> Cupcakes > by PrincessEnchanteDream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > WE'RE MAKING CUPCAKES, DASHIE!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful and sunny day in Ponyville. Everypony went about, chatting merrily and having a wonderful day. Especially one pony in particular. Rainbow Dash grinned as she soared above the clouds, the wind blowing in her ears as she whizzed past everypony. This was the life. The thrill, the joy, enjoying every moment spent in the air. However, she slowed to a stop in front of the town clock and stared at it. It was quarter past three. "Oh ponyfeathers," thought Rainbow worriedly as she frantically flapped her wings. "I was supposed to meet Pinkie at 3 p.m. sharp." Sometimes, Spitfire's practice sessions took too long. Oh well, just another day in the life of a Wonderbolt. She flew through the streets of Ponyville, eventually coming to her destination, The Sugarcube Corner. Rainbow hesitantly poked her head inside the door and smiled sheepishly when she saw Pinkie. "Heyy......ya there, Pinks. Sorry..... I got a little late." Pinkie bounded over and pulled her into a hug. " Silly Dashie, I'm not mad at you. Now that you're here, we're gonna have lotsa fun!!" "I....need....to.....breathe......Pinkie," Rainbow wheezed out. Pinkie Pie giggled and released her iron grip on Rainbow, who gasped and massaged her neck. She then led her to one of the tables. "Have some orange juice, you're gonna need it," said Pinkie as she handed Rainbow a glass. Dash shrugged and took it, gulping it down almost immediately. Suddenly she felt lightheaded for some reason, and opened her mouth to speak. However, she found that she couldn't as a wave of dizziness washed over her, and she slumped down on the table top. A few minutes later, when Rainbow Dash woke up and came to her senses, the first thing she registered was that she was in a very dark room. She bolted up immediately, looking for any source of light, and was subsequently greeted with Pinkie in her face, holding a sharp blade in her hooves. "Good morning....or should I say afternoon, Dashie!!" Pinkie chirped. Rainbow flinched and moved slightly backwards. "Uh...why do you have a knife in your hooves, Pinkie?" Pinkie grinned and swung the knife around as if it was a sword. "For cutting, silly billy!" "Cutting?" Rainbow squeaked out, although she'd never admit it. "Cutting what, exactly?" Pinkie leaned close until their faces were inches away from each other and grinned maniacally. Thunder and lightning flashed behind her as she cackled and raised her knife high up in her air. "You." Rainbow didn't care anything at that moment, she just screamed and screamed in terror, with Pinkie's maniacal laughter echoing around. Pause. Aurora frowned and flipped on the lights with her magic, staring at Rainbow, who lay passed out on the bed. "D'you think we over did it?" asked Aurora, prodding at Rainbow with one hoof in an attempt to wake her up. Pinkie glanced over to her. "Nah." Aurora sighed and conjured up a bucket of water, and poured it over Rainbow Dash. She woke up stuttering and gasping as she heaved for air. "Help......me.......somepony......please," choked out Rainbow. Aurora rolled her eyes. "You're fine, Dash." Rainbow paused as she surveyed both of them. She scowled when she saw Aurora attempting to muffle her laughter, while Pinkie didn't even bother trying and rolled around on the floor. "That......was.........hilarious," wheezed out Aurora, hooves clutching at her stomach. "You should've seen the look on your face, it was absolutely priceless." "We got you pretty good, Dashie!" Rainbow glared at them. "Not funny guys." Aurora stuck her tongue out in response. "Payback for the one you pulled on us last week, Dash." Rainbow crossed her hooves and turned away, already plotting her next prank on the two of them. "I've got to go now, Pinkie," said Aurora, giving Pinkie a high- five. "See you tomorrow then! Bye, Rainbows." "See ya..." muttered Rainbow. "BYE RORA!!" yelled Pinkie, waving at her. Aurora chuckled good-naturedly and flew out the bakery. It was just Pinkie and Rainbow now. 🎶 I can see you from behind. You can hear me in your mind. Run so fast as you- 🎶 "AAAHHH!" Rainbow shrieked and jumped five feet in the air. "PINKIEEEEEE!!" Pinkie giggled sheepishly and pulled a music player from her curly mane. "Sorry Dashie. I think I forgot to switch it off. Oopsies!" Rainbow Dash calmed down slightly and flew down on the bed, making sure to be at some distance from Pinkie. She was still on edge, not trusting anything around her yet. Unfortunately for her, she glimpsed something in the corner of the room, and her blood ran cold. "W-wh-what is t-th-that?" Rainbow stammered, pointing a hoof at the thing in question. Pinkie glanced over to where she pointed. "Oh, thaa-aa-at," explained Pinkie. "That's just pony, Dashie. And pony horns, wings and hide." "AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Rainbow made a move to fly the heck out of there, when Pinkie grabbed her by the tail, Applejack-style. "Mmph mm mmmm!" Rainbow Dash flapped her wings frantically. "Let me go, please!" Pinkie shook her head. "You're not going anywhere yet." "I'M SORRY FOR WHATEVER I DID. I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! AND I HAVEN'T EVEN TOLD-" Pinkie stuck her hoof in Rainbow's muzzle to quiet her down. Her concerned blue eyes then peered into Rainbow's magenta ones. "Rainbow, what's wrong? You seem really out of it today." "You- you're going to make cupcakes out of me," sobbed Rainbow. "Of-of cou-course I-I'm gonna be freaked out!" Pinkie blinked bewilderedly. "Why would I make cupcakes out of you?" "You invited me over, remember?" Pinkie looked worried now. "You must be hallucinating, Rainbow. I offered to help you make cupcakes for Soarin's birthday, not to make Rainbow cupcakes!" Rainbow paused, feeling utterly stupid. "I'm sorry Pinkie, I really am. I don't know what came over me, but that pony in the corner did it for me." Pinkie snickered. "You silly filly. That's fake pony cake, and it's not real. You see, I have to make a real-life version of a pony for this one filly's birthday." Rainbow stopped struggling and leaned against the headboard. "That...does make some sense. But why did I faint?" Pinkie rolled her eyes. "You were over-exhausted from your practice and crashed on the table. That's why I gave you juice but apparently it didn't work. Rainbow felt like the world's biggest idiot. "I'm so sorry, Pinkie." "No worries, Dashie! Now come on, those red velvet cupcakes aren't going to make themselves!" Half an hour later, a batch of beautiful red velvet cupcakes were ready. Pinkie waited until they cooled down, and then packed it neatly in a box wrapped with red ribbons. Rainbow gratefully took the box from her. "Thanks so much Pinkie. I appreciate you making these.....even after my terrible accusations. Sorry for that again." Pinkie pulled her into a hug. "Dashie, it's completely fine! Now go go go, Soarin's waiting for his cupcakes!" Rainbow hugged her back, and holding the box of cupcakes in her mouth, flew out of the bakery. "BYE-BYE DASHIE!" A blue wing could be seen waving. Pinkie sighed happily, satisfied with having helped one of her best friends. She turned to go clean up the kitchen, but her hoof slipped on a piece of butter paper that had fallen on the floor. Pinkie yelped and grabbed a nearby table-top to prevent falling down. Unfortunately, the kitchen knife was lying right next to her hoof, and as she tried to get her balance, her hoof sliced on the knife, leaving a small cut. "Oww-wiiee, that hurt!" A small stream of blood was now flowing from the cut. Pinkie brought her hoof to her muzzle, and sucked on it to stop the blood flow. Her eyes widened. "Mmm.......tasty."