> The Daughter of Chrysalis > by evanim26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A new addition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A mare ran through a forest as quickly as she could, for she knew that if she stopped then the timberwolf that ambushed her and her husband during their camping trip would surely kill her, just as it did when it first attacked and caught her husband. She also carried a basket but the contents inside were hidden from view by a small white blanket. The mare ran as far as her hooves could carry her but the timberwolf still had yet to give up its pursuit, it wasn’t until the mare had hidden behind a tree that the timberwolf stopped running and began sniffing the area. The mare slipped away but knew the timberwolf would still be looking for her so she had to make a sacrifice, she knew she could not let the timberwolf get to the basket, no matter what. The mare found a small river of water and quickly took the basket off, before she left the basket, she removed the blanket to reveal a sleeping small foal who looked four years old. The foal had a bright green coat with a pitch-black mane and tail. The mare nuzzled the foal but quickly stopped when she heard the timberwolf’s growl, she set the basket on the river and let it float downstream, away from the timberwolf. “Please, stay safe.” The mare said, she turned around and ran towards the timberwolf until she was face-to-face with it “You want to eat somepony? Eat me!” she yelled then she quickly ran away while the timberwolf followed A small trio of changelings roamed the forest in search of prey, whether they be animal or pony. While trotting, one of their ears perked up at the sound of something so he decided to investigate and leave the others. The changeling stepped through some brushes and found himself at a small river, he had thought he heard something near the river but was about to turn around when he heard the cries again. He turned back to the river to find a basket floating down the stream, he quickly used his magic to lift the basket out of the river and found out that it was the source of the cries. He removed the blanket covering the basket to find an earth pony filly. “This is surprising. Who would put you in a basket like this?” The changeling said, the foals’ cries died down once she had laid eyes on the changeling “Demyx? Where are you, you fool?” one of the other changelings called out and this voice sounded female “Over here!” Demyx shouted, the two changelings he had come to the forest with came through the bushes to find Demyx holding a basket. “There you are, you pathetic excuse for a changeling. What disgusting thing did you find this time?” The changeling asked “It seems to be an earth filly, Dairs.” Demyx said “And you haven’t killed it because?” Dairs questioned “Look at it, Dairs. It’s just an innocent foal. We can’t kill it.” Demyx said Dairs sighed “Have you already forgotten why we came to this goddess-forsaken forest in the first place?” she said then she turned to the other changeling “Vask? Care to remind him why we came here? If I do I might hurt him in my frustration.” Vask nodded “We came here to prove to queen Chrysalis that you can be a true changeling. That you are not a coward who tries to protect our prey. Yet here you are again, protecting. Our. Prey. Once the queen hears about this, she will surely execute you.” he said “You might be able to save your chitin if you kill it now. If you don’t, then I won’t try to save you anymore. Whatever punishment her majesty gives you will be one you deserve for being so foolish.” Dairs said “I’m not gonna kill her. She’s done nothing to deserve it.” “Then tell us, what are you going to do with it?” Vask asked Demyx looked down at the foals’ curious glance as she looked at each changeling, then she suddenly smiled as she reached out and touched Demyx’s muzzle, surprising everyone. Demyx looked at the others and smiled “I’m taking her with us.” Dairs simply stared in disbelief “I knew you were the weakest and dumbest changeling in the hive, but this is a new low I didn’t think you could achieve. Do you even hear yourself right now? We’re not talking about letting another prey go, you actually want to bring a pony to the changeling hive. Our queens’ changeling hive no less. I mean, do you want a death wish, Demyx?!” “I know how you feel, but look at her. She’s not scared of us at all, and she’s smiling at us. When was the last time you’ve seen a pony look at us with joy instead of fear?” Demyx said “Who cares how it looks at us now? When it gets older it’ll just be like the rest of those ponies and wish nothing but death for our kind.” Vask said “I’m sure we can change it...somehow. Maybe we can even become friends with her.” Dairs threw her hooves into the air “That’s it, that’s the last straw. There’s no saving you now. You’re a dead changeling. It was nice knowing you, Demyx. Though truthfully, it really wasn’t. Once the queen hears about this, you’ll be lucky to get a swift execution.” she said Vask shook his head “Please tell me this is some sort of joke. You won’t actually bring it back to the hive and, at least, leave it here.” he said “Nope, it’s not a joke, I’m taking her back with us.” Demyx said “Welp, it’s your funeral. I’m not even gonna try to convince you otherwise. If you want to be executed and have that thing die as well, then that’s your choice.” Dairs said, she took to the skies and flew off “You’re making a mistake. A big mistake.” Vask said then he to took the skies and flew back in the direction of the hive. Demyx watched them leave then he turned back down to the smiling foal as she reached out to him. He reached his other hoof to her and allowed her to hold it as she laughed, and while she messed with it Demyx thought back to what Dairs said. He looked down sadly at the foal as she began chewing on his hoof, then he shook his head to clear the bad thoughts away. ’No. She won’t die. I just have to convince the queen that she’s worth keeping around, I have to.’ Demyx thought then he took the basket into his mouth then took to the air and headed back to the hive. Dairs and Vask were the first the arrive at the hive, they entered the hive and met with two guards who were waiting near the entrance. “Welcome back.” The guard said as he looked at both of them “Where is Demyx?” “He’ll be here. Though not for long once the queen discovers what he’d done.” Dairs said “What did that idiot do this time? Did he refuse to feed on a pony again?” The guard said “Worse, Vax. Much worse. You’ll see soon.” Dairs said Just as Dairs said, Demyx arrived at the hive and entered to find the guards, Vask, and Dairs staring at him and the basket he had in his mouth. They all stared at each other for a few minutes and the guards only moved when they heard noises coming from the basket itself. “Demyx...what did you bring back to the hive?” Vax asked Demyx set the basket down “it’s, uh. A...foal.” Vax simply stared at him then he stepped forward and removed part of the blanket to find the pony foal staring up at him, then he put the blanket back over it and continued staring at Demyx while he smiled nervously. “...Explain to me. In one sentence. Why you thought bringing back a pony foal WAS A GOOD IDEA!” Vax shouted “W-Well I-.” “Are you an Idiot?! No, let me rephrase that. YOU ARE AN IDIOT! You brought back a pony foal to our queen’s hive. You broke one of our most important rules, why?!” “Because she was alone in the middle of the everfree. I couldn’t just leave her there.” Demyx said “Yes, you could. The problem is that you didn’t leave her there. This is the reason why everyling sees you as the weakest changeling because you give our enemies mercy. But now, you’ve just rescued one of our worst enemies and brought them here. Do you have ANY idea what our queen will do to you once she finds out about this?!” Vax ranted “I’ll be executed?” “No, execution will be mercy at this point. She’ll skin you alive, tear off your wings, and starve you for the rest of your days. Next, she’ll take this pony, take all of its love then get rid of it. I have no idea why you brought it back to the hive in the first place.” Vax said “Well...I didn’t have anywhere else to take her. So I thought, “Hey, the hive would be the best place the bring her. It’s nice and safe. It’s perfect”. I wasn’t really thinking at the time.” Demyx said “Obviously.” “I’m not sure you ever think things through. If you did, then you wouldn’t already be on thin ice with her majesty.” Dairs said making Demyx avoid her gaze “Alright, let’s get this over with. You might as well report to our queen and get your punishment over with so we can get rid of it as well.” Vax said Demyx nodded and picked up the basket in his mouth again, then e trotted past both the guards while Dairs and Vask followed him to Queen Chrysalis’s throne room. When they got to the large doors, the guards stopped them when they noticed the basket, but Demyx assured them that it was fine so they let them go through. They entered the throne room to find their queen advising some other changelings, when she saw Demyx and the others enter her throne room, she sent the changelings away and called for Demyx and the others to approach her. “Demyx.” Chrysalis said with clear venom Demyx set the basket down and bowed along with the others “My queen.” “I see that you have returned from your mission earlier than intended. Has something happened? And why do you have a basket?” Chrysalis said “I...” “Why do you not speak? I asked you a question and I demand an answer, you pathetic changeling!” Chrysalis said but Demyx remained silent Dairs looked up at Chrysalis “My queen, if you’ll permit me, I will explain what happened during our mission.” she said “Very well, since Demyx seems to be too much of a coward to tell me himself,” Chrysalis said “We had left and arrived at the everfree forest, as you ordered. But while there, we had encountered a problem which Demyx refused to let go of.” Dairs said glancing at Demyx who looked extremely nervous “What was the problem?” “Demyx...had found a foal in the everfree and had brought it back to the hive,” Dairs said and with that, the room stayed completely silent. Though, even in silence, they could still feel the anger and rage build up within Chrysalis as she glared only at Demyx “Please, allow me to explain myse-.” Chrysalis slammed her hoof on the ground “There’s no point, for there isn’t an excuse or reason in the world that can save you now!” she shouted as she stepped off her throne and slowly trotted to Demyx “Time and time again, you have proven to be nothing but a waste of space. A pathetic excuse for a changeling. You spare our prey, refuse to feed off of ponies and other animals, and now you bring a pony to MY HIVE?! I have been merciful with you Demyx, but only because these two had made compelling cases to keep you around. Well no more, this mission was your last chance to make something of yourself, to prove you were a true changeling. But instead, you break yet another rule and bring a pony into MY HIVE!” “But, my queen-.” Chrysalis fired a beam from her horn striking the spot right next to Demyx “I will not listen to your excuses and I will offer no more chances for you to be redeemed.” she said then she lifted the basket using her magic and moved it next to her head, shaking it as well “You will be sent to the punishment room and this pony will be executed. Its dead corpse will be a constant reminder to you to never break my rules again. Not that you will ever have the chance to, ever agai-.” Chrysalis cut herself off when she felt a hoof on her face. She looked and saw the foal look at her with curiosity. Chrysalis glared at the foal as she moved the basket away and wiped the side of her face “Disgusting. To have a pony touch me. Unacceptable!” she said but then she heard laughter and looked to see the foal laughing “Why are you laughing? Do you find amusement in this? Do you think touching me in such a disgusting manner is funny?!” Chrysalis moved the basket close to her face and glared at the filly right in her eyes “Maybe I should just kill you now and be done with you forever. Do you find that funny, you disgusting pony?!” she shouted but the foal just grabbed Chrysalis’s face and nuzzled her own face into it making Chrysalis immediately move the basket away as she stared dumbfounded at the filly who was still reaching out to her. Demyx, Dairs, and Vask also stared with their mouths agape at the interaction between the ruthless changeling and an earth filly who had done something no-ling could ever do, leave Chrysalis at a loss for words. Dairs turned to Vask “That filly isn’t scared of Queen Chrysalis at all, it thinks this is a game. What kind of pony is she?” she whispered “Apparently a very stupid one if it thinks it can simply do that to our queen and think there won’t be repercussions,” Vask said Chrysalis turned to Demyx “Demyx, explain why this filly does not fear me.” “I don’t know, my queen. But it would seem she does not fear our kind for some reason.” Demyx said “Impossible. There doesn’t exist a single being who doesn’t fear me, this filly will be no different.” Chrysalis said as she floated the basket back to her but kept it far enough so the filly doesn’t touch her “You will fear me, foal. Just like every other pony in Equestria. I will absorb your love then get rid of you for good.” she said as she opened her mouth and began absorbing the love from the filly. Once she was done, the filly fell asleep while Chrysalis kicked her lips “Delicious. Nothing is better than love from a fo-...wait, what is this? This is not normal love. This is something different.” “What is it, my queen? Is there something wrong with the love from the foal?” Dairs asked “T-This can’t be. This is impossible! Unacceptable! This is...this is...” Chrysalis stared at the filly sleeping soundly in her basket “What is it, my queen?” Vask asked “This is the love a foal would give a mother.” Chrysalis said leaving everyone surprised “The filly thinks of you as its mother? She truly is a lot stranger than any other pony we’ve ever met.” Demyx said ’How can this be?! How can this pony see me as its mother? This doesn’t make sense. I CAN NOT be a mother to a pony.’ Chrysalis thought “What would you have us do with it, your majesty?” Dairs asked ’I should get rid of it. I can not have a pony remain in my hive...’ Chrysalis thought but as she stared at the foal, she remained silent ’Why am I hesitating?! I shouldn’t be hesitating! This innocent foal should mean nothing to me! And yet, I feel merciful to it. And here I thought I had extinguished any traces of good within me.’ “My queen.” Vask said, interrupting her thoughts “If you do not mind, we shall take the foal away so that you may never gaze upon it again.” Chrysalis took a glance at the foal and then turned away “Just hurry and get this foal out of my sight. Demyx, you shall remain here.” Dairs and Vask bowed, they took the basket from the queen’s magic and began to trot to the door while Chrysalis watched from the corner of her eye and tried her hardest to ignore the feeling within her. ’Stop it, you can not have a pony in your hive. You chose to become the ruthless queen for the good of your hive, how will your subjects obey you if you allow an enemy to remain here? Besides, the pony will be nothing but trouble, just like that fool Demyx. She will be a waste to keep around.’ Chrysalis thought then she sighed ’Let it go, Chrysalis. Let. It. Go.’ Dairs and Vask had reached the door and were just about to leave with the foal when Chrysalis turned around to them “Stop, I have another idea for the foal.” Chrysalis said making the two turn back to her “What did you have in mind, your highness?” Vask asked Chrysalis levitated the basket to her “As every-ling knows, earth ponies are exceptional gardeners. They are able to make any fruit or vegetable grow without fail.” she said “But, fruits and vegetables don’t matter to us. We don’t need them, unlike ponies.” Dairs said “True, but earth ponies also have incredible strength. Out of all of the pony races, earth ponies are most likely the strongest, it is part of their own magic.” Chrysalis said “But ponies can’t use their magic here. Your throne prevents that.” Vask said “This is true, as long as my throne stands, any and all magic that is not changeling will be disabled. Which is why we will turn her into a changeling.” Chrysalis said leaving everyone’s mouth agape “Is that really possible, your majesty? Turning a pony into a changeling?” Demyx asked “It is. Eons ago, when our population started decreasing due to food shortages, the queen before me developed a spell that can turn a pony into a changeling. It will erase the memory of who the pony was before and allows us to implant new ones, making them think they were always a changeling. I will use the same spell on the foal so she can use her earth pony magic and become quite the soldier for our hive.” Chrysalis explained “There is still one problem, my queen. Who will look after and train the foal?” Dairs asked “I will.” Demyx said Chrysalis turned to him “Are you a fool, Demyx? Why would I entrust this foal to a weak and pathetic changeling like you? You would most likely teach the foal to respect everything it meets and consider their “feelings”. You will not look after this foal, I will.” she said leaving everyone stunned into silence. “Are you certain, your Highness? Perhaps some-ling else would be more suited to-.” Vask asked “You dare question your queen?! I have made my decision, I will look after the foal myself.” Chrysalis said “If you’re going to be its mother, would that make her some kind of princess?” Dairs joked but took a step back when Chrysalis glared at her then she turned back to the basket “Yes, that could work. Once she has been transformed into a changeling, she will become my heir. She will become the princess of the changelings. I will teach her all I know about our laws while I assign one of our strongest warriors to train her. She will become a perfect queen once I am gone. But first, the spell.” Chrysalis said as her horn glowed, then she blasted a beam at the foal which covered her whole body in a soft glow “I have infused my changeling magic with hers, now all that is left is to give her the blood of a changeling. My blood.” Chrysalis brought her own leg up and bit into it hard enough to draw blood, then she sucked some of her own blood from it and held it within her mouth. She then took the foal’s leg and brought it close to her mouth. “Forgive me.” Chrysalis whispered then she bit into the foal’s leg causing the filly to awaken and scream as Chrysalis put her blood inside of her. When it was done, the foal began glowing again as her body began changing. Her skin had become chitin but still retained her fur and color while her eyes turned from normal to green glowing eyes with slits. Her teeth had also become fangs like Chrysalis’s. After her transformation was complete, the foal fell back unconscious. Vask looked at her “Will she be alright, your highness?” “It will take some time before she awakens from her transformation, but she will live. For now, move the foal to my bed chambers to rest.” Chrysalis “Before that, shall we give the new princess a name?” Dairs asked “Yes, a new name. For this day forth, this foa-...no, this nymph, shall be known as...Princess Adiyis.” Chrysalis declared Dairs and Vask bowed “Hail, Princess Adiyis!” “Inform my subjects to be ready to assemble in my throne room. I must also inform them of the new addition to the hive.” Chrysalis said, so they bowed again and left the throne room while she turned to Demyx “Oh, and do not think I have forgotten about you, Demyx. Your punishment will still be dealt with for breaking my laws, and I still have no intention of showing you any mercy. You will be executed, but this time as an example to any other changeling who may think the same as you.” Demyx glanced at the floor and then bowed to the Queen “I know I don’t have any right to make requests of you, my Queen. But, please, spare those who are close to me.” “Why should I? I might as well execute your entire family if they will be as weak as you. Give me a reason why I shouldn’t.” Chrysalis said “Because, I believe my sons, Thorax and Pharynx, will become of great use for the hive. I am sure they will become the greatest warriors the hive has ever seen.” Demyx said “You sound very sure of yourself. But, you have no guarantees that what you say will happen.” Chrysalis said “I know it will, my Queen. But it can only happen if you allow it.” Chrysalis thought for a moment “Very well, I will spare your eggs. But, that is the last piece of mercy you shall receive from me. Guards!” she called out so two armored changeling guards entered the room “Escort Demyx to his cell.” she ordered so they did as told and left the room. Once they were gone, Chrysalis sighed and left the throne room as well. She trotted through her hive and watched as the changelings she passed by bowed at her, she didn’t bat an eye at them and continued on her way until she had reached her bed chambers which she entered to find the basket with Adiyis inside on her bed, still fast asleep. Chrysalis trotted to her and softly pet her mane. ’I can’t believe this. To think a foal’s love would be so strong to change even me, the love one would give a mother. Oh well, what’s done is done. You, my little nymph, are now a changeling, or at least half a changeling. You will learn all there is about my kind, and become the greatest warrior any creature has ever seen. And I will be beside you every step of the way, and care for you just as a mother would.’ Chrysalis thought then they were interrupted when she heard a yawn come from Adiyis, Chrysalis looked down to notice Adiyis was looking up at her “Hello, my little nymph.” Adiyis sat herself up and looked around the room curiously, then she was picked up by Chrysalis’s magic and brought to her who proceeded to hold her in her hooves. “This is m-OUR bed-chamber. You will be sleeping with me until I say otherwise. Understood?” Chrysalis said but Adiyis was still looking around the room “I will take your silence as a yes.” She said, then she put Adiyis on the bed, though as soon as she did, Adiyis’s legs collapsed under her and no matter how hard she tried to stand, she still fell back down “Your body must be weak from the transformation. We need to get your energy back up. Stay here.” She ordered then she left the room Chrysalis stood right outside her door as her horn glowed ”Dairs, Vask, I require your assistance.” She said through the changeling hive mind. ”Yes, my Queen. How may we serve you?” Dairs asked ”Your princess is weak, she requires food, go and bring some to my bed chambers.” Chrysalis said ”Shall we bring fruits and vegetables since she is still part foal, your Highness?” Vask asked Chrysalis thought for a moment ”No, bring meat. She is a changeling now and must eat like one.” ”What if the princess does not like meat?” Vask asked ”I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Now do as your told.” ”Yes, my Queen.” They said then Chrysalis’s horn stopped glowing as she re-entered her chambers and trotted over to Adiyis who smiled happily at seeing her Chrysalis softly rubbed her mane “I apologize for leaving you alone, Adiyis, but I had to make my changelings bring you food so that you may recover your energy. They will be here soon.” She said as Adiyis nuzzled herself into Chrysalis’s hoof, so instead, Crysalis picked her up and held her close while still rubbing her mane while Adiyis now nuzzled herself into her chest, making Chrysalis smirk. Later, a knock soon came on the door, surprising Chrysalis a bit so she put Adiyis back on the bed and headed for the door. Chrysalis opened the door to find Dairs and Vask holding two separate small pieces of cooked meat on plates “What took you so long?” Vask bowed “A thousand Apologise, my Queen. We just couldn’t decide which would be more suited for the princess at her age.” “No matter, just leave the food on the bed and wait for my next order.” Chrysalis said so they nodded and did as told then they stepped off to the side and watched as Adiyis eyed the food curiously. Chrysalis walked over to Adiyis and picked up a piece of meat with her magic then brought it to Adiyis “Here, little one. Eat.” Adiyis sniffed the food then immediately pulled her head back in disgust “You must eat, Adiyis, if you are to recover your strength.” Chrysalis said as she floated the meat closer but Adiyis kept her mouth shut and shook her head “Eat, Adiyis.” She said but Adiyis still refused. Chrysalis tried to get the food into Adiyis’s mouth, but she kept turning her head away from the piece of meat. Chrysalis was beginning to get frustrated with the nymph and was just about the get the meat to her mouth when Adiyis swatted it away, causing it to hit Chrysalis in the face making Dairs and Vask chuckle but they quickly stopped when Chrysalis glared at them. Chrysalis wiped the piece of meat off her face and glared at the nymph “Very well then, if you wish to make this difficult, then I will show you no mercy.” She said as she picked up another piece of meat with her magic which she also used on Adiyis’s mouth to force it open but she tried her best to keep it closed “Open your mouth, little nymph! You will eat this meat!” She said but Adiyis continued to refuse. Adiyis kept her mouth closed for as long as she could, but was no match for Chrysalis’s magic as she opened her mouth just enough for her to put the piece of meat in. “There, now eat.” Chrysalis said. Adiyis was about to spit it out but stopped herself as she really tasted the meat, then she began chewing and swallowed the meat “Now, was that so hard?” She asked as Adiyis reached for the meat so Chrysalis picked up some more and fed it to her. “A pony eating meat? I never thought I’d see the day.” Vask said “It must be because of her changed biology. Since she is now part changeling, the meat will be delicious to her.” Dairs said Chrysalis fed the last pieces of meat to Adiyis and then used a napkin to wipe her mouth “We changelings may feed on love, but that does not mean we can not sustain ourselves using normal food. Love just keeps us healthy and powerful, as well as fed. I am sure one day, you too will feed on love just as I do, my little nymph.” She said and Adiyis giggled then Chrysalis levitated the plates to Dairs and Vask. “Return the plates from where they came, and-.” Chrysalis cut herself off as she began sniffing the air, she followed the smell to Adiyis’s diaper “And bring me diapers for the nymph.” “Will our regular nymph diapers suffice?” Vask asked “Yes, now hurry. I am unsure of how much longer I can take this smell.” Chrysalis said so they quickly left the room while Chrysalis removed Adiyis’s diaper and then threw it away “I should assign a caretaker to you as well. I can not afford to take care of you alone, little Adiyis. I still have a hive to run.” Dairs and Vask returned with a fresh set of diapers for Chrysalis which she took and put on Adiyis. After, she put Adiyis back in her basket and began levitating it. “Follow me.” Chrysalis said as she left the room ”All changelings report to the throne room and bring Demyx.” She said across the hive mind as she headed for the throne room along with Dairs and Vask. Once Chrysalis had reached the throne room, every other changeling stepped off to the side to allow Chrysalis to trot past. As she did, the changelings noticed Adiyis in her basket looking around at all of them but none dared speak in the presence of Chrysalis without being told to. Chrysalis sat on her throne while Adiyis floated next to her “My changelings, today is a good day. For today, we welcome the princess of the changelings. Princess Adiyis.” She said making the changelings look at each other confused A changeling stepped up “My Queen, forgive me for asking, but if she is the princess. Are we to believe she is your nymph?” he asked “Yes, you shall. Adiyis is my nymph and the future Princess of the hive. I expect all of you to treat her with nothing but respect, or you shall feel my wrath. Understood?” Chrysalis said so the changelings bowed “Yes, Queen Chrysalis. Hail, Princess Adiyis!” The changelings shouted making Adiyis smile “Now for Demyx. Bring him in.” Chrysalis ordered so the guards brought in a chained-up Demyx “Demyx, for continuously breaking my laws, and refusing to obey my orders. I hereby sentence you to death and will be executed immediately.” She said as her horn glowed “My Queen, shall I remove the princess from the room?” Dairs asked Chrysalis looked over at Adiyis “No, she will stay. She will witness this execution so that she may familiarize herself with how it is done when it is her turn. And so she may become the princess I want her to be.” She said then her horn glowed again and the guards moved out of the way as she blasted Demyx in the chest, killing him instantly and making a female changeling gasp but remain silent. Adiyis watched the whole thing but was more surprised than anything else as she watched Demyx fall over dead “Let that be a lesson to any who may think the same as the pathetic changeling, Demyx. Obey me, or there will be consequences.” “Now for another issue. I will assign one of the nursery caretakers to princess Adiyis. All caretakers, approach me.” Chrysalis said so a group of ten Changelings approached her and bowed as Chrysalis looked them over, then she pointed to one of them. A female changling “You, tell me your name.” The changeling stepped up. “My name is Scissa, your highness.” “I choose you to be the caretaker of Princess Adiyis. You will care for all of her basic needs and keep her protected from danger. You will also teach her about our laws and how we work when I call for you. I should not have to say this, but if she is harmed in any way, punishment will be swift. Am I understood?” Chrysalis said Scissa bowed “Of course, my Queen. I shall protect the princess with my life.” “Good. There was another issue I was going to address, but that can wait until Adiyis is older. For now, leave and return to your posts.” Chrysalis said so the changelings bowed and left the throne room, including Scissa. And they dragged Demyx’s body with them. Vask stayed behind “Vask, did you not hear what I said?” “Apologies, my Queen. I just wish to know why you did not tell the changelings what Princess Adiyis really is.” Vask said “Simply because it does not matter what princess Adiyis was, only what she is now. Princess Adiyis is a changeling and that shall remain the truth. Understood, Vask?” Chrysalis said Vask bowed “I understand, your Majesty.” He said then he to left the throne room. “Now for you.” Chrysalis said as she turned to Adiyis who yawned and struggled to stay awake “Hm, I suppose it has been a long day. Let us retire to our bed-chamber.” She said and she was about to levitate her basket but stopped. “Hm, having you travel in a basket will not do for a princess.” Chrysalis levitated Adiyis out of the basket and set her on her back “There, now you are more of a princess. Now, what to do with your basket.” she said and Adiyis reached out to it which Chrysalis noticed “You wish to keep the basket?” She asked and Adiyis nodded slowly “...Very well, we shall put the basket in our room. Speaking of, let us head there now.” Chrysalis left her throne room with Adiyis on her back who had fallen asleep as well. The changelings she passed by noticed the sleeping nymph and remained quiet so as not to wake her and invoke their Queens’ wrath. When they had finally entered their chambers, Chrysalis levitated Adiyis to the bed and made sure she was comfortable then she got in the bed herself. Chrysalis kissed Adiyis’s forehead “Sleep well, my little nymph.” A female changeling ran down to the nursery and hid in a hidden corner where she proceeded to cry silently “Demyx, I told you the queen would not understand. Why didn’t you listen to me? Why?!” she said as she continued to cry then the eggs she was next to started glowing so she trotted over to them and put a hoof on each. “Thorax, Pharynx, you two may be our only hope. Demyx, your father, told me a way to become friends with the ponies and other creatures. Of course, at first, I laughed at him but the more he explained it to me, the more it made sense. We CAN become allies with the ponies so we don’t have to starve anymore nor do we have to continue being hostile. We can become a peaceful race. I believe it with all of my heart, and I’ll make sure you two believe it as well.” The changeling kissed both eggs and turned away “Goodnight, my nymphs.” she said as she left the nursery. When she was gone, one of the eggs started glowing a soft sky-blue color while the other glowed a purple color. Then both of them stopped glowing. (3 years later) A little nymph ran through the hive at breakneck speed trying to avoid the changeling flying after her. She ran through holes and tunnels to try to lose her but the changeling always found her. She was currently running down another tunnel and the changeling was gaining on her, so the nymph jumped over a gap and dived through a hole just big enough to fit her size and not the changelings. The nymph rolled out the other side “See you later, Scissa.” she said as she trots down the tunnel proudly Then she stopped as she heard buzzing, and she noticed it was coming from above and noticed another hole right above her head that Scissa quickly flew out of and caught the nymph who struggled to free herself from her grasp. “Now, now, your Highness. That will be enough of that. I have caught you and won the game fairly, now will you please return to your studies?” Scissa said “No!” “Please, Princess Adiyis?” Adiyis pouted and turned away from Scissa “Fine, just let me down.” she said “Thank you.” Scissa said as she put Adiyis down who took off running again. “Princess Adiyis! Not again.” “Come on, Scissa. Best two out of three. I bet I’ll beat you this ti-OOF.” Adiyis was cut off when she ran into something, when she looked up she realized it was Queen Chrysalis “Mama!” she said as she hugged her left foreleg Chrysalis rubbed Adiyis’s mane “Adiyis, what are you doing here? Should you not be studying?” She asked and then she noticed Scissa Scissa had caught up and bowed “My apologies, Queen Chrysalis. She ran away while I was not looking and made me play a game.” she said Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at Adiyis who looked everywhere but at her “Adiyis?” “I...didn’t feel like studying today. I wanted to play so I kinda forced her to play with me...” Adiyis admitted “Adiyis, you know how important your studies are. If you are to become a perfect queen then you must study.” Chrysalis said “But, mom-.” “No, Adiyis. I will hear none of it. You will go with Scissa and continue your studies. Understood?” Chrysalis said Adiyis looked down and nodded “Yes, mom.” Chrysalis smirked as she leaned down to her ear “When you are done studying, then we may play in the chamber together.” she whispered Adiyis smiled “Realy? You promise?” “I promise, but only after your studies. And if I hear that you ran off again then you can forget about it, understood?” Chrysalis said “Got it!” Adiyis said then she ran back to Scissa “Let’s go, I wanna get my studying finished as quickly as possible.” Scissa nodded “As you wish, Princess Adiyis.” She said so both of them left Queen Chrysalis A changeling guard ran to Chrysalis “My Queen, I have news.” “What is it?” “There is a storm approaching from northwest of the hive. A winter storm.” The guard said Chrysalis turned to him “I understand. Report to the nursery.” she ordered so the guard bowed ”All changelings, a winter storm is coming. Put our winter storm plan into action immediately. You know your jobs. Get them done, or punishment will be dealt.” she said over the hive mind then she trotted to her throne room. A few hours later, Adiyis was still busy reading one of the many books provided to her to help her understand changeling customs. She had been reading for some time and finally stopped when Scissa returned. “Princess Adiyis, your studies are done for the day. We will have to review what you learned another time though.” Scissa said as she picked up the book “Why? Is something wrong?” Adiyis asked “It’s...I do not think I am allowed to disclose that. I am sorry. For now, return to her Highness.” Scissa said “Um...okay.” Adiyis said as she got off her chair and left the study. While trotting through the hive she noticed