> Legendary Hunting > by Prince Polaris > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A walk in the woods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smiling, Luster stepped onto the trail, and he looked up at the trees. The temperature and the humidity had decided to work together for once, and the forest was neither hot nor humid. A perfect time for a walk! He'd been playing quite a lot of his old copy of Pokémon Heartgold, and after yet another failed attempt at catching Suicune, he'd given up. For now. The trail that he'd picked out wasn't used all that often, so some parts of it were overgrown. But hey, a bit of tall grass never hurt anyone, right? The gray and white unicorn set off down the trail, glad that his saddlebags were tied just tight enough not to bounce with every step, else he might damage his writing pads or the old DS Lite stashed away in one of them. ✩。:*•.──────────.•*:。✩ Deeper in the forest, a creature from another world growled with frustration, and she took out some of her anger on the nearest tree, severing it in half with Aurora Beam as she sent all of the creatures nearby scattering in the wake of the brightly colored beam of odd magic. She looked around the clearing she was in, and she stepped over to a small stream that ran through it. She sat down on the edge, then she laid down, leaving her head over the edge of the bank. The crystalline crest on her head was impressive, but it did get in the way sometimes. She'd learned a long time ago that all she needed to lay on her back was a ledge to hang her head off of. Right now, however, she was glaring downwards at her body. She brought one paw between her hind legs, and the moment it touched her folds, she gasped. Sparks of pleasure ran through her body just from the touch, and her paw came back wet... she was in heat. Badly. She groaned, letting her head fall back, the crest making for a makeshift headrest as it came to rest on the lower bank. When she went into heat, she knew it was a bad idea to get herself off. It only made things worse in the long run. It only helped for a little bit. There was no point... and yet... she couldn't help herself. She was a long way from the portal she'd found to get into this strange world, and getting back would be even harder. But even so, she just couldn't help giving in to her urges. Carefully aiming both of her white tentacles between her legs, she let out a quiet little gasp as she felt them press against her sex. Without waiting, she plunged them both inside, and the creature moaned as she arched her back a little bit, clamping down on the prehensile ribbons. As they sank inside of her, the Pokémon groaned with bliss, her pussy squeezing down tightly onto them. She drank in every moment of the sensations as she finally began to satisfy her body's hunger for pleasure. Suicune's tails were extremely flexible and soft, so she wasted no time in smoothly pushing them even deeper into herself, the tentacles squeezing into her pussy as they compressed in order to fit inside. It felt good, and she couldn't help but uncontrollably clench down on them as they steadily filled her tunnel. Eventually burying the full lengths inside of herself, she clenched down tightly with a proper moan, her hips gently bucking as her tentacle-like tails squirmed inside of her. Then, she began to thrust them. Slowly, Suicune pulled the two tails out of her, the white ribbons straightening and exposing their glistening, slippery coating to the air. Then, she stuffed them back inside, arching her back and hissing as one of them firmly ground against her g-spot. Each time she 'hilted' them, her tails would squirm and wriggle inside of her, which made her moan and arch her back with pleasure. The pleasure led to her next thrust plunging even more forcefully into her, which led to more pleasure, and an even stronger thrust after that... eventually, the creature was pawing at the grass, crying out with pleasure, bucking her hips as she uncontrollably pleasured herself further and further. Her control over the ribbons became less precise the more pleasured she was, forcing her to roughly fuck herself with them. Of course, she still had some control. She was doing her best to keep the tendrils inside of her, lest they happen to yank themselves out too far in preparation for a thrust. While she struggled to keep focus on the thrusting, her orgasm crept up on her, and by the time she realized she was about to cum, it was too late to stop herself. With an even louder cry of pleasure, she arched her back one last time and roughly rammed the tendrils inside of herself. It was her final command over her own tails before her orgasm overwhelmed her. As she came, her tails ground and pushed firmly against her clenching walls, and she nearly screamed when the tip of one of them just happened to mash itself hard against her g-spot. The Pokémon's hips bucked and twitched into the air as she rode out the climax, as if to thrust up against the hips of a male, a mate, allowing her slippery inner walls to milk their cock for every last drop of cum they could give her. Sadly though, she only had her squirming and twitching tails to clamp down onto for now. When her orgasm finally ended, she was left panting heavily, legs splayed out around her, tails twitching limply in the grass, and her pussy soaked with slippery arousal. She tried her best to enjoy her warm, comfortable afterglow, but she barely got to enjoy a minute of the sensation before her heat began to itch at her again, and she let out a drawn-out, exasperated moan of frustration as she slowly rolled over onto her paws so she could stand up again. While her climax had only been a temporary solution, she couldn't help but be happy that she'd enjoyed it, and she dipped both of her tails into the stream to carefully wash them both off. Once they were both cleaned, Suicune shook them in the air to dry them, then she lifted one tail to give it a gentle little pat with her paw. After all, it had done a good portion of the work on its own by simply reacting to her pleasure, like it nearly always did. But, well, hey, at least it wasn't sentient like a Girafarig tail, right? > Equestria's first roaming legendary encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster was... concerned. The deeper into the woods he got, the more noises he'd begun to hear. Something that sounded like a magic spell going off, then moans, or grunts, or... something. Sure, it sounded like a pony, but here? This deep in the forest? He hadn't seen anypony else, nor any signs of other ponies... And yet, it wasn't enough for him to turn around and leave. A while after the noises had ended, Luster came up to a tree laying across the trail, and he frowned a little as he looked at it. His frown turned to surprise when he saw exactly how the tree had been severed... it didn't look like anything he'd ever seen before. Certainly not a chainsaw or even an axe... it almost looked like it'd been simply cut through with a knife, but how? It was a tree, after all. It was even cold to the touch, though he didn't have second thoughts about touching the tree until it was already too late. The fallen tree had also exposed a sun-lit clearing. It was beautiful, like something out of a movie, or a music video. A small stream ran through part of the clearing, the grass was ridiculously soft, and there were even patches of soft moss, probably softer than some of the beds he'd laid on in the past. Shrugging off his saddlebags, he turned in a circle to look at everything, and when he was facing away from his starting position, he heard a noise, which made him turn around a bit faster, and... Blue. Purple. White. With a rather un-stallion-like squeak, the sudden motion and colors made Luster jump backwards a little bit, his eyes wide, and his brain began to catch up with what he was seeing. It was pony-sized, with blue fur, a white underbelly, a flowing purple mane, and yet... it was not a pony. It was a Suicune. "H-How's... you're a Pokémon!" He said, speaking the first thing that came to mind. "I uh... Suicune!" But how? He went back and forth a few times with his own thoughts, from the confused "But Suicune isn't real!" to the (somehow) more reasonable "Well what else could it be!?". To his surprise, it- no, she spoke back. Her voice was different than a pony's would be, her words formed slightly differently, but he could understand her just fine. "Oh, yes, I suppose I am... and I'm going to guess you are from this world, correct?" She asked, starting to slowly walk in a circle around the stallion. Knowing that Suicune could speak did a lot to help Luster calm back down, but not enough to unfreeze him from where he was standing, held there by the creature's worryingly predatory gaze. It didn't help that she was so ominousy circling him. He did his best to look at her (without moving his body) as he said "Well... yeah! I'm uh, Luster, I've been here all my life... but you sure haven't, how did you get here?" Once Suicune was back in front of him, she stepped closer until their snouts were almost touching. Baring her teeth a little bit in what seemed like a smirk, she slithered her tails underneath his body, slowly sliding her ribbon-like appendages down Luster's soft white belly fur and past his sheath. They were somewhat cold, and a little wet, and he shivered with a shaky little gasp as each one cradled one of his balls. The Pokémon giggled of all things, but her smirk returned as she spoke again, saying, "Oh, maybe I'll tell you later... Right now? I need your help, pony, especially with a name like Luster... that is, if you think you can handle me..." Suicune heavily emphasized the first syllable of his name, and Luster couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten himself into. Still frozen, he hesitated a little bit, struggling to think with the tendrils running along his balls. Losing the fight with his own arousal, he felt the tip of his shaft approaching the end of his sheath. Before his cock could emerge into the waiting grasp of her tentacles, he took a few steps back, nervously saying, "W-Well, I uh, I actually have something to... do, at home...!" He knew well enough that this was a creature who could summon blizzards on command, and he didn't even want to know what happened if she decided he was deserving of Hydro Pump. Suddenly, the stallion spun around, and he jumped for the fallen tree in hopes he could make it over and run for it. After all, the Pokémon just... she looked hungry, worryingly so. He didn't make it far. A ribbon lashed out, twisting around one of his hind hooves, and with a grunt, Luster fell to the ground. Thankfully, he'd only fallen on the grass, so he was unharmed as both ribbons latched onto him and tugged, flipping him over. He tried to scramble backwards, but there was nowhere to run. He backed up against a tree, but all that did was force him into a sitting position. Still focused on Luster's face, Suicune stepped over him, then, she sat down, straddling his hind legs. "I'm not going to eat you, stupid~" She growled, wearing that same smirk, though this time it there was a faint glimmer of annoyance behind it. Though it wasn't a hungry smirk at all, was it...? It was a horny smirk. It helped that he could feel her pussy smushed against his sheath, and it was soaking