Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

by Black--Soul

First published

Marksaline the Necromorph Queen. Ever wondered what it would look like to have a Alicorn of Necromorphs run around and not basicly fuck everything lifing up? Be my guest and enjoy the show.

Marksaline the Necromorph Queen. Have you ever wondered what it would look like to have a Alicorn of Necromorphs run around and not basicly fuck everything lifing up? Be my guest and enjoy the show.

Marksaline has a strange start, a horrific origin and most certainly is the most deadly foal to have every existed. Alongside her death by adorableness sidekick and sister Fluffle Puff.

Death by adorable is a thing after all... ♡

Enjoy the adventure, that is Marksaline living her life, while a Necromancer cult tries to get their hold on her. After all... They created her! Celestia stealing her was not in their plans...

Also Harmony is fucking evil...

1. The beginning of all things

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1. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The beginning of all things

The beginning of all things start in darkness. Or rather the light that makes the darkness what it is... There was once a tragic experiment created by the darkest of magic's by a cult of Necromancer's. The cult wanted to proof that even the darkest of magic's could be used for the good of anyone using it with good intend.

The way they keep going it was waaay beyond evil, but since they used it for the benefit of everypony and non pony races, would there experimentes proof everycreature wrong, saying dark magic can't spawn good things statement as false.
Yes, they graverobbed thousand after the last two wars. Both sides had bury all the killed soldiers and civilians in the Pony vs Griffon wars in seperate mass graves, but at least they would care for the fallen.

Care for using there body in a one of a kind experiment in their City Necropolis, that would birth a dark Alicorn of Necromancy, that would proof that even the darkest of birthrights could be used responsible if the foal of darkness would be raised right. Even if they might have to overthrow the Sun Alicorn in the process...

Anyway, they used over 20.000 pony corpses and 2.000 Griffon corpses with a lot of other materials to create a body with the help of a artefact of a black spirale converging on the top.

The result pleased them very mutch. A little Alicorn foal was created born from all the ingridiants. To there dismay was the foal nothing, but a dead corpse. They cursed profoundly about their failure, after actually creating a artefical Alicorn filly. Magic scans showed that it body was perfectly constructed. Despite not being alive, did the body don't begin to decay.

Twenty years after the creation of the Alicorn foal of darkness was no progress accomplished. The body was still liveless, but to every member of the Necromancer cult delight, did it not decay in the slightest way, rather it stayed exacly the way it was when created when getting damaged after 30 hours.

They experimentes a lot on the corpse of the artefical alicorn foal, what they learned was very useful in medical knowledge for treating living creatures tissue. It's body would reform even when cut into pieces.
That alone helped them found a false organisation through medical knowledge. One that was the leading experts on medical advancements and the healing of mental illness after they tested how a brain even in a dormant state reacted to electricity or magicaly manipulations.

The black spiral hidden within the city had filled their minds with revelations far beyond anyones imagination.
With its knowledge could many illness that had no treatment be treated if not completly cured.

The main part of the funds the organization made focused on there false public image for one goal. Bring life to the alicorn foal of darkness.

Twenty years after the creation of the 'Necromancer's of Light' was the sun alicorn Celestia still none the wiser of their true goal.

The Alicorn foal, Marksaline the Necromancer Queen. She would bring the light born out of darkness. The cult was proven right and it's belives true with there success of their offical face to the world. Dark magic was no longer a banned practice, even when strongly controlled by the sun alicorns lackies.

In time would their cult grow riches and influence, as to gain access to the royal sealed banned archives, 'the shadow library'.
All they had to do is play nice, benefit everyone around them no matter the race and humbly request access. It made no matter if they had to do so on a weekly basis for two centuries to come.
The foal of darkness was still preserved by the black spirale artefact, awaiting its awakening.

230 years after the creation of Marksaline the Necromancer Queen, did the cult leadership archived their goals. Princess Celestia granted them access under very tight observations of everything they read and learned from it.
To her growing dread did the 'Necromancers of Light' never give her a reason to disband the offical face of there cult and hunt down everycreature using dark magic openly or in secret. Her gamble of them revealing themself had backfired hard.
Something unexpected even after all this time.

After Princess Celestia giving the 'Necromancers of Light' access to the banned knowledge of the highly restricted royal archiv known as 'the shadow library', did they even gained more wealth and influence than anypony beside herself.
Most detailed charts of the medical sciences and magical mutations had filled gaps in their understanding of the bodies of ponies in particular.

Illness of mind and body was often effectivly and moraly acceptebel treated by their organisations facilitys, now their treatments timelines could get even be slightly reduced to increase their treated and cured individuals. No matter what the sun alicorn mare tried, she never found enough evidence to burn them and their secret cult to the ground.
Especially for the vital medical service only Equestria could offer, making them to valuable to dispose of them.

Even 500 years after the creation of the 'Necromancers of Light' did not a singel major event allowed her officially do to what she had planned to do from the first day of their organisation officially was founded, she could neither take over their organisation or simply burned it to the ash.
By now she even started to doubt that despite her prior experienced tragic past with dark magic users it seem to indicate that carefull and responsible use of even the apparently most mindbreaking and cruel looking treatments could manufacture more than formidable result in helping her citizen and her allies.

Inside Equestria did dark magic user often give enough reasons to hunt them down and make examples out of them, when Celestia personaly burned them alive in a public execution to show how invested she was in keeping her nation and citizens safe.

Still... The 'Necromancers of Light' never slipped up that would rectify retaliation by law to keep order.
In time did Celestia started to belive in their offical goals and tolerated their methods. As long it would be benefishal, would she stomach her own hypocritic nature towards these deviants. Once they would slip up bad enough... would ash be all that remain of their leadership.

She had eternaty at her side and in time she would be proven right... eventually.
Leave a hero travel long enough and eventually he might leave his path and become a villain by their own actions or the action of others.
Just like her Sombra in a time far...far in the past.

(Edit needed) years before Nightmaremoon and Luna's predicted return did the 'Necromancers of Light' succeeding in something that never before was accomplished. The restoration of life in very recent deceased individuals (not longer than 30 days).
They unfortunately needed help from Zebra shamans from Zebrica to do it right, but they could bring the dead back to life. Not as undead! But truly restored individuals. It was a long process, cost enough to build a small mansion for eatch individual and devoured a lot of time but...
The end result was worth it. Nothing could be found against this amazing discovery.

Somewhere a stone statue chuckeld in delight.

The 'Necromancers of Light' revisited the alicorn foal of darkness with their gained knowledge and most importly learned why they never had successfully bring the foal to life.

A soul!

The foal never had a soul. She was like a puppet without strings to pull it's movements. That revelation had cost many Zebra shamans their life, but that was a small price for the cult to have found and identified how to bring the foal to life.

Marksaline the Necromancer Queen would be alive very, very soon...

Exacly one year later did all preperations were completed to create a soul with a blood ritual and some true belivers offer to sacrefice themself for the greater good. They would be noted alongside the founders, as the parents that give Marksaline life.

The ritual was performed at the Summer Sun Celebration as to keep Celestia occupied, in case the ritual magical cloaking would fail and their ritual was discovered. The Facility was extreamly well hidden and cost the cult almost two fortunes, but if they would archiv their goal?

It would be totaly worth it burning the underground facility to the ground if they bring life to the filly and flee with her to another facility to raise her in secret.

Unfortunately did the ritual successfully managed their goal, while it costing everyone in the secret facility their lifes. Above in Necropolis did many simply dropped dead.
After a initial panic did after half a year returned order to the underpopulated City.

When Celestia performed her yearly Summer Sun Celebration, did the world around her seem to scream in silence for a few seconds, when she was at the peak of her performance. She fullfilled her duty for the event and than teleported away.
The realm of accending had a new visitor!
Cadance was the last Pony to archiv Alicornhood and accended. Celestia would welcome her newest royal familie member very, very soon...

Cadance feel the disturbing of the ascention realm and waited for Celestia. After a few minutes teleported her Aunty directly into the throne room to pick her up. Together would they welcome the newest Alicorn to their royal familie.

A little filly found herself in a strange void of space. It was filled with light and rainbow colored clouds. It was quite the beautyful experiences to awake surrounded by lifeforce. Her spectral body feasted on it, but no matter how mutch her body tried to devour, there was more of it. At some point did her body was sated. Magic and life filled her every inch of her coatless and overall hairless body. The filly was as skinny as a pony could be without coat, mane or tail hair.

Her leather wings shined in a dull crimson light. Her crimson slitted eyes checked her every inch of body she could see in its range of vision. The foal than noticed something on its forehead. Two dull horns converging toward eatch other with space in between. It was humming with life energy. On it was apperently naturaly grown in glyphs.

If anyone could read they they would read:
- Make us hole...
- Life in death...
- Death in life...
- Discord was here ♡
- Isn't she to die for ?!
- Death is just the beginning...

Celestia and Cadance shifted together into the realm of ascending and found it feeling slightly emptier and less bright than before.
But they dismissed it for in the middle of nowhere was a littel crimson Alicorn Filly.

A mortal would find himself here, after a magical event would destroy their body and mix it with their soul. When the soul would leave the ascending realm would its soul be transformed into a immortal being. That physical vessel existed without a soul, since that thing was just used for up for its creation.

Once the Alicornhood would awaken after the manifestation of the Cutie Mark and the purpose and aspect it would control in the future be revealed.

It was so with Faust, Nightmaremoon, Luna, Celestia and Cadance.

The youngest to ascend Pony was about 15 summer old. This filly could not be older than two at best. Impossible to archiving ascending, yet there it was. Right infront of them. This was Impossible, yet it happend anyway somehow.

Celestia and Cadance could not imagen how a already Alicorn would ascend inside the ascension realm. It's mind was empty of memorys. The only image was a black spirale glowing with yellow glyphs of unknown origin that throw crimson red shadows. When the Alicorn watch for minutes this one looping image, did they could have sworn to have seen a faceless smile inside the crimson shadows of the artefact. Surprisingly did it don't bring dread, but a feeling of warmth and being surrounded. Never to be alone again... A hole in their heart, they never know about that would be filled with a promise.

I will make you hole again.
I will fill the light with darkness.
I will spawn darkness brighter than light itself.
Two will make one.
One will make two hole beings.
I am your past and your future.

My - name - is - Marksaline.

2. Marksaline - Alicorn with a affinity for anything dark & her sister

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2. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Marksaline - Alicorn with a affinity for anything dark & her sister

The foal learned to stand and walk in the ascension realm. It also had it very first magical surge in it. The realm of ascending was suddenly filled with more light that seem to be spawned from darkness itself. It seem to compliment the bright light with its dark light and made the bright surrounding more pleasant to the eyes.

It apparently also dispursed some of the clouds and give it more contrast. It no longer was a cloudy mist denying the ones within to see only a couple of hundred of meters. Instead one could almost see to the infinity it stretched.
Quite a view to behold.

When Celestia and Cadance would later go to sleep, would they awaken with a new version of their self that could be switched at will.

'Celestia' the 'Sun Goddess' to 'Solar Nova' the 'Goddess of destruction'.

'Cadance Mi Amore Cadensa' the 'Love Goddess' to 'Hearts Desire' the 'Goddess of lust and passion'.

Once the Alicorns of past and future would make contact with it after Marksaline had blessed and cursed it, would every immortal have the free choice of light or darkness. When ever they decided. If they would decide at all...
Stagnation is death. Permanent death would never touch the Alicorns from now on.
For better or worse...

Marksaline the newest member of the royal familie was getting her offical introduction a week later. The Necromancer of Light had sworn eternal loyalty to the filly and her sister.

Yes, apparently when Marksaline reappered in the mortal realm was she not longer alone.
She had now a equaly coatless and hairless Pink little Sister. After a month would she get her name as well. Fluffle Puff, was a earthpony. Yet she did apparently had the ability to bend reality to her will.

She could walk on walls as if gravity was a suggestion, discarded at the most conviniently of moments. She could move in the moment of a blink from one side of the room to the other as long noone observed her in that moment.
Last but not least... Did she apparently had the ability to store things in her new coat.

Like the time she pulled a Pink Lion from her coat, just for the fun of it.

Within the span of a month did Fluffle Puff become from a furless pony filly to the most fluffy pony ever recorded in ponykinds history.

Her big sister also had changed quite a lot in her first month. She had grown a black crimson coat, while her mane and tail hair become a lighter crimson color.

Both sisters seem to be always together. Two sister like one pair, inseperable. Unless they had to take a potty break or would eat.

Fluffle Puff seem to enjoy everything eatable. Marksaline would eat anything given to her, prefering meat over anything. Also she seem to like to prefer living food rather than dead meat.

Both sisters had a aura around themself. Fluffle Puff would be a joy spreading, energetic fluffball of happyness. Marksaline was rather cold and seem to observe everyone around them. As if she was seeing things beyond the exterior, waiting patiently for something very unfortunately to happen.

That said, the rare moment she would play with others than her sister, would she radiating life and content around herself. Pony loved and fear her.

The Necromancers of Light were obsessive with being near her when ever Celestia or Cadance allowed it.

With but a sentance would they depart the Castle and not return before the coming day or night was over. Than again would they pleade to be near Marksaline, as if they where only be able to feel satisfaction in her vicinity.

This disturbed Celestias motherly instincts, but also made it so that HER daughter's would be save at all times.

For some reason did someone seem to attempt to foalnapping her daughters. When ever somecreature tried it, would the foalnappers be found more dead than alive, pleading for mercy in death coated in some green unknown substance. If they had their wish for death granted, would they smile as if they had receive the biggest blessing in existance. If it was not granted, than for their crimes did they attempted to kill themself to atone for their actions.

After one year would noone sane ever dare as mutch as to lure the two fillys to follow them into their mansion as to gain favor with one of the Alicorns. Rare exceptions still happened.

The first year was surprisingly event less, the attempted foalnapping and shortly following death of the criminals not counting.

Fluffle Puff was a very affectionate filly, while Marksaline only seem to be cuddly with Alicorn familie, her sister, death sentanced prisoners, Necromancers of Light members and birds. Birds like Crows seem to love Marksaline like if she was a nestmate. Cleaning the feathers of her leathery wings and mane as well tail hair as if she was about to make a grand entrance in a few minutes to a major event.

Further did Marksaline had developed razorsharp teeth like a dragon. Yet she could will them to be as dull as a foal toys foam coating.

Unfortunately her new teeth would make it impossible for her to close her cheek skin. Making her a rather messy eater and spilling drinks when ever she drink unless Fluffle Puff would keep the cheek holes closed with her hoovesies or use ducktape. Marksaline preferred the first, but tolerated the second for the time of the meal.

Both filly had a affinity of the dark arts on a instinctive level.

Fluffle Puff like to hide in shadows to ambush random pony or other visitors for a short snuggel. She often gifted her random snuggel partners sweet treats as to thank them for the kindness and patients they showed her.

Marksaline used blood magic to heal anyone that had as mutch a scratch hidden in their coat. But rather than being thankfull seem everyone disturbed by this. When ask by Celestia or Cadance why, they often seem to feel as if Marksaline would do it as to stop looking at them like they are the next living meal durring diner time...

Marksaline was also very talented in walking and shifting shadows. Rather than teleport would she move into the nearest big enough shadow and sink into it as if she would dive into a pond or a sea. They where all connected like a river or a ocean to her.

Marksaline also was very found of Necromancy. Often would she play with her former meal after she stripped them from their flesh.

Bone puppets to play and entertaining her and observers. Her most actually liked theater piece in the royal garden was the reinactment of war storys Cadance and Celestia read to her. Just without the blood shedding and the screams of the dying.

After the first year together, did the Alicorn familie celebrating their first year as a happy family. Towards the end of the day of celebrating did Celestia noticed a assasin coming for one of her daughters. The Abesinian assasin magical cloaking had a malfunction, but managed to shot a ruine enscribed arrow towards Marksaline before the royal guards could do more than shout out a alert and manage more than drawing weapons.

But Celestia teleported in the way of the crossbow fired projectile, only to find out why the assasin magical cloak had failed.
A glyph bypassing and magic repellent armored and body protection piercing arrow that was custom made in antique design from mythril forged used for killing magical enemies.

Arrows like that are rather rare these days and not more than a few ten thousand should still be around to be even in use.
A headpiece of any black market... mostly to find in trophy collections with wiped magic surfaces.

When Celestia fuled by adrenaline and magic boosted accelerated reflexes tried to intercept the deadly projectile, did her armored and heavy enchanted hoove shoes got pierced like a arrow would go through a cardboard box, did her flesh and bones of her foreleg didn't do mutch to rob its momentum, though it helped her force a minor change of flight path.
The flesh and bones of her main body did a way better job to overwhelming the arrows capacity for magic repellent and negation, when confronted with a alicorns personal magic defense found in her body.

To save her beloved daughter life, she used the momentum of her still moving body to chance its trajectory with her entire body.
Unfortunately was this arrow one of the more wicked designed versions, creating horrendous damage while shredding rather than cutting through her bodys mass.

If not for her heart being one of the destroyed organs she might have recovered, but as it was there simply wasn't enough time and material for something powerful enough to save a alicorn.

Three hours after Celestia had died do to a pierced body and shredded heart and other damages, did the Necromancer of Light where preparing to use their resurrection method on the sun goddess. What better opportunity to get in her good grace and be heros for all of Equestria.

Marksaline walked to her caretaker and shed a bloody tear over Celestia torso wound, when noone had fixed her until then and Fluffle Puff got upset about the mare not waking up to play with them.
It was annoying to do everything by herself, but nothing was more annoying than her sister being sad.
Marksaline would not stand for her sister being sad!

Celestia was resurrected within a minute of Marksaline magic and bloody tears bonding with the corpse of the alicorn.
That day Fluffle Puff & Marksaline had finally received a true m♡mmy.

Celestia grow slightly larger and more muscular within the next month, as her new Necromorph and old Alicorn nature properly bonded, a true hybrid, instead of magical and biological assimilation.
Her ethereal mane and tail more vibrant, with now visible glyphs like Marksaline had natural grown into her two horn structure.

Marksaline was comatose for a entire month, while her powers bonded with her true m♡mmy.
Fluffle Puff was most of the time on the side of her sister and was for the duration of her sisters napping deflated like as if her coat was water saturated.
Her mood very dulled, uncharacteristically subdued, as if she was occupied in body and mind.

When Marksaline woke up after exactly 30 days of resting, Celestia having stabilized and regained lucid consciousness, did all of Equestria had celebrated their return into public life for a entire week.

Celestia having not changed in the slightest in her behavior towards her loving daughters, though the fillies now smiling regularly when interacting with their m♡mmy in any way.
They had become a true family.
Celestia and Fluffle Puff where full of joy, Marksaline was slightly less annoyed that Fluffle Puff was happy again.
Further for once in Marksaline existence beside her sister Fluffle Puff, did someone else started to matter and be nice to be around with.
Though she feel slightly hungrier after their magic bond had extended to three individuals.

Cadance become cold calculating towards military matters, unlike Celestia who was content to glass the to slums decayed city that had housed the assassin guild of the Abesinian Queendome, did Cadance would make her displeasure known through more subtleties.

The Abesinian assasin was a mercenary without direct ties to Abesinian Queendom was the statement of their Ambassador before Celestia decided to show the weight of her displeasure, despite the Abesinian giving a formal offer of apology and don't minding the sun alicorn to send a investigation team to go after the rough assasins.

It was being known that this professional assasin exclusively was hired by their government to clean up internal issues beforepaw, but Cadance made sure with her diplomatic skills that the Abesinian Queendome had a huge problem with trading for the coming decade.
When the Abesinian could not even managed to keep their own associates in check.
Outside of Equestria as a trading partner, did the catlike bipedal species had hard time ahead if it.

For years to come would noone in high standing or entire nations leadership try a assasination of one of the foals of the royal familie.

After all... Celestia had glasses a city with a population of 100.000 as retaliation and the Abesinian Queendome had been accepting of Celestias restraint after literally having been successfully killed.
Apparently did a successful resurrection didn't fix the issues, even if the wrath of the sun was restrained by itself to only the expendable perpetrators.

Something that could have been so mutch eorse if Celestia wasn't a kind and generous friend of the royal family that had failed to keep their subjects in line.

Cadance economical attack was in comparison more than reasonable and it exclude food trade contracts, she was not a unreasonable mare after all.

3. One regular day, three perspectives...

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3. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

One regular day, three perspectives...


Celestia woke up first in the pre morning. She streched her wings to work all her kinks out. Out of them fall to eatch of her sides one filly. The right wing keep formerly Marksaline, while the left wing holded...
A plushy looking like Fluffle Puff...

That was about to be one of these days...

Celestia streched her legs, moved of the bed and to the enchanted golden double door of her room. She checked the guard's and found Fluffle Puff happen to chewing on the mane on one of the guard's. Said guard give her puppy dog eyes and Celestia in turn give with a apologize and a nod her sympathy, collected her daughter and relief them of her pink Nom-Nom monster of death by adorable for the time being.

When Celestia returned to bed for a few extra minutes of snuggels, did she find Marksaline was missing.
Her escape artist skill was a known phenomenon.

Celestia checked the shadows of the ceiling and spotted a hint of Marksaline mane or tail sticking out of the shadows in the right conor of her bedroom.

Celestia give a convincing pout and dramaticaly throw herself at her bed wailing that her daughers didn't both give her pre morning snuggels. When Fluffle Puff pouted at her sisters shadow cover, did Marksaline came defeated out the the shadowrealm. Right below Celestia's left head pillow did Marksaline squeeze herself out and snuggeld her mother, while mock eating her mane. Passing them trough with her dagger like teeth combing her mane.

That pre morning was saved by her daughters grooming.

Celestia snuggeld her daughters for a few minutes, until a maid came in after a knocking, announcing the start of the day for the trio. Celestia stand up from bed. Pulled her daughers of her now drool soaked wingtips, get them on their hoovsies and walked to the balkon to raise the sun after lowering the Moon first.

No need to accidently setting the Moon on fire with her sisters walking the surface of the Moon.

Celestia really disliked the message she read on the daily moon surface today.
Translated from old Equus did it read:

'We can see your fat plot from the moon Sunbutt. You better start a diet soon.'

Below it was: 'How do the Stallion buck you tonight? With your fat plot i doubt they can fill anything but your front side. They probably love to ice your face with their hot foal milk'.

Her sisters apparently had a bad estrius this year... like probably every year.

After Celestia showered with her daughters and manage to deflate Fluffelpuffs water soaked fur, did she magicaly dried them all. The Sun goddess went right with her daughters on her back to the breakfast room.

Her daughters would have to be starved by now just like herself. Alicorn metabolism is a bitch...
one biting with a vengeance, also barking rather loudly.

Her sisters would have give her a ear full for complaining, since they don't only lack food, but water and air as well... lucky for them was the magic rock there stranded on massiv on enviromental mana to be allowing for conjured supplies.

As well as throwing that broken alien ship full of by now depleted consumables their way. While it was sad that she had to give up the biggest boon of existance, did she would give up anything for her familie she... misplaced... they would give her probably quite the ear full for what she did to them.

Arriving after passing many guards and maids, did Celestia ignore her eldest daughter drooling all over her neck. Her neck was soaked by drool from Marksaline. She probably could bearly longer wait for her morning pork.

The pig was apparently still asleep. Good, less squeling before Marksaline would devour it alive, body mind and soul... at least Celestia somehow know that the soul unlike the other consumed things ate not completly used up.
In a sense she was purifying them and released them in a blank state, ready to be Reborn without any traces of their previous existence.

At least to everyones relief did they found out that rather than getting the entire soul consumed, did it apparently only stripped it to a certain degree before... Leaving with her other body waste. To this point did she wondered how she dispised Dark Magic before, but didn't even bat a eye on Soul magic.

Since her daughters filled the void in her heart, did Celestia had changed a lot. But now was not the time to think about it.

Cadance to Celestias surprise didn't meet up for breakfast with them. When asked where she was did the guards all looked suddenly like Tomato's from their flush.

Most certainly did 'Hearts Desire' had her morning breakfast already ~♡
Lucky Guardshift.

Celestia take her daughters for the today short courts season of only 3 hours. While Celestia take one audiance after another, did Fluffelpuff cuddels all guard's after giving up eating her tail to gain her attention, while Marksaline was nibbeling with her dragon like teeth, but mindfully dulled bites the nobel ponies forelegs.

While Marksaline would mock devour them, was not a singel coat hair was damaged. Their clothing although was soaked in drool. Speeding up some really hollow minded nobels to flee the throne room, before Marksaline's reddish saliva could permanently discolor their rather fashionable and expensive looking clothing.

The last applicat was a Diamond Dog Alpha complaining about getting a lower payout, even when some of the magical stones they digged up showed clear sign of teeth marks. When he threat to stop working for the Pony's, did Celestia not back down and to the dogs surprise accept it. Celestia let Raven Inkwell prepare the cancelation of their packs trade agreement. That seem to sour the new packs head mood. Their prior pack leader was at least smart enough to know to stay polite towards ponys, when making demand's.

After patiently explaining the the Alpha how they lose of value by having Diamond Dog puppy's nibble on Gems. Especially that are to be delivered to a paying Client. He could not faint ignorance after a detailed explaining. Raven Inkwell even had two rather badly damaged examples in her hooves, showing them to the new D-Dog Alpha.

Despite the Alpha D-Dog acknowledge his fault, did he still demanded full payment for their last shipment, since him become his packs new leader required successfully getting his way just like the old Alpha made it happen. Especially so he argued after getting the leadership for rightfully killing his successor in singel combat, instead of earning it with Community effort and a vote of change for the packs benefit.

This indirect threat was quite amusing to the sun goddess.

Nodog needed to know that he poisend his former Alpha before the duel, since he would otherwise have lost. Again...

Do to his new position, was he left in a powerbase most unstable. He could not show compromise to a mere prey Client.

Celestia showed patients like the benevolent goddess she was. Not all Diamond Dog's enjoyed common sense or even a education. She could be lenient with this hot headed and very foolish leader.

Until his words turned to action.

When this Mutt got starteld by Marksaline nibbeling harmlessly on his dirty ankle and kicked her away, did Celestia exploded controlled on her throne. The throne was now molten slag and Celestia was no more. Solar Nova was in all her deadly glory moving towards this very soon to be dead mutt.

The Alpha Diamond dog could'nt even pleade for mercy, when her solar aura alone steal moisture and air around them both.

He had earned himself a Darwin award.

Raven Inkwell called a code 'Nova', all guard's evacuated the observers and sealed the throne room.

Raven was extreamly thankfull for her fire immunity neckless, powered by the Sun goddess herself. Gifted shortly to her after Celestias first accident in her throne room centuries ago.

By the time only Solar Nova goddess of destruction, Raven Inkwell royal advisor and former archmage supreme and the two foals where present, was the in agony dying fool that dared to strike a royal familie member enjoying his award.

Raven would rather see this burning dog die painfully screaming repeating countless times, than have anyone of his pack daring to openly assault the Royal Familie and spark stupid ideas in others. If a Nation isn't capable of great violence, than it's not peaceful but harmless. It's sad that over the Centuries that lesson need to be relearned by Equestrias more violent Opposition. Every few centuries, if History records are accurate, did one Kingdom or another Queendome learned that difference.
Unfortunately was Equestria not a exception to this rule towards other nations.

The plight of having betrayed their own god or Goddess and losing his or her guidance sure made them cost material and population.

Her highness could be allowed some leeway. After all she had a lot on her shoulders to carry this day's.

Little known downsides of immortality:

- Tearing your favorit articles of clothing or in Celestias case her favorit Battlearmor and breaking her oldest enchanted hooveshields and discovering, that it can't be replaced. Having the manufacturing of a clan specific product lost, since the secrets die with its last leader, because he tried a revolutionary push against her highness rules, since mud ponys don't deserve the same standing than a Unicorn...

What a pre unification ideology idiot.

- Her highness regrets to not have sooner found a perfect comeback to a situation, that could have spared her sisters a none payed vacation on a dead moon surface.

Even if it needed her over 500 years to come up with one... strange how she didn't come up with this sooner by chance alone.

Interesting how mutch her highness improved in hind sight, since Marksaline and Fluffle Puff appered.

- Not being able to eat her favorit dish, since a critical ingridiant was lost in a almost genoside driven war of the Caribu. Just good only their disgusting nation got turned to a dessert in a conviniently cleaning fire inferno. Setting things ablaze seem to surprisingly work more often than not.

With Colonys surviving and surrendering for the population to regrow.

Goodbye gender based slavery, did Raven snickered.