the changelings were moving around a lot more than usual. Adiyis then found Chrysalis talking to some guards “Mama!” she said as she ran to her Chrysalis looked over her shoulder and saw Adiyis so she turned back to the guards and waved them off then she turned back to Adiyis who hugged her again “Adiyis, are you finished with your studies?” “Yep. By the way, what’s up with every-ling? Is there some sort of party going on?” Adiyis asked “No, did you not hear my announcement?” Chrysalis asked “Um...” “Right, never mind. I had forgotten that you have yet to master control over the hivemind.” Chrysalis said then she levitated Adiyis onto her back and began trotting around the hive “Well, a winter storm is coming so every-ling is currently preparing the hive using our winter plan.” “Winter plan?” “Yes, our winter plan. The plan is to move every egg and nymph from the nursery to the underground area we call the basement. All caretakers are supposed to go with them to care for any hatching egg and nymphs.” Chrysalis explained “But...What about every-ling else?” Adiyis asked “Every changeling that is not a caretaker is to remain above ground to protect the hive from any who are brave enough to attack us.” “But...it’ll be really cold, won’t it? How will they stay warm?” Adiyis asked “...They will not.” “What?” Chrysalis stopped trotting and sighed “The changelings who remain above ground are to defend the hive. But in doing so, they will have no protection from the freezing colds and some will even...die.” she said “No, there has to be something we can do. Some way to keep it warm, some kind of spell you can do. Anything!” Adiyis said Chrysalis smirked and rubbed Adiyis’s mane “You are kind, my little nymph. But, there is no spell here that can help us.” “Maybe...maybe there’s one where the ponies live.” Adiyis said “Even if there was one with the ponies, it will be too dangerous to retrieve. I will not risk any changeling to go on a wild goose chase when they can be here to defend the hive.” Chrysalis said “Then...I’ll go look.” “No, you will do no such thing.” “But I can help. I don’t want my family to die when there can be a way to save them.” Adiyis said “And that is very noble of you, Adiyis. But I will not endanger you like that. You will remain here at the hive and follow every other nymph to the basement where it is safe.” Chrysalis said “But-.” “That is final, Adiyis! You are this hive’s future queen so you must stay safe. I will hear no more of you traveling to a pony town to look for a spell that may not even exist. Understood?” Chrysalis said “But, mom-.” “Am. I. Understood, Adiyis?” Chrysalis said narrowing her eyes at Adiyis who lowered her head “Yes, mom.” Chrysalis levitated Adiyis off her back and rubbed her mane. “Good, now follow the nymphs to the basement. I must ensure everything is ready for when the storm arrives.” she said then she flew away Adiyis saw the line of nymphs following the guards and quickly moved to follow. When she reached the basement, the guards all left them and covered the entrance with a boulder. Adiyis then heard someone call her name so she turned and saw Pharynx and another nymph who had amber eyes, and a horn. “Princess Adiyis.” Pharynx said “Pharynx, Incey. Hey.” Adiyis said then she looked around “Where’s Thorax?” “Who knows? Knowing him, he’s probably playing with his dolls again.” Incey said with a chuckle “That weakling will never survive in the hive if he keeps that up.” Pharynx said “Come on, guys. I’m sure he’ll become a great changeling. We just have to give him a chance.” Adiyis said “Him? Becoming a great changeling? In your dreams.” Incey said Pharynx smacked him on the back of his head “Have you forgotten that you’re speaking to the princess? Show some respect.” he said Incey rubbed his head “R-Right. Sorry, Princess Adiyis.” “It’s alright.” Adiyis said then she glared at Pharynx “Pharynx, what have I told you about acting that way towards me?” “Apologies, Princess. I just couldn’t accept a fellow changeling being so disrespectful to you.” Pharynx said Adiyis rubbed her head in frustration “You’re doing it again! I’ve already told you so many times that I want to be treated like every other changeling. I don’t want special treatment. Especially from my friends.” “Friend? I am your future guard. I don’t think I’m allowed to be “friends” with the princess.” Pharynx said “Ugh. Just never mind that. We’ll come back to it later. Right now, I need to talk to you two about something.” Adiyis said “What is it?” Incey asked “You know the whole winter plan my mom created, right?” Adiyis asked and they nodded “And you also know about the rest of the changelings remaining above ground too, right?” she asked and they nodded again “And you also know that this storm will make everything cold? Well, why can’t we just bring those changelings down here where it’s warm?” “That would be going against the plan her majesty had set up.” Pharynx said “Besides, look around. This place is only big enough to fit the eggs and the nymphs. And if every-ling is down here, who will protect the hive if it’s attacked?” Incey said “But those changelings up there will freeze to death.” Adiyis said “There is nothing we can do to help them, Princess Adiyis. If there was a spell that could keep every-ling warm, then the Queen would have done it by now. But many changelings have studied those books and none of them have the spell that can help us.” Pharynx said “Hm, none of those books have a spell that can help us. But what about the books in the pony village?” Adiyis said making both of them gasp “You’re not suggesting we go to one of the pony villages to search for the book, are you?” Incey asked “I am.” “But, we’ll be heading into enemy territory. If we are found out to be changelings then we’ll all be captured and killed.” Pharynx said “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Adiyis said “But, it’ll be dangerous. As the Queen told us, ponies are dangerous.” Incey said “Listen, in one of those pony towns is a spell that can save the whole hive so we won’t have to sacrifice any more changelings. If it exists, then I’m going to go look for it. You don’t have to join me. I won’t force you to put your lives on the line too. This will be your choice, what do you say?” Adiyis said Incey and Pharynx looked at each other for a few minutes then nodded. “You can count me in, Adiyis.” Incey said “Me to. I won’t allow any of those ponies to harm you, princess.” Pharynx said Adiyis nodded “Thank you. Now, all we need is a plan.” > To find a spell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Okay, here’s the plan. Incey, you’ll create a distraction that will get the caretaker’s attention while Pharynx and I move the boulder.” Adiyis said Pharynx raised his hoof “Question, princess, can we even move a boulder that big?” he asked “I have no idea, but we have to try. We need to find that spell and that boulder is standing in our way. So let’s do this. Incey, go.” Adiyis said “Got it.” Incey said then he trotted off but quickly went back to Adiyis “Wait, how do I get their attention?” “Just...do something, anything. Just keep their eyes off of us and the boulder.” Adiyis said so Incey nodded and trotted off again “Okay, think, think, think. I got it!” Incey said as he trotted over to a wall then cleared his throat “Hey, every-ling! Since we’re gonna be stuck in here for a while, why don’t I put on a show?” he said getting everyone’s attention “Oh, this is gonna be good.” A nymph said “I bet it’s gonna flop.” said another nymph “I know it’s gonna flop.” said a third nymph “I think it’ll be petty great.” Thorax said “Who cares what you think?” “Yeah, just go back to playing with your dolls, Thorax.” “O-Oh, sorry.” Thorax said as he left the group Incey gathered up some big rocks he found on the ground in the basement. He stacked the rocks on top of each other until it was piled up high then he got on top of them and started balancing on one leg leaving every changeling impressed. “They aren’t paying attention, let’s go.” Adiyis said. Both her and Pharynx quickly moved to the boulder blocking the door and got ready to push it “On three. One, two, three!” they began pushing the boulder as hard as they could but it wasn’t moving an inch. Incey noticed Adiyis and Pharynx trying to push the boulder so he got off of the rock stack and let it fall down, then he picked up some of the smaller rocks. “Time for some juggling.” Incey said as he tried to juggle but failed and continuously dropped the rocks making every nymph laugh as the caretakers chuckled “Come on, Pharynx. Put your back into it.” Adiyis said “I’m trying, princess, but this is a lot heavier than I thought.” Pharynx said “What are you guys doing?” Thorax asked making Adiyis and Pharynx turn to him “None of your business.” Pharynx said Thorax gasped “Are you trying to escape? But that’s against the rules.” “Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, brother?” Pharynx said trotting closer to him “Are you gonna tell on us? Cause if you are-.” Adiyis got in between them “Knock it off, Pharynx. He could help.” “Him? Help us? Apologies, princess, but he isn’t anywhere near strong enough to help us.” Pharynx said “Well, it’s not like we were having any luck either. We need all the muscle we can get.” Adiyis said “Plus if we tell him what we’re doing, he might keep quiet.” Pharynx glanced at Thorax then back to Adiyis as he growled “Fine.” Adiyis smiled as she turned to Thorax “Thorax, we need your help.” “Help with what? What were you two talking about?” Thorax asked “There really isn’t much time to explain everything. But just know, that if we don’t get out of here then a lot of changelings are gonna die.” Adiyis said “Wait, are you serious?” Thorax asked and Adiyis nodded “How?” “As I said, there’s no time to go into specifics. But me, Pharynx, and Incey have a plan that will save them and we need to get out of here. Will you help us?” Adiyis asked with pleading eyes Thorax nodded “Alright, I’ll help. What do you need me to do?” “We need you to help us move this boulder. We have to do it fast, I don’t know how much longer Incey can keep everyone distracted.” Adiyis explained “Alright. I’ll do my best.” “Good. Now let’s do this.” Adiyis said as she went back to pushing the boulder along with Pharynx and Thorax. Incey had gathered up the rocks again and was now balancing them on top of his head while nymphs from the crowd threw rocks at his hooves making him move. The nymphs and caretakers continued to laugh while Adiyis, Pharynx, and Thorax continued to try to move the boulder out of the way and were barely moving it. Adiyis noticed a light coming from a hole “it’s working. Keep pushing. We’ve almost got it.” she said All three of them pushed the boulder with all of their might until the hole had gotten just big enough to fit a nymph and not an adult changeling. Adiyis, Pharynx, and Throax stopped pushing the boulder when they noticed how big the hole was. “We did it!” Adiyis said “Let’s get out of here before any-ling notices.” Pharynx said as he went through the hole Before Thorax went through the hole, Adiyis pulled him back. “Wait, Thorax.” “What? Is something wrong?” Thorax asked “I...think you should stay here.” Adiyis said “But, I can help.” “I know but where we’re going is very dangerous. I can’t let you be put in danger like that. You’ll stay here where it’s safe, okay?” Adiyis said “But-.” “This isn’t up for debate, Thorax. You’re staying.” Adiyis said then she waved over at Incey which he noticed Scissa noticed Incey looking at something behind her just as she felt a cold chill, she turned around and noticed Adiyis and Throax standing next to an open hole outside so she quickly turned and ran at them. “Princess Adiyis, Thorax, what are you two doing?! Get away from there!” Scissa said getting the attention of every other changeling and nymph. Incey dropped the rocks and quickly flew to Adiyis and Thorax, much faster than Scissa. “What are you doing? We’ve got to go.” Incey said “You go first.” Adiyis said so Incey did as told and went through the hole. Adiyis pointed at Thorax “Stay. Here.” she said then she crouched down and tried to go through the hole. Scissa pushed Thorax out of the way and quickly grabbed Adiyis by her tail “Princess Adiyis, get back here!” she said Adiyis grunted as she tried to get free “Incey, Pharynx, help!” she called out so Pharynx and Incey each grabbed her hoof and pulled. “Princess Adiyis, you can’t leave. Her majesty will be beside herself with worry for you if you do.” Scissa said as she pulled back “I’m sorry, Scissa. But I have to do this. Tell mom, I’ll be back soon.” Adiyis said just as Pharynx and Incey gave one big tug and pulled Adiyis from Scissa’s grasp. Once Adiyis was free, they quickly ran away “Princess?! PRINCESS?!” Scissa shouted but they were already gone. Adiyis, Pharynx, and Incey stopped behind a pillar after they had spotted one of the changeling guards. They looked around and noticed many other changelings flying around. “Okay, the hard part’s over. Now we need to sneak past every changeling in the hive.” Adiyis said “How is this not the hard part?” Incey asked “Because all we have to do is make it outside then we’re in the clear. Come on.” Adiyis said as she moved onto the next wall while the others followed ”My queen, we have a problem.” Scissa said though the hive mind ”What is it? This had better be important.” Chrysalis said ”Three nymphs had escaped from the basement.” ”What?! No matter, I will have some guards locate them. Is that all?” Chrysalis asked ”There’s more. One of the escaped nymphs is princess Adiyis. She left with the nymphs.” Scissa said ”She what?! Make sure no other nymph escapes from the basement.” Chrysalis said ”Yes, your highness.” ”All changelings drones. Princess Adiyis, and two other nymphs, have escaped from the basement. Find them immediately!” Chrysalis said “Wait!” Pharynx said so Incey and Adiyis stopped in their tracks “The queen just sent a message to all drones. She’s having the drones look for us and she doesn’t sound happy.” “Maybe we should go back and forget about looking for the spell.” Incey said “No, it’s too late to turn back now. We have to find that spell.” Adiyis said Incey glanced away then back “But, Queen Chrysalis-.” “I know my mom will be upset, but I can’t let her stop me. Not before we even had the chance to search. That’s why we have to keep going.” Adiyis said “The queen isn’t gonna like this.” Pharynx said “Don’t worry, if we get caught I’ll take the blame so my mom will go easy on you two. Now come on, we need to keep moving.” Adiyis said as she moved from wall to wall. Pharynx and Incey looked at each other then shortly followed. Adiyis and the others continued moving from wall to wall to conceal themselves from the other drones that were currently looking for them. It had been working until they reached the heart of the hive where there were too many drones to sneak past. Adiyis and the others stopped where they were and watched the drones from behind a wall. “Now what?” Incey asked “Apologies, princess, but there is no way to get past that many drones.” Pharynx said “There must be a way. We just need to think.” Adiyis said “Pharynx and I could shrink ourselves down and sneak past, but that would mean leaving you.” Incey said “We aren’t leaving the princess behind.” Pharynx said “Shrink...small.” Adiyis mumbled then she gasped “That’s it, I got it. What we need to do is use the holes.” “The holes?” “Yeah. I remember there were some holes around the hive too small for adult changelings, but just the right size for us. We can use the holes to escape past the drones.” Adiyis said “Do you think one will lead outside, princess?” Pharynx asked “I don’t know. We’ll just have to look. When I count to three, we run. Ready?” Adiyis said and both of them nodded then they got ready “Okay. One, two, three!” Adiyis said then she and the others immediately ran and were quickly spotted by the drones who gave chase. “This way!” Adiyis shouted as she jumped through a nymph-sized hole and the others followed while some of the drones piled up on each trying to follow after them. Adiyis and the others rolled out on the other side but quickly got up and kept running “Come on. We just need to keep heading for the hive wall.” she said A changeling flew through a hole behind them “Princess Adiyis, by order of the queen, you must stop.” “Not a chance. This way!” Adiyis said as they jumped through another hole and came out the other side. Adiyis looked around and noticed a wall that had no holes on it “There, that’s the hive wall. Now we just need a hole.” “I can make one.” Incey said as his horn glowed then he shot the wall, making a hole just big enough for a nymph. Incey turned to Adiyis “Let’s go!” The army of drones had all come through the holes and headed straight for Adiyis and the others who ran for the hole. Adiyis jumped through the hole, followed by Incey and Pharynx. The drones who tried to follow only ended up piling on top of each other which blocked the hole from anyone else who tried to follow. Incey and Pharynx looked back at the hole while flying “Hey, we made it. The plan worked.” Incey said “Incey, Pharynx, help!” Adiyis shouted as she fell. “We’re coming, princess!” Pharynx said as he and Incey flew down as quickly as they could and each caught one of her hooves “Gotcha.” Adiyis sighed “Thanks guys. Now let’s hide behind that rock.” she said “Why? Aren’t we home free?” Incey asked “We need to hide from the guards. They might still be looking for us.” Adiyis said as Incey and Pharynx flew her behind the big rock. They then used the nearby rocks to sneak away from the guards who were keeping their eyes out for them until they had gotten far enough and began to move freely. Incey looked back at the hive and gasped “Hang on. Do you guys see that?” he said making both of them turn around and see massive clouds headed their way. “Is that the winter storm? It’s gigantic.” Pharynx said Adiyis stared at the storm then turned away “Come on, we need to find that spell before the storm hits the hive. We don’t have much time.” she said as she kept trotting while the others quickly followed. ”My queen. We have terrible news.” A changeling said through the hive mind ”What is it? Do you have Adiyis?” Chrysalis asked No, my queen. They escaped and left the hive.” The changeling said ”How hard is it to capture two measly nymphs and a princess?!” Chrysalis shouted ”Forgive us, Queen Chrysalis.” ”No matter. Just focus on fortifying the hive. And Scissa?” Chrysalis said ”Yes, my queen?” ”If my daughter is found to be harmed in any way, I will hold you responsible as her caretaker and protector. Understood?” Chrysalis said ”Y-Yes, my queen.” Scissa said ”Vask, Dairs, I require your assistance.” ”What would you like us to do, your highness?” Dairs asked ”Go and find the three nymphs. Bring my daughter back to the hive as soon as possible. The longer she is outside the protection of the hive, the higher the chances of her being hurt by the ponies. Be swift about it as well, the winter storm is coming.” Chrysalis said ”Understood, my queen. We’ll leave immediately.” Vask said ’My little Adiyis. Just what are you thinking?’ Adiyis and the others trotted through the massive forest that separated themselves from any other civilization. They made sure to avoid any monsters they had run into until they had spotted the small pony village in the distance. They snuck close to one of the buildings that had a small clothesline that held small coverings, mostly made to keep you warm. Pharynx flew up and grabbed a brown cloak off the line then handed it to Adiyis “here, princess. You should cover yourself to hide your extra features.” he said Adiyis put the cloak on “Right. Since I still have yet to master my own shape-shifting magic, I need to hide this way.” “Now, how are we gonna find the pony library?” Incey asked “We don’t have time to go searching. We’ll have to ask around. You guys should change to.” Adiyis said so they did as told. Pharynx changed into dark purple colored pegasus colt with a chili red mane and tail. Incey changed into a unicorn with a forest green coat and a brown mane and tail. “Alright, let’s go.” Adiyis said so they began trotting around town and as they did so, they also noticed the decorations that had been set up around town as well. “What’s up with the decorations? Is this some kind of party?” Incey questioned. “I don’t know, but it actually looks...pretty fun.” Adiyis said “It looks disgusting to me. All this partying and decorating. Leave it to ponies to do something stupid like this.” Pharynx said Incey spotted a lone brown stallion “Hey, why don’t we ask him? He may know where the library is.” he said “Worth a try.” Adiyis said so they trotted up to him “Excuse me?” The stallion looked down at them “Hello, happy hearths warming.” “Hearths warming? What’s hearths warming?” Adiyis asked “Oh? You don’t know? It’s the day we celebrate the founding of Equestria.” The stallion said “The founding of Equestria? Wha-.” “Later. We were hoping you could point us to the library of the town.” Pharynx said “Oh sure, it’s over that way. Though, I’m not sure why you would want to go there. Everypony knows that the library has been closed down ever since the librarian moved out.” The stallion said “Thanks, mister.” Adiyis said so she and the others ran down the path and to the library which did look quite old. Adiyis looked into one of the windows and noticed there weren’t any books “There are no books in there. It’s all empty.” “Great. Now what? If the spell isn’t here, then where do we go?” Incey said “Mom always talked about the pony’s “great” city, canterlot. If it’s that great then there has to be a library there to. We just need a way to get there.” Adiyis said “Maybe there’s some kind of carriage or something. It’s a city, right? So it has to have some kind of transportation.” Incey said “Like a train? Pharynx, can you fly up and see if you can spot anything?” Adiyis asked “Yes, princess.” Pharynx said. He flew up above the town and began looking around the town until he spotted the small station then he flew back down “There’s a small train station that way.” “Then that’s where we’re headed. Come on.” Adiyis said as she ran off Vask who was disguised as a black coat pegasus with a red mane arrived at the village along with Dairs who was also disguised as a pegasus with a white coat and a yellow mane. “We need to find the princess. Let’s start looking.” Vask said “Hmph, if I knew the princess was gonna be so much trouble, I would’ve forced Demyx to leave it in the everfree.” Dairs said Vask grabbed Dairs by the throat and slammed her against the wall “Do. Not. Speak of the princess that way. Not unless you want the queen to tear your wings off and drain you of your love.” he said “FIne. Let go of me.” Dairs said so she was dropped. She rubbed her throat as she stepped forward “Where are we even supposed to look? We’re looking for pony disguised nymphs in a pony village.” “The two nymphs may be able to change themselves, but the princess still has yet to master her magic. We will be able to find her easily. Let’s go.” Vask said as he and Dairs continued on their way through the village. Adiyis and the others arrived at the station “We made it. Now we have to get on the train.” “But, don’t we have to pay? We don’t have any bits.” Incey said “Then we’ll sneak aboard.” Pharynx said “How?” “A distraction.” Adiyis said as she looked at Incey. “Again?” “Well, after your show in the basement I think you’re perfect for it.” Adiyis said Incey sighed “Fine. Let me see what I can do.” he said as he trotted away Incey trotted around to look for something he could use as a distraction, but all he could find were the decorations around the station. “As Adiyis said. I need to do something, anything as long as they keep their eyes over here.” Incey said as he thought for a moment then he looked up at the streamers and a box next to him. Incey shrugged “Guess this is all I got.” Incey picked up a box and set it down then he used his magic to bring down the streamers and tie them onto his hooves. “Hey, ponies. Watch this!” Incey said then he began waving his hooves around with the streamers, getting the attention of every pony on the platform. Just as the ponies were distracted, the train had pulled into the station. “The train is here. Let’s go.” Pharynx said as both of them made a run for the train but because of the crowd of ponies, they had to struggle just to get past one of them Vask and Dairs continued on their way through the village when they saw a couple of colts run toward a train station. “Come on. I’m telling you, this guy is amazing. He has everypony watching his show. You don’t want to miss it.” The colt said “What’s his name?” The other colt asked “Don’t know. I’ve never seen him before and he didn’t say his name. But he is amazing. You gotta come to see him.” The first colt said then they ran off. Dairs thought for a moment “A colt none of the ponies had seen before suddenly appearing and doing a show? Seems like we’ve found our nymph.” she said “Let’s go.” Vask said as both of them ran toward the station Adiyis and Pharynx struggled to get past the ponies “Let me through!” Adiyis said Vask and Dairs made it to the station and immediately began looking around until they had spotted a small pony with a brown cloak on. Once they did, they began to move toward her. Adiyis had finally reached the end and saw the doors to the train “Just one more push.” she said Pharynx had made it through the crowd and quickly grabbed Adiyis’s hoof “I got you, princess Adiyis.” he said as he pulled Dairs had gotten close to Adiyis and was trying to grab her “Come here, princess.” Pharynx had given one big tug and pulled Adiyis away from Dairs and into the train car. Adiyis scratched her hoof a little from the unexpected tug but ignored it and looked back at Incey then waved at him, so he untied the streamers and jumped on top of ponies’ heads until he had reached the train car just before the doors closed and the train began moving. Adiyis sighed “We made it just in time. Next destination, canterlot library.” she said Dairs growled and stomped her hoof “Ugh, I was so close. Just a little more and I would’ve had her. Where is she even going?” “We follow the train and find out. We’ll capture her when she gets there.” Vask said so both of them took flight and followed the train Adiyis and others hid away from the conductor during the whole ride until they had reached canterlot. When they did, they snuck away with the crowd who was still on board. They ran through the city until they had reached a plaza that had a fountain. “Okay, we made it. Now what?” Incey asked “We find the library. Which means we ask around.” Adiyis said so she trotted to a mare wearing a dress “Excuse m-.” “Get away from me you filthy thing. This dress cost more than your life, and I won’t have a filthy filly like you ruining it.” The mare said as she trots away. “Wow, she was rude.” Adiyis said “Give me the order, princess, and I’ll make her pay for speaking to you in such a manner.” Pharynx said “No, Pharynx. Leave her. Looks like mom was right about the ponies here. They’re nothing but stuck-up snobs who don’t care about others.” Adiyis said then she looked up at the palace “Just like their princess.” she mumbled “Well, now how are we gonna find the library?” Incey asked “I believe I can help.” Said a colt who had a snow-white coat and a bright blue mane and tail. Pharynx stepped in front of Adiyis “Who are you?” “Oh, pardon me. My name is Fancy Pants. I apologize for how that mare spoke to you “Princess”.” Fancy Pants said “Oh, you heard that?” Adiyis asked “Yes. Although I must ask, are you really a princess? Or are you just that high on the standing?” Fancy Pants asked “Um...I-.” “That’s none of your business. And if you’re smart, you’ll forget you ever heard it.” Pharynx said as he moved closer to Fancy Fancy Pants put his hooves up “Very well. I know how to take a hint. By the way, you’ll find the library that way. Just keep heading down the street and take your first left and it’ll be sitting right in front of you.” he said as he pointed “Um, thanks. Let’s go guys.” Adiyis said so she and the others ran off. Fancy Pants watched them run off “What a strange group of pony’s.” Adiyis and others had followed Fany pants’ instructions and found the library and it was open. They quickly entered the library and saw the rows of books. “Hello there, may I help you?” The librarian mare asked “No, thanks. We’re just here to look around.” Adiyis said so she and the others trotted through the library “Now that we’re here, we can finally start looking for the spell.” “Where do we look first, princess Adiyis?” Pharynx asked Incey thought for a moment “We’re dealing with a winter storm, right? Then shouldn’t we look for some fire and heating up spells?” he said “You’re right, Incey. We should head to the heating spells section.” Adiyis said so she followed the signs and found the spells that deal with heat “Right, let’s get to reading.” “Right.” Incey said as he and Pharynx grabbed a book and began reading. “I’ll take some of these.” Adiyis said as she grabbed a book herself and began reading. (A few minutes later) Adiyis and the others had been reading for quite a while but still had yet to find a spell that could help them. They searched through book after book but none of them held the spell they needed. While they were reading, another pony had entered the library and found them with books piled high so she approached them. “Excuse me?” The filly asked. Adiyis looked up from her book and at the unicorn filly who had a lavender coat and a mane with a purple and pink streak. The same as her tail. The filly also had a star as her cutie mark with multiple other stars surrounding it. “Hello. Can we help you?” Adiyis asked “Actually, I was hoping to help you. You see, I couldn’t help but notice the books you have piled up here and was wondering if you were looking for something. If you couldn’t tell, I know my way around these books since I did read a lot of them so I may be able to help.” The filly said “That’s...interesting? Well, we’re looking for a spell that can keep a hi-I mean, a building heated. Do you know wher-.” “Oh, it’s right here.” The filly said as she used her magic to float down a book into her hooves then she opened the book to a specific page “This is the spell you’re looking for. It’s called the heating dome spell. It’s used to keep an area around your house completely protected and warm from the cold winds. Though, if you want it to affect a bigger area then you’ll need to get more unicorns on it. But more unicorns means you’ll-.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’ll just take the book.” Adiyis said as she took the book from her “This is exactly what we need. If we show this to my mom then we’ll finally be able to protect the others. We’ve got to get back to the hi-Mm.” she was cut off when Pharynx covered her mouth. “Alright, we’ve got the book. Let’s go.” Incey said “But wait. Shouldn’t you check the book out?” The filly asked “But, we did check it out and it has the spell we need. Why would we need to check it out more?” Incey asked “She means, we take the book for a set amount of days and return it before the time runs out.” Adiyis said “We can’t do that. We need to keep this spell for when the next winter storm comes next year.” Incey said “B-But that’s stealing.” The filly said Adiyis snuck over to Pharynx “I have an idea. When I give the signal, run.” she whispered and Pharynx nodded then she turned back to the filly “Oh, look. It’s Princess Celestia!” she said as she pointed behind the filly The filly turned around “What?! Where?!” “Let’s go!” Adiyis said so all of them made a run for it toward the door. Adiyis was so distracted looking behind herself that she didn’t notice the pony entering the library and ended up running into him Adiyis rolled over a bit but quickly got up and shook it off “Sorry about tha-.” “What in Celestia’s name? What are you?” The stallion said. Adiyis looked at him confused until she noticed that her hood was down and now every nearby pony was looking at her. Pharynx and Incey ran back to Adiyis “Princess, are you hurt?” he asked “What is she?” “She’s some kind of freak.” “Her eyes are slits. And are those fangs?!” “Somepony call the guard!” Adiyis moved close to Pharynx “We need to leave! Now!” she said Three guards stepped through the crowd “Alright, what’s going on he-.” he cut himself off once his eyes were set on Adiyis “It’s a monster! You two ready your weapons! I’ll get reinforcements.” The other guard said as he left and the other two pointed their spears at Adiyis. Adiyis backed away along with the others as the guards moved closer “Pharynx...I’m scared.” “Don’t worry, princess. I won’t let any of them harm you.” Pharynx said. Suddenly two pegasi ponies flew down and smashed both guards into the ground “Princess Adiyis, are you alright?” Asked the black coat pegasus. “Wait, who are you?” Pharynx asked “It’s us nymph. Dairs and Vask.” Dairs said Adiyis smiled “Dairs, Vask. Am I glad you’re here. How did you find us?” “We followed the ponies. Though, you did give us the slip after you left the train.” Dairs said “Now’s not the time, Dairs. There are more guards coming. We need to leave.” Vask said as more guards ran towards them “Right.” Dairs picked up Adiyis “Let’s go!” she said as she took off along with everyone else “After them!” The guard shouted as three pegasus guards flew after them “Vask, take care of them.” Dairs said so Vask nodded then flew back at the guards Vask flew at one of the guards and used his hind legs to knock him back. As one of the guards tried to attack him with their spear, Vask grabbed it and forced the pegasus guard to let go of it then he smacked the guard away with it. The last guard charged at Vask with his spear ready so Vask used his hind leg and kicked the spear out of the way then he spun his spear around and stabbed the guard in the chest. Vask then let the spear go and watched as the guard fell to the ground dead. “We’re done here.” Vask said then he followed after the others. Dairs flew Adiyis and the others straight back to the hive where the winter storm is nearly upon them. The winds were raging and it felt even colder than it ever did before. As soon as they had entered the hive, Dairs put Adiyis down. “Head back to the basement, Princess.” Dairs said “Not yet. I need to show my mom this book, and fast.” Adiyis said as she ran off “Princess, wait. The winter storm is nearly here. We don’t have time for this.” Dairs said as she chased after her “What do we do?” Incey said “We head back to the basement. There’s no reason for us to go with.” Pharynx said so he and Incey headed back to the basement. Adiyis ran straight to the throne room and burst through the doors with the book in her hooves “Mom!” Chrysalis turned to her “Adiyis? What are you doing here? You should be in the basement.” “But, mom I-.” “No, no more of this. You have wasted enough of our time by making us go on this wild goose chase. You will go back to the basement and stay there.” Chrysalis said “But I-.” “This conversation is over, Adiyis. Dairs, take her back.” Chrysalis said so Dairs nodded and went to grab Adiyis who broke out of her grasp and ran to Chrysalis. Adiyis held the book up “I found it, mom!” “Found what?” “The spell we need. I found it in the pony village. Here, it’s right here.” Adiyis said as she opened the book and took it to the page that held the spell and showed it to Chrysalis “...A heat dome?” “Yes. If we use this spell then no more changelings will have to die ever again.” Adiyis said “Will the spell work?” Chrysalis asked “I don’t know, but we have to try something. No more of my family should die just because we didn’t try, right?” Adiyis said Chrysalis stared at the spell for a few minutes then took it using her magic “Guards. Take this book and have those who can use magic learn the spell. When they have done that, have them surround the hive.” she said so the changeling guards took the book and left. Chrysalis got off her throne “Adiyis, with me.” she said so Adiyis followed her Chrysalis and Adiyis trotted through the hive until they had come to a wall which Chrysalis used her magic on to reveal a balcony with no railing. Both of them stepped through and into the raging winds with snow so Adiyis had to cover her face to protect herself. Adiyis looked below the platform to see multiple changelings gathering around