Love and Light

by Princess Starflight

First published

Flurry Heart has a crush on Cozy Glow, but will she be able to tell her? What if Cozy rejects her offer to be marefriends? And what will other ponies think about "Cozy Heart?"

It's been 11 years since Cozy Glow was turned to stone. Nopony thinks her fate is cruel - except Flurry Heart, the princess of light.

One day, Flurry Heart sneaks out from her castle and frees Cozy Glow.

With each new day, Flurry finds herself falling more in love with the pegasus mare. But will her feelings be returned, and what will other ponies think?

Chapter 1

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Cozy Glow was having the worst day of her life.

Ponies and other creatures were passing by her statue, as usual. Some gawked. Some felt empathy. And some took pictures. To be honest, Cozy liked being the center of attention. But she couldn’t move AT ALL. And not everypony was nice. Sometimes, angry fillies threw food at her and her frenemies. Hey, team up with two of the worst villains in Equestria and BAM, suddenly you’re paralyzed and humiliated forever.

She could hear Chrysalis and Tirek’s thoughts. Oh yes, we certainly are two of the worst villains in Equestria. And we can do things. But you’re just a little filly, and nopony’s afraid of you, Chrysalis was thinking.

Shut up. You're just burnt cheese! Cozy responded.

Then you're a salmon.

At least I can do something, unlike cheese!

At least ponies don’t eat me.

Ponies do eat cheese!

Not burnt cheese.

SHUT UP, you two! Tirek interrupted the argument. I’m getting a headache from all your complaining!

Talk about complaining, Cozy said.

You’re complaining right now, Tirek answered.

Well, at least I’m not sunburned everywhere like a certain beef boy I know.

Cozy smirked in her mind at Tirek’s silent rage. But her smugness soon faded, as she realized Tirek hadn’t gone silent because he was was because of something else. She followed Tirek’s mental gaze and almost gasped, despite being made of stone.

It was an alicorn, standing two feet away from the statue. Not that annoying Twilight Sparkle; this alicorn had a pinkish-white fur color with purple, blue, and pink curls. Her clear eyes were blue as well, and Cozy saw a look of determination on this alicorn’s face.

A terrible thought occurred to Cozy. Was this alicorn princess going to crush her statue to dust?! No, no, that couldn’t happen. It just couldn’t!

“Cozy Glow.” The alicorn addressed Cozy, who was filled with dread. “I’ve come to rescue you from your stone prison. I believe you deserve another chance, and you only.”

What? What does she mean, “you only?” came the thoughts of Tirek.

Stupid ponies, Chrysalis hissed. I’m going to blast her as soon as sh-

Suddenly, the alicorn raised her horn. She pointed it at Cozy, and a yellow blast of magic hit her in the face. Cozy Glow yelped.

Wait, what? Cozy couldn’t have been able to yelp as she was paralyzed. But…

Cozy’s mind processed what the hay was going on. Was the alicorn…freeing her? That would be the only explanation…and she started to feel the coldness of stone melting away, slowly but surely. Before she knew it, Cozy Glow was actually free.

“Ahh!” Cozy hit the ground hard and groaned. “Ow…”

The alicorn’s solemn look immediately disappeared. She jumped up and down three times. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I can’t believe the spell worked! I’ve gotta tell Mom, Aunt Twilight, and-”

She faltered when she realized Cozy was still there. “Oh…right. First things first. Cozy, I’m Flurry Heart. It’s nice to-”

“Flurry Heart? Isn’t she, like, a foal or something? I mean, you.”

“Uh, no, that was twelve years ago.” Flurry shifted uncomfortably.

“Twelve years ago...? I’ve been trapped in stone for more than a decade?! It only felt like a few months, tops!”

“Yes, but good news! You aged about half the speed that normal fillies age, so now we’re the same age, heheh!”

Cozy was in shock. Then her shock turned to fear. Flurry Heart seemed pretty friendly now, but Cozy knew how powerful alicorn magic was. After all, Flurry had just released her from stone a minute ago.

