A New Cadence

by alCROWholic

First published

Starfire looks up to Mrs Cadenza and hopes to be a teacher himself some day - Cadence decides to help her student out by making him a teacher the fast and easy way, by turning him into a carbon copy of her!

[TF/TG, twinning, clothing TF]

Starfire is a talented and motivated young student who aspires to be a teacher like his role-model, Mrs Cadenza; or as she likes to be called, Cadence. After being taken to her office for a discussion about his latest assignment, Cadence reveals that there's a faster way of becoming a teacher than attending his College of choice.

Walk a mile in her shoes - literally. Using a little magic and a gentle hand, Cadence begins a clothing based transformation to give him a leg up on the competition.

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The morning routine was always one to drain me of the energy accumulated from a long night’s sleep. Meandering through the ornate halls of my school, pushing through the zombified crowd of my fellow students, and navigating a familiar route to the classroom that we shared together. Outside of the door was our teacher, Miss Cadence. She was the first to insist that we drop some of the formalities and use that nickname over her real, much fancier sounding one.

As the class slowly dribbled in through the doorway and found their seats, she pulled me aside for a moment with a gentle touch on my shoulder. “Oh, Starfire – I was hoping that you could spare a moment to speak with me when the class is over. It’s about your assignment.”

“Sure,” I nodded.

The class proceeded, but my usual concentration had been broken by the invitation from Cadence. She was a friendly, smart and well-liked teacher. To say I was a bundle of nerves was an understatement. Cadence had been my teacher for the past year and she was everything that I wanted to be. In a literal and figurative sense. I’d set my sights on becoming a teacher at a fairly young age, an aspiration that had propelled me to the top of the exam scores every year since. I didn’t just want it to happen, I needed it to happen.

I failed to take an acceptable number of notes, meaning that studying up would be harder later. But that was the last thing on my mind as I stayed put in my chair as the others left. Eventually it was only me and her left in the classroom. She waved me over.

“I was very impressed with what you submitted to me,” she began, “You really do like to go above and beyond, don’t you?”

“Oh, I was just… I wanted to go into the same field as you,” I explained, “It’s kind of embarrassing to say – but you’re one of my biggest inspirations. So, I thought that I should put all of my effort into it, you know?”

Cadence blushed and fanned her face with the palm of her hand, “Aw, that’s so sweet of you to say! Thank you, I’ll always do everything I can to support prospective teachers. In fact, why don’t we continue this in my office?”

Cadence turned back and opened the wooden door that led into the spare backroom of the classroom. Once used for storage, the small space had been converted into an on-suite office for the teacher using the classroom that year. It was well decorated with plush leather furniture, a large wooden desk, red velvet curtains and several bookshelves along each wall stuffed to the brim with tomes and journals of all shapes and sizes.

“Please, take a seat.”

I stiffly sat myself down on the chair and tried to calm my beating heart. I didn’t know if I could describe what I felt as a crush. Cadence was a very beautiful woman, with perfect pink skin, flowing multi-coloured hair and a sharp sense of fashion. I was flustered, so I decided to let her do most of the talking to save myself the embarrassment.

“While I’m sure that someone of your talents could become a teacher here – I have no doubt that there’s a few unanswered questions you’d like to ask.”

I considered it for a moment, “I did my own research on how to get into teaching, but hearing it first-hand from someone who did it for real would be a huge help. Graduation is coming up soon. I need to make a decision about where to go.”

“Hm. Getting the qualifications to be a teacher can be expensive and time consuming. But what if I told you there was a shortcut?”

“A shortcut?” I repeated. She’d caught my curiosity instantly. I wasn’t a stranger to hard work – I had every intention of putting in the labour to make my dream come true. But I trusted Cadence, if she thought it was a good idea, who would I be to refuse her advice?

Cadence giggled melodically, “I see that you’re interested Starfire! The first step is…” Cadence ducked under her desk and rummaged through one of the cluttered drawers until she remerged with a pair of smart purple glasses – an exact copy of the pair that were sitting atop her nose at that very moment.

“Glasses? Are those yours?”

Cadence nodded, “To start with. I want you to… take a step into my shoes for a moment. All you have to do it put these on.”

Cadence didn’t hesitate, handing them to me over the desk. I held them in my palm, trying not to smudge the lenses with my sweat and grease covered fingers, “Hm. Are you sure that’s okay? These are yours after all.”

