> G5 Movie Redux (rewrite part 2) > by Norwegian boy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Welcome to Maretime Bay? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep in the Everfee forest, deeper than even Zecora would travel is a place where corruption hasn’t touched, where the flowers still blossomed, and the water is pure. In this placed lies a cabin and, in this cabin, lived a blue unicorn with dark blue hair/tail with some yellow streaks in it, he was wearing a cape with a hood and this unicorn had no cutie mark, and his name was Streak. Streak was currently sitting by his desk and in front of him was a bottle of green liquid that was hanging in the air by the help of some metal and under the bottle was a small fire heating the green liquid. “I don’t understand why some noble prick want a teleport potion.” Streak said to himself as he watch the liquid heat up. “But, at long as they are paying, I’m not complain.” He then saw that the potion was done so he turned off the fire. “There, all I need now is it to let it cool down and the potion should work.” He then walk over to another bench. “Time to make some more healing potion.” Streak was about to work when he heard the teleport potion started to make some noise, he look at desk and saw that he potion started to bubble. “That can’t be good.” It didn’t stop, it got worse. “That’s not good.” Streak ran over to the potion to try and stop it but before he could, the bottle explode right in his face and he black out. Streak didn’t know how long he was out when he regain consciousness. “That’s the last time I make a potion for a noble prick.” He said when he could speak again. When Streak could feel again, he was lying on his stomach, and he could feel grass? “What the…?” Streak open his eyes and the only thing he could see was grass, he sat up. “What…? Where am I? Did that potion teleport me somewhere in Equestria?” That was the only thing he could think off. Streak then saw that his bag with potion was lying not far from him, he tried to use magic to pick it up, nothing happened. “What? I can’t use magic?” He tried again but he couldn’t do it. “Oh come on, why can’t I use my magic?” He asked no one in particular. Streak then got up and walk over to the bag to see if his potion survived, he open the bag and stuck his head into it. “Well, at least the dimension spell I used on the bag is still working.” He pull his head out when confirmed that his potion was okay. “At least that something.” He used his hoof to placed his bag on his back. “I better find a town and asked somepony where I am.” He started to walk. It didn’t take long before Streak found a signed and there it stood Maretime Bay, Streak had never heard that name before. But what really got his attention was what was written under Maretime Bay. “No unicorn or pegasis are allowed. Huh, that a little harsh.” He look at the town which was by the ocean. “I’m guessing this town is populated by earth ponies and they don’t like the other pony races.” He was silence for a moment. “Where the heck am I?” Streak has visit every town in Equestria and he had never heard about a town that is only populated by earth ponies and the other races was banned from. “I guess I’m going in with a disguise.” He pulled the hood over his head and saw that the magic sill could cover up his horn. “My bag and hood still have magic, but I can’t use it.” He let out a sighed as he walk towards Maretime Bay. “I hate this placed.” When Streak walk through the town, he could help but notice how advance it was, it didn’t look like they were using magic at all, he could even see some sort of train rolling through the town and it didn’t go on steam. Streak started to wonder where he was, he deiced to explore some more. As Streak counited to walk many ponies gave him a wary look, they thought that he was a unicorn or a pegasis that was covering himself up, Streak didn’t care what they thought about him, he was used to it. Then Streak saw a orange female pony and a brown male pony and it looks like they were arguing about something, Streak decide to find out what so he hide behind the stall the female was closing up. “Do you have any idea how many bylaws you broke in there?” The stallion asked the mare. “I’m sure you’re about to tell me.” Said the mare as she walk to the front of the stand. “Actually, for once I can’t, because there’s so many!” The stallion said with some frustration in his voice. “I tried to warn you. I can’t keep associating with some pony who breaks every rule and causes chaos wherever she goes.” Breaking rules? Streak was intrigued, he liked ponies that broke the rulers. “I’m the sheriff.” Said the stallion while pointing at himself. The sheriff? Streak don’t like law ponies. “Exactly. Other ponies look up to you. You can help.” Said the mare. Help with what? Streak wonder. The stallion let out a sighed. “The law is the law, Sunny,” Sunny? So that’s her name. “and I’m here to uphold it and keep everypony safe.” Sunny pointed at the stallion. “Aha, you just said everypony. That includes pegasi and unicorn.” Streak wonder what Sunny did. That made the stallion to roll his eyes. “Come on, Sunny, what did you think was gonna happen? You give a little speech and what? Everypony just magically welcomes unicorns and pegasi into Maretime Bay?” That doesn’t sound bad at all, considering the signed Streak saw. “You keep saying there’s nothing to be afraid of. Well, then prove it.” The sheriff let out a sighed. “All of that pony unity stuff was just a foal’s bedtime story made up by your dad. Like it or not, this is the way it is, and always will be. I’m the last real friend you got in this town. You really want to lose me to?” Those words made Sunny sad as the stallion walk away. As Streak watch Sunny walk over to a bench and sat down, he couldn’t help but wonder what has happened to this place. It sounded like the three ponies races was divided, this doesn’t sound like the Equestria he’s from if he still is in Equestria. Then two foals came running down a hill and they were laughing, they ran over to a poster which had a picture of a pegasis scaring an earth pony. Then one of the foals decided to ‘scare’ the other and then they ran past Sunny laughing. Sunny then sat down on a bench with a sad look on her face. “I wish you were here, dad.” Streak couldn’t help but feel bad for this Sunny, he was about to walk over to her when a male pony ran past them, and he look scared. “Uh…argh.” Said the stallion as he ran. Streak couldn’t help but look in the direction the stallion came from, he then saw more ponies running in his direction and he had no idea why. Then another pony ran past Sunny screaming. “What the…?” Sunny asked as she look in the direction they ran from, and she saw some more ponies running towards her. She got up from the bench. “What’s going on? What’s happening?” Sunny asked the ponies who was running but none of them answered her, then somepony knock her down on the ground. Streak had no idea why they were running but then he saw why, it was a purple unicorn with blue hair. “Hi, new friend! My name’s is Izzy.” Said the unicorn with a smile while looking down on Sunny. Sunny got up while looking up at Izzy’s horn. “U… u… unicorn.” She said with a smile on her face. That there was unicorn in Maretime bay that was something the ponies there didn’t handle, they screamed and ran away, Streak just watch as they ran in different direction, and he couldn’t understand why. Izzy didn’t look that scary, she look happy. Everypony was afraid but not Izzy, she thought that they were playing. “Ooh, is everypony playing hide and seek?” She then saw one hiding behind Sunny’s shop. “I see you!” The pony was just afraid. “Argh! It’s a unicorn.” He then jump into the ocean which Streak thought was a little extreme. Then Hitch and a red stallion step outside with another stallion. “Hey, what’s going on?” He asked the ponies who was running, he then saw Izzy. “Unicorn attack!” He screamed while hitting a button and then an alarm went off. The red earth pony tried to run back into the building he came out of, but he hit his face on the door. “This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!” He said while he started to run. Hitch saw a colt who was sitting on the ground, afraid. He ran toward the colt, jump over some barrels, scoop up the colt and gave it to the nearest mare. “Your son is safe now, ma’am.” He then ran off. “This isn’t my kid.” The mare shout after Hitch. “You’re welcome.” He didn’t listen. “Man the Splat-a-pult! Activate the unicorn trap!” Then trash landed on the ground. “Pick up that littler.” A pony did that. Streak then saw that big X appeared in front of him. “What the heck?” He asked himself as he watch the whole thing. Izzy on the other hoof was walking towards the ocean. “Wow. Is that the sea?” Then a trap appeared right in front of her, and she walk towards it. “I’ve never seen the sea.” Before she was trapped, Sunny managed to pushed her out of the way. “’I’ve got to get you out of here!” Streak watch as Sunny and Izzy disappeared between some buildings, he then decided it was time for him to leave so he started to run out of town. As Streak ran, he wonder if that unicorn knew why the magic has disappeared. Once Streak was at a safe distance I wonder where they would go if they managed escaped, he then saw a lighthouse and he hope that was the home off one of them, he ran towards the lighthouse. > 142 Questions for a Unicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Streak ran out of Maretime Bay, Sunny and Izzy ran further into to town while the earth ponies ran away in fear of Izzy. “Earth ponies are serious about games.” Said Izzy