> Hot Spring With Hot Girlfriend > by ShadowblazeCR > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Take A Dip Into Pure Pleasure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel Felicity had a rule; there are none pertaining to sex. You could have it anywhere with anyone there and all they had to do was consent. AR glasses were distributed for the guests time there held what their limits were above them. It ranged from a simple list of kinks, to a checklist of sorts for some more avid goers of the hotel. Vinyl and Octavia slowly added things as they did them, and this time nothing was to be added. All they planned to do was visit the hot spring a five minute walk from the hotel. The only catch they added had been that every time they saw someone they would bang, or add to their trip, they had to take off a piece of clothing. Vinyl's black thong showing above her skin tight white leather short shorts. Tight enough they were honestly digging into her pussy, but the juice that was wetting the shorts wouldn't matter for long anyway. She went bra-less part for her top features, knowing it was just more to take off whenever the time came. However, a cut sleeveless hoodie rode low enough to mostly cover her nipples and give a fantastic under-boob for anyone that wanted longer than a peek. The hoodie kept her tits tight and pushed her cleavage into a thin line. She'd been told it from a handsome passerby it was especially good for if she wanted to tit-fuck anyone. A good sized penis would fit perfectly. However, tonight Vinyl wasn't focused on her newfound fascination with those, she was focused on her good looking girlfriend. Octavia had chosen to wear no underwear, covering what little she wanted to cover with an indecent looking mini skirt that was quite fluffy. However, the skirt didn't even cover her ass-cheeks, giving a picture perfect view of her pink folds every time she bent over. Which was a lot, since she lived for the looks she was given every time she did. She also wore a dress shirt with most of the buttons unbuttoned to let her tits breathe. Vinyl opened the door to the room, holding it open for her. "After you, Miss sexy lady." "Why thank you Vinyl-eep!" Octavia squeaked after Vinyl slapped her ass, "Scratch, save it for the hot spring." Vinyl shrugged, "Fine." And so they began their walk through the forest behind the hotel. Immediately the two passed a naked guest ramming his enormous rod into the front desk girl. Her tits bounced on the counter with each thrust, and her moans made Vinyl itch to join. She sighed and took off her sandals, handing them to Octavia. "Here. I'd love that cock in me, but we're busy." Octavia cocked an eyebrow, "Is Neon really that skilled?" Vinyl grinned, "Just wait and see, he'll be coming soon enough." "Oh? Literally, or figuratively." Octavia giggled. Vinyl looked at the two that were drowning in pleasure, "I think it's gonna have to be figuratively Octy, he won't be done anytime soon. And neither will we if this hot spring isn't too far." That was the only time Vinyl managed to lose something though, while Octavia had taken off her sandals and dress shirt by the time they had reached the trail. "Not that Imma complain, but are you really that into the people here?" Vinyl asked. "Not particularly, just really horny." Octavia replied, having reached into her shirt to caress her nipples. They came upon a couple giggling teenage girls, probably fresh into college that had come to the hotel for their freshman summer, obviously there to try something new. Since Vinyl had her AR glasses on, she was able to see that they had put other girls as their preference. Vinyl began to smile and ripped off her top, purposely adding some force to allow for some jiggle to occur with her boobs in front of them. The cold air caressed the D-cups, but her body heated right back up from the excitement. They wooed, one even giving a tit a good squeeze before moving on to wherever their destination was, not before Vinyl heard a couple friend requests pop up. It seemed she and Octavia wouldn't be bored later, if needed. "That one with the mint colored hair was pretty nice lookin' Octy, we may have to stop by their room after this." Vinyl said to her, taking off her shorts and putting the rest of her clothes into the bag, while Octavia did the same. The hot spring was less than a hundred yards in front of them, and there weren't any changing rooms anyway. "I do think I would enjoy that multi colored hair one's boobs, the pink and blue mix. I do concur about stopping by." Octavia nodded to the other people that were just leaving the dressing room, placing the bag in the cubby hole nearby. They took a moment to place their shoes next to the bag in the cubby, Vinyl purposely pressed her knee into Octavia's thigh gap to get a quick rise out of her when they placed the shoes. Something that was interesting about the hotel was the room system had a similar design to the glasses. Each door held a description of the couple, with their resort accounts that held pictures that they had posted, and whether they wanted company or not, along with what sort of company they wanted. In Vinyl and Octavia's case they had a "Do Not Disturb" sign, content with mostly each other for the time being. It could change depending on who was at the hot spring, or at any time really. The couple they passed, a Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, most likely had white-listed them. Meaning only they could see that they had complete access to the room. Hopefully. The pair finally made it to the hot spring itself, which was directly behind the cubbies. And unlike normal commercialized hot