the hive itself while others were looking at the same book she brought here. A changeling guard flew up to the platform “My queen, the changelings are ready to cast the spell. Just give the word.” ”Do it.” Chrysalis said so the changelings down below ignited their horns The changelings cast the spell and slowly made a red shield rise until it had covered the whole hive. Once it had, every changeling in the dome felt the heat like there wasn’t a winter storm right on top of them at all. Adiyis looked around then removed her cloak “It worked?” “It appears so. You have done well, my little Adiyis. Now no more changelings will ever have to die to the cold again.” Chrysalis said then she nuzzled her “Adiyis, you traveled into dangerous lands just to help your family. You have made me proud.” Adiyis nuzzled back “Thanks, mom.” Chrysalis moved away and trotted back inside along with Adiyis ”Changeling caretakers, you may bring the eggs and nymphs out of the basement and return them to the nursery. Every other changeling, report to the throne room.” she said over the hive mind Chrysalis and Adiyis returned to the throne room where Chrysalis had Adiyis join her side. While they waited, more and more changelings entered the throne room until it eventually stopped and the changelings lined up before the queen and princess. “My changelings, today is a day for celebration. For today, your princess has saved the hive by traveling to the pony lands and returning with the very same spell we required to protect ourselves from the winter storm.” Chrysalis said making every changeling gasp in surprise A changeling raised its hoof “Excuse me for asking. But did she do it alone?” “No, I believe there were two others. Right, Adiyis?” Chrysalis said Adiyis nodded “Yeah. Pharynx and Incey helped me find the spell to. They also protected me.” she said “Then I will see that they are rewarded as well. But your reward comes first.” Chrysalis said as she turned back to the changelings “To reward Princess Adiyis for her bravery, I will take a small portion of love from all of you and give it to her.” “Yes, Queen Chrysalis.” The changelings said as Chrysalis ignited her horn and extracted love from every changeling in the room then she turned to Adiyis. “Here you go, my daughter. Enjoy the meal.” Chrysalis said then she sent the love to Adiyis who absorbed it all. Adiyis licked her lips “Mm, that was good. Thanks, mom and every-ling else.” A changeling bowed “It was our pleasure, princess Adiyis.” “Now, all of you, leave us. We may be protected from the storm, but we must still be prepared for an attack. And take this book with you. Make sure it’s put in our library.” Chrysalis said as she levitated the book to a changeling “Yes, Queen Chrysalis.” The changelings said then all of them left the throne room. Chrysalis turned to Adiyis “I hope you enjoyed your little adventure because I’m making sure you don’t have another.” “Yeah, I’ll have to agree. One trip to the pony village is enough for me. It was a fun adventure though...until the end.” Adiyis said looking down Chrysalis softly rubbed her mane “What’s wrong, my little Adiyis?” Adiyis looked away “It’s nothing.” “Adiyis, tell me what’s wrong. I will not allow my daughter to be unhappy in my presence.” Chrysalis said Adiyis sighed “I...went to canterlot and-.” “You went to the very same pony city where the princess lives? What were you thinking?!” Chrysalis nearly shouted “I had to find the spell and canterlot was the last place we had to look! If I didn’t go then I would’ve never found the spell!” Adiyis nearly shouted back. Chrysalis took a deep breath and nodded “Very well. I will overlook this since you did save the hive. Go on.” she said “Okay. After we got the spell, I ran into some stallion which made my hood come off. Every pony there saw my eyes and fangs and they called me a freak and a monster. It was...hurtful.” Adiyis said looking down again Chrysalis pulled Adiyis close to her “Yes. The ponies of canterlot will despise anything that isn’t part of their normal. Especially anything different, like you.” she said Adiyis nuzzled herself into Chrysalis’s chitin “I know. But the worst part was the guards.” “Guards?” “Some guards trotted over and when they saw me, they pointed their weapons at me!” Adiyis said “They what?!” Chrysalis said then she lifted Adiyis up and looked her over “Are you harmed in any way?” “Well, besides this little scratch on my hoof fro-.” “A scratch?!” Chrysalis nearly shouted as she grabbed Adiyis’s hoof and looked at the scratch “Tell me who did this and I swear, I will make them regret it for the rest of their life!” “Mom, calm down! This is from when Pharynx pulled me into the train to take me to canterlot. There was this big crowd so we had to get a little forceful. Don’t worry, none of the guards hurt me. Dairs and Vask rescued us before they did.” Adiyis explained Chrysalis set Adiyis down and sighed “That is a relief. I am glad you were not harmed by the ponies.” “Me to.” Adiyis said when she suddenly yawned Chrysalis smirked “It would seem all of this adventuring has left you quite exhausted. Perhaps it is time you retire to our bed chambers.” “Yeah, maybe.” Chrysalis got off her throne and levitated Adiyis onto her back “I will take you there myself.” “Thanks, mom.” Adiyis said “My pleasure.” Chrysalis said to the now sleeping Adiyis. Chrysalis trotted through the hive as quietly as she could as to note wake the sleeping nymph. Once they had reached their bed chambers, Chrysalis used her magic to put Adiyis in bed and make her comfortable. But instead of joining her, Chrysalis had to leave the room to take care of the rest of her duties. Chrysalis looked back at Adiyis “Sleep well, my little nymph.” she said then she closed the doors. > Training days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the next day came, Adiyis awoke and left the room. She walked around the hive and was happy to see so many changelings flying around without having to worry about any more winter storms ever again. Adiyis passed by many changelings as well, who she greeted, and they bowed to her in return. Adiyis waved at another pair of changelings, “Hey there.” The changelings turned and bowed, “Greetings, princess Adiyis.” suddenly, Scissa came from deep within the cave and landed behind Adiyis. “Princess Adiyis, glad to see you’re awake, your mother has requested your presence in her throne room.” “Really,” Adiyis questioned, “Do you know why?” Scissa shook her head, “I apologize, princess Adiyis, she did not say.” “Alright.” Adiyis nodded, “Then I’ll meet her. Thanks, Scissa.” she ran off toward the throne room. Adiyis entered the throne room and saw Chrysalis sitting atop her throne talking to a couple of guards. When Chrysalis saw Adiyis she quickly dismissed her guards and allowed Adiyis to approach her. Adiyis ran and jumped onto the throne and quickly hugged Chrysalis, “Mama!” Chrysalis smirked and softly pet her mane, “My little Adiyis, I trust you had a nice rest yesterday?” Adiyis nodded, “That is good.” Adiyis looked up at her, “Scissa said you wanted to see me.” “Yes.” Chrysalis nodded, “But, before that, let me once again commend you for your bravery to go to the pony lands, all for the sake of the hive.” Adiyis smiled, “I just wanted to protect the rest of my family. You always told me to think of the other changelings like my brothers and sisters.” “Again, that is very noble of you and I couldn’t be prouder.” Chrysalis continued to pet Adiyis’s mane, “But now, I believe it is time we discussed ways you can protect this hive further as well as your future in this hive.” “What do you mean?” “Your bravery and courage yesterday had opened my eyes, and made me realize that maybe it was time you at least knew of your future.” Adiyis tilted her head in confusion “My future?” Chrysalis nodded, “Yes, your future. Come, follow me.” she stood up and left her throne room with Adiyis following behind Chrysalis and Adiyis trotted around the hive and, as usual, the changelings they passed by had bowed to them. Chrysalis paid them no mind, but Adiyis took the time to wave to as many as she could, which didn’t go unnoticed by Chrysalis. “You do not have to wave to them, Adiyis.” “I know.” Adiyis waved to another pair of changelings, “But I just want to be nice. They are going through the trouble of bowing, I might as well wave.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes, “Do as you will.” they came upon a hole that led to a very big room. Once both of them were inside the room, Chrysalis used her magic to close the hole behind them. Adiyis looked around, “So, what are we gonna talk about, mom?” “You will become a soldier for the hive.” “W-What?” Chrysalis turned to Adiyis “You will become a soldier for the hive. You will train, and you will fight to protect your fellow changelings and the hive.” “W-Wait? Are you serious?” Chrysalis nodded, which made Adiyis take a step back, “B-But I can’t be a soldier! I can’t even lift a sword.” “Calm yourself, Adiyis. I do not intend to make you a soldier at such a young age. This is simply the future I have envisioned for you.” Adiyis looked up at Chrysalis, “You mean I’m going to become a soldier when I grow up?” “Yes.” “B-But, what if I mess something up? What if I fail the training? What if I get hurt or worse?” Adiyis was hyperventilating, so Chrysalis pulled her into a hug and softly pet her mane. “Calm yourself, Adiyis. Breathe. In and out.” Adiyis did as Chrysalis said and calmed herself down, “Are you alright now?” Adiyis nodded. Adiyis looked down, “But, I’m still scared I’m going to mess something up and…disappoint you.” Chrysalis tilted her head back up to look at her, “My little Adiyis, there isn’t a thing you could do that would disappoint me. I know you will complete the trials and become the perfect soldier for the hive.” “Really?” “Of course.” Chrysalis let go of Adiyis “Now, allow me to introduce you to your trainer.” Chrysalis used her magic to reopen the hole and allow a changeling clad in full armor to enter, “Introduce yourself to your princess.” The changeling bowed, “Greetings, princess Adiyis. My name is Thal.” Chrysalis moved in front of Adiyis, “Thal is a general and an exceptional warrior of the hive. I have assigned him to train you when you come of age.” “It’s…nice to meet you.” “A word, general.” Chrysalis stepped off to the side as Thal followed where she cast a spell and put a dome over them, “I tell you this as a warning, general. Should you harm my daughter in such a way that I deem unnecessary during her training, you will be severely punished. Am I understood?” “Of course, your highness,” Thal bowed his head, “I will only do what is necessary to further the princesses’ training.” “See that you do.” Chrysalis lowered the dome and returned to Adiyis’s side, along with Thal, “Adiyis, with me.” Chrysalis and Adiyis left the general and began trotting through the hive. Adiyis looked up at Chrysalis and asked, “Where are we going now?” “The library.” “What?” Adiyis raised a brow, “Why?” Chrysalis and Adiyis stepped into the library, “I think it’s time I taught you.” Adiyis stepped over to a table and sat, “Why can’t Scissa teach me?” Chrysalis chuckled, “My little Adiyis, sometimes there are things you can only learn from the queen.” She used her magic to levitate a large book, then proceeded to lay down on the ground, “Come here, Adiyis.” Adiyis got up from the table and trotted over to Chrysalis, where she laid down next to her. Chrysalis opened the book and set it in front of Adiyis when she began giggling. Chrysalis raised a brow at this. “What is so funny, Adiyis?” “It’s just…” Adiyis trailed off as she nuzzled herself close to Chrysalis, “This reminds me of the times you read me stories when I was younger.” Chrysalis smirked, “Ah, yes. The times when I had no duties and was able to rock you to sleep myself.” She then looked down sadly at Adiyis, “I wish I was able to make more time for you.” “It’s okay.” Adiyis continued to nuzzle her side, “Scissa told me that I have to accept that you won’t be there all the time.” “She did?” Chrysalis raised a brow. “Yeah.” Adiyis nodded, “She is really nice to talk to when I need some-ling.” “Interesting.” Chrysalis chuckled, “It would seem I have truly chosen the perfect caretaker for you. I am glad Scissa has been taking such good care of you.” “I wouldn’t trade her for the world!” Chrysalis softly pet her mane, “I am sure she would be glad to hear you say that. Now, perhaps we should begin your studies.” “Oh, alright.” Adiyis looked down at the book and immediately noticed how different the book was compared to other books she was given by Scissa. The book held many lessons about pony magic and changeling magic that confused Adiyis. She read through the book a bit more and came upon a part explaining earth pony magic, how they were experts of farmers and were stronger than any other pony species. Adiyis looked back at Chrysalis, “Mom, why are we studying pony magic? We’re not ponies. We don’t have the same magic as them.” “That is true,” Chrysalis turned the page and showed her the next that explained ways on how to counter pony magic, “Which is why we shall learn how to deal with pony magic. If you are to become a great soldier, then you must learn how to fight specific enemies.” “Ooh!” Adiyis turned back to the book, “That makes sense.” “Although,” Chrysalis tilted Adiyis’s head to look at her, “that wasn’t what I meant when I said there are things you can only learn from the queen.” “What else is there?” “Well, this is a lesson you may have already learned but must always remember.” Chrysalis softly pet her mane, “Lesson one, A queen must put the safety of the hive above all else, even herself.” Adiyis tilted her head, “Does that mean what I did yesterday was an example of that lesson?” Chrysalis nodded, “Yes, it does. You ventured into enemy territory just so you could save the hive. Although, I will say again,” she pulled Adiyis into a hug, “Don’t ever do something so dangerous behind my back again.” Adiyis giggled, “Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning to. One trip to the pony lands is enough for me!” “Good.” Chrysalis released Adiyis and allowed her to return to her studies, “Make sure you learn all you can from this book, it may just save your life one day.” “Okay, mom!” Adiyis continued to read the book and learned of not only pony weaknesses, but also other creatures such as Timberwolves, cockatrice, griffons, and chimeras. Chrysalis guided her through the book and tested her on what she knew to ensure she was learning correctly. Once minutes had turned to hours, Chrysalis had decided that it was time to stop and head to bed for the day, and Adiyis agreed. Chrysalis set the book back on the shelf, then levitated Adiyis onto her back and headed for their bed-chamber. Once there, Chrysalis put Adiyis to bed and prepared to leave but stopped when Adiyis called out to her. “Mom, can you tell me a story?” Chrysalis turned back, “I’m sorry, my little Adiyis, but I must-.” “Return to your duties.” Adiyis finished her sentence then turned away from her, “I know.” “Adiyis-.” “It’s alright, mom. You have a hive to run. I can’t expect you to always be there for me.” Adiyis wouldn’t say it, but Chrysalis knew why she was upset. Adiyis had enjoyed their time together and was upset that it was ending like this, with the same excuse Chrysalis has used time and time again before. Chrysalis knew she had to get back to her duties, but part of her refused to leave her daughter in such a sad state, so she made a choice. Chrysalis turned away and connected to the hive mind, “General Thal.” “Yes, my queen? I am here.” ”I am putting you in charge of the hive for a while. Something has come up that demands my attention.” ”Understood.” Chrysalis turned back to Adiyis and stepped beside the bed, ”Adiyis?” ”Hm?” “Would you still like a story?” Adiyis immediately sat up and looked at Chrysalis, “Really?” Chrysalis nodded, “But, what about your duties?” “I’ve taken care of that. Now,” Chrysalis got onto the bed and laid beside Adiyis, “What kind of story would you like tonight?” “Um, uhh,” Adiyis thought for a moment then gasped, “How about the evil princesses who are nearly defeated by a kind queen?” Chrysalis chuckled, “Very well.” She made herself comfortable on the bed, “Once upon a time, the lands of Equestria were very peaceful. Every creature went about his or her own daily business until one day, two great princesses descended upon the land. The princess of the sun and the princess of the moon. The princesses saw how every creature got along and immediately wanted to end this, so they split up every race of creature from ponies. “The princesses then had every pony who wasn’t rich or wealthy build them their own castle and city where they had continued to live. The princesses considered themselves to be above every creature, even the lower ponies and only allowed those who were rich to live in their new city, canterlot. Every other pony was forced to live in simple towns that they had built themselves. “The kind hive queen saw how the princesses treated their own subjects, along with how they treated any other creature, and decided something had to be done. The hive queen gathered all of her subjects and started a war to overthrow the princesses and return the lands to peace. The hive queen banished the moon princess to her moon and nearly succeeded in defeating the sun princess, but she was far too cunning and forced the hive queen to retreat to the badlands. “From then on, the sun princess has continued to rule her kingdom alone and continued to discriminate against any who didn’t have the means or title to reach their status.” By the time Chrysalis had finished her story, she noticed Adiyis had fallen fast asleep nuzzled up close to her side. Chrysalis smirked then quietly left the bed and headed toward the door. She left the room and quietly closed the door behind her then trotted off to her throne room to take care of her duties with a small smile on her face. (7 years later) Two changelings clad in full armor were standing a few feet from each other and each was holding a wooden sword in their mouths. Above them, sitting on her own throne was Queen Chrysalis who was overseeing the whole battle. The changelings then charged at each other and clashed with their wooden swords. The first changeling pulled back then dipped below the second changeling’s sword and proceeded to headbutt it from below causing the changeling to stumble back. The first then tried to buck the changeling, but the second one was fast enough to jump away. The second then ran at the first before he had the chance to turn back around and slammed into his side, knocking him down. Before the first could get back up, the second positioned the wooden sword to his neck. Chrysalis stood up and shouted, “Enough!” The second removed themselves from the first then proceeded to remove their helmet to reveal a grown-up Adiyis. Adiyis undid her braided mane and allowed it to flow freely as Chrysalis stepped off her makeshift throne and approached Adiyis. “Well done, Adiyis,” Adiyis looked up at Chrysalis, “I am impressed at the rate of your training.” Adiyis looked away, “Thanks,” She stood up “If it’s alright with you, mom, I think I’ll head back to my room to rest.” “That is fine,” Chrysalis watched as Adiyis left both her and general Thal in the training room. Adiyis trotted through the hive until she had arrived at her room which she had to practically beg her mother for her to have. At first, Chrysalis was against the idea of Adiyis getting her own room at the age of ten, but after a little bit more begging, Chrysalis had finally agreed and Adiyis had finally gotten her own room. The room was built with an average-sized bed and a weapon holder off to the side with a bookcase next to it. Adiyis entered the room and saw Scissa in the process of cleaning her room. Scissa turned to face Adiyis and bowed, “Princess Adiyis.” “Hey, Scissa,” Adiyis jumped on her bed and sat, “Thanks for tidying up my room.” “You are welcome. Her Majesty asked that I make sure your room was clean every day.” Adiyis sighed, “Of course she did. Well, thanks anyway,” she grabbed a book and began reading Scissa was about to leave the room but turned back, “Princess, is there something wrong?” Adiyis looked back at Scissa, “What do you mean?” “I couldn’t help but notice, you seem unhappy about something,” Scissa stepped next to her bed. Adiyis sighed, “Was it that obvious?” Scissa nodded, “It’s...about my mom.” “Oh!” Scissa turned back to the door, “I don’t think I should hear this.” Adiyis turned to Scissa, “Wait!” Scissa turned back around “I really need to get this off my chest, so I promise that I won’t say anything.” Scissa was debating whether to stay or not and ultimately decided to stay, “Alright, I’ll stay and listen.” she turned back around. “And you have to promise you won’t tell mom.” Scissa rubbed the back of her head, “I don’t believe I can promise that.” Adiyis put her hooves together, “Please, Scissa. For me?” Scissa stared into her eyes and couldn’t help but give in, “Very well. For you, princess Adiyis, I will keep your secret.” Adiyis hugged Scissa, “Thanks, Scissa,” Scissa awkwardly patted Adiyis’s back. Adiyis pulled away and sighed, “Okay, the problem is...I feel like mom is still treating me like a nymph.” “Oh? How?” “It’s my training,” Adiyis shook her head “I’ve noticed for a while that general Thal has been going easy on me, and I know it was my mom who told him. She’s always thinking I’m some fragile nymph who’ll smash to pieces if I even stub my hoof.” “Perhaps if you talk to her, she may listen and understand.” Adiyis narrowed her eyes at her, “Scissa, we’re talking about the same changeling queen who didn’t let me have my own room until I begged her when I was thirteen,” Adiyis shook her head again, “She won’t listen.” “Then, what will you do?” Adiyis thought for a moment, “I’ll have to prove to mom that I’m more than capable to take on more intense training. But how?” Scissa bowed, “I will help however I can, princess Adiyis.” “Thanks, Scissa.” Adiyis went back to thinking until she finally got an idea, “I got it! Hey, Scissa?” “Yes, princess?” “Can you go find Pharynx? I’m sure he’s busy training with the other soldiers right now. When you find him, bring him here.” “Understood.” Scissa immediately left the room while Adiyis went back to her book to wait for her to come back. After a few minutes, Scissa had finally come back to the room with Pharynx in tow. They entered the room and Scissa bowed again. “Princess Adiyis, I have brought Pharynx.” Adiyis looked up from her book and smiled then stepped off her bed, “Pharynx! It’s good to see you!” Pharynx saluted, “Princess Adiyis, I am glad to be of service to you.” Adiyis rolled her eyes but retained her smile, “Still the same old. Anyway, I need you to do something for me.” Pharynx nodded “Whatever you need, princess, I shall obey any order.” “I need you to train me to be a soldier.” Pharynx went wide-eyed, “I apologize, princess, but I can’t obey that order.” “What?” Adiyis raised a brow, “Why not?” Pharynx didn’t answer and instead looked off to the side. “I apologize again, princess, but I fear I can not tell you.” Adiyis narrowed her eyes at him, “Why not, Pharynx?” Pharynx avoided her gaze and remained silent making Adiyis sigh, “Alright, looks like I don’t have a choice. Pharynx, as princess of the hive, and daughter of Queen Chrysalis, I order you to tell me why!” Scissa gasped, “Princess Adiyis, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you use such an order.” “I don’t like to use my rank to get what want. It never feels right.” Pharynx saluted again, “Her majesty, the queen, has ordered no other soldier is allowed to train you. Only general Thal is allowed to be your trainer.” “Of course, I should’ve known,” Adiyis shook her head, “Well, now you’re gonna train me.” “I must decline, your highness.” “Why?” Pharynx looked away, “Were the queen to find out, I will be severely punished for going against her orders.” Adiyis smirked, “That’s only IF she finds out.” Scissa raised a brow, “What did you have in mind, princess?” “It’s simple,” Adiyis snickered, “The hive is a huge place, which means there may be some spaces where the drones don’t go anymore. We’re going to use these spaces to secretly train.” Scissa nodded, “A perfect plan, your highness!” “Thanks, Scissa.” “And, you’re sure her majesty won’t find out?” Pharynx asked Adiyis shook her head, “Nope, not unless one of us tells her, and I know neither of you will. Right?” Both of them nodded and said, “Yes, princess Adiyis.” Once everything was set, and Adiyis had her armor and wooden weapons, they set off to look for an area of the hive the drones didn’t patrol. They didn’t have to look far since deep within the hive were plenty of places where the drones don’t patrol, and that was where Adiyis and Pharynx had decided to hold their secret training. (A few days later) It had been a few days since Adiyis and Pharynx started their secret training sessions. Adiyis still showed up to her training sessions with general Thal, but only to keep up appearances, and went straight to Pharynx as soon as those were over. During her sessions with Thal, Chrysalis had noticed that Adiyis was fighting differently every time she came to the sessions with Thal, she also noticed Adiyis had been performing even better than she had before. When the tenth day came, Chrysalis had decided to get to the bottom of this and called for her caretaker to appear before her. Scissa entered the throne room and bowed, “Your highness.” “Scissa,” Chrysalis looked down at her, “do you know why I have called you before me?” Scissa shook her head, “I am sorry, my queen, I do not.” Chrysalis stepped off her throne and began slowly approaching Scissa, “I have been noticing some changes with my daughter. She has been getting stronger faster than I had planned,” Chrysalis stepped past Scissa but she remained where she was, “Do you know why?” Scissa remained silent for a few seconds, “No, your highness.” Chrysalis looked back, “Why the hesitation? Is there something you are not telling me?” Scissa shook her head, “N-No, my queen.” Chrysalis turned and stepped in front of her, “I see. Although, if you were withholding information...” Chrysalis tilted Scissa chin up to look at her, “You will be punished for disobeying my order to relay everything that happens to my daughter back to me.” Scissa audibly gulped as Chrysalis moved closer and stared at Scissa right in her eyes. “Now, I’ll ask you again, do you know why my daughter is changing?” Scissa closed her eyes and took a deep, ’Forgive me, princess Adiyis,’ Scissa reopened her eyes to look at Chrysalis “I do, my queen.” Adiyis and Pharynx had just finished their newest training sessions and were currently resting by sitting down. Pharynx looked over at her, “I must say princess, you’re becoming better and better.” Adiyis smiled, “It’s all thanks to your guidance. You’re a much better trainer than I thought, Pharynx.” Pharynx bowed, “I am glad you are pleased with my skills.” “Really, Pharynx?” Adiyis shook her head, “I tell you this all the time, you don’t have to act so formally with me.” “I am merely expressing my gratitude to you for being praised.” “You can just say “Thanks”. You don’t have to go that far,” Adiyis sighed, “You’re my friend, Pharynx, and I don’t want my friends treating me any differently.” “Princess Adiyis,” Pharynx bowed his head “With all due respect, I am a soldier of the hive. I am trained to protect it and you, I can’t be anything more.” Adiyis got close to him, “You are to me. You and Incey and Thorax have all been by my side ever since I was old enough to walk and talk. None of you are some mindless drones,” she suddenly pulled him into a hug which surprised him, “You’re all my friends.” Before Pharynx could say anything, a voice spoke up from the entrance to the room. “What. Are. You. Doing?” Adiyis immediately let go of Phrynx and turned to see Chrysalis with a couple of guards by her sides, and Scissa. Pharynx quickly bowed. “M-Mom?! What are you doing here?!” Chrysalis stepped forward, “I knew something was amiss when you suddenly began showing more progress in your training than was allowed, so I had your caretaker inform of your little secret,” Chrysalis gestured at Scissa who refused to face Adiyis. “Scissa? You told?” Scissa bowed her head, “I am sorry, princess Adiyis. I could not disobey her majesty.” Chrysalis looked at Pharynx, “To think one of my soldiers went behind my back and disobeyed my orders.” “I am truly sorry, my queen.” “You will be. I will make sure you pay for this offense.” Adiyis stepped in front of Pharynx, “Wait! Don’t punish Pharynx. This whole thing was my idea. He shouldn’t be punished for it.” “Pharynx knew full well what would happen were he to go through with it. He will be punished, and so will you.” Chrysalis turned to her guards and was about to order them when Adiyis spoke up. “Punished how? Will give me a spanking? Tell me “no” like I’m a larva? Well, I can tell you. No matter what my punishment is, you’ll still treat me like a nymph!” Chrysalis turned to Adiyis, “Watch your tone, Adiyis.” Adiyis shouted, “No!” Every changeling in the room was startled at Adiyis raising her voice at their own queen who was already in a bad mood. Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at her, “What?” “I said no, mom. I won’t watch my tone because I need to say this and you need to hear this,” Adiyis stepped forward a bit, “You need to stop treating me like I’m some fragile nymph!” “What are you talking about? When have I treated you like a nymph?” “Every day in training!” Chrysalis was a bit surprised, “How did-.” “You think I wouldn’t notice general Thal going easy on me? I’ve noticed a long time ago that I’ve been getting in hits I shouldn’t be getting. That means he’s been going easy on me, and you’re always there to oversee my training,” Adiyis huffed, “It wasn’t hard to put two and two together.” Chrysalis sighed, “Yes, I told General Thal to go easy on you. But to counter this, I’ve had him work on your technique so you will still advance on your training.” “Mom, I should be getting the full training experience, not just some of it. I should be allowed to get hurt a little.” “No, I won’t allow it!” Adiyis huffed, “There you go again, treating like me like a nymph.” Chrysalis bared her fangs, “I did this path so you won’t have to experience the pain that comes with training! I did this for you!” “Have you ever considered my feelings to this “path” of yours?!” “I don’t need to! I am your mother and I know what’s best for you!” “No, you don’t!” Adiyis bared her fangs as well, “You think your way is better, but it’s not. I learned more by training with Pharynx than I ever did by going your way!” “My way is efficient!” “Your way is stupid!” Chrysalis growled, “I will not allow you to speak to me this way!” Chrysalis turned back to her guards, “You will go to your room and stay there until further notice.” “No, I won’t!” Chrysalis glared at Adiyis, “You WILL obey me, Adiyis!” she added a stomp to the statement which cracked the ground, “I am the queen of this hive.” “That doesn’t mean ANYTHING to me.” Adiyis also added a stomp that cracked the ground as well. “Then how about this?! I am still your mother and you WILL do as I say!” Adiyis was glaring hard at Chrysalis and was currently being driven by rage when she shouted, “Maybe you should’ve NEVER been my mother!” The whole room went silent as Chrysalis looked down and turned away from Adiyis who immediately covered her mouth as soon as those words had left her mouth. No changeling dared to move or even make a sound. “M-Mom, I-.” “Go to your room, Adiyis.” Chrysalis didn’t even look at her. Before Adiyis could speak up again, Chrysalis spoke first. “NOW!” Adiyis ran out of the room as quickly as possible and refused to look back as she ran straight to her room. Every other changeling remained where they were. Chrysalis glanced at the other changelings “You are all dismissed. Return to your duties. I will be in my room.” Chrysalis trotted off and left the changelings behind. Scissa was the first to stand, “I shall go and make sure princess Adiyis is alright,” she quickly ran off and left the others behind Adiyis softly cried into her pillow when a knock came on her door. Before she could ask who it was, Scissa opened and entered her room. “Princess Adiyis, are you alright?” Adiyis looked up from her pillow and wiped her eyes, “Tell me, Scissa. How badly did I just mess up?” “Truthfully, princess,” Scissa sighed. “I don’t know. No-ling has ever spoken back at her majesty like you did. We can only hope she isn’t too upset.” Adiyis shook her head, “I’m so STUPID!” Scissa rubbed her back, “Princess, you shouldn’t say that about yourself.” “But I am, Scissa!” Adiyis turned over and stared at the ceiling, “I just told my own mom that I wish she wasn’t my mom. How could I have done that?!” “You were angry and wasn’t thinking clearly.” Adiyis sighed then sat up, “I need to go apologise.” Scissa moved out of the way as Adiyis got off her bed, “Are you sure that’s a wise decision? She may be still upset.” “I have to.” Adiyis stepped to the door then stopped, “Oh yeah, one more thing,” She turned and hugged Scissa, “I don’t blame you for telling mom.” Scissa actually hugged back, “Thank you, princess.” Adiyis let go of Scissa and left the room. Adiyis trotted through the hive until she reached Chrysalis’s bed-chamber. She took a deep breath and prepared herself. ’Okay, Adiyis, you got this. Just knock on the door and apologize to your mom. It’s now or never,’ Adiyis took one more breath and braced herself as she finally knocked on the door. When no one answered, Adiyis decided to just trot inside. Adiyis opened the door and poked her head inside. She saw Chrysalis just laying on her bed facing away from the door, so Adiyis stepped inside further. “Mom?” Chrysalis was startled and turned her head to Adiyis, “Adiyis.” Adiyis stalked over to her bed, “May I...sit down?” Chrysalis slowly nodded, so Adiyis sat down next to her. “So...” Chrysalis looked away, “Why did you come, Adiyis?” “I...came to say, I’m sorry.” Chrysalis immediately turned back. “I shouldn’t have said what I said, but I was so angry and frustrated by the fact you were still treating me like a nymph that It just....came out.” Chrysalis looked down, “I suppose I must apologize as well. It would seem the fear of seeing you hurt in any way had overtaken me. It made me blind to what truly mattered.” Adiyis laid herself down on top of Chrysalis’s back, “Mom, you’re making me become a soldier of the hive. Whether I get hurt now or later doesn’t matter. In the end, I’m going to get hurt and you’re gonna have to accept that.” “I know that! It’s just....” Chrysalis trailed off, so Adiyis smiled and rubbed her back. “I understand. You’re scared I’m going to get too hurt, that I’m going to go on a mission and never come back.” Chrysalis softly pet her mane, “I don’t want to send you on a mission, and let that be the last time I see the life in your eyes.” “That’s why I have to train, so I’ll be able to come back to every-ling.” Adiyis hugged Chrysalis, “So I’ll be able to come back to you.” Chrysalis looked unsure, “But-.” “Mom, this has to happen. I can’t be your little Adiyis forever.” Chrysalis sighed, “Yes, you’re right. It’s time to let you go.” Chrysalis stepped off her bed, “Adiyis, go to the training room and get your armor on.” Adiyis smiled and saluted, “Yes, ma’am.” she stepped off the bed and left the room. Chrysalis connected to the hive mind, ”General Thal.” ”Yes, my queen? Is it time to train the princess?” ”Yes, except this time I don’t want you to hold back. I want you to fight with all of your might.” ”A-Are you sure, your highness?” ”I don’t recall stuttering, General. Get to the training room. I will be there soon.” ”Understood.” Adiyis had donned her armor and entered the training arena where Chrysalis had already reached her throne to oversee the arena. After a minute has passed, General Thal had finally arrived at the arena as well in his own full armor. Both of them drew their wooden swords and faced each other, but neither moved. Neither of them was allowed to move, nor attack each other until the queen gave the order. Chrysalis watched both of them and nodded, “Begin!” General Thal was the first to move as he rushed at Adiyis and took a swing at her using his wooden sword. Adiyis quickly jumped out of the way, then she ran at him and tried to hit his side using her sword but Thal quickly turned and smacked Adiyis in the face using his sword. Adiyis was knocked back and was genuinely surprised, but she was also happy cause that counter-attack meant this was a serious battle. Adiyis adjusted the sword in her mouth and ran back at Thal to take a swing at him. Thal used his own wooden sword to block each of her attacks, and when she tried to leg sweep him, he jumped in the air and brought the full might of his wooden sword right on top of her, and smashed her right into the ground. When Adiyis hit the ground, she ended up breaking her sword so when she got back up, Thal already had his sword pointed right at her neck. Chrysalis shouted, “Enough!” Thal removed himself from her neck and sheathed his sword while Chrysalis jumped down and approached Adiyis. “Adiyis! Are you alright?” Adiyis looked down and began laughing. Her laughing slowly got more intense while Chrysalis raised a brow. Adiyis had finally stopped laughing, “That was...intense, but fun! So that’s what a real battle feels like!” “Fun?” Chrysalis cocked her head, “But you lost.” “So? I’m just happy I finally got to fight a real battle! I couldn’t be happier right now!” Adiyis suddenly hugged Chrysalis, “Thanks for finally believing in me, mom.” Chrysalis smirked as she softly pets her mane “My pleasure, Adiyis.” > First mission. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two years had passed since Adiyis first started her training. During those two years, Adiyis's body had undergone additional transformations. Multiple holes had begun to appear on her legs, mane, and tail. The holes on her legs were very painful to the point where Chrysalis had to use her magic to soothe her until it was finally over. Two antennae had also grown out of her head and were just like Chrysalis's. She had also come along very well in her training, ever since Chrysalis allowed her to go all out in her training. Through the years, Adiyis was able to win some training matches against general Thal, but those were very rare. This was one of the best soldiers the hive had to offer, victory is not always guaranteed. Adiyis had just finished another training session with general Thal that ended in a loss. Adiyis took off her helmet. “Thanks for the training match, general Thal. I feel like I've really improved.” Thal bowed his head. “It is my pleasure, princess Adiyis.” He lifted his head then removed his helmet. “Shall we continue our training later today, princess?” Adiyis shook her head. “Not today. I think I'll take a break. I have studies later today, and I should focus on them.” She left the training room, where she proceeded to remove the rest of her armor and hang it up, but she kept her sword with her. “I should let mom know how I'm progressing in my training.” Adiyis left the room and made her way towards the throne room. Once she had arrived, she stopped herself from opening the doors when she heard multiple voices coming from inside. “Oh! I guess she's having a meeting...” Adiyis looked around for any other changeling, then smirked. “I guess it wouldn't hurt to listen in like old times.” She put her ear to the door. “... And what will we do about our love shortage?” Adiyis gasped. “Love shortage?” “How are our reserves looking?” Adiyis recognized the voice as her mother's “They are very low, my queen. Lower than they should ever be.” “This is unacceptable!” Adiyis had to move her head away because of Chrysalis's shouting but quickly put it back. “I set a strict limit on how much each and every changeling should consume our love! Unless there was an emergency, we should still have more than enough love. Who dares disobey the rule I set?!” “W-We don't know what happened, your grace. But we must acquire more love soon.” A magic blast shot through the door next to Adiyis's head. She peeked through the hole to see the drone's cheek grazed. “You think I don't know that! I am not a fool! Have the drones hunt even further from the hive than usual, but continue to avoid the pony villages! And make sure no other changeling disobeys my rule! If one does, I want them brought before me!” “As you wish.” Adiyis took this chance to enter the throne room. “Mom!” “Adiyis? What are y-.” “What's this about a love shortage?” Chrysalis remained silent, then turned to the changeling. “Leave us.” The changeling bowed to both Chrysalis and Adiyis, then left the throne room. “Have you been listening in again, Adiyis? I thought you outgrew that habit long ago.” “Please don't try to change the subject, mom.” Adiyis stepped closer to her. “I heard everything and I want to help!” Chrysalis shook her head. “No, Adiyis.” Before she could speak up again, Chrysalis spoke first. “Don't misunderstand, this is not for your safety. This is simply another burden I must bear as queen of this hive.” “Then let me burden it too.” “You don't know what you're asking, Adiyis.” Chrysalis stepped off her throne and trotted to Adiyis where she proceeded to place a hoof on her head. “Please, my daughter. For once, let me handle the problems of the hive myself. You just continue to focus on your studies.” “I...” As Adiyis continued to stare into Chrysalis's eyes, she knew that arguing anymore wouldn't change her mind. But she could also see something else, intense sadness. But for whom, she couldn't tell. Adiyis bowed her head and nodded. “Okay.” Chrysalis removed her hoof. “You need not worry, Adiyis. Just watch, this issue will be solved by the end of the month.” Adiyis smiled and nodded as Chrysalis turned back to her throne but stopped. “Oh yes, I nearly forgot. You have a final test coming up.” “A test?” Adiyis thought for a moment. “Is this another test about what I learned during my studies?” “No. This one will be different.” Chrysalis flew up to her throne and turned to Adiyis. “You will be sent on your first mission as your test.” “Really?! My first mission?!” Adiyis nearly jumped with joy, but suddenly stopped. “Wait, as a test?” “Yes, as a test. Should you complete the task ahead, you will be officially recognized as a warrior of the hive.” “Oh, so this test is really important, huh?” Chrysalis nodded. “What will I do?” “I am unable to divulge that information. It wouldn't be fair to others if only you would know your task.” Adiyis nodded. “Yeah, I guess that's fair. When is the test anyway?” “Tomorrow.” “Tomorrow?!” “Yes, tomorrow.” “B-But, mom? Is that even enough time for me to get ready?” “If you are to leave now and begin your preparations, then you will. You need not worry about your studies either, I already informed Scissa that you will not be attending later today.” Chrysalis smirked as Adiyis immediately left the throne room. Once she was gone, Chrysalis let her smile fall. “I am sorry I could not tell you everything, little Adiyis. But a burden such as this should forever remain mine.” Adiyis ran through the hive and made a beeline for her room. Once she entered, she saw that her room was spotless, which meant Scissa had just cleaned it. Adiyis wasted no time and immediately made sure her sword was clean and ready for tomorrow. Once she had, she set it aside on its holder and got into her bed then went to sleep, so she could wake up early. The next day, Adiyis was suddenly woken up by a couple of changeling soldiers who burst opened her door. Adiyis quickly sat up in her bed. “What's going on?!” The first changeling bowed. “Princess Adiyis, our queen has demanded your presence immediately.” Adiyis nodded. “Alright, I'll be there in a moment.” The changelings bowed their heads then left her room. Adiyis left her bed, grabbed her sword off of its holder, and secured it around her barrel, then she left her room and headed towards Chrysalis's throne room. When she arrived, she saw many changelings lined up against on each side of the room. Adiyis trotted forward and stood before the throne where Chrysalis currently sat. General Thal stepped forward. “Bow before your princess!” All the changeling in the room immediately bowed. Thal nodded to Chrysalis, who nodded back, then looked at Adiyis. “Princess Adiyis, it is time I have sent you on your first mission. But first, let me present those who will join you.” Chrysalis looked back to the doors and shouted. “You may enter!” The throne room doors reopened and Adiyis turned to see Pharynx, Thorax, and a new changeling whom Adiyis hadn't seen before. The new changeling had bright yellow eyes and no horn, but special armor on his forelegs that had small pointing shards sticking out of little pockets. Adiyis was surprised but kept her composure to seem professional. The changelings approached Adiyis and bowed. Chrysalis waved her hoof. “Allow me to present, Pharynx, Lirlt, and...” She narrowed her eyes at Thorax. “Thorax. These three shall accompany you on your mission.” Lirlt lifted his head. “We hope to serve you well, princess Adiyis.” Adiyis nodded. “And now it is time I told you your mission. Lift your heads and listen closely.” The changelings did as told. “You four are to scour the nearby lands and hunt down a creature to return to the hive. The creature must be a strong one. A simple cockatrice or timberwolf will not be allowed. Complete this task, and all of you will be officially recognized as warriors of the hive. Do you understand?” “We understand.” Adiyis saluted. “We swear we will complete this task mo-...my queen!” Chrysalis nodded then turned to Thal. “General Thal, escort these four to the hive entrance and have changelings await their return.” Thal nodded, then he stepped past the four and began guiding them while they followed. “And, Thorax?” Thorax immediately stopped in his tracks when Chrysalis spoke to him through the hive mind. He slowly turned back and looked at Chrysalis, who simply held a calm expression on her face. “This will be your last chance to prove your worth. Although should I hear that you had caused problems for my daughter and her team, I will not hesitate to dispose of you. Am I understood?” Thorax slowly nodded his head. “Y-Yes, my queen.” “Then hurry and leave my sight.” Thorax quickly turned back to the door and hurried after the others. After a bit of trotting, Adiyis and the others made it to the entrance of the hive, where a couple of guards were posted to await their return. As soon as Adiyis and the others left the hive, Thal turned back to it and left them while they kept going until they were no longer in the badlands. Adiyis stopped and took a deep breath. “Hm, wow. I can't believe how long it's been since I've last left the hive.” She turned to Pharynx. “Do you remember that quest we went on?” Pharynx nodded. “Yes, princess. I remember it well. It was the first time we left the hive.” Adiyis sighed. “It feels like yesterday when you, Incey, and I went on our adventure to save the hive from a winter storm.” “Princess.” Adiyis turned to Lirlt. “Not to be rude, but we must stay focused on our mission.” “You're right. This is no time to be reminiscing.” Adiyis turned back around and took a few steps forward. “We should start by searching the nearby forests for monsters. Thorax and I will search the ground. You and Pharynx should take to the skies.” Lirlt thought for a moment. “Princess, shouldn't either Pharynx or I accompany you instead? If you are to encounter a monster, then we would be able to fight it and maybe defeat it much more quickly." Adiyis glanced at Thorax who was simply standing in the back away from the others, then back. "No, we're sticking with my plan for now. We'll find a monster a lot faster if the two of you are searching from the air." Pharynx bowed. "As you wish, princess." He and Lirlt then took to the skies "Come on, Thorax. Let's start our search in the east." Thorax nodded and proceeded to follow Adiyis further into the forest. Adiyis and Thorax had been trotting for a few minutes in complete silence until she glanced behind herself. "What's wrong, Thorax?" "What do you mean?" "You haven't said a word since we've even started this mission." Adiyis stopped and turned around. "So, I was wondering. Is something wrong?" Thorax nervously looked away. "N-No. Of course not, princess. Everything is fine. There's absolutely nothing wrong." He then nervously smiled. Adiyis shook her head. "You just called me princess instead of that nickname you came up with. Now I know something's wrong. Tell me." "I'm telling you, Adi, it's nothing." "Thorax?" Adiyis stepped closer. Thorax backed away. "I-." "Wait, be quiet." Adiyis slowly turned around and scanned the area to which she noticed some far away bushes rustling, and a shadowy figure slowly moving around the trees. Adiyis unsnapped the holder to her sword. "Thorax, get back. There's a monster nearby." "What?" Thorax glanced around. "Where?" "Just beyond those trees over there." Adiyis pointed toward the far-away trees. "Stick close to me, Thorax. There's no telling what we're dealing with." "I have a better idea." Thorax began flying. "I'll go get the others so you can fight the monster." "Thorax wait!" Before Adiyis could say anything more, Throax tried to fly above the trees to retrieve Pharynx and Lirlt when he was suddenly attacked and smacked back to the ground by a figure who bolted out from the trees. "A bugbear!" Adiyis unsheathed her sword and quickly ran to Thorax's defense. She stood between him and the bugbear who roared at her. The bugbear wasted no time and immediately tried to sting her, so Adiyis used her sword to deflect it to the left then she tried to stab the bugbear, but it was able to fly out of the way just in time. Thorax lifted his head and saw Adiyis fighting the bugbear. "Adi!" Adiyis dodged a claw attack by jumping back. "Thorax, stay down and stay behind me! This bugbear isn't planning on letting either of us go anywhere." Thorax was about to stand up. "But I can-." Adiyis took a glance at him. "I said stay down!" She quickly turned back and used her sword to block another claw attack that nearly knocked her sword away, but she held tightly and stood her ground. "But you can't do it alone." Thorax began flying again. "You need help. I'll just fly up and warn the others." He, again, tried to fly above the trees. The bugbear saw Thorax flying away and was quick to follow. Adiyis turned and growled in frustration. "Thorax! Ugh! Why can't you follow my orders?!" She ran after the bugbear and Thorax. Thorax had made it above the trees and looked around for Pharynx and Lirlt, it didn't take long to find them approaching in the distance. Thorax was just about to fly towards them when the bugbear blocked his path and growled as he raised his paws. Thorax put his hooves up in time to protect himself when the bugbear swatted him back to the ground, but when he crashed into the ground he ended up more wounded than expected and struggled to stand as the bugbear currently hovered over him and prepared to strike again. Thorax covered his head and braced himself. "Thorax! Move!" Adiyis pushed her hooves to their limit to reach Thorax in time. Once she had, she thought fast and knocked Thorax out of the way of the bugbear's next attack, but in doing so, she was the one who took it instead and was thrown into a tree which caused her to drop her sword. When Adiyis hit the tree, a loud cracking noise came from her right foreleg which made her scream out in pain. Once Adiyis landed on the grass she took a look at her leg to find it heavily bruised. The bugbear slowly approached Adiyis so she frantically looked for her sword, only to find it too far away to reach in her current state. The bugbear raised its paws to attack and Adiyis prepared for the worst when it was suddenly shot in the back. Pharynx shot at the bugbear again. "I'll grab the princess. You keep the bugbear distracted." Lirlt nodded, then blades protruded from the special armor on his forelegs which he used to slash at the bugbear as he flew around it. Pharynx flew fast and picked up Adiyis then flew off while Lirlt and Thorax followed. The bugbear still tried to chase after them and was rapidly approaching. Pharynx stopped then turned to Lirlt. "Take her, I'll deal with this." Lirlt took Adiyis off his hooves while Pharynx transformed into his monster form and charged at the bugbear who wrestled with him for a bit, but Pharynx was able to overtake it and swat it away. The bugbear shook away its confusion and roared as it finally flew away. Pharynx transformed back then flew to catch up with the others. When he had, he found Lirlt was using the same material they used to make cocoons on Adiyis's leg as a bandage. Pharynx landed near Adiyis. "Princess, are you alright? How is your leg?" He checked out her leg. Adiyis winced. "I-It's fine. Give it a few hours and it'll be brand new." At least, she hoped so. Lirlt turned toward Thorax who was standing away from them. "What were you doing?! Why weren't you protecting the princess?!" "I...." "I knew this was a mistake!" Lirlt shook his head as he turned away. "Having a useless spinless changeling like you on a mission like this was nothing but a mistake. Because of you, Princess Adiyis was injured! You were supposed to protect her, but you just stood there enjoying the scenery!" Thorax looked down sadly. Adiyis raised her left hoof. "Lirlt please." "Apologies, princess, but this is something that must be said." Lirlt pointed at Thorax. "We can't keep him here. If he's so much of a problem that he got you hurt, princess, then what's to say something worse won't befall us. He is a liability." Adiyis looked at Thorax who continued to look away. "Pharynx, what do you say?" Pharynx looked at Thorax. "I agree. If Thorax stays, then we're all at risk." "What? But, Pharynx-." "Don't, Thorax." Pharynx stepped closer. "You failed to protect the princess. No, in fact, you're the reason she was hurt because you were too afraid to fight." "But I-." Lirlt narrowed his eyes at him. "Face it, Thorax. You're nothing but a coward." "Lirlt! Pharynx! That is enough! Ow." Adiyis stood on her other three legs. Before either of them could speak up, Adiyis cut them off. "No, I want you two to go and cool off. We'll think of a plan when we're all thinking clearly." "But, princess-." "GO!" Adiyis shouted, so Pharynx and Lirlt looked at each other then split up and flew in different directions. Thorax was just about to fly off as well but he was stopped. "Not you, Thorax. You're staying. We still have things to discuss." Thorax bowed his head. "Adi, I am so sorry. If I didn't screw up back there, then you wouldn't have been hurt." Adiyis laid back down and sighed. "It's okay, Thorax. These things happen. But I didn't tell you to stay so you could apologize." Thorax raised his head. "You still haven't told me the truth of what's wrong. And right now, I think deserve it." Thorax sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you. The truth is, Queen Chrysalis was planning to get rid of me. I had failed all of the tests to turn me into a soldier for the hive, and if I either failed this test or caused problems for you and the others, then she'll see it as reason enough to finally dispose of me." Adiyis remained silent as she simply stared at Thorax. "I...see. Don't worry, Thorax, I'll figure something out. Maybe I can talk to her and convince her to let you stay." "I doubt that. Her highness seemed pretty bent on it." "I'll think on it a bit more." Adiyis slowly stood on her three legs. "For now, I should go and check on the others-Ow." Thorax looked at her worriedly. "Are you alright to trot? That leg did look pretty bad." Adiyis looked at her lifted leg. "I'll manage. You just stay here and keep watch for any more monsters. If you see one, scream and run. We'll be right there as fast as we can." She turned and began limping the way Lirlt flew. Adiyis limped through the woods searching for Lirlt. Noises were heard coming from the leaves above her and the next thing she knew, Lirlt flew down from the trees and landed before Adiyis. "Ah, princess." Lirlt bowed his head. "Forgive me, I had assumed you were a small monster sneaking through the woods." "It's fine. It is best to be on guard since I am unable to fight in my state." She took a glance at her leg. Lirlt raised his head. "If I may ask, Why did you seek me out?" "I want to talk to you about...Thorax." Lirlt scrunched his face up in disgust. "With all due respect princess, I still don't want that coward to remain here." Adiyis sighed. "Listen, I know Thorax isn't...the best fighter of the hive, but I'm not going to get rid of him." Lirlt shook his head. "You're making a mistake, princess. Thorax is a liability, he must be removed." "No, I have a plan in the works and he'll be needed if I want it to go off without a hitch." Adiyis tried putting weight on her leg but winced then immediately lifted it back up. "With my leg injured, We'll have to go about this carefully and with as many changelings as we currently have." "Princess-." "Thorax stays." Adiyis glared at Lirlt. "I have made my decision, and I expect you to honor it, Lirlt." Lirlt bowed his head in defeat. "As you wish, your highness." "Good." Adiyis turned away from him. "Now, to go and find-." She cut herself off when Pharynx landed in front of her and was carrying a sword that he dropped. "Pharynx? What are you-...Is that my sword?" Pharynx nodded. "I flew back to the area to retrieve it. If we are to fight a monster with the three of us, then you'll need it." "Oh, yeah. About that." She looked at Lirlt who understood what she wanted then left both of them alone. She turned back to Pharynx and laid down on the ground to put her sword back in its holder. "I decided to allow Thorax to stay." "Wha-." "My decision is final, and this is not up for debate." "Thorax should go back to the hive." Pharynx looked away. "If he remains here, then he'll just get himself into more danger, and us along with him. We can't risk anymore injured changelings." Adiyis smirked. She knew that Pharynx would never be caught admitting it, but Adiyis knew he truly did care for his brothers' well-being. "Don't worry, the plan I'm currently working on won't put Thorax in danger and he won't be in the way." Adiyis stood back up on three legs. "Give me ten minutes to work out the rest, then meet me back where we originally landed." Pharynx bowed. "As you wish, princess." He took off into the sky. Adiyis made her way back to Thorax and had already explained that the others will allow him to stay and that she was currently working on a plan. After some time had passed, and while Adiyis drew in the dirt with a stick, she finally threw it away and nodded. She turned to Thorax who was merely picking at the grass. "Thorax, can you go and fetch Lirlt? You won't need to worry about Pharynx, he'll be here soon." Thorax nodded and took off. After a few minutes, Thorax returned with Lirlt by his side and Pharynx arrived shortly after. "Gather round, all of you. The plan I've been working on is ready." Everyone had gotten close to Adiyis, Thorax a bit nervously. "With my leg injured, we can't risk going after a new monster, so we're going to finish off the bugbear we fought earlier. I've worked hard on this plan too, which means we can't miss a single detail. We CANNOT risk getting more of us injured. Is that understood?" All of them nodded. "Alright, The plan is pretty simple..." The bugbear carefully flew through the forest. Some of its injures had already begun to heal, but it was still in a lot of pain so it was careful not to bump into any trees while heading back to its den. It was just about halfway there when a magical blast was shot from behind him and hit a nearby tree, missing him completely. The bugbear turned around to see one of the changelings from before and growled. Thorax stepped back a bit but remained where he was. "C-Come and g-get me!" He shot another blast that also completely missed the bugbear. The bugbear roared and charged at Thorax who quickly turned and flew away through the forest, but the bugbear was hot on his trail. Thorax zigged and zagged through the trees to avoid the bugbear's claw swipes and to keep his distance, but despite this, the bugbear kept up with him better than he thought. Adiyis was currently up in a tree, which Pharynx and Lirlt had to help her in, and was keeping a close eye out for Thorax who she spotted in the distance being chased by the bugbear. Adiyis turned to Lirlt and Pharynx who were also in trees that were right next to each other but still left a large gap. "He's coming! ready the net!" Pharynx and Lirlt nodded then grabbed a large net that was essentially just vines all tied together. Thorax flew around another tree which helped him avoid another swipe from the bugbear and made his way toward the large gap. The second Thorax flew by, Pharynx and Lirlt dropped the vine net which wrapped around the bugbear as soon as it flew through it. The bugbear slammed into the ground due to the fact that its wings were now restricted by the vine net, Pharynx and Lirlt both flew at the bugbear to finish it off but didn't anticipate for it to stand up on its legs so quickly and break its arms through the vine to smack both of them away. Lirlt recovered and flew back at the bugbear and used his special weapons to slice and slash at the bugbear as he flew around it. Pharynx recovered after and took off and shot at the bugbear from a distance. Adiyis waited from atop of her branch until the Bugbear was forced directly under her, then she unsheathed her sword with her mouth then jumped down from her branch, and plunged her sword directly into the bugbear's back which made it cry out in pain. The bugbear shook itself around and eventually threw Adiyis off but was safely caught by Thorax who gently let her down on the grass. The bugbear then reached back and removed the sword then he threw it away and continued his attack against the changelings. Adiyis stood back up. "Thorax, grab the extra vine. Looks like we'll need it after all." Thorax nodded then flew off and grabbed a long vine off of another branch then flew back and allowed Adiyis to take one end of the vine while he took the other. Adiyis and Thorax both split up and stretched out the vine, then Thorax called out to Pharynx who saw what they were doing and nodded. Pharynx flew to Lirlt and pointed in the direction Adiyis and Thorax were in to which he nodded in reply. Both of them then started to force the bugbear back to where Adiyis and Thorax were, and due to them distracting him, the bugbear tripped over the vine and fell on his back. Adiyis dropped the vine. "Pharynx! Thorax! Restrict his movements! Lirlt! Cocoon him!" Pharynx and Thorx move fast and jumped on his arms and kept them pinned while Lirlt flew close and started to cocoon him. Lirlt started with his legs so he wouldn't be able to stand again and slowly made his way up. The bugbear tried desperately to throw off Pharynx and Thorax, but it was too weak from all of the fighting it had done and couldn't muster enough strength. As soon as Lirlt reached the arms, Pharynx and Thorax held them down long enough for Lirlt to tie them together then they finally got off to allow Lirlt to continue with his cocooning. Once he was finished, the bugbear was securely wrapped to the point where it couldn't move a finger. Adiyis limped forward and smiled. "Nice work, all of you. We successfully captured our required monster. Now, all we have to do is drag it back to the hive." Pharynx stepped forward. "I'll do it." He then wrapped some of the loose vines around himself and began dragging the bugbear. Lirlt bowed. "Princess, allow me to carry you back to the hive." "Thank you, Lirlt." Adiyis was scooped up by Lirlt and carried in the air while Thorax followed. The second the hive was in sight, Adiyis spoke up. "Wait a minute you guys. I need to say something." All of the changelings stopped. Adiyis sighed. "I don't want any of you to say a word about Thorax's little...mess up. In fact, I forbid it." "But, her highness deserves to know." Lirt glanced at Thorax. "If we do not, how will we explain your injury, princess?" "I don't know, but she can't know what happened. Lie if you have to, but don't tell her the truth, understood." Pharynx sighed and bowed. "As you wish, Princess Adiyis." After the talk, they continued on their way toward the hive. Chrysalis nervously tapped her hoof on her throne while general Thal silently stood next to it. Suddenly, Chrysalis stood up on her throne. "It has been too long, I am sending out a search party." Thal merely looked back at Chrysalis. "My Queen, excuse my bluntness, but it has only been twenty minutes since her highness had left." Chrysalis hovered off of her throne. "Twenty minutes too long. I am organizing a search party to retrieve them." "My Queen, if you will permit me, I would I to voice my own opinion." Chrysalis slowly turned to Thal. "You will not change my mind, General Thal. But I will allow you to speak." "I believe Princess Adiyis will return victorious. Since I personally trained her I believe my words carry weight when I say, she will return to the hive with her mission complete, and be completely unharmed." "You can not guarantee that." "I can not, but I have faith. The princess is a grand warrior. If she were to polish that skill a bit more, then she would become a better warrior than I." Chrysalis looked away and bit her tongue then sighed. "Very well, you have convinced me. I shall remain patient and have faith in my daughter." She trotted to her throne and stood in front of it. "My little Adiyis WILL return to me, but until then I must remain pat-." A changeling guard burst open the door. "Queen Chrysalis? Princess Adiyis and her team have returned." The next thing he knew, Chrysalis flew by him so fast neither of the changelings had time to react. When Adiyis and the others returned to the hive, Lirlt gently set her down and requested that a nursery worker be brought to them immediately, so one was, but not before informing another of their arrival. When they returned the guards were overlooking the bugbear, while the worker was attending to Adiyis's leg by applying an actual bandage to it. By the time the worker was done, Chrysalis appeared before them and scanned the area quickly finding Adiyis. "Adiyis!" Chrysalis moved towards her and noticed her bandaged leg which she gently lifted. "What happened?" Adiyis avoided eye contact. "It was just a little mistake. Nothing serious." Chrysalis stared at Adiyis for a few seconds then looked toward the worker. "Give me an assessment of the damage." "Yes, my queen." The worker bowed. "Princess Adiyis's leg is severely broken. I'm afraid she will have to remain bed-ridden until it heals." "And how long do you estimate it will take?" "Truthfully, my queen, three weeks at best." "Very well, return to your post." The worker nodded, then returned to the hive. Chrysalis looked back at Adiyis's leg. "A broken leg, I am relieved. This could have been so much worse, but I am glad you are still alive, my daughter." Adiyis smiled. "Yeah, me too." Chrysalis then turned toward the cocooned bugbear. "This is the monster you've brought back?" Adiyis nodded. "Well done, you never cease to amaze me, Adiyis. To be able to bring down such a dangerous beast, You all must have fought hard." Adiyis bowed her head as the others did the same. "Thank you, mo-..my queen." Chrysalis stood and slowly approached Thorax, Pharynx, and Lirlt. "Now, tell me, were there any problems among your own teammates? Did any changeling act out of line or complicate things?" Chrysalis pointed her icy stare toward Thorax who merely looked down. Pharynx and Lirlt silently glanced at each other then to Thorax, but before either could speak up, Adiyis peeked around Chrysalis and shook her head as she held a hoof to her mouth in a shushing manner. Lirlt sighed and bowed his head. "No, my queen, there were no problems. Each member of our team completed their own tasks which led to the capture of the bugbear." Chrysalis was genuinely surprised as well as Thorax. "Really?" She faced Pharynx. "Is this true?" Pharynx nodded. "Yes, your grace. Each member followed their orders perfectly." Chrysalis slowly nodded then faced Thorax. "It seems I was mistaken. Perhaps you can be of use to the hive. I shall allow you to remain, for now." Adiyis stood. "Excuse me, we've completed our task and brought a monster. Did we pass?" "Eager to be officially recognized, are you?" Adiyis nervously smiled as Chrysalis stepped over to the cocooned bugbear. "But, your mission is not over just yet." Adiyis groaned. "Really?!" Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at her, so she cleared her throat. "I mean, what is our final task?" "No, this time, you are to complete this task alone." Adiyis was shocked. "Come closer." Adiyis stepped next to Chrysalis. "What am I to do?" "I believe it is time you absorbed love from a monster, instead of having it given to you." Chrysalis softly pushed Adiyis closer to the bugbear. "Now take it." "B-But, I never learned how to take love from any other creature." "Then I shall teach you." Chrysalis sat down. "First, you must use your changeling magic to feel the love within another creature." Adiyis looked back and raised a brow. "You need not worry about the obvious fact that you do not possess a horn. All changelings can use a form of magic that allows them to transform and absorb love from creatures. Even you." "But, I do-." "Try, Adiyis." Adiyis looked back at the bugbear as it weakly raised its head which had not been cocooned and growled at Adiyis. Adiyis steeled herself and did as told by focusing on whatever magic was inside of her and feeling for any of the bugbear's love. It didn't take her long to find it which made it appear on the bugbear as a small pink glowing dot. Adiyis gasped when it appeared while Chrysalis smirked. "Well done, Adiyis. Now, you must use your magic to force the love out of the creature so that you may take it for yourself." Adiyis closed her eyes and opened her mouth as the love began pouring out of the bugbear and into her. When it was done, the bugbear dropped its head in exhaustion while Adiyis sucked in the last bit of love and sighed. Adiyis licked her lips. "Wow, so that's what it tastes like from the source. I like it." She then had her mane petted by Chrysalis. "Well done, Adiyis. I am very proud of you." Chrysalis stopped petting her mane and had Adiyis face her. "By the power vested in me. I, Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the changeling hive, grant you, and your teammates, the title of warrior." Adiyis bowed as Chrysalis tapped both of her shoulders with her horn. "Thank you, my queen. I shall wear this title with pride, and shall fight for the glory of the hive." "Now, finish off the bugbear." Adiyis was stunned but shook it off. "Wait, you mean kill it?" Chrysalis nodded. "Yes. It can not be cut into meat pieces if it is still alive." Adiyis was noticeably uncomfortable which Chrysalis picked up on. "Is something wrong, Adiyis?" "No, nothing is wrong. It's just..." Adiyis trailed off and sighed. "I...never had to kill something before. I just feel a bit uncomfortable." Chrysalis raised a brow. "Why do you feel uncomfortable? You've seen our drones prepare a meal before by cutting up one of the creatures in the hive." "That's different. Those creatures were already dead when they were being prepared." Adiyis looked away. "Besides, I'm used to seeing other creatures being killed. The difference is doing the killing yourself." Chrysalis put a hoof on her shoulder. "It will be alright, Adiyis. It is only natural you would respond this way to such an order, but I must ask you to obey it." Adiyis's ears drooped. "You are a warrior of the hive now, which means you must also be willing to kill to protect it. It does not matter if that path starts here or not. In the end, it will start and you must follow it to protect the hive, understood?" When Adiyis didn't respond, Chrysalis lifer her chin so that she was looking at her. "Am I understood, Adiyis?" Adiyis nodded. "Yes, mo-..my queen." Chrysalis let go of her chin. "Please, do not hate me for forcing you to do such a thing. This is simply the path a queen must follow." Adiyis shook her head. "I could never hate you, mom." She then turned toward the bugbear and, with a shaky breath, unsheathed her sword using her mouth. She sat down and used her good hoof to position her word above the bugbear's neck. She held it there for a full minute with a shaky hoof. She tried willing her body to do the deed, but it wouldn't respond no matter how hard she tried. Eventually, Chrysalis stepped behind her and placed her own hoof over Adiyis's, slowly forcing the blade into the bugbear's neck and watched as the bugbear bled out and died. When it was finished, Chrysalis used her magic to remove the sword and put it back into its sheath. Chrysalis looked at the guards standing beside the bugbear. "Have the bugbear brought into the hive and put it with the rest of the creatures." The guards bowed then took each vine and dragged the bugbear inside while Chrysalis placed her hoof back at Adiyis's shoulder. "Are you alright?" "I'm...fine." Chrysalis nodded. "I will have Scissa come and help you to your room, and I'll inform all drones to leave you undisturbed for the rest of the day." Chrysalis turned away from her and began trotting back to the hive. "Scissa." "Yes, your grace?" "Princess Adiyis is injured and will need help getting back to her room. Also, I advise you to not disturb her for the rest of the day. She needs time to herself." "As you wish, your majesty." Chrysalis took another look back at Adiyis who hadn't moved from her spot in front of the bugbear and continued on her way towards the hive. Thorax had crept over to her and laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Adi?" Adiyis looked away and waved him off. "I'm fine Thorax. I...just want to be alone for a bit." Thorax nodded and followed the others back into the hive while Scissa came out and helped Adiyis back to the hive by having her wrap her broken foreleg over her. About three hours had passed since her test was completed and she was given the title of warrior. Adiyis was laying on her bed while reading a book about other creatures. She had calmed down enough to be her normal self again but was still a little shaken up. Once she had finished her book, she merely closed it and set it to the side. Adiyis sighed. 