wet. "Oh Celestia oh fuck I'm pinned down by horny Suicune-" As Luster's thoughts began to run wild, the Pokémon lunged for his snout, trapping him in a kiss as she pinned his head against the tree. By now, shivers of lust were running through the stallion, and he felt his cock rapidly begin to harden, bulging out his sheath. It only took moments for it to emerge, the already-leaking tip pressing against Suicune's folds. At first, she was tempted to pull back and get a good look at his equipment, and yet... no. She finally had this pony right where she wanted him. She had seen an erect Rapidash before, and it felt like this pony might even rival that. For now... She wrapped her tendrils around his emerging cock, starting to squeeze and stroke it while also grinding down against his shaft with her soaked pussy. In less than a minute, both her dripping arousal and Luster's precum had thoroughly coated his cock, and re-coated Suicune's tendrils. That gave her an idea, actually... On Luster's side, the stallion's thoughts were still muddled. A part of him was still terrified, but the rest of him was struggling not to focus on how horny he was getting, and he blushed as he caught himself making a tiny little thrust upwards against the Pokémon's heated, soaked folds. Using her tentacles to steady Luster's cock, Suicune aimed it upwards, pressed her outer lips against it, and grunted softly as she ground down against him. Compared to other Pokémon her size, Luster was big. However, Suicune was ridiculously horny, and she had more than enough natural lube for Luster's cock to fit inside of her. Shivers ran through her as she felt the tip of his cock begin to spread open her entrance, and Luster couldn't help but get lost in a mental loop of panicking that he was about to be inside of Suicune while also excited to feel what it was like to be inside of her. It didn't take long for the excitement to override the fears, because what was the worst that could happen? It wasn't like he could do anything to stop her anyway... Neither of them needed to wait very long. Suicune squeaked as the tip of his cock popped inside, and she sighed happily as she un-braced for pain that never came. He wasn't too wide, now she had to see if he was too deep. Slowly, Suicune sat down on his cock partway, but she stopped with a frustrated grunt as something halted her progress. At first, she thought she'd hilted, but she didn't feel his hips against hers. She blushed slightly as she realized it was merely his medial ring, and she ground down against it a little. At this point, Luster weakly moaned into the kiss, but Suicune refused to release him just yet as she stubbornly thrusted. With a sudden pop, she fit the medial ring inside, her hips sinking lower, and a moment later there was a satisfying slap as her hindquarters pressed against Luster's. She'd hilted his cock without an issue, and she could just barely feel his drooling tip kissing her cervix. The thought made her shudder, in part due to thoughts of finally having her womb painted white... Luster weakly shuddered as well, and his front hooves weakly scrabbled at the ground on either side of him, his hind legs pushing slightly against Suicune's as they did the same. He was unable to stop himself from making his cock firmly twitch inside of the creature, and his thoughts and concerns were struggling to stay intact in the face of just how good Suicune felt. Finally, she broke the kiss, and Luster immediately sucked in a breath of air as Suicune regained her breath in a much more casual manner. "I suppose I can hold it longer than a pony..." She said, teasing him a bit more. He scrunched his snout slightly, though his cheeks were a hot red, and just to be sure he really was enjoying it, she ground down against him, which brought a moan out of the stallion as his cock firmly twitched inside of her. "D-Damn... I-I never thought Suicune could be so... hot" Luster said, hesitating for a moment before he set his hooves on her hips, squeezing them slightly. She didn't exactly feel like a pony- her inner walls were ridiculously slippery, but she made up for it by being tight, her pussy squeezing his cock and clenching around him often. The full length of her tunnel was equally tight, and he could feel her stretch open as she stuffed his cock inside. He couldn't help fantasizing about mounting the creature and properly bucking against those plump hips, soaking in the sensation of how tight she was on every thrust... okay, maybe he didn't mind this. He really didn't mind this. Before he could daydream too long, he felt something- no, two somethings- press against his backdoor, and he looked up at Suicune with wide eyes. She just smirked, and in that moment, she stuffed both tendrils inside, making Luster squirm and moan as she immediately set out to find his prostate. The ribbon-tails were thin, plenty thin enough to not cause any pain, but it was still rather startling. Still, they didn't hurt, so he didn't object to it just yet... As she explored, Suicune grazed part of his plot with a tentacle, and it suddenly worked a strong twitch out of his cock along with a gush of precum, and in that moment, she knew she'd found her target. Before Luster could protest, Suicune kissed him again, this time worming her tongue into his maw to seek out his. As she engaged him in a kiss, she ground both tendrils against the spot just to make sure she had the right one, and she moaned as she got his cock to firmly throb inside of her, firing off a thick gush of precum at her cervix. After another moment spent kissing him, Suicune finally braced her hind legs, and she began to buck. After pulling up until his medial ring escaped her pussy, Suicune suddenly rammed back down with a muffled moan, her tentacles grinding against Luster's prostate for a moment. It didn't take long for her to settle into a rhythm. She would lift her hips while pulling the tails out of Luster partway, then thrust back down, thrusting the slippery ribbons directly against his prostate as she stuffed the full length of his cock inside of herself. To Luster, it was an entirely new experience. He was feeling pleasure in a very different way than usual, and it wasn't long before he was whimpering and weakly thrusting up against Suicune, weakly struggling for dominance over the kiss. She began to fight back against him, but as Luster adapted to the prostate massaging, he was able to pour more focus into the kiss, and when Suicune's tongue was pushed back into her own maw, it marked the beginning of the end of her dominance. Not only did he claim the kiss from her, but the stallion began to buck up into her, throwing off her rhythm slightly, forcing her to adapt to his pace of thrusting as a loud moan escaped her. She moaned, shuddering atop him, and she eventually abandoned her attempts at controlling the kiss. They broke it for air, both creatures struggling not to moan as loud as they wanted to, then they re-engaged, though this time Luster was in control. By now, Suicune could only speed up as she rode him, her arousal too strong to pull any more tricks or tease him any further. Luster continued to buck up into her faster, and her only option was to adapt, thrusting her hips down to meet his cock with every thrust he made up to meet her. By the time Luster began to flare, both of them were bucking in perfect sync against each other, moaning and shuddering as they both worked towards their orgasms, lustfully making out as their heads drained of any thought other than how badly they needed to cum. Suicune hit her peak first, and she rammed a bit more of her tentacles inside Luster as she collapsed on top of him. She firmly jammed her hips against his, then she grabbed on tightly to the stallion, determined to keep the entirety of his cock inside of her as the first tight clench of her orgasm hit her. She moaned loudly into their messy kiss as her pussy clamped down tightly, and Luster hissed as the pleasure drove him to the brink. He continued to thrust for a short while, bouncing her in his lap, but he couldn't keep it going for very long. As he bucked up into her, two sides of his mind fought over what to do. One (admittedly shrinking) part of him was still screaming at him to stop, to hold still, to let the Pokémon get through her orgasm so she'd leave him alone... but another part was egging him on, begging him to make one more thrust, buck up into her one more time, demanding that he cum. Not just cum, but cum inside Suicune! He was about to flood a Legendary Pokémon's womb with cum! Luster's thoughts were descending into horniness, but even if he didn't cum from those alone, a few more clenches from her orgasming tunnel combined with a squirm from her tails was more than enough to spark Luster's orgasm. She hadn't stuffed nearly as much of her tentacles into Luster as she had stuffed into herself, but it was still more than enough to massage his prostate as he hit orgasm, and as his flaring cock lodged itself against Suicune's cervix, it shot a powerful burst of cum into her, making her shudder with the intensity of the sensation. Both of them shared a moan as the second thick gush of cum flooded Suicune's womb, forced into her deepest chamber since it had nowhere else to go. Finally, she broke the second kiss, and she hugged tightly onto Luster, pressing her snout to his neck as his orgasm strengthened her own a little bit. Her tight inner walls repeatedly clamped down around his cock, coaxing more and more of his thick cum inside of her as they worked to extend each other's orgams with small grinds and thrusts. Luster was the first one to recover, entering his afterglow with a shaky, happy little moan as the final spurt of his cum flowed into the Pokémon's womb. Panting heavily, he rubbed and squeezed Suicune's flanks, watching as the Pokémon struggled to recover from her intense orgasm. It had only been the first round, and they were both already a mess. Luster's balls were soaked with a mix of cum and precum, and the slippery substance had also coated both his and Suicune's thighs as well. Luster happened to come up with an idea, and though he wasn't sure it would work... he decided to shoot for it. Grabbing onto Suicune, he suddenly pushed against the tree, and the Pokémon let out a yelp as he rolled them over, pinning her to the forest floor. His cock slipped out of her on the way, and it slapped against her thigh as he pinned her down, soaking the soft fur with even more of their mixed fluids as it wetly splatted against her. Thanks to her crest, Suicune had no choice but to lay back, which meant that she was stuck staring straight ahead, neck bared, unable to look at Luster. It was a problem she'd had ever since hatching from her egg- she couldn't lay on her back thanks to her crest, because any position other than "crest flat against the ground" would result in bending her neck at an impossible angle before she even managed to actually lay down. And now? It had become a weakness. Luster smirked as he realized what was going on, but he wanted to make sure he wasn't going to hurt her. "Oh, is this a bad position...?" he asked innocently, as he tried to take a glance at where she was laying on the crest. Not realizing that she was about to give him a green light, Suicune scrunched up her snout. "N-No! I'm fine!" She huffed in