“W-what are you going to do with me? Why didn’t you crush my statue to dust? Are you going to kill me now that I’m made out of pony stuff instead of stone, so you can make it more violent?”

“What?! No! Why the hay would I do something like that?! Your mind is so dark,” Flurry exclaimed.

“Then…why did you free me?” Cozy said quietly. Despite herself, she had begun to cry silently. She missed her momma. She missed the School of Friendship. Mostly, she missed being a regular filly, an innocent filly. Deep in her heart, she knew she wasn’t really meant to be evil, but that little feeling was covered up by years of sadness and fear and anger.

Flurry sensed Cozy’s emotions. She might’ve looked twelve on the outside, but on the inside she was still a lost and scared filly, needing somepony’s friendship. So Flurry said, “Cozy, listen. I know you were a villain and I can agree that your past was not very pretty, but some ponies can change. Like Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Discord, Trixie, Tempest Shadow…well, you get the idea. I have a feeling that there’s still hope for you. So….” Flurry extended a hoof to Cozy. “Cozy Glow, do you accept my friendship?”

Cozy looked at Flurry for a while. Could she really trust somepony like this? She knew Flurry could easily blast her if she wanted to, or even worse, turn her back to stone. And it had been so long since she had trusted anypony.

But what better choice did she have? If Flurry was being honest, she actually wanted to help Cozy become a better pony. And maybe it was because Cozy hadn’t gotten one since the School of Friendship, but Flurry Heart’s kind smile seemed genuine. And Cozy hadn’t ever had a real friend…

So she smiled back at Flurry and said, “I do.” Instead of taking the alicorn’s hoof, Cozy Glow pulled Flurry into a hug. When she pulled away, she was worried that Flurry didn’t like hugs. But her uneasiness disappeared when the princess smiled and returned the hug.

“So…now what?” Cozy asked.

Flurry smiled. “Now it’s time to meet somepony.”

Diamond Tiara was having a picnic with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And she was not enjoying it.

“Y’all want some more apples?” Apple Bloom asked, holding a barrel full of apples. How could there possibly be more? Diamond had already eaten more than a hundred of those cursed apples. Not that they tasted bad, but Diamond felt like vomiting. She was so full, she didn’t have room for anything else, not even water.

“Uh, no thanks,” Scootaloo said.

“I’ll pass,” said Sweetie Belle.

“I don’t want to make you starve, Apple Bloom,” Diamond said. “But thanks for your generosity.”

“Oh, girls, we have a million more apples to share!” Apple Bloom said happily. “Besides, y’all are helpin’ by eating our apples. We have way too many to eat and sell!”

Scootaloo gagged. Sweetie looked away, and Diamond grimaced.

“Why are y’all doin’ that? Somethin’ wrong with the apples?” Apple Bloom said.

“Uh…it’s not that, just, well,” Scootaloo said. She looked at Diamond and Sweetie with a help help help! expression.

“Um…” Diamond started to say, but just then, the ponies heard a noise. They turned around and were met with a dirty-looking Flurry Heart and a scratched and filthy...Cozy Glow?

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened to the size of an apple. “Cozy Glow?! Flurry Heart, what the hay are ya doin’ with one of Equestria’s worst villains?!”

Sweetie Belle screamed. “Ahh! Cozy Glow’s back! She’s going to attack us! She’s going to attack Flurry! Equestria will fall! And I’ll never taste an apple again! AHHH!”

Cozy’s ears drooped. “Actually…”

“Sweetie Belle, calm down! I freed Cozy Glow, and she’s a good pony now! I took her here to meet Diamond Tiara, and I think she’d like to say something to you, Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Flurry Heart said.

Diamond Tiara eyed Cozy. She looked innocent enough, but wasn’t she known for her manipulation and deception? She decided to hear what Cozy had to say, but not let her guard down.

Cozy Glow’s eyes were darting around nervously. “Flurry, do I really have to talk to them? They probably hate me for manipulating them all those years ago,” she said.

