Applejack felt her heart melt the moment Rarity gave her that look, glanced down at the coupon… and sighed... "A-Alright, Ah'll give it a try… thanks, Rarity…" The farmer murmured before placing the coupon in her pocket. And thus, here she was… "Welp, here goes nothing..." Applejack sighed, wincing a little as she opened the door and stepped into the waiting room, pausing for a brief moment as her eyes met the eyes of a woman with pink skin and blue hair wearing a blue kimono with a tidal wave pattern sitting behind the desk. "Oh! Welcome to the La Ti Da Spa! My name is Aloe Vera." The woman greeted her cheerfully. "Are you here to schedule a later appointment, or an immediate one? The wait time is usually about fifteen minutes." "Ah... actually..." Applejack began, approaching the desk with the coupon in hand. "A friend of mine gave me this here coupon fer a deep tissue massage. It's not really anything serious, is it-" Applejack began, but her words were cut off by the woman. "Ah yes, one moment please!" Aloe smiled, accepting the coupon before ringing the bell. After a few seconds a woman who looked nearly identical to her stepped into the room, she had blue skin and pink hair, and she was wearing a pink kimono with a floral pattern. "Lotus Bloom here will escort you to the VIP section." Aloe explained as Lotus took Applejack by the hand and guided her further inside. 'Wait, VIP?' Applejack thought as she was guided down the hall. The farmer soon found herself surrounded by beautifully decorated walls and pictures of stylized dragons and other cute animals, the halls were also filled with soft music and the admittedly relaxing smell of scented candles. After passing a few rooms Applejack found herself being led down a flight of stairs to the lower levels of the spa, and after a few more minutes they finally arrived at the end of the hallway. As Lotus opened the door, Applejack stepped into a moderately sized circular room with a door on the opposite end, the walls and ceiling were painted a light lavender and adorned with deep blue stars. The walls were adorned with shelves that held rows of bottles containing different sorts of massage oils on the right, and a few scented candles on the opposite end, complete with a massage table in the very center. “Your personal masseuse shall arrive shortly, so I suggest you get changed.” Lotus explained, gesturing to the basket next to the door. "I do hope you'll enjoy your experience." She smiled as she exited the room, locking the door behind her. Applejack sighed as she heard the door click shut behind her. 'Welp, no turning back now...' She thought, walking over to the table as she prepared herself for her first-ever massage. After removing her boots, boots, shirt, jeans, socks, and finally her hat, Applejack sat down on the table, wearing only her bra and panties. '...hope it's worth it...' She thought as she took a deep breath, the scented candles certainly helped her calm her mind a little. A moment later the sound of the other door to her left opening caught her attention... and her eyes widened as she saw who walked through the door... "R-Rarity?!" "Hello Applejack." The Fashionista smiled as she walked in, wearing the same pink kimono as Lotus, her own hair was tied in a braid that hung down past her shoulders. "I'm so glad you chose to come by." "Wait, wait, wait... you work here?" Applejack stammered as she stood up from the table, blushing a little. "Indeed, I do. I work for the spa on the side, I even designed their kimonos." Rarity explained proudly as she walked over to the shelf and grabbed a bottle of scented oil. She then placed it on the table and turned her attention to Applejack. "Are you nervous?" "Well, a little bit, but Ah guess Ah can't complain." Applejack replied as she sat down, blushing as she continued. "After all... Ah haven't had this kind of experience before..." "And that's why I specifically decided to give you this massage, it will definitely help you get rid of any unnecessary stress." Rarity explained as she sat down next to her friend, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Besides, wouldn't it be better to receive such an experience... from someone you know?" Rarity asked with a coy glint in her eyes. Applejack nervously glanced up at the Fashionista, her hands fidgeting in her lap. "Yeah… Ah guess…" "Relax, darling." Rarity assured her, her smile beaming. "As long