return. "I-I've never been able to lay on my back without being stuck like this..." she grumbled. She expected the stallion to be nice and get off of her, but in fact, he decided to take full advantage of her exposed position. She didn't see the smirk on his face, but she almost felt it when he pressed his tongue to Suicune's neck, giving it a slow lick as he pulled his hips back, pulling his cum-soaked cock along her inner thigh. Something about soaking the Pokémon's fur with his cum turned him on a bit, so he made a few brief thrusts against her thighs as he lit up his horn. Using his magic, Luster then grabbed onto his own cock, and he lined up his shaft as he slid it lower, pressing the leaking, slippery head of his cock against her entrance. Suicune's breaths grew short, but she didn't say anything, gripped by her own arousal as she struggled to ignore her desperate desire for him to just stuff it inside already. Thankfully, he did. He ground against her for a moment as he gently popped the tip of his cock inside, and right when she quietly whined, worried that he was only going to tease her, he suddenly thrusted in, leaning closer to nip at the Pokémon's neck. Suicune was taken by surprise when Luster licked her, and her cheeks turned a hot red as a result. The thrust made her shudder, and the nip from his teeth made her heart nearly jump out of her chest! She gasped, squirming, and her blush exploded as she realized what Luster was doing. He was taking full advantage of how helpless she was, nipping at her exposed neck as he thrusted into her! How did he know this was one of her fantasies!? After realizing that Suicune was stuck looking straight ahead, Luster knew that she was in the perfect position for a breeding press. She couldn't even look down at him! Delicious shivers of excitement and arousal shot through him as he slowly pulled his cock out of her, and all he could think about was being the first pony to rut Suicune! While she could try using a move to escape... she didn't. Delicious tingles of hot arousal shot through Suicune's body as Luster seductively nibbled on her exposed neck, starting to slowly rock his hips into her. With all of the cum from his first orgasm, there was somehow even less friction between their sexes, allowing him to buck into her much more easily. He started off slow, but every few thrusts, he would pump into her just a little bit faster, just a little bit harder, and the quiet plaps of their hips began to grow louder and louder, his balls swinging further with every thrust until they were gently slapping against her. Before long, Luster was properly ramming into Suicune, still attacking her exposed neck with nibbles, kisses, licks, nips, whatever he felt like doing to her. He had fun running tests, finding out where he could lick her or bite her to get the loudest moans, and what spots actually made her squirm underneath him. By the time Suicune realized he was playing with her, trying to make her cry out, she struggled to keep herself quiet with one paw, but that only made it hotter. Meanwhile, Luster was sniffing out just what Suicune liked. He'd assumed her to be dominant, but now, she was squeaking when he bit her, clenching whenever he made a rough thrust, moaning louder the faster he went. Perhaps she enjoyed being dominated as well? He decided to push his luck, briefly moving one of his hooves backwards, where he wound back a bit, then slapped her flank as he made a particularly hard buck into her. The gamble paid off, and Suicune immediately arched her back as she loudly cried out "FUCK~!" into the air, clamping down tightly around his cock as she whined with pleasure. The slap had hurt, but the spikes of pain had transformed into lances of pleasure by the time they got to her head, sending a heated wave of horny through her. Still, Luster was the first to approach an orgasm this time. As he felt his cock begin to flare, he was tempted to slow down, to tease her, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Suicune felt incredible, her pussy near frictionless despite how hard he was bucking into her and how tightly it was gripping his cock. Luster's hips nearly buckled at the strong sensation of Suicune's clenching walls squeezing his flare, and it quickly became too much for him to handle. He found himself gasping, biting down on Suicune, and ramming deep inside of her as he came again, grinding his hips firmly into hers as he shot a fat gush of cum directly through her cervix. A sudden bite to Suicune's neck brought a sharp gasp out of her, and combined with the sensation Luster's cum firing off inside of her, Suicune had no choice but to loudly moan as she hit another climax, pawing at the grass and arching her back as she began to once again milk a plentiful orgasm from the stallion she'd managed to seduce. Like before, they both rocked together as they rode out the highs of their pleasure, each grind boosting the pleasure just a little higher. Again, after the climaxes faded, both creatures slowly relaxed into their afterglow, panting together and staring into space as they slowly recovered. Luster slowly laid himself down on top of Suicune, making the mistake of assuming that she was as tired as he felt by now. She wasn't, and this time, Suicune was also faster. With a growl, the Pokémon rolled onto her side, throwing Luster off, and she pushed him away, though she wasn't able to keep in a moan when his cock popped free from her. Luster groaned as well, and he tried to roll onto his belly, but Suicune was faster. She pushed him onto his back, then she grabbed his hind legs with her tails, holding them down and frowning at him as she said "Y-You knew that I wouldn't be able to look at you, didn't you?" Grinning a little, Luster admired her body for a moment. She was no pony, but even with her fur matted by sweat and cum, she was still a sleek, attractive creature, and he liked the look of the small cum belly he'd given her. He said, "Well... I kinda forgot... but I didn't hear any complaints from my new Pokémon~" as he playfully winked up at the creature. He got a blush out of her, but he also got a _glare,_ as Suicune released his hind legs. "No, I am not, in fact, yours, she growled, coiling her tails around the base of his cock, tightly. As Luster began to worry he'd actually made her angry, she moved closer, and she turned... lifted her legs as she moved to stand right overtop of him... he noticed that she didn't seem to have any teats, but then again, he couldn't remember if there was any Pokémon other than Miltank that did. He didn't realize what she was doing thanks to the distraction until her hips were above his snout, and he only had a moment once he realized what she was doing to suck in a quick breath as she sat down on him. Suicune giggled softly as she silenced Luster's squeak by mashing her soaked pussy against his snout, and she couldn't help shuddering a bit as he immediately dragged his tongue across her entrance. Suicune wasn't equipped exactly like a pony, but all his eyes could see was the darkness of her flanks squeezing his snout as he dragged his tongue along her folds to taste the Pokémon. She tasted good. Sure, he could taste a bit of himself as well, but Suicune's womb was doing a great job of keeping hold of his first two orgasms, leaving him free to lap up the creature's slippery arousal as he explored her pussy. He almost wanted to feel bad for the way he was getting all sorts of cute squeaks and shudders out of her, but it had been her idea to sit on his snout~. Suicune was taken somewhat by surprise with how quickly Luster settled in and began to eat her out, and she struggled not to get too focused on it as she looked to his lap. She spent a good while simply admiring Luster's equine cock, watching every twitch and throb, following a bead of precum as it ran down the side... it was a delicious looking shaft, and she licked her lips as she thought about how he would taste. She was also slightly nervous about whether it would fit down her throat, but she couldn't just look forever. After Luster decided to mess with her even more and drag his tongue across her clit, Suicune growled and pushed down more against his snout, while also tightening her tails around the base of his cock as she finally pressed her tongue to it. In an instant, her sense of taste was flooded with the warm, musky, delicious taste of a stallion, and she couldn't help but wonder if she'd been missing out by ignoring the approaches of Equine Pokémon back home. And that shiny Rapidash had been so handsome, too... Right now though, she had all the cock she could ask for. Once she was done getting just a taste, Suicune put more focus on what she was doing as she began to lick him more, seemingly determined to cover every last inch of his cock with her tongue at least once. As Luster worked to figure out what parts of her were most sensitive, she did her best to discover what made Luster moan, and what made him uselessly buck his hips towards her. She was still exploring, but Luster was not. The stallion, satisfied with his own exploration, swallowed a bit of fluids before he set to work, using his tongue to massage and lick all of the sensitive spots he'd discovered. Taken by surprise yet again, Suicune let out a loud moan as the pleasure she was feeling suddenly spiked, and it didn't take very long for her licks to slow down and then stop. Rather than be annoyed that she stopped, Luster was aroused by the idea that he was doing good enough to ruin her ability to focus on his cock, and he grabbed onto her hips to keep going. By the time he began to assault her clit with firm, slow licks, the Pokémon was struggling hard not to cum, yet despite trying to hold back, she couldn't stop herself from grinding down against Luster's snout and clenching down onto his tongue. After an especially long lick to her clit followed by thrusting his tongue deep inside of her, the water-type legendary finally lost her composure. She arched her back, sucking in a gasp of air, then with a loud moan, she came. Luster smirked as the first gush of slippery cum soaked his tongue, and as Suicune began to ride out her orgasm, he kept going, poking and prodding, teasingly licking, getting a lot of cute noises out of the Pokémon as she squirmed and moaned with pleasure on top of him. Her tails loosened around his cock, and she could only weakly nuzzle it as she moaned her pleasure out into the forest. She couldn't even move, her legs refusing to obey any commands that didn't involve grinding down onto Luster's face, leaving her helpless against his pleasurable tongue-lashing. He was starting to run low on air, but he held on for now, hoping he could push her off once she'd hit the end of her climax. To his relief, after she'd rode out the orgasm, she only needed to rest on top of him for less than a minute before she managed to stand up on shaking legs, muttering a quiet "S-Sweet Arceus..." under her breath. That just made him smirk, even as he panted to regain his breath. She walked in front of him, then after a bit of hesitation she settled down between Luster's hind legs, thinking for a few moments. She wanted to make him squirm and moan just like he'd done with her... and it was only right that she... repaid him... she could be just as good with her own tongue, damn it! She took a