> First day of (Online) College > by ShadowblazeCR > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > When’s Nap Time? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia had always wondered if moving in with her highschool sweetheart had been the best idea. It was no question that she loved her girlfriend, a boisterous DJ that was studying music theory alongside her at the Uni that they both attended. The few years that they had dated, Vinyl brought Octavia out of her shell. The amount of firsts that had occurred over the years, both in social interactions, experience in the world, and of course, romantically had increased exponentially.  So when Vinyl had pitched the idea to purchase an apartment together, something that she said would positively increase their bond in their relationship and allow for many pros to occur during their time together. The list seemed to mostly favor Vinyl in the form of better grades, more time with Octavia, and a personal chef in the form of a “smokin’ hot girlfriend”. In the grand scheme of things, yes, Octavia would be able to spend more time with her girlfriend. She would likely learn more about teaching music and the nuances she had forgotten over the years, considering the hours she would likely have to invest in Vinyl.  However, once the two moved in, an unexpected constraint was put on the situation. Their first year of college was hindered by a pandemic that caused all of their classes to be online. Thus causing the two to be confined to the small, one bedroom, one bath, and a one in a million view of the brick side of the other flat next to them. Initially, Octavia could see how she could make a diamond out of a rock of a situation. They would be able to spend an immense amount of time together, allowing for bonding and, for Vinyl, love-making practice. And it was so, for the first few weeks. Though, certain little things became evident that Octavia tried to ignore.  “Vinyl, did you recently relieve yourself in the toilet?” Octavia asked, as sweetly as she could considering the situation.  “Uh, maybe?” Vinyl replied, “How’d you think so?” “The seat is up, and I don’t think the flush of the toilet caused what is on the rim.” Octavia sighed. “Why must you find the most inauspicious ways to do things, Scratch.” Vinyl scoffed, “Listen Octy, you know that I’m commando and bottom-less more so than not. You can’t ignore it, we both know you like to cop a feel pretty frequently. But that’s beside the point you horny musician. I don’t think you understand the convenience that my method provides. All I have to do is slap the seat up and stand over the bowl, nothin special.” “That’s the problem dear, I can’t clean up after you for everything. There needs to be some compromise.” Octavia said, as she wiped the seat off.  “Yeah, yeah. I hear ya.” It didn’t end there, a consistent stream of small things would occur each week. Sure, maybe Octavia just had a higher standard of living than her partner. But some things did not clue in to a reasonable processing of human methods. Occasionally, after they would pour their souls into each other during a session of love-making, Vinyl would pull out her handheld console for a ‘break’ before they began another round. Leaving Octavia emotionally and literally hot and bothered. She could not comprehend who in their right mind could possibly think it was appropriate to dismiss such an important situation during a relationship for a virtual world because Octavia needed to “respect the grind”. These small but significant things to Octavia were adding up, and the first day of online class was D-Day in respect to how many things added up. Her patience was wearing thin, and the time for more work and play later was upon them. Essentially all of their classes were the same with the same professor, a second and third order effect of being the same major in the same year. Octavia might be a year younger than Vinyl, but her accelerated learning style her parents had applied had allowed a grade skip early on. The first class was set to be somewhat easy, a syllabus day combined with the literal class Theory proved to be what was going to look like a refresher for her knowledge. Octavia looked over her computer and across the table to check on Vinyl, the small box on her screen giving her a preview of what was to await her. The pained face told a story unto itself and Octavia tried her best to sympathize. Though Vinyl caused troubles, Octavia still loved her nonetheless. She gave Vinyl a light tap on the foot with her own to get Vinyl’s attention, giving a light smile in support of her obvious qualms once she received the focus. Octavia quickly checked if she was muted, and prepared some words of confidence, “You can get through it Scratch. Just imagine what new music you can create if you understand the basics about everything else.” Vinyl’s face continued to be as she let a sigh out, her body language gave a visual to the story her face had begun, “What, the stuff this Droze chick is sayin’? I already learned it off a YouTube video before the class started. You sure she’s not following along with this thing?” A sigh came out of Octavia as well, “Yes Vinyl, I would think her masters in this major would tell you differently. Not to mention the experience alone she has allocated that could explain it. She likely is the reason for the video.” “I would concur with Mrs.Philharmonica, I think I might have helped create a few fundamentals in this new age of music over the past several decades.” A voice said over Vinyl’s speaker and Octavia’s earbuds. Vinyl’s mic wasn’t turned off and Octavia couldn’t decide if she was going red in embarrassment or fury at Vinyl’s disregard for their combined reputation. “Vinyl you imbecile, turn off the microphone.” “Huh, oh, yeah sorry about that teach. Still gettin used to this app thing.” Vinyl said, seemingly no shame or remorse even traceable in her voice. “Oh it’s quite alright, I’m quite interested in all my students’ points of views on this class’s material. “ Mrs. Droze replied, “Let’s hear yours shall we?” Vinyl laid back in her seat while Octavia covered her face with her hands in second hand embarrassment, “Ya see, music’s not about all this theory bull. The feel, effort, and emotion you put toward your work is shown in the quality. Trial and error mixed with genuine love for your craft results in bangers that this class isn’t gonna even touch on. No disrespect teach, but I gain nothing but a box checked from this class. Why worry about something I can now subconsciously by actually using the time by putting in the work?” Octavia saw Mrs. Droze lean forward in her chair, placing her arms on her desk, “That is a decent amount to digest Mrs. Scratch and the class might not have been able to follow your argument. Don’t worry we’ll fix that eventually, conciseness is becoming king in our musical culture. However, I see little problems in your discussion points. Truly, music wouldn’t have gotten far if it wasn’t for the rule breakers. There is an art to learning more about your craft, to perfect it, not to create it. That’s why this class exists, and I’m completely prepared to discuss more with you after class. But let’s continue this class shall we Mrs. Scratch? I did enjoy this though, don’t be afraid to contact me if anything else arises.” Vinyl gave Mrs. Droze a mock salute, “Roger madam, I look forward to it.” The mic was muted and Vinyl looked to Octavia, who was at a loss. “I do not know how you always get away with things like that Vee. It must be some sort of divine intervention.” “Nah, it’s all about the heart behind what you say Tavi.” Vinyl laughed, “I’m tellin’ ya, emotions and intention behind your work goes far.” This thought process became evident throughout the next classes. As Vinyl proved to be somewhat of a nuisance to the teachers who warmed up fast to her responses to questions. It brought out her thinking side and made Vinyl word out what she had known for years, just subconsciously, Octavia could tell. And by the end of classes, it was evident that maybe, just maybe, Octavia was going to be just as much of a student to Vinyl as she would be to Octavia in the upcoming years at the school.