as she followed Sunny up a hill. “They’re not playing, they’re terrified.” Sunny told Izzy as she ran. “Oh, no. Of what?” Izzy asked as they took a left. “You! You’re a unicorn. Earth ponies hates unicorns.” Sunny told Izzy as they ran down a hill. “Really? That seems a little harsh.” As both ponies came out of the alleyway they were bombarded by some green stuff that hit the ground on front of them which made them both to stop, some earth ponies was using some sort of catapults to throw the green stuff. “Let’s go.” Both ponies had to run in zig zag to avoid to get hit by the green stuff, the earth ponies who lived in town was still afraid. Sunny and Izzy managed to get back to the main street where they meet and this time they had to avoid the traps on the ground, Sunny just ran past them while Izzy bounce past them and she was humming while doing it. Then Izzy got distracted by a movie poster. “Oh, I haven’t seen this one yet.” And she managed to get herself trap by a trap. Sunny walk towards the trap and then Hitch showed up. “All right, citizens, calm down. The threat has been neutralised. The unicorn has been captured. You may now cheer.” Hitch told then and the cheered. Sunny on the other hoof, she started to walk towards the trap, she wanted to free Izzy and Hitch saw that. “Sunny! What are you doing?” Hitch asked her as she got closer. “Don’t even think about it.” Hitch said as Sunny reached for the button that would open the trap. “No, don’t you dare. No, no, no, no. Sunny!” She open the trap and Izzy was free. “So, your name is Sunny?” Izzy asked as she was free and she was still her happy self. That Izzy got out created a panic, again. Some earth ponies managed to get trapped in the trap that was meant for a unicorn. Then Sunny and Izzy started to run towards the exit of the town. “Bye! It was nice to meet you all!” Izzy called out as she followed Sunny out of town. “Deputy, to the lighthouse!” Hitch said to the red earth pony who was standing beside him. The deputy didn’t really want to so he step on one of the traps that right beside him. “Oh, no, I appear to be trapped.” Hitch let out a sighed. “You gotta be kidding me.” While Sunny and Izzy had their little adventure in Maretime Bay, Streak had managed to reach the lighthouse and now he was breathing heavily. “I’m so out of shape.” He said while leaning on the building. “I wonder how long does two will take?” He didn’t have to wait long, he spotted both of them running towards the lighthouse so he headed to the back, and he found a window that was open, he could listen to them. He watch as both of them ran in the door, Sunny was last and she slammed the door which made a picture go crooked, Sunny then ran back and fix the picture. Sunny then ran to the window Streak was listing from and closed the curtain, he really didn’t care about that as long as she didn’t close the window. Streak had no idea what they were doing but then he heard Izzy speak. “Do earth ponies also like staring contests? Hmm!” Staring contests? Did they really have that? “You win. I blinked.” Streak could only wonder what they were doing. Then Sunny spoke. “There’s a unicorn in my house.” There was also a unicorn outside her house, but she didn’t know that. “This is so cool.” Is it? Streak wonder. “Wait, no, it’s bad, very, very bad. What have I done?” It sounded like Sunny was starting to panic. Then Izzy spoke. “Wow! I’ve never seen an earth pony before.” Streak thought that was a little weird, he guessed that they live separately. “We look exactly the same, except for this, of course.” She was probably talking about her horn. “Oh, hey, be careful where you point that thing.” Why? Nothing can happened considering unicorns can’t use magic. “Why?” Izzy asked Sunny. “Well, I…um…sort of don’t want to get zapped with a wayward laser beam,” Streak couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he heard that. “but of course you know that already. You’ve probably been reading my mind this whole time.” Streak hit his head against the wall, this earth pony didn’t know squat about magic. “Isn’t it supposed to glow, by the way, or does that only happen when you levitate stuff?” Streak wanted to hit himself with a hoof right about now. Izzy wasn’t sure what to say. “Well, actually…” “Wait, don’t answer that yet. Let me get my notebook.” Book? What book? Streak wonder. “Ok. Wow. Ok, 142 questions for a unicorn.” 142? That’s a lot of question. “Question number one, where do you live?” Sunny asked Izzy. “Bridlewood.” Bridlewood? Streak had never heard that name before. “I knew it.” She did? “Do unicorn really live in trees? Do they eat pizza? If so, what toppings do they like? If not, why not?” Streak wished she would stop talking about food, he was getting hungry. “Can you actually fry a pony brains with a single horn zap?” Yes and no. Sunny then gasp. “Can you make this float?” Streak then heard something landed on the floor, just what is she doing? Streak managed to open the window so he could remove some of the curtain so he could see inside. “No, but I can do this.” Streak then saw Izzy use her horn to balance a tin can on her horn, it look like she was trying to open it? She did, Streak saw the tin can land on floor and it was open, it look like beans. “Ta-da.” Izzy look happy that she managed to open the can. Sunny look disappointed. “Wait, you don’t have any magic?” Then a new voice spoke up and it was a little louder. “SUNNY STARSCOUT.” Then it was some feedback. Streak recognized that voice, so he walk to a corner of the lighthouse, and he made sure that they couldn’t see him as he poked his head around the corner, he saw that it was the sheriff with a red earth pony who had something on his head, it look like a horn? “Sunny Starscout, I know you’re in there with that unicorn. Come out with your hooves up and surrender.” “Yeah, you’re completely surrounded.” Said the red earth pony. Streak saw no pony around, was this pony serious or not? “Will you let me do my job?” The sheriff told the red one. “You are under arrest.” Streak then went back to the window to see what Sunny and Izzy would do. “This is bad. How sneaky are you?” Sunny asked Izzy. “Eh, medium sneaky.” What’s medium sneaky? Streak thought. Sunny then smiled. “I can work with that. Ok, I’ll distract them.” “Pff! Relax! I’ll talk to him.” Then Izzy walk out the door. “No, no.” Sunny was too late to stop her. Streak then headed to the same corner to see what would happened. “Hi, guys. Now, I know what you’re thinking.” Those words made the red pony to freak out. “Argh! She’s already reading our minds!” He then started to run. “Quick, before she fries our brains.” This pony was afraid for nothing. “What are you doing? Where are you going?” The sheriff asked the scared pony and while he did that, Sunny and Izzy deiced to run for it. Streak watch as they ran and decided to follow them, he didn’t want to talk to ponies who was just afraid. “To get reinforcement.” The scared pony told the sheriff. The sheriff was a little surprised. “We have reinforcements?” The sheriff then saw that the unicorn was gone. “Huh? Oh, come on.” Streak followed the two mares at safe distance, he didn’t want them to find out that he as following them yet. He could barely hear what they were saying. “You don’t have magic?” Sunny asked Izzy as they ran. “No.” That made Sunny to stop so Streak stop to. “No magic?” Sunny said while sitting down, she sounded disappointed. “If it makes you feel any better, we did have it, but that was many, many, many moons ago. It just, poof, disappeared.” Izzy told Sunny while walking around. Streak had listen to what Izzy said and he could help but wonder what happened, magic just don’t disappeared. To be honest, he had no idea how magic in Equestria worked, if he still was in Equestria. “Everypony thinks the pesky pegasi had something to do with it, but oh… Oh, hey, you look kind woozy. Are you ok?” Izzy asked Sunny. Sunny got up. “Huh… I am on the run with a unicorn who has no magic. What are we going to do?” Then Izzy did something Streak didn’t expect, she sniffed Sunny. “What are you doing?” Sunny asked the unicorn which was a good question. “You don’t smell.” “Thanks. Wait, what?” Sunny was just confused. “I was told all you earth ponies smell like rotten sardines, but you do not.” Izzy told Sunny. “Just how long have these ponies lived apart?” Streak asked himself. “Hmm!” Izzy then saw a butterfly and started to follow it. “What else do unicorns say about earth ponies?” Sunny asked Izzy “Oh, just that you’re lazy and not the brightest crystal in the forest.” Streak agreed with that last part, he have meet many earth ponies who aren’t very smart. “Charming.” Sunny said with annoyance. “No, just those three. So, what’s the plan?” Izzy asked a good question, what are they going to do next. “Wait, I got it.” Said Sunny as she walk over to Izzy. “Izzy, we are going on a quest to Zephyr Heights.” Zephyr Heights? Another name Streak hadn’t heard before. Sunny then took out a book from her bag and placed it on the ground, she then pointed her hoof on the book. “The pegasus city?” Really? “Yes. We need to find out what happened to your magic and bring it back. They have magic. Maybe they can help.” Izzy wasn’t sure about this plan. “But the pegasi are bad news.” “What if you’re wrong about them? Earth ponies were wrong about unicorns.” Not every earth ponies thinks that. “They could welcome us with open wings.” “But what if they don’t?” Then Izzy started to sing? Streak didn’t listen to their singing, he was more focus on what they said. If the magic in this land was gone how could the pegasi have magic? It doesn’t make any sense to him. Also, where is the magic? If