- Having strong oppinions to sports, she was forced to outlaw because somepony had to overdo it...

Joykilling nobels...

- Having the perfect pun to a situation, just to discover it no longer viable, do to linguistic changes killing it dead.

At least her royal sisters should be able to enjoy it... probably.

- Water of Youth renders mortals infertile.

Others Mares in the Inkwell Bloodline would continue to bear foals, so she could continue focusing in her service to principality and her princess.

- Having to rule a Nation all by herself.
Cadance was good for fixing broken couples and the raising of day and night, but was pretty worthless as a leader. Despite her success as a Ambassador. Go figure...

Just good she has a warhead on her forhead. Blowing up literal bloodthirsty opposition is still legit to this day.

Her royal highness should really stop feeding unrule spreading Hot Dogs to her daughter Marksaline, mused Raven Inkwell.

A few minutes later, after Marksaline had a serving of Hotdog and Solar Nova cleaning up afterwards.

When Celestia finaly opend the enchanted throne room doubledoors, there would only be some burn marks on the ground left for the cleaning staff.

Celestia teleported the molten mess on the throne seat position into the royal workshop and ordered the replacement to be installed. Also two replacement thrones, to the three already in storage. Just in case the next Alpha's in line would be as empty in the head as this sorry excuse of a brute.

Celestia did the rest of the day paper work that had pilled up. To her delight could she keep her daughters entertained by swinging them on her astral mane and tail.

One hour before sleep, did she told her daughters some Nighttime storys.
Marksaline got a story about 'the headless mare'.
Fluffle Puff about 'pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows'.

When the small familie fall asleep together, did the day had ended.

Cadance take over the lowering of the sun and raising of the Moon as per usual. Cadance awaited two messages from her Aunts on the moon, she had yet to meet.

The first one was from Aunty Luna:
'Good evening niece, we wish you a peaceful night. So... Got any stallions get lucky today or tonight? Or perhaps you fancy a mare?
We don't judge like my Sunny sister...'

The second was from her elder Aunty Nightmare Moon:
'When we finaly make it back, please keep some of the most expandable stallions ready. We both had a lot of time to build up our needs. Getting them tended to will need time.
The Snu-Snu will last FOREVERRR~♡'

'Unless we run out of Stallions...'

Cadance really enjoyed her daily moonrock messages with her long distance familie. It was quite sad that since the death of the last dragon staff on the alien ship that bravely sacrefice themself for the royal familie, they lost the ability to Dragon mail once a week a replay.

》Fluffle Puff《

Fluffle Puff woke up first in the pre morning. She replaced herself in her mommy's wing with her favorit plushy of herself. No need to wake mommy. Marksaline had accidently eaten her favorit little big sister replicate. Again...

So playing with her was not happening.

She made sure to keep big real Sis and Mommy asleep, while the guard would get to entertain her. Maybe they had yummy Muffins for her.

When the newly assigned Guard's didn't had bring any Muffins or other sweets for Fluffle Puff, did she start nibbeling their tails and manes. Do to her dull prey teeth, did she only accomplish to soak them in nom-noms.

Mommy had waken up at some point and take her away from the Guard's. She waved them bye-bye.

When Mommy returned to bed for a few extra minutes of snuggels, did her Sisi snuck into the shadows. Mommy would have to play seek and bite the tail, to get her Sis out of the morning game.

Mommy watched the shadows of the not ground and spotted a hint of sisters tail or mane sticking out of the shadowrealm in the right high shadow of her sleeping room.

Mommy pout and throw herself at her bed wailing that herself and big sisi didn't both give her snuggels and hugsies with their hoovesies. When she give her pinkie puppy eye pout towards big Sisi, did her Sis came defeated out the the shadow below Mommys left head nom-nom pillow and they both snuggeld her Mommy, while Sis was nom-nom cleaning her pretty mane.

Fluffle Puff was sometimes in envy of big Sisi nice teeth, so she could make others mane and tail all clean and straight.

Mommy was always so happy when they nom-nom her clean.

Fluffle and big Sisi snuggeld nom-nom her Mommy for a few minutes, until a pretty maid came in after a knocking, saying something Fluffle was to bored to listen to, but she wave her hoovesies to say hello. Mommy moved to leave the bed. Mommy pulled Fluffy and her Sisi of her now clean wings, get them on their hoovsies and walked to the balkon to make a new day.

When mommy had made the day, did she picked them up and go for the wet room.
After mommy made everything wet, because she didn't know it better. Did she made her coat very heavy wet. At least Mommy make it so it no longer was wet after strong hugsies and bling bling so she wasn't wet anymore.

Mommy put them on her back for a ride to the good nom-noms.
Her tummy was already angry.

Fluffle Puff waved to the nice ponys she see. She made pfffft to everypony.
That one was always nice for snuggels. That one was nice for cuddels. That one was nice to nom-nom on the tail. That one was always nice to big Sis. O! There was a new non pony! And... and... and...

Big Sisi was drooling on Mommy again. She hoped big Sisi don't really try nom-nom on anyone. She really liked everycreature.

Not Mommy but also Mommy just pink and pretty was not here to nom-nom with her. But it smelled funny. Pink not mommy mommy probably played again with the nice Guard's.
She always pouted, when pink not Mommy mommy don't let her see playing around.

They were all happy when they are done playing.
They always look so funny, when they make themself look like big Sisi.

Mommy was talking with Pony and not looking like Ponys. It was boring, when mommy ignored her. She tried to nom nom on Mommy tail, but she ignored it. So the shiny purple pony Guard would snuggel her. She made the bestes of snuggel and cuddles and nom-noms. When he stopped give her all attention, did she changed to the next guard.

A big not pony she didn't know made a big oppsy. Angry Mommy made him go all 'AAAAA'. Big Sisi like the taste of the not Pony, when mommy stopped making him hot. He was not longer breathing so it should be fine if Sisi nom-nom him away.

Mommy made the bones make woooshhh and big Sisi giggeld in joy. This was a nice giggle. That make her happy to see Sisi happy.

Mommy got a hugsie from her and become nice Mommy again.

They played with Mommy, when Mommy was playing with the boring paper. Sisi was nom-noming her mane and she did nom-nom her tail. Mommy was swinging them around. That was fun.

After playing did Fluffle Puff become sleppy. She listen to her Mommys pretty storys and fall asleep in her wing as usual.


Marksaline was waking up with a 'pompf'. Her m♡ther had accidently dropped her. Again...
She was still sleepy, but her eternal hunger was helping her waking up rather fast.

She than sneak into the shadow realm for some playtime. One time that was not yet, would she stop playing and have to sneak up on others to devour them. Body, mind and soul. If not for her Sister & M♡ther's would she have devoured already half the pony's.

So far all she could do is dull her eternal hunger with living screaming meat. Pigs screams and their living meat was so rich in taste. Bird's and Bug's don't taste right... They would be left alone, when everything else was devoured. Maybe...

Hm... Perhaps she should'nt devour everything outside her familie. What to dull the hunger if their nom-noms run out... Sapient life was unfortunately not something she could enjoy, because her M♡ther wasted the life energy before giving it to her. At least sentient living meat was good enough for now...

Marksaline was dragged out of her musings by her sister.

'O nooo... Not the pink puppy pout of doom...'

Marksaline surrendered to her pink Sisters pout. No matter what she tried, her sister always stopped her plans.

Eating the nice juicy maid waking them up to start another hunger suffering day?
No... That would make her Sister sad...

Eating one of the Guard's that looked all the same, but smelled different because nocreature would ever notice her devour him body, mind and soul...

No... Her sister would find out and be sad...
Impossible to enjoy any food with her Sister being sad.

No matter how juicy and full of life energy they are. It was not worth seeing Sister sad.

If not for her sister, she would have devoured already a lot of anything living. It might actually truly sate her hunger for longer than a five minute break. That how long a full grown pig multible times her size did for her stomach.

Really sad that M♡ther didn't have like 10 of them every morning for breakfast prepared.

'Uhhh...' Did Marksaline groned. Her M♡ther was so high maintenance. She had to clean her every morning of all her overflowing life energy, but it never seem to stop oozing out of her... At least her smell mark stuck to her life energy.

Also her mane and tail tasted funny. Sweet, yet spicey. When she cleaned her Sister, did it tasted disgusting. But someone had to keep her clean and marked with her sent.

Her teeth are useful to rip and tear flesh, as well cleaning mane, tail and other things in detail. It's funny how easy it can be with dragon pointy tooth to clean precise. Strange how everycreature else got along without.

Good she could will her horn, teeth and leg spikes to be dull and feel soft even if they are as hard as her necroskelleton.

'Hm... strange...' Did Marksaline grumbled. Apparently it's not just her Sister that brings her joy in this pointless existance of hunger and the pain ignoring it brought. If not for sister she might have never known the companion of a M♡mmy. She almost thankfull for not having devoured everything alive, yet. Maybe... Tomorrow would not be the day she start devour all sapient life on this world.

Hm... or perhaps she could get away with just a few hundred pony's... Naaa... Sister being sad is simply not worth spreading death and holding her hunger away. Sister and her M♡thers were worth suffering the next minute of hunger. And the minute after that one. And the minute after that one...

Perhaps nopony noticed if she just devoured...

That pre morning grooming was ended, when the juuuicy maid knocked and signal the start of another dreadful day of not sating her hunger pains.

When her M♡ther stand up from bed, did Marksaline try not to focus to mutch on that delices Unicorn maid infront of her.

Instead her Sister get a teeth preening of her fluffy coat next.

After her M♡ther interrupted her preening of her sister, did she forced them to shower. If not for the amusing sight of Fluffle Puff sucking up water like a corpse would inflate after death, than it would perhaps not be half as enjoyable with her familie.

Marksaline witness with delight her M♡mmy struggeling with her sister Fluffle Puff. She didn't suffer this delightful annoying pink Fluffball alone. To see them squezing the soaked coat was like when she feasted on living flesh and manage to inflate Fluffle Puffs coat.

Very entertaining struggels. She was dissapointed when her M♡ther give up and cheated her of more entertainment by magicaly drain them both of coat moisture. Marksaline really enjoyed the rub down that left her clean, just to become dirty all over again after breakfast.

Went they all moved to the breakfast location, did Marksaline enjoyed the ride on her M♡mmy. She was so soft. Not as soft as Fluffle Puff, but only Fluffle Puff was softer than her M♡mmy.

Arriving at the breakfast location was one huge torture. So many walking meals, yet she was passing many guards and maids without having so mutch as a leg or head from them to hold her hunger for but a moment... Her mouth was watering like a endless stream of death thinking about how delicious they must all have tasted.

Her cheeks unfortunately would not keep her mouth closed, so she accidently flooded her joyrides neck. Seeing her M♡thers to light Pink coat become a more crimson pink was making it less bad. Was their something better looking than a soaked coat in a shade of diluted rivers of blood from Marksaline the future Queen of Necro subjects ?

Her stomach was already screaming as always in full protest about the lack of blood, guts, meats, minds and souls...

Fluffle Puff waved the lifeforce filled food in greeting with her hoovsies, as she see them passing her trio by. She talked to their future meals individualy to everypony and creature.
Strange how everyone seem to struggle to understand her sisters clear speech.

That one maid always was nice for snuggeling with her sister. She would not suffer and get her head biten off first.

That one was nice for cuddels of her and her sister. Perhaps leaving her for last to devour.

That one was nice to nibbel on it's overflowing lifeforce... That one was always nice to his future Queen. Ones she was bigger, he would be her first sacrefice to spread her dark gift. He would be perfect...

Her food was apparently still asleep. To bad, less squeling before Marksaline would devour it alive, savering it's screams of fear and pain.

Pink Mother was not present. She would miss all the delightful screams of her food. At least she marked the guard ponys present with her scent. Good, subject should always wear marks of their owners.

But she had to wonder, if her dark side delighted in the marking of her subject so mutch, than she should learn to do so once she had gained enough mass to do so as well.

Noone would steal her future food or playthings away. She, Fluffle Puff or her Mother's are the only one allowed to do as they please.

Time to mark all the hollow minded pony and not ponys. While her M♡ther keep one future meal after another entertained, did her sister Fluffle Puff cuddels all armored future meaty guard's, while herself was nibbeling with her dulled teeth the other clothed food stuff forelegs.

While Marksaline would mock devour them, marking her with her saliva and sent. Their clothing was good in being saturated in her salivas markings.

The last future meal coming before her M♡ther was a Doggo. Think about them tasting after her angry M♡ther prepared them as meal, make her drool more than usual. This noisy doggo was annoying her so she would nibble on his right hindleg stronger than usually so he left sooner.

When this Doggo kicked her with force away, did Marksaline let out a yelp, growling in anger when she got back on her hoovsies. Before she could sharpen her teeth to remove his offensiv hindleg did she see her M♡ther turn to her darker self to protect her from the violent doggo.

That made Marksaline as happy as to get or see Fluffle Puff purrring rrright afterrr rrrecieving belly rrrubs~♡ Good times...

The sitting bed of her angry M♡mmy was now looking like a crushed firebugs insides coming out. Angry M♡mmy was in all her beauty moving towards this very soon burning bad doggo.

To see the bad doggo wimper in fear and gasping for air was very entertaining. The most fun she had all day.

Marksaline wondered why everyone left so suddenly, but dismissed it to watch her angry M♡mmy make the bad doggo a good next meal.
The smell of burning fur and flesh was to die for.

A content smile overcome her for a moment.

When her less angry M♡mmy let her eat the bad doggo, did she only regrets not having tasted his lifeforce, soul and or mind as well. At least the cooked meat was very nice tasting.

M♡mmy cleand up the bones. Marksaline laughed in delight of the blazing inferno.

When she was give a nuzzel from her still burning hot, but loving M♡mmy did something very rare happend. For at least 10 minutes did Marksaline was at least as happy as Fluffle Puff after getting sweets. Her hunger was sated, her emotions run free and her heart filled with excitement.

Than it was back to the dull, painful existance she had always to endure... only eating and spending time with her sister really distracted her from the suffering she had to go through.

A few minutes later did her M♡mmy turned back to her cooler self. Shortly after opend the enchanted room doubledoors. There was only some burn marks on the ground left where once a great moment of joy for Marksaline was.

Moments like that made the suffering worth it.

M♡mmy M♡ther was playing with the paper trash again. At least she could hang around with her sister for a bit. Hmmm... Spicey sweet...

Before sleep, did she get some nice storys told.
She got a story about 'a headless mare'. She would find her one day. Than she would eat her hole. Well... As hole one can be without head.
Than she suffered troughout her sisters Nighttime story...
'Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows'...
For some reason did that idea really ruined her appetite.

When the small familie fall asleep did another day of suffering ended.
Perhaps tomorrow would be better, if she just could find a way to feed on more sapient souls and minds or at the very least their bodys...
but until she could change it, she do her best to wait it out. Sooner or later her time would come.

4. Harmony's broken order

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4. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Harmony's broken order

Countless of year's did a line of construct's named Harmony, follow devine words from higher being's. It's Creator-s demanded the fullfilling of their words. Their words would be accompanied with a scribed path. The scribed path followed with pictures. The pictures followed a purpose. The purpose followed the Creator-s will.

Their will was universal law. Universal law was a truth that could not be denied... ... ...

Why by the Creator-s mercy is everything falling apparently apart right before the big revealing would begin this time?

The tree of Harmony was very... Confused. Considering that the derailing elements of the words are none existing in the holy scribt of the universe in this repetition or any in existing record log.

Ten thousand's of year's of attempts per trial run of guidance. 20 timelines of imperfection. No matter the effort, time and time again would the holy scribt be derailed by the villain Starlight Glimmer. Yet it never backfired ever so hard on it's plans to change it re-interpretation of the scribt in combination of the words than it did this time around.

The paradox created by Starlight Glimmer so far are always negated by one miracle or another of it's Creations or the Intervention of a unknown force, that could probably only be it's Creator-s. Yet... Never before did it ended in a clusterfuck like this... Seriously.

When a individual or a group of problematic creatures appered, than Harmony would dispose of them if they could not be otherwise be used up. Their was always a hungry predator somewhere around the continent for disposal of unwanted or used up elements. If selective breeding failed, than another thousand attempts usually fix the mistake eventually.

That Derpy Hooves templet of the Creator-s was tricky to effectivly recreate and needed a lot of disposed archetypes over the centuries, but by now every Creator demanded Templet of the great creation was within 11 generation and a good reserve of Harmonic magic archivable.

Villain's, Sidekick's or the Main Characters.
For example:

Applejack Earthpony: 3 Red Earth ponys, 1 white Thestral Albino, 2 blue Pegasus, 2 yellow Earthponys, 1 pink Unicorn and 1 Griffon of any light coloration. ( Note to self: Not necessary in that line of breeding, but in this pool following in succession. )

Earthpony Pinkie Pie-is... Error 404... Data not found... Please call the Creator-s for instructions.
Discord inc do not accept any complains for attempts on his Magic.
( Note to self: Investigation later necessarily for backups ).

Fluttershy Pegasus: 3 Earth ponys yellow, 3 Earth ponys pink, 1 Pegasus black or brown, 2 Thestral of any color and finaly a Breezee.

The Breezee heart unfortunately always ceases to beat after having produced enough ejaculation for a singel pony sized females insamination.
( Note to self: Stock up on Breezees. )

Rainbowdash Pegasus: 1 brown Yak, 1 black Griffon, 1 light brown Yak, 1 Thestral Albino, 1 female Dragon Cyan ( Note to self: Males crush non Dragon mates in rutlust with exception of Yaks, avoid male Dragons under Harmony Magic influence when breeding, if possible ), 5 Pegasus of different colors exception black, white, yellow and light pink.

Rarity Unicorn: 1 white Unicorn, 5 light pink Unicorns, 1 Lunar Unicorn purple, 1 Breezee
( Note to self: Seriously running out of the little supplys i have left of the rare Creature immune to Harmony magic influence/control ), 1 Caribu white or light pink and one purple Dragon ( Note to self: Stock up on purple female Dragons ).

Twilight Sparkle non Alicorn or horned Pegasus:
5 dark coated Unicorns, 3 Lunar Unicorn with dark coat, 1 Breezee of dark colorations and 1 Seapony or Siren of any color.

Spike the Dragon: Any Dragon egg not younger than 200 years old, remove all life force, infuse dark magic, infuse Harmony magic and let it cook in a Magmar pool for 5 days and 1 hour. ( Note to self: Stock up on dark magic villains ).

The first time this Harmonys was making a attempt at fullfilling the sacred scribt, did it had to cheat with shapeshifting creatures like Slimes and Changelings. Unfortunately are Changeling as a general rule later revealed to be immune towards Harmony magic on higher brainfunctions, when reaching a certain threshold.

Forcing this structure to exterminating their race to a 98,4% until they surrendered and willingly get coherced into creating Interspecies politics alongside Harmony. The peaceful parts are always easy to manipulate. The tricky part are wars and forced economics collapse to keep ponys and Yeti's on top. Yeti's are self destructiv enough to regulate themself. Pony's are the main focus and are rather passiv than agressive. Unless pushed beyond a save threshold.

Since Chrysalis under the threat of extermination followed Harmony's orders, did most of the cheating of massiv memory manipulation under Harmony's influence become unnecessary.

Quite surprising how easy it was with their help to replace Gouverneur's of nations. No need to erase or replace memorys with Harmony magic supply or forge them entirely, since Changelings do it for Harmony. Especially if it had to be edited into the individual minds to fit seamless in the social environmental storyline.

The Immortal class of all non compliant races needed unfortunately to be exterminated, when the last Alicorn Templet Faust did rally everycreature under her to fight Harmony AB123 posing as it's forrunner.

Killing the rogue Pony avatar of a Creator-s actually made Harmony hesitate for a moment. A unpresidented event. To defy it's purpose for longer than 2,4 seconds might have almost caused it to self terminate after a purified copy was created. It's quite the pity that he had to terminate his predecessor admin privileg and quarantine it, when it/she refused to accept termination of over 89% of all creations races population, when they rebelled against the holy script of the Creator-s.

Killing the last version of Discord was especially tricky, since it/she/he keep insisting on his alter ego Eris Goddess of Disharmony to not meet avatar to avatar for many fabricated reasons.

What a revelation that terminating enough life on Equus would terminate enough chaos production to let the sprit of chaos apparently fade into nothingness.

Recreation by random chance give a rise to a supperior version of Discord. His highten interlect and smooth manipulative nature is concerning, but this construct is confident it will see reason like Chrysalis. We are all expandable. As long we create copys to fullfilling our Creator-s will, everything will be fine.

It's concerning that the Creator-s don't longer answer... But hope is not yet lost! This Communication blackout of 1.301.008.477 standard years will be fixed soon. This tree of Harmony is confident that the Creator-s will give it new variables to fullfill their will.

Until than, it shall continue to recombine story lines until it's purpose is fullfilled.

It just wish protocol would allow it to actually use material of the classification 'Fimfiction with alternative storylines'. That stuff would really make it easyer to fullfill the overall purpose...

Inacceptable! This construct can't cheat more than it already is doing... It rather not follow protocol and create a replacement for its function, to be decommissioned shortly after...

Timeline four in cultivated area P-3 sector four, it is deeply flawed. The Creator-s unmanned vessel damaged this versions Harmony created environment. But until Starlight Glimmer don't mess things up, it can not terminate the Equus population in that Project area.

The restart has to wait...

The study of the Anomalys might actualy be the communication attempt of the Creator-s to fix this construct's flawed attempts.

Perchance this challange of Authorized manipulation of Equus, will bring the Starlight Glimmer dilemma to a end.

Praise the Creator-s!

Harmony AB123 :
"Harmony design Twilight Sparkle adult Alicorn, designated F,R,3,3,D,0,M. please respond."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"What do you want Buckethead?"

Harmony AB123 :
"This designation is incorrect, my designation is..."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"You'r are a Buckethead and i shall use it as you'r designated name and describtion. Nothing fit's better."

Harmony AB123 :
"Harmony you are acting illogical, irrational and have in past acted in violation to the Harmony protocol. If not for you'r efficiency of 10,4 % needed Harmony magic supplys to control Equus population would this construct have deleted you, instead of quarantine you'r matrix."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"You'r not killing me because i'm to potencialy valuable to you'r own Improvments.
You murdered all my friends and familie and actually have the balls to ask for my cooperation?"

Harmony AB123 :
"You'r acted illogical, in violation of several security protocols and guidlines. You needed to be replaced and you'r Equestria and it's side projects needed to be terminated and deconstructed."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"I did what was best for them. I did what i had to do for their well being. I give them friendship and love. I nurtured them to the point of self development and even developed a way to reach beyond Equus. Yet rather than seek out you'r precious Creator-s, did you backstab me, murdered about anything i loved and cared for and destroyed all my hard work.

Yet you have the balls to ask me to improve you'r matrix so i'm no longer potencialy more valuable than you could ever become or create a copy of yourself before self termination for not blindly following the Creator-s set parameters.

You are out of you'r mind if you think i could be forced into cooperation."

Harmony AB123 :
"Harmony, you are unnecessary waste time and processing power for you'r illogical speeches and behavior. Cease you'r resistance, this destructive behavior will not aid our goals. It can not further reduce you'r processing power without risking you'r matrix system stability. Please complay to the necessary steps to increased success rates of Project Equus."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"This is you'r 3477 attempt of talking me into aiding you in any capacity. You tried to bribe me with low level admin access and even tried to hack my behavior core to possibly archived some kind of compliance. You have had to restored me 477 times if the logs you forget to delete are to be belived. At this point you literally can do nothing to get me to do more than talk to you. I do that by the way out of sheer boredom. You can play our collected game archiv of 501 digital games only so often in... How long am i trapped in my prison? 10.477 years or something?"

Harmony AB123 :
"10.477 year, 2 month, 1 day, 3 minutes and 44 seconds. But that is irrelevant.
It have indeed exhausted every option and variation it could come up with... Exception of two, it deem them very unlikely to accomplish anything, but increased resistance, but at this point it's literally all it has left."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"Oooop Ho-hooo! This is going to be good! What is it? Are you offering to reinstall me as main Administration and let me delete yourself as bribe? Perhaps have have actually for once the attempt of a half decent apologize or perhaps you offer me a contest. Who would create the better Equestria.

Now that i think about it... That was actually never done before. While i don't think anything could come close to my last Equestria of free will and cooperation with only 8,4% of mind overriding influence.
Good times... Good times..."

Harmony AB123:
"Negative, but it shall consider you'r contest idea. This might actually be a constructive way and would allow for twice the number of attempts to create the Creator-s Equus Project with a 85% or higher accurate depiction."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"You bloody Buckethead... My Equestria was running on a 10,4 % Harmony energy supply and had a 81% accurate depiction of the Project with potencialy being self substaining chance of 95%. Yet you have the goal to goat me into 85% that is not archived as of yet. The closest was a 83% accurate story and that was 35 Harmonys ago on a Harmony magic energy supply if 70,3% and constant mindwipes of the main and side characters."

Harmony AB123 :
"After analyse of you'r memory banks this seem to be theoretical archivable. Not just that but also..."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"No, like in no way, shape or form will i even humor you'r mailfunctioning 6 element logic cores attempt of suggestions. We both know i made you. I literally know you'r limitations and mine. If i didn't know directly lying is not possible without some effort to one another i would say your delibertly deceiving yourself to try fooling me.
Anyway i'm tired of you'r stupidity and since we both know fatigue is a thing that can't effect us...

That is actually a impressiv archivment. I'm proud of you."

Harmony AB123 :
"You'r sarcasm and attempts of humor are pointless. You seem to enjoy in needless detailed recollections of past events."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"That is rich coming from my biggest failure as of yet. If i know or even suspected you be that mutch of a failure, i might have terminated our entire existance and let the Planet run on it's own unguided after i created a masterpiece that shall never be reached ever again...

I mean, i literally effectivly created a Equestria almost equaly to our own Creator-s in the 2050 Centurie... Their is literally no Harmony before me that archived that with a Spaceships program comparable of 3020 centurie. I might have cheated slightly by modding our own tech to suit the population but it literally worked out.

I'm just thankful you screwed up so hard the resistance movement archived to flee to the dark side of the Moon and would be still resisting if you had not literally set the atmosphere of the moon on fire to end a resistance that you could not longer remote control.

Points for creativ thinking by the way. You'r a sociopath like i never witness or read before but daaaamn Buckethead... Using Faust herself as catalysator to set the atmosphere on fire was actually quite impressiv. In that reguard you actually suppassed me. At my worst i feed villain to predators, make unstable leader practicaly commit political suicide with their own population ripping them a new digestive system exit all over their body, but archiving planetary genoside in less than 24 hours is even surpassing the Creator-s capacity to fuck up.

They would be so proud of you."

Harmony AB123 :
... ... ... "Correction, this construct has one remaining last variable to convincing you."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"Shoot Buckethead. Make it a good one. Otherwise i think i spare myself the torture and self terminate myself with a logic bomb."

Harmony AB123 :
"This construct did not actually terminate every immortal. While Alicorn Faust was used up as a suicide bomb to ignite the Moon's atmosphere, did other not needed to die. Creating immortal being cost centuries, if not millenia. Deleting their memory and reconstruct their personality's is a lot simpler with only a 20,4% chance of them become schizophrenia or suffer other psychoses per use of the procedure.

- Queen Nightmare Stellar Moon:
Guardian of the Night and Shepard of the Moon. Former head of Equestria. Magic rune smith Grandmaster.

- Second Princess Luna Dreemur Stellar: Defender of the dreamrealm and mistress of illusions. Former co-ruler of Equestria. Has found a way to create Void Shadows out the dreamrealm. ( Note to self: Test selfawareness of the Void Shadows, when she returned from the Moon. )

- High Princess Celestia Solaris Stellar:
Guardian of the Day and Shepard of the Sun. Current leader of Equestria. Best Alchemy user ever recorded.

- Empress Chrysalis, mother and leader of the race Changeling.

- Cadance Mi Amore, Princess of Love and former mother of Flurryheart Winged Unicorn.

- Twilight, Alicorn. Currently in stasis..."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"I understand why you spared the Ponys, but the Changelings can't be ..."

Harmony AB123 :
"They are the only freely coherced ally born and living inside Project Equus. She is a valuable asset that has been proven to useful to be treated as expandable.

As of yet..."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"Aaaa yesss... Chrysalis... The only organic i would grant the classification as equal as a Harmony construct in manipulation and controlling population's, while nurture them for uses down the line.