springs, the one they had went to was just that; a hot spring. There was no separation except the natural rocks that jutted out. It acted much like a beach, where you put your stuff somewhere and went off to enjoy your day. Within a few minutes they had found a secluded spot to have fun, still within view of passerby, but they didn't mind much. If any of them caught them at a good moment, the twosome might turn into something more. Vinyl slipped in behind Octavia, trapping her between her legs and snaking her tongue along Octavia's neck. "I've been waiting to finger-fuck you for the past few hours Octy." "Mmm, what are you waiting for then. Shall we?" Octavia responded, spinning around and grabbing Vinyl by the ass, lifting her up eye level. And with that Vinyl slid her fingers into Octavia, only a couple to start off. While she moved them in inverted succession, their lips collided. Vinyl wanted no time for politeness and easing her time into making out, so her tongue went straight to flicking Octavia’s lips, asking for entry. Her acceptance was told from a brisk bite of sorts with her tongue on Vinyl’s, which devolved into each of theirs playing a variation of footsie. The water around them sloshed as they constantly shifted their positions, Octavia’s hands had went from gripping her ass to playing with it. An occasional finger teasing her asshole or slipping into her vagina had Vinyl moaning into Octavia’s mouth, causing Octavia’s tongue to explore even deeper. And at that point Vinyl couldn’t figure out if she was beginning to overheat from pure lust, the hot spring, or a combination of both. Vinyl retaliated by removing her mouth from Octavia’s and placing it on one of her tits, rolling the nipple around with her tongue. Her other hand that had been playing with Octavia’s pussy moved to grope the unbothered naked tit. It had turned into a battle to see who could cum first, and the loser would honestly win anyways. Vinyl had went for Octavia’s breasts partly for this reason, and because it was her favorite part of Octavia. The G-cups overflowed in her hand and mouth, her pleasure from playing with them had caused a subconscious grind with her hips. Sensing that she was on the way toward a climax, Vinyl shifted their bodies completely, trying to take charge and shift the momentum toward her favor. Their bodies moved to where Vinyl’s back was pressed to the wall of the spring and her legs were pressed on either side of Octavia. One hand still groped Octavia’s left breast while the other had found its place exploring her thigh and visiting her folds every stroke. The other signs that Vinyl was in the lead came from Octavia’s blush that was beginning to encompass her whole face. In their short time at the hotel, Octavia had awakened a kink. Her strict upbringing in the musical world had kept a literal and metaphorical freedom from being out of reach, and the constant ease and normalcy of the freedom that nakedness brought around the hotel had gave her a quick introduction to exibitism. The freedom to choose who saw you how you wanted, to choose who and how you had sex at any time, and the unspoken things that it communicated to onlookers had awoke something deep inside her. With each knead of her breasts and tease of her outer folds, Vinyl could feel Octavia beginning to reach the beginning of the end. Spotting what could turn something pleasurable into something fun, she broached her challenge to Octavia, “Hey, you see that guy over there. Just in the other spring across from us.” “Huh,” Octavia said, still obviously in a horny stupor, “Oh, I see the one. Is he the one stroking that magnificently shaped member?” “Yeah, the one staring straight at us.” Octavia bit her lip, twiddling her fingers while giving the onlooker a wave. “Oh yes, I am aware of who you are talking about.” Vinyl leaned closer in, tickling Octavia’s ear with her breath, “Well, I have to propose a challenge for you.” “Do tell, dear Vinyl.” Vinyl grinned as she thought about the challenge, “Okay, if I can make you cum before he does you have to go and help him finish cumming. If he cums first, I’ll send him a friend request and give him a second chance sometime later. Well, unless he’s still ready for more, then it’s chefs choice for you. How bout it, some friendly competition among degenerates?” “You’re on Scratch.” Octavia sealed their deal with a kiss that let Vinyl begin her journey of kisses. It continued to her neck, where a hickey was efficiently placed. Then Vinyl made her way back up to Octavia’s ear, nibbling on it. She ended her short exploration with a peck on Octavia’s lips. To see if she still had time to employ her next phase, Vinyl glanced over to the one man audience they had acquired to see him still going strong. They grinned at each other in response, and he slowed his strokes down to give Vinyl a full view of his vein filled cock. It was going to be a reasonable challenge for Octavia to deal with after she lost, Vinyl could tell just by looking, but the show she received made her make a mental note to send the man a friend request after it was all over no matter what happened. Her attention focused back on her lover. And the standstill that had occurred in the last moments told her the final movement to her final phase needed to occur. Before she initiated the movement, Vinyl slipped another finger in and rapidly fingered Octavia. She could tell that it wasn’t just the water that was allowing her fingers to move so freely, Octavia was loosening up somewhat. After a mad minute of intense finger-fucking Vinyl changed their positions. Octavia now had her hands placed on the ground and her ass facing inward