as you're comfortable, it will definitely be worth it." Rarity reassured her, her smile still in place as she turned her attention to the massage oil, pouring a few drops onto her hands as she stood up. "Now then, lie down on your back, and let's get started." "Uh… sure." Applejack replied, taking a deep breath before lying down on the table and closing her eyes, relaxing a little as she listened to the faint music playing in the background. And this was Rarity's cue to begin. "You should know, bodywork is an excellent way to relieve stress, and even at a low intensity, it can be therapeutic." Rarity explained as she picked up and opened a bottle of scented oil, pouring a few drops into her hand. "And at the La Ti Da Spa, everything we do is to your pleasure." She added with a gleam in her eyes, rubbing her hands together before slowly running her fingers along her friend's right foot. She pressed her thumb against the farmer's sole, earning a yelp from her friend as she gently began to work her way up the farmer's leg, applying pressure at the appropriate spots and allowing the farmer to feel the pressure as she worked her way up, increasing the pressure slightly as she moved to the farmer's knee. Applejack smiled as she began to relax, while she had no idea what to expect, from Rarity's explanations and her own intuition, she knew she would be ok. As Rarity's gentle, warm hands spread the massage oil across her skin, the farmer's face flushed a little as she felt Rarity's hands now massaging her thigh. Applejack's heart began to beat rapidly as her friend's thumbs began moving upwards, her hips and stomach tensing up as she felt a small pinch on the back of her thigh. 'Oh… oh no… please… not right now…' She thought as she bit her lip, trying to keep herself composed. "Easy Applejack, just relax." Rarity reassured her, slowly continuing to massage the farmer's thigh, rubbing her thumb gently across the sore area. The farmer could only nod in response, her mouth hanging open slightly as she breathed deeply. But sadly she couldn't deny that she was incredibly turned on at the feeling of Rarity massaging her. 'Dang it, please stop… not here, not in front of Rarity…' She thought as her body tensed up, but sadly her body betrayed her. Her breath was coming in shorter and shorter breaths, her cheeks were flushed, and her chest was rising and falling as her breathing was quickly becoming erratic and her hips started to shake. And all the while she kept her eyes shut tight, trying to keep her mind blank, to concentrate on something… anything other than how good it felt… "Something wrong, Applejack?" Rarity asked as she turned her attention from the farmer's right leg and began massaging her left. The farmer flinched at first, while her breathing was slowly beginning to return to normal, her heart was still racing. Applejack tried to speak up, but the words were caught in her throat, unable to let out more than a whimper. "A-Ah'm, um… f-fine…" "It's ok Applejack, there's nothing to worry about." The fashionista said in a calming tone. "I promise it will all be fine." "Ah know… um, it's just that…" Applejack tried to explain, but her voice got caught in her throat. "Shhh, it's ok Applejack, it's alright." Rarity assured her, her voice calm and soothing. "I know this might feel odd at first, but everything's gonna be fine. I promise." 'Oh god… what am I doing?' She thought to herself, desperately trying to calm herself down. But it was no use, her body betrayed her and her hips started to move, and she could feel her nether regions starting to grow hot with arousal, her eyes slowly opening and finding their way to Rarity's rather curvaceous figure, the farmer's breaths growing shallower and shallower with each passing moment. 'Ah… ah gotta stop or Ah'm gonna-' And then... it happened. From within the restrictive confines of Applejack's panties, a very noticeable bulge started to develop, a swirl of ecstasy emanating throughout her body as her knees started to shake. "N-No… Not here…" Applejack panted, but it was no use as the tip of her cock emerged from her panties. "Hmm? Why Applejack, I didn't expect your 'little buddy' to emerge so soon~" Rarity cooed in a surprisingly calm voice, eyeing the farmer's 'Little Buddy' as it became harder and harder. "But rest assured, you don't need to worry about that here, I promise~" She added, giving her friend a sultry smile as her hand inched towards the bulge, giving it a gentle caress. 