> Izzy Moonbow x Female reader > by SweetCarol > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Single Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: The pronouns are female, because I'm a girl, but you can use the pronouns you want, hope you guys like it ^^. Since you were a little filly, who barely knew how to trot, you were taught that unicorns were nothing but manic creatures that just wanted to wreak havoc wherever they went. Although deep down you were a little doubtful if things really were as everyone said as well as the local activist, you passively tolerated the intolerance of the citizens. One day, those doubts grew even more when you met Izzy. The day she first arrived at Maretime Bay was probably one of the most chaotic days of her life. The most beautiful chaos. As everyone ran around desperately looking for shelter, for some reason, you felt frozen in place as soon as you laid eyes on her. She didn't seem to have anything monstrous at all, quite the opposite. She was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in your entire life. You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your mouth, when she walked over and introduced herself, no words came out of your mouth no matter how hard you tried. Your parents quickly "rescued" you and took you to their house to house you, before the two of you started talking. You looked back and caught a glimpse of her waving amiably at you one last time. After that day, you were sure that you would never see that mysterious unicorn again, which caused you immense sadness. Looking at her made you feel good, but it was very scary at the same time. You were confused about your feelings for a few days, until you finally came to the conclusion that you had fallen in love with her. Even if you two never saw each other again, you would never forget her beautiful face. For the next few days, you had to deal with everyone in town thinking you had been bewitched. Fortunately, you saw her again. When she nearly died from the machine Sprout claimed was to protect the city. You felt so scared, as if your life would fade along with hers. When it was all over, you didn't hesitate to ride as fast as you could to her and hugged her with all your might. Everyone around was confused, while she was surprised but happily accepted your hug and hugged you back. "I knew you weren't like the others!" She exclaimed beaming as you smiled to see her well and happy that she remembered you. You introduced yourself to her, feeling your cheeks flush. She was even more beautiful than you remembered. "Izzy." She replied, equally smiling. The rest of the days, you were graced with her sweet company, which you never tired of wanting with each passing day, anyone was lucky to have her friendship. Lucky for you (or not), it didn't take long for her squad to realize that what you felt for her wasn't just friendship. "No, we're fine as we are now." You assured Sunny when she asked you about your feelings for Izzy. "What do you mean? For what I've been watching, you like her a lot, don't you?" She retorted. "More than anything in this world." You confessed, while your cheeks reddened again. "So what are you waiting for?" She asked with a smile, in a sweet tone of voice. "... Fear." You confessed while looking away. "Fear of what?" She asked curiously. "Afraid that when I declare myself, if she doesn't feel the same way, we won't even continue to be friends." You confessed while looking away. "No need to feel that way, Izzy likes you a lot, I still can't figure out how, but I know she wouldn't allow you two to stop being friends." She assured you, which made you calmer. You became thoughtful for a while, until you finally decided what you were going to do. "I'll tell her." You answered, which made Sunny smile. "That's how you say it." She said as she gave you a little push. "There's just one little problem." You said. "And what would be?" "I don't know how to do this, I've never dated before." You confessed, scared that everything could go wrong. Sunny thought, until her face lit up, you knew she had an idea. "Finally my talents as a matchmaker will come in handy!" She exclaimed with the greatest enthusiasm in the world. You were confused, but you decided to trust her, she seemed to know what she was doing. Time skip... Izzy muttered a cheerful song as she sorted out her work paints, but was soon interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. "May I help?" She asked as she opened the door, but was confused to see that no one was there. She looked down and smiled as she noticed a big, red heart-shaped card on top of her rug. She took it and gazed admiringly at the beautiful calligraphy written in gold ink. "Izzy Moonbow, I think about you, but not that much, just when I breathe." She read it and laughed, she liked ponies that had a good mood. "Jokes aside, I really wish I had the chance to tell you everything I feel for you. If I meet you at the beach today at 5:00, I'll be the happiest pony in the world. Love, your secret admirer" The unicorn felt her heart pound hard inside her chest, not how it normally was, it was... Different, she never felt that way