the is really Equestria then why didn’t Twilight Sparkle do something? The better question is, where is she? She is an alicorn and they can live for six thousand years, is he really that far in the future? Streak manage to follow them as the sang and walk/ran at the same time, he hated when ponies started to sing, he thought it was pointless. While following them Streak saw an earth pony up in the air, he saw that he had some balloons strap around his waist, one could wonder why. When they were done singing, they had reached a mountain where Zephyr Heights were. Streak decided to introduce himself to them. “Excuse me.” That Streak spoke made the two mare to jump, both of them turn around and saw a blue unicorn. “If you two are done with whatever you were doing, I would like to join you two to bring back the magic to this place.” Sunny was just confused, she couldn’t help but wonder who this unicorn was and how he knew about that the magic was gone. “Who are you and how do you know all this?” She asked Streak. “I have been following you two ever since you left Maretime Bay.” He told her. “You have been spying on us?” “Spying is such an ugly word, I would say gathering information with you knowing.” Sunny didn’t know what to think about this unicorn. “Izzy, do you know this unicorn?” Izzy shook her head. “Nope, I have never seen him before. His not from Bridlewood that’s for sure.” “No I am not. Look, I need magic to get back home and you two are probably my only hope so I’m going to follow you to Zephyr Heights whether you like it or not.” He then started to walk towards the mountain. “By the way, my name is Streak.” He told them as he walk past them. Sunny and Izzy may not like it, but they got a new traveling pony. > Zephyr Heights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Sunny, Izzy and Streak was trying to find a place to camp for the night, Hitch was busy walking around the sheriff office telling his deputy what Sunny did wrong, which name is Sprout, who was eating some pizza. “I told her. I told her. No more favours, no more bailing her out. She gave me no choice. No choice.” Hitch stop to look at Sprout. “All right. We need to arrest her and bring her back to face the full force of the law.” Sprout was about to eat the pizza slice. “Question. When you say we, you mean…?” “You and I.” That got Sprout to drop the pizza slice he was holding with his hoof on his desk. “Uh, I’d…I’d love to, but, um, I just gotta clean up my workspace, get my papers in order and…” Sprout really didn’t want to go after Sunny and the unicorn. Hitch saw that Sprout didn’t want to go. “You know what? I think you’re right. This one’s a job for Hitch and Hitch only.” He then waved his hair and smiled, sprout was relived. “All right, Sprout, you can stay here while I’m out dancing with danger.” He told Sprout while kicking the door with his hind leg. “Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, be a pillar of strength.” He then shivered a little as he walk out the door. “Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I’m gone, ok?” Sprout wasn’t too happy of what Hitch just said. Then the door closed right in his face. “Oh, everypony loves Hitch!” Sprout said with sarcasm while rolling his eyes. “What does he have anyway?” Sprout then started to tear down pages of a calendar which had picture of Hitch “Sure, he’s got a perfect mane, shredded abs, paid off mortgage. So what? I’ve got stuff. I can do…” He wasn’t sure what to say. “…um, things.” He then tore down the calendar. “Like that.” He then walk over to a file cabinet to try and close the top one but then the bottom one open. “And that.” He then closed the bottom one. “And that.” But then the top one open again. Then a pale pink mare with glasses entered, it was Sprout’s mother, Phyllis Cloverleaf. “Where’s Hitch? Ponies all over town. They’re terrified. They want answers.” She said to her son with panic in her voice. “He went after Sunny. Another solo Hitch mission.” Sprout told his mother with sarcasm. “Sugar cube, why the Sprout pout.” Phyllis asked her son as she lifted up his head with a hoof. “That’s great news.” Sprout didn’t understand why it was great news. “It is?” “Yes.” Phyllis saw a bag on the ground, so she pick it up. “It means that you are the sheriff,” She then placed the bag on her son. “at least for now.” Sprout like the sound of that. “I am! Hey there. The name’s Sprout. Sheriff Sprout. What’s the problem filly? Don’t worry. Sheriff Sprout is here. Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout orders!” he said while showing off. Little did his mother that she had created a monster, a weird monster. A new day had arrived, and Sunny was walking through a canyon with Izzy and Streak. Streak was walking a further behind the two mare, he got the feeling that they didn’t trust him and didn’t blame them, he had spy on the for a while and he had ‘forced’ himself on the journey to get magic back to Equestria. Yep, he had confirmed that he was still in Equestria, the girls told him last night which raised a question, was he in the future, past or another Equestria? Only time will tell. “You know, not to freak you and Streak out or anything, but you do know pegasi can steal you luminescence, don’t you? “Izzy told Sunny. Streak had never heard about that before. “My lumi-what?” Sunny had no idea what Izzy was talking about, nor did Streak. “Luminescence. You know, like your sparkle.” Sparkle? “Your is… lavender.” “Huh?” “And the happier you are, the brighter is shines.” Izzy said with a smile. Sunny was about to ask about Streak but then they heard something over them, it sounded like someone was jumping. Sunny and Izzy became a little nervous while Streak tried to see what it was which was a little difficulty thanks to the fog. Whatever it was flew right in front of Streak and it scared the mares, it then flew over them knocking some stones down which made Sunny and Izzy to run. Streak managed to get a glimpse of the shadow, it was pegasus. Sunny and Izzy counited to run as the pegasus followed them. “Hurry.” Sunny told Izzy. Then they came to a dead end, then they started to climb up the wall while the pegasus followed them. Izzy managed to climb up but when Sunny tried to reached the top, she fell. Sunny managed to grab Izzy horn and she was pulled up to safety. Then both of them breathed a sigh of relief but then a white pegasus burst through the clouds scaring both of them, the pegasus then did some lops around the stones and landed in a dramatic landing right in front of Sunny and Izzy. Izzy gasp while Sunny spoke. “A real pegasus.” The pegasus was surprised to see them both. “Whoa, a unicorn and an earth pony? Together? Ok, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting.” She said in a female voice. Sunny was about to asked the pegasus some question, but she couldn’t. “You know.” All three heard a male voice. “If you two are going to leave me,” They then saw a blue hoof reached the top, then they saw it was Streak. “you could have just said so.” He then tried to get but he had some trouble. Izzy then walk over to him. “Here, let me help you.” She took his hoof and pulled him up. “There.” Streak sat down on the ground. “Thanks.” He was breathing heavily. “I’m not as young as I was.” He then saw the pegasus. “Hah, I knew it.” He then pointed a hoof at the pegasus. Before the pegasus could question what she saw, they all heard some hoof steps coming behind her. Then the pegasus ran to the edge of the mountain. “Don’t tell them you saw me.” She then jump into the clouds. Then Izzy spoke “There’s no way we could! We don’t even know your name!” She had a good point. “She seems nice.” Streak wasn’t so sure. Then they heard somepony shout, all three of them saw two pegasus wearing some armor. The green one was hiding behind the other one, who was female. “Thunder, get it together!” She told her partner. “But but that’s an earth pony.” Said Thunder. “They’re harmless. They have very tiny brains.” Sunny wasn’t too happy to hear that. Then Thunder saw the two unicorns. “What do we do about those two?” He asked his partner. “Well, did you bring the shield?” She asked Thunder. He had no idea what his partner was talking about. “What shield?” “Didn’t you read the guard guide?” She asked Thunder. “Yes.” He said with a small smile, the smile disappeared very fast. “Ok, no.” His partner rolled her eyes. “Oh, fine” She then spread her wings as she walk towards the three. “I’ve got this.” Streak wonder what this shield was. “This is humiliating.” The two pegasus guards had brought Streak, Sunny and Izzy to an elevator which was taking them up the queen of Zephyr Height, Izzy was looking at the tennis ball she had on top on her horn, Streak was just annoyed, and Sunny wanted just to asked the Thunder some question. “That’s creative.” Streak couldn’t help but question what Izzy just said. “Creative? Izzy, they placed a tennis ball on our horn to prevent us for using our magic.” Izzy look at Streak. “Does it work?” Streak eye started to twitch. “No and it will not work. A tennis ball can’t stop our magic, it’s an insult to all unicorns.” Then female guard, which name was Zoom, spoke up. “Nice try unicorn but I’m not falling for your lies, the shield is working.” Streak look at Zoom with narrow eyes. “The only reason that me and Izzy can’t use magic is because the magic is gone, if I could use magic I would have scramble your brain.” Zoom just snorted. “I won’t fall for your lies.” Streak took a step closer to Zoom. “Then why are your legs shaking?” Both look at her legs and they were shaking. Then he heard Sunny asked Thunder a question. “How far can you go?” “Can you fly to the moon?” Izzy asked