> Haunting Fun at Canterlot City > by Brian Sheil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ready For a Spooktacular Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halloween season comes to Canterlot City. Plenty of haunting decorations are all over the city. Many places are hosting costume parties and other such celebrations. At the grand estate of Hoity Toity, some commotion was being heard inside. A lot of yelling is heard inside as things are being thrown around. "We're going to get us a cheap lawyer!" Said the voice of a young teenage girl. The door opened, and Twilight Sparkle and her friends rushed outside. They were all dressed up as Disney Characters. Twilight dressed as Aurora, Applejack dressed up as Jessie from the Toy Story gang, Fluttershy was Sofia the First, Rarity dressed up as Cruella DeVil, Pinkie went old school as Jojo Tickle, Rainbow Dash dressed up as teen hero Kim Possible, and Sunset Shimmer went as Dr. Facilier. The girls were very upset about leaving, especially when Garble, dressed as a Roman gladiator, walked out and confronted the girls. "Hoity Toity doesn't allow such childish costumes in his estate!" Garble growled. "Now, GET OUT AND STAY OUT!!!" He went back in the house and slammed the door. Needless to say, the girls were very upset. They left the property. As they walk down the street, they thought about their situation. "The nerve of that guy!" Rainbow shouted angrily. "Hoity Toity invites us to his place for a costume party. Then, Garble shows up and throws us out!" "Yeah!" Pinkie added. "He's a real party pooper!" As the girls continue their walk, Twilight’s phone got active she sees that she got a text. "What's it say, Twi?" Sunset asked. Twilight read the text out loud. "Dear Twilight. You and your friends come to Canterlot State Park. There are big surprises in store for you." She then turned to her friends. "Didn't say who it's from." "Oh my." Fluttershy gasped. "I have a weird feeling about this." "Well," Rarity said, "it's better than doing nothing." They all agreed, and went to the park. When they arrived, they noticed a lot of mist in the area and colored lights are flashing. "Does this usually happen in the park, Sunset?" Twilight asked. "Why ask me?" Sunset wondered. "Being from that magical land of Equestria," Applejack explained, "you might know if that land's magic might slip here." Sunset looks at the area, and came up with an answer. "No. I don't think so." "Let's explore anyway." Twilight said. "The message I received did say to come here." The seven girls walk cautiously walk into the park. Back at Hoity Toity's estate, the party goes on. But, Hoity Toity looked a little upset. "I can't believe somebody came into my house and threw seven of my guests out. How brutal!" Outside the house, Garble talks to his cronies, Clump and Flume. "That'll fix those dizzy dames!" Garble gloated. "They may have been invited, but I canceled those invitations for sure." "What'll we do now, Garble?" Clump asked. "There's a costume party at the diner. Let's attend it and keep an eye for those girls, in case they show up there." The three brutes made their way to the diner. Meanwhile, the Rainbooms continue to explore the park. As they notice the strange atmosphere, a female voice called to them. "Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer. You made it!" The voice startled the girls greatly. Out of the fog steps an elegant woman wearing a purple outfit. "Oh my gosh!" Twilight gasped. "Headmistress Bloodgood!" "What? The leader of Monster High?" Rainbow asked. "That's right, Rainbow." Bloodgood steps out to meet the girls. "I see you got my message, Miss Sparkle." Twilight's eyes widened. "You sent me that text?" "I have. Even I can get used to today's high tech." "Why did you want us here?" Rarity asked. The headmistress explained her side of the story. "Socialite Hoity Toity is a good friend of mine. He informed me that you girls got ejected from his estate earlier." "That's right." Pinkie replied. "That brute who did that to us was a real meanie." "You are describing Garble, I assume. I heard of that bully. Anyway, me and the students of Monster High are given permission by Mayor Mare to throw a Halloween season Bash here in the park. So I figured, you girls would like to join us." The seven girls were very happy that they're given an opportunity like this. "Headmistress Bloodgood," Sunset said proudly, "we accept your invitation." "Excellent." Bloodgood cheered. "Then come with me. The students would like to see you girls again." Soon, the girls were astonished to see the park decorated for a Halloween party. Bats, ghosts, skeletons, and other freaky decorations. There were many other sights. A hay ride lead by Avea Trotter, bobbing for apples, and even a stage where Johnny Spirit plays his fiddle. "This looks awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "And," Bloodgood informed, "you're not the only young citizens of Canterlot City joining us." The girls got confused about that statement. Rarity then saw Photo Finish taking a picture of Howleen