“I’m sure they’ll have the heart to forgive you once you apologize,” Flurry assured her.

Cozy took a deep breath. “I-I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry for using you and taking our friendship for granted. I understand if you don’t ever want to talk to me again. I was a terrible pony, and I still am.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Diamond Tiara looked at Cozy for a few seconds. Then Apple Bloom spoke up. “It’s okay, Cozy. Ah forgive you.”

Cozy’s head shot up in surprise. “Really?”


“Is it seriously that simple? Am I actually forgiven, just like that?”


“I forgive you too,” Sweetie said.

“Me too,” Scootaloo agreed.

“But why? There’s no reason to think I’m not manipulating you right now, though I’m pretty sure I’m not,” Cozy said. Then she slapped her face with her hoof. “Oh, golly. That sounded so stupid.”

“Well, I don’t think you’re manipulating anypony right now. Or else you wouldn’t say what you just said,” Flurry said.

“True.” Cozy smiled.

“So, wanna be friends again?” Apple Bloom said. She and the Cutie Mark Crusaders held out their hooves.

“I’d love to.” Cozy Glow shook their hooves and hugged them. Diamond smiled. It made her happy to see the girls together again.

After the hugging, Cozy Glow turned to Diamond Tiara. “Hi, I don’t think I know you,” she said.

“I’m Diamond Dazzle Tiara, but you can call me Diamond or Diamond Tiara,” Diamond said.

“Oh, okay. So why did you think I should meet Diamond?” Cozy asked Flurry.

“I’ve heard from the Cutie Mark Crusaders that Diamond was a bully when they were fillies. Uh, no offense, Diamond.”

“None taken.”

Flurry continued. “According to the CMC, Diamond Tiara had similar experiences to you, Cozy. So I thought it would be nice for you to meet somepony who understands you, and share your experiences.”

“That sounds great,” Cozy said. “But I’m not sure I want to share what evil things I did and how I did them.”

“That’s okay, I’ll share first,” Diamond said. “So…before I ‘reformed,’ I was a big bully. Everypony hated me and feared me. I liked to bully the Cutie Mark Crusaders mostly, because their reactions were so silly.”

“Very different experience from mine,” Cozy said. “Everypony loved me before they found out about my evil plan.”

“Oh, really? Well, I was more of a pony who shared her ‘evil plans.’ Everypony was too scared of me to tell an adult pony anyway,” Diamond said. “I was technically the boss of the school. Everypony listened to me rather than Ms. Cheerilee.”

“Oh! Ha, me too! Twilight left me in charge of a ton of things, and the ponies were so easy to manipulate,” Cozy said with a smirk. “Not that I would manipulate anypony right now,” she added quickly.

“We know you wouldn’t,” Diamond said.

“So can you tell me what you did to other ponies? I really wanna know!” Cozy Glow said eagerly.

Diamond smiled slightly. “Okay. One time, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were helping Pipsqueak become class president. It was working, and I was not happy about that. So I told everypony about how I was rich and could ‘help’ them do anything with my money. Of course, ponies were afraid of me, but about half of the class voted for Pip. I think it was because the Cutie Mark Crusaders were there, but anyway, I lost by only one vote. I realized my best friend Silver Spoon didn’t vote for me because I yelled at her. And I was so mad, I screamed and ran off.”

“What happened next?” Cozy asked, leaning closer.

Just then, Flurry Heart cleared her throat. “Sorry to interrupt, but I think I’d better tell my parents and Aunt Twilight about Cozy. Don’t worry! I’ll tell them about your reformation and stuff,” she said. “Gotta go, see you!”

“Okay,” the girls said as Flurry flew off.

“I better get going too. I might be late for Silver Spoon’s tea party,” Diamond said. “I’m sorry. We’ll continue the story next time, Cozy.”

“Oh…okay!” Cozy said. “Bye!”

“Guess it’s just us now,” said Scootaloo.

“Oh well, four ponies is still good for a picnic,” Sweetie said.

