> The Trial Concludes > by Zerocool7785 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue and plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s Apartment Dec. 30th: “Sunset, please you can’t keep punishing my sister fer somethin’ ah did. Ah was the...what was the word again... mastermind. Sunset, this WAS MY FAULT NOT HERS!!” Apple Bloom cried. Standing in the middle of Luna’s living room while Sunset sat on the couch next to Luna.  Sunset sat motionless and expressionless. Listening to Apple Bloom, Sunset kept an emotionless face but inside she could feel her heart break a little. Apple Bloom was right. Sunset couldn’t punish Applejack for what her sister caused. “Sunset Granny Smith, wore my behind out with a wooden spoon. That was nothing compared to how sore my arms and legs were from all the extra chores ah have had to do. SUNSET PLEASE!! DON’T PUNISH APPLEJACK BECAUSE OF ME!!” Apple Bloom cried again. Sunset stood up and walked over to the window and looked out over the back of the apartment complex. The same one that Luna looked out and saw a thunderstorm approaching Sunset’s first night at her home. Tonight it was clear skies and snow covered the ground.  Finally Sunset turned around and stared coldly at Apple Bloom. Then after a short pause she spoke, “Do you know what you did to me, to my life?” Sunset asked coldly. “Sunset I, can only say I’m sorry so many times.” Apple Bloom replied, her voice breaking. “WELL SAY IT AGAIN, ANYWAY!!” Sunset yelled at her. “I’m sorry, so is Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom replied.  Sunset stared down at Apple Bloom icily and spoke very seriously “I lost all my friends because of you little bitches. I lost your sister, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and Trixie because I accused her of being Anon-a-miss. I lost all of them.  Personally, I should tell you to go screw yourself. You know what though I’m not going to go that route. You really want to make it up to me?” “Yes of course ah do.” Apple Bloom replied. “Then I’m tasking you with a mission. I had planned two parties one was for tomorrow night on New Years Eve, the other was going to be my Sweet 16 party. Mom is gonna have her sisters Aunt Celestia, and Aunt Chrysalis come over with Chrysalis’s new girlfriend Potion Nova. No one my age to hang out with so now that Aunt Chrysalis bought me a new game system for my room, and I am gonna sit in there all night and play video games. I would much rather have the Rainbooms and Trixie in there to hang with. Heck, even the Crusaders could come.    Now I could sit out here or in the kitchen while they all watch a movie and TV and snack and watch the ball drop. I’d rather hang with my friends in my room playing video games, and/or watching TV and talk about things that I care about. Have snacks and sodas and just chill, then come out and watch the ball drop with everyone.  Your mission, Apple Bloom, is to get all the Rainbooms, The Crusaders and Trixie to come to the party some of you will probably spend the night. Mom had ok’d it, now I had an ok Christmas, I would like to have a better New Year’s Eve.” Sunset informed her. “Ah’ll get right on it, but I don’t know Trixie’s number.” Apple Bloom said. “I will give it to you.” Sunset replied.  “Um Sunset, the call from Trixie should come from you. Apple Bloom, you and your sister can handle the rest.” Luna finally spoke up. “You know what mom your right.” Sunset replied not looking forward to making that call. “Apple Bloom, do you have a way home?” Luna asked. “I can walk it.” Apple Bloom replied. “It’s going to be getting dark soon. I’ll take you home.” Luna said, standing up. “No I would rather walk Vice Principal Luna.” Apple Bloom replied, “But it’s 9 degrees out you’ll freeze.” Luna replied. “That’s what I deserve then.” Apple Bloom replied. “Stop talking like that.” Sunset shot back. Apple Bloom just stood there eyes wide in shock. She was surprised to hear Sunset say that.  “The last thing I want to do is attend your funeral or any of the crusaders. Listen Apple Bloom, I have been where you are. I was talking about dying the night of the Fall Formal ask my mom. I scared her badly, like you are right now. Mom is taking you home and that is final.” Sunset said laying the law down to Apple Bloom. Luna went into the kitchen and grabbed her keys, and purse. Sunset followed her in there. Then took Luna aside. “Mom you might want to tell Granny Smith about how Apple Bloom is talking. It scares me.” Sunset said under her breath. “Now you know how I felt. I will let the Apples know. I take it you're not coming with me.” Luna said. “I would like to have privacy for my talk with Trixie.” Sunset said. “Say no more my little sun.” Luna said walking out and motioning to Apple Bloom to follow her.  A minute later they both left and Sunset was standing in the kitchen and after a second she said “My little sun?”  * * * After the third ring Trixie picked up. Sunset took a deep breath.  Sunset: “Trixie Hi.” Trixie: “Sunset.” Sunset: “Listen I am sorry about accusing you of being Anon-a-miss. I couldn’t see the truth right in front of me. This time it was my fault and I apologize and want to ask if you want to hang with me tomorrow night.” Trixie: “The humble and forgiving Trixie accepts your apology. Let me see if I can spend New Year’s Eve with you one sec. (A minute later) Mom and dad are cool with it as they wanted to go out to a party so they can drop me off.” Sunset: “I didn’t know if you wanted to even talk to me after all this stuff that went down. I do have to ask how did you know it wasn’t me?”  Trixie: “Trixie hears things, it’s getting around that the crusaders were the ones responsible. The observant Trixie doubted it was you.” Sunset: “Thanks Trixie I mean it. But why didn’t you say something?” Trixie: “I wasn’t sure what to do. Since you came to High School nothing is easy. I’m not trying to be mean, but Trixie never knows what’s gonna happen next. So Trixie never really knows what to do.”  Sunset: “I never have all the answers either, Trixie. So what time can I expect you tomorrow?” Trixie: “Tomorrow? I’m on my way now.” Sunset: “What?”   Trixie: “The awesome Trixie has fooled you. Trixie will be there around seven  tomorrow night.”  Sunset: “Ok Trixie see you then.”  Trixie:  “See ya.” Sunset shut off her phone and held it close to her chest and smiled. She was happy that her conversation had been a success. Now to tell her friends that she forgave them she was hoping an invite would help. “I hope they know I forgive them. I hope someone other than Trixie comes.” Sunset thought As if on cue Sunset’s phone rang and she saw it was Applejack. “Sunset Apple Bloom and I would be happy to attend but are you gonna have enough room in the apartment for everyone?” Applejack asked. “Well I was gonna hold it in my room but now I am gonna see if I can get the living room and see if mom and her friends will hang in the kitchen. I realized it’s gonna get crowded in here.” Sunset replied back. ‘Well is anyone else coming?” Applejack asked, “Trixie.” Sunset replied. “Oh okay.” Applejack replied unenthused. “Hey she is my friend too. So none of that Applejack.” Sunset warned. “I know but sometimes she seems so arrogant.” Applejack pointed out. “You just have to get used to her....”Sunset started when her phone beeped. “Applejack I got another call, see you tomorrow night. Come around seven.” Sunset said. “Hello.” Sunset replied. “Darling this is Rarity and Sweetie Belle told me about your conversation with Apple Bloom as apparently she was allowed to have her phone for this one occasion and yes Sweetie Belle and I will definitely attend. What time?” Rarity asked. “Around seven will be good.” Sunset replied. A few minutes later Pinkie Pie called and said she would come too. Fluttershy texted and said she would come too, as did Rainbow Dash, but the bad news was she couldn’t get Scootaloo off her grounding for the party. While she was bummed that she couldn’t get them all there she was happy to have some of her friends coming so she had to tell Luna. “MOM guess what?” Sunset said, running into Luna’s room, startling her awake, as she had dozed off. “What hun?” Luna said, trying to wake up. “Almost everyone is coming for my New Year’s Eve Party!!” Sunset exclaimed. “That’s great and I guess you want to take over the living room too.” Luna said, knowing full well what the answer was. “Is that ok?” Sunset asked. “O.k. but everyone sees the ball drop, and I’ll hang with Celestia and Chrysalis and her girlfriend in the kitchen.” Luna told her giving in. “Mom, you are the best!!” Sunset exclaimed, giving Luna a huge hug that almost knocked Luna off the bed. Realizing what Sunset had almost  done, Luna gave her a nasty look. Sunset cringed a little bit. Then both of them burst into a laughing fit. > Happy New Year > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset went out with Luna early the next day and got a few noise makers, snacks and she picked up a pack of sparklers. “Now Sunset only use these outside. Got it?” Luna told her. “Yes mom.” Sunset sighed. Luna rolled her eyes. Sunset maybe from another world, but still had the attitude of a teenager sometimes. “I mean it.” Luna said. “Mom I get it.” Sunset replied. A second later Luna smiled. Sunset noticed her mom looking very happy all of sudden. This confused her. “Mom why are you so happy?” Sunset asked. “Sunset it’s nice to see you doing normal teenage things for a change. I know I have said that before, but when you do normal things like having a party on New Year’s Eve it makes me feel good.” Luna explained. “Mom you say that all the time. I guess here in about 4-5 months I have become a normal teen. I have a mom, two aunts, and a bunch of close friends. It is great when Equestrian magic isn’t messing it up. I hope tonight is just a normal New Year’s Eve.” Sunset said. “Well let's get home and set up for the party, so we can make it one. What time are your guests arriving tonight?” Luna asked. “They should start coming around seven tonight.” Sunset said. 'Well let’s get this stuff home then.” Luna said and she and Sunset headed for checkout. * * * Luckily for Luna, Celestia came over early to help set up. Chrysalis said she would be over once Potion Nova got off work, which was around seven so she would arrive around eight. In the living room Sunset had been busy setting up all day. She put snacks out and even opened up the DVD closet and moved her PS 5 out to the living room too. It was gonna be cramped but it was worth it for all of her friends to hear that she was going to forgive them. “I will tell them straight out. Guys I want to say I forgive you. Let’s put it behind us and have a Happy New Year and I want to invite you to my sweet sixteen party in about three weeks. Ok Sunset you got this.” Sunset thought. “Wow you got everything all set for tonight don’t you hun?” Asked Celestia walking into the living room. “Yeah Aunt Celestia I am all set it’s almost seven. Man am I nervous.” Sunset taking a deep breath. “Why it’s a party, what is there to be nervous about?” Celestia asked. “Well when everyone gets here I want to tell them I forgive them and then let’s have a Happy New Year. Then invite them to my sweet sixteen party.” Sunset said. “Correct me if I am wrong. But I thought you didn’t want a sweet sixteen party.” Celestia said. “I guess I am supposed to have one right?” Sunset asked. “Sunset, a birthday party is not an obligation. If you don’t want one don’t have one.” Celestia said. “I don’t know what to do.” Sunset said. “If you want a quiet evening at home we can do that. The best thing we can do is maybe have Luna take you out for dinner. Chrys and I will come too if you want.’ Celestia said. “That sounds great.” Sunset said smiling. “It’s great to see you smile.” Celestia said, hoping the plan hadn't been blown. Just at that moment the doorbell rang. Sunset looked over at the clock 6:59 it read. She took a deep breath and said to herself “O.K. here we go.” Sunset went to open the door. * * * Five minutes earlier… Trixie thanked her parents and grabbed her sleeping bag and pillow. She started walking towards the stairs just at the same time Rainbow Dash came to the stairs from another direction. “Rainbow.” Trixie said. “Trixie.” Rainbow said. Both girls avoided eye contact but just stood there awkwardly. After what seemed like an eternity Rainbow spoke up. “Listen. Trixie about that incident in the locker room a few months ago. I was completely out of line. Grabbing you by the throat and choking you while I threatened to rip you limb from limb…”Rainbow began. “The humble Trixie accepts your apology, but you were standing up for your friend and Trixie was on the wrong side at that time. So Trixie understands why you are mad. It’s all over.” Trixie replied. She then extended her hand. Rainbow took and shook her hand gratefully. “Friends?” Trixie asked. “Friends.” Rainbow said. The two girls headed upstairs chatting about the sleepover. Trixie said it was her first sleepover and she wasn’t sure what to do. Rainbow told her just relax and go with the flow. * * * “Wow, I never thought I would see this. Rainbow Dash and Trixie chatting away as friends.” Sunset declared as she opened the door. “We made up and have called a truce.” Rainbow said. “Rainbow and Trixie have made up.” Trixie declared.  “Even after the locker room incident and shred off at the mall?” Sunset asked, letting them in. “It’s all in the past, we are hoping to be better friends now.” Rainbow said. “Glad to hear it. Head into the living room and put your sleeping bags down, Sunset said motioning to the living room. Rainbow and Trixie picked their spots and unrolled their sleeping bags and laid their pillows down.  The Sunset motioned for them to come outside onto the walkway, both girls did and Sunset handed them sparklers. She lit hers and then Trixie and Rainbow Dash’s sparklers. “The great and powerful Trixie.” Trixie proclaimed, holding her sparkler high. Rainbow Dash and Sunset were also playing with their sparklers too but the fun was soon over yet as the girls arrived each one got to use a sparkler.  Except Apple Bloom didn’t want to use one and showed up without a sleeping bag offering to sleep on the love seat. Sunset figured someone would take the couch and maybe one of the crusaders would take that.  “Apple Bloom, why do you want the loveseat? It's gonna be cramped.” Sunset told her. “I know that it’s not gonna be comfortable and that’s what I deserve.” Apple Bloom said walking away to the bathroom. Sunset wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what. That’s when she turned to Applejack. “Ah know sugarcube, she’s been punishin’ herself since Anon-a-miss.” Applejack said sadly. “Even after I forgave her?” Sunset asked back. “Yeah it’s got Granny Smith really worried.” Applejack said. “We need to talk to mom about it.” Sunset replied.  “We are gonna get her therapy after the holidays are over.” Applejack said, patting Sunset’s shoulder.  Sunset still wasn’t sure about it. Apple Bloom came out of the bathroom in her night shirt and underwear and headed into the living room. Sunset’s face really fell, she knew how Apple Bloom felt. Right after the Fall Formal she felt the same way. Sunset headed into the living room and said “Okay everyone listen up, this the first time I have ever hosted a party so I’m not sure how it goes, we got plenty of chips, soda, and I see Rainbow and Applejack are ready to use the PS 5. Now who votes on watching a movie?”  Rarity, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle and Trixie raised their hands.  “Ok video games” Sunset asked. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash all raised their hands. Sunset noticed Apple Bloom didn’t vote. “Well it’s 4-3 for a movie majority rule.”  Sunset said. “Ugh ok but nothing boring. You have any of the Daring Do movies?” Rainbow asked, “Why don’t we do Shadow Spade?” Asked Rarity. “Rarity those mysteries are so boring, and it’s always some fashion related stuff that solves the mystery.” Rainbow Dash whined. “Rarity, Rainbow Dash please don’t fight. I want my first party to be a success.” Sunset said trying to keep the peace.  “You’re right darling, I’m not big on video games but go ahead load up the PS 5. I mean it.” Rarity said. "Rarity why did you tell them to play video games? Sweetie Belle asked kind of confused. She knew her sister was never into video games. "I want to make Sunset's party to go well. It's called keeping the peace." Rarity explained. “What games do you have?” Asked Rainbow Dash. “Take a look and Aunt Chrysalis got me a squirrel game. Looks kinda simple but I’ll try it. Guys I’m thinking about starting a gaming channel online called Shimmer Code. What do you think?” Sunset asked. The response from all the girls was overwhelmingly positive. So after getting off to a rocky start, a game of Rise of Tirek, and Tirek’s Revenge, and even trying out Squirrels. Which Fluttershy thought was a cute game. The party was going well.  Sunset was feeling very happy, more than happy. Loved. Friends and family this is what Sunset always wanted. It was a dream come true. Sunset sat down on the couch to reflect on this moment. She did however let a tear fall, it didn't go unnoticed by one of the guests. Trixie  saw her friend crying and felt she had better find out what happened. “Sunset, what's wrong? What are you crying for?” Trixie asked. Everyone stopped and looked at Sunset even Luna and her aunts came out and Trixie came and sat beside her. “It’s ok Trixie, I just realized I have all my friends and family together tonight in one place. It is everything I have wanted. A home, a family, friends who are as close as sisters.” Sunset said with everyone surrounding her. “Couldn’t want for anything more could you kid?” Chrysalis asked. “Maybe a boyfriend would be nice.” Sunset said knowing that after the ball dropped all the girls except Trixie were gonna call and wish their boyfriends a happy new year. When it came to matters of the heart that was all that bothered Sunset still. Seeing everyone with someone still broke her heart. Especially considering the only person who would date her was sitting next to her and she was not into her. “Darling there is someone out there for you. They just haven’t found you yet. You can’t hurry love, you just have to be patient.” Rarity said. “I keep telling myself that too Rarity. Maybe I will meet them one day. If not, I can always grab a few cats and become an old cat lady.” Sunset said. “Hey guys let’s not go here, I don’t want Sunset depressed at her first New Year’s Eve Party.” Rainbow Dash said. “Yeah no one wants to be depressed at A PARTY!!” Pinkie exclaimed. “C’mon Shimmer, you're facing me now.” Rainbow Dash said, putting a game in the PS 5. With a pat on the back from Trixie, Sunset took a controller and realized it was a fighting game. So Sunset gritted her teeth and took to it. All the adults went back into the kitchen except Chrysalis who was watching Sunset play and smiled. After a second Potion Nova came out and put her arm around Chrysalis.  “Babe what are you doing?” She asked. “Oh just watching my niece play. She’s taken after her aunt Chrysalis who has been teaching her slowly and has become well…” Chrysalis started. “A girl gamer.” Potion finished for her. “Yep.” Chrysalis said, “Well she’s the student. I got the master here.” Potion said, with her arm still around Chrysalis and led her back into the kitchen. Just as they heard Sunset say “Fatality!”  The rest of the night seemed to go pretty good. Some more video games and even a movie that the girls seemed to agree on. It turned out to be an o.k. night. About seven minutes before midnight the kitchen cleared out and everyone came out to the living room. The girls were watching Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest.  As the minutes started to tick down Celestia brought out four champagne glasses for the adults to toast the new year. After the countdown everyone yelled HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Sunset immediately hugged Luna and wished her a happy new year. All around the living room were girls hugging and wishing each other a happy new year. Celelstia toasted in the new year with Luna, Chrysalis, and Potion Nova.  Sunset walked over to them and asked Luna if she could have a sip. “Just a sip Sunset.” Luna said to give her the glass. “O.K. That’s enough.” Luna said, stopping Sunset. The party continued for about another 2 hours. Around 2 am all the girls began to drop off except the crusaders who fell asleep earlier. Sunset was the last one asleep as she was laying awake in her sleeping bag looking out over a clear sky with no more fireworks going off she finally felt content. Several Hours earlier in another country across the ocean… Fireworks exploded over the empire and people celebrated in the streets. Gilda Griffon watched from an upstairs apartment. She turned around and walked through the lavish apartment up to the roof where King Sombra and his family were enjoying a drink of wine as it was customary to do this every year at midnight. Upon seeing Gilda come up on the roof Sombra called to her. “Griffon come join us for a drink.”  Gilda walked over with no great speed and took a goblet of wine. It was sweet and Gilda had to admit in her exile this was one of the few good things. She had to talk to Sombra about something important. “King Sombra may have a word with you privately?” GIlda asked.  King Sombra walked over to the railing that lined  the roof and looked out over the revelers in the streets and the fireworks going off. Then took a deep breath. “What can I do for you Gilda?” He asked. “I enjoy my little apartment, the beauty of your country and thank you for your hospitality. This Place is nice but it is still a prison. I wish to return to Canterlot." She said. > Decisions and Regrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan. 3rd, Canterlot High School, First Period… Celestia had called an assembly first thing in the morning and a lot of the students and staff figured it had to be about Anon-a-miss. Rumors flew around the school. Some figured it was Sunset. Only Sunset and her friends, and their families knew the whole truth. Today the culprits would confess to the rest of the school and publicly delete the account for the school to see.  As all the students arrived The Crusaders were kept in Celestia’s office and Sunset stayed with her mom in her office for protection. The Rainbooms knew to head right to the gym upon entering the school. Only Trixie stopped by to offer Sunset a little encouragement before going to the gymnasium.  Finally a few minutes before 8:45 Celestia came out of her office and into the outer office and looked at The Crusaders  “It’s time girls.” Celestia said. The Crusaders dutifully got up and followed Celestia single file out of the office; a police officer brought up the rear also as protection for the Crusaders. Around this same time Luna got up and tapped Sunset on her arm and Sunset just knew she got up and followed Luna. Another police officer brought up the rear, this time for Sunset’s protection as she was once again the most hated girl in Canterlot High.  The Crusaders waited outside the gymnasium and so did Sunset with Luna and the two police officers. Celestia walked up to the stage that was at the far end of the gymnasium. She had her hands clasped as she stepped up onto the stage and walked over to the podium and adjusted the microphone a little bit and began.  “As you all know starting Tuesday before the Holiday break a popular website among many students here called MyStable had a profile put up on it called Anon-a-miss.  Most of you assumed it was a student here named Sunset Shimmer. Information was made available to me on Friday Dec.23rd on who it really was. It was in fact three students, none of them Miss Shimmer. Officers bring them in.” Celestia said. By this time Luna had joined her sister on the stage. Celestia quickly whispered to her sister “Where’s Sunset?”  “She’s in the hall with Shining Armor. He's here to oversee this.” Luna whispered back. About this time the main doors opened and in walked a police officer, and followed behind was Apple Bloom head hung in shame. Sweetie Belle followed her head and bowed in shame as well. Scootaloo came in next, her head not hung in shame but looked very nervous and her eyes seemed to dart from side to side. Bringing up the rear was the second officer. A hushed silence fell over the school; they couldn’t believe it these were the girls who sent the school into a frenzy. Many angry whispers were being passed through the crowd. The Crusaders heard each and every one of them.  As they came onto the stage they could feel all the students' eyes boring holes into them. The Crusaders looked down at their sisters in the front row. Applejack just pulled her hat down enough so they couldn’t see her. Rarity looked to the side and Rainbow Dash just put her hand on her forehead to block her view. The Crusaders realized then and there they were on their own.  Principal Celestia called them over to the microphone. All three girls got up and walked over to the microphone. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stood there. 'Now Students hold your rude comments and shouting out!’ Principal Celestia said. Then she motioned the girls to the microphone and then stepped back. “I’m Apple Bloom and I’m Anon-a-miss.” Apple Bloom said and then stepped back. “I’m Sweetie Belle and I’m Anon-a-miss.” Sweetie Belle said and then stepped back to let Scootaloo use the microphone. “I’m Scootaloo and I’m Anon-a-miss.” Scootoaloo said and also stepped back. Principal Celestia then walked up to the microphone stand and looked out at the student body. Then she motioned to the two officers and they left the gymnasium and motioned to Sunset to follow them in.  Sunset took in a deep breath. Then with her heart pounding like a hammer hitting an anvil she entered the gymnasium. The one officer led her in with another one bridging up the rear. Sunset hoped she would never get onto the stage. It seemed like she was on the stage almost instantly. Celestia motioned for Sunset to come up to the mike. Sunset did as her aunt requested and with another deep breath she spoke up. “I’m Sunset Shimmer and I am NOT Anon-a-miss.” Sunset said. She could tell there were a few doubters in the crowd still but some were on her side. “I am here today to say I have changed. I’m not the queen bee. Or more appropriately, the queen bitch that I was.” Sunset began. Principal Celestia moved to grab the microphone but Luna stopped her. Sunset needed to do this. “I can’t ask that anyone can ever forgive me but there are six young ladies who have forgiven me and I have forgiven them back. There is also a young gentleman who has done the same thing.  I can’t ask that you forgive me, that you like me, or even accept me, but just give me the common courtesy that you would want given to you. Since the Fall Formal when I literally became a monster, I have tried to repent and help people.  Many people thought it would be funny to hurt me. I was stuffed in my locker while the people painted She Demon’s Lair on the outside of it. I had food and trash dumped on me. I was also attacked outside of school and beaten unconscious.  I know what it was like to suffer, as I have done that. I just ask one thing do not torture and abuse the crusaders like I was. They have a long road ahead to gain trust back but they can start by gaining just one person’s forgiveness. It's a start.” Sunset finished. After that, Celestia and Luna motioned for the girls to get up and go over to Sunset on stage. The Crusaders got up and walked over to Sunset and she took the mic and said “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo. I forgive all three of you.” Sunset said.  Some thought it was an act but six girls sitting in the front row knew it was the truth. Sunset wanted to move on from Anon-a-miss and look towards the spring. After all that, The Crusaders brought up the profile and Apple Bloom removed the profile from MyStable. It was over. Except it wasn’t not for the crusaders. * * * Later that day… Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon cornered Apple Bloom in the hallway during classes. Apple Bloom took a step back; she knew this would happen.  “Look Silver, if it isn’t Anon-a-miss.” Diamond Tiara sneered. “Well I wonder if she’ll break this secret too.” Silver Spoon said. Silver stepped to one side and Diamond the other. Apple Bloom knew she was outnumbered. She also knew that her attackers were soft homebodies that a strong farm girl like her could take them if she had too.  Diamond Tiara moved first and Apple Bloom quickly countered her with a headlock. But Silver Spoon landed a hard punch to Apple Bloom’s back. Apple Bloom spun around with Diamond Tiara still in a headlock and landed a kick on Silver Spoon’s stomach. She bent over clutching her stomach. About this time Apple Bloom whirled Diamond Tiara around and let her go, her momentum crashing her into the lockers.  Silver Spoon had recovered and jumped on Apple Bloom’s back. Apple Bloom backed up fast and hard into the lockers. Silver Spoon yelled out in pain but didn’t let go. After another slam into the lockers, Silver Spoon's grip lessened slightly. Diamond Tiara by this time got up and looked at Apple Bloom icily.  “You are gonna pay for that you little brat.” Diamond Tiara spat out. Apple Bloom, still struggling, realized her attackers had her at a disadvantage. Their numbers were superior but little did she know help was on the way.  Just at that time Trixie was on her way back from the bathroom and ducked into the gym to see what was happening. Now seeing Apple Bloom on the losing end. She knew she had to do something. She knew she didn’t have access to a bow and arrow like last time Trixie ran across the gym to the supply closet and found the baseball supplies grabbing a bat she ran for the hallway. Telling herself this was risky as hell but she had to stop this. Diamond Tiara had just landed a blow on Apple Bloom at the same time Silver Spoon landed a kick Apple Bloom was on her hands and knees when she realized her attackers had backed up. She looked up to see Trixie with a bat drawn back and ready to swing right at Diamond Tiara. “Now Trixie…” Diamond Tiara began when Trixie shut her up remembering what Rainbow Dash had said to her. She grabbed Diamond Tiara by the shirt and got right in her face. “Listen bitch, to me your nothing but dog shit you understand? A lot of things can happen to dog shit. It can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground, it can dry up and blow away in the wind, or it can be stepped on and squashed. So take my advice be careful where the dog shits you.” Trixie said and shoved Diamond Tiara back into Silver Spoon. Trixie then raised the bat again. “You were told to leave these girls alone, got it?”   By this time people had heard the commotion and Ms Harshwhinney came out of the classroom to see what was going on. She entered to see Apple Bloom on her hand and knees and head down. Trixie had the bat drawn back to swing  “Miss Lulamoon what is going on here?” Ms. Harshwhinny asked. Trixie put the bat down on the ground. “These two were beating up Apple Bloom. I was trying to stop them and hoping they wouldn’t call my bluff.” Trixie replied. Ms.Harshwhinny sent a student to get both Principal Clelestia and Vice Principal Luna. A moment later Luna came running down the hall followed a moment later by Principal Celestia. Both of them quickly surveyed the scene. Luna’s heart ached for Apple Bloom. It was just like with Sunset. She knew her heart ache would have to wait but right now she had a situation to deal with. “All four of you in my office NOW!!!” Luna yelled at the four girls. Trixie offered her hand to Apple Bloom to help her up. Apple Bloom swatted her hand away. Then picking herself off the ground. She glared at Trixie and said to her “I don’t fight your battles, don’t fight mine.” With that Apple Bloom started off down the hall towards Luna’s office. After a second, Trixie decided to follow. Celestia went and picked up the bat and put it back in the closet in the gym.  Celestia leaned against the wall. As she rubbed her forehead she had to mentally punch herself.  “Did I make a mistake this morning? I was trying to save my niece and by saving Sunset I have opened Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to her abuse. It’s gonna be the aftermath of the Fall Formal again. Just not for Sunset this time. I did make a mistake this morning. I was so preoccupied with if I could ,I didn’t stop to think if I should. What have I done? I’m supposed to be in charge but instead chaos runs the school since the Fall Formal. Magic runs the school since the Fall Formal. Now this time Cyber Crime is running the school. I am a failure as a principal and as a leader.” Celestia thought.  Barely holding it in, Celestia walked down the hall and into her office. Arriving in her outer office She told her secretary Raven Inkwell to hold her calls for the next half hour.  Celestia walked into her office and made some tea, but it wasn’t helping calm her down. She knew she shouldn’t do this. She should have gotten rid of it. With a feeling of disgust in her heart Celestia got up and walked to the back of the office. Removing a picture on the wall to reveal a wall safe. Celestia opened the safe and took out a couple of folders and then in the back a bottle of rum. Opening it she took two swigs out of it. After that she placed it in the wall safe, and then put the folders back in. She put the picture back up and hated herself for being weak like that. She also knew she should get rid of it too. Still she very rarely ever used that. After that and her cup of tea. Celestia let herself weep and let some tears fall, for she had opened a can of worms. Now the crusaders were the targets, not her niece. Now all she had done was shift the abuse. “How can this possibly get worse?” Celestia thought. Elsewhere… ‘What do you mean she’s gone??!!” King Sombra roared. “I mean Gilda has vanished and she knows that she is not to leave the palace grounds.” His guard said. “Check any air or sea port, she can’t leave the country!” King Sombra replied. “If she leaves some other way?” The guards asked, “We will check Canterlot city. Go now!!” He commanded. The guard bowed and left quickly. King Sombra walked into his personal office and reached in the top drawer and picked up a black cell phone. He hit one number on it and it was dialed. After a second a voice answered on the other end. “Yes?” they said. “Gilda has escaped.” King Sombra said. “This is unfortunate. I was hoping not to have to clean up this mess. I will tell the syndicate. We will handle it from here.” They replied.  > Apple Bloom's Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s office… Luna paced back and forth in front of the four girls. A visibly shaken up Apple Bloom, a worried Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and a seething Trixie. Luna stopped pinched the bridge of her nose and then went and leaned up against her desk face in the four girls. “Now someone want to tell me what this was all about?” Luna asked rather annoyed. “No, not really.” Apple Bloom replied. “I don’t take kindly to smart mouthed little girls, Ms. Apple Bloom!!” Luna shouted. Apple Bloom stood up and yelled back. “I’m not being smart I’m telling you the truth!! I got what I deserved out there. Then Ms. third rate magician wanna be come flying out there swinging a baseball bat!! I don’t fight her battles, she needs to stay outta mine. Even if my sister tolerates her only because of Sunset Shimmer!!”  “APPLE BLOOM SIT DOWN!!” Luna yelled. “Only Tolerates me? The Great and Powerful Trixie is friends with all of Sunset’s friends.” Trixie replied. “Funny you were not at the Apple Christmas party.” Apple Bloom replied. “ENOUGH ALL OF YOU!!” Luna yelled. Everyone looked right at her.  “I want to know what happened in the hallway. Apple Bloom you go first.” Luna said.  Over the next several minutes the girls told their stories.  Apple Bloom telling them she was baited and defending herself. Diamond Tiara said all she said to Apple Bloom was hello Anon-a-miss and that she went after them and Silver Spoon. Trixie said she saw Apple Bloom was on her hands and knees and I went into the sports equipment locker and got a bat to get those two to back off.   Luna walked around her desk, sat down with her hands together and looked like she was praying. In the end Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were suspended for a week. Trixie was suspended for two weeks. Luna had taken a seat after everyone but Trixie left. “Two weeks for defending another student that is Bull…”Trixie began in protest “Hold it right there Miss Lulamoon. You also threatened to squash two students with a baseball bat. If I bring this before the school board you could be expelled. I think you should take my generous offer.  If I do nothing Filthy Rich would start all kinds of problems. He has the money and power to start problems. I plan to get him and his wife Spoiled Rich in here and have a talk with them.” Luna told her leaning forward on her desk, “But Trixie is  best friends with your daughter…”Trixie began in a last ditch effort. “Miss Lulamoon!!” Luna shot up from her chair and placed her hands on the desk and glared at Trixie. Trixie took a step back. “You don’t use your friendship with my daughter to try to curry favor from me!! In this matter your friendship with Sunset holds no sway over me!! Good day!!” Luna said, signaling  to Trixie that this discussion was over. Trixie picked up her book bag and walked out of Luna’s office with a huff. Little did she realize her problems were just starting. Last period of the day was study hall. Trixie sat down in her usual spot in the library. A minute later Sunset sat down across from Trixie in her usual spot. The girls always spent study hall together.  Trixie told Sunset about the incident earlier. Sunset dropped her pen and looked at Trixie through half lowered lids. She couldn’t believe this. “What?” Trixie asked, “I thought I was your friend but now I see, you think I’m a bargaining chip.” Sunset said leaning back in her chair.  “No Trixie never thought that.” Trixie replied back. “Obviously you do, if you think that was gonna get you out of trouble for threatening two girls with a baseball bat, even if they deserved it.” The last part Sunset said real quietly. “Sunset it’s not like that. Trixie is  sorry if you thought that I was trying to hurt you. That was never my intention. “ Trixie said. Shortly after that the bell rang and Sunset quietly gathered her stuff and left. Trixie tried to follow her. She went down the hall a little bit and into Luna’s office. Trixie realized then that she had lost her best friend.    * * * Trixie went and gathered her books; she did want to talk to Applejack about what Apple Bloom had said. A few minutes later she spotted Applejack talking to Rarity and she tentatively approached.  “Um Applejack?” Trixie said tentatively. “Howdy Trixie what’s up?” Applejack replied, Trixie decided to give her a run down of the day’s events. Applejack had been told about her sister but didn’t know the rest. Trixie then decided to ask the big question, If everything Apple Bloom said was true.  “Is it true what Apple Bloom said? You only tolerate me only because of Sunset Shimmer!!” Why wasn’t I invited to the Apple Family Christmas party? The Great and Powerful Trixie is friends with all of Sunset’s friends, or so I thought. Applejack, Rarity, you girls really don’t like me?” Trixie asked. “Trixie, I will be honest here I have no idea why ya didn’t get invited to the Christmas party. That was an honest oversight. Also there was a lot of drama. Plus ah thought you and Sunset weren’t talking then. As for just toleratiin’ ya, no Trixie I may not like somethings you do, but I don’t hate ya. Meet us in the music room tomorrow morning and we'll sort this all out sugar cube.” Applejack told her. I can’t.” Trixie said. “Why not darling?” Rarity asked. “Because Trixie has been suspended for two weeks. Plus Trixie thinks Sunset hates me now.” Trixie said sadly. “Sugar cube, we need to discuss this.” Applejack said. “Trixie is not sure if she will be grounded or lose her phone.” Trixie replied back.    “Darling listen, let us talk to Sunset and we’ll get things figured out. Or at least try too.” Rarity said. “Thanks.” Trixie said walking away sadly. She realized that she had lost her first best friend. Trixie just hung her head and walked out of school. “The great and powerful Trixie. What a joke.” She thought as she headed towards home or wherever she decided to go. * * * Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were busy cleaning the gym after school.  Celestia set up a makeshift desk and was finishing up some paperwork. No one else was left in the school besides Luna, Sunset, Raven Inkwell, and Granny Smith waiting for Apple Bloom.  The janitors would arrive soon. Celestia knew her secretary would be leaving soon so she decided to make sure her paperwork got filed. So she stood up, got her papers in order and called The Crusaders over. “Ok girls you can head home a few minutes early today because I got things to do and I am heading out. So I will release you a few minutes early. Adios!” Celestia said. The Crusaders quickly put their cleaning gear away and got their stuff from their lockers. Then Apple Bloom called them together. “Guys we could do it now.” She said. “Maybe we can try and get through it. Sunset survived after all.” Scootaloo said. “But Sunset had our sisters, you saw the assembly this morning. We don’t even have them. We are all on our own.” Sweetie Belle replied. “Apple Bloom I was all on board for original suicide pact we were all gonna jump off the roof together. But maybe we should suffer at the hands of the students instead. Besides I’m awesome, I can make it.” Scootaloo said. “Ah can’t believe ya two. If you want to be tormented everyday than fine  but, ah refuse too. “ Apple Bloom said. With that she took off running, tears forming in her eyes.  She got to the stairwell and started to run for the roof. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked on in horror. APPLE BLOOM WAS GONNA COMMIT SUICIDE!! “I’m faster I’ll go after her. I think Celestia and Luna are here. I know Granny Smith is!! Get all of them! Now GO!!” Scootaloo said. With that, Scootaloo was gone in a shot and Sweetie Belle headed to the cafeteria. Sweetie Belle ran to the cafeteria where Granny Smith was waiting for Apple Bloom to get done with detention. Surprisingly Applejack was there too. Sweetie Belle rushed in and almost screamed out “APPLE BLOOM IS GONNA KILL HERSELF BY JUMPING OFF THE ROOF!!”  Applejack jumped up as if on a spring and shot out the door Granny Smith moved as fast as she could too. Sweetie Belle ran to Luna’s office.  She swung open the door and ran into the office. Luna was filing the last of her paperwork and Sunset was doing homework. Both looked up at a visibly shaking Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle what’s wrong?” Luna asked. “It’s...It’s APPLEBLOOM she’s gonna kill herself she’s gone up to the roof  to jump I need everyone!!” Sweetie Belle cried. Luna felt like a knife had just been plunged into her heart. Sunset dropped her pen and took off for the roof when Luna grabbed her shoulder.  “Sunset go get your Aunt Celestia, we need her too. I’m going to get Granny Smith.” Luna said. “Vice Principal I already told her!!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed running for the roof with Luna hot on her heels.  The last thing Luna wanted to see was a troubled student trying to kill themselves. Hearing that Apple Bloom was trying to commit suicide it hit her hard like a punch to the stomach. Sunset ran into Principal Celestia’s office and told her everything as she was leaving for the day. Principal Celestia also left for the roof with her niece.  * * * Apple Bloom had just made it to the roof. One jump she told herself.  “Just one jump and it will all be over, all the pain, the guilt, the torture it would all go away.” Apple Bloom thought as she saw the edge of the roof approaching. Apple Bloom felt the cold winter wind bite at her as she approached the edge. Just a few more steps that is all that was needed when she was pushed to the ground and sat on. “Let me go Scootaloo!!” Apple Bloom said, quickly rolling over but not completely out from underneath Scootaloo. “I’m not letting my best friend kill herself, I refuse to let you do it.” Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom shoved her off and headed for the ledge. When she was stopped again, this time by Applejack and Granny Smith. “Apple Bloom, get off that ledge!!” Applejack yelled. Right afterwards Luna had arrived with Celestia, Sunset and Sweetie Belle.  Applejack stepped forward. Apple Bloom fully stepped onto the ledge. Granny Smith grabbed her arm.  “Apple Bloom WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING??!!” Sunset yelled shoving past her mom and even the Apples and Scootaloo. “EVERYONE HATES ME. Ah am doin’ what I should do.” Apple Bloom replied with tears in her eyes. “I don’t hate you, The Crusaders don’t hate you, my mom and Aunt Celestia don’t hate you. They hate what you did, but not you. Now get your ass down from there. This is not the way, trust me I have been where you are.” Sunset told her. “STOP YOUR JUST TRYING TO CONFUSE ME!!” Apple Bloom cried, grabbing her head and dropping to her knees.  “No I am not! I have wanted to kill myself several times. I used to think that death was the only kind of peace I could find. But I did some counseling but more importantly I now have something that I never had. A family, A mom, two aunts, six sisters. Now Apple Bloom You have a grandmother, brother and sister. You don’t want to hurt them do you? Plus you have two friends here that would do anything for you, they are also like sisters to you. In closing let me ask you this. You think my mom and my Aunt Celestia want this to happen? No they don’t.”  Sunset explained to her then extended a hand to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom looked down at Sunset’s hand. Still wanting to jump she looked back at Sunset’s hand, conflicted on whether she should take it or not.  Apple Bloom looked back over their faces, all looking at her Applejack hanging on to Granny Smith with a look of  fear on both of their faces. Sweetie Belle with tears running down her face, looking like she was gonna lose it. Scootaloo standing next to her with her arm around her also looking upset.  Luna and Celestia were hanging on to each other. Luna was visibly shaking. Celestia wanted to go up and hug Apple Bloom deep down she felt like this was her fault.           "This is my fault. I brought this on her. She's up there because of me. I brought this on her. I did this." Celestia thought. “Apple Bloom if you do this I will follow you into the afterlife and torment you for eternity.” Applejack said.           “Your parents would not want this.” Granny Smith said. “How do you know what they would want. I wanted them to see me grow up. I didn’t get that chance either, that’s another reason to jump to see mom and dad. No one cares if I live or die.” Apple Bloom cried. “NO ONE CARES!!” Shouted Sunset Shimmer. “NO ONE CARES, YOUR FAMILY CARES, YOUR FELLOW CRUSADERS CARE, I CARE, MY MOM AND AUNT CARE!! EVERYONE STANDING ON THIS ROOF CARES!! YOU KNOW WHO ELSE CARES, PINKIE PIE, FLUTTERSHY, RARITY, RAINBOW DASH, AND TRIXIE if you would let her. I know it’s gonna be hard but Apple Bloom. I had thought no one cared about me after the Fall Formal. Five girls approached me that night, Luna also took me in that same night. There is always someone who cares. Take my hand, Apple Bloom, come down here I want you here. Please!!” Sunset pleaded. Sunset offered up a hand and Applejack stood beside and offered up her hand.  After a second of hesitation, Apple Bloom took both Sunset and Applejack’s hand. With a pull she was pulled off the ledge and into Applejack’s waiting arms. “APPLE BLOOM DON’T YOU EVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!!” Applejack yelled at sister. Sunset went over to Luna. Luna put her arm around Sunset and they left, while Celestia corralled The Crusaders back into the building as Applejack held on to Apple Bloom both crying. After a second Granny Smith joined them in a group hug.     Elsewhere… Trixie was walking around town. Thinking about how badly she hurt Sunset when someone stepped out in front of her. Trixie looked at who blocked her path. Her eyes got wide in disbelief. “What? Is it the scars? You want to know how I got them?” Gilda asked. > Emotions Run High > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the Apples left the school, Applejack had her arm around Apple Bloom and Granny Smith led the way to her old car. Usually, Applejack would have gone home with Big Mac today, but something told her to stay after school. Looking down at her sister she knew what it was. Tonight was going to be a tense one in the Apple house. The family was gonna sit down and talk about this when they got home. Apple Bloom felt foolish and embarrassed over what she had done. In reality, she didn’t want to kill herself, but she needed help. Not mental help, although she would see the school guidance counselor the next day. The kind of help Apple Bloom would need would come from the Rainbooms, The Crusaders, and even Trixie. It was the kind of help Sunset needed after the Fall Formal. She needed people to have her back. While the Apples headed home, Luna and Sunset made their way to the car as well. Both were shaken up by the events on the roof and both just wanted to get home. Luna asked Sunset if she finished her school work, which she said she did. Both headed home for a relaxing evening after what had just happened.  Celestia made sure the school was locked up before heading home,  opening her wall safe and taking out the battle of Gin. Holding the bottle in her hand she decided not to drink it but pour it down the sink and get rid of the bottle-at home. Celestia walked to the nearest girl bathroom and poured the Gin down the sink then took the bottle back hidden in her pocket. Grabbing her purse and keys she locked her office and left. The events of the day had really affected her deeply but unlike The Apples, or The Crusaders or even her sister Luna, Celestia had no one to go home to. Tonight she didn’t want to be alone. Luna was going to make some pasta for her and Sunset when the doorbell rang. She was confused as she wasn’t expecting anyone. Sunset switched off the TV in the living room and came out to see who was at the door. Luna looked through the peephole and saw Celestia standing there. She could almost feel her sister’s emotions and quickly opened the door. Celestia walked in and immediately wrapped Luna in a big hug. Luna, sensing that Celestia was upset, had to find out what happened. “Sister...Celestia what’s wrong?” Luna said fumbling for words.  “Today really upset me. I didn’t want to go to that big empty house...all alone. I came to see my sister and my niece.” Celestia said motioning for Sunset to come over. “My Family.” She said hugging them both.  Luna and even Sunset gladly returned the hug and after a bunch of hugging. All three broke apart and for a brief second in the world all seemed ok. “Celestia, we were about to have pasta tonight. Do you want to join us?” Luna asked. “I would like that very much. Do you want some help?” Celestia asked. “If you want to help that’s ok..” Luna told her. “Do you need my help mom?” Sunset asked. “Just set the table and then go back to whatever you were doing.” Luna said. Sunset was happy that she could get some video game time on her PS5. She quickly set three places for dinner and then headed to her room. She felt pretty good that her Aunt Celestia was joining her for dinner. Maybe she was getting used to her. Maybe going with her for a weekend would not be a bad thing.  As she headed to her room her phone buzzed. Picking up her phone she saw it was a message from Trixie. She decided to go to messages and read the message. Sunset, Please read this. Gilda is back in town. I’m not…” “MOM!!” Sunset cried out after reading the message.  Luna, followed  closely by Celestia, flew into Sunset’s room. She was white and almost hyperventilating. Luna went and picked up the phone. Both her and Celestia gasped. * * * “What? Is it the scars? You want to know how I got them?” Gilda asked. “You don’t have scars.” Trixie said. “HAHAHA!! I have them.” Gilda said, exposing her shoulder to Trixie with the scar of the bullet wound from Chrysalis.  Trixie wasn’t sure what to say as she just stood there frozen in fear. “I see you’re down. Where’s your friends? Oh wait you don’t have any. The great and powerful Trixie is here all alone. I treated you well. I was good to you, until you betrayed me. After all, you told me I failed this city.” Gilda reminded her. Trixie didn’t budge or move a muscle. Everything Gilda just told her was true. She had friends and she had lost Sunset forever and most likely the other girls too. Gilda was right she was alone. “You’re right Gilda. I’m alone and I don’t have friends. I had a friend and fucked it up royally. By extension her friends probably don’t want anything to do with me. I was suspended from school for two weeks. Mom’s gonna kill me.” Trixie admitted sadly. “Now if I know you can be trusted. You can come with me.” Gilda said, extending her hand.  * * * Sweet Apple Acres… Applejack, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom were sitting in the living room of the farmhouse.  “Now Apple Bloom you are seeing the guidance counselor in the morning.” Granny Smith informed her.  “Granny give me a second with Apple Bloom please.” Applejack replied. Granny Smith got up and left the room. Applejack sat down with Apple Bloom and looked at her. “Apple Bloom please don’t ever do somethin’ like that again. Why would you think everyone wants you dead?” Applejack said. “Everywhere ah go people give me dirty looks no one except Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo want anythin’ to do with me, except to come after me.” Apple Bloom whined.  “Can you blame them?” Applejack asked. “No ah guess not. Ah was the brains of this operation. The Mastermind as ah have been called. Ah am real sorry sis, ah never meant for it to get out of control. Ah guess Ah was real stupid today huh?”  Apple Bloom said, “You can say that again.” Applejack deadpanned. “Sis Ah don’t know what to do. Ah got into mischief with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo but nothin’ like this. No one has ever had to go through anythin’ like this.” Apple Bloom lamented. “Actually sugar cube someone else has been through stuff like this before. The girl you caused to have a nervous breakdown.” Applejack told her. “Sunset?” Apple Bloom asked. “Who else did you cause to almost have a nervous breakdown?” Applejack said. “So should I talk to Sunset then?” Apple Bloom asked. “It couldn’t hurt. She was the first one to forgive you. It might be good to ask her for her help. When you see her at school talk to her. Most mornings, especially now in the winter you can find her in the music room with us before school. Come by and talk to her, she can tell you what you should do.” Applejack explained. * * * Luna’s Apartment… Chrysalis was over at Luna’s with Mulder and Scully getting statements about the text. Also, Shining Armor had been notified at home.  “How did Shining Armor take the news?” Asked Mulder. “He is not happy and I should be careful not to call so late. Apparently his younger sister goes to bed early.” Chrysalis said opening her laptop. “Okay can you ping Trixie’s cell phone and see where she is?” Scully asked Chrysalis. “Yeah one second.” She said typing away. “And here we are.” Chrysalis replied. Trixie’s phone pinged down at the docks. That was where Mulder and Scully took off for. Chrysalis just sat back wondering what Trixie was doing down there, if she was there. More importantly what was Gilda doing down there? Celestia was sitting on the couch and was completely beside herself. Her breathing was fast and she felt like she was falling. In her eyes this was all her fault this was her mess. Luna and Chrysalis noticed that Celestia was a pile of misery. They both cautiously approached her and she looked like a frightened deer. Celestia sat there with her arms wrapped around her waist and just staring off into space looking like she was going to break any second. “Sister, what's wrong?” Luna asked tentatively. “This is all my fault. I exposed Anon-a-miss and because of that Apple Bloom got attacked, Trixie tried to help. Trixie was probably wandering around town after she was suspended and ran into Gilda who probably has her held hostage now. I was trying to protect my niece and now all this happened.” Celestia said, her voice cracking. “Celestia you did what had to be done. None of this is your fault. It was the fault of three snot nose brats who went out of their way to hurt your niece. This was not your fault. If you want to blame someone, blame The Crusaders; it was their idea.” Chrysalis told her. “Aunt Celestia?” Sunset said slowly walking into the living room. Sunset saw how badly her aunt was hurting and it really killed Sunset inside. Sunset had one idea: she had to see if it was gonna work. Celestia looked up at Sunset walking over to her. Even though they weren’t close, Sunset decided to let her in on a technique that works for her. She prayed Celestia would go for this too. “When I have a bad day at school mom would always put in her lap and rock me. She said it helps her too. If you want I could climb in your lap and you could rock me.” Sunset offered. “What are you talking about?” Celestia asked. “Mom let’s show her.” Sunset said. Luna sat down on the couch and opened her arms wide. Sunset climbed up into Luna’s lap. Luna as usual held Sunset and rocked her slowly and Sunset started to feel drowsy. Luna’s scent of Lavender always calmed Sunset. Chrysalis stood there trying not to laugh and Luna noticed this. Chrysalis could have skated on the look Luna gave her. This was Luna and Sunset’s special thing and Luna was sharing it with her two sisters, one blood and the other might as well be blood related with how close they were. After about two or three minutes Sunset got off Luna’s lap and Sunset looked over at Celestia who opened her arms and Sunset climbed into Celestia's lap and Celestia held her tight and Sunset felt protected like she did in Luna’s lap but noticed Celestia didn’t smell like lavender, she had no scent at all. After a second Celestia started crying again. “Tia what’s wrong now.” Luna asked as Sunset got off Celestia’s lap. “I want a daughter or son now. One’s not gonna just fall out the sky for me.” Celestia lamented. All of Sudden Celestia was pulled up by Luna and drawn into a big hug which Sunset also came and joined in the group hug. After a second of hesitation even Chrysalis joined in. Celestia felt loved but knew she was going back to that big empty house eventually, but for right now everything was ok. Meanwhile on the Canterlot docks… Gilda was walking through the alleyways of the storage facilities and warehouses. Trixie followed close behind her. “Gilda, where are we going.” Trixie asked, “Trying to get Passage out of Canterlot. I can’t stay here long. I need to get somewhere far away. Before the FBI finds out I am here.” Gilda explained. “Out of Canterlot??!!” Trixie exclaimed. “Keep your voice down!” Gilda shushed her. “Yes out of Canterlot, why?” She asked annoyed. “I don’t want to leave Canterlot, my parents, my school, my…”Trixie trailed off.  “Your what friends?” Gilda said with a huge smirk. Walking over to Trixie and placing her hand on Trixie’s shoulder. “Listen I’m your only friend, I never intended to kill you, I was using you to get Sunset. I’m sorry I never explained this to you. Now we need…” Gilda started when she was interrupted. “You need to stay right where you are.” A voice came from the darkness. Slowly two men in black suits came into view and in the middle was a grey haired man with a trench coat and a cigarette in his hand. “The Cigarette Man!” Gilda exclaimed.  He motioned for his two associates to grab Gilda. Which they did. He walked slowly over to Trixie. “Why don’t you go to your real friends.” The Cigarette Man said to Trixie. “I don’t have any friends.” Trixie said. “Miss Lulamoon, let me give you a nickel’s worth of free advice. Good friends are life’s great treasures. Don’t give them up without a fight.”  The Cigarette Man told her. “What are you going to do with Gilda?” Trixie asked. “We will imprison her in a far away place. This is her last chance. Now we have three options...” He started. A few minutes later Trixie was spotted heading home, her head still hanging low. Mulder and Scully pulled up and both got out of the car and ran up to her. “Trixie are you ok?” Scully asked. “Where is Gilda?”  Asked Mulder. “I’m ok, I just need to get home, mom is gonna be frantic with worry. As for Gilda, he took her.” Trixie said. “Who took her?” Asked Mulder. “The cigarette smoking man.” Trixie said. “DAMN IT!!” Yelled Mulder. “Mulder relax. C’mon Trixie let’s take you home.” Scully offered, “Did they say anything about where they were taking her?” Mulder asked Trixie. “They said something about three locations they could use, but I never heard of any of them.” Trixie explained. “What were the names do you remember?” Mulder pressed. Trixie thought for a minute then replied. “He said Maretime Bay, Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights.” > Sunset's Sweet Surprise. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Apple family arrived at school the next day early as usual. Granny Smith headed in to open up the kitchen. Big Mac followed Apple Bloom in the school she had hardly been let out of their sight. Everyone of the Apples watched Apple Bloom like a hawk since yesterday and she feared that after today it was going to get worse. When Luna pulled into the faculty lot the next morning she saw Celestia’s car was already there in the lot. Sunset grabbed her bag and got out of the passenger side of Luna’s car. She saw Applejack at the statue, during the winter this was weird. After saying goodbye to Luna she headed over to see why Applejack wanted. She could tell Applejack was still shaken up by Yesterday’s events. Cautiously approaching she asked Applejack “Why are you standing out here in the cold?” “Sunset, Apple Bloom needs to talk to you this mornin’ in the music room. It’s very important. Ah hope to put yesterday behind us. I think she needs to get help and you are the person to give it.” Applejack tried to explain. “You want me to give advice?” Sunset questioned heading inside with Applejack following. “Yes you went through this yourself. Now she needs your help and experiences and just how to deal with it.” Applejack said. “I’ll try my best.” Sunset said stopping at her locker and grabbing her books  for her first two classes. After stopping by Applejack’s locker so she could grab her books and supplies too, they headed for the music room.   Arriving in the music room, Sunset and Applejack were greeted with Rainbow Dash standing there bouncing a soccer ball on her knees while Fluttershy watched. Scootaloo was also there watching Rainbow Dash with admiration.  “Morning you two.” Rainbow said, stopping the bouncing soccer ball. “Soccer in the winter?” Sunset asked. “Well with the cold weather we don’t get to have gym outside so we are doing indoor soccer today the coach is already setting up the gym like a soccer field. I got to be one of the team captains.” Rainbow explained. “You get to help pick teams or what?” Scootaloo asked, “Well no, your gonna have to line up and sound off odds and even. There is no way of knowing if I will get you on my team or not.” Rainbow explained.  Around this time Rarity entered with Sweetie Belle  followed by Apple Bloom. A second later Pinkie Pie almost bounced into the music room. Then Applejack stood up and said “Everyone listen up, Apple Bloom has something she needs to ask.”  Apple Bloom walked over near the door of the front of the music room and said “Sunset Shimmer, Ah need to ask you for help. How did you deal with everyone hatin’ ya after the fall formal?” She asked. “Wait shouldn’t we wait for Trixie to get here?” Fluttershy asked. “Trixie is not coming silly, she’s been suspended for ten days.” Pinkie Pie chirped up from the back. “Well it’s official, Pinkie Pie knows everything.” Rainbow Dash remarked. “Guys focus. Apple Bloom is right." Sunset said. With that everyone stopped and focused on Sunset and she took a few deep breaths and began her advice to Apple Bloom. “Apple Bloom, the night of the Formal I was lost. I had been living in homeless shelters and some rough nights in your clubhouse. I was homeless, I had no friends, so I started to really hate my life but, I also wanted that crown and it consumed me. After the Fall Formal, these five girls approached me. Your sister being the first one to talk about how to build a wall and I freaked out. The next morning I had calls from Rarity and your sister, and text messages from Rainbow Dash, Fluutershy and Pinkie Pie. Also instead of riding out another thunderstorm in your clubhouse Luna took me in.   “What I did was start to “assemble forces” if you will.” Sunset said making air quotes when she said assemble forces.  “I gathered these five girls as allies. Thanks to Rainbow Dash indirectly I gained an ally in Trixie although we have had our fights. I had my mom and my Aunt Celestia. I also met an awesome badass named Chrysalis who became my aunt too.  Luna was there to dry my tears and these five girls did a lot to protect me. You want my advice? Gather these girls and your family try to always have them around. That’s what I did. I had less to work with than you did, you have us, your crusader friends, and your sister, brother, and grandmother.  Plus if you run into problems, my mom and my Aunt Celestia you can count on them as allies too.” Sunset said with her hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder. “Now Apple Bloom where is your locker?” Sunset asked. Apple Bloom told her where it was. Rainbow Dash then stood and walked over to Apple Bloom. “Scootaloo and I go right by there on our way to gym class c’mon we’ll walk you to your locker.” Rainbow said as she motioned to Apple Bloom to follow her and Scootaloo. After that the girls split for the day. Apple Bloom after that almost always had one of the other girls with her. She liked the attention but not the reason that she had it. Also by order of the school she had to do a few counseling sessions but she knew she probably needed them. Apple Bloom was happy to be in on a bigger plan though: A surprise party. * * * Friday rolled around and Sunset was very hurt by her friends. No one  wished her a Happy Birthday, no one even mentioned anything except Luna when she woke her up that morning.  Study Hall had been boring without Trixie. As much as Sunset hated to admit it, she did miss Trixie. Sure Trixie got her beat up, but then saved her and reformed until the Sirens made her knock the Rainbooms out of the competition. Then Sunset had accused Trixie of being Anon-a-miss.  Their relationship had been a rocky one. But Trixie did help her by going to the dance and just hanging out during study hall. Little did she know what happened with Trixie and Gilda’s encounter earlier that week. Luna’s office… Luna was on the phone and having a very quiet conversation before the final bell of the day. “Yes I want her there tonight please. No Sunset doesn’t know, but please, I would like to see her there tonight. Ok my associate named Chrysalis she works with the FBI and her friend Potion Nova will pick her up on the way to setting up the place. It’s totally safe, I give you my word on that. Ok I’ll let Chrysalis know thank you.” Luna said, hanging up the phone.  She sat back in her chair and rubbed her face with her hands. It was hard to argue with people but this one phone call was worth it.  At this time Sunset came into Luna’s office almost in tears. Luna rushed over and put her arms around Sunset and held her. She probably knew what was wrong but decided to ask to see if she was. “Sunset honey what’s wrong?” Luna asked. “Not one person except you wished me a Happy Birthday or anything. It’s like everyone just forgot about it. Why? I didn’t want a party but they could have at least wished me a Happy Birthday.” Sunset lamented. “Listen, screw them tonight we will go over to the Sweet Shop. Just you and me and have some cake and ice cream. How does that grab you?” Luna asked. “I guess it’s better than nothing.” Sunset feeling down.  Luna quickly filed her paperwork and grabbed her coat and purse. Sunset grabbed her jacket and school bag and followed Luna with her head hung low. Her Sweet 16 had been a bust and to make matters worse. No one other than Luna seemed to care. When they got home, she waited until Sunset went to take a shower then she put the final part of the plan into effect. She knew where Sunset’s magic journal was kept and she got it out and quickly decided to see if Twilight was available as a last second guest. Dear Princess Twilight, This is Luna (Sunset’s adoptive mother) tonight is Sunset’s Sweet 16 party and she thinks everyone has forgotten about her birthday. When in reality it is a surprise party. I know it’s last second but could you make it to our world tonight?  Luna Ironically Luna only had to wait a few minutes for a response.  Hello Luna, I will head over but I will need someone to help get me to the party considering you didn’t say where it was. I will grab Spike if that is ok. Let me know.  Twilight Sparkle Luna was overjoyed that Twilight was coming for the party. She quickly penned back her response. Twilight, I will call and get you a ride. So grab Spike and c’mon over. Luna. Then Luna picked up her phone and called Celestia who was leaving for the party. She had a guest to pick up. While on the phone Luna quickly put Sunset's book back as she heard the shower turn off. Sunset went into her room wrapped in a towel and started getting dressed. Luna was glad to see that. She needed to keep up the appearance that everyone forgot.  Luna came in and Sunset was just in her underwear. She was putting her socks on and had jeans laying on the bed. Luna felt so bad so she decided to make Sunset feel a little better by breaking a little bit of her surprise party to Sunset. “Sunset honey hurry up and get dressed. Your Aunt Chrysalis is gonna meet us there.” Luna told her. “Well at least someone remembered.” Sunset said sadly as she put her jeans on. After that she put on  her t-shirt and grabbed her leather jacket. Getting to the front door, Sunset put her boots on. For her it was just going through the motions. Luna led the way to the car. Sunset got in and out and just sat there.  She couldn’t believe everyone forgot. Then she started getting angry at her so called “friends”. While consumed in her sadness and anger she failed to realize they were at the Sweet Shop and Chrysalis was waiting outside. “Well there is the birthday girl.” Chrysalis said, giving Sunset a hug.  “Hi Aunt Chrys.” Sunset replied back not feeling happy at all. Luna put her arm around Sunset as Chrys followed behind with a huge grin on her face. This was gonna be something to see. Sunset noticed as they walked through the door the place was dark.  “Is the place closed?” Sunset thought. Just then Luna flipped the light switch on. “SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNSET!!” Everyone yelled, shocking the hell out of Sunset. They hadn’t forgotten her birthday after all, they had planned a surprise party. Sunset looked around as her mom and Chrysalis joined the crowd. There was Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Also with her mom was Aunt Celestia and Aunt Chrysalis with her girlfriend Potion Nova. Then Sunset’s eyes came to rest on the two biggest surprises: Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Trixie. Sunset was overwhelmed, She started crying which upset everyone. Luna came up to her daughter and put her arm around her. “Sunny, what's wrong? Why are you crying?” Asked Luna. “I thought you all forgot about my birthday, I was so depressed thinking everyone forgot. You all got together and this for me. I’m crying because I’m happy.” Sunset said through her tears. "What? The Great Trixie forget her friends birthday? Never." Trixie declared. “Well dry those eyes Sunny, it’s a party!!” Pinkie exclaimed. She motioned to the balloons, streamers, and presents.  A huge smile appeared on Sunset’s face which everyone else loved. After that the party started. Sunset noticed a DJ booth set up in the corner and of course there was Vinyl Scratch spinning the tracks. She gave a thumbs up to Sunset as her way of saying happy birthday.” Sunset mingled with all her friends. Then Twilight walked up to her and hugged her. “Happy Birthday, Sunset!!” Twilight exclaimed. “Twilight, how did you get here?” Sunset asked. “Luna used your book to contact me tonight and Celestia picked me up on the way here, I was kind of a last minute invite from your mom. Oh I forgot I wanted you to have this. Happy Birthday Sunset saw Twilight reach into her backpack “Twilight, wait until after singing and cake then you can give me your gift.” Sunset informed her. “SUNNY!! IT’S TIME!!” Pinkie Pie yelled as her and Mrs. Cake wheeled out a big birthday cake. With two candles one was the number one and the other one the number six. Sunset sat down at the front of the table in the guest of honor seat. Chrysalis put a party hat on her which made Sunset giggle a little bit. Luna lit the candles and even Vinyl came out from behind the booth to join in the singing. As all of her friends, aunts and mom sang “Happy Birthday” to Sunset. Her face turned as red as her hair. Sunset blew the candles out after the song. “What did you wish for Darling?” Rarity asked, “Yes, can you tell us?” Sweetie Belle chimed in. “I didn’t have to make a wish. It already came true.” Sunset said looking around at everyone. After that  everyone beamed at her comment. Sunset got a couple of video games, some clothes, make up and two big gifts. The first gift was from Twilight.it was a gem stone from Equestria. “That is a gem from right near Ponyville. It’s very special and I enchanted it. You can look into it and see Equestria any time you want, but not in real time. It's similar to what you call a snow globe in this world. You stare into it and it shows you Equestria. A different place each time.” Twilight explained. “Twilight this is awesome. If I am ever homesick, but can’t go there this can help.” Sunset said holding the crystal in her hands. “Now Sunset my gift to you is this.” Luna said handing Sunset a big manilla envelope. Sunset sat there  looking at the envelope and then opened it. It was a piece of paper and on the top it said: “CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION.”  