him. “Do pegasi wear horseshoes or do they just weigh you down?” Streak had to admit it, Sunny had a wild imagination. “Well, I-I do collect sneakers.” Said Thunder. Then Zoom spoke up. “Hey, don’t answer anything. They could be spies.” She told him. Then all three of them saw the wonder that was Zephyr Height. It was a city high about the clouds and both mares was amazed of what they say while Streak didn’t believe what he saw, he had never seen a city this advance before. They heard someone speak. “Good morning, Zephyr Heights! It’s another beautiful day in this big city.” Streak saw where the voices were coming from and there was two ponies on a wall, they were big. “Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight’s royal celebration!” Streak could only wonder what kind of black magic it was. Then Izzy spoke. “Royal celebration? Ha! Talk about great timing!” Then the female spoke. “Tonight’s royal bash for queen Haven will be stunning, but the jewel in the crown will be princess Pipp’s performance. Isn’t that right, Sky?” “Oh, my, yes, Dazzle. And this just in, an exclusive vid from Pipp for all you loyal fans out there in ZH.” Then Streak saw a new female pink pony who was wearing a crown. “What’s up, everypony? Big shout out to all my fans, the PippSqueaks. So tonight’s the night. I can’t wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys” That got all pegasus ponies to aw. Then one shout out. “We love you so much, Pipp!” “Ok, guys, I love you lots. Got to go. Pipp, Pipp, hooray!” Most ponies said the same thing, Izzy to and the two guards. Streak on the other hoof. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Then the elevator reached the top. “Move it.” Said Zoom to them. “You betcha.” Izzy answered and they started to walk. While they were walking, Sunny notice something about the pegasus that was walking below them. “Do you see anypony flying here?” Streak also thought it was strange that the pegasus wasn’t flying. “Oh, they have a castle.” Said Izzy as they reached the castle. Streak wasn’t impressed by it, he have seen bigger. As they walk through the castle they eventually reached some doors and when they open, they could see throne with three chair on it, there were more guards. “Wow.” Sid Izzy. “Bow before our queen.” Said Thunder to them all. Then some more guards started to play some trumpets, then the guard bowed and then a little white dogs with wings walk in. It took a few seconds before anyone spoke. “Is this a joke?” Streak asked while looking at the dog. Izzy on the on other hoof, bowed. “Your majesty.” Streak just rolled his eyes of what Izzy did. Then light appeared over the dog, and it started to bark, Streak and the girls look up and what they saw was three pegasus, who was flying. Streak recognized two of them but not the one in the middle, she look older, she was probably the queen. The queen was pink and was wearing a crown and some sunglass but what Streak thought was strange that they were all flying, how can they when the magic is gone? All of them landed on the floor and Streak saw that the pony they meet before look kind of sad? He wonder why. Sunny then gasp while Izzy said hello to her new friend which saw that and became a little worried, she shook her head and Izzy closed her mouth. Pipp was holding something in her hoof that Streak had never seen before. Then the queen spoke. “Guards, state your business, and make it quick. We’re on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure, Pipp needs to rehearse and I need to practice my laugh.” She then try to laugh out loud, it was bad. “Hmm. Still not right.” Then Zoom spoke. “Your highness, we found these intrudes in our territory.” They step aside so the queen could see Sunny, Izzy and Streak. The queen tip her sunglass to have a better look at them, she then gasp. “Two unicorns and a earth pony in Zephyr Heights!” The queen was now worried “We have them under control, your highness.” Said Zoom. “and we deployed the shield.” Said Thunder. Streak couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “For the love of all that is holly…” He then placed a hoof over his face. Then queen started to panic. “Is this an attack on the night of our royal celebration? Why are you here? Who sent you? Nopony must know they’re here.” Then Pipp spoke up while holding a flat thing in her hoof. “Check it out, PippSqueaks, live from the castle I’s a real earth pony and two unicorns. I know right?” Streak had no idea what was happening. Then the queen took it. “There’s nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies have been captured. Your queen will protect you. Shut it off.” She then tossed it back to Pipp. Sunny was about to asked the queen some question but Streak beat her to it. “Are you serious?” All eyes were on him now. “Nasty ponies? You don’t even know us.” Zoom wasn’t too happy that he talk to her queen. “Hey, show some respect to queen Haven, she is a great ruler.” That made Streak to raise an eye brown. “Really? Are you sure she isn’t a falls ruler?” That got everypony to gasp. “What are you doing?” Sunny asked Streak. Streak pointed a hoof at Haven. “This queen just insulated us by calling us ‘nasty ponies,’ she doesn’t know us and she is talking about us like we are a threat because she believe we are, which we are not.” “I heard enough. Guards! Please escort these ponies to the dungeon until I can question them properly. And confiscate the earth pony book and the blue unicorn bag.” Zoom was about to take Streak’s bag but he wasn’t about to let that happened. “Touch my bag and I will break your hoof.” Zoom back away in fear. “Are you trying to create more trouble unicorn?” The queen asked Streak. Streak didn’t want that so the tossed the bag to Zoom who managed to catch it. “If I find out that you have look in my bag, you and I are going to have a trouble, got it?” He told Zoom with some anger in his voice, Zoom just nodded. They also took Sunny’s book. As they were guide out of the throne room. “Did she just say dungeon?” Izzy asked as they walk. “What ells could go wrong today?” Sunny asked. “You know Sunny, when somepony say that thing usually goes wrong.” Said Streak. > Magical Crystals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Sunny, Izzy and Streak was taken to the dungeon, the rank of sheriff had gone to Sprout’s head, literally. He was in the sheriff office replacing his Hitch’s face with is his own on the calendar. Then his mother entered and she had to closed the doors thanks to the crowed of ponies outside. “Mom?” He could see that his mother was worried. “My, oh, my. Aren’t you the handsome sheriff! Look at you.” She told her soon as she started to walk towards the desk he was sitting behind. Sprout like the praise from his mother. “Yes. Yes, I am, mommy.” “Well, this is it. It is your time to shine, dear. Everypony wants to hear from you.” “They do?” Said Sprot with some confusion. “Of course. You are in charge now. It’s your destiny.” Phyllis whispered in her son ear. Sprot’s eyes light up when he heard that, he got up and walk to the door and open it with a hoof. “Citizens!” He then got the double door slammed right in his face. “Ow!” The pony wonder what just happened. He then open the door more carefully. “It is I, Sheriff Sprout.” “Sheriff? Where’s Hitch.” Asked a male pony. “We need a real sheriff.” Said a mare. Then more ponies started to speak. “Tell us what’s going on! -Hitch would know what to do.” Phyllis saw that he son was having some trouble so she decided to help. Then Sprout mother step out. “Come on, now, everypony. Let’s listen to what our new sheriff has to say.” She told the crowd, she then nudge her son. “That’s you, sugar cube.” She told her son. The crowed counited to talk. “Oh, yeah, it’s me. Ok, folks, calm down. There’s no need to be scared.” He told the crowd. “We’re scared and we want to be prepared.” Said the first stallion that talk before. “The unicorns are coming! The unicorns are coming” Said a stallion that was wearing binoculars that could look up in the sky as he walk by, hen then crashed into something. Then the crowd start to ask question to many for Sprout to handle, then one question caught his attention, what if the unicorn came back? “Actually, what if you’re all right? The unicorn could come back. They could even bring the pegasis. We are all in danger!” That got the crowd to gasp. “Now is not the time to be complacent. We should do something.” He told the crowed as he started to sing. Sunny on the other hoof was staring out of the window to the dungeon they were placed in. “Something is not right. We haven’t seen a single pony flying, expect the royal family. Izzy? Streak? Are you two listing?” She asked the two unicorns. Izzy was in a massage chair and she had some cucumber on her eyes. “This isn’t dungeony at all.” “It’s the nicest dungeon I have been in.” Said Streak who was sitting on the couch and reading a magazine. “And the part where they can't fly is because they can't and when it come to the royal family, it’s probably smoke and mirror.” “You have been a dungeon before?” Sunny asked the male unicorn. “A few times” He answered without looking up from the magazine. “What are you reading?” Izzy asked him. “I’m taking a quiz to see which princess I am, and I’m a Zephyrina Storm. Wow, that a mouthful.” Then a new voice spoke up, it was the pony they meet on the cliff. “Hey. I’m sorry you three got thrown in here, but I have to talk to you.” “Princess?” Said Sunny as she walk up the bars. Izzy got up from the chair.” Your majesticness. Y-your graceful highness.” Streak didn’t move at all. “Zipp. Just call me Zipp.” She told them. Then Streak spoke. “That’s better than