'Rarity knew?' Applejack's face quickly became redder as Rarity gazed into her eyes… right before she gave her friend a coy smile and a small wink. "Ah… uh…" Was all Applejack managed to say, though it came out in a breathy whisper. "Now you know why I'm here… and why I made sure you'd get the VIP treatment~" Rarity cooed as she slipped her hand into Applejack's panties, wrapping her fingers around the farmer's shaft. "I want to make you feel good." Applejack had never felt so vulnerable and aroused at the same time, the feeling of Rarity's right hand gently cupping and massaging her left breast caused her to shudder as a growing sense of pleasure overcame her. "U-Un-Ungh..." She moaned, as Rarity's soft, yet firm grip on her shaft brought it to full hardness. "Mm… mm…" Applejack sighed as the fashionista started stroking her shaft, she'd never felt anything like it before. It felt incredible. It felt… amazing. "Oh… oh Rarity." Applejack gasped, instinctively thrusting her hips up and down, she couldn't help but moan louder as Rarity felt up and down the entire length of her shaft with her fingertips, before slowing to a stop at the head and giving it a good squeeze. "Ugh… ungh… augh!" The famer exhaled as the masseuse squeezed several more times, prompting Applejack to start thrusting her hips to the rhythm of Rarity's skilled hand. "Oh my, it seems that your little friend's getting rather excited!" Rarity giggled, Applejack blushed even more as her body began to shake, her breaths becoming shallow as she felt the pleasure increasing, her back arching as her body went numb. "Oh y-yes… it f-feels amazing!" Applejack moaned out as she went into a partial seizure, writhing as her muscles went weak and tight as she felt an intense pleasure overtake her. "Ungh… ungh…" The farmer gasped, her eyes widening as Rarity's massage almost lulled her into a sort of trance. Soon a wave of pure lust swept over her body, with Applejack unable to do anything but gasp as she took in a sharp breath, her eyes glazed over and her tongue hanging out in a shameless display of lust as she let out a long moan. "Rarity… Ah… ah'm gonna-OOOHHH!!" The Farmer cried out as she came, her thick seed erupting from her cock and spraying all over the front of her stomach and breasts. As Applejack started to calm down and catch her breath, Rarity removed her hand and inspected her handy work, rather pleased with the results. "I'll take it you enjoyed yourself, darling~?" She cooed, giving the farmer a coy grin as her eyes wandered to the dollops of Applejack's seed slowly leaking out of the tip of her still-erect cock. "Mm… Oh wow~! That… That was… amazing…" She gasped, barely able to get out her words as she lay there. "Mm… hmmm… Ah've… never felt… s-so gooood… in mah life…" Applejack added between gasps. 'Hmmm… so she is a virgin…' Rarity thought as she tugged at the farmer's panties, dragging down them around her ankles before yanking them off her legs, dropping them to the ground with a smug grin. 'So making her crave more will be all the more easier.' Upon realizing that Rarity had just pulled off her undergarments, Applejack leaned up to see Rarity slipping her hand down between the farmer's legs. "Uh, Rar-OOHH!?" "Oh, we're far from done, darling~" Rarity cooed as she started drawing little circles around Applejack's clit with her finger while also pressing her lips over the farmer's member as she licked around it and down the shaft, sucking the farmer's remaining fluid into her mouth and causing her patient to shudder as her skilled tongue circled the tip, flicking it playfully. "You'll need at least a few more rounds to fully recover." She smirked as she removed her mouth from Applejack's member and sank her fingers into her soaking wet pussy, curling them at just the right angle and stroking her inner walls. "OOOOOHHH!!" Applejack groaned at the sudden surge of pleasure, it felt so good! "And besides, a rather large amount of teasing is necessary to bring you to new heights of pleasure…" Rarity continued as she started moving her fingers in circles, each time giving the tip of Applejack's clit a slight suck and little lick as well. "…all whilst keeping you from climaxing too soon. This treatment is quite convenient as it allows your body to properly store up a large amount of sweet, blissful, heavenly pleasure~" She added