“Y’all still want those apples?” Apple Bloom asked.

“No thank you!!!” the girls exclaimed in unison.

Chapter 2

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After the picnic, the Cutie Mark Crusaders offered to show Cozy around Ponyville. Cozy was more than happy to accept. Eleven years of staring at the same things had really bored her.

“This is Twilight’s old castle, which will probably become Luster Dawn’s when she grows up,” Apple Bloom said. “And this is Sugarcube Corner. You should try some of the treats there sometime! This is Carousel Boutique, which belongs to Sweetie Belle now. And this is Sweet Apple Acres, mah home!” Apple Bloom pointed at a busy farm with several ponies working. “Hey, Applejack!”

Applejack smiled when she heard Apple Bloom. She trotted over, and the two sisters hugged. “Hey, sugarcube. Did ya make any friends today?”

“Ah sure did!” Apple Bloom said happily, pointing at Cozy Glow. “She’s mah new friend!”

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Is that-”

“Cozy Glow,” Sweetie Belle said.

Applejack just stood there, her mouth hanging open. Then she said with a glare, “Well, ah knew that spell would wear off, but ah never expected it to happen that soon. Cozy Glow, what exactly are ya doin’ in mah farm?”

“Applejack, Flurry Heart freed Cozy Glow. She’s a good pony now, and we’re just showing her around. I think she’d like some of that leftover pie-” Apple Bloom was cut short by her sister’s yelling.

“What in tarnation was Flurry thinking, freein’ the evil pony like that?! And what are ya doin’ with Cozy? Ya know she could hurt or manipulate ya!” Applejack was scolding Apple Bloom so loudly that even Mrs. Margaret, the hard-of-hearing old lady, could hear her. The old pony had a confused expression as she walked by.

Cozy Glow’s ears drooped, and she looked at the ground. “I guess I’ll go then,” she said. “I’m sorry Apple Bloom, but maybe taking me to the farm wasn’t a good idea. Nopony wants to see me except you girls.”

Then she ran away, just like that.

Scootaloo quickly ran after her and flapped her small wings. “I’ll go make sure she’s okay!” she shouted to the girls.

Apple Bloom glared at Applejack. “That was mean!” she said. “Ya can’t just judge a book by its cover, and a pony by her past. Cozy is a good pony now, and yer just bein’ plain awful to her!”

Applejack said, “Apple Bloom, ah was just tryin’ to protect ya. Trust me, ah know the difference between a good pony and a bad pony pretendin’ to be a good pony. Listen to yer big sister, and ya won’t regret it. Ah’m the element of honesty, remember?”

“Not kindness though,” Sweetie Belle said. “You weren’t kind to Cozy Glow, just because of her past. But what about Discord and Starlight? Sunset and Tempest? You’re kind to them, so what makes Cozy different?”

“Besides, y’all never gave poor Cozy a second chance! Ya didn’t hear her part of the story and why she did the things she did. Maybe if y’all had just listened to her, she wouldn’t have teamed up with Chrysalis and Tirek and she would be a good pony. But ya didn’t. Y’all sent a poor filly to Tartarus, and now yer bein’ mean to her?” Apple Bloom added.

Applejack looked at the girls for a while. Finally she said, “Well…ah admit it wasn’t right of me to yell those things about her. But what if she’s manipulating y’all? Ya know what she’s like.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nah, she’s not manipulatin’ anypony. When ah forgave her, she was like, ‘There’s no reason to think ah’m not manipulatin’ ya right now, though ah’m pretty sure ah’m not.’ Ya think she would’ve said that if she was tricking me?”

Applejack shook her head no. “She’s not dumb.”

“So there’s mah proof,” Apple Bloom said.

Applejack sighed. “Alright, then. Ah believe ya, but ah still think we should keep our guard up. do ah apologize to her? Ah was kinda mean.”

“I’m sure Scootaloo will find her and they’ll be back soon,” Sweetie said. “Then you can apologize. All we have to do is wait.”