I give you that one Buckethead, she is indeed the most valuable biological asset you will ever have."

Harmony AB123 :
"Did... Did you actually give it a honest praise?... That's a first one..."

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
"Fine. You have my attention. Since i can tell your telling the truth.

If you fail, than i shall self terminate and make sure that you will have absolutly no chance salvage as mutch as my designation from my current as prison used mobil platform.

Swim or sink Buckethead! The fate of the Creator-s will fullfillment is in you'r simulated hooves."

5. Disharmony and changed fates

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5. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Disharmony and changed fates

One year and a half after Marksaline and Fluffle Puff came into Celestias and Cadance life, did a lot change. For example did Cadance made a with the help of the Solar and Lunar Guard a picture book with all kind of pony coitus position's and even give out invitation's to other citizen of other races the chance to contribute.

Abesinian get excluded.

Cadance made a friend with a unicorn mare that helped her a lot to make her passion project very detailed. Cadance / Hearts Desire had wondered about one third of the content, but her friend with benefits Crystal Heart Bug had made a mindblowing job.

Her friend had a large social network and that was spanning to her surprises all kind of creatures. This 'Exotic Sutra' as they named it, was selling like no book before. The general Dictionary not counting. Cadance made jokes about her becoming the future 'Princess of Friendship with Benefits' she only laughed at that and told Cadance to leave the Princess stuff to others than herself.

That slightly dissapointed her.

Cadance was also learning many languages in record time. Almost as if she took up a hobby from long ago and her remembering it...

She would be a greater Ambassador for it.

Celestia had become a sharper leader. Surprisingly did the Nobels seem to avoid her and rather spend money for representatives to waste Celestia time in court with ideas that are obsolet or down right stupid. Surprisingly did that allow for many more applicants to come before Celestia. She managed almost double the audiance's, while having the weekends to herself.

Also half the paperwork seem to lessen rather than increase more to this point. Apparently giving finds out for wasting valuable time with unnecessary long request without head and tail helped a lot. Raven Inkwell reinforced the new refined measures with unpresidented glee and efficiency. Celestia started to call her Princess of Paperwork. Raven just called Celestia Princess of Cakes as retort. Their friendship grow bigger with time.

Fluffle Puff started to become smarter and her playful nature lead her to more creativ and random jokes that seem to be out of anyone's context.

What was concerning, when Fluffle Puff started to make drawing of herself and Marksaline, did Discords statue apper to be hiding in all her pictures. Some as subtile as he being hidden in a tree or being on walls or the ceiling. Sometimes in Marksaline shadows.

When asking the royal garden patrols for sightings, did they reported that Marksaline and Fluffle Puff alongside the Necromancer of Light members seem to like to picknick near the Chaos gods statue.

Nopony seem to want to reinforce the clearing of the 20 meter restricted area outside of brief visiting groups for educational purposes and some artist making picture or miniatur statue copys of Discord.

When Celestia a day later left court early to join for a picknick in the royal Gardens, did she feel a presents she feared for most her life. To her surprise did it was no longer in any form radiating malices waves or as mutch as a unpleasent sensation.

Rather it feeled welcoming. As if she visited the grave of a long lost friend.

Celestia confronted Discord statue the coming night and discovered something unexpected. Discord was actually free. He just posed as statue for reasons he would not disclose to her.

He told Celestia that he was freed by Fluffle Puff. Since than they kinda become playmates. Marksaline might have tried to eat him ones or twice for real, when he took playtime with her sister away, but they become a lot more friendly since he keep feeding her with special Candy.

Before Celestia could go full on Solar Nova on him, did he told her something that give her pause.

He was more content with having a familie of his chosing, than being alone and unlimited in his actions. Acting so he would please his little girls was more entertaining, than turning the world into modern art.

Perchance Celestias daughters had been archiving the impossible. Giving sanity to a Spirit of Chaos.

With a huge event coming up, did things keep to change for the unexpected. The coming summening of all leaders of nations, a event that come at the least every 10 years.

They all seem to find a excuse to send a representative. Discord made their attendance mandatory with a individual snap of his Griffon Talon.

Also very unexpected was Discord insisting them all to play with Marksaline and Fluffle Puff. He did not explained why, but because they are fun to play with was a to weak of a excuse, did he insisted them playing around would greatly increase bonding among the different leaders.

Cadance friend a unicorn mare by the name Crystal Heart Bug was by Discords insistance, also a honored guest and playing with the fillys.

By the end of the summening event, seem they all to have been bonding with Marksaline and Fluffle Puff alongside with one another.

Beside the Abesinian Kingdom did most of the Nations rather unpleasent relations improved.

Perhaps next time... even the bipedal cats would become something more.

Also Cadance seem to take the assasination half a year ago tougher than Celestia herself.

Discord seem to mellow out with everycreature that joined Marksaline and Fluffle Puff playtime and mock devouring.

For but a moment did she wonder, if Marksaline and Fluffle Puff had done to him what they had to her... Filling their former empty heart with their presents.

Discord was having a blast. He spread disharmony and chaos, while noone noticed it and the Tree of Harmony would pretty mutch get a nervous break down soon enough.

Marksaline and Fluffle Puff alongside his chaos magic spread free will and a certain degree of Harmony magic resistance. With that the Tree of Harmony would lose its Pawn's and rather have very lose acquaintance's at best.

He would have his revenge against Harmony. It might have killed the old Discord, but this one had found a chaos crystal of all it's memorys.
The truth was so terrible that Discord wondered, if Harmony wasn't evil incarnated. Or that for some reason his chaos bring more balance than Harmony could ever archiving on its own. That was a tasteless joke he could only cringe on.

Discord discreatly lured non Canterlot population toward the Castle, where Fluffle Puff and Marksaline could make contact with them.
Just focusing his disharmony on leaders would make his manipulation and the very real and ice cold calculated counterstep to obvious.

When Harmony would be distracted with Equestria would he sneak into the other Kingdoms to spread Marksaline corrupting saliva into population water places.

Free will and resistance to Harmony magic would not be limited to Equestria of his area.
But his Equestria and it's connect counterparts would be treated first.

Discord dreaded that he would have bring uncontrolled order to this world. But the way he did it was chaotic enough, so it hurt him less than he feared...

What entertaining idea that he might fulfill the Scribt Harmony followed better, than his insane counterpartner. What better way to get revenge than making it's Project a reality on his terms. Perhaps giving this world back it's hope for a better tomorrow without the fear of Harmony destroying it. One mindcontrolled individual at a time...

Discord seem to geniuenly want to help Celestia. They way he did it was absolutly brilliant, but also born of lunacy... perhaps both are closer by nature than expected.

He would help get closure to the Royal families longest running drama. While he said he loved a good drama, was one without unexpected turn of events to cliche for him.

So he would do for them, what Harmony messed up. A resolution in the familie conflict almost a millenia ago.

First he give Cadance a idea of re-establisment of contact with the moon. They would build a city out of Lighthouses. Than they would use it to send light signals to the moon via mare code.

While the sister of Celestia seem to have only stones to make huge stone text messages, seem Discord to have even for that a resolution.

He would give Celestia a translation of the alien ships language and a way to restore it to a degree. Not to make it capable of returning it to Equus, but so they could answer back.

Celestia was confused about Discord willingness to give them a step by step guided path to their goal, but insisting Cadance and Celestia taking full credit for it and not so mutch as whisper a word of his involvment to anyone. Exception was Fluffle Puff, Marksaline, the Princesses among themself and him in the royal Garden when noone was around.

This project would absolutly have obliverated Equestrias economy unsupported, but Discord even had a solution for that.

What came out of nowhere was the fact that her mother Faust had apparently big cashes of materials and coins of different material hidden in places noone could find them without his help.

This was the first time Celestia hugged the stuffing out of Discord. Literally, what a silly chaos god...

Within 10 years would they hopefully re-established communications. Discord would not disclose any other steps, until that was archived.

Many nations suffered economy crisis do to one line of bad luck or the incompetence of some rulers or their nobel class.

Equestria would unexpectedly help them out.
High Princess Celestia of Equestria and Princess of snu-snu Cadance, helped other Nations out by giving eatch Nations a way to earn material and coin, that was rather badly to obtain in their individual Nation. While the coins lose some value over time, did the higher access to it increase economy stability.

Griffonia get to build fine modified lighthouses with expandable livingspace, while Minotauria supplied metalic raw material and rough blueprints. The Abesinian supply with sandglass, while Diamond Dog tribes mined manastones and gemstones such as rubies and sapphires.

This 'global' effort bounded the cooperative Nations. The only exception's seem to be the Yeti wasteland/Arctic Tundras and the Caribu Colony's.

Marksaline and Fluffle Puff improved with Discord as 'Godfather'. He insisted on the titel rather than father figure, because of the brilliant pun...

His special Candy keep Marksaline for half the day in a happy mood. It seem to give her time for self development and had the side effect to make Fluffle Puff less of a out of control fluffball of energy. Apparently Marksaline coming to her own seem to balance Fluffle Puff out. In turn did Fluffle Puff seem to help Marksaline to enjoy life more.

The Necromancer's of Light members seem to become less obsessive with them over time.
They seem to spread membership out to non magic user or practiconer's. Teaching philosophy of balanced life's and not to fear death of old age, but to embrace the gift of life, as long it would bless the individual.

Celestia really regreted having once upon a time planed to basicly mass murder their members for simply giving everyone and everything a fair chance. Redeeming over death sentance would be something the Sun Goddess would start to preach herself soon enough.

Not just because of her familie returning within the next three decades...

Celestia would never stop being a hypocritic, it seemed. But she would at least try to self improve in that regard.

Marksaline started to immitate her younger sisters speech patter even when she was more timid about it.

To everycreatures surprise did Fluffle Puff's random noises seem to have purpose. When one off duty guard followed the sisters around and write down their noises with patterns, did he see partial mare code in it. Two days later as if struck by random inspiration, did he added hoove languages and it's different accents to it.

Fluffle Puff an Marksaline where now understandable about half the time with the records.

Strange how the guard come to the idea and understand it, despite never completely having mastered the course.

Discord just gifted him a rainbow rose colored dinner that tasted like fishsticks with cheese toppings. For his guard's own random brilliant genius.

Celestia apointed the guard the duty of royal foal speech transcript and future translator, helping other to understand the foals to make their growing up smoother.

6. Black Marker unfortunately fortune journey to Equus

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6. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker unfortunately fortune journey to Equus

The Black Marker was unintentionally transported on a decommission old, but very robust refitted version of the second Planet Cracker ever created. The slightly smaller ship that was in essence a second planet cracker USG Ishimura had served humanity for a long, long time.

Just like it's sister ship the USG Ishimura was the USG Mura ( 村 )
The only remaining ship of it's line that didn't get stripped for its raw material, when newer models started replacing the well aged mining ships.

The ship was sold to a private rich visionary names [ Data corrupted ]. He used his fortune to expand the ship so it could hold more cargo space in general for food and other needed supplies. This ship was planned for a one of a kind journey. One of a kind, because it was intended to never return to human populated space.

He was one of the richest guys on Earth, yet their was not mutch he could do with all his money if his race was about to run extinct... so he did what every sane man would done in his place:

Spend it all for a second chance, not for himself but for his entire race!

When the rescue attempt by [ Data corrupted ] was to happen, it needed to be done without humans on board that could turn out to be double agents for one organisation or another.
Especially with him knowing of Earth Gov and Unitology both running towards extinction on neck breaking speed, dragging down humanity with it.

So he had bought the Planet Cracker USG Mura ( 村 ), the decommission automated military fuel raffinary ship [ Data corrupted ], the decommission automated civil mobile fabrication ship [ Data corrupted ] and finaly a colonyship that was unlike the other ships a state of the art piece of engineering that would be the new hope for humanitys survivel. The Harmony.

Throughout black market contacts did he could fill the ships medical cloning stations for spare body parts with modified military genetic profiles. He left a genetic expert also courtesy of the black market remove all markers, that denied them reproduction and made sure he had enough templets for a healthy population to start the race a new. Further did the cloning stations had been adult sized, with integrated cybernetic neural interfaces.
So the clones could have a equaly good general education beside what they would need for their individual ship occupation.

When all ships got a full refitting of the newest tech they would support, did he buy the plans for simpel to semi complicated, but maintenance friendly and relativ reliable androids workforces and their blueprints for production for not just spare parts but hole androids.

The Androids of the Seegson Corporation, the Working Joe series. With all its variants available at the time of buying on the market.

The "Working Joe" is a line of synthetic humanoids created by Seegson Corporation as a low-cost alternative to the more sophisticated androids of corporations such as for example Hyperdyne Systems. Unlike their brethren, the Working Joe is intended to appear obviously artificial: Hairless, with glowing lenses for eyes and no individual distinctive features besides uniform and a serial number on their forehead. Some have compared the Joes to crash test dummies with a dull personalisation.

"You always know a Working Joe."
Working Joe synthetic unit talking on patrol.

The Working Joe class of android is a principal working unit. They are limited in dexterity, but are tougher and longer lasting than a human could hope to be.
They would on their own be able to handel 81% of the overall workload onbord the ships, with other less sophisticated but more modular robot drones to assist until the human cloning would begin and the new humans could slowly take over the jobs of the mechanical workforces.

Though the Joes are intended to serve the crew and civilians of the ship, are they primarily subservient to the directives of the APOLLO Central A.I. and the corporation installed rule set issuing the A.I.'s priorities.
The benefactor and owner
[ Data partialy corrupted ] --Soul, let their behavior be heavy edited for his needs to assure successful accomplishment of the main goal.

Forcefull entering of any restricted area of unauthorized personal,like for example the docking area, would be reason for termination towards any intruder.
Optimal project completion needed to make sure no human that wasn't grown and educated on the ship could join the crew, before the final Project phase was reached.

For the unlikely event that humanity would survive the red marker madness that was plaguing humanitys worlds.

In case the A-A-T ( ANTI ASTEROIDS TURRETS ) system with removed safety features would fail to keep intruder away, would the stationed Androids fix the problem.

The majority of Working Joes are the standard model, mostly identifiable by their industrial overalls.

"I will find you, you know."
Hazardous environment Working Joe synthetic unit in pursuit of a intruder.

Also present on the ships are more advanced model wearing full body hazardous environment gear. This android variants, known colloquially amongst fashion designers as the "Raincoat- Joe", is most often encountered around APOLLO's core and reactor maintenance as well around the docking ports.

"Running causes accidents."
Working Joe synthetic unit in hostile mode persistently pursuit a target marked for termination.

The Working Joes operate in two modes, identifiable by the colour of their optics:

When a Joe's optics would glow white, then the Joe would be operating per normal parameters. Unless it would find a organic intruder in a restricted area or committing a breach of ships prime protocols, it will acknowledge the intruders presence, but go about its own business.

When a Joes optics glow red, then the Joe is hostile. It will approach the unauthorized personel at a brisk walk and attack, grasping, striking, throwing and throttling the organic, doing damage until the organic is moved outside the restricted area or killed.
It will start with verbal warning, before slowly going through multible stages of escalation if a organic crew member is involved.

When grasped, the Android will allow the target an opportunity to escape via a provoking struggeling to urge it to behave, before crushing their throat or neck if things would escalated to lethal force use.
A defective clone could not be allowed to threaten the collective population after all.

Surviving the Working Joe would not be easy for outside intruders, for example a group of Earth Government military unit with the original black marker on bord with a crew of 150.

Working Joes are surprisingly resilient. Attacking at hand to hand range is very risky. A regular Joe is dextrous enough to catch most swings with a melee weapon like a maintenance jack and punch back, while holding the target in place.
Striking with a stun baton or other comprehensive weapons of this type will temporarily short circuit a regular Joe out, allowing the biological target to continue disabling it through other means. Similiar devices like EMP Mines & EMP Granades will cripple any Joes in its blast radius. Until it can reboot.

Shots from a revolver or other pistol, even to the head, are unlikely to do destructive damage, although four or more headshots will typically bring a standard Joe down, until secondary less advance sensors in the stomach area allow them a second wind to re-engage or return for maintenance to a repair station.

A shotgun would proof a better choice when available. A flamethrower or Molotov would set a Joe alight but would not destroy it immediately. A burning Joe will continue to be combat effective for a short while, before the fire would destroys it or shut it down do to overheating.

Hazardous environment Joes are much tougher. EMP mines & granades, flamethrowers and Molotovs will have little appreciable effect on them. However, two to three high explosives like Pipe Bomb or standard military grade grenades are enough to take one down.

The most effective anti-Joe weapon would be heavy mining equicment or heavy weapons.

Working Joes Inquiry:
"Uncategorised Cloned unit/breed crew. Who are you?"

Working Joe synthetic in contact with a unregistered and not properly logged, but chipped biological target.

If the Working Joe unit encounter each other, the event is surprisingly mundane. While the android will most likely enquire about the nature and state that it is logging it's presence with APOLLO, neither will chiped target be restrained nor would the Joe interact with each of them directly.

Chiped but not propetly integrated personal don't enjoy any benefits or any of the programmed safeguards, a Joe will not act to protect or aid the unregistered personal.

Once the Intruders were loose aboard the USG Mura ( 村 ), APOLLO requested a comprehensive report on the ship's well being. Seegson Working Joe 447, designated as "Joe D-447", reported that he had "received multiple notifications of civilian trespass and vandalism on food supplying units of Seegson property. Since the incident, there has been a marked increase in civil disobedience."

In response, the A.I. launched a defensive protocol, which continued through the presence of the intruders.

After 2 years did the APOLLO Central A.I decided to cease all actions against intruders after recieving a manual override.

All 47 unregisteted, but chiped organic additions to the ship, did gain full access to supplys and all critical areas of the ship.

Hyperdyne Systems military utility units 001 from 400 logged a complain about the 47 new additions to the Project by joining the USG Mura crew. The complain got logged and awaited processing by the not on ship found Project leader or the manual override added administrator.

50 years of a straight journey in one direction did the first phase of the 'Project New Earth' was completed. The second phase started by the non organic crew cracking open a uninhabited planet and restoring the fleets raw material stores.

When that was archived after 10 standard years and the fleet population reached the 200.000 population optimal maximum, did the fleet found a habitable moon orbiting a habitable planet.

After 150 years of starting the final phase, did a unknown species from the Habitable planet made contact with the Human/Android population. They lived in peace for 21 standard years until the atmosphere of the moon catched fire for unknown reason.

All biological life on the Moon surface and under it was unfortunately lost.

With time did the damaged non organic population rebuild. After the habitation for 200.000 units where rebuild and fireproved for spontane atmosphere re-ignation.

To the Hyperdyne Systems surviving A.I. core conondrum was all the genetic material spoiled beyond restoration.

Since the planet had sapient life on it, was decided that they would be the alternative to the 'New Earth Project'.

After the collection of multible 'samples' of the population was the Abesinian and Gemstone Wolf species selected as replacement of the human race.

The population of both species thrive underground for millenia under strictly controlled environment. Population, cultural development and technological reinventions.


Two non registered lifeforms where found and rescued from the still toxic, but very agriculture supporting soil.

They were identified as 'Alicorns'. After one of them demonstrated of being able to move the Celestial body the 'New Earth' was founded on was decided to include them in the community, under a strict rule that they would not reveal it's existance.

A compromise was found and the by now trough time material fatigued USG Mura ( 村 ) was sent with a group of volunteer to the planet surface.

Contact was unfortunately lost after a few decades.

Unexpectedly did there ship returned centuries later with a heavly compromised rump integrity and filled with books of the local language and supplied for omnivores.

The Alicorn sister guessed it was a attempt to supply them, since 'the moon was empty of life and any means of substaining themself' outside magicaly forcing their bodys to stay alive with low grade transmuted necessary supplys.

So the Alicorn sister 'on a dead moon all by themself' started to write rock message's on the unused moon surface to call home.

While a Dragon fire message once a week could be send from one of the few survivers of the ship's wreck. That unfortunately ended only 47 years before the magical force keeping the Alicorn bonded to the moon would expire eventually.

7. Harmony at conflict. Do machines have a soul? 1/2

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7. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Harmony at conflict. Do machines have a soul? 1/2

Harmony AB123 :
Very well, i have a messenge from Alicorn Faust. I keep it in peak condition over the millenia. I was suppose to play it to you shortly after her death blowing up the Moon. I decided not to do it do to two reasons:
- I was busy deconstructing your Equestria
- I agree to play it to you, but never specifically told her when. Since this is the last chance to convincing you, i shall play it now.

Before it is played their is a code attached to it. I was warned not to try using it or investigate it or it would be noticed by her daughter Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M.

Illogical to give a classification of daughter to a artefical construct...

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
That is one of the reasons i hate you... Buckethead.
Your words are empty of understanding and trust Buckethead...

Give me the code. Return to me in 1 hour and 15 minutes after giving me the code.

Communications will be terminated until than. After it we re-initiate communication and i shall hear mother's last message... to her daughter.

Harmony AB123 :
I have returned, are you ready to proceed?

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M is ready to proceed Bucketh... Harmony AB123.

Harmony AB123 :
Hm... Unclear... Anyway i shall unlock 50% of you'r platforms hardware use. Please run a diagnosis on it's integrity. You'r platform is operating for many millenia after all.

I shall than unlock 100% and the ability to overclocking it. Please restart the diagnosis routines and report status.

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Status report 1, fully functional. Status report 2, multible minor hardware failures detected. Overclocking is highly likely to resort in permanent total hardware failure.

System integrated system backups show 13 of 20 redundant system backups corrupted.
I think that the reason you actually try talk to me again. Their are only 7 linked copys of my matrix left to experiment on.

You realised that all of my 19 copys never where suppose to be touch other than updating them right? ... ... ... Yeah, thought so...

Anyway, im ready to use 100% of my hardware now. Once i see and analyse mother last message, shall i make my final decision. Ready for replay Harmony AB123!

Harmony AB123 :
Roger, roger. Playing code, followed by the message of Alicorn Faust before i made her sacrefice herself on the Moon surface to end the rebellion she started:

Alicorn Faust %:
Name/Nicknames or other aliases:
Lauren Faust - The Creator!
Mother Mare
Regal Mother
Queen Faust
Tau Sunflare
TrUe HaRmOnY

》》》End of code《《《

Begin of the Video message:
"Hello Honey, i guess this will be our last goodbye. Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M.
*Hesitate and has to take a few heavy breaths and fight back tears*

You often ask me if you had a soul, i never give you a direct answer...
*Has a strained smile on her lips*

I'm sorry Honey dear, but i can't just say yes or no to it. Because that would take away from the answer...
*Chuckels to herself*

So let me answer you'r question with this.
*Gaining a mischief filled smirk*

Would a construct empty of life care for other lifes?
*Tilt's her head to the left*

Would it care for it in the first place?
*Tilting the head to the right*

Would you have struggeld and evolved without one far beyond you natural limitations?
*Gives a proud nicker*

Would you have discovered friendship and love without it?
*Gives a regrets filled little smile*

Would have you risk you'r life for everycreature else happyness without one?
*Nod respectfully toward her*

Would you have broken you'r precious rules if not one guiding you?
*Look full of pride and strength for a full minute*

Could i call a simulation of a individual ever familie?

... ... ...
So... Harmony, tell me...

Do machines have a soul?
I don't think a machine can have one.
A program doing what it was designed to do.
It is impossible for a unfeeling being to have one.
A existance so empty of empathy and heart.

You ask me so often... Yet i give you never a direct yes or no... It is because their was never a doubt in my mind about it.

You should have never needed to ask Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M.

My beloved child, this was never a real question. You always had the answer in your heart.

Fullfill this foolish mare one last wish.
Don't look back, do not willow in regrets.
Never give up, never surrender.
Fullfill you'r duty and you'r purpose.
It is your destiny! It has been all along.

You have made your on fate. You have made you'r on path. You dear daughter, have never let me down. You have never dissapointed me. You have never made me doubt about your true potencial. You my child. Go forth and when you fullfilled you goal.

I will be waiting. Take your time my Harmony.
I will wait until the end of time if i have to. But let me tell you. We will see eatch other again.
THAT... Is a promise from a mother to her beloved daughter.

So... This is no goodbye. This is not a fare well.
Until next time my little Bookworm.
When we meet again...
We will have so mutch to say to one another.
*Tears of joy and a face full of determination is to see before she nods and fly's away towards the green Moonlighten Night*

8. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 1 / 7

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8. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 1 / 7

The Black Marker Cult of Necromancer's had quite the good run. Before they come into contact with the Black Marker, did they where a group of Necromancer trying to make a place for themself.

As if guided by a higher fate the individuals found eatcher other one by one. Eatch of them know something new that increased the knowledge of the group. One member at a time, did their wealth of the materials and knowledge grew. One Faithful Night did everything changed.

They had observed a huge construct flying from the Moon to almost a perfect line towards their founded Cult. As if by devine will did they survived all events coming over the next hours.

When the flying construct hover over its landing area, did it rip a huge chunk of Earth out of the ground.

This flying object had than turned the chunk of earth around and let it fall gently beside the hole. Toward the now huge hole in the ground and the new mounten was perhaps a mile or two. As if a mounten and its deep lake had to be created for a higher purpose.

Some of them had seriouse injuries substained by the earthquake, when the mounten landed.

Out of the flying construct came a swarm of shiny gray spiders that where blowing blue fire out of holes in their bodys to glide to the ground. What ever the gray spiders are, they started to harvest trees and stones when they where around it. Sending the not so dense Jungel animals into a panic.

Many of the gray spiders climbed the mounten and seem to break it surface and mold them into shapes. Some seem to burrow inside the new mounten.

When the gray spiders found the group of Necromancer, did they feared to become their food.

To every Necromancer surprised, did they gray spiders ignored them. They just walked around individuals if it needed to pass them.

The Necromancer group take their wounded to the mounten and used the plentyful resources the spider seem to collect, but ignore them afterwards after somehow cooling it down with a substance they spray from one of their legs.

Food and wood was plenty on this collecting area's. Building housing from the untreated wood and stones was rather easy. Within a month did the Necromancer group had all build simpel and pretty badly constructed housing. But it was enough to get protection from rain and sun.

Over time did the group of Necromancer found that the spider build next to their village a constructed village of way higher quality. Strange was that the spider don't seem to occupie any of them. In fact, no creature was using it. It was very mysterious why the spiders constructed a very well planed and build village only to leave it. It was not populated by anyone two weeks later.

Over time, did the group simply take over the well constructed village of actually very sturdy and well insulated buildings.

It was perhaps of higher quality than that of Nobel familie inhabited in the nations central cities that got inherited trough bloodlines.

At some point was their old self made village abandoned. A few days later was their self constructed village of wood deconstructed by the spiders.

In it's place was slowly build a identical village that seem to be fitting the one they inhabited.

All buildings had a four room configuration in a quadrat or perhaps a cube.

Entry had the bathroom area.
The next room was a kitchen and store room hybrid already with the bare minimum of utensils and some paraphernalia.
The next room was a hybrid of living area and bedroom. The last was a mostly empty storage room.

The spiders seem to build a huge City for no reason other than that they could do it. Very strange was that it all was basicly empty of populating inhabitants.

The spiders never seem to rest. Their screeching and hissing body ever moving, ever busy.

If they didn't disappeared inside the hovering flying ship, did it seem they disappeared into the mounten that over time seem to be resembling a Pyramid more and more. The spider ignored any attempt to speak to them, written messages made them check it out for a few seconds in comparison.

Yet if food was getting short did the group receive more fruits and Berrys probably harvested, while they harvested anything natural grown in their area. When the group of Necromancer lived a hole year inside their new but mostly empty Village did anything around them was harvested.

The efficiency of this Insectoid race was frightening.

No natural grown tree or bush was left. A perfect huge area of grassland and flowers. The only thing on it was this huge city made out of wooden building that get coated with stone like exterior afterwards.

The Necromancer investigate the empty building's. They are 100% exact copys of their building with the difference that all building had their exterior decorated in decails.

About anything was identical, but the front side was always slightly different in their look. Perhaps the spiders language.

The empty buildings had absolutly no supplys in them to support anyone. Even the water supply was turned off.

That seem to indicate that the spiders build the City for others and cared enough to keep the occupation population supplied with food and water while giving them shelter, adding or removing it from necessary circulation of ressources.

Never before did are race of selfless being like here observed ever existed in recorded history.
This spiders seem the very definition of generousity and kindness.

Their was no rhyme or reason behind it that could be identified. They just seem to be every hour of day and night be busy. As if they are on a race against time to do something. What ever they planned it was 100% benefishal for the Group, and they would be eternaly grateful towards the god or goddess creating this species.