Luna and Sunset were now officially mom and daughter. It had been a bad Friday morning and afternoon, but a great Friday Night. Later that night... As the party was over, the now official mother and daughter were helping the Cakes, Trixie, and Pinkie clean up. Chrysalis and Potion Nova were also helping too. Chrysalis saw someone lurking outside the shop. Immediately recognizing them Chrysalis stepped outside to talk to him. “You can’t even leave us alone on my niece’s birthday?” Chrysalis asked “Happy Birthday to Sunset. My present to her is we have Gilda in custody.” The Cigarette Smoking Man replied. “For how long this time? Also where are these places you are considering putting her? Maretime Bay, Bridlewood, Zephyr Heights. I have never heard of them.” Chrysalis replied back. “That is kind of hard to explain.” He replied. “Try me.” Chrysalis said. “I will show you soon enough.” The Cigarette Smoking Man replied. “I must know something. How did Gilda know to call DCF on Luna and Sunset?” Chrysalis asked. “Why do you assume I know the answer to that?” He questioned her. “You told me they were coming.” Chrysalis shot back. “Yes. But not by Gilda’s doing that was someone else. A concerned citizen. No, not me but someone you would not expect. Good Night special agent Chrysalis. Oh do me a favor and wish your niece a happy 16th birthday.” He said starting to walk away.  “Who called?” Asked Chrysalis again. “Retrace her steps you’ll find out who.” The Cigarette Smoking Man said and finished walking away. > Bonding with Celestia Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Sunset awoke to a buzzing sound, a real annoying one. She looked around and realized it was her phone. Turning it on she had a text message from Celestia.  “Why is Aunt Celestia texting me? She congratulated me and Luna last night.” Sunset thought.  Sunset hit the message icon and read the message. Sunset.  I would like to ask if I could take you for the weekend. We can leave school together Friday afternoon and I will drop you off to Luna Sunday. You could also stay here Sunday and I can take you to school on Monday, after all I have to go there too. Aunt Celestia  Sunset sat there in bed for a second looking at the message. Sunset was gonna rush in and talk to her mom about this. Then thought she should check the time. It was 6:50 a.m. She knew Luna was not gonna be up for a little bit. Sunset then threw the covers off of her bed and got up, but to use the bathroom instead of waking her mom. After finishing up in the bathroom Sunset went to look in on her mom. Luna was laying on the bed, arms and legs, and covers everywhere snoring away. Sunset remembered the first night she stayed with Luna. That night Luna asked her if she snored. Ironically, Luna didn’t snore that night, but Sunset slept better that night than she had in a long time. Especially since there was a thunderstorm raging outside. Sunset decided to stop daydreaming and went back in her room and went back to bed.  “Maybe spending a weekend with Aunt Celestia won’t be so bad. She did make the effort. The least I can do is at least try it out.” Sunset thought. Sunset fell back asleep. When Luna did finally get up, Sunset was already awake and having her breakfast eating oatmeal. Sunset, unable to contain her excitement, showed Luna her text message the second she walked in the kitchen. “Well Sunset you would go there for the weekend Friday to Monday morning? Are you up for that?  Celestia, unlike you and I, is an early riser.” Luna informed and asked her.   “Yes, I am and I’m sure she can’t get me up for school any better than you can.” Sunset said. “I’ll have to give your aunt the marbles.'' Luna said smilingly evilly. She put a bowl of frozen marbles in the freezer one time. Sunset wouldn’t get up, so Luna poured frozen marbles into the bed next to Sunset. She got up quickly that morning. “Don’t you dare.” Sunset warned. The weekend passed peacefully for the new mom and daughter. All of Sunset’s friends had congratulated her. Apple Cinnamon had even called and congratulated Luna. While Sunset was doing her homework her phone buzzed. She picked it up and it was a message from Trixie. It asked if they could be friends again.  Sunset put the phone down and finished her homework. She needed to talk to someone about this first. She was still on the fence about Trixie. Having heard you can always talk to your family and knowing most kids wouldn't, Sunset decided to actually talk to her mom though. Luna was in the kitchen on her cell phone and looked up as Sunset came in and sat down next to her. Luna had become able to read Sunset, so she put her phone down and decided to ask. “What’s troubling my little sun? Hmmm…” Luna asked. “Mom Trixie texted me about being friends. I don’t know what to do?” Sunset asked. “Well, you two have had a bumpy road. She got you beat up, and then you went through a hostage situation together, also she did trap you and your friends under the stage during the battle of the bands.  You accused her of being Anon-a-miss, then you think she used her connection with you to curry favor with me. When in reality she was scared of what her mom would do.” Luna explained. “Her mom didn’t abuse her or anything, don't worry about that. It’s her mom’s approval is something she doesn’t get a lot of. Her mom doesn’t think she can be or want her to be a stage magician. If she knew Trixie was gay, I can only imagine how that would turn out.” Luna continued. “So even though she was defending Apple Bloom her mom doesn’t approve of it. Not many parents would approve of their kid using a baseball bat. Now what she told Diamond Tiara I approve of.” Sunset said. “She told Trixie she was stupid for doing that, why didn’t she mind her own business.” Luna said. “No Trixie did the right thing, just went about it the wrong way. I will talk with her on Monday during study hall.” Sunset said. “No you won’t she’s still suspended you can text her back if you want than finish your homework, we can watch a movie or two if you like.” Luna told her. Sunset quickly texted Trixie back saying they needed to work some stuff out but they were still friends. Trixie asked about getting together next weekend and she replied she had to go with Celestia next weekend but maybe the weekend after that.  For Sunset the week seemed to crawl although she and Celestia never got along; this was her big chance. She was wondering what her aunt had planned. * * * “Luna, I don’t have anything planned.” Celestia told Luna. They were in Luna’s office having lunch.  “Let her do her homework, get some dinner, take her down to the basement, most of Moon Lair is left there. Take her bowling, go to a movie, stuff that I am almost sure Sunset has never done. Watch TV with her and leave her a little alone time to play on her phone. Like all teens she loves doing that.” Luna told Celestia. “Also, you want to know another thing you can do?” Luna asked. “Yes, what is that?” Celestia asked, really wanting to know. “Try asking her what she wants to do.” Luna said. “Oh yeah I guess I could do that.” Celestia said.  “It’s only Wednesday. Don’t stress about this, just relax and go with the flow. I will help pack her bag and drop it off in your car so all she has to do is grab her bookbag and go. You're her aunt, you will do fine” Luna told her. * * * But for Celestia Friday came too soon and for Sunset not soon enough. Sunset was getting as much work done as she could in study hall. She had been spending it in Luna’s office as it was lonely spending it in the library without Trixie. That morning Luna had helped Sunset pack everything for the weekend: Clothes for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. After that Sunset packed her brush, toothbrush and shampoo and toothpaste plus the body wash.  “Now Sunset, are you ok with this?” Luna asked. “Something tells me, that you’re not. Mom I will be fine, I have no idea what we are going to do. I imagine a dull time, but Celestia deserves to at least try to connect with me like Aunt Chrysalis.” Sunset said. Luna looked in shock at Sunset. Sunset noticed Luna looking at her. “What?” Sunset asked. “Where did that come from? It sounded very grown up and mature. Who are you and what have you done with the real Sunset?” Luna asked jokingly. “Listening to you, Aunt Chrysalis, and Aunt Celestia I guess.” Sunset said. Now here it was the last period of the day Sunset had got homework in five subjects, she had done some of it during lunch and now during study hall usually she got two done but with her effort at work she got homework in three subjects done. One assignment was to study for a test so Sunset could review Sunday. So Sunset was happy she was only going to have one written assignment to do.  The bell rang but Sunset didn’t move. Luna saved the file she had been working on and switched the computer off. Sunset liked to just relax but Luna said to start working on her next assignment. Sunset did that as it was going to be a half an hour until Celestia was ready. “Should I go down to Aunt Celestia’s office now?” Sunset asked, “I guess it is ok. But stay out of the way until she is ready to leave, got it?” Luna said. “Ok, bye mom. I love and I’m going to miss you.” Sunset gave a hug to Luna and left the office and headed down the hall to see her aunt. This was going to probably be a boring weekend.  Walking into Celestia’s outer office, Sunset noticed Raven Inkwell was just finishing filing the last of the paperwork, because it was Friday. It took longer to do.  “Principal Celestia is expecting you, just go on in.” Ms. Inkwell said.  “Thank you.” Sunset replied. Sunset walked into Celestia’s office and Celestia was signing off on a few forms and looked up at who just entered. Then a big smile formed on Celestia’s face. “Hi Sunset, c’mon in. We can get going in a few minutes. How was your day?’ Celestia asked.  “It was pretty good. I got most of my homework done.” Sunset replied. “Great that gives us more time to spend together, why don’t you get what you need from your locker, and we will get going.” Celestia said standing up and putting the forms into the file case. "O.K.” Sunset said. Celestia followed Sunset to her locker and after Sunset picked up the two books and notebooks she needed. Then followed Celestia out to her car she saw Luna had already left for the day.  Approaching the car both stopped and gasped. Someone had smeared mud all over Celestia’s car. They didn’t smear every inch of it but enough that Celestia’s silver colored car was mostly brown now. “Aunt Celestia I’m so sorry about this. I’ll wash it when we get home.” Sunset told her. “No, you won’t need to do that.” Celestia told her. “Why not?” Sunset asked. “You ever go to a car wash with Luna?” Celestia asked. “No, we go over to Aunt Chrysalis’s place, there are hose outlets there and wash it there. While Aunt Chrys and mom spray each other with the hose.” Sunset explained. “That sounds like Chrysalis, always carrying on.” Celestia replied. “What are you going to do then?” Sunset asked. “Watch and learn. Here hop in.” Celestia said unlocking the door and letting Sunset in on the passenger side. Celestia started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Driving about two blocks away, Celestia pulled around the back of this one building.  A man came out and with a hose pre-washed the car and quickly washed the front window. Then pointed for her to turn into the tunnel. Sunset saw a tunnel ahead of them and was a little nervous. Celestia put her car in neutral and sat there and chilled. Sunset immediately became alarmed. “What are you doing??!! Drive the car!!” She cried. “Relax, Sunny we are on a conveyor belt, they bring you through the tunnel on auto pilot.” Celestia soothed her. She took Sunset’s hand as they went through the tunnel.  Immediately the car was sprayed down with soap and big scrubbers came on either side of the car startling Sunset. Then big tentacles washed over the car followed by jets of water and a then finally a wind machine at then end of the tunnel.  Sunset, having never been through a car wash, was a little unnerved by the whole thing. Celestia just put her arm around Sunset and gave her a small hug. “Are you ok there Sunset?” Celestia asked. “Let’s not do that again.” She spoke. “The first time is the worst. I promise you.” Celestia reassured her.  After that they headed for Celestia’s home. Sunset noticed they were driving right past downtown with it’s skyscrapers. Sunset was hardly ever over this side of town. She had taken a few trips into the city but only to look around. “I didn’t know you lived downtown Aunt Celestia.” Sunset said. “Not actually in the city per se, just outside of it.” Celestia told her as they pulled into a big two-story house. “Wow this is where you live?” Sunset asked. “I know it's nice isn’t it. My grandparents bought this land when it was dirt cheap. My parents built the house, so when it was left to me it was already over 90% paid off. My parents' life insurance policies helped cover some of the rest. I had to foot a few payments as well, but it is paid off now.” Celestia told her.  “You live here by yourself?” Sunset asked, “Well, I have a maid that comes in and cleans up once a week. Also, a lawn service that cuts the grass.” Celestia said realizing how lonely that sounded.  “Well let's head in and I will give you a grand tour.” Celestia said getting out of the car. Sunset followed her in. Opening the door, Sunset was awestruck seeing a huge staircase about five steps in front of her. Celestia put her purse down on the table there in the hall. And hung her keys by the door. “C’mon Sunset let me show you around.” Celestia said. Sunset shouldered her bookbag and clothes bag for the weekend and followed Celestia upstairs to a hallway. With a few doors on each side. Celestia showed her around. “Ok this room here is my personal office. Then across the hall is the library.” Celestia opened the door and in the room were three bookcases full of books and a few other knickknacks and also a few board games on the bottom shelf. “The room at the end of the hall is the master bedroom, where I sleep. These other two rooms are guest rooms. Take your pick. They are both pretty similar.” Celestia told her.  Sunset looked in both rooms and took the one on her left that was a little bit bigger.  “Sunset I am going to get changed, why don’t you settle in for a few then we can continue the tour and have dinner. Don’t worry about the food, Luna told me you were a vegetarian.” Celestia said heading down to her room.  Sunset looked around. She had a bed, a dresser, desk and TV on a stand. Opening the drawers on the bottom of the stand. It was empty. Sunset unpacked her clothes into the top drawer.  Then she walked out into the hallway as Celestia came back out of her room dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and slippers on her feet.  “You get settled in?” Celestia asked. “Yes, Aunt Celestia.” Sunset replied. “Good lets head downstairs and finish the tour.” Celestia said, leading Sunset down the stairs.  “This is the living room, mom and dad use call it the lounge. Over here is the dining room.” Celestia said. Sunset saw a big table enough to seat 8 people and in the corner of the room was some dishes on a three-shelf case behind a glass door, also noticed a cupboard on the far side with a pitcher sitting out on the shelf. “This is the kitchen. “Celestia said. Sunset noticed plenty of counter space and an island in the middle. A lot more room to prepare food then what she and Luna had in the apartment. “Down here is what Luna called Moon Lair. It was her room for a while.” Celestia said opening the door and turning the lights on. In the basement were two couches facing each other and a coffee table in the middle of them.  Also, a TV up against the wall. In the back part of the basement was a pool table and a dartboard and on the wall a rack with 7 cue t sticks and some chalk cubes for them. Sunset also noticed that this part of the basement had hardwood floors.  “Ever play pool Sunset?” Celestia asked. Sunset just shook her head no.  “Well, I’m going to order us some Chinese, I want you to finish up some of your homework and if you are interested, I’ll teach you how to shoot pool. “That would be awesome.” Sunset exclaimed.  Celestia got on her phone and ordered from the local Chinese place, getting Sunset the vegetable platter.  Sunset went up to her room and did her history assignment. After writing up her review of what they did in class that day. Sunset put her assignment in the folder and relaxed for a few minutes on the bed. The food arrived soon after and Sunset and Celestia shared dinner in the dining room. Celestia saved some of her food for tomorrow, Sunset ate everything in her platter. “Wow Sunset you can put it away.” Celestia remarked. “Hey, it wasn’t until I went to stay with mom that I ever had any good meals. Mom said if I lived with her I would get two meals a day and if I didn’t have money, she would pack me a lunch. The only worry is what if she is sick. I have no way to school, or any lunch.” Sunset said cleaning up her plastic containers  “I will come and get you and give you a few bucks for lunch then.” Celestia said putting her leftovers in the fridge and washing her hands. The two headed down to the game room. After handing Sunset her pool cue and chalking her personal one, Celestia taught Sunset the basics of pool. That night Sunset played and usually lost Eight-ball, Nine-ball, Rotation, and even Straight Pool. Sunset preferred Eight-Ball and Nine-Ball as they were faster paced.  Before bed they did one more round of Rotation where Sunset made it a close game and Celestia had to not be so relaxed. But in the end Celestia prevailed by a very slim margin. Sunset hung her head in defeat. “Sunset, don't feel bad it was several games before I won.” Celestia said putting her arm around her. “I know, it’s just…” Sunset began. “Sunset let me tell you one thing about anything in life especially games and sports. Sometimes you have to lose, this way when you do win it makes it that much more special. Besides, it was the first time you ever played. ” Celestia said. “Ok I am getting tired but how do you play darts?” Sunset asked, looking at the dart board. “Easy, but I would have to dig the darts out. I’m not about to do that at this hour. I have some nice dart sets too.” Celestia said, “Well I’ll just crash down here on the couch.” Sunset said. Celestia just looked at Sunset through half-lidded eyes and stood there with her arms crossed knowing full well why Sunset wanted to sleep downstairs. “O.K. Fine, I was gonna go snooping for the darts.” Sunset said, admitting defeat. “Come here.” Celestia said with a sigh walking over to the shelf next to the pool cues and reached up on top pulling a plastic case down. She opened it on the pool table and showed Sunset the eight sets she had. Seven of the sets were metal, three in number, and had the flags of countries for the flights on the back of the darts.  “U.S.A., United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, and Brazil.” Is that where they were made?” Asked Sunset alluding to the flags on the back. “No, just done for design.” Celestia told her. Sunset also noticed three wooden ones that had what looked like real feathers for the flight. They seemed heavier. “Those are wooden ones that my parents owned and yes they are heavier. But darts is for another day. It is almost midnight, and we need to get some sleep.” Celestia said, putting her arm around Sunset and leading her out of the basement  After changing into her pajamas and brushing her teeth, Sunset went and looked out of the big window in her room. Looking over downtown and all the lights that were still on, she finally understood the expression about the city that never sleeps. Shortly after that however, Sunset went to sleep while the city nightlife continued on. > Bonding with Celestia Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset awoke to someone shaking her shoulder gently. She rolled over and muttered something. ‘Sunset honey, it’s me Aunt Celestia.” Celestia said rubbing Sunset’s shoulder. “I don’t want to go to school today.” Sunset murmured. “Sunset it’s Saturday,” Celestia said.  Sunset’s eyes fluttered open and she sat up. It was weird to wake up to Aunt Celestia and not Luna’s soft voice in the morning. But Saturday was her favorite day and she was probably gonna do something cool with her aunt. She couldn’t wait to see what it was. Celestia was sitting on the bed and watching Sunset wake up. She looked around as she woke up and remembered she was staying with her Aunt Celestia. Celestia found this cute to watch. “Are you awake yet?” Celestia asked.  “Almost. What did you want to do today, Aunt Celestia?” Sunset asked. “Whatever you want. I remembered Luna suggested taking you bowling and…” Celestia started. “Bowling? I have never done that.” Sunset said. “Well let’s get some breakfast and get dressed. Then we will hit the bowling alley.” Celestia said. Sunset got out of bed and quickly and quickly grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom and after a quick shower she got dressed and came out and put her old clothes in the trash bag she had for her dirty clothes. Celestia came out of her bedroom wearing blue jeans and a pink sweatshirt, with white tennis shoes. She had a black bag in her hands. “What’s in the bag Aunt Celestia?” Sunset asked. “My bowling ball. My parents got me into it. Luna didn’t seem to care for it, I was part of a league for a little while too. Anyway, are you ready to hit the lanes?” Celestia asked. “I am!!” Sunset said excitedly. She was actually enjoying spending time with her Aunt Celestia. She thought this was going to be a boring weekend, but Friday night was great. So far Saturday was looking to be a great day. Sunset was actually enjoying herself. As they got out to the car Celestia stopped and decided to see how well Sunset would do.  “Sunset did Luna take you to get your learner’s permit yet?” Celestia asked. “No but mom got me the book so I could study it for my permit.” Sunset replied. “Well how would you like to back the car out of the driveway? The street here is never busy on the weekend. Once we pull out of the driveway on the street, put the car in park and we will switch positions.” Celestia told her tossing Sunset the keys. “Really?” Sunset asked, “Yes really.” Celestia told her. Sunset dashed over to the driver’s side and slid into the seat she felt powerful. Celestia slid into the passenger seat and put her seat belt on. “Now the first thing is to check the mirrors.” Celestia told Sunset. “Check and I can see myself perfectly in all of them.” Sunset joked. Celestia just looked at Sunset through half lowered lids. Sunset made sure the mirrors were adjusted. “Now buckle your seat belt.”Celestia told her. “O.K.” Sunset said buckling her belt. “Now when you put the car in reverse, the rear-view camera should come on.”  Sunset turned the car on, and the camera did come on. “Now put the car in reverse, check your camera and mirrors, then look behind you before you take your foot off the break.” Celestia told her. Sunset did all of that and slowly took her foot off the break. She slowly started to back down the driveway jamming the brake once to get the feeling finally as they came close to the street Celestia stopped her. “Sunset stop and check both ways before pulling out.” Celestia said quickly. Sunset stopped and saw the road was empty.  “Okay now slowly back onto the road and then hop out and let me take over. Make sure to put it in park.” Celestia instructed and Sunset did just that. Quickly her and Celestia changed places and Sunset buckled herself back in and Celestia readjusted the seats and mirrors. The left for the bowling alley. “One last thing, Sunset. Don’t tell you mom.” Celestia said smiling,  Sunset just had her first driving lesson. She also realized she had been wrong about something. Her Aunt Celestia was cool!! After that they headed over to the bowling alley. Celestia rented Sunset a pair of shoes and told her to pick out any ball that was free. Sunset picked up a bowling ball and it being her first time was surprised by the weight.  “It’s heavy as hell.” Sunset said to Celestia. “You get used to it, after all this is your first time playing.” Celestia told her. Celestia went over the basics of the game and at first Sunset bowled a few gutter balls until she finally got the hang of it and got used to the weight of the ball. Sunset was amazed by how well Celestia bowled and of course Sunset was nowhere near that close. Sunset looked up and was shocked when she saw the Apple Family come in with Toe Tapper and another girl she didn’t recognize. Celestia also saw them come in as well. “You want to go visit your friends for a minute?” Celestia asked. “Yes, Aunt Celestia if you don’t mind.” Sunset said. “Go ahead.” Celestia said see Sunset head over to the Apples. “Hello everybody. ” Sunset said walking over to the Apple family. “Howdy Sunset, what are ya doing here sugarcube?” Applejack asked Sunset as they hugged hello. “Aunt Celestia is teaching me to bowl. I didn’t know you guys bowled?” She asked. “Well Granny Smith can’t bowl anymore with her hip, but mom and dad bowled occasionally, so ah got mom’s old ball and Big Mac’s got dad’s old ball and him and ah usually have a friendly brother/sister game except Toe Tapper wanted to come. So, ah suggested to Big Mac to ask that girl he likes. He got the nerve to finally talk to Sugar Belle and here she is. We are doing a couple’s game today. Toe Tapper and ah take on Big Mac and Sugar Belle.” Applejack said. “Where is Apple Bloom?” Sunset asked. “She’s over with the other Crusaders at the arcade section.” Applejack said, pointing to a section that had about 8 different arcade machines. Applejack almost regretted saying that immediately. She could see Sunset’s face light up looking over there. “Sunset ah think ya Aunt is waiting for ya.” Applejack said. “Oh yeah.” Sunset said remembering Celestia as Sunset headed back, she looked at the Apples being friendly with their dates. She couldn’t help but feel jealous seeing the Apples with their dates. Celestia had a great game bowling three strikes; Sunset didn’t get any strikes but did manage a spare. Most of the time she would glance a few lanes down at the Apples and their dates. Celestia knew it was distracting her so after one game they left.  “Sunset I could tell you were distracted seeing your friend with a date.” Celestia said. “Aunt Celestia, all my friends have someone, and I don’t. It depresses me, I wish I could find someone.” Sunset said looking down as she checked in her shoes and left the bowling alley with her aunt. “Sunset there is someone out there for you. I think you just need to cast your net a little wider and try someone outside of Canterlot High. I know you wrote a term paper or two for students at Crystal Prep, why don’t you try looking there?” Celestia said. “Aunt Celestia when you see everyone around you in love, your friends, your aunt, your own mom and then you realize you’re all alone it hurts. As for Crystal Prep I don’t remember the name of the one person I did the term paper for the other one was named Lemon Zest and she doesn’t turn me on at all.” Sunset said. Celestia put her arm around Sunset and gave her a side hug. Sunset was hurting and she knew it. This was a trial she didn’t know how to pass. Well maybe the next thing would make her feel better. Celestia suggested miniature golf.  “Aunt Celestia, it's January and you want to do miniature golf?” Sunset asked. “It’s an indoor facility, have you ever played miniature golf?” Celestia asked. Again, Sunset shook her head no and it amazed Celestia how much Sunset had missed out and wondered what Luna did with her. Well, she decided to put that thought aside for the moment. Celestia explained the rules to Sunset about mini golf. Tapping the ball with the club as you're not playing real golf. The lowest score wins that this course has a 6-stroke minimum. All the basics that were listed on the scorecard Sunset, never having played, did fairly well against Celestia. At one point she even got a hole-in-one. Which Caused Sunset to raise her fists in the air in celebration. Sunset noticed Fluttershy was also there playing with Sandalwood. It must have been Fluttershy’s first time playing as he was standing behind her trying to teach her how to putt. As usual, Sunset felt lonely but decided to ignore it. She continued through the course. Eventually Fluttershy noticed Sunset and waved to her. Sunset waved back. They couldn’t really talk to each other as there were about two other groups between them.  Celestia ended up winning by about 7 strokes and Sunset was ok with losing this time. Celestia suggested heading to the mall and getting some lunch and secretly hoping not to run into anymore of Sunset’s friends on dates with their boyfriends. On the way to the mall Celestia decided to ask Sunset a question as she hadn’t planned this far ahead. “Sunset, what do you want to do after lunch?” Celestia asked. “I’m not sure, maybe walk the length of the mall. Window shop considering I have no money.” Sunset said  “In my day we called that a mall crawl.” Celestia said. Then her and Sunset shared a laugh at how ridiculous that sounded today. Celestia was happy to see Sunset smiling and laughing. It was a complete turnaround from what Sunset had been for the past three years. “But if you want or need to buy something let me know I have money.” Celestia told her Arriving at the mall they headed to the food court. Celestia asked Sunset what she wanted and she pointed out one of the restaurants called Nature’s Table. So they headed over there. Sunset had a salad and juice, while Celestia had a sandwich and a soda. That was when Celestia decided to ask a few questions. “Sunset this princess in the other world. Why did you have a falling out? Was it something personal?” Celestia asked. “When I first got there, she was nice to me, for about a year.  I walked with her in the royal gardens in Canterlot, had tea parties, stayed up with me to help me finish assignments or if I was scared to go to sleep, played board games. Once we had a sleepover, I even helped her raise the sun a time or two.   Then she had no more time for me all of a sudden. She told me I would be happy if I made some friends. In reality I was happy when I was in the library and doing magic. She banished me from the library until I made a friend.  I tried and I didn’t know how to make friends, I just wanted to know about that damn mirror. One day the Princess told me to look into and asked what I saw. I saw myself as a princess. But when I couldn’t make friends, I broke into the restricted section of the library to research the mirror and got caught. I told the Princess she was a hypocrite because I didn’t see her have any friends.” Sunset said finishing her explanation.  “Wow, let me guess before Luna you never had a mom or a family?” Celestia said. “Pretty much.” Sunset said.  Celestia reached over and rubbed Sunset’s shoulder. She understood now why Luna loved her. This girl had a horrible childhood when all she wanted was family and friends. “Come on Sunset let’s do some shopping.” Celestia said, trying to cheer her niece up. Celestia and Sunset did a “mall crawl” but for Sunset it had been an up and down day. It was up due to learning how to play mini golf and learning to bowl. But seeing her friends happy with their boyfriends was a letdown. Things at the mall were going great until they got down to the movie theater section at the mall. The mall had just incorporated the movie theater into a new annex. Celestia and Sunset walked by and Sunset saw Rainbow Dash and Rarity outside the theater with Thunderlane and Soarin, their boyfriends. The girls waved to Sunset to come over. “Hey girls what’s up?” Sunset asked, walking over. “Hi darling we are out on a double date to the movies. What brings you up here?” Rarity asked. “We are gonna check out a new movie that is totally awesome!” Rainbow said excitedly. “Oh, I just got done having lunch with my aunt. She took me for the weekend.” Sunset motioned to Celestia standing up against the wall across the hall from them. “That’s cool Sunny. I think it’s awesome.” Rainbow said. “I totally agree with Rainbow here. We’ll be better off. Ciao darling.”  Rarity said heading out with a wave. “Aunt Celestia, can we head home?” Sunset said, kind of downhearted. Celestia reluctantly agreed. The ride home was very silent. Sunset just wanted to play on her phone so Celestia let her do just that while she drove home. Celestia saw her niece was kind of depressed. Sunset didn’t even want to talk, all she did was play on her phone. The one difference from Sunset and her friends was they were all in relationships and she wasn’t. Celestia also realized that the girls didn’t intentionally rub Sunset’s face in it. Probably in Sunset’s eyes they did. Arriving home Sunset just walked to the front door and waited for Celestia to unlock it. When she did, Sunset just went up to her room. Celestia was troubled by this. She decided to call Luna over. * * * When Luna arrived Celestia greeted her with a hug at the door. Celestia told Luna about last night and what happened today. Luna seemed upset by this. “Sunset never cared about having a boyfriend before, just when all her friends have one. She feels left out. The one person who showed interest in her Sunset said she doesn’t swing that way.” Luna said. “Who was interested in her?" Celestia asked, not having known about this. “Not to be repeated but Trixie Lulamoon.” Luna informed her. “Trixie!” Celestia exclaimed. Luna shushed her. “Quiet. Yes she hit on Sunset and then realized Sunset is not gay.” Luna said. “I think Sunset is bi.” Celestia said. “O.K. why?” Asked Luna, perplexed. “Well she said earlier today when we were talking about Crystal Prep she said and I quote: “As for Crystal Prep I don’t remember the name of the one person I did the term paper for the other one was named Lemon Zest and she doesn’t turn me on at all.”  “Well that could be taken a few ways. Apparently there is a student there named Lemon Zest, who is a girl and she didn’t find her attractive or anything else.” Luna replied. “Call Sunset down here Luna. I want to talk to both of you.” Celestia said. “Let me go talk to her for a minute, sister.” Luna said  Luna went up the stairs and decided to get Sunset instead of calling her down. She opened the door to find Sunset looking very depressed sitting on the edge of the bed with her phone right next to her. She smiled seeing her mom and ran and hugged her, Luna replied giving her a big hug back.  “My little Sun, Celestia, has something to discuss with us downstairs while don’t you come downstairs to the lounge.” Luna tried sweetly and coaxingly. “Mom, how did you handle it? You know being alone before I came along.” Sunset asked. “It wasn’t easy. I spent a lot of time over here and a few nights I would sit at home and cry. I won't deny it.” Luna told her. “I want my friends to be happy but making them happy, makes me feel sad. I’m sorry Aunt Celestia had to call you over. We should probably head home huh?” Sunset asked. “Well let’s see what your Aunt Celestia has to say first.” Luna said with a side hug to Sunset. “O.K.” Sunset said. She rose and followed Luna down the stairs to the lounge. Both Luna and Sunset sat down across from Celestia who took a deep breath and began. “Sunset I’m sorry about today, I know it’s no fun to be alone and that most people don’t like being alone. I know I don't. I know your mom didn’t like it before you came along.” Celestia said. “Aunt Celestia I’m sorry about this, it just kinda got rubbed in my face I know not on purpose. Just after a while it gets to you.” Sunset explained. “Well I live by myself in this big house. No company except once  a week when the maid comes and she usually does a few hours of cleaning and not much talking. So I would like to ask if you two would move in here?” Celestia asked. Silence filled the room. > A new friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, you want us to move in here?” Luna asked. “I can get the basement as my bedroom. Right?” Sunset asked hopefully. “No, you would never sleep. With the pool table, the dart board, and the new additions that are coming soon, no way.” Celestia told her. “What new additions?” Sunset asked, “Two pinball machines that I got cheap. Nice additions to the game room. So, what do you say, move in?” Celestia said. “Sunset and I have to discuss this. I will have an answer for you real soon.” Luna said. “Are you going to leave Sunset here?” Celestia asked. “Sunset do you want to stay for the rest of the weekend?” Luna asked. “It doesn’t matter to me. It really bothered me today. Not being with Aunt  Celestia but seeing my friends happy with their guys. I’m over it though.” Sunset got up and headed back to “her room for the weekend.”  “Are you really having two pinball machines delivered?” Asked Luna. “Yep, to add to the game room.” Celestia said. “Are the walls soundproof here?” Luna asked, “If you remember they are pretty much why?” Asked Celestia, not sure she wanted to know where this was going. “I’m on board just wanted to make sure, just in case Apple Cinnamon wants to spend the night.” Luna said with a sly grin. Luna got up and walked up the stairs to talk to her daughter. Tentatively knocking on Sunset’s door, Luna waited with bated breath. “Come in.” came the response from inside. Luna walked in and saw Sunset staring out the window towards downtown and not even turning to look at Luna. Luna could tell Sunset was upset and just wanted what all parents want for their kids-their happiness.  “Well Sunset it all comes down to you, I’m willing to move in if you are.” Luna asked. “Well like you said mom, no one likes being alone. Even Aunt Celestia. Why not? Let's do it.” Sunset said  Shortly afterwards, Luna and Sunset moved their stuff into Celestia’s house. It went pretty well and for a while things were quiet at Canterlot High School. A Few weeks later...   One day Luna walked into her sister's office and saw Celestia standing and looking out the window. For some reason it troubled her.  “Sister, what’s wrong?” Luna asked. “Well, you guys got moved in and that’s great, people are nicer to Sunset.  Even though The Crusaders still aren’t really accepted, I am happy to say most of their abuse has stopped. Gilda hasn’t been seen lately.” Celestia stated “All of this is good right?” Luna asked. “I don’t know, but it feels like there is something on the horizon. I can't put my finger on it, but it’s been too quiet.” Celestia said. “Sister you're just worried because the Friendship Games are coming up soon.” Luna tried to calm her sister’s nerves. “Lord only knows what magical stuff is going to happen this time. Like any big event here at CHS.” Celestia said. “I’ll talk to my daughter about trying to keep the magic out of these games. I think everything is going to be fine for once in our lives. * * *  After the Friendship Games… Sunset and her friends sat on the steps of the school with a visibly shaken Twilight Sparkle. She was sitting there happy but still shaken up.  “I can’t ask you girls to forgive me but…” Twilight began. “Hey take it from me it might be a little rough for a while but these six girls behind me will help you out. Plus, I’m here too.” Sunset said. “My sister-in-law will probably be principal at Crystal Prep now, she said she knew Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna so me getting transferred wasn’t hard.” Twilight told them. “I knew Mom knew Cadence. I just never knew that your brother was Shining Armor. He led the rescue for Trixie and I when Gilda and the Diamond Dogs kidnapped us.” Sunset told Twilight. “Yea he got promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant for that.” Twilight remarked.  Sunset and the girls were amazed by how much they were learning from their new friend. Sunset had met Twilight’s sister-in-law at her mom’s birthday party. Twilight’s brother had been involved in her rescue and arresting the Crusaders for Anon-a-miss. About this time Luna walked over to the girls. Well, it’s getting late. I imagine you girls need to get home. At that Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy got their keys out and headed for their cars and Rainbow went with Fluttershy as they lived near each other. Pinkie hitched a ride with Applejack. Luna tossed Sunset the keys as she now had her learner's permit. Then she noticed Twilight get up and start to walk away by herself, Trixie did the same thing.  “Sunset give me the keys.” Luna said, realizing the two students had no way home. “Twilight Sparkle, Trixie Lulamoon. Do you have a way home?” Luna asked. “It’s not far I can walk it.” Twilight replied.  “The great and powerful Trixie can get home too.” Trixie said. “Alright you two, I don’t let my students endanger themselves, hop in I will take you both home.” She said. Saying this, Sunset knew she couldn’t drive with people other than the licensed driver in the car.  “No thank you. It would be better for you ladies if I walk.” Twilight said. “Why do you say that?’ Luna asked. “Did you just see what happened??!!” Twilight exclaimed motioning back towards the front of the school.  “I almost ripped apart the very fabric of this world and destroyed the Canterlot statue. You want me around after all that?!” Twilight exclaimed again, getting more hysterical. It was finally sinking in what this nerdy, shy, introvert named Twilight had done.  Sunset went over and took her hand in hers and rubbed her other hand on Twilight’s cheek. “I destroyed the front of the school, hypnotized the entire student body and tried to kill six students.” Sunset told her. “You did?” Twilight said with tears on her face.  “Yes, I did. So, cry me a river, because that is all in the past now. Your past doesn’t define you. You need to lean on me, Trixie, and the rest of the Rainbooms. You need to gather your allies. Finally, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash each have a younger sister who have been there. You can also count on them as well.” Sunset told her. Sunset then took Twilight’s chin in her hand and brought her face to meet Sunset’s. It was that moment when their eyes met each one of them felt a connection. Both didn’t realize they were staring at each other until Trixie cleared her throat.  Sunset and Twilight quickly broke their gaze. Sunset led Twilight over to the car and opened the back door and extended her arm inviting Twilight to hop in the back seat. Once Twilight got in the car Sunset closed the door.  Upon closing the door, she saw Trixie on the other side of the car and gave her a smug look with a slight smile. Sunset just looked back at Trixie and mouthed the word “whatever.” After Trixie, Sunset, and Luna got in the car. Twilight just sat in the back with her head hung low. Luna looked back at Twilight, and it was a reminder of Sunset after the Fall Formal.  Trixie put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight looked up with a very depressed look on her face. Trixie decided to reach out. “Trixie wants to know if Twilight would like her contact information.” Trixie asked. “Um ok.” Twilight mumbled as Trixie took out her phone. After bringing up her keypad Twilight gave Trixie her number. A second later Twilight’s phone rang. Twilight looked at the number. “Now keep that number it’s Trixie’s number.'' Trixie told her, A few seconds later Twilight’s phone rang again, this time she looked down at the number. “That’s my number so make sure to save these numbers you got tonight. The girls might call or text you tomorrow to see how you are doing. Save those numbers too.” Sunset told her. “But they don’t know my number. How did you get my number?’ Twilight asked. “The great and powerful Trixie is also a fast texter.” Sunset said with a grin trying not to laugh. Even though Trixie did text her Twilight's number. She didn’t think this was a time for laughing based on how Twilight looked and felt.  Luna dropped Trixie off first. “Goodnight, Sunset and Vice Principal Luna Trixie thanks you for the ride. Twilight I mean if you need anything call.” Trixie told everyone and then exited the car. “You’re all being so nice to me, and I don’t deserve it.” Twilight said after Trixie left.  “Well you said you never had friends, and this is part of being a friend. Twilight I never had friends or a family and after the incident at the Fall Formal I ended up with five good friends that became as close as sisters, then Trixie joined my group, after a little bit I got a mother, two aunts and have a decent life.” Sunset offered hopefully. “Still, I wonder what Principal Cinch is going to do now?” Twilight wondered out loud.  “I think she’ll be resigning her position very soon, if not immediately. I also think Cadence will be taking over as principal too.” Luna said.  “Now what are my parents going to think? They are not going to want me staying at the house, I’ll be kicked out and be homeless for sure.” Twilight wailed in the back.  Sunset motioned her mom to pull over. Sunset got out of the car and walked around to the back of the car and got in next to Twilight. After buckling herself in, Luna started up the car again. Sunset put her arm around Twilight to help reassure and calm her down and Twilight laid her head on Sunset’s shoulder. Sunset stroked Twilight’s hair.  Soon they pulled into Twilight’s house and Sunset was shocked at the size of the house. It was a three-story purple house. One side had columns on the outside leading up to a room on the top floor. The center part of the house was also three stories; the center had a round roof with a rod on it. The last part of the house was the garage, which was one story,  As everyone got out of the car, Sunset was walking up the walkway with Twilight. She had her arm around Twilight who was almost in a trance. Luna was walking in front of them. She smiled seeing who was at the door waiting for them. It was Cadence and Spike. Cadence had a letter in her hands. Spike just ran to Twilight. “Spike, how did you get here?” Twilight asked, “Your sister-in-law took me back to Crystal Prep and then brought me here to wait for you.’ Spike told her. Earlier that night at Crystal Prep...  Abacus Cinch sat at her desk, a desk she had had for many years. She was appointed principal of this school when Principal Celestia was a senior in high school. She just finished her letter of resignation, when Dean Cadance walked in. “All the students are heading home now. We got all the students back ok from CHS. What are you doing in your office?” Cadence asked. Without a word Cinch got up and walked towards Cadence. Without a word still she handed Cadence the letter. “This is your mess now, Principal Cadence.” Cinch said, spitting out the last two words or so it seemed.  Cinch then turned and headed out the door. Cadence read the letter and sighed. Then she went over and sat in the principal’s chair. She smiled. “I feel powerful.” She jokingly said out loud.  Cinch was headed to her car muttering to herself. Her reputation would be ruined but she decided she needed to tell someone. “I need to tell someone about this, this…” Cinch began. “Outrage, is that the word you’re looking for?” Said a voice from behind her. Cinch spun around to come face to face with The Cigarette Man. “Who are you?” She demanded.  “I am the one person who believes you.” He replied. “What do you want with me? I demand to know.” Cinch said. “I know what happens at CHS students using magic and stuff like that.” He replied.  “Well, there will be others who will believe me too.” Cinch said. “The Superintendent, The Mayor, The Governor? Haha, they will laugh at you, put you in an insane asylum. I would advise you to keep your mouth shut if you don’t want to get locked up. Also leave Twilight Sparkle alone.” He told Cinch. “Or what you’re going to kill me?” Cinch replied. “There are worse things than death and I can do all of them.” The Cigarette Man replied back.   > The Sunset and the Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What are my parents gonna say or worse do to me Cadence?” Twilight asked. “Relax honey this is why; I have Luna and Sunset coming in with us. They’ve been here before.” Cadence said. Spike jumped up into Twilight’s arms in an attempt to comfort her. Cadence opened the door and Twilight’s parents both stood up from the couch they were sitting on. They were shocked to see Luna walk in and their hearts melted when they saw Twilight come in and seeing her looking so upset. Both of her parents wondered who the girl was who walked in with her with her arm around her. Luna and Cadence shot a look at each other and stepped aside, and Spike jumped out of Twilight’s arms. Sunset led Twilight up to her parents, keeping her arm around her. Then finally she stepped back too. Twilight looked up at her mom Twilight Velvet and her dad Night Light.  “O.K. what happened today?” Asked Twilight Velvet. “Well, it’s gonna take some time to explain. We’ll do our best to explain it.” Luna said. Well, everyone come in and sit down.” Twilight Velvet said, leading the way to the living room. In the living room there was a couch, loveseat and a recliner. Twilight sat down on the love seat and pulled Sunset down next to her. Sunset noticed Twilight was extremely clingy to her. She could kind of sense that Twilight felt connected to Sunset both having been transformed by magic. Spike laid on the floor at Twilight’s feet. Cadence sat with her in-laws on the couch. Luna sat on the recliner.  “O.K. What happened?” Night Light asked. “The same thing that happened to me.” Sunset said. “...And that is?” Night Light pushed, “You wouldn’t believe it even if I told you.” She replied. “Twilight why don’t you tell us what happened?” Twilight Velvet asked gently. “I’m not even sure I can explain it. But magic is real, and I don’t mean pulling quarters out of your ears or a rabbit out of a hat. I mean actual magic. It’s not even scientifically possible.” Twilight said. The next half hour Sunset explained about Equestria and magic and how it has come to this world. Night Light and Twilight Velvet listened and when it was over Night Light just sat there taking it all in. Twilight Velvet just got up and walked outside and put her hands on the railing of the back porch. Twilight got up and followed her mom and saw her standing on the porch. She walked up to her mom and touched her arm. Twilight Velvet turned to her daughter. Twilight couldn’t tell what the look in her eyes was. Was she worried, angry, confused, concerned, Twilight couldn’t tell. “Twilight, I don't know where to go from here. I really don’t.” Twilight Velvet said. “Mom, I don’t know either. I hate this. I'm not used to not knowing stuff.” Twilight replied. “Well honey, let’s talk to Luna and Sunset they seem to know more about this then any of us. I think we are just going to have to feel our way through this and put the pieces together as we go.” Twilight Velvet replied putting her arm around her daughter’s shoulders.  With that they walked into the house to continue the conversation. “Sunset, Ms. Luna where do we go from here?” Twilight asked entering the room. Twilight knew she had asked the question already, but she was worried that her parents were scared of her now. “I told you, you need to start to gather friends and allies.” Sunset said. “I wish I had some. Look at my phone it has four people on it.” Twilight said, taking her phone out. “Look at this list. Mom, Dad, My brother, and Cadence. Oh, Trixie gave me her contact information too.” Twilight remarked quietly. She just sat there in shock for a second. Then her phone rang, and she looked up and saw Sunset smiling at her. “Look now you have Sunset’s contact info too." Sunset smiling. “Thanks.” Twilight said smiling and blushing slightly.  Twilight then got up and walked over to Sunset and extended her hands. Sunset took her hands and Twilight pulled her up and wrapped her in a big hug. Sunset hugged her back and realized Twilight needed someone to cling to. After all, Sunset clung to Luna after the formal, but it wasn’t the same.  Twilight just wanted to be held; she was so scared of what Cinch had made her turn into. Sunset apparently went through something very similar. Sunset let go and had Twilight sit on the couch. Sitting next to her she gave a look to Luna to give some alone time with Twilight.  Luna and Cadence decided to take Twilight’s parents alone in the kitchen and leave the girls alone in the living room.  “Sunset I’m sorry I am clinging to you. I’m just so scared and I don’t understand what happened to me tonight and…” Twilight rambled on as she started to sob.  Sunset held Twilight’s head next to her chest and reclined on the couch. Twilight had fallen asleep, and Sunset gently laid down and held a sleeping Twilight in her arms. She gently kissed Twilight on the top of her head and held her in her arms.  “I don’t understand it. Why does this feel so right? Am I developing a crush on nerdy Twilight Sparkle?” Sunset thought before drifting off to sleep herself. Everybody came in and saw the girls sleeping quietly on the couch and decided not to wake them up. Cadence went and got a blanket and put it over them. Twilight’s parents said it was getting late so Luna and Cadence had to head out.  “I’ll pick her up first thing in the morning. Thanks for letting her stay here.” Luna said in a hushed tone. “You don’t have to do it first thing in the morning, we sleep in on Saturdays.” Night Light quietly told Luna.  “O.k. I’ll call before coming over then.” Luna replied. “That will be fine.” Night Light said. With that Luna and Cadence left and Twilight’s parents headed for bed too. For the next several hours Twilight and Sunset slept peacefully in each other's arms. About 3:30 a.m. Sunset awoke and realized she was not in her bed. After a second she realized she was in Twilight’s house on her couch. More importantly she was in Twilight’s arms and Twilight in hers. Someone had put a blanket over them as well. She readjusted herself and lay there for a second, taking in the peace and serenity of the moment. Sunset then came to a stunning realization. She never felt like this about anyone. Sure, she liked guys but there was something about Twilight. Something that made this feel right.  Was it their magical battle at the Friendship games? Was it just the stress of everything the last 24 hours? Sunset realized she needed to talk about this to her Aunt Chrysalis tomorrow. Sunset looked down at the still sleeping Twilight Sparkle. Then she looked out the window there in the front of the living room. A beautiful starry night with only a few clouds. All was quiet and peaceful. For once all seemed right in the world. * * * Sunset and Twilight were awoken the next morning by Twilight Velvet shaking them gently. “Morning, my two sleepyheads.” She cooed. Twilight opened her eyes and realized she slept next to Sunset all night! In her arms nonetheless! Twilight quickly sat up and in doing so woke Sunset. A few seconds later Sunset opened her eyes and sat up too.  “Sunset I am so sorry I didn’t mean to keep you here all night.” Twilight apologized. “It’s ok Twilight.” She said getting up off the couch. Twilight quickly stood up too. After Twilight Velvet left the room. Sunset asked Twilight to follow her out back. They walked out to the back porch. Sunset turned around and faced Twilight. “If you ever talk about this to anyone, I will never talk to you ever again or forgive you.” Sunset said. “I swear on my life I will not talk to anyone about this.” Twilight said, crossing her heart. “The night I turned into a she-demon we had a strong thunderstorm roll through. I was scared of thunderstorms then. I still don’t like them now. Anyway, I slept next to Luna that night.  She put her arm over me to keep me safe. That's why I let you sleep in my arms while you were holding onto me. I have been there before I figured you needed to hold on to someone.” Sunset told her. “Luna really cares about you huh?” Twilight said. “She adopted me as her daughter, so I guess so.” Sunset replied. “I should have figured that out. I hope my intelligence was not compromised last night. I should check my intelligence.” Twilight said starting to worry.  “It didn’t and since you are going to be a Wondercolt you should meet the girls. You want to see who’s available?” Sunset asked taking her phone out.  “I was going to study today but I guess I should go out. If you think it’s safe.” Twilight said hesitantly. “Twilight, the day after I became a raging she demon, all the girls either called or texted me. For the first time I had voicemails and text messages that weren’t spam. I was shocked. Now where is your phone?” Sunset asked. “I must have left in the other room.” Twilight replied. She and Sunset then headed back inside. Twilight picked up her phone and the lil red light on it was blinking. “Sunset, look I have a voice mail. No one ever calls me except mom or dad. Once in a while Cadence or my brother will. Still mostly mom or dad.” Twilight said sadly. Sunset stood behind her with a smile on her face. “And so it begins again. I didn’t believe it either Twi.” Sunset thought. Twilight hit the play symbol on her phone. “Good morning the sweet and compassionate Trixie wants to see how you're doing, give me a call please.” The message said. “It was Trixie. She sounded kind of odd, but she wanted to know how I was doing.” Twilight excitedly told Sunset. “It’s Trixie, you’ll get used to her. She’s a little pompous but deep down she means well. If my other friends had your contact info you would have voicemails and text messages from them.” Sunset told her. “I wish I knew their numbers.” Twilight said. Sunset took her phone out and said, “If you want, I will send a group text with your number if you want?”  “Um ok is that safe?” Twilight asked, “Wow you have never had friends, have you?” Asked Sunset “Once I did but I was a bad friend to her. Her name is Moon Dancer. I don't know if she still lives here in town.” Twilight said sadly.  “What did you do?” Sunset asked. “I knew these girls named Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Minuette and they stopped by and told me that Moon Dancer was having a little get together and wanted to know if I wanted to come.  I didn’t go as I was “busy with my studies.” I never heard from her again.” Twilight sadly remarked. “Well, we will try to find her if you want. Do you know where she lived?” Sunset asked.  “Last I heard somewhere in downtown Canterlot.” Twilight replied. “Well, why don’t we meet with the girls today. They took me in without question after the Fall Formal, what do you say?” Sunset said. “O.K. how did you do it?” Asked Twilight. “Mom dropped me off at the Canterlot Animal Shelter after we had a fight, and I called her an asshole.” Sunset remembered grimly. “Why would you do that??!!” Twilight almost exclaimed. “It’s a long story and I will tell you, but we let me text everyone that we would like to meet for lunch at the same place they met me that day.” Sunset said. “We need a ride and money.” Twilight told her. “Mom is coming to pick me up. Let me call her and text my friends, while you go grab a quick shower and change, I’ll wait for you. I don’t want to shove this down your throat Twilight, but just meet the girls. If your experiences in school are gonna be like mine, you need to gather allies.” Sunset told her. Then Sunset put her hand on Twilight’s cheek and said “Besides if you want to learn about friendship, we are the girls to teach you. We might have disagreements but, in the end, we always stand with each other.” She told her. “O.K, let me get a quick shower and change and I’ll be ready.” Twilight told her. Sunset quickly sent a group text to her friends. After that she was about to call her mom, when she heard a scream come from Twilight’s bathroom. > Allies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s parents raced up the stairs followed closely by Sunset. Twilight’s mom came running into the bathroom fearing what might have happened. Her dad was hoping it was something simple like she saw a spider. Sunset dreaded what she knew she was about to see. All three rushed into the bathroom and there stood Twilight in her bra and panties and shaking like a leaf. Twilight tried to cover up and turned beet red when she realized her father was in the room. Twilight Velvet ushered her husband out of the room.  Sunset ran over to Twilight and held her. Twilight was still trembling violently. Sunset had to ask, “Twilight why are you screaming?” “S-Sunset M-my b-back.” She stammered. Sunset gently turned Twilight around. Two long thin scars very similar to the ones that Sunset had on her back. Sunset took her shirt off and unhooked her bra and turned her back to Twilight. “Sunset w-what are those?” Twilight asked in a hushed tone. “Those are the price I paid for messing with dark magic. These scars on our backs are the price we pay for magic. Mine I earned these scars. It was my fault. You got them because you were pushed into magic. Still, it serves as a reminder to never mess with magic in this world.” Sunset explained. “BUT I DIDN’T WANT THESE SCARS I DIDN’T WANT TO TURN INTO THAT CREATURE!!” Twilight cried. “Shh, shh it’s okay. I know.” Sunset said holding Twilight. “Damn it Sunset, stop lying when you are trying to help.” Sunset thought. Sunset let go of Twilight and looked her in the eyes. She felt the same connection. After looking Twilight over she smiled slightly. “Just get showered and dressed, the girls will want to hang out with us.” Sunset said, smiling and giving her a little punch on her arm.  Twilight quickly showered and got dressed while Sunset talked with Luna on the phone about what happened this morning. “O.K. I’m coming to get you. Sunset you are really gonna be the one that she leans on. Please be patient with her.” Luna told her. “Mom, I know.” Sunset replied. “Well, she may lash out at times then start crying.” Luna said. “You mean be like me?” Sunset asked.  “Yes. Exactly.” Luna replied. “O.K. I’ll keep that in mind. See ya when you get here.” Sunset said, hanging up the phone. Then while she was waiting for Twilight, she decided to text her Aunt Chrysalis. Sunset: Aunt Chrys I need to talk to you ASAP. Chrys: Sunny, what's wrong? Sunset: I’d rather talk to you in person and not with mom or Aunt Celestia. Chrys: Are you in some kind of trouble? Sunset: No. I just need to talk to you about something going on. When can we talk? Chrys: I’ll pick you up tonight and we can go somewhere and talk. Sunset: Thank you. What time? Chrys: How about 7? Sunset: Okay good see you then. Sunset closed her phone as Twilight came down the stairs. She looked better. Her hair down and clean clothes and even without makeup she looked great. “You look a lot better.” Sunset said. “Thanks, I feel a lot better too.” Twilight replied.  “Anyway, we should head out, mom is coming to get us. Then we are going to meet the girls. Well, most of the girls anyway.” Sunset said. “Most?” Twilight asked. “Well Pinkie is working but she might bounce back to where we are for a few minutes.” Sunset said. “Bounce?” Asked Twilight. “It’s Pinkie, you get used to it.” Sunset said. Twilight just nodded. “I hope I’m not coming off too strong.” Sunset said to Twilight. “No, I have been a bookworm all my life. I need to become more of a social butterfly. I’ll need someone to give me a little push, I have never had many friends before.” Twilight told Sunset. About that time Sunset saw Luna pulling in the driveway.  “C’mon mom’s here let’s get going.” Sunset said grabbing Twilight’s hand and running for the door. Twilight pulled her hand free, and Sunset looked at her confused. “It’s weird having another girl grab my hand like that. Plus, I need to tell mom and dad I’m going out.” Twilight said going to tell her mom.  As Twilight went to tell her parents she looked at her hand.  “Why did Sunset grab my hand and why did it feel right. No Twilight, you're reading too much into this. Plus, you're supposed to like guys not girls.” Twilight thought as she entered the kitchen. “Mom, Dad I’m going out with Sunset and her friends for a few hours.” Twilight said. “OH, MY GOODNESS!!” Twilight Velvet exclaimed. “Twilight honey that is great!!” Night Light chimed in. “Um I guess it’s O.K. then?” Twilight asked, kind of shocked. “Better than ok! I am so happy to see you have friends again honey.” Twilight Velvet squealed. “O.K. I will call ya later.” Twilight said heading outside with Sunset. The girls walked down the steps with Twilight feeling a little bit uneasy. Yet with Sunset by her side, it made her feel better. “Hi Twilight, how are you feeling today?” Luna asked, sitting in the driver’s seat. Twilight walked over to the driver’s side of the car. “Hi Vice Principal Luna.”  “Outside of school it’s just Luna.” Luna gently told her. “Morning mom.” Sunset said getting in the back seat. Twilight got on the other side and Luna backed the car out and headed to the Sweet Shop. Dropping the girls off, they headed into the shop side by side. * * * Chrysalis walked into the spa in her boots, jeans, black t-shirt, leather jacket, and sunglasses. Taking her sunglasses off she looked around when a man came out to talk to her. After giving her a once over he tentatively asked, “Can I help you?”  “You can sure as hell try. Special Agent Chrysalis F.B.I. I am looking for one of your younger masseuses. Girl with bright hair, early twenties-worked here for several months, or was working here this winter. “Oh, that would have to be Lotus Blossom or possibly Aloe Vera.” He replied. “Where is she? I need to talk to her.” Chrysalis asked. “This way.” The man said, leading Chrysalis to the back of the spa. After a second he pointed her out to Chrysalis. “That’s Lotus Blossom right there.” Chrysalis walked over to Lotus. Lotus stopped and looked at Chrysalis, after eyeing her up and down she had to ask. “Can I help you?” Lotus asked. “Special Agent Chrysalis. I need to ask you some questions. Is there a place we can talk?” Chrysalis asked. “Sure, in the office. Am I in trouble?”  Lotus asked, “Not yet anyway, but i still need to ask you some questions.” Chrysalis told her. “Ok neighbor.” Lotus replied. “Excuse me?” Chrysalis asked. “Yeah, you live down the street from me. About 3-4 houses down.” Lotus replied. “Really?” Chrysalis asked as Lotus led her back to the office. Once in the office Lotus and Chrysalis sat down across from each other. Chrysalis leaned back in the chair and decided to ask. “What else do you know about me?” Chrysalis asked. “I know you’re a lesbian you had some tall women there at your house with a minor. Now you have some other girl there. I guess the minor wasn’t good enough.” Lotus replied smugly. Chrysalis shot out of her chair and closed the office door than said “First off, I am bi-sexual. Second of all the woman and her daughter, the minor as you call her, was my sister and my niece.  They came here for a day at the spa. Both of them on a Saturday. You remember that?” Chrysalis asked. “Yes, I worked on your niece when she got the massage. I became concerned when I saw strange marks on her back. Saw her come into your place and you are of “questionable character”, so I decided I better call DCF. She was obviously physically abused. I figure you might me mentally abusing her too. I never knew she was family. Still doesn’t clear up the marks on her back, however.” Lotus said. “Not that it’s your business missy but my niece was living on the streets for three years before my sister adopted her. That’s where those scars came from. My sister doesn’t hurt her daughter.” Chrysalis informed her.  Now Chrys got up and walked over to Lotus Blossom and got close to her face.  “Let me tell you something I told a high school freshman once. You mess with my family. I take it personally.” Chrysalis said. “You obviously are here on personal business, judging by your clothes, so you are out of line and have no power to do anything, because I called as a concerned individual.” Lotus replied. “Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report or counsels another to make a false report is guilty of a felony of the third degree punishable by up to five years in prison. In addition, the department may impose a fine not to exceed $10,000 for each violation. “Chrysalis told her. “I also know that anyone reporting in good faith shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability. You would have a hard time convincing a jury of that especially when those scars are called into evidence.” Lotus replied. * * * Sunset and Twilight walked into the Sweet Shop and Pinkie was right there. “Hiya Sunny, Hiya Twilight!! Trixie is already here and is sitting in the back waiting for ya to arrive. Oooo call me back when the meeting starts. I want in on the info.” Pinkie said then was off like a shot.  Twilight was kind of startled and confused. Sunset remembered what it was like that when she first met Pinkie Pie. “It’s ok Twilight, it’s Pinkie you get used to that.” Sunset assured her and then they headed to the back table where Trixie was sitting. “The great and awesome Trixie…is glad to see Twilight is doing better this morning.” Trixie said calming down at the end of her sentence. Shortly after they sat down and started talking, Sunset looked up and Saw Applejack and Apple Bloom get out of the car. Fluttershy pulled up right after them and her, Rainbow, and Scootaloo both got out of her car.  Sunset waved to all of them as they entered the shop and they headed over to the table. As they all sat down Sunset could see Apple Bloom and Scootaloo seemed scared of Twilight. “We’ll start in a second but Apple Bloom and Scootaloo relax.” Sunset said. “Maybe this was a mistake.” Twilight said. “No, it’s not a mistake, but this is two winged she demons in one year. I think the word is unnerving.” Scootaloo said. “Squirt Sunset never hurt you and I assure you Twilight here isn’t going too either.” Rainbow Dash told her firmly. “Don’t remind me. Sunset never hurt me, Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle and look at what we did.” Scootaloo said, hanging her head. “Scootaloo your past doesn’t define you.” Sunset said. About this Time Rarity and Sweetie Belle came in. Sweetie Belle was happy to see her friends and went over to sit with them Rarity sat next to Rainbow Dash. Less than a minute later Pinkie Pie came back, and Sunset saw everyone had arrived. “O.k. everybody this is just like it was after the Fall Formal. Twilight is going to need our support and possibly protection. I only had five girls. Twilight has double that at ten. Twilight?” Sunset said. “I am so sorry for what happened yesterday. Principal Cinch made me use that magic. Please I ask that you ten forgive me and please don’t be scared of me. I also want to ask all of you something.” “Anything Darling.” Rarity said. “Yeah, lay it on us Sugarcube.” Applejack said.  “I did have friends once. They were girls named Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Minuette and they stopped by and told me that Moon Dancer was having a little get together and wanted to know if I wanted to come.  I didn’t go as I was “busy with my studies.” I never heard from her again. Never really heard from any of them again. I don’t want to screw this up again. But I don’t know the first thing about relationships, friendships, and even how to relate to people. Also, I wish I could find Moon Dancer again and apologize to her.” Twilight explained. The girls ordered lunch and the girls chatted about things going on and invited Twilight to hang with them in the mornings in the music room. Sunset invited her over to play pool, darts. Pinball, and video games in the game room. Pinkie even offered to throw a big slumber party and invited Twilight to it. “So, is this what being a friend is?” Twilight asked, “Part of it, but you're there for each other, help each other, and look out for each other.” Apple Bloom said. “Twilight, we got your back on this one, just like we had Sunset’s.” Rainbow said. Twilight just bowed her head and smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks. Sunset found that cute. * * * About an hour later the group broke up and Chrysalis had arrived on her motorcycle to pick up Sunset and that was when she first met Twilight. "Aunt Chrys, what are you doing here? You said we would get together later." Sunset asked. "Your mom said you were here, and I found something out about who called DCF." Chrysalis said then stopped realizing there was a new girl standing next to Sunset. “Aunt Chrysalis meet my new friend Twilight. Twilight meet my Aunt Chrysalis.” Sunset noticed Chrysalis looking at Twilight and decided to introduce them. “Nice to meet you.” Twilight said, shaking hands with Chrysalis. “Um…do you have a ride home Twilight?” Chrysalis asked. “My sister-in-law Cadence is coming to get me.” Twilight asked. She then motioned to a car coming down the street. “O.K. if your safe kid Sunset and I are going to take off.” Chrysalis said. “I’ll be ok.” Twilight said walking over to the car. Chrysalis tossed Sunset the spare helmet and then Sunset grabbed Chrysalis around her waist, and they sped off. Thank God Chrysalis was here because Sunset was confused and concerned. Why did she feel like that way about Twilight Sparkle? > Secrets and Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis roared into her driveway on her Kawasaki Ninja and hit the garage door opener. After slowly walking her motorcycle into the garage she hung up her helmet and Sunset tossed her the other helmet. After hanging them both up they headed into the house. Potion Nova was in the den lounging on the couch reading a magazine. Chrysalis, followed by Sunset, came in from the garage. Sunset looked at the magazine with a quizzical look. Potion Nova looked at the magazine and then back at Sunset. “What? Is there something wrong with the magazine?” Potion Nova asked. “Wow. I didn’t know they printed anything anymore. Amazing people read stuff that’s not on a computer screen.” Sunset replied. “Don’t get smart, missy.” Potion Nova replied, getting up from the couch. Potion Nova went over and gave Chrysalis a kiss. Then with her arm around Chrysalis she turned her attention to Sunset. “Honey I am happy to see you, but I thought that you were coming over tonight.” Potion Nova said addressing Sunset. “I need to talk to Aunt Chrys alone if that’s okay.” Sunset asked tentatively. “It’s ok sweetie, do you want me to leave the room or take a walk?” Asked Potion Nova. “If you want to go in the bedroom that’s fine. Maybe turn the TV on.” Sunset said quietly. “O.K. hun I’ll head into the bedroom.” Potion Nova said, giving Chrysalis a little peck on the cheek and pat on her butt. Sunset watched Nova leave the room and sat down and Chrysalis did the same. “Now what is so important that you didn’t want to say it in front of Potion Nova?” Chrysalis asked. “It’s Twilight Sparkle. You see after the whole incident at the end of the Friendship games she became very clingy to me. She didn’t scream when someone touched her like I did.  That night at her house her mom and dad were very concerned and seemed supportive of her. The Rainbooms, Trixie, and the Crusaders all want to be friends with her. I don’t want to shove it down her throat though.  Still, she sobbed herself to sleep that night with me holding her and her holding onto me. We slept on the couch that night with my head on a throw pillow and someone put a blanket over us. I awoke in the middle of the night and was confused for a second. Here is the meat of the situation. Laying there on the couch it felt so right. I felt like I was protecting her, I felt like I was developing a crush on nerdy Twilight Sparkle. I even kissed Twilight on top of her head as she drifted off to sleep.  