with a coy smirk as the farmer started moaning even louder, her hips trying to push against Rarity's hands. "UUUUUUHH~ R-R-Rarity I-OOOHHH!" Applejack cried out, her body tensing up as she bucked her hips, her breath getting caught in her throat as the masseuse stroked her clit faster, refusing to take her eyes off of Applejack's twitching cock. "Ufufufu, there's already so much pre-cum leaking from the tip~" She purred, flicking her fingers harder and faster, all the while eying the farmer’s still-erect cock as it pulsated with urgent desire. "All from having your womanhood teased~" Then, without taking my fingers out of her, Rarity bent down and started sucking on the head of Applejack’s shaft, eagerly tonguing the tip and tasting her salty pre-cum. She then ran her lips along the underside of the shaft, her skilled tongue seeking out each tender spot while she fingered the farmer as hard as she could. "Aaah... Aaaaahh... AH'M-AH'M-AAAAH... AAARRGGHH!!" Applejack cried as Rarity pleasured her, her vision going blurry as her body was assaulted by another wave of pure bliss, her moans becoming more and more animalistic the closer she came to cumming. "UUUUHHH~ Ooohh… Ah'm so… Ah'm gonna-oohh!!" She shrieked out, bucking wildly against Rarity's fingers… but just when she came close to the edge of ecstasy, Rarity stopped and pulled her dripping fingers out of her slit. "F-F-Fuuuck! Dammit Rarity! J-Just lemme cum!" The farmer grunted through gritted teeth, squirming in disappointment as the masseuse released the shaft from her mouth, her tongue still tracing a small circle around the tip and lapping up any dribbles of pre-cum that were left. "Pluh… please, Rarity… j-just let me cum..." "Oh? Were you close, darling?" Rarity asked, glancing down at her with a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Well, I'm sorry to say I can't grant you sweet release just yet…" She added with a mischievous smile as she started licking the farmer's juices off of her fingers. "…and I said before, this treatment requires build-up within your body, and that will you inevitable climax much more satisfactory~" 'Well that, and the fact that round two of the VIP treatment is an orgasm denial session…' The masseuse mentally added as she started playing with the farmer's clit again. '…not that Applejack needs to know about that part…' Rarity was quickly brought out of her thoughts however when she noticed Applejack grinding her pussy against her fingers in an attempt to stimulate herself. "Ah ah ah~, let's not forget who's in control here~" Rarity cooed, stroking the farmer's clit just enough to tease her. "R-Rar… p-please..." Applejack gasped as Rarity teased her clit with frustrating efficiency right before dipping her fingers inside the farmer's womanhood once more and rubbed them against her inner walls over and over, but then stopped just short of giving her sweet release. "UUUHH!! Ooohh… Ah'm so… s-s-so close-oohh!!" Applejack shrieked, her body shuddering and jerking in what seemed like a never-ending stream of pleasure, and it wasn't long before pre-cum started leaking from her neglected shaft once more. But once again, the masseuse stopped just short of Applejack's climax. She groaned in frustration as she briefly reached for her shaft… only for Rarity to swat it away, said action was accompanied by a fierce glare that froze the farmer in place. "Don't try that again." Rarity scolded her friend sternly, her tone leaving no room for argument as she withdrew her fingers, once more coated the farmer's sticky juices, from Applejack's soaking soft folds. "Rarity please!" Applejack pleaded, voice cracking as she gazed into her eyes with pure lust. "Ah… Ah need tah cum… P-Please make me cum!!" Rarity smirked suggestively, she knew that as tough and defiant as Applejack looked, she knew deep down from her that the farmer wanted this… to be dominated by a LADY like herself… …and bringing her to her near-breaking point was the best way to make that side of her surface, she just needed that extra push. "Oh? Is the small kitty with big muscles begging?" Rarity began in a teasing tone as she playfully stroked the farmer's hard cock for a few seconds before plunging her fingers into Applejack's pussy and started viciously fingering her slit once again. Applejack gasped in pleasure as Rarity's fingers pinched and twisted her clit forcefully. "AAAHHHNNN!!" The farmer groaned as she