“Oh, it’s no bother at all. The first step to becoming a teacher of others is to get into the right mindset. Go ahead.”

I unfolded the thin arms and slipped them on over my ears. The lenses weren’t calibrated for my perfectly functional eyes, so they began to ache as the world blurred out of focus. As much as I wanted to follow her advice, I didn’t see how wearing her glasses or pretending to be her would help.

“A perfect fit!” Cadence clapped her hands together, pleased with the effect. “I have to say, they almost look better on you than they do me.”

“I don’t think purple is my colour.”

“Nonsense, now, I want you to focus on me. Close your eyes and picture me, like you see me every day, stood in front of the class, delivering a lecture.”

I had no reason to be suspicious of what she was asking. Cadence was often an unconventional teacher not satisfied with reciting from a book or prepared presentation. I screwed my eyes shut and thought back to the day’s lecture. There was she, stood in front of the class with a confident command of every pair of eyes.

“Can you imagine yourself in my place?”

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“You have to project, or nobody will be able to hear you,” she said with a tone of mirth in her voice, “Now, the glasses are nice, but we need something a little more… authoritative to go with them.” I kept my eyes screwed shut, even as I heard the sound of Cadence’s footsteps moving around the small office. I couldn’t identify any of them, even though her statement made it seem like she was grabbing something else for this trust exercise she was subjecting me to.

There was a feeling that I couldn’t quite describe. Like my upper body had been submerged into a pool of warm water. I could feel the pins and needles going on under my skin as the warmth passed over my arms and chest. The gentle pressure of my hoodie and t-shirt changed places, pressing in anew on different spots on my body. My hands drifted down and pulled on the fabric by my shoulders, pulling it closer and over my body securely. I could tell that the fabric under my fingers had changed somehow, from cotton to silk.

“You can open your eyes now, Starfire!”

At first, I expected some kind of surprise waiting for me, but instead, Cadence was back behind her desk with a smile on her face. Her eyes drifted down to look at my body which clued me in to what she’d done. Instead of my usual hoodie which I wore for comfort, I was wearing an exact replica of her frilly, silk patterned shirt, complete with the eccentric ruffled collar.


I didn’t feel her touch me! Not only that, but I was completely aware of my surroundings the entire time. I didn’t fall asleep, did I? I tugged on the edge of the long-sleeved shirt. It was very tight around my frame, like it was even sized for Cadence herself instead of me. It was certainly not comfortable like the t-shirt and hoodie that I came in with.

Cadence swept from around the back of her desk like a whirlwind, holding a pink bundle between her arms that she unfurled to display another pink jacket like the one that she was wearing. She pulled me out of the chair and slipped it on over my shoulders with little resistance from me, “This is my favourite suit jacket, it’s so colourful and beautiful, don’t you think?”

Cadence did not relinquish her grasp of my hand, which brought a fresh rush of blood to my face. She placed my palm against the inside of the jacket and ran it up and down the smooth lining, “Isn’t it just so nice to touch? Hehe, I have to stop myself from unbuttoning and fiddling with it sometimes.” I found myself nodding along with her rambling. It was very smooth. But I was more distracted by the fact that the woman of my dreams was so willing to touch me in that way.

“Hm, let’s make sure it looks just right.” Cadence squared me up in front of her and began to button up the pink blazer from the bottom, all the way until it reached just below that distinctive collar. After that was done, she occupied herself by tugging on the sleeves until it properly settled on my bulky frame without creasing or wrinkling. Even so – it was very much too tight for me. My movement was considerably constricted for fear of tearing it to pieces.

Buried underneath my confusion about Cadence’s sleight of hand was another concern. I was a young man, so why wasn’t I freaking out about being forced into this frilly pink getup? Again, how had Cadence switched out my clothes without touching me? Had she submitted me to some kind of hypnotic trance with her imaginary expedition? I sat back down on my chair cautiously, arms held out straight like a store mannequin.

Cadence was quick to distract me from my disorder, “Being a teacher is tough – it means long hours, even when you get back home the first thing you’re going to think about is what you’re doing tomorrow, if you don’t have a mountain of work to mark, that is! It takes perseverance, but I don’t think that will be an issue for you, will it?”

I nodded, “Uh. Sure.”