Wolf, Twyla Boogie, and three other youngsters. "Sweetie Belle!" Rarity called out. Sweetie saw her fashionable sister. "Oh! Rarity! This is a surprise." "Not as big a surprise seeing you, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo." Applejack came over to join the conversation. "So, this is what you talked to Granny Smith about. Huh, sis?" "Yup." Apple Bloom replied. "We heard about this shindig Monster High was hosting." "And, we were given the green light to join the fun." Scootaloo added. Rainbow Dash came along. "You sure get along with these three. Don’t you, Howleen?" "You bet, Rainbow Dash." Howleen replied. Twyla Boogie slipped into the shadows, and stood next to Sunset Shimmer. "Quite a party. Huh, Sunset?" "Eep!" Sunset gasped. "I did not expect to see you sneak up on me like that, Twyla." "Being the daughter of the Boogeyman has it's perks. As Rarity and Sweetie Belle found out." The party went on. And, everybody enjoyed themselves. Twilight Sparkle has a talk with Neighthan Rot. "You hybrids are some of most amazing students Monster High has, Neighthan." Twilight said while munching on a hot pretzel. "Thanks, Twilight." Neighthan replied as Sirena Von Boo floated by. "Rainbow Dash thought the same way." Sirena added. "Avea enjoys her part of this party." Everyone watched Avea Trotter pulling a hay cart rode by Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops. "This is fun." Lyra praised. "Thanks, Avea." "Any time, Lyra." Avea replied. At another area, Rarity has a conversation with popular student, Cleo DeNile. "So, you and your friends are going with various Disney styles." Cleo said. "Indeed we are, darling." Rarity replied. "Impressed?" "I sure am. You look charming as Cruella DeVil." Rarity blushed. Sunset enjoyed a chocolate covered apple as Clawdeen Wolf came to her. "I like your costume." Clawdeen said happily. "You look dapper as Dr. Facilier." "Thanks, Clawdeen." Sunset replied as she wipes her mouth with a napkin. "Where's your brother: Claw'd?" Clawdeen pointed to her brother sharing his casketball stories to Bulk Biceps and Derpy Hooves. "You should come to Monster High to watch one of our games, Bulk." Claw'd offered. "Not a bad idea." Bulk replied. "You text us the info, and me and Derpy will be there." Pinkie was enjoying some chocolate drizzled funnel cake when all of a sudden, her sister, Limestone, comes along dressed as a scarecrow. "Limestone!" Pinkie asked. "Hi, sis." Limestone greeted. "I thought you'd be at the estate of a Hoity Toity." Soon, Jinafire Long comes along to explain Pinkie’s appearance. "She and six others were ejected from there. And, you can thank Garble for that." "Garble!" Limestone growled. "Should have known he'd stoop to this low." "You got that right." Pinkie added. Limestone starts to leave. But, she then compliments Pinkie’s costume. "I do like your take on JoJo Tickle, Pinkie. Talk about old school." As Limestone leaves, Robecca Steam arrives to say hello to the party girl. "JoJo Tickle from 'JoJo's Circus'. Cute choice, Pinkie." "Thanks, Robecca." Pinkie replied as she enjoys the company. Rainbow Dash attempts to climb a spider web. As she was half way up, she slips and falls on the mat. While she recovers, Toralei Stripe approaches her. "Not a bad try, Rainbow Dash." Toralei said. "Thanks." RD replied. "I'm surprised you come to watch me." "Believe it or not, you're a very intriguing person. I better get back to my werecat sisters." She starts to leave. But, gives one last statement. "I kind of like that Kim Possible look." Toralei leaves, and Rainbow Dash blushed. Soon, a foreign voice called to her as she handed her a strawberry flavored snow cone. "Frozen treat, Rainbow Dash?" Dash looked and saw Abbey Bominable offering her the treat. "Hey. Thanks, Abbey." Dash replied as she accepts the offering. "I guess I do need to cool off." Dash enjoys the snow cone. Meanwhile, Fluttershy walks across the bottom of the stage when she heard a familiar voice. "Hold up, Fluttershy." The nature lover turned and saw Frankie Stein rushing to her. "Oh. Hi, Frankie." Fluttershy said. "What can I do for you?" "I like your homage to Sofia the First." Frankie praised. "That outfit looks so cute." Fluttershy was happy to be praised. Meanwhile, Applejack sat down to enjoy a hamburger drizzled with BBQ sauce as Operetta comes by. "Howdy, Applejack." Operetta greeted. "Howdy, hon." Applejack replied. "What can I do for you?" "I'm just wondering how you and your friends are enjoying this party." "We are having good fun, Operetta. And, it looks like your friends are enjoying their own interactions." Applejack was right. Vinyl Scratch decided to do a little freestyle DJ work. Octavia and Lagoona Blue were watching. "Very talented DJ." Lagoona praised. "You're lucky to be her roommate, Octavia." "You might say that." Octavia replied. The two southern girls turned to see Draculaura hand a roasted treat to Sunset Shimmer. "Wow! Roasted corn on the cob." Sunset cheered. She puts her cane down to enjoy the corn. "And, buttered too. Thanks, Draculaura." "Not a