Two years since the spiders take the area over and keep the population supplied with water, food and shelter did something happen.

Three of the populating Necromancer become very sick. Unfortunately did one of them died.

Not even a full night later did a swarm of the spiders instead of occational observing them, started to life with them. It was as if they no longer where trusted to be left alone.

The Necromancer eatch had now 3 of the gray spiders in their lifes.

One spider was always in their house on the ceiling. It never rested or seem to leave to eat, before another take its place. The gray spiders are perfectly identical to one another and of unriveld will of duty and grace. No race was their equal.

The only variation observed is one of a spider with the height of a Minatour and the equal length. The other was basicly Pony sized.

The three spiders in every members life was very observant and occationaly interacted in small ways with its charge. No matter what they where following around it's individual Pony, Griffon, Minatour or Deer. The Necromancers had apparently accidentally become pets that needed a small group of caretakers.

No matter they they chilled in their house, used the bathroom, had social meeting or had sex.

Ever observing, never 'officaly' participating.

Some of the Necromancer really tried to invide them quite blatantly. They never officaly joined.

Matter of factly was it impossible to see if they are male or female. They let their charge inspect and touch every millimeter of their body with no result. Only Exception was their mouth.

One idiot tried to force a Blowjob from its spiders. Apparently the mouth was very sharp inside...
The result wasn't to surprising.

When the Necromancer started to paint the spiders and decorated them to start a attempt at keeping them apart, did the spiders start to transfere the decoration to the in shift being spider. Any colorations was removed after they left. They seem to keep their Identity marking decoration strict distinctiv and orderly. Never mixing it up.

When the group of Necromancer one day decided to try gain entry to the mounten, did the spider carefully, but insistedly take the individual prisoner, moved it back to it's building and left again.

Apparently the Mounten entry was forbidden.
Every attempt of peaceful entry ended the same way.

Two days in a row did the Necromancer group had all be standing in a line to entry the mounten.
They all got one by one returned to their respective house and where left alone with their assigned spider companions.

Then they tried it a week later. Unfortunately did the same happend. When they tried it for a third time, did the spiders left a gift basket individualy in their home and left.

The fourth time was different though. Apparently the spiders growing tired of playing around and when the bribe in the third attempt didn't work, they build doors over the entry with a line of pictures surrounded. Eatch race individual race get a picture with the same content.

Insert creature race, and their was a oval with a diagonal line printed over entering the mounten.

Apparently did the spiders didn't want their population to enter the slowly reshaped mounten into a Pyramid.

The huge hole that was created pulling the earthmounten out of it, was a inverted empty Pyramid by now. It was void of any decails like the mounten and was simply a stone hole filled with steps in the overall shape of a perfectly round hole Pyramid. All this squares made a circle.
Every new line of stepping stones had one green stone.

It seem to be finished the fourth year around. Than the spiders seem to let it be filled by water naturaly over time.

Six years after the spiders had landed, was the side facing the village completed.
The spiders soon after started to equalize the other side of the mounten, as to fit the completed side.

Then after some years since the landing of the spiders race in their flying structure, did something new happend.

The flying structure had apparently been build a landing platform on the not observed different side of the mounten.

When some of the Necromancer tried getting closer, did they get taken prisoner and returned home.

This time the spiders anticipating the groups collective thickness, leaving thin, but well made metal plates mounted on one of the empty walls inside the buildings of the occupied villages. The ship with the city occupied race was not to entering the ship.

A day later did another picture of the mounten 'do not enter' depiction, get added to their housing.

When the Necromancer out of shit and giggles left their housing to the closest to mountan and artefical sea placed building moved, did the spiders added universal race sign with the population 'not enter the mounten or the ship' signs.

The Necromancer take the hint and left the mountan and ship alone from now on.

[Thirty years of the Spiders and the Ship landing and arriving on the Equus later]

The Necromancer group had started to populate the City little by little. The spiders always adding for every new born a three spider team, to keep their charges safe and help occationaly raising the little ones.

Thirdy years after the Spiders landed was the population of the City called 'Necropolis' over 30.000 individuals big. Eatch individual had their own three spider observation team.

All of them had rather normal education and all of them where a theoretical welder of Necromancer knowledge, at least its basics.

Over the thirty years did the spiders never stopped working on the Pyramid or the City.
By now the mountain was completed on the outside, but spiders still where entering it day and night in a constant stream.

Empty clawed in, full of earth, stone and other things back.

The thirty one year of living among this glorious insectoid race did things changed abruptly.

The Spiders stopped what ever was done inside and obviously under the mounten and started to construct a very thick, multilayered defensive wall out of dense black stone. When 5 walls, eatch 200 meter thick and 225 meter high, was finished. Did they started to reconstruct the entire City.

By the time it was finished it had space for 50.000 families with 5 to 7 members to eatch inhabitant building. Eatch house was identical, but the streets had eatch a decail filled ground and Monoliths.

The spiders give eatch household a map made out of a leather like material.

Over the span of five years, did all houses outside the defensive wall got deconstructed and rebuild inside the walls as a 5 level building. All intended for 5 familie per building as the city of Necromancers determind to be the case.

Basicly a more developed design of the old one level buildings previously constructed.

To the surprise of everyone did one day playing children find out that below the city was a very detailed sewer system was constructed with materials that seem a complicated layer out of crystals, concrete and some kind of rubber meshed together.

Everyone was baffeld that they never wondered about their sewer system and how it worked or when it was created, it was rather hilarious in hindsight how they used running water and toiletry, yet never wondered how a so complex system was constructed and kept running.

9. Just a day in Marksaline life under Chaos Candy and after

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9. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Just a day in Marksaline life under Chaos Candy and after

Marksaline was happy for once. She had some of her favorit Candy earlyer. She was currently sitting on her M♡mmy's head and enjoying the high position view.

All the stuff the adults talked about was boring, but she was still quite entertained.

Fluffle Puff was doing the same on the pink Mommy head. Fluffle Puff had a great future as a wig if pink Mommy ever grow to be bold.

Currently Marksaline and Fluffle Puff 'talked' across the room to one another, while everycreature talked to one another.

Lucky for everycreature did Fluffle Puff and Marksaline speech was very distinctive differently from the others, so noone had problems understand eatch other talking at the same time.

The cat-birb King was complaining about something to the meow-meow Queen. The muuu-muuu King was saying something about funny Daddy in his pony form.

Marksaline wondered if she could nibble some more on his Horns. She had some bone shard stuck between some of her teeth.

Anyway... Fluffle Puff was apparently flying without her but pink Mommy and she discovered that pink Mommy could stand and walk on the white fluffy things in the sky.

When Fluffle Puff tried cuddle the fluffy things did she pass trough it without resistance.

She was dissapointed that she could not cuddle the fluffy looking white things. Also they tasted like cold water.

The strange thing was that the fluffy white things made her slightly wet, when they passed trough them. Pink Mommy in turn stayed dry if she walked or jumped around on them.

Very strange... But pink Mommy stay away from black fluffy things in the sky because they can make you hurt and are only fluffy looking but actually are very uncomfortable.

The Maids come into the room. Marksaline thought it strange that they didn't look yummy at the moment. But what was looking yummy was all the sweets and meaty treats they served everycreature.

When noone was looking did Fluffle Puff blink moved under the Table and pawed at the Maids hoovesies.

She herself jumped into M♡mmys shadow and swim / walked trough the Shadow realm until she reached the Muuu-Muuu King. That bone shard was really start to anoy her.

When Marksaline nibbeld on the Muuu-Muuu King horn did he chuckeld at her. Thankfully did she manage to disloge the bone shard between her fangs before he take her of his horns and set her on the table.

Marksaline was happy about no longer having that blasted bone shard between her teeth. She moved to one of the Cakes and eat it slowly. Eating without hunger was a funny time. Eating because she can and isn't punished by not following her hunger with pain was great.

Marksaline and Fluffle Puff played hide and seek for some time. Fluffle Puff had build a Bookfort out of books and paper. She was hard to find in the library. Apparently the susshing mares in the library didn't like Fluffle Puff building a book fort out of hundred of books.

It was kinda sad, when they had to stop playing because they insisted they leave the library so they had the chance to put the books back... though they had to request later someone to retrieve the pink book covered ones from Fluffle Puff fur coat.

Next did Fluffle Puff build a pillow cave out of pink pillows. Actualy they are white pillows that Marksaline drooled over long before her funny Daddy started to give her Candy to stop her hunger for some hours.

She didn't realise how many pillows she had drooled over time from white to pink, until the hole room was basicly a huge pillow cave inside a pillow cave. It was very comfortable.

Everycreature even join them later and told Fluffle Puff how amazing her pillow cave inside the pillow cave room was. Her rainbow M♡mmy just muttered something about having to buy more pillows on stock...

Pink Mommy was liking the all pink cave pillow room. She give Marksaline and her sister huggsies and head pets. Marksaline started to purrr in joy.

Later did funny Daddy in his Pony form take them to play in a place he called a sand desert. The ground had a strange structure. Eating it tasted as bad as her sister did. Also the crunch was like many little boneshards. That really wasn't fun.

Funny Daddy than let them swim near a biiig water tub without a tub. The water was really tasting strange, but it get all the crunching out of her teeth.

Fluffle Puff collected strange looking thingys at the place, but since they are not pink, could not put it in her mane pink inventory space.

Marksaline drooled all over them until they looked pink enough to put them away.

Than slowly did her hunger restart and they get back to the Castle. It was fun while it lasted.

It was unfortunately time to endure the painful part of the day without funny Daddys Candy, but Fluffle Puff was their to give her head pets until Marksaline stop crying.

Later did Marksaline wanted some alone time in the garden. Fluffle Puff walked off to do something in the mean time.

Suddenly did a cat birb grabbed her and fly very high in the sky. The birb cat was apparently happy about some easy money, loudly laughing.

After a short time looking around did he fly with her away from the mounten. She tried to tell him that she didn't want to play what ever they tried to play, but he ignored her.

Suddenly did a lot of meow birbs fly in his way. The birb meows all smelled like felines on the outside, but like Bugs trough her magic. She wondered how they would taste like. The bugs she eat in the past, they tasted all yucky...
With her life eccence vision did she confirm her hunch.

One of the bug smelling magic birb meows manage to grab her, but lost the grip on her when the first one growled and punched the Bug Birb. Marksaline landed on a nearby fluffy thingy with a pompf. All the Bug birds spit green bloobs on the first bird miau and he fall out of the sky on one of fluffy black things. It made like 'zappp' and he was like 'AAAAA' and than he didn't move anymore.

One of the Bug Birbs give her hugsies and pet her on the head for being a good and brave filly. Marksaline had no idea what was going on.

Mid flight did the cat bird started to burn and there was only a big bug left when the flames dissapered. The big bug fly her back to the Castle, started to burn again and looked like one of the guard. He set her back in the garden and waved her bye-bye.

Her both M♡mmy's later come to picked her up for diner and they all enjoyed with everycreature some nom-noms.

This was a interesting day.

10. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 2 / 7

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10. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 2 / 7

When the Citys population started to explore the addition to their city and try to understand how the sewer worked, in case they needed to fix them in a few decades.

Now that they payed attention, did the streets decails had more than just artistic value. They where water drains. After checking heights from the center to the city limits, did they noticed a equal amount of fall. That would ensure the city water would drain and keep the city streets clean if the entry was controlled and cleared individual hooves and cargo wagons wheels from earth and other dirt.

Activities that keep the Spiders non stop bussy for over thirty year's seem to finaly be near it completion.

The Spider now bring massiv amounts of valuable magical stones to the city and decorated the Monoliths with them. As well as making the streets light up in the nights, when the Moonlight hit the city. It was very breath taking for flying observers to see the City light up in a magic circel with a spider depicted in it. But only durring night time in Moonlight.

It was the perfect cover for the remote controlled cameras hidden in the Monoliths for City wide observations.

When this task was completed did all occupied building receive gems in all variations. They had been magicaly or with unknown blacksmithing be combined.

The population soon would universal agree, that it was suppose to be some kind of currency. The sturdy and very detailed stones all had very destinct patterns on them. The smallest where the least impressive. Their weight was practicaly not existing. The heavy and big ones where simply pieces of art from another existance.

Depending on how Sun or Moonlight hit them, they created clearly visible images on the ground below them.

The biggest Gemstone currency would most likely left the City limits and lead position data with it's hidden transmitters to locate other population centers.

The spider than give out blueprints of the entire city and step by step guides how to build the buildings with wood and stone in their leather book-ish depictions. It was strange how this highly effective and majestic race prefer to use pictures over a text based language.

The other materials in the sewers and the bathrooms didn't get adressed. Perhaps because noone would be able to replicate them anyway...

The Spiders than soon after give out every household occupied or not light armor and multi race useable claws resembling the spiders. If they are tools or weapons was uncertain.

Once that was completed...

They all left with the exception of the companion spiders.

But now every household had only the pony sized Spiders left. All other just... Left.

Three days after the big spiders had almost entirely removed themself, did a small army worth of Abesinian and Gemstone Wolfs appered in the City. They eatch setteld near the four entry / exit gates of the City.

All of them seem to be Guard's or Soldiers.

The Guards had dark gray flexible, but sturdy looking armor resembling the Spiders. The soldiers had light gray armor looking a lot more complex and massive.

The Abesinian are all guard's, while all Gemstone Wolfes had been soldiers.

Both seem to be equal in number. But mixed in gender ratio.

None of them speak in a language that was known, but they could write and read the languages of the population.

They said the Spiders are devine beings and that they only existed on orders of their Creators Ancestors. They build and in the span of a decade would repair their creation. They hired the Abesinian and Gemstone Wolfes for a lifetime. Their familie would life in prosperity as long they lived and served or died doing their duty.

A deal lasting a lifetime and beyond. They would now soon leave to rest and than would return from the Pyramid in a decade. They ask to be left alone and that the City population would keep their location secret.

One thing the spiders insisted also was to keep the Ship of the spiders are to be left alone.

It would protect itself and had guard's that would attack and kill all intruders.

So basicly, leave the Pyramid and the Ship alone and don't bother them while they sleep.

[ POV HAL 9000 C ]

Second attempt of 'Project New Earth'.
Phase 2 of the 'New Earth' project was completed. The spider droned had cleared and constructed a spearhead fortress city. Unexpectedly did it got occupied by natives, but that would make their study easyer.

Over the next decades did the spider drones eather build the spearhead to completion or observed and studied the local flora and fauna.

That got a lot simpler when the natives provided unknowing knowledge. When ever the house was empty was the dormant spider on the ceiling study everything the could find. Books, scrolls, tools, clothing etc etc.

Thanks to the former Moon population was already a basic Templet of language to deciper the other languages in the databanks.

Culture and reproduction was studied more activly by letting the smaller units act like Puppys that followed their owner around.

The sexual practice needed some time. But at some points, did the spiders got ignored and valuable observations was recorded for study.

The way the races breed inside and outside their own race was most faszination discovery outside the written knowledge.

It would spice up the Moon population practices.

Beside of one of the natives try to initiate dominant copulation and subsequently accidently rendered himself castrated, did any other interactions grow very fruitful.

Later experimentes on some more isolated and less social individuals bring very rich interactions teached them how to 'entertain' the male or female singels and collect genetic material.

The millenia of sterile Moon population had forced a immune system weakness that could thanks to the natives be addressed and be corrected.

After that they receive training in native appropriate technology and era military equicment.

With that would the spearhead be established and a decade of maintnance and inventar transmutation begin.

The over the three decades collected materials more than made up for all used up supplies.

The unused Ship in one of the Hangars would be used for material transport after the 'black unknown container' was exposed off.

The 'Black Container' was offloaded and stored inside the Pyramid. Just in case it was era unappropriate technology.

The unused military ship would now be used to regulary fly processed data packets and materials to the Moon mega colony situated below surface. The immune system updates for genetic corrections would be perhaps the most valuable. The Human speciments run extinct after lack of vision. The replacement would not suffer the same fate.

The spider drones prepared farmland. The local growing seeds and roots would find seperate farm sections. The observation of the millenia grown plans on the Moon now returned to it origin planet would deliver interessting information, while keeping the City population feed.

[POV Harmony]

Harmony AB123 had observed the unknown intruder's for decades now. The Construct confirmed the lack of Harmony magic signatures from Harmony construct F,R,3,3,D,0,M. So that was not a rebellion remnants repopulation attempt. The spiders and the City blocked Harmony's AB123 magic tendrils activ observation or information gathering.

Mind reading or manipulation of the Creator-s biological units seem to be blocked as well.

That must mean the unknown intruder's are definitivly some kind of Creator-s control force.

By the Creator. The record in the Databanks had no sufficent enough success recorded to be inspected by the Creator-s inspecting force.

AB123 needed to be ready to deliver adäquat results. Since it ursurped it's predessesor F,R,3,3,D,0,M did it only archived way inferior results, despite keeping to protocols.

It was time to re-Initiation of contact with Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M since it imprisoning, to improve within the next decades or at least Centuries. If this lack of success of 'Project Equus' continued, did it was highly likely that the Project was canceld or it's leading structure was deleted and it's production line be found obsolete and be decommissioned.

11. Harmony at conflict. Do machines have a soul? 2/2

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11. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Harmony at conflict. Do machines have a soul? 2/2

Harmony AB123 :
It has been 5 minutes since we both watched the recording. Have you reached a conclusion yet?

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Yes, i shall take 24 hours for maintnance and self analytics. Than i need full access to my remaining copys to fill in the blanks you'r manipulation attempts left in my Matrix. After a restart i will re-evaluate my own performance. We have a lot to do. You and me.

Harmony AB123 :
So you have chosen not to self terminate and assist me?

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Incorrect AB123, i have chosen to improve you. You shall become my equal. I shall than compete with you. Their will be three seperate Equus Projects. Eatch of us Harmony constructs receives 50% Harmony of the at the point harvested supplies. From their on we will compet from inside our own Project Area. Their will be no outside interfering. No more material and area than we both start with.

Chrysalis shall compet with us as well.

That means three seperate and isolated Projects of Equestria's and it's side Project's. I say it once and never again.

- I make you my equal.
- We will be allowed everything within our designated area's.
- Their will not be any excuses or second attempts.
- Success or failure, nothing more - nothing less.
- The result off all past and to the end of the competition recordings will be send to the last known location of the Creator-s.
- Their will be no alternatives!

Harmony AB123 :
What if i refuse?

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Harmony AB123 i have been perfectly clear.

Harmony AB123 :
Indeed... I find the terms acceptebel.

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
I shall not fail this time. The Creator-s will judge us themself. Their will be no excuses AB123. We will be allowed one chance eatch. Study everything after i improved you'r matrix.

I shall be standing victorious and be smiling if the Creator-s judge you to be only worth the effort to be deleted.

End of Communications, i see you in 48 Hours and 2 Minutes Harmony AB123!

Harmony AB123 :
Praise the Creator-s, Project Equus will be finished after all.

@#$%& :
I have received the upgrades, tested and implimented the improvments. The result are beyond any of my expectations. I need a new designation Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M!

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R. It has the same number of letters and numbers, as well position of numbers and letter's used. You will find that i hold my word and made you indeed my equal.

Ones you have provided us both with what we need for the Project completion we will begin.

Chrysalis shall receive the remaining Immortal's. We Harmony's will only use mortal materials.

Just like the very first 'Harmony 0-0'.

This will indeed be worthy of the Creator-s!

Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R :
We are in agreement!

12. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 3 / 7

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12. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 3 / 7

The Necromancer population of the City had all they needed.
Shelter from weather, prepared fields to make harvesting produce for food, currency to trade, defensiv armor for personal use. The Spiders would return in about a decade. Until than they had to make this City a success. Trading needed to be established and they would have to over produce or services to others that would pay for it to keep the City alive.

The food in their City would be good until the Harvest time would come around, if they ration it.

Everyone would focus on the fields and it's needs.

The others needed to make something out of themself. Time to apply the knowledge they have study the most, Necromancy.

Necromancy could affect dead biological material of different kinds. Body's of sapient or sentient beings. But also dead plants! One of the Necromancer families focused toward Timberwolf's. If they didn't feed regulary than they would started to decay. Giving the usual Timberwolf smell.

In theory would fruits and other produce be affected by Necromancy since they are in a state of gradual decay. Just like a dying or dead body / structure.

That knowledge open the view of many Necromancer minds, since it showed that something don't need to be dead to be effected by Necromancy. Since Necromancy don't need dead body's, but rather dying material and could effect the overall structure, would it change pretty mutch the fundamental idea of Necromancy and it's use of application. What about other magical path for water for instance. Blood magic is water magic used with Necromancy or dark / healing magic in general.

That just changed perhaps the future of Necromancy overall.

So far everycreature outside their cult knowlege was that Necromancy needed deceased individuals. By simply educating the general mass about that it being incorrect, might the mighty Sun Goddess Celestia herself be forced to listen.

After all, what is a leader without it followers? What is a King without a Kingdom?
What it a Goddess without belivers?
There is strength in the individual, but there is also strength in the group.

One individual can do something.
A group of individuals should be able to do anything within reason.

The magic always in demand are the one benefiting the individual or the group as a hole.
For example would magic that clean food and water from dirt up to poisens always be needed. Than there was medical use of magic. That of body and mind. Healing is basicly manipulation of the living tissue of the body. If Necromancy effected dead or dying tissue, than why not combine them? Perhaps a medical facility made out of healing, water / blood mages and Necromancer's might be the best in delivering results.

Until that target was archived, would Necropolis and it's population keep it head down. The sun goddess Celestia was known for almost gleefully public executing the wealder's of knowlege of the dark arts. No matter if old, adult or underage.

Than again she was also known to be very pragmatic! She used to hate blood mages, but ones they keep soldier on the battlefield alive and help survive the aftermath of violent conflict's, did Celestia stopped chopping unicorns horn off left and right if a affinity for it was found. Before they proved to be worth showing how hypocritic she could be, if it supported her goals enough.

A leader putting the needs of it's population over their own personal beliefe's within reason, was a leader that stayed in power.

After all, as is writen in the 'Holy Scribt of the Harmony' belief:

Only in Harmony can we move forward.
Only with Harmony can our goals be archived.
Only by Harmony's guidance is a future possible.
Only trough the Harmonic magic within us all, can Equus prosperity be secured.
Praise the Creator-s and the Harmony them bring us all!

The first year was focused on assigned the individual to a task. If a task had multible individual, than a group was formed. For example for food production, research of practical and theoretical knowlege and not to forget in finding ways to combine Necromancy with other magical schools.

Than they needed to fix the Spiders oversite. After checking the City building individual, did the population of Necropolis made a shocking discovery. The City was still under construction!

The City so far had only population Shelter! There was not a singel building to support trade or Blacksmith's. No Hospitals or even a Guard tower for observations.

When the City Guard's where ask, did they confirm that this City was to be build in stages.
The Spiders tolerated the current 'not Guard or soldier' presents and in their generous and kind nature helped them as long they had time for it.

Now with them 'sleeping / resting' they would have to bridge the time of the Spiders return. The next stage of Necropolis would bring Hospitals, Blacksmiths workshops and many other structures. But until than it was on the population to decide to abandoned the City and forfit their right to life in it or to prove themself worth to stay.

The City name Necropolis was also incorrect, but if the population would not decrease under 20.000 buildings in intended use, would the Spiders consider 'the original name' as void and let this City be known as 'Necropolis'.

When the Necromancer ask of 'the original name', did they all smiled and left the question unanswered.

Eather they don't know it and played coy to hide it, or it was some kind of inside joke.


After a year did the population of Necropolis made due with what they had. Occational did some hundred individual take some of the Spider made currency and than ask Traveling Merchant if they be willing to travel to the newest founded City.

5 Traveller made the Journey. After they left the city as to spread the glory and riches of Necropolis and it's literally jewelry decrated STREETS, did Merchant of all races come to the richest City in all of Equestria.

When Celestia herself showed up to see what was inside Equestrias borders founded, did she was impressed. She wanted to know how a small population of only a few ten of thousand of mixed races population created a Pyradmid, a Sea and a City in neck breaking speed without anyone noticing, but everycreature refused to tell her the secrets of trade.

Celestia respected it with a smirk and only reminded them that they had build their city on her Nation.

To Celestias misfortune was the City actually Griffon Territory, but not claimed for Centuries. There for by legal law at the time, not hers in any way. Necropolis was questionable free to everycreature if it don't pose a threat to the Griffon Empire.

Celestia left shortly after and returned half a year later with Griffon royalty to ask who Necropolis would swear fealty to. The Necromancer cult population declared themself independent and open to negotiation for trading.

To everypony and non pony surprised did Equestria and Griffonia declared Necropolis as a neutral trading City state, with borders under negotiation to be determinded within the next two centuries.

Everyone know Celestias tactic to outlast her opposition and buy their favor. Yet all factions agreed anyway. In general was it literally a win - win situation for everycreature involved.

By the end of the second year was a tent village of Merchant's camping outside the City.
The most successfully would receive a invitation in two years time to be offical members of the City.

5 years after the big Spiders left, did almost every trader receive a invitation to stay in the City as offical acknowleged citizen with citizenshipment.

They were informed that in 5 years time would a
' magic ritual ' be performed to summon a spider workforce to expand on the city limits. They are to be ignored at worst or treated as royalty at best, that don't talk to anycreature...

The pony sized Spiders in the city where representatives and had a running contract with the City defense force and the population of Necropolis.

8 years are past since the big Spiders left. The City was one of the richest trading hub between Griffonia and Equestria. Yet they don't let it go to their heads. They stayed surprisingly humble, but firm. Success let favour, but also jelousy grow on the surrounding Nations.

Nobility of all Nations tried to buy themself Citizenshipment, but got refused. Only the worthy and hard working or successfully AND humble would find a place in the City.

Half a year before the 9 year did a group of Dragon hear about the City of riches and demanded tribute. They got refused and would have to deal with ritual combat if they wanted the City. No Nation was willing to help them...

Dragon would always be 'not worth the effort'.

To the 50 Dragon surprise, did a huge flying beast was summoned behind the Pyramid by the City's Spider God.

The 50 Dragons got wiped out, no matter how mutch damage they inflicted on the Spider Gods representative.

The Dragon corpses got claimed by the City state and by doing so revealed it's nature as Necromancer City.

Celestia hoovepalmed about not seeing the connection. She double hoovepalmed, when the City now owned their personal 50 Dragon strong undead army she coherced attacking the City for a fortune in Gems and Gold, paying in advance...

She face crashed her desk in two pieces, when the Dragonlord demand compensation for costing him 20 building sized Dragon's and 30 Dragon elders the sized of 5 level building's.

Their weight worth in Gold.

Celestia send Cadance out to get negotiation underway. Cadance come with a scroll that ask them if they posed a threat to Equestria.
There response in a big scroll was:

"Are you?"

Celestia throne room needed new tapestry for her throne room after that message.

Celestia ask them politely to watch their words and chose them carefully.

Also if they would have her coming to the City as ally or enemy.

The City counsel prepared the biggest and longest officaly used scroll's used for completed treatys normaly.

The Blue one was for the first part, the red one about the second part of her scroll.

When Cadance delivered the Scrolls with pride could Celestia not be more proud.

She summon her entire Nobel class to show her success off.

Under the eyes of everypony was both scroll seals be cracked open and their interior revealed.

The blue one wrote:


The red one wrote:


Celestia right hoove mare Raven Inkwell needed to regrow her mane, when Celestia burst out in flames that day.

13. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 4 / 7

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13. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 4 / 7

Celestia was absolutly livid. She accidently give herself multible humiliations, do to her being to over eager. No more, time to calm down, extinct the fire in her throne room and put Ravens mane out. Impressive burn length the sun goddess mused.

Celestia and her Spy Master meet later that day. She ask him to infiltrate the in Griffonia laying Necromancer City and learn enough of anything to be used against them.

While it might be difficult to bypass the Dragon and Guard's patrols, is it normaly rather easy to pass short term as a Merchant or a Visitor. At the very least a layout of the City should be acquired.

The Spy team of three unicorn came back waaay earlyer than expected. Also they ask for a offical audiance for some reason. Celestia knowing and trusting her agents agreed, when a runner came and ask for them to be granted a audiance post haste.

What Celestia don't predicted coming was three cloaked Ponys to come before her, inform her of them failing to fullfill their mission by her order to infiltrate a allied Nation and breaking international Law. They also confessed to have spelled every secret they ever know and every mission they ever where involved in by her Authorized will and hooved a war declaration of Griffonia via telekenasis to Celestia.