“You have to build a good relationship with your students, because if they like you they’ll be willing to pay attention to you when you’re speaking. Some people here think that’s a silly old idea, but a firm hand can only get you so far. I like to compensate by wearing something smart – what do you think?”

“…It’s a little tight.”

“You’ll grow into it, don’t worry.”

“What do you-“

“Now, you’re starting to look the part. But I still think there’s a little more to talk about. Have you considered how you’re financing your education?” she asked, “Unfortunately, it’s pretty expensive to pursue teaching.”

“W-Well, I was hoping to get a scholarship, it’s why I’ve been working so hard recently.”

Cadence nodded, “That’s a great idea. While I’m confident that you’ll be a shoe-in for the money, I could give you a hand and make sure that you get up in front of the right people.”

“Is that okay? I wouldn’t want to advantage myself over other people.”

“It’s fine,” she insisted, “They tend to be undersubscribed anyway – any extra bodies will give them a big hand.”

Unable to get another word in edgewise, I lay my hands back down on my upper thighs, only to contact something unexpected. The stone washed jeans that I entered the room with were shifting like wet paint. They became shorter, moving up my legs. Details, like the pockets and zipper disappeared into a spectral void.

“What the hell?”

Before my very eyes, they wrapped themselves back around my upper thighs and waist until they formed a tightly fitting tube. The light blue shifted into a vibrant pink. It was only when the process was complete that I noticed that it was the same skirt that Cadence was wearing. The off-white socks that had been battered over years of use and abuse follow a similar pattern. They stretched up and up, their density being distilled down into length. They slipped up the skirt and up to my thighs, before shifting in colour to a lighter pink that complimented the rest of the suit.

As a matter of fact, I felt like something else had changed too. I slipped a hand under my new shirt and rode up until I felt the tips of fingers rub against a piece of hard wiring moving across my chest. It was a full-blown bra, complete with frills and lace! I was outraged. I stood from the chair and felt the bite of my now smaller underwear digging into my cheeks.

Cadence was already behind me, cutting off my path the door with a mirror in her hands. I looked like a damn fool. My red skin and hair contrasted so painfully with the cheery pink of Cadence’s usual stylings, and the less said about a man my age wearing a bright pink suit the better. It didn’t even fit me properly. I’d never worn a skirt, and I had no intention of starting – even if Cadence seemed to believe that it would turn me into an expert teacher like her.

“Cadence, what the hell is going on?”

“You said you wanted to do the same thing as me, so… why not walk a mile or two in my shoes!”

“My shoes aren’t…”

As if to respond to my proclamation, I felt something happening to my feet. I looked down and watched in awe as my scuffed and dirty old sneakers morphed into a pair of golden high heels that were an exact match of Cadence’s. The material and shape morphed in defiance of all reason, changing colour and shape like some kind of liquid metal.

There was no rational explanation for what I was seeing. Either I’d gone mad and started seeing things, or somebody was using magic on me. The arches of my feet started to ache as I was brought up several inches by the heels of my new shoes. “Cadence, how are you doing this?”

Cadence just giggled at me, “Adults have their secrets. But if you really want to know, it was when you took those glasses from me.”

I couldn’t understand what this was supposed to show me, or how it was going to help me achieve my dream of being like Cadence. It wasn’t a physical desire, I didn’t want to wear her clothes or live her life. I wanted to stand in front of a class of curious students and explain a new perspective to them, or help them when they were struggling. For all I knew, Cadence had decided to subject me to some kind of deeply buried fetish for forcing people to cross-dress.

“Hm, you have the clothes, but something’s still missing,” Cadence hummed to herself, “I know! A few more finishing touches.”

I held up my hands and tried to keep her away, “No way. I think I’m good!”

Cadence just smirked. As I held out my hands in a weak attempt to stop any further changes at her behest, I noticed that the skin on my hands had started to change colour. The red tint slowly became lighter and lighter, until it matched Cadence’s skin tone almost exactly. If I didn’t know better – I’d say that I was suffering from blood loss, but this was something more insidious than that.

My stocking covered feet, now exposed to the open air somewhat, began to change too. Pink skin encroached from under the straps of the high heels, changing my normal skin colour to a shade of peach that matched Cadence’s exactly. I could tell even through the thin material that covered my legs. It spread across my foot like a bruise, assimilation and transforming the shape of my foot as it travelled. They became less masculine, the skin softened and my toes thinned and lengthened. That was discomforting, not just because of the physical pain I was feeling.