toward the spring and allowing for a full view of her extremities to her viewer. With that extra variable on Vinyl’s side, she dug her fingers back into Octavia. Visiting Octavia’s ear while she did, whispering sweet nothings while she did. As well as everything was going, as pleasurable as Vinyl could tell it was to the both of them. She could tell it was time to go all out. Vinyl moved to where she could get a good angle on Octavia’s ass, pressing her face between the cheeks and wrapping her hands around Octavia’s thighs to spread them she dug in. Each skin fold was examined with her tongue and filtered through like a bunch of folders in an office cabinet. Vinyl was on the search for Octavia’s G-spot, and she knew it was close. Octavia revealed her tells as she tightened once Vinyl licked a particularly juicy spot. Giving a quick glance over her shoulder, Vinyl could see she had it in the bag with their third still jerking it at a distance. “It seems you’ve lost this time my angel.” “Oh really? How do you know already?” Octavia replied, panting hard. Vinyl chuckled, having switched momentarily to flitting her fingers around Octavia’s folds. “Because I’ve had enough time with you to know what is needed to finish you off.” To prove her point vinyl slipped a finger into Octavia’s asshole, and pressed her lips into Octavia’s vagina taking a light bite. The almost video game like combo caused a shudder that Vinyl could feel from being pressed against Octavia’s body. She let out one last beautiful moan and slumped against the edge of the spring. “Alright Octy, time to help mister over there finish. Can’t be selfish ya know.” Vinyl kissed Octavia on the cheek. Octavia huffed as she pushed herself up, giving Vinyl a full view of her hard work. “Well, I will not complain about receiving some free pleasure. Do try to not get jealous dear, it is pure business.” Vinyl laughed, “Hey, I might invite him over tonight so don’t run him dry.” “Of course.” Octavia gave a quick wave goodbye and sauntered over to help the lucky guy. It didn’t take long for Octavia to get to the man, and while she gave her quick introduction Vinyl slid her fingers inside of herself. She was content to use the free show as content for her masturbation, something to finish off her recent horny escapade with Octavia. The two in front of her had already begun their jaunt. The man Octavia had come to held the crook of her left leg high, allowing for her to balance with the right and give more freedom of movement to his large member. He held his arm around Octavia’s side, pumping quickly inside her. Vinyl played with herself, imagining herself in Octavia’s position, getting rammed by a juicy dick. Octavia’s leg was lifted higher, causing her to do most of a complete split along the man’s body. Her face showed overwhelming lust, her tongue was extended outward, head tilted upward and eyes crossed inwards toward her nose. Octavia was melting into her new sex partner, and they were taking full advantage of the model-like body Octavia had provided. They were obviously experienced, as was evident by their next move. The man flipped Octavia around, giving her a deep kiss and grabbing her waist at the same time. He threw her upward toward him, grasping her hips and trusting she would wrap her arms around his neck, which she did. Vinyl watched as his cock slipped easily into Octavia, his muscles were pushing from afar and it turned Vinyl on. The collective lust the three were experiencing pushed Vinyl toward the edge, but what truly sent her over the edge was watching her girlfriend get cream-pied by the stranger. His thrusted continued, allowing for his cum to seep into her cracks and crevasses while Octavia orgasamed for the second time. After a brief break, their fatigue evident across their faces, Octavia took a moment to clean up the cum off his penis. She licked her lips, savoring the desert and gave the stranger a kiss on the cheek, parting ways with a friend request sent through their AR glasses. Octavia returned, a small stream of thick white cum trailed down her leg. Vinyl swiped her index finger along the trail, tasting it like icing off a cake. “I can see why you cleaned that guy up, tastes like pineapple.” “Yes well, that was quite worth the loss.” Octavia giggled, “I think that was a nice end to the day if I must say, shall we head back to our room?” “Yeah, just let me send that dude a friend request. Tomorrow might need a third, and I think we just found them.” Vinyl roamed the menus of the AR glasses until she found the stranger, a twenty-seven year old man by the name of Big Mac. She wasn’t sure if that was a username of some sort, or his actual name, but it explained a lot. “Alright, let’s get a move on. I think I’m a bit hot and bothered in too many ways.” Thus, Vinyl and Octavia’s visit to the hot springs ended with a little more action they both could have expected when they arrived. Neither of them were complaining about it, Octavia had gained a new sex friend for their time there and Vinyl looked forward to their sharing is caring rule. It wasn’t hard to see that with a whole week left at the hotel that there was plenty of experiences to be had. The hotel held buildings, equipment and accommodations for every kink, gathering and type of sex imaginable. It was up to the hotel guests to take advantage of them. Vinyl was prepared to do just that, and with Octavia by her side, it was turning out to be a perfect outlet for both of their above average libido. “On to the next adventure, yeah.” Vinyl said to Octavia. Octavia pecked Vinyl on the lips, “On to the next reason for sex you mean.” Vinyl laughed at her response, “Of course.”