Zephyrina.” He told Zipp. Zipp look at the stallion with a little confusion. “Just who are you?” “He’s helping us.” Sunny told Zipp, Streak just snorted. “I’m Sunny by the way and this is my friend.” “Izzy Moonbow.” “And what about him?” She asked while looking at Streak, who just sat on the couch. “His name is Streak.” Sunny told her. Zipp nodded. “Okay. Anyway, I really need to ask you something important. About magic.” She whispered that last part which made Streak placed the magazine on the table, he then got up and walk over to the girls. “That’s why we’re here. Maybe you can tell us how yours works?” Sunny asked Zipp. “Izzy has no idea how the unicorns lost theirs. So we thought maybe…” Zipp interrupted her. “Whoa, whoa, wait. Lost theirs? As in no magic?” Zipp then look at Streak. “What about you? Can you use magic?” “Nope.” I look like Zipp was thinking. “Well, that changes things. Listen, I might have some information that could help, but first, you need to tell me about this.” She then showed them Sunny’s book. “My journal! Thank you, Zipp.” She said while Zipp handed her the book. “I never thought I’d see it again.” “Yeah, I can be pretty sneaky when I want to be.” Streak could hear that she was pretty proud right now. Izzy was impressed. “Nice! I’m only medium sneaky.” “So where did that come from?” Zipp asked Sunny. “it was my father’s, why?” “That’s star…” Then all off sudden they heard music from those small devices that Streak had no idea what was, then two pegasus guards rolled out the red carpet so the other princess could walk off. What a showoff Streak thought when he saw her. “Zipp, what are you doing here? Mom said to stay away.” Said the princess. “Right. Then why are you here?” Zipp asked with a smug look on her face. The princess took out that small device. “For the content.” She then took a picture? Izzy posted for the picture with Sunny while Streak was just annoyed, he didn’t like this new pony. “Princess? Why isn’t anypony flying?” That made the new princess to gasp, she then made a fake laughter. “Everypony knows that only royals can fly, of course.” Streak wanted to test that. “Then prove it.” All eyes were on him now. “Fly right her and now, prove that only royals can fly.” The princess knows as Pipp became very nervous right now. “I don’t feel like it right now.” Streak didn’t buy the lie. “That means you can’t.” “Just who are you?” She asked Streak. “I’m just a grumpy old pony.” He answered her with a bored look on his face. Pipp just gave him a confusing look. “Anyway. I know that’s not fair but that’s just the way it is. If there was some way we could teach the citizens to fly you know we would in a wing beat.” She told them while jumping around. “Right, Zipp?” “Yeah. In a wing beat.” Streak just wanted to throw up. “Give me a break.” He said while rolling his eyes. Then the princess started to vibrate. “Oh, dress rehearsals. Gotta go. And so should you.” She told Zipp, she then tried her voice and walk off while singing. “That pony is a terrible liar.” Streak mumble to himself. When she was gone, Zipp look at the others. “I have to show you something.” She then open the cell door. “And Streak, I think this belongs to you.” She handed him a bag. “My potions.” He took of the ball from his horn and took the bag. “I swear, if that pegasus have done something to them.” He could look at them later, he placed the bag on his back. Then Zipp left. “You three coming or what?” Streak didn’t hesitated at all, he followed Zipp and so did Izzy and Sunny. Izzy then took of her tennis ball and placed it with some fruits that was on the table, Streal just threw away his. While the three ponies were following Zipp, a pony named Hitch had managed to climb the cliff that leads to Zephyr Heights, he managed to scar away two bunny that was eating. Hitch then collapse on the ground and the two bunny’s came back and they started to cuddle him which Hitch thought was very annoying. Then Hitch noticed something on the ground. “Litter.” He got up. “I mean, a clue.” He walk over to the littler. He then saw a hair on a stick, which was Izzy’s. “Hmm. Unicorn hair.” He then found a feather on the ground, he then picked it up and tasted it. “Pegasi.” He then tossed the feather and walk in the direction he thought they went, many bunny’s followed him. He then placed his ears on the ground. “The tracks gone cold.” He got up. “Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, Sunny. You think you’ve escaped? Well, think again. I will not eat, I will not sleep… Well, maybe a quick nap and a snack if I can’t find you in the next few hours. But after that, nothing will stop me!” Then the bunny’s that had followed him started to clap, they like what he just said. Hitch like the attention. “Oh, thank you. Thank you. No, no. You’re too kind. Also…” One of the bunny’s didn’t stop so another one had to hush him. “I’ll follow you wherever you go. Whether harshest deserts, the coldest tundra’s, no trail too dangerous, no clue too small.” Then the bunny’s notice a billboard with the three ponies, one of them was Sunny, Hitch didn’t not notice them. “The past matters not! It’s justice…” He then got annoyed of them clapping with their ears. “Oh, what? What?” Then they pointed at billboard with their ears and Hitch finally notice them. “Gotcha!” He then notice Streak. “Wait, there’s another unicorn? Where did he come from?” He asked with frustration. While Hitch was tracing Sunny and the other, Zipp had lead her and the other two to a part of Zephyr Heights Zip knew off. She open a hatch and jump down to a lift. “Watch your step.” Sunny and Izzy managed to jump down with ease, Streak on the other hoof landed on his butt. “I’m getting to old for this crap.” He said while rubbing his butt. “Just how old are?” Izzy asked him. “Old enough.” He answered her. Zipp then pushed down a handle and the lift started to go down, as they went down they saw what look like ruins. “Where are we?” Sunny asked as the lift reached the bottom. Zipp then jump out of the life. “It’s amazing, right?” The other followed her. “I’m pretty sure it was some sort of station for when earth ponies and unicorns used to visit Zephyr Heights. It’s like everypony just forgot.” Streak wasn’t listing to her, he had no idea that this placed existed, he was in the future. Sunny walk over to a sign that had a picture of her home. “This is proof. All ponykinds did used to be friends! My dad was right.” Then Streak saw that Zipp was looking at a poster and he recognized right it away. “The Wonderbolts.” He whispered. “Must be really weird, being the only pegasi that can fly.” Zipp let out a sad sighed and before she could say anything. “That’s because she can’t.” Everypony look at Streak, Zipp was surprised. “How did you know?” Zipp asked Streak. “It’s simple logic, the magic is gone which means unicorns can’t use magic and pegasi can’t fly, I’m guessing that you use wires to fly and light to cover it up.” Zipp mouth fell to the floor, she never thought that anyone could figure it out that easy. “Yyyeah, his right, we have been faking it. But I’m so tired of living that ridiculous lie. That’s why I come down here to get away from all of that, and well, to do this.” Zipp then ran and jump on a leaver which trigger a giant fan, she then spread her wings and thanks to the wind, she flew up in the air. She then took a loop, she then closed her eyes and she could fell the wind, she look so happy. “Her sparkle is so bright right now!” Said Izzy. Streak had no idea what Izzy was talking about but he knew one thing and that’s Zipp really wanted to fly, he could see it on her face. Izzy then decided to land. “But that’s not why I brought you down here.” She said as they all walk over to a stained glass. “This is what I wanted to show you.” She then pointed at it and Streak almost got a heart attack when he saw which cutie mark was on top, it was Twilight Sparkle’s, was it her fault that magic was gone? Sunny was just amazed but it. “Oh, my stars.” She then look at her journal and it was the same star as Twilight’s. “This was made a long, long time ago, when we still had magic.” Streak had so many questions, just how far into the future did he travel? He know that an alicorn can live for a long time so what the hell happened to Twilight Sparkle and the magic? What the hell happened? “it’s beautiful.” Said Izzy. Then Sunny decided to have a closer look at the glass and she notice something, a crystal above a peagsus. “What is that?” She asked Izzy. “That’s the pegasus crystal. It’s part of my mom’s crown.” Izzy told her. Sunny then walk over to another side of the glass and saw a unicorn. “Hmm. Where is the unicorn crystal?” She then look around and then saw something on the floor, she walk over there and removed a curtain revealing a picture of a crystal, which had to be the unicorn crystal. She then moved it to the pegasus crystal, they fit. “Look.” They all gather around it. “They fit?” Asked Izzy. “These two crystals belongs together. United.” Sunny told them. “So, what are you saying?” Izzy asked Sunny. “Maybe you lost your magic because the crystals were separated.” Sunny told them. “So, if we put them back together…” Streak stop listening to them, just two crystal? It was too easy, if crystals was the source to the magic in Equestria then where is the earth pony crystal? If unicorns and pegasis had a crystal then why didn’t the earth pony have one? It didn’t make sense at all. Then somepony waved a hoof in front of him. “Streak?” It was Sunny. “Are you okay? You kind of spaced out. Streak shook his head. “I’m okay, I was just thinking.” He turned to face the other. “So, what were you three talking about?” He asked the three