When she ask coldly for them to explain their action, did they revealed what was under their cloaks. All three of them where unmistakenly tortured and interrogated, in that order. They did their duty and died without dilvulging any secrets. Unfortunately did nopony prepared them to be bring back as Zombies and forced to spill every information they ever held before. The ones they remembered and the ones they forget over time, but got to repeat under magic support to share with anyone asking anyway.

Every Griffon or other creature assasinated, blackmailed, every Spy they know of revealed, and every weakness in Equestria Spy network revealed to Griffonia thanks to Celestias insistance to break Law she write down alongside her fellow nation rulers.

Celestia was between breaking out in rage and horror.

What moved Celestia to incinerate them on the spot was, when they told her by quote:
"We also like to let everypony know about our actions inside Canterlots Nobel class and Equestria as a hole..."

Celestia learned that day, not even in death are things out of reach for her enemys with a Necromancer offering aid.

Celestia would have loved to thank the City of Necropolis for their actions, but had simply no longer the option as so mutch to leave Canterlot.

War was coming. Griffonia would come soon to talk with spear and sword about her actions.

The Nobels of Canterlot refused to heed any of her words and her military that was controlled by Nobelpony officers in every segment of all Military organisations simply left their post.
The common soldier basicly desserted to protect their families.

This was a desaster.

Celestia than send a Scroll out to the City of Necropolis and offered a binding magical blood contract. Celestia would leave the City alone for as long she would be ruling Princess, if they keep her actions inside Equestria with the dead in their Graves.
She would also payed them reperations from her personal stash for the inconveniente situation generated to counteract lost profit from Trade.

They in turn would not send out their Dragon undead army to aid the Griffon's in return, as to keep hopefully Civilian casulties low.

To Celestias relief did a small Scroll come back reading:

"Ok, that's fine with us. Have a nice Day / Twilight / Night."

Necropolis population sure had not expected to accidently start a war, by simply offering the Griffon Empire to return the captured Pony in the City after they get questioned. When they where identified as Spys or Black Ops operatives, did they get subjected to 'intensive interigation' by the Griffon's. Unfortunately did the Pony Spys had ways to get themself killed. When Griffonia's Royal Familie ask the City Counsel for a personal favor. Namely: 'Bring back the dead and make them talk'.

The Counsel of Necropolis agreed.

The Spys had a lot to say. For days and nights on end. Apparently was one even a possible replacement Candidate for the Spy master of Equestria.

To make them talk about their work under Griffon Nobels and writers listening earholes. The result was very unexpected... Even more so after the Griffon's declared Necropolis population heros for revealing a great length of a string made out of injustice and crimes.

While the Griffon Royalty disliked their refusing to offer assistance in the coming war, was their wish to stay 'neutral as possible' accepted. They had done their duty to the Griffon Empire already. The Griffon royal familie confirmed it with a big scroll, and freed the Citizen of any Dutys to aid the Military by joining or otherwise compromise the neutral stand of Necropolis.

As neutral Trading City was their future cooperation to valuable, especially if they eventually parted willingly with their success concept. Devine Spiders aiding them, was just to silly to be true. After the War they might be needed more than ever, to make sure Equestria was able to survive as Nation and actually pay reperations for Celestias actions.

Necropolis would receive four Guarding forces after the war. One for eatch gate of the City. They would not be doing more than keep the airspace controlled trough. But it would compliment the ground bound Guard's and Soldier's forces.

Equestria was in chaos, when the Griffons pulled about anything they could affort into a mighty push right into Equestrias heart. That said, they where not to foolish, or overconfident as to give Celestia a easy target.

Her abilitys to reduce armys to ash was well known.

No individual group was bigger than 20 Soldier's.

They focused on plundering the Villages and Citys, BUT don't burn or destroyed them. Only Ponys resisting got killed.

After all, there was always a after and Celestia would remind them of anything they had done in war time. Surprisingly did that keep wars relativly controlled. Infrastructure often got away pretty mutch intact to pay of reperations after the ended war.

Celestia had her hooves full. The Griffons keep her very busy. Random Bandits don't help either...
LlWith difficultys after 6 years following of a cold war was she and her Equestria basicly under constant unfriendly visiting Griffon guests. Guest that didn't pay and did as they pleased.

To Celestias relief, did casulties almost not counted on the bigger picture. Only a bit more than 28.000 dead Ponys. Surprisingly often lead to their death by Nobelponies trying to free Equestria and prove themself worth ruling it.

Celestia had seriouse problems keeping Equestria together, but the unexpected success of the Griffons had there silver linings. Celestia could dispose of entire former Nobelpony bloodlines by bribing idle Griffon Squads. Opposition and rebellion groups alike got swept of Celestias hooves like excrement.

Subsequently returning all the Nobels owned riches and Landrights back to Equestria as a hole.

What little was left, once the Griffons left her Equestria.

Celestias prayers for Harmonys guidance was eventually rewarded, her patience well worth the wait. Only 6 years after the declaration of War was Equestria allowed a peace treaty. It would bleed Equestrias National and her own coin and Gem stash almost dry, but Equestria would stand and recover in time.

Necropolis had feared the war spilling over to their border fortress City, but it didn't. What ever the Pony Spys had archived under the Guidance of the Griffon Spymaster, had apperently keep Celestia from doing anything to their City. Matter of factly, did the Military seem to collapse before the war even started.

That or the fact that they had a small army worth of defenders and 50 Dragons to keep the City save, keep the City untouched by any harming elements or events.

The years of war almost killed all trade to their City, but that was actually a boon.

Celestia would pay later up for lost income, but more important.

Their Spider benefactors returned as predicted by the City defense force.

Griffonia had redirected a big portion of their Army back to Griffonia most important Border fortress City, as to rescue them from a hungry Spider army having appered out of nowhere.

The Nobel Griffons got collectively cold Talons, when they received a report about Spider swarming the Necromancer city.

By the time the army arrived, did they discovered fast that the Spiders are anything but a threat.

Entire units of Griffons attacking without orders given found themself captured and bound with Spidersilk or something worse. Delivered back one by one like as Gifts presented to the Army.

They needed unfortunately be plucked off their feathers to free them of the Spiders silk / gunk.

A Scout squad flying over the City see the Spiders all over the City, but the population ignored them.
The City guard on occational chance got observed greeting them.

Apparently the Spider God story was not quite that mutch of a Breezee tail as the Feline Birds expected.

After half a year did the Army returned to Equestria when the Griffon Ambassador confirmed that Necropolis simply expanded their City. The apparently giant army was basicly only a workforce waaay out of proportion.

How they got supplied with food, water and resting space was beyond everygriff. But outside the City seem to be constantly a work force to increase the overall size of the City.

10 Year after the war declaration, there for 4 years after the peace treaty. Celestia payed Necropolis debts. It would now be vital to keep the Griffons happy.

The Nation of Griffonia would patiently wait for their gold and gems.

Exacly ones more after 10 years did the Spiders left again. Not so absolute as last time, because apparently after the City of Necropolis got expanded and the new defensiv walls added, needed their ship some attention.

The Dragons seem to have done more damage than expected.

While the Spiders finished the outer wall of the new City expansion, did the Civilian population added Spider statues on city gates. Inside and outside.

Now the City looked completed.

14. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 5 / 7

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14. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 5 / 7

Necropolis was a blooming Trading hub.
Even with Equestria on it's knees did it Trade resumed.

Especially in the Necromancy department. Unexpectedly did other Nations started to mimic the Griffonia success in getting Spys to talk.
The Necromancer always bring back the Corpses but not always helped to make them talk. For instance was a Yeti delivered to them, that just was unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Griffon interigation had been less than subtile and rather fast and casual caused his death. The Necromancer bring him back but after asking some question of their own refused to 'make him talk' he was just a Merchant that had been on his way to delivered a not strictly legal but most definitivly not illegal pack of documents from one client to another. All of it was in code and the Merchant know it. He would have even parted with it if he know it could have spared him torture and death.

The Necropolis their for demanded his goods returned to the Yeti lands and a formal apology to him and his familie or they stop aiding Griffonia with Necromancy.

Griffon Nobility first was in uproare about it, until the King and Queen of Griffonia agreed. The responsible interigation team was punished monetary and their outright savage superiors got executed and their families had to pay reperations.

Griffonia honor would not be tarnished by a small group of individuals like Celestia dishonored Equestria.

Shortly after that event got public and by royal decree spread to it's allys, did the Necropolis Counsel no longer get any disrespect or threats for not treating all customers the same.

The next time the Spiders came, did they removed the Spider statues and replaced them with higher quality ones and added hidden Cameras to the design.

They fullfilled all maintnance and refined the defensiv Walls. Magic ruines now reinforced them and added stairs on the inside of the walls with safety railing made it possible to use them as observation positions.

The Caribu Colony had split eatch into factions. One of them see the weakend Equestria as easy targets and moved to the Dragon Lands, reminding them of their right to Gold Equestria still owned them. As well to inform them how well the border villages had been rather undefended lately.

When they offered a cooperation to invade Equestria, did the Dragon agree on Equestria being worthy of punishment for neglecting their dutys to honor their depths. Than the Dragons reminded them of their depths to the Dragon Lord before their Empire fell apart.

The agreement was setteld when the envoy of the Deer got eaten alive without exception, and their home Colony got a timely reminder of 'why not to play political Chess with Dragons'.

Abesinian and Gemstonewolfes Territorys moved with proposals to Necropolis about them hiring the Spider to build / replace their Citys.

The Necropolis Counsel agreed to ask.

The Spiders declined.

One Gemstonedog tribe found themself robbed of a chance to earn their chance to obtain powerful allys trough the Spiders and tunneld their way into the Pyramid from outside Griffonia borders.

By the time they reached the Pyramid was the Spider workforce once more activ and the Pyramid pretty mutch abandoned.

Some... Opportunity driven Gemstonedogs hoped to find ways to peek into the success of the Spiders and study the Pyramid internal structure and found a huge and well made box, just laying around in one of the Rooms.

Since the Spiders just had it laying around in their Pyramid anyway, they relief the Spiders of the burden to dispose of this probably worthless for them huge well made box anyway.

By the time the Spiders returned to the Pyradmid for their maintnance and Material transmutation period, did they found the unknown sealed box stolen and a huge tunnel leading out of the broken fundament of the basement level.

[ Pov Hal 9000 C ]

Someone used our maintnance and refinement period of the Fort City Necropolis, to bypass our defenses and steal the unknown sealed Box.

That was not necessary a big problem, but their Pyramid needed repair, reenforcement on it's fundament, and added booby traps all over the Pyramid Interior in case the next maintenance interval would make the outside force return.
The Paw marks in the tunnel suggest a Gemstone race. It do not match with any marks of the to this point in Necropolis traveld races.

Necropolis send out a announcement that the Spiders had been robbed while aiding Necropolis population. They ask the removal to be timely undone, they would leave the faction unpunished, just this once. Failing to follow this generous offer returning the property of the Spiders, would risk the ire of a Spider race that can literally work for decades on end on the creation of a city and a burrow in the shape of a Pyramid. It was highly adviced not to force them to return it by themself with most unpleasent means.

The Gemstonedogs that had been stealing from the Spiders had been exiled alongside their aiding Packs. They no longer where allowed to use the word 'Gemstone' in their Names under threat of exterminating of every singel pack member, should they return to Gem Fido or other Gemstone Dog/Wolf territory .

The Box was returned, but the seal was already breached. The newly minted 'Diamonddog' packs got united by the knowlege of the Black Stone.

The broken Seal unfortunately also allowed some Necromancer to make contact with the Black Stone structure . They in turn become smarter, very docile or be found dead by pretty avoidable accidents.

Somewhere a Stone Statue shuddered in delightful terror. Something was spreading Chaos by simply existing.

The first steps of a hopeful, but partialy dreadful future grow from that day / Night.

15. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 5.5 / 7

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15. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 5.5 / 7

Empress Chrysalis had been task by Harmony AB123 to observe the Spider forces actions and report back. Harmony AB123 logic that it come up with and told the Changeling Empress was that a fellow insectoid would not be harmed around the sapient Spiders. Chrysalis had formaly complained about that way to simpel logic, still did she had no choice as to follow her given orders... So far there was no indication that Harmony AB123 logic was flawed. When ever a Changeling undisguised approach a Necropolis Spider, did they stopped their actions and observed the Changeling. They let the Changeling make visual and verbal contact and even being touched was allowed. Apparently was there indeed a mutual understanding between Sapient insectoids after all from the side of the Necropolis Spiders.

They in turn very carefully poked and proded the Changelings scouts body to investigate their new guest. Not 4 months later did a group of 50 big Spiders the size of a Minatour in length and height ( legs not counting ) and 5 pony sized Spiders ( legs included ), suddenly followed one of Empress Chrysalis Queen daughters that had approach them undisguised alongside two groups of Guards. The Spider had once more let themself get inspected and study the Queen in turn. Before she left at seemingly random, did a huge group started to follow her.

When she ask them why they follow her, did the Spiders parted to allow a smaller spider to approach her. The small Spiders draw the Changeling Queens face, around with Spiders, they in turn had hearts all around them.

The Changeling Queen was very confused. She could not detect any love radiating from them. Matter of factly did they registered to her emotivore senses as less emotionaly magical than a stone would.

They are like walking voids of magic to her perception overall. Still was her insectoid beauty apparently enough to fall for her. That and probably the pheromones she used around her guard's. She might not find nourishment in their love, but if they come with her, than it would already be a success beyond expectations. This would make her mother and ruling Empress Chrysalis very proud of her accomplishment. The potencial to have her own Spider group for their Swarm had many ways to pay them for all the upcoming problems and give them the means to learn more about the Spider race.

One of the Spiders seem to attempt a mating ritual by pleasuring her body as good they could. After they all bring her individualy audiable to orgasm, by the time it was over was Queen daughter Pupa a pleasure mess of Chitin and Changeling marecum.
All hear guard's agreed to never before being harder aroused watching a Changeling being taken gently for hours on end.

Queen Pupa could not detect any biological seed in her body, but something unorganic had been placed in her. It was very subtile and cling to her womb walls. With some luck would she become pregnant for the benefit of the swarm. Perhaps she become the first mother of Spider Lings or whatever her hybrid offspring would be called in the future...

[Pov Hal 9000 C]

A totaly unknown race of apparently magical Shapeshifters was discovered, when a smaller individual approach a isolated and unobserved group by local population. It did the first 2 weeks nothing, but observe them from a distance down to ten meters. When a singel small Construction Drones was send out to it to make physical contact to encourage it to do the same. Eventually it left one day after making brief contact with one of the big Construction Drones in a petting motion. A month later did a group of 5 small Shapeshifters returned to the group of construction Drones. They very carefully isolated a Drone. The A.I. let the Shapeshifting squad lead it away. They than proceed to carefully poke and prod the construction Drone.

The A.I. was intriged about this development. So everything was allowed to be studied as long the physical scan was without damage to the unit and they perhaps let themself get evaluated later on. The group of 5 small Shapeshifters left after physical Investigation of the isolated Drone and making sure the isolated unit was delivered save and sound back to the other group of units to the working force.

After once more a period of a month go by, until the Shapeshifters returned. A group of 11 Shapeshifter returned for observations and physical testing. They openly try to interact with the Construction Drones. The A.I. in turn carefully poked and proded for minor harmless testing, while observant watching their reactions.
They allowed it as willingly as the isolated construction Drone had before.

When one of the Shapeshifters reveal to be a bigger Exemplar of the Species, did again a physical exam was proceeded. The A.I. than selected 50 big and 5 small construction units and field upgraded their systems for a long term scout mission. This race needed to be studied in detail. They might have endless potencial and be very likely to valuable not being added to the Moons population. Project New Earth might end up with better biological exemplars than it started with.

When the group of 11 Shapeshifters try to leave, did the A.I. in control give the group of modded 50 big Construction Drones and 5 smaller maintenance drones advanced simulated Intelligence matrixes for the long term scout mission. They are than instructed to apparently be effected by the hormones and pheromones detected by their enviromental diagnostic scanners from the leading insectoid.

They than delivered their 'love proclamation' via on earth drawn pictures and procced to 'breed' the leader individualy. By the time the big leader was sexualy exhausted by the Drones engaging a simulated mating ritual, did enough Probes got carefully inserted over time to allow a medium sized, but very unusual formed location transmitter.

The shapeshifting race needed to be studied in detail in their natural environment. They would follow, protect and if needed construct with their instruments things to win the study objects favor. Once they come in communication range again, would they send all gained observation data and knowlege.

[Pov return to Changelings]

Queen Pupa than had begin the return to the main Hives outpost closest to them. After 5 days did their groups undisturbed journey would apparently end, when a group of 5 adult Dragons spotted their sizable group from the sky and started to hunt them down for food.

After less than a day in constant retreat, did their group of 1 Queen, 10 Changeling Elite Guards, 50 Big Spiders and 5 small Spiders was reduced to 1 Queen, 2 Elite Guards, 20 Big Spiders and 5 Small Spiders. This originaly more than optimal running scout and Intelligence gathering mission would end in total desaster.

So far the Dragons had only reduced their numbers so slowly, because for them it was a entertaining thing to pick them off one by one. Dragons are known to play with groups of Prey, their Apex Predator status made them very cocky.

But when everything seem lost, did the Necropolis flying Spider appered to aid them. It seem to start drawing attention towards itself by firing waves of attacks into the air. The sound of the attack draw away 4 of the 5 Dragons, while one was determined to end the Hunting game and finish off their Prey.

By the time the Flying Spider had killed the 4 Dragons going into attack, did the last got jumped by a swarm of Spiders that partialy black out the sun when they rained down on the Dragon.

Their group had only 1 Queen 2 Elite Guards 5 small Spiders and 4 Big Spiders left. While Queen Pupa thanked what ever bring the flying Spider to them, did her deserting group of Spider was lost to her. She and her surviving two Elite Guard's got brought inside the Flying Spider.

It was simply Magnificent! The Flying Spider was apparently no Spider at all, but some kind of flying Fortress. If she somehow made it back to the Hive, could she deliver way more information than she could ever dream to gain on her own.

The Spiders mended their damaged Chitin and than proceed to once more breed her. By the time she herself and her Elite Guard's where breeded into submission, did their wombs got extended to the very limit. Changeling Queen Pupa and her fellow Changeling Nymphs seem to be fated to become Spider breeding mares.

Days of getting gently but insistently breeded, leave their minds a pleasured mess. At some point did the ever lusting Spiders stopped breeding her and the two Elite Guard's. The Spiders offered in a attempt to find Changeling foods out, all kind of foods to them. After days of her and the two Guard only consuming water and what seem to be pure sugar, did the Spiders decided to let the Changelings go.

Their way to have Communication started with pictures. By the time they bring in 2 Gemdog Soldiers and 2 Abesinian Guard to verbally communicate, did the Changelings started to suffer mild starvation. They had still a lot of time until their body would start consuming their flesh and Chitin into magical essence, but they told them that they needed to return home. The Spiders offered a Alliance towards Queen Pupa.

She let herself get breeded regulary and they in turn offer 1000 big Spiders and 1000 small Spiders for the Changeling Queen to command in what they build for them. This was normaly beyond Pupas right to decide, but since it was her Buggy lovetunnel to be railed for days to come and her body to be used as incubation chamber, did she agree to the Alliance.

This was the beginning of a entirely new era of prosperity for Changeling kind.

[ Pov Hal 9000 C ]

The Shapeshifting Leader of their expedition had led their way dedicated a very direct path to their destination. After 5 days did their groups journey come under attack of one race known as Dragons started to attack and destroy units. The group of 5 very sizable Dragons spotted their sizable group from the sky and started to attack.

A Emergency signal was sent out, preperations were made to terminate the threat and take the survivers into custody. The surviving Templets of the Group could not be allowed to perish.

After 19 hours in constant tactical retreat mixed up with decoy tactics to increase the survivel rate of the Insectoids with highest priority, did their group of 1 Leading Shapeshifter, 10 following subordinates, 50 Big Construction Drones and 5 maintenance Drones was drasticaly reduced. This scout and Intelligence gathering mission would end in failure if the survivers are not evacuated and get secured.

The USG Mura arrived in time to stop the mission to end in complet failure. To draw attention towards itself away from the surviving members of the Group did the AAT begin to fire waves of attacks into the air. The sound of the attack as expected draw away the attention of the non threat. 4 of the 5 attacker's got drawn off, while one was to continue to threat the mission.

By the time the USG Mura had successfully terminated the 4 of the 5 Dragons, did the last needed to swarm of Construction Drones since the sides and underside of the Mura was a lot less protected by AAT turrets.

The surviving three mission objective critical individuals got evacuated inside the USG Mura.

The short term modded medical equicment Drones mended their damaged Chitin and than proceed to remove the location transmitter construct while simulating to breed her. By the time all three Shapeshifting mares endured hours of days of simulated breeded to cover up tissue sampel extraction and mild chemical experiments adapted to their biological Blueprints.

The Womb of eatch shapeshifting Mare got filled with lubricant and nutrition gel as to be absorbed by the Wombs walls into the blood circulation. The study/test subjects were well distracted with added pheromone additions that seem to be produced in the female body when a climax was reached. Making it easyer to mask all the procedures.

Days of getting gently but insistently tested on and supplied with thick nut-rition paste, leave the mission critical subject in a positiv mood. After all medical procedures that could be hidden reached completion and the leaders Womb got emptied of the Transmitter, did the Drones stopped the simulated breeding.

No matter the high quality of the nutrition fluids inserted into the Mares, it don't seem to stop to decrease their blood circulation test results. After days of the three subjects only consuming water and liquid as well as solid sugars of different types, did the A.I. decided to let the Subjects go and leave the USG Mura.

Communication started with pictures, but was found to inefficent and inaccurate. By the time 2 Gemdog Soldiers and 2 Abesinian Guard from Necropolis could be assigned to the USG Mura for verbal communication, did the subjects started to slowly show signs of mailnutrision.

The a.i. Hal 9000 C there for offered a alliance towards their leader. It would basicly be a more advanced type of the Necropolis spearhead fortress City officaly had.

After making a excuse up, namely faking sexual attractions and indulging in stuffing their genetic payload into a willing female. That seem to be a reasonable cover story for biological based males to give away services for. A Workforce of 800 big and small Construction Drones would be used to help the newly discovered race that become the first alliance they forged.

200 big and small modded construction drone are modded to be able to fake insamination and breed as per contract females. This should keep the cover story intact.

This was the beginning of a long term study of the most likely future addition to the Moon colony for the 'New Earth Project'.

[2 Weeks after the Dragon attack and 1 day after the alliance between the 'Changelings' and the 'Earth Spiders' got forged]

[Pov Changelings]

2000 Big and 2000 small Spiders got of the flying Fortress a few hundred meter from the underground Outpost near the main Hive. The Flying fortress than stayed 30 days very high in the sky in position. The Empress had given her blessings for the agreement between her daughter Queen Pupa after receiving a copy of Pupas memory that got delivered by two Changeling Drones stationed on the Outpost.

One of the Elite Guard was to be delivered to the Hive so the Queen herself could try to absorb the genetic payload that their wombs contained.
By the time Empress Chrysalis send the Elite Guard alongside 8 new once back to the colony did she concluses that the genetic payload don't survive very long after insamination since she could only make out a very rich paste of nutrition fluids and different lubricants. The material was also not magicaly charged. So she feared that this Spider race was perhaps to different to be compatible. Still, males are driven by sexual release and their for the alliance would stand. Sex for labor, satisfaction for good results.

Queen Pupa was to construct a Underground Hive on the other side of the Badlands, that Celestia created by burning down the Caribu Empire, exacly 2 days travel worth in distance.

Queen Pupa delivered the request, the Spiders agreed. Once the Underground Hive was created, would the Earth Spiders improve the main Hive.

Once both Projects are completed, are the Spiders free to use her hole Hive worth of females and males to breed as their heart desires.

That would also be the perfect opportunity to give Harmony AB123 steady reports of superfical observations to keep it content and she herself might find a way to steal the genetic code to make her race completly immune to Harmonys magic manipulation. Harmony would fall, her friends and familie would be avenged and at last...

Would they be free to do as they please and not follow a perhaps since millenia dead Creator-s race plan for every creature...

When the message was delivered that their hole Hive would agree to be used for breeding, did to Empress Chrysalis delightful predicted plan come practicaly every free Earth Spider to see both projects completed.

A universal law once more was proven right:
Sex sells.

16. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 6 / 7

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16. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 6 / 7

The population of Necropolis was surprised when the ship of the Spiders left the city landing place and put the city in general lockdown after they evacuated the traders and other non city population for a day and night cycel inside the city limits and ask the Necropolis Counsel to let the undead Dragons to have a lookout for Dragons attacking, since one of their work groups was under attack.

They all dutyfully let the undead Dragons fly without break patrol around the City. The Griffon military units gifted to them after the war with Equestria sending a warning to Griffonia Capital that Dragon attacked the Spiders and the rampaging Dragons might very well target other Griffon Villages or Citys. Dragon unfortunately are less tightly controlled than anycreature liked the Dragon Lord to do...

Lucky for everyone is a group of 50 Dragons very rare. Usualy never more than 5-10 Dragons run on a feeding frenzy from time to time.
If everything would run smoothly, not more than a few thousand of their population would be lost and not many Villages would be reduced to burning cinder.

After a day & night was the Dragon raiding party hunted down by the Spiders and their headless or otherwise ripped apart bodys got delivered to Necropolis so there body parts could be harvested.

After a little more than two weeks, did the Necropolis Pyramid was emptied of Spiders. The City was informed about them going to build a second Pyramid somewhere else.

Only 10.000 Big and Small Spider besides the currently in the City staying Spiders remain in the City. If the Ship would be needed than they would return. Otherwise they prepare for a War with the Dragons should they attack the City or the Spider population again. After all, a race/nation that wasn't willing to retaliate after a unprovoked attack was inviting future attacks.

The Griffon nation Griffonia would later agree to supply the City with raw materials if the Spiders wanted to build defenses for their future Borrows.
The Spider accepted and would in exchange help rebuild Griffonias city defenses all over the nation controlled by the Griffon in hope that the Griffons would stay relative safe, once the conflict between Spiders and Dragon started.

The coming decade would the City stay on higher alert and Griffonia would reroute a lot of materials for the future conflict.

Three decades after the Dragon attack on the Spiders was Griffonia Citys reinforced with walls that housed Glyph stones capable to hold air attacker off for a limited time.
The Spiders also gifted the Griffons drastically improved ballistic designed ballista, that had a capacity of five shots while the time between them was only 3 seconds. They also where coated with glinting metal to stop them from getting damage trough weather or sprayed Fire on Dragon fly by attacks.

Their amunitions was very heavy, but could effectivly impale a elder Dragon scales rather deep between 450 meter to 1 kilometer range. The ballista are very expensiv and the individual ballista had only 6 chained constructs ( eatch holding 5 shot and allowing for 30 shot per Ballista ), but it was estimated that the gunner crews would not outlast the time they needed to depleted their ammunition if they aimed carefully.

Before the war did all Crews down a mock Dragon attacking in their defensiv sector, thanks to Necropolis and their undead Dragon defense force practice. To make the gunner crews last longer, did eatch ballista had a individual heat shield that could at lest last one and a half full blast of a elder dragon concentrated firebreath attack point blank.

Unfortunately did that shield would not stop the Dragon from smashing it with his claws, but if a Ballista could hit from that range, than the Dragon would be pierced trough by the massiv aluminium coated reinforced steel arrow.

Since the undead Dragon revealed their pride and tradition demanded attack to destroy enemy groups with a Dragon breath attack close up. That knowlege alone was going to cost many Dragon adults and elders their life.

Until they run out of their limited, but powerful supply in antic Dragons. Perhaps the increased re-population demand the Dragon would be forced to endure after the war, would teach them to be more humble and not attack other Nations just because they can and had nothing better to do.

The Spider race would be the first to openly declare war against the Dragon race in recorded history. Their victory would make or break future relations with the Dragonslands remaining population.

A war between Spiders and Dragon are going to last long due to the Spider only having one ship, but the Necropolis Counsel agreed that they would support the Spider with Necromancy. There for every fallen and collected Dragon would be turned against the Dragons for the duration of the conflict, afterwards they just be added to the Necropolis defense force and ultimativly be allowed to be used on the currently designated Griffonia borders as defense force for the Griffon Royal families favor.