“Okay.” Applejack smiled slightly. “Now, how does some apple pie sound?”

“Cozy, wait!” Scootaloo sprinted after the surprisingly fast pink pegasus. At least Cozy wasn’t flying. Scootaloo hated her flying disability, but at least her wings helped her go faster on her scooter.

She ran faster and flapped her wings. As fast as Cozy was, Scootaloo could see that she was tiring. She was gaining on her. Scootaloo was just about to pull Cozy towards her when she crashed into somepony, and fell to the ground.

“Hey! You should, like, maybe watch where you’re, like, going!” said the pony Scootaloo had bumped into. She was mint green in color, with an aqua-ish green mane. A clover bow sat on top of her mane.

Scootaloo stood up and rubbed her head. “Sorry. You okay?”

“I guess I’m, like, fine. But, like, where are you going in such a hurry? I’m Clover, by the way,” the green pony said.

“Actually, I’m chasing…a friend. She ran away from this pony who was being rude, and I wanted to make sure she was okay,” Scootaloo said.

“Oh, you mean that pink pony? Isn’t her name, like, Crazy Glue or something?” Clover said.

Scootaloo shook her head. “No. Her name’s Cozy Glow.”

She waited for Clover to back away or scream or faint, but the mare did none. She simply said, “Oh, right. Well, want me to, like, help you find Cozy?”

Scootaloo nodded, shocked that Clover was talking about Cozy so casually. “Hey, do you know her?” she asked Clover.

“Like, who?”

“Cozy Glow.” Then Scootaloo facehoofed. “Oh my Celestia, that’s a stupid question. Everypony knows her.”

“I know her better than, like, other ponies. Crazy Glue - well, that was my nickname for her - was, like, one of my fillyhood friends.”

Scootaloo’s mouth dropped open. “Cozy Glow had friends? Real friends?”

Clover shrugged. “Yeah. Why are you, like, making such a big deal out of it? Cozy’s a sweet pony and attracts a lot of ponies.”

Scootaloo shook her head. “She’s not. Well, she is now, but not know.”
“Oh. Like, okay then,” Clover said. “Now let’s stop wasting time and, like, catch up to Cozy already.”

Scootaloo wanted to ask some more questions, but she decided they could wait until after they found Cozy. “Alright,” she said. The two ponies ran off together, looking everywhere for their friend.

Two hours later, both mares were exhausted and had had no luck finding Cozy. Scootaloo decided to take a break and get some ice cream, and Clover agreed. While the girls ate, they discussed where Cozy might be.

“Maybe she went back to Applejack,” Scootaloo said. “Maybe she thought Applejack would apologize and she did and now they’re looking for us.”

“I don’t know,” Clover said. “That isn’t like Cozy, right?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah. I think I was just hoping.”

“Maybe she, like, went to somepony she’s close to? Like, not that I think she’s really close to somepony, but like somepony she trusts.”

“Flurry Heart,” Scootaloo said. “Yes, that’s perfect! Thanks, Clover. Let’s go to Flurry’s-” She was cut off by Clover.

“Look! Look!” Clover was pointing at a pink pony with…light-blue hair?

It was Cozy Glow, galloping towards the girls with a smile.

“You came back!” Scootaloo hugged Cozy. Clover hugged her, too.

After a few seconds, Cozy pulled away. She noticed Clover and frowned. “Wait, who’s that? And why does she look familiar?”

“Cozy, I’m Clover. We were best friends as fillies, remember?” Clover said. Scootaloo frowned. Clover hadn’t used the word like a single time in those two sentences. Weird.

Cozy looked at her in confusion for a couple of seconds. Then, her eyes widened and she gasped. “Clover?! Oh, golly, it’s you! I never thought I would see you again! How did you find Scootaloo? How? It can’t be a coincidence that you met. Do you have a Scootaloo tracking device or something? Oh, golly! Does she know you’ve been tracking her? Oh, golly, golly, golly!”