problem, Sunset." Draculaura replied. "I'm glad you and I have something in common." "Yeah. We're both not meat eaters." Soon, Operetta noticed something about Applejack. "I see y'all are dressed like Jesse from the Toy Story gang." "That's right." Applejack replied. "She first showed up in 'Toy Story 2'." Walking along the area, Honey Swamp videotapes the party as Spectra Vondergeist speaks on a microphone. "Our great Halloween party is going great here in Canterlot City. Many of this city's citizens, especially the Rainbooms, are pleased with the results." Twilight Sparkle gets a great compliment about her costume from Heath Burns. "Cool take on Princess Aurora, Twilight." Heath said. "Thank you, Heath." Twilight replied as she gives a polite curtsey. "That's nice of you to say that." As Twilight starts to leave, she was stopped by Monster High teacher: Mr. Rotter. "Miss Sparkle." Rotter said. "May I have a moment of your time?" Wondering what's going on, she follows him to the stage. She soon saw Flash Sentry and Manny Taur set up the Rainbooms' instruments with Rochelle Goyle watching so nobody gets hurt. "Be careful, boys." Rochelle advised. "Those instruments are delicate." "Not to worry, Rochelle." Flash Sentry replied. Twilight was shocked to see this. "Mr. Rotter, what's this all about?" "I figured that this celebration can used some special entertainment." Mr. Rotter explained. "And, who better to rock the night than the Rainbooms." This made Twilight smile wide. "Good idea! I'll text my friends." Pulling out her smartphone, Twilight sent the signal to all of her friends. The message read Come to the stage. We've been invited to perform. Rainbow Dash received her message while riding the hayride. "Gotta go. Later, Avea." The athletic girl sped off. Pinkie Pie showed off her costume to Catrine DeMew when she received the message. "Twilight is calling me, mademoiselle." Pinkie said. "I see why." Catrine replied as she saw the message. "Au revoir." Pinkie heads out. Rarity got her message during her talk with Gory Fangtel. "Looks like there's going to be a Rainbooms concert by the looks of that message." Gory figured. "Indeed." Rarity replied. "See you later." Rarity makes her way to the stage. Applejack just grabbed an apple from a tub with Honey Swamp watching. The southern ghoul looked at Applejack’s phone and saw the message. "Twilight wants you to meet her at the stage, Applejack." Honey informed. Applejack grabbed her phone and headed out. "Thanks, Honey Swamp." Fluttershy got her message as she watched Skelita Calaveras play a haunting tune on a guitar. "Sorry to run, Skelita." Fluttershy said. "Band business." Fluttershy trotted off to the stage. Meanwhile on the stage, the band was gathering as Sunset Shimmer suddenly appeared. "How did you do that?" Twilight wondered. "Gigi Grant saw my message," Sunset explained, "and I just wished to get to you." Outside the park, Snips and Snails were walking home from a movie when they saw Garble and his boys marched in an angry huff. "To Canterlot State Park, boys." Garble ordered. "Twilight and her friends sneaked off there. And, we're throwing them out!" Quickly, Snips reached for his phone and started texting. Trixie watched Twilight and her friends gathered at the stage when she received the message. Cleo DeNile and Ghoulia Yelps were sitting next to her. "Something wrong, Trixie?" Cleo DeNile asked. "I just got word that Garble and his boys are heading this way." Trixie answered. Ghoulia let out a sad moan. Knowing this is bad news. "No doubt to throw the Rainbooms out." Cleo figured. "But, don't worry. Spectra called in a few friends to prevent that from happening." The troublesome trio arrived at the entrance to the park. They were ready to storm in and throw the Rainbooms out. Suddenly, three ghostly women floated in front of the bullies. One wore a purple outfit, one wore a cape and weilded a scythe, and the other dressed as a pirate. "I don't believe it!" Garble gasped as he recognized the ghosts. "Vandalla Dubloons, Kyomi Haunterly, and River Styx!" "You're not going to crash this party, boys." River stated as she lifted her scythe. The boys started to shake with fear. Soon, a ghostly boy with a green glow came behind them. "Porter Geist!" Flume gasped, recognizing him. "In person." Porter replied. Garble gave his boys a calm response. "Gentleman, I do believe it's time we split." The three brutes soon ran off. The next morning, Twilight Sparkle talked to Headmistress Bloodgood outside Sunset’s favorite coffee place. "Thanks for the good time last night, Miss Bloodgood." Twilight said proudly. "You're quite welcome, Twilight." Bloodgood replied. "I'm sure your video bug, Juniper Montage, got her own footage to share." Soon, Bloodgood whistled for her horse, Nightmare, to arrive. The horse arrived, the headmistress climbs on, and rides off. Twilight watches her ride back to Monster High as Sunset Shimmer joins Twilight. "Last night's party is one for the record books." Sunset said happily. The two friends walked into the coffee place, knowing Sunset is right. THE END