bit her lower lip, bucking and thrusting her hips against Rarity's hand as she rubbed her clit with ferocity. "Ah-Ah'm s-so… close… p-please d-d-don't stooop!!" She pleaded as the masseuse's strokes got faster and faster as Applejack found herself in a state of frantic arousal, the pleasure she was receiving building up as her body trembled against the lustful touch of Rarity's talented digits, the tingling sensation from her fingers sending shivers up and down her spine. "OHOHH!" The farmer cried out, leaning her head forward and closing her eyes as her entire body spasmed, her pussy clenching around the masseuse's fingers as her climax drew near… only for Rarity to pull them out once again. "Ugh! R-Rarity… please just let me fucking cu-" Applejack's frustrated rant was abruptly cut short as Rarity brought her face right up to Applejack's, her lips brushing against the farmer's as she spoke. "Don't forget who's in control here, little kitty~" Rarity purred, her sexy voice inflaming the farmer's arousal as she climbed on top of her. Her smile widened as the farmer's breathing became more ragged and labored, her body convulsing against the masseuse's fingers as she rapidly plunged them in and out of the farmer's pussy. "B-But I-mmph!?" Applejack was about to retort, but Rarity stopped her with a kiss, a lustful sigh escaping her as Rarity licked and caressed her tongue with her own, her body shaking uncontrollably as the masseuse continued playing with the farmer's clit just enough to prolong the pleasure, intensifying in the heat of Applejack's lust. It wasn't before the horny farmer's womanhood clamped down on Rarity's fingers in response to the continuous teasing of her erogenous zones… right before Rarity pulled her fingers out of the farmer's soaking snatch once again. With her mouth occupied by the masseuse's tongue, she didn't even get a chance to protest. "You want me to make you feel really good, don't you~?" Rarity cooed as she broke the kiss, bringing her sticky fingers up between their faces and licking them clean with her tongue, her mouth making an 'O' shape as she indulged in the tasty treat of her sweet farmer's juices. "You want-no, you need me to bring you to a new level of pleasure that you've never experienced~!" The masseuse continued as she sat up, turned around and leaned forward a little, straddling the farmer's waist. Rarity's wicked grin only grew wider as she moved her right hand to Applejack's shaft and started stroking it up and down. "You want to fuck me, ravish me like a wild, feral, beast, don't you!?" She added, massaging the farmer's throbbing shaft with even more determination, causing it to grow even more rigid as she then started fingering Applejack's womanhood with her left hand. "N-N-No, Ah don't-ahhhh!! Please… don't… Ah-ah-ah d-d-don't!" The farmer gasped, both embarrassed and still in ecstasy as Rarity continued to both finger her and jerk her off. "It's too… much…! Ahh, ah… ah can't-aaahhh!" She cried out, her body thrashing under Rarity as the masseuse brought her close to the edge once again, the very thought of fucking her friend's pussy making her hard and wet at the same time. And finally, there was a crack in her resolve. "Ooohhh… A-Ah… wanna… w-wanna b-b-be inside yah~" Applejack whispered softly, her body quivering in pure ecstasy, her hips bucking faster and faster as the masseuse's materially skilled fingers continued to pleasure her. The farmer soon felt herself nearing her climax again… 'That's what I was waiting for~' Rarity thought, releasing the cock and womanhood from her fingers before turning around once again. She then pressed her hips down against Applejack's waist, letting the farmer's cock slip between her legs as she started sliding her womanhood against Applejack's tortured shaft. "Say it again, little kitty~" She cooed as she rode the excited, squirming farmer's hips, gazing deeply into Applejack's eyes. "Consarn it, yah damn cock tease…" Applejack whimpered as she fucked Rarity's thighs, twisting and shivering as she felt her dick sliding effortlessly along dripping wet womanhood, brushing against her clit every time they made contact. "Ah… Ah wanna fuck yah! Ah wanna... Ah wanna fuuuuuuuuck yah!" Applejack was truly in the throes of sexual bliss, her eyes glazed and her legs shaking every time she ground down against the farmer's legs, every touch of their flesh making them tingle all over. "Ah