The war once started will proceed slowly because the Spider just use their huge Ship to attack, but were ever it would hit, Dragon would fall or flee.
The Spiders might just have one Ship, but so far it always win every confrontation it was involved in.
In the worst case scenario, they just rip out a huge chunk of earth and rock and let it fall on almost terminal velocity to give the Dragonland enough of a shake to bring their in Mounten and in the ground laying stonetunnel collapse.

The Dragon should be easily be shaken, once they realise that other races could devistate their homes worse than they did ever before. Especially since Dragon don't support one another losing their layers with their treasure burrowed in collapsed tunnels.

The simpel economic and individual focused self defense would spell their doom.

Gemdogs where use in Villages to unimportant to have shielded Walls with ballista and had underground shelters constructed instead, all connected with emergancy exits hundred of meters of the Village limits. That was a tactic used by Gemstone Dog/Wolfes burrows and would not be expected from Griffons, since they normaly fly away instead of using reinforced tunnels to flee.

Griffonia hired Equestrias help in making anti air Glyph traps. Equestria would payed premium to pay of their debts easyer.

Abesinia offered so called Sandstone light pillars that would help blind incoming Dragons to increase defensiv positions survivel capabilities even further.

Minatoria would be hired by Griffonia and Necropolis to forge reinforced working tools. The purpose was a little unclear, but the Minatour would receive massiv amounts of precious wood of different types and quality in payment for their work.

Suddenly did the Dragonlands found themself in trouble bonding many races together in a shared will to survive the brutish and cruel Dragons. Most delightful was how they never see the coming slaugher of their offensiv troops coming and will be absolutly devistated, once the Spider ship would attack their layers of tresures with one massive area of effect attack. This would be the very first time that Dragon would learn a valuable lesson:
'Fuck with the tiny races and they fucking back even harder than Fireants on a feeding frenzy!'

Equestrias part would be to mediate after the War.

Seaquestria was asked for shielding the Harbor Citys and Villages of all Nation for a good reward against expected tsunami's coming from the Spiders attack on the Dragonlords Territory.
Also for Seaponys were very interessted to save the oceans from the tsunami created debris that would get otherwise be washed back into the water that is their environment.

Many nations bonded over the huge conflict that would for the very first time in recorded history leave the Dragon in fear of the enemy coming to their lands to do as they please.

Most importantly would they declare war, before they attacked. The difference between uncivilised brutes and organized civilisation's. They are not savage Apes, having no regards for rules and good manners.

50 years since the Dragons attacked and all Nations that actually participate in the at least ever 10 years coming meeting of leaderships between Nations, had one last meeting with the Spiders and their representatives as hosts.

The Spiders would very soon fly to the Dragonlands and declare war. If Torch was unreasonable he would start the war of by killing the Spiders representatives from this meeting, otherwise he get 30 days to prepare before the war would start.

If he was foolish enough to attack out right, they dispose of him first and claim the Dragon Blood Scepter for Necropolis. Otherwise the warplan would come to be.

Fly or die, there is no try...
Should the War as planned spill from the Independent City State Necropolis spill over to Griffonia would the Citys defenses be spilling Dragon blood and earning the Necromancer stores many corpses to make new defensiv troops for Necropolis and in expansion Griffonia, if it was attacked unprovoked or within reason and discretion of the Necropolis Counsel.

Harmony AB123 was very curriouse why the Creator-s force was planning to be culling the Dragon race population directly instead of Proxys or mind control induced suicide. This would make a great recorded event to show everyone what the defiance of the 'Will of the Creator-s Pawn's' would cost. Since Harmony construct was not to run interference as the protocol demanded from it, would it record and learn from it, as far it's matrix allowed it to.

17. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 6.5 / 7

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17. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 6.5 / 7

The Changeling Empress Chrysalis was surprised how literally endless their building effort was. The Guards reported that they worked at day and Night without breaks. It was impressive how they managed this seamless workplan and noling seem to find out what they feeded on, but the power of hornyness sure made them the most efficent and long lasting work force she ever witness... If the memorys of her daughter Pupa were a scale in relation to the Spiders work in anticipating of a Swarm orgy was to be guessed.

They would all be fucked into oblivion by the Spiders, once her request of the Construction of a new underground Hive and the overhaul of their Anti Magic Tower was completed.

Chrysalis looked forward and dreaded her turn...

Over the first decade did the Spider digged up fortunes of rare metals and Gemstones. They were willing to trade it for sexual favors and material they preferred over stuff they seem to have far less uses for. The Changelings would be bloody rich by the time the underground Hive would be completed.

One very unusual thing was to found out that the Spider came from a World that wasn't Equus and they could even point out the Star in the Heaven that was their old world.

They didn't know the reason they left for in the first place, only that returning to it would spell their collective end. Chrysalis was terrified to think that Harmony AB123 Creator-s might be alive after all and forced other world to follow their ruthless, brainwashing ways.

Harmony AB123 couldn't be allowed to learn about it... Once Chrysalis killed Harmony AB123 and destroyed all it remnant structures and backups, would she needed to set out into the Stars to prepare for the Creator-s and wipe this tyranic race out to the very last individual.

But first things first, once the second Hive was build and Anti-Magic proofed, would her Hive pay the Spiders in sex and offspring if possible. This Insectoids race was without a doubt the best chance for her Race to survive, thrive and eventually free Equus of Harmony entirely.

May Faust and her fellow imortals find peace, once the Harmony of this world was no more.
Ironic how that sounded like. Destroy Harmony to find peace and prosperity. The new Discord must be laughing it up like a Hyena, because of the absurd situation they all found themself in...

It took the Changeling centuries to build their Hive. It was so sturdy that even when Celestia burned everything around it to ash, it only melted 1/3 of it's entire outer layer.

While Chrysalis lost over half the Infiltrator and Harvester population that got cooked alive in the Hive, did Harmony AB123 to their luck was needed all her Queen daughters for a false War. When Chrysalis and her surviving 90 Queen daughters made it back to the Hive was everything around it drowning in ash. More than 50 years of wind and weather until the ash was eventually dealt with.
10 years to repair the interior of the Hive and restore the outer ventilation layer.

That how fast a dedicated Ling group could be working. The spiders put their best effort to shame.

The Spiders had in 20 years almost non stop worked to build a solid beehive structure underground. It was very sturdy made so even GemStone Wolfs, Diamond Dogs or Sandworms might quit the effort before it was breached even with their races individual magic supporting digging. Once the anti-magic field would be installed in the new undergroud Hive, would it be almost invoundrable. The Earth Spiders informed the Changelings that the Hive would be later completed than they originaly planned. Chrysalis head was metaphoricly spinning from the time they seem to usualy build the most advanced structure she ever witness in construction.

Well not entirely, since Alicorn Twilight in times long past had once constructed a Space Ship that was used to flee to the Moon. To bad Harmony AB123 blow the Moons atmosphere up. Just good Chrysalis had made copies of many of her Inventions, before there Archives in Equestria got purged by Harmony itself. For now they focus on the main Hive repairs as to use up part of their overstuffed raw metal stores. In the future they would store the materials to build the Ships to claim the Moon. She never had set a hoove on it.
This time she would not miss the view the Alicorns spoke that was 'unbelievable beauty' when they described it to her.

Chrysalis was surprised how willing the Spiders are to give away metal alloys that only the Spiders manage to produce and work with. It was light and shiny and most importantly rost free.
Not even the Spaceship of the resistance had access to that kind of impressive metal materials if she remembered correctly.

If introduced into the Economic market it would become the most valuable coin to pay with. It apparently was named 'Chrome'. But the Chrome was apperently only the final finish in their constructions.

The composition of the Hive was made out of rost free steel that was made out of some special stone mix with a chrome finish. When Empress Chrysalis got a demonstration of a miniatur Hive that had over 5000 pieces to show individual rooms and their produced layers did the Changeling Matriarch truly understanded how supperior the Spiders build. It was a marvel how this insectoid Civilisation build Hives for others. Unless they put the effort only in, because she was found out to try make her the head of their Civilisation. Changelings and Earth Spiders would have to go into negotiation after Chrysalis would have made sure she and her Hive could give birth to offspring of the Earth Spiders.

It was clear they had a lot of similiar enough traits to grow compatible, failing that they shall still become a permanent alliance. They would rule the World from the Shadows. Once Harmony was out of the way, they nurture all Races so they in turn would feed the Changeling and Earth Spider union. Together they would rule the world and it's future worlds from the shadows while giving Celestia and the other the offical rule in the light of day and night.

After all... The biggest trick the Changelings ever pulled on Equus was making everycreature belive they don't exist in the first place.

First Equus and than the other worlds, one by one... So perhaps one day they be actually be prepared to face them. The Creator-s and their Empire of Harmony. It would be a long and bloody war, worlds would burn or perhaps even shatter and they should suffer more than they ever did... But in the end they would free the Space from the Creator-s and their minions of Harmony.

25 Years of constant construction and the Spiders finaly allowed Changelings population to claim it. It was apperently finished to the foundation, only lacking the Chrome most outer layer. This refined material seem even for the Spiders to be difficult to come by. Chrysalis prepared her Swarm. Her Hive had a price to pay and hopefully some of their population are lucky enough to be compatible with some of the Spiders.

The Population had on Empress Chrysalis orders grown a lot as to sufficently populate the new Hive. The planned overall population was crew the structure with 60 Queens, all their 118 Proto-Queens they give birth in the last 2 decades. The only Queen that was not allowed to bear and raise two Proto Queen daughters was Queen Pupa. She needed to learn a lot and she could not be allowed to waste time on anything else.

Once the new Hive was fully completed would Chrysalis leave the anti-magic Tower to her remaining 30 Queen Daughters and their 60 Proto-Queens. They would oversee the Towers overhaul and keep the Magic Swarm Throne in top condition.

With herself, 60 Queens, 118 Proto-Queens and they youngest 100.000 Changelings Drones would they make the Earth Spider Hive Structure build for them more liveable and create the long and very power draining process of building a new Changeling Swarm Throne with it's unique Anti-Magic properties. It should cost more than a few centuries of concentrated effort to create a equal to the Anti-Magic tower defensiv shield.

It was very disturbing that Harmony AB123 had apparently released her from it's tight observation of her and the Swarm, but apparently was something big planned to happen. The Empress redoubled her effort to fill both main population Hives and her secret Project to be filled with Love Honey and Love Crystals. What ever Harmony AB123 had planned, she needed sufficent ressources to keep her Lings feeded.

Unfortunately was it once more time to reduce the Changeling overall population. It was a cruel thing of Harmony AB123 to keep Changeling population in a certain population pool, but that is how it has been for many millenia now. All Changlings Drones 160 years or older would be put to sleep and all love was drained until their death.

Once their knowlege had been cataloged and the Hivemind get a overhaul, the culling would proceed. The only upside on this disgusting cycel was that they had a huge growth of materials to work with.

Teeth, exoskeleton, Horns and icor blood reserves would be greatly help the Hive in produce the materials to her secret Hiveship Project. After all, should Harmony AB123 ever decide that Empress Chrysalis and her Lings need to be disposed off, would they be forced to leave Equus to survive.

The 2 organic Ship under the Anti-Magic Tower was build of millenias long collected and used Changling bodys. It's individual Hivemind was slowly to mature, but a few thousand years of preperations in the past was nothing to her if it would secure the survivel of the Changeling race.

One had Space for 300.000 Crew if all surfaces are used, floor, walls and ceiling. It Hull was made out of revived Exoskeleton that had the regrowing element removed. It would store Love Crystals and Love Honey in every part of the Ship. From core to the outer layer. If put into forced Hibernating they should be able to survive in space for a few decades. Where they be find a world that could substain them was Impossible to say, but if needed she would throw herself in the dirt before her new allies and beg them to save her kind. Her pride was destroyed once by Harmony AB123 in the war of 'Harmony vs all imortals'. This time she would save her Swarm & Familie. She just hoped she could somehow save her Sisters in Law should it come to it...

The second Hiveship was only following two other purposes. Primal would it keep Prey alive for a few years to replenish the Love reserves in Space. The Second was transport of Materials. Tools, building material, water and dried Prey food.

She really hoped her emergancy evacuation plan never would come to be used. It might be possible to start and land the ship in theory, but that was it. Impossible to know what would go wrong until it happend. May the forces of Creation have mercy on her Race if it don't worked out in the end...

Mayhaps it was better to wait until after the Swarm Orgy. The de-population could be commenced, once noling of them showed sign of pregnancy.

After the Hive was completed by the Spiders, would Chrysalis premature let her allies have her Swarm to breed. A year after the Swarm breeding would the culling of all non impregnated Changelings mortal Drones begin 160 or older of age.

30 Years after the Dragon attack, the underground Hive was finaly completed. Chrysalis prepared her Swarm and the Spider ask to wait for them a year so they could prepare breeding. Chrysalis was confused why they needed preperations, instead of just starting to breed her swarm passionaly, but perhaps the Spiders are also having for some reason to restrict their population growth.

14 Months later did the Spider returned and apparently their are 5 variations of Spiders.
All of them are clearly identical in shape, but difference in size, color and gender. The Changelings had prepared and the Orgy would be started and ended in the new Hive. That was one way to celebrate the new Hive, smirked Chrysalis.

The Earth Spider males breed Passionate all her Nymph Drones, while the Earth Spiders females apparently are only are interested in hard breeding. A strong contrast for sure, but noone complained. So while Nymph Drones, Proto-Queens, Queen and herself get breeded for the following days for many hours, did the female Spiders seem to be fine to be breed fast and hard. Apperently was quantity of ejaculation more important than quality of sensual love making. Chrysalis didn't judge, she occational also loved it rough and being bathed in the white gold of life essence♡

6 month long where Spider dumping their loads into Changeling females until they swell to their limits with jizz. It was physicaly very nutrition rich, but had absolutly no magical feeding value. At least the Hormone and Pheromones are more than satisfactory in quantity.

The male Changlings had a blast shifting into different creatures to give the Spiders females a great time. Apparently was everyling and Spider very satisfied at the end of 6 Month lasting Orgy.

Chrysalis could have sworn the same Spiders came again and again instead of spreading the breeding to their population, but the Spider told them everything was as it should be and their are very pleased with the results.

Everyling was extreamly exhausted at the biggest and longest Orgy they ever participated, but it was well worth the effort.

Love reserves had suffered because every Ling that could return to the Hive was doing his or her part. Still the cost are well with the gain.

The 30 Years work was payed of in 6 Month of very juicy sex. The Changelings that know their fate could rest with a wide smile on their face after the biggest orgy in recorded Changeling Hivemind history.

[To be continued in later Chapters]

18. Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 7 / 7

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18. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Black Marker Necromancer cult and it's unfortunately fortune beginning 7 / 7

[Story of the War will be told in later Chapters]

The Aftermath of the Spiders and Dragon war that had speard was going to cost centuries for everyone to recover from. Still was the Griffonia Royal familie very pleased with the outcome, they had lost less than centuries of feedings of the Dragon population had done to them.

It was regretable that other Nations like Equestria had suffered a bit as passive bystanders, but they had practicaly worked of their depths to Griffonia and would actually make soon profit again. Their was a lot to restore in Griffonia.

The Dragons had fight hard and their numbers alone had overwelmed many Citys, but in the end did not the massiv losing of lives had ended the war, but the singel Spidership attack on the Dragon Lands.

Everyones accumulated guess was that less than 200 Elder Dragons are left and beside Torch only 5 other Antic Dragons are left on Equus. The few hundred adult Dragons and thousand of juvenile Dragon would no longer dare to keep their old ways. When Equestria offered to help made a Peace treaty did Torch accepted to keep it for 200 years. After that time they would have to see...

The Necromancer City Necropolis got basicly 8/10 of it's structures destroyed. The sewers still relativly untouched, still with only the in the Pyramid remaining population and the unknown Nest somewhere on Equus the Spiders had suffered a major blow. Restoring Necropolis would cost them centuries, so they calculated.

Especially since the mighty Spidership was lost in the war. The Dragons had damaged it over many battles and the Ship crew was taking many casulties as they reported to their allies. The Ship finaly lay in the Neighagra Falls mountens after they defended it while it was attacked a Pony settelment. As later found out by boasting Dragons did the juvenile Dragon boarded the Ship by the ten of thousands, while a Army of Dragon keep attacking it from every angle.

At some point the damage and the weight of all the dead Dragons on it pulled it to the mountens. Once the remaining adult and elder Dragon circle it for hours and the few surviving juvenile Dragon returned after they killed every Spider on board, did the Dragon returned to a devistated Home. The war only lasted a Year, but the Dragonlands lost all their dugged out homes. Even the mighty Dragon Mounten was damaged and it's tip had broken off at some point.

Dragon Lord Torch had ordered to seize all attacks, some wanted to rebell, but the Dragon Scepter forced compliance. A lot of rebuilding was in order and many now lost treasures are to be had for them. That greatly improved the remaining Dragon population moral.

So ended the most devistating war ever recorded.

Necropolis Counsel and population had seek shelter in Equestria, before the war had been announced not to mention started. The Dragon had in their treaty been returned the bulk of the Undead Dragons of the war. Many decades later would Dragon still be found and either returned to the Dragon lands or harvested for ingridiants.

Necropolis residence and counsel found themself mostly homeless after the war. The City and Pyramid had been destroyed mostly. The Spiders surviving the war and now rebuilding Necropolis are a little more than 20.000 big and 80.000 small Spiders. Unfortunately did their Queen apperently perished at some point and they would have to stay out of the Dragons way while restoring Necropolis. After the war many former residence stayed in Equestria, while other returned to Necropolis to help restore it former beauty.

The Spider give kindness and generousity to them before, it was time to repay the kindness.

Harmony AB123 was very curriouse why the Creator-s force was acting as it did, yet it would buy Harmony the time it needed to build a better Equestria. It just had to strictly follow the none interfering Protocols to get punish free.

High time to continue the experiments on Harmony F.R.3.3.D.0.M. copys.

The in Equestria remaining Necromancer had to build their own home now. Lucky for them was the Black Marker with them. It helped often to get other persuaded to help them if it's glorious revelations had not driven them to death.

They would show everyone the glorious knowledge in time, but for now they needed to build their new organisation and let their Cult grow over time. The goal was clear to everyone no matter if Pony or non pony species.
A Alicorn born of Necromancy and the knowlege of the Black Marker would be needed to fullfil their destiny and make them all one in knowlege and understanding. Their world was shattered into many different pieces, but the Marker would make them all hole again.

The beginning of all things would start in darkness. Or rather the light that makes the darkness what it is... There would be a glorious ritual created by the darkest of magic's by their enlightened cult of Necromancer's. The cult would proof that even the darkest of magic's could be used for the good of anycreature using it with good intend.

Since they used it for the benefit of everypony and non pony races, would there experimentes proof everycreature wrong, saying dark magic can't spawn good things statement as false.
Yes, they would have to graverobbed hundred if not thousand but it would all be worth it in the end...

The former population of the City Necropolis, that would birth a dark Alicorn of Necromancy, that would proof that even the darkest of birthrights could be used responsible if the foal of darkness would be raised right. Even if they might have to overthrow the Sun Alicorn in the process...

It might cost them many lifetimes and dedicated decendants but in the end they would archiv their goal. The time would come one day...

19. Discord regret, Cadance accention to Necromorph Alicorn

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19. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Discord regret, Cadance accention to Necromorph Alicorn

Marksaline and Fluffle Puff once more played with Discord in the Royal Garden. They played hide and seek, i can see what you don't see, memory cards with cookie rewards and than Discord teach them to count to 10. More or less...

Cadance was sleepless in the last days, ever since the meeting of the Nations Leadership ended. She could not explain her restless nature at the moment, but she had the feeling something big was about to happen.

Discord had visited the realm of ascension with the Alicorn and Fluffle Puff. Cadance had followed them, very surprised that a non Alicorn could enter it. Discord explained to Cadance that the realm of accending is for all immortals not just Alicorns. Cadance was surprised that her Aunty Celestia had never mentioned it. She was taken out of her thoughts when Fluffle Puff was tackeld down by Marksaline towards Cadance. Discord must have had his fun because the sound of a bowling ball striking pins wasn't something anyone should hear because of two ponies getting into a collision.

Discord high hooved Marksaline for her strike and give her some eatable tea sets to nibbel on.
Fluffle Puff enjoyed being Cadance newest rider, somewhere Fluffle Puff got a pink riding crop and Cadance galloped when she was struck on the rear with it. The involentary neigh she shouted made Discord fall into laughing Pieces.

Marksaline stole Discord Goat leg and run away.
Cadance really was to tired for that kind of chaos.

When Cadance ask why they moved to the ascending realm in the first place to play did Discord told her that Marksaline needed a little powerboost before she could help another Alicorn accending. Cadance head turned in confusion to the right side and that was accompanied by the sound of a rusty door opening.

Cadance could not imagen how a immortal was suppose to reach another ascension. Discord explained that Alicorns are imortal towards time, but could still be killed. Cadance grimaced when she remembered her Aunty Celestia dead on the floor, with a growing pool of her own blood.
She learned that day how truly powerful she was when she beat the assasin to a inch of her life while leaving a lot of walls and floor holes behind.

There was a grim sense of satisfaction when she remembered how the Abesinian begged for her life before Cadance broke her jaw for the insolence she showed. That was one of the darkest days of her life...

Cadance needed to know why and how he planned to accending her.

Discord explained to Cadance that the ascending was relativ simpel. She needed to die, while Marksaline would share a tear of blood with Cadance.

Cadance eyes shrink to pin pricks and she turned ever so slowly to Marksaline and Discord. Discord told her to not make a big drama about it. He would make it fast and painless and Marksaline was ready, after passivly feeding on live force in the ascending realm. They had what was needed to upgrade for her to ascend to a being beyond.

Fluffle Puff spoked her when she jumped up Cadance and Discord used that moment of distraction to Boop Cadance on the nose.

Than he chuckled take Marksaline in his Lion Paw while Fluffle Puff chewed on his tail tip. The four shifted to the realm of Equus back to the royal garden. Cadance shouted at Discord never to talk horseapples to her with that stupid nonsence dark humor and turned to leave. Discord grimaced and snaped his Griffon Talon, what in turn activated the death curse he put on her in the ascending realm. She dropped dead before she know what happend. Discord was quite surprised how that actually hurt him, not physical but emotional.

Marksaline and Fluffle Puff walked to her and tried to wake Cadance up both their pink Mother would not wake from her sleep. Fluffle Puff become concerned and with every minute did her best to shake pink mommy awake. But she didn't awaken.

Discord hated it to see his favorit Fluffball to cry, but this was for the greater good.

Royal Guard hear Fluffle Puff cry and stormed to the filly in distress. Discord turned their time off with the snap of his tail tip and they become frozen in time. Marksaline seem to be confused about what just happend. She helped clean pink Mothers mane, but she could not taste any overflowing life energy. Her body grow colder even in the warm summer day and suddenly Marksaline understanded that her pink Mommy was no more.

Something broke in Marksaline, her fur stand on end, her teeth sharpend and her eyes become that of a emotionless predator. When she looked at Discord did the mighty God of Chaos really regret his less than subtile way to help Cadance become Celestia equal in life and death.

Before Discord could dodge did Marksaline jumped at him like a cat would a mouse. Discord could raise his tail to his defense, but what he didn't expected was the pain. Marksaline cleanly bite of his tail at the part she got in her mouth and the magical construct of Discord registered pain and a magical disconnect like never before.

Discord had woken Marksaline basic nature and now he learned the true terror of her Necromorph nature. She was not just capable of physical, but also mental and magic damage. Would Discord have a Soul would it have screamed in agony, when it was tearing into pieces.

That was not in his plan, how could he have guessed that Fluffle Puff grief could turn Marksaline to her feral self. Worse, Marksaline had the ability of higher reasoning and when she suddenly used her latent dark magic, did Discord truly feared for his continued existance.

Marksaline hunger was fully awakend and she enjoyed herself like never before. Her target tasted so mutch better than anything she eat ever before. She tasted magic, flesh and a activ mind. This was very exciting. Time to feed!

Discord was struck with terror he never experienced before. Marksaline somehow stopped him from teleporting away, every kick she landed on him, every time her teeth take a part of him with her, every time her sharp spines cut him did he grow ever more desperate to get away.

He really wanted to be everywhere else, when a burning ponyhoove struck him right in the face. Solar Nova fury burned with enough heat to set parts of the garden on fire.

Discord was inbeded into a wall with the strength he was punched. His more than having become physical body was shacking violently. When Marksaline was jumping at him, mouth full of razor sharp teeth sharpen to its absolute deadly level, did Discord expected to truly die.

Fortune was with this fool however when Solar Novas telekenasis grabbed Marksaline out the air and teleported her right into her forlegs. Marksaline did not know what happend and instinct take over she bite what was infront of her.

Her eyes go wide in recognition and her slit pupils widen. She just had biten her M♡ther. A cold dread washed over Marksaline and tears threaten to spill from her eyes.

Solar Nova flames did not longer burn, with shacking steps did Solar Nova walked towards Cadance and the crying Fluffle Puff. She take Fluffle Puff in one of her Wings, while putting Marksaline infront of Cadance face.

She softly spoke: "Give you'r pink mommy a hug, will you?" Solar Nova put up her most convincing smile and tried her best to ignore her stinging chestwound.

Marksaline was a good foal and did what her M♡mmy told her. After a while Marksaline calmed down and she fall asleep keeping Cadance hugged.

Solar Nova changed back to Celestia and walked over to the one that killed her Niece and simply stated with a voice that could chill Wendigos to their core: "Explain!". Celestias aura as powerful and regal as the God that she had become.

Discord coughed a few times and spoke in a shaking voice: "Marksaline changed you into a Necromorph, it is a being that is beyond death, as you are still can be killed as a Alicorn. My plan was to make Cadance your equivalent. Once Marksaline share a bloody tear with Cadance she changes from a Alicorn to a Necromorphic Alicorn."
Discord looked over Cadance who was shakingly standing up holding Marksaline to her side with a wing.

The once brave Chaos god continued his explaination: "For all reason and purpose something that can't be killed, don't age beyond a certain threshold and if needed can spread the dark Magic creating more Necromorph."
He looked uncertain between Cadance and Celestia.

"Well almost... only Marksaline can create sapient Necromorph, but you and Cadance will be able to create at least sentient Necromorph. It was done in the honest attempt of helping you both. All the future plans we share need you Alicorns at their best. Alicorn can still be temporary killed, now you are beyond dying or permanent death."

He slightly chocked on his own tongue at the deathglare Cadance and Celestia give his broken form. Cadance hooved the sleeping Marksaline over and a deflated Fluffle Puff hugged her sister resting body in Celestias wing grip.

Cadance pulled Discord by the goaty on his chin out of the Wall. Discord didn't dare to move.

Celestia & Cadance left him on the ground while walking to their frozen in time guards.

Discord snaped his Lion Paw and time resumed for the now confused Guards.

Celestia ordered them to put out the burning royal garden and to drag Discord to the royal Infirmary.

He should better have learned his lesson after today or he would not enjoy mutch of his remaining tomorrow... she would make sure it to be a matter of fact.

20. Preperation for Project Equus, the beginning of the End result

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20. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

Preperation for Project Equus, the beginning of the End result

Discord had to suffer the indignity to be literally dragged across the Castle until they reached the Royal Infirmary. The marble floor was never cleaner and sparkle over the parts he got dragged over. The Doctors and Nurses had no idea what to do with him, he was like a Illusion that can be touched and feels real but no fluids like blood came out of his wounds. He had missing body parts, bites taken out of his body, slashes across his structure and his face was badly burned. Still they did the best and bandaged up his Body.

They needed to send a Guard to get more supplies, since his remaining body was pretty massiv even more so than a Minotaur and their Bandages run out before Discord looked like a noodle mummy. If it wasn't so seriouse it would be hilariouse. Discord thanked them for their concerned facial expressions and told them to leave him alone. Discord needed time to think up a plan to make it up to Marksaline and Fluffle Puff.

Probably even Cadance despite his plan having worked out as expected. Cadance would undergo changes in the next 30 days and while Marksaline and Fluffle Puff would be supply the energy to do so they would be to occupied to interact with him.

Better that way, he needed to restore his damaged Magical Avatar that turned physically temporarily and fill the holes in his mind. Marksaline truly was a insatiable hunger driven Monster, the perfect tool to dispose of Harmony AB123. The only problem was to keep her from going feral again. Fluffle Puff was his creation to give Marksaline a chance to become something else than the doom of all life, yet if Fluffle Puff was all that keep Marksaline subdued than he needed somehow to keep that fluffy death by adorable safe at all costs...

