> Flurry Heart’s Troublesome Situation > by Badguy400 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Mystery (Prologue) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Shining?” Cadence called out to her husband while she’s in the Crystal castle hallways. “Can you come over here for a second?” Shining Armor then came over to where Cadence is at, and then starts to ask; “what’s the matter?” before starting to look a bit worried as he doesn’t know what’s troubling his wife. Cadence then points to what appears to be a broken vase on the floor by a petistool, and then asks; “do you know anything about this?” Shining Armor’s eyes grew wide, returns to normal, and then says; nope; sorry honey… . I don’t have a clue… .” Cadence sighs in defeat, and then she begins to say; “well if you don’t know anything about this, then who does... ?” Something tells the Royal family that it is indeed one of them… but it’s not actually the couple… . Who broke the vase?… . You’ll probably have to figure it out as the story progresses… . > A Little Playtime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before the events of the broken vase; Flurry Heart is currently in her room; playing with her plushies, babbling to herself as she makes up a fake adventure with her plushies, and is just overall having an amazing time. Sooner or later though; she felt hungry. Knowing that she can walk though; this gave her several ideas… . One is that she could actually walk to get herself something to eat from the fridge, or the pantry, or the cabinets for a snack. Second is that she could use her magic to teleport there. And lastly; she could use her wings to fly. Without a second longer; she chose the former, and started flapping her wings to fly to the kitchen. Cadence and Shining Armor are in their throne room; performing some scrollwork, and chatting with a few diplomats about certain issues within the empire and such. Looking a bit puzzled; Cadence turned to her former husband: Shining Armor, and then starts to ask; “do you think we should do something about this… ? I mean; we have enough bits in the treasury to cover all this… . But… . I’m not so sure anymore… .” Shining Armor; looking at the scrollwork; smiles reassuringly, and then says; “I’m sure we do… . And besides… . We’ve got nothing to worry about!” Smiling also because she’s feeling reassured; Cadence sighs in relief, and then says; “you’re right; it’s nothing… .” and then tosses the scroll away like it was junk mail. Meanwhile… Flurry Heart is rummaging through the kitchen cabinets; looking for something tasty to eat… . Once she’s found what she was looking to eat; she promptly closes the cabinet doors, and then starts flying away to eat her snack inside her room. However; just before she could; she felt her wing hit something, and then a crash noise. Realizing what it was that broke; she babbles; “uh oh…” dropped her snack; (which was a box of whammy cereal and marshmallows), and then descended onto the floor; careful not to step or even touch the sharp pieces of vase everywhere on the floor; (as she did get a lesson about it when Shining Armor first broke a glass cup, and got hurt in the process). Also hearing something break; the parents literally dropped everything, and then ran to see what was broken. Flurry Heart doesn’t know it yet, but she’s basically in a whole lot of trouble once her parents arrive… . Only time will tell… . > The Mysterious Smasher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry Heart’s parents are shocked… . So shocked that it caused them to literally be frozen in place as they saw what lies before them… . There; lying before them; was the broken remains of a vase all over the floor. Not to mention that it looked like an expensive vase too to even think about replacing it… . Meanwhile; Flurry Heart was just munching away at hooffuls of her Whammy cereal; contemplating as to whether to tell them the truth and try to act all innocent and cute as can be… . Or the exact opposite where she makes up a story, and completely lies her way through it all… . Flurry Heart knew that choosing neither option would get her into trouble… but she also doesn’t want her parents to be stuck like this for all eternity… . Gulping the cereal down that she had a mouthful of; Flurry Heart finally came to the decision that she was gonna regret making in the long run; took a few deep breaths to calm herself down so she wouldn’t cry; (as she’s still a toddler after all who’s done something that she wasn’t supposed to do, and is now doing something even worse that a toddler could do in order to fix it), and slammed her closed cereal box to make a loud noise to shake them out of their trance. Shaking out of their trance; both parents looked down at the floor confused; trying to think as to how this vase got broken in the first place… . Flurry Heart then got their attention by babbling something incoherent loudly, and then starts to act like a monster; almost as if she’s saying that a creature from the frozen north has broken into the castle and done it. Not believing her lie; yet also curious as to how far their daughter will take it; the parents pretended to believe in her little story, and played along with it. Seeing that her parents