wanna devour yah... I wanna make you mine..." The farmer cried out in pure ecstasy as Rarity brought the head of the farmer’s cock up to her entrance, spending just a little bit more time teasing her. "I wanna fill yah, bury myself inside you, Ah wanna take yah, make yah mine-OOOOHHH!!" Applejack was about to say something more before Rarity finally pushed her hips down, forcing the farmer’s shaft inside her, spreading the inner walls of her tight pussy as she started riding Applejack's cock. "Ahhhh f-f-fuuuuck yeah…" The farmer moaned, biting her lip as she arched her back, pushing her cock deeper inside Rarity's womanhood until her hips were practically kissing Rarity's ass. "You like that, you sexy, naughty kitty?" The masseuse purred as she rode the farmer's hips, feeling the shaft enter her more firmly as she pressed herself down on it with her inner muscles, feeling herself stiffen up and her nectar start flowing as she pushed a bit harder against the farmer's hips, feeling them shudder underneath her as she did so. "Ohh, f-f-fuuuck yeeesss…" The farmer whimpered, her hips bucking harder and harder, pushing her cock up inside Rarity, the clit of the masseuse pressing against it as she began to get closer and closer to her own climax. "Ah… ah love… Ah love it-OH!" She moaned heavily as she bucked her hips, forcing her cock in and out of the masseuse's twitching pussy, digging her teeth into her lower lip and her hips bucked even faster. Rarity soon felt her inner muscles tighten around Applejack, her juices flowing as her body heaved, her legs trembling as she and the farmer continued to pump her shaft in and out of the other woman's shaking womanhood. With each thrust, the farmer and the masseuse matched each other's pace, matching the other's movements, seeing who could make the other the wildest during their intimate moment. "Y-Y-Yeeesss, keep going you naughty, naughty farmer!" Applejack's moans became louder and her grunts became more lustful as she felt herself going over the edge. Her eyes slowly rolled up and her body shivered violently as she cried out in a fit of passion, the feeling of Rarity's inner muscles squeezing and practically milking the farmer's shaft, her nectar dribbling down her thighs. "Ah… Ah feel… ah-ah'm g-gonna… Ah'm so… s-s-so close!!" The farmer gasped as she threw her head back, her shrieks of joy echoing around the room as she slid her damp shaft in and out of the masseuse, the feeling of her vaginal muscles tightly gripping her shaft as she slammed her hips down on the farmer's cock driving her wild. The masseuse was having a similar experience, her hips still bucking up and down as the farmer's pace increased. "Oooohhh yes! I feel you so deep inside meeeeee-AH!" She cried out, her muscles tightening and squeezing as her inner walls clenched around the farmer's shaft, her breasts jiggling as the farmer's thrusts became stronger, her legs shaking from the combined experience. "AAHH! AH! Y-Y-YEEES!!" She screamed as she started to clench down on the farmer's cock, the farmer's shaft moving in her as she moaned out in passion, her own clit throbbing with every thrust of her hips, the farmer's cock still moving deep inside the other woman's warm, tight and throbbing womanhood. Applejack's moans turned to screams as her hips sped up, forcing her cock deeper into Rarity's love tunnel, her breasts bouncing up and down as she gave one last thrust into the masseuse, her body going rigid and her back arching as she felt her climax building up once more. "YES! YES! C-CUMMING!! AH'M C-CUMMING!! AAAAHHH!!" The farmer screamed as she finally felt her long-awaited orgasm wash over her, her body now convulsing uncontrollably in response to the immense sexual stimulation as she came inside the masseuse. "AAH!!! UUUUHHHH, FUCK!!" Rarity screamed as she rode Applejack's hips with dedication and skill, loving every second of it as her mind nearly shut off from the stimulation alone. "AAHHH!!!! Y-y-you're a naughty little k-k-k-kitty, y-y-you are MY kitty! AAAAAAHhhhhh!" She cried out in orgasmic bliss as her whole body clenched down around the farmer's shaft, her back arched, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as her entire body arched up, the climax sweeping through her. "Uuugh… c-c-cumming… c-cumming…" The farmer shuddered as another orgasm overtook her, her eyes rolling back in her head as she shot out spurt after spurt