mares. “We are going to swap the pegasus crystal with a fake on under my sister Pipp performs tonight at the castle.” Streak gave them a skeptical look. “I’m sorry, were going to steal your mothers crown and replace it with a fake on?” The all nodded. “Why not just go to your mother and explain to her why we need the crystal?” That was a good question he asked Zipp. “My mother never takes the crown off and I doubt she will believe us.” Streak hate to admit it but Zipp was right, the way her mother reacted when they were brought to her, she would probably not give them the crown. Streak then rubbed his head. “And who is going to make the fake one?” He kind of knew the answer to his question. Izzy then raised a hoof. “That would be me and I’m going to do it with a box of macaroni, a tube of clue, 14 gooey bunnies, three jellybeans and lots of glitter.” Streak had no idea why but he’s eye started to twitch. “Stealing a crown from a queen? Oh well, not the craziest thing I have done. Right,” He then walk towards the lift. “let’s do this.” > The Heist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting the supplies so Izzy could make a fake crown and they made it, they waited until it got dark and Pipp’s performants. While Zipp distracted the paparazzi and the guard, Streak and the two mars managed to sneak into the castle. Once inside they had to avoided the guards there, then Zipp open the door to the backstage to the throne room and they were in. They moved behind the throne and saw that there was many ponies there, this was not going to be easy. While Streak and the girls was getting in position, Zipp was up in the balcony with her mother. “I hear you paid our guests a visit.” The queen as put on makeup. “Pipp told you?” Zipp asked her mother. “Oh, you know she tells me everything.” She stop using the powder brush. “I wish you could tell me more. You’re going to be queen one day. You’ll wear the crown. And trust me, it’s heavier than it looks.” She then used the brush again. “Actually, there is something I wanted to tell you. The unicorns don’t have any magic. I think it’s tied to why we can’t fly...” Her mother cut her off. “Zephyrina! I don’t know what silly ideas those two unicorns put into your head, but we have a duty to protect our citizens. Pegasi are happy enough knowing that we royals can fly.” Yeah, by lying to them. “Why would you want to disrupt things?” The queen asked Zipp. “Because it’s a lie.” Zipp said with some anger in her voice. “It makes them feel safe. Oh, one day you’ll understand. Your sister does.” Then Pipp came ‘floating’ in. “Oh, and here she is now.” Pipp was practiced her voice. “Me-me-me!” Then the queen spread her wings. “Showtime.” Then they all got ready to be lowered down and while they did... “Remember to smile!” The queen told her daughter. Zipp didn’t like it at all. Streak saw that Zipp and her family was lowered down on wires and it made him sick, he couldn’t believe that the pegasi had sunk this low. Sunny and Izzy gave each other a nod to get to work while Pipp started to sing. While Sunny and Izzy tried to swap the crown, Streak keep a look out for trouble and he also watch the show and every time he did that he had to keep himself for throwing up. Sunny managed to switch the crown without the queen noticing, then they and Streak headed for the exit, Sunny open the door but there was a guard there so they closed the door. Once they turned around they could see the queen’s dog staring at them, then it growled at them. Sunny and Izzy ran while Streak was just calm as ever he just watch them run off, the dog was right behind them. “That can’t be good.” He ran after them. They ran to another door and Sunny open it but there was Hitch with a mustache and some fake wings. “Sunny Starscout, your under arrest…” Sunny just smack the door in his face. Then the dog came running and it managed to snatch the crown from Sunny’s bag. “Did that dog just steel the crown?” Asked Streak as he arrived. Sunny and Izzy ran after the dog while Hitch came into the door, he didn’t notice Streak. “Great, it’s the sheriff.” He then ran after the girls. Hitch wanted to run after them but then he saw Pipp fly through the air and he couldn’t believe it, then his butt started to move to the music, he decide to focus on the task and that was to arrest Sunny and bring her back to Maretime bay. Sunny and Izzy was still running after the dog when some guard walk in and they had to hide, Streak also saw the guards so he stop. He hide with the girls. Then Sunny saw that the dog was on its way back to the queen, the dog sat in front of the queen with the crown in its mouth and that saw Zipp. Zipp ran down and tried to take the crown from the dog’s mouth, it kind of work, the dog had now the crystal and it ran away and Zipp followed. While Zipp was following the dog, Hitch had managed to find Sunny, Izzy and Streak. They moved backwards and hid behind some curtains but they were not alone, there was a pegasus there who was controlling everything. “Oh! It’s the prisoners!” He then ran away screaming. Then the girls started to chase him around something that look like a table to Streak. Zipp was still chasing the dog who still had the crystal in it’s mouth, then the dog ran into Hitch’s leg and it drop the crystal. The dog and Hitch look into each other eyes and the dog fell in love with Hitch right away. Back to Sunny and Izzy. “It’s ok, don’t be scared.” Sunny tried to assure him. Then Izzy open her mouth. “I’m not going to fry your brain, ok?” Streak slap a hoof on his face when he heard that, he couldn’t believe that Izzy just said that. The pegasus wasn’t convince and he accidentally push a button on the control panel which made the lights filcher a little and then Hitch was in the spotlight, literally. Hitch had no idea what to do and the crowed was just confused, he then started to dance and sing which Sunny and Izzy saw on the monitor, Streak had trouble contain his laughter. Over them. “What’s happening?” Pipp asked no one in particular as she float over the crowed. Hitch keep on dancing and the Zipp came and she saw the crystal on the ground, the pegasus that they had corned? Was still afraid and he jump on the control panel while bulling a lever which send Pipp on a ride, Zipp was trying to grab the crystal and she managed to do it, she decided to find the others. Pipp was out of control and the pegasus who was watching over her ran out from his hiding place, screaming. Zipp approached her friends. “I got it.” “That’s terrific, can we leave now?” Streak asked them all, they then ran towards the exit. Then Hitch notice them. “Freeze.” That made them stop and the rest of the pegasis saw them. "It’s the prisoners!” Said one of Pipp’s fans. Then Pipp came flying and managed to knock of Hitch fake wings. “Another earth pony!!" Said another pegasus, Hitch then ran after Sunny and the others leaving the dog very sad. Pipp on the other hoof had other problems, thanks to nopony controlling the wires, she was out of control and eventually ended upside down so eveypony in the throne room could see that she was faking it all. Then they started to talk among themselves that they couldn’t fly and that they were fake, some of them started to take pictures. Zipp stop for a moment when she saw her sister hanging in the air which made Sunny to bump into her and the crystal fell out of her bag, Zipp eventually followed the others but she was a little conflicted. Once they were out of the castle they ran through the street of the city and into an alleyway while they heard the sirens in the distances, one there could relax a little. Hitch decided to hide behind some barrels. “Ok, I think we lost them.” Said Hitch as he look out from the barrel. Then a little mouse hug his leg. “Hitch, what are you even doing here?” Sunny asked her friend. “Arresting you. And saving you. So, you know, a little bit of both, actually. You’re welcome.” He told while trying to shake off the mouse. Then Streak snorted. “Your doing a great job Stich.” Hitch then pointed a hoof at Streak. “Hey, my name is Hitch and I didn’t talk to you unicorn.” Streak just rolled his eyes. Then Zipp step forward. “Oh, gee, thanks. But we don’t need any saving. Ok?” “And you are?” Izzy wanted to answer. “Her mother is the queen!” Hitch eyes widen when he heard that. “Wait a minute. So that means you’re a princess?” “Huh, look at that. The sheriff just became a detective.” Said Zipp with some sarcasm in her voice, Hitch was just lost and Streak was laughing. Then the big tv made some noise and a pegasus mare appeared on it. “Breaking story. Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly.” They could see Pipp hanging up said down in a picture beside the mare. Then they saw some young ponies. “Pipp used to be my favorite.” Then they showed a little older one. “If we can’t trust our own royalty, who can we trust?” She told the reported. Then a stallion grabbed the mic. “I blame the unicorns and the earth ponies. They ruined everything.” Sunny felt a little bad when she saw it all. Then mare was back and she was handed a note. “This just in. Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney.” That made Zipp gasp. Then they showed the queen being escort by two guards. “No comment, and no photos! Ok, one photo.” She then posted for one. Then Streak spoke. “This is what’s happened when one lies,” Everyone look at him. “everypony turns against you.” He had a point. Streak also had to admit that the queen was kind of sexy, he didn’t know why. Then Hitch spoke. “Anypony care to explain?” He asked them all. “We had to get the crystal!” Sunny told him. “Look.” She decided to show Hitch the crystal but it was gone. “Ho, no, no, no, no, no.” She started to panic a little. “it’s not here.” “Seriously?” Said Zipp. “On the bridge side, we had fun losing it.” Said Izzy in her normal happy tone. “We have to go back.” Said Sunny. Zipp. “But it could be anywhere!” That was a good point. “Maybe she got it.” All of them had no idea what Streak was talking about and then they saw him looking at someone, it was Pipp and she was walking towards them and she didn’t look happy. “Well, this should be interesting.” Said Streak with a small smile. “Somepony seriously needs to explain why this thing was so important that you had to ruin my whole show over it.” She said while holding out the crystal. Then Zipp walk over to her sister. “Trust me, it was.” Zipp tired to take the crystal but Pipp pull it away. “You left me hanging there in the spotlight. Now everypony knows we can’t fly.” She said with some sadness in her voice. Then Pipp phone made some noise. “A warrant is out for the arrest of the princesses.” Said the mare. Then the queen spoke who was in jail. “Pipp! Zipp! Save yourselves.” She then smiled when the picture was taken. “What?! This isn’t happening. This is so not happening!” She then started to panic. “This is what happened when ponies is lying.” Streak mumble to himself. Sunny heard him so she poked him with a hoof. “You’re not helping.” Streak just rolled his eyes, again. Zipp then tried to explain to her sister why they did need the crystal. “Pipp! Forget about all that. We think we can bring back magic, but we need that crystal.” Pipp was not convinced. “Have you lost your mind?” “Please. This might be our only chance.” Pipp didn’t look convinced at all so Streak step in. “Listen kid, you have no reason to believe us but if you give us the crystal and we managed to get magic back to Equestria, then you and your family don’t have to live a lie.” Pipp didn’t mind lying to ponies but there was sometimes she wished she could fly for real. “Are you telling the truth, you realty think you bring back magic?” Streak nodded. “Fine! I know a way out. Come on.” Pipp ran in the direction she came from and everyone followed her but not Hitch, he wanted to arrest Sunny. “What? Wait! You can’t just…” No one listen to him. “Bit I’m a sheriff!” He just grunted. Streak decide to talk to him. “Listen Stich, you have two choices, you can stay here but if you do you would probably get arrest.” Hitch didn’t want that. “Or you can come with us and try and get magic back to Equestria, I really don’t care what you do.” Streak then ran after the girls. Hitch let out a groan as he followed them. > Talks by the Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While six ponies was on the run, another pony by the name of Sprout and the other earth ponies was busy with building stuff in Maretime Bay in a basement of Canterlogic. Some of them was bushing thing, while others had trouble controlling cranes, nearly injuring ponies. Then a giant elevator came down and Sprout was riding it while slurping on a smoothie. “Why aren’t you finished yet?” Sprout asked a male earth pony as she gave his smoothie to a female earth pony. “We’re working as fast as we can, but we’re running out of rivets.” The male earth pony answered. “Riveting story.” Sprout then laugh and when he was done he sighed. “Just make it work, ok?” He said while garbing the pony tie. Then Spourt mother approached him. “Sugar cube, I know your little top secret project is important and all, but when do you think my workers can get back to making Canterlogic products?” She asked her son. Then a pony fell right between them, hurting himself. “Back to work, Glitter Cupcake.” Sprout told the pony, then a crane grabbed Glitter and hoisted him up. “It is my factory, after all, dear.” Sprout mother told her son as they walk. Sprout was to happy the way his mother talk to him. “It’s my town, mommy. Your son now emperor of Maretime Bay.” Sprout wasn't surprised to hear that her son was the ruler of the town. “Emperor?! But yesterday you were only the sheriff.” “Well, see how fast I’m climbing the ranks?” He said with pride in his voice. “This defense factory is going on offence, and it’s all thanks to your love and encouragement.” He then turned his attention to the others. “Break’s over, Bubblegum McGinty!” Sprout mother had create a monster. “Oh, dear. Somepony’s getting a big head.” While Sprout was budling, something. Sunny and the others was now looking at a tree that was in her book. “That’s the tree from the map!” Right, map. “That’s means… it’s this way.” Said Sunny as she started to walk, Zip and Izzy followed her. The other three wasn’t that enthusiastic. “What am I even doing here, hoofing it across Daisy Field, looking for a magical crystal that doesn’t exist!” Said Hitch as he walk after them. “It was supposed to be my best show ever. Now it’s all over. I’m a criminal, and it’s all because of them.” Pipp and Hitch said the last word together. “And that is so not cool.” Said Pipp as she walk to her sister. “No, it’s not.” Then Hitch realized something. “Did I just agree with a pegasus?” That he did. Streak who was walking behind them, he couldn’t help but think how selfish they were. “So, this how pony kind is today, they only think about themselves. Equestria has change, that’s for sure.” He mumbled to himself. “Hey, are you sure she even knows where to find this other crystal?” Pipp asked her sister. “Don’t you trust me at all?” Zipp asked her sister. “I don’t know. You are the one that just got mom thrown in jail.” “You guys managed that on your own.” Said Streak who was now walking behind them, Pipp just ignored him. “Look, once we get our magic back, the whole kingdom will be so excited, they won’t even remember what happened back there.” Streak thought that was a terrible idea. “You’ll be a hero, Pipp.” Zipp sister just shook her head. When it came to Sunny and Hitch, he still wanted to arrest her. “Let’s get one thing straight…” Then Sunny turned to the others. “Were almost to the rivers, everypony!” She then started to walk again. “After this whole escapade is over with, you are going to march back home to Maretime Bay with me.” Sunny just rolled her eyes of what Hitch said. “Is that clear?” “Crystal.” Said Sunny. Hitch was now proud of himself. “Great. Because this badge means that I’m the sher…” He then felt that he had lost his badge. “Argh!” He then started to panic. “No, no, no, no Where’s my badge? Hey!” He then saw Izzy and pointed a hoof at her. “You.” Izzy on the other hoof, was clueless. “Hmm?” He started to walk towards her. “I know unicorns like shiny things..” “Oh, you know, I think I did see a shiny badgey thing on the ground a few hours ago.” She said while walking towards Hitch. Hitch was shocked. “What? Hours?!” “Well, maybe it’s for the best. Between you and me, buddy, “ She walk over to him and whispered. “that badge was creating an unhealthy power dynamic.” She then walk of singing to herself. Hitch was just lost for words, the Streak walk past him. “She got your there Stich.” He said with a smile on his face. Hitch was just annoyed. “Would you stop calling me Stich, my name Hitch.” He exclaimed. “Sure, what about Doughnut Lord?” Said Streak while snickering. Hitch was now frustrated. “I’m starting to hate that unicorn, both of them.” He then started to walk after the others. Then they all arrived at a bridge, that was destroyed. “Well, this great.” Streak mumbled to himself. While the others started to talk, Streak notice a rotten tree which made him smile. “That could work.” He walk over to the tree, he then pulled out a bottle from his bag, he then smiled. “Boom.” He threw the bottle at the tree trunk, the bottle explode and the tree fell down creating a bridge. “I love a good explosion.” He then look back at the others who just wondering what just happened. “Look, a bridge.” He then started to walk over it. Sunny just walk after with a smile on her face, the others was happy while Hitch was unhappy, he just wanted to go back with Sunny. They crossed the new bridge and over them was an earth pony flying with balloons strap to his back. Night had come and the six ponies decided to set up camp by some giants rocks, they had managed to gather woods and now they wonder how to lit them. Streak reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle with red liquid, he then poured some of the liquid on to the wood and it took fire. “That’s so cool.” Said Zipp while Streak just smiled. Everypony was amazed by what Streak did but not Hitch, he had trouble lighting his own wood, with a stick. “Come on, stupid stick.” He said while trying to light the fire. “You need some backup, sheriff.” Zipp said in a playful tone. “No, thank you. I’ve got it.” He really didn’t want help from a pegasus. “Come on. If I only had a match.” He eventually managed to create fire. “Ah! Oh.” But it died out. “Oh, well, that was sad to watch.” Said Zipp. “Come on, don’t be a hero dude. Come get warm.” Sunny decided to convince him while Streak sat down by the fire. “I say leave him, if he too afraid to sit with other pony races I say let him freeze. I just think his too stubborn.” The others wasn’t sure if Streak was serious or not. “Are you sure about all this?” Hitch asked Sunny as she approached him. “Because if we just go back to Maretime Bay…” He went back to the fire. “What gave we got to lose?” She asked him. “By giving magic back to our enemies? Uh, let me think. I know, a lot!” “Come on. Do they look like enemies to you?” She asked him while looking back at the rest. “My sparkle is aquamarine? That’s like my sixth favorite colour!” Said Pipp with enthusiasm while flapping her wings a little. They didn’t look like enemies, maybe