I woke up around 3:30 and readjusted myself slightly so I didn’t disturb Twilight as she was still holding onto me. I looked at her and out their window at the sky it was a beautiful starry night. Everything seemed perfect. I was thinking, I like guys, not girls, what is going on here. “Aunt Chrys did I turn gay or something?” Sunset asked. “You don’t just turn gay, you either are or you’re not. You couldn’t ask this in front of Potion Nova why?” Chrysalis responded. “I felt better with you. What is going on don’t play with me.” Sunset demanded. “Sunset welcome to the world of being bi-sexual.” Aunt Chrysalis said firmly. “Bi-sexual? No, I like guys not girls.” Sunset protested. “Relax kiddo. Monday when you go to school see if you still feel the same way about Twilight. If you do. You are most likely bi-sexual and have a first crush awwww.” Chrysalis teased at the end. “Are you teasing me about being bi Aunt Chrys?” Sunset said almost in tears. “No silly goof I’m bi-sexual myself I’m teasing you about your first crush. Just be careful your mom was my first crush, and we know how that ended. Make sure Twilight isn’t straight or you are in for heartbreak like I was.” Chrysalis cautioned her. “How do I do that? I just can’t walk up and say oh by the way Twilight are you gay? She liable to tell me her sexual preference isn’t me.” Sunset replied.  “Well other than clinging to you have you seen any other signs that make you wonder?” Chrysalis asked. ‘We have stared into each other’s eyes, and I feel a connection.” Sunset told her. “I think she may feel it too. Watch her closely you’ll see it.” Chrys said. “Thanks Aunt Chrys.” Sunset said “You're welcome, my little sun. Now you want to play some video games.” Chrys asked. “You’re on.” Sunset said. Chrysalis got up and set up one of the consoles.  * * * Twilight returned home after her meeting. She felt grateful to have such wonderful friends all going to help and look out for her. Upon entering the house Twilight’s mom called her into the kitchen. “Yeah mom.” Twilight replied coming into the kitchen “Honey Vice Principal Luna called and said to report to her office bright and early on Monday to get your class schedule. Now I have to ask, did you have a good time today?”  Twilight Velvet asked. “Actually, yes I did.” Twilight replied smiling. “Honey that is great, I like the fact that you are always studying and have your head in your books. Don’t stop that but I do want you to make friends and hang out with them occasionally.  That is why I didn't want you to go to an independent study program at Everton College. I didn’t want to see you end up alone.” Twilight Velvet beamed. “Mom, I don’t want to be alone anymore either. That girl Sunset has been through a living H-e-double hockey sticks. She said, considering she’s been there I can lean on her during this.” Twilight told her “Double hockey sticks?” Twilight Velvet asked. “I’m not gonna swear, anyway I need to do a few things, but I will try to find the Vice Principal’s office.” Twilight said. “Luna said she would have her daughter meet you at the remains of the statue in the morning…” Twilight Velvet replied immediately regretting her choice of words.  Twilight Sparkle just cringed and shuddered and turned and ran out of the kitchen and up to her room. Twilight Velvet called after her. Twilight came into her room and sat on the bed almost hyperventilating. Spike saw this and immediately jumped up in her lap and tried to comfort. “Twilight what’s wrong, you got to breathe Twilight. "Spike told her. “You know Spike when people called me things like Nerd, weirdo, oddball, and loser. I pretended it never bothered me. But the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” is bullshit.” Twilight lamented. “Twilight if your mom heard you say that she’d wash your mouth out.” Spike warned her. “Spike I destroyed the Canterlot Wondercolt statue, and I have an even bigger problem.” Twilight continued on. “What could be a bigger problem than that Twilight?” Spike asked. “I have a crush.” Twilight said. “Well, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Spike asked, “No! Not when the crush is on Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight said. “Wow, I didn’t see that one coming.” said Spike. * * * Twilight Velvet and Night Light checked on Twilight later and saw she was depressed. In Twilight’s mind she was more scared than anything. Her mom came and hugged her. “Sorry about the statue remark. Twilight honey I’m trying and if I get my hands on Abacus Cinch I am really going to let her have it. Twilight it is so hard for me to see my girl suffering and not being able to do anything about it.” Twilight Velvet replied. “Mom I’ll be ok. I’m sure once I get into CHS and get to know everyone better. I’ll come down and set the table in a minute, o.k.?” Twilight said smiling. “O.K. well set two more places for your brother and sister-in-law. They are joining us tonight.” Twilight Velvet told her. “Sure, I’ll be down in a minute.” Twilight ate dinner and spent Saturday night studying. Spike came and jumped into Twilight’s lap and had the phone in his mouth. “Spike don’t carry the phone in your mouth.” Twilight scolded. “Why don’t you call Sunset and tell her about your doubts and feelings?” Spike asked. “No, I can’t run to Sunset every time. I have a doubt about something. I sure can’t tell her I have a crush on her. That’s not right, I’m studying all this stuff about romance, and I don’t understand it. There is no scientific reason I am crushing on Sunset Shimmer. * * * That same night at Sunset’s house… “So, Mom and Aunt Celestia, thanks to some help from Aunt Chrys I realized I am bi-sexual, and I have a crush on Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset said almost all in one breath. Luna smiled as she got up and hugged her little worry bug. Just held her and rubbed her back. Celestia joined in the hug. Sunset felt more at ease now. “I thought you were going to hate me, and kick me out or, or…” Sunset started babbling. “Sunset let me give you nickels worth of free advice. Having a gay or bi-sexual kid does not make you a failure as a parent. Kicking them out into the street does.” Celestia said. “She’s right. I am not going to love you any less my little sun. If you bring a guy home, I’m gonna grill him, the same if you bring a girl home.” Luna reassured her. Sunset felt great for a second. Then another thought came into her head how was she going to tell her friends. Trixie would be supportive but the others, she didn't know how they would react. Sunset walked out onto the back porch of her house. She was looking up at the setting sun. Her thoughts were on Twilight Sparkle.  It was dinner time and Sunset went to set the table. I wonder what they are having at Twilight’s house tonight. No matter how she looked at it, she had found a person she really cared about. A person she liked romantically. “Twilight doesn’t like me like that, she pulled her hand away from me earlier today. I like her but she doesn’t like me. Best to keep it to myself. Don’t set myself up for disappointment.” Sunset thought.   That night…  Twilight sat looking out the window in her bedroom in her Pajamas. Her mind on Sunset.  Sunset at the same time did the same thing, sitting in her Pajamas looking out her window over center city Canterlot. First time she came to this house she looked out this exact window and was wishing for someone to be in her life. Now she found someone. Why did it have to be so complicated? Both Twilight and Sunset said the same exact thing at almost the same exact time. Twilight: How could this happen. I have a crush on a girl, a girl who doesn’t feel like that towards me. Sunset:  How could this happen. I have a crush on a girl, a girl who doesn’t feel like that towards me.   Twilight & Sunset: I can’t tell her. She doesn’t feel the same way about me. Elsewhere in Canterlot  that night… A van pulled up and into Abacus Cinch’s garage. Cinch stood there with her arms crossed watching as the side door opened and out stepped Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Adagio Dazzle. The three of them walked over to Cinch. “I understand you don’t like Twilight and Sunset either.” Cinch said, motioning them into her house.  “Well, our Twilight is from Equestria not here.” Adagio said. “Yeah, she’s like from that horse world and…” Sonata began when Adagio cut her off. “Shut Up Sonata. You’ll have to excuse them, they're idiots. But if this world’s Twilight is anything like the other one this will be interesting.” Adagio continued. “Excuse me, but we like lost our powers to them.” Aria said. “Girls what would you say if I told you there was magic in this world.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair. The Sirens sat down at the other three seats around the table.  “We know there is even Equestrian Magic at work. But we don’t have our amulets anymore. Plus, Sunset destroyed the magic device that you made Twilight use. By the way we won’t be manipulated so easily.” Adagio replied. “Well Twilight left a lot of stuff in her lab at the school. Cadence is going to clean it out soon. We need to get in there. She left a lot of paperwork. Among them I bet is the instructions to build a new magic containing device.” Cinch informed them. “Should we get those blueprints then what? Also, you don’t have a key to the building anymore. “Adagio told her. “No but I know a way in. As for actually building it. I’m still working on that. If I could find Gilda Griffon, she could help us.” Cinch said. “You mean the same Gilda Griffon held at Zephyr Heights?” Sonata asked. “Where is that?” Cinch asked. “The three underground top secret bases we heard some government officials talking about. Maritime Bay, Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights. Getting to her is going to be almost impossible.” “Nothing is impossible.” Cinch replied back. > First day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight awoke with a start. It was still dark out and Spike was still asleep on his bed. Twilight had not slept well due to going to a new school today. Sure, Sunset was going to show where the office was and she would probably have some classes with friends, but it was unnerving.  Then there was Sunset Shimmer. That was its own problem. She knew crushing on her was wrong. If she came out to her parents that she liked girls or girls and guys both. She would probably be called names like “faggot” and possibly kicked out. She was scared of what her mom and dad would think or worse say. It was unnerving as well. She looked at her clock and it read 2:36 A.M. she knew she could sleep a while longer but was she going to be able to? Probably not but she decided to use the bathroom and try to get back to sleep. As she stepped out of bed, everything went black. Twilight stood there in the void. Then out of the darkness rose Midnight Sparkle. Twilight recoiled in fear.  “Hello Twilight. Why do you look scared? It's me, your true self. You can’t keep pushing your doubts away, keep them buried. It’s hilarious to watch you think you can have a normal life.” Midnight Sparkle said sinisterly. “No Sunset Shimmer defeated you!!” Twilight cried out. “HAHAHAHA you and I are one now. You know you can never make friends. You will fail and now YOU have a crush HAHAHAHA!! How do you think your family and friends are going to react to having a faggot for a friend? Your parents, brother and sister-in-law have a faggot for a family member. HAHAHAHA!! “I’m not a faggot, stop using that word!!” Twilight demanded. “Do you think being called bi is any better? HAHAHAHA. Look at you I got to hide the fact that I can’t make friends and I have to hide the fact that I like Sunset Shimmer. Like you have a chance with her HAHAHAHAHA!!!”  “I’m not Midnight Sparkle, you are!!!” Twilight yelled back. “Yes, you are. We are forever connected!!!” Midnight Sparkle cackled. Twilight awoke with a start due to her alarm going off and Spike shaking her. “Twilight you were moving violently in your sleep are you ok?” Spike asked. “No Spike. I saw her Midnight Sparkle. She said that my family will leave me when they realize I like girls and that I don’t have a chance with Sunset and that the girls are never going to be my friends.” Twilight lamented. “Twilight tell them about your nightmare. Tell mom and dad about Sunset and TELL SUNSET!!” Spike exclaimed. “TELL SUNSET?! ARE YOU CRAZY??!!” Twilight exclaimed. Then realized how loud she was being and decided to be quiet, so her parents didn’t hear her. “Sunset is not into me, ok? Now I need to get ready for school Spike, the first day at Canterlot High School.” Twilight said getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom. After her shower she had to decide what to wear. Sure, Canterlot High didn’t have school uniforms, but she still wanted to look nice. Deciding to go for the preppy look she wore her knee highs, along with her purple skirt that had little pink stars on it. Then she chose her blue and white horizontal colored shirt with pink bow tie around her neck. Finally slipping her shoes on she looked good.  After just a dash of perfume, Twilight headed down to get her breakfast. After having her breakfast, she brushed her teeth and walked out to find her brother waiting for her. “Shining Armor, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked. “Giving you a ride in on your first day.” He replied opening the side door for his sister. “That’s nice of you. Why?” Twilight asked suspiciously. “I Want to make sure you get there safely on your first day.” He replied. “O.K.” Twilight said grabbing her backpack and getting in the passenger seat. The ride to school was quiet as Twilight was nervous beyond comprehension. Shining Armor noticed this though. “Do you want me to come with you and find the office?” He asked. “No way I have a companion that is escorting me to the main headquarters of the learning center.” Twilight said confidently. “What?” Shining Armor asked. “A friend of mine is going to take me to the office.” Twilight replied. “Sunset Shimmer?” Shining Armor asked. “Yes, one of the girls my big, brave brother rescued from that lunatic and  her gang. Wonder where Gilda is now?” Twilight pondered. “After she escaped from prison, I don’t know. I heard she was taken into custody by government agents. I don’t know any more than that.” Shining Armor replied as he pulled up to the school.  Twilight immediately noticed Sunset standing by the remains of what was the Canterlot Wondercolt Statue. Her heart sank looking at the rubble on the ground. But her heart fluttered when she saw Sunset standing there. Thanking her brother for the ride, Twilight hopped out and ran over to Sunset. “Sunset!!” Twilight exclaimed rushing over to meet her. Twilight gave Sunset a hug and it made Susnet feel so great in Twilight’s arms.  “Well, Twilight let me show you around. The first place we need to go is to see my Aunt Celestia and then to see everyone in the music room. Apple Bloom has something she wants to ask us.” Sunset told her as she was heading into the school. She stopped when she noticed Twilight looking at the remains of the Canterlot Wondercolt Statue which was now being cleaned up by a crew of trashmen.  “Don’t worry about that Twilight it wasn’t your fault. Mom said they got the sanitation workers to cut the cost of the removal. Now c’mon we need to get your schedule.” Sunset said. “The only problem is…it is my fault.” Twilight thought. Across the street in a van… Aria watched closely as Sunset, and Twilight headed into the school. Then when they went in she headed into the back of the van. Then she woke Adagio “They went in, but Twilight’s brother brought her here.” Aria said. “But mom I don’t want to go to school.” Sonata mumbled from her makeshift bed. “Forget it Sonata. Aria, we have what we came for. Twilight, definitely transferred to CHS. Let's bring our findings to Cinch.” Adagio said.  “Why don’t you drive? I am exhausted.” Aria whined. “Fine give me the damn keys.” Adagio said grabbing them from Aria’s hand. She started up the van and drove off. Adagio was glad too. Vans didn’t usually stay across the street in this area for very long periods. All they needed was to get discovered by the CPD or worse the FBI.     Inside Canterlot High School… Sunset and Twilight left the office after Principal Celestia gave Twilight her class schedule. Sunset and Twilight only had one class together besides lunch. Study Hall at the end of the day.  “Well, we usually meet in the library and do homework there. Sometimes we just chill.” Sunset told her. “We?” Asked Twilight. “Yeah, you have study hall with me of course and Trixie, we sit together at study hall.” Sunset explained opening the doors to the music room. “TWILIGHT!!” Pinkie exclaimed, rushing and crushing Twilight in a bear hug. After a second Pinkie let go and Twilight took a few deep breaths. “Pinkie you need to lighten up on your hugs.” Sunset said a little mad. “Sorry Sunny.” Pinkie said looking kind of down. Pinkie slowly backed away after that.  “No, I’m sorry Pinkie, I just didn’t want to see Twilight get hurt that’s all. I apologize.” Sunset said remorsefully. “It’s ok I’m not a porcelain doll Sunset I’ll be ok.” Twilight replied. “Darling let's see your schedule as ten girls gathered around Twilight was glad to see she had friends in a lot of her classes. It made her feel safer that way. Then Apple Bloom piped up.“Sunny do you and Twilight like camping?” She asked. “I never really did it before, why?” Asked Sunset. “Never done it before, Apple Bloom why?” Twilight joined in.   “I was going to have you two join me. I wanted to camp out in my clubhouse on Friday Night.” She said. “Why this Friday?” asked Sunset. “Well, it’s gonna be exciting, around 11 we are going to have a strong line of thunderstorms come through, then it’s gonna get really cold. What do you say?” Apple Bloom asked “I doubt Granny Smith will let you do that Sugarcube, it's too dangerous.” Applejack spoke up. “But I got Sunset and Twilight with me.” She whined. “Apple Bloom I’m ok with a sleepover, but just not on a night it’s going to storm.” Sunset said. “Me too, Apple Bloom, maybe postpone it to Saturday Night. It’s still gonna be cold but not storming. What do you say to Saturday Night?” Twilight asked. “Wow, Twilight you are planning a social event?” Sunset asked. “I told you I have been a bookworm my whole life. Time to try to be a social butterfly.” Twilight said. “Oh, Twilight you should go slowly, don’t overdo it.” Fluttershy added softly. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, I am gonna go slow.” Twilight said. “Well, we should probably split for the morning until lunch.” Rainbow said. “Twilight, what class do you have first?” Asked Sunset. “History.” She said showing her schedule. “Well, you're in luck Twilight. Apple Bloom and I have that class first too. Follow us.” Scootaloo said, leading Twilight to her first class. After that, all the girls split for the morning to their classes. Several of them silently worried about how Twilight would do today. It turned out Twilight adjusted well. There were some nasty looks from students and whispers, and someone even tried to trip her. Other than that, she was mostly just given dirty looks, but some understood her. Lyra and Bon Bon were nice to her and helpful in Home Economics. Neither one of them seemed scared of Twilight and more than happy to help her with her cooking.    Then there was her admirer Flash Sentry. He knew that she was not “his Twilight” as she probably wasn’t coming back but he was willing to help Twilight if she needed it. Just wasn't sure how to tell her. Overall by the time she got to lunch Twilight was already getting the hang of things here at Canterlot High School. She told the girls that she liked the fact that there was no dress code and she wasn’t expected to be a straight-A student; it took a lot of the stress off of her. All in All, Twilight was adjusting well and quickly to her new school.  Meanwhile… Flash managed to talk to Sunset for a minute after Study Hall asking how Twilight was doing. “Flash, she is adjusting quickly, but still socially awkward, but the Rainbooms, Crusaders, and Trixie are helping her adjust.” Sunset told him. “Well you can count me in on that list. I know it was Principal Cinch that forced her to use that magic.” Flash said. “Former Principal Cinch. She resigned her position right after the Friendship Games.” Sunset told him. “That’s good news. Where is Twilight? I would like to tell her personally.” Flash said. “She’s over there at her locker. I’ll introduce you.” Sunset said leading the way. They walked up and Twilight was busy organizing her locker.  “Hey Twilight, I want you to meet someone.” Sunset said walking over to her. Twilight turned around to come face to face with Flash Sentry. “Oh, um hi.” Twilight stammered a little embarrassed.  “Hi I’m Flash Sentry. You must be Twilight, nice to meet you. You can count me among your allies. OK.” Flash told her, extending his hand. Twilight shook his hand back,  “Thank you very much Flash.” Twilight said. “Welcome to Canterlot High.” He said then after stopping for a second, he asked “Sunset, Twilight you girls want a ride home?”  “Just let me tell mom I’m going and that would be great.” Sunset said heading down to Luna’s office. “Her mom?” Flash asked. “Yeah, Vice Principal Luna adopted Sunset; didn’t you know?” Twilight asked shyly. “I thought they were kind of close.” Flash remarked.  A minute later Sunset came up and said, “Yeah mom said it was ok.”  With that, Twilight grabbed her books out of her locker and after a stop at Sunset’s locker the three of them exited the school. Little did they know they were being watched.  “Flash Sentry is how we can get to these girls.” They said, > A cold night in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Apple Bloom the week went by slowly. She really wanted to do this sleepover in the clubhouse for both girls. She was trying to show Twilight that she was definitely her friend. The main reason was to do something nice for Sunset after the Anon-A-Miss incident.  Apple Bloom was snapped back to her senses by the teacher calling on her in history class. When Apple Bloom couldn’t answer the teacher scolded her. “Apple Bloom I suggest you pay attention this morning and wake up.” Ms. Harshwhinny scolded. “Yes Ms. Harshwhinny.” Apple Bloom said looking down. “Can anybody else answer the question.” Ms. Harshwhinny asked.  Twilight quickly raised her hand and answered the question correctly. Ms. Harshwhinny was pleased and moved on. Scootaloo nudged Apple Bloom slightly when Ms. Harshwhinny turned towards the board. “Apple Bloom are you O.K.?” Scootaloo whispered. “I’m just thinkin’ about Saturday Night, that's all.” Apple Bloom replied. “I know but ya need to stay focused, or you might end up in Sunset mom’s office. That won’t be good just before a sleepover.” Scootaloo whispered. After that Apple Bloom did her best to try and stay focused.  Two rows ahead of her, Twilight could tell Apple Bloom was thinking about Saturday night. Twilight thought about it a lot too. She had only camped once with her mom, dad, and Shining Armor when they were little kids.  So, she was scared and unprepared, but she was reading books on the subject so she figured she would be ok. Hopefully. In the end Twilight decided just to talk to Sunset about the issue and maybe her sister-in-law and her brother. At lunch that day the girls all met together and as always now the crusaders joined the Rainbooms and Trixie. That was when Twilight asked the question that had been bugging her. “Guys I have never been camping but once with my parents and brother when I was little. What do I do?” She asked. “Twilight don't stress about it. A campout/sleepover is not something you do by the book; you plan a few ideas of stuff to do. But mostly you just hang out, I was scared at my first sleepover too.” Sunset told her. “I would be too after what you six did.” Scootaloo replied. “O.K. squirt, we don’t need to be reminded of that.” Rainbow Dash replied. “What happened?” Asked Twilight. “Well, we had the great idea to drink at our sleepover. We all got totally sloshed.” Sunset replied. All the Rainbooms shifted uncomfortably in their seats when Sunset said that. “Really?” Asked Twilight. “Yeah, we don’t like to talk about it.” Fluttershy said quietly. “Can I at least ask what you drank?” Twilight asked. “Ooo, Ooo!! Let me tell her!!” Pinkie said excitedly. “O.K.” said Rarity. “I made Jello shooters, Rainbow brought beer, Rarity brought wine, and Applejack brought cider from the farm!!” Pinkie exclaimed. “But there will be no alcohol on Saturday Night I promise ya that Twilight.” Apple Bloom said. “I have been reading the book Slumber 101 and I figured we should do it by the book. So, this way you have fun.” Twilight said. “You want to have fun?” Asked Sunset. “Yes, I do.” Twilight replied. “Then forget the book, I’m sure Apple Bloom has it all well in hand.” Sunset said. The rest of lunch went by with just casual conversation. * * * After School… The Crusaders arrived in detention that day. Luckily for them it was Principal Celestia over seeing it. She was laxer than most of the other teachers. She was definitely more relaxed than her sister Luna. “Guys.” Apple Bloom whispered to her friends. “I have no idea what to do Saturday night. It’s not like a sleepover with you girls.” She continued. “Just get some snacks and games, and talk. Maybe watch some videos on YouTube. Just act like it’s me and Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo replied. “Guys, Principal Celestia is looking right at us.’ Sweetie Belle whispered, “Unless you have something you wish to share with everyone, I suggest you be quiet-because Saturday detention is not nice.  As for the rest of you, don't think I don’t know when you’re texting. No one randomly looks at their lap and smiles.” Celestia said to the few other students in detention. Once detention was over the Crusaders talked to Apple Bloom “You sure you don’t want us to be there too. You know we also hurt Sunset too ya know?” Sweetie Belle asked. “No, you and Scoots have plans, ah can handle this.” Apple Bloom said. “You sure?” Asked Scootaloo. “Yes, go out with dates that night, after all you will need someone to keep ya both warm. Have fun, ah don’t want ya disappointing your boys.” Apple Bloom said. After that, Apple Bloom spent time making plans. For the girls the week seemed to crawl; Apple Bloom was getting lectured by Applejack about cold weather camping on Thursday Night. “Ah know ah did this once with the crusaders remember you lectured me then as well.”  Apple Bloom whined. “Sis I just want ya to be careful out there. Now do the girls know what to do?” The worried cowgirl asked. “Sunset said she spent several cold nights out there, which makes me feel bad.” Apple Bloom replied. “Ah know sugarcube, but if Sunset had been nice and came up and knocked on the door, we would have made room for her on those nights.” Applejack told her sister. “Sis Sunset is set to go, It’s Twilight ah’m  worried about, she has this book called Slumber 101. Sis how do you have a slumber party by the book?” Apple Bloom said. “Let me and the girls help her tomorrow in the morning in the music room and at lunch. Ok? So don’t you worry about it.” Applejack told her. True to her word the next day in the Music room all the girls laid out what they did at a slumber party. Sunset said to make sure she had a sleeping bag and some warm clothes and her pillow. “I only did camp once with my family and only really been to one sleepover when I was a little girl. Moondancer and I had a slumber party. I really need to reconnect with Moon Dancer. Try to be a true friend to her.” Twilight said. “Twilight just stick with me and Apple Bloom and trust us. A good sleeping bag, pillow, and warm clothes. We will be ok.” Sunset said. “My parents are also a little concerned.” Twilight said. “I will have Granny Smith talk to them tonight I promise.” Applejack said. “Relax, we got this.'' Sunset said, giving Twilight a little punch on her arm. * * * Finally, Saturday rolled around after a rocking thunderstorm Friday night. Sunset spent it in Luna’s lap and wrapped up in Luna’s arms. This time she had her Aunt Celestia rubbing her back while it went on.  Saturday Sunset spent help cleaning up the house and doing some schoolwork. This way there was much less to do on Sunday. After dinner Sunset gathered a sweat suit and change of clothes for the morning.  “I thought it was spring.” Sunset going over her packing list. “You know Canterlot Sunset, there is always one last blast of winter. This is it.  Now Sunset I want to talk to you about something. Now this summer. I know you wanted a job, but it is a junior tradition to spend the first week of the summer at Camp Everfree.” Luna told her. “Yeah, Applejack is going and even Apple Bloom is coming too.” Sunset said. “Well, it’s not just open to juniors, but it is your last chance to go and be a camper. I went with Celestia her junior summer and I also went, my junior summer too.” Luna continued. “We have time to think about it, but I think I’m willing to go.” Sunset said. “Good, you can sign up on Monday, and see if you can convince your friends to sign up too. Now if you are ready let’s head to Sweet Apple Acres. * * * Across Town Twilight was getting ready too. “Oh, I can’t believe it Spike.” Twilight said up in her room.  “What can’t you believe that you have friends? That you are going to a sleepover/campout? That you have a crush on one of the girls that you’ll be spending the night with?” Spike asked the last part teasingly. “What eww I don’t have a crush on Apple Bloom.” Twilight replied. “You know who I am talking about.” Spike chided. “I know and let’s not discuss this anymore, please?” Twilight replied. “When are you going to tell her?” Spike asked. “How about never, that sounds like a good time.” Twilight said, shouldering her pack and heading out. She wanted to tell Sunset Shimmer ever since they spent the night on the couch, but Sunset never appeared to have those same feelings for her. Twilight always figured she would end up alone but to like another girl that was totally ludicrous. Ludicrous and also completely true. Twilight was startled out of her thoughts by her mom calling her to see if she was ready to head to the sleepover.  Twilight headed out with her mom. Her mom was talking about staying warm and Twilight was only half listening. She knew she had to stay warm, she had read a lot about sleepovers/camping out. Maybe she was overreacting, so she decided to let Apple Bloom take the lead. This bothered as she was not used to knowing things. About the same time Sunset pulled up to Sweet Apple Acres and got out of the car. Luna was glad the ride was over while Sunset’s driving had improved; she still had somewhat of a lead foot. Sunset grabbed her bag and pillow and shouldered her pack, “Sunset!!” Apple Bloom exclaimed and came running out wrapping Sunset in a big hug. Sunset gladly returned the hug. “Come on I’ll take you to the club house!!” Apple Bloom said, tugging on Sunset’s arm. “I see someone is excited to get started tonight.” Sunset said. “Also ah want to get you set up so ah can be here when Twilight arrives.” Apple Bloom replied. “I know where the clubhouse is. When I was homeless, and the shelter was full I slept out in your clubhouse. The night I ran away from home I ended up in your clubhouse.” Sunset confessed. “Wow.” Apple Bloom said, looking down. “I’m sorry Apple Bloom, I just needed a shelter to spend the night in.” Sunset said. “It’s cool, ah just wanted to surprise you, but ah forgot you have already been there.” Apple Bloom still seemed down as she led Sunset back to the clubhouse.  Sunset had never gone through the orchards before but soon enough they were at the clubhouse. It looked different in the daytime. It definitely seemed cheerier than in the nighttime.  “Sunset go ahead on in and set up ah gotta go and meet up with Twilight.” Apple Bloom said running off to the farmhouse. Sunset went in and unpacked her sleeping bag and pillow that had been rolled up in her bag. She took out her winter hat and coat and put them aside from her bag and laid back on her bag and relaxed. It was going to be a cold night and she was ready. Apple Bloom got back to the farmhouse just as Twilight was arriving. Apple Bloom ran up and greeted her with a big hug as well. Then she led Twilight out to the clubhouse. “You built this Apple Bloom?” Twilight asked as they walked over the stairs. “No Applejack did, ah just fixed it up, for Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and ah.” Apple Bloom said. Entering the clubhouse, Sunset looked over to see Apple Bloom leading Twilight inside. “Hey Twilight, you made it.” Sunset said sitting up. “Um yeah.” Twilight replied she seemed very uncomfortable. “Go ahead and set up your stuff Twilight.” Apple Bloom said cheerfully. “I have a question, where are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo tonight?” Sunset asked, “Ah wanted to do this personally and they have dates tonight too.” Apple Bloom replied. “I get it all the single ladies in the house!” Sunset trying to lighten the mood. “No ah’m doing this to show Twilight that ah want to be friends and showin’ her what different friends do.' ' Apple Bloom says. “What about me?” Sunset asked. Apple Bloom mumbled something in response. “I didn’t catch that.” Sunset said. “To make up for Anon-a-miss.” Apple Bloom said quietly. “Apple Bloom you don’t need to make up for that anymore, I forgive you it’s ok.” Sunset told her. “Then why do ah feel so bad still?” Apple Bloom asked. “Because you haven’t forgiven yourself. At least you didn’t become a dark creature I call “Midnight Sparkle.” Twilight said digging in her bag after a second, she found what she was looking for. “Twinkies anyone?” Twilight asked. Sunset raised her hand and Twilight tossed her a pack. Then Twilight looked over at Apple Bloom who was sitting there Indian style with her head down.  “Apple Bloom want a pack?” Twilight said holding a pack of Twinkees. “Apple Bloom please don’t do this we are supposed to have fun, bundle up and tell ghost stories.” Sunset said. “Well before it gets too late, why don’t we head to the farmhouse and make some s’mores, what do you say?” Apple Bloom said. The others agreed and headed to the farmhouse. Once inside Applebloom got out a bag of marshmallows, some chocolate and a box of Graham Crackers. Using the microwave, they made s’mores it was a favorite of Twilight’s for Sunset this was something she never had often. Mainly because Luna didn’t care for them. Once back in the clubhouse the girls took their places Applebloom unrolled her sleeping bag and set up and took out a big thermos. It was still very warm to the touch. Taking the top off she poured a steaming liquid into the lid/cup and offered it to the girls.  “I want to know what I’m drinking after my last sleepover.” Sunset said. “It’s ok it’s hot chocolate, I wouldn’t serve alcohol after how mad Granny Smith was with Applejack when she came home drunk.” Apple Bloom said. “Should we all drink out of the same cup?” Twilight asked, “It’s ok we don’t have cooties.” Sunset said. “But what if one of us has a cold or something?” Twilight asked. “Twilight just drink, you'll need the hot liquid for tonight.” Apple Bloom said. Twilight drank what was left. After that Apple Bloom wiped the lid/cup out and after putting it back on the thermos she got hit in the face with a pillow. “Pillow Fight!!” Sunset cheered loudly.  “You're going down, Shimmer!!” Apple Bloom said grabbing her pillow and swinging her pillow wildly but accidently hitting Twilight in her face. “O.k. you are both going down!!” Twilight exclaimed. Grabbing her; pillow she went after the other girls. While Sunset and Apple Bloom swung wildly. Twilight seemed to hit every time after several times without missing Sunset had to know her secret. “My secret? Easy I took into account angle, friction and wind resistance. I aimed too.” Twilight said smugly. She was answered by having two pillows hit her in her face. After that all the girls burst out laughing. Later after a few ghost stories and some more hot chocolate the girls went to the house to use the bathroom as the temperature was dropping rapidly.  After using the bathroom, they left for the clubhouse. After a few YouTube videos Everyone got zipped up. Sunset put her hat on, and everyone drifted off to sleep.   Sunset awoke an hour later and saw Twilight was shivering as her sleeping bag was a summer bag and she wasn't dressed warm enough. Twilight was laying there in her bag shivering. “Twilight.” Sunset whispered. Twilight didn’t stir. Sunset got up and rushed over to Twilight's side. She was definitely cold. Sunset shook her and Twilight opened her eyes. “Hey, Sunset is it morning yet?” Twilight asked. “It’s A.M. yes very A.M.” Sunset replied. “I’m c-c-cold.” Twilight said shivering. “Come with me quickly, we need to get you warm.” Sunset replied. Twilight got up and was shivering with cold. Sunset grabbed her arm and brought her over to her sleeping bag; Sunset slid in and motioned for to slide in next to her. Twilight grabbed her sleeping bag and after sliding in on her side next to Twilight Sunset zipped on her sleeping bag throwing Twilight’s over them. She and Twilight wrapped their arms around each other.  Ten minutes later Twilight was warm again, but she wasn’t going to let go. She was holding Sunset, and Sunset was holding her. For Twilight this was a dream come true.  Sunset knew she was holding a girl that she really cared about; she was protecting her. Sunset and Twilight held each other throughout the night both sleeping peacefully. Both of them are thinking to themselves: “This is so nice why can’t she like me too.” > Suprises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was awoken by Apple Bloom shaking her shoulder gently. Sunset stirred and saw that it was daytime. She went to stretch and realized she was still holding Twilight.  Sunset looked over at Apple Bloom with half closed lids. Finally Sunset stretched and even though Twilight stirred some, she didn’t wake up. Sunset rolled on her back and unhooked Twilight’s arms. “What is it?” Sunset whispered. “When you get up let me know.” Apple Bloom replied. “Well, I’m up so what is it?” Sunset retorted. “There was a break-in overnight.” Apple Bloom said. “Where at the farmhouse?” Asked Sunset Apple Bloom replied “No. Crystal Prep.” * * * After Sunset woke up Twilight. Sunset was getting changed when Twilight  turned around and saw Sunset in her underwear and was immediately turned around red faced.  “I hope Sunset didn’t see me turn around. Damn, did she look good in her underwear! What am I saying?” Twilight thought. “You can turn around now Twilight.” Sunset said. “Thanks, now please turn around and let me change?” Twilight asked. Sunset turned around but couldn’t help but secretly watch Twilight change out of her flannel pajamas and even changed her underwear. Sunset tried not to look but caught a glimpse of Twilight in her panties hooking her bra but from behind.  “Damn twilight has got a body after all. Sunset, she doesn’t like you. Stop thinking this way.” Sunset thought. After Twilight and Sunset finished changing, they rolled up their sleeping bags and grabbed them and their clothes bags and headed out to the farmhouse to hear the news of the break-in.  Arriving through the orchards, Twilight saw her brother and sister-in-law at the house. Twilight ran and hugged both of them. Sunset thought it was sweet that an adult man could still hug his teen sister. She was happy to see that the Sparkle family showed affection.  “So, I heard there was a break-in at the school.” Twilight said. “Yes, they broke into your old laboratory/workshop that we had sealed off and come Monday was going to be cleared out. I was going to give you all the paperwork that you had stored there and get rid of most of the machines and probably return your tools as well. “ Cadence explained. “What was stolen?” Asked Sunset. “All of Twilight's research, hand tools, hell even the furniture was taken. The lab was cleared out.” Shining Armor informed them. “Oh man, in the wrong hands that stuff could be dangerous.” Twilight lamented. “Dangerous, it could drain our powers for good. We got to find that stuff.” Sunset said with fear in her voice. “Don’t worry I got two of my best detectives on it. Your Aunt Chrysalis is also looking into it independently on her own time.” Shining Armor informed her. “Who would want to break your old lab?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “I think the best question, is who benefitted from it and who had the knowledge to get into the school?” Twilight asked. “Abacus Cinch.” Cadence said. “But we can’t prove it. Plus, she couldn’t pull this off alone. She has to have help.” Twilight said. “Gilda?” Sunset ventured. “No Shining Armor here said she’s in a maximum-security facility.” Cadence told them. “Well, someone helped her, and we got to find out who.” Twilight said determinedly, “Whoa there little sis, let the police investigate this not a High School Junior.” Shining Armor said, placing a hand on her shoulder.  Just then Sunset’s phone rang. She stepped outside and saw it was her Aunt Celestia calling. She quickly answered. “Hello.” Sunset answered “Ah Sunset, you’re awake good. Your mom wants me to pick you up. What do you say to going out for breakfast? Your friend Twilight can come too if she wants. The invite extends to her too.” Celestia told her. “Let me check.” Sunset said. Sunset walked back into the house and saw Twilight talking to Applejack and her siblings. Times like this, Sunset wished she had a sister, or maybe even a brother. She didn’t expect Luna to adopt anymore kids. “Twilight, my Aunt Celestia is picking me up and we are gonna to go out to breakfast and you’re invited to come with us if you want.” Sunset stated. “Shining Armor and Cadence is this okay with you guys, because I am guessing you guys were taking me home. Am I right in my assumption?” Twilight asked. “Yes. But if you want to go with your friend that’s fine. Just let mom and dad know.” Shining Armor said. “Aunt Celestia just come on over, Twilight has to call her mom and dad to get permission.” Sunset said, “Um, ok but does she have a way home?” Celestia asked. “Yeah, her brother and sister-in-law are here.” Sunset told her. “OK well I’ll be over soon.” Celestia said. “Ok See you then Aunt Celestia.” Sunset said. Sunset walked back into the farmhouse and Applejack stopped her. Sunset looked at her confused. “I think Twilight’s parents want her home; she’s fighting with them on the phone.” Applejack said. “I don’t hear her.” Sunset said. “She’s out back on the porch.” Applejack said. As if on cue, Twilight came in the screen door and slammed it shut. Applejack gave her a disapproving look. Twilight realized what she did wrong. “Sorry Applejack my parents just make me so mad sometimes.” Twilight said through clenched teeth. “Ah understand sugar cube. I guess it’s a no go?” Applejack inquired. “Sorry Sunny but our adventure ends here for today. The ‘rents want me home this afternoon, they say I got something to do at home.” Twilight said. At this time Apple Bloom came out of the kitchen. After hearing everything she just stood there, and her face fell. She had hoped to prepare breakfast for everyone.  “Ah guess you aren’t staying for breakfast?” Apple Bloom asked sadly. “No. My Aunt Celestia is on her way to pick me up. Sorry Apple Bloom, but thanks for last night.” Sunset said. “Hey maybe your aunt would like breakfast too.” Apple Bloom said. “No we are going out for breakfast, thanks anyway.” Sunset said hugging Apple Bloom. “My parents want me to come home, so I am heading out with my brother and sister-in-law. I’m sorry Apple Bloom but thanks for last night. It was fun.” Twilight said. Twilight headed out with her brother and Sister-in-law. Sunset walked out onto the porch. A minute later Celesita pulled up and Sunset grabbed her stuff and said goodbye to the Apple Sisters and headed off. “Ah was hopin’ they would stay for breakfast. That’s the icin’ on the cake of a sleepover.” Apple Bloom said. “Well, they had things to do today sugercube. Anyway, we got a few chores this mornin’ so let’s get ‘em done so we can have our big Sunday meal.  “I guess so.” Said Apple Bloom downhearted. * * * Several hours earlier…  Abacus Cinch pulled the van up about a block away from Crystal  Prep. Upon stopping, three girls stepped out and looked around. “Cinch we are a block away from the school.” Sonata told her. “This is as close as I can get. If I am seen near the school the jig will be up. Use the back alley and be quiet, let me know when you get to the side of the building. I’ll instruct you from there.” Cinch instructed them. The Dazzling's quickly changed into all black outfits and dashed across the street. Quickly and quietly, they moved down the first half of the alley. About halfway through, Sonata almost tripped over a cat. It let out a “meow” and headed off. “Can you make any more noise? We need to get out of this alley.” Adagio snapped. Quickly and most of all quietly the girls headed through the alley coming our right across from Crystal Prep. The three girls ran across the street. Getting to the side of the building Adagio put her earpiece in and contacted Cinch. “Okay we made it to the side of the building. Now what?” Adagio said. “Look for an air vent. It will be cramped but Adagio you should be able to get through it. Once you're in the air vent will split. One shaft will go off to the right and the other one will keep going straight. Take the right one. It should drop down into the lab after a little bit. Once you’re in let me know.” Cinch instructed them. “O.K. Girls, I will go in and turn the alarm off as Cinch instructed. Then  once the coast is clear I will let you in, get around the front.” Adagio instructed. Aria and Sonata quickly headed around the front while Adagio quickly moved through the air vent trying to make as little noise as possible. Once she got to where Twilight’s Lab was, she picked up the grate and realized she was outside of Twilight’s Lab and the door was open.  Adagio looked in and the room was totally empty. There was nothing there. “Cinch I’m in front of Twilight’s Lab. The door is open and there is nothing in there, no furniture or anything. It is totally empty.” Adagio said. “Impossible!” Cinch exclaimed over the radio. “Well, I’m looking at it. There is nothing in this room.” Adagio repeated. “Are you sure it is the lab?” Cinch insisted. “Yeah, let me go turn the alarm off and get out of here before some janitor sees me.” Adagio said heading towards the front of the school. After a few close calls with janitors, she reached the end of the main hallway. “Cinch, what is the combo to turn off the alarm?” Adagio asked impatiently. “The combo I had put in, if it hasn’t been changed is 1,2,3,4,5.” Cinch told her. “1,2,3,4,5? That is the stupidest combination I ever heard in my life, that is the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage!” Adagio replied. “Just get out of there and meet up with the others and get back to the  Van. We have to use Plan B.” Cinch told her. Adagio punched in the code and it turned the alarm off. She quickly opened the door and told the girls and told them they were too late; someone had already cleared the place out.  The girls headed back down the alley, and across the street to the van Cinch sped off, not knowing she was being watched from across the street. * * * The back of a moving van was closed up and inside was all the contents of Twilight’s lab. The man loaded up the last items and closed and locked the doors making sure all the contents were securely stored. “Sir what is the destination for this stuff.” Asked a man in a black police uniform. “This was too close. We need a remote location, take everything to Bridlewood.” The Cigarette Man replied. “Yes sir.” He replied and ran to get in the truck. At this time another man in a black suit walked up and stood next to The Cigarette Man.  “Cinch reminds me too much of Gilda.” He said. “Yes, but her vendetta is not with Sunset Shimmer.” The Cigarette Man replied. “What do we know about this girl? What is her name, Twinkle Sprinkle?” He asked. “It’s Twilight Sparkle. She somehow used magic and it turned her into a she demon as well.” The Cigarette Man replied. “Two of them? Now this is getting out of hand.” The other man replied.  “We must watch both now. Apparently, Sunset turned into a white angelic creature and battled Twilight’s she demon form.” The Cigarette man replied. “I hope this can be handled.” Said the other man as he walked away. * * * Celestia pulled up to the apple farm and Sunset came down off the porch to meet her.  “Did you have a good time Sunset?” Celestia asked.  “Great.” Sunset replied. “Glad to hear it.” Celestia said tossing Sunset the keys. “Now drive us home. Sunset smiled really wide. She always loved when Luna or Celestia tossed her the keys.  “I am surprised you came to get me Aunt Celestia.” Sunset said. “Your mom is entertaining a gentleman caller.” Celestia said. “Wait! What??” Sunset exclaimed. “Apple Cinnamon is in town and is thinking about moving the business to Canterlot, a more central location and a lot of their business is here.” Celestia told her. “My mom is also here too.” Sunset deadpanned. “You really should give Apple Cinnamon more of a chance anyway let’s head out.” Celestia said. Stopping at The Sweet Shop Celestia had a coffee and Danish, and Sunset had milk and a donut. The two talked briefly. “Sunset give Apple Cinnamon a chance, he really likes your mom, and cares about her. More than that last a-hole did." Celestia told her. The rest of the drive home was mostly silent. Upon arriving home Sunset could see Apple Cinnamon’s truck was in the driveway. She walked up to the door with Celestia and upon entering the house they both saw, there was nobody in sight.  “Aunt Celestia, I’m just gonna drop my stuff off in my room.” Sunset said starting up the stairs.  “Well, I’m going to put my stuff in my room.” Celestia said, starting up the stairs right behind Sunset. “I wonder where mom is?” Sunset said to Celestia.  A second later her question was answered. As they came close to Luna’s bedroom. Moaning was heard… > Doubts and fears. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was in shock. She wanted to run in there and scream at Luna for doing this. Celestia came and put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder and led her away. Celestia walked with her arm around Sunset back down the stairs. Celestia took Sunset through the house all the way down to the basement. Entering the game room, Sunset sat on the couch putting her head in her hands. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to hit something. Celestia came and sat down next to her putting her arm around her niece.  “You know Sunset, I could tell this was gonna happen. Luna wouldn’t let him get her in bed if he didn’t care about her. If he didn’t love her.” Celestia told her. “I know he loves mom and that is what bothers me. She told me early on she didn’t have a boyfriend or need one. Then Granny Smith convinces you her family can do the job of building and installing cheaply. You had to hire them, didn’t you?” Sunset asked bitterly. “You’re so jealous and scared that you can’t be happy for your mom, can you?” Celestia asked. “It’s all around me. All the Rainbooms have someone, two of the crusaders have someone, Aunt Chrysalis has someone, even mom has someone. I don’t though.” Sunset said sadly. “Trixie doesn’t have a girlfriend, Apple Bloom, and Twilight are single. I don’t have a boyfriend. You’re not alone Sunset.” Celestia tried to console her. “Twilight, the first person I have truly deep feelings for and she’s not into me. But when I held her on the couch, and in the sleeping bag it felt right. I now know how Aunt Chrysalis felt pining for Luna.” Sunset lamented. Celestia walked over to the pool table and grabbed a cue and looked it over and put it back. She didn’t know what to do or say. This revolved around Luna, and she would have to be the one to handle it. Celestia knew that playing pool or darts or pinball was not going to make Sunset Shimmer feel better. Celestia decided to Change the subject. Maybe Sunset would feel better discussing her upcoming gaming channel on YouTube.  “Sunset, what kind of games are you going to do on your Channel?” Celestia asked. “Mostly the new ones but I do plan to look at old ones like a throwback Thursday or something. I haven’t worked out all the details yet. Twilight is going to help me set all the technical stuff up. Aunt Chrys is going to donate some old games for the throwback episodes. Sunset said. “You are going to knock it out of the park. So, when does Shimmer Code come online?” Celestia asked. “We are going to start setting up this week. Twilight is going to help me set it up after school and if she can stay over on Friday Night. But with this break in it might get pushed back.” Sunset said sadly. “I could help if you want.” Offered Celestia.  “Well, I have some planning to do yet, but I will let you know how I am doing.” Sunset told her. “I know it’s hard knowing what’s going on upstairs, but you want to do something?” Celestia asked. “Why don’t we shoot some pool Aunt Celestia?” Sunset suggested. * * * Upstairs… “Well, we better get up. Sunset will be home soon.” Luna told Apple Cinnamon as she rolled over to snuggle with him in the bed. “If you want to get up then why are you snuggling with me?” He asked, “I don’t want this moment to end.” Luna said laying her head on his chest. Apple Cinnamon put his arms around Luna, and they kissed several times with Luna rolling on top of him. He ran his hands all over Luna’s smooth skin. As they kissed more. “We better get up and get dressed. I don't want Sunset to catch us in bed. I do have to say when I slept with a guy at 18 it was way more painful. This time it was wonderful. I have to ask, was it good for you too?” Luna asked as she got out of bed and started putting her underwear on. “I enjoyed it immensely, Luna.” Apple Cinnamon said, starting to get dressed too. Luna put her shirt on and flipped her hair out of her collar letting it cascade down her back. Then slipping her slacks on and her socks she turned around to make sure her beau was dressed too. “Now when we leave this room are you going to run away?” Luna asked, walking over to Apple Cinnamon. “Why? Should I?” He asked. “It would be nice to have a guy that stays after the deed is done.” Luna said sadly, looking down. “I’m not going anywhere. I thought I proved that earlier.” Apple Cinnamon said, wrapping his arms around Luna. After a quick kiss. He put his arm around Luna’s waist and followed her out of the room.  * * * Twilight’s house… Twilight arrived home with her brother and sister-in-law. She grabbed her sleeping bag and other bag for her dirty clothes. Walking in, her mom and dad were in the kitchen with an officer talking about the break-in. “Officer this is my sister. She was the one who had the lab cleaned out at school.” Shining Armor said. “Ms. Sparkle I have to ask what was in that lab and do you know anyone who would want to steal stuff in it?” The officer asked. Twilight put her stuff by the front door and walked over to him. “Well, I had my research in there on my laptop and desktop, not to mention several folders with my papers in it. I had a microscope, and a few other experimental machines. Other than that, desks with some reference books in them and other then that a soldering gun, and some basic hand tools.” Twilight told him. “What kind of experimental machines?” The officer asked. Twilight shot a look at Cadence and her brother. She wanted this to be over. Shining walked over to his sister and placed her hands on her shoulders “Just tell him Twily.” Shining told his sister. “Well, I had been watching CHS and some weird things have been reported over there so I had equipment to monitor as if you were ghost hunting checking for paranormal activity and basic electromagnetic frequencies. Not much came of it though.” Twilight said, covering up what she had learned. “So, is that it?” The officer asked. “I did have two bookcases with some reference books.” Twilight added. The officer wrote everything down and headed out. Shining Armor followed him out. Once they were outside Shining Armor “Do you have any leads?”  “No. The Security camera footage was cut and whoever cleaned the place out left no fingerprints and unless forensics finds something we have nothing.” The officer told him. “Okay well I will see the captain gets two good detectives on this, we got to find something, it concerns me what was on that desktop and laptop especially.” Shining Armor said. Back in the kitchen Twilight stood up and walked out through the living room and out onto the back porch standing with her arms resting on the top part of the railing. Her mom was going to walk to comfort her. Cadence put up her hand and stopped her mom. “Here let me go please.” Cadence pleaded with her in-laws. Her mom motioned towards the porch and Cadence walked out and stood next to Twilight. “You, ok?” Cadence asked. “I’ll be ok, eventually. All my research is gone, and I don’t think Cinch took it, but I have no idea who did. This was all i needed now as if I don’t have enough going on.  I get changed into a creature I called Midnight Sparkle and destroy the horse statue in front of CHS. There is the issue with Sunset Shimmer and now this.” Twilight lamented. “What situation with Sunset Shimmer?” Asked Cadence. “There’s no situation with Sunset. Who said anything about Sunset? I sure didn’t.” Twilight started rambling. Cadence put her hand on twilight’s shoulder to stop her. Twilight looked back at her and knew she couldn’t fool her sister-in-law.  “I can’t tell you it’s awkward.” Twilight said, holding her hands together against her chest. “Twilight I use to babysit you and I am married to your brother. There is nothing you have not been able to tell me. What happened with Sunset?” Cadence asked. “You won’t hate me, If I tell you. I also don’t want it repeated.” Twilight begged, “Whatever it is I won’t hate you and I’ll keep it to myself.” Cadence promised. Twilight turned her back to Cadence, took a deep breath and began: “I think I am bi-sexual, and I have a crush on Sunset Shimmer, but I can’t tell anyone, because they are think I am nuts, call me things like faggot and mom and dad will kick me out.  Plus, Sunset is trying to be there for me and how do I tell her “Hey Sunset I like girls as well as guys and you're the one I have eyes for. I have read several books on romance, and I can’t wrap my head around it. My brain feels weird. I'm not used to not knowing something.” Twilight finished. Twilight turned and faced Cadence. Was she mad, was she shocked, was she upset Twilight couldn’t tell. This made her nervous like Midnight Sparkle told her. Here it comes Cadence is going to hate me. “Twilight, are you coming out to me?” Cadence asked.  “Yeah.” Twilight admitted.  Cadence came over and Twilight cringed but quickly relaxed when she realized Cadence was hugging her. This was unexpected; she thought Cadence would hate her for sure. Instead, here she was loving her. Twilight quickly returned the hug. She was being loved and couldn't believe it. “I thought you’d hate me and tell me you didn’t want me as sister and call me names like faggot and homo.” Twilight said. “I would never call you stuff like that, and neither will your parents.” Cadence said. "They’re gonna think I’m weird, they are gonna blame themselves. I don’t want them thinking I’m a failure or that they are.” Twilight starting rambling. “They are not going to condemn you like that. If they think they failed well, I will tell them the truth. Having a gay or bi kid doesn’t make you a failure as a parent-kicking them out in the street does.  Believe me Twilight if they act like idiots (which I doubt they will) that comment will stop them. I really don't think I will have to go that route. Now do you want me to keep this secret?” Cadence asked. “I’m supposed to like guys not girls!!” Twilight exclaimed.  “Twilight, you do like guys but also girls there is nothing wrong with that. You like variety. You should tell your mom and dad and Sunset though.” Cadence said. “Sunset is not into me. Not like that anyway. “Twilight said. “No, you two have just slept in each other's arms twice.” Cadence replied. “After the friendship games I was clinging to the one the only one who understood what just happened to me. Last night it got down to 19 degrees. I had a summer weight bag, and I was cold. Sunset had me sleep next to her and keep me warm. That is all.” Twilight replied. “Uh-huh. Dry that one out and you can fertilize the lawn with it.” Cadence said. ‘Hey!!” Twilight replied. “You want me to mum on this whole thing I will. Now this summer it’s a junior tradition in this school to…” Cadence began. “I am signed up for Camp Everfree well I will be as soon as the signup sheet is available. I know Sunset is going and so are Applejack and Big Mac even though he’s a senior.” Twilight replied “It’s open to all grades even the graduating seniors because Flash Sentry said he’s ready to go one more time too. Now why don’t we head in, your mom and dad are probably wondering what’s going on out here.” Cadence said, leading Twilight back inside. Moon Lair (at Celestia and Luna’s house) Celestia and Sunset were involved in a game of pool and talking about Shimmer Code. Sunset told Celestia that she could launch after she set up her YouTube channel. Plus, she wanted to do the show from the basement.  “Why the basement?” Celestia asked. “Actually I saw this other guy who reviews old games only and he does it from his basement.” Sunset explained. About that time the door opened and down the stairs came Luna followed by Apple Cinnamon. They could have skated on the look Sunset gave them. She almost shot daggers at them with her eyes. “So, you two are done in bed now?” Sunset asked. “Now Sunset…” Luna started. “Don’t now Sunset me young lady, we both heard you two and the moaning coming from the room. After the last guy that did that to you when you were 18. Look out mom, if you get pregnant Apple Cinnamon here is gonna bail.” Sunset said smugly. “First of all, I’m the adult here, the consenting adult. Number two little girl you are gonna see a lot more of Apple Cinnamon over the protests of Braeburn, they have moved their place of work here to Canterlot. Finally little girl Apple Cinnamon here has given me a ring. Not a Diamond this pink heart shaped ring; A promise ring. What it means is he has proposed to propose, and we are engaged to be engaged. A pre-engagement if you will.” Luna explained. “Technically they are going steady as mom and dad use to say.” Celestia explained to Sunset.  “So even if I end up pregnant. He’s not going to run!!” Luna almost shouted at her daughter. “I can't believe it. I'm losing my mom.” Sunset thought almost in tears. Elsewhere… “Well, raiding Twilight’s lab was a total bust now what?” Adagio asked pacing back and forth in Cinch’s kitchen. “I told you plan B the only person who knows how to build that device is Twilight Sparkle.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair. After a moment she said, “So we go after her instead.”  > Double Reveal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset and Twilight were in Sunset’s basement setting up her YouTube channel: Shimmer Code.  “The way I see it Sunet we can do it with one camera if you don’t want to be in front of the camera and play the game. To have people watch you while you play it would take a lot more work.” Twilight said. “What do you suggest I do?” Sunset asked. “Introduce the game then, go to let them watch the game and only cut back to you if need be. We only have one camera and I doubt YouTube is going to pay you.” Twilight said. “This is going to be harder than I thought. I guess I’ll open the episode and then do the playthrough. Aunt Chrysalis said I can do a playthrough of most of the older games in one night.” Sunset said. “Well, some gamers get sponsors, but they are also traveling to tournaments and stuff you don’t have time for.  So you got your headset, and several games, a couple of systems and your laptop if you want to open a live chat while you stream. Maybe even set up a way for people to make a donation.” Twilight informed her. “You don’t seem like the girl gamer type. How do you know all this?” Sunset asked. “I read it in a few magazines and did some research online. So if you want to be successful they are going to need a box with your face in the corner of their screen. Now I updated your laptop and you should be ready to sit down here and play. If I can do some way to project the video game. Sunset this is all a bit new to me but I’ll have it ready.” Twilight added. “Thanks for all the help Twi, I could never get this off the ground without you.” Sunset said hugging Twilight. Twilight gladly returned the hug. “Awww look at you two.” Luna said coming down the stairs into the basement.  The girls quickly broke the hug and took a step back, “Mom as if.” Sunset said. “I prefer guys Ms. Luna.” Twilight said. Standing behind Twilight, Luna gave Sunset as if to say “seriously.”  Both girls felt their heart break as they both said they didn’t love each other.  “Mom please I love Twilight as a friend, a sister, and would do almost anything for her. But romantically no.” Sunset lied. “Ms. Luna, I feel the same way about Sunset, I love her like family and would do anything for her.” Twilight lied, now wondering if she ever had a chance with Sunset. “Well I was coming to ask if Twilight wanted to join us for dinner?’” Luna asked. “Let me call my mom but I would like to very much.” Twilight said.  “While she makes her call, is this gaming channel going to be possible along with your school work and a job when you get one?” Luna asked. “Shimmer Code is going to be good but it’s just for fun. Uploading twice a month. I’ll figure it out.” Sunset assured Luna. “Okay well it's dinner time. Twilight?” Luna asked. “Mom and dad are so happy that they said yes to eating here.” Twilight said. “Why are they so happy?” Sunset asked, “Because I have friends and am doing normal teenage things.” Twilight replied smiling. “I know how your parents feel. I was the same way after the fall formal, seeing Sunset being nice and hanging out with her new friends.” Luna said putting her arm around her daughter. “I see now why you adopted her.” Twilight remarked. “Sunset needed me and I needed her.” Luna said making Sunset turn bright red. “Mom, stop it you’re embarrassing me.” Sunset complained. “I’m your mother. That's part of my job.” Luna explained walking away. Luna quickly served the girls  the  vegetable lasagna she cooked. “I think it’s great you and your mom actually show affection like that.” Twilight said while eating her meal. “It’s something Luna taught me to do. I have to say you’re doing better than I did after my transformation.” Sunset said. “I’m not doing that great, I still have nightmares and Midnight Sparkle tells me things that I’m scared are true.” Twilight said. “Like what kind of things?” Asked Sunset. Luna also looked up concerned. “Like how my family and friends all hate me and think I’m a freak and other things.” Twilight confessed. She didn’t want to mention when Midnight Sparkle teased her about her feelings for Sunset.  “Twilight, Sunset Satan told me the same stuff. Luna was only being nice to me out of pity and my friends weren’t really my friends and used to scare me pretty bad.  None of it is true though. The Rainbooms, Trixie, The Crusaders, hell, even Flash Sentry are all on your side. No matter what Midnight Sparkle tells you it’s not true. Everyone is here for you and nothing can change that.” Sunset explained. Twilight just sat there and hung her head and looked really depressed. Sunset couldn’t stand it and walked over and put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight looked up at Sunset and smiled and rubbed her hand.  “Tell you what Twilight tomorrow in the Music Room I’m gonna make a major announcement. I want you there to hear what I have to say.” Sunset told her. “I’ll be there, I promise you.” Twilight said. “Well Twilight, how about I take you home?” Luna said finishing her meal and seeing the girls had finished thiers.  “What about dinner, I should help clean up.” Twilight said. “Nonsense that’s Sunset’s job.’ Luna said, waiting to see Sunset’s response. “Mom if you take one of my friends home I want to come for the ride.” Sunset said. “Luna, let Sunset go with you. I'll clean up.” Celestia said entering the dining room. Twilight got up from the table and offered her help once again. Celestia again politely declined. Twilight grabbed her bag; she had two assignments to finish at home but was glad to be able to help Sunset. Twilight grabbed her bag and headed out to the driveway Sunset walking right behind her. Both got in the back seat as Luna got in and started the car up. She noticed as she drove Twilight home that her and Sunset hardly talked. “Sunset, Twilight I expected you two to be gabbing away about whatever teenagers talk about today and you two are quieter than your friend Fluttershy.” Luna said. “I’m still new to the whole friend thing. I'm not sure what to say.” Twilight admitted meekly. “Whatever is on your mind Twi. We can talk about clothes, boys, fashion, school and how the Vice Principal is a real hard ass.” Sunset laughing at the last part. “Not funny and that hard ass is also your mother, don't forget young lady.” Luna said kidding back. “Oh are you going to get in trouble for that remark?” Twilight asked. “No mom and I have a weird sense of humor.” Sunset told her.  “Good I was worried.”  Twilight replied. “Well here we are Twilight, have a good night.” Luna said. Sunset got out of the car with Twilight and gave her a hug goodbye. “Thanks for your help tonight Twilight, it meant a lot.” Sunset said. “Glad I can help you get Shimmer Code off the ground. I look forward to your announcement tomorrow.” Twilight said walking away into her house. Sunset sighed and walked with her head down and shoulders slumped. After slowly walking back to the car she sat down in the front next to Luna looking depressed. “Oh for Pete’s sake, when are you going to ask her out already??!!” Luna exclaimed. “How about never, never sounds good.” Sunset said. “Why?” Luna said pulling out of the driveway.  “Hmm I don’t know maybe…because she doesn’t like me. That’s a good reason why.” Sunset said. “Oh, Bullcrap she slept in your arms twice now." Luna retorted. “O.K. One she was scared and cried herself to sleep, she was holding on to the one person who had gone through what happened to her. We were both raging she demons. Two it was 19 degrees, and I don’t know why she had a summer weight bag, she was shivering. I told her to get in the bag with me and yes I snuggled with her to warm her up and keep her warm. I put my hat on her and everything.” Sunset said.  “Uh huh.” Luna replied. “Plus she doesn’t like me like that.” Sunset said dejectedly.  “I’m not so sure.” Luna replied.  * * * “So?” Spike asked. “So what?” Twilight asked getting her homework out. “You confess everything to Sunset?” Spike asked. “No. I helped her set up Shimmer Code.” Twilight replied. “Why didn’t you tell her?” Spike asked. “For the last time Spike! SHE-DOES-NOT-LIKE-ME!!” Twilight told him getting annoyed. A few seconds later she regretted getting angry at Spike when she heard him whimper. Twilight ran over and picked Spike up in her arms and was rocking him. She remembered he looked at her like this when she was Midnight Sparkle tearing the very fabric of Space and time apart.  “I’m sorry Spike, it’s just even though I read about it in different books. I don’t understand attraction, especially to my own gender. I should know this and my brain does not get it.” Twilight complained. “Maybe you should talk to people instead of researching it.” Spike suggested. “Talk to who about it?” Twilight asked back. “Try your mom and dad, or your brother and sister-in-law they are all in love. Wouldn’t they be good places to start?” Spike asked. “I guess, now onto school work. The best part of the day.” Twilight said. * * * Arriving at home, Sunset went into the house followed by Luna. Luna decided to talk to Sunset considering she had wanted to discuss the situation with Apple Cinnamon. “Sunset we need to talk.” Luna said as Sunset started up the stairs. “What about?” Sunset asked. “The other day, Apple Cinnamon and I.” Luna said. Both Luna and Sunset went and sat down in the lounge/living room. Sunset sat on the recliner and Luna on the couch. Luna was going to break the ice when Sunset spoke up.  “Mom I just can’t believe you would just jump in bed with another guy after what happened when you were 18. Why would you just go to bed with Apple Cinnamon? Because he gave you a ring that he probably got out of a gumball machine?” Sunset asked. “I’m surprised you’re not more mad at me.” Luna said. “I would be, but what I say doesn’t matter anymore. You’re going to date him and marry him anyway. Regardless of what I say.” Sunset replied. Luna wanted Sunset to be happy, but at the same time she wanted Apple Cinnamon. This was a tough decision for her so she threw the ball in Sunset’s court. “What do you want me to do?” Luna asked. “I really don’t like him and want you two to break up, but I know that would destroy you. Especially now that you have slept with him. I guess I have to ask why? Why did you sleep with him? Because he gave you a ring?” Sunset said sullenly. “It was just supposed to be a make out session, Not what it ended up turning into. It was the passion. Sunset not to gross you out but I hadn’t been that hot since I was 18. I hadn’t planned on this.” Luna explained. “I understand that mom. I want you to be happy, I really do. I’m not gonna be happy about this but I will have to learn to live with it.”  Sunset admitted. “Sunset let me make this offer to you. Before you write Apple Cinnamon off for good. Why don’t you spend some time with him. Let him take you for a day and approach that with an open mind like you did with your Aunt Celestia. What do you say?” Asked Luna leaning forward on the couch awaiting Sunset’s reply. * * * The Next day in the halls of CHS… “So what did you say?” Twilight asked. “I told her fine.” Sunset replied. “Begrudgingly?” Asked Twilight. “You mean reluctantly?” Sunset asked, stopping at her locker to get her books out. “Yes that’s what I said.” Twilight said. Closing her locker and walking towards the music room, Twilight insisted. “Well what did you say?” “I’ll tell you when we are done navigating these busy hallways here in the school.” Sunset told her. Sunset stopped by Trixie’s locker who was also getting her books for the morning. “Ready?’ She asked, “Trixie is ready to do this. Let’s go.” Trixie replied. “What are you two doing?” Twilight asked. “You’ll see in a second.” Sunset replied. Entering the music room, the girls saw all The Rainbooms and The Crusaders  “Howdy ya’ll.” Applejack greeted her in her country twang. “Darling we got your text and are so anxious to hear the big news.” Rarity added. “Yeah Sunny I can hardly wait, I’m literally bouncing with anticipation.” Said Pinkie who looked like she was about to come unglued. “Okay, okay everybody. Trixie and I both have announcements Trixie will go first.” Sunset said taking a seat along with everyone else. “The great and powerful Trixie has decided she better tell you this sooner than later…”Trixie began. Then Trixie took a deep breath. “...I’m gay a lesbian.” Trixie finished. Silence filled the room then Pinkie spoke up “Do you guys realize what this means?”  “What?” Asked Sunset. “We need to have a coming out party for Trixie!!” Pinkie exclaimed. “No we don't. My mom doesn’t know yet and I’m not sure how I am going to tell her. Or how she will react.” Trixie replied. Sunset stood up then and said “The other big announcement is about me. I’m going to come out too. I'm Bi.”  Silence once again filled the room except for Trixie who already knew and hoped maybe now she could have a chance with Sunset. “Amazing I was kind of wondering about her. Still she never said what she did say about Apple Cinnamon.” Twilight thought.   > Twilight's Mistake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So I have to ask if your bi and Trixie is gay does that mean you two are dating or about to start dating?” Rainbow Dash asked.  Twilight’s head shot up at that question. She was a bundle of nerves and anxiety. She knew if Sunset said yes she lost her shot with her. Still she wasn’t sure she even had a shot with Sunset. Twilight decided it was best to keep her feelings a secret. Best to forget this fantasy she had of her Sunset together. Trixie noticed how Twilight’s head shot up at that question. “Does Twilight have feelings for Sunset?” Trixie thought. “Trixie wishes she was dating Sunset but Sunset doesn’t feel the same way.” Trixie said making Twilight feel better. “Yes I have learned to like Trixie as a person and as a good friend, but I don’t have any romantic interest in her. I have eyes for someone else.” Sunset added. “Who exactly?” Asked Twilight, trying not to sound hopeful and happy. “Someone who doesn’t return my feelings so it doesn’t matter.” Sunset said sadly. Trixie rubbed Sunset’s ’s arm in sympathy. “Well it’s been a long morning and we all need to get to class. As for you Trixie and Sunset, it's awesome that you came out to us. I don’t swing that way but I totally support you guys.” Rainbow Dash said. “Ah agree it’s gonna take a little bit of time for the shock to wear off but ah think it’s great and am ok with it.” Applejack said, “Darlings you have my support as well and I think all of us feel the same way. Now what do our younger sisters say?” Rarity asked. “Well, Crusaders what do y'all think?” Apple Bloom asked. “I am totally cool with it.” Scootaloo piped up. “I am totally behind you guys too!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed..  “O.K. then you have the support of The Crusaders!” Apple Bloom said, jumping up, and pumping her fist in the air. “Calm Down Apple Bloom but I’m proud of you for not freaking out over this.” Rainbow Dash said. “She took the words out of my mouth sugar cube.” Applejack said. “Twilight you seem awfully silent about this. What’s wrong.” Sunset asked. “Sunset, I work with you on Shimmer Code and hang with you every day you think because you came out that’s gonna change it?” Twilight stopped herself before she rambled. “What about Trixie?” Sunset pressed. “It’s fine both of you. I’m glad you trusted us enough to come out.” Twilight remarked. “Hey guys…” Scootaloo said, pointing to her watch “...classes are going to start soon.”  “Squirt’s right we better split for the day.” Rainbow Dash walking out with Trixie and Scootaloo right behind her. Considering they all had gym first period, so they didn’t need books. Applejack and Sunset headed for science. Twilight, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle headed for History and the other girls for their respective classes. Both Sunset and Trixie were glad to have support from their friends. * * * Trixie Sunset, and Twilight were in the library for study hall the last period of the day. All of them were quietly doing their school work.  When Twilight looked up and made sure Ms. Cheerilee wasn't in earshot of them. “Man the schools give us so much meaningless busy work, how much are we really learning?” Twilight asked. “Trixie really wants to know that too.” Trixie replied, “I have learned more about life, family and friendship in and out of school since the fall formal than in the last three and half years I have been here.” Sunset said. “I am really surprised you are all still friends after everything I heard about with Anon-a-miss.” Twilight mentioned. “Well Twilight it’s like this: Trust is like a mirror; you can fix it if it’s broken…” Sunset began.  “...But you can still see the crack in that mother fucking reflection.” Trixie finished. “So you never got over it huh?” Asked Twilight. “When your friends cause you to have an emotional breakdown in the hallway and make everyone hate you again. When they just turn their back on you after you are pleading with them that you’re not guilty. It takes quite a while to “get over it”. Sunset said making air quotes during the phrase get over it. With that, Sunset got up and left for the bathroom.  “I didn’t mean to UPSET her.” Twilight said looking down.  “Even with therapy Sunset has been through so much that she still carries scars from everything she has been through this school year. Guilt over destroying the front of the school, brainwashing the student body (yes even me), and trying to kill six people.  Ever since then life has been very hard for her with a lot of abuse here at school. Not to mention a hostage situation. How Sunset hasn’t had a total mental breakdown I don’t know.” Trixie recounted sadly. “I should go apologize to her.” Twilight got up and followed Sunset into the bathroom.   Twilight got up and went over to the bathroom in the library. Once she entered the bathroom she heard sniffling coming from the one stall. She took a deep breath and lightly knocked on the door. No response but Twilight knew that Sunset was in there. Twilight knew she had to fix this.  “Sunset please come out, I’m sorry. I wasn’t here for Anon-a-miss ok. Believe me I haven’t gotten over being Midnight Sparkle. Sunset please come out.” Twilight pleaded. “My arms really itch for that razor blade about now.” Sunset said from inside the stall. Twilight took a step back. Sunset didn’t mean that, she couldn’t. This upset Twilight. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to handle this on her own. She needed help. She needed to get to Sunset’s family. Twilight ignored the fact that Ms. Cheerilee called after her saying she needed a hall pass. Twilight ran as fast as her legs could carry her to Luna’s office.  Trixie became very concerned; she bolted into the bathroom where Sunset was still held up in the stall. Trixie knocked forcefully on the door. “Sunset it’s Trixie. C’mon Twilight just bolted out of the library. You must have scared her. Please come out for me. Twilight is new to social situations. She had no friends, she didn’t know.” Trixie explained. “Bullshit she knew.” Sunset said back bitterly. About this time Twilight had crashed into Luna’s office without even knocking. Luna looked up and realized Twilight was upset by how she was panting and the look of fear on her face.  “Twilight, what's wrong?!” Lina asked, fearing it had to do with Sunset. “It’s Sunset. I made her mad and now she has locked herself in the bathroom in the library and she was talking about a razor blade!” Twilight exclaimed. Luna shot up as if she was on a spring and went running to the library. She calmly entered the library as not to alarm the students there and walked into the bathroom where Trixie was trying to get Sunset to open the door. Luna walked over and motioned for Trixie to leave the room. After Trixie left, they were alone. Luna knocked gently on the door.  “Sunset it’s me Mom. Come out, honey. I don’t know what Twilight said but she is very upset. She said you were talking about a razor blade. Sunset please open the door. I need to see you’re ok.” Luna said voice shaking slightly.  Sunset unlocked the stall door and stood there for a second, her face red from crying. Luna pulled her into a hug and just held her. She could feel Sunset shake a little bit.  “Now why are you upset? What could possibly make you want to cut again? Answer me young lady.” Luna said getting more stern with her. “Twilight is amazed that I didn't just get over Anon-a-miss. She doesn’t know what I have been through since the Fall Formal!! She wasn’t even in this fucking school when it all happened!!” Sunset lamented. Sunset then stared at the floor trying not to cry. Luna put her arms on Sunset’s shoulders and replied “ You’re right Sunset. No, she wasn’t there!! Granted her teasing about the Friendship Games has been nominal compared to yours. But you two are good friends you need to work to get past this.  Sunset, Twilight needs you to be there for her. O.K. She made a mistake. It’s not like Sunset Shimmer never made mistakes now is it?” Luna finished. “No mom I’m perfect. I’m a little angel” Sunset said laughing.  “Yes, perfect. Your Halo is held up by two horns.” Luna said sarcastically. “What do I do?” Asked Sunset. “I think you and Twilight need to apologize to each other and take a step back and cool off. Just for a little bit.” Luna said, Sunset nodded wiping her eyes. Sunset then went over to the sink grabbed a few paper towels and blew her nose. Then Luna gave her a hug. “Now grab your bookbag and come sit in my office for the rest of study hall. Sunset nodded and went over to the table packed up her stuff and followed Luna. Trixie just watched and didn’t say a word. Twilight looked like she was going to cry. Sunset gave Twilight a dirty look and walked out of the library.  Sunset followed Luna to the office. On the way there They saw Rarity walking down the hall. Luna stopped and asked her for a hall pass. Which she Rarity had. After a quick hello between Rarity and Sunset she continued following her mom to her office.  After having Sunset go ahead of her. Luna told Sunset to have a seat. Then she leaned against her desk and stared at Sunset. Sunset felt very uneasy with Luna looking down at her. “What?” Sunset asked uneasily. “My arms really itch for that razor blade about now.” Luna said. “Mom I was upset, I didn’t mean it like that.” Sunset said starting to stand up. “Miss Shimmer sit down.” Luna commanded. Sunset sat down and didn’t move. “Now are you cutting again?”  “No mom I swear I’m not cutting.” Sunset said. “Show me your arms Sunset.” Luna commanded. Sunset stood up and held her arms out. Luna gently took her wrists and turned them over and looked over Sunset’s arms and sure there were scars but it looked like no new cuts. “Sunset don’t talk about hurting yourself, that really makes me depressed and upset. Please don’t say stuff like that and don’t do the things I did when I was your age. You have a loving family and great friends.” Luna told her, while drawing her in for a hug. “Now why don't you finish your homework. I got some paperwork to finish and file. After that We can head home then, I’ll even let you drive.” Luna said. “O.K. after the final bell. There was a knock at Luna’s Office door. “Enter.” Luna said not looking up. In walked Trixie. Sunset looked up at Trixie. “Hi Miss Lulamoon, what can I do for you?” Luna said looking up. “Actually I wanted to check on Sunset.” She said looking over at Sunset. “I’ll be ok. I’m just pissed at Twilight right now.” Sunset said standing up.  Trixie walked over to her and time stopped. Trixie took Sunset’s hand and Sunset put her forehead against Trixie’s forehead and both girls looked into each other's eyes. Before either one of them realized they were locked in a passionate kiss. Sunset had her arms around Trixie and had her hands on Sunset’s arms and neither one of them realized how long they were kissing until Luna cleared her throat making the two girls break apart. After that they both blushed bright red and shyly both looked away from each other. Neither one of them would say they liked it.  “Um I’ll see you tomorrow.” Trixie said embarrassed. “Yeah you have a good night see ya tomorrow.” Sunset said. After Trixie left and closed the door Sunset sat down in a trance. Luna looked over at her daughter kind of in shock as well. Luna had only kissed a girl once when her and Chrysalis were a little high in the basement years ago. “Sunset what was that?” Asked Luna. “I don’t know mom, but I think I like Trixie.” Sunset replied. Outside in the hallway…  Twilight walked by the sign up sheet for Camp Everfree and saw that most of the Rainbooms signed up. Ironically though the Crusaders had not. No Freshman had except Snips and Snails. Twilight put her name down to go. Maybe things will be better between her and Sunset by then. After Twilight walked away Trixie watched her leave, then went and signed up for Camp Everfree as well.  “I can see it Twilight. You’re not getting my girl.” Trixie said. > Another Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna and Sunset left as soon as Luna filed the last of her paperwork and shut down her computer. Sunset grabbed her bag and Luna grabbed her purse and took the keys out tossing them to Sunset. Sunset took the keys with a big smile. Then she had to ask Luna the big question. “Luna, do you think I’m ready to take the driving test yet? I want to be like Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy and be able to drive as well. It will help out on dates.” Sunset asked and stated at the same time. “Well, who are you taking on a date, young lady? Which T is it, Trixie or Twilight?’ Luna asked back. “I don’t know but we can discuss it over Ice Cream.” Sunset replied. “Ice Cream?” Asked Luna. “I always had a fantasy of me and my mom sharing a bowl of Ice Cream. I would like to do that and discuss this a little further. Maybe even more in depth at dinner tonight with you and Aunt Celestia.” Sunset replied. “Well Ice cream will spoil your dinner, and this is a discussion best not held in public. This Saturday you and I will go out and while we are out, we will have your ice cream dish. Deal?” Asked Luna. “Yes mom.” Sunset replied. “You know Sunset, sometimes when you say that I still cannot believe it’s real and not a dream.” Luna replied beaming. Sunset couldn’t help but go over and hug Luna. Sometimes it seemed like a dream to Sunset too. Most teens didn’t want to spend time with or have anyone to meet their parents. Sunset loved spending time with Luna and had no problem showing her affection.  After a long hug, Sunset and Luna finally broke apart. Heading out of the school, Luna stopped at the detention room and went in to talk to Ms. Cheerilee for a minute. The Crusaders who were serving their six-month long detention just looked up. Sunset stood in the doorway and looked over at them. Apple Bloom gave her a small smile, Sunset returned the smile with a nod as her way of saying hi.  After leaving the detention room. Luna told Sunset why not set it up with Crankee Doodle to do the drivers course as he was also an official tester. She knew Sunset would most likely fail the first time. About 95% of the kids failed their first time.  As they left the school, Sunset spoke up. “You know mom to me it seems like a dream sometimes too. There were many nights in the homeless shelter, or in the treehouse that I would fantasize and/or dream I had a family. So, I know how you feel.” “Honey I never thought I would have a family other than Celestia and now I have you. Also, thanks to you Chrysalis and I are as close as sisters now I have you to thank for it all.” Luna replied. “Let’s not forget Apple Cinnamon.” Sunset said with disdain. “Spend time with him, he might change your mind.” Luna said following Sunset out of the school. After all, Sunset was going to drive home. “Fine, I'll spend time with him. I’m not going to enjoy myself, but I will spend time with him.” Sunset said getting in the car. “Hahaha that's a defeatist attitude. You said the same thing about your Aunt Celestia and look at what a great time that you guys had. You better after I smeared her silver sports car with mud.” Luna said absentmindedly. “You did that to Aunt Celestia’s car?” Sunset asked incredulously. “I thought you two would wash it together. Get you guys' bonding.” Luna said. “No, we went through a car wash. It scared the crap outta me.” Sunset said starting the car up.   “Sorry I forgot that car washes are not a thing in horse land or what do you call it again? I can never remember it.” Luna stated  “Equestria mom, and no cars are not a thing there. Therefore, we don’t need car washes.” Sunset replied.  “Don’t get smart young lady.” Luna warned. Shortly after that they pulled into the semi-circle driveway and got out. Luna could definitely see Sunset’s driving had improved. When Sunset first started driving Luna wanted to have last rights before getting in the car with the girl. Sunset however did agreed to spend time with her boyfriend. It was a good day. * * * Trixie was on cloud nine walking home. Sunset wouldn’t have kissed her if she was interested. She wanted to shout it to the world. However, she didn’t know how to tell her mom.  Her mom wasn’t supportive of her wanting to be a magician. Trixie agreed she wasn’t David Copperfield or Penn & Teller, but she had learned quite a few tricks. She knew many coin, and card tricks and a few other tricks. But her mom always cut that dream down. Her mom kept saying she needed to find a boyfriend. She never said girlfriend. Trixie was going to need to tell her mom somehow that she was a lesbian just not sure how to do it.  Walking into the house Trixie was smiling thinking about her and Sunset locked in each other's embrace, their lips pressed against each other. Maybe they would have time together at Camp Everfree or best-case scenario share a tent or cabin or whatever they used at the camp. Trixie had never been there, so she didn’t know.  “Trixie is that you?” Her mom called as Trixie entered the house. “Yes, mom it is I, Trixie.” She replied. “Yes or no will do, you don’t need to do the theatrics with me. How was school sweetie?” Her mom replied, smiling. Trixie walked into the kitchen and sat down on the other stool next to her mom. “It was ok. Mom, I need to talk to you about something. I don't know exactly how to tell you. This and I don’t know how you will react to it,” Trixie began. “Trixie what is it? Are you in some kind of trouble? You’re not pregnant, are you?” Her mom asked. “No, I’m not pregnant, but in a way, it has to deal with sex.” Trixie replied. “Ok I’m not following unless you contracted an STD or something.” Her mom stated. “No mom it’s nothing like that. I am gay, you know a lesbian.” Trixie decided to just blurt it out. Her mom’s eyes got really wide and then… * * * Twilight was walking home as she needed to sort stuff out in her head. She thought maybe Sunset overreacted but she wasn’t there for Anon-a-miss So she had no idea what Sunset went through. She knew her brother could tell her some of the stuff that went down but she had to talk to Sunset’s friends.  Still, she didn’t want to jeopardize her friendship with Sunset after all, that's all it was ever going to be. The fact also depressed Twilight immensely. Well hopefully she could meet someone, if Sunset wasn’t into her. Twilight felt how warm it was, the mornings were cold, but the afternoons were getting hotter. Spring was definitely in full bloom, and she looked forward to the summer that was quickly approaching. After Camp Everfree the mall was having a job fair, she hoped to get a part-time job at the mall.  It was nice of the Canterlot Mall to wait until the juniors returned from Camp Everfree. Most shop owners knew about the tradition. Some had gone to CHS themselves, so after Everfree the job fair was on she was going to go with her friends and see what happened. While Twilight’s mind was wandering, she didn’t realize what was about to happen.  The Dazzlings spotted her in their van and there was no one else in sight. Twilight was suddenly grabbed and had her mouth covered and was drug in the van and they took off. In the van Twilight was shoved hard on the ground and looked up at Adagio and Sonata. Aria was driving the van and hit the gas as soon as they had her. “Look if you guys got problems with Sunset, it’s not my doing.” Twilight pleaded.  “It is you that has problems, with our employer.” Adagio said. “You know she could mark the way to our hideout.” Aria said. Twilight was wrestled to the ground and had her hands tied and had a bandana tied around her eyes. After a few kicks to make her shut up they arrived at the house. It was a desolate community with a few houses out there.  Dragging her out of the van she was taken into a kitchen room and shoved into a chair. Removing the bandana, Adagio and Aria stood in front of Twilight. “Our Boss wants a word with you.” She spoke.  Both of them stepped aside and into the room walked Abacus Cinch. Twilight’s eyes got really wide, and she left out a startled scream. But no one heard her with the windows shut and being in a back room.   Cinch looked down at her and said, “Calm down Twilight, now is not the time for fear that comes later.”    > The Past Comes To Light. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You smeared the mud all over my car??!! WHY??” Celestia exclaimed. She was completely dumbfounded that Luna had covered her car in mud, the weekend she took Sunset. “I wanted you to bond with your niece Celestia, what better way then washing a car together. I didn’t know you were gonna go through the car wash and traumatize her.” Luna retorted.  “Luna, I did stuff that you don’t do with her. She learned pool, darts, bowling, and miniature golf. I made that weekend as fun as as exciting for her as I could.’ Celestia shot back. “Well, sorry I’m a rotten mother but I had a fifteen-year-old girl just drop into my lap. She was a major bitch, who got traumatized more times than I can count. So, I am doing the best I can. There is no handbook on being a mother. I have to feel my way through and put the pieces together as I go. So, I AM SORRY IF I DON’T DO IT YOUR WAY!!” Luna said getting louder. “I didn’t say you were a bad mother, Luna.” Celestia said waving her hands in the air trying to calm Luna down. “Well sometimes with you and Chrysalis I feel like it is two against one. I’m trying to balance a job, a daughter, and a relationship. Now I would like a little support from my family, and you are pissed off that I took mud and smeared it on your car.” Luna replied. Luna stood there with her arms crossed and her lips pursed. She looked like she could spit nails. Celestia had taken a step back; it wasn't often that her little sister stood up to her. When it came to Sunset that was the one exception to that rule. Celestia was not sure what to say to Luna. She was right, she should help out with her niece a little more. Right then and there was a great time for Celestia to start.  Sitting on the stairs with tears in her eyes and visibly shaken up was Sunset. She hated when Luna fought with people that were close to her. She hated fighting altogether. It reminded her too much of her parents in Equestria when they came home from the bar. Sunset came down to see what all the yelling was about. She was very upset to see her mom and her aunt in a yelling match, and she was the subject of it-Again! Sunset felt terrible. She hated when people fought like this, especially because of her. Sunset got up and ran upstairs to her room despite Celestia calling her. She closed her bedroom door and sat on the bed and looked out her window facing towards downtown.  She always looked at the city whenever she felt bad. Now she felt terrible about another fight over her. Sunset felt like crying all she did was cause trouble and hated herself for it. As soon as Sunset took off up the stairs Luna went to go after her. But was stopped by Celestia grabbing her arm. Luna turned around and looked at her. “Oh, don’t hand that crap that a teen doesn’t want her parents around.” Luna stated. “No but you’re right you need a little support. Go relax Aunt Celestia has this one.” Celestia told her as she started up the stairs.  Getting to Sunset’s door she took a deep breath and tentatively knocked. When she got no answer, she just opened the door and walked in slowly. Celestia was going to try to handle this gently and tactfully. Sunset was hanging her head and sitting on the edge of the bed. Celestia went in and sat down next to her on the bed. Celestia then put her arm around Sunset who looked at Celestia then launched herself into her and finally let loose crying. “It was about me, wasn’t it? You were fighting about me?” Sunset sobbed after a minute trying to compose herself.  “I was mad about my little sister smearing mud all over my car. She thought we would hand wash it together. I didn’t mean to scare you with an automatic car wash.” Celestia said. “I hate when people fight over me. It reminds me too much of Equestria.” Sunset replied. “What happened in horse land?” Celestia asked, feeling very concerned about Sunset’s home life in that other world. “I told you it’s called Equestria. My mom and dad fought a lot about me. It ended up with me being shipped off to magic school. Then mom and dad were ok with me because I wasn’t around. Nothing good ever stays in my life.  I would get scared when Luna would fight with Aunt Chrysalis, just like I get scared when she fights with you. Then you guys end up mad at each other and go your separate ways. I want my family to stay together. I never had anybody or anypony that ever cared about me.” Sunset finished. “Luna and I are not going to stop talking over a fight. We didn’t talk for a long time and then it was strained at best. You helped heal that rift, my little sun.” Celestia told her. “Why didn’t you guys talk for a long time?’ Sunset asked. “Luna’s drug problem, when she got cleaned up and started working two jobs and going to school. I watched her closely and when I could see she was trying and I was out of college, I would send her money for books and other supplies when I could afford too.” Celestia said. “Your parents didn’t help her?” Sunset asked. At that Celestia just got up and walked over to the window. She just stood there looking out towards Center City Canterlot. “Aunt Celestia, don't blow me off.” Sunset said. “Not really due to Luna’s drug problem and unplanned pregnancy she was a big disappointment to them. So, she was thrown out of the house finally when she didn’t quit the drugs. She realized in that homeless shelter one night it was time to clean herself up and she stayed with me for a little bit but mostly lived in the dorm at school. So, no they didn’t help her she was disowned and disinherited. With mom and dad giving me everything I made sure Luna got some money and other minor things that I knew what she wanted.” Celestia explained. “I never hear anything good about your parents.” Sunset said “Well while they were strict, they spent a lot of time with me. Taught me to bowl, taught me to drive, mom spent a lot of time with me in the kitchen…” Celestia began. “Which is why you don't burn the pancakes.” Sunset said. “Mom taught me a lot about cooking, most teen girls don't want to spend time with their mom and dad like I did. Luna, that was a different story. She was bullied and for her school was a nightmare at least until 11th grade.” Celestia explained. “Mom has a lot in common with me in some ways then.” Sunset said. “Well, she understood because she had gone through it. She was also going through it with you all over again. She was determined that her kids, if it ever happened, would have a better support base at home. Better than my mom “oh just ignore it and they’ll stop”. We both know that doesn’t work.” Celestia finished. “Thanks Aunt Celestia I don’t feel so bad anymore I just don’t want people to fight because of me that’s all.” Sunset said. “Why don’t we head down and start dinner and also you need to make arrangements to spend time with Apple Cinnamon.” Celestia offered.  Just then Sunset’s phone buzzed from a text message. She grabbed her phone and told Aunt Celestia she would be down in a minute. Considering this message was from Trixie, she figured it was important. Maybe she finally told her mom. Trixie: Hiya Sunset I came out to my mom. Sunset: What did she say or do? Nothing bad, I hope.  Trixie: She said she needs time to adjust to the shock. Sunset: Well that sounds promising. I was going to say if she kicked you out, I will be right over to get you. Trixie: No but the good news is my mom says if I bring a girl home it is ok. Sunset: I have a feeling where this is headed. Go on Trixie: What do you say to one date. I know you don’t have feelings for me. But one date. Sunset: I am leery about dating my friends. We break up and then can’t stand each other. This is against my better judgment but ok one date. Trixie: Cool I will call you after dinner to make plans if that is o.k. I mean. Sunset: Sure talk then and see you in the morning Trix.  Trixie: You got it Sunny. See we are already on a nickname basis. Sunset switched her phone off and laid back on her bed and smiled. She was very hesitant about this but maybe a date with Trixie wasn’t so bad. In reality, Sunset secretly wished that the texting that just happened was with Twilight. * * * Elsewhere across town… “I told you I can’t rebuild my machine!! I don’t have my research or my notes or any of my tools or anything. My lab was cleared out and without it, it would take me months to redo that!!” Twilight cried out. Abacus Cinch’s patience was wearing thin and her anger was taking over. She brought her hand back and backhanded Twilight who was tied to the chair. “You insolent little brat you will make that machine again and this time make it so The Dazzlings here can regain their power. Now I will give you what you need but you are not leaving until your work for me is done.” Cinch said getting right in her face. “You stupid old hag, I will never work for you.” Twilight spat back. Again she was met with the back of Cinch’s hand. Twilight held back her tears; she was not going to cry and Cinch that satisfaction.  “Cinch, can I talk to you? "Adagio said walking up alongside Cinch.  “What is it?” She asked. Adagio led Cinch away from a tied-up Twilight. Once in the garage Adagio closed the door. Then she took Cinch aside. “Twilight is not going to break, but maybe we should go after Sunset Shimmer instead. Besides we need to get the money to build Twilight’s lab. Let’s put her on ice.” Adagio suggested. “Guys who just pulled up outside in the black van?” Aria asked. Abacus Cinch ran over and looked out the window and was shocked to see men in military fatigues get out of the back of the van with M4 automatic rifles. “Quick out the back and we will need to contact the dogs.” Cinch said. “What about Twilight?” Adagio asked, “If we take her, they won’t let us live. They are here for her!! Get out now!!” Cinch commanded. With that the Dazzlings and Cinch made it out the back as the front door was kicked in. Quickly about 6 men in camouflage  with automatic rifles rushed in and quickly searched the house finding Twilight tied to the chair in the kitchen, “Sir she is in here.” One of the men said, The Cigarette Man walked in and untied Twilight. She looked at him with confusion. She didn’t recognize her rescuer. “Who are you?” She asked. “Someone who is making sure you get home safe and sound. My name is  of no consequence.” He replied, helping Twilight up on her feet. “Sir they got away out the back.” One of the soldiers told The Cigarette Man. “Take Ms. Sparkle home. Also keep an eye on this place, she might try to come back.” The Cigarette Man said to his troops. As The Cigarette Man led Twilight outside he lit up a cigarette.  “Those are bad for your health.” Twilight said. “So I have been told. What did they want with you?” He replied and asked. “They want me to recreate my lab. Mainly the device that I made to collect magic. I am grateful for you saving me…” Twilight began. “But you wish it was someone else?” The Cigarette Man asked. “I was walking home from the library one night, almost got run over by a van. I noticed it went down a side street towards a warehouse that I had never seen anyone in.  The guys got a teenage girl or I guessed she was out of the back of the van.  She had a sack over her head. I was behind a dumpster so no one could see me. I called the CPD on my cell and told my brother what was going on. He spearheaded the rescue and was promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant because of that incident. I never dreamed I saved the lives of two girls who would become my friends Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer. Unfortunately, they couldn’t save me, but I’m glad you did.” She finished.  The Cigarette man just continued to lead her to the car that would take her home.  In the Woods the Sirens watched through the bushes with Cinch. “Now what?” Asked Sonata. “I think they have a watch on the place. So we spend a fitful night in the woods and then contact the dogs in the morning. This is not over.” Cinch said. With that she went off to find a place to shelter for the night.  > The Date Disaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset thought it was odd that Twilight was not in school. Granted she didn’t know about Twilight’s hostage situation. Or that she was being watched and was rescued by the shadowy government agency that called themselves The Syndicate. Sunset wanted to apologize to Twilight about going off on her. She wasn’t attending this school when the whole Anon-a-miss went down. When Sunset got to the music room, Apple Bloom and Applejack were there and so was Rainbow Dash.  “Guys I have news to tell everyone when we all get in this morning.” Sunset told them. As if on cue, Scootaloo came in with Sweetie Belle and Rarity. After a few minutes Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Trixie all showed up. “So, what is your news?” Apple Bloom asked. “Shouldn’t we wait for Twilight darling?” Rarity asked. “It’s weird she’s usually here early.” Rainbow Dash added. “Well, I will catch her up later.” Sunset said as she motioned for Trixie to come over and stand with her. “Is it ok?” Sunset said looking at Trixie who was standing next to me. “Tell them.” Trixie replied. “Trixie and I are going on a date on Friday. Now we have agreed to see where it goes from there, but it is probably going to be one date.” Sunset said. “Why?” Asked Scootaloo.  “Well Trixie and Sunset are good friends. If we have a bad breakup, we may end up hating each other. We don’t want to jeopardize our friendship.” Trixie said confidently.  “Well, I hope you two have a great time Friday.” Fluttershy said. “Are you two ready for a coming out party? You know with streamers, and balloons, and rainbow flags.” Pinkie started rambling things off she would need. “Pinkie…we are going to wait on that okay? Besides I’m not gay.” Sunset said. “The great and powerful Trixie agrees with Sunset. She’ll wait on that too.” Trixie proclaimed.  “You know what won’t wait guys?” Rainbow Asked. “What?” Scootaloo asked. “Classes.” Rainbow replied. All the girls agreed and split for the morning.  * * * Twilight’s house that same morning… Twilight was sitting on her bed. Her mom had been tending to her since last night.  Twilight’s mom reapplied the ice pack to Twilight’s face. Apparently Cinch’s backhands left a nice bruise on her cheek. Twilight Velvet had been taking care of her daughter since that weird man rescued her last night. “Mom you should have let me go to school today. I'm fine.” Twilight complained.  Her mom stepped back and looked at her with her arms crossed and her lips pursed. She was not going to let Twilight out of her sight anytime soon. She just shook her head.  Twilight Velvet just walked over to Twilight and just stroked her hair and finally said “Twilight I know I can’t protect you forever. It’s just that I am scared to let you leave while that mad woman is out there. I can’t believe she lost it.” “Mom, she wanted me to recreate my work. All that work is gone, I lost everything in that lab. I don’t know how to recreate that work and I don’t want to recreate it. I don’t want to be Midnight Sparkle again!!” Twilight exclaimed, breaking down. Twilight Velvet walked over to where her daughter was sitting on the bed and sat down and wrapped Twilight in a huge hug. She didn’t understand what Twilight was going through only Sunset did and to some extent Luna too. She could see her daughter was traumatized though.  Just then Twilight’s phone buzzed. Twilight went to answer it when her mom stopped her. “Just let me see who it is, first.” Twilight Velvet said. Twilight grabbed the phone and said “Mom it’s ok it’s a text message from Sunset.” Twilight smiled ear to ear seeing a text from her.  “I’ll leave you two alone.” Her mom said walking out of the room. Twilight opened her phone to see what Sunset texted. Sunset: Twilight are you ok? Why aren’t you in school?”  Twilight: It’s a long story…but I was kidnapped last night.  When Sunset read that line out loud at lunch, The Rainbooms, The Crusaders, and Trixie’s jaws all dropped. A few of the girls even dropped their plastic wear.  Twilight was kidnapped and they never knew it. Sunset was really conflicted. The girl that she cared so deeply about and secretly crushed on had been in danger and she wasn’t there to help, or protect her.  Sunset: Twilight is it ok to see you after school today? Twilight: I need to clear it with mom, but it should be ok. Sunset: Well let me know I gotta bounce. Finishing her texting session everybody at the table was in shock. Some were mad that they couldn’t be there to protect her. Others were sad about it. The silence was broken by Rainbow Dash. “You know Sunset, no one says “gotta bounce” anymore.” Rainbow said.   * * * Luna pulled into Twilight’s driveway and Sunset was out of the car like a shot .Sunset couldn’t get to Twilight fast enough. She needed to see with her own eyes.  Luna watched Sunset run like that. She was hoping that Sunset would Tell Twilight how she really felt this time. Meanwhile Sunset rang the doorbell and was fidgeting like mad.  After what seemed like an eternity Twilight Velvet opened the door and saw a panting, upset Sunset standing there. She just smiled and stood aside motioned to Twilight who was on the living room couch. Sunset ran for the couch. Twilight Velvet walked out to see Luna on the driveway. Meeting halfway up the driveway, Luna hugged Twilight Velvet. She knew what it was like to have your child (especially your daughter) kidnapped. “I have to ask, how is Twilight?” Luna asked. “Very shaken up but glad some weird guy with a team of commandos rescued her.” Twilight Velvet replied. “I know the guy he has taken a huge interest in Sunset as well. Teenage girls that can do magic is not something he wants out, nor do I.” Luna replied. “Why don’t we go in while our daughters visit each other.” Twilight Velvet replied.   Inside Sunset and Twilight locked into an embrace that nothing could have broken. Sunset was so happy to see that Twilight was ok. The girl she cared most for in this or any world was safe and sound. Twilight was just happy to see Sunset. Her heart leaped as she and Sunset embraced. “Twilight I was so worried about you, so were the rest of the girls.” Sunset told her. At that moment Twilight’s mom came in the front door with Luna just as Twilight and Sunset broke apart. Sunset and Twilight had been locked in an embrace and staring at each other.  “Sunset I’m delighted that you’re pleased to see me doing fine.” Twilight said. “Delighted??!! I’m ecstatic that you’re o.k.” Sunset said hugging Twilight again. “Sunset is so happy to see that I am ok.” Twilight said to her mom and Luna. “Uh-huh.” Replied Twilight Velvet. “Twilight I got your assignments that you missed today. I know how you like to keep up on your school work.” Luna said handing Twilight some papers. “Thank you Vice Principal Luna.” Twilight said taking the papers. “I’m gonna put these up in my room. You ever see my room Sunset?” Twilight asked. “No. Is it ok if you show me? Sunset asked. “Mom?” Twilight asked, “It’s ok. It’s when you start bringing guys up there that I will have my reservations. Go ahead and show her. Luna and I need to talk some anyway.” Twilight Velvet replied. One the way up the stairs to her room, Sunset was scanning Twilight up and down. She definitely was making Sunset’s heart flutter. Sunset had to mentally smack herself. “Sunset, stop checking Twilight out!! SHE DOESN’T FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT YOU. You have a date this Friday with Trixie. ” Sunset told herself.  As they entered Twilight, she noticed the room was mostly purple. Sunset thought her mom would love this color scheme. She had to smile looking at all the books and her telescope. Nerdy Twilight Sparkle at her best. Then she noticed a huge picture of Spike hanging on the wall. “That’s a big picture of Spike over there.” Sunset walking over to the portrait. “For a long time Spike was all I had in my life, you know because he is family too.” Twilight replied. Then Twilight showed her the rest of the room. The two huge bookcases, her big telescope. Her aquarium; that was unoccupied at the time.  “Twilight I have to ask what happened last night?” Sunset asked. “Well why don’t we head to the kitchen and I’ll tell you everything. I have to smile thinking about how Cinch and the Dazzlings had to spend a rough night outdoors last night.” Twilight smiled slightly as she started downstairs. “O.k. before we go downstairs I got some big news. This Friday night I have a date.” Sunset told her. Twilight’s heart broke into a million pieces. She knew Sunset didn’t have any romantic feelings for her but this proved it. “Y...you have a date? With who?” Twilight stammered trying to keep it together. “Trixie and I are going to give it a shot. A one time thing unless we really click.” Sunset explained. “Well I hope you guys have a great time, I really do.” Twilight said faking her happiness for Sunset with a hug. “Why don’t we go downstairs and I will tell you about last night. With that Sunset headed downstairs followed by a broken hearted Twilight. * * * The next day was Friday and Twilight was dropped off at school by her brother. She thought it was humiliating to her but her parents worried for her. After stopping at her locker she headed to the music room.  Upon entering everyone greeted her. One thing she saw was heartbreaking. Sitting on the stage a little bit off was Sunset with her arm around Trixie. Trixie had her head on Sunset’s shoulder. “What’s everyone doing?” Twilight asked. “Twilight, we are super duper happy to see you!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Hi Twilight Trixie wants to know how you are doing.” Trixie asked. “I’m doing better and oh aren’t you two a cute couple.” Twilight said looking at Sunset and Trixie together. “We are trying to figure out what to do on a date. Right here in the music room we can be romantic but out in public it’s harder.” Sunset said. “Well why don’t you hang out at one of your houses. Pop some popcorn, get some sodas and stream a movie.” Twilight suggested. “That might not be a bad move.” Applejack said. “Why is that?” Asked Trixie. “Well it’s safe and there is a chance of rain too.” Rainbow added, looking at her phone. “Well we will see tonight.” Trixie proclaimed making Sunset roll her eyes only Twilight noticed that though. “Why don’t you postpone a week? We can just fast forward.” Pinkie Pie said. “It’s not that simple, I have to go with Apple Cinnamon next week. He wants to do it before graduation.” Sunset told Pinkie. “What is he graduating from?” Fluttershy asked. “No he wants to go with Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and I to see Big Mac graduate in about three weeks. School is out for summer. Most of us got jobs lined up.” Applejack said. “But right now we better get classes lined up for the morning." Sunset said as she took Trixie’s hands and pulled her up into an embrace.  “And I’ll see you at lunch and in study hall.” Sunset said to Trixie. “Trixie is looking forward to it.” Trixie replied. They sealed their deal with a quick kiss and Trixie headed for gym with Rainbow and Scootaloo and Sunset headed for Chemistry with Applejack.  Apple Bloom saw that Twilight was looking very depressed. She went over and rubbed Twilight’s arm a little bit. Twilight just touched her hand as if to say she was ok. * * * For Sunset and Trixie the day dragged on, they sat together at lunch while their friends shot them ideas for a date. Sunset and Trixie agreed that stargazing was definitely romantic if it was going to rain. Once Sunset told Trixie about her basement, Trixie was intrigued. In study hall…³ “Well, we could hang there and watch a romantic movie while snuggling on the couch. Play pool, maybe even strip pool.” Trixie joked quietly.  “Look why we don't, we just do the traditional dinner and go see a movie?  If we click then great.” Sunset suggested. “O.K. Then pick Trixie up about seven?” Trixie asked. “Let’s finalize plans with mom when school is over.” Sunset said. The whole time they were talking, Twilight was just listening to them, feeling her heart break even more.  “Why can’t I be the one dating Sunset Shimmer? Why can’t she like me the way she likes Trixie? Why can’t it be me?? Maybe it’s time to look somewhere else.” Twilight thought. Shortly after the bell rang and Sunset and Trixie got up said their goodbyes to Twilight and headed for Luna ‘s office after finalizing their plans with Luna she agreed to drop them off for dinner and a movie at the mall.’ “I think it would be better if you get something at the food court then have popcorn and soda, nothing overly formal. Also outside of the theater watch the PDAs there are still some homophobic people out there.” Luna warned. The girls agreed, then Trixie ran to get her stuff and get her bus home. Sunset did some more of her homework while Luna finished up her paperwork for the week. She wanted to finish quickly so Sunset could get home and get ready.  * * * Sunset chose a sleeveless orange top and her blue jeans with her leather jacket with one orange stripe on the sleeves and matching black boots with orange stripes on them.  After her shower and putting on just a touch of makeup and getting ready, Sunset called Trixie who was just getting dressed.  “Relax Sunny, I’m getting dressed. I don't think you want me walking around in public like I am dressed right now.” Trixie said on the phone. “How are you dressed?” Sunset replied. “Right now just my underwear, but I got all my clothes laid out on my bed. Now I’m going to be getting dressed so head on over babe.” Trixie replied. “O.K. I’m on my way Trix.” Sunset replied.  Sunset almost hopped down the stairs to the door where Luna was waiting for her. “Ready for your date?” Luna asked Sunset, tossing her the car keys. “Ready and willing.” Sunset replied. “You are a lot more confident than I was on my first date with Apple Cinnamon. He’s looking forward to spending some time with you next weekend.” Luna said. “I said I would spend some time with him. I never said I would have a good time.” Sunset replied walking out the door ahead of Luna. “Ha ha ha. You said the same thing about my sister and you and Aunt Celestia had a great time except seeing your friends with their boyfriends. “ Luna reminded her. “I know.” Sunset said walking out to the car. Sunset got into the car and in no time her and Luna were out on the road. Sunset seemed to be focused on driving more than her date which made Luna happy.  Arriving at Trixie’s house Sunset handed Luna the keys and ran up the walk. Upon ringing the doorbell Trixie opened the door and motioned for Sunset to come in as she was putting her boots on.  Sunset stood inside the door as Trixie put her boots on. Her mom came out onto the enclosed porch. She looked at Sunset staring her up and down. It made Sunset feel nervous.  Sunset decided to be polite and nice. She walked up and extended her hand. “Hi Mrs. Lulamoon. I’m Sunset Shimmer. Nice to meet you.” Sunset said smiling. Trixie’s mom solemnly shook Sunset’s hand. “Nice to meet you Sunset. I have heard a lot about you.” She said. “I deny everything.” Sunset joked. “Uh huh. Trixie your curfew is midnight.” Her mom replied.  “O.K. mom thanks, good night.” Trixie said. “Good night.” Trixie’s mom said as she shut the door behind the girls.  Trixie and Sunset intertwined their hands as they headed down the walkway. Trixie even held Sunset's arm and laid her head on Sunset’s shoulder. Sunset moved her arm and put it around Trixie as they approached the car. Luna looked at the happy couple and even though she had always imagined Sunset being with a guy this was pretty nice too. One thing Luna could tell is Trixie really liked Sunset and wasn’t going to hurt her. Both girls slipped into the back seat hand in hand. Both were giggling about something one of them said on the walk down to the car. It reminded Luna of her and Apple Cinnamon on their first date. “Ms. Luna the polite and outgoing Trixie says hello.” Trixie greeted her. “Where am I taking you two girls tonight?” Luna asked, “Well we discussed it. Just drop us at the mall. We are gonna grab something at the food court then head to see a movie.” Sunset told her mom. “So, the mall it is, I was sure how formal this was going to be.” She said putting her hands on the wheel.   The ride to the mall was filled with girly chat in the back seat and Luna smiling as the girls discussed school, friends, and just life in general. Pulling up to the mall, Sunset decided to tempt fate one more time. “You know talking about School Trix, don’t you think the vice principal is a real hard ass?” Sunset giggling slightly. Luna spun around and glared at Sunset. The very seriously said “Watch it young lady unless you want to be grounded and miss Camp Everfree.” “Trixie thinks discretion is the better part of valor.” She said grabbing Sunset’s arm. “O.K. I apologize for that.” Sunset admitted meekly. “I accept, and I have to be a hard ass. I’m in charge of discipline in the CHS. Believe me, since the Fall Formal it has been quite a chore. One good thing that has come out of the chaos is my daughter.” Luna said beaming at Sunset. “Thanks mom, quality save there.” Sunset said. “Well, we better get going.” Trixie said. Both girls hopped out of the car and waved goodbye to Luna as they headed into the mall and the food court. Sunset had been here before but during the day and with her Aunt Celestia. This time when she headed down to the movies, she had a date not watching her friends with one. Trixie followed Sunset over to a restaurant called “Nature’s Table”. Sunset got a vegetable wrap with a strawberry Icee. Trixie also got a wrap but chicken wrap instead with a mango-pineapple smoothie.   Dinner passed with light conversation and Sunset was having a good time with Trixie. For Trixie this was a dream come true; here she was Sunset and Trixie. Trix and Sunny, as they had nicknamed each other. Trixie made sure not to be too boastful during dinner; they may be on a date but didn’t need a bunch of attention.  After a nice casual dinner, the girls got up and dumped their trays and headed towards the theater. Trixie decided to stop Sunset on the way there. She did want to pay her way as well. “The Honest and Generous Trixie insists that since you bought dinner, that I get us the tickets.” Trixie said in a normal non boastful voice. “Fine but what about refreshments? You know popcorn, soda, candy.” Sunset asked. “You bought dinner, Trixie bought the tickets, we can go Dutch on refreshments or pay together.” Trixie said. “O.K. that would work.” Sunset replied. They walked up to the booth and Trixie got two tickets for their movie and after that they hit the refreshment stand. Buying a large popcorn they would share as well as their own drinks and a box of snowcaps which were Sunset’s favorite. After walking in the theater both girls took seats in the back and got ready for the show. Both were amazed that there were only a few other people in there and realized they weren’t watching them. Once the movie began both girls could have cared less what was on the screen. They were too busy engaging in passionate French kissing to care. After a few minutes of letting their tongues wrestle for dominance in each other’s mouth, something happened. Both Sunset and Trixie broke apart and looked at each other. They couldn’t explain it-all of a sudden neither one of them wanted each other. It was like the passion just vanished.  “I don’t understand it, what happened? Equestrian magic?” Asked Trixie.  “I don’t know I was hot for you, then all of a sudden it was like this is all wrong.” Sunset said. “You wanna call it a night?” Trixie asked. “Yeah I’ll call mom.” Sunset asked as the girls left the theater. This really stumped them. The passion and feelings just died. Luna and Celestia had been watching TV, spending a relaxing Friday as they always did after a long work week. Sunset's phone call to her mom surprised Luna.  “Already?” She asked “Yeah, something happened I don’t know what and Trixie and I are not going to be dating anymore.” Sunset said. “O.K. I’ll come pick you up.” Luna said getting her shoes on. “What happened?” Celestia asked. “I don't know but I’m going to find out.” Luna said, * * * About 24 hours earlier… “You’re the worst Sonata.” Aria said. “No you are the worst.” Sonata shot back at Aria. “Enough you two!!” Cinch said forcefully. “We been walking through the woods for over an hour, we really should stop.” Adagio said to Cinch. “If you see a place we can hold up for a night let me know.” Cinch replied. "The woods thin out near the river. If we get there, we can probably rest there for the night." Adagio replied  “How do I know you’re not going to run away if I fall asleep?” Asked Cinch. “Easy. I don't know the woods as well as you and if you’re meeting with the Dogs in the morning. I want in on that. They run the gem trade-that’s money. Money we can use to build a lab. Then go after Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. By the way, Cinch I think I just found us a shelter.” Adagio said, pointing to an object that appeared on the shore of the river.    Cinch went over to examine it. It was a deflated raft that had a tear on one side. Looking inside Cinch found some rope and a bag of dried fruits, and a cigarette lighter. “String the rope between these two trees.” Cinch said. Aria and Sonata tied the rope between the two trees afterwards Cinch and Adagio flung the raft over the rope. It was a makeshift tent.  “It’s big enough for two of us.” Sonata said. “Sonata you and Aria get some rest. Cinch and I are going to keep watch. Eventually Adagio fell asleep under the tent. Cinch dozed off against the other tree. It was a bad night but in the morning they headed towards downtown.  The Diamond Dogs. Most of them had got out of jail or off of house arrest and were now running a gem trade in Canterlot and throughout  the country. They usually met in the middle of the day in the back kitchen of a restaurant downtown. Cinch approached the door and the guard stopped her and the Dazzlings. “Dogs only.” The guard said holding his hand up. “Oh believe me I have something that the Dogs will want to hear.” She said convincingly, “Let her pass.'' Said an Elderly Dog seated at the head of the table. Cinch and Dazzlings walked into the kitchen where three tables were set up in square shape. “I was waiting to see when you would seek us out Cinch. I am Chancellor Jim of Diamondia. I bid you welcome. Now what can I do for you?” “It’s what I can do for you. As you know magic is running amok in this town especially at CHS.” Cinch began “I have heard these tales too but we are not here to start trouble unless you can insure it is worth our while.” Jim replied. “Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle are the girls with magic. Twilight knows more about the subject than anyone in this world. But there is another world that Sunset came from.” Cinch replied. “We have heard all this before. Why should we help?” Asked Rover. “Twilight had a lab at the school. She knew how to track and CAPTURE magic. Think about the possibilities of being able to use that energy, as well as find that portal to the other land and what lies there.” Cinch said. Murmurs of agreement swirled all around the table. “Think about it, what riches you could make, what could possibly go wrong?” Cinch asked, Laughing was heard from the doorway of the kitchen; the person laughing walked up to the table as Cinch stepped aside. Everybody was shocked by who was standing there. It didn’t seem possible but here she was in front of everyone. She looked over at Cinch. “...And I thought my jokes were bad.” Said Gilda.    > A sad weekend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna had picked the girls up and both seemed very quiet. It was a complete 180 degree turn from when they got together earlier. Gabbing about school, friends, things that every teen usually talks about. Now it was very quiet and they looked depressed.  “O.K. you two, which one of you wants to tell what happened?” Luna asked on the way home.  “I don’t get it mom one minute we were hot for each other and the next it was like it was all wrong I can’t explain it.” Sunset said, “I know up until now I wanted to be all over Sunset like a cheap suit, but I guess now well I don’t know we were sucking face and all of a sudden it felt wrong, kind of off you know.” Trixie added. Luna glared at Sunset in the rearview mirror. Sunset noticed Luna’s disapproving glare and wondered why she was getting it. “What?” Sunset asked her mom. “Was this Equestrian Magic?” Luna asked. “No mom it wasn’t. Not that I know of.” Sunset replied. “Well something happened I don’t know what.” Luna said. “Sunset what happens now?" Trixie asked. "We will take you home and I guess you do whatever you do before bed.” Sunset replied. “No, Trixie means between us. Are Sunset and Trixie friends still?” Trixie asked.  “Trix we tried the dating thing, it just didn’t happen. We know now. I expect to see you in that music room Monday morning. You got it, Trixie?.” Sunset told her firmly. “Yes ma’am.” Trixie replied, saluting. After that both girls broke into a fit of giggles and laughter. Luna was glad to see this wasn’t going to impact their friendship. Sunset walked Trixie up to her door. Trixie had hoped for a kiss at the door when the night began now she didn’t care. It was better for her and Sunset for a simple hug and a short little conversation. “When we got up here Trixie was hoping to kiss you goodnight.” Trixie told her. “Sunset was hoping to kiss Trixie too. I don’t know what happened but it was fun while it lasted. Music room Monday morning you got it?” Sunset said. After that Sunset went to the car and Trixie headed in for the night.   “Maybe next weekend will go better for you.” Luna said. “Why? Who am I going out with next weekend?” Sunset asked. “My boyfriend Apple Cinnamon.” Luna said with a smirk. “Oh joy.” Sunset replied without any enthusiasm. Lune decided to ignore the remark and continue home. Upon their arrival home Sunset started up the walk and Luna followed. She was going to say something to Sunset about how she treated her boyfriend. “Sunset, can I have a word with you?” Luna asked Stopping Sunset dead in her tracks. “Yeah mom?” She said.  “You need to be nicer to Apple Cinnamon , he’s also part of my life too. This time a guy hasn’t booked after we went to bed together. Now I will admit we didn’t plan that but he gave me this.” Luna ended her statement by holding up her hand. She then pointed to the promise ring on her left hand.   “He wants to connect with you too. I have to ask, what do you want?” Luna asked. Sunset didn’t answer right away; she wanted to see Luna happy. She wanted to tell her mom to get rid of Apple Cinnamon, but knew deep down that would destroy Luna. “Mom, I want you to be happy. I would tell you to drop Apple Cinnamon but I know deep down that would almost kill you. I’m not going to tell you what to do. I don’t want to hurt anyone, honestly.” Sunset said. “Then WHAT is your problem with him? Please tell me!!” Luna pleaded. “What do you want me to say mom?” Sunset asked. “I want you to say why you don't like him? I want the truth.” Luna demanded raising her voice slightly at Sunset. “You can’t handle the truth!!” Sunset getting loud herself. “Why Sunset why??!!” Luna pleaded. “What do you want me to say? I'm jealous. O.K. I’m jealous!! You and I had a great life going before he came in and…”Sunset’s voice trailed off. “And he came in and compromised your time with me. Took my attention away from you and I know you crave attention too. You crave it in a good way because you never had a family and friends, and you got what you want. You see him as a threat to all that, don’t ya?” Luna asked back as she walked closer to Sunset. Sunset didn’t like the way Luna was crowding her there at the bottom of the stairs. This made her very uneasy when someone got close to her.  “Mom, what are you doing?” Sunset asked. “I’m putting the whole thing in your hands. If you want him gone I will call and tell him it’s over. If not, you will spend time with him this weekend. What is it going to be?” Luna insisted. “I’ll spend time with him this weekend. I don’t know what we will do but I will spend time with him.” Sunset told her. “At least try, you can’t succeed if you don’t try.” Luna prompted. “O.K. I’ll try.” Sunset said heading up to her room.   For the rest of the night, she texted with Trixie and then watched some TV and even played a little on her PS5  before finally calling it a night around 1 A.M. Most of Saturday Sunset felt depressed. She did her homework and just sat at home despite a few texts and calls from her friends. She felt horrible that her first “real date” had been a flop. Luna and Celestia had tried to cheer her up, but nothing worked. She didn’t want to play in the basement, or go out anywhere. Even her Aunt Chrysalis offered her a ride on the bike, and to come over and play video games and spend the night. Sunset declined.  She felt bad it took a while to hit her but she tried dating and it sucked.  “Maybe being an old cat lady is a better idea. My dates with Flash were for popularity. I try it once for real and something goes horribly wrong. Of course Twilight has to be into guys so that screws me on that front too. I'm starting to understand why mom loves Apple Cinnamon so much. Being alone sucks.” Sunset’s thoughts rambled.  “My arms are itching for that razor blade right now,” Sunset said out loud to herself. She knew it was wrong. But thinking about it felt so right. Finally on Sunday Sunset was sitting in her basement  to do a video but didn’t feel like playing any game. When the doorbell rang. She didn’t bother to go answer it just sat there with a controller in her hands. Celestia answered the door and was shocked by who was standing there. There stood The Rainbooms, The Crusaders and Trixie. Sunset didn’t tell her she had invited guests over.  “Sunset a heads up would be nice.” Celestia thought. “Hi girls come on in. I’m guessing you want to see my niece. She didn’t tell me she was coming.” Celestia said. “We are kind of here unannounced. Ah, apologize for all of us, but we are kinda worried about Sunset. Is she in her room?” Applejack spoke up. “No, she's in the basement and looked like she was gonna do a video but I don’t think she was feeling that great. Nothing you girls can catch, she just seems…” Celestia stopped as she searched for the right word.  “Depressed.” Trixie offered, “Yeah that is how I would describe it.” Celestia said. “Well let’s go cheer her up. CHEER UP PARTY!!: Pinkie exclaimed.  “I don’t think a party is going to work in this case.” Applejack said. “Let’s just go talk to her.” Trixie said.  Everyone agreed and headed for the basement. Celestia opened the door and let the gang head down the stairs. When they came down they saw Sunset sitting on the couch just holding a controller not playing any game. “What are you all doing here?” Asked Sunset. “Sunny, we are super worried about you. You have been avoiding our calls and our texts. Then your Aunt Celestia said you were depressed. Why are you down in the dumps Sunny?” Pinkie asked. “Friday night was a disaster, my first real date and it blew up in my face. I wanted everything to be perfect.” Sunset said. “Trixie wanted it to be perfect too.” Trixie proclaimed walking up to Sunset and hugging her.  “So does that mean you and Trixie aren’t dating?” Twilight asked. “No, unfortunately not.” Sunset said dejectedly. “Sunset, there is someone out there for you. I bet they are closer than you think.” Twilight offered. “Thanks for coming, everyone. I was really down this weekend. I had some dark thoughts, I was even thinking that I would like to cut myself again-I didn’t. This is just like after the Fall Formal you all rallied around me.” Sunset said. Twilight grabbed Sunset’s arms and pulled Sunset into a hug that evolved into a huge group hug. After that everyone got together and the first episode of “Shimmer Code” was filmed.  Twilight and Sunset decided to cut the episode in two as it was kind of long. This way the first two videos on her YouTube channel were complete and the first half was uploaded.  After a while A few of the girls left but Sunset decided to talk to Applejack and Apple Bloom for a minute.  “Guys I’m hanging with your cousin Apple Cinnamon next weekend. I have no idea what we are going to do though.” Sunset said, expressing her concern.  “He likes to hike, camp, and fish. Maybe he’ll take you out for a weekend outdoors trip.” Applejack said.  Sunset nervously fidgeted when Applejack told her that. Both of the Apple sisters noticed that and it bothered them. What was Sunset nervous about? “Sunset, why are ya so nervous?” Applejack asked.  “Well when I went with Aunt Chrysalis and later Aunt Celestia I was a little nervous but neither one of them was a guy.” Sunset explained. “Relax, you want me or Apple Bloom to go with you?” Applejack asked. “I would but I will face this one too. I am just worried about him trying something but he is an Apple after all. Apples are raised with respect. So I guess I was worrying over nothing.” Sunset said as she came to realize maybe her worries were probably unfounded. “Now go frettin’ thar sugarcube. Apple Cinnamon is probably just as nervous too. You’ll see come Friday.” Applejack reassured her.  After a hug Applejack and Apple Bloom headed out.  Sunset heard Apple Bloom ask as they headed up the stairs “Sis you think I can have my phone or laptop when I get home fer about two minutes.” “I guess so but why?” Applejack replied. “I want to subscribe to the Shimmer Code YouTube channel.” Apple Bloom replied. Twilight walked up and put her arm around Sunset. Sunset just looked over at Twilight. Why was she putting her arm around her? “Twilight, why are you putting your arm around me?” Sunset asked. “Sunset you ever feel down again. You call me. You have always been there for me. Well that swings both ways Sunset I’m here for you too.” Twilight said. Sunset hugged Twilight. They both looked in each other’s eyes and for a brief second everything stopped. It was like they were in a trance. Neither one of them knew how long they stood there locked in that trance.  Eventually they broke apart and headed upstairs after shutting everything off. * * * “How are you even here?” Cinch asked, looking at Gilda. “I have my ways.” Gilda replied back. All of the Diamond Dogs shifted uneasily in their seats. This was their former boss before Chancellor Jim. Gilda took command. Sure with Gilda they were a street gang but now they ran the gem trade. If they did crime it was white collar. “How did you escape Zephyr Heights?” Asked Rover. “That’s neither here nor there. I’m here now and that’s what matters.” Gilda said.  “Why are you here?” Asked Cinch. Gilda looked around at the dozen or so “dogs” and then at Cinch and The Dazzlings. She shook her head, “Let’s wind the clocks back a year. If you had started this organization no one would have dared mess with you. So what happened?  You have your little clubhouse meetings in broad daylight, not very safe. I know what happened, you're scared of two teens that can do magic. Cinch here wants you to finance a lab so she can have one of them redo her work to collect magic.” Gilda finished. “What do you propose we do?” Asked Chancellor Jim. “Easy, we kill those girls.” Gilda said. > Another bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna walked into Sunset’s room and gave her a gentle shake. Sunset rolled over and mumbled something. Luna was getting tired of this ever since taking Sunset into her life getting her some morning was a battle. Now Luna had a few options so she would try the nice one. If that didn’t work head downstairs to the kitchen for plan B. Time to employ her tactics. Luna just shook Sunset a little bit. “Come on honey, one more week of school you got two finals-two today you’ll be done just before lunch. You get to see your friends.” Luna cooed. Sunset didn’t move. It was time for plan B. “IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW, I WILL GO DOWNSTAIRS AND GET THE BOWL OF FROZEN MARBLES.” Luna yelled. Sunset was up in a flash. She knew it was finals week. Then after the weekend the seniors would get their scores and then it was graduation. The last week of school was a joke. Most kids didn’t go as nothing was taught.  Sunset would go on the first day and usually get her test scores and clean out her locker then go home for the summer. Which usually meant storing stuff in a storage locker for the summer. This time she could actually bring it home. That made Sunset smile as she finished her shower and was getting dressed. The best part about the first final was taking it in Science with Applejack. The finals were usually 8 a.m. and the second one at 10 a.m.. Sunset had two today and two tomorrow. Wednesday she had one but at 10. Thursday was the best one at 8 then free for summer.    Luna and Celestia had to be there for the last week as the graduation ceremony was that Friday. Sunset knew Big Mac, Maude Pie and Flash Sentry were all graduating this year.  Sunset finally came downstairs and Luna and Celestia looked up. They both knew Sunset had a busy week ahead of her. Final exams and then Friday-Monday going with Apple Cinnamon. Luna was excited about that. Sunset was very uneasy about it but was trying to keep an open mind about it. She had spent the weekend with Chrysalis and Celestia but they were girls. Apple Cinnamon was a guy, that fact unnerved her.  But she wanted to find out what he had planned for the weekend. She had to know what to prepare for. The idea still made Sunset extremely uneasy. Worse than any final she had this year. “Mom, what does Apple Cinnamon want to do this weekend?” Sunset asked nervously, fidgeting. “He was asking me that question. I told it’s best to ask you directly, so he's coming for dinner tonight. So I’m serving my specialty.” Luna said. “Burnt food or ordering out?” Sunset asked jokingly. Even Celestia had to laugh at that one.  “Don’t encourage her sister.” Luna said as she stared at Celestia. “I was going to do vegetable lasagna. I know it’s one of your favorites Sunset.” Luna said. Just as Sunset was finishing her breakfast Luna got up and grabbed her purse as did Celestia. That was the cue to Sunset to begin the day. Putting her bowl and spoon in the dishwasher she ran to the front door where her mom was holding her back pack. Sunset had to turn in her books after finals today.  On the way to school Sunset was looking over her notes cross-referencing with her books. This would be her routine for the next three days after this. Arriving at school Luna headed over to her office and Sunset to the music room. Walking in it was as quiet as at tomb girls (some in pairs others, by themselves) were all studying.  Sunset sat down with Applejack and began reviewing for science class. After a while Sunset reviewed for her second final. This was a process that repeated itself all week. The time came for everyone to split all the girls wishing each other good luck and headed out for their respective classes. Sunset and Applejack headed to science, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Twilight headed for history. Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Trixie headed to the gym. “Can you believe we have a final in gym?” Scootaloo asked. “Squirt it’s one side of one page on basic rules of basic activities we did. It’s gonna be easy, especially if you paid attention this year.” Rainbow replied. The gym final was easy, especially for Rainbow Dash. As she was the first one finished with everything and gave her time to cram for some subjects that were not a synch.  Eventually the finals for a day came to an end and the girls had turned in the textbooks. Sunset went to Luna’s office and Luna tossed Sunset the house keys. Before Sunset left Luna stopped her. “Sunset make sure your room is clean, and you can goof off in the basement some, but do some studying for your finals tomorrow. Got it?” Luna asked. “Yes mom and I want to tell you something I don’t know if going with Apple Cinnamon all weekend is a good idea.” Sunset said. “Well I thought about that too and texted him earlier and he agreed so he suggested he take you out for a few hours. I don’t know what he was thinking. He suggested taking you out for Ice cream and going to a movie.” Luna finished. “Nothing wrong with that. Why would that make you question what he was thinking?”  Sunset asked. “He was going to take you to an animated movie.” Luna replied. “Mom I usually would have no problem going to an animated movie. Except right now the only animated movie that is out is based off that Discovery Family channel show about talking ponies. Too much like where I used to live.” Sunset said. “I know, we will discuss it at dinner. Do you have a way home?” Luna asked. “Fluttershy is going to give me a lift home.” Sunset said. “I think after our trip to Camp Everfree we will let you take your driver’s test.” Luna said. “Thanks, I would like that freedom.” Sunset said. “Okay see you at home.” Luna said. On the ride home Sunset told Fluttershy about her dinner and the weekend plans. She also voiced her concerns about being alone with a guy she didn’t know.  “Sunset I think you're overreacting just see how dinner goes tonight and go from there.” Fluttershy told her. “I guess.” Sunset replied as they pulled up to the house. “Did you want to come in, no one is home, and you haven’t seen the new house yet.” Sunset asked and then piled on reasons as she thought of them. “I saw the house once, well just your studio and the lounge. I walked through the dining room and kitchen to get to the basement.” Fluttershy said quietly. The girls walked into the house and Sunset gave Fluttershy the full tour of the upstairs except Luna and Celestia’s rooms. They were off limits to most people except Sunset and her mom and aunt. Then the girls headed downstairs and Sunset showed her the lounge, dining room, and kitchen, and headed downstairs to the basement, Sunset had her studio there. After that she showed her pool table, and the pinball machines and even motioned to the dart board.  After the tour both girls had a soda and Fluttershy insisted on helping Sunset set the table. When Fluttershy left, Sunset went to study until dinner time. At one point sunset must have dozed off. She was awoken by Luna coming into the house and realized she had been asleep for the last 45 minutes. “I hope you studied before your nap.” Luna said as she saw Sunset staring at her watch. “I did. I dozed off for 45 minutes.” Sunset said. “Dozed off? With the way you were snoring I’m surprised you didn’t inhale the drapes.” Luna said jokingly. “Ha, ha.” Sunset deadpanned. “Did you set the table?” Luna asked. “Yes and even added an extra place as instructed.” Sunset said. “O.K. I’m gonna put the meal in the oven and get changed.” Luna stated. Luna got the lasagna cooking and changed into a T-shirt, jeans and socks. Soon after Celestia arrived home and took a shower and got changed into more casual clothes.  