moment to admire the lighter fur color adorning Luster's underside... it looked good on him, and it ran from his snout right down to that delicious... cum-soaked... cock of his. While he carefully sat up, Luster realized what Suicune most likely planned to do, and he grinned as an idea hit him. Luster's horn lit up, and he decided to cast a spell. Nothing too special, just a spell that most horny colts knew, but Suicune had never seen a pony use magic before. The moment she saw the magic glow around his cock and balls, Suicune froze a bit, and she watched as Luster's cock began to _visibly_ throb in front of her, and it took her a moment to realize that it was getting bigger! She felt her cheeks heating up further at the realization, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and worry as she glanced at his balls as they bulged in size as well. She'd looked down just in time to miss a sudden gush of precum from his cock, and she flinched as it landed on her snout. Pulling back slightly, she licked up the splat of cum, and her cheeks began to redden as she realized that his cock was still growing, getting thicker and longer as his balls grew larger and heavier... again, his cock twitched, firing off a gush of precum, and she noticed that it was now continually pouring the slippery fluid down its length, so he'd also done something to his cum production, perhaps? Suicune couldn't help but shiver at the idea of getting spurts of pony cum all over her fur... But... his cock was getting large. He was just trying to make it hard on her when it came to fitting his cock in her mouth, wasn't he? She scrunched up her snout, but then an idea came to her. A move came to her. She smirked, and she gathered her power before hitting him with Encore. He wanted to use some sort of magic to make her blowjob difficult, did he? Well, she was going to see what happened if she encouraged his little spell to backfire on him. Well, if it even worked that way. She didn't understand pony magic, but what was the worst that could happen? Gasping softly, Luster had flinched a little bit as Encore interfered with his spell. His horn glowed much brighter for a few moments, and he winced in pain, but the spell seemed to complete itself successfully as his horn flickered back out again. He looked down just in time to see the end of his cock's growth, and his cheeks turned somewhat red as he realized it had gotten bigger than it was supposed to. He couldn't help but wonder what Suicune had done, and he turned his gaze to her just in time to see her wipe an expression of worry off of her face before putting on a grin. The spell always wore off after an orgasm, but for some reason, Luster suspected that he'd be stuck this way until their little "battle" had ended. Then again... that sounded like the opposite of a problem. "So... that's what you were doing~" Suicune teased, watching Luster's blush intensify as Suicune gently booped the side of his cock with her snout. She smirked a bit as she watched his blush redden, and she gave his cock a kiss as well, deciding that the stallion was pretty cute when he blushed. "Well... I mean..." he said, going quiet as Suicune lowered her snout to his balls. She'd licked every inch of his cock, so now, she switched to his balls, setting to work tasting every part of them as she licked them clean and took deep breaths of his musk. From the small squirms and heavier breathing, she could tell it was having an effect on Luster, and she came back up with a grin as she licked her way to the tip of his cock. To Luster's surprise, the spell had made his balls somewhat sensitive, to the point that it felt really good when she dragged her tongue across them. Then, she ran her tongue up towards the tip of his cock, and he moaned slightly as he spread his legs a little bit, soaking in the pleasure from her tongue sliding along his length. Just like with his balls, Suicune took her time tasting the rest of Luster's cock, lapping up the continual stream of precum, her eyes flicking upwards every now and again to look at his expression. In Suicune's mind, she couldn't help but love everything about his cock, the way it felt against his tongue, the taste, the smell... Luster, meanwhile, was loving everything about her. Her tongue felt incredible slithering against his cock, he loved the little puffs of air from her nose, and she looked ridiculously sexy laying there, tasting his cock. Finally, she couldn't handle it anymore, and she put it in her mouth. Shivering with arousal as she felt his precum soaking her tongue, the Pokémon slowly pushed forwards. She'd deepthroated cocks before, but Luster was bigger than them now, and less tapered. The first time Suicune pushed the tip of Luster's cock against the back of her maw, she actually gagged for just a moment as his cock squished against her throat, but refused to enter. She growled quietly, and shut her eyes tightly as she pushed even harder, determined to fit it inside. With some difficulty, she managed to pop the tip inside, and she shuddered a little as she got a moan and a stronger gush of precum out of Luster as a reward. She quietly growled, sending vibrations down his cock, then she slowly pushed deeper, determined to sink down until her snout met her ribbons. Luster groaned a little, but he kept mostly quiet as Suicune sank down onto his cock. He also couldn't look away... he could see his cock disappearing into her maw, and every inch that disappeared made his arousal climb just a little bit higher. Not only was it hot to watch her, but his cock was more sensitive than before. Suicune's soft moans sent vibrations through his cock that forced moans out of him, and the more her tongue ground against his cock, the more twitches and gushes of precum he pumped down her throat. The precum helped, thankfully, but Luster's cock was frustratingly large. Suicune's body was adapting, but it was still a struggle to fit Luster's medial ring into her throat, and there were a few more moments of struggles and growls as she worked him deeper. As Suicune approached the base of his cock, Luster's thoughts began to bounce between two things, the first being the pleasure, how amazing it felt having Suicune's throat squeezing his cock, her lips wrapped around the base of it, the burst of pleasure when she stuffed his medial ring into her maw... The second thought was a bit more chaotic- Fucking SUICUNE is sucking my cock!!" Chaotic as it was, it wasn't wrong! The roaming legendary was laying between his spread legs, stuffing his cock down her throat, moaning as she did... still, Luster did feel just a little guilty for making it so difficult on her. Luster watched as Suicune stopped, inches from the base, then he softly gasped as the Pokémon suddenly lunged forwards, using her weight to finally force the rest of his cock down her throat. She mashed her lips against his crotch, then she closed her eyes and shuddered as she pushed down again, grinding her nose into his soft, wet, musky fur, ensuring that every last inch of his cock was buried down her throat. It wasn't an easy fit, but she loved it regardless. Now that she finally had the entire thing inside, Suicune slid her front paws between his hind legs, and she cupped his balls, one in each paw. She began to fondle his heavy nuts, and she set her head into motion, pulling halfway off his cock before thrusting herself back down onto it, bulging out her throat again as she stuffed his cock back inside of her. Luster was already obsessing over the sensations as it was, but when Suicune began to move, he hissed, and he bucked upwards as well to meet her snout as she bobbed her head on him. Suicune's cheeks began to redden, but she kept going, stubbornly stuffing his cock into her maw again and again... He tried to hold himself back, but Luster couldn't help himself. He began to thrust up into Suicune's maw, meeting her halfway as he rammed his cock down her throat. The first few thrusts made her squeak, but she stuck with it, stubbornly bracing herself for each of his thrusts. Still, it was difficult for her to handle his cock at that angle, so she could only keep going for a minute or so before she gave up, and she slowly pulled off of his cock, ignoring the weak bucks of his hips as she let his cock pop free from her lips. Well, his thrusting wasn't the only issue. Another problem was... she hadn't fixed her heat. She'd hidden it away for a long time, smothering it with orgasm after orgasm, flooding her womb with Luster's cum, but her body wasn't to be tricked so easily. So while she had tried to enjoy the tastes and the feeling of his cock bulging out her throat, her pussy began to wink at the air, making her squirm. She couldn't escape it. She was a mess at this point- her snout was soaked with precum, her thighs and her pussy were coated with precum as well as Luster's actual cum, and every time she moved or the wind happened to blow against her she was reminded of her messy state, and the hot arousal deep within her. Luster needed a moment to recover after having the pleasure be ripped away so suddenly, but rather than be annoyed, once he noticed her distracted look, he smirked down at her a little bit. He'd been suspecting that she was in heat for a bit, since the smell of her arousal was so strong, and by now, he was sure enough to bet on it. His cock throbbed in front of her as he asked, "I bet you're in heat, aren't you?" Turning red in the face, she almost immediately barked "N-No!" Luster grinned at her, which only annoyed her further, then he thoughtfully rubbed his chin with one hoof. "How about... I'll keep going until we put out your heat... but I want you to let me mount you first~" he hummed. Snorting, she grumbled, "Well, how else wou-" And he cut her off, saying, "From the front, though~". She had to think about it for a moment, and Luster got to watch as the realization hit her, and she flipped back and forth between wanting to be annoyed with him and wanting to just let him... help her... and she sighed, slowly standing up. She gave in, saying, "F-Fine, but... you won't like what I do if you don't fix it... and I know a lot more moves than just Encore" she growled. She looked to the little brook, and she walked to where she'd laid herself down earlier, after her attempts to sate her own heat. She let her head hang over the edge of the bank once more, her crest resting on the softer dirt below. Her head was at the proper angle, her throat nice and straight, and Luster wasted no time moving over to her, not caring that his hind hooves had to be placed in the flowing water in order for him to line up his cock. Before Suicune opened her mouth, she coiled her tails around the base of his cock, then she smirked a bit as she opened her maw for him, letting her tongue hang out. He wanted to facefuck her right after she admitted she was in heat? Fine. But she was going to give him a good set of blueballs first, just so he could feel a little bit of the firey sexual need she was suffering. Luster slowly pushed his cock into her maw, then he rocked his hips until he was able to gently pop his flare into her throat, doing his best to be careful with her so she didn't gag. Once he was in, however, he fully hilted himself with one slow thrust, though it wasn't slow enough to keep Suicune from shuddering as he bulged out