Streak, that pony was just grumpy. Hitch let out a sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe I should just go back to Maretime Bay, where I’m needed.” He told her while kicking a stick with his leg. “If that’s what you want. But you should know I’m actually glad you’re here, Hitch.” She then walk back to the other. “We all are.” She sat down and made a motion with her head to let him know he was welcome, Hitch just snorted as he walk over and sat down, with a sighed. “So, I think we should set off at first light. Last stop, Bridlewood.” Sunny said with some enthusiasm. “Let’s just hope this plan of yours work.” Said Streak while looking into the fire. Hitch had enough of this guy. “Just what is your problem?” Streak look up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Why do have be so negative all the time?” Hitch asked a good question, it look like Streak was always in a bad mood. Streak wasn’t faced at all of what Hitch said, he just shrugged his shoulders. “Where I am from you can’t actually be happy all the time and sing songs.” Now they were curious. “Just where are you from Streak?” Sunny asked him. “Have anyone of you heard about the Badlands?” Everypony was confused and Streak was a little surprised. “Seriously?” Still clueless. “For someone how lives in Equestria you five know nothing about it. The Badlands is Celestia failed attempt of a utopia, the ponies there was too violent so she sealed it off, she then tried it what you guys knows as Equestria. At least that what I heard from my grandfather.” He then snorted. “I think this ‘friends is magic’ is a lot of crap.” The ponies was still clueless, they had no idea what he was talking about. Well, not Sunny. She was smiling like crazy. “Oh my star, you’re from the past, you’re actually from the past.” She then went from her book. “I have so many questions, what…” Streak decided to interrupt her. “Before you ask 142 questions, I was not a friend of Twilight and the rest. I didn’t know them, at all.” Sunny’s happy mood disappeared, she wish that he knew. While the rest, still confused until Zipp deiced to ask. “Okay, I’m not sure about the rest of you but, what’s going on. What do you mean his from the past Sunny?” She asked the earth pony while pointing a hoof at Streak who was as calm as ever. “I think he’s from the past because he mention princess Celestia, she ruled Equestria a very long time ago.” That got the others to say ooohhh. Streak on the other hoof. “How do you know about Celestia?” He asked her. “My father?” Said Sunny. Streak just ignored it. The others wasn’t sure they believe Streak. “If you really are from the past, how did you get?” Asked Pipp and it was another good question. Streak look at the fire. “I was trying to make a teleportation potion but it blew up in my face and the next thing I knew I was lying a meadow, not far from Maretime Bay.” The girls felt bad for him while Hitch didn’t believe him at all. “So, you make potions for a living?” Zipp asked Streak who just nodded his head. “What kind?” Streak a to think for a second, it was a lot of potions he had made over the years. “Well, I made potions that can cure a headache, potion that make sure you don’t have nightmares, to make your flowers grow better. I also managed to make a potion that cure hunger.” He said all that with some pride in his voice. Zipp didn’t buy any of it, especially that last one. “You made a potion that can cure hunger? Your pulling my tail on that one, there’s no way that’s…” Zipp couldn’t finish her sentence because she was hunger and her stomach made some noise. “I haven’t eaten in a while.” She said with a blush on her face while covering her stomach with hoofs, then the rest of them followed, they were also hungry. Streak just snickered of what he heard. “I guess this is a good time to prove it,” He grabbed his bag. “let’s see here.” He then stuck his hoof into the bag and started to search. “Where did I put it?” He said while searching. “Oh come on.” He did find it so he decided to put his whole head into the opening to the bag and that made everyponys eyes to pope out, almost. They had never seen anything like that in their life. “There you are.” His head came back and he was fine, he the put his hoof back in the bag and managed to find the potion he was looking for. Once he had found it he notice everyone was looking at him like he had grown a second head. “What?” Sunny pointed a hoof at him. “How…? How did you do that? You just put your head into your bag, how?” Her brain was trying understand but it crashed. Streak had no idea why they were freaking out, then he remember, no magic. “It was just dimension magic, I can show you later but now,” He handed the potion to Zipp. “it’s time to eat.” He handed her a bottle with orange liquid in it. Zipp hesitated a little but she took it. “Just remember, take one sip and you will be full, don’t drink more, it’s not wise.” Zipp was a little skeptical, she had a hard time believing that this orange liquid could make her full. “This is ridiculous.” She mumbled to herself as she took one sip from the bottle, she smacked her lips a few time. “Huh, taste like strawberry. But there now way I can be…” She then felt something in her stomach. “No way, I’m full, I’m not hungry anymore.” She couldn’t help but smile which made Streak smile, she handed the bottle to her sister. “You have to try it Pipp.” Just like her sister, Pipp was skeptical to this but it look like Zipp isn’t hungry anymore. “Why not” She gabbed the bottle and took a sip, she then waited and it didn’t take long, she was full. It work.” She said while patting herself on her stomach. Pipp then handed it to Stich. Stich, he was the most skeptical of them all but it look like the Zipp and Pipp isn’t hungry anymore, he might not like Streak but he wasn’t about to kill him, right? Stich took the bottle, hesitated at first but eventually he took a sip and he wasn’t hungry anymore, he then handed it to Sunny who also became full, so did Izzy. Izzy handed the bottle back to Streak who placed it back into the bag. “That’s was amazing, I didn’t know you could do that.” Said Sunny, Streak just smiled. “I would like to have a look at the bag.” Now it was Streak turn to hesitated, he really didn’t want anyone to look into his bag, there was a loot of potion in it. a little peak couldn’t hurt. “Alright, just a quick look.” He handed the bag to Izzy who handed it to Sunny. “Just don’t touch anything, I have everything organized.” Sunny wasn’t about to anger Streak, she put her head into the opening and… “Holly star, it’s like entirely room in here. So, this is magic, it’s beautiful.” He head came back and she was fine. “I can’t wait to get magic back.” She handed the bag back to Izzy who had to take look for herself. “Wow,” Her headed came back. “Can I do that when magic comes back?” She asked Streak as she handed his bag back. Streak just shrugged her shoulders as he took back his bag. “Maybe, if you are willing to learn.” Izzy was more than willing. Izzy couldn’t help but smile, these few days had to be the best in her life. She had made new friends and they were going to bring magic back to Equestria, she didn’t want this to end, but it had to eventually and that made her sad. Sunny then notice that Izzy was sad. “What’s wrong, Izzy?” She asked her friend. “It’s just that being with you ponies has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I guess I just don’t want our adventure to end.” “But, Izzy, you’ll get your magic.” Said Sunny which made her smile, so did the rest, even Streak. Then Hitch decided to ask a question. “Can I ask you a question? Why did you come to Maretime Bay?” That was good question. “I always wanted to visit. When I was a filly, I found this pretty lantern. It had message inside.” She then pulled out a paper from her hair. It said I had friends in Maretime Bay.” She then showed paper and it was a drawing with a rainbow and all the three pony races. Sunny on the other hoof couldn’t believe what she saw. “it… it was you!” Said Izzy while looking at Sunny. Izzy then handed it to Hitch. “I made it with my dad.” Who handed to Sunny. “We always promised each other that someday we would prove that all ponies were meant to be friends. We’ll do our part. Hoof to heart.” She said with a smile. That made girls to look at each other, promise to help Sunny. Streak on the other hoof, had trouble with the whole Izzy and her message. “Wow, wow. Time out.” Everypony look at him. “Are you telling me you came to Maretime Bay because you got a message in a lantern you got…” He didn’t know how long it was so he look at Sunny. “How long was it you and your dad send that lantern?” He asked her, Sunny had to think for a moment. “Around twelve years ago.” Streak nodded. “Thank you.” He look back at Izzy. “In a lantern you got twelve years ago?” Izzy was sure what to say so she just smiled, then Streak’s eye started to twitch. “it’s like I am in a children book.” He mumbled to himself. Then Hitch spoke to Sunny. “Hey,um…” then everypony look at him. “I want to do my part.” What he said made Sunny smile, she was glad he wanted to arrest her. Not now anyway. “What have we got to lose, right?” The other agreed what he said. “I have to admit, a unicorn forest does sound kin fog magical.” That made Streak snort. “Don’t count on it, what you want does really happened.” He then let out a yawn. “Damn, I’m more tired than I thought, time to get some sleep. Something tells me it’s going to be a busy day.” He then decided to use his bag as a pillow, he then lay down and closed his eyes. “He's right, we all should get some sleep.” Said Sunny as she and the rest decided to get some much earn sleep,