Sunset was setting salt and pepper shakers as well as a hot plate on the table when the doorbell rang. Luna shot up from the couch as if she was on a spring and ran to answer the door. Taking a deep breath she opened the door with a wave other hand as to say come in. Apple Cinnamon came in and wrapped Luna in a huge hug and gave her a passionate kiss. With her arm around Apple Cinnamon and his arm around her waist and his hand in her back pocket they walked towards the dining room. “Hello, can I get you something to drink?” Sunset politely asked “Hello Sunny, if you don’t mind being called that, what do you have?” Apple Cinnamon asked. “Um, I have Soda, Wine Coolers, Water, Lemonade and I think…”Sunset started. “I’ll just have a wine cooler, now what flavors do you have?” He asked. “Why don’t we just go in the kitchen and look in the fridge.” Sunset chuckled. After getting Apple Cinnamon an apple flavored wine cooler. Luna brought the lasagna out to the dining room table. Then Sunset had to ask about the seating arrangements. Celestia took her place at the head of the table as usual. On the right side was one chair. There was usually one chair on the left side tonight there were two. “Do you two want to sit together or across from each other so you can play footsie?” Sunset asked. “I’m going to sit on the right side. I want you and Apple Cinnamon to sit together tonight.” Luna said. After everyone took their seats Celestia served everyone a helping of lasagna. Apple Cinnamon and Sunset seemed very uneasy at first. But after a while Apple Cinnamon started talking to Sunset about her past in Equestria and about how school was a living hell after the Formal. Also, how her friends helped her and how she gained a new one. “Well Sunset I think that’s the first time in history two girls became friends by having a third party threaten to rip them limb from limb.” Apple Cinnamon joked. “Yeah, probably. But Trixie and I have had a strained relationship, but it has gotten better. We even went out on a date. It didn’t end well.” Sunset said, looking down. “Well did you two remain friends?” Apple Cinnamon asked. “Yes we did.” Sunset said, smiling slightly.  Luna was very happy to see Apple Cinnamon and Sunset interacting on a cordial or maybe even a friendly level. She was also happy to play footsie with him all night too. Celestia didn’t say much, just watched the interaction taking place. After dinner was over and the table cleared everyone sat in the lounge for a little bit of talking. That was when Apple Cinnamon decided to approach the subject with Sunset. “Sunset, how would you feel about me taking you for a weekend or even just a day?” Apple Cinnamon asked. “A weekend? What would we do?” Asked Sunset. “I don’t know if you're an outdoorsy girl we could go fishing and camping.” He suggested. “Not really, besides I’ll be doing that in about two weeks at Camp Everfree. If we go fishing and camping, that should be with me and Luna the first time.” Sunset said. “Well then what do you suggest?” Asked Apple Cinnamon. “How about we just go out for lunch on Saturday and…” Sunset said trailing off. “And what?” Apple Cinnamon prodded. “I don’t know after that.” Sunset said. “We can see where it goes from there. It’s a start.” Apple Cinnamon replied his hope building a little for the first time since him and Sunset met. * * * Sunset passed all her finals. Taking a big weight off of her. She also agreed to show new students around the school about a week before the new school year. She hoped it wasn’t like last time she showed girls around She had a job waiting for her after camp as most of the girls did. Everyone of the girls passed their finals. A week after school was a week off. Seniors were practicing for graduation. Flash Sentry and Big Macintosh were among the graduating class. Sunset was even invited to the graduation party for Big Macintosh. She said she would gladly attend. Being invited to a graduation party was a first for her.  But first she had today to deal with just lunch and a long talk with her mom’s boyfriend. Apple Cinnamon. Apple Cinnamon arrived around 11:30 a.m. that Saturday morning. Just before he got there Luna admonished Sunset again. “Now you were pretty good during dinner. Just be nice. I know you don’t like him or accept him but he’s trying Sunset.”   “I’ll be on my best behavior, see the little halo above my head.” Sunset said, trying to act as innocent as possible. “I also see it is held up by two little horns.” Luna replied. Then the doorbell rang and Sunset went to open it. Sunset opened the door seeing it was Apple Cinnamon she invited him in.  “Hey kiddo are you ready to go?” He asked. “I am but are you ready to go?” Sunset replied. “One second and I will be.” Apple Cinnamon said and went over and after a quick kiss with Luna he took his keys out. “Now I am ready to go.” He replied. “I thought so. "Sunset stated. “You two have fun.” Luna said as they left. Both Sunset and Apple Cinnamon waved bye to her. Apple Cinnamon opened the passenger door and helped Sunset into the truck. After he started the truck and began to pull out of the driveway. Apple Cinnamon asked the big question. “Where would you like to go to lunch?” “I know this great place called Nature’s table. There’s one at the mall, but there is one downtown. I think that one will be quieter, let's head there.” Sunset said. “O.K. I don’t go downtown much, I hope there is a place to park.” Apple Cinnamon said starting the pick up truck. “I don’t either so this will be an adventure for us both. There is plenty of parking near the restaurant.” Sunset said. “Are you sure you and Luna aren’t biological mother and daughter? You are so much alike. "Apple Cinnamon. “People have asked that question in the past.” Sunset replied.  Apple Cinnamon was happy his girlfriend’s daughter was actually talking to him. Considering when he first asked Luna out she called him a homewrecker. She was actually being nice to him and talking to him. “Wow I like this Sunset, you are being nice to me.” Apple Cinnamon said to her as they entered downtown. “Mom said to be nice and give you a chance, spend time with you. I am giving you a chance, so far I have enjoyed it. I also know mom really loves you and you’re not going to hurt her.” Sunset replied. “I love your mom, I really do. I just never thought your mom would give me a second look. That surprised me.” Apple Cinnamon remarked pulling into a parking lot next to the restaurant. They headed in after Apple Cinnamon helped Sunset down from the truck. After ordering a salad and juice for her and a ham and cheese sandwich with a soda for him and some breadsticks that they shared. Slowly Apple Cinnamon learned about Sunset’s past being homeless and living in shelters and surprisingly his cousin's tree house. Also he learned what Luna and Celestia told him was true she was from another land. “So technically you're an alien then?” He whispered. “Yes I am.” Sunset replied. The rest of lunch was more lighthearted and pleasant conversation. Apple Cinnamon wanted desperately to learn about Equestria and even fully believe it. But that was for another time. Right now, spending time with Sunset was nice. “You know Sunset I’m glad we're connecting. After all, when it comes to Luna I’m not just dating her, I’m dating her whole world.” Apple Cinnamon told her. Sunset smiled and beamed at that comment. * * * Earlier at the warehouse meeting… “If it is so easy to kill these girls, why haven’t you done it?” Cinch asked leaning against the wall. “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” Gilda replied. “How much do you want?” Chancellor Jim asked leaning back in his chair. “Half.” Gilda replied. All the diamond dogs laughed, and Cinch even joined in. “Why is everyone laughing?” Asked Sonata. Adagio just rolled her eyes at the question. “You can’t just steal from us and walk away!!” Rover exclaimed. “Yes I can. If you finance what this woman wants. We will have a repeat of the friendship games. Twilight Sparkle did not understand the magic that you made her use.” Gilda said pointing at Cinch. “Well I…”Cinch began. “Now you want to do it again, you want them to finance Twilight’s lab that she built her whole school career and stuff she got from second hand stores and everything like that. So she can make a device to trap magic.  Then release it so she can become a she demon again? And to think they called me crazy. You’re as mad as they come. When you want to take things more seriously and safely let me know.” Gilda said. “ENOUGH!! Both of you are mad. If we kill these girls, how is that going to be safer for us?” Chancellor Jim asked. Gilda smiled evilly. “I knew that someone here had half a brain. I will tell you how.” She said., > Boyfriend Issues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I CAN NOT DEAL WITH THIS!!” Luna practically shouted after entering the house. “Mom, I didn't have anything to do with this. This was all on Gloriosa Daisy.” Sunset said, trying to calm her mom down. “No it wasn’t.” Celestia stated walking through the front door, “Come again sister?” Asked Luna. “It was that damned Filthy Rich. He is such an ass. Luna and I supported Camp Everfree for years so have others in Canterlot and surrounding areas.” Celestia explained. “True. Um excuse me for a second. I have something I need to do.” Sunset said heading up the stairs. “What’s with her?” Asked Celestia. “Well I saw her talk to Flash a lot during camp.” Luna hinted.  Sunset had to make this call, he said friends. But she had to know could there be more. Opening her phone she called Flash Sentry. Would he want to try to date again? Her hands were shaking as she made the call. “Hello.” Flash answered the phone. “Hi Flash it’s me Sunset and I wanted to call about us starting over and I want to do that.” She said upbeat. “Cool but starting over as friends and going from there is what I meant.” He replied. Sunset felt disheartened. She actually felt like a bomb went off around her. “Sunset are you still there?” Flash asked. “Yes I’m still here Flash.” She said a little downheartedly.. “Are you working tomorrow?” Ha asked, “No, why do you ask?’ Sunset replied back. “You want to come over and hang by the pool here at my house.” Flash asked. “You mean go swimming?” Sunset asked. “Yeah.” Flash replied. “Let me ask my mom and then I will have to get a ride as I failed my first driver’s test.” Sunset added meekly, “I’ll pick you up at around 11 o.k.?” Flash offered. “Let me just check with my mom first one second.” Sunset told him.  Sunset rushed downstairs and told Luna everything. She gave her a thumbs up sign especially considering she didn’t have to drive. Luna knew Sunset was upset about failing her drivers test. But it took Luna two times to pass as well. Still Luna’s mind was on another school event that magic had interfered with another school event. She knew after the Friendship Games even her daughter couldn’t get a handle on the magic.   * * * Twilight’s house… Twilight was in the kitchen with her parents and they were meeting Timber Spruce. Twilight told her parents not to make this an interrogation. Her parents did have a few questions though. “Well here sit down Timber I understand you and your sister run Camp Everfree.” Night Light stated. “Yeah, she more or less owns the camp. I just run the day-to-day operations.” Timber Spruce said. “Well I’m a little worried about those necklaces or geodes that my daughter and her friends have.” Twilight Velvet remarked. “No, it's better than Gloriosa having them all together in a cave at camp. She had no idea what she was messing with. It’s better that they are split. It’s like Infinity Stones; it's not wise to keep two close together. Plus here there are seven: magic, strength, speed, empathy, etc..” Timber explained. “I want to know if I allow you to date my daughter. I don't want any magical mishaps. I worry about Twilight, she’s just learned to have friends and become more social.”  Twilight Velvet said. “I like Twilight. I won't hurt her or allow her to get hurt.” Timber said confidently. Night Light stood up and walked to the kitchen door and said “Timber I want to show you something.” He said. Timber got up and followed him as he headed to the back porch. Opening the glass sliding door on to the porch Timber went out on the porch. Night Light  followed him out there. “Sir if I may ask, is this where you tell me to stay away from your daughter?” Timber Spruce asked tentatively. “I could do that now, or be cleaning the shotgun when you come to pick Twilight up for your first date. If you hurt her I will have this bullet here on my keychain etched with your name on it. Understand?” Night Light told him sternly. “Yes sir.” Timber Spruce replied, trying to sound brave. “You’re not scared of me, I like that. You pass in my book. Still please think with your head and not with your zipper around Twilight.” Night Light told him motioning to head back inside to the kitchen. “Twilight he’s ok in my book. "Night Light said. “Now I’d like to ask a favor before  we wrap this up. I want to show him my room, is that o.k.?” Twilight asked. “I’m ok with it leave the door open and don’t be up there all day.” Twilight Velvet warned. Twilight led Timber Spruce up and showed him around; he was amazed by all the books and the telescope. “I have angled it away from the city lights, but it still makes it hard for stargazing with the lights being on the right side of you. The planetarium is better.” Twilight informed Timber who was checking out the telescope. “Well we should go sometime.” Timber replied. “I would like that.” Twilight also said looking into Timber’s eyes. Right then and there Twilight Sparkle experienced her first kiss as her and Timber’s lips crashed into each other. For Twilight it was wonderful and great a guy finally kissing her. Ironically she found herself thinking about Sunset while she was kissing Timber Spruce. * * * The next morning… Sunset had got her bikini on then put her shorts and top on over it. Grabbing her towel and sunglasses she was ready for some fun in the sun before her job at the Sushi restaurant.  Flash showed up about three minutes after 11. Sunset grabbed her bag with spare clothes in case she needed them, said goodbye to her mom and headed out. As soon as she closed the front door she ran out to meet Flash who just pulled up in the driveway. After wrapping Flash in a big hug (which Flash gratefully reciprocated) they were about to head out when Flash tossed Sunset his keys. Sunset was shocked and actually kind of gleeful.  “You’re gonna trust me with your bitchin’ ride?” Sunset asked motioning towards the car. “Yes, imagine that. I think you will do fine. Just treat her gently o.k.?” Flash instructed her. With Flash’s instructions Sunset drove over to his house. Flash couldn’t believe she had flunked her drivers test. She seemed to handle the car just fine but it took him two times as he was nervous and didn’t know what to expect.  Sunset pulled into Flash’s driveway grabbing her bag and headed towards the house. Flash was following her. “Sunset, wait I have to unlock the door.” Flash said, running up to the front door of his place. Walking inside, Sunset looked around. It was nice and small compared to where she lived. Flash noticed her looking around. He came up and put his arm around her and waved his arm. “Here let me give you the grand tour then I’ll get us some sodas.” Flash said. He led Sunset around through the living room and kitchen/dining room area, the bathroom and showed his room. “Sorry about the mess.” Flash said, referring to his bed not being made. “It’s ok  Flash.” Sunset said, chuckling. Lastly they went out on the porch which led out to the pool. Flash set up two beach chairs for him and Sunset. Then he got two sodas for him and Sunset. “Sunset, if you want to use the bathroom to get changed I was going to use my room.” Flash told her. “Flash, do you live here alone?” Sunset asked. “No, my ‘rents are out right now, they'll be home a little later, don’t worry you can trust me.” Flash told her. “I do trust you, I didn’t want them to see me do this.” Sunset said. Sunset then went and took her T-shirt off and then undid her shorts and stepped out of them and took her shoes off. Flash’s mouth just dropped looking at Sunset in her bikini. “Get changed, I'll wait.” Sunset said, sitting down on the beach chair.  Flash ran inside to get his swim trunks on. A minute later Flash came outside noticing his parents had just pulled up in the driveway. He called Sunset over to the pool. “I know you have met my mom and dad before but they wanted to see you have changed. Pretty much say hi and see what I was talking about.” Flash said. Flash’s mom and dad walked out and saw Flash and Sunset standing by the pool. “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sentry, it's nice to see you again.” Sunset said smiling. She was a bundle of nerves inside hoping they would like her. “Hello Sunset it’s nice to see you again.” Flash’s mom said hugging Sunset and surprising her. “Ms. Shimmer it's nice to see you again. I have to know, considering my son has a lady friend over,  will you join us for lunch? I’m going to grill some hot dogs and burgers.” Flash’s dad said. Sunset shifted easily when Flash spoke up for her. “Um Dad Sunset is vegan.” He said. “No Flash, I want to be a gracious guest. I'll have a hot dog please.” Sunset said feeling sick to her stomach. “Sunset, don't force yourself if you don’t feel comfortable or want to eat meat. We will have salad and rolls too.” Mr. Sentry replied. “Is it wrong if I say I will just have salad and rolls.” Sunset asked shyly. “No. It’s ok and you were right, Flash. She has changed.” Flash’s dad said, making Sunset blush slightly. “Now Sunset, go for a swim!” Flash said trying to push Sunset in the pool as she held onto him to not go in the pool. All of a sudden both Flash and Sunset were in the pool!! They both looked up at Flash’s dad; he had come behind them and pushed both of them in. Sunset and Flash swam around and splashed each other and rode a couple of pool floats and even played diving games looking for rings. Finally after a little bit they got out of the pool and dried off. After lunch was over Flash and Sunset lounged on the chairs for a while eventually sunset laid on her back and undid her top strap so as to have no white mark across the middle of her back. “Sunset, what are those?” Flash asked, referring to the marks on her back. “The scars from where the wings came out. That’s the price I paid for messing with dark magic that I didn’t understand.” Sunset told him. “Flash, will you do me a favor?” Sunset asked. “What’s that?” He replied. “Rub this suntan lotion on my back.” Sunset replied, trying not to smile. “Why Ms. Shimmer if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to seduce me.” Flash said. “O.K. all you had to say was no.” Sunset replied, hooking her top up, rolling onto her back and putting her sunglasses on. “I didn’t say no.” Flash said. Sunset rolled back over on her stomach and unhooked her top. Flash rubbed from her shoulders to her lower back with the lotion it felt so good Sunset couldn’t help but purr. “You’re enjoying this.” Flash said. “You’re damn right I am.” Sunset replied. “Hey you two lovebirds, lunch is served!” Flash’s dad called. “We're not lovebirds.” Flash replied. “Even though I kinda wish we were.” Sunset thought re hooking her top  The four of them sat and ate lunch and afterwards Sunset found herself thinking of Twilight.  “Maybe Flash was right, it is better if they are friends. Still like I told Aunt Chrys you can’t pine over someone you can never have, I can never have Twilight so I will see where this will go.”  Sunset thought to herself as she was laying on the lounge chair next to Flash after lunch. “Sunset, what is Twilight doing this summer?” Flash asked. “Princess Twilight? I don’t know.” Sunset asked. “No, the girl you are crushing on.” Flash said back. “Is it that obvious?” Sunset asked, `”Yeah it is, but she seems to have hooked up with Timber Spruce.” Flash replied. “Flash I wanted to hook up again and go on a real date, but I see you just want to be friends,” Sunset said downhearted. “If you like Twilight, tell her.” Flash said. “She doesn’t like girls.” Sunset said. “Bullshit. Sunset I saw it at the dance at the cave. After she was done with Timber Spruce romancing her, she walked over to you and gave you a little punch in the arm and you smiled and blushed and looked away, well a second before she blushed seeing you.” Flash told her. “She had just been romancing her beau. I told her he seemed like a great guy.” Sunset interjected. ‘Giving your friend some encouragement. Sunset listen, Twilight once said: ``The Magic of Friendship doesn’t just exist in Equestria it’s everywhere. You can choose to seek it out or forever be alone.” Flash stated. “I remember that Flash I was in a crater on my hands and knees crying my eyes out.” Sunset interrupted, feeling embarrassed. “Well what I am getting at it is the same with romance. Now I want to know who do you want me or Twilight?” Flash asked. “I really like Twilight, but I also like you a lot, Flash. But saying you want to be friends is a nice way to blow off someone.” Sunset replied. looking down. “No, I mean I want to be friends with you Sunset and maybe more but I can tell your feelings for Twilight are strong. Contrary to what you think, she likes you too.”  Flash said. “I need to think about this.” Sunset told him. “You want me to take you home then?” Flash asked. “Yeah, but I would like to hang out again. Flash one question: where are you going to college?” Sunset asked, “I’m not going to college, I'm going to continue the industrial arts classes I had been taking in High School. I’m going to an auto mechanic school downtown,”  Afterwards Flash and Sunset got changed and as they headed out to Flash’s sports car he tossed the keys to Sunset to drive them back to her place. Elsewhere in Canterlot that night… “I can not believe the Diamond Dogs don’t want to help us even after we explained why those two girls are a danger to themselves and everyone in this city.” Cinch said in the van on the way back. “Cinch I’ll show you how you recruit help. Let me show you how to handle this. I know how to recruit people. Especially if you want to get these Diamond Dogs on board you need to get this Chancellor Jim out of the way.” Gilda told her. “Guys I just read on the Net something weird happened at Camp Everfree this week. “ Adagio said. “Where the girls were?” Cinch said. “Things are getting out of hand.” Gilda said. * * * As Sunset closed the front door after returning home from her day out with Flash. She saw Luna come out into the lounge and had her keys with her. Sunset noticed her mom was upset. “Mom, what's wrong?” Sunset asked. “C’mon honey, let's go see your Aunt Chrysalis. I think she is going to need us right now.” Luna said with a shaky breath. “Mom, what's going on and don’t play with me?” Sunset demanded. Luna looked at Sunset and said “Your Aunt Chrysalis has been placed on administrative leave. Apparently, she shot and killed someone.”  > Helping out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna  and Sunset pulled up to Chrysalis' house. She noticed Chrysalis’s car and another car in the driveway. She figured it was Potion Nova’s car. Sunset got out of the car and ran for the front door when Luna held her back by her shirt collar. “Whoa there Sunset, let me go first and watch your mouth. I don’t know what kind of condition your Aunt Chrysalis is going to be in.” Luna warned her. “Mom, it's me, her favorite niece.” Sunset said, trying to be upbeat. “You are her only niece. Still I have seen Chrysalis when she’s down and been drinking. So just be careful O.K.” Luna warned her as they headed up the walk to Chrysalis house. Luna knocked on the door and hardly had to wait as Potion Nova opened the door with a worried look. It told Luna all she needed to know. Sunset had never seen Nova look distressed like she was right now. Both girls walked in as Potion Nova stepped aside.  “She’s in the den Luna and word of advice she’s had a few drinks so she might be a little nasty.” Potion Nova told her. “Sunset wait here.” Luna told her. “Mom, I'm not a little kid.” Sunset told her. “Sunset, I know how to handle Chrysalis when she’s like this.” Luna said walking into the den. Just then Sunset’s phone rang. She was going to silence it but Potion Nova told to take the call outside as her mom would be a few minutes.  “Hello.” Sunset said walking out the door. “Hey Sunny it’s Rainbow Dash is everything O.K.?” Rainbow asked. “Yeah I’m over at My Aunt Chrysalis’s house I can’t go into detail but she had a rough day let’s put it at that.” Sunset said not wanting to tell anybody yet as well as she figured it was not Rainbow’s business. “Well I hope everything comes out o.k. Anyway the main reason I’m calling is the Camp Everfree fundraiser events to repair the docks are happening and we are trying to coordinate with our jobs doing some events.” Rainbow said. “I’m working a few days a week at the sushi restaurant in the food court.” Sunset said. “Cool I’m working at the sporting goods store, I also heard Pinkie got a job at the bakery shop, Twilight is working in the electronics store, and Fluttershy is working at the pet store. “ Rainbow added. “Where are Rarity, and Applejack working? We all got summer jobs at the mall I thought?” Sunset asked.  “Well that’s complicated you see Applejack got a job at the smoothie shop and Rarity at the clothing store. But they have both applied to be “The Candy Apple Girl” at the new Equestria Land Amusement park.” Rainbow explained. “Cool on one of my day’s off, mom is taking me there!” Sunset exclaimed. “One strange thing about you Sunset…”Rainbow started. “Just one?” Sunset asked. “Well there are a couple of things but you’re one of the few teenagers who are not embarrassed to be seen with her mom.” Rainbow remarked. “When you have never had a mom that cared for you all the time unconditionally,  I am happy to be seen with her even in public.” Sunset remarked to Rainbow Dash. “I guess I never thought of it like that.” Rainbow said thinking about how she had alienated her parents. Even after they were both so supportive of her. “You know Rainbow we could do the traditional car wash idea, if you want to work together on this we could definitely raise some of the money for the repairs.” Sunset stated. “That will be awesome!! I know Pinkie Pie has a bake sale planned and Twilight and Fluttershy are doing a doggy day care-why I don’t know. Car Wash might be the way to go.” Rainbow Dash said. “Anyway I got some family drama to take care of, so can I call you back?” Sunset asked. “Yeah sure. I got something I need to do too.” Rainbow said, hanging up on her end. Rainbow went downstairs to where her mom was. Her mom was sitting in the living room watching TV. Rainbow went over and gave her mom a big hug and this surprised Windy Whistles.  “What was that for hun?” Windy asked. “I don’t want you to think I forgot about you and dad. We should get together and do something sometime. I know I have been kind of keeping to myself lately and I apologize.” Rainbow told her. “Rainbow it’s OK you’re a teenager with your first job and getting ready for College next year. I understand that you’re busy.” Windy replied back as she got up and gave Rainbow another hug. * * * Luna walked into Chrysalis’s den. Luna looked around at the wood paneling and smiled at the picture of her, Chrysalis, and Sunset. Chrys was sitting on her plaid fabric easy chair, her feet on the matching hassock. Next to her on a little table was a bottle of whiskey and a full shot glass.  Luna sat on the black leather couch and looked at Chrysalis’s red bloodshot eyes. She could tell Chrysalis was upset but drinking was not how to handle it. Luna decided she needed to get through to Chrysalis. “Hi Chrysalis, I heard you had a full day.” Luna said. “I shot a guy trying to commit a rape, and got put on paid leave while it’s investigated. I shoot a criminal and I get suspended.” Chrysalis said afterwards she downed another shot of whiskey. “How do you know this guy was trying to rape this woman?” Luna asked. “Well Agent Doggett and I were sent by the local office to check out a break-in at a local warehouse.” Chrysalis  began. “Wouldn’t that be a job for the Canterlot Police Department?” Sunset asked, walking in the room and sitting on the other chair, followed by Potion Nova who sat on the couch with Luna. “Sunset, I told you to stay in the other room.” Luna scolded. “I guess I'm a disobedient child then, because it involves my family I’m going to be here.” Sunset responded back. “In answer to your question Sunset, yes it would. In fact, there were two officers and two detectives on the scene. There was also Federal property in the warehouse, I can’t go into what let's just say there was stuff we needed to make sure it was intact. I was in the back of the warehouse and I heard this woman scream and go running down the alley.  I draw my gun and rush out and this naked guy goes running past me. I yell “Freeze, Federal Officer!” He kept running. I gave chase and after yelling “Freeze” a second time he didn’t stop. I fired a shot, and he went down. I went up and checked him and he was dead.   The woman came up and said he was after her and hugged me crying. I put my gun back and put my arm around her and said “It’s o.k. Ma’am.” I had to report to my C.O. Deputy Director Alvin Kersh. I was told I would be taking a few days off. He did ask me for a statement: I told him an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape and doesn’t respond to Freeze Federal Officer twice I shoot him. Not with intent to kill, but that does sometimes happen.” Chrysalis ended her story. “One question Aunt Chrysalis, how did you know what he intended to do?” Sunset asked. “When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley, with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross. That’s what I told my C.O. too.” Chrysalis said, pouring another shot of whiskey. “Babe don’t you think you better give the whiskey a rest?” Potion Nova asked. Chrysalis wanted to lash out but was afraid of scaring her girlfriend so she just put the cork in the bottle and handed it over to Potion Nova.  Potion Nova took the bottle about ⅓ full and walked in the kitchen. When she was sure Chrysalis wasn’t looking she poured the whiskey down the sink. She knew how Chrysalis was when she got drunk. Walking back in the room Potion Nova walked over to Chrysalis from behind her chair and put her arms around her shoulders and chest. Chrysalis smiled and patted Nova’s hands.  “I guess we can go to the parade this weekend then huh babe?” Potion Nova asked. “What parade can I go with you?” Sunset asked with wide eyes and full of curiosity.  “You have work, young lady.” Luna reminded her. “Damn it!!” Sunset remarked. “It’s a gay pride parade-actually now they are called LBGT pride parades, I think.” Potion Nova replied. “Well that’s my out I’m in the B part of LBGT so therefore they have let me go or it’s discrimination.” Sunset said proudly. “Sunset I’m proud of you coming out and standing up for the fact the you bi-sexual. But never use your sexual orientation to get what you want. Unless of course that’s Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said with a wink. “Mom Twilight likes guys not girls.” Sunset said. “I think she’s a switch hitter.” Luna said. “She likes guys' moms.” Sunset said again not even wanting to believe what she was saying. “Uh-huh dry that one and you can fertilize the lawn with it.” Chrysalis said. “If Everything I heard is true, and you think Twilight isn’t bi like you then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.” Potion Nova added in sitting down on the couch again. “If you don’t think that Twilight is crushing on you then I have ocean front property in Arizona to sell you as well.” Luna added. “She’s dating Timber Spruce.” Sunset said. “Do you need me to make him disappear?” Chrysalis joked. “I really like Twilight but she’s happy with Timber Spruce. No Aunt Chrys you cannot make him disappear.” Sunset said.  “What are you going to do then?” Potion Nova asked. “Be supportive of my BFF and move on. Maybe I’ll become an old cat lady.” Sunset said sadly. After that she got up and walked out of the den, through the kitchen and out the front door. Luna’s heart ached for her daughter. “I better go with her, Chrysalis, you and Potion Nova take care.” Luna said, getting up to leave. “Luna give Sunset a hug from both of us.” Potion Nova said. “I will.” Luna said walking out the door. Luna closed the door and heard Potion Nova lock up behind her.  Yet it was the sight that greeted her that really cut deep. Sunset was leaning against the passenger side door with her head resting on her arms. As Luna approached she could hear a slight sniffle. Luna came up and gently touched Sunset on her shoulder. Sunset turned around to face with tears in her eyes.  “Mom, I want to go home.” Was all she said. * * * Gilda pulled up in front of Chancellor Jim’s house. Cinch and the Dazzlings exited the van. Gilda after putting it in park also stepped out of the van. All three of the Dazzlings cocked their Colt .45’s.  “Don’t shoot unless we have too.” Cinch said. “If we go in around the back real quiet they may not even know we are there.” Gilda said, pulling her pistol out. She also took out bolt cutters to get the lock off of the fence. “What are you going to do?” Adagio asked. “I’m going to watch the back.” Gilda said. The Dazzlings and Cinch followed Gilda around the side of the house where there was a rod iron fence with a padlock on it. After Gilda cut the padlock off the fence The Dazzling s and Cinch headed in with Gilda bringing up the rear. Once around the corner of the house Gilda noticed the guard at the back door. “Wait here.” Gilda said. Sneaking up behind the guard, Gilda clocked him in the back of the head with the pistol. Gilda checked he was knocked cold. Taking his pistol, she waved for Cinch and The Dazzlings to move in. Cinch and the Dazzlings moved up to the back door where the code panel was. “What’s the combination to get in? 1,2,3,4,5?” Adagio asked, looking at Cinch. “91939.” Gilda told her. Adagio punched it in and the alarm light went from red to green.  “Gilda, how did you know the code?” Adagio asked. “I saw it in the Diamond Dogs hideout, where they were having their um how do you say… little group therapy session.” Gilda replied. The Dazzlings and Cinch headed inside and Gilda stood watch. Once inside Cinch walked in and found Jim in his game room at the back of the house. He was shooting pool. He looked up and his eyes got wide in horror. “What the hell are you doing here? Guards!!” He exclaimed.  Then he saw the three Dazzlings each had his three guards on their knees and each one had a gun to his head. “You need more than four men.” Cinch said, pulling her pistol out and pointing it at him.  “Killing me will not give you control of the gem trade or the money it produces. "Jim told her. “Chancellor, this is your last chance to help me.” Cinch replied. “Help you destroy the world by bringing these creatures of the night, these gargoyles back. No thank you, I'd rather die.” Jim said. “Fine with me.” Replied Cinch. “Don’t you want to hear my last words?” Jim said to her. “I just did.” Cinch replied as she fired a round into him and he fell on the ground dead. Then Cinch turned her attention to three guards held hostage by the Dazzlings, “Now our operation is small, but there’s a lot of potential for aggressive expansion…” Cinch began picking up a pool cue “...so which of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team?” She said turning to face them. “Oh there's only one spot open right now so we're gonna have…”Cinch said, breaking the pool cue in half over her knee “...Tryouts.” She finished dropping the one half of the pool cue with a sharp point in the middle of the three guards. As she walked out of the house she said ”Make it fast.”  The Dazzling released all three guards who all looked at each other. As Cinch walked out and shut the back door she saw Gilda was leaning against a wall. “You realize you just shot an unarmed man?” Gilda asked. “Well he should have armed himself.” Cinch replied as the Dazzlings came out with the guard who had “won the fight.” After that they all left. > Finally > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was finally Saturday and it was a cloudy summer day in Canterlot. Luna was driving Sunset up to the mall. She was as nervous as her daughter for her first day of work. Sunset knew some of what to expect but was still nervous. “You okay honey?” Luna asked, sensing her daughter’s uneasiness. “I’m nervous, but it will be a five hour training shift. The only thing that worries me is the rude customers.” Sunset remarked. “They are few and far between my little sun.” Luna reassured her. “My little sun? I’m your daughter, not your son.” Sunset shot back. I meant S-U-N not S-O-N.” Luna said sternly. Luna decided to relax after that as Sunset was just acting up out of nervousness. After parking her vehicle Luna walked into the mall with Sunset. After stopping at the food court Luna hugged Sunset goodbye. “O.K. Sunset, have a good day. Best of luck on your first day.” Luna said, smiling. “Mom, why are you smiling?” Sunset asked. “My little baby girl has grown up.” Luna gushed. “Bye mom see you in five hours, thanks for the lift. "Sunset said as she and Luna side-hugged this time. Sunset walked up to the curtain that was in front of the restaurant. There was a rope in front of it. Sunset was confused by this and looked back at Luna who nodded as if to say go on. “Um Hello?” Sunset called inside. An Oriental looking woman came out and said “Konnichiwa.”  “Ummm. okay My name is Sunset Shimmer and…”Sunset began  “Ah yes Miss Shimmer we have been expecting you. Let's take you back and get you punched in and begin your training. My name is Mrs. Chen, and my husband and I run this establishment.” She told Sunset as she dropped the rope and took her back. Luna couldn’t help but let a tear fall as she watched her once lost, scared, and traumatized little girl start her first job. Luna decided to walk around the mall and try to take her mind off the moment she just saw. Wandering through the food court she saw some of Sunset’s friends. She saw Applejack at the smoothie place. She walked over to the smoothie place and decided that getting a smoothie sounded great.  Applejack was kind of surprised to see Luna but served her up a smoothie as she would anyone else. Luna saw Applejack was acting a little different.  “Ms. Applejack Is there something wrong?” Asked Luna.  “ It’s just, Ah didn’t think I was going to have my Vice Principal as one of my first customers.” Applejack told her a little uneasy. “Just think of me as Sunset’s mom. You were at my apartment on New Year’s Eve.” Luna replied. “Well it's still a lil’ uneasy.” Applejack said.   “You guys can stop by and see Sunset once in a while, it’s ok.” Luna said. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Applejack replied. “I will let you get back to work and I’m going to enjoy my smoothie and walk the mall.” Luna replied. “See ya Ms. Luna.” Applejack said. “Maybe I should stop by and see Sunset sometime.” Applejack thought as she went back to her prep work. Luna walked the length of the mall and saw Rainbow Dash at the sporting good store, and Fluttershy at the pet shop. Rarity was working at the clothing store.  As she walked Luna noticed a magic shop that sold all kinds of trick cards and weird stuff like fake crystal balls and magic wands, she didn’t go in but noticed Trixie was working there. “How fitting, Trixie working in a magic shop.” Luna thought Finally Luna walked into the electronics store and ran into Twilight. Luna was looking at the DVD’s. Twilight walked over to the woman looking at the DVD’s and did her best line. “Hi Ma'am, is there anything I can help you with?’ Twilight asked. “No I’m just…oh Hi Twilight” Luna said as she turned around. “Oh Ms. Luna hi.” Twilight said as she realized it was Luna. “Hello Twilight, I hate to say it, you look exhausted.” Luna observed. “I didn’t sleep well last night. I got a lot on my mind with Timber Spruce and all.” Twilight said sadly. “Twilight let me give you nickels worth of free advice on relationships. With a relationship you have to feel your way through it and put the pieces together as you go.” Luna said. “Trust my gut?” Twilight asked. “Exactly.” Luna said, picking up a few DVD’s.  “Here I’ll ring you up.” Twilight said, walking to the register. “I dropped Sunset off for her first day of work today.” Luna said wanting to see Twilight’s response. “Really?! The Sushi place, right?” Twilight said, perking up some. “Yeah she’s about an hour into her five hour training shift.” Luna responded. “I'll get lunch soon; I’ll have to go get sushi today. Just no eight limbed mollusks.” Twilight said. “Huh?” Luna replied. “Calamari, you know octopus.” Twilight said. “Like I said, follow your gut.” Luna said as she left. Twilight looked around only to see two other customers in the store. This gave her a moment to think. Luna had said follow her gut. Her gut feeling was to tell Timber Spruce it was over.  Twilight went into the backroom where the employees took their break and where stock was kept. Twilight then asked her manager if she could go down to the food court as she heard the sushi place delivers.  “If it wasn’t for the fact that I love Sushi too. I would say no not on your shift. Go place your order. Hopefully they will finally get a delivery person.” Her manager said. “Well I heard a new girl started today so hopefully she will be able to.” Twilight said. On her way down to the Sushi restaurant Twilight texted Timber Spruce.  This was going to be hard but it was a crush, sure they had good dates: The Zoo, Ice Cream Sundays, Pirate-Alligator Mini Golf. The Planetarium show was a disaster but Fluttershy’s lightning bugs saved the day.   Still it was time to end it. She had strong feelings for Sunset and it was time to tell her. She could only hope Sunset felt that way too. Well better place the order first as she was arriving at the restaurant. Mrs. Chen saw Twilight standing at the podium leading into the restaurant. Twilight scanned the restaurant and didn’t see Sunset but figured she might be in the back training.  Mrs. Chen saw Twilight and walked up to the podium.  “Konnichiwa.” Mrs. Chen greeted her. “Konnichiwa.” Twilight replied, knowing a little Japanese. Twilight ordered two Sushi trays to be delivered up to the Electronics store: Gadgets and Gizmos. “No Problem, “As soon as we assemble them we send them up. We have a new delivery girl/waitress and she will bring them up to you.” Mrs. Chen said. “I hope she will.” Twilight thought hopefully.    * * * Sunset had a morning of training. Sunset knew most of her training was going to come from actual experience working but she was given a dark blue kimono. It was not a full length one it came to just before her knees. Around the neck and shoulders the kimono was a lighter blue and white striped. Then she was told to tie up her hair as it couldn’t be longer than shoulder length. Then she was given an apron with a green octopus on the right side of it. She found it a little embarrassing but every restaurant has their mascot so to speak. She was instructed on how to wiat and bus tables and being 16 that every four hours she must take a half hour break. Her first mission after getting her sandals was to make two deliveries in the mall. One was a vegetable tray to the pet store and then two lunch trays to the Electronics store. Sunset took the bags and headed out navigating the busy mall and a few stares as to what she was doing. After everything Sunset went through this past year that was nothing.    Sunset headed up the escalator and walked over to the pet store. Walking in the entrance she was greeted by Fluttershy who was working the register. Luckily for Sunset she arrived as she was not working with any customers.   “Here you go Fluttershy one vegetable sushi tray.” Sunset said, handing her the bag.  “Thanks Sunset. Oh real quick, are you enjoying your first day?” She asked. “It’s different. Oh tell me you didn’t bring your animals here like you did at school?” Sunset asked back. “No, I couldn't get away with that here. Well we better both get back to work.” Fluttershy replied. “I know I got to make a delivery to Gadgets and Gizmos.” Sunset said. “Oh really? Say hi to Twilight for me.” Fluttershy stated. “So that’s where Twilight works.” Sunset said as she headed off a little more spring in her step. Sunset arrived at Gadgets & Gizmos real fast, she couldn’t wait to see Twilight. Walking in and seeing her at the register made her heart skip a beat. She was sure Twilight was the one she really wanted. “Hiya Sunset.” Twilight greeted her. “Hi Twilight you have been?” Sunset asked as she got the sushi tins out of her bag.  As she handed them over Twilight had to ask “Sunset when are you off?”  “Tuesday is my first day why?” Sunset asked. “You wanna get together and hang out. I have the early 9-1 shift as we can’t work more than 4 hours at a time being minors and all.” Twilight explained. “Well we can work eight but after four hours we have to get a break. But enough about labor laws. Yes I can and would love to hang out.” Sunset replied. “Awesome see you then.” Sunset said wishing it was Tuesday. * * * Finally Sunset’s first shift ended. She found Luna sitting in the food court waiting for her.  “Hi honey, how was your first day?” Luna asked. “Pretty Good, I even got to do some deliveries one was to the pet store to Fluttershy and then to Gadgets and Gizmos. Twilight wants to hang out Tuesday after she gets off work.” Sunset said. “Really?” Luna said, trying not to smile hoping her plan worked. “Yeah, mom, until I get my license this is gonna be hard on you.” Sunset just realized Luna was gonna have to drive her to work. “Well you need to take your test maybe Tuesday morning while you're waiting for Twilight.” Luna told Sunset. “I hope I pass this time.” Sunset said as they left the mall. “Me too.” Luna said. The next two days went as normal, all the girls started working their jobs.  Pinkie Pie had her bake sale to help pay for repairs to Camp Everfree. She didn’t bring in as much money as she thought she would. She was hoping the Doggie Day care and car wash would make enough.  Applejack and Rarity were waiting  to see if they would get hired at Equestria World. So neither one of them had come up with a fundraiser to help Camp Everfree yet.  Finally Tuesday rolled around Sunset took her driver’s test for a second time. “Well Miss Shimmer, you did better but you still failed by 2 points. You got to stop slamming the petals so hard but you did a lot better.” Crankee Doodle said. “Damn it.” Sunset muttered as she laid her head on the steering wheel. “Miss Shimmer, a nickel's worth of free advice before you take your next driver’s test….  Crankee Doodle began “...Relax when you get in the car.” He finished. “O.K.” A sad dejected Sunset replied. She got out of the car and headed over to Luna.  Luna saw she looked upset. Luna feared the worst.  “Didn’t pass?” Luna asked. “No I didn’t. Missed it by two points. "Sunset replied. “I’m sorry my little sun.” Luna said, hugging Sunset. The ride home was quiet and Luna told Sunset at least she got to hang out with Twilight today and that was a good thing. Sunset was more embarrassed because she had to ask for a ride still. Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and now Rainbow Dash didn’t need to bum rides anymore but she did.  When they arrived home Sunset just went up in her room and Luna heard the door slam. Celestia came out of the kitchen and walked through the dining room. She came to the entrance of the living room and saw Luna looking upset. “Did Sunset fail her test again, or was that an actual sonic boom I heard?” Celestia asked. “Crankee said she missed it by two points. She always feels like she’s getting left behind. Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and now Rainbow Dash all have licenses. Most of her friends have boyfriends as well. Sunset is single and can’t drive.” Luna said. “Not just friends but so does her mom and her aunt has a girlfriend. Maybe now With Equestria Land opening soon and the Starswirl Music festival she’ll feel better.” Luna said. “You got tickets to the Starswirl Music festival. How?” Celestia asked. “Easy, you need the right connections.” Luna replied. “How do you get those connections?” Celestia asked. “You got to get in good with the Apple family. Who helps supply some of the food at the event. I just happen to have those connections.” Luna said, flashing her promise ring. Sunset had texted Twilight about her latest failure. After sending her text She started thinking about how she felt like the odd one out. No license, no boyfriend. She just wanted what everyone else had. She realized how envious she was. “Well at least maybe the cats will like me. I should be an old cat lady. I struck out with Trixie and Flash Twilight’s dating someone else. Mom and Aunt Chrysalis have someone. But I don't.” Sunset thought. She soon fell asleep.  Sunset woke up to Luna stroking her hair. She looked up at Luna. “Hi mom.” Sunset said stretching.  “it's a little after one.” Luna said. “Oh damn I was supposed to call Twilight to make plans…”Sunset started. “Relax my little worry bug. Twilight is already here.” She came to cheer you up. I’ll leave you two alone.” Luna said stepping aside   Twilight walked in and sat down by Sunset. She could tell Sunset was depressed. “Sunset I got some news to tell you. Timber Spruce and I called it quits. We decided it would be better as friends and he still wants to hang out. Just not going to be dating.  “Sorry Twilight.” Sunset said, sitting up and hugging her. “You’re not alone, in fact I want to tell you something. I have figured out that I am bi as well. The person I have feelings for: is you.” Twilight told her. Sunset sat up like a lightning bolt and she couldn’t believe her ears. Was fate playing a cruel trick on her? Did she not hear or misunderstand Twilight? Did the girl she had been crushing on since the early spring say what she thought?”  Twilight wasn’t sure how to read the situation. Was Sunset angry, worried, disappointed, or disgusted? Twilight couldn’t read her emotions. “Oh no I might have just destroyed our friendship!” Twilight thought. Sunset was still in shock. The girl of her dreams just said she had feelings for her. “Sunset I’m sorry, I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship.” Twilight said as she went to leave the door.  Sunset got up and followed her and stopped her at the top of the stairs. She grabbed Twilight by the arm and spun her around and looked in her eyes. She could see the hurt and the pain in Twilight’s eyes and face. No, she had to do this. “Twilight, do you want to know something? You didn’t ruin our friendship at all. I have had a crush on you ever since the night I held you after the Friendship Games.” Sunset told her. At this point Luna who had been talking to her friend Cadence (who had dropped Twilight off) both came to the bottom of the stairs to see what was going on. They arrived in time to see Sunset take Twilight’s hand and  both of them looked each other in the eyes. “Um Twilight do you wanna…you know.” Sunset stammered. Twilight launched into Sunset with a passionate kiss. Both girls locked in each other’s arms and both of them realized now that they liked the other one all the time. “Does that answer your question?” Twilight asked after breaking apart. Luna and Cadence both smiled. “All I can say is…”Luna began. “... it’s about damn time.” Cadence finished. By this time time Celestia walked and saw the girls in each other’s arms blushing madly.  “Finally.” She said and walked away.   > Sunset's Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset and Twilight took a selfie together. Their heads touching and them smiling with a heart around them. Under that the caption: “We’re official.” “And send!” Sunset declared with Twilight laying her head on Sunset’s shoulder “Now it’s official, all of our friends know. We are a couple. That last part I want to scream from the rooftops.” Sunset added. “Oh I know. I feel the same way!”  Twilight exclaimed sitting next to Sunset on the edge of the bed.. Sunset just looked at her hungrily. “Sunset we have already had two passionate make out sessions since we kissed on the stairs.” Twilight said. “Hey third time's the charm.”  Sunset said moving next to Twilight on the edge of the bed.    Just then a knock came at the door followed by Luna opening the door. “Mom, we were about to have our third passionate make out session.” Sunset whined. “Your third??!! Damn you two don’t waste any time.” Luna replied, shocked. Both Sunset and Twilight blushed briefly at that comment. “Well Twilight your parents and brother are here and Sunset Aunt Chrysalis and Potion Nova are here too. We are all discussing how wonderful it is that you guys are together. But we need the guests of honor to make an appearance.” Luna said. “Okay mom.” Sunset replied and with that Luna left the room. Both girls got up and straightened their hair and clothes and Twilight put her shoes on, Sunset her boots.  Twilight and Sunset joined hands and with one more kiss both girls left the room. As they started down the stairs, they could hear some light talking and laughing. As they came into view it was quickly changed into dead silence. Both girls felt uneasy even holding the other one's hand. “Here comes the bride…” Chrysalis began singing. Her ribbing was meant to be in good fun but earned her a few dirty looks. “Stupidity Leak!!” Potion Nova said smacking Chrysalis in the back of the head. “You two are a cute couple.” Luna said. “I always thought you would bring home a guy. But I can see how happy Sunset makes you, and that is what matters most.” Night Light told his daughter. “Listen to celebrate you two dopes finally figuring out you like each other. We are going to head home and have a barbecue/impromptu pool party.” Night Light said. “Um I have to work first thing in the morning, I have to open the store so can we do it another time?” Twilight asked. “I agree with Twilight, let her and I put in for a day or two off then we can have a double family get together this summer.”  Sunset added. “Probably better anyway, it gives us time to get stuff to set up on the grill.” Night Light. “Um Sunset honey, what do you like hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken?” Twilight Velvet asked. Chrysalis tried not to laugh, and Celestia just turned and left the room as if she was doing something in the kitchen. “This is going to be an interesting answer.” Thought Luna “Well actually I’m a vegan.” Sunset answered truthfully. “Well we were going to include a salad, tell you what, we can get some veggie burgers if you would like?” Twilight Velvet offered. “Don't go through all that for me. It’s ok.” Sunset replied. “No, we can make arrangements both of you need to see if you can get time off. Maybe we can do it just before that music festival in August.“ Twilight Velvet said. “Oh yeah, the Starswirl Music festival.” Twilight said. “We have a busy summer, working and raising money for Camp Everfree. Not to mention a car wash that Rainbow and I have planned. I know Pinkie had a bake sale.” Sunset said. “Fluttershy and I are running a doggie day care for a week. Thank Goodness I  have Spike or it would be impossible.” Twilight said to Sunset. Eventually Twilight and her family had to go. Sunset and Twilight were sucking face in the doorway with arms wrapped tightly around each other. Shining Armor decided it was time to break them up. “Oh my God we’re gonna need a fire hose to drive them apart!!” He mockingly cried walking up to Sunset’s front porch. Sunset and Twilight broke apart blushing. Both realized what they were doing right on the front porch and out in the open. “Sorry Shining it’s just that Sunset and I are so happy that we have each other.” Twilight said. “I know it took you two long enough to figure it out too.” Shining Armor added. “Was it that obvious?” Sunset asked. “Well you told your family, and Twilight told us. We figured you gave up when she brought Timber Spruce home that one night.” Shining Armor told Sunset. “I never gave up and I guess I have a fairy Godmother.” Sunset said, smiling at Twilight.  “Well Twilight we have to get going.” Shining armor said walking towards the car. “Well I don’t want to leave, but I guess I better.” Twilight said. “I don’t want you to leave, but I know you have to.” Sunset replied. With a quick kiss the girls departed, and Sunset watched Twilight leave. It dawned on her then and there. She had to be there for Twilight. She had to protect and defend her, and she was determined to do just that. It was time to get started. Sunset went back inside to the living room where her mom and two aunts and Potion Nova were all sitting around chatting. “Guys I need to talk to you all.” Sunset said. Everyone stopped talking and all gave Sunset their attention. If Sunset had an announcement it had to be important. Sunset took a deep breath and began. “You all see it don’t you Twilight doesn’t seem like the fighter type.” Sunset began. “I see it. She’s a nerd and definitely a lover not a fighter.” Potion Nova said. “I’m gonna have to stand up for her and protect her. I need to learn how to fight and maybe even shoot.” Sunset said. “SHOOT??!!” Luna exclaimed standing up and if she was sitting on a spring. Everyone looked over at Luna. She looked like a bull ready to charge. “Why in the hell do you need to learn to shoot?” Luna asked “The same reason I’m going to ask Rainbow Dash to teach me self-defense. I need to be there for Twilight and defend her if Cinch and the Dazzlings come back.” Sunset said. “I’m ok with self defense but I will have to think about the shooting. I’m not too sure about you handling a gun.” Luna said. “O.K. I have to ask Rainbow Dash to help me with self defense.” Sunset said as she ran off to text Rainbow Dash. “You know Luna, she’s growing up, and I think she and Twilight are going to have a long relationship. I was 17 the first time I shot a rifle. In the army I learned to shoot the M-4 Carbine and M-9 pistol and even the M-16A2 Assault Rifle. I was barely 18. In the eleven years since the FBI requires that  I have to qualify every so often on the firing range. I have to hit so many targets in a certain amount of time. I have had to go through kidnappings, bank robberies, and several scenarios. What I’m saying is she wants to learn to shoot, let me teach her.” Chrysalis said finishing her lecture. “I would let her teach Sunset, sure Chrysalis is a wild badass, but I have calmed her down some.” Potion Nova said vetting up and standing behind Chrysalis and putting her arms around her shoulders.  * * * Meanwhile Sunset was on the phone with Rainbow Dash “Sunset I got a few days off I can train you sure but why?” Rainbow asked. “With Cinch and The Dazzlings out there I got to be ready for me and for Twilight.” Sunset said. “Well I don’t know if you need to be Twilight's “white knight” per say but if you want to do this. We can start right after the car wash idea you and I had. I hope we get enough money to finish the repairs to Camp Everfree. OH Sunset on YouTube the first Teaser Trailer for the new Daring Do trailer dropped online. It looks like Canter Zoom is going to be directing it. Awesome!! After the car wash, we can begin some training.  As it turns out after the Car Wash the girls still only had half the money to complete the repairs to Camp Everfree. Luckily in the end Rarity worked with the girls from Crystal Prep in a dance video to get the money. CHS and Crystal Prep had worked together for the first time since the Friendship Games.  The Rainbooms took their half to pay for the damages to Camp Everfree. Sunset was still working three days a week which she hated but it gave her time to train. The first day Chrysalis showed up and picked Sunset up on her bike as she was out in the field today. After arriving at Rainbow Dash’s house Rainbow promised to teach Sunset on one condition. “Sunset you do what I say no questions asked. Trust me on this one.” Rainbow told Sunset. Sunset noticed three cars in the driveway. “So you each have your own car?” Sunset asked. “Yes we do. Now wait here a second.” Rainbow said and left she came back with a bucket of Soapy water and sponge. She set the bucket down and saw Sunset was looking at the cars. “Sunset, ok here we go. Are you ready?” Rainbow said, setting the bucket down by her. Yes I am.” Sunset said. Rainbow Dash took the sponge out and put it in Sunset’s hand. “Ok first wash all three cars.” Rainbow said. “But…”Sunset started to say. “No questions, remember? Wash the cars anyway you want. When you have washed all the cars, wax them. Now when waxing the cars I want you to put the wax on with your right hand and take it off with your left. Do it in a circular motion, wax on right hand, wax off left hand circular motion.” Rainbow Instructed and walked away. Sunset began to wash the cars. That was the easy part, Rainbow Dash brought out wax and buffing cloth. When Sunset was done washing she began to wax the cars. Rainbow Dash had to instruct her on how to wax the cars in the method she said. After a few hours Sunset was done and her arms were killing her. Rainbow came out and looked at the job. Looking over the cars and Sunset put a finishing touch on the last car. “Sunset you did awesome. We have more to do tomorrow. Do you need a ride home?” Rainbow asked. “Yeah I do.” Sunset replied. Rainbow went inside and grabbed her keys and license and took Sunset home. Sunset dozed off most of the way. Rainbow was smiling. Sunset had learned a valuable lesson today.   “Sunset, I will get you tomorrow morning. 6 AM sharp. Got it?" Rainbow said. “Yes, I will be ready to go.” Sunset groggily. After a shower and a good dinner, she told Luna and Celestia about what happened and headed for bed. Both Luna and Celestia were confused but thought Rainbow wouldn’t do this without a reason. For right now they would overlook it. The next day Sunset was up not bright eyed, and bushy tailed but was ready to learn. Sunset snoozed most of the way to Rainbow's house.  Arriving at Rainbow’s they headed around back. They entered the fence through the side gate into the backyard. Sunset noticed that Rainbow had a wooden walkway from the porch on the back of the house to the back gate of the yard. She noticed a picnic set up on some concrete and what looked like a bird bath and bench on the other side. Rainbow noticed Sunset looking around. It was a pretty nice backyard. “My dad put this stuff in and said that meant he had less grass to mow. He’s not done yet; he wants to put a gazebo and a pool in as well. Anyway, come here to the back gate.” Rainbow said. She noticed two round things that were on the floor of the deck and Sunset motioned to them. Rainbow walked over and told her to put them on Sunset’s hands.  “What are these?” Sunset asked.  “Japanese deck sanders. I want you to work from back here up to the house sanding the entire walkway. With your right make a big circle with your left make a big circle with your left hand make a big circle.” Rainbow instructed. “Wouldn’t it be easier to go up and down?” Sunset moving the sanders in that motion.  “Yes, it would be, but you’re to do it in a circular motion. The whole walkway up to the edge of the house.” Rainbow reiterated.   Sunset worked all day and finally finished sanding the walkway and Rainbow walked out in her bare feet. The deck was nice and smooth and covered in sawdust. “Rainbow my arms are killing me.” Sunset said. “Good you built some muscle up. Go home and get some rest. We start at Six A.M. tomorrow morning.” Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically.  “Rainbow, I am so tired. Can I just crash here tonight? "Sunset both asked in a whiney but exhausted tone. “Of course you can, just grab a shower and crash on the couch. Sunset did just that. The next day Rainbow had Sunset paint the fence on both sides. But it was how Rainbow had Sunset do it. Sunset started by painting a small spot slowly. “No Sunset, bend your knees slightly and do it in one fluid stroke. It’s all in the wrist. Up, Down, Up Down in one fluid stroke. Every slat change your hands from left to right.” Rainbow Dash instructed her. “But I am almost done.” Sunset told her looking at the small section of the fence that came off of the house. “The whole fence.” Rainbow said motioning to the fence that ran around her the entire yard. It took until mid afternoon but Sunset finished the fence as Rainbow came out to check progress “All finished looks pretty good huh?” Sunset sitting down next to Rainbow. “Did you do both sides?” Rainbow asked. “Right, so not yet.” Sunset said getting up.  It was after dark when Sunset finally got done. Rainbow came out and looked at the painted fence and was impressed. “That looks awesome, now remember tomorrow start early with much work to be done.” Rainbow said. Chrysalis picked Sunset up that night. “You know Aunt Chrysalis I don’t get it Rainbow Dash is supposed to be teaching me self-defense and I haven’t learned crap and became free labor for her.” Sunset complained. “If she makes you do some menial chore tomorrow, let me know. Two things though . I think you’re learning something, and why are you doing this?” Chrysalis asked. “I need to be there for Twilight.” Sunset asked. “Twilight needs her girlfriend not a knight in shining armor.” Chrysalis told Sunset as she kicked on her Kawasaki Ninja and they rode off. The next morning Sunset got dropped off by her Aunt Chrysalis and saw that Rainbow nor her parents were home. On the front door was a note and Sunset almost lost it. Sunset was told to paint the house, also instructions to go side to side, not to go up and down. She looked at the tarps, paint buckets and brushes and said, “I don’t believe this, well I better get going.” Sunset worked on painting the house. It was almost dark when they returned. Sunset wasn’t done yet but most of the painting was done. She saw Rainbow came in carrying bags as apparently her and her parents went shopping, “What the hell Rainbow Dash, why didn’t you tell me you were going shopping?” Sunset said, putting her brush down and walking after her. “You weren’t here when I left, besides you have training to do you want to learn self-defense.” Rainbow Dash said. “Learn what?? For four days I have been busting my ass, and I haven’t learned a damn thing!! Now we had a deal here!” Sunset yelled. “Oh, you haven’t learned anything??” Rainbow said, spinning around. “No you’re right I learned how to wax cars, sand decks, paint fences and houses.” Sunset snapped back. “Okay so you don’t believe me? Show me sand the deck.” Rainbow said. “I don’t feel like it.” Sunset said. “Show me.” Rainbow said. Sunset over the next few minutes sloppily showed Rainbow all the techniques she learned during her chores. Rainbow helped her firm her arms up and lock her wrists.  “Now show me how to wax the car.” Rainbow Dash said. Rainbow threw four punches letting out a little yell with each one Sunset blocked them all using the waxing technique. “Show me how to paint the fence.” Rainbow said. Rainbow threw two high punches and two low punches that Sunset blocked. Then she blocked for more punches using the paint the house method. Finally, Rainbow threw four kicks and Sunset blocked them all using the sanding method. Then Rainbow threw two of each punch and two more kicks Sunset blocked every one of them. Sunset was shocked. She learned blocking techniques through chores. “See I thought so.” Chrysalis said, taking her helmet off and walking up to the two girls on the side of the house. “Hi Chrysalis.” Rainbow said, feeling a little embarrassed about being watched. “Rainbow taught you blocks but she didn’t teach you the best one.” Chrysalis said. “What was that?” Rainbow asked. “Throw a punch and I’ll show you.” Chrysalis said. Rainbow through a straight left and Chrysalis easily sidestepped and moved her whole body to the side of Rainbow Dash. “Remember Sunset the best block is to not let the punch connect at all. The best block is not to be there. Now let’s get you home, you have work in the morning.” Chrysalis said.  > Gaining a new ally. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday morning Sunset awoke her arms were still kinda sore, but she had learned how to block in the last four days. She had work but considering the restaurant didn’t open until 11 and she didn’t need to be there until 10:30 she could take a second and stretch her hurt shoulders in the process. She looked at her clock and it read 8:59 about the time she would get up for work. Sunset reached for her phone and saw she had a text message from Rainbow Dash. R.D.: Sunset I have the most awesome news. Considering we raised enough money to make all the necessary repairs to Camp Everfree. We have been invited by director Canter Zoom to go backstage on the latest Daring Do movie. His niece Juniper Montage is working out all the details. Sunset couldn’t believe it, but she needed to talk to Rainbow about this. Going backstage was going to be awesome, but she needed to get permission from number one first-mom. Sunset got dressed and ran down the stairs. She couldn’t wait to tell her mom. She only hoped that Luna was going to let her go.  “MOM!!” Sunset called running downstairs. “What is it ??” Luna came out of the dining room thinking something awful had happened. “You’re not gonna believe what honor I was just awarded.” Sunset said. “Repeat that again and in English this time.” Luna said not understanding. Sunset showed her mom the text on the phone. “How are you going to get the day off to go?” Luna asked. “Well I was going to ask Rainbow Dash if there is a way to contact this Juniper girl and see what she can do,if anything. She is supposed to be handling all the details.” Sunset informed her mom. “Well let me drop you off at work and we can discuss this tour later after work.” Luna said.  Sunset ran off and grabbed the keys and headed out to the car. Luna grabbed her purse and decided she was going to go to the sporting goods store and talk to Rainbow Dash about this. As it turns out Luna’s concerns about Sunset missing work were already handled when Sunset arrived at work Mrs. Chen approached her. “I understand you have been given a chance to go backstage on some movie set. Is that true?” Mrs. Chen asked. “Yes but I know…”Sunset began. “Sunset I received a call from someone named Juniper Montage who was calling on behalf of the studio and though it’s last minute. I will allow it as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. On a side note, my husband and I want to thank you for hosting that car wash. Our car looked as good as it ever has. You girls did a great job.” Mrs. Chen told her. “Thank you Mrs. Chen.” Sunset said bowing. “Sunset, no need to bow. That is an Oriental Custom and here in the West you need not worry about it.’ Mrs. Chen told her. “Still I feel I disrespect your heritage if I don’t bow.” Sunset told her.  “Actually bowing kind of is disrespectful, you are not Oriental or born into the culture. No harm you didn’t know.” Mrs. Chen told her. The rest of the shift went well yet Sunset couldn’t help but feel uneasy. It was her first job and she couldn’t afford to get fired. About 1:00 Sunset got a delivery order up to the sporting goods store. She figured it was Rainbow Dash. When she walked in, Rainbow was waiting at a display on the back of the store with baseball equipment. Rainbow motioned her over to the register to pay and that was when she asked. “So Juniper did some calling and got the Rainbooms in, did she get you off too?” Rainbow asked. “Yes but mainly because I think Mr. Chen likes Daring Do.” Sunset replied, getting paid for her delivery. “O.K. well a few of us can drive so we can pile in one car or we can take the Greyhound Bus.” Rainbow told her. “Let’s take the bus, I have to get back to work.” Sunset replied and left she passed Gadgets and Gizmos where Twilight was working putting a display up in the front window. “Hello Twily.” Sunset said passing. “Oh you remember my name, after not calling or texting me for about six days. I am surprised you remember or the fact that we are supposed to be dating.” Twilight replied sharply.  “I have been training and learning self-defense so I can protect you.” Sunset replied. “I don’t need a white knight to come to my rescue. I need my girlfriend to be there to talk to after a hard day and hear from her to let me know she cares. That is the kind of knight I need. Listen, can I talk to you after work so we don’t have to do this in public.“ Twilight stated. “Sure, do you still want to come backstage on the latest Daring Do movie?” Sunset asked. “Yes I still want to go, with my girlfriend, if she can make it.” Twilight said   Sunset knew Twilight was right. She had neglected her and decided to make it up to her. She would need Rainbow’s help. Right now she had to get back to work and get ready for a date with Twilight and then the movie lot tour. That night Sunset got Luna to take her over to Twilight’s house. Upon arriving Twilight Velvet opened the door and smiled at Sunset. “Hi Sunset, Twilight is up in her room.” Twilight Velvet told her. “Thanks ma’am.” Sunset said heading up to see her girlfriend. Sunset was not sure how to address Twilight’s mom. She figured she would ask Twilight about that. Knocking on Twilight’s door she waited while she heard Twilight get off her bed and come to the door. She opened the door and her expression fell. “Sunset.” Twilight said walking away. “C’mon Twilight don’t be like that.” Sunset said following her in the room. Sunset shut the door. Following Twilight she sat on the bed and Twilight went back to her phone. “Twi c’mon don’t be like this.” Sunset said. “Don’t be like what? Now my girlfriend has time for me. Why because it’s convenient? Sunset if you have Rainbow teaching you self defense that’s fine. A text message would have been nice or a phone call.” Twilight replied back sharply. “Twilight I was learning how to be there to defend you. I have more training. Why don’t you come with me?” Sunset offered hopefully. “Is that the only way I’m going to spend time with you?” Twilight asked coldly. “Twilight, why are you being like this?” Sunset asked with tears in her eyes. “You abandoned me.” Twilight replied. “So this is how it ends, even before our first date?” Sunset asked, her voice breaking. “I guess so.” Twilight said. Sunset couldn’t stand it anymore, her relationship with Twilight was over right like that.  “Fine well fuck you too!!” Sunset screamed and down the stairs.  Cadence had stopped by to drop off a few things to Twilight’s mom when Sunset blew right by crying. “What the hell was that?” Cadence asked. After a second it dawned on them both. Something had happened between Sunset and Twilight. Sunset was out in Canterlot at night alone. Cadence said “Go up and ask Twilight what happened. I’ll go after Sunset.” Cadence said. Cadence luckily was in street clothes and was quick to catch Sunset running down the sidewalk. Sunset stopped by a building and slid down against the wall just off the street against a dumpster. Sunset was holding her knees close to her chest, her head leaning on her face buried sobbing. Cadence knew she had to act fast. She squatted and reached her hand out and touched Sunset’s shoulder. Sunset looked up with a start and saw that it was Cadence. She took Sunset’s hands and got her to stand up. Once Sunset was standing Cadence opened her arms and just let Sunset fall into her arms and let her sob.  