“What the… what’s going on?” I cried. I fell back down onto my chair. I gripped my legs and pulled them closer to try and get a better look at what was happening to me. The pain began to intensify rapidly as my body went to war with itself. My bones popped and shifted under my skin, I screamed out in pain. I’d dislocated an arm, broken a bone or two before – but that was nothing in comparison to this. It was like every single nerve in my body was screaming at me, and the reason was simple, my entire body was changing from the outside-in.

My vision blurred as another fresh wave of agony rolled through. I tensed up. I was completely incapable of responding to the attacks that I was being subjected to. I wanted to curl up into a ball in the corner, but I knew that it’d do me no good when the culprit was my own bone structure.

“Ah! It hurts!”

Cadence knelt down to my eye-level and stroke my hair, “Don’t worry Starfire, it’ll be over soon. Just endure it a little longer, okay?”

True to her word, the burning sensation soon ended, and what was left in its place was a discordant body completely at odds with my still masculine face. I had lost a significant amount of weight and my body had slimmed down into a womanlier form. I gasped as a new feeling bubbled under my chest, this escapade wasn’t over with just yet.

The empty cups on my chest were being filled rapidly. What were once masculine pecs bloomed outwards, gaining more and more fat until they pushed against the inner padding of the bra. I reached up and held my newly formed chest with disbelief, in an instant, I’d gone from completely flat to a D cup!

The sensation was indescribable. Whereas the changes to my bones had wracked my body with infernal agony, the arrival of my new breasts could only be seen as pleasurable. It felt like several hands were moulding them into shape, playing with me, and pulling at my newly sensitive nipples playfully. “I said I wanted you to walk a mile in my shoes, so it only makes sense that you look like me too,” Cadence explained as a matter of fact, “Just kick back and relax while we finishing things off.”

Relaxation was the last thing on my mind. My legs went much the same way. The nylon stocking on my legs became taught as my upper thighs thickened and expanded, now attached to my new round bottom. Moment by moment, I was being chipped away and turned into something else. My entire centre of gravity shifted as new forces tugged at me front and back.

“Why are you doing this?” I yelled, my voice leaping in octave from my usual deep, post-puberty tone to something more song-like and feminine. As I stammered and object, the change only grew more obvious by the moment. The harsh lines of my face curved inwards, slowly transforming me from an average looking guy to a worldly beauty. My lips plumped up into a pair of kissable lines and my eyes pinched themselves tighter from both sides, giving me a naturally seductive stare.

I clutched my crotch as the once ill-suited panties pushed deeper and deeper. My stomach rode up into my chest as my male genitalia turned inwards, and that same supernatural force created a blooming flower down below in its place. It was impossible to describe such a novel sensation. A new womb was being formed inside of me, new nerves connecting together and bringing me an intense pleasure. At the back my butt filled out, filling the tight pencil skirt nicely. Any man would kill to gets his hands on my new cheeks.

My sight was obscured as the fringe of a new hairline dipped down over my eyes. Multi-coloured strands of purple, yellow and pink tickled the edge of my vision. I tried to push them away, but Cadence intervened by grabbing one of my hands and moving it out of the way. “Allow me,” she pulled out a small hairclip in the shape of a golden crown and pinned it into my hair. Almost immediately I could see clearly again.

I gasped as a rush of new thoughts and memories filled the forefront of my mind. At first, I couldn’t comprehend what they were or where they came from, but as I followed the story to its conclusion, the moment the door to this office opened and I walked in… the completely star-struck look on my face as I sat down in the same chair that I was now sat in.

They were Cadence’s memories! From her birth to the very second that I was experiencing, all from her perspective! School years, growing up, puberty, going out with her boyfriend, sleeping with him, getting married, her scheming, her planning, how she did all of this to me. I… I thought that I was cute? It excited me, having someone who looked just like me.

No, not like me, was it?

That was the end of it. I screamed out as a violent climax rocked my inexperienced body. Stars swum in my vision as I violently thrashed around in my chair. All those worries and concern were expelled from my mind in that instant.

Cadence placed her hands on my shoulders, “See, now you won’t have a problem becoming a teacher just like me,” she stated like there was nothing wrong with this situation, “I’m sure you’ll do a great job!” Cadence pulled out the same handheld mirror and showed me my new reflection. My face had even had makeup magically applied to match hers, down to every little blemish and imperfection.