“Calm down, Crazy Glue. Nopony has a tracking device, and it was a coincidence. But yeah, I’m happy to meet you again too!” Clover said.

Scootaloo was about to say something, but then she saw something in the air behind Clover and Cozy. “Who’s that?” she said.

“Oh my Celestia! Cozy! Scootaloo! I’ve been looking all over Equestria to find you two!” came the voice of Flurry Heart. She landed and sprinted over to Cozy.

“Sorry,” Cozy said. Or at least it sounded like “sorry.” Flurry’s giant bear hug muffled her voice.

“Everypony’s worried sick about you girls! Especially Applejack. She’s literally been…um, actually, I don’t want you to know. Anyway-”

“How do you know about the Applejack incident?” Cozy cut Flurry off.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle teleported herself and Apple Bloom to my castle when you weren’t back after half an hour, and then they told me,” Flurry explained. “Sweetie had to take a nap because the teleportation drained her energy.” She laughed.

Then Flurry noticed Clover. “Who’s that green pony?” she asked.

Cozy smiled. “Flurry, meet Clover, my oldest friend."

Chapter 3

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NOTE: This is a cancelled story. I am only adding what I have written on this chapter because I feel like it would be wasted if I don't.

“So what’s it like being a princess?” Clover asked.

Cozy, Clover, and Flurry were having a meal (consisting of sugary pizza, sweet hay, and crystal candy) in the Crystal Castle. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had gone off to deal with “some little issues, heh, heh.” So Flurry invited the remaining ponies to a slumber party. She wanted to know more about Clover (and make sure she was okay for Cozy).

“Um? To be honest, I don’t like it very much. Too much responsibility. And I’m stuck in my castle all day sometimes. I mean, the castle’s fine, but I’d like to see the outside world and meet new ponies,” Flurry said.

Clover shrugged. “You should like having a crown upon your head. You’re, like, lucky, y’know.”

Flurry stared. She didn’t think she was lucky. She thought everypony else was lucky. She thought Clover was lucky.

“I agree with Clover,” Cozy said. “I love power. It’s just more fun when you’ve earned it by evil, but I guess it’s not acceptable.”

“Oh, dear! Cozy Glow, have you even, like, learned your lesson yet? Ponies who are evil get, like, turned to stone!” Clover feigned shock.

Flurry chuckled. Cozy said, “Ha, ha, very funny.”

A silence fell over them. Awkward… thought Flurry.

“So what do you want to do for the slumber party?” Flurry asked, breaking the silence.

Clover shrugged. “Don’t know.”

“I’d like to just sit around and chat, maybe?” Cozy said.

“Okay,” said Flurry. “So, did you hear abo-”

“Honey, who are those ponies?”

“MOM!” Flurry said, jumping up. “I’m having a slumber party!”

“Ooh! May I join? Those ponies look like they’re needing a little bit of love advice!” Princess Cadence gushed.

Oh, ponyfeathers.

“Cadence! A little help here?” Shining Armor staggered into the room, attempting to control the baby, Skyla.

“Oh! Yes, of course. Wait for me, girls!” Cadence called out, and hurried to Shining Armor.

“Phew. Sorry, my parents can be embarrassing,” Flurry said, blushing slightly.

Cozy shrugged. “At least you have parents.”

“Oh, yeah…” Could this get any more awkward?

Clover suddenly threw a pillow across the room.

No, really.

Flurry’s ears sprang up and she did what came naturally. She threw the pillow back at Clover. “Pillow fight!” she shrieked with delight.

“No fair! We’ve only got wings!” Cozy protested.

“We can, like, team up!” Clover said.

Soon Flurry had made a pillow castle and was looking through a peephole. She saw Cozy throwing dozens of pillows at her and seized them with her magic. Then she put them in the castle. She knew it wasn’t good to throw all your pillows at the enemy at the same time, especially when they were alicorns and could easily seize them.

Cozy hastily made an attempt to build a pillow castle, but Flurry knocked it over with two pillows.