Cadence stood there holding the teen who was just a pile of misery. She wondered what had happened. Cadence swayed slightly and just rubbed Sunset’s back. Sunset just cried and finally as she started to relax Cadence had to know what happened.  There were five steps leading into a nearby park across and Cadence thought that would be a good place to sit and talk. Cadence pulled Sunset back from her and with her thumb and pointer finger she raised Sunset’s face to meet her gaze. Sunset’s tear stained face made Cadence’s heart break. She walked Sunset over to the steps and they sat on the third step and Cadence knew to approach this gently. “O.k. Sunset what happened?” Cadence asked. Sunset took a deep ragged breath and then told Cadence about Rainbow Dash working her hard in self defense. Also about doing all this for Twilight and yes she should have called or texted her but about how tired she was. She never meant to hurt Twilight as she deeply cared about her.  “Well Sunset wanting to be able to defend my sister-in-law is very noble and I applaud that.” Candance told her. “But?” Sunset replied. “But, at the same time you need  to be there for Twilight too.” Cadence told her. “You’re right. That’s why I’m here tonight.” Sunset said. Cadence stood and extended her hand to Sunset. Helping Sunset up from the steps Cadence put her arm around Sunset. Sunset appreciated that Cadence was so sweet. No wonder Twilight loved her as babysitter and sister-in-law. “Come on, let's get back. You and Twilight need to talk.” Cadence told her. “If she doesn’t want to see me anymore?” Sunset asked. “I will hoist her over my shoulder and carry her down the stairs kicking and screaming if I have to.” Cadence said, starting to lead Sunset back to the house. Approaching the house they heard what sounded like yelling. Both exchanged worried glances. Cadence made a motion for Sunset to stay back a little bit as she went first. Coming quietly in the house Twilight Velvet was scolding Twilight for being so insensitive. Twilight was standing in the middle of the living room with her hands clapped and head bowed. Cadence was surprised to see Twilight humble and submissive like this. Cadence motioned for Sunset to come in with her and decided to interrupt the scolding.  “Twilight I have someone here to see you.” Cadence said. Sunset walked in with her head bowed. "Twilight. Cadence and I will leave you two girls alone. I don’t know what this fight is but it needs to end. I don't want you two fighting at the movie studio. GOT IT?” Twilight Velvet scolded as her and Cadence exited the room. “Yes mom.” Twilight replied quietly..  “Twilight if you don’t want to be girlfriends anymore I can accept that.” Sunset said. “I do, but I just felt like I was being ghosted. Sunset, I really like you. You hurt me  though.” Twilight said.  “I know Twilight I really am sorry I’ll do anything to make it up to you.” Sunset begged. “I could think of one thing, but you might wash my mouth out.” Twilight joked. “Nerdy bookworm Twilight has a dirty mind. I am shocked.” Sunset said. “Well let’s just go up to my bedroom and hang out for a little bit instead, We will see what happens when we get there. ”Twilight said, batting her eyes at Sunset.  Twilight started up the stairs and gave Sunset a seductive come get me grin and ran upstairs. Sunset was spellbound for a second and then flew up the stairs after her. From the kitchen her Cadence and Velvet watched with smiles. “What do you think they are going to do?” Velvet asked. “It’s better we don’t question it.” Cadence said, leading her mother-in-law into the kitchen. * * * A few days later (After the special Movie Magic.)   The Rainbooms were gathered with Trixie and the Crusaders at Luna’s house in the basement. Luna, Celestia, and Chrysalis were also there too. The girls were seated everywhere, on the couches were the Crusaders on one and Luna, and Celestia on the other. Trixie sitting on the edge of the pool table. The Rainbooms were all sitting here and there. “So Juniper was so jealous that she was not Daring Do, that she was willing to wreck the set?” Luna asked. “Yep she set it up for us to get off work so we could go to the set and then while we were on set tried to sabotage it.” Sunset told her. “If she really wanted to get into the film industry it’s harder than ever. Not like in my day you went to college for filmmaking or film theory. Then you worked nights and weekends at the local big chain video store.” Chrysalis said. “What’s a Video Store?” Asked Sweetie Belle. “Years ago, when you wanted to see the newest movie, you went to a store like Blockbuster or Movie Gallery and you rented VHS tapes and took them home for a day or two and usually that was your weekend.  That kinda went out in the mid 2000’s when Netflix and Columbia house would send you movies through the mail then a few years after that Netflix became the streaming service it is now.” Chrysalis explained. “Is that what you and Luna did on Friday nights?” Asked Scootaloo. “Luna and I were nerds. We got together and played Dungeons and Dragons down in the basement with a few friends.” Chrysalis told her. “So, what happened after she was escorted off the set?” Celestia asked. “Her uncle got her a job working at the local movie theater I was told.” Chrysalis replied. “I wonder where?” Twilight pondered. “I don’t know he didn’t say I would imagine nowhere near here.” Chrysalis replied. “She is nothing but trouble.” Sunset said. “If she hadn’t tried to sabotage the movie she could be attending their premier with us.” Rainbow Dash said. “Now girls we get it Juniper Montage wanted to be Daring Do, so much that her ambitions blinded her. We probably won’t have to see her again.” Luna said. Everyone murmured their agreements. Trixie and Crusaders were just sorry to miss the adventure. Trixie was starting to feel increasingly distant especially since Sunset started dating Twilight. Looking over at the crusaders she knew not to take the Anon-A-Miss route and actually talk about it.  “Guys Trixie feels left out, I mean you have those Infinity Stones around your neck. You all saved Camp Everfree and raised funds to repair it. You all went backstage on a Daring DO movie set. Now you're all going to premier in a few days. I just kind of feel left out.” Trixie lamented. “Trixie, I guess we have sort of cut you out and didn’t even realize it. Also these geodes are crystals not Infinity Stones, that's Marvel movies.” Twilight said. “Look Trixie, why don't we see if we can get an extra ticket to the premier and come to the after party.” Luna offered hopefully. “Trixie I am so sorry I wish I could make it up to you. I know how it feels to be left out. I know some others in this room know it too. I want you there for the premier, the after party and all the hoopla, “ Sunset said. “Hoopla?” Asked Trixie. “Excitement.” Sunset replied. “Trixie will accept your invitation.” Trixie replied. “Thank you, Trixie, I don't know what to say to make this right.”  Sunset said. “I know you’re sincere and that’s what counts to Trixie.” Trixie replied, After that the girls decided to split for the night as it was getting late, some like Sunset had work in the morning. * * * During Mirror Magic… Sunset and Starlight had just come through the portal to Equestria and Starlight had tried to walk like a pony and got some weird looks from people. How could Sunset forget summer school was in session. Sunset quickly got her back on her feet.  “Well you did say I would make a good distraction.” Starlight said. Three younger students happened to see and gave Sunset a quizzical look. She ushered the Crusaders over. “What are you guys doing here?” Sunset asked.  “Picking Scoots up from Summer school.” Sweetie Belle said. “Who is this?” Apple Bloom asked. “This is Starlight Glimmer.” Sunset replied. “Um…” Starlight started to say. “Here let me introduce you. This Apple Bloom.” Sunset said motioning to Apple Bloom . “Howdy thar Starlight.” Apple Bloom said, in her southern accent and extending her hand. “Here like this.” Sunset said. She instructed Starlight how to shake hands and that it was custom in this world.  She then introduced Starlight to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “Nice to meet all of you.” Starlight said. “Is she coming to the premier, there are still some tickets left?” Scootaloo asked. “I don’t know how long she is here for, so we will see.” Sunset said. “Oh there’s my folks gotta run. Nice to meet you.” Scootaloo said as she started to run off “Were hangin’ out with her today, so we will catch ya’ll later” Apple Bloom said as her and Sweetie Belle headed out too. “They seem nice.” Starlight said. “Well let's head over to the mall and I’ll tell you about Anon-A-Miss.” Sunset said. After Mirror Magic… The girls were all hanging out at the Canterlot statue with their new friend Juniper Montage. Rarity was braiding her hair and Pinkie was wearing her hat from her former job at the mall. Starlight had permission to stay for a few days and that had proposed a bigger problem-where was she going to stay. Sunset knew she had to put her up, she was not sure how her mom and aunt were going to react. Sunset called her mom for a ride home and on the phone explained to her mom what happened. The arrival of Starlight and the battle and conversion of Juniper Montage.  Luna knew Sunset had backed both of them into a corner, but deep down she knew this is what she wanted for Sunset. “O.K. Sunset. Starlight can stay with us. So, I’ll make dinner and I want you to ask Juniper to join us if she can. I would like to talk to her.” Luna said. * * * Downtown Canterlot that evening… The Cigarette Smoking man met his colleagues in a lounge in one of the skyscrapers. The recent events troubled them. “This is completely out of hand now. Camp Everfree is overtaken by giant brambles and some demon plant creatures. Now they are appearing in a mall right here in Canterlot.” One of them said.  “Relax if we can find the source of magic then we can plug it up.” The Cigarette Man replied.  “We took the whole lab that that girl Twinkle Sprinkle had built.” Another member chimed in. “You’re referring to Twilight Sparkle, and her equipment is being set up at Bridlewood while we speak. I believe there is another way to find the location. A secret held by a few young ladies at Canterlot High.” The Cigarette Man explained. “When did we upgrade to kidnapping? Also how do we know that Abacus Cinch didn’t already find the portal?” Asked a third member. “Gentleman, we can fix this. Now that Twilight and Sunset are dating it will go like this one will lead us to the portal either through technology or by just knowing where it is. We wait and keep an eye on Abacus Cinch and her gang.” The Cigarette Man said. “You think you can just fix this with enough bullets?” Asked one of the members. “No, I think we can take care of this situation another way.” He said. * * * “Did you know that Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are dating?” Adagio told Cinch and Gilda who were seated at a table in a warehouse. Cinch smiled and seemed almost amused at the news, as if a plan was forming in her mind. Gilda seemed disinterested just looking at her nails. “Gilda, did you hear what I said?” Adagio said. “Yes, so their dating, I missed the part where that’s my problem.” She said leaning back in the chair and looking at her nails. “Gilda, you lack vision, one of them could lead us to the other and the source of the magic and with magic comes power. We now have the money and if Twilight won’t help us willingly then what if we hold something over her head or better yet someone.” Cinch said, smiling evilly.      > Juniper's fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna and Celestia orginally started working on cooking a bigger dinner than normal. There would be more than three of them tonight. Sunset had inadvertently brought someone from Equestria to their world. Juniper Montage would also be joining them tonight.  “THREE Extra places??!!” Celestia asked. “Well we have Starlight Glimmer from Equestria, Juniper Montage and of course the inseparable Twilight Sparkle. That's why I just ordered some pizzas.” Luna said. “I’m so happy to see Sunset in love with someone who loves her back. I always thought it would be a guy though.” Celestia said. “I don’t care one way or another, these girls mainly hang out at home, they need to go on an actual date. Maybe I should let them go to Equestria Land and not take Sunset there myself. Better yet make it a double date. I'll go with Apple Cinnamon it could be fun.” Luna said as she heard the door open, There were definitely four teen girls that had just arrived for sure. Luna had to smile. It was great that Sunset was finally happy. It took a lot of time, and therapy but Sunset was happy. No more nightmares, no more bullying, and being beaten up, or shoved into a locker and her and The Rainbooms, Trixie, The Crusaders all friends. Sunset had been through hell in school and even a hostage situation. It took a lot of therapy and hugs and cuddles from Luna but Sunset finally had a good life. Luna’s recollection was broken when Sunset came into the dining room with her friends. After a hug from Sunset she asked what was for dinner. Typical Sunset she is always thinking about either food or video games.. “I think that is sweet.” Juniper Montage said. “What?” Asked Sunset. “That as a teenager you’re not afraid to show your mom affection. I wish I could do that.” Juniper said looking a little depressed. “Why can’t you?” Asked Starlight. “Well, my mom and dad are dead, and my uncle became my guardian. Until I turned 18 a year ago.  Once I graduated High School he brought me on the set but that's because he felt obligated. He only was my guardian because he felt obligated.” Juniper said. “I’m so sorry.” Sunset said. “Wait a second, what about wanting to be a star and play Daring Do?” Twilight asked. “I did a little bit of acting in school plays, you know part of the drama club for my junior and senior year. Never a lead actress, at first an extra and then like you call them a supporting actress. Not the lead but you're one step behind the lead you know enough to get a few lines.  “My last play in High School was when I got a little bit bigger of a role, still supporting, I really thought I was destined for bigger and better things. Obviously, I was wrong” Juniper said. “In my day kids like you who were interested in movies and cinema, usually worked at a video store while going to college doing film theory and theater productions.” Celestia said. “That was in my aunt’s day when Dinosaurs walked the Earth.” Sunset joked. Sunset got scowls from both her mom and her aunt although Twilight couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. She stopped seeing her principal and vice principal scowling at her too.  “I have heard about the video stores. Blockbuster, Movie Gallery, Suncoast, my uncle talked about those. I guess working at a theater is as close as I can get, of course now I may very well have lost that job too.” Juniper lamented. “Why do you say that?” Asked Luna. “Well when you turn into an…I don’t even know what I was.” Juniper said. “She Demon.” Said both Twilight and Sunset in unison. “That would be about right.” Juniper said. Just then the doorbell rang. Celestia got up and went to sign for the pizzas and Starlight stood up right after Celestia did. “What is that??!! An alarm of some kind?” Starlight said kind of worried. “It’s called a doorbell; it just lets you know someone is at your door.” Juniper calmly explained. “Oh Ok.” Starlight said, sitting down. “Pizza is here guys!!” Celestia exclaimed, coming into the kitchen with three boxes. As expected, Sunset took plain cheese, so did Starlight everyone else took either pepperoni or sausage. It was a very filling meatloaf Pizza and soda and for once all seemed right in the world. Until that night… After Celestia volunteered to take Juniper home and Twilight had to leave with Cadence. Sleeping arrangements were Starlight was going to sleep with Sunset as she had a double bed.  After giving Starlight a pair of spare pajamas, the girls got in bed and lay down to go to sleep. Luna had fallen asleep after sexting with Apple Cinnamon. Celestia was up in her bed reading.  There were no storms or wind, it was a quiet clear night. The stars shone brightly. All was right in the world. Just after 11:00 p.m. the doorbell rang and woke everyone up. Luna and Celestia both threw a robe on, and Luna turned the hall light on. Then went to see who was at the door. Sunset and Starlight also came out of the room to see who it was.  Luna looked through the peephole and gasped. When she opened the door, it shocked everyone. Standing there with a suitcase was Juniper Montage. * * * “Your uncle kicked you out??!!” Starlight exclaimed. Juniper just sadly shook her head yes while sitting on the couch. “He doesn’t want me to begin with and now that I turned into a monster well…he has all he needs to kick me out.  I’m nineteen and he has no legal obligations to me anymore.” Juniper said, sniffling slightly. Everyone stood there in shock. Canter Zoom didn’t seem like the type but none of them knew what he was like behind the scenes. Or how strained his relationship with Juniper had become after the incidents on the Daring Do set, and at the mall. “I didn’t know where else to go.” She said her voice breaking slightly. “Well listen we can put you up for the night.” Celestia said. “I’ll sleep on the floor, that's fine.” Juniper said. “Sleep on the floor?” Asked Starlight Glimmer “Like any dog.” Juniper replied back. “You’re not a dog, you're a human being. Even Spike doesn’t sleep on the floor he sleeps on the foot of Twilight’s bed. I think Wynonna sleeps on the foot of someone’s bed too. You are sleeping in my bed with Starlight and I’m taking the couch.” Sunset instructed her. “But…” Juniper Montage began to object.  “No but’s missy! That is an order, I don’t have work in the morning.” Sunset said. “This is great and I want to thank you.” Juniper said. “I make it a point to never turn a person in need away.” Luna said. Sunset grabbed a few sheets and a pillow and set up camp on the couch for the night. As Juniper settled in next to Starlight that night, she couldn’t help but shed a few tears. Starlight took notice of Juniper crying and had to ask something that has been on her mind.  “Juniper, what are you going to do after tonight?” Starlight asked. “Stay in homeless shelters or maybe sleep on a park bench. I can’t ask Sunset’s family to keep me here forever. Could I go back to Equestria with you?” She asked. “Well, I guess I would have to ask Princess Twilight.” Starlight asked, “Starlight this is the most awkward thing I have had to ask a girl but for the night could you hold me I’m scared.” Juniper asked tentatively looking at Starlight. After a second of hesitation Starlight opened her arms and Juniper crawled into her embrace. “Just sleep tonight, I’ll watch over you.” Starlight told her. After about two minutes Juniper was asleep * * * The next morning Starlight awoke early and carefully wiggled out from Juniper letting her sleep. That had been awkward but for Juniper’s sake, she was ok with it. Heading downstairs she found only Celestia was up and having her morning coffee in the dining room while looking at her phone. Moving carefully through the living room quietly in order not to disturb Sunset who was sound asleep. Starlight had to tell her what Juniper said. It really worried her. “Um Ms. Celestia.” Starlight said walking into the dining room. “Morning Starlight, are you hungry?” Celestia asked looking up from her phone. “A little but I’m worried about Juniper. She said she was going to live in homeless shelters and sleep on the streets. "Starlight said. “I would like to think when I go back to Equestria tomorrow she has a better plan than being homeless.” Starlight said. “I agree and I was thinking about what I could do to help her. I might have a plan.” Celestia said. “Oh, what is it?” Starlight asked. “Go wake up everyone I’ll tell you.” Celestia responded. Starlight walked into the living room to find out Sunset was already up looking at her phone.  Rarity’s text stated Equestria Land would start announcing their employees tomorrow. She could be with the girls as they found out who the “Candy Apple Girl” would be. She had work tomorrow but she could hang in the food court a little bit. She looked up when she realized that Starlight was looking at her. “What?” Sunset said looking up. “Wake your mom, I’m going to wake Juniper. Your Aunt Celestia knows what we can do about her!” Starlight exclaimed, running to wake Juniper while Sunset got her mom up. Five minutes later with everyone assembled at the dining room table Celestia began. “Juniper, I think I have figured out what to do about your situation. Now let me finish. You love to act and like movies and everything. How about I help you get enrolled in Manehattan U. They have a great film program.” Celestia asked. “I couldn’t afford that.” Juniper said “No but we can get you financial aid, maybe even a grant or scholarship. I would suggest Student loans but as Luna and I both know they are a bitch to pay off. Maybe even find you a job at a theater there.” Celestia told her. “O.K. but how would I get there?” Juniper asked. “Well, you could go by bus, or I could drive you there, but if I do it, we would have to stop for a night somewhere, even if it was a rest area to snooze for a few hours. "Celestia asked. “But how does all this solve my homeless problem?” Juniper asked. “Easy Juniper, you would live at the school in the dormitory. You would need to get to know a roommate but you would have a place to stay.” Sunset chirped in. “What do you think?” Celestia asked. “Sounds good, what do we do first? Where am I going to stay while we set this up?” Juniper asked. “Easy you’ll stay here while we set everything up on the phone and computer then when we actually go there. We can set you up at the University.” Celestia said. “You mean you will take me there?” Juniper asked. “Yes, I will, we will get you a dorm room.” Celestia said smiling. It took a little bit over a week, but Juniper did an interview over the computer and was also approved for financial aid and scored a two-year scholarship from the studio that covered her first two years completely. Her counselor assured her that she could help when her junior year rolled around. “Why only a two year scholarship?” Sunset asked while Juniper was working on her admission forms. “That is all the studio offers for two years but Luna and I and her counselor are going to help her.” Celestia assured her. The worst part of the week was Starlight Glimmer leaving, as she had to go back to Equestria. Making sure no one was around she said goodbye to everyone, especially Juniper. She promised she would be back for the girls' graduation. With that she went through the portal.  Her crossing didn’t go unnoticed. A man in black suit and slacks with a black tie and a white dress shirt and dark shades saw it and immediately got on the phone. “Sir, I have found the portal.” He said into the phone. “Excellent, I will let the syndicate know.” Said a man on the other end. “Where do we go from here?” The first man said. “Assemble our forces we must make contact with this alien world.” The man said hanging up the phone. After that he took another puff of his cigarette. > Aftermath of Equestria Land. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset just put up her latest episode of Shimmer Code up on her YouTube Channel. Her and Juniper had reviewed the latest Daring Do game based on the movie. Sunset thought it was appropriate as part of her send off. The Rainbooms and Crusaders and Trixie were sorry to see both Starlight and Juniper go. Trixie and Starlight had been connecting very well and now she had to head back to Equestria, saying she would be back with Princess Twilight for the girls' graduation. A bigger event had happened since then and The Rainbooms started to wonder if they were cursed. Equestria Land had opened and as usual Equestrian Magic had interfered.  Applejack and Rarity almost called off one of the closest friendships in the group. Sure Sunset and Twilight were closer but they were dating. Applejack and Rarity were not.  Luna had seen her daughter and her friends destroy Vignette’s phone but things like this were getting out of hand. Abacus Cinch, Gilda and The Dazzlings were still out there. Even worse was that weird Cigarette Smoking Man showing up occasionally. He said he was protecting Sunset and Twilight.  Luna’s recollection was interrupted when Apple Cinnamon started rubbing her thigh. Luna looked over at him and smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. Apple Cinnamon made her happy. Now that he was in Canterlot they saw more of each other. “Penny for your thoughts. I’d offer more but I’m short on change.” He said. “I was thinking about Equestria World. People thought that that was some stunt but that was my daughter and her friends being careless about using magic again.” Luna said. “Uh Oh Sunset’s gonna get it now.” Apple Cinnamon teased. “No I can’t really punish her for this but I am going to tell her she needs to think before she acts.” Luna said. “Luna, don't worry about that right now. Just enjoy the moment.” He said putting his arm around her. “Should you be driving with just one hand?” Luna asked, “Relax honey. I got this.” Apple Cinnamon said. He had to admit he was tired but knew Luna was exhausted too. It had been a long day at Equestria World and now the Rainbooms were huge on Snapchat and Apple Cinnamon felt left out. Luna’s daughter was famous for good reasons now and so was his cousin. He looked over at Luna and she was sound asleep. * * * Applejack had dropped Sunset and Twilight before taking Rarity home; they had some talking to do and it was best done privately. Sunset was also nervous she had taken Monday off from work as she had her third and final attempt to get her driver’s license. Her and Twilight were hanging out in her room. Laying on the bed talking  “I don’t get it Twilight. I took the permit test once and passed. The driver’s test I can’t seem to get it. Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy have all helped me. So has mom and both of my aunts.” Sunset said. “Sunset relax!! Doing something on paper is one thing, actually transitioning it into real life. That’s something different. Too many deviations can happen.  “Well variations aside…”Sunset began. “No, not variations and deviations. You see Sunset variations can be compensated for mathematically, deviations you never know when they are going to happen.” Twilight explained. “That’s what I love about you. You are so adorkable.” Sunset said, giving Twilight a quick kiss. To Sunset and Twilight hanging out like this not just as friends but as lovers it was awesome. Sunset laid back with her head on her pillow. After that she extended her arms and let Twilight lay her head down on her chest and Sunset wrapped her arms around Twilight. This was something they both had secretly been wishing for and here it was. Neither could be happier. * * * Applejack and Rarity had just dropped off Twilight and Sunset and now were on their way home. Both were silent for a little bit until Applejack (who was driving) finally spoke up. “I hope Sunset passes her test tomorrow, we both worked with her and so did Fluttershy.” Applejack remarked . “I do too, but let’s talk about the matter at hand.” Rarity replied. “Alright but just let me say first that Ah was completely wrong sugarcube you are something special and for me to say you were not was completely wrong of me. Ah have to apologize for that.” Applejack said. “Darling I must also apologize Vignette was blowing smoke up my chimney or up something else as you probably wanted to say. You were also right I lost sight of what truly matters which was our friends well-being. Vignette really played me for a fool. I was swayed by her “flattery”. Rarity added. As they approached Rarity’s house Sweetie Belle was outside jumping rope somewhat clumsily. Pulling into the driveway Applejack had to smile as Apple Bloom was the same way but she helped her sister get better. “You need to help Sweetie Belle with jumping rope.” Applejack quipped. “Yes I can see that.” Rarity replied back. “Friends again?” Applejack said, extending her hand. “Friends.” Rarity replied, shaking her hand. Their handshake quickly turned into a huge hug. “You know your family and my family should get together for dinner and invite Vignette. She says she has tons of followers but no friends and we did offer to be her friends. She’s a little old for one of our slumber parties but a nice double family dinner would be just the thing.” Applejack replied. “Great idea, darling. I will set it up with my family. You work with your family and we will go from there. I will call her in the morning.” Rarity replied. The girls parted as friends once again. Little did they know what was happening elsewhere in town that night. * * * “What do you mean no??!!” Adagio exclaimed. “Exactly what I said. NO!!” Cinch replied. “Listen we have applied and been accepted and done everything you wanted because you insist Twilight can get us our magic back. Now we have one night that we are going to play our set at the Starswirled Music Festival.” Adagio replied back. “Yeah we are going on just before Post Crush. They are reuniting for one night only.” Sonata added.  “I don't know who Post Crush is and I don’t care!! My decision is final!” Cinch said. “Oh well I guess you don’t need our help then.” Aria said. “True she doesn’t.” Adagio said. “Yeah what they said.” Sonata added in standing up. “This is blackmail!!” Exclaimed Cinch “No, it is a compromise, let them go, we should look for something else before the school opens.” Gilda said. “Like what?” Cinch sapped back. “Finding that portal and sealing it off. I have a feeling it is near the school.” Gilda replied. ‘Why do you say that?” Cinch said. “Don’t you find it weird that the girls all hung out at the statue in front of Canterlot High School. Well, what used to be a statue anyway. I think the portal is in that area. I think it might even be the base of the statue.” Gilda said. * * * Rarity’s House… “So if I understand this, you want to invite Vignette Valencia to dinner?” Cookie Crumbles asked. “She said she has never had friends and I doubt at her age she is into sleepovers and hanging out at someone’s house. So I figured we should have dinner with the Apples and invite her.” Rarity explained. “If it’s ok with Granny Smith and the Apple Family then it is ok with me.” Cookie replied. “Thanks mom!” Rarity said. “Why don’t you ask Vignette first and find out what she likes to eat.” Cookie suggested. “Oh yeah that would be a good idea.” Rarity said, taking her phone out. After talking with Vignette Rarity found out that she hadn’t had a home cooked meal in a long time and thought of all things meatloaf sounded good. Rarity then called Applejack to set up a big two family dinner. That night… Vignette had just got off the phone with Rarity. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She was actually thrilled. She had learned to relax some and realized she would need friends her own age. Still Rarity and Applejack were a great start.  Even after everything she did to Rarity and her friends they wanted to have her over for dinner, a family dinner nonetheless. Tomorrow was going to be interesting. Until now she mostly ate at coffee shops and restaurants. Now she could sit down with people not at a business brunch or dinner but just to enjoy a meal. “I guess I should go casual.” Vignette said. She grabbed her new cell phone and remarked on Twitter that she Is going to a casual dinner after her jeans and t-shirt casual look she posted on snapchat. After that she decided to get some rest and get ready for another day at Equestria Land and with Rarity’s not her designs for the parade. The park closed early on Sunday. Then she could head to Sweet Apple Acres for dinner.  * * * Manehattan University… Juniper had settled into her life at Manehattan U and was learning the campus and considering it was summer she only had two classes to attend. All students had to attend a Student Success class in small groups sitting around with an advisor but she liked it. The class helped her to open up, but hearing about students with good home lives, especially some that lived nearby was hard. If she had family living nearby she wouldn’t have to live at school. Still she only had a few relatives scattered around and none in Manehattan. Despite taking that and her reading and writing classes that had little homework, Juniper was lonely; she couldn’t wait until next fall when she knew at least Rarity was coming to study fashion.    She wasn’t sure if Pinkie Pie and Flutterhy were still coming here (to study entertainment and veterinary medicine) but that she was hoping for. She really wished Starlight was around but knew she had her life in Equestria.  Juniper was crossing the campus just having got her books for the fall semester and one of the classes was Film Theory, another one was for Drama class. As well as having to do her basic stuff like English, history, math and one of her sciences. (Manhattan U required that you do a physical science and a biological science) Juniper chose Biology this semester and would look at the physical sciences next semester. She sat down in a nice semi-secluded section of the university on the yard and placed all her books in all her bag she had to get back to her dorm room. She had a private dorm room this year but next year she was going to try and get a dorm room with Rarity.  While organizing her stuff she saw two brown boots walk in her direction and she looked up as it had startled her. Her fear quickly became rage. “Hello Juniper.” Said Canter Zoom. “Why don’t you go away, now you come to me as I am getting back on my feet. Where the fuck have you been?” Asked Juniper. “Juniper I was scared I didn’t know what to do.” Canter replied. “All I ever wanted was your love and your support. I barely got that. You hardly ever came to any of the school plays, so you don’t know how good I was. Maybe you were right. I was too young to play Daring Do but I could have had a small part, maybe even a line. No, you shove me into a movie theater and then I was taken over by some demonic force or “Magic” as the Rainbooms call it and they helped me. I finally had some real friends, but my family threw me out. I showed up at Sunset’s place. Her mom and aunt took me right in and got me financial aid, a two-year scholarship and helped with my college application. I slept on their couch a few nights.  They were more like family than you ever were. I was a fucking obligation to you. Only taking me in as a little girl because you felt you were obligated.” Juniper  finished her rant. “Now Juniper…”Canter Zoom started. “Save it! I can’t even call you uncle anymore. All I have to say is a real family loves and supports their members. Helps keep them on a good path. Sure you and your late wife made sure I did my homework, brushed my teeth and went to bed at a good hour. But to you it was always a job, at least Aunt Martha pretended to care. In closing all I have left to say is damn you, damn you to hell. You are dead to me until time makes you so.” Juniper said without any hint of emotion. With that she turned around and walked away and headed for her dorm building. > Celebrations and warnings. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crankee Doodle checked his list twice as he unbuckled his seat belt. Sunset had completed the driving test for the third time. If she failed this time she would have to go back and retest for the permit. She passed that the first time she took it. This had been a lot harder but she parallel parked perfectly (or she hoped).  Luna had worked with her. Her Aunt Celestia had worked with her, as well as her Aunt Chrysalis. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity had all helped her. Was all this enough. Sunset held her breath. “Well Miss Shimmer I have to say you passed the test this time.” Crankee Doodle said. “YES!!” Sunset exclaimed, throwing her hands up as far as she could in her car. “Come on inside we will take your picture and get your license printed here.”  Crankee Doodle said getting out of the car. Heading inside Sunset had her picture taken and her license printed up. She was so glad that they could do all this right next door to Canterlot High. Luna had sat in her office with the shades pulled down so she couldn’t watch Sunset fail again. Any moment that door was going to open and she would come in. Most likely almost in tears. One more time Luna would have to be “mommy to the rescue”. That was not a thought she relished.  When Luna’s door burst open it startled her. Here was Sunset with a huge smile on her face. She was holding in her hand a license. She had passed!!  Luna rushed over and hugged Sunset tightly; her daughter had her license. Luna was thrilled but it also meant that her little girl was growing up. Luna knew this day would come. “Sunset, I am so proud of you!!” Luna exclaimed.  “Mom, I can't wait until my next date. My mommy won’t be driving me this time.” Sunset exclaimed, also trying to sound grown up. Luna couldn’t help but shed a tear. “Mom, why are you crying?”  asked Sunset. “My Little girl is growing up.” Luna said, dabbing her eyes. “I will always be your little girl.” Sunset replied, hugging her mom tightly. “I know but one day you’ll be out on your own and…”Luna began. “No I won't, I'm gonna live with you forever.” Sunset said, smiling and trying not to laugh. “I told you, don’t you threaten your mother like that.” Luna joked back.  “I have to tell everyone.” Sunset said, pulling her phone out. Luna just smiled and grabbed her purse and then she realized Sunset still had her keys. Luna realized her and Celestia were going to have to get Sunset a car pretty soon. Then there was the problem of insurance. The fact that Sunset could drive opened up a bunch of new problems. Luna wasn’t going to ruin the mood. She wanted to let her daughter bask in the happiness of this moment and text her friends. When Sunset was done she started dialing the phone.  “Sunset, who are you calling?” Luna asked. “Twilight she deserves to know personally.” Sunset said putting the phone up to her ear. “You probably should have called her first. Give me the keys so we can get home.” Luna said, taking the keys from Sunset. “Hey mom, I can drive now.” Sunset said, trying to get the keys back. “Not while you are on the phone you’re not. You talk to your girlfriend while I drive us home.” Luna said. Sunset relented and let her mom have the keys. The main reason she agreed to hand over the keys was Twilight picked up at that moment. “TWILIGHT GUESS WHO GOT HER LICENSE TODAY??!!” Sunset exclaimed. “Did they finally let Pinkie Pie have a license?” Twilight asked “Not Pinkie Pie, me you goof.” Sunset replied following her mom out of the school. “I know I was kidding, I am so proud and happy for you Sunset do you know what this means?”  Twilight asked. “It means mom doesn’t have to drive us.” Sunset replied. “It means we can make out in the backseat afterwards too.” Twilight replied seductively. “We should actually go on a date now that I have a license.” Sunset said. “Well we should also see if we can get some time at the Starswirl Music Festival.” Twilight replied. “That would be kind of great to finally hang out together.” Sunset replied. “Well I guess now the race is on between me and Pinkie to see who will be next.” Twilight replied. “Well I better go I’m gonna head home for a victory feast, talk to you later.” Sunset informed Twilight. “A victory feast?” Twilight asked. “That’s what mom called it.” Sunset told her. “Um o.k. Then I will talk to you later, we should do  a Shimmer Code episode about a driving game.” Twilight said. “Way ahead of you, I will tell you my ideas later. Ciao” Sunset said, hanging up. “That girl can really talk sometimes.” Luna said.  “Tell me about it.” Sunset said. Later that night Luna invited Chrysalis and Potion Nova over. Celestia cooked Sunset’s favorite dish, vegetable lasagna. Sunset had dinner with her mom and her aunts. That night Sunset made a short video for Shimmer code talking about getting her license. Sunset said her next video review would be her Throwback Thursday and she would review some racing games. After doing some quick editing she posted it. Sunset got some congratulatory  texts from Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and even Juniper Montage texted her congratulations as well. After all the celebrations Luna did express concerns about all the girls going to the Starswirled Music Festival without an adult.  “After all, these music festivals had scalpers, pickpockets and…”Luna began. “...and Post Crush reforming for one night only.” Sunset said finishing the sentence. “I will help you with renting a camper and all but you and your friends better put some money in on it, plus I want all of the other girls' parents, or in Applejack’s case grandparents ok on this.” Luna told her. “You got it mom.” Sunset said cheerfully. “I better or you are going nowhere.” Luna said forcefully. A few days later the parents (and grandmother) all had a meeting at Luna and Celestia’s home to discuss this music festival. “You know Luna, we have to let them grow up a little bit, you know.” Cookie Crumbles said. “I agree we need to show our girls that we trust them.” Twilight Velvet chimed in. “But they're just kids.” Luna said desperately. “But not little kids, they're all 16 and 17 all soon to be High School Seniors. We need to trust them a little bit. Some of them are going to be adults in about a year.” Windy Whistles added in. “None of us are comfortable with this Luna, least of all me. Ah’m on the fence about letting Applejack do this. Now Big Mac said he would go along wit’ them and that makes me feel a lil’ bit better.” Granny Smith added in her country twang. “Am I being over protective?” Luna asked. “No Luna, you're being a good parent. You're worried about your daughter. We all are worried about our girls. If Big Mac can get one other adult I'll agree to it. We have four licensed drivers and two more with permits. So no one has to do all the driving. It is a well thought out plan.” Twilight Velvet brought up. “You know these girls, including your daughter, have saved the school and even the world several times. They are more mature than you think.” Cookie Crumbles added. “You’re right, ok we can let them go.” Luna said against her better judgment. * * * Potion Nova had just finished cooking dinner for her and Chrysalis and was  setting the table when the doorbell rang. Chrysalis looked up from the newspaper she was reading and decided she better answer the door. Nova watched as Chrysalis opened the door. There stood a woman almost as dark skinned as Chrysalis with short pink hair that was kind of messy. She was dressed in all black and Nova noticed she had a scar over one eye yet that eye seemed to work fine. “My goodness it has been a while. Nova come here you got to meet one of my old military buddies. Potion Nova meet Tempest Shadow.” Chrysalis said, motioning Tempest into the house. “Hello. Chrysalis has mentioned you a time or two.” Nova said, shaking hands with Tempest. “Really I deny everything.” Tempest joked. “Even Fizzlepop Berrytwist?” Potion Nova asked. “Of all things that's what you tell her.” Tempest said glaring at Chrysalis. “I didn’t know you come walking in my door. Speaking of which, why don't you join us for dinner and tell us why you’re here.” Chrysalis offered “I don’t want to intrude unless Potion Nova here is okay with it.” Tempest said secretly hoping Nova made enough food “Well, any friend of Chrys is a friend of mine.” Potion Nova said still not sure what to make of Tempest. So after Chrysalis set an extra place at the dinner table and while Nova finished dinner while Tempest talked to Chrysalis in the den. “Listen Chrysalis, the reason I’m back is because something major is on the horizon.”  Tempest told her. “Major how?” Chrysalis asked, “The Syndicate has been sniffing around CHS. They are very interested in that pedestal that used to have the Canterlot Wondercolt statue on it.” Tempest told her. Chrysalis sat back taking all this in. Even if they did go through it would take time and if they just passed through what would Princess Twilight do upon their arrival. “You realize they will be poking around for a little while. Doesn’t your niece attend there?” Tempest asked. “Yes she’s about to start her senior year.” Chrysalis asked. “At 16?” Tempest asked “She was in advanced classes. She will be 17 when she graduates.” Chrysalis replied. “I fear Sunset will have some role to play in this before it is all over.” Tempest said. “I know that Tempest, she has already played a role through this whole story. Thanks to Sunset there is a group of about eleven girls who couldn’t be closer. Twelve if you count Juniper Montage who is away at college. She also played the role in me gaining a sister, actually two almost and in a way is responsible for me hooking up with Potion Nova so if you ask me, she already played a role. Now she wants to be in a band, run a gaming channel on YouTube and graduate high school is that such a bad thing?” Chrysalis asked finishing her rant. “The Syndicate is not going to rush in there in fact if I know how they work they will let someone else investigate for them.” Tempest said  “How do you know so much about this syndicate? Who is going to investigate for the Syndicate? Mulder and Scully?” Chrysalis asked. “How? They are a shadow government organization, they have only appeared because they had too. They are not going to openly send agents out to investigate. They won’t let Mulder and Scully investigate it. They would need someone else, not in an official capacity to investigate it.” Tempest replied. “Abacus Cinch and Gilda Griffon.” Chrysalis said, realizing who her old Commanding Officer was talking about. “Exactly.” Tempest replied. “The Dazzlings too.” Chrysalis added. Tempest pulled out what looked like two sheets of paper and handed them to Chrysalis. Chrysalis took the sheets and her eyes widened in horror when she saw that the Dazzlings were playing The Starswirled Music festival-the same festival that Sunset and her friends were going to with a lot of kids from CHS. “Sunset and her friends are in danger.” Chrysalis said in a hushed tone. “Not a big public event like this music festival. Yet if someone gets as close as Twilight did this past March to finding the portal. Then we are all in danger.” Tempest added. “You still tell it like it is. Lieutenant, that has never changed about you.” Chrysalis remarked. “We may not be serving together in Afghanistan, but I am still not going to sugarcoat the truth.” Tempest replied. “Dinner’s ready!!” Potion Nova called a second later from the kitchen. Both Tempest and Chrysalis went in to eat.    > Repairing fences (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sunset and Twilight even our names kind of match.” Sunset said, sitting on the hood of Luna’s car, with her back against the windshield. Twilight was sitting next to her both holding hands. “If your mom comes out here, she is going to flip out. You know, seeing us sitting on the hood of her car.” Twilight told her. “Mom’s chill, relax Twilight, and just enjoy the sunset with me.” Sunset said, laughing at her own joke.  “Your mom seems like a real hard ass, sometimes.” Twilight said. “You just got to get to know her. Plus, she handles discipline at the school, so she needs to be a hard ass sometimes. Trust me I saw a different side of her the night of the Formal.” Sunset said, remembering last fall. “Sunset, what are you going to do after High School?” Asked Twilight. “I’m going to stay local and get my AA at the community college. I found a charming little apartment that I hope to move into. After that, I don't know why you are still going to Everton?” Sunset asked.  While she tried not to show it Sunset was alarmed at the ending of their relationship. Twilight goes off to college and that was it. She decided to wait for Twilight’s answer. “I don’t know now. I have friends and I have you, finally. It’s all so different. Sunset, I have no idea what to do. Cadence stood by my brother when he went through the police academy and then as he got his AA in law enforcement. His situation was different though. I don’t want to be a cop.” Twilight said. “Why not go to law school? You know your brother can arrest them and then you can put them away.” Sunset suggested. “I would rather be a scientist than a lawyer. I was going to Everton College to study in an independent study program. I thought it was what I needed, right then and there.  Cadence was very apprehensive about me doing it though.” Twilight finished with that thought. “Twilight your sister-in-law didn’t want you to miss out on trying to make friends. Doing normal teenage social stuff.” Sunset told her. Twilight just nodded, taking it all in. “Look at it like this Twilight when we first met, your cell phone had four contacts. Your mom, your dad, your brother, and your sister-in-law. After that first night, you got mine and Trixie’s and now you have all the Rainbooms, Apple Bloom, and Juniper Montage. Nine more contacts on your phone.” Sunset said. “Plus, work that makes fourteen, not an unlucky thirteen.” Twilight said, grinning. “You two better not scratch up my car." Luna said walking outside. Both girls raised their heads and turned themselves around a little bit. Luna was standing on the driveway. Her arms crossed and lips pursed she looked a little mad at them. “Hi mom, we're getting ready to star gaze.” Sunset said. “On the hood of my car?” Luna asked. “Yes, just like in the movie I saw the other night, Wayne's World, there is a scene where he does this with his best friend by the airport.” Sunset explained.  “You were in my DVD collection again I see.” Luna said, walking over to the two girls. “Um, Hi Vice-Principal Luna.” Twilight said in a nervous tone. “Relax Twilight,  and it’s just Luna outside of school. Why are you nervous?” Luna asked. This really concerned her. “Well, you are a commanding figure. Also in charge of discipline at school.” Twilight said.  “I’m in charge of discipline here at home too.” Luna said, staring at Sunset. “I imagine with Sunset that it must be an uphill battle.” Twilight said, “Hey!” Sunset interjected. Her girlfriend didn’t just go there, did she? “It was, at first Sunset was very independent…” Luna began. Then putting her arm around Sunset. “...but after several yelling and screaming matches and a lot of crying we got along a lot better. Adopting Sunset was the best thing I ever did.” Luna finished. “I think it’s great you two show affection.” Twilight said. “Well after our cold weather camp out, I saw you run up and hug your brother Shining Armor. So, what I’ve seen you show affection to your brother.” Sunset remarked. “That’s different, he's my B.B.B.F.F.” Twilight replied. “He’s what?” Asked Sunset confused. “Big Brother Best Friend Forever.” Twilight explained. “Aww that’s sweet.” Luna said smiling. “He was all I had for a while after I alienated Moon Dancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts.” Twilight said sadly. “Well, we got about 2 weeks of summer left. Do you want to try to reconnect with them? I’ll even help you if you want me too.” Sunset offered. “I would like that. Yes, please Sunset, help me.” Twilight almost pleaded. “O.K. where are they?”  Sunset asked. “I know where Minuette and Twinkleshine are, I have an idea where Lemon Hearts is Moon Dancer I don't know.” Twilight said. “Well let's start with Minuette and go from there. I think we have a quest for tomorrow.” Sunset stated. “Actually, I have work tomorrow.” Twilight said. “Well, do you want me to try to contact any of them?” Sunset offered. “Sunset, this is Twilight’s job. All you can really do is be a supportive girlfriend, but Twilight has to do this.’ Luna told Sunset. “She’s right, but right now I better get home, mom and dad will be getting worried.” Twilight said. “I could drive you. Mom, can I borrow the car keys?” Sunset asked. “Go in the kitchen and get them.” Luna told her regrettably. * * * Sunset dropped Twilight off at home. Both of them shared several kisses at the front door. Twilight’s mom turned the outside light on, as a way to tell Twilight to come in for the night. After getting changed for bed Twilight looked at her phone sure she had fourteen contacts. None of her old friends from elementary and middle school were there. She searched online and found Minuette’s number and texted her. Twilight: Minuette this is Twilight Sparkle I know I was a rotten person. I want to apologize and make it up to you. If you don’t respond back, I understand. I have changed and am trying to be more social. TTYL Twilight. Twilight put the phone down and got set to turn the light off. At that time Spike jumped up on the bed and laid down next to Twilight. He could tell she was upset about something. “Twilight what’s wrong? Did you and Sunset have another fight?” Spike asked, feeling very concerned.  “No Spike I’m worried if Minuette will even want to talk to me. Or Lemon Drops or Twinkleshine or if I could even find Moon Dancer again. I just don’t know Spike.” Twilight told him. After that Twilight shut off her light and went to bed.   A minute later her phone dinged. She got up and checked her phone. It was a text message. Taking a deep breath, she checked it was from Minuette. Minuette: Twilight you goof I do forgive you and would love to see you again. I’m glad you’re not such a bookworm anymore. I will contact Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts if you want. Twilight: Minuette I would like that. What about Moon Dancer? Minuette: We kind of lost contact with her. Last I heard she was still somewhere in the area; I’ll take a look. Twilight: Thanks, I have work in the morning so I will talk to you tomorrow. Night Night. Twilight thought her shift went on forever. Minuette texted her that they could meet at the mall. Twilight wanted to see them all and hoped she could bring Lemon Drops, Twinkleshine, and most importantly Moon Dancer.  Finally, when Twilight got off shift, she waited at the food court. After a minute she noticed a few teenage girls walking towards her. She recognized them almost instantly. Minuette, Lemon Drops, and Twinkleshine. Twilight stood up. “Hi Girls!!” Twilight exclaimed,  All three of them walked over to Twilight and wrapped her in a big group hug. Twilight was glad to rekindle her old friendships. Yet something or someone was missing. “Girls it’s so good to see you all again, but where is Moon Dancer?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, about that. Moon Dancer didn’t want to come.” Minuette said. “Do any of you know why?’ Twilight asked. “She hardly even talks to us anymore. It was after her birthday party that she threw. Remember the one you didn’t go to.” Lemon Hearts informed her. “I was so busy studying that I thought I wouldn't go. Girls I’m sorry for everything I did to all of you. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.” Twilight said. “Well, this is a new side of you, and I like it.” Twinkleshine said. “I have been through a lot these past few months, and learned how to make friends, most of them work right here in the mall. I would like you to meet them all if you want.” Twilight suggested. “Well let’s go meet them!!” Minuette exclaimed. The next half hour Twilight took them around. First, they met Applejack, at the smoothie place and all got smoothies. The girls were impressed to meet a member of the Apple Family. All of them seemed to like Applejack. On the bottom floor, they stopped in the clothing store and met Rarity. They liked her too although Lemon hearts said she seemed a little overly dramatic. Twilight had to agree. On the top floor they met Fluttershy at the pet store, Pinkie Pie at the Bakery shop, Rainbow Dash at the sporting goods store, and finally Trixie at the magic store. Leaving the magic store Twinkleshine remarked “That girl is a pompous ass.”  “Yes, she is but deep down she does care. You have to get used to her.” Twilight remarked. “Now there are four more girls I want you to meet. I texted one and she is on her way up to meet you girls right now the other three are in the arcade.” Twilight said. “So, none of you have heard from or seen Moon Dancer?” Twilight asked. “Well after the party we kind of lost touch. We invited her out a time or two, but she was always too busy studying to come. So eventually we stopped asking,” Lemon Drops said. Once arriving at the arcade Twilight called three girls out. The Crusaders came and after saying hello to Twilight, she introduced them to her old friends. After that, they returned to the food court. After the girls returned to the food court. Twilight was anxiously waiting for her girlfriend to show up. She didn’t need to wait that long, however. Soon Sunset came walking into the food court. Twilight got up and they hugged tightly and shared a quick kiss.  “Oh, come on Sunset, I want you to meet some old friends.” Twilight said, leading her over to meet everyone. After introductions were made Twilight had all the girls sit down. “So Sunset are you two dating or something?” Lemon Hearts asked. “Yes, we are.” Sunset asked. “So, Twilight are you on the other side of the street?” Twinkleshine asked. “You know Twinkleshine you can say the words gay or homosexual and you won’t burst into flames.” Sunset remarked. “Sunset and I are both bi-sexual Twinkleshine. We both dated a guy but prefer each other’s touch.” Twilight said. “I didn’t mean anything by it.” Twinkleshine said. “Look I think it’s great that Twilight made friends again and even found someone who likes her romantically.” Minuette said to diffuse the situation. “Sunset, we have a problem that I’m going to need your help with.” Twilight informed her. “O.K. What is going on?” Sunset inquired. “It’s like this. Back when we all lived in center city or downtown Canterlot. It was after school and back then there was the four of us and another girl named Moon Dancer Flashback: Twilight was coming out of school with her books and wanted to catch the bus and head home to study. “Twilight there you are, we've been looking all over for you.” A voice said. ‘Twilight turned around to see Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts standing there.  “Hi, girls, what's up?” Twilight asked. “Moon Dancer is having a little get-together for her birthday next door in the park. You want to come?” Minuette asked. “Sorry girls but I have to get home and I have a lot of studying to catch up on.” Twilight said heading for the bus. “You know Minuette, that girl does nothing but study.” Twinkleshine said. “She’s more interested in books than friends.” Lemon Hearts added. The three girls headed to the park with their gifts and soon another girl named Lyra joined them.  In the park was a giant spread of snacks on a table and a punch bowl too. Balloons tied to the table. Seats for all her guests.  All four girls put their presents on the table. Moon Dancer looked around happily at all her friends. “Wow Moon Dancer quite the spread, look at all this stuff.” Minuette remarked. All the girls nodded hungerly.  “Thanks for coming today girls.” Moon dancer remarked. “Like we were going to miss it.” Lemon Hearts replied. “Is Twilight coming? I mean she is my B.F.F” Moon Dancer asked. “Um…yeah about that…” Lyra said. “Oh, ok I see.” Moon Dancer said dejectedly looking down. “Hey, we are all here we can still have fun, right?” Twinkleshine added hopefully, “I guess.” Moon Dancer without any enthusiasm. End Flashback “I never knew how much that party meant to her.” Twilight said. holding her head in her hands, elbows resting on the table. Sunset started rubbing Twilight’s back to try to console her. “She had always been shy. We had hoped she was starting to come out of her shell. After this well…”Minuette told Twilight. "What did her parents say?" Asked Sunset "When they got there a few minutes later they felt very disappointed in Twilight." Minuette said. Sunset put her arm around her girlfriend as Twilight looked like she had been ready to cry any second. “I swear I have to make this up to her. Somehow.” Twilight said, voice slightly breaking. “Why not, this wouldn’t be a friendship problem if it was easy. I’m in.” Sunset said. “Well, we’ll help too,” Lemon Hearts added in, “Then let’s do this!” Twilight said triumphantly as she stood up. “Do what exactly?” Asked Sunset. “I have no idea.” Twilight said, sitting down. From the other side of the food court a man in a black suit and tie with white dress shirt and sunglasses watched intently. Then, looking around he brought his wristwatch to his mouth. “Sir, I have eyes on the target.” He spoke into his watch. > Repairing fences (part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight left the mall with her friends and hadn’t felt this bad since The Friendship Games incident.  “Sunset what am I going to do?” Twilight asked.  “Well, try talking to her.” Sunset remarked. “I DON’T KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!” Twilight cried. “Calm down Twilly!! We are going to help!” Minuette said, putting her hands on Twilight’s shoulders.  “We need to find out where she lives, where she goes, and other things like that.” Sunset offered hopefully. “I seem to remember her having a sister Morning Roast. Maybe if we can find her, we can find Moon Dancer.” Twinkleshine said.  “One wild goose chase is enough. We don’t even know where to start looking.” Lemon Hearts said, pointing out the obvious.  “I think I have a plan.” Sunset replied. All four girls stopped and looked at Sunset. Suddenly she felt pretty uneasy, then told herself this was stupid. These girls are friends with Twilight, so they are going to be ok, with what I have to say. “Earth to Sunset come in please.” Twilight said waving her hand in Sunset’s face. “Twilight, you used your incredible computer skills to find Minuette, maybe you should look for Morning Roast, or Moon Dancer herself.” Sunset told them. Twilight took out her phone and started typing away. Her friends stood by watching as Twilight began to look for Moon Dancer. “Any Luck?” Sunset asked. “Nothing yet.” Twilight replied. After a few minutes, Twilight’s face lit up. Everyone looked over at her confused. “What did you find Moon Dancer?” Sunset asked. “No, but I found Morning Roast.” Twilight replied. * * * That night the girls all stayed over at Minuette’s house. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were happy to see Twilight reconnect with her old friends. Sunset called her mom that night. “Sunset remember this is Twilight’s quest, not yours.” Luna told Sunset over the phone. “I know mom, but it bothers me to see Twilight like this. Especially when I can’t help her feel any better. "Sunset lamented. “I know my little sun. Also, next time ask for permission before you do something like this. I'll let you off this time, next time you will be punished. Understand?” Luna told her. “Yes, mom I do.” Sunset replied. “Okay, goodnight.” Luna told her. Sunset rejoined the party in the next room. Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine were trying to cheer Twilight up. ‘It bothers me every time I think about it.” Twilight said. “Then don’t think about it. Let’s do something fun. Come on.” Sunset said grabbing Twilight’s hands and helping her to her feet.  Sunset put some music on her phone and grabbed Twilight’s arms. Twilight looked back at her friends. They were motioning her to go dance. “Go ahead dance with your girlfriend we want to see what kind of moves you got.” Minuette said trying to encourage her. Twilight’s P.O.V. I have no idea why I’m about to dance. I have two left feet. I glanced back at my friends once more when Sunset spoke to me. “Don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me.” Sunset told me. “You’re holding back.” I said to Sunset, as she covered my mouth. “Shut up and dance with me.” Sunset told me. Twilight and Sunset did a fast dance and Twilight showed her two left feet when it came to dancing. So, Sunset took her phone on and put on a slow song. Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset’s neck while she wrapped her arms around Sunset’s waist. The two of them swayed with Twilight laying her head on Sunset’s shoulder. For a minute all seemed right in the world. After the dance, all three of Twilight’s friends clapped. Sunset and Twilight both broke apart and forgot they had an audience. Both were slightly blushing.  “Maybe we ought to get some sleep.” Minuette said trying to break the awkwardness of the situation.  “Now Twilight Twikleshine, Lemon Hearts, and I are going to take the couch, loveseat, and recliner. You are to sleep in my bed and get some rest. Sunset, you can join her. One rule you two and listen closely. No sex in my bed, it’s a virgin bed you understand me.” Minuette said jokingly. Twilight turned a deep shade of red. Sunset slightly blushed, but both agreed and got ready for bed. Twilight needed her rest, tomorrow she was going to meet and hopefully apologize to Moon Dancer. Twilight and Sunset snuggled up in bed together and after a few quick kisses, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. * * * Morning came too soon it seemed, but Twilight was up with the sun. She had been very nervous and slept a little bit here and there through the night. Sunset had made it easier.  After a quick breakfast, the girls stopped at Twilight’s house so she could shower and change. Then they stopped at Sunset’s so she could grab a fast shower and change. Luna told her they were going to talk later tonight. With that ominous warning, Sunset joined her and Twilight’s friends. Heading into downtown Canterlot the first place the girls stopped was a little bookshop. Twilight walked in and the girl from the counter looked up at Twilight and her friends coming in. “Hello. Can I help you?” She asked as Twilight walked up to the counter.  “Yes, Morning Roast it’s me, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight chirped. The smile died from Morning’s face. Twilight immediately knew something was wrong. “You got a lot of guts, to come back here after breaking my sister’s heart. The first and only time she has a birthday party, and who doesn’t show up? Her lab partner and supposed best friend.  I can’t quite remember her name, oh yeah that’s right it was Twilight Sparkle. She moved out to the suburbs shortly after that without saying, Goodbye.” Morning Roast said. Twilight was left speechless, and so were all her friends. Morning Roast hated her she only imagined that Moon Dancer did too. “Morning, I want to apologize for being a bad friend and try to make it up to Moon Dancer honest. Please don’t make me do time for things I did years ago.” Twilight pleaded. “Moon Dancer lives with me. She has a three-room apartment in the back of my house. She does her work on the computer. The only other place she goes is the library.  If you hurt, her again. You will spend the rest of your life; I swear before God eating your meals through a straw. You understand?” Morning Roast told her. “HEY, YOU DON’T THREATEN HER LIKE THAT!!” Sunset roared shoving her way to the front and getting in Morning Roast’s face. “Who the hell are you?” Morning Roast asked taking a step back. “I’m her girlfriend and if you don’t watch it, I will end you.” Sunset said being held back by Twilight and Minuette. “Her girlfriend!!??” Morning Roast exclaimed.  “Yeah, her girlfriend you have a problem with that?” Sunset asked angrily. “I didn't know Twilight was queer.” Morning Roast said. “She’s not queer, she’s bi-sexual like me. I cannot believe Twilight was ever friends with you.” Sunset shot back. “She was friends with my younger sister who she hurt bad.” Morning Roast replied. “Morning Roast, I’m here to try and make up with Moon Dancer, the last thing I want to do is hurt her again.” Twilight pleaded. “Fine if she is not doing online work then she is at the library's main branch. Usually in one of the soundproof study rooms. Twilight do not let me regret this.” Morning Roast said. “Thanks, Morning Roast you won’t regret this I promise.” Twilight said heading out the door. The group headed over to the main branch of the library.  “Twilight, she may not even be here.” Sunset whispered as they entered the library.  “We have to hope she is and then…” Twilight began. ‘Then what?”  Sunset asked. “I have no idea, I have never encountered a problem like this one. First, let’s look in the study rooms at the back of the library and see if she is there. Then we will go from there.” Twilight said. After checking the first two rooms Twilight looked into the third room and a girl about her age sat there. She had a worn-out grey sweater, a short purple skirt, and glasses that were taped together at the bridge. She wore purple and black boots similar to what most of the girls her age wore. Her brown hair had purple streaks tied up on top. “Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine stand with me. Sunset take one step back I want Moon Dancer to see her old friends first.” Twilight instructed. Taking a deep breath Twilight lightly rapped on the door. Moon Dancer ignored her. Twilight knocked a little louder and more forcefully. She knew Moon Dancer had heard it that time as she got up and with a huff answered the door. “I reserved this room for this time.” Moon Dancer said abrasively. “It’s us Moon Dancer your old friends.” Twilight said with a big smile. “Do you mind?? I’m trying to study.” Moon Dancer said trying to close the door. Twilight put her foot in the door and wouldn’t let Moon Dancer close the door.  “What are you doing?” Moon Dancer asked angrily. “Moon Dancer it’s me Twilight, I’m sorry I missed your party.” Twilight said. “You have me confused with someone else Twilight Twinkle or whatever your name is. I don’t have parties, I also tried making friends. It wasn’t for me.” Moon Dancer replied.  “But you did have a party, and friends at one time. Please let me make it up to you. I have with me Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette, and they want to see you again too.” Twilight said. “Look Twilight I tried making friends once it didn’t work out so can we end this?” Moon Dancer asked forcefully. “Ok on one condition.” Twilight gambled. “What is it?” Asked Moondancer impatiently.  “Have lunch with us.” Twilight said. “If I do will you let me get back to studying?” Moon Dancer asked. “Yes, I will. Let’s go and have this meal.” Twilight said waving her arm towards the front of the library.  “Fine.” Moon Dancer said. She gathered up her books, and put them in her bag, and reluctantly followed the girls to the park. Upon arriving there, Moon Dancer saw that there was a lovely picnic already set up. “What’s this?” She asked. “I can’t make up for how I hurt you, but I wanted to do something special for you.” Twilight told Moon Dancer. “Oh, this is supposed to make up for how you hurt me?” Moon Dancer replied. “No, I realize this can’t make it up for what I did, but Moon Dancer don’t make me do time for things I did years ago. I was a bad friend, but these girls have forgiven me. I guess I was hoping you would too." Twilight lamented. “Moon Dancer this girl has changed, and I have been trying to stay silent…but I can’t anymore.” Sunset spoke up. “Excuse me, but who are you?” Moon Dancer asked. “My name is Sunset Shimmer and I’m Twilight’s girlfriend and she is trying like hell to make it up to you.”  Sunset responded to her question. “Listen Sunset Shimmer I threw a party, and my best friend Twilight couldn’t even show up, because she was too busy studying. I tried to come out of my shell and put myself out there.  Then she moved without saying goodbye. Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine tried their hardest to make me feel better at my party. They were the only ones who showed me I had value.  So, no I don’t have parties or deal with friends. My life isn’t perfect Sunset, but I have my books. I’m guessing you have friends. Well, try having them turn their back on you.” Moon Dancer told her. “Moon Dancer is about to get schooled.” Twilight thought.  “You listen you little bitch, let me tell you a story called Anon-a-miss.” Sunset said in a threatening tone getting in Moon Dancer’s face. When Sunset got done telling Moon Dancer about Anon-A-Miss Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine were in shock. “So yes, Moon Dancer I know what it’s like to be betrayed, but Twilight is trying to make that up to you.” Sunset said. “I guess you do know what it’s like to be hurt.” Moon Dancer said. “More than you could ever possibly know. I have worked hard to put Anon-A-Miss behind me. Now Twilight is trying to put her past mistakes behind you. Now, why don’t you sit down and enjoy a picnic lunch that I had a friend prepare for us?” Sunset offered. Moon Dancer walked over to Twilight and looked her in the eyes and as tears started to form, she said with her voice breaking. “You couldn’t even show up!” Twilight hugged Moon Dancer and she kept crying and sobbing. “I have faced and seen things, that I thought would destroy me. Seeing how I have hurt you is one the worst things I have ever faced. Don’t let my actions be the reason you can’t be friends with anybody else.” Twilight pleaded. “We were all your friends Moon Dancer, and we would be honored if we could be again.” Minuette said rubbing Moon Dancer’s back sympathetically.  “I guess I needed to hear all that from you guys.” Moon Dancer said sniffling.  “I know this can’t make up for what I did, but I would like to try.” Twilight said. “Twilight I’m hungry let’s eat.” Moon Dancer said wiping her eyes and smiling. With that, all the girls sat down and started to eat. It was a lovely picnic with Moon Dancer starting to open up. “So, Moon Dancer I have to ask what are you studying?”  Sunset Shimmer asked. “Science, Magic, History, Economics, Pottery, things like that.” Moon Dancer replied. “Wow, are you planning on being a professor?” Twinkleshine asked. “No, was just studying. I plan to get out more now though.” Moon Dancer replied. “Did you say you were studying magic?” Sunset asked. “Yeah, why?” Moon Dancer replied. “Magic doesn’t exist in real life.” Sunset replied. “Well, there is something weird going on here in Canterlot.” Moon Dancer said. After that, all the girls sat in silence for a few minutes. “What a way to end the summer.” Sunset thought. > First day preparations and beginning. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset thought about how she was taking a shower on the last day of summer vacation, not to mention she could have been grounded for two weeks. Luckily, she got off with just a scolding from her mom. Still taking this last shower she felt like she was washing the whole summer down the drain. She remarked this was her senior year when she was graduating with girls a year older than her, thanks to accelerated classes she was going to graduate at 17 when most of her friends were 18.  