'Guess it's now or never.' She looked toward her door and called out. "Scissa!" Scissa slowly opened the door and peeked inside. "Oh, princess Adiyis. Are you feeling better?" "I am, thank you. Now, I need you to help me get to mom." Scissa stepped into the room. "May I ask why, princess?" "I...just want to ask her something." Adiyis was helped off of her bed and had her leg wrapped around Scissa as she helped her through the hive. They eventually arrived at Chrysalis's quarters and Scissa opened the doors while Adiyis stepped inside. Chrysalis was also reading a book when she turned and saw her. "Adiyis, I trust you are feeling better." "I'm still a little shaken up, but yes, I am feeling much better." "That is good. I feared you would avoid me after I ordered you to do such a thing." Adiyis nervously chuckled then looked at the book. "Say, what are you reading?" "Hm? Oh, it is just the book you brought back from canterlot. There are a many of spells in here that could one day prove useful for the hive. I am going to continue studying this book until I learn of all of its secrets." Chrysalis flipped to the next page. "Despite the fact that they are ponies, this book proves they are well versed in the fields of magic." "I see." Chrysalis glanced at Adiyis hen back to the book. "What do you want to ask me Adiyis? I know this is not just some random visit." Adiyis gulped. "I wanted to ask about...Thorax." "Oh?" Chrysalis flipped another page. "What about him?" "I heard you were planning on getting rid of him if he were to fail this test." Adiyis had to lie a bit, she couldn't show she knew too much about it, lest Chrysalis would know Thorax told her. Chrysalis used her magic to close the book and set it off to the side as she turned to face Adiyis. "You heard right. I was planning on getting rid of him, but he surprised me today by proving he can still be of use to the hive." "Even if you were to still go through with it, you can't get rid of him. If he failed the test, I'm sure there were other ways he could've made himself useful to the hive." "I'm sure there were, but, even so, he was still a liability and danger to the hive. I would not be able to keep him around, no matter who pled their case." "But, he's my friend and-." "Friend?!" Chrysalis stepped off her bed and stood before Adiyis. "What have I told you about that, Adiyis? Friendship is nothing but a waste of time. You are learning to become the future queen of this hive! You don't have time to make silly friends!" "I know. I'm sorry." Chrysalis softly pet her mane. "It is fine, just as long as you stop that friendship nonsense. That kind of thinking will only get you hurt, or worse." Adiyis looked at the ground and was lost in thought for a bit. "How?" Chrysalis raised a brow. "How will making friends get me hurt, or worse?" Chrysalis removed her hoof. "It is simply because you care too much." She moved back to the bed and laid down then patted the spot next to her so Adiyis followed, but Chrysalis had to use her magic to help her up. "Adiyis, my daughter, I tell you this for your, and the hives, own good. Friendship will only do more harm to you and those around you." "How?" "Allow me to put it this way." Chrysalis cleared her throat. "Three changelings are sent on a mission together. Two of these changelings are very close, they are like best friends. They finally encounter a monster to bring back to the hive, but the changelings' friend is harmed by the monster so the first changeling stops his attack to check on his friend, leaving the third changeling to fight alone. The third changeling tries his best to hold off the monster but is ultimately defeated and killed by the monster. "Now the monster goes after the second changeling who puts himself in front of the first to protect him, but despite his best efforts, he falls to the monster, and with both changelings dead the first is completely open to attack and is also killed. The monster gets away and the hive loses three changeling warriors. Now, apply that to a hive invasion. We are being attacked by a horde of monsters and you try to protect Thorax who is injured instead of protecting the rest of the hive. Do you see now?" Adiyis took a quick glance at her leg and slowly nodded. "Yeah, I do. The mission and safety of the hive always come first. We can't throw any changelings away all for the safety of that one." "And that is why you shouldn't make friends." "But, what about getting rid of Thorax?" "Friend, or not. Thorax still would've put this whole hive in danger by simply being here. If we were to be attacked by a monster and Thorax was in the area, he would fail to protect the hive and in assisting his fellow changelings in bringing the monster down. We would only lose more changelings due to his blunder and put the whole hive in danger. That is why I remove any changeling who can not be of use to the hive. Their presence only puts us in more danger." "I get it now. You are only doing what is best for the hive." Chrysalis nodded. "Yes. Now, I hope that helps you understand why I was going to remove Thorax. Although, he should be proud that, when the time came, he was able to prove his usefulness." "Y-Yeah." Adiyis looked away. "I think I'll head back to my room now. This leg won't get any better if I keep moving around like this." She tried to jump off the bed and almost fell when she landded but was caught by Chrysalis's magic. Chrysalis set her upright. "Adiyis, you must be more careful. That leg will surely not get any better if you keep being reckless like that." Adiyis smiled nervously. "Sorry, mom." She turned to the door. "Scissa!" Scissa stepped into the room and wrapped Adiyis's leg around her and began to guide her back to her room. On the way, Scissa and Adiyis encounter Thorax who stopped them. "Hold on a sec." Thorax held up a hoof as he stepped in front of them. Scissa groaned. "Thorax, get out of the way. Can you not see that the princess is injured and must be taken back to her room?" "Oh, sorry. I just wanted to talk to Ad-..the princess really quick." "It's alright, Scissa." Adiyis removed her leg from her. "This will just be a quick conversation. Just wait nearby." Scissa bowed her head and trotted away. "What is it Thorax?" "I didn't have the chance to properly thank you for backing me up. So, thanks." Adiyis looked away. "It's fine." Thorax looked at her confused. "Is everything alright, Adi? You didn't react the way I thought you would." Adiyis sighed then turned back. "Listen, Thorax. I don't think we should be seeing each other like this anymore." "What do you mean?" "I mean, we shouldn't be seeing each other as friends anymore. We should be seeing each other as princess and drone." "I don't understand. Where's all this coming from?" "My eyes were opened today, Thorax." Adiyis looked at her leg. "If I keep protecting you like this, then one of us will end up even more hurt, or worse. I can't do that when I'm set to command this hive one day." "B-But, our friendship-." "Is over." Adiyis cut him off then trotted behind him "Starting today, we are nothing more than a princess and a warrior changeling. I will no longer protect you either. You are on your own." Thorax turned to her. "But, Adi-." "That's princess Adiyis, Thorax. Now, if there is nothing more you want, leave." Thorax wanted to speak up, to say something, but something else told him it would be futile so he flew away. "Scissa!" Scissa stepped out from behind a wall a few meters away. "Are you alright, princess? You're crying." Adiyis put her leg around her and wiped her face with the other. "I'm fine. Just take me back to my room. I'm tired." "As you wish, princess." Three days later, Chrysalis was called to the egg room where they store and nurse all of their future changelings. She arrived with two guards at her side and four eggs were brought to her and none of them were glowing to show the larva within were still alive. Chrysalis placed her hoof on one. "This cannot be." She closed her eyes and remained silent for a few minutes then looked at the caretaker. "How long since they passed away?" "They passed away last night, your highness." Chrysalis removed her hoof and looked to the others. "How could this have happened?" "We simply did not possess enough love to keep them fed." "How are our last reserves?" "It isn't enough, my queen. If we do not find more love soon, then we will lose more eggs." Chrysalis closed her eyes tightly like she was debating with herself. On what? the changelings in the room did not know. Chrysalis opened her eyes and sighed then she turned to her two guards. "Have our infiltrators invade the pony villages. Study them and learn their movements, then bring them back to the hive alive and replace them with changelings until further notice." The guards bowed then left the room while Chrysalis turned back to the eggs and addressed the caretaker. "Have the other caretakers bury these eggs elsewhere and not a word of this to the princess." "As you command." The caretaker left the room. Chrysalis let a lone tear trail down her face. 'This burden must forever remain mine.' > Infiltration. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three weeks had come and gone, and Adiyis had been bed-ridden during the whole time recovering. Scissa had to deliver all of her food and love and Adiyis was glad she at least had company while being stuck on her bed. When the nursery worker confirmed her leg had finally healed, she couldn't be happier to finally be able to move on her own. As she trotted through the hive, she couldn't help but notice how much livelier it had gotten around there. It was like the changelings had become supercharged in just three weeks. While trotting, Adiyis noticed Chrysalis also surveying the hive and approached her with a few questions in mind. Adiyis shouted. "Mom!" Chrysalis turned and smiled. "Adiyis, I had heard your leg had finally healed. It is good to finally see you up and about once more." "Yeah." Adiyis shook her leg a little then looked around. "By the way, what's up with every-ling? I've never seen them so hard at work. Did something happen?" "In a sense." Chrysalis stepped past her. "Follow me." Adiyis did as told. "Where are we going?" "Our love chamber. Where we keep all those who produce love for the hive." Chrysalis took Adiyis deep into the hive, even deeper than the old basement that was later turned into a new chamber for eggs. Adiyis had rarely been to the love chamber, she had only gotten her love from her mother and Scissa so she didn't have much of a reason to go there. This would, in fact, be her third time going down there, with the first two being out of curiosity in her younger days. Chrysalis and Adiyis entered the chamber where she saw multiple changelings tending to the monsters trapped in cacoons. Chrysalis brought Adiyis a little deeper into the chamber then suddenly stopped. Adiyis looked around. "So, what are we doing here?" "Take a look, Adiyis." Chrysalis stepped beside a cacoon. "Look inside this cacoon and you'll see the reason why the hive is doing better than ever." Adiyis stepped close to the cacoon and couldn't believe what she was seeing. "A pony?! You are taking love from ponies? But I thought you always said-." "That the ponies are dangerous and are to be left alone. Yes, I did say that." Chrysalis stepped to another cacoon and stared at the pony inside. "But now, I see that the ponies are the perfect source for new love. They have so much love that our reserves are at an all-time high. I was a fool to avoid them for so long. Instead, I should have been hunting them for their love all along." "Mom, is this how you solved our love problem?" "It is." Chrysalis looked back at Adiyis. "Is something the matter, Adiyis?" Adiyis turned and shrugged. "I don't know. It just feels...wrong for some reason. Taking ponies from their homes so we can steal their love." "Adiyis." Chrysalis stepped to her and lifted her chin to look at her. "There is no reason to feel sorry for the ponies. If I did not turn to this, then the hive would suffer from its lack of love. This was the only choice. Remember, the hive always comes first." Adiyis thought for a moment, then nodded. "Y-Yes...yes, you're right. The hive always comes first." She then thought a bit more and giggled which confused Chrysalis. "You know, it's funny." "What is?" "You told me to never venture into the pony lands again when I was younger, but now, you're telling many others to go there instead." Chrysalis chuckled a little. "Oh, the irony. I suppose that is a little amusing." Adiyis looked back at the ponies. "I am a little worried though. What if the ponies find out about us again? How will we get more love then?" "You have a right to be, Adiyis, but I am already developing a plan." Adiyis turned back to her. "What kind of plan?" Chrysalis smirked. "A plan that will allow us to invade the pony lands." "What?!" "Please, keep your voice to a normal level, Adiyis." Adiyis cleared her throat. "I-I'm sorry, but invade the pony lands? Isn't that dangerous?" "It is, but I had been thinking." Chrysalis began trotting around the chamber so Adiyis followed. "A pony's love is extraordinary. Just by having this small handful of them, our hive had grown stronger than ever. So, what if instead of just taking them one-by-one, we take them all?" "You mean, we conquer and use the ponies as cattle?" "Precisely, Adiyis. With so much love at our disposal, we would become even more powerful than the dragons." Chrysalis chuckled. "We would stand at the top of all other creatures! We would be invincible!" Adiyis's eyes widened. "We wouldn't ever have to worry about gathering more love ever again. The hive would prosper like never before." "Now you see, my daughter. Conquering the ponies will be the best thing for the hive." Adiyis nodded. "I want to do my part too. I want to help." "I am glad you are so enthusiastic, Adiyis. But for now, I want you to return to your studies and training." Chrysalis stepped toward her and softly pet her mane. "I will need you to be ready when the time comes." Adiyis nodded. "I understand." Adiyis began to leave ad turned back. "I guess I'll see you later then." "Yes." Adiyis left the chamber and made her way toward the hive library where she read up on ponies and their weaknesses. While Adiyis studied, Chrysalis returned to her throne and called upon some of her infiltrators. Chrysalis looked over the three infiltrators. "Ah, my three best infiltrators. Anansi, Matikah, and Fanui." Anansi was a female changeling with a horn. She was a little smaller than the other two. She had grey eyes. Matikah was a male changeling and didn't have a horn. He was average-sized and had yellow eyes. Fanui was another female changeling and also didn't have a horn. She was the tallest out of them and had red eyes. Anansi bowed. "We live to serve, Queen Chrysalis. What do you wish of us?" "My plan to invade the pony lands must be perfect. I can not afford any mistakes. Venture into the pony lands and relay everything you find back to me. Two of you will infiltrate their city, Canterlot. The other will remain in their village." Matikah nodded. "As you wish, your Majesty." "Also, I'm sure you understand well. If you are caught and discovered, know that if you return to the hive your punishment will be swift." The three infiltrators bowed and then proceeded to leave the throne room and the hive. The infiltrators made their way towards the pony lands and landed before they were spotted so they could transform and blend in. Anansi turned into a pegasus with a beige-colored coat and a tea green mane and tail. Matikah turned into a pegasus with a lemon-colored coat and a gold mane and tail. Fanui turned into an earth pony with a carmine-colored coat and an indigo mane and tail. Anansi turned to the other two. "Before we continue, we must decide who will go where." Matikah thought for a moment. "Perhaps, since I am a pegasus and you are a unicorn, we should take Canterlot." He turned toward Fanui. "What say you, Fanui?" "I have no objections." Fanui stepped past both of them. "I shall leave first to explore the village." Anansi nodded. "We'll meet back here to report what we've found before heading to the hive." The changelings then split up. Anansi and Matika flew towards Cantorlot and landed in the plaza. Matikah turned toward her. "I will examine the west side. You will take the east. We'll meet back here in an hour." Anansi nodded then split up. Anansi softly flew above the buildings of Canterlot to get a better view of the city. She made absolutely sure to mark every little thing the ponies below did so as to solidify Queen Chrysalis' plan to invade as foolproof. About forty-five minutes had passed and Anansi decided to land instead to listen in on what the ponies talked about. She sat down at a small cafe and kept her ears close to another pair behind her. Two male ponies. The first male took a sip of his drink. "So, have any good gossip to share from the royal palace?" The second sighed. "You know, I may be one of the royal guards, but that doesn't mean I hear everything in the palace. And even if I did, what makes you think I'll share it with you?" The first chuckled. "Come on, we're pals! You can at least share one little secret with me." "No." "Come on!" The first put his hoof up. "I promise I won't tell a single soul for as long as I live." The second remained silent for a bit then sighed. "Fine, but not a word to anypony else, alright?" The first nodded. "Come close." Anansi peeked back to see the first lean over and the second whisper in his ear then get a shocked expression on his face as he pulled back. "Are you serious?!" The second nodded. "That's big news! I bet all of Canterlot and Ponyville will be a part of it too." With that, Anansi's curiosity ha peeked. If both Canterlot and Ponyville will be taking part in some major event, then she must learn what it is. "Yes, yes, settle down. Remember, not a word." The second got off his chair. "I have to get back to work. My break is almost up. See you around." He then trotted away as the first left his bits on the table and also left. Anansi saw both of them leave and quickly chose her target. She got up and began to follow the first male. She stalked the stallion until they had come to a less crowded part of Canterlot and she quickly made her move by catching up to him. "Excuse me!" The first turned around. "I couldn't help but notice you were chatting with a member of the royal guard. Is there any chance you could introduce me to him?" The stallion eyed her up and down and scoffed. "Why would you want to meet him when I'm standing right here?" "Oh?" Anansi eyed him up and down. "You are pretty handsome." He chuckled. "Say, how about you and I find ourselves a cafe and have a drink together?" Anansi smirked. "Alright, I know a shortcut. Follow me." She stepped past him and into a nearby alleyway and he followed. The stallion followed Anansi deep into the alley and began to have second thoughts as it got darker due to the sun being cut off by the buildings. "H-Hey, are you sure this is a shortcut?" He took a glance back at the way they came. "I'm not so sure about this." Anansi smirked then turned toward him and began to use her changeling magic to absorb his love. By the time he turned back to her, she was already devouring it and he didn't have any time to stop her before he collapsed where he stood. Anansi licked her lips. "Hm, delicious. You better be thankful I left enough for you to remain conscious, but you won't be able to stand any time soon." The stallion struggled to look up at her. "W-What did you do to me?" "Nothing you need to concern yourself with, pony." Anansi turned back into her changeling form which made him gasp. "Just fall victim to my magic and tell me everything I want to hear." She quickly used her magic and put him under a hypnosis spell The stallion's eyes began glowing green as he stood there like a statue. "That's better. Now, tell me about the news that will involve both Ponyvile and Canterlot." "I-I...shouldn't." Anansi began increasing her magical hold over him. "Tell me, now!" "I...The princesses are planning to hold a royal wedding for Princess Cadence here in Canterlot." "A royal wedding? Interesting. Who is this princess marrying?" "I don't...know." "Then you're no longer useful. Before I go, let's make sure you never remember this little interaction." Anansi began using her magic on him again. Princess Cadence had just begun another of her daily walks through Canterlot to see the sights and get a breath of fresh air before having to return to the palace to prepare for her wedding. She had decided to explore somewhere else today and had been enjoying the small quiet until she had passed by an alleyway and noticed a small green glow coming out of it so she decided to investigate by slowly entering the alley. "That's it, just surrender your mind to me. After this, I might just go ahead and take the rest of your love. That will be delectable." Anansi hadn't noticed Cadence enter the alley until she heard a gasp and looked up. Cadence charged forward. "What are you doing to that stallion?!" Anansi used her magic and changed back into her pegasus form then flew out of the alley with Cadence hot on her trail. Anansi looked back to see her chasing and dove toward the buildings. She flew around each building trying to lose her, but the Princess was a better flier than she thought and was quickly gaining on her. Once Cadence had gotten close enough she used her magic to strike Anansi in the back making her crash to the ground. All other ponies around noticed her crash and decided to see what had happened Cadence landed close to her and got into a compact stance with her horn pointed right at her. "Somepony call the guards! Hurry!" A few ponies nodded and ran off while Cadence turned back to Anansi. "Don't move! I don't know what you are, but I won't let a monster like you harm anypony else." Anansi was exhausted from flying so hard and had accidentally let go of her disguise, so once the smoke cleared all of the ponies saw the creature. Anansi glared at Cadence. 'Accursed pony.' She then tried to stand. "Stay right where you are! The guards will be here soon. There's nowhere else to run." Suddenly, Matikah flew right into Cadence which knocked her away, then he flew over to Anansi and helped her up. Without a word to each other, they began to fly away before the guards had appeared and had gotten far enough so Cadence couldn't catch up. They kept flying far until they had ended up in one of the many forests that were far from the pony lands but weren't too close to the hive. Matikah changed back and looked at Anansi. "What was that?! How could you not only have gotten caught, but attacked, by a Princess?" "I didn't know a Princess would be patrolling the streets! If I did, then I would've been a lot more careful." "What were you doing that led to you getting caught?" "I was using my hypnosis magic to get information out of a pony. And I believe our Queen will love what she hears." Matikah raised a brow. "What did you learn?" "I learned that Canterlot is holding a royal wedding and Ponyville is also joining in. If my assumptions are correct, then every pony in both cities will be attending the party." Anansi licked her lips. "There'll be so much love there, enough for every-ling to feast on for years." "That is excellent news. We should head back to the hive as soon as possible." "Oh, but what about Fanui? She's still in the village." "I will just have to retrieve her later." Matikah began flying. "Now, come on. We shouldn't keep her highness waiting with such important information at our disposal." Anansi and Matikah flew straight back to the hive where they entered and headed straight for the throne room. Only to find that she wasn't there. They decided to wait there for her to return, which she did with Princess Adiyis in tow. Anansi and Matikah bowed. "Queen Chrysalis, we have returned. And greetings to you, Princess Adiyis." Adiyis nodded. "Greetings." Chrysalis looked around the room. "Why are there only two of you? What happened to your third?" Matikah looked up. "We ran into a problem and had to flee from Canterlot quickly." Chrysalis's horn began glowing as she scowled. "What problem?" Matikah hesitated but quickly composed himself. "Anansi was seen by a pony in her changeling form." Chrysalis turned toward Anansi. "How disappointing. To think that one of my best infiltrators failed in such a simple task." "Please, my Queen, allow me to explain myself. I may have gotten caught, but I was able to obtain valuable information." Chrysalis's scowl softened, but her horn glow remained. "Speak. I will give you this one chance only." "Thank you, your Majesty." Anansi looked up at her. "I was eavesdropping on a couple of ponies who were talking about something big that was going to happen between Canterlot and Ponyville. I followed one of them and used my magic to get him to tell me. It turns out, Canterlot is going to hold a royal wedding for a Princess named, Cadence." Chrysalis stopped charging her horn. "Princess Cadence, huh? Interesting." Adiyis stepped forward. "Mom, who's Princess Cadence? Is there a third alicorn?" Chrysalis turned to her. "Yes, there is. I heard of her when one of my other scouts returned with such information. I had the others scout around Canterlot to gain more information on this third alicorn. Apparently, Cadence is the princess of love, but doesn't have a castle of her own." "Princess of love? How can a pony be a princess of love?" "I don't exactly understand either. Must be another pony thing they do. But, if a royal wedding is being held for her, then that means every pony in Ponyville and Canterlot will be attending." Chrysalis smirked. "This could be the chance we have been waiting for." "Excuse me, my Queen." Chrysalis turned back to Matikah. "I believe it is worth mentioning that Anansi was seen by the very Princess of love herself." Chrysalis snapped back at Anansi. "You what?! Not only were you seen by a pony, but a princess?!" Her horn began glowing again. "I should kill you where you stand for not only being seen, but ruining my plans altogether!" Anansi immediately bowed. "Please, forgive me, my Queen! I was careless, this is true! But, give me another chance and I will not fail you! You have my absolute word!" Chrysalis remained silent then stopped charging her horn and turned away. "You have one more chance, but only because you are one of my best infiltrators. Be warned, I will not give you another." "T-Thank you, Queen Chrysalis." "Now leave, both of you." Anansi and Matikah left the throne room as fast as they could leaving Chrysalis and Adiyis alone. Chrysalis flew up to her throne and laid down. "What am I to do? If their princess knows of us, then it will only be a matter of time before Celestia takes action." Adiyis jumped up and joined Chrysalis. "It's alright, mom. You'll think of something." Chrysalis pulled Adiyis close. "I appreciate your kind words, my daughter. But this isn't something that can be solved so easily." Chrysalis softly pet Adiyis. "As you well know, alicorns are very powerful in both magic and royalty. One can not simply make an alicorn disappear unnoticed. Some creature is bound to notice their absence and eventually learn of us." Adiyis thought for a moment. "Can't you just swap places with the alicorn? No creature would be able to tell the difference." "Yes, we could, but there is still the problem of where to send her. We can't bring her back to the hive. It's too dangerous and too long of a trek. A pony would surely notice if a princess is being transported out of Canterlot." "Then..." Adiyis trailed off as she shook her head. "No, that's stupid." "What is?" "I was just thinking of another idea." Adiyis looked away. "But there's no way it would work." Chrysalis turned Adiyis's head back. "Adiyis, I am open to anything that could work. These are dire times." Adiyis shrugged. "I was just thinking that, maybe, we could keep the princess in Canterlot instead of taking her out. But, there's no way it could work." "Actually, you may be onto something, Adiyis." Chrysalis got off of her throne and began to leave the room so Adiyis followed and they soon arrived at their little library where Chrysalis pulled out an old book and began flipping pages. Adiyis stepped over and looked at the book. "What are you looking for?" "Something that I hope wasn't lost to time." Chrysalis flipped a few more pages until she landed on the right one. "Ah, here it is." Adiyis looked into the book. "The crystal caverns? What's that?" "An old cave system used by the hive's ancestors. Before we were chased out of the lands by the alicorns. If I am correct, this old cave system must still be there. And if it is, then I may be able to use it to hide a certain alicorn princess." "And while she's stranded down there. You'll take her place and infiltrate Canterlot." Chrysalis smiled at her. "That is exactly right, Adiyis. You truly are learning well in your studies." Adiyis smiled. "I have a good teacher." "And, once I am inside, I will also steal love from her beloved groom which will make me even more powerful." Chrysalis chuckled. "By the time the ponies realize I am not their princess, it will be too late to stop the invasion, and I will be even more powerful than any creature in the world." Adiyis was filled with determination as she saluted. "Just tell me what to do to help, mom. I want to do my part." But Chrysalis stared at Adiyis and remained silent. "Is something wrong, mom?" "Adiyis, I regret to inform you, but you must remain here." "Wait, what? But why?! I want to help with the invasion just like every-ling else." Chrysalis was going to speak but was cut off. "If you're worried about my safety, don't be. I'm a warrior now, I can easily take care of myself!" "That's not it, Adiyis!" "Then why can't I join?!" Chrysalis softly rubbed her head. "Don't misunderstand, Adiyis. I was always going to let you join the invasion, but the plan has changed from invasion to infiltration. I will be infiltrating the pony city and taking the disguise of a princess. I will also be building my strength by taking love from the groom until the day I will be able to initiate the invasion. That means I will be away from the hive for some time. And you must take command until I return." "W-What? Me? But, I'm not ready to command the hive yet! I still have so much to learn and do. I'm not ready!" Adiyis began hyperventilating Chrysalis rolled her eyes and pulled Adiyis into a hug. "It will only be until I return, Adiyis. Calm yourself. Breathe. In and out." Adiyis did as told and calmed down. "But still, temporary or not, what if I mess something up and destroy the hive?!" Chrysalis rubbed her back. "I have faith in you, Adiyis. You will do fine. Scissa will also be there to guide you when you need it. Just remember to remain calm and to always make sure every-ling does their job right." Adiyis nodded. "Right, okay. I'll do my best, and make you proud!" "That's my little princess." Chrysalis let her go and turned away. "Now I must make preparations before I leave." "Wait, you're leaving now?" "I must head to Canterlot as soon as possible to deal with the princess before she warns Celestia. I must not allow her to ruin my plans." Adiyis looked down. "Oh, right." Chrysalis rubbed her cheek. "Do not worry, Adiyis. I won't be gone forever. When everything has been set and we've taken Canterlot, I will return to the hive. You will be fine alone for a few days. Now, I must be off." She then turned away and left the library. Adiyis took a deep breath and left the library and made her way toward the throne room where she sat atop the throne alone for the first time in her life. She could also hear outside of the door, the sound of buzzing changelings. There were many, so Adiyis figured they must also be helping her mother with her preparations. When a few minutes passed, the buzzing had died down immensely. Out of curiosity, Adiyis decided to leave the throne to investigate and bumped into Pharynx. "Oh, sorry, Pharynx. I didn't see you there." Pharynx bowed his head. "It's alright, Queen Adiyis. I should have been more careful." "Queen?" "Yes." Pharynx looked back up. "Queen Chrysalis informed us of your position and has tasked me to be your personal guard. Since you're in charge of the hive now, it is only fitting we address you as a leader." "But..." Adiyis shook her head. "It's only a temporary position. Shouldn't I still be called Princess Adiyis since our current Queen is still alive?" "Queen Adiyis." Adiyis turned to see Scissa approaching. "Forgive me, but that isn't how it works. Whoever has been appointed leader of the hive by the past, or current, Queen must be addressed as such. It is our law, temporary or not. Did we not go over this in your studies in the past?" Adiyis rubbed her head. "I must've forgotten." She sighed. "Oh well, if it's the law then I must obey it. On another note, what happened to most of the changelings? It's a lot quieter around here now." Pharynx spoke up. "It was Queen Chrysalis. She took a majority of the hive troops with her to help with the invasion." Pharynx looked away. "Thorax is also among them." Adiyis's eyes widened. "Thorax went with mom?! Oh no, if she discovers that we lied about him during the test, she'll kill him and will be very upset with me!" "We'll just have to hope she doesn't then." "That's all we can do." Adiyis returned to her throne as Pharynx and Scissa followed and stood beside it. Scissa turned to Adiyis and bowed. "Queen Adiyis, what is your first order to the hive?" Adiyis rubbed her head again. "Um, I guess, give me an update as to how many troops we have left." Pharynx nodded. "As you wish. Due to Queen Chrysalis taking a majority of our troops, we have about two hundred to three hundred combat changelings remaining in the hive. We still have all of our caretakers and medical workers." Adiyis nodded. "Alright, then what do you two suggest is the best course of action?" Scissa raised her hoof. "I believe we should focus on defending the hive. Due to how many ponies we have, we have more than enough love to last us months. More than enough time for the Queen to remain in Canterlot." Pharynx nodded. "I agree. Since our troop count is so small, it would be the best plan." "Then that's what we'll do." Adiyis raised her hoof. "Inform the rest of the troops we will be focusing on fortifying our defenses." Both of them bowed. "Yes, Queen Adiyis." Then they left. 