of her seed into her friend. The farmer soon found herself unable to move for the entirety of her climax, her mind overwhelmed by pure ecstasy from the sensual experience. "S-So g-g-good… sooo goood~" She murmured, as she collapsed onto the massage table in a mass of sheer ecstasy, quivering and writhing violently in pure bliss. The sensation of Rarity's love nectar seeping out of her womanhood and flowing onto her shaft making her shiver in blissful pleasure. "AAHHHH! OOOHHH! UUUUHH~!" Rarity shrieked as her own orgasm overtook her, her eyes rolling back in her head as well as the masseuse's whole body shook and convulsed in a powerful orgasm. "AAHHH Y-Y-YES, YES YES YES YEEEEES!" The masseuse screamed out between spasms, her face glowing with ecstasy and satisfaction as she felt herself being filled up with the farmer's cum. For a few minutes, the two gasped for breath, their bodies quivering in pleasure from the orgasmic tremors that overtook them. The only sound filling the room was now their heavy breathing, the two basking in the afterglow of their respective orgasms while slowly coming down from their pleasure high. "Mmmhmhm, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. My sassy, sultry kitty~" Rarity giggled softly as Applejack gazed up at her with dazed eyes. "But now, just relax and rest… while I go through with the rest of your massage~" She added as she ran her right hand through her blonde hair, casually teasing her right nipple with an ecstatic look of satisfaction. She then leaned down and kissed the farmer once more, causing Applejack to moan softly, her arms weakly wrapping around the masseuse as they made out, lost in the throes of their mutual sexual bliss… "Uuuuhhh…" Applejack groaned as she came to, every muscle in her body tingling from utter ecstasy. She had no idea exactly how long she had been out, a few seconds? Minutes? A whole hour? "Ah… damn, Ah think there should be a law against makin' someone cum that hard." She joked as her eyes fluttered open. "In that case darling, I deserve the chair." She heard Rarity giggle as she got up. "Ah wouldn't go THAT far, sugarcube." The farmer replied with a weak chuckle. "But Ah do think that this was something I could see kinda doin' again." "Well you could become a regular customer dear." Rarity suggested, handing the farmer a towel and as her friend started cleaning herself up. "In fact, Fluttershy already has another session scheduled later this month." She added, watching Applejack getting dressed with an unashamed smirk. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you joined us~" "Wait, Fluttershy?" The farmer blinked, unsure if she'd heard her friend properly. "Why yes. She's quite the regular here and always leaves a satisfied review afterwards." The masseuse added before slipping her robe back on. "So, interested?" "Well… A-Ah may think about that." Applejack hastily replied, her cheeks heating up as she grabbed her hat. "But Ah do appreciate the offer." "It'll still be on the table if you reconsider." Rarity chuckled, watching as the farmer left the room and never once taking her eyes off her well-toned rear… As Applejack made her way towards the waiting room, she couldn't deny that Rarity's skills were second-to-none. Her body felt more energized than she normally did after working out, almost like her joint pains had never been an issue to begin with! 'Maybe Ah could come back… every once in a while.' She thought as she slipped her hands into her pockets… right before pulling out something that wasn't there before… Another coupon. 'Wait, when did she-' However, just as she reached the exit, someone accidentally bumped into the farmer on their way in. "Hey, watch it!" A familiar scratchy voice said as Applejack turned around. "...Dash?" The famer exclaimed, prompting the rainbow-haired girl to turn around in shock. "AJ!? What are you doing here!? Wait..." Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief, only to sniff the air... and a blush spread across her cheeks as the realization hit her. "...that massage oil... did you-" "Oh Rainbow! You're here so early!" Rarity chimed in from behind a door. "Don't worry honey! I'll be with you in JUST a moment~" She added in a rather sultry tone For a few seconds, the two girls just stared at each other in awkward silence... until Applejack let out an exasperated sigh. "Ah won't say anything if you don't." "...deal."