before, but she liked it. "If it's you, it's me who will be the happiest pony in the world." She muttered sweetly as she pressed the card to her chest. You waited anxiously for her in the cove, waiting for her to follow the glitter trail until she reached you. Every minute felt like an hour, you started to adjusting the checkered cloth and picnic basket countless times to see if the nervousness passed. After a little more time, you started to wonder if something had happened that would have stopped her from going. At last, you spotted her in the distance, her doing little jumps as she followed the trail. "Okay, it's now or never, you won't lock it in place this time." You told yourself to encourage yourself. She saw you from a distance and seemed to have been immensely surprised, but soon gave her beautiful radiant smile that inflamed your heart and filled it with immense joy. Though you rehearsed what you were going to say to her more times than you could count, as she approached, you were again speechless as you looked at her. She cocked her head to the side like a confused puppy and smiled again. "Do you want to play staring contest again? Alright! I'll win this time!" She leaned over and stood with her face millimeters from yours, staring at you with those beautiful eyes. Your gaze inadvertently went to her mouth. The last few times that happened, you focused all your strength to stop yourself from leaning forward and kissing her lovingly. But this time, it was somehow impossible. You didn't quite realize which of you two had taken the first step, but with your eyes closed, you felt the softness of her mouth against yours. Building up some courage, you took one of your hooves up to her cheek and started kissing her, not wildly, but at the same time, it was sweet and passionate. You were surprised and fireworks seemed to be exploding in your belly when she started kissing you back and wrapped her front legs around your shoulders. Your lips brushed softly against each other as your hoof began to run through the strands of her beautiful, silky mane. You wanted time to stop there, so you never had to part with her, but eventually you'd have to stop for breath. Somehow, her face seemed even more lit up when you looked at each other again after that loving moment. "You don't know how much I wanted to do this." You muttered, while still stroking her tenderly on the cheek. "Really?" She smiled. "Me too!" You've never been so happy to hear a "me too" before. "Yes!" She replied while gently taking your hoof in hers. "Since the day we first saw each other, what I feel for you increases with each passing day." "Then why didn't you tell me any of this before?" You asked with curiosity. She smiled and looked away shyly. "I was really, really, REALLY confused by what I was feeling, you know, I've never felt this way before. But now that I know what it is and that you feel the same way about me..." She crouched in front of you. "Oh my Twilight this is happening, this is happening!" You repeated, completely euphoric. "Would you make me the happiest unicorn in all of Equestria by being my special somepony?" And you thought you couldn't be happier, the limit of happiness seemed more unreachable than ever, which wasn't bad at all. "You know I want this more than anything in this world, of course I do!" You jumped into her arms and the two of you held on tighter than ever, looking like you'd never let go. "I won't go another day without telling you that I love you more than anything, I want to love you, make you happy, kiss you, I..." You paused and she leaned in, wanting you to you say what you were going to say. "... Can I smell you up close?" "Why didn't you ask before?" She replied, leaning the left side of her face towards you. Shyly you approached your face and pressed your muzzle close to her mane. You took a breath as you moved your sniffer around, which made her laugh adorably. "It tickles." She smelled pleasantly of wild berries and lavender, you would never tire of doing that. Not long after, you stopped when Izzy turned her face forward. She gave you a look and you quickly understood what she wanted. You smiled and gave her a tender, short kiss. "Well, this picnic won't eat itself." You joked. When you said that, Izzy finally noticed the romantic picnic a little way behind you and was immensely overjoyed. "Yummy!" She exclaimed and sat down on the cloth. You had an ear to ear smile that looked like it would never fade, your loved one's joy was so contagious, it was one of the reasons why you were so completely in love with her. From there, the best days of your life began, she was already the most caring pony with you before and it got even more when you started dating. Her friends were very happy with the beginning of your relationship, unlike your parents, who disguised it, but you could see they didn't seem very pleased. They were part of the small group that had a little more trouble accepting peace and unity with the unicorns and pegasi, but you didn't mind their opinion. You had the sweetest unicorn girlfriend in the world and she was the one you wanted to marry and spend the rest of your life with.