“B-But, I can’t be you! I’m me!”

“Now now, I’m sure you’ll learn to enjoy it soon enough.”

This wasn’t a nightmare. The things I were feeling should have been completely alien – but they weren’t. Cadence, me, we’d felt all of these things before. The way the bra pressed into the soft flesh on my chest, the feeling of the long silky hair spilling from my head and framing my beautiful face.

Before I could even begin to comprehend how or why what had happened to me, Cadence dived onto me like a hungry predator and pinned me down to the wooden desk behind me, her eyes spoke to some kind of lustful hunger. I was so scrambled that I didn’t recognize just how much she was enjoying watching me change.

Cadence giggled at me, “It’s only fair that I show you just how much fun being me really is. I think you’ll find that girls get the better end of this bargain.” As she spoke, her beautifully pedicured fingers slipped under the hem of my matching skirt and stroke at the front of new newly formed pussy. The sensation of her rubbing it through the silky surface of my panties was enough to make me go weak in the knees, if there was any greater evidence of her claim that being a girl was more fun, I was about to feel it.

Cadence took her free hand and unbuttoned her pink blouse, revealing her white blouse and the curvature of her wonderful breasts. Our breasts. I didn’t know what to do with my own hands, but as Cadence’s memories settled in, I became familiar with a type of intimacy I hadn’t experienced before – and more important, I came to know all of the things that we enjoyed.

I let out a squeak as Cadence slipped one of her fingers into my new flower, scraping against a sensitive point that immediately put me on edge. Her other hand slipped into my unbuttoned shirt and palmed at my breasts. “Hehe, Shiny always loves it when we do things like this.”


“You know, our husband!”

“He’s your husband, not mine.”

Cadence didn’t seem amused, she shot me a dirty look and shook her head, “What did I say? You are me! He’s our husband.”

Cadence knew all of her own most sensitive spots. The tips of her fingers attacked my new inner-walls with no mercy. They sought out the most dangerous bundles of nerves and stroked them into submission with no small amount of force. Her other hand came down and pinched at my newly formed clit, sending an electric shock down my spine each time she did so.

I could feel the pressure building up in my lower body. My toes curled and my legs tensed as Cadence’s practiced fingers sped up, intent on bringing me to a violent climax as quickly as possible. My vision was blackened by spots as I held my breath, and then felt my body let go. Like an unwound spring my entire body shot outwards, my hips pumped into the air fruitlessly as a gush of fluid came from my nether and wetted the desk beneath me.

Cadence kissed my sweat covered neck and palmed my sensitive breasts with a straying hand as I tried to come back down from cloud nine. To be nude and at her mercy was an experience I never thought I’d get to experience, especially in a female body.

Two identical women lay on top of the wooden desk. Cadence reached over and stroked my cheek affectionately. “You look so beautiful!” she declared. I was still trying to put the pieces of my orgasm addled mind back together after she decided to show me the ropes. Cadence didn’t waste any time in hopping back to her feet and gathering up her discarded clothes with a casual gait that struck me as practiced and routine. I rolled over onto my knees and took a moment to catch my breath. I reached out and grabbed my blouse from the floor, dragging it over to me and bundling it by my feet. I repeated the process for everything that was at arm’s length until I had everything I needed to be somewhat presentable.

My hands moved on their own. Reclipping my bra, buttoning the shirt and wrapping the skirt around my hips. My mind was filled with thoughts and memories that were both familiar and foreign. I knew everything that Cadence knew… I was Cadence! But… we couldn’t just present ourselves like that to everyone, they’d wonder where I came from – and what would my family think?

I sat back down in the leather chair and stared a hole through the ceiling. Even the way that my legs crossed on their own when I sat down. My body language had changed too. I flipped through Cadence’s memories like I was skipping through a novel. Her first crush, the arguments with her family, the hours spent studying, her time on the cheerleading team at her high school. The more I explored the more they embedded themselves into my consciousness, and the harder it was for me to differentiate between what was and wasn’t my own.

Her purple eyes appeared in front of me again, “How are you feeling?”


Cadence laughed, “You look a little lost there! Why don’t we continue our conversation at home?”


I slipped my suit jacket over my shoulders and followed Cadence out of the office, allowing her to lock the door behind us before we departed. Not many people knew that Cadence had an identical twin sister – so I had to make time to introduce myself someday soon.