most of her throat in one go. Suicune had felt sparks of arousal when Luster had been thrusting up at her earlier, but now that he had full control over his cock in her throat? She loved it, and it sent shivers through her. When Luster hilted himself, his heavy balls slapped against Suicune's snout, coating her nose with the thick, musky cum that they were soaked in. Shudders ran through her as the scent flooded her snout, making her swallow tightly around his cock. Smoothly, Luster began to pump into her maw, and he shivered as Suicune began to rub her tongue against his cock, massaging it on its way in and out. At first, Luster took things slowly. After all, Suicune had been struggling to fit his cock at first, so he didn't want to hurt her. As he rocked into her, he took in all of the sensations, her throat squeezing his cock, his balls rocking against her nose, the fur of her neck ever-so-slightly brushing against the fur on his underside every time he made an especially low thrust into her. Finally, Luster decided to go faster. His throat-swabbing continued to go smoothly as he picked up speed, and since Suicune didn't gag or struggle, it seemed she was used to it. By the time his balls were swinging into her nose, he was approaching his orgasm, panting a little as he held onto the legendary. The thought that he was facefucking Suicune had barged into his mind, and he was struggling not to be too rough with her as her tongue ground against his cock. And yet... he couldn't seem to hit that climax. Every time his orgasm approached him, he would speed up slightly, but then it would fade again. It took him a while to realize what it was- Suicune was tightening her tails around his cock, cinching off his orgasm each time he got close to it. When the realization hit him, he growled, firmly bucking into her maw for a few thrusts in hopes she'd stop, but she only let out a muffled giggle that sent small tingles through his cock. Fine. Luster wasn't originally going to bring his magic into things, but Suicune gave him no choice. She heard his horn igniting, but she ignored it, swallowing around his cock in hopes she could tempt him into thrusting some more so she could continue to tease him. However, she squeaked in surprise as she felt a sudden touch against her pussy, a tingling, cool sensation that made her squirm from the intensity. And then it pushed inside. Not giving her time to gradually get used to it, Luster smoothly hilted a magical cock inside of the Pokémon with a single thrust, filling her pussy with a tingling, shimmering cock that made her squirm and squeak below him. He started to thrust into her again, and in an attempt to keep some form of her control over him, Suicune tightened the tails even further. In response, however, Luster finally decided that he was done being gentle, and he lowered himself overtop of her as he started to properly facefuck the Pokémon. Not only that, he chained the magical cock to the speed of his own thrusts, roughly stuffing Suicune from both ends with two big, throbbing cocks. Suicune somehow managed to hold herself together for a short while, but her arousal skyrocketed as Luster began to finally show her some rough dominance. The stallion was pressed against her, holding her to the ground, ramming his cock down her throat hard enough that his balls were slapping her snout. Not to mention the magical cock fucking her in sync with his own, making the legendary squirm and shudder. Finally, Suicune's tails fell limp, releasing his cock, and she hoped he would remove the magic as well as it threatened to overwhelm her. But he didn't. Immediately, once the tails were gone, Luster began to thrust into Suicune even faster, stuffing his cock harder down her throat as his horn flared brighter. The magical cock began to shimmer, stuffing her clenching tunnel full and tingling as well with every thrust, and her moans rapidly grew loud and shaky. Without the tails to stop it, Luster's orgasm built up within him once more, his cock flaring inside of Suicune as he hunched over her, grunting with his thrusts as he worked towards rutting Suicune. Just before he hit his peak, he was forced to drop the spell he was using to fuck her from the other end, and Suicune's whines of desperation simply changed pitch as the intense pleasure just suddenly disappeared. She had a small distraction to latch onto as Luster came, flooding her throat with a strong spray of his cum, but she struggled not to sic her ribbon tails on her own pussy again as Luster ground into her maw to drag out magically-boosted orgasm. It lasted much longer than his earlier orgasms, and it only took a few thick gushes of his cum to flood Suicune's belly. When she started to run out of room, the Pokémon began to squirm and whimper, and Luster responded by pulling out of her. However, before she could move, Luster's magic pinned Suicune to the ground once more, and she squeaked as she felt his cum splat onto her snout. Closing her eyes tightly, the Pokémon's cheeks turned a hot red as she realized the stallion was cumming onto her, and after that realization, she was able to recognise the sounds of his hoof rapidly stroking his cock as strands of his warm seed splatted into her fur, making a mess of her chest and even her belly, marking just how far his cock could fire off shots of his cum. When Luster's orgasm finally ended, he let out a blissful sigh, and he backed away from Suicune as his magic finally released her. His guard was down, and Suicune used that opening to latch onto the stallion and shove him back into the grass next to the brook. Still weak from his recent orgasm, he couldn't really resist, and he grunted softly when she pushed him to the ground. A glimmer of his fear returned, and he began to worry that Suicune was genuinely angry at the way he'd treated her, but he couldn't bring himself to lift a hoof to do anything about it... He didn't have much time to react before Suicune was on top of him, pinning him down, desperation in her eyes as she moved overtop of him and used both of her tails to grip his cock. Lining it up with her pussy, the Pokémon immediately stuffed his cock inside of her, letting out a pleasured, shaky, completely sexual sigh as she sank down onto his cock, sating her body's intense firey demand for pleasure once more. Grabbing onto his front legs with her paws, she growled down at him as she planted her hind legs, and with a sudden pop, she mashed her hips against his, popping the last portion of Luster's cock into her womb. Luster couldn't help but moan, glad that his fear was quashed once more- Suicune wasn't mad, her heat was getting to her, and Luster closed his eyes and shuddered as he put focus on the intense pleasure of his cock smoothly sinking deep into Suicune's pussy. Thanks to their rutting and Suicune's arousal, it was painless for the Pokémon to stuff Luster's cock into her deepest barrier, allowing it to plunge into the thick cum filling it had given her. Right away, Suicune began to ride him, grunting, "F-Fuuccchhhk y-yo~ou and y-your, a-ahh~, m-magic, y-you..." under her breath as she roughly mashed her hips down against his, working towards the orgasm that he'd so-rudely denied her just so he could hit his own. Realizing that he must have brought Suicune close to an orgasm before denying it, he decided to tease her, looking up as he said, "W-What, mmmh~, you didn't like the magic cock~?". Suicune growled, struggling to glare back down at him, but she couldn't say anything. With how close she'd been to orgasm before, it didn't take Suicune long to get herself back to that point, and she was rapidly approaching her climax once more. Rather than spit something back at him for his teasing, she could only shudder, draw in a breath, then finally break eye contact and moan as her delayed orgasm overwhelmed her. When Suicune hit the orgasm, her hind legs gave out on her, and she collapsed onto Luster, hugging him tightly, shuddering on top of him and grinding down onto his cock as she rode out the tight, milking clenches, even though his cock had nothing to give her but gushes of slippery precum. Luster blushed slightly as Suicune collapsed onto him, because that meant that all of his cum was now squished between them, making it so that their undersides were both soaked in cum. However, the way Suicune's expression had warped from annoyance to frustration to pleasure and then orgasm before she finally looked away and moaned... it was _hot,_ and Luster hugged just as tight onto the Pokémon as she began to ride out her climax, and he even moaned a little bit, enjoying the pleasure as her pussy managed to milk quite a lot of precum out of him. After this orgasm, Suicune slowly went limp on top of Luster, panting weakly. Suicune's afterglow was intense, so it took her a few minutes to recover enough to notice Luster's condition. He was panting beneath her, looking tired, and to her alarm, she felt his cock softening inside of her slightly! Perhaps panicking just slightly, Suicune gathered herself, then on an impulse she decided to hit Luster with Attract. Luster had just started thinking about how tired he was, and while Suicune was really hot, he couldn't just keep going... But then there was a flash of light from Suicune, and as he looked at her, he... he felt love for her. He wanted nothing more than to make love to her, and Suicune grinned back at him as she felt his cock hardening and twitching. Judging by his sudden starstruck look, she'd done the right thing! Except, it was still Luster. In fact, he was probably going to be more mischievous with someone he loved than a stranger from a videogame, so Suicune was taken by surprise when he grinned at her and flipped them over, pinning her down in the grass. Thankfully, they were still next to the bank, and Luster pinned her down at the edge of it where Suicune's Crest wasn't an issue, so she was able to look up at him. Slowly, he slid his cock out of her, and the Pokémon shivered as he popped it free from her entrance. Only problem was, he aimed it lower. Luster wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but with the rush of love he felt for Suicune, he couldn't help but think about how he'd cum inside of her pussy and her maw... but not her ass. And he couldn't just leave the one he loved empty, could he? Before she could give him any wide-eyed objections, Luster kissed her, overwhelming her with the same dominant kissing that had originally won her over when they first fucked, and she couldn't bring herself to break the kiss even as he began to push against her backdoor. Or was she just excited, deep down, about the idea of having him stuff his cock inside every part of her? Either way, the combination of his cum-soaked cock and her cum-soaked backside made it easy to pop the tip of his cock inside, and as they kissed, he began to work it deeper, making slow, gentle, loving thrusts as he worked his cock deeper and deeper into her tight, clenching ass. It made things hard on Suicune- she could feel her heat starting to build again, demanding another load of cum, but she was trapped. Thankfully, Luster's cock was gushing precum into her, lubricating the way- maybe Attract did something to that damned spell of his... Luster's cock felt good sinking into her, bringing a fullness she rarely allowed any other Pokémon