'Huh, I don't know what I was worried about. Being a temporary Queen seems pretty easy.' Suddenly, two changelings barged into the throne room arguing. Adiyis raised her hoof. "Silence!" Both changelings immediately stopped. "What is going on?" The first bowed. "Apologise for the rude intrusion, Queen Adiyis, but I must request your aid." He then pointed at the other. "This one demands to be made a warrior before taking the test. He foolishly believes he has no such need for it." "But I am ready!" The second bowed to Adiyis. "Queen Adiyis, I humbly request you make me a warrior so that I may finally put my skills to good use for the hive." Adiyis shook her head. "I can not. As per our law, you must complete the test in order to be fully recognized as a warrior of the hive. As Queen, I can't just give you the title before proving to me you are ready." The second looked disappointed but nodded. "As you wish. Then I will complete the test and show you I am worthy." He then bowed and left the throne room. "Thank you, Queen Adiyis." The first bowed and left as well. Adiyis sighed. 'I understand his inpatients, but the law of the hive must be followed.' Then three more changelings entered the throne room and were glaring at each other. Adiyis sighed again. 'This is gonna be a long day.' After the incident involving the unknown bug pony, Cadence took a trip to the palace library, hoping to learn more about the bug pony that was seen in the city. Cadence had been reading many books about the creatures of Equestria, but, so far, nothing has mentioned anything about the bug pony. Chrysalis had also been busy after the incident by sending a few changelings ahead to keep tabs on the princess so that she will be able to deal with her. 'Not this one either. There has to be something here that talks about bug ponies that can change their form.' Cadence picked up another book and began flipping pages. Meanwhile, the guards outside of the library were approached by one of their high-ranking officials. "You two, the captain said he wanted to see you in the barracks immediately. On the double!" The two guards saluted and then left. Another group of guards came up from behind the first and the leader transformed into Chrysalis. "Well done, drone. Now, return to the rest of the troops. We will take it from here." The guard bowed. "Yes, your Highness." Then he left while Chrysalis and the others entered the library. Cadence flipped to another page and found something about changelings. "Changelings?" She read a little further. "Changelings are monsters who wield the ability to change their form into any creature they wish and feed on the love from other creatures. They are impossible to spot unless a special spell is used which forces to changeling to show their true form." Cadence read a little further. "But, where is the spell?" "Ah, there you are." Cadence looked up from her book to spot Chrysalis and a few changelings standing before her. "I was looking for you, Princess Cadence." Cadence set the book on the shelf. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" Chrysalis chuckled as she stepped closer. "I know many things about you, Cadence. I have been watching you for a long time." Cadence studied her features. "You're a changeling, aren't you?" "Yes, I am. Queen of the changelings to be specific." Cadence took a glance around her then back to Chrysalis. "What do you want from me?" "Hm, I heard you're about to have a royal wedding, and I knew I had to drop by to give you my condolences." Chrysalis chuckled but Cadence was a little confused. "Seeing as how you'll sadly have to miss it." She began charging her horn but Cadence quickly jumped out of the way before she was shot by a beam from Chrysalis. "Capture her!" Cadence ran through the library towards the window only for it to be blocked by changelings as a few more came up from behind her. She quickly summoned a shield and pushed them all away then ran towards the door as the horned changelings shot beams at her which she was able to dodge through some effort. Eventually, she had gotten close to the door, but just before she was able to open it, Chrysalis spat some goo at her hooves that stuck her in place. Cadence tried to get free as Chrysalis approached. "You won't get away with this. Somepony will find out your true identity and stop you!" "Ha, you give ponies far too much credit." Chrysalis charged her horn and surrounded Cadence with a ring of fire. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to enjoy your wedding in your place." She then sent Cadence through the floor and into the caverns. Chrysalis turned back to the other changelings. "Return to the rest of the troops and ensure you aren't spotted." The changelings all transformed into different creatures, from mice to ponies, and left the library. Chrysalis transformed just as the doors to the library opened and guards began stepping inside. Shining Armor stepped inside and ran to Cadence. "Cadence, are you alright? What happened here?" Chrysalis put on a scared face as she hugged Shining. "Oh, it was awful, dear. A creature came out of nowhere and attacked me. I tried to run away but t kept me from escaping. Then, just before you came in, it fled out the window." Shining turned towards the guards. "Inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Lock down the palace and search the grounds. We have a monster on the loose." The guards saluted. "Yes, Captain Shining!" Then left the room Shining softly pet Cadence's mane. "It's alright, Cadence. I'm here now. I won't ever let a monster come near you again." Chrysalis smirked as she charged her horn. "Thank you, Shining." (Three weeks later) Adiyis sighed as another changeling leaves the throne room. "Who knew mom had to deal with so many changelings on a daily basis? I didn't know this job was so tiring." Scissa turned to her. "These are simply the duties of a queen, your highness." "Yeah, I just hope mom comes home soon." Adiyis sighed. "I need some air. Scissa, would you mind?" "Not at all, Queen Adiyis." Adiyis and Scissa left the throne room and came upon a wall which Scissa used her magic to open up to reveal an old balcony with no railing. Adiyisstepped onto the balcony and took a deep breath of fresh air. "That's a lot better." Adiyis enjoyed the cool air when she heard a loud thumping sound. "What was that?" Adiyis looked below to find that something had crashed into the ground. Suddenly a few more things crashed into the ground around her so she went back inside the hive and had Scissa and a few guards follow her outside toward where the thing landed. Adiyis approached the thing only to find a changeling. "It's a changeling?! And he's injured!" She turned back to the guards. "Inform the medical workers. This changeling needs medical attention immediately." The guards nodded and then left. Scissa tapped on her shoulder. "my Queen, look!" Adiyis looked over and noticed many more changelings laying on the ground injured. "How did this happen?! We need to bring them inside!" "But, there's only two of us. And judging from their injuries, most of them won't last long enough for constant return trips." Adiyis ran over and tried lifting one. "We have to try! We can't let these changelings die!" Scissa ran over and helped Adiyis lift the changeling and bring him closer to the hive entrance then they did the same with another. Scissa shook her head. "My Queen, this will take too long. We need help." "But, how?" "You must use the hive mind to inform the others we need their assistance." Adiyis shook her head. "I can't. I've never been able to connect to the hive mind." "You must try, or we will lose changelings." Adiyis nodded then focused her mind and used her teachings from Chrysalis. (Years ago. Nymph Adiyis) Adiyis kicked a rock. "I still can't do it. I can't connect to the hive mind!" "Calm yourself, little Adiyis. Perhaps we should try again?" Adiyis shook her head. "There's no point. I'll never be able to connect to the hive mind." Chrysalis stepped over and nuzzled Adiyis's cheek. "Don't say that, my little Adiyis. These things simply take time. You will connect to the hive mind. You just have to keep trying. Now, we shall do it again." Chrysalis stepped away again. Adiyis took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Now, feel the changeling magic within you and allow it to also be felt by changelings around you. Connect it to those changelings and allow them to connect theirs with yours. Once it is, feel their thoughts flow through you. Open your mind and allow yours to flow through them. Now, think of what to say and send it through the hive mind." (Present) 'Think of what I want to say and send it through the hive mind.' Adiyis focused with everything she had. "Send. It. Through!" Pharynx's eyes widened. "Queen Adiyis, is that you?" Adiyis was shocked. ”Pharynx? Oh my Goddess, did it finally work? Can you hear me?" "Yes, my Queen. Did you connect to the hive mind?" "Yes, I did! I finally connected to the hive mind!" Adiyis was ready to jump out of happiness but quickly remember what she was supposed to do. "Right, this is no time for celebration. This is an order for all changelings. We have many injured changelings outside the hive. Every-ling must come and help get them to the medical chamber immediately!" "Yes, my Queen!" Suddenly, an entire army of changelings came pouring out of the hive and carried each injured changeling into it. Adiyis also pitched in and helped by carrying a few herself along with Scissa. Eventually, Adiyis came upon a changeling whom she immediately recognized. "Thorax!" Adiyis ran over and held up his head. "If you're here, then that means these changelings are from the invasion army. What happened to you?" Thorax coughed. "We invaded Canterlot as per the plan, but this huge pink orb came out of nowhere and threw every-ling out of Canterlot. Some of us landed in the woods. The rest ended up here." "It's okay, Thorax. We'll get all of you medical help. And when we find mom, we'll especially help her." "No." Thorax coughed as Adiyis raised a brow. "Queen Chrysalis didn't go flying with us. I saw her as I flew away." "If she's not here, then where is she?" "Queen Chrysalis was..." "Please, Thorax. What happened to mom?" "She...was captured by the ponies." Adiyis gasped. "No..." > The Alternate Time. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Three years after the invasion of Canterlot) Three years had passed since the successful invasion of Canterlot. Adiyis had become very accustomed to her new role as hive queen. Scissa had considered her to be as good as Chrysalis herself, despite Adiyis saying otherwise. After the invasion, Queen Chrysalis had the changelings turn Canterlot into another hive by opening up holes that led to the crystal caverns and using them as new places to place ponies and monsters that were captured. After she caught Celestia and cocooned her, her army then captured Luna and sent both of them and Cadence to the original hive so no creature would ever be able to rescue them. After some time, Chrysalis and Adiyis had gotten word from other changelings that the remaining ponies had all banded together to rebel against them, and Chrysalis intends to stamp it out for good. Adiyis trotted through the hive. "The carriage should be ready now. I should head down." "My Queen." Adiyis turned to see Scissa approaching. "The soldiers had just finished escorting the rest of our prisoners to the love chamber to cocoon them. What would you have us do with the dead ones?" "Throw them someplace random. Let the monsters deal with their bodies." Scissa bowed. "As you wish. Are you off to Canterlot to see Queen Chrysalis?" Adiyis nodded. "Yeah. It's been a while since I've visited. Might as well use this as an excuse to go see mother." "I wish you safe travels, Queen Adiyis." "Thank you, Scissa." Adiyis turned away. "Watch over the hive in my place. When I return, I want to know everything that's happened." "As you wish." Adiyis made her way towards the entrance to the hive where a carriage, designed by changelings to copy their look and style, was waiting for her. She stepped inside and was pulled by two changeling warriors to Canterlot. Adiyis looked out the window and saw many changelings, and changeling nymphs, adorning the streets of Canterlot. She landed near the palace where a squad of changelings bowed to her and escorted her into the palace throne room where Chrysalis currently sat. One of the guards bowed. "Queen Chrysalis, Queen Adiyis has arrived." Chrysalis nodded then held out her hoof. "Leave us." The changelings bowed and left the room. Chrysalis smiled. "Ah, Adiyis. It's good to see you again. How long has it been since you've visited? Two? Three months?" Adiyis smiled and bowed her head. "Hello, mother. To answer your question, I believe it's been five months since last I visited. Although can you truly blame me? I am ruling an entire hive far away from Canterlot." Chrysalis chuckled. "And, how is the hive? I received reports of a group of ponies planning to attack it from one of my spies." Adiyis lifted her head. "The hive is doing fine. And as for the attack, there is no need to worry. Thanks to your magic dampening throne, the ponies didn't stand a chance and some easily surrendered. The others who still resisted we had to Execute." "Were you harmed?" Adiyis shook her head. "No. The ponies were too weak to harm any of us. We suffered no casualties." "This is good." Chrysalis stepped off her throne and approached Adiyis. "It never ceases to amaze me how much you've grown over the years." "I had to grow up sometime. If I am to properly rule the hive, that is." Chrysalis chuckled. "It almost feels like yesterday when you were panicking and scared you were gonna destroy the hive." Adiyis looked away as she blushed. "Please don't bring that up anymore. I was young and still learning." "And now look at you. Confident. Strong. And a quick decision-maker." Chrysalis hugged Adiyis close. "I couldn't be more proud of you." Adiyis remained silent and smiled then Chrysalis let her go. "Tell me, what do you say to spending the night here in Canterlot with me?" "I-I shouldn't. Scissa is waiting for me back at the hive. I shouldn't delay." "It is only for one night, Adiyis. You may head back to the hive first thing tomorrow." Adiyis thought a bit more then nodded. "Very well, just for tonight." Chrysalis clapped her hooves together. "Excellent! First, you must see the entertainment the drones had come up with in my honor. It is simply to die for." Suddenly, the door to the room was opened, and in stepped Shining Armor whose eyes still had a soft green glow to them but it was fading. Shining looked at Chrysalis but only saw Cadence. "Cadence, something feels...wrong. Where are Princess Celestia and Luna?" "Excuse me, Adiyis." Chrysalis approached Shining. "It is alright, my love. The princesses are simply visiting Ponyville. They'll be back soon." Her horn glowed as she solidified the spell on him again. "You have nothing to worry about. Just return to your room." Shining only nodded and left the throne room. Adiyis clapped her hooves. "You have really outdone yourself with the performance, mother." Chrysalis did a bow. "Thank you, Adiyis. Although, one of these days, it may no longer be just a performance." Adiyis stopped clapping. "Wait, what?! If you start taking it seriously, does that mean I'll have to call that pony father?!" Chrysalis laughed out loud. "I joke, Adiyis. I won't be caught dead with a pony as my king." Adiyis sighed. "That's good. I'd rather not have to look at a pony as my father figure." "Although, it still isn't too late for you, Adiyis." "...Excuse me?" "Don't think this thought hasn't crossed my mind at least once. There are many changeling warriors of the hive. Surely one of them is worthy of taking your hoof in marriage." Adiyis bushed hard. "Mother! You can not be serious right now!" Chrysalis smirked. "Oh, but I am. You mustn't be the last of our line, Adiyis. Surely there is some-ling worthy of your love. Perhaps your personal guard, Pharynx?" Adiyis turned away. "General Pharynx may be strong and loyal, and yes I can depend on him if times get tough. But he is far from worthy of marrying me." Adiyis then realized what she did. "Wait, why am I entertaining this idea?! I am not getting married!" "We shall see." Chrysalis then turned towards the door. "For now, I would love to show you the show the drones put on. I am positive you will enjoy it." Just as she opened the door, a changeling was standing on the other side. "What do you want drone?" The changeling bowed. "Forgive me for the interruption, Queen Chrysalis, but the prisoners we have captured have finally given us the location of their resistance camp." Chrysalis smiled widely. "Finally!" She turned to Adiyis. "Apologies, my daughter, but we will have to skip the entertainment today." "From the sounds of it, you have been hunting this resistance for a long time, mother." "Indeed. They have been very elusive these past few months, but after we finally captured three of their members, I saw this as a chance to finally catch them all." Adiyis bowed her head. "Allow me to accompany you on this hunt, mother. I wish to assist you in capturing these ponies." "Very well, Adiyis. Come, we haven't a second to lose." Chrysalis flew away while Adiyis returned to her carriage so they could carry her to the town below. Afterward, Adiyis quickly ran to join the army to attack the resistance. Chrysalis informed the changeling that when she gives the signal, all attack. So, Adiyis sat back with the changelings while Chrysalis advanced forward with two others who guided her through the forest until they reached the camp. Suddenly, a bright green pillar of light appeared from within the forest and that was the signal for the rest of the changelings to move in. Adiyis stood beside and studied the ponies and the one zebra and noticed a lilac-colored one. 'Is that a princess?! I thought there were only three.' Suddenly the princess turned and began running away with a purple dragon. "Time to make a decision, Zecora." "Even if what you are saying were true, we'd never surrender to a creature like you!" Then the zebra and the ponies charged at them as did the changelings. Adiyis took this chance to try to catch up to the princess by knocking a few ponies out of the way while Chrysalis and the others dealt with Zecora and the rest of the ponies. "Stop right there, alicorn! You have nowhere to run!" The pony looked back and gasped. "Princess Adiyis?!" Adiyis's eyes widened. "How do you know my name?! Stop!" She suddenly tried to dive into her but the pony teleported to a strange table and cast a spell on a piece of paper which allowed her to escape through a portal. Adiyis stepped close to the table and studied it. "What is this? It shows an entire map of Equestria." "Adiyis!" Chrysalis approached from behind. "Why were you chasing after that pony when you should've been fighting with the others?" Adiyis bowed her head. "I apologize for abandoning the battle, but that pony was an alicorn." "That's impossible. There are only three princesses in Equestria and all of them are captured. There has never been any record of a fourth." Adiyis turned back to the table. "I am certain of what I saw." Chrysalis nodded. "Very well, then where is this fourth princess now?" "Sadly, I was unable to capture her." She put a hoof on the table. "She somehow used this table and a piece of paper to escape through a portal. I wasn't fast enough to follow." Chrysalis approached the table and studied it. "Then, I will have the drones study the table. Perhaps there is a way we can cast the same spell and follow." She then turned away. "For now, let us return to Canterlot. We have new ponies to send to the caverns and you still have yet to see the show." "I am surprised you still want me to see it, mother. We did waste some of the day away by hunting down this resistance camp." "As I said before. It is to die for." Chrysalis began trotting off as Adiyis took another glance at the table. 'The pony may have been an alicorn, but my biggest concern is how it knew my name even though I had never seen her before.' "Adiyis!" "Right, I'm coming!" Adiyis turned back and quickly followed after Chrysalis. > Negotiate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all of the injured changelings that had landed around the hive had been sent to the infirmary, Adiyis quickly realized just how dire the situation was. Over a hundred injured changelings were currently taking over the medical chamber and she could tell the medical workers were too overworked. Not only that, but other injured changelings were still outside of the hive and needed to be brought in so they could be treated. The hive was in absolute chaos and Adiyis knew she had to take her job as temporary queen seriously and bring back order, no matter what, so she took a few soldiers outside to search for other changelings. They searched through the forest for any other changelings and successfully found a few of them and had some soldiers escort them back to the hive. Afterward, she and the remaining soldiers explored further to see if there were any changelings they missed. A soldier pointed away. "Look there, my Queen. It's another changeling." Adiyis stepped over. "Let's get him back to the hive. Quickly!" Two soldiers flew over to the changeling, but they noticed he wasn't moving nor breathing before they picked him up. "What's wrong?" The soldier turned to her. "Queen Adiyis, this one is...not breathing." "What?" Adiyis stepped over to the changeling and put an ear to his chest to check for a heartbeat, but there was none. She lifts her head back up and sighed. "Let's take him back. We'll...find a good place to bury him back at the hive." "As you wish." The soldiers picked up the changeling and carried him back to the hive. "Your highness." Adiyis turned back to one of the soldiers. "You seem tired, perhaps you should return to the hive as well. We shall continue our search for more changelings." Adiyis took a deep breath. "Okay, keep me informed of what you find through the hive mind." The soldiers saluted and Adiyis made her own way back to the hive. Once she returned, the hive was in complete dismay. Every changeling was assisting the medical workers who were taking care of over a hundred changelings, the most the hive has ever had to deal with. Not even changelings who suffered from the winter storms reached that number. "Queen Adiyis." Scissa came trotting beside her. "You look unwell, is everything alright?" "We found a changeling who had perished." "Oh, I'm sorry." Adiyis groaned. "And that's only part of it. There's the problem of dealing with the hundreds of injured changelings and other problems that are popping up in the hive." She sighed. "I knew I should've gone with mom to canterlot, if I had been there then I could've at least kept her from being captured by the ponies. She would be here and would've easily found a thousand different ways to handle this problem. Much better than I am. I'm still so inexperienced in being a queen and running a hive. I'm not sure how much longer I can handle all of this!" Adiyis turned and saw Scissa listening patiently. "Sorry for ranting. I just wish mom was here to help me in some way." Scissa bowed her head. "It is fine, my Queen. Every-ling is more than a little stressed at the moment. It is only fair that you have to cool down as well. And, to be blunt, having Queen Chrysalis here would certainly make things go a lot smoother, but sadly, she is not. But you are here, and I am confident that you can ease every-lings worries. You just need to take it slow." "Right, okay. Take it slow. Thank you, Scissa." Scissa bowed, then Adiyis made her way towards the throne room along with Scissa. Once they had reached the doors, Adiyis could already hear lots of shouting among the changelings. "We must go and rescue our queen from the ponies!" "We don't have the forces required for such an attack!" "Besides, how do we even know the ponies didn't just finish her off?" Adiyis snapped and busted the doors open. "Who. Said. That?" The changelings stepped aside and left only one in the middle. "You! Front and center!" The changeling stepped closer to Adiyis and bowed. "M-My Queen, I meant no offense-" "Silence!" The changeling immediately closed his mouth. "Let me make this clear, for all of you, I don't want to hear a word about Queen Chrysalis being dead! There are no if's or maybe's! Queen Chrysalis is alive, that's it! Should I hear some-ling else even think that she might be dead, I'll make sure all of your words get back to her when she comes back. Understood?!" Every changeling in the room immediately bowed and shouted. "Yes, Queen Adiyis!" Adiyis made her way through them and sat on the throne. "Now, how are the injured changelings doing?" A medical worker changeling lifted her head. "There are many injured changelings. Our efforts to keep some of them alive are exhausting us." Adiyis thought for a moment. "Perhaps there is a way we can divide the injured changelings. Can you separate them based on how severe their injuries are?" "I believe we can." "Good, do that and have only a hoof full of changelings take care of the ones with minor injuries. The more changelings we have to assist the others, the faster the hive can be back at full strength." The changeling bowed. "It shall be done, my Queen." she then left the room. Adiyis looked to the others. "All drones, split yourselves up and assist the medical workers in any way they need. The others will continue focusing on defending the hive and taking care of the newborns." The changeling bowed. "Yes, my Queen!" Then they left. "Queen Adiyis." "What is it? Did you find any more changelings?" "We did, but many of them didn't make as well. We are returning to the hive now with their bodies." Adiyis stayed silent for a moment. "Bury them with the changeling we found before. When you return, I want all of you to split yourselves up to assist the medical workers and your fellow soldiers." "By your command, my Queen." Adiyis jumped off her throne. "Scissa, with me." "If I may ask, where are we going?" "On patrol through the hive. I want to make absolutely sure everything is going well and I might need your advice." Scissa nodded and followed her out of the throne room. Their first location was in the egg chamber to ensure they were being looked after and fed properly along with the developing pupae and nymphs. After, they traveled to the soldiers and workers' chambers to check and make sure they were being properly trained in case any monster decides to invade at this crucial time. Adiyis and Scissa then made their way to the medical chamber where those with minor injuries were split from those with major. Adiyis nodded. "It seems everything is going well here as well. We should move onto-." "My Queen." Adiyis noticed one of the medical workers approaching her then bowed. "We have a small problem." "What happened?" The changeling lifted herself up. "We are missing a changeling that was also a part of the invasion army. I believe their name was Thorax." Adiyis rubbed her head in frustration. "It's just one problem after another. I'll have some guards look for him." The changeling bowed and then returned to her duties. Adiyis turned to the doors and was about to continue her patrol when she was interrupted again. "Adi?" Adiyis stopped in her tracks. "Thorax? Where are you? Why did you leave the medical chamber? And you know what I said about calling me that." "I...want to talk to you...alone." Adiyis shook her head. "Thorax, now is not the time-." "Please, Adi." Adiyis sighed. "Fine, where are you?" "Outside the hive, in the forest." "Why are-You know what, never mind. I'm on my way." Adiyis turned to Scissa. "Scissa, check in on every-ling else, I'll be back soon." Scissa bowed as Adiyis trotted away. Adiyis made her way to the entrance and entered the forest shortly after. Once inside, She looked around and spotted Thorax stepping out from behind a tree. "Alright, I'm here, what do you want?" "Adi, I'm..." Thorax nervously glanced away. "What is it, Thorax? I need to get back to the hive." "I'm leaving." "What?" "I'm, uh, leaving the hive." Adiyis paused and shook her head. "Are you serious?! The hive is in chaos, my mom is captured by ponies, and you think this is the perfect time to joke around?!" "I'm not joking though." "Enough of this, Thorax. We must return to the hive." Adiyis turned away. "Adi, I'm leaving the hive and...I don't think I'm ever coming back." Adiyis turned back. "You're really serious, aren't you?" Thorax nodded. "Why? Where did this even come from?!" "It was back during the invasion. There were these ponies who were fighting our soldiers and the way they were working together. Their friendship was amazing. It really opened my eyes. I have to learn more about it, I have to see more of it." Adiyis rubbed her head. "So, let me get this straight. You are leaving because you were, what, enchanted by the same ponies who also worked together to hurt our changelings and captured my mom?" "Well, yes!" "I can't believe you! Not only are you breaking one of our most important rules, but you are joining our enemies!" Thorax lowered his head. "Adi, you have to understand-." Adiyis huffed. "I understand alright. I understand that you are abandoning the hive in a state where we need every changeling's assistance, just to join the ponies!" She then narrowed her eyes at him. "I hope you understand that breaking these rules means execution." "I do." "Thorax, if you leave now then there won't be any turning back. This decision is final. Are you still going to go through with it? If you come back to the hive with me, then I'll forget this ever happened. What do you say?" Thorax looked away. "The hive...isn't my place anymore. I don't belong there, not with them. I'm sorry, Adi." Adiyis sighed. "Fine, go, leave! Abandon the hive, and be forever seen as a traitor to us all! Although this will be your only warning, if you are caught and I'm still a temporary queen, then your execution will be done by me. And I will uphold our rules, Thorax." Thorax simply nodded as she turned away. "Now, go. This will be your only chance." Thorax turned away but looked back. "Thanks, A-" "Stop. Just leave." Adiyis didn't see, but she did hear the buzzing of wings slowly grow silent and once she couldn't hear them anymore, she returned to the hive where Scissa was waiting for her at the entrance. Scissa bowed. "My Queen, did something happen? You seem more upset than before." "Yeah, give me a moment." Adiyis focused her changeling magic. "I send this message to all changelings. Thorax has abandoned the hive and turned traitor by joining the ponies. He has broken two of our most sacred rules and must be dealt with. If any of you see him ever again, bring him to me!" All changelings said through the hive mind. "As you command, Queen Adiyis!" Adiyis turned back to Scissa. "Now, Scissa, please tell me how the love chamber is doing and our reserves." She then began trotting "As you wish." Scissa followed behind. "The remaining creatures we captured are still providing a fair amount of love, the same goes for the ponies we still have as well. The workers there believe with how much love they are producing, the hive will survive another three months." Adiyis nodded. "Three months, that is good. With how much love we have, all of the injured changelings should make a full recovery and be back to full strength in no time. When they are, they can help capture more creatures for the rest. Now, we must-." "My Queen!" Adiyis stopped and turned to see Pharynx flying towards her and then bow. "Forgive me for interrupting you, but is it true? Has Thorax really-." "Yes, it is. Thorax has abandoned the hive in favor of his own interests. He has broken the most sacred rules of the hive and must face the consequences." Pharynx lifted his head. "That can't be! Thorax is many things, but he would never abandon the hive. Pardon me, Queen Adiyis, but perhaps there is a mistake." Adiyis shook her head. "There is no mistake, I met with him before he left and he told me everything." "No, how could he-." Pharynx bowed to Adiyis. "Please, my Queen, allow me to search for him. Perhaps, I can talk-." "Pharynx, Thorax has made his choice! And as one of this hive's top soldiers, I expect you to also enforce the rules of the hive. This means that if you see Thorax again, there will be no talking! You will bring him back here to face execution!" "My Queen-." "Where do your loyalties lie, Pharynx? Do they lie with your traitorous brother, or do they lie with the Queen of the hive?" Pharynx paused for a moment and bowed his head. "They lie with you, Queen Adiyis." Adiyis nodded. "And as a loyal soldier of the hive, you know what you must do." "Yes, my Queen." Adiyis turned and began trotting away. Pharynx picked himself back up. "She's certainly...changed." Scissa smirked. "She knows that since the hive is in such a state, there isn't time for such distractions like you wanting to go after your brother. Now, she is taking her role very seriously and is acting like a true queen of the hive. Her Majesty, Queen Chrysalis, would be proud." Adiyis looked back. "Scissa, come. We have other things to discuss." Scissa followed behind. "Yes, my Queen." "As I was saying before since the hive has enough to survive for some time, it is time we plan me traveling to the pony lands." "Are you going to assault their city to rescue her Majesty?" Adiyis shook her head. "No, That would put her at risk. No big attacks, or assassinations. At the moment, the ponies hold all the cards, if we move in and attack, they would probably hold mom hostage and threaten us to surrender." Scissa nodded. "Understood, then shall I assume you are going to try diplomacy?" Adiyis nodded. "Yes, that's all we can do at the moment. We will travel to the pony lands and negotiate mom's release." She turned to Scissa. "Be prepared for a long trek, Scissa. Anything could happen." Scissa bowed. "My Queen, must I truly come along? I have rarely left the hive myself, I am not sure if I am fit for such a task." Adiyis placed a hoof on her shoulder. "You are my advisor, Scissa. I will need your insight while dealing with the ponies. You are the only one I can ask to fill this role." Scissa sighed. "As you wish, Queen Adiyis. I shall begin preparing immediately." She then flew away and left Adiyis. "Next, I'll need a few soldiers for protection." Adiyis focused. "General Thal?" "Yes, my Queen? How may I serve you?" "I want you to assign four changeling warriors to guard me as we make our way to the pony lands and have them wait at the entrance." "It will be done." "Now, I must prepare." Adiyis made her way to her own room to grab a few things. First was her sword, which she attached to her waist. Next, were a few saddle bags she slung around her barrel. Afterward, she made her way to their food chamber and had the workers give her some meat they had already prepared. Once all was said and done, Adiyis made her way to the entrance where three changeling warriors clad in full armor and Scissa were waiting. "Warriors, I am glad to see you've assembled at my request. Your names?" The first soldier bowed. "I am Klax, your highness." The second followed. "I am Alagos." The third did the same. "I am Ibirod." And finally was the fourth. "I am Ixop." Adiyis nodded. "Klax, Alagos, Ibirod, Ixop, Protect us well." "Yes, your highness." With that, they all left the hive and began making their way towards the pony lands. During their trek through the forest, they did see a few monsters but were able to sneak by without them noticing. They did stop a few times to eat and rest but made sure to immediately pick back up, or else a monster would easily find them. By the time they saw the small village, the sun was dipping below the horizon. Adiyis looked back at the others. "Remember, we did not come to fight. Keep your weapons sheathed unless absolutely necessary." The soldiers nodded then Adiyis turned back to the village and continued with the soldiers following behind. Once they had actually entered the village, every pony who looked at them either ran away and hid inside their home or merely kept their distance. Suddenly, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane landed in front of them. "Hey, changelings! If you think I'll let you invade ponyville now, you got another thing coming!" Before the pegasus could charge at them, her tail was caught by an orange earth pony. "Wait a minute, Rainbow." The Pegasus, Rainbow, stopped flying and had her tail released. "Before you go attackin' on sight, maybe you should notice that that ain't no invadin' army and they haven't actually hurt anypony since they arrived. Why don't we just try to talk to 'em'?" Rainbow raised a brow at her. "Talk?! You want to talk to the same changelings that had just tried to take over canterlot with an army?" "Eeyup." The earth pony then stepped past Rainbow and to Adiyis. "Hi there, welcome to Ponyville. My name's Applejack. What brings you folks here?" Adiyis stepped up. "I am Princess Adiyis, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, and I have come seeking an audience with your leaders. Either escort me to them or them to me. Until then, my soldiers and I shall remain here. Understand that we mean you no harm." She then stepped back to her soldiers who formed a protective square around Adiyis and Scissa. Applejack kept her smile. "Is that all? Well, let me go pay a little visit to my friend Twilight and we'll get Princess Celestia down here faster than you can say horseshoes." Then Applejack walked away Applejack shortly arrived at the Ponyville library. "Hey, Twilight! You here?" Spike had just put up a book. "Oh, hey Applejack. What's up?" "Hey, Spike. Is Twilight around here? We got a bit of a situation on our hooves." Spike stepped over. "She's upstairs reading. What kind of situation?" "Uh, changelings are here and they want to see the princess." "Changelings!" Spike ran upstairs and barged into Twilight's room who was reading on her bed. "Twilight!" Twilight looked away from her book. "Spike, what's wrong?" "Changelings are here in Ponyville!" "Wait, what?!" Twilight closed her book and ran back downstairs with Spike where she saw Applejack. "Twi-." "No time, Applejack. Changelings are in Ponyville and I have to find out why." Twilight ran past Applejack and out the door so Applejack followed. Twilight easily found the changelings since there were a few ponies surrounding them. "Stand back, everypony. I'll see what's going on." Twilight stepped through the small crowd and to the changelings with her horn charged. "Changelings! My name is Twilight Sparkle, why have you come here?" Two of the soldiers put their hooves on their weapons but were stopped when Adiyis stepped through. "Stand down! Remember, we did not come to fight!" The soldiers removed their hooves as Adiyis faced Twilight. "You must be this Twilight pony the other spoke of. I am Princess Adiyis, and I have come seeking an audience with your leaders. Summon them here immediately!" Twilight's horn stopped glowing. "So...all you want to do is...talk to the princess?" "That is correct." "Wait!" Spike stepped up. "How do we know this isn't some sort of trap?" Adiyis put a hoof on her chest. "You have my word that we will not cause harm to you ponies. Unless one of you strike first." "That's probably the best we're gonna get." Twilight turned to Spike. "Spike, send a letter to Princess Celestia. Tell her we need her assistance immediately, and to bring some guards." Spike pulled a paper and quill out of somewhere, immediately began writing on it, and then sent it away with his breath. After only a minute, a carriage and a chariot flew down from the sky with a couple of guards. On the chariot, was Princess Celestia who landed in front of them. Princess Celestia stepped off of her chariot and to Adiyis. "Greetings, I am Princess Celestia and I heard you wished to speak with me." "That is correct. Shall we take this to your castle?" Celestia nodded and had the carriage door opened. Adiyis and Scissa stepped inside while the others flew beside as they were taken to canterlot and landed in front of the palace. The ride to canterlot wasn't long at all, only about twenty minutes. Once they did arrive, Adiyis and Scissa, along with her guards, made their way inside the castle and arrived at the throne room where Princess Luna sat on her own throne. Celestia flew to her throne and sat. "Now then, would you kindly introduce yourself?" Adiyis stepped forward. "I am Princess Adiyis, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, and heir to the changeling throne." "I see, and as you probably well know, I am Princess Celestia." Celestia gestured to her sister. "And this is Princess Luna." Luna bowed her head. "Greetings to you, Princess Adiyis." Celestia looked back at her. "Now, I probably know why you have come here. You come for your mother." Adiyis nodded. "That is correct. I demand you release her!" Celestia and Luna looked at each other then back to her. "I'm afraid that I can not. Your mother, the queen, impersonated my niece, Princess Cadence, and hypnotized the captain of the guards so that she and her army could invade our city." "Not only that, but she fought and injured Celestia. Due to these crimes against ponykind, we can not simply release her." "They may have been crimes in your eyes, but to us, she was fulfilling her role as queen and saving the hive." Adiyis stepped forward a bit more. "The hive was having a love shortage and we need love. In a desperate attempt to get more, Queen Chrysalis chose to invade your lands. In the eyes of the changelings, she was a hero to the hive. Do you princesses know how to make difficult decisions for the betterment of your people?" Celestia glanced at Luna and then back to her. "I do, truly, I do. But, as I have stated before. We can not simply release her. If she attacked our city the first time, then we must believe she is willing to do so again." Luna nodded "So until we are guaranteed otherwise, she will remain imprisoned." "Then...perhaps we can negotiate her release?" Luna raised a brow. "You would willingly negotiate with us to have your queen returned to you?" "The hive needs a queen to command it. I am still not worthy of holding such a position. So, yes, I am willing to negotiate the release of Queen Chrysalis." "I see." Celestia looked at her guards. "Have a room prepared for Princess Adiyis and her guards." The guards nodded and stood next to Aidiyis's guards. Celestia looked back at Adiyis. "We accept your proposal for negotiations. The guards will prepare a room for you and your fellow changelings to stay in for as long as necessary. Please, rest for the day." "Very well. I thank you for your hospitality." Adiyis turned away and proceeded to follow the pony guard along with the others. After a bit of walking, Adiyis and the others were brought to a couple of doors where the two guards turned to them. "Here is your room, miss. Please call on a guard if you have any questions or concerns." The guards then saluted and left. Adiyis entered the room and saw that it wasn't very big. It was almost as big as her room back at the hive. There was a queen-sized bed on the right-sided wall and next to it were two nightstands each with a lamp. On the left side of the room was a rather large dresser that also had a lamp on top. And right in front of the door was a large window that showed the castle grounds below. Adiyis turned to her guards. "Two guards will stand at the door inside and out." Scissa stepped forward. "Your highness, do you suspect the ponies might try to harm us?" "No, but we can't be too sure with these ponies. We must always remember that they are the enemy and as long as we are in their land, we must keep our guard up at all times." Adiyis looked over her guard. "Klax, Ibirod, you two will guard the room from the inside. Alagos, Ixop, you will stand outside. Don't let any pony inside unless I say otherwise, even if those ponies were sent from the princesses themselves." The guards bowed. "As you command." they then split themselves up and did as told. Adiyis turned back to the bed and noticed it was the only one in the room. "Scissa, where will you sleep?" "I had settled on just sleeping on the floor while you took the bed, your highness." Adiyis shook her head. "No, I'm not going to let you sleep on the cold hard floor. There's enough room on this bed for both of us, and I'm not taking no for an answer." Scissa nodded. "You are too kind, Princess. I thank you." Once Adiyis and Scissa had gotten comfortable in the bed they quickly dozed off since they were already tired after making their way to the pony lands and dealing with them. And while they slept, Celestia and Luna had a little meeting. Celestia stared out the window to her room. "This is quite the interesting turn of events." Luna sipped from her cup. "I had hoped that once we imprisoned Chrysalis, that would be the end. Of course, fate had other plans." Celestia turned back to Luna. "We were fortunate that they decided to do things peacefully. I would rather not see innocent ponies hurt." "Agreed." Luna set her cup down. "But now, we must make sure things stay peaceful during our negotiations. I have no doubt Princess Adiyis will choose violence if our own requests are not to her liking. We must remember, she is Chrysalis's daughter." "Her being Chrysalis's daughter is true, but I have a feeling she may be different from her mother." Celestia took a sip from her own cup. "How so?" "If it was Princess Adiyis who was captured instead of Chrysalis, then I am sure that Chrysalis would've assaulted the entire city just to get her back. Princess Adiyis chose peace, that is why I believe we may be able to convince her." Luna looked at her confused. "Convince her to do what?" Celestia set down her cup. "Become allies." "Become allies!?" "Yes." "Tia, we can not become allies with them, not only are they monstrous shape-shifting love bugs, but they attacked our city! Not only that but Chrysalis would never stand for such a thing. If she was willing to still fight back against us even after losing her army, then she will definitely deny an alliance." Celestia nodded. "I agree, that is why we shall start with Princess Adiyis. If we are able to convince her then she will be able to convince Chrysalis to lay down her hooves." "And if she refuses?" Celestia levitated two pieces of paper and a quill. "I have confidence in my young students' abilities. She will definitely come through and this will be a well-learned friendship lesson, proving to us just how close she is to being ready to take the next step." After she was done writing her letters she then used a spell and sent them on their way. "Who is the other letter for?" "I believe to make the negotiations fair, we should have all princesses there. Her voice is just as important as ours." Luna nodded. "Agreed." Once the sun had risen, Adiyis and Scissa prepared themselves for their first negotiation meeting with the princesses. Adiyis had already assumed that they would send a guard to announce that they were ready so they waited in their room, and after only a few minutes a guard did arrive, but he wasn't able to open the door due to Adiyis's guards. Since she already knew what he was here for, Adiyis and Scissa merely left the room and followed him with two of their guards to a large dining area where the princesses sat. Adiyis looked at her guards. "Both of you stand next to me." The guards nodded and took their place as Adiyis sat at the other end of the table. Celestia nodded. "Hello again, Princess Adiyis I trust you had a good night's rest?" "I did. Now, shall we get the negotiations started?" Celestia held up her hoof. "Before that, I would like for you to join the three of us in a nice meal that was prepared by our finest chefs." Adiyis nodded. "Very well, let us- wait, three?" Suddenly the doors were opened behind Adiyis causing her guards to turn and grasp their weapons. Adiyis turned and saw Princess Cadence step through. "Princess Cadence, I was unaware you were joining us." Cadence stepped closer to her. "Not to be rude, your highness, but seeing as I was the first royal victim of your mother's invasion scheme, it only makes sense I should be here to voice my own thoughts. Also..." She looked at her guards who were still ready to attack. Adiyis looked at her guards. "Stand down, now!" The guards did as told which allowed Cadence to pass by and sit close to Celestia. Celestia smiled at Cadence who returned it and then turned to Adiyis. "I apologize for not informing you of this sooner." "It is fine. I have no objections to Princess Cadence joining us. It is only fair that she does." Celestia then watched as the pony chefs rolled in with their meals. "Now then, it is time to feast." Adiyis watched as they lifted the top and placed the plate in front of her, but was immediately disappointed when the plate was full of nothing but fruits and vegetables. She turned to the chef. "Excuse me, but do you have any meats?" Everyone in the room paused for a moment as they stared at Adiyis. Adiyis looked at everyone. "What?" Luna cleared her throat. "Excuse us, we simply thought that with your look being closer to a pony's, you were also a herbivore." "Of course not, why else do you think we have these fans and sharp teeth for?" Before Luna could answer, Celestia spoke first. "Our apologies for assuming." She then looked to the chef. "Please have the other chefs prepare a meaty meal for Princess Adiyis." The chefs bowed and left the room. After some time, new griffon chefs entered the room and deliver a large meat dinner to Adiyis. "That is much better." Once the meat had been set for Adiyis, she had begun eating along with the other princesses. The breakfast had gone quietly with everyone enjoying their own food. Once they had finished their plates, the chefs collected them and all left the room. Celestia wiped he face with a napkin. "What a delectable meal, but now I believe is time we got started." "I agree." Adiyis set her own napkin down. "Let us begin." > Revelation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adiyis leaned forward. “First order of business, I request that I am allowed to visit my mother in her cell.” Celestia nodded. “Very well, you would not be able to convince your mother without being able to speak to her. But, we will have to send one guard with you every time.” “I accept your conditions.” “Now, onto our main point.” Luna produced a piece of paper and a pen and wrote on it. “Before anypony thinks of releasing Queen Chrysalis, we need insurance that she will not attempt another attack on our lands. Princess Adiyis, how will you ease our worries?” “I will use my visitations to mother to try to convince her.” Luna raised a hoof. “How do we know you or your guards won’t use your magic on guards to feed us false information?” Celestia nodded. “Yes, as we have seen before, changeling magic is powerful when used on other’s minds.” “Very well, I will visit my mother alone.” Scissa looked at Adiyis. “Princess-.” Adiyis raised a hoof, silencing her. “You need not worry about me since I cannot use changeling magic.” This news shocked All of the princesses, not because they thought she could, but because she willingly told them such a secret. Cadance raised a hoof. “Princess Adiyis, are you sure you should tell us such a thing?” “I am. Besides, even with this secret known, I am far from defenseless.” Adiyis adjusted herself. “Now then, after I’ve convinced mother and we sign a non-aggression pact, I have your word she will be released and returned to the changelings.” “Yes, you-.” “Wait!” Adiyis and others looked over at Cadance. “I don’t agree with just letting her go. Not only do I not trust her, but she did attack royalty and I believe she should serve her time before being released.” “Cadance-.” “Princess Cadance.” All eyes were on Adiyis. “Perhaps I failed to mention, but we need our queen back. The hive cannot survive without one.” “I understand that, Princess Adiyis, but we can not simply let Queen Chrysalis go. She attacked canterlot and me. If we let every bad guy go just like that, then Equestria would always be in danger.” Cadance-.” “Well, you’ll have to make an exception. If you don’t hand over my mother, then our hive may die.” Cadance pointed at her. “And what’s stopping you from assuming the throne in her place?” Adiyis sighed. “I am still not ready for such a responsibility. I have much learning to do, and mistakes are something I can not afford to make.” She then clasped her hooves together on the table. “And with the hive still in a dire state due to the failed mission, if I make even one mistake, its healing will only get worse.” “Then why haven’t you asked others for help?” Cadance put a hoof on her chest. “If you had come to us, we would’ve helped you without a second thought.” “Do you really think we had time to even consider that?!” Adiyis glared at Cadance. “Before the invasion, the hive was suffering from a love shortage. No changeling was getting enough love. If we didn’t do what we did, then eggs would start dying and we would eventually fall to ruin. We didn’t have time to sit around a table like this and talk about our problems. We needed to do something and my mother understood that perfectly! “Besides, would anything really change if you knew our situation? During the invasion, your first thoughts weren’t to think of why we were invading, they were to get rid of us as fast as possible.” Luna stood up. “We only retaliated because you struck first!” “And once we were gone, you would remove us from your thoughts completely and not think of the changelings that had died from your actions.” Adiyis looked down. “So many changelings are now hurt and are on the brink because all they wanted to do was make sure the hive lives to see another day.” Adiyis glared back at the princesses. “I heard all of you ponies like to preach friendship and harmony amongst your kind but all I see is, when it comes to other races, it’s every creature for themselves!” Cadance stood up. “We use our magic to help any creature that needs it. We don’t abandon others!” “Then, what about the griffons? Do you even know how they are living on top of their mountain? I do. We used to have infiltrators go there and take love from them too, but stopped when the distance to and from the hive proved to be too time-consuming. When you get the chance, take a look, and then we’ll see if you can confidently say you don’t abandon others.” Finally, Adiyis stood up. “You ponies are living in luxury and peace right here, surrounded by poverty and starvation. You preach that you would never abandon another creature, but turn around, completely ignore the griffons, and kill changelings. My mother was not only right about you princesses but the same could be said for all of ponykind. You don’t care about any creature, but yourselves.” Suddenly, Scissa stood up. “Princess Adiyis, perhaps it is time to return to your room and rest.” Adiyis looked at her then took a deep breath and left the table. “Yes, that would be a good idea. Come, Scissa. Guards.” She stepped toward then looked back. “We’ll continue these negotiations at a later date.” Once Adiyis left the room, the princess all stared at each other, but none said a word until Luna cleared her throat. “Cadance-.” Cadance bowed her head. “I’m sorry for my outburst. I just...couldn’t accept letting Chrysalis go after what she did to me and Shining.” Celestia sighed. “We understand that you hold a grudge against Chrysalis, but we must keep our emotions in check during negotiations. Princess Adiyis is only doing her best to ensure their hive returns to normal.” Cadance brought her head back up. “Then, why don’t we offer our help to them in exchange?” “I believe we are well past that.” Luna looked back at the doors and then at Cadance. “Even if we did offer such a deal, Princess Adiyis will no doubt decline. She is completely dead set on getting her mother back. She won’t take any other deal.” “Then, we’ll just have to go with the original. We give Chrysalis back after she has signed a nonaggression pact.” Celestia turned to Cadance. “I’m sorry, Cadance, we may not have any other choice.” “No.” Cadance left the table. “I believe there is another way. One which will satisfy both sides and will keep Chrysalis imprisoned so that she may serve her time, and I will find it.” She stepped towards the doors and left the room. Luna sighed. “It seems negotiations will not go as smoothly as we had hoped.” “It appears so.” Once Adiyis was finally back in her room, she quickly moved toward the bed and laid herself down. “That was...frustrating.” Adiyis turned herself over and stared at the ceiling. “Princess Cadance. She is a stubborn one, that’s for sure. I go out of my way to explain the dire state the hive is in, and she foolishly thinks it can be solved so easily.” Scissa moved next to the bed. “We must remember, princess, these ponies have lived in an era of peace for a long time. They most likely haven’t had to deal with problems like ours.” “Of course. The ponies could obviously never understand the struggles of the changelings.” Adiyis sat herself up. “With how much Princess Cadance was arguing with me, I think it’s safe to assume that she won’t just let mom go.” “What do you suppose we do, Princess?” Adiyis looked to Klax. “First, I need to know how the hive is doing so far. Klax!” Klax stood at attention. “Travel to the hive and gain information about its current state, then report back to me. Don’t let anything stop you. If any pony asks, tell them you are on a mission for me and keep going. If they attack, I give you full consent to retaliate.” Klax bowed. “Yes, your Highness.” He then left the room. Adiyis left her bed. “Depending on its current state, we may have to take drastic measures in order to get Chrysalis back. Hopefully, it won’t come to that. Now, I should take this time to pay her a visit.” “Princess Adiyis.” Adiyis looked back at Scissa. “I beg you, please take at least one guard with you for protection.” “I can’t, Scissa. We have an agreement with the princesses. If I break it, then I may lose any chance of bringing mom home safely.” Adiyis stepped toward the door but turned back to Scissa. “If I’m not back in the next hour, send all of our current guards after me. But you will escape back to the hive.” “What? Why me?” “Our guards and I are valuable to the ponies. If they use us right, they can learn a lot about the hive and its secrets. You, on the other hoof, are expendable. They can kill you and lose nothing, and I refuse to have anything happen to you.” “I-...Thank you, Princess.” “For what?” Scissa bowed. “For always caring about me when I am still nothing but a lowly servant to you.” “Come on, Scissa. Both you and mom mean the world to me along with the entire hive. It’s only right that I care about you.” Adiyis opened the door. “I’ll be back.” Adiyis left the room and approached the nearby guard and had him guide her to the dungeons of canterlot. After going down a flight of stairs, Adiyis passed by a number of cages and eventually came upon the cage that held Chrysalis. Her hooves were attached to chains that were also connected to the floor and her horn had a ring. Adiyis approached the cell. “Mom!” Chrysalis lifted her head and was shocked when she saw Adiyis. “Adiyis!” Chrysalis approached her bars but was held back by the chains, so Adiyis reached her hoof through the bars and Chrysalis grabbed it with hers’. Adiyis sighed. “I missed you so much!” “Adiyis, what are you doing here?!” Aidiyis pulled her hoof back. “I came here to negotiate your release.” “What?! Adiyis-.” “I know, it was dangerous for me to come here, but I didn’t have any other choice.” Adiyis glanced at the pony guard and looked back. ”The hive is in a dire state.” Chrysalis was shocked again. “Adiyis, did you...” Chrysalis leaned as close to the bars as she could. “I knew you could do it. All you needed was a little patience. Also, how is the hive doing exactly?” Adiyis smiled. “It’s doing well so far.” She then focused. ”Because of the failed invasion we have over a hundred injured changelings sitting in the medical chamber. Some of them will recover, but others are on the brink. With the state of the hive, we need a queen. We need you, mom.” Chrysalis nodded. “I see. Since the hive is...doing so well. I suppose there is no cause for alarm. Please, Adiyis, take your time negotiating my release and, be careful with the princesses and the ponies. Always keep your guard up.” Adiyis nodded. “I got it. I should head back now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She turned and, along with the guard, left the dungeon and returned to her own room. Scissa turned to her. “Princess, are you alright? Did you see Queen Chrysalis?” “I did, and I told her everything.” “Everything? As in-.” “The dire state the hive is in, yes.” Adiyis walked to her bed and lay down on it. “Also, I figured out why I couldn’t speak to her through the hive mind before, she’s wearing one of those magic inhibitor rings I read about. Thankfully, it only blocks the wearer’s magic, it doesn’t stop magic from being sent to her. But, I have to be pretty close to her in order for me to connect.” Scissa nodded. “That is good. It means none of the guards will learn any future plans we may have and neither will the princesses.” “As for what she wants me to do. She wants me to release her as soon as possible. She may not have verbally said it, but I know, after learning the state the hive is in, even she wants to get back there as soon as possible.” Scissa walked next to the bed. “What do you plan to do?” “Three days.” Adiyis looked at Scissa. “Today is only Monday. We will give the ponies until Thursday to agree. After our argument, Princess Cadance certainly won’t just let my mom go. So if she is still refusing, we’ll have to use force.” “An excellent plan, your Highness.” “For now though, I suppose we have the rest of the day to just-.” Suddenly, the door was opened and Ixop stepped through and closed it behind him. Ixop bowed to Adiyis. “Princess Adiyis, forgive the intrusion, but there is a pony here who says Celestia sent her to speak to you.” Adiyis waved her hoof. “Send them away.” “We tried, but she keeps insisting that she must speak to you, your Highness.” Adiyis groaned but got off the bed and went to the door. Once she opened the door, she was met by the same purple pony she saw back in the village. This time, she was smiling and had a few books with her. “Yes?” Twilight cleared her throat. “Yes, greetings, Princess Adiyis. You probably don’t remember me, but my name is Twilight Sparkle.” Adiyis looked her over. “Yes, you were one of the ponies I met back in the little village. What do you want?” “Right, I was sent by Princess Celestia to...show you around canterlot.” Adiyis tilted her head. “Why should I?” “Well...” Twilight used her magic to float a book in front of herself. “I thought it would be nice if we taught you about our customs. You might learn something useful from it.” Adiyis thought for a moment and sighed. “I suppose since I don’t have anything better to do, I’ll humor you, Twilight Sparkle.” She then turned to Ixop behind her. “Ixop, join me. The rest of you will remain here.” The guards saluted. “Yes, Your Highness!” Adiyis then looked at Scissa. ”If I’m not back in the next hour, you know what to do.” Scissa subtlety nodded then Adiyis and her guard left the room. Adiyis followed Twilight outside of the palace and to the streets of canterlot. Every pony in the streets was shocked to see a changeling so casually walking around. Most ran away while others merely kept their distance. It even got to a point where a few guards were called, but Twilight assured them Adiyis was no threat to anyone. Adiyis herself had to stop her guard from attacking. After a bit of walking, Twilight suggested they should rest at a nearby cafe. Once Adiyis and Twilight took their seats at the outdoor tables, a waiter hesitantly came over after noticing Adiyis and her guard. “Um, h-here are your menus and I’ll be b-back soon.” After she left, Adiyis looked at the menu. “Nothing but a bunch of fruits and vegetables. I suppose I should’ve seen this coming.” Twilight looked over at her. “Sorry, I didn’t know you eat meat.” “It’s fine.” Adiyis looked at the drinks. “I’ll just get something to drink instead.” “May I suggest the apple cider?” Adiyis looked back up at her. “My friend runs an apple farm and makes the best apple cider. I think you might like it.” “Very well.” After they made their choice and Twilight waved for the waiter, they told her their choices and the waiter nodded and left again. “So, how do you like canterlot?” Adiyis stayed silent for a minute. “It is a big city filled with rich snobs who don’t care about any creature but themselves. There’s nothing more to it.” “But, what about learning our customs? Surely something stuck out to you.” “The only thing that stuck out to me was the constant reminder that all of this came at the expense of dead changelings.” Suddenly, the waiter returned and gave Twilight her hay burger while giving Adiyis her apple cider. “Some changelings died? I-I had no idea.” Adiyis tasted her apple cider and was surprised by how good it was. “Would anything really change if you did? Just like I told the princesses, your first thought when we invaded was to get rid of us, not why we were invading.” Twilight leaned closer. “But we could’ve helped! If you came to us before you invaded-.” Adiyis chuckled softly to herself. “You and Princess Cadance both. You think that every problem can be solved with just a flick of your horns and your “power of friendship”. News flash, that’s not how it works, not out there beyond your own little town. Besides, we can’t really trust you ponies, nor your “friendship”.” Twilight raised a brow. “Why would not trust friendship? Friendship exists to bring the world together in peace and harmony.” “Friendship exists to bring the world together in peace and harmony, and yet the ponies are using it as a weapon against any creature that doesn’t agree.” Adiyis took a sip of her cider. “I wonder how long it will be until you ponies start invading other creatures to bring peace to them.” “We would never do that! Friendship is only to be used to bring peace back where there is chaos. We would never use it to invade an already peaceful place.” Twilight looked at the passing by ponies. “If you experience the true meaning of friendship, I’m sure you would see it the same way we do.” “...I did experience friendship. I had a friend once.” “Once? What happened to them?” Adiyis glared at her drink and squeezed it. “He left the hive, abandoned us at a crucial time, and turned traitor.” She then stopped glaring. “But, to be truthful, I was the one who broke it off first, after my mom opened my eyes to the truth of friendship. It does nothing but hurts every-ling. And you know what? After everything that happened yesterday, I can’t help but agree.” “Princess...” Adiyis stood up and left the table. “Thank you for the drink, Twilight sparkle. It was...refreshing.” She turned to leave but bumped into another pony. “Excuse me.” Adiyis passed by them while they stared at her, but it wasn’t in fear, it was something else. After walking back to the castle, and returning to her room, Adiyis saw Klax standing in the middle of the room. “Klax, did you just return from the hive? I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” Klax bowed. “It is fine, Princess. I haven’t been waiting long.” Adiyis stepped over and lay on her bed. “Tell me how the hive is doing.” Klax looked back up. “Your Highness, sadly, some of the injured changelings succumbed to their wounds. They didn’t make it.” “No!” Adiyis rubbed her head in frustration. “How many?” “Seven, and the workers suspect that number may rise. There are simply too many for the workers to work with.” Adiyis sighed. “So, this is truly what the power of friendship is capable of. Bringing nothing but pain and misery.” Scissa leaned over. “Princess?” “Sorry, just something from earlier. As for what we’ll do, we have to speed up negotiations. We can’t afford to just sit around a table and talk about our issues!” “And, what about Princess Cadance?” “Either she accepts our deal or we take Chrysalis by force!” Adiyis looked back at Klax. “Travel back to the hive and gather about twenty infiltrators. Have them disguise themselves and remain in canterlot. When the time comes, we may have to use them.” Klax saluted. “Yes, Princess.” he then left the room again After he left the room, Adiyis yawned and Scissa took notice of how tired she looked. “Princess, I believe it is time for bed. You’ve been through much today.” Adiyis nodded. “Yeah, and considering I still have more to do tomorrow, I should sleep early.” Adiyis made herself comfortable under the sheets but didn’t go to sleep yet as she stared at the ceiling. “Scissa?” Scissa got in bed as well. “Yes, Princess?” “I’m...going to be completely honest. I’m scared.” Scissa’s eyes widened as she stared at Adiyis. “I’m scared I’m going to be the sole reason the hive dies. I’m scared of losing every-ling I care about, including mom. And I keep thinking, did I do the right thing, leaving the hive behind to come here to get mom back? Should I forget about everything I’m doing here and go back? Am I truly worthy of taking mom’s position as queen?” Scissa noticed just how silent Adiyis became and knew she was waiting for her to tell her something to reassure her. “I...I’m sorry, Princess, I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer that will help you.” Adiyis nodded. “It’s fine, I didn’t really expect you to have one anyway. I just needed to get that off my chest. Goodnight, Scissa.” “...Goodnight, Princess.” Later that night, at the tower where Twilight was staying, a lone pony in a suit climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. Twilight opened the door and yawned. “Um, hello miss, can I help you?” “That pony you were with today, who were they?” “That pony- Oh, you must mean Princess Adiyis! She’s actually a changeling.” “What? That can’t be. It doesn’t make any sense.” Twilight tilted her head. “Is everything alright?” She turned back to Twilight. “Ms. Sparkle, you have to introduce me to her!” “I...don’t think that’s a good idea. She is changeling royalty and they don’t really like ponies at the moment. She may not want to meet you.” She put her hooves on Twilight’s shoulders “Please, I have to meet her.” Twilight remained silent for a bit. “Okay, I don’t see the harm in it. Where do you want to meet?” She reached into the pocket of her suit and gave Twilight a card. “Bring her to my home here. Thank you, Ms. Sparkle.” Twilight watched her leave and closed the doors. “Oh boy, here’s hoping it doesn’t end the same way it did today, or worse.” Once the sun had finally risen, Adiyis was woken up by one of her guards who informed her yet another guard had come to inform her that the princesses were ready to reopen negotiations. Adiyis got out of bed but noticed Scissa was still asleep, so she chose to let her sleep as she was escorted by her guards toward the room she met them before. When she opened the doors though, she noticed that the only princess at the table was Cadance, and that put her guards on guard. Adiyis raised a brow. “Princess Cadance? Where are the other princesses?” “I convinced them to allow me to speak to you alone. I was hoping we could find some common ground and work something out where both sides will be satisfied.” “So, that’s what this is about?” Cadance nodded and Adiyis merely turned back towards the doors. Cadance stood up. “Where are you going?” “Back to my room.” “But you haven’t-.” “We have nothing to talk about, Princess. We’ve already set the terms, we have no reason to take any other deal. You’re wasting your breath.” Cadance suddenly used her magic to teleport in front of Adiyis, which made her guards draw their swords and step in front. “Princess, please just hear me out! I am sure if we actually listen to one another, then you may actually consider what you hear! Just give me a chance!” Adiyis stared at Cadance and sighed loudly. “Stand down!” The guards sheathed their swords. “Fine, I’ll humor you. But, don’t be surprised when we choose not to take it.” Cadance bowed her head. “Thank you, Princess Adiyis. That’s all I ask.” Adiyis and others walked back to the table and sat down. “So, let’s hear this brilliant idea of yours, Princess Cadance.” Cadance took a deep breath. “Well, It’s my understanding that many of your changelings are very injured, which means you don’t currently have the numbers to assist the others to keep your hive running. We can help you, by sending a small company of soldiers to your hive.” Adiyis shook her head. “And allow you ponies to study our hive, learn its ins and outs, so that you may attack us without difficulty? I don’t think-.” “I will be going as well.” This shocked Adiyis and her guards. “To show you that we can trust each other, I will be leading this small company of soldiers and I will give you my word that we will not attack any creature. As we both are well aware, I was the main victim of your mother’s invasion plan so, in your eyes, I would have every reason to attack your hive. But, if I go there of my own volition and choose to help instead of attack, wouldn’t that show that I trust you?” Adiyis was at a loss for words. She didn’t know what to say to such a proposal. Here was a princess, who willingly offered to travel to the changeling hive to assist with its healing. “You...” Adiyis cleared her throat. “You are going to travel to the changeling hive? You, a pony princess who, as you said, was the main victim of my mothers’ invasion scheme, are willingly offering to travel to our hive to help?!” Cadance nodded. “Yes, and all I ask in return is for your mother to remain here. You can still come and visit her whenever you like, and she must still agree to a non-aggression pact. But, other than that, I have no other conditions. What do you say?” Adiyis stayed silent. ’She is playing every card she has and backing me into a corner. If I refuse now, I’ll just seem unreasonable and a foolish leader for not taking such a deal. But, if I do take it, then the greatest secret of the hive will be known by the ponies, and we’ll lose whatever advantage we had left against them. I have no choice, but to try to delay.’ Adiyis stood up. “You have presented quite the arrangement before me, Princess Cadance. I’m afraid I must think about it for some time. I will present my answer soon. How does later today sound?” Cadance nodded. “Later today is fine. Please consider it closely.” Adiyis left the table and then the room. Once Adiyis was gone, Princess Celestia and Luna entered the room and joined Cadance at the table. One of the guards delivered tea to the princesses and Celestia took a sip. “Well, how did it go?” “It went better than I thought.” Cadance also took a sip. “She didn’t oppose it, so I believe I am on the right track.” “I must say, you surprised us when you told us your plan. It was so outrageous, but if it was you offering, it may just work.” Celestia nodded. “And now, we wait for Princess Adiyis’s answer. We hope it’s the right one.” After arriving back in her room, she noticed Scissa was just about to leave the room but stopped when she saw Adiyis. “P-Princess!” Scissa bowed. “I apologize for oversleeping. I should’ve woken up immediately to join you.” Adiyis waved her hoof. “It’s fine. It’s good your awake now, I...need help.” She stepped into the room as Scissa stood back up “Did something happen during negotiations?” “Princess Cadance was there alone.” Scissa was shocked but stayed silent for now. “She presented an outrageous accord before me. She would form a small company of soldiers and have them, and herself, travel to the hive so they can help with its healing. The only condition is that my mom remains in prison.” “Oh, my.” Scissa thought for a moment. “We can’t accept that.” “I know we can’t!” Adiyis began walking back and forth. “Not only will the hive’s secrets be known, but the only one capable of fixing the hive will stay here, but what other choice do I have?! If I choose not to take it, I’ll just seem like a fool who doesn’t know what she’s doing!” “Then, what will you do?” “For now, I’ll need to discuss this with mom.” Adiyis stepped towards the doors. “Once she hears this, she may know what to-.” Once she opened the door though, she was met with the sudden appearance of Twilight who stood there with her usual smile and books. Adiyis sighed. “Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight cleared her throat. “Good morning, Princess Adiyis. I was hoping we could continue where we left off yesterday.” “Not at the moment, I have to go and visit my mom and I shouldn’t-.” “It will only be a moment, I promise I won’t take too much of your time.” Adiyis rolled her eyes. “Fine. let’s get this over with.” She turned to Alagos. “Alagos, with me.” Alagos saluted and followed Adiyis as she followed Twilight through the castle and across the streets of canterlot. While walking, Adiyis noticed Twilight floating a small card in front of her as they approached a pretty sizeable mansion. Once they approached the door, Adiyis finally spoke up. “What are we doing here?” Twilight looked back at her. “Well, somepony wanted to meet you.” “And what if I don’t want to meet them?” “Then I won’t stop you, but it wouldn’t hurt to meet somepony new every now and then.” Adiyis thought for a moment. “Well, we came all this way, might as well see what they want.” Twilight turned back and knocked on the door, and after waiting a few minutes, a mare opened the door and Adiyis studied her features. She had a pale smoke-colored coat with a scarlet-colored mane and tail. Adiyis also noticed that she had a bad scar on the side of her barrel and a prosthetic right foreleg. When the mare saw Adiyis she moved past Twilight and grabbed Adiyis face. “It can’t be...this face...despite your eyes and fangs it looks exactly like hers.” When Alagos moved to attack, Adiyis held up her hoof and stopped him. She then looked at the mare. “Miss, could you let go of my face, please?” “There’s just one more thing I need to check.” The mare suddenly moved Adiyis head down and pushed her ear down as well. “It’s there!” Adiyis had enough and roughly moved her head away from her. “Okay, I think it’s time to explain why you wanted to see me, Ms...” “Pale Rose.” “Ms. Pale Rose. And also why you were moving my face that way.” “You mean you don’t recognize me?” Adiyis raised a brow. “Why would I? This would be the first time I’ve ever officially met you ponies.” “But, that’s impossible. You are a pony.” Adiyis tilted her head. “I believe you are mistaken. I’m a changeling. Always was.” “No, I know you’re a pony!” Adiyis rolled her eyes. “And how could I possibly be a pony?” “Because I am your mother!” “...What?” > Torn Between Two Worlds (Rewrite) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adiyis stared at Pale Rose longer than she knew until she finally blinked. “Okay, I think I’ve heard enough. This was nothing more than a big waste of my time.” Twilight turned to her. “Princess, wait-.” “Don’t, pony. I’m not playing any of your weird pony games. I don’t care how much you want me to accept your kind! This...This is just pathetic.” Adiyis turned and prepared to leave. “Gloomy, wait!” Adiyis stopped in her tracks and looked back. “What...did you just call me?” “I called you your name. Your real name. Gloomy Grassbud. The name your father gave you.” “My father?” Pale nodded. “Yes, your father. I promise to you, this is no joke, and if you come inside, I swear I’ll explain everything.” Adiyis looked at Pale Rose and debated with herself whether she should. “Fine, but answer one question first. How did you decide I was your...daughter?” Pale Rose pointed at her own ear. “Behind your right ear, is your own unique birthmark. A little dark spot, and I knew as soon as I saw it, you had to be my Gloomy.” Adiyis touched her ear, but quickly shook her head and followed Pale Rose inside and so did Twilight while Alagos stood outside. Inside the mansion, Adiyis saw many pictures of Pale Rose and another pony standing next to her. That pony had a bright yellow coat, but a dark blue mane and tail and was also an earth pony. Adiyis looked at other pictures and saw that they were at different times as well. One with them in their wedding outfits, another of them on a picnic, and one of them in a hospital. Pale Rose was holding a foal wrapped in a blanket, and when Adiyis looked closer, she was shocked by how similar that foal looked to her. “Wh-What is this?” Pale Rose stepped up behind her. “That’s you, Gloomy. The first day you were brought into this world.” “Impossible.” Adiyis looked back at Pale Rose. “That is a pony. I am a changeling. That can’t be me!” “But it is, Gloomy. And that stallion next to me, is your father, Solar Storm.” Adiyis looked back at the picture. “That’s my father? Sorry, but I don’t see how that pony could ever be my father.” “But he is, Gloomy.” “And, can you stop calling me that?! My name is not Gloomy. My name is Adiyis.” Adiyis continued walking through the halls until she reached the living room where she sat on the couch while Twilight stand in a chair and Pale Rose stood next to Adiyis. “Gloomy, please try to listen. I am your mother, and your real name is Gloomy Grassbud.” Adiyis huffed. “No, you’re not, and no it isn’t.” Pale’s head dipped down. “What will it take for me to convince you, Gloomy?” “Nothing.” Adiyis turned away. “There’s nothing you can do that will ever convince me that I’m a pony.” "But, Princess." Adiyis looked at Twilight. "The evidence shown today is...astounding. Ms. Rose had never met you before and yet, doesn't any of these things make you think that maybe...there's a chance it could be true." Adiyis looked back at the pictures and rolled her eyes. "No, it doesn't. For all I know, this could all be nothing more than an elaborate ruse you ponies thought of. Maybe in an attempt to distract me from my goal of bringing my real mother home." "But, Gloomy-." "Stop, Ms. Rose. Calling me a fake name won't convince me any more than the pictures will." Adiyis stood up from the couch. "I know what I am, what I've always been. You can go back and tell whoever put you up to this to save themselves from the embarrassment of failure, and just stop." Adiyis then turned and headed for the door, but Pale followed. "Gloomy, I swear everything you saw and heard here is the truth. If you look closely, I'm sure you'll see it too." Adiyis ignored her and called for Alagos to follow her as she made her way back to the palace. As Adiyis walked through the halls, she stopped in front of one of the glass windows and looked at her reflection. She then stepped closer and touched her ear, but quickly shook her head and continued on her way to her room where she stepped back inside and saw Scissa resting on the bed. Scissa looked up at her. "Ah, Princess Adiyis. I am glad you have returned safely. I assume your business with that pony is finished for the day." "It is. And, to be truthful, it was nothing but a waste of time." "May I ask, what happened when you left?" Adiyis sighed. "Some random pony was claiming to be my mother! Can you believe that? It would've been hilarious if it wasn't so sad just how low these ponies will go." Scissa thought for a moment. "Why would the ponies do this?" "To waste time, Scissa." Adiyis rolled her eyes. "The ponies would do anything if it means giving Princess Cadance a chance to think of something else she can throw at me so that my mother can remain in their dungeons." "Yes, that seems the most likely. It seems not even the ponies can pull one over on you, Princess Adiyis." "Speaking of, I need to go back out and see Mother as soon as possible. We'll talk later." Adiyis then left her room and headed towards the dungeon where the usual guard escorted her down toward Chrysalis's cell where she was currently sleeping. "Mother." Chrysalis opened her eyes and sat up. "Ah, Adiyis. It is good to see you again. I trust the negotiations are still going smoothly." Adiyis squirmed a little. "Well, they were. Until Princess Cadance decided to interfere." Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. "What did she do?" "She suggested that she and a company of pony soldiers travel to the hive themselves so that they assist with the healing themselves. The condition is that you remain imprisoned." Chrysalis raised a brow and put a hoof on her chin. "I must say, I didn't see that coming. Heh, she truly must hate me to suggest such a thing in order to keep me imprisoned here." Adiyis stepped closer to the bars. "What do we do? If we agree to this then-." "Then we don't agree. You will tell Cadance no, and you must keep denying any other deal she tries to put before you. It doesn't matter what she says, you came here to get me back to the hive and that's all you should be focusing on. Understood, Adiyis?" "I understand." Adiyis then stared at the floor for a moment and then back to Chrysalis. "Mom, there is something else." "What it is, Adiyis? Did something happen? You seem nervous. Did the ponies do something?" "No, well, they didn't do anything to me. But they did do something. There was this one pony who claimed to be my mother." Adiyis shook her head. "She had these pictures in her house as well, and I hate to admit it, but the foal in them did look at least a little similar to me." Chrysalis kept her face up, but on the inside, she was a little nervous. "What else did she say?" "She said I have a little dark spot right behind my ear as well, and my real name was Gloomy Grassbud." Adiyis rubbed her head. "Now that I'm saying all of this out loud, it just sounds ridiculous! Can you believe the things these ponies will do just to waste time so you don't leave these dungeons?" Chrysalis took a deep breath and smirked. "It certainly does sound farfetched, Adiyis. You are better off just ignoring all of those things, and staying focused on your mission." "You're right, as usual. I should head back now before Scissa begins to worry. I'll talk to you soon." Adiyis was then escorted back upstairs. Chrysalis glared at the floor. 'So, her real mother lives? I can not let Adiyis be taken by the ponies. I refuse to let them take her from me! I will just have to have her disappear before she has the chance.' Adiyis returned to her room. "Scissa." Scissa stood up and bowed. "Your Highness, what did Queen Chrysalis say?" "She said to refuse any deal Princess Cadance presents us with. No matter how well thought out it is." "Then I take it you will refuse her offer?" "Yes. It's the best decision." Suddenly, the door to her room was opened and Alagos stepped inside to inform her that guards had come to collect Adiyis so that she can give her answer to Cadance. Adiyis nodded and had her own guards, along with Scissa, join her as she followed the pony guards and returned to the same dining hall where Cadance was awaiting her at the other end of the table. Adiyis took her seat while her guards and Scissa stood by. Cadance raised a hoof. “Princess Adiyis, I believe it is time we hear your answer.” "Very well. I also chose to bring this up with our queen, and I must refuse your offer, Princess Cadance. We all know you mean well, but we came here for one thing, and that's our queen back on her throne." "Princess, please reconsider! Perhaps there is something we can still offer in return that will continue Chrysalis's continued sentence?" Adiyis shook her head. "You have nothing we want, Princess Cadance, and there is nothing you can offer us that will make us give up our queen to you ponies." "Are you sure? Perhaps we can also come to some agreement, just the two of us. What if we allowed you to take Chrysalis from her imprisonment once every month or so?" "The answer is no, Princess." Cadance quickly thought for a moment. "What if...What if we allowed Chrysalis to return to the hive in order to assist in healing it? But, after that's done, you must bring her back here to serve the rest of her sentence." Adiyis put her hooves together on the table. "Princess Cadance, what will it take for me to get it through your thick pony skull that we need our queen back at our hive permanently? I don't care what deal you try to offer us, we have already decided how we want to go about it. By signing a non-aggression pact. If you continue on this tiring crusade to keep my mother imprisoned and hinder our work to get our hive back to its normal state, then I will take my mother back by force if I have to." Adiyis stood up from the table. "It is time to make the decision yourself, Princess. Do you want to end this peacefully, or violently?" The pony guards behind Adiyis suddenly drew their swords which made Adiyis' own guards draw theirs. Adiyis ignored them and focused solely on Cadance who seemed to be debating with herself. Cadance then looked at the pony guards. "Stow your weapons and stand down!" The guards did as told, and then she looked at Adiyis. Adiyis glanced back at her guards who also sheathed their swords. "Your answer, Princess." Cadance raised a hoof. "One more. Give me one more chance. Hear me out tomorrow and if you still refuse then that will be that, and I will agree to the non-aggression pact and you will be free to take Queen Chrysalis with you." Adiyis stayed silent for a moment and nodded. "Very well. One more, Princess Cadance, but no more than that." Cadance bowed her head. "Thank you, Princess Adiyis." Adiyis then left the table and the room along with her guards and returned to her room. "Well, tomorrow may be the end we can finally start ending our little adventure here in the pony lands." Scissa nodded. "All you have to do is deny whatever idea the princess comes up with, Princess. Although, I do wonder what she could be thinking of." "I highly doubt it matters, Scissa. No matter what she thinks, I will follow mothers order and refuse it." Scissa bowed her head. "You are right, Princess. Shall we retire for the rest of the night?" "Yes, let's." Adiyis was about to approach the bed when she was once again distracted by her reflection in the window, while still looking at herself, she touched her ear again. "Princess, is something the matter?" Adiyis turned to Scissa. "Scissa, can you do something for me?" "Anything, Your Highness." Adiyis pointed at her right ear. "Can you check behind my ear for a...dark spot?" Scissa raised a brow. "That is a strange request, but I shall honor it all the same." Scissa approached Adiyis and lightly pushed her ear down to check behind it. "There is a dark spot there." Once Scissa moved back, Adiyis touched her ear and mumbled to herself. "So, she wasn't lying about it?" Scissa raised a hoof. "Excuse me for asking, Princess. But, what does that dark spot mean?" Adiyis shook her head. "Nothing. It means nothing. Nothing but a lucky guess. That's all. Let's just go to bed." Scissa stared at Adiyis as she walked to the bed and got in. Scissa then joined her shortly after and fell asleep, but Adiyis was still awake and couldn't help but think back to Pale Rose and the pictures of the foal in her house. The same foal who looked so similar to herself that it almost creeped her out. But, how could she be a pony? She knew for a fact she was a changeling, sure her appearance was a little different, but that is only because she was born a Princess. Just as Chrysalis told her every time she began to doubt she was even a changeling. And Adiyis knows that Chrysalis would never lie to her. Why would she? She was her daughter. She raised her from nymphhood all the way to the adult she is today. Chrysalis was always there for her no matter the time or place, and Adiyis knew she could always count on her. So, why are these little doubts about herself still lingering in her mind? Adiyis reached up and touched her ear again. "It was just a lucky guess, nothing more. I am not a pony." Adiyis then got out of bed and walked back to the window where she looked at all of the other ponies outside, from the guards to the pony nobles who walked around the castle grounds and on the streets of canterlot. She then looked at her own reflection and glared at herself. "I am not the same as them." Adiyis stepped closer. "I am a proud changeling warrior and future ruler of the changeling hive. I am Princess Adiyis, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, and I am not a pony!" Adiyis exhaled deeply as she turned and returned to bed and slowly let sleep take her in hopes of bringing tomorrow as soon as possible. That night, however, she was hoping for pleasant dreams but instead, she found herself on the streets of canterlot during the daytime. Adiyis looked around but saw no one else so she chose to walk through the streets until she saw a large group of ponies and they noticed her too. "It's her!" "I can't believe it's actually her." "It's our hero! The one who saved all of canterlot from the monsters! Praise, Gloomy!" Adiyis was very confused as she looked at each pony. "What are you ponies talking about?! Why are you calling me that name?! My name is Adiyis, not Gloomy!" "But, you were the one to tell us not to call you your monster name anymore, Gloomy." "What? When-." A soldier then noticed Adiyis. "Ah, it is the hero of canterlot. You are just in time!" "In time for what." Adiyis was then taken by the hoof and brought to the front of the crowd to see a large stage and was shocked by who was on it. "For the execution of Queen-...Sorry, former Queen Chrysalis!" On top of the stage, bruised and injured, was Queen Chrysalis who was also chained to the floor. Next to her, stood two pony soldiers who both had their swords out. and all around the stage were pony soldiers. "Mom!" Adiyis tried to run to the stage but was stopped by the guards. "Let me go, I have to save my mom!" "What are you talking about, Gloomy? That monster was never your mother! Your real mother is over here." Adiyis looked back and saw Pale Rose standing next to the soldier. "You!" Pale smiled. "I am glad you made it here in time, Gloomy. Now we can see the complete fall of the monsters known as changelings together. As mother and daughter. And it was all thanks to your hard work that we were able to finally catch Chrysalis." "What? You mean, the reason she's here now is-." "All because of you, Gloomy. You fought with our kind and finally brought down Chrysalis. Now, she can pay for her crimes." Adiyis put her hooves to her head. "No, why would I-...I would never betray the hive. I wouldn't! I'm a changeling, I would never fight with the ponies. I know I wouldn't." Pale stepped closer to Adiyis. "But, you are a pony, Gloomy. You always have been." Before Adiyis could say any more, the soldiers from behind shouted. "Ready your swords!" Adiyis turned and saw the soldiers next to Chrysalis turn to her and raise their swords. "No. No!" Adiyis ran back at them but was stopped by the pony guards again. "Mom, no! No!" Chrysalis opened an eye and looked at Adiyis, only to start glaring at her. "Get out of my sight, you pony." Adiyis was stunned, but just before the swords came down on Chrysalis, a huge gust of wind caused everything around Adiyis to disappear except for the city. Suddenly, Princess Luna flew down and landed right in front of Adiyis, but Adiyis didn't notice her presence as she was too busy laying on the ground holding her head in her hooves. "I'm not a pony. I'm not like them. I'm not!" Luna slowly put a hoof on Adiyis's shoulder and gave her a little shake. "Princess, it is all right. Please, calm yourself." Adiyis finally noticed the hoof on her shoulder and slowly looked up at Luna. "P-Princess Luna? What is this? Why are you here?" "I suppose I might as well inform you that I have the power to enter Pony's dreams. I do so every night to ensure every pony is sleeping peacefully at night." Adiyis slowly stood up. "So, this is all a dream?" Luna nodded. "Yes, although, this is new to me. Never before have I been able to enter another creature's dream. And yet, I was able to enter yours. How peculiar." Adiyis took a deep breath. "Well, seeing as I am now alright. I see no reason why you should stay." "I would, but I do not think you are in the right mind at the moment." "I'm fine, Princess." "Are you certain? What about what you were saying to yourself? All the things you were saying about not being a pony. What was that about?" "I said I'm fine, Princess Luna." Adiyis glared at her. "Now, unless you want to cause a big political incident by invading my dreams like this, I suggest you leave. Now." Luna took a step back. "Very well. Have a good night, Princess Adiyis." She then faded away and left Adiyis alone. Adiyis sat in the middle of the street and stared at the spot where the stage was. "I'm not like them. I refuse to be anything like them." The next day, once the sun had risen, Adiyis was awoken by movement from Scissa who left the bed and gently shook her awake. "Princess, it is time to wake up. We must prepare for the meeting with the princesses." Adiyis slowly awoke and stretched her limbs. She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes and then left the bed. "Scissa, did I...mumble anything in my sleep last night?" Scissa looked away. "No, Princess. I didn't hear anything from you last night. I was sound asleep." Adiyis stared at Scissa but sighed. "Good." Adiyis then got out of bed and prepared herself for the meeting. Once the guards came, Scissa, Adiyis, and her guards left with them and arrived at the dining hall where instead of it just Cadance. Celestia and Luna were there as well, and when Adiyis made eye contact with Luna, she quickly looked away. Adiyis continued on her way to her seat at the table with Scissa at her side. Before they got started though, Celestia had her chefs get them food which they ate first. Once done, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were all given tea but Adiyis declined. Adiyis looked at Cadance. "Alright, Princess Cadance. Tell me this new idea of yours." Cadance took a deep breath. "Alright, here goes. Princess Adiyis, I surrender myself as your people's love tank. With my magic and the fact that I am an alicorn princess of love, you should be able to squeeze enough love out of me to heal your entire hive and keep it healthy for some time." Adiyis's eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious?" "This is the last thing I can offer. I have nothing else you may want." Adiyis looked at Scissa and she was just as shocked as she was. But, when Scissa looked back, she shook her head so Adiyis nodded and looked back at Cadance. "Very well then. Since this is the end of your crusade, I have no other choice, but to decline." Cadance leaned forward. "But, Princess-." "And, just as we discussed yesterday, you will now agree to the pact." Adiyis raised a brow. "Unless you feel like going back on your word? But, that would surely cause a political tragedy. Imagine, a Princess Royal lying to another diplomat visiting their own city." Cadance bit her lip as she leaned back. "Very well, as agreed I will sign the pact." "Thank you." Once all was said and done, Luna produced the same paper from before and laid it on the table. “This is the written contract between our two sides. As agreed upon before, Princess Adiyis will use her visits to her mother to convince her to sign a non-aggression pact. Once done, Queen Chrysalis will be free to return to the changeling hive. As per this contract, all parties must be in full agreement as well.” Celestia nodded. “I accept the terms.” Adiyis raised a hoof. “As do I.” Luna nodded as well. “I also accept.” All heads turned to Princess Cadance as she stared at the contract. She then looked up at Celestia who subtly gestured her head toward the contract and Adiyis. Cadance opened her mouth to speak. "I...accept." Luna nodded and produced a pen and signed her name. She then moved the pen and paper to Celestia who also signed, next was Cadance who reluctantly signed the contract. And finally was Adiyis's turn who proudly signed it. Once done, Luna rolled up the paper and made it disappear. "And now, with this, the meeting is adjourned until the day Queen Chrysalis agrees to the non-aggression pact." Adiyis stood up. "I thank all parties here for taking the time to sit down with me to negotiate Queen Chrysalis's release. Even you, Princess Cadance. I only hope that we never have to do this again and leave each other to their own problems instead of causing problems for each other." Celestia chuckled. "Come now, Princess Adiyis. There is no reason to hope we don't have a meeting like this again. Perhaps the next time we all get together like this we'll be allies and not enemies." "Perhaps." Adiyis then turned to leave the dining hall. 'Only in your dreams.' Scissa, Adiyis, and her guards all left the dining hall and while her guards and Scissa returned to their room, Adiyis made her way toward the dungeons and had the guard escort her downstairs and back to Chrysalis's cell. "Mother, it is nearly time." Chrysalis smirked as she looked at Adiyis. "I assume Celestia and the others have finally agreed to release me?" "Under one condition. You must sign a non-aggression pact." Chrysalis's mood immediately turned sour. "That wasn't the plan, Adiyis. I refuse to sign that pact!" "This was the best I could do! After the failed invasion, the princesses refuse to let you leave without some kind of insurance you won't try something like it again!" "I am not signing that pact." Adiyis shook her head. "Well, they won't let you out of here any other way, Mom. All you have to do is sign the pact and we can finally focus on the h-...On what matters the most." Chrysalis's eyes darted back in forth in thought until she seemed to get an idea. "What if...I choose to sign it now, but still invade them later?" "Mom, you can't. Do you really want a repeat of the last invasion? We should sing this pact and leave them alone. The ponies are not to be messed with." "You forget, Adiyis. Remember the first day you woke up and saw how many lively and powerful changelings there were? How the hive was at its absolute peak? These ponies have the power to allow us to take the hive to the next level! And I refuse to just throw that power away. Not after I had just discovered it." Adiyis looked down unsure. "I know what it was like to see so many changelings so lively. But I also know what it was like to see them suffering in the medical chamber of the hive. I even saw some that didn't survive long enough to make it there. Mom, I don't want a repeat of that day. The day everything around me fell apart. Dead changelings, Thorax leaving, and you imprisoned." Adiyis reached a hoof through the bars. "Let's just forget about the ponies. We'll find another way to bring the hive to the next level. Please, Mom." Chrysalis looked into Adiyis's nearly tear-filled eyes and felt an ache in her own heart. She signed and grasped her hoof. "Very well, Adiyis. Let us sign this...Non-aggression pact." She then looked at the guard. "Inform Celestia that I wish to speak to her. I know you answer to her, pony." The guard huffed but left either way. Adiyis looked up at Chrysalis and smiled. "Thank you, Mom." "You should leave as well, Adiyis. Wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea about you being here alone." Adiyis nodded and left. Once she was gone, Chrysalis glared at the floor. 'A non-aggression pact, hah! I would be a fool to let go of power like this. I am sorry, Adiyis, but there is no other way.' Once the guard had returned to the dungeon, he had Celestia in tow and she stood in front of Chrysalis's cell and didn't look pleased to be there in the slightest. "You wish to speak with me, Chrysalis?" "Yes, I want to sign the pact." Celestia raised a brow. "Really? That was much sooner than I had thought. I was sure you would just be stubborn about it for the unforeseen future." Chrysalis glared at her. "You have no idea how much I wanted to be, Celestia." She then let her face soften "But, my daughter did convince me that perhaps this isn't the best time to be stubborn about something such as this. My hive needs me, and if signing this pact will get me there faster, then so be it. I shall agree not to make any more moves against you, nor your ponies." Celestia chuckled. "To hear such words from the changeling queen. Your daughter must've given you quite the speech." "Shove it, Celestia. Let's just get this over with." "Very well. I will prepare transportation and the pact and come to collect you later." Celestia turned to leave but didn't. "Oh yes, there was one other thing. You see, my sister, Luna, told me the most interesting thing this morning. She said she was somehow able to enter Princess Adiyis's dream. And, as far as I've known, Luna has never been able to enter another creature's dream before. Only ponies." Chrysalis's eyes widened. "What did she see? Tell me, Celestia!" "Oh no, that would be too much for somepony like you, Chrysalis." Celestia looked back. "But I will tell you what she heard. I believe she heard Princess Adiyis repeatably tell herself that she isn't a pony. Now, why would a changeling like her tell herself something like that?" Chrysalis was becoming more and more nervous and angry as Celestia moved back in front of her cell. "Do tell, Chrysalis. Where did you find the young princess?" Chrysalis glared daggers at Celestia. "I didn't find her anywhere! She is my daughter and will remain so no matter who protests! I won't let any of you ponies take her away from me! You and your sister will stay away from her, and her dreams, understand, Celestia?! Stay away from my Adiyis!" Celestia said nothing more and merely left the dungeons ad Chrysalis stomped on the floor and shouted. The rest of the day went without much else happening. Adiyis waited in her room for any news on the progress of the pact between Chrysalis and the princesses. After about an hour, a guard came to her room and said that it was time for Chrysalis and Celestia to sign the pact, so Adiyis got off of her bed and had everyone follow her where the guard took her which was outside. Once outside, Adiyis saw multiple guards standing near the three princesses and she also saw a carriage sitting behind Chrysalis who was standing opposite Celestia. Adiyis moved next to Chrysalis as her guards secured themselves to the cart and Sciss got inside. Celestia looked at Adiyis and stared at her longer than she should've and quickly looked back at Chrysalis. "Queen Chrysalis, We are glad you were willing to sign this pact between our races." Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Let's hurry and get this over with, Celestia, shall we? I'm sure you can't stand my presence just as much as I can't stand yours." "Very well. " Celestia looked to a guard and nodded her head, so he stepped up close to Chrysalis as she leaned her head down and took unlocked the magic-dampening ring. Celestia then used her magic to summon the pact contract and blasted her cutie mark on the bottom, and then floated it over to Chrysalis and growled to herself and wrote her own name underneath Celestia's cutie mark. Once done, Celestia check it out and then nodded and made it disappear. "With this, the pact is final. Neither party will take any military action against the other, nor will we invade each other anymore. You are now free to go, Chrysalis." Chrysalis huffed as she turned away and entered the carriage while Adiyis took the time to bow her head to the princesses before also making her way towards the carriage. Once both of them were inside, the guards began to pull them and fly toward the sky and across canterlot. Adiyis looked out the window and spotted Pale's mansion and Pale herself outside of the mansion and looking up at their carriage. Adiyis quickly turned and looked away from her and put her out of sight and mind. Although, putting her out of her mind was easier said than done. The ride back to the hive was slow, but Adiyis didn't mind any of it, she was just glad to finally be going home with Chrysalis. Once the carriage landed, changeling soldiers opened the door and allowed Chrysalis and Adiyis to exit the carriage. Chrysalis sighed. "It feels so good to be home again." Adiyis stepped up beside her. "Yes, it does. I just wished we didn't have to see it in such a state. We must work fast if we are to help the changelings that are still injured." Chrysalis looked down at her. "Then let us go and get started, my daughter." "Yes, Mother." Adiyis and Chrysalis both entered the hive and immediately got started with the task of getting the hive back to its former glory. Although, while Adiyis's main focus was healing the hive, Chrysalis had another plan in mind for the ponies, but kept it in the back of her mind for now and made healing the hive her top priority. Back at canterlot, Celestia decided to have Twilight pay her a little visit and tell her everything that had happened that last time she and Princess Adiyis went out together, and so she did. Celestia then decided to go to Pale Rose's mansion where she knocked on the door. Pale opened the door and saw Celestia. "Ah, Princess Celestia, what brings you to my home?" "Hello, Ms. Rose. I had heard about you from my pupil, Twilight Sparkle when she came to visit you the other day. Do you remember?" "O-Oh." Pale looked down sad. "Yes, I do. I assume this is about my daughter." Celestia nodded. "You assume correctly, I was hoping I could hear more about her. Do you mind if I come in?" "Of course not." Pale stepped aside. "Please, make yourself at home." Celestia entered the mansion and Pale closed the door behind them.