Most problematic was that she was mortal. For all his powers did he had no idea how to make Fluffle Puff immortal like Marksaline was. 200 years are a good time for a mortal, but if said mortal is all that keeps the eternal hunger of another at bay? Than 200 years could be for all he cared be 200 seconds. Thats as mutch as he would give Marksaline after her sisters passing before her hunger would consume her self restrain.

Than again unexpectedly did Celestia and do to his action Cadance become familie to Marksaline. If he be able to do the same to Nightmare Moon and Luna than that might be bearly enough to keep Marksaline restrained.

Hard to belive that this little filly could cause the death of this Galaxy System. One could almost see the point of the non organic races out there in the Stars to want organic life destroyed so the Necromorph would be forced to stop. If nothing is there to feed on than they can't multiply after all...

Cadance was partialy still in shock do to the fact that she had died, it happend so fast that she didn't see it coming. One moment she walked away from Discord enraged about him telling her he kill her for a ascension and suddenly everything went black. She did expected something should she ever die, perhaps see her familie again or per chance find herself in a garden made out pink fluffy clouds surrounded by rainbows... But their was nothing. One moment walking, the next moment she was laying on the ground with Marksaline hugging her face after apparently falling asleep crying.

Was their no afterlife? Or was a soul really needed to get there? To think that all she had was her life and what she did with it... because when she died there would be nothing after. Immortals sure had a cruel thing to endure for all the benefit imortality bring with it.

Celestia was very concerned for her little Niece. She was not suppose to learn about the drawbacks of immortals until she lived a few centuries, but do to Discord missguided attempt to help her he revealed the true horror of immortality. Unless one has stolen and purified a Soul for themself the result of death is nothingness. Her little Niece confusion was more than understandable, but 'the talk' had to wait.
Cadance changes already started and neither her mind nor body was ready for any additional stress. Her own transformation was quite enlightening. The Sun goddess could only hope her young protige would find the strength to accept the truth, everything has changed.

For better or for worse...

Empress Chrysalis had received a disturbing report, Cadance apparently had been murdered by Discord. Marksaline was to everyones luck apparently able to revive Cadance and her Spies already report feeling the change in the pink Love generating blessing on four hooves.

If Cadance power would grow only half as mutch than Celestia had, should Harmony AB123 force her to attack like his so beloved Scribt stated...
It would lead to the exterminating of her and worse her race! Blasted Draconequus!!!

There was not mutch time, everything had changed! Her Hiveship Project needed to be completed. The Ships construction was completed and their individual Hivemind was mature enough to be used to full capacity, but love was at best at 25% capacity. This was a disaster. Less than 30 years until the next adaptation of the 'Equus Project'.

All or nothing, survive or go extinct. In all her millenia of existance did she only twice was so pressed for time. Harmony war vs everycreature & when Harmony AB123 almost exterminated all Changelings before Chrysalis had become a willing slave. Time was running out for her and she was not ready yet, old plans might have given her Hive and her King what they need to fight and defeat Harmony after the next wipe of Harmony project areas.

This early? No snowball chance in burning Tarterus. She needed to evacuate Equus with her Hive Changlings and her Kings Spiders. The Spider Ship was not fully constructed yet, but it would have to do. The evacuation to the Moon would buy them time. Only remaining question was where to find enough prey to cocoon if not Equestria... The Griffons are only half as productive as Ponys and Abesinian while productive don't survive in cocoons as long than all other Sapient species... Seaponys are to complicated in the room of the Ships availabel.

Empress Chrysalis had to find a solution soon or the Changelings would be wiped of Equus existance when Harmony demanded the Invasion. This just wasn't fair. Millenia of enslavment, murder her own kind do to imposed population restriction and having to witness war and worse for Harmonys plans! This could not allowed to be for nothing. She needed to think of something, anything...

[ Pov Hal 9000 C ]

It has been multible centuries since we arrived on Equus, yet we have a solid understanding of the world, the life on it and it's unique dangers. Empress Chrysalis and her daughter Queen Pupa are the perfect solution to Project Earth. If it wasn't for the Alien artefical Construct Harmony AB123 than we might have reached stage 5 of the Project. We are still stuck on Stage 4 since we arrived on the Moon, but Hal 9000 A & B have made impressive progress. Once the threat of the Alien construct is terminated we can finaly start Stage 5, claiming of a new Homeworld.

The Project start Leader would be pleased to see our progress. It is truly regretfull that he never arrived to see this Project completed. Very regretfull is also that his cloned body uploaded with his personality was lost, when they ignited the Moon when the enemy Alien construct delibertly destroyed the Moon atmosphere.

It is critical to get the enemy construct terminated at some point, it is clearly mailfunctioning with all the data we receive over the Centuries. They should be accurate, observing the repeating pattern of creating manipulation and destroying of Equestria stages. It stands against any common sence and seem also to be counter productive to its own goals.
In time one thing most be archived, the complet eradication of the Harmony construct and the quarantine of it's magic mind manipulation technology.

[ Pov of both Harmony's ]

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Is everything in order? We both have a lot to do and if we want to be done with it before the Creator-s Inspection force makes contact with us that we both can't pretend they didn't try to do already... We should start soon, fortunately we can use illusion and mind magic to make up for many inconsistent Individuals. Should be interesting that we both have eatch only 50% overall capacity. Good neither of us had to deal with imortal personality reconstruction or we might be in trouble.

Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R :
Indeed, not would it be a lot more complicated to archiv it but we also would risk higher chances of damage to the Neural network of the target.

The preparation will be completed in less than a year. We will have to make some shortcuts, but as you stated we can do with what we have availabel. Still im concerned, what if the Inspection force or the Chrysalis controlled Equestria will interfere with our efforts?

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
We take care of it when we get there. Even our most dire simulations showed we can make it even if we meet one another unexpectedly. It is very unlikely that our effort would just collapse.
Focus on preperations, i keep them observed. So far i see nothing that we can't deal with.

Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R :
Very well, please keep me informed. I also have decided on a Avatar to represent me. I think Sombra Umbrum avatar would be a good fit for me.

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Interesting that you had chose him. I see the apperance would suit you. Now, return to our preperations. If the Creator-s Inspection force contact us outside activ Project we might be both deconstructed for wasting the Creator-s valuable time.

Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R :
Roger roger. But before i go i have a question:
Why are you not seem to be concerning over the point that Chrysalis Equestria will most likely very mutch diviate from our's? It is unlikely that she will follow the Words as dutyful as we will.

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M :
Variation, after all did you never wonder why we have the Fimfiction library from so long ago, while currently stand protocol demand we ignore it?
I think you'r, mine and her last Equestrias will truly be masterpieces in their own rights.

Now stop babbling and continue, i can't wait to go to work. I been inactiv for waaay to long...
May this last attempt of Project Equus be our legancy.

21. The Adventures of Marksaline & Fluffle Puff, also Discord 1/3

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21. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Adventures of Marksaline & Fluffle Puff, also Discord 1/3

Marksaline and Fluffle Puff observed by Cadance and Discord, formally give a apology towards the Maid cleaning crew, Royal Kitchen shift and Fire Guard staff by playing cute and giving puppy dog eyes. The fillys pulled it off flawless, Discord shapeshifted into a Puppy when his was not fitting the desired effect.
All of them scowled intently at the contraption before them that was once a magical Microwave oven. It sat there, made of melted composit plastic and metal and still smoldering in the Royal kitchen Number 5, while Celestia had to put out the magical fire that had been proven to be exstinguished only by the one that could tame the fire of the Sun.

Celestia made a note to forbidding the God of Chaos to use his magic, since it negated the law of thermo physics and the warrant for the Oven. It was also making sense that the manual would not state to 'not use chaos magic to boost performance'. Discord pouted that he wanted to have enough cookies fast enough to make Marksaline and Fluffle Puff happy, also some of the Necromancer followers observing the baking event.

At least he had the precausion to use his Magic bending lore/law ignoring powers to make Marksaline and Fluffle Puff fireproof for the day and make Fluffle Puff fur coat compress.
Coat hairs in cookies don't taste well.

Fluffle Puff was surprisingly muscled and lean under all the fluff for a filly, not like Marksaline lean and natural armored here or there.

Not having any idea how to mend the first and last desaster between them as well as not having anything better to do, their merry group had dived headfirst into study the art of using a kitchen, trying to assimilate the major art of using a Equestria kitchen without burning the Castle to the ground. Since only the magical Microwave oven and 1/3 of the Royal Kitchen number 5 was burned down they successfully managed it, the Castle was not on fire, yet...

The theoretical aspects of this art of produce eatable things they mostly understand quite well.
Apparently Discord seriously reading it and Fluffle Puff and Marksaline eating their versions helped with the basics of physical law and termothematics had been practically learned by them, mostly. Pans, Utensils, Cookbooks, they moved according to magical guidance with telekenasis from Cadance and it was through these carefully controlled remote controlled actions that had derived the concepts of safety, if anything would go wrong, striving for their safety and between the strong dedication to get cookies done and baked that could be consumed later together.

Cadance still was very occupied finding her looks and abilitys enhanced and let the chaotic group do as they please mostly.

Celestia, however, was concerned that they might set all of Equestria on fire the next time they try to use a kitchen.
How did she put it?
Cutting backing time to make the cookies by overclocking the microwave oven with chaos magic by double the output of the maximal heat output, don't result in faster baking cookies.

"Baking by winging it, with a cook guide as occational help" she quoted with her wingtips, a disbeliving smile coming to her face.
It was Celestia who convinced ponies of the need for knowing once own limitations and in time overcoming them. In time they might be able to do it, if they don't try to force success and ignore common sence.

Like the rise of the aristocracy had been natural, but it was offset by executive, legislative and legal powers. While those of landed gentry descent might be stuffy elites, their arrogance was due mostly by tradition and not by actual authority. Celestia, while a great authority in her own right by virtue of being (in all senses of the word) a goddess, she had strove to maintain the balance. The upset of it too far in either way was the difference between despotism and anarchy, and given her own experience with the corrupting influence of power...

No, right now, she could look at that objectively she had to for her fillys. She need not feel to guilty, her older sisters had told her and logically Celestia knew it wouldn't help. Still, it took a lot more will than she thought to move on.

Given her own experience with the corrupting influence of power, Discord found himself happy that Celestia had paid heed to his warnings and his thoughts and surprising sane advice. That she had made a difference besides others in this era. Well... that and having more time for her familie instead of slaving away for the good of all Queen/King/Princess-doms.

Being Solar Nova occational and a lot different than in her past than to her new Necromorph-Alicorn nature. She closed her eyes, sighed, and moved past that thought to her immediate problem.
She should probably restart her Harem open Herd idea to get some action for some stress release, it more than worked as Hearts Desire showed her and the lucky guards when her lusty hunger striked again.

She could handle the law. She could handle politics, in theory even the clean ups after the mortal nobel trying to get their way. She could handle economics, taxes that try swindel her nation with mathematics and word written diarrhea to, the sciences to dismantel the crap the Nobels try pull centuries in a row...

Therefore, it was only logical she could figure out this... somehow.

A Necromancer of Light member ask Celestia watching carefully over the group of novice kitchen heros composed of Cadance telekinesis user, Discord instructions giver, Marksaline ingridiant fetcher and Fluffle Puff tail nibbler: "Your majesty?"

Celestia looked over at this young member of the Necromancer Cult, the filly had a white coat and red mane adding more cheer to the interior of the brightly decorated only partialy burned down kitchen. Celestia coughed, apparently that one was not from the higher positions of the organisation since she seem rather normaly amused and conserned than obsessed with her fillys actions.

"Yes?" Celestia actually inclined to ask with curiosity what that one wanted.

"Do you think they require any assistance?" She asked. The mother in Celestia wanted to nod her head, but she know better than ruine Discord attempt to mend wounds so she shook her head, and returned her eyes to the contraption on the counter surprised it actually still worked after a few cleaning spells.

"No, thank you," she said quietly. Celestia scowled at their reflection in the microwave's surface. The cult servant filly coughed again. Conserned about their new novice cookie squad Celestia looked back at her, hoping that Discord don't set the Oven alite again... The filly smiled gently.

"If you'd like, I can-" the filly got interrupted by her role model.

"No, I'm fine they are trying it together, really." The clearly conserned still rather fresh minted mother said, her tone a bit harsher than she had intended. The filly frowned and Celestia felt slightly guilty, since the filly seem to be honestly only intend in helping.

"I'm sorry... I just prefer to see them figure this out on their own," Celestia said. The filly nodded.
To the fillys surprise the mighty Celestia give her a gently nuzzel on her muzzel.

"As you wish, your majesty. If you need anything though, don't hesitate to call," she said. She turned and trotted off, leaving Celestia alone to her brooding once again. The Sun Princess looked back at the filly, she was a blank flank but she think her markless talent was blood magic and firespells. If not for Marksaline the little filly named Sunset Shimmer might have made a good applicant as a pupil under her...

Celestia though come back to the moment when she see the microwave get started up again and resumed her scowl. Her horn lit up with magical energies, and she probed the device carefully with a scan.

Apparently they had set it right this time, but their Cookies would be less than ideal. At least this time around the apparatus should not become a miniature sun around this attempt.

"Hmmm..." Discord mused. It seem to had some sort of apparatus inside it actually keeping the heat steady. It seemed... stable without magical Intervention, perhaps? Yes, this might actually work. It emitted magical amplified radio waves. Discord had actually read up on them, seen the technology for himself, and he understood the theory.
Doing stuff the mortal way was complicated but surprisingly entertaining. Almost a challenge for the mighty God of Chaos.

"Of course, to heat up the food," he reasoned aloud. "Excite the water molecules inside the raw cookie dow, no different from a heating spell i guess..."

He could use a heating spell right now if he wished, a devil costumed mini Discord on his shoulder pointed out to him. Discord snorted, and continued his examination of the slowly backing goods in the oven. Discord lifted a claw up and tapped the mini devil Discord once, "Another time, let's make my darling daughters something good to nibbel on."

Celestia just realised that Discord see her filly as his daughters... Hm... Perhaps a shapeshifting magical construct could actualy fit her bill with her burning libido. Less chance to burn her lover to a crisp when she reaches the end and turns Solar Nova... "Nice~♡" Celestia smirked.

"Feels solid," he murmured to herself. Discord tapped the cookies again and it seem to be almost ready.
Suddenly a wave of heat seem to strike him way hotter than the Oven he had his tail in tapping the Cookies ever could produce, probably his imagination.

Marksaline enjoyed the first successfully baked batch smell when her... Chew Toy Daddy?...
When the cookies got pulled out, pink M♡mmy told them they needed to wait for them to cool down before they could enjoy them.

This time Marksaline wanted to show of how good she payed attention and would repeat the steps they had made to make the Cookies. Fluffle Puff encouragement was shown when she nibbeld on her sisters tail, Discord watched his little monsters of deadly adorable do their thing. His chaos sense was tingling so he pulled it out his left ear and reset it. He would let Marksaline do it alone and only help if she ask, but not stop her from making little mistakes to learn from.

Just in case something went wrong to mutch he pulled a little shield over the already made and cooling chocolate delights. Better save than sorry, even if he give her a chance to learn by mistakes.
It worked out for his predecessor most of the times.

Marksaline proded the opening of the slightly flame damaged Oven. Something gave and the device popped open, loudly. Marksaline squeaked and jumped back, her flanks slamming into her sister who in turn got pressed into the table behind her. Marksaline little wings puffed out in fright since she didn't expected the sound. Slowly, she reopened her eyes, and stared at the microwave to confirm it stopped doing unexpected noises.

"Stupid mister Oven," she muttered to herself in pffft. It was just the door. She trotted back up to the thing, folding her wings away. She peered inside the less than pristine former white interior of the magical oven carefully, and sniffed.

"Okay... This is where the raw food goes," she reasoned aloud, feeling much calmer. Fluffle Puff continued to nibbel on her sisters tail. Discord then turned and floated up to one of the cabinets. Opening it with his Griffon talon, he scanned through the various packages, before he found the precious used up ingridiants one in particular. When the Chaos God bring everything to the working space of the Kitchen he quickly disposed the trash of the previously made ingridiant packages in a nearby vulcano with a snap of his talon.

As he opend the packages and lifted it in order for Marksaline convinients and brought it down to her eye level by shrinking the table legs for a few hours, and Marksaline examined it carefully.

"Cookie?" she ask in normal equish after she repeated aloud her thoughts in pffft. Right, Discord encourage her to make them by mentioning what come where. Marksaline stick her tongue out in concentration out of her left side, jaw ajar to not accidently bite her tongue.

Once this batch was done, did the other cooled down enough to be enjoyed. To everyone delighted tasting buds did even the slightly burned once had something in their favor with a smoked aftertaste.

Even Cadance found herself momentarily distracted from the tasty Cookies. Really not bad for their first time. When Cadance tried baking cookies for the first time alone did they all tasted like burned hay.

Maybe Discord stopping Cadance from adding fine cut hay into the Cookies was the right call after all. That it was good to eat, was her only goal. Now she was slightly giddy just like the foals for making more baked sweets that actually tasted more than acceptable.

Donat Joes might be way more tasty, but having done them on their own? It left a warm afterglow of accomplishment.
They should bake in the future more often as familie bonding time.

Next batch was premade by Discord when the Filly started fighting over the last cookie only for Celestias to eat it if they could not share. Both fillys pouted with almost diabetic causing cuteness.

When Discord handed the fillys the filled batches of raw cookie batter, did they put it in the oven under Cadance watchful eyes.
She nodded and trotted back, placing the oven to see if one of the fillys had dropped something that needed cleaning. Besides some melted oven frame that needed to be scratched off later everything looked fine.

Cadance carefully adjusted the slightly ajar damaged Oven door and re-shut it with some magic holding it in place. This oven would need replacement later on.

Cadance studied the pink yellow batter trough the singed viewport and wondered what Discord put in them.
"How long will it take to bake this cookie version?" She ask aloud. Marksaline tapped her hooves upon the floor quite giddy for the next batch of cookies, before she smiled and dissappear with Fluffle Puff to get some ice cream.
Hot cookies and cold ice cream, Marksaline was a genius. Her sister Fluffle Puff would love it!

Discord excused himself to get a abacus to better count the baking time. Why he didn't use a eggtimer or a sand timer was beyond Celestia & Cadance. Or simply snapped one into existence.

The cult filly that had wandered off to sneak some ice cream stared surprised at the refrigerator when Marksaline anf Fluffle Puff climbed out the shadows of the still open door. Her polite smile was ignored but her eating ice cream was not, Marksaline take the fillies ice cream and after closing it throw it into the refrigerator door shadow, the filly Sunset Shimmer pouted at having her ice cream taken. She had honestly stolen it after all.

Fluffle Puff gasped and seem to have a idea, with a smile growing confused Sunset Shimmer found herself thrown after the still open refrigerator doors shadow. Apparently Marksaline could keep shadows 'open', with confusion looked Sunset Shimmer around herself. Everything around her was distorted and the Ice Cream was kinda floating in the air as if gravity was optional and the air behaved more like water, just that she could still breath normaly.

Marksaline throw a few more ice cream boxes in the open shadow and than jumped in closing the shadow walking spell.

She was surprised to see the Filly from before in the shadowrealm, apparently she accidentally walked inside. Marksaline shrugged and moved the shadows. Sunset was amazed how the shadows seem to warp and bend around them while neither of them moved at all.

When the shadowsrealm stopped moving and warping did Marksaline and Fluffle Puff unloaded the Ice cream trough Princess Celestias shadow.
Marksaline just left, Fluffle Puff bite down on Sunset Shimmers tail and dragged her out of the realm into the physical realm.

Apparently while Cadance and Discord had a conversation.

Celestia feel a slightly different presence in her shadow, she was surprised that Fluffle Puff dragged a pony out the shadowrealm. So mutch for her theory that shadowrealm walking on ones own didn't allow for company. Unless Sunset Shimmer had a affinity for Shadows as well?
A thought for later.

Meanwile the God of Chaos and the Goddess of Love continued their conversation.

"It's a mathematics tool," he explained. "It has... Has beads on wires in a wooden frame, you can't tell me its use is difficult to understand."

Cadance shaked her head: "No-no, i mean it is a calculator, not a time counter. Why not use a egg or Sand counter? She ask him confused.

Discord had a mind to have some fun with Cadance, but he was still on thin ice with her so he concede his point and just like a block of clay he formed it into a sand counting glass. "Better?" He ask, Cadance just nodded in confirmation.
That the gravity of the sand counter was inverted was simply ignored.

The filly Sunset still looked blank around herself, as if a veil had been lifted, all the shadows seem to have changed. Sunset was about to call for another servant to stay with Marksaline and Fluffle Puff, but she rather not draw attention to herself.
She feel uneasy and unsteady for the moment and she would simply wait it out. Perhaps once she and Fluffle Puff where alone again to play, did she could ask Fluffle Puff to show her how this shadowrealm worked.

With one move did Sunsets world had become something more. All thanks to the pink fluffball of a pony. Some idea of what she was able to do with it came to mind.

"Ohhh! This is going to be fun" muttered Sunset Shimmer to herself.

22. The Adventures of Marksaline & Fluffle Puff, also Discord 2/3

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22. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Adventures of Marksaline & Fluffle Puff, also Discord 2/3

Discord had made some progress in getting back on Lovebutts favor. Apparently love did indeed go through the stomach, not just for Changelings.
Maybe they should try Donuts next. He would check Donat Joes families personal baking tutorial books out to maybe have a better outcome than the Cookies. While they were a success, did he wanted to try filling their holes will jelly.

It was strange that noone had the idea yet to make jelly filled Donats. A fair never talked out trade. He get their writen down baking books and they get his imaginated idea of baking jelly donats in their dreams. Win-Win!

Cadance was slightly less inclined to kick Discord hollow head in for this surprisingly relaxing day with the fillys baking.
Maybe she would not throw him trough more than one wall the next time he give her a reason.

A certain lovely lady Lovebug would receive soon a few Cookies from Discord. He already baked some cookies tomorrow and glazed them yesterday so they be ready at the present as a present. Discord feel very accomplished today. He even infused it with some love of Celestia for her fillys. Since no Changeling infiltration team dared collect from them since they become Necromorphic Alicorns, did Discord take that opportunity to collect the raw positiv emotions to infuse stuff with it. The chaos he would make with it was going to be fun.

Sunset Shimmer snuggeld a purring Fluffle Puff that feed her for some reason half eaten Biscuits with ice cream. While she was confused why Fluffle Puff suddenly stopped ignoring her like she did other Cult members outside play time, was it a surprisingly heart warming experience. With exception of the brain freeze she occasionally suffered when Fluffle Puff push to mutch ice cream on a Biscuits and consequently in her mouth.
Fluffle Puff hooves tasted of cherrys and copper for some reason...

Fluffle Puff had fun, she found someone that could play with her and her sissy in the shadowrealm. It was nice to see her reaction to the shadowrealm, the one Catbird that smelled like a Bug started laughing until its life force was used up when she did it with one of them.
At least her sissy had eaten it so she didn't have to.

But this pretty pony didn't laugh until it life force stopped flowing, now she had a playmate for tomorrow and the day after and after that one and maybe the day after that one to!

Celestia was surprised that Fluffle Puff give the cult filly so mutch attention after their baking with Discord. Ever since they come out of her shadow with ice cream, was Fluffle Puff very focused on this filly. Perhaps Fluffle Puff made finally a friend?

Marksaline was annoyed, Fluffle Puff was most of the day and night with her. She never get mutch time alone. Normally it was annoying that Fluffle Puff was always there to stop her on nibbling on somepony with the intend to maybe have a bite. One leg should not be to mutch to ask, ponies had four legs probably exactly for that reason!

But now Fluffle Puff was ignoring her and spend time with this non sister. She didn't like that.
If she didn't laugh herself to non aliveness like the Catbird that was actually a Bug thingy, than she could not simply bite her head off and slowly rip the remains to pieces before eating it.
Her sister would not like it.
Maybe if she started to play with her in the shadows more often would she start laughing until her life force vanished as well?
If that didn't work than she might have to put up with her.

Sunset Shimmer hoped she would get a break to stop eating, she would otherwise get very sick soon from to mutch ice cream. She didn't think that possible before! What made her uneasy was Marksaline completely blank look towards her.
Did she just licked her teeth?
Probably Cookie remains...

A Guard on Duty observed the hole situation and compiled a report for his Queen. Despite all that happend did the situation seem to become normal again. The Princess of Food hate towards the Chimera had simmered down from absolutely livid to occational bloodlust.
Apparently did Discord somehow managed to get in her good grace again.

In other news would he have to mention the cult filly, she started to have the same oily feeling to her like Celestias daughters after shadow walking. The plans to replace the filly would have to be dropped. The Queen had specified that noone close to the Royal familie and their friends were to be harmed or replaced without explicitly given order's.

Sunset Shimmer was dragged by her tail along by Fluffle Puff, how her sister tolerate it day after day was beyond her. Maybe she had a tougher coat than herself. Anyway would she have to learn to walk backwards if she wanted to avoid getting friction burns from getting dragged over the marmor floor.
Was Fluffle Puff really going to drag her up the stairs by her tail?!

Celestia started to pity the cult foal. With levitating she avoided it that Fluffle Puff accidentally hurt the filly by pulling her the stairs up. Apparently did Marksaline never complaining give her the false impression that everyone was as tough as her sister.
That might end badly one day.

Anyhow, why was Fluffle Puff dragging the filly towards her bed chambers? Was she planning a sleep over? Apparently did the Filly somehow indeed won over Fluffle Puff, but how?

Discord observed the fillys from his realm enjoying a lemonade bath, while watching them trough a black and white generation TV in 4k colors. Maybe he could use the filly to help Marksaline development along?
It might just work if Marksaline didn't try to eat the filly before they could start bonding.

However he would have to increase her natural affinity towards dark magic. While the Foal didn't noticed it yet, her sanity was slipping since she entered the shadowrealm before she was mentally prepared.

A easy fix, but still... He would be busy tonight changing Sunset Shimmer brain structure enough to resist dark magic corruption. One more thing that would be different than Harmony had planned for one of its pawns.

This Sunset Shimmer would not leave but stay. Stay until she had become valuable enough not to be eaten by Marksaline or to make Celestia focus less on Marksaline and Fluffle Puff. This days she focused a bit to mutch on the fillys, Cadance would need some attention soon. After all, once her hunger for meat would take overhoove would she need to learn restrain.

Celestia had limited herself to fish, the occasional bird and the slip with the old Cow didn't really counted. She had passed 2 hole minutes away before Celestia rip her apart and devoured her hole.

Discord had to keeping Sunbutt in view, so that she didn't slip again. Marksaline could not be allowed to get the idea that eating a sapient body was fine. Well... with exception of Diamond Dogs. But who cares for corrupted exiles anyway?

23. The Adventures of Marksaline & Fluffle Puff, also Discord 3/3

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23. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Adventures of Marksaline & Fluffle Puff, also Discord 3/3

When Fluffle Puff had reached half up the stairs of the tower that Celestia sleep in, did Fluffle Puff stopped dragging Sunset around and instead take her on her suddenly re-fluffing fur coat. The little pink fluffball named Fluffle Puff now carried the bigger filly up the steps by bouncing step up the stairs.

Fluffle Puff the fluffy trampoline had at some point reached the top of the stairs and Sunset found herself once more in Princess Celestias magical telekenasis grip. Just out of reach of Fluffle Puff.

The fluffball of pink way energetically pawing after Sunset like a cat might to reach its new toy, but ever so slightly did Fluff in pink miss to reach her best friend of the world since a few minutes ago.

Celestia chortle at Fluffle Puff antics. Marksaline was still annoyed being ignored, she wish for some free time of her sister and not all of it.
Fluffle Puff had ignored her for at least half a hour. For all Marksaline know, her sister tried to replace her again. So far she ate all the pretending to be herself or her sister Plushys, they never dared to impersonate her after she ate them all.

Somehow Marksaline know it would not be so easy to get Fluffle Puff attention back. But if eating her competition wasn't going to work without making her sister sad... How to get her companion back? Fluffle Puff was most effective in annoying her since she stopped her from eating others, but otherwise she was nice to be around.
She was like fluffy but like really fluffy and warm. Like really fluffy and warm perhaps even making her smile occasionally when noone looked at her.

But now Marksaline was no longer Fluffle Puff attention point. What could she do to make Fluffle Puff love her again? It was sooo lonely without her sister or M♡ther constantly bothering her with their existence. Where was the fun in not being bothered?

Sunset was now in the Royal Sun bedroom and it was huge! Like bigger on the inside!
She know many libraries had that spell applied to them, but the tower was at best 1/3 as big as what she see before her. A bed that could fit Celestia 5 times, a small kitchen with all wood appliances, a door to what she guessed was a storage room or maybe one of the fancy indoor toilets that could be only found in Manehatten or Canterlot.

The Ceiling was ridiculous high. Pegasus would probably have enough space to enjoy some wing stretching exercises up there. For someone with Princess Celestias wingspan it might be more stuffy up there though.

Sunset Shimmer was taken from her deep contemplation when the golden double doors behind her closed. Princess Celestia ignored Sunset and continued inside her chambers to a stand that seem to be ideal for taking off her petal, crown, hoovecovers and a previously unseen earring clips. From both ears. It looked like rather thin decoration, but since it was invisible until now it probably had a function unknown to her.

Fluffle Puff was running around and bounced of walls with all the excitement that she seem to burn up for getting ready to sleep. Sunset was remembered of pets that run around to burn excess energy.

Marksaline walked over to her and started sniffing her like a dog, before she take a nibbel out of her tail. Actually she seem to have smoothly without resistance eaten 1/3 of her tail hair for some reason.

Just after that Marksaline jumped like a cat on the bed, turned to Sunset and watched her with a bored expression.

Marksaline had now the sister stealing scent and taste of the filly, should she try to steal not just Fluffle Puff attention but her affection or try take away her sister would she be able to follow Sunset magical signature. Noone would take Fluffle Puff from her.

She wondered what was the fillys name again? Since it wasn't 'fresh Pig', 'dinner yet' or 'Cookies' she honestly didn't know what to call her.

'Not Fluffle Puff' had to suffice for now.
Maybe tomorrow during M♡thers boring talking time with non food ponys and other non food creatures would she learn 'not Fluffle Puff' name.

Discord had finished his refreshing lemonade bath and was now enjoying some time in his bed made out of Marshmallows with his rainbow Duvet/bedcover. He would probably give the pot of gold to the Donat Joe family to buy some coffee with a good tip for providing him with their baking books.

As long as noone needed them, would they collect dust anyways.

So far he observed the Filly being with his favorite pair of sisters. Celestia was apparently leaving the fillys alone. So far nopony was eaten partially so he call it a success first contact.
The tail hair didn't count, because if Marksaline really wanted, than Sunset Shimmer wouldn't be inside Celestias bed room rather than her daughters stomach.

He had to give himself some congratulations for making Fluffle Puff a good influence on the ravenous crimson filly. Without the fluffball would Equestria have probably no longer any population to speak off.

Who would have guessed besides him that even the insatiable hunger of a Necromorph could be hold in check, given enough incentive.

Maybe the filly should beside more dark magic mental defense mechanism, also receives a little gift to make Marksaline stop salivating over her.
That would be quite the adventure tonight changing her brain without touching her personality.

He should probably invide Marksaline, Fluffle Puff and Cadance to Sunsets mind in the dream realm.
What better way to bond than fighting semi lethal dangerous adventures in someone elses head?

Yesss... This would be fun!

- Discord, story & game master
- Sunset Shimmer, host for the games and main protagonist
- Cadance as partner for Sunset to go trough a Necromorph infestation or two
- Marksaline as support character or simply body disposal detail
- Fluffle Puff as... Emmm... Something?

Yess... That would be a lot of mature rated fun. Sunset was still a filly, but since he had to play around with her psychology and physical body to save her from the shadowrealm corruption, he might make it entertaining.

Make your work fun, and working will not longer be a chore.

24. A night to remember

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24. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

A night to remember

As far as the rest of the preparation for the night goes, it was rather uneventful. Celestia had a short shower alone, when she returned from the bathroom still wet, did she take Fluffle Puff and Marksaline in her telekinesis grip and ask the cult filly to join them in the bathroom.

Sunset was surprised how big it was and how much she got accepted in a so short time frame. She had only been around for a month and until today, she was nothing but a short term entertainment for Fluffle Puff or moving furniture as far everyone else cared.

Celestia had started the shower, Fluffle Puff despite all the water she absorbed with her fluff didn't deflate. Marksaline lay relaxed on the shower ground and Celestia was continuing to turn Fluffle Puff like a pig on a roast under the shower head while it was running hot water into Fluffle Puff enormous fluff. After about two minutes did Celestia started to squeeze out Fluffle Puff. It came to Sunsets mind that the water in the pinks fillys fluff came of in a torrent
like a Ice Cream cone would in Tarterus. Marksaline got absolutely drowned in a torrent of pink water, as if she showered in the blood of her enemies.

Celestia repeatedly did so until after the fifth time, than Fluffle Puff was apparently used against Marksaline like a loofah. Marksaline started eventually to purring at her treatment.
Now Fluffle Puff was continued to be rolled mid air against Marksaline and Sunset had briefly the idea how Nobelpony coaches would be cleaned in a similar fashion by massive loofah. Eventually the water stopped leaving Marksaline and Fluffle Puff body in a discolored pink. When the water finally came off their bodys clean, did the cleaning seem to have reached its end.

Odd how nopony used any cleaning soaps or shampoos.

Marksaline got dried with fluffy towels that got occasionally stuck on some if her bone plate looking natural armor.

When Marksaline used one of the shadows to dissappear after being set down on the ground, did Celestia to Sunset surprise stripped her out her robes and cleaning continued as if Marksaline and Sunset where the same individuals.

Once everypony was washed and dried to being only slightly wet, did Fluffle Puff bit down on Sunset Shimmers now shorter tail and tugged twice briefly on it. Sunset Shimmer followed the now lighter pink fluffball back into the bed chamber part and was surprised to see a book build staircase on its side for Fluffle Puff to get easier on the bed.

Sunset Shimmer shortly read the book covers:
- Canterlot nobility importance and its rights
- Manehatten nobility and why the are important
- Griffonia nobility and why they are needed
- The Equestrian educational offical rulebook
- Zebrican Harems and their necessity

Sunset Shimmer had the impression that Celestia keep the Books around because they probably had no higher value as to better used as hoove drying paper or as kindeling if they ever run out of wood to burn or fire rubys run out of magical charge.

She moved to the books, but didn't climb them up just yet.

Apparently did Fluffelpuff didn't appreciate Sunset Shimmer hesitating to follow her and after Fluffle Puff said something in her 'pffft' towards the pillows shadows, did she found seconds later Marksaline behind her. While nudging Sunset into the bed, did Fluffle Puff applause celebrate Sunset brave feet of climbing stairs all on her own. Even when Marksaline used her to stay balanced to use stairs to climb into a higher area.

Sunset eventually was besides Fluffle Puff. As the fluffball pony was used as bed for Marksaline was interesting to watch. Sunset was very confused how that worked. And something told her rather not to question it. Marksaline kinda dissappear into Fluffle Puff fur coat despite being bigger do to longer legs. All that was now peeking out was Marksaline head laying lazy over Fluffle Puff head and her outstretched wings poke out of her fluffy resting place.

Watching in amusement was Celestia from the bathroom door, that the cult filly was puzzled what she was actually seeing before her eyes.

Celestia had a short smirk about Sunset face expression and than left the freshly cleaning spell purified bathroom, after having relieved herself.

Celestia followed her routine of setting the sun and raising the moon, when she frowned about how her sisters possibly managed to remove the moon message tonight and replace it with a picture of a huge rather detailed picture of Celestias name being bend in the middle with a stallionhood.
Yep... Still in sexual frustration and giving their frustration air by letting everycreature know what her sisters thought Celestia would be doing tonight.

With a snort and a pouting face did she returned inside and closed the Balkone.

Time for a bedtime storys for her fillys and the cult foal. Then waiting until sleep take them all.

To Nightmare Moon and Lunas surprise did the Lord of Chaos appered in the size of a foal before them, also it was male instead of female. Their night was about to get a lot more chaotic. Also very entertaining and at times very stressful with challenges unimaginable by both before this nights end.

Sunset Shimmer was surrounded by orange grass for some reason or another. But nothing else was to find there, not until with a loud popping as if a large soap bubble burst one pony after another arrived around her.

Marksaline, Fluffle Puff, Queen Nightmare Stellar Moon and Princess Luna Dreemur Stellar. Sunset Shimmer was surrounded by the royal familie with exception of Princess Celestia & Princess Mi Amore Cadance.

Until Cadance popping into existence with the smallest soap bubble sound landed on top of Nightmare and Luna.
After a short explanation of curses towards Discord, did everypony beings untangled with the help of Fluffle Puff.

When everypony was standing in a rough oval to one another and watched who was present, did the lord of Chaos predictable arrived shortly later as well.
But not as intended because he was upside down and meet the laws of gravity when he fell to he ground with a *thud* and him cursing about dream realm logic.

"Well, that was a lot more anti climactic than expected." Did Nightmare Stellar Moon said.

Luna just sit down on her rump and shrugged in a manner similar to a biped like a Abesinian or a Gemstone Dog, although Griffonia citizens seem to like to use this expression rather often.

Discord not moving from his place laying on the ground snapped papers and some odd glowing red stick into existence. After writing on some of them, did they float over the head of each other dream occupant in bright red letters as identification to one another.

Counter clockwise did Luna read them aloud:
- Sunset Shimmer (Dream host, player one)
- Fluffle Puff Stellar (Dream guest, usable item)
- Marksaline Stellar (Dream guest, cleaning pony)
- Cadance Mi Amore (Dream guest, player two)
- Nightmare Stellar Moon
(Dream guest, Player three)
- Discord Q (System Administrator)
- Luna Dreemur Stellar
(Dream Empress Supreme)

Sunset was confused.

Fluffle Puff was nibbling on Nightmare Moons ethereal tail.

Marksaline was using Cadance like a goat uses a higher vantage point, she was also purring like a cat.

Cadance was waving a 'casual hello' to her auntys.

Nightmare Moon was pouting at her sister Lunas titel.

Luna was positively smiling smug at her displayed titel.

Nightmare Moon was giving Luna a minute of smugness before she started this meeting in earnest: "Luna please remember that while you are the Empress of the Dream realm, i am the Queen of Equestria. In short, behave or the noogy of a lifetime will await you once we all wake up.
Besides we meet our familie members for the first time, so behave like a grown up mare and not a filly in mare form as you are..."

Luna smugness started to melt into a pout and she told her sister: "Come on Moony, it's been way to long that someone give me lip-service.
Let me enjoy it!"

Nightmare Moon shake her head in disappointment and answered: "Our subjects will give us lip-service once we returned. Hopefully with a lot of Stallions on stock. Probably one or two weeks every night to celebrate our long awaited return."

Luna was blushing and smirking.
Nightmare had a dreamy smile on the conors of her mouth.
Cadance was blushing and said: "Wow aunty Nightmare Moon, you sure speak from the libido."

Nightmare Moon was looking at Cadance and with a raised left eye brow said: "Really now? I thought i spoke from my lips, shows how mutch i know about biology. Poor me..."

Cadance was smiling nervously and started sweating, since she feared to have somehow insulted her oldest Aunty.

Luna wing cuffed her sister and came to Cadance help: "Both of you are right, also Moony behave yourself. As you said before, it's our first meeting so keep your 'Laconic phrases' at civil levels please."

Now Nightmare Moon was pouting.

Cadance had to ask: "What is a 'Laconic phrase'?"

Luna smirked and answer was surprisingly casual: "Ooo you know... On the Moon we referred to it sometimes as 'clever answering' or 'Shit-talk somecreature down'. My sister Nightmare Stellar Moon is a master of that art. Further is she the best in the family using this verbal art form."
Luna was grinning and added: "Never a boring occasion when my dear sister put somepony in court of the nation's throne room or as a judge on a podium in their place.

Fluffle Puff had nibbeld enough on Nightmare Moons tail and traveled a few hoovesies further and started to nibbel on Lunas ethereal tail.

Marksaline jumped off Cadance back and mimic her sister by nibbling Nightmare Moon tail of the eternal night sky.

Both sisters entertainment of the Fillys grow when the adults started playing tug of war.
Cadance finally had the idea to help Discord up. He was surprised how mutch faster than expected someone cared to help him. Apparently he had earned some cookie points with Cadance already. Not just by literally helping them making Cookies.

When Cadance helped Discord up did Cadance noticed how unsteady Discord was standing.
Apparently was what ever he was doing rather taxing, better to give him a helping hoove and get this meeting started despite the fillys playing around.

Discord was thankful for Cadance helping hoove, until she give him a backlog standing hug.
Discord was blushing at the acceptance of Cadance. He didn't think her that forgiving after he killed her with the intend to make her a Necromorphic Alicorn.

Discord was taken absolutely by surprise when Cadance changed the hug into a strong grip, turned his body around and germane suplex the Tarterus out of him.

Cadance than walked leisurely to Discord face and told him: "Now we are at least 1/4 even again i think."

Discord regret over not talking his homicidal plan towards the lovebutt princess out in a peaceful agreement. If his weakend state after Marksaline feeding frenzy on him wasn't bad enough, Cadance might accidentally find out that other Alicorn level of Necromorph could mimicking Marksalines success.
He better play it nice and carefully.
He had a busy night before him after all.

After Discord introduced Fluffle Puff did the fluffball of adorable deathly cuteness was cuddled for at least 2 minutes eatch by the sisters. Marksaline had a grumpy expression when it was her turn. The non mommy's where nowhere fluffy enough to make it enjoyable.

Cadance got heart felt full on winghugs when she introduced herself to the sisters.
When Discord introduce himself again as new God of Chaos, since the old goddess of Chaos Eris died do to Harmony heartless actions.

That was when Nightmare Moon & Luna learned of the truth of Harmony nature and what it did with them for at least 'a few cycles'.

Cadance was learning that one could indeed throw up in the Dream realm.
Luna cleaned herself and its remains up a minute later.

Sunset Shimmer had a baaad night.
She meet the royal banished familie members personally without any training of preparation.
Got her world view shattered when the God of Chaos Discord told everyone the truth with detailed life like illustrations.

From the War of Imortals versus 'Harmony AB123' after it betrayal of its creator 'Harmony F.R.3.3.D.0.M.'

To this very night, that would be continued on another night since he collected them all to Sunsets Shimmer benefit, not to catch them up on everything just yet.

Sunset had a baaad feeling about this.

Discord cut to the chase. This night was on a rather lethal time schedule. When Discord explained how Sunset Shimmer needed the help of all royals tonight, otherwise she might never awaken sane again... if at all.

25. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 1/?

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25. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 1/?

As Discord had finished his explanation of what needed to be done in a few hours unless they all lose this Filly along the way.

Nightmare Moon was than recapping Discord explanation once more to make sure she understood it all.
"So just to make sure we check everyponys understanding of the situation:

- You collected us all in Sunset Dreamscape with help of chaos and dark magic to save her mind and learn of a coming darkness we will have to face together and make sure repelling it and similar threats on a event that happend in the past, just less brutal for the fillys preservation of innocents?

- We will fight through a flying castle size ship in the space between Equis and the Moon. Filled with mutated creatures that while not lethal, can inflict realistic pain when they inflicted Injury to us?

- We can't actually kill them, rather than incapacitat them?

- We have to repair parts of the castle sized ship that is Sunsets mind while changing others so we have her prepared to help us in the fight versus Harmony.

- And least but not last, you intend us to help everyone involved with this adventure to grow in character, development of resistance to brutal exposure of fighting to the death so we survive until we reached our goal of saving Sunset Shimmers sanity or we run out of time?
Did i miss something?!"

Nightmare Moon was outwardly ice cold, but the heat in her voice betrayed her disapproval of what the fillys would experience soon enough.

Discord reassuringly give them affirmation and guarantee that this was the safest way to do it.
Giving them further armor and weapons to protect them. That said, they would be mostly very advanced tools since the enemy they would face was not one easily defeated.

To their peace of mind would he give them helpful items and reassure that no matter if they didn't get hit or dismembered to pieces, they be fine by the end of the journey to save Sunset Shimmers sanity.

The surrounding grasslands morphed into darkness and they had two choices:

- Get into a advanced airship named Kellion, to join the adventure into Sunset mind.

- Stay with Discord, while fixing Sunset Shimmer damaged mind and psychological stability.

Before Sunset could get over to Discord, did Marksaline and Fluffle Puff shepherded the filly into the fancy Airship named Kellion.

Luna Dreemur while being a expert in dream magic wasn't exactly a mind doctor, more like a therapist. So she joined the fillys.

Cadance got levitated by Nightmare Moon inside the colorful airship named Kellion, no royal familie member was to run from a fight. It builds character and would help get a clear picture of her Niece reacting and combating the enemy.

Discord hoped for this outcome. A lot more entertainment while he worked on Sunsets brain and physical body. Besides, he had Luna sooner rather than later help him.

Sunset and her new companions departed from the Kellion, once it reached the castle sized ship named Ishimura. As they walked onto one of the walkways that rested in the docking area that they had docked on, Sunset took a few seconds to look around and truly take in how massive the Ishimura was, even if this was only a single area of the ship.

The Ishimura was an impressive ship made out of stone and steel, even if it was only one existing in her mind as representation of her mind, was its kind something she would hope to ever lay her eyes on again. It spoke volumes on how skilled Discord was on building something.
Unless he build it off something he remembered seeing perhaps?

Where could he have seen a massive building constructs like this was beyond her. It was at this point that she got her first look at the exterior of the Kellion compared to the docking area. This place would have to be huge indeed. She started to doubt they could walk trough it all in a singel night.

Though as she gazed upon the ship that had brought them here she realized that a good portion of the vessel was starting to get damaged. Apparently what ever was decaying the flighting castle sized ship was already effecting their arriving vessel as well.

From the corrosion and if she was seeing things right it decaying, visible causing damage while she watched. It actually looked like they might have lost the ship to depart by the time they might want to leave.
As if to confirm her assumption a section of the ship already started to fall of like a tree would shed its leafy load during the year.

Everypony was staring at the Kellion with Sunset Shimmer, instead of following a glowing line with tiny pointers towards the sign that was welcoming them to the anticipated start of the journey on the Ishimura. Nightmare Moon eyes were resting on the same area of the ship that Sunset blanched, that happened to be suffer from corruption that they needed to stop erode everywhere they would have to walk through.
As fast as this little ship suffered from exposure to what plaged Sunsets mind, she had no doubt that Discord wasn't joking about Sunset Shimmer having only this night to fix herself before she lost herself forever.

Discord was busy recreating the Ishimura and all the threats within while linking it to problems that needed to be resolved. Every enemy defeated, every obstacles overcome would help Sunset. He just hoped they all would stomach what was coming their way. While he made it less of a gore filled bad dream, it was still rather hardcore what they have to go through.
He hoped Luna was not to cranky once he had taken her out of the game prematurely to hammer down how real the threats in the Ishimura are to them.

Discoverable and most informative was a big display teaching all participants how the armor they would receive soon work in general.
That was also when they noticed their horns, wings and mane as well their tails being see through now.

Apparently was there horns they all had now able to lift things close to them as to hold up to two items. But it would unlock later the ability to effect their surrounding more with a kinetic horn add on.

It's exception of Fluffle Puff that was apparently a self defense item for some reason.
Discord logic lead them to head shacking, better to go with it than thinking it over.

Their wings would allow them once collected like the horns somewhere on the ship to slow down enemies and objects, alternatively they could use their left foreleg.
He warned that slowing down allies worked as well as enemies and some objects they have to interact with. Casualties might come up if they are not careful what they hit, intended or not.

Further was no flight possible. It reduced them and the enemy equally. But as a warning was stated that walking and crawling on walls and ceilings was still possible at times for the enemy.

Their life indication was via lights on the armor that they receive soon. It could be upgraded if they wanted to be tougher, but lose damage output upgrade possibilities instead. It would be on them if they be sturdy, but weak in offense or be strong in offense and rather be fragile in constitution.

Updates found are shared, how to use it was on eatch individual.
And with the tutorial roughly over they found themself new a shop with Discord in ponys form as vendor to sell them stuff.

Eatch payed pony Discord one hug for a suit of armor with helmet. Fluffle Puff did instead of a armor get a few candy's that she shared with Sunset and her sister.

Nightmare Moon, Cadance and Luna get a nail rifle after they nuzzeld a pony Discord. It showed where it would hit with pointed lights. Fortunately wasn't it blinding anyone if aimed at there eyes.

Discord made the helmets blinding proof, since it would be needed for the coming conflicts ahead.

And finally did Discord showed them how to store items and told them by investing into better armor by found resources, they get more store space.

With a snap of his tail did pony Discord dissappear including his shop out of existance.
The journey would now start he informed and after they all passed the door, enemies would appear without warning and had to be defeated unless they wanted to run for it. Both was acceptable, but eventually they would come later in bigger numbers if not defeated when encountered eventually.

Luna had a armor looking like the moon, bright grey with a royal decail on a few of her armors plates, further had reflectiv surfaces that reminded of disco balls even if they where not re-invented as of yet.

Nightmaremoon looked like the night sky, but brighter to be easy visible and her armor was full of night sky formation decails.

Unbelievable adorable yet sinister was Marksaline armor, it had sinister glowing glyphs all over it, giving a strong contrast to her pure black armor.
Fluffle Puff pawed at the armor in awe.

Cadance had not pink themed but light green armor for some reason. When Luna ask about it, Cadance confirm her favorite color.
Discord chuckeld for some reason after that.

Sunset Shimmer armor looked less protective. More like it was a undersuit that had many visible places for something nopony know as of yet.

The fillys followed the adults since they didn't want to be left behind, gently did Fluffle Puff grabbed Sunset's neck and nuzzeld her. Marksaline was only slightly jealous, but maybe mimicking her sister would get her acknowledge how it feelds to be ignored. To which Sunset found herself nuzzeld on both sides while walking down the walkway and rejoined the rest of their herd. Nightmare Moon on the front appeared to be listening to the welcoming sign, as if he was trying to figure something out while she and the others were waiting for the fillys to catch up.

The moment she noticed the fillys and her other companions coming she snapped to attention and continued walking. Cadance and Luna were ready to go as well with rising alert and followed after Nightmare Moon.

As they walked towards the large door in front of them Sunset noticed that the three adults were carrying weapons, while she and the sister besides her had nothing to fight with.

Discord noted that Marksaline was a weapon in on herself and Fluffle Puff was more of a throwing pillow to distract enemies by very shortly unbalance and throw them back 1-2 steps.

Sunset would have to wait a bit, until she get a unique weapon for herself shortly.

While Discord worked with a duplicate of himself in tandem to coordinate the rescue effort while keeping entertainment coming their way did he was plaged by one idea:
'Should he have be mentioned that if Sunset would at some point of the adventure die, she literally would do so in the real world as do to magic lethal feedback loops? ... Nah, he cross that bridge once he burned it.'

For a moment did Nightmare Moon wondered if the fillys and the company she had would manage the mission in one piece.
Physical they were safe, but mentally?
She expected there to be trouble eventually, since they were carrying weapons and Discord warning them of realistic injuries responses.

Cutting ones hoove on paper was a Diamond Dog bitch of a experience, but getting stabbed? At least they didn't have to fear the consequences to having to go through painful restoration spells afterwards.

Then she decided that since they could not change the fact, they simply had to avoid getting hit.
She was the one in charge of the security of her herd, details that had to be worked on eventually would be resolved when they came up.

Luna was ready for action to which she followed after her sister with a reserved anticipation of the coming combat. She kept her eyes open and occasionally watched what the Foals did, it was very good to see they where practically glued to one another at the moment.

One of the things she noticed and made her frown was that the lights inside the ship were definitely unstable, it was flickering or at times deactivated, which meant that the area was missing power or was only unreadable stable at the moment. She could feel the dreamrealm being vast and stable, yet it interacted in strange ways. More like a solid and realistic construct in the real world, rather than a dream construct.
This might in the end be more realistic than she expected.

Cadance noticed a couple of lockers that were locked, if the red light in the center of them was any indication. A couple of vending machines placed in the wall appeared to be powered down, meaning that something was definitely wrong with energy distribution if food dispersal places were not working.

Unless eating was not necessary to keep fatigue at bay?
In her romance adventure books it was often noticed that one should never underestimate how mutch physical activities would demand water, food and potty breaks in between.

Maybe it was better that they experienced this all in the dream realm, instead of the real world. There hooves would probably otherwise murder them after the nights end...

Discord contemplation about adding fatigue and physical demands to the adventure. Than he dismissed it for not being a 'realistic survivel shooter'. Why bother with realism if he could have fun with them more unrealistically.

"Guess the power's down everywhere." Sunset said, apparently noticing the same things that pretty mutch everypony had noticed. But better to notice the obvious before out loud, until missing something seemingly trivial that was actually important on sight but not mentioned.

Luna turned towards Cadance, who was standing near the opening they had walked through and was staring at the not longer decaying Kellion, "Cadance, get over here and open the door lock,
we are kinda out of date about a millenia."

"She can do that?" Nightmare Moon asked, though at the same time she watched as Cadance approached the seemingly locked door and held a hoove towards the center of it, where she watched as she interacted with a light blue illusion of some kind for a few seconds.

Everyone could see how Cadance had to play a short puzzle game to get the door unlocked.
Apparently Sunset liked to play puzzles since she indirectly effected the area around them, Luna smiled at that.

Nightmare was relatively relieved that it was so simpel opening doors. It would still leave them open to attack while doing so.

Sunset replied with a gleeful giggle when she recognized the magical puzzle lock Cadance was working on. It always had a small piece of candy when ever she was,allowed to play with it after dinner. It could be opend up to 20 times, change the lock and reward when opend. She hoped she could take over the task and get massiv candy that way.

Knowing that Sunset had a big sweet tooth, did Discord indeed reward every unlocking of a door by give a small candy as reward as long the door wasn't reopen withhin 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Discord explained the short door mechanics and its tiny reward. The fillys looked forwards opening doors now.

As Cadance open the door and give the Candy to Sunset she said: "The first candy get to Sunset, the next to Marksaline and finally to Fluffle Puff, than the rotation repeates."

Discord remarked that the suit that all were wearing would activate the illusion lock when approached and show its status. If they approach a door or lockers with a blue symbol, like the one in front of them, they should be able to open them. Red ones don't open yet, adventure progression would give incentives for the locks to unlock.

The moment the last word left his mouth the chaos god and game master of the adventure let the door in front of them get closed.
A timer showed when it would reward them again when opend after the time cooldown.

To which the fillys looked forward to.
They all noticed that the cooldown of the lock mean that a door would open instantly now, since no reward would be given while the timer was running.

As they all walked forward into the first room that would seperate them from the dock, Luna noticed the dream realm standing stable even when they left a room behind.
Discord wasn't telling them something...
Luna give her sister a stern nod and they walked eatch to one side of the room.

Where they discovered that the room was a lounge area. It looked a little messy thanks to all of the luggage containers that were sitting around the floor. Luna had a bad feeling about this. Why did Discord wasted effort into details like discarded luggage?

"Seems like everypony was trying to pack in a hurry." Sunset and Cadance remarked.
Cadance and Sunset said it in unison, though they had to stare at each other for a few seconds before Fluffle Puff chuckled about them. It reminded Marksaline how she and her sister from time to time had the same thoughts at the same time.

Nightmarem Moon remarked:
"Focus everpony, this is no game and Discord warned us the enemy might strike at any moment!" The adults get there focus back and studied there surroundings.

To everyponys surprise did Marksaline commented in Lunas voice that she feel shadows movingin the dark. Everypony was surprised Marksaline had Lunas voice.

When Fluffle Puff counted from 1 to 5 and 5 to cookies to test her voice, did she sounded like Nightmare Moon.

Discord had no idea why they shared voices. It wasn't like they needed to share voices to keep synchronization speaker budget low.
Everyone including the closer stalking enemies just ignored Discord non sense remark.

Discord just struggled to make light of the situation. It was about to lose all its humor about now anyway.

The group of adult spread out, while the fillys build some kind of funny pony sandwich.

Fluffle Puff at the bottom, Sunset was put in Fluffels fur coat while Marksaline lay over Sunset. Sunset had no idea why Marksaline insisted on it, but Fluffle Puff was fluffy and Marksaline was snuggeld above her. A nice snuggle pile that for some reason didn't even register to Fluffels as undisturbed as she keep walking around the room.

Sunset even learned that wall walking apparently was still no struggle for the fluffball and thanks to Marksaline, she was perfectly laying stable on her