to give her. He was a damn good kisser, making her moan gently every time he tried something new with his tongue, and she loved the vague feeling of helplessness as she struggled against the addicting sensations of her own pleasure and temptation. Before long, their hips met with a soft, wet _plap,_ and Suicune shuddered as Luster ground his cock into her, pushing it as deep as it could go, pumping a gush of warm precum into her. She felt a brief sparkle of pride, since she'd managed to fit the entire thing, after he made it larger with magic no less! Luster thankfully gave Suicune time to adjust to his size, while he gently ground his shaft into her, shivering a bit with every firm twitch. Attract even made her feel better... before long, he was ready, and after adjusting his legs, he began to thrust into her. Suicune wanted to let herself enjoy it as she clenched down around Luster's shaft, but she could feel her heat starting to burn again. Groaning with frustration, Suicune squirmed beneath Luster, but to her surprise he growled at her, pinning her down just a bit more as he pinned her tongue down within her maw. Then, she smirked a little bit. Fine, he wanted to spend another round ignoring her heat? She would work on it herself! Suicune's tails straightened out, then she wormed them around Luster's cock before she plunged both of them into her pussy, sinking them all the way to her womb, where she let them coil up inside of her to make room for more as she buried the full lengths of her tails inside of herself. As Luster thrusted into her, Suicune divided her attention between pleasuring herself and making out with him, rubbing her tongue lewdly against his while she worked her tails inside of herself. Once they were both all the way inside, she began to grind one tail against her g-spot, while the other pressed against her clit. She arched her back with a hiss when they both found their targets, and at the same time, she could feel Luster beginning to flare inside of her. The Pokémon decided that she wanted to try to hit orgasm first, so she let her focus on the kiss fade somewhat as she worked her tails inside of herself, making her clench tightly around Luster as she bucked her hips up to meet him, moaning into his lips as the pleasure flooded her senses. Eventually, as Luster approached orgasm, he broke the kiss to suck in air, then he mashed their lips together once more as he moaned some of it back out. Suicune didn't mind the kiss- she was a water type, she could hold her breath for as long as she wanted, and she didn't mind kissing him as he got close. His flare was something new, and it made her shiver as he dragged it back and forth against her, making her body automatically clench tight around his cock each time he thrusted into her. Still, it paled in comparison to the sensation of her tails mashing her pleasure zones, and when her tail accidentally pressed against her clit harder than she intended, Suicune squealed as the pleasure hit her, and her orgasm followed. The tight clench from her ass made Luster moan into the kiss, but when he came, he suddenly broke the kiss, rammed as deep as he could go inside of her, then pressed his snout to her neck and moaned as the first gush of cum traveled down his cock, bursting inside of her a moment later. The sensation made her shudder, and Suicune wrapped her hind legs around his hips to hold him inside, then ran her front paws through his mane as she rode out her orgasm alongside him. She continued to grind her tails inside of herself, extending her orgasm for as long as she could, while she held tightly onto the stallion and helplessly clenched tight around him over and over, milking his cock into herself. After a long, exhaustive orgasm, Attract finally began to wear off, and Luster groaned as he slowly went limp, his limbs twitching as they sagged on either side of Suicune. Suicune didn't even bother to pull her tails out of herself- she couldn't, not until she recovered a little. She wasn't even sure the word mess could apply to them anymore. Suicune was thoroughly soaked with cum, her underside coated in it, her snout soaked with musky stallion fluids, her ass and her thighs soaked with the stuff as well. It was even on her ribbons! Luster wasn't any better... his balls were _soaking_ wet, his thighs were drenched as well, and his underside was matted with roughly the same amount of cum as Suicune's, thanks to Suicune's riding and the tight embrace of their makeout session earlier. His snout was still wet with Suicune's juices, and every breath brought him a lungful of air thick with the scent of Suicune's heat. For both of them, it sounded nice to just relax for a while... > Eye of the Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suicune lost track of time, happy to relax with Luster, brushing his mane as she felt his cock begin to soften. Eventually, she was startled out of her thoughts as she heard the stallion snore. She let out a giggle-snort, and she shook Luster slightly as she said "Hey! You're going to sleep?" Luster awoke with a start, and once he realized what he'd done, he began to blush as he said "N-No!" He went to stand up, and Suicune let him, rolling over so she could stand as well. She moaned as she smoothly pulled her tails out of herself, and Suicune chirped "Come on, we're a mess!" That was all the warning he got before he was dragged into the brook alongside her, dunked in the water as the Pokémon happily dove into the deepest portion of the little stream. Once Luster had surfaced, he glared over at the submerged Pokémon, and as soon as she came up, he said, "W-Why'd you drag me in here?" She giggled at him, saying, "Well, how else are you gonna get cleaned up? It's not like you need to worry, I've already purified this entire stream, and the river it connects to~" she hummed, looking proud of herself. In that moment, Luster recalled her Pokédex entry, and he softly said "I... right, sorry, so the water's clean... and it's not too cold either..." he hummed, deciding that he didn't mind as he sank down, letting the water cover him up to his neck. Suicune swam over to him, then she gave his snout a kiss, and she hesitated before saying, "And... thanks, for... promising to help. I feel a bit better now, so I think it's working..." Luster chuckled softly, and he nuzzled her for a moment. "I'd hope so... I don't think I have too much left in me..." he murmured. Though he wasn't sure if he was lying or not. His cock was still somewhat hard, throbbing gently below himself. Sure, it was partway soft, but it wouldn't go down entirely, but perhaps it was just the flow of the water against it? It did feel nice... Suicune kissed his neck, softly saying, "You can do it~" as she slid one of her tails down his side. "And how'd you get here anyway...?" Luster asked, his ears perking in hopes she would tell him. With the sex over (for now...), his curiosity was returning, and he was extra curious how a Pokémon was in Equestria. ....Was it selfish if he also wanted to know just in case there was the smallest chance he could meet some other Pokémon....? Suicune giggled a little bit, and as she began to run her tails through her fur to clean it, she said, "Well, I'd say it started when some sorta portal happened to open up on Mt. Moon..." ✩。:*•.──────────.•*:。✩ "POLARIS!" barked the voice of an AI, making the blue stallion flinch and nearly throw the wire he was holding into the air. "What?" He huffed, turning around to glare at one of his AI daughter's cameras. "Stop being deaf and look at the DS! Something's coming out of it!" she squeaked. Poly's eyes widened as he turned to look at the silver console, which was wired up to machines and a large circle built to generate portals in and out of the enchanted SoulSilver cartridge. He'd gotten it from his friend Tinker... and the dragonpony's new Vaporeon girlfriend... They had opened a portal to Mt. Moon, and they'd left it open for a while, open to the harsh rockface of the steepest side of the mountain, where they could leave it open without anything trying to sneak inside, just to see how long the portal could stay open before it failed. And despite the wind keeping away all of the flying Pokémon, something had found the portal. It began to shimmer, then it began to glow, brightening until it became a blinding white, and then... a fwoosh of magic, and the portal shattered, shards of magic fizzling into dust. Squinting, Polaris spotted streaks of blue and purple, and he yelled "Hey, wait!" Saphira's cameras had been too blown out by the brightness to catch much of anything, and by the time her cameras adjusted, the creature was just gone. "Good one, Poly..." She grumbled, watching Polaris blink his eyes back to normal. The stallion scrunched his snout, and he patted the DS. "You know what? I'm gonna say it." He said, looking at a camera. Ignoring her warning of "Don't....", he cleared his throat, then he said, "All I gotta do is turn off the DS, turn it back on, and bam, the creature is back in the game, like it never left, correct?" "I mean, yeah..." came the annoyed AI's response. "So," he said, with a pause for effect, "What's the worst that could happen?" "A lot of things!!" The AI squeaked. "We don't even know which one it was!" Waving a hoof, Polaris said, "Well, you watch for it, these things are sentient, it's gonna have to come back here if it wants to get home, yeah?" "I... I guess..." "You're just mad that you realized Zekrom isn't in this game, after you made plans to seduce it" "DAD, SHUT UP!" As the blue stallion made a sound halfway between laughter and wheezing three stories below ground, another blue quadruped stood many stories above the ground, gazing down at the world it'd discovered, out of sight of the chrome equine AI's cameras. Suicune just smiled. This wasn't home, and that meant no trainers to harass her, no Pokémon looking for a fight they weren't equipped to handle, and hopefully... something, or someone to fix her heat without giving her an egg to deal with. > Heatstopping without an ice move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So That's how you got here? A uh, DS of all things?" Luster asked with wide eyes. Suicune shrugged a little, saying, "It reminded me of a Pokédex, but yeah, I guess". "Jeez... and how'd you find me?" Luster asked. Suicune snorted, saying, "More like you found me, but once I realized I'd found a male, I wasn't gonna be letting you leave~". She made sure to put extra seduction into her voice this time, letting the words drip with lust so she could watch his reaction. Blushing, Luster couldn't help but grin a bit. Attract had worn off, but he still liked Suicune... "I uh, when your heat's fixed, do you think you'll ever come back...?" He asked softly. Suicune stepped closer to him, and she ran a tail along his body under the water, bringing it to his chin, making him look at her before she let it fall back into the water. "I just might, for you..." she hummed softly, before giving his snout a kiss. Then she smirked a little, saying, "But you haven't even fixed my heat, and you want to see me again already~?" Luster's erection had started to return ever since she ran her tail along his body, and at the thought of finishing the job, he felt it stiffening much faster, giving him a firm twitch once it had reached full