believed in her story; Flurry Heart hugged them both tightly, and then starts to look determined; almost as if she’s willing to help her parents find the yeti, and capture them. Chuckling to themselves; both patted their daughter’s head, and then Cadence began to say; “now you just sit tight in your room while we clean up, okay? In the meantime; you can get ready to help find the yeti, alright? We’ll let you know when we’re ready too. Is that good?” Flurry Heart nodded, then saluted before flying fast towards her room; giggling as to how fast her parents have believed her little lie. She’s really hoping that she could keep this up… ; otherwise she’s in trouble. Meanwhile; the parents laughed a little, and then Shining Armor said; “oh wow; am I gonna feel bad for this… .” Cadence chuckled a little again, and then said; “yeah… me too… . But hey; Flurry Heart seems happy; so why not right… ?” Looking a little unsure while cleaning up the mess; Shining Armor then rubs the back of his head with the one hoof that isn’t holding the dustpan, and then says; “I don’t know… . You sure that this is okay… ?” Cadence scoffs reassuringly, (or however it’s pronounced), and then says; “relax honey; it’ll all be fine.” She then went to help her husband throw away the shards of the vase in a trashcan, and then finishes by saying; “besides… what’s the worst that can happen… ?” while looking a little nervous with a nervous smile. Something tells the both of them that they, and Flurry Heart; are going to learn a very valuable lesson after all of this is said and done… . > The Final Wreckoning Pt.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry Heart is feeling excited… . Excited that she gets to help her parents fight off a yeti. And also that her parents actually believed in her story about a yeti breaking the vase… ; despite the fact that there are no yetis anywhere inside the castle… . Meanwhile; Shining Armor and Cadence are currently coming up with a plan to set their daughter straight… . Which of course means scaring the diaper off of her with a yeti costume… ; (not literally of course… . But scaring her quite enough to set their daughter straight is in fact a possibility). And so with their plan in development; they’ve headed out to gather up their supplies for the plan that’s about to be enacted… . While Flurry Heart in the meantime is currently in her room as Cadence has ordered her to… . Mainly because her parents don’t want her to get hurt. And also that Flurry Heart knows better than to not go against her mom’s orders… . Last time she did that; she was eventually swarmed by so many spiders that are in the castle; (non venomous of course); when she and her family have began to know of an infestation in their castle… . And that her mom specifically told her not to leave her bedroom for whatever reason until her mom says that it’s okay to do so. How’d the spiders even manage to get into the castle in the first place is a bit of a mystery… . Regardless; Flurry Heart knew better than that now… . And has decided to stay in her room for the time being. So with that; she’s spending some time in her room with her plushies while her parents are busy with preparations… . Few hours have passed, and it seemed that Flurry Heart’s parents haven’t told her that it’s okay for her to come out of her room. But… . Just as she was right about to unfortunately attempt to break her mom’s rule of staying in her room by trying to open the door… ; Cadence suddenly said that it’s okay for her to come out of her room now… and that they were ready to fight the yeti. Flurry Heart then got excited, got out some cute little fake weapons, wore a cute little fake gladiators outfit; (for fillies); from her toy chest, and then slowly opened her bedroom door as she then began to get a little cautious… ; practically unaware as to where the yeti is; (despite there not being one anywhere in the castle, and that also she’s only pretending to be cautious to really sell the lie). However; what Flurry Heart doesn’t know is that her parents are up to something… . And that basically they’ve had something planned for her for when she arrives… . As for the parents meanwhile; they were hoping… ; hoping that this plan of theirs wouldn’t either backfire, and make their daughter incredibly scared, or scarred for life… . Or even make her want to lie even more due to her parent’s own lies… . Mainly because Flurry Heart is still basically at the age where she’s young, and impressionable… . And also that they were hoping as well that there will be no other consequences whatsoever if they were to actually go through with their plan, and have it in motion… . So… ; after some talking through with the plan; the Royal Couple got ready for their plan to go in motion. And Flurry Heart got ready to “fight” a yeti in the castle with her parents. After the family had regrouped at one of the castle’s hallways; they all separated to find the yeti… ; all the while while Flurry Heart’s parents are getting ready to scare her when she arrives at their side of the hallway. Little do any of them know that something else is with them… . And they’ll just about find out what it is soon enough… . > The Final Wreckoning Pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor and Cadence; now alone because they sent Flurry Heart away to check a different part of the castle to look for the yeti; are currently checking to see if the coast is clear… ; that way; they’ll be able to put their plan into motion… . “Ready on the plan…?” Cadence asked her husband. To which point; he nodded, and then dropped the covers over himself and Cadence; ultimately revealing them now in a makeshift yeti costume. “Oh how I’m gonna feel so bad for doing this…” Shining Armor said. “But; it’s for her own good. If she’s gonna lie about something, then this is what happens whenever she does… .” His wife then nodded, and then began walking as she’s at the bottom; while Shining Armor is at the top. The reason why is simple; Shining Armor can make a very convincing yeti growl due to his deep stallion voice. While as for Cadence; she’s surprisingly strong, and can walk/run while she’s doing something else; such as carrying something or someone for instance… . Not to mention that she’s not very good at making a yeti growl due to her high pitched mare voice making it sound otherwise… . And so; Shining Armor and Cadence are on the move; looking for Flurry Heart so they could teach her a thing or two about lying by scaring her. While unbeknownst to them in the meantime; a real yeti appeared from one of their castle windows, and climbed in; looking for some food to pillage/steal… . Flurry Heart is currently looking around the hallway; looking for the “yeti” that broke her parents vase. Yet; surprisingly enough… ; Flurry Heart felt frightened for some reason… . She knows that her parents have actually believed in her little lie… . But it’s just that she couldn’t for the likes of her figure out as to why she’s feeling like this; even though she had nothing to worry about… . Something tells Flurry Heart that she is going to have a very rough day… and she won’t like it. Meanwhile; the parents are currently walking behind Flurry Heart, and keeping quiet as so they could sneak up on her so they could scare her… . Unfortunately for them; a real yeti is following close behind, but they don’t know it yet… . But like always; they’ll soon find out about it eventually… ; once the time is right… . And so after some time; Flurry Heart eventually grew bored of her scheme, and is just about to turn around and go to whine to her parents that she’s hungry or something… . But… ; just before she could; she saw a yeti; (despite it being just a poor imitation of one), and then knelt down and began crying while covering her head; thinking that she might’ve actually angered a real one, and that it’s here to actually break the castle, and her along with it. However; just before Flurry Heart was about to get attacked; her parents took off their costume, and embraced their daughter; feeling bad as to how she reacted to “their” scheme… . As stated; the parents felt bad, and then Cadence began to say; “we’re sorry honey… . But this is what happens when you lie… . So please don’t do anything like that next time; okay… ?” Flurry Heart nodded, and then proceeded to hug her parents… . But… ; just before they could get out of the hallway; Flurry Heart’s eyes grew wide; along with her pupils shrinking due to pure fear, and then began scream crying loudly… . Confused; the parents began to examine their daughter to see what’s the matter, but then heard a low growling noise coming from behind them. Knowing unfortunately already as to what it was that’s making the noise… ; they’ve wasted no hesitation, and then began to sprint away from the actual yeti; with it following close behind them… . The royal family ran for what seemed like hours; before unfortunately running towards a dead end, and being cornered by the vicious yeti… . Knowing that there’s no way out; they’ve embraced each other, said their final goodbyes to each other, and then prepared for what’s about to happen to them… . > Epilogue: Lesson Learned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After sitting silently at the dinner table; eating some dinner; the Royal Couple then tucked in their daughter to bed, said their good nights to each other in the hallway to their own bedrooms, and then went their separate ways without saying another word… . How in the world did the family get so speechless… ? Here’s how… . The family are shaking with fear; anticipating their ultimate demise, and or doom that’s about to follow because of the yeti that’s standing before them… . However; before any of them could be harmed; a mysterious figure jumped the yeti, and then defeated it before tossing the yeti into a portal that the mysterious creature has created… . And before it left; the creature turned, and then said in an almost demonic deep voice; “this is for the Empire…” before jumping out of a nearby window and disappearing into the night. And so with that; the family then collected themselves, dusted each other off from the scuffle, and then went together silently to the kitchen to get some dinner to eat. Afterwards; Flurry Heart just agreed to never lie again by saying; “wying; bad… “ and then began to shutter afterwards from the experience she just had… ; knowing that she, and her parents will never ever forget about this experience for a very long time… . The end.