Sunset looked forward to this year she wouldn’t be evil and the whole student body wasn’t out to get her. She had friends now too. She had The Rainbooms, The Crusaders, Trixie, and most importantly Twilight her girlfriend. It was going to be weird . Just as she was finishing up rinsing off the water became ice cold, Sunset jumped back with a screech and grabbed a towel, and headed downstairs. “What the hell mom?” Sunset said standing at the bottom of the staircase yelling in no particular direction. Aunt Celestia came around the corner from the kitchen and said, “Sorry Sunset your mom just started the wash.” * * * All across Canterlot, that night students were getting ready for school. Applejack just laid out her clothes and was packing her bag. It was going to be weird not seeing Big Mac in school this year. Big Mac had gone to Canterlot Community College to get a two-year degree in Agriculture as he was going to be running Sweet Apple Acres one day. Applejack had planned to go to the same place and get her degree in business management. After all, while Big Mac was running the farming part, she was going to have to run the business part. She hoped Toe Tapper understood that. Up until now, he has been a very supportive boyfriend. She hoped that would continue. Apple Bloom was doing the same. Apple Bloom was glad that when school was over, she didn’t have to do detention. She put her clothes out and hoped that she wouldn’t be the odd girl out this year. All of her friends had a boyfriend (or in Sunset and Twilight’s case girlfriend), Apple Bloom didn't think anyone would ever want to date the Anon-A-Miss girl.  * * * Rarity was choosing her outfit and making sure her hair was divine for the first day of school. Sweetie Belle had her bag packed and was ready to go. She went to check on Rarity who was trying to mix and match her clothes. “Sis are you ok?” Sweetie Belle asked making Rarity jump.  “Sweetie Belle you scared me.” Rarity said. “Sis are you nervous about the first day of school tomorrow?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Not by this time, I just got my schedule in the email and printed it out. I’m ready to go my senior year is all easy classes.” Rarity explained. “Oh no I forgot about my schedule!!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Relax Sweetie Belle mom has it and is going to let you have it at breakfast tomorrow morning.” Rarity assured her. * * * Rainbow Dash never really cared about fashion she had her trademark leggings and skirt all set to go. She also had her denim vest, white shirt with the cloud and rainbow lightning bolt on it, and rainbow socks.  For Rainbow though it wasn’t about fashion. Rainbow didn’t really like school. Except for Soccer and Volleyball, her favorite classes were gym and lunch. She just sat on her bed and tapped her fingers nervously wanting this year to be over and hoping for that soccer scholarship to Manehatten U.  Then came a bigger problem she knew Rarity had applied to Manehatten U but only one friend at a university would be hard. She was going to tour the University with Rarity but it seemed overwhelming. Then she remembered Juniper was up there so she could help also. Maybe life after High School won’t be as bad as she thought but the Rainbooms were going to be over. That saddened her. Scootaloo texted her saying she was nervous about tomorrow. Rainbow told her to relax, and they were going to try and commandeer the music room in the morning. After making sure her little sister had her schedule, she told her to get some rest. * * * Fluttershy used to hate school but ever since Princess Twilight shook everything up things had been better for her. She had friends in her original five, as well as Sunset and Twilight, The Crusaders, and Trixie.  Sandalwood had graduated and was working in a  carpentry company. Mainly building, and refinishing furniture in Canterlot with the right clients it was a lucrative business.  She and Sandalwood were still dating, and her parents liked him. Maybe her life was better and it was all thanks to Princess Twilight reforming Sunset. Fluttershy laid out her green dress with butterflies on it and her white sleeveless shirt. She was ready. She had to get good grades if she was going to go to the best veterinarian school there was in Fillydelphia. That started with getting some sleep. * * * Twilight had been preparing all day. Scheduling everything down to the minute. She was going to be prepared and make sure she had every notebook she needed. Twilight wished she could have gotten her textbooks and read ahead to be ready for her classes.  Looking towards Everton College’s independent study program was now not feasible-she had Sunset. Not sure what to do now on the relationship and romantic front she was going to need to talk to several people about that. “I should make some flash cards.” Twilight thought. She got set to do her index and flashcards and then remembered she wasn’t sure what facts she needed to know.  “I hate this. I’m not used to not knowing things. Argh.” Twilight stressed out.  “Twilly are you ok?” Her mom said knocking on the door.  “Yes, mom just pre-first-day jitters.” She said not even sounding unconvincing to even herself. Her mom entered the room and hugged her holding Twilight's head against her stomach. “You can relax. You are in a school where you have friends and your girlfriend's mom and aunt run the school. It will be ok." Her mom reassured her.  * * * Trixie had her outfit decided upon the day before and had just gotten out of the shower and was brushing her hair. She looked in the mirror.  “Why can't I find a decent girl? I am so envious of Twilight and Sunset, well their relationship anyway. Well, maybe I will find someone this year. I know I will because Trixie is great and a Trixie is powerful. ” Trixie slightly told herself. After packing her bookbag with notebooks, pens/pencils, and other supplies. She got ready for bed. One thing still bothered her.  “What am I going to do after High School?” Trixie thought.  There are only four options. Get a job, go to college, go into the military, or go to trade school. She was worried about what would happen to her magic career. She decided to think seriously about what she wanted to be when she grew up. “Trixie will talk to her friends and parents about it this year starting tomorrow.” Trixie thought. “One thing is for sure the great and powerful Trixie better get some sleep, or she will be tired and exhausted Trixie.” Trixie said out loud. Then she climbed in and went to bed and tried to sleep. * * * As for Pinkie Pie, she just went to sleep. No one could explain it. * * * “C’mon Sunset, time for school.” Luna said walking into her room. “Mom, can’t I just drop out and get homeschooled.” Sunset moaned from under the covers. “No. Come on sweetie you only have to do this for 180 days. Then you’re done. Now rise and shine.” Luna said. “UGH!!” Sunset said louder. “O.K. Fine let me go get the frozen marbles.” Luna said getting a little angry. “I’m up, I’m up.” Said Sunset getting out of bed and running to get dressed. “Works every time.” Luna said under her breath, with a slight smile as she walked out of Sunset’s room. Just then Luna’s phone dinged. She was confused about who would be texting her at this hour. As it turned out it was Apple Cinnamon it was a picture of an apple and it read: Apple for the teacher on the first day. Luna texted back: I’m the vice principal though. Apple Cinnamon: You were a teacher at one time and can still be a substitute at times. Have a great first-day sweetie. I love you. Luna: I love you too. Got to get to work.  With that Luna closed her phone and went back to finishing her coffee and getting ready. Sunset came downstairs a few minutes later. There was her mom and Aunt Celestia having their coffee and Aunt Celestia had the morning news on. This confused Sunset. “Why do you have the news on?” Sunset asked. “I do it every day on the first day of school, see if there are any traffic incidents between here and school.” Celestia told her. “Mom, can I drive to school today?” Sunset asked. “Okay but after you finish your breakfast.” Luna told her. After breakfast, Sunset grabbed her bag and Luna tossed her the keys. As Sunset ran out to the car Luna stopped Celestia. “You know we should look into getting Sunset her own car.” Luna said. “Really?” Celestia asked. “Yes, I was talking to Chrysalis about it too.” Luna told her. “Well if the three of us go in together we could probably find her a slightly used car.” Celestia said. “Let’s talk about it after work.” Celestia replied as they went to the car where Sunset was impatiently waiting. Arriving at school Sunset gave her mom and aunt a hug and went off to find her friends. “You Know Celestia I don’t know how I am going to survive losing her.” Luna said shedding a tear. “You and Apple Cinnamon need to get on the stick and make a few babies while you are still young enough.” Celestia said. “I’m scared to get pregnant. I mean we aren’t even engaged yet. I want Sunset to learn to wait for the right person and be in a serious relationship. I was a little older than Sunset when I got knocked up. No, I need to talk to Apple Cinnamon about that later.” Luna said looking at her promise ring. Sunset went to the music room and found it was unlocked, walking in and looking around no one was there.  “This is weird.” Sunset thought. Taking out her phone she texted her friends asking what was going on. If they were still meeting in the Music Room this year. She got a few replies most wondering why she was texting them early.  That was when she realized she was with her mom and aunt, so she was in school early. Not long after Applejack and Apple Bloom came in. Sunset felt better. “Sugarcube where did you think we were going to meet?” Applejack asked. “Sorry I forgot that I got here so early.” Sunset Shimmer said. Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Sunset began to compare schedules. Apple Bloom couldn’t believe Sunset had 2 study halls. “How did you manage that?” Apple Bloom asked. “It’s only for the first half of the year. I have all the classes I need. History, Science, Math, English, and Gym. I have an elective on computers but it’s only the second half of the year so for the first half I have two study halls.” Sunset explained. As the other girls arrived there was tons of schedule swapping Fluttershy was happy that Trixie was in her trigonometry class. Sunset was ecstatic that Twilight was in math and science with her. Overall the girls found that in pretty much every class they had at least one friend.  Ironically it was a quiet first day of navigating their senior year (except for the crusaders). No Equestrian Magic caused chaos that day and things seemed ok in the world for now. * * * “Sir. There is some weird energy signature coming from the base of the statue.” Stated a soldier that was checking out the base with the same device that Twilight Sparkle had invented. “Excellent. Now is Sunset Shimmer’s time to play her part in this.” Stated the Cigarette Smoking man. “You want us to grab her sir?” Asked the soldier. “No need to abduct her but I will need to talk to her. She is going to be the key to all of this. Keep an eye on this pedestal. This is the gateway but we can’t make contact just yet.” He replied. “What if the FBI comes snooping around?” He asked. “They won’t assign Chrysalis to it, as she would be too close to her family here at the school. If it’s Mulder and Scully, let me know I will handle it.” The Cigarette Smoking Man said lighting up another cigarette and looking towards the school. > Senior Year begins. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first few weeks, everything went well at Canterlot High. A lot better for Sunset that was for sure. No Equestrian Magic. Also not being beaten up and tortured was great. Except for Apple Bloom feeling left out for not having a boyfriend, all seemed normal for three weeks. All the girls had their physicals as you needed one to get into twelfth grade. Sunset was lucky as Potion Nova did hers and made an exception to do one for Twilight. It was embarrassing but had to be done. Afterward, both were declared in excellent health. Then the drama came. First Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had announced that they would hold the Fall Formal this year. People were uneasy about that. None more than Sunset Shimmer. There were some murmurs as she walked down the halls. She even heard someone mention she-demon. It was nothing like last year when five girls had to form a protective pentagon around her. For the Rainbooms, it had been a labor of love. Initially doing it per Twilight’s instructions. Later because they did become Sunset’s friends. Also, one thing that each of the Rainbooms, Trixie, and The Crusaders learned, they didn't need to fear Luna and Celestia.  Especially after they became Sunset’s family. Even after Anon-a-miss, Sunset still considered all of those girls as close to sisters. She also couldn’t wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas as the girl she now considered to be like a cousin to her would be in town for those holidays: Juniper Montage. Sunset after seeing the flyers and hearing about the fall formal and seeing the hate people still had for her, she had to go and talk to her mom. “Mom, how can you hold this dance?” Sunset asked in disbelief. "Sunset it is going to be ok; you have completely changed. People see it.” Luna said soothingly.  “Then what’s with the whispering, the stares, the…” Sunset began “It’s called High School. You are a senior in about eight months it won’t matter, and I will be heartbroken.” Luna said trailing off a little bit at the end. “Mom I'm not going to leave. I’m gonna live with you forever.” Sunset said jokingly. “I told you, don’t you threaten your mother like that.” Luna joked back.  Both Luna and Sunset laughed at the joke and ended up in an embrace laughing. “Sunset, I have to tell you. You made my life so much better, as well as your Aunt Celestia, you also brought Chrysalis and I closer than ever. She’s become your aunt and Godmother. Last Fall Formal your, and my life changed so dramatically.  So are you still against us holding this dance?” Luna said. “All that happened last year. I also remember what happened to me at The Fall Formal. I’m not against it. I‘m just not going.” Sunset said matter-of-factly.  “You’re gonna regret that choice.” Luna said. “I doubt that.” Sunset said walking away. * * * The next day at lunch Sunset brought her concerns to her friends. “I don’t want to go to the fall formal.” Sunset told her friends the next day at lunch. “Why not? I was looking forward to going with you. Remember Luna was even going to take you to get your ears pierced as she promised.” Twilight asked in disbelief and reminded Sunset what Luna said she was doing. “I’m still getting my ears pierced but last time I was at the fall formal I destroyed the front of the school, mind-controlled the whole student body, and tried to kill six people. Those are good reasons not to go.” Sunset explained. “You know you didn’t want to go to homecoming either. I had to drag you there as a “date” you danced with me had a great time and mingled with your friends.” Trixie reminded her. “Yea darling, you hit rock bottom at the formal but you gained so much. A mom, two aunts, ten great friends, and most importantly you hung tough through everything. You even have a girlfriend now. Right Twilight?” Rarity asked. Twilight blushed at Rarity’s comment. Then she turned to Sunset and said “Sunset this is our senior year and I want to experience everything including The Fall Formal, Homecoming, and Prom.” Twilight looked at Sunset sadly. “O.K. guys I’ll go but I’m going to stand off in the corner somewhere.” Sunset said. “No way my girlfriend is going to dance with me on the dance floor.” Twilight told her. “Girls I am not going and that is final.” Sunset stated firmly. “Excuse me.” Twilight said getting up from the table visibly upset. “I’m gonna say it…damn it Sunset think about how other people feel sometimes.” Rainbow Dash said. “I’ll go get her.” Sunset sighed. Sunset walked into the bathroom. Twilight was standing with her hands on one of the sinks leaning over that sink. Sunset walked up and touched her shoulder. Twilight looked at her with tears in her eyes. “Sunset don't worry about it I can go with my friends.” Twilight said. “But…” Sunset began. “No, I wasn’t here last year ok so I know it scared you. But I also know that my girlfriend Sunset Shimmer is the strongest girl I know. The Sunset I know would meet this head-on as she would any video game or any friendship problem. The Sunset I know who saved the world from me.” Twilight said that last part quietly.  After that, she exited the bathroom. Sunset was left alone with her thoughts for a few seconds when a hand touched her shoulder. Sunset spun around and came face to face with Trixie. “Trixie thinks Rainbow was wrong we should also take your feelings into consideration as well.” Trixie said. “Last year I was the star of the show. Turned into a raging she-demon, destroyed the front of the school, then turned the whole student body into a zombie army. Oh and let’s not forget last, but certainly not least tried to kill six students. I wonder what I could do this year for an encore.” Sunset said sadly.  “Why don’t you go out there and talk to them? When things get hard you hang with your friends and family. That is one thing that Sunset taught me.” Trixie said  “You know what Trixie your right. Maybe I should just explain everything to everybody.” Sunset said feeling more confident. “Of course, I still don’t know about going to the dance.” Sunset added. “You said this about homecoming and we had a great time there. Relax, Trixie is going to help you. But Twilight is the one who is upset. I think she wants to go to what is probably her first school dance. She wants to go with her girl.” Trixie added. Sunset returned to the table with Trixie and declared “I’m going to The Fall Formal. I’m scared as hell about it but I am going.”  “Yeehaw Sunset that’s great news!” Applejack said. “Don’t worry about being scared. I’m going to be with you every step of the way.” Twilight told her grabbing her hand. Sunset secretly hoped The Fall Formal would never come but eventually, it did. * * * There were a lot of angry stares and whispers when Sunset walked in. Twilight held her hand and reminded her of how hot she looked   Her ball gown was orange and white. She was matched with high heel shoes and a purse. Her hair was up in a bun. Unlike the year before Sunset had her friends there with her. She also had the one thing she didn’t think she would ever have: A date for the dance. That night most of the school learned that Sunset and Twilight were a couple. Luna and Celestia were overseeing the dance again. Thankfully for Sunset, there was no “Princess of The Fall Formal” this year. Luna thought it would be in bad taste, especially for her daughter. Sunset and Twilight danced that night and all seemed well.  Even though Trixie went by herself she was secretly happy for Sunset even if she was a little jealous. But she and Sunset went on a date and something mysterious happened. She didn’t know what or understand it. Was it magic? She didn’t understand real magic. Her magic was all smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand.  Trixie looked around and realized she was all alone. Trixie went into the bathroom and changed then headed out of the school. Sunset saw her leaving and excused herself and ran out of the gym and caught Trixie out front by the pedestal that was the statue.  “TRIXIE, WAIT UP!!” Sunset called and caught up to her. “Hi Sunset, you’re missing the dance. Does Twilight know you’re out here?” Trixie asked. “Where are you going?” Sunset asked. “Trixie is heading out.” Trixie replied. “Why?” Sunset asked. “Don’t worry about it.” Trixie said turning around and going to leave when Sunset grabbed her shoulder. Trixie turned around and looked at her. “You know I’m not going to be able to do that.’ Sunset said. “Trixie looked at you and Twilight, and then looked around and realized…” Trixie stopped and turned back around as her voice trailed off. “Trixie realized she was all alone, so she decided to leave.” Sunset said. “Sunset, Trixie knows she made you go to homecoming last year. This year Trixie guesses she has no reason to come to dances. Twilight will get worried if you don’t get back soon.” Trixie said walking off towards home.  Sunset feared that Trixie should not be walking home alone after dark. She took her heels off, ran, and told her mom and Aunt what Trixie was doing. “You keep an eye on your daughter and the dance. I’ll go after her, Luna.” Celestia replied running out and saw Trixie across the street sadly walking home. Celestia hurried across the street after her.  “TRIXIE STOP!!” Celestia commanded. Trixie stopped and turned around to face Celestia. Trixie looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Celestia felt her heart melt and did what she had to do: wrap Trixie in a hug. After they broke apart Trixie still felt like an outcast. “Thanks, Principal Celestia, but I just want to go home.” She said sadly. “I can’t let you walk home alone at night, it’s too dangerous. I also won’t take no for an answer.” Celestia said firmly standing her ground. “No one would miss me if I never made it home.” Trixie said. “I would hate myself if that happened especially when I could have saved you. I would miss you, so would my sister Sunset, and the Rainbooms, and the Crusaders. Most importantly what about your mom and dad? I bet they would miss you.” Celestia said.  “My mom and dad love me, but they became a little distant since I came out. Do you think you could talk to them?” Trixie pleaded. “Trixie, I don’t know your parents. I wouldn’t know what to say to them. Have you tried talking to them?” Celestia said piling on explanation after explanation as she could think of them. “I have tried but not much comes of it.” Trixie replied. “Tell you what Trixie, I’m not qualified to talk to your mom and dad about the whole you being gay situation. Especially considering I’m straight, it wouldn’t be right.  If you want though I can put you in touch with my sister and her lover they could help.” Celestia offered. “Luna is not gay.” Trixie said. “I wasn’t referring to Luna. Now come on I’ll take you home.” Celestia said putting her arm around Trixie and leading her to the car. Just like Luna did one year earlier with Sunset.  As for the rest of the dance, there was no more drama. But Senior year was far from over.   > Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I don’t know about you taking a cruise this spring.” Luna said firmly to Sunset. “Mom I went to Starswirled the Bearded Music Festival and sure while it was three weeks to me, you let us go on that trip.” Sunset replied. “Sunset that was a weekend trip, well to everyone else it was. Except for an Equestrian like yourself, I am afraid to think about what will happen on this ship.” Luna complained. “Mom I have saved the school and by extension, the world twice. Not to mention Camp Everfree. I think I can handle going on a cruise. I didn’t do it by myself I had a lot of help from some girls you know very well.” Sunset added, “I will have to have a conference with all of your friend's parents and see what comes up, but don’t be too optimistic.” Luna told her. “Thank you mom you are the best!!” Sunset said launching herself into her mom with a huge hug. “I don’t know how you talk me into these things.” Luna stated. “It’s a gift.” Sunset remarked.  “It’s something alright. In the meantime, it’s going to be the holidays soon. We are going to have a huge dinner for Thanksgiving, after all, I’m expecting a dozen people.” Luna said. “A dozen?” Sunset asked. “You, Me, Apple Cinnamon, Aunt Celestia, Aunt Chrysalis, Potion Nova, Twilight, Her Parents, Shining Armor, and Cadence. Also, Juniper is coming “home” from College.” Luna rattled off the guest list. “Do we have room for one more?” Sunset asked. “Sure I guess, who were you thinking of inviting?” Luna asked. “If Juniper is going to be here, let me see if Starlight Glimmer can make it. I think she would love to see Juniper again.” Sunset said. “O.K. Are you going to write to Twilight about Starlight coming  or go over there personally?” Luna asked. “I think I have a trip to the base of the statue coming up. It’s better that I invite her in person or in pony anyway.” Sunset replied. “O.K. but tell Twilight, because you were going to help her at Apple Family Harvest and Cider Making Fest.” Luna reminded her. “Damn it I better call her.” Sunset said taking her phone out. Once Twilight picked up Sunset explained the situation to her. “Don’t worry Sunset I heard about what the Flim Flam brothers do every year. I am coming up with a scheme this time to beat out the Flim Flam Brothers' treachery.” Twilight said. “O.K. you get them. I’m going to go over to the statue to invite Starlight Glimmer for Thanksgiving she might want to join especially if Juniper is going to be here.” Sunset said. “That is sweet and very thoughtful, we'll have to catch up with them soon.” Twilight said. Sunset went into the kitchen and grabbed the keys. As she was walking back into the living room  Luna took the keys out of her hand, “Mom, what the hell?” Sunset asked as she spun around. “I will take the car, it will look weird if a car is sitting alone at school on a Saturday afternoon. I will drop you off call me when you know something.” Luna said. “Mom it’s gonna look weird if the Vice-Principal is sitting out there all alone. Why don’t you drop me off and do something normal? Besides, how am I going to call you from Equestria? I don’t exactly have cell service over there. ” Sunset informed her. Luna hugged Sunset a gesture that Sunset returned and at the same time was confused about. But she loved when her mom hugged her. It was parental love that she craved her whole life. “Mom, what was that for?” Sunset asked. “I just like hugging my daughter. Besides you are right I might have an errand to run. ” Luna replied. “O.K. drop me off at the school and when I’m sure no one is watching I’ll go through and leave my journal with you. This way you can contact me through Princess Twilight. Now, why don’t I grab it and we get going?” Sunset said. “O.K. go grab your journal and meet me in the car.” Luna said.  Sunset ran upstairs and grabbed her journal out of her desk drawer. Then quickly ran back down the stairs grabbed her keys and locked the door. Then joined her mom in the car.  “Mom I wanted to ask you about something.” Sunset said as they started over towards the school. “What’s that?” Luna asked back. “I was thinking about getting a pet, not a dog or cat but something smaller and less hairy.” Sunset said presenting her case. “Like what a turtle or something?” Luna asked. “No nothing like what Rainbow Dash has. I was thinking of something small and not real hairy.” Sunset said. “O.K. but no snakes. Got it?” Luna said as she dropped Sunset off at the school. “Thanks, mom.” Sunset said as she hugged Luna, got out of the car, and headed over to the statue base.  At one time, Sunset walked over to the base of the Canterlot Wondercolt Statue. Sunset looked at the bottom and thought back to the destruction that her girlfriend had caused. She thought about her and Twilight’s relationship and what a rollercoaster ride it had been. She could daydream about her girlfriend later right now she had to get to Equestria. Making sure no one was watching Sunset enter the portal. Sunset landed with a thud in Twilight’s library trying to still stand on two hoofs. Rubbing her head and she got back on four hooves again. When the door opened. There stood Princess Twilight with Spike and Starlight Glimmer, both with surprised looks on their faces. “You know Sunset I love seeing you here but how about some notice before you come over." Twilight lightly scolded. “Sorry, I should have written but I need to talk to Starlight Glimmer about coming for a celebration in my world called Thanksgiving.” Sunset said. “What is that?” Starlight asked.  Sunset took a deep breath and explained it to Starlight as best as she could. She explained the beginning of it, too what it was now. A parade in Manehatten, football games, and awkward family dinners. “So who is coming to this big banquet?” Starlight asked. “You, Me, Mom, Apple Cinnamon, Aunt Celestia, Aunt Chrysalis, Potion Nova, Twilight, Her Parents, Shining Armor, and Cadence. The main reason I’m inviting you is Juniper is coming “home” from College.” Sunset told Starlight. “I would love to see Juniper again!!” Starlight said a big smile on her face. “O.K. that was weird.” Twilight said. “Relax Twilight. Juniper and I hit it off over there.” Starlight said. “O.K. when is this feast?” Starlight asked. “In about two weeks.” Sunset said. “Starlight if you want to take a leave you may in two weeks.” Princess Twilight told her.  “I will write the details down when I know them but you might want to arrive a day early to surprise Juniper when we go get her.” Sunset told her. “O.K. I will come to this feast let me know all the details.” Starlight said. “I will see you then!" Sunset exclaimed After visiting Twilight and Starlight for a little bit Sunset returned home. Upon arriving she took out her phone to call Luna. When someone else approached her. * * * The Cider-making party was a success thanks to Twilight after all her plans finally stopped the Flim Flam brothers. Shortly after the party Twilight headed home and after the party was over. Applejack and Big Mac, who had invited their boyfriend and girlfriend, were all left.  Luna had been driving around when she saw Apple Bloom heading out of Sweet Apple Acres by herself. She was wearing a light jacket and halfheartedly kicking a rock near the gates of Sweet Apple Acres. She had her hands in her pockets looking depressed. Luna decided to see what was up she pulled over to the side of the road and rolled the window down. “Hey, Apple Bloom you ok?” Luna asked. “Fine.” Apple Bloom replied looking up and looking like she was going to burst into tears. Luna knew she was not fine at all and shut the car off, got out, and went around to where Apple Bloom was standing head bowed. “Apple Bloom I can tell when someone is depressed. I learned that trick with Sunset.” Luna said. “Vice Principal Luna can I ask you something?” Apple Bloom said sadly. “Yes, you may,”  Luna replied. “Am I ugly?” Apple Bloom asked. “No Apple Bloom why would you ask that question?” Luna asked. “Why is everyone in love with everyone except me?” asked Apple Bloom. “You are a sophomore in High School, you have plenty of time for sweethearts,” Luna replied putting her arm around Apple Bloom. “I thought when my brother and sister and friends are all dating, I would be too. I guess I was wrong people are still leery of me. I should have jumped off the roof when I had a chance.” Apple Bloom said her voice breaking slightly. “Apple Bloom don’t talk like that. Life is a precious thing you don’t want to throw it away. You are a bright young girl. You have your whole life ahead of you.” Luna said sternly pointing a finger in her face. “School is fine in the classes, but socially I would love a boyfriend, it’s just no guy wants to be with me because of Anon-a-miss. I thought I paid for that.” Apple Bloom replied leaning against the fence. “You paid the school, your family, even my daughter but the students didn’t forget. In one way Apple Bloom not to sound mean but do you blame them?” Luna asked. “No, I don’t the only guy who has even looked at me was a seventh grader who started at CHS this year. I think his name is Sandbar.” Apple Bloom said. “I met him at orientation, along with Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, and some of their friends. But you have an option there.” Luna mentioned.  Apple Bloom shot a look at Luna “I’m a sophomore, you don’t date some little kid. Figures a kid has a crush on me.” Apple Bloom lamented. “You sound like Sunset before she found Twilight,” Luna remarked. “Sorry, I’m not gay.” Apple Bloom said. “Neither is Sunset or Twilight. They are bi and I love them regardless. If you want my advice, to distract yourself from feeling lonely and bad about yourself. Get involved in a project. You know the girls are talking about doing a toy drive this Christmas, maybe help out with that. Or help your family come up with an idea for your yearly family Christmas card photo. Or do something else completely on your own. It’s an idea.”  Luna said as her phone rang. “I have to go pick up my daughter soon, Apple Bloom consider what I said,” Luna said getting in her car and driving away. * * * Sunset looked at the man standing before her. His black suit and blue tie, grey trench coat that matched his hair, and cigarette in hand.  “You must be the Cigarette Smoking Man that I have heard about.” Sunset said. “I am known by many names.” He replied. “So you want Equestria?” Sunset asked. “It is my job and the job of the syndicate to make contact with Extra-Terrestrials.” He replied. “Is that what you want with me?” Sunset asked. “Have a seat on that bench and I will explain it to you.” He replied. Sunset and The Cigarette Smoking Man sat down on a bench nearby. Lighting up a cigarette the smoking man told Sunset the truth. “Alright kid here’s the deal. At any given time there are around 1,500 aliens on the planet. Most living in Manehatten and Canterlot and most are decent enough and trying to make a living so to speak.” The Smoking Man began. “Cab drivers.” Sunset replied. “No, not as many as you think. Humans for the most part don’t have a clue, they don't want one or need one either. They're happy, they have a good bead on things.” He said pausing for a minute. “W-why the big secret? People are smart they can handle it.” Sunset inquired. “A person is smart, people are dumb panicky, dangerous animals, and you more than most should know that.  Look at it this way 1500 years ago everybody knew thy Earth was the center of the Universe. 525 years ago everybody knew the Earth was flat and until the battle of the bands you thought you were alone on this planet. Imagine what you will know tomorrow.” The Cigarette Smoking man finished. “So what do you want from me?” Sunset asked again. “One day someone from the Syndicate, most likely me will have to go through that portal and make contact. We have been keeping an eye on you and your friends especially considering you now all have “magic” or more likely Extra-Terrestal technology. Let me give you a nickel's worth of free advice. Cinch and the Dazzlings want this power for themselves. They recruited several Diamond Dogs to run the gem trade and make money and somehow got Gilda. The syndicate knows like I do that eventually, they will have found the portal.” He told her getting up to leave. “What do I do then?” Sunset asked. “Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and I wish you the best with the toy drive. Let us worry about them.” The Cigarette Smoking Man replied as he walked away.  Luna arrived a few minutes later to pick up Sunset. Epilogue for this chapter only, not the story… After half a day on Thanksgiving Eve Celestia, Luna, Sunset, and Twilight piled in Celestia’s other car that hardly ever came out of the garage- a minivan, After stopping by the school briefly to pick up Starlight they left for Manehatten. There was a play being put on by the drama club before all the students left for the holiday. After a long drive, everyone arrived and headed over to the amphitheater.  Juniper’s name was fifth on the playbill, and she was in several scenes and had about 10 lines of dialogue. Juniper was scared but once she got on stage she nailed her performance. After the play as Juniper had gotten changed backstage she saw all of her friends had come from Canterlot to see her perform on stage. After the play, Juniper went with Sunset, Twilight, and Starlight to get her some clothes and other stuff she would need for the Holiday. Due to Monday being a city holiday in Manehatten classes didn’t resume until Tuesday.  Sunset and Luna saw Canter Zoom at the play but didn’t tell Juniper and did their best to make sure she didn’t see him. “I’m not kicking you out of your room this time.” Juniper said on the way back. “Nonsense you and Starlight can sleep up there I’m taking one of the couches in the basement.” Sunset replied. “How many couches do you have in the basement?” Starlight asked. “Two, why?” Asked Sunset. “Well I could take one of those and you and Starlight can have my bed. “Or Starlight and I can take the couches and you can keep your room.” Juniper offered. Sunset noticed Twilight was looking depressed and had to ask “What’s wrong hun?” “You’re all going to have a great slumber party, and I will miss it.” Twilight said looking down. “Okay, Twilight call and ask if you can spend the night.” Luna relented from the front passenger seat. “If Twilight is hanging out with us then you two are going to take your bed." Juniper said. The sleeping arrangements were Sunset with Twilight in her arms in her bed. Juniper on one couch and Starlight on the other. But for a while, they slept in each other’s arms too.       > Everyone is Planning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Get in the house and sit-down young lady. You should consider yourself lucky that you can even sit after this situation!!” Luna yelled at Sunset. Sunset walked into the house her head hung in shame and put her bag by the front door.  She was mad at Rainbow Dash for getting them in trouble but she was also angry that for detention they had to clean up the mess they had made trying to fake the snow day. That seemed fair considering they made the mess so they should clean it up.  * * * Flashback… The girls had the midterms with only a day left before winter break. They tried to have an all-night study session at Pinkie Pie’s house. They all fell asleep. After that, they decided to use potatoes and their geodes to fake a snow day.  They got caught by Crankee Doodle and busted by Principal Celestia. Luna personally oversaw detention by having the girls clean up the potato mess they made. Without their geodes which were given back after they finished cleaning up. End Flashback Now Sunset was facing not the wrath of Vice Principal Luna and Principal Celestia. Instead, she was facing the wrath of mom and Aunt Celestia-that was worse.  “What were you thinking? Do you think we weren’t going to notice that once we walked out of the building?” Luna asked while continuing her scolding. “We were trying to get more time to study. Maybe we used bad judgment…” Sunset began when Luna cut her off. “Oh, you actually used judgment.” Luna replied. “Sunset I am extremely disappointed in you.” Celestia said coming up and standing alongside her sister. “Sunset go up to your room and stay there until I tell you, you can come out. If I catch you out of your room you better be in the bathroom, understand?” Luna told her. “Yes, Mom.” Sunset replied as she went over and grabbed her bag and went up to her room as told. Once in her room, she got on her phone and texted everyone to see if anyone else got in trouble and who still had their phone. Soon she did get a few responses: Applejack: Yeah Sunset Granny Smith says I’m a heap of trouble. Good Luck. Rainbow Dash: My mom and dad are not happy. I am being grounded for a week. Twilight: Honey my mom and dad are distraught that I would use my magical abilities like this.  A minute later there was a knock on the door. Sunset switched off her phone and opened the door it was her Aunt Celestia. Sunset hung her head as she figured she was in for more scolding. “May I come in?” Celestia asked. Sunset stepped aside and Celestia walked in and sat down on the bed. Celestia patted the bed next to her. Sunset took that as a cue to sit down. “Aunt Celestia I…” Sunset started when Celestia just raised her hand as if to say stop. “I know you’re sorry and I believe you are Sunset, But do you realize you may have just lost the cruise this spring? You and the other girls are going to have to work hard to regain your parent's trust.” Celestia said. “Aunt Celestia I texted my friends and a few responded,” Sunset said showing her the phone. “I imagine all you girls are going to lose your phones. Sunset we were about to cancel school. We would have realized that we had been duped when we left.” Celestia said looking at Sunset’s phone. “What can we do to regain trust?” Sunset asked. “Well, the toy drive is a great start. After that I don’t know what to do, maybe do extra chores or do stuff without being asked, you know maybe kiss Luna’s ass a little bit.  Anyway, because it’s all set up, your mom will let the toy drive happen.” Celestia told her. “I guess I have to look at mom’s side, that was a huge mess we made today.” Sunset admitted. “See, I think your mom and a few other parents need to calm down and look at this big picture. You girls screwed up, but not as awful as when you got sloshed at a slumber party or all the Anon-a-miss bullcrap. Your teenagers and you are going to screw up.” Celestia said. “Wow, you are pretty calm about this, compared to how you were this afternoon.” Sunset remarked. “I calmed down and now I’m gonna see how Luna is doing. Stay here.” Celestia said. “O.K.” Sunset said reclining back on her bed when her phone rang.  * * * Celestia went to find her sister. She didn’t have to look long as she heard her talking in her room. Peaking in on her for a second, Luna was lying on her bed talking on her cell phone. Judging by how she was talking on the phone she was talking to Apple Cinnamon.  Celestia went back to talk to Sunset when she came out of her room with her robe and shoes. Celestia looked confused. “I got called in for a shift at work.” Sunset explained. “O.K. your mom is on the phone with her boyfriend, so don’t bother her right now you can take my car if you want I’ll handle her. Ok?.” Celestia said. “Thanks, Aunt Celestia.” Sunset said making sure she had all of her stuff.  Celestia came over and hugged her. “You have a good night at work.” Celestia said. “I make no promises.” Sunset joked.  With that Sunset left the house for a shift at the sushi restaurant. * * * Elsewhere in Canterlot that night… At a run-down house on the outskirts of the city… Four girls sat and planned at a table in the main room. The house was empty except for the table a few chairs and the supplies the girls had used for squatting the last few nights at the house. “They tried to create a snow day. What more evidence do we need? The source of the magic is somewhere near that school.” Sonata declared. “Well they are having a toy drive in the next few days we should hit them then.” Aria added in. “Putting little kids at risk is not the way to go.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair. “What??!!” The Sirens asked shocked.  “Since when do you care about little kids?” Asked Sonata. “If we strike and little kids are hurt or worse killed everybody will be after us. The Canterlot Police, The FBI, The Syndicate. No, it’s way too risky.” “She’s right it’s universally stupid.” Gilda said walking into the room. “Then why don’t you come up with something, you have been holding us back since you joined up.” Sonata said. “I want Sunset Shimmer, I’m not in this for your damn revolution.” Gilda said.  “What revolution? We want Twilight Sparkle because she can capture and restore magic. Our Magic.” Adagio replied. “You think that Twilight can restore your power she already said she wouldn’t help you, even after Cinch backhanded her twice.” Gilda said smugly. “You better wipe that smug grin off your face.” Adagio said standing up. “Or what?” Gilda said leaning back in her chair and putting her feet on the table. “You want to find out? Adagio said taking a step closer. Gilda jumped up out of her chair and grabbed Adagio by the throat. “I have done a lot for this little conspiracy here. You should put your trust in me. I find your lack of faith disturbing.” Gilda said menacingly in Adagio’s face. “Enough of this. Gilda release her.” Cinch commanded. “As you wish.” Gilda said letting her go with a little shove. “This bickering is pointless.” Cinch said looking around the table. With everyone sitting in their seats Cinch put her hands together. “Now Gilda did find us this place and it serves the purpose as a place to sleep and plan we even have running water. I think we should wait until after the holidays to attack but in the meantime, we need to investigate the school grounds.” “Attack who exactly?” Gilda asked. “Rumors say the Twilight and Sunset are dating.” Cinch said. “So they are gay, big deal (in Equestria they would be called filly-foolers) what does that matter?” Asked Sonata. “We get one. We get the other.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair and folding her hands.  * * * Luna was walking around the house looking for Sunset. When she ran into Celestia down in the kitchen, Celestia could tell her sister was pissed about something. “I told that girl not to leave and she did I am gonna kick her ass when she gets home!!” Luna growled. “You will do nothing of the kind sister she got called into work. Also, I think you should let the girls do the toy drive. They put so much into it.” Celestia said.  “Fine, but Sunset should have told me not you.” Luna said. “You went into your room and slammed the door shut later I heard you on the phone with your beau so I let you be figured you needed to cool down.” “Now why do I feel that something bad is going to happen?” Lina said. “Because you are worried about your little girl too much. She’s fine she’s at the mall doing a shift. She’s safe.” Celestia said. “If it weren’t a school night I would go out with Apple Cinnamon.” Luna said. “Technically it’s not a school night, although we do have work to do in the morning. It’s early call him up and just hang out for a little bit. Watch the TV you got a TV set in your room. Lord knows you got enough DVDs. ” Celestia said. “I remember the good old days when we went to the video store to rent movies and games.” Luna said. “Streaming services destroyed that.” Celestia said waking away. As Luna called Apple Cinnamon. * * * That evening, Sunset was leaving after her shift, the Cigarette-smoking man approached her.  “You just talked to me yesterday. You need to get yourself a life man.” Sunset told him. “Charming. I know you can contact members of Royalty in Equestria, mainly someone my operatives call Princess Twilight Sparkle. We need to make contact with her.“ He said. “Then let me bring Twilight here you can talk to her she can get the leaders together you can talk to them then.” Sunset said. “I know that your winter break has begun, so I want you to bring her here.” He said walking away. “Even if she comes how will I find you?” Sunset asked. “I will find you.” He said walking away. “If she refuses?” Sunset asked. “I can’t protect the portal without cooperation from the other side. After all, we just picked up a huge spike in energy coming from the base. Something major just came out of the statue. ” He said walking away. Sunset went back into the mall to use the bathroom. After using the bathroom Sunset walked by. She saw Juniper was kind of bored. Most of the theaters were in session at that time. “Hi Juniper enjoying being back at work?” Sunset asked walking over. “Well for two weeks anyway. Thanks for letting me crash in your basement.” Juniper said. “Juniper you’re family. You’re like my cousin; just like the apples, we don’t turn our backs on family.” Sunset said. “That’s comforting to know.” Juniper said as some customers started walking up. Seeing their approach Sunset quietly excused herself and headed home. * * * Upon arriving home. Sunset saw Apple Cinnamon’s truck. She sighed and heeded inside anyway. Walking into the house Sunset saw no one around and saw and heard nothing. Coming up the stairs she heard the TV on in Luna’s bedroom and figured they were watching a movie or at least TV. Sunset headed into her room and grabbed her journal. She needed to contact Twilight. Twilight, Have any major events in Equestria took place in the last few days? Sunset, We had the friendship festival, but it got interrupted by a villain who called himself the Storm King. He was turned to stone and smashed. Why do you ask? Twilight Sunset relayed the events of her meeting with the Cigarette Man. Twilight told her that the Storm King’s spirit could’ve escaped. She warned Sunset to be vigilant. Coming out of her room. She ran into Apple Cinnamon. After an awkward silence. He spoke up. “Sunset, I need to talk to you for a second in private.” Apple Cinnamon said. “Okay, we can talk in the dining room.” Sunset said with a wave of her arm. Sunset followed Apple Cinnamon down to the dining room. Sunset sat in a chair at one end of the table. Apple Cinnamon sat in a chair just to the side of Sunset. He turned his chair to face Sunset. “Sunset, I wanted to talk to you privately for a reason.” Apple Cinnamon said. “Obviously.” Sunset replied. “Sunset, I need to ask your permission for something.” He said sounding a little nervous. “O.K.” She replied. Apple Cinnamon reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. He opened it to produce a diamond ring.  Apple Cinnamon then said. “I need to ask your permission to propose to your mom.”  > Announcements galore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset sat there in complete shock. Apple Cinnamon showed her a diamond ring and asked for her permission to marry Luna. But why her? That bugged Sunset. “Why do you need my permission to marry mom?” Sunset asked. “In the old days, the guy went and asked permission to call on a woman let alone marry them.” Apple Cinnamon. “Call on a woman?” Sunset asked feeling very confused. “Yes, if I showed up at your door one day. I would say to Luna’s dad “I have come to call on your daughter.” It means I have come to see Luna. Then her father would decide if I was good enough to see Luna.” Apple Cinnamon told her. “That’s screwed up.” remarked Sunset. “If the family were ok with the suitor then he would ask the father after some time for the hand of his daughter in marriage. Luna’s parents are dead and if I marry Luna, I marry her whole world including you. So I am asking your permission to marry your mom.” Apple Cinnamon. Sunset knew that Apple Cinnamon had her over a barrel. If she said no he would leave and her mom. She knew that would leave her mom inconsolable. If she said yes: A person she had little love for would become her stepdad.  “Yes, on one condition.” Sunset said. “Name it.” Apple Cinnamon said.  “If you hurt her, I will cut off every protruding part of your body. Do you understand?” Sunset warned him. “Wow, that’s harsh.” Apple Cinnamon said. “I love my mom and I don’t want to see her get hurt. Why don’t we call mom and Aunt Celestia down here and you can get down to business.” Sunset said. “Something tells me your mom “other” sister will want to be here too.” Apple Cinnamon said making air quotes around the word other. “I’ll call Aunt Chrysalis, I’ll let you know when she gets here.” Sunset said.  With that Apple Cinnamon put the ring away and headed upstairs. A spring in his step. He walked in to see Luna laying on her stomach dozed off while watching TV.  An evil smile appeared on Apple Cinnamon’s face. He carefully got on the bed not to disturb Luna. Then he landed a hard smack on Luna’s butt and said “Wake up!” Luna got up on her hands and knees. And turned around looking at Apple Cinnamon with fire and passion in her eyes, like a hungry beast ready to pounce. “That’s it your gonna get it now.” Luna said switching off the TV. Staying on all fours she pounced on Apple Cinnamon. Immediately met his lips after that they let their tongues wrestle for dominance in each other's mouths.   When Apple Cinnamon pulled away he started kissing Luna on her neck. Luna couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as she enjoyed the way he kissed her neck. * * * Chrysalis roared up on her Kawasaki Ninja looking like she usually did. White T-shirt, black leather jacket, ripped black jeans, and boots. She blew a strand of hair out of her face as she took her helmet off.  She always felt most comfortable like this. She couldn’t dress like this for work unless she was undercover (although she sometimes wore the leather jacket into the office). Strapping her helmet onto the bike. Chrysalis stepped off and turned around as Sunset came running up to her. Chrysalis always loved to see her niece. Thanks to Sunset, Luna and her had become as close as sisters. “Hi, Kiddo. So what’s the big news?” Chrysalis asked. “Just wait until we get inside.” Sunset told her. Chrysalis followed Sunset into the house and over into the lounge as Luna and Celestia called it. Celestia was sitting on the couch reading a magazine.  Chrysalis looked over at Celestia who just gave her a look like I don’t know what’s going on. Sunset ran up the stairs and went to Luna’s door and knocked on it tentatively.  “Yes.” Came Luna’s voice from inside. “It’s me, mom Chrysalis and Celestia are downstairs.” Sunset replied. “We will be down in a second.” Said Apple Cinnamon said buttoning and zipping his jeans up jeans.  Taking Luna’s hand they headed down to the lounge where Celestia and Chrysalis were sitting (impatiently in Chrysalis’s case) and Sunset stood in the doorway leading to the dining room. Luna walked into the lounge and looked around at her sisters. Apple Cinnamon took a deep breath and followed her into the room. “Ok what is so important that we needed to come over here?” Chrysalis asked. “I didn’t know you were coming.” Luna said. “OK Sunset what is going on here?” Celestia asked. “Well Apple Cinnamon has something to say and he wanted everyone to hear this.” Sunset stated. Luna turned around to question Apple Cinnamon about what was going on but he was down on one knee with a diamond ring. Luna took a step back and covered her mouth with a gasp. “Luna I love you with all of my heart. Luna, will you marry me?” Apple Cinnamon asked. Luna started crying causing Sunset to rush to her side and hug her. She was very concerned as was everyone else. Why was Luna crying? “Mom, what’s wrong?” Sunset asked. ”I can’t believe this is happening.” Luna sobbed. “Believe it, mom now I believe you have an answer to give.” Sunset said pushing her over to Apple Cinnamon. “Apple Cinnamon I would love to marry you if it’s ok with Sunset.” Luna replied. “Mom he came and asked my permission to marry you earlier today.” Sunset told her. With that assurance, Luna turned to  Apple Cinnamon and said “I would love to marry you! My answer is yes!” Luna said. Apple Cinnamon placed a ring on Luna’s finger and immediately both embraced and kissed. Celestia, Chrysalis, and Sunset all clapped. Then a stunning revelation hit Sunset.  Her mom was going to now be a member of the Apple Family, and also some distant relation to the Pie family. Did that mean Sunset would be cousins too, three of her best friends? She had to ask. “Apple Cinnamon, if you are marrying mom, what makes me?” Sunset said. “Hopefully our daughter if you want. Now if also want you to take my last name you will be a member of the Apple Family.” Apple Cinnamon explained. “So Applejack, Applebloom, and Pinkie Pie are all my cousins now?” Sunset asked. “Yep, they are all related by marriage to you now.” Apple Cinnamon told her. “I can’t wait to tell them and tell my girl as well. Wait am I allowed to do that?” Sunset realized and suddenly asked. “I don’t care if you shout it from the rooftops Sunset, I got the girl of my dreams.” Apple Cinnamon said proudly. “I got the man of mine too.” Luna stated matter-of-factly holding Apple Cinnamon. Sunset ran off to call Twilight and tell her the great news, little did she realize she was about to hear even more wonderful news. * * * “Married!! Sunset that is Awesome. Give my congratulations to your mom.”  Twilight began.  “Now I have news for you too. My Brother and Sister-in-law were over and  guess what Cadence is pregnant!! I’m gonna be Aunt Twilight!!”  Twilight exclaimed. “I have to tell mom this news as well.” Sunset replied. “Wow, both of our lives are about to change for the better huh?” Twilight asked. “I guess so.” Sunset replied kind of flatly. “You’re not happy about your mom?” Twilight asked. “I am in the fact that Mom deserved to see that a guy can truly love her. But it didn’t matter who mom brought home I was not going to be happy.” Sunset replied. “Well, you could have said no.” Twilight said. “I couldn’t break my mom’s heart.” Sunset said. “Another bonus is you are related to Applejack, Applebloom, and distantly Pinkie Pie.” Twilight asked. “That’s true.” Sunset said. Both Applejack and Applebloom were overjoyed. Granny Smith and Big Mac were as well. When Sunset told them on skype.  Pinkie Pie was over the moon as well during her skype conversation. “I have to plan a baby/bridal shower. How would I do that? Maybe I should call Cheese to come to help me. Sunny I am so happy for your family and Twilight’s family but…” Pinkie began. “Pinkie why don’t you make sure it’s ok with my mom and her fiancée and make sure it’s ok with Twilight’s brother and sister-in-law first?” Sunset asked and told her at the same time. “Oh yeah!” Pinkie said putting her hand to her chin thinking how she was going to do this. “I will let you work on planning this.” Sunset said hanging up. * * * Abacus Cinch walked into the kitchen of the house where they were squatting. There stood two Diamond Dogs. Gilda was standing behind them leaning up against the counter. “What do they want? How did they find us?” Cinch asked Gilda. “I brought them here. Don’t worry they were blindfolded.” Gilda said. “Ok, what do the diamond dogs want though?”  Cinch asked again.  “You seemed to have impressed many of our members, especially after Chancellor Jim turned up dead.” The first Diamond Dog began. “I had nothing to do with that.” Cinch lied. “Well we need a leader now, and you’re a good choice.” The second responded. “Better than our last choice.” The first said motioning to Gilda. Gilda glared at them for that response. “Ok, why do you want me? Did I make that big an impression on you?” Cinch asked. “You have the leadership we have the money.” The first Diamond Dog said. “Good we need to meet the gang, we have planning to do.” Cinch said. “Tomorrow morning meet us in the back of this building we can start then.” The second one said as the handed Cinch the address. Gilda blindfolded the two and let them out the door to the car. Then she returned to get her keys and saw Cinch sitting in the kitchen looking at her. “Do you trust them?” Gilda asked picking up her keys. “No, and neither do you. They were too eager for me to lead." Cinch replied. Gilda agreed and left the house. Adagio came out to the kitchen and sat across from Cinch. “I don’t understand what your doing. The Diamond Dogs give us control of the gem trade and even a small army now what do we do with that? Where do we go from here?’ Adagio asked. “We try to find out where these secret underground bases are. Chances are that weird cigarette-smoking man has the lab set up in one of them. I doubt it is in the place Gilda was incarcerated: Zephyr Heights.” Cinch explained. “That leaves Bridlewood or Maritime Bay.” Adagio replied. “I feel we are closer than ever before. We will soon have money, power, and the means to restore your magic.” Cinch said. “What about you? You want revenge on Twilight I thought. Remember she is untouchable due to that weird man you talk about.” Adagio reminded her. “Then I will punish the ones Twilight loves the most, her parents, her brother her sister-in-law, and most of all Sunset Shimmer. Get some rest.” Cinch said reclining back in her chair.   A few minutes later Gilda returned home and said “ I checked out that address that we were given.” “And?” Prompted Cinch. “Everything seems to be on the up and up, but I don’t know how long we can use that as a secret meeting place.” Gilda replied. “Why?” Cinch pressed. Gilda sighed and responded “Some kind of salon is going to open there. There is a sign in the window that reads Coming Soon: Mane Melody.”          > The secret is revealed. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Sunset were going over the brochure for a spring break cruise on the Lux Deluxe. Still, a lot of seniors did this but Sunset and Twilight had to convince their parents. “Twilight you have this cruise completely organized.” Sunset said. “Of course, your adorkable girlfriend can do it all-almost.” Twilight replied. “Twilight before we present this plan to our parents I need to ask you something important.” Sunset said turning away. This alarmed Twilight slightly. “Sunset we’re too young, we have no place to live it’s just too soon.” Twilight rambled off reasons. Sunset started to giggle. This confused Twilight. “Twilight I was not going to propose, for a genius you surprise me. I was going to ask why do you love me?” Sunset said. “I love you because I can’t do otherwise. Your eyes are mightier than any Equestrian Magic we have faced.” Twilight said coming up behind Sunset and putting her arms around her waist. Then kissed her on her neck and rested her head on Sunset’s shoulder. “Well let’s go make our proposal to our parents and see what they say.” Sunset said. “Probably no. Even though you have saved the world three times and all I did was save Camp Everfree. I had nothing to do with Juniper or Equestria Land except getting captured.” Twilight said sadly walking back across the room. “Hey cheer up. You saved Camp Everfree and your knowledge and intelligence have helped us out many times.” Sunset said. “Name once.” Twilight stated. “When we tried to create a snow day.” Sunset said. “All that got was detention and like me, I’m sure your mom laid into you.” Twilight said remembering how her mom and dad yelled and scolded her. Even Shining Armor and  Cadence said how disappointed they were in her. When Shining Armor said he was disappointed in her it destroyed her inside. All she ever needed before Sunset and the girls was her family's approval, especially her B.B.B.F.F.  Twilight’s recollection was broken when Sunset touched her arm. Sunset could see Twilight was visibly upset. This concerned her deeply. “Twi what’s wrong?” Sunset asked. “It bothered me earlier this month when Shining Armor said, “he was very disappointed in me”. Twilight said. “You crave his approval don’t you?” Sunset asked. “He was my first and only friend for a while, so I do.”  Twilight said sadly. “You should talk to him about it don’t keep it locked up inside. I can talk to mom about almost anything now.” Sunset said. “The only downside about having your mom as the Vice-Principal was you could never skip school. The school was always awkward for me, but I enjoyed learning. So, I didn’t skip school.” Twilight rambled on. “Why don’t we make this presentation about the cruise to our parents and see if they will let us go?” Sunset said trying to calm Twilight down. “True if your mom and aunt and my parents agree other parents may too.” Twilight said. “Well, Granny Smith is waiting to hear from my mom and aunt so we may get Applejack to come too.” Sunset said. So the girls headed downstairs to where their parents were talking in the lounge. Sunset motioned to Twilight to stop and listen for a minute.   “Well I mean it’s just for four days and they are not going that far off the coast.” Luna said. Sunset could feel hope burning in their chest her mom was on board. “Still this senior cruise that a lot of the seniors go on is dangerous what if Equestrian magic strikes? Our daughter was already possessed once.” Twilight Velvet. “So was my daughter but five wonderful girls helped them with the help of  another from Equestria. About ten girls immediately rallied around Twilight.  These girls are ordinary teen girls who love ordinary things. TV, Movies, slumber parties, hanging out, and video games. I’m not mad at Sunset for making so many friends and being popular the right way.” Luna explained. Sunset tapped Twilight “Now let’s head down there.” She said as they started downstairs.       “Mom you forgot something all of us girls are interested in: Relationships!” Sunset said grabbing Twilight’s hand. Twilight just blushed and snuggled next to Sunset. “O.K. Here’s the plan, we can get a big discount on a group fare we were thinking seniors cruise We can go as the Rainbooms and do a performance, and Trixie auditioned and got onto the ship to do her magic show. So we take the bus to Manehatten and catch the ship there and it’s four days and we are back. Then we come back to Manehatten and  take the bus back to Canterlot.” “My main concern is the price.” Luna said. “Well, we can get a discount on the price for all seven of us and another discount for being seniors. Plus we have been putting a little aside. Factor in the fact that we are performing and it’s not that bad.” Twilight said.  “Please.” Sunset whined and doing her best puppy dog eyes and pouty lip. “Ugh, the puppy dog pout. Stop Sunset.” Luna said shielding her eyes. “You have to teach me that technique sometime.” Twilight said to Sunset. “Don’t you dare.” Twilight Velvet joked.  “Look we will discuss the price and the particulars and see what other parents think.” Luna said. * * * Abacus Cinch and Gilda got out of their vehicle and Gilda motioned to the poster in the window. Cinch went over to the sign and looked at it.  Coming Soon: Mane Melody “Then we will find a new place to meet after this. Let’s see what these dogs want with me.” Cinch starting around to the back. “What about backup?” Gilda said. Cinch motioned to a van pulling into the back alley which looked like was going to be a delivery area. Gilda smiled when the side of the van opened and the Dazzlings stepped out of the van each with a firearm on their belts.  “We don’t lack protection. You three stand guard.” Cinch said. At the back door stood two Diamond Dogs who opened the door for Cinch we're going to deny Gilda entrance but a voice came from inside the building.  “Let her enter.” Gilda and Cinch entered the room to see Rover, Fido, and Spot all sitting in some chairs with one guard standing off to the side. “Well, what can I do for you?” Cinch asked. “I can’t say much about what you have done for our organization. Killing our leader and his personal guards…” Rover started when Cinch interrupted. “His guards killed each other and the last one standing is with us.” “Anyway, considering you call the shots and not her.” Fido said pointing to Gilda who scowled at him. “Gilda is my lieutenant, now you want me for leadership, but of what?” Cinch asked. “You want your revenge on Twilight Sparkle. We here in Canterlot know that two she demons exist. It doesn’t do wonders for investors coming in. Some won’t come in because they are scared of two teen girls.  You have the brains and experience, we have the money and the manpower. I know you have a few people with you, but with your help, we can eliminate this threat and bring more people in. The Gem trade is how do you say…tricky.” Rover added. “So you want me to lead an army for what to kill two she demons and ensure your cash flow?” Cinch asked. “One of those she demons ruined your life, the other one ruined mine when I tried to save the world. I say we do it.” Gilda chimed in. “All we need to do is disconnect the source of their magic. Which is wherever that portal is.” Cinch says. “But no one knows where the portal is.” Fido said. “Maybe not yet but we know it is somewhere near Canterlot High and eventually Sunset Shimmer will slip up and show us the location of the portal then we march into Equestria and make them shut the portal off.” Cinch said. “One problem the portal could be shut off before you get out.” Gilda said. “Well Adagio said she and her sisters want to return to Equestria this could be their chance.” Cinch said, “I wonder what gems exist in this other world?” Rover said. “That may be a problem we would have to conquer this pony world of Equestria. You have a deal I will lead you.” Cinch said. “What happens now?” Rover asked, “We just sit tight for a little bit. These girls will lead us to the portal.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair. * * * Canterlot High  A few days later  The last passenger had gone through the portal back to the human world after Twilight had cast her mind wipe spell so they would remember the cruise but not Equestria.  “You sure this will work, this amnesia spell?” Sunset asked. “As far as the passengers are concerned they were rescued by search and rescue helicopters. Sunset you really screwed up this time. I know why you did what you did so I won’t throw you in the dungeon. Or even give you a good scolding.” Princess Twilight said to Sunset. “This wasn’t my fault, you let the Storm king escape into my world. If that had not happened, we probably…” Sunset started. “Would still have had problems with how your friend Rainbow Dash was acting.” Princess Twilight interjected. “Ok you were right, so you're not mad at me?’ Sunset asked. “I’m not thrilled but under the circumstances not really. But we need to find  and guard this alternate portal. You better head out with your girlfriend (the only one who was not mind-wiped) and your mother is probably worried about you.” Princess Twilight told her. “Mom worried about me a lot.” Sunset said. “That’s because she loves you.” Princess Twilight said. “One question before I go. Why didn’t you mind-wipe my Twilight?” Sunset asked. “This way she knows what it’s like over here. Another experience you can share.” Twilight said. “You said about guarding the alternate portal how are we supposed to do that?” Sunset asked. “We will handle it on this side. Don’t worry Sunset I got this.” Princess Twilight said. With a hug, both mares said their goodbyes, and Sunset returned to her world where her Twilight and mom were waiting. “This is why I was against this from the start,” Luna said looking mad then wrapped Sunset in a big hug. “Let’s just go home huh mom I’m exhausted.” Sunset said. As the girls left to head home for the night (and the last two days of spring break) little did they know they were being watched. * * * Across the street… The Dazzlings were camped out in a van across the street to keep an eye out for anything suspicious after two days they were going to pack it in.  ‘This is the worst.” Sonata stated. “You’re the worst. Aria replied. ‘Why don’t you both be quiet? This stakeout proved to be useless.” Adagio told them. “Wait a second what is that?” Aria stated pointing at the statue. Adagio grabbed the binoculars and studied the scene all of a sudden realized that several people were coming out of the statue’s base and realized that some of them were the Rainbooms. A huge evil grin crossed Adagio’s face. “I think we found the portal.” She said. Adagio took out her cell phone and called Cinch. “I think we found the portal.” She said. “Excellent!! Where is it located?” Cinch asked. “The base of the Canterlot High School statue.” Adagio said. “Now to find out where it leads. Return to base we need to get everyone in and take that portal out and then kill the two demons.” Cinch said hanging up. “Do you think they will come back?” Gilda asked. “They don’t want to take that mirror just yet, after all, they could walk right into a trap of some kind.” Cinch replied. “So where is the portal?” Gilda asked.  “Why?” Asked Cinch. “Everyone else knows. I thought I was your lieutenant in this.” Gilda said. “Why do you ask questions, to which already know the answers.” Cinch said walking away. Gilda stepped outside and making sure Cinch wasn’t listening she made a call. * * * West 46th street Manehatten… The phone rang and a butler brought it to a man sitting in a chair. The butler put the phone down on the little table next to the easy chair. The man picks up the phone. Man: Yes  Gilda: The Portal to Equestria has been found. It’s the base of the Canterlot High School statue. Man: Thank you. After hanging up with Gilda he told his butler to call the syndicate together and then made a phone call to his associate in Canterlot.  Man:  It’s confirmed the portal has been found at the base of the Canterlot High School statue. Man 2: I understand.  With that, Man 2 hung up the phone and lit up a cigarette.    > A new enemy and friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For about a month things were tranquil at Canterlot High. The biggest event for a while was the pet calendar that the girls helped with. Also with Luna’s blessing Sunset got a pet lizard (which turned out to be a leopard gecko) that she named Ray. The girls were preparing for college and the big graduation parties. One was at Sweet Apple Acres with many fun games planned.  The other one was a pool party at Sunset’s house. Luna and Celestia had an inground pool put in. Sunset thought it was a lot considering she was getting her own place thanks to the college. Luna told her well she and Apple Cinnamon were going to raise their kids in that house, just like Luna and Celestia had been, and, just like their father before them.  Sunset and Applejack were busy planning their respective parties. Sunset was also busy organizing the yearbook. She had been elected yearbook president, and thankfully for her Rarity had been elected Vice President. She didn’t realize that there on the yearbook staff was someone who was going to backstab her.    *Forgotten Friendship* It was the first thing the Monday after the memory stone incident. Wallflower Blush sat in Celestia’s Office. Principal Celestia sat behind her desk and Luna sat at the side of Celestia’s desk. These were the same positions that Celestia and Luna sat in after the Fall Formal. Sunset sat where Wallflower was now sitting. Both of them stared at Wallflower. Wallflower could feel both of their eyes boring into her. She wanted to say something but like she told Sunset and Twilight there was no excuse for her actions. Now Celestia motioned towards the door and Princess Twilight came out of the shadows. She extended her hand to Wallflower Blush. Wallflower handed over the small rock that now had a swirl symbol on it. Sunset was right a new ending could be added to the archives. “Wallflower just be glad you are not in Equestria I have had to deal with this happy horse shit once already. I didn’t want to have to do it again.” Princess Twilight scolded her. “Is that a real expression in Equestria?” Wallflower asked. “No, but here it is.” With that Princess, Twilight put on the blond wig that Rarity had made for her during her first visit to this world and left.  After Twilight left, Wallflower’s initial reaction was glad to be rid of the memory stone. Then she looked at Celestia and Luna. This was not going to be easy. “Wallflower do you remember when Anon-A-Miss happened?” Luna asked. “Yes, I do.” She replied meekly.  “I do too. Sunset’s friends turned their back on her with the rest of the school. Sunset had a nervous breakdown in the hallway. I had to go out there, and practically carry her to my office. I almost had to have her sedated. Did you know that?” Luna asked. “No, I didn’t.” Wallflower said looking down. Luna then got in Wallflower’s face “THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANT TO PUT HER THROUGH THAT AGAIN??!!” Luna practically yelled causing Wallflower to cry. Celestia got up and grabbed Luna around her waist and pulled Luna back. “Luna go back to your office I will handle this.” Celestia said giving Luna a little push toward the door. “Wallflower when you mess with my daughter, I take it personally.” Luna said before leaving. Wallflower just put her head down on Celestia’s desk and sobbed. Celestia came over and rubbed Wallflower’s back. Not being able to think of anything else she pulled Wallflower into a hug. “Shh shh it’s ok Wallflower.” Principal Celestia said softly while rubbing Wallflower’s back. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Celestia let go of Wallflower and motioned for her to sit. “Come in.” Celestia said leaning up against her desk. In walked Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. Wallflower looked over her shoulder but quickly turned away when she saw who it was that came in. “Good morning girls.” Celestia said. “Hi, Aunt Celestia.” Sunset said walking in “Well, how are my favorite niece and her girl?” Celesta said sitting down at her desk. “We figured because we only have a month of school left we wanted to know if  Wallflower wants to hang out with the group in the mornings.” Sunset said putting her hand on Wallflower’s shoulder. “You want me to hang with you?” Wallflower asked. She was shocked that they wanted anything to do with her. “Yeah, and we are personally extending the olive branch of peace and friendship. What do you say?” Sunset said offering her hand to Wallflower. “Why do you want me to hang out with you? You and your friends should all hate me.” Wallflower said.    “After the Fall Formal, I hit rock bottom. I was homeless and had no friends or family. After Vice-Principal Luna took me in. I got phone calls and text messages from five girls wanting me to hang out with them. I got them Saturday morning, as you remember the Formal was Friday night.  I thought no one cared. I now have a mom, two aunts, a girlfriend, and about nine other girls that are so close, I consider them sisters. I also have a friend in college who I consider a cousin. Wallflower I got about 15 soon-to-be 16 people in my life that will do anything for me and vice versa.” Sunset finished. “No one ever stood up for me, ever.” Wallflower said. “Not even your parents?’ Sunset asked A wounded look came over Wallflower’s face and tears formed in the corner of her eyes Sunset and Twilight saw that and both wrapped Wallflower in a hug.  “My p-parents left m-me.” Wallflower sobbed. “What happened?” Asked Celestia. “I was a mistake, that’s what I was told, My mom died giving birth to me and my dad told me I killed my mom. He threw me out after a while and I have been my own for the past few years.” Wallflower said between tears. “HE WHAT!!” Celestia exclaimed. “Yeah, so I was left to pick up change on the ground. I would hit the fast food drive-thrus before they opened. I would find what I could on the ground and steal some change a few times in restaurants. I would go into the restaurants (under the guise of using the restrooms) and grab the tip.” Wallflower said breaking the hug. “Where do sleep or live?” Celestia asked. “In the greenhouse sometimes other times the park bench or wherever I can.” Wallflower said. Celestia stood up and went over and looked out the window. Then came to a decision.  “Twilight you and Sunset go ahead and get ready for the day. Wallflower just have a seat.” Celestia said. Both girls looked uneasy but left the office. Then Celestia got on her cell phone and called Luna. “Luna I have to leave the school grounds on personal business.” Celestia said. ‘What’s the matter?” Luna asked. “I have to take care of something. I’ll be back later. I’ll explain then” She said. “Sister if you are in some kind of trouble let me know.” Luna replied. “No I’m perfectly safe and I’m going to save somebody.” Celestia said hanging up. Celestia grabbed her purse. Then extended her hand to Wallflower who was still sitting. “Where are we going?” Asked Wallflower. “I’m taking you to where I live with my family. I want you to get a shower, I will wash your clothes and get you a decent meal. Then we have to discuss a few things, mainly where you will live.” Celestia said. “I’m not going to some group home for homeless teens. I’ll be damned you’re taking me there. I’m doing fine on my own!!” Wallflower said getting loud. “You slept on a park bench and/or in the greenhouse, clearly you are doing fine Wallflower. Come on let’s head out.” Celestia said. Begrudgingly Wallflower gathered her stuff out of her locker and followed Celestia out of the school. Taking almost the exact same route that Luna and Sunset had taken after the formal. Celestia had Wallflower get in the car and took her to the house.  “Aren’t you going to get in trouble?" Wallflower asked. “No, I took a personal day.” Celestia told her as they entered the house and Wallflower looked around. “Nice place, you must be rich." Wallflower remarked. “My grandparents bought this land when it was dirt cheap. My parents had the house built and paid a good portion off. Upon their death, I used their money to pay off the house. Although I did have to make a payment or two.” Celestia explained. “Luna didn’t help out?” Wallflower asked. “Luna and Sunset didn’t move in until recently. If you mean when she was younger, she left when she was 18. Trust me it’s a long story and for another time. Let’s take care of you." Celestia told her. After Wallflower took a shower and Celestia did her laundry. Wallflower felt better. Celestia found out the girl hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning. She made Wallflower something to eat.  “So now what? Why such an interest in me?” Wallflower asked. “I feel a connection with you. I want to help you. I understand why Luna felt like she did about Sunset” Celestia said. “One day when I saw Luna hugging Sunset in the faculty parking lot I was mad and jealous. I saw a mother a parent that showed her child love I was overwhelmed with jealousy. Sunset was popular, had a bunch of friends, and a loving family, I just didn’t know she and Trixie were friends.  Now I realize that was not the way but I saw what the memory stone could do…” Wallflower began. “You became intoxicated with the power.” Celestia said. “Yeah.” Wallflower conceded. “I have a few couches in the basement for now. We can make a room for you later.” Celestia said. “What are you saying, Principal Celestia?” Wallflower asked. “I want to become your guardian.” Celestia told her.     * * * Elsewhere in downtown Canterlot… “I’m still watching the portal, for weeks don’t you think we should tell Sunset so she can take steps to close it?” The Cigarette Man asked.  “Only as a last resort, we must try to make contact with the Equestrians first to make sure they mean us no harm.” The other man replied. “I think if they wanted to invade they would’ve by now.” The Cigarette Man replied. “We need to keep watch Cinch has been too quiet for too long.” The other man said. “That’s the one thing that concerns me. We can’t find her and we can find anyone.” The Cigarette Man replied. “She will show herself and The Dazzlings soon enough; we will nail her when she does. I will have a security force waiting.” The other man said walking away. The Cigarette Man pulled out his cell phone and called the head of his security team and asked about the portal. “Sir, except for Sunset the other day and Twilight, who was in and back out to the portal in less than 5 mins. There is no other activity to report.” The security officer told him. “Wonder what’s going on? Well, keep your eyes on that portal.” He said hanging up the phone. “Now where are Cinch and The Dazzlings?” He thought as he lit up a cigarette. * * * Sunset returned home that afternoon. She came home with Twilight and saw Principal Celestia sitting on the couch with Wallflower. Wallflower’s head was resting sound asleep on Celestia’s lap. Sunset’s mouth just dropped. Twilight was in shock here (in their eyes) was the vindictive bitch who just tried to destroy their relationship and took all of Sunset’s memories away. The hardest thing Twilight had ever watched. Sunset dropped her bag, walked into the living room, and silently pointed at Wallflower. Celestia scowled back at her niece. Then she gently moved out from underneath Wallflower and motioned the girls outside. After silently closing the door Celestia looked at the girls. Then she decided to let Sunset say what she wanted.  “What the fuck is that bitch doing here?” Sunset demanded. “She’s homeless, she was living in the greenhouse on cold nights and other nights in the storage shed for the gardening tools.” Celestia explained. “Well, then she go a shelter or freezes on the damn streets for all I care.” Sunset snapped back. “I agree with Sunset, you didn’t see what she did to my girl.” Twilight added in. At this point, Luna pulled up in her car to the house and heard Sunset and Twilight’s remarks. Luna was appalled even if everything that Sunset would act like that. “Sunset Shimmer!!” Luna almost yelled. “Mom, I come home to Aunt Celestia sitting on the couch with Wallflower’s head on her lap.”  Sunset told her. “So?” Luna responded. “So. Mom, do you know what she did to me with that freaking memory stone? She is a mean girl. Aunt Celestia, I want you to expel her.” Sunset ranted.  Luna walked up to others on the front porch and got in Sunset’s face. “Little Girl, I remember a mean girl who terrorized CHS for at least three years always having to be Princess of the Fall Formal. Then after a battle out front of the school. Where she destroyed the front of the school, brainwashed the entire student body, and tried to kill 5 students and a pony princess from another world. That night Celestia was going to expel you. I took pity on you. I begged her to let you stay at the school. I could have let you get expelled, and freeze on the streets. Remember the shelter was full that night so you were going to trespass on private property and sleep in a clubhouse. WELL NEWSFLASH SUNSET SHIMMER WALLFLOWER IS IN THE SAME BOAT AS YOU!!” Luna yelled at her. “One other thing remember I was the first one to show you compassion that night. I know Fluttershy tried. But I got through to you and put up with your violent mood swings for the next couple of months.” Luna added. “Sunset I have become Wallflower’s guardian.” Celestia added.  Sunset stormed into the house making sure she woke up Wallflower by slamming the front door. Twilight called for a ride home as she didn’t feel she should be there for Sunset’s family drama. Sunset stayed in her room the rest of the night while Luna and Celestia set up Wallflower’s bed on the couch. Epilogue:  The following day Sunset was getting ready to leave for school. She went out to her car (Luna’s old car). After getting in and buckling up Wallflower walked up with her bookbag came up and knocked on Sunset’s window.  Sunset put her window down and said “What?”  “Can I get a ride to school with you?” Wallflower tentatively asked. “NO. Why don’t you walk, or go with your guardian.” Sunset snapped back.  “I thought you were extending the olive branch of peace to me?” Wallflower said. “I have a hard time with this Wallflower. When people hurt me I get vindictive.” Sunset replied. Wallflower just looked down.   “I pick Twilight up on the way in.” Sunset said. “I understand you want to be alone with her.” Wallflower said depressingly. “So if you don’t mind sitting in the back seat, then get in.” Sunset said unlocking the doors. Wallflower got in the back seat. Sunset pulled out of the driveway and headed off for school.       > Grand Finale part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was not a dark and stormy night. In fact, there was nothing in the elements to foreshadow the events that lie ahead. It was an early June morning in the gymnasium where the whole senior class had assembled. Everyone sat on the bleachers and listened (kind of) to Principal Celestia go over the graduation procedures. The Rainbooms all sat together with Trixie sitting next to them.  Ironically one senior tradition that was around when Celestia and Luna were graduating continued. The graduating class was batting a beach ball around the stands now Celestia knew the kids were going to do it regardless she had to act like she didn’t like it. “Okay put the beachball away. NOW!!” Celestia said forcefully. The beachball got batted a few more times then it was put down.  For Sunset she had zoned out. She looked to either side of her. On her right side was Twilight Sparkle on her left was Trixie Lulamoon. The love of her life and one of her best friends even if they had problems with the Canterlot Musical Showcase and Anon-a-miss.  Sunset had reflected on how her life had sucked but started to get better ever since the beginning of her junior year. After all The fall formal was early in the school year.  That night she got a guardian who was now her mom and gained five friends. Thanks to Rainbow Dash she got Trixie as a friend in one of the most unusual ways. Now she also had the Crusaders as her friends and sitting right next to her was the best thing she ever got: Twilight Sparkle. As her thoughts drifted to Twilight she grabbed her hand that was resting on the bleacher and gave it a light squeeze. Twilight just looked at her and smiled as she returned to listening to Principal Celestia. For Twilight it was important to know her cue because she had to know when to give her speech. After all, she was Valedictorian and she was expected to say a few words.  So after everyone marched into the stadium, Celestia would welcome everyone. The class president would speak, and then Twilight Sparkle would give her speech. After that diplomas would be handed out.  So after giving them a rundown of the events Celestia finished telling them that they could only have four tickets for guests. Sunset knew her mom and Aunt Celestia were already going to be there. So she invited Aunt Chrysalis, Potion Nova, Juniper Montage, and Wallflower Blush albeit the last one was begrudgingly.       Trixie because she only had her mom and dad had also generously offered to buy tickets for Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. Things seemed to be going along quite well it wasn’t going to last… * * * As the seniors were being released another type of planning was taking place. At an abandoned house on the outskirts of town. Abacus Cinch and Adagio Dazzle are going over their plan. “So after we enter Equestria my girls and I are going to destroy the magic mirror. Do you think now that a second portal has been discovered on a Caribbean Island, this will work?” Adagio asked. “If the main portal is destroyed the secondary ones should lose power,” Cinch said.  “Magic is the bloodstream of Equestria it can not be created OR destroyed that easily.” Adagio said. “If the main portal is destroyed then…” Cinch began. “...then there could be major ramifications. Don’t forget the Friendship Games we should just go after the girls now instead of trying this.” Adagio warned. “If the main portal is destroyed it should shut the other one down right?” Cinch asked.   “In theory yes. In theory, Communism was supposed to work in this world and didn’t.” Adagio replied. “Cinch all the Diamond Dogs are assembled.” Sonata said coming into the room. “In a minute.” Cinch said. Straightening her suit. She walked outback and there stood dozens of the Diamond Dogs. They had assembled from all over the country. They all stopped milling about when she raised her hand. “A new power is rising, its victory is at hand. This day the land of Equestria will be stained in blood. March to Equestria leave none alive if they oppose us!! TO WAR!!” She commanded. “There will be no dawn for ponies.” Cinch said. At this, the Diamond dogs began to get to the vans that they had rented and then headed for the boat to take them to the island. The war had begun… * * * At this time Twilight and Sunset were leaving the school grounds when they were stopped by the Cigarette Smoking Man near the statue base.  “Please tell me, you are only here to congratulate myself and Twilight on graduating and on her being valedictorian.” Sunset said. “Well, congratulations on graduation and Twilight on being named valedictorian. The real reason I’m here is this: Have you ever looked at the base of this statue I mean really looked at it?” He asked, “Why?” Asked Twilight. “Well, Miss Sparkle with your destruction of the Wondercolt Statue you cracked the top of the base here. We took some energy readings and apparently, some kind of energy is seeping out.  Magic. It explains a lot about Juniper’s transformation, Wallflower being led to the memory stone, the events of Camp Everfree, and Equestria World.” He stated. “Probably also explains how the Storm King got into the water around the cruise.” Twilight remarked. “Most likely.” The Cigarette Man replied. “So then all this has been my fault?” Twilight asked feeling guilty.  Sunset could see that Twilight got hurt by that comment. That upset her greatly. “You had to do this the day before graduation, the day before Twilight makes her speech as Valedictorian. You had to come to us with this now on the eve of one of the biggest days of our life?” Sunset asked angrily. “You don’t need to tell me what I did I have scars on my back that reminds me every morning of what I did.” Twilight said her voice cracking slightly. “I apologize for the timing but we just discovered it. You need not worry about it though. We have it handled.” The Cigarette Man told them motioning to a man walking up in a one-piece work suit.  He carried with him a bucket and what Sunset recognized as a trowel. Very similar to the one her mom gave her right after The Fall Formal. Sunset guessed he was going to seal the crack in the top of the base.   She had a bigger problem where was Twilight. Just great this creep had to start this crap on the eve of graduation and now Twilight had run off. Sunset had to find her girl. Watching Sunset run off after Twilight The Cigarette Man turned to his associate who had the bucket and the trowel. “Make sure you seal it up well.” He instructed. “Sir, how am I supposed to get up there?” He asked. The Cigarette Man motioned to another associate who was walking up with a ladder.  “Now seal it up well and be fast we have other urgent matters to attend to.” He said looking around. * * * Sunset searched frantically for Twilight and even tried ringing her cell but it went straight to voice mail. Finally, she went to Twilight’s home and walked around back. There she found Twilight sitting on the porch huddled up in a little ball with her head laying on her arms laying on her knees sobbing.  “Twilight?” Sunset said touching her arm gently. “Don’t get too close to me I don’t want to hurt you. I might turn into Midnight Sparkle and crack you too.” Twilight said sniffling. “I’m already cracked Twilight.” Sunset said making a joke. “What do you mean you’re already cracked? Twilight asked. “It was nothing it was a joke.” Sunset said. “Sunset I know things haven’t gone 100% as we thought they would. Whether it is our friendship or our time as girlfriends. I want you to be there with me in my future.  Please if you ever feel scared or something you, tell me. I’m here for you and I trust you with my life. Promise me that you’ll stop hiding your fears and be more honest with me ok?” Twilight finished. Sunset sat there for a second taking it all in and then replied “I understand Twilight and I promise you I will be there for you too. Always forever and ever.” Sunset and Twilight put their foreheads together. Then something came to Sunset's mind. “Remember what you told me back aboard the ship?” Sunset asked. “I said I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world, in any world.”  Twilight replied taking Sunset’s hand. “Twilight the same goes for me I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. In any world.” Sunset replied taking Twilight’s hand and pulling her into a big hug.    “Now why don’t we head inside into the air conditioning? Maybe up to your bedroom.” Sunset said batting her eyes seductively.  “Yet you chide me when I do that to you.” Twilight replied stepping down off the porch to go to the back door to let them in. “Well, I don’t expect it from nerdy Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset replied. “Hey, I have needs and urges to you know. I'm only human after all.” Twilight replied letting them inside. Walking inside Sunset wrapped her arms around Twilight’s waist and started kissing her neck. Twilight couldn’t help but let out a small moan as this really turned her on when Sunset kissed her neck. “Sunset I…” Twilight moaned while Sunset held her from behind and kissed her neck. Sunset picked up Twilight in her arms and said ”Wow you’re so lite.” Sunset carried Twilight upstairs to her bedroom. Sometime later… Twilight and Sunset were lying on her bed. Clothes were scattered all over the room and the bed was a mess. Both were lying there side by side when Sunset looked at her watch and realized it was mid-afternoon.  “Twilight what time does your mom come home?” Sunset asked. “Pretty soon we better get up. But one question Sunset do you know what comes after 69?” Twilight asked. “70.” Sunset replied. “No. Mouthwash.” Twilight replied. Both girls got up and got dressed and then went to the bathroom after that Sunset and Twilight made the bed and Twilight went and sprayed air freshener in the room spraying the smell of sex out of the air.  Twilight’s mom got home soon afterward, and the girls acted as if nothing had happened. * * * In the Caribbean… Cinch and her army of Diamond Dogs arrived on the island and looked around as they deflated the rafts. Cinch had a feeling this was the exact island the girls had been on months earlier.  “Cinch the plants it’s like they’re alive by what appears to be quicksand.” Rover reported to her.  “Wait here a second.” Said Adagio.  Adagio walked over and narrowly dodged a plant that snapped at her. She moved some of the sand and uncovered a bright yellow light. Adagio smiled evilly this was the portal home. She wanted to pass through it but figured she should get the other sirens. Then realized someone would notice her and the others leaving. Sighing she knew what she had to do. “We have the portal located and we need to move on it now.” Adagio said. “Does this mean we are going home?” Sonata asked. “Obviously.” Aria asked. “We have our supplies and weapons let us march to Equestria and come out at Canterlot High.” Cinch commanded.  “Leave shutting the portal off to us.” Adagio said motioning to herself and  the other dazzlings. “Abacus Cinch there are two black boats headed this way.” Rover told her. “The damn Syndicate, we need to move now!! Adagio lead the way!!” Cinch commanded. “This way!!” Adagio said and everyone followed her toward the portal. Everyone knew that they couldn't afford to get caught at this late stage of the game. By the time the boats arrived, everyone had jumped into the portal. Cinch and her army had arrived in Equestria!!     Two hours later… Twilight went with Sunset to her house where she had dinner with Sunset and her mom, aunt, and Wallflower. As they sat down to eat that day there came a knock on at the door.  Celestia got up to answer the door after a second Sunset heard Celestia exclaim “JUNIPER!! You came!!”  Sunset came running out to see her with Twilight right behind her. Both wrapped her in a big hug.  “I can’t believe you made it!!” Sunset said. “What and miss my cousin’s graduation never!!” Juniper said hugging them back. “We are about to eat Juniper you hungry?” Celestia asked, “Starving.” She said putting her bookbag down by the door and following the girls and Celestia into the dining room. Juniper walked in and said hello to Luna. To which Luna replied and smiled. She was always happy to see Juniper. Then Juniper saw Wallflower sitting there with her head bowed. Juniper walked over to her to introduce herself.  “Hi Juniper Montage.” She said extending her hand. “Wallflower Blush.” She said extending her hand gingerly. “She’s very shy.” Celestia explained.  “Oh well nice to meet you.” Juniper said sitting down and having a helping of salad and vegetable lasagna. A few minutes Sunset’s journal buzzed. She knew this was weird as Princess Twilight and Starlight were not coming until tomorrow. Sunset read the message and gasped. “What’s wrong hun?’ Twilight asked walking up next to her girl. “I need to get to Canterlot High.” Sunset said rushing and grabbing the keys.    “Well wait let me go with you.” Luna said.  Soon Sunset, Twilight, and Luna were heading for Canterlot High arriving there they saw Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer standing there. Sunset parked got out and ran over to the girls with Luna and Twilight fast on her heels. After a quick embrace, Sunset said to Twilight (who she could see was shaken up) “What’s the urgent news?”  “Sunset Equestria has fallen!!” Twilight exclaimed in tears. > The Grand Finale Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Fallen??!!” Sunset exclaimed and asked at the same time. “Yes, Cinch has invaded with an army of Diamond Dogs and even managed to take control of Timberwolves.  They invaded Canterlot and somehow overran the city and took Princess Celestia and Luna, hostage. Cadence and Shining Armor are using a protection spell on the Crystal Empire.  “How did this happen?” Luna asked. “Who cares how the hell it happened, it happened I NEED TO GO NOW!!” Sunset exclaimed. Luna grabbed her arm and Sunset spun around to confront Luna. This was her home world she had to fight to save it. “Mom this is my home world I have to go fight for it! Now let me go!!” Sunset shouted almost growling the last part. “Little girl this is your home world now.” Luna said not letting go. “Mom let me go I’m not a child!” Sunset demanded. ‘You’re my child!!” Luna exclaimed. Right then and there it hit home to Sunset and Luna. Luna was having a hard time letting go. “Mom I’m moving out in the fall. Too a flat provided by the college. What are you going to do then?” Sunset asked. “I’m going with you.” Twilight spoke up. “No, you can’t it’s too dangerous.” Princess Twilight said. “Okay everybody hold on!!” Sunset declared. Everyone stopped and looked at her.  “Princess Twilight, we need to marshal forces and gather allies. Are the main six ok? Who else is still available to help?” Sunset asked. “The Mane Six, Spike, and Sunburst are held up in the Crystal Empire but it would take a miracle to get out of my castle as Cinch and her army have taken over Ponyville as well and have sieged the castle.“ Princess Twilight responded. “Then we would have to enter Equestria from the other portal in the Caribbean.” Sunset said. “How are you going to get there?” Asked Luna with her arms crossed and looking pissed off. “Perhaps we can help.” Said a voice behind them there stood two men with MP5s in all black with what looked like body armor. In the middle stood The Smoking Man. “If you think I’m going anywhere with you, then you're mad.” Sunset replied. “With my troops and your friends, we could retake Equestria. After all the syndicate wants to open to relations with your rulers.” The Cigarette Man said. “That is not going to happen, when this war is over I’m shutting the portal down for good and destroying the mirror which should deactivate the other portal.” Princess Twilight said. “You can’t do that Twilight.” Sunset pleaded. “Look at the mess we’re in I have to turn it off.” Twilight replied. “We can discuss this later Sunset is anyone coming with you?’ The Cigarette Man asked. “All the help I need is going to be in Equestria but Princess Twilight do you want to have another army invade to push Cinch’s army out?” Sunset asked. “How do I know you will leave when the war is over? There is no promise you can make that I can trust.” Twilight asked. “Princess I will leave with my men because if you're shutting the portal off I will not be stuck in an alien world with no way to get back when my men and I have jobs to do here as in hiding this whole thing.” The Cigarette Man replied. “Can you get us back to the secondary portal?” Sunset asked. “Sunset you can’t do this!!” Luna exclaimed. “Mom I need to go and fight and if we go in this portal we will run smackdab into Cinch’s main army we need to come from behind.”  Sunset said. “Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset if you want to go we need to leave now. I have a van waiting that can take us to a plane. We can be at the portal in the Caribbean in one hour but we need to go now.” The Cigarette Man said.  Despite Luna’s objections Sunset agreed. She kissed Twilight goodbye and got into the van and headed for the airfield out of town. Sunset was nervous but knew better than to show it she just sat quietly in the back of the van. Twilight and Starlight decided it was safer if they stayed behind. After Sunset had a tearful goodbye to Luna and a passionate kiss with Twilight, Sunset entered the van. “Now you know some of your men are going to have a hard time becoming ponies. This spring when the portal was discovered and I went through with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Twilight freaked out at becoming a pony.” Sunset told The Smokinh Man. “When we get on the plane I will have them give you their attention so you can brief them on this.” The Smokinh Man replied “Very well but we need to get going, time is of the essence.” Sunset said. “Spoken like a true general. Are you sure you never served in the military in this other land?” The Cigarette Man asked. “Nope.” Sunset replied. Shortly after that, they arrived at the airfield outside of Canterlot, and after loading up with their equipment Sunset was escorted onboard. Sunset noted it was a cargo plane. A lot of men looked at her with quizzical looks. Most probably thinking why is some teenager on the plane? A few of the younger ones thought she was kind of cute.  A few minutes into the flight The Smoking Man stood up and called the men to attention. “This is unlike any battle or operation you have ever had to take part in. Now most of you will not believe we are going to fight in another dimension but what happens over there will affect us over here.  Most of you will ask why I brought a teenage girl with us on this mission. She is from that realm and will tell us what to expect upon arrival.” The Smoking Man stated. “I know you are all thinking what can this girl tell us? For one when you cross that portal to Equestria, you will not be human anymore your DNA will change to pony DNA. You might laugh and ridicule me but I’m from that world I came here a few years ago as the portal only opened every 2 ½ years. Now a second portal has been discovered. When we win this battle the portal will be shut down permanently. When you go through that portal it will be freaky having hooves and all but trust me you will retain your human mind.  This is going to be different from any battle you have fought before. Good Luck.” Sunset informed them. After that, she noticed a few men shifted a little uneasy but most of them had their game faces on. A few minutes until they land Sunset guessed. She thought about Twilight and how just hours earlier they were going at it. Now she was going into a situation that meant life or death.  “Sir we are almost at the jump point.” The Pilot said. “Everyone grab your parachute and get ready on my mark.” The Cigarette Man said. “Jump? Out of a perfectly fine airplane are you nuts?” Sunset asked. “We are going to fight a battle in a dimension where Magic is a thing and the dominant race is talking ponies you ask me?” He replied grabbing a parachute and then helping Sunset with hers. “Just stick close to me and we will be ok.” The Smoking Man told her. “OK, men start jumping.” Then the commander yelled and the men began parachuting two by two finally after he went The Smoking Man grabbed Sunset and they jumped.  Sunset screamed but then pulled the rope and deployed her parachute luckily most men landed on the beach of the islands and disengaged their parachutes.  “Good thing you gave me that signal when to pull the cord.” Sunset said coming out from underneath her parachute to the smoking man. “I didn’t do anything you did it yourself. Miss Shimmer.” The Smoking Man replied. “Sir we are ready to go!! Miss Shimmer do guns work in this new world?” The sergeant asked. “Well the main weapons are hand to hand or as I should say hoof to hoof, spears, ad mallets and I saw a colt who had a bow and arrow has a cutie mark so we need to find any archers if we can. But the main weapon is magic and only unicorns like myself or alicorns can do it. Cinch has some on her side you got me but we are going to need help the best thing to do is free Ponyville first then I can bring Starlight and Twilight here.”   Sunset stated. “I’m running this operation Miss Shimmer, but if what you say is true then we need your allies,” The smoking man said. .” OK, let’s get going sir.” the sergeant said. “Right, Miss Shimmer lead the way to the portal.” The Smoking Man said. “This way.” Sunset said walking into the interior of the island. As they neared the big pile of what appeared to be quicksand the plants started to move. Sunset motioned the guys to stop. “Ok, the plants are starting to move so the portal is open. I know you think this is nuts but you need to hit the portal running.” Sunset informed them. All the men shifted a little uneasy. Sunset knew they were nervous but her friends had adjusted quickly so she hoped they could. “NOW!!” Sunset went running and hit the portal and quickly crossed through. “Men you heard her now!!” The Smoking man said and he ran into the portal then the men followed not knowing what to expect. * * * “Miss Shimmer you weren’t; kidding.” The Smoking Man said looking his new form over. Most of the men were doing the same. She noticed most of the men were earth ponies.  “I know every pony it’s unnerving at first but you will get used to it quickly.” Sunset told them. Most of them still had guns and the sergeant walked away and tried firing a shot. It didn’t work. Then he turned to Sunset  “I can’t fire this gum with hooves can you use your magic to modify it?” He asked. “I can try but here it may end up differently.  Sunset tried a magic spell that lit up the grove they were in and the rifle didn’t change.  “As they say in our world “It’s time to go old school.” Sunset said Just then three Diamond Dogs appeared and two were carrying spears.  “Kenny the blast came from over here.” One of them said coming into the grove. Sunset sprung into action firing a blast from her horn at the one called Kenny and knocking him unconscious. The other two were shocked and looked at Sunset Guard 1: Oh my God!! She killed Kenny!!” Guard 2: You Bastard!!”  Quickly the ponies moved in and knocked out the two guards. Two men now had spears. “We will need to flank around the outskirts and get to Twilight’s  castle.” Sunset said.  Sneaking around as Sunset had done with Twilight and Rainbow Dash months earlier. They came to the castle and the School of Friendship and hid in the bushes. Four guards at the back of the castle. It would not be easy. “Sir, what do we do?” Asked the sergeant. “I’m not sure.” He said. “Perhaps I can help.” said a voice behind them. Every pony spun around and the two had their spears ready Sunset’s horn was lit up. “It’s ok I am a  student at Twilight’s School of Friendship.” Said the pony. “Maybe you are and maybe you aren’t. Prove it.” Sunset said. “My name is Sandbar…” Sandbar started. And he rattled off facts all about the teachers and other administrators and friendship. “Okay, how can you help us?”  The Smoking Man asked. “Easy with my friends' help we can unite the other creatures and end this invasion of Equestria.” He said. “How the Elements of Harmony are under Siege in the Crystal Empire.” Sunset replied. “Well, we have one of the pillars of Equestria, and don’t worry, he is powerful especially when his friends are in danger then he gets really powerful. His name is Rockhoof he and the other pillars can help.” The colt said. “What is your name son?” The smoking man asked. “Sandbar.” Sandbar replied. “So you have friends that can help?” Sunset asked, “Dragons, Yaks, Changelings, Hippogriffs, and Griffons.” Sandbar replied. “O.K.  if you can unite these races we need them to take out the siege on the Crystal empire. We will need the Elements of Harmony but in the meantime, we need to lift the siege on this castle.” Sunset said. “I can help with that. This way to the back door stay low.” Sandbar said walking on, “Do we follow him?” The Smoking Man asked Sunset. “Unless you got a better idea.” Sunset replied. The group moved quietly and quickly around to the back castle. There stood four Diamond Dogs. “Now I can distract some guards so you can get in.” Sandbar said and was running towards the castle before anyone could say anything. One of the guards saw him approaching and went to stop him. “Hey, kid get out of here.” One of the guards. Sandbar stopped and looked at him with a perplexed look on his face. Then he started to laugh. “What’s so funny kid?” The one guard asked. “Do you know someone switched your face with your ass while you were sleeping?” Sandbar said running off. “Get him!!” Shouted one of the guards as three of the guards ran after Sandbar. “Not bad for a kid there is only one left.” The Smoking Man said. After that, the two soldiers with spears silently approached the door. The Diamond Dog guard turned around just in time to see the butt end of two spears whack him in the face.  After that, the rest of the party moved in on the back door. Sunset unlocked the back door with a blast from her horn and they were in. At first, that party saw no one and then they heard footsteps coming their way. “Quick in here Sunset said. The group moved into a supply closet after the footsteps passed Sunset realized something. “Those are pony footsteps.” Sunset said. Opening the door Sunset peaked out and saw two Diamond Dogs with spears on either side of a blue unicorn with a white mane, Sunset immediately realized who it was. “Trixie!!” She exclaimed coming out of the closet.  The two Diamond Dogs and Trixie spun around and as soon as they did Sunset blasted the one with a magic bolt knocking him back against the wall.  As the other guard turned their attention to the small group Trixie reared up on her hind legs and kicked the other Diamond Dog in the head knocking him up against the wall. “Sunset Shimmer. Who are your friends?” Trixie asked. “This is a platoon from the other world that came to help us restore freedom but their weapons don’t work in this world.” Sunset explained. “Well, the great and knowledgeable Trixie knows where to get some hammers and axes. As for us unicorns, we have our weapons on our foreheads.” Trixie said motioning to her horn. “Listen Trixie I need to get to the mirror in the library and crossover and grab Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer.” Sunset said. “There are two guards at the door to the library and they won’t let us in.” Trixie said. “Not us but…” Sunset turned to the Smoking Man. “You want me to go up to the door and say what?” He asked. “You and one of your men can walk up there and I can get you in if it’s clear then we can take care of the guards. I can go back grab Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer and take back Canterlot and free the Princesses.” Sunset said. “Also to take Cinch and The Dazzlings back and put them where they can’t do any harm.” The Smoking Man said. “O.K. you and this guy you call Sargent just walk up there. I’ll do the rest remember you are on official business from Abacus Cinch.” Sunset told them. “Right everyone else stay out of sight.” The Smoking Man said as he walked with his associate holding a spear up to the library room. Looking confident they approached the two Diamond Dog guards. “Halt who are you and where are you doing?” The one asked putting his pear across the front of the door. “We are here on official business from Atticus Cinch.” The Smoking Man replied. “Let me see you your identification.” The guard commanded. At that Sunset’s whole horn lit up. Sunset was doing mental suggestions if this worked it would take a lot out of Sunset. “You don’t need to see his identification,” Sunset said quietly. “We don’t need to see his identification.” The guard repeated. “These aren’t the ponies you're looking for.” Sunset said her horn was still lit. “These aren’t the ponies we’re looking for.” The guard replied. “You can go about your business.” Sunset said starting to sweat. “You can go about your business.” The guard said opening up the library. “Move along.” Sunset said her horn going out and Sunset dropping to her knees. “Move along, move along.” The guard said ushering them into the library. Once into the library The Smoking Man and Sargent looked around it was empty. Then they opened the doors and the sergeant swung his spear hard and knocked the guard down. The other guard came running up with his spear raised before The Smoking Man could turn around a blue blast knocked him down and up against the wall “The great Trixie is an awesome shot don’t you think?”  Trixie said walking up with Sunset’s one leg over her neck. “What happened to her?” The Smoking Man asked pointing his hoof at Sunset. “Mental Suggestion spell it takes a lot out of you.” Sunset replied. “Now what?” Asked Trixie. “I’m going to cross to the other side and grab Twilight and Starlight and then we can get the elements out of the Crystal Empire and free Canterlot. That is what we are going to do.” Sunset said. After that Sunset jumped into the mirror and arrived back in the human world. After coming out and realizing she was on two legs again she breathed a sigh of relief and was tackled in a hug but her mom and Sci-Twi. “You won it’s over!!” Sci-Twi exclaimed thinking Sunset was back for good. “Over??!! It is not close to being over. Phase one is over. Twilight, we liberated the castle and rescued Trixie now we have to free Canterlot.” Sunset said. “I thought it was over!!” Sci-Twi cried. “I wish.” Sunset sighed. “Twilight, Starlight head over The Smoking Man, and his platoon are over there with Trixie. I'll be there in a minute.” Sunset told them. Twilight and Starlight obeyed and headed into the portal. “Twilight, Mom I have to go back. What happens over there affects here. Please understand I have to get back. Phase one is over as we are taking back Ponyville and lifting the siege of the Crystal Empire, but I have to help free Canterlot.  I promise you two I will come back. I have been through too much to die now. Twi I will be back.” Sunset promised Twilight and kissed her passionately and with a hug to her mom and headed back into the portal. She came back through the portal and saw Twilight discussing things with The Smoking Man. “Listen here in Equestria I am in charge I need your ponies to secure Ponyville. My team is Myself; The Elements, Starlight, and Sunset and we will take Canterlot.”  “I understand thanks to Sandbar that the Yaks and Dragons are leading the charge in Crystal Empire. Well let's teleport up there and gather our forces then head for Canterlot…” Twilight said walking out of the library. …To be continued   .     > Grand Finale part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon teleporting to the Crystal Empire Twilight and Sunset could see the dragons, yaks, and the crystal pony guards routing the Diamond Dogs. She saw the shield over the empire dissipate and Shining Armor walk out and almost collapse. Twilight ran over to him as Cadence helped him up putting his foreleg over her neck to help him. “BBBFF what happened? Are you ok?” Twilight asked concerned. “I held the shield as long as I could. Thank God for the yaks and dragons I was able to let the guards lose and we routed the Diamond Dog army and caught several of them.” Shining Armor. “Put them in Tartarus.” Twilight commanded. Now I need to grab the elements and head for Canterlot.” Twilight said. “Let me help with that.” Cadence said “Okay, then let me meet with the Elements.” Twilight said as those ponies walked over to her. About that time there was a flash of light and Sunset appeared.  Twilight turned around. “Listen I don’t think our cigarette man was happy that you are making him hold Ponyville and not head to war. I have Starlight and Trixie ready to head in as well as Big Mac wants to come to help his sister.”  Sunset informed her. “Okay but how are we gonna get my big brother here?” Asked Applejack. “Sunset and I will combine our transportation spell to bring him to Canterlot we need everyone to get there as fast as we can.” Twilight said. “Okay, then Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and Twilight take Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack to the city gates I will arrive with Starlight and Trixie.” Cadence said. “Plus we  need to fine Rockhoof someone said he was up here.” Sunset asked. “Right here, lassie.” Said a Scottish-sounding voice behind her. Sunset turned to see a huge brawny pony almost the size of Bulk Biceps. He had a beard and carried a shovel. “Rockhoof I presume.” Sunset said a little timidly. “No need to fear me, lassie. It’s the Diamond Dogs in Canterlot that need to fear me.” He said.  “How are we going to get all of our forces on Canterlot?’ Sunset asked. “Okay here is what we do. Sunset you teleport over there the rest of us will fly with one of our companions. Cadence is going to pick up Trixie and Starlight, We can use a teleportation spell one time to bring Big Mac. “You know Twilly I can arrange for a ride for Rockhoof here. I got a carriage that will hold him, they can leave at once.” Shining Armor said. “Well, then Laddie let’s get it going.” Rockhoof said. Shining Armor motioned for his guards to bring the carriage around. While they were bringing it around he cautioned Rockhoof. “Now Rockhoof don’t go breaking this thing. Save your strength for the fight ok?” Shining Armor said. “I will do my best.” He replied. “Get him to Canterlot on the double.” Shining Armor commanded. “Right away your highness.” The one stallion replied as Rockhoof entered. In the meantime, we need to start teleporting our forces to Canterlot Sunset.” Twilight said. “Way ahead of you.” Sunset replied bringing her and Fluttershy to the cliffs of Canterlot Mountain. “You’re gonna leave me here alone?” She asked as Sunset’s horn lit up. “I wouldn’t leave you here alone if it wasn’t safe besides…” Sunset began as another Flash of light appeared in the cave and Twilight had brought Applejack.  “C’mon Sunset we got to get everyone here.” Twilight said as she vanished. With a little reassurance to Fluttershy from Sunset. Twilight and Sunset transported the remaining four ponies to the cave, “What about Big Mac?” Asked Applejack. “Darling give them a break teleporting yourself is one thing. It’s another thing to bring someone with you.” Rarity explained. Both Twilight and Sunset were sitting there and sweating and panting. This teleporting was taking a toll on them. Sunset and Twilight locked eyes with each other this form of teleportation spell was very draining but they knew they had to do it one more time even if it killed them, Both stood and walked toward each other and touched horns and summoning their last amount of magic they transported Big Mac to the cave. He was a little disoriented, but he hugged Applejack and said Cadence was in Ponyville and had picked up Trixie and Starlight as well as Spike, but it was going to take time to get to Canterlot. “Well, we better get up to the gates of Canterlot.” Twilight said fatigued. “Darlings you and Sunset need to rest. You used a more powerful teleport spell. Your no use to us half alive.” Rarity said. “We don’t have the time to rest we need to get to Canterlot.” Sunset agreed. “Listen Sugarcube at least let Big Mac and I carry you for a little bit so you can get some rest I think the Unicorns are going to be the difference in this battle.” Applejack said. “Earth Ponies and Pegasi will play a big part too.” Twilight said. “Let’s get going. We can’t wait for Cadence with reinforcements and Rockhoof whenever he gets here.” Rainbow Dash said. Reluctantly Twilight climbed up on Big Mac’s back and Sunset on Applejack’s back and headed up the path to Canterlot.  As they approached Canterlot Fluttershy brought up a question. “How are we going to stay in touch with this battle?” Fluttershy asked. “Through Magic.” Twilight put a spell on all of the eight who were there. “This was a simple quick spell we should be able to talk to each other now.” Twilight said. As they approached the gate of Canterlot they realized there was a forcefield over the city. It was like a big pink bubble it reminded Twilight of the Royal Wedding. “How are we going to get in?” Sunset asked. “I know, let me handle this.” Rainbow Dash was off like a shot. She went way up in the sky and then came barreling straight down. “Does she think a sonic Rainboom is going to work?” Twilight asked. “A sonic what?” Asked Sunset. Rainbow Dash hit her sonic Rainboom just about the time she hit the forcefield and it didn’t budge. “Shit!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Language.” Twilight replied. “Wait a minute no one is going to deal with the fact that Twilight just said language?” Asked Rainbow Dash. “I know it just slipped out.” She replied pushing the bubble in.  Then she realized something it may be hard but it has elasticity Twilight used her horn and poked the bubble it immediately poked a hole that closed. As Rainbow Dash landed with the group Sunset realized something. “The magic that made that bubble is imperfect.” Sunset declared. “Yes, we can get through here. But we need a way to hold this bubble open and then take it down.” Twilight announced. “I could use a forcefield and hold it open.” Sunset said. “It wouldn’t work you would be able to get through but the bubble would close right away.” Twilight told her. “I can destroy the power source of this forcefield though.” Sunset protested. “Listen to you this is magic, not science she probably has some evil unicorn under her spell.” Twilight informed her. “Twilight you are a student of magic this magic bubble would not be imperfect if she had a unicorn make it.” Sunset said casting a forcefield over herself and heading inside the bubble. Now looking around she knew she had to move fast. With her thoughts on Twilight back home, she ran not knowing what to look for but as luck would have it. She didn’t have to look long.  Inside a tower guarded by 4 diamond dogs, she thought she had her answer.  “Why would she have four guards? It must be important.” Sunset thought. Around this time she heard footsteps and got ready to strike. She was relieved to see Princess Twilight. “How did you get through?” Sunset asked. “Personal forcefield.” Twilight replied. “I think whatever is in that tower is the source of the forcefield we take it out we can begin our attack.” Sunset said. “Then let’s do it quickly.” Twilight said lighting her horn and with four quick blasts knocked all of the Diamond Dogs out. Quickly the two unicorns galloped over and opened the door. There were Princess Celestia and Luna chained to the floor and they looked weak and ill both smiled seeing Sunset and Twilight. Both had a chain on their leg and the chain was attached to the wall. Both unicorns rushed over and with a burst of magic Sunset unchained Princess Luna and Twilight Unchained Celestia. “Thank you, my faithful student.” Celestia said wearily. “Princess, are you ok?” Twilight asked. “Just tired they used our magic to create a bubble over Canterlot and it weakened us.” Princess Celestia informed her.  “All that matters is your safety.” Sunset said. “None of us are safe yet.” Luna replied. “What now?” Sunset asked. “Twilight I can bring the bubble down and you and your friends can attack. Three things you should know.  Cinch is in the tower and some charm she has around her neck has allowed her to keep her human form. She is up in the throne room. Two this Diamond Dog army is not the one that left your world Sunset. It’s almost their robots. Finally, Cinch has another human captive in the tower.  There is an island called the Human Republic north and west of the old lair of the Storm King. The human girl is from there.” Celestia said lighting her horn and dissipating the bubble. “Now go my students and fight Luna and I will join you as soon as we regain some strength.” Princess Celestia told them. As soon as Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Big Mac saw the bubble pop they rushed in. Several Diamond Dogs rushed at them. Big Mac and Applejack immediately called on their apple-bucking skills knocking four dogs and moving on. Rainbow Dash flew through the air and made several swoops to knock several off of a balcony. “Everybody Cinch is up in the throne room and has another human captive.” Twilight said. “You go ahead and find them we will handle things here.” Applejack told her. “And for gosh sake watch your language.” Rainbow Dash added. “That’s not going away anytime soon.” Twilight sighed as she and Sunset started up the stairs.  Coming up the first flight of stairs six diamond dogs grabbed spears and rushed at them. Twilight and Sunset’s horns lit up to repel the attack. Six Diamond Dogs rushed at them with spears out. Suddenly, six magic bolts hit all the dogs, knocking them down. Twilight and Sunset looked to the left and saw Cadence flying in with Starlight and Trixie on her back. She landed in front of Twilight and Sunset.  “We’re here!!” Cadence said. “Took you long enough. Did you stop for drive-thru?” Sunset asked. “Drive-thru? I don’t understand.” Cadence said. “I do!” Twilight pipped up. “I understood that reference.”  “Listen you two get up to the throne room we’ll handle things here on the lower levels.” Starlight said. All of a sudden roar startled everyone and they turned to see the Dazzlings sitting on top of the Timberwolves. “Twilight you seeing this?” Sunset asked. “Seeing yes. Still working on believing.” Twilight replied. “We need to lead them away so Twilight and Sunset can get to Cinch.” Starlight said. “Got it!!” Rainbow said landing a hard kick on the lead Timberwolf. It turned its head and snarled at Rainbow. “Well, we got its attention what in Tartarus was step two again?” Rainbow asked. Cadence, grabbed Trixie and Starlight and took off from the one balcony toward where the main six were fighting. Upon arriving there and seeing several Diamond Dogs lying on the ground, she knew the battle was well in hand. “Look we got Rockhoof!!” Pinkie Pie chirped up. “Sorry, I couldn’t get here faster I tried.” Rockhoof said. “It’s ok sugarcube.” Applejack replied. “Rainbow we got Rockhoof.” Applejack said. “Tell him to get ready I’m bringing the party to you!!” Rainbow said as she rounded the corner followed by a Timberwolf. “I-I don’t see how that’s a party.” Fluttershy said. Rockhoof readied his shovel. “Twilight take Sunset fly for the throne room now!!” Cadence commanded. “You don’t stand a chance against us Princess Cadence.” Adagio sneered. “Maybe not, but I do Lassie!!” Shouted Rockhoof as he charged headlong into the Timberwolves legs causing it to fall over. With that Cadence, Starlight, Rarity, and Trixie lit up their horns and fired magic blasts at the beast breaking it apart. “Sonata, Aria let us show them our new trick,” Adagio said landing hard on the concrete. Aria and Sonata slip down off of their respective Timberwolves. Then all of a sudden all three Timberwolves started to join into one giant Timberwolf. Applejack had seen this before but none of the others had. Meanwhile in the hall leading to the throne room…. Twilight fired a magical blast taking out one of the guards guarding the throne room. The three other guards raised their spears and charged Sunset stood her ground next to Twilight.  This time they had help that had come to their aid. All of a sudden about 6 Pegasus flew in and knocked them down. Sunset had no idea who they were but Twilight sure did by the Uniforms. “THE WONDERBOLTS!! But how??” Twilight asked, “Easy Rainbow found the room they locked us in and released us from the cells and told us you two might need our help now get in there and stop Cinch.” Spitfire commanded. Twilight and Sunset both blasted open the door to the throne room. There standing in front of the thrones was Abacus Cinch!  “Two little ponies think they can defeat me? Hahaha!!” This is too precious. With the power of this amulet, I am invincible! It also keeps me in human form.” Cinch gloated.  Twilight was horrified by what she saw. Abacus Cinch had the alicorn amulet around her neck. Which meant she was pretty much invincible and only she could take it off. She knew she couldn’t trick Cinch as she did Trixie. She and Sunset both lit up their horns. Then Cinch played her trump card. She stepped aside and both Twilight and Sunset stopped.  There behind Cinch was a young blond-haired girl. Sunset looked her over quickly brown boots and blue jeans with an Orange Shirt with the sleeves rolled part of the way up a brown vest. Blond hair tied back in a ponytail with a red bow.  She was bound with her hand behind her back. She was kneeling and had her head down. “Who is that?” Twilight demanded. “Tell her your name dear.” Abacus Cinch said grabbing her arm and raising her to her feet. “Meghan Williams.” The girl replied. “Yes, another human now what will you do? Fire your magic at me. With this amulet, I am a God. Besides, now I have a shield.” Cinch said pulling Megan in front of her.    “You’re a coward to hide behind a little girl.” Sunset said. “Not a coward I have a shield that’s all.” Cinch repeated. “We have a Rockhoof.” Twilight said. “What could he do? I won. I took Ponyville and soon the Crystal Empire. ” Cinch proudly proclaimed. “The Cigarette Man and his commando team hold Ponyville right now. The Yaks and Dragons have lifted the siege on The Crystal Empire. Right now my friends are fighting your team of robots in the streets of Canterlot.” Sunset said. As soon as she said that Princess Cadence and Rockhoof entered the throne room. He walked right past Twilight and Sunset and up to Cinch who was holding Megan in front of her. In one motion Rockhoof pushed Megan out of the way and stared down Cinch. “Enough!! You are all of you beneath me!! I am a God you dull creature and I will not be bullied by…” Cinch started,  Rockhoof got up on two hoofs grabbed her legs and slammed Cinch against the throne room floor about five times. Then walked away right past a stunned Twilight and Sunset.  “Puny God.” He remarked. Megan got to her feet and ran towards Twilight and Sunset. Once behind them, she was struggling to get her hands free of the ropes. “Hold still.” Princess Cadence said zapping the ropes off of her hands. Cinch got up from her beat down and looked right at Megan and saw her bring out a red locket. Megan smiled at Cinch knowing she had the one thing that could defeat Cinch: The Rainbow of Light!! “Taste the rainbow, mother fucker!!” Megan said triumphantly.  Megan opened her locket and shot a rainbow that surrounded Cinch’s neck and immediately she started screaming in pain. She started grasping at the rainbow around her neck and then at the Alicorn Amulet finally tearing it off her neck. Cinch flung the Alicorn Amulet away from her and Princess Cadence caught it in her magic and brought it back to her.  “This is going back into hiding where it belongs.” Princess Cadence declared. When Cinch took the amulet the fighting on the streets of the Canterlot stopped. Then Twilight, Sunset, Cadence, Rockhoof, and Megan watched as Cinch transformed into a pony.  “No!! It can’t end like this!!” Cinch cried out.  By this time Megan had recalled her Rainbow of Light back to her. She put the locket back under her shirt and stood there with her arms crossed. True to what she had been told The Rainbow was there to protect the ponies always. “Megan, what did that Rainbow do to her? "Twilight asked, “I’m not sure Princess but it worked.” Megan replied. “It felt like my neck was on fire I couldn’t stand it.” Said Cinch now being grabbed by the guards. “The battle is over we better round up our forces and head for Ponyville. I have graduation tomorrow.” Sunset said. The group returned to Ponyville on the backs of the Pegasus and Alicorns that were present. Princesses Celestia and Luna stayed behind to coordinate the clean-up efforts.  Upon returning to Ponyville the smoking man asked Sunset what happened. “We lifted the siege on The Crystal Empire and retook Canterlot. It’s over Equestria is safe once more. Now I want to get back and rest for a bit I have graduation tomorrow.” Sunset said again. “Okay Fine, Sunset before you go you still want Starlight and I to come tomorrow?” Twilight asked. “You bet your ass I do?” Sunset replied smugly. Twilight, she said a bad language word.” Rainbow Dash said. “You know what Rainbow…” Twilight started. “We better go.” Sunset said to the smoking man. They walked into Twilight’s castle and one by one the Smoking Man started to send his agents through. Sunset gave a hug to Starlight and Twilight and said she’ll make sure Rarity is ready for her so she can get into the disguise that Rarity had for her the first time she visited. Then she went through the mirror was already there. Upon her arrival back into the world Sunset was greeted with a hug and kiss from her Twilight. Then Luna ran over and gave her a hug  “We have been so worried about you. Are you hurt? Are you ok?” Luna asked frantically holding Sunset’s face in her hands.  “Well if you let her answer.” Twilight said. “I’m okay just tired.” Sunset said. At this time Abacus Cinch was brought through the portal and grabbed by two agents. She kicked the one in the knee and tried to make a run for it. She didn’t get far as Gilda Stepped out from behind some bushes with a pistol. “Oh, good it’s only you Gilda. We need to get out of here.” Cinch said. Gilda responded by clicking the hammer back on the pistol and pointing it right at Cinch. “What the hell is this shit??!!” She asked. “You were right. You once said that one does not just walk out of Zephyr Heights.” Gilda said matter-of-factly. “We got her. Thank you, Gilda.” Said the Smoking Man walking up and grabbing Cinch by her arm as two of his agents put handcuffs on her.  “What?? Cinch exclaimed. “Didn’t it ever occur to you? I was just there the entire time. I let you and those sirens or Dazzlings do all the work. They broke into the school, murdered Chancellor Jim, and kidnapped Twilight. I was just there when you did this. How do you think the Cigarette Man knew where you were holding Twilight? I was an inside agent for The Syndicate so they could get you and the Dazzlings off the street.” Gilda explained. The Smoking Man then walked over and took the gun out of Gilda’s hands. “I saw how you were looking at the girls over there.” He calmly said loading her in the back of the van with Cinch and the Dazzlings. “Sunset and Twilight congratulations on graduating. Also, Twilight congratulations on being valedictorian. I must go. Take care” With that The Smoking Man and his men left in the van. “Come on girls' graduation is Tomorrow, we need to get you home.” Luna said glad this whole war for Equestria was over. * * * The next day… The Graduation ceremony went off without a hitch… All of the guests were there, tickets were at a premium due to how many seats there were at the Stadium. No student could buy more than four. Sunset bought 4-Aunt Chrysalis, Potion Nova, Wallflower Blush, and Juniper Montage. Apple Cinnamon’s ticket was bought by Applejack as he was there with Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom. Twilight (in the disguise Rarity had made for her during her first visit) and Starlight were there too thanks to Trixie. The next two days Applejack and Sunset held graduation parties. Ironically Sunset’s pool party was a big success Flash Sentry even came over. As his Automotive School was on a week-long break.  He did hug Sunset to congratulate her when he arrived. When Flash followed Sunset out to the pool his eyes fell on a girl on a lounge in the pool in a purple bikini with glasses on. “Who is that?” Flash quietly asked Sunset. “My cousin kind of. She stays here in the basement when on break from college.” Sunset explained. “She’s hot!! Oh, I mean that’s cool.” Flash stammered. “Come on Loverboy I’ll introduce you.” She noticed Flash hit it off with Juniper. As Sunset looked around at all of her friends and family, she realized it had been a bumpy ride, but she had made it through. Through being hated by the school. Through being beaten and kidnapped. Through having doubts about Luna and Celestia. She had a mom, a soon-to-be stepdad, two cool aunts, and two cousins. Also, a bunch of friends. Most of all she had Twilight Sparkle the love of her life. That Fall… Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were standing outside Canterlot High. Even though they graduated they were going to show this new group of students around the school a week before it began. Sunset took the roster sheet and looked over the new students. Principal Celestia unlocked the school and then Sunset addressed the kids. “Ok, when I say your name say here, present, or something to let me know you are here.” Sunset said.  “Izzy Moonbow.” Sunset said. “Here!” Said a perky purple-haired girl. “Hitch Trailblazer.”  “Here.” Confidently replied a green-haired guy. “Zephyrina Storm.”  “It’s Zipp and yes here.” Said an athletic-looking girl with short pink hair and blue and light pink highlights in her hair. She reminded Sunset of Rainbow Dash. “Pipp Petals. “Here. Said another girl with a gold charm in her purple hair. She seemed distracted as she was on her phone talking to her “Pipsqueeks”. Sunset thought oh great a social media Diva. “Misty Birghtdawn.”  “Here.” said a quiet frizzy green haired girl.  “Sprout Cloverleaf.” “Yeah.” Said a blond-haired boy. “Sunny Starscout?” Sunset asked. Everyone turned around to see a purple-haired girl with rainbow highlights in her hair rollerblading toward them. “Sorry, I’m late. Sunny Starscout.” She said happily. “OK I’m Sunset Shimmer and this is Twilight Sparkle we graduated in June but as a final favor are going to show you the school.” Sunset began as she led them into Canterlot High. “Here’s a few words of encouragement as we start our tour: You’re A New Generation, so Make Your mark and Tell Your Tale.” …Fin > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue   A.k.a Whatever happened to… Apple Family: Big McIntosh: Big Mac finished his two-year degree in agriculture at Canterlot Community College. After that, he started to run the farm and other than harvest time in late fall. He did a lot of the work himself.   After about 2 ½ half years of being out of college, he married Sugar Belle and they had two kids: one son, Rome, and a daughter, Honey Crisp, who helped out on the farm.  Rome and Honey Crisp also both adored their aunts. Applebloom: Applebloom finished High School and went to Canterlot Community College to study IT (Information Technology) and found work downtown working for the city of Canterlot as an Information Technology Technical Support Specialist.  She ended up getting a little apartment in the city. Then something Applebloom had written off as a fantasy finally happened. She got a boyfriend. She still helped out on the farm when she could especially harvest time as that was when she took her week of vacation. Granny Smith: Granny Smith retired a year after Applebloom graduated High School. While she retained ownership of the farm her grandkids ran the day-to-day operations. Finally, she turned ownership to all three of her grandkids (Although Applebloom would sell her part back to Applejack and Big Mac). She spent her last few years in an Assisted Living Facility with many visits from her family and even a lot of Applejack’s friends would stop by. Applejack: Applejack attended Canterlot Community College. Where she got her two-year degree in Business management and gradually started to run the Sweet Apple Acres.  Some retailers were reluctant to deal with a younger woman but Applejack’s tenacity won a lot of them over.  Unfortunately, Toe Tapper had a singing career and it took him all over the country. He and Applejack agreed to call it quits. Applejack never married. Fluttershy: Fluttershy attended a veterinary college in Fillydelphia. She would return to Canterlot after and become a veterinarian who worked on the staff of The Canterlot Animal Shelter. While it was a good-paying job the one thing Fluttershy could never get over is having to put a dog or cat down. She and Sandalwood did get married and had two girls Jynx and Butterwing. Ironically Jynx would go on to marry Big Mac’s son Rome. Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pie went on to study Entertainment At Canterlot University and after that, she started a party planning/cantering business with her boyfriend (and later husband) Cheese Sandwich.  She credited her friends and their families for getting her business off the ground. As she did about a dozen weddings for all of her friends. Cheese and she had two kids Lil’ Cheese and Bonanza Pie, Eventually, Pinkie Pie’s lifestyle caught up with her and she was diagnosed with diabetes it was hard for her being a baker and working with sugar all day. Eventually, Pinkie Pie did sell sugar-free cupcakes, brownies, and cookies for other diabetics in Canterlot. Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash attended Manehatten University on a soccer scholarship with Rarity and they got a dorm room together. (They thought it was just them but there was a third bed in the room. Both girls were mad until Juniper showed up in the doorway and said “Hi I'm Juniper your new roommate.” The girls were overjoyed.) Rainbow managed to do her best to keep her grades up and stay on the soccer team. After College, she went on to play for the professional team in Canterlot. She and Soarin did finally get married after he did his first tour of duty with the Airforce (after that he was in the reserves.) She and Soarin had a son named Gust.  Rarity: As stated above she Attended Manehatten University and roomed with Rainbow all four years (and Juniper for three years.) She majored in Fashion Design and eventually opened her boutique in downtown Canterlot. Eventually, she had shops in Manehatten and Fillydelphia.  Rarity and Thunderlane did eventually get married after he got done his tour with the Airforce (Just like Soarin he went into the reserves afterward.) She and Thunderlane did have two identical sons Rhodolite and Rhodonite.  Sweetie Belle: Sweetie Belle went on to become a singer. She would be the opening act when the Rainbooms would reunite for a concert. She also would open for Post Crush when they did the occasional reunion too. Finally, she got one top-40 hit before calling it quits in the music business and becoming a music teacher at CHS. Her husband Button Mash became a video game designer for a new company in Canterlot and did programming for several new and exciting titles. Scootaloo: Open up a skate park just outside of Canterlot with help from Rainbow Dash who promoted it. It turned out to be a pretty good success. She and Rumble did get married eventually after he finished his military service. Scootaloo and Rumble would have a son named Lighting Blitz and a daughter named Spectrum Chaser. Luna: Luna and Apple Cinnamon did get married (making a dream come true for Luna). Luna had Sunset be her maid of honor (a decision which Celestia, Chrysalis, and Cadence her bridesmaids were on board with.) Luna eventually became the principal of Canterlot High School 20 years later while Apple Cinnamon continued the appliance manufacturing business. Luna had two kids with Apple Cinnamon a son named Polaris and a daughter named Gleaming Shield. Sunset doted on her siblings. Luna finally retired at the age of 55 and Apple Cinnamon sold the business a year later for twice what he bought it for. Chrysalis and Potion Nova did finally tie the knot and adopted a brother and sister that were 9 and 8 (they were in the group of harder to adopt.) Chrysalis continued working for the FBI for about another 19 years putting in almost 30 years and retiring at age 51. Their kids were Pharynx and Pupaline. Juniper Montage: Finished Manehatten University and got a handful of acting roles, mostly as a supporting actress. She did land one big role early on. They did two Daring Do prequel movies and Juniper due to being young, played Daring Do in the second movie. Eventually, she won the academy award for best supporting actress it was for Juniper her crowning achievement. Juniper never forgot where she came from or the people who helped her out. She and Flash Sentry had a summer romance. They dated on and off over the next few years until Juniper got a place in downtown Canterlot not far from the garage Flash worked at. Juniper and Flash had a son and daughter Christopher and Christina.  Unlike most actresses, she was not stuck up and always likes to talk to some fans but even she had her limits. Her hubby and bodyguard knew when to have people leave her alone. Wallflower Blush: Was very depressed when Juniper and Flash entered into a relationship. It turned out Wallflower was gay and liked Juniper. When she realized Juniper wasn’t the same way she became depressed. She did however hook up with Trixie and her and Trixie while never getting married they did live together for many years. Now For Sunset and Twilight: When they weren’t working at the mall that first summer, they were almost inseparable. Always hanging out in Twilight’s Room or Sunset’s Basement or producing Shimmer Code.  A month into her freshman year Sunset moved into her flat it was a nice place to live right off campus. Luna cried her eyes out when Sunset left but she knew she would have to let her go eventually. Twilight Velvet also cried when Twilight moved out that summer. Her parents knew that day would come too. Shortly afterward they put the house up for sale. Her parents didn’t need to have that big a house now that Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle had moved out. Both attended Canterlot Community College for two years then came the time that they never wanted to think about. Sunset was staying local so she could keep her flat while Twilight was headed to Everton College. The next two years tested their relationship, but Twilight would come back at Fall break, Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas/New Year’s, Spring Break, and Summer Break.  Sunset and Twilight would work to finish school. Sunset would become a video game programmer and designer. Twilight would study and become an engineer.  After that Sunset and Twilight did finally get a house a block away. Then finally happened Sunset and Twilight went for a walk to a park in Canterlot that Twilight liked: “Thanks for bringing me out here it’s beautiful.” Twilight beamed. “I know you like it and that is why I brought you out here. I have something important to ask you.” Sunset remarked.  “Oh, what’s that? Sunset why are you kneeling down?” Twilight asked. “Twilight Sparkle will you marry me?” Sunset asked. “Yes, Sunny, I will marry you, I would love to be your wife.” Twilight said almost crying. “I would love to be your wife too!” Sunset exclaimed putting the engagement ring on Twilight’s hand. About a year later the wedding was held at Sweet Apple Acres. Sunset couldn’t have all of her friends as bridesmaids, but Luna was her Maid of Honor. Sunset and Twilight adopted a blind girl named Snowdrop who was about 8. Sunset and Twilight homeschooled her as it would be easier, and the girl was very bright. All in all, it turned out well for everyone…almost. Abacus Cinch was put into the secret underground base of Maretime Bay. The Dazzlings were housed in different cells across Bridlewood. Gilda Griffon got more privileges at the prison but all of them were incarcerated for the rest of their lives.