hardness. Suicune stepped out of the water, shook herself a little bit, then she walked out to an untouched part of the grass. She began to stretch, putting on a show for Luster, letting him see her muscles move underneath her fur as she loosened them up. Then... she slowly bent over, spreading her hind legs, licking her lips before growling "c'mere, stud~..." She was stunning. Freshly washed, Suicune's fur was perfect, crystal clean and ruffling in the breeze, and her ribbons wormed through the air enticingly. Luster did not need to be told twice. Having already gotten out of the water while she stretched, the stallion did his best to shake the water off of himself, then he approached Suicune, giddy with excitement. He'd fucked Suicune endlessly for the last few hours, and he was going to finish it by mounting her! Shivers ran through both of them as Luster reared up and mounted Suicune, and using his magic to line up his cock, he pressed it against her. The brook had washed off the slippery mix of cum that had coated Suicune's flanks, but thankfully, she was still soaking wet inside, and Luster was still gushing precum with every twitch of his cock. After some grinding against her, the tip of Luster's cock popped inside, and to Suicune's delight, he rammed it home with a single hard thrust, plunging his cock deeper into her than it had managed to reach yet, the tip popping deep into her womb as their hips slapped together with a soft plap. Luster could feel the tip of his cock gently brush against the far wall of her cum-stuffed womb, and he took a moment to enjoy, again, being hilted inside of Suicune. Growing impatient, he leaned down and kissed her neck, then he gave her a playful nibble as he pulled back for another thrust. Suicune was excited for the last round, and she moaned as Luster bucked into her again. She wiggled her hips against his, and when Luster began to thrust into her, she didn't even bother to keep quiet. In fact, as he settled into a rhythm of pumping into her, she pawed at the ground and moaned "Ooohhh Luuu~uusterrr~", letting his name spill from her lips as he fucked her. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care about being dominant, or being dominated. She just wanted to enjoy the moment, and to end it with an explosive orgasm that hopefully, finally, wiped out her heat. Luster's cheeks turned a hot red as he heard Suicune moan his name, and he groaned as he felt his cock firmly twitch inside of her. She grinned slightly as she realized that he liked it, and she followed up a few moments later by moaning "F-Fuck me harder,Lusteerrr~" as she spread her legs a little further, arching her back slighly. She could feel her orgasm starting to faintly well up inside of herself already, which sent shudders of excitement through her as she tightly clenched around her stallion's cock. Suicune's moans were having an effect on Luster, and as she clenched down tighter, he began to flare. He couldn't stop himself from repeating her words in his head again and again, and he began to buck into her harder as he approached climax, his balls slapping against her ass as he raced towards it. Eventually, Luster made a thrust deep into Suicune, and before he could pull out, he felt his expanding flare dig into her walls, trapping him inside. Realizing that he'd flared enough to get stuck in her womb, Luster shuddered, ground into Suicune, then he came. Suicune gasped as she felt the first hot gush of cum stirring up her womb, and she squealed it triggered her own climax, making her shudder and paw at the ground below Luster as her orgasm ran through her, forcing her to repeatedly clamp down onto Luster's cock to milk him for all the cum he had. Throughout the orgasm, Luster went from grinding into her to laying on top of her, panting onto her as he rode out the last few throbs of his climax. After it had ended, Luster began to grind into her again, enjoying the gentle pleasure of her walls caressing his cock as he teased cute little moans out of Suicune. He also let his thoughts wander... not only was he fucking Suicune, but he was doing it to fix her heat. A Pokémon- a legendary no less- was begging him to fix her heat. To breed her. He found it hot, and he shivered as he got one last gush of cum out of his cock, soaking in his warm afterglow as he rubbed Suicune's ass with his paws. As Suicune enjoyed her afterglow, she let her tails wander, and she let both of them slowly coil around the base of Luster's cock, feeling his hard flesh squished up against the heated, soft flesh of her pussy. Luster chuckled softly as he felt it, saying, "You going to try to edge me again~?". He made a tiny thrust into her, saying, "You won't like what happens if you try that~". The little thrust made Suicune gasp, and in that moment, she decided that yes, she was going to edge him again. It wasn't her original intent, no, but Suicune smirked a little as she tightened her tails a bit, saying, "So what if I was~?" She briefly glanced back at him, meeting his eyes with that playful, horny grin of hers. Leaning close, Luster put his dominant voice on as he said "Then I'll just have to fuck you until you let go~", and he followed up by nibbling on Suicine's ear. The Pokémon shuddered at this, suppressing a moan, and he shivered as he felt her tails tighten just a smidge more. Then she challenged him. "Try me, sexy~", she growled, clenching tight around his cock as she ground back against him. Luster smirked a little, and he pulled back a bit. She wanted him to show her what he could do? Fine. Angling his hips upwards, lifting one hoof off the ground, he put his hips overtop Suicune's, and he thrusted down into her, making her gasp as his cock rammed into her g-spot on the way inside. "L-Luster~!" She squeaked, only to be ignored as he did it again, making her post-orgasm-sensitive-pussy clamp down hard around him as she squirmed again. Luster decided to stay there for a while, holding that position. He continued to thrust down into Suicune, able to fit his cock even deeper than before with one leg held up. Thanks to the fresh load of cum in her belly, her womb had plenty of room to fit his cock, and he loved the soft plaps of their hips meeting every time he bucked deep into her. Still, he could feel the distant approach of his orgasm like usual, but he knew it wouldn't come for a while, so he tried to ignore it. But he couldn't. When Luster felt his orgasm grow strong and then fade away for the first time thanks to Suicune's dammed ribbon-tails, an annoyed grunt escaped him, and Suicune's muffled, pleasured giggle-snort only made it worse. He planted his hoof on the ground again, then he pressed down against Suicune, growling, "Last chance....~" as he ground his cock into her. Suicune giggled, and she slid the tip of a tail across his balls as she said "Naaahhhh~...." She didn't know it, but she was playing with fire. She had no idea that she was forcing Luster into rut. Then, she got what she'd been asking for. Luster snarled at her, and the sudden hostility in his voice made Suicune briefly wonder if she'd gone too far. She had, in a way, but in a good way. Luster planted one of his front hooves in front of Suicune's shoulder, making it so she wouldn't be able to slide forwards. He ground his remaining hooves against the ground, making sure he was firmly planted, then he pressed his snout against her neck. Then he thrusted. Luster's mind drained of thoughts as rut took over, his mind narrowing into a refined machine, working together with his body to breed his mate. Luster began to ram into Suicune, and the Pokémon sharply gasped as his very first thrust pulled her hind paws off of the ground. So far, she'd been able to handle everything he could give her, so he decided to give her everything. With every hard thrust, Luster pulled back until his cock threatened to pop out of Suicune, then he rammed it back inside, moaning as he slapped their hips firmly together. He didn't hold back, using all of his strength to drive his cock into the Pokémon as she refused to let him cum. Suicune loved every second of it. Finally, she'd gotten Luster to give in to his urges, and stop being... gentle. She'd loved every round so far, every part of the teasing, but when Suicune went into heat, the primary fantasy at the top of her horny tree was to be fucked with everything her lover had in them. And Luster was. The power of each thrust surprised Suicune as it shoved her forwards, pinning her between his front legs and his hind legs as it swept her hind paws off of the ground. Still, she kept her ribbons wrapped around his cock, thankful that they tended to grab onto things when she was experiencing pleasure. Every time Luster's orgasm approached him only to fade as Suicune's tails tightened, Luster's frustration and arousal crept higher by another notch, and he picked up a little bit of speed. Suicune had originally planned to hold back until she hit her own orgasm, though it was approaching fast. Luster's cock felt incredible ramming into her so roughly, and she couldn't help herself as she shook her hips to make it shift inside of her, clenching down tight around him to squeeze his cock. Then, her plan backfired a little bit. As Luster's flaring cock repeatedly ground against her g-spot on the way in and out, Suicune's orgasm overwhelmed her before she could loosen her tails, and she cried out with pleasure as the climax sent fireworks through her body, making her tense up and squirm as her pussy uselessly clamped down around Luster's cock as he continued to ram it into her. Suicune tried to loosen her tails, but while she was cumming, they only clenched tighter around Luster's cock despite her best efforts, sending a shred of fear through her as she struggled to keep her head together among the powerful pleasure of Luster fucking her throughout her orgasm. Suicune just gave up, and she decided to just ride out the waves for now. By the time her climax had ended, the Pokémon was drooling into the grass, and her paws were barely doing anything to hold her backside up as Luster repeatedly lifted them off of the ground with his thrusts. Suicune's afterglow felt almost like a continuation of her climax with Luster's hard thrusts still ramming into her, and to her surprise, the fading of her afterglow was soon met with the approach of another climax. Submitting to the pleasure again, Suicune just moaned as she worked her hips against Luster's, eager for him to make her cum a second time. Almost too late, she remembered her tails, and she gasped sharply as she suddenly asserted control over them, forcing them to loosen. Like two whips, Suicune yanked her tails away from Luster's cock, instead coiling them around his hind legs and hers to tie them both together. Scraping together enough self control to speak, Suicune managed to stammer a loud, shaky, "O-Ooo~oohhh Luu~uSTERRR~!" as he continued to rut her. With the pressure at the base of his cock finally gone, Luster snarled at her as a response, then he bit down on her neck, pinning her head to the ground as well as her chest. Suicune let out a squeaky little gasp at the bite, but it came with a rush of delicious naughty pleasure as she felt him dominate her even further, and the fetishy pleasure was enough to tip her over the edge of her cliff into that second orgasm. Suicune cried out as she began to cum, clamping down tight around Luster's cock, twitching every time he hilted himself even after his flare grew large enough to tug on her womb with each thrust. Finally, as Suicune's moans turned into squeaky screams of pleasure, Luster bit down harder, closed his eyes tightly, and rammed his cock inside of the Pokémon with every bit of strength he had, plunging his flared tip deep into her womb just in time for it to pump an audibly powerful splurt of cum into her, bulging out her belly slightly as his balls tensed up and twitched against her. As she felt his cock bulge with cum, Suicune wrapped her tails even tighter around Luster's hind legs, coiling them around their hips as well, tying him to herself, forcing him to keep his cock hilted inside of her. (As if he would dare pull out of her...) As Luster peaked, cumming was the only thing he could think of. The strong hormones of rut were still flooding his mind, and he was hyper aware of every twitch of his cock, every spurt of cum, every twitch of his balls, and every moan that Suicune made as he flooded her with more of his cum. Suicune was much the same way, the Pokémon shivering each time Luster's cock pumped another fat gush of his cum into her womb. She could feel it happen from beginning to end, his cock bulging with cum as it traveled down his length before firing off inside of her overstuffed womb. As the two creatures rode out their shared orgasms, neither of them could produce any words, only animalistic grunts of pleasure and bliss as they rode out the waves of pleasure. At some point during the orgasm, Suicune's overstuffed womb began to struggle to contain all of Luster's cum, and it began to seep out around his cock, running down their legs and dripping off of his balls into the grass. By the time it was all over, both Suicune and Luster began to sink deep into a warm, syrupy afterglow, both of them panting heavily as their bodies began to slowly recover. They were both soaked in sweat this time, rather than cum. The fog of rut began to lift from Luster's head, and he followed up his dominant biting with an affectionate, soft nuzzle to Suicune's neck. The Pokémon could feel it deep inside of herself- finally, her heat was quenched. She didn't know if she was pregnant, but she had no doubts that her body had given up on begging her to fuck anything that moved. The heat was gone. Luster eventually noticed that his cock had begun to shrink slightly, and he shivered a bit as he felt his flare pop out of Suicune's womb. Suicune's use of Encore had finally worn off, and Luster's cock continued to soften. Eventually, he pulled his hips back slightly as it popped out of her, letting a small deluge of cum escape her pussy. Suicune's womb had closed off by now, sealing most of his cum inside, but there was still a lot to gush back out of her. Suicune dragged Luster into the brook for one last washing. He didn't resist her, and she didn't even make fun of him for being too tired to do anything other than sit in the stream as she used her ribbon-tails to wash his fur again. After they were both clean, Suicune let her body dry itself off as Luster stubbornly shook himself dry. She smiled back at him as she broke the silence to softly say "Thank you, by the way~". Luster chuckled, a faint redness on his cheeks as he said "You're welcome... and I uh, how are you gonna find me if you ever come back?" "I have my ways~" Suicune softly hummed, giggling a little as she stepped closer to kiss his snout. She thought for a brief moment, then she whispered, "We'll have to fuck in your bed someday~", before she immediately dragged the stallion into a kiss, holding it for a good ten seconds. When she broke it off, Luster took a moment to recover, his cheeks a hot red at the idea of spending another day making love with the Pokémon in his own bed. He had to admit to himself, it sounded like a lot of fun... He was dragged out of his imagination as Suicune slid one of her tails up his chest, and she booped his snout with it. "Don't forget your bag-things~" she hummed, as she bounded next to his saddlebags, then she shot him a wink before she jumped into the air, making him gasp softly as she leapt completely out of the clearing. She wanted to stay, but she couldn't let herself get attached to this stallion. Still, she wasn't entirely joking about sneaking into his bed sometime... All Luster could really muster was a quiet little "Damn..." as he slowly walked over to his bags. He couldn't help wearing a smile the entire walk home. > Answering to Arceus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, I uh..." Suicune sheepishly said, pawing at the ground as she avoided looking up at the gilded creature. "You came to this world, seduced a pony, and that is all you did?" he asked. "Yeah! I promise, that's all, I didn't... meddle with anything" She said, finally looking up at him. At Arceus. He seemed to sigh, despite his lack of a mouth. "Fine." came his words, within her head. "Just go back, I'll investigate this place myself, There's an issue in Cerulean City that requires your attention". She sighed, then she said, "All right, there've been issues with the water there, but it's not easy getting in without a trainer spotting me... bye guys" She said, waving briefly to a bright blue stallion and the fluffy brown probably-a-stallion next to him before she jumped into their portal. Thankfully, it didn't shatter this time! Arceus looked down to Tinker, then to Polaris, this time saying, "So, where does this Celestia you mentioned live, exactly...?" Polaris pointed to the nearest TV as Saphira brought up a map, and the AI marked Canterlot castle on the map as she said "Well, you're gonna want to head for this big city on a mountainside..." ✩。:*•.──────────.•*:。✩ Back on the side of Mt. Moon, Suicune happily sighed as she took in a deep breath of the cool, clean air. She couldn't help but wear a happy grin as she bounded down the side of the mountain, full of energy and revitalized without her heat to bother her. She set her course for Cerulean City, eager to purge whatever problems may be hampering the City's water supply, be it natural, another Pokémon, or even Team Rocket goons trying to cause mischief again. Then... after that was solved... she might just go take another look at all of the equine Pokémon living in her home dimension... > Bonus Chapter: Girafarig's Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✩。:*•.──────────.•*:。✩ Spoilers:This isn't exactly related to the story, but if you want to see Girafarig making use of its tail... ✩。:*•.──────────.•*:。✩ Girafarig tails were not supposed to be sentient. But sometimes, it was hard to be so sure. Girafarig blushed as she watched through the bushes, crouched down in an effort to stay hidden. Ahead of her, in a clearing, was Suicune. As she watched the legendary Pokémon, she was bending over, spreading her legs as a Mudsdale carefully mounted her... Suicune was a large Pokémon, but the Mudsdale was bigger, and Girafarig watched with a hot blush on her face as Mudsdale's huge, throbbing cock began to disappear inside of Suicune, who moaned as she pawed at the ground. Girafarig had been admiring the Mudsdale herself, but she'd been too shy to approach him... she felt her pussy wink, and she flinched slightly, realizing just how wet she'd been getting. At least her tail didn't seem to- Lick. Oh no. Girafarig quietly gasped as she felt a tongue drag its way up her plump outer lips, and she whipped her head back to nervously whisper "s-stop it!". Naturally, her tail only looked at her for a moment with that dumb grin on its face before it turned back around, disappearing between her legs. A moment later, Girafarig felt its tongue drag itself over one of her plump teats, right over her nipple, and she helplessly spread her legs as she muffled her moan with a hoof. Suicune was rocking her hips as Mudsdale sank his cock deeper, and as the medial ring popped inside, the legendary cried out with a moan, not expecting the pressure on her clit just yet. Girafarig shuddered as her tail slowly licked her other teat, then it began to suck on her nipple, making her squirm and pant softly as she struggled to keep still. For a while, she watched Suicune and Mudsdale, her tail swapping teats every so often as it drove her arousal higher and higher. She hated it, but she loved it too. She knew that few other Pokémon had any sort of self-pleasuring body parts, but anytime she got even a little horny, her tail attacked her pussy with its tongue until she came, every time! And yet... she never tried very hard to stop it, did she? With a frustrated whimper, Girafarig wiggled her hips as she felt her pussy wink, squirting a few drops of her slippery arousal out of her. In the clearing, Mudsdale began to thrust, stuffing the full length of his cock inside of Suicune with every deep buck of his hips. Focused on the show in front of her, Girafarig gasped audibly as she felt her tail slowly lick her pussy again, and she reached a hoof back to press against it. Thankfully, her tail seemed to get the idea, and as she watched the two Pokémon fuck in front of her, it began to lick her faster, repeatedly dragging its tongue up her pussy as she shivered with each lick. Suicune and Mudsdale were both moaning by now, thrusting against each other. Girafarig noticed that she could spot a bulge in Suicune's belly every time Mudsdale hilted, and she was nearly too distracted to stop herself from moaning when her tail suddenly dragged its tongue across her clit. Suicune and Mudsdale were rapidly approaching orgasms, and as Girafarig's tail began to slather her sensitive nub with licks, she approached her own climax just as fast. Mudsdale was first, roughly hilting inside of Suicune with a loud slap of their hips as he began to blast her womb full of his thick seed, then came Suicune, crying out... something as she began to climax, rocking back against Mudsdale. Girafarig had no time to wonder what "Luster" was supposed to mean, because she hit her own orgasm moments after, and she collapsed to the forest floor as she began to cum, squirming and desperately trying to muffle her squeaky, noisy moans as she rode it out. Her tail didn't help, squishing itself against her pussy as it plunged its tongue deep inside of her, wriggling it and licking deep inside of her clenching walls as she rode out the intense climax. After Girafarig had ridden out the long orgasm, her tail slowly pulled its tongue out of her, then it raised itself back to its normal position, that same grin reappearing on its face. By the time Girafarig noticed how eerily quiet it was, it was too late to escape. Ribbon-like tails wrapped around her leg, and she squeaked in terror as she was dragged into the clearing, her hooves uselessly digging ruts in the ground. She looked up to meet two faces, one brown, one blue, and both of them were wearing smirks. Suicune spoke first, saying, "Maybe Girafarig here would like to take a ride on the pony~", and Girafarig almost flinched as she heard the wet slap of mudsdale's cum-soaked cock twitching and slapping against his belly. Her tail, her stupid dumb idiot tail, it only grinned at her as she took a tiny little glance at it. Her voice was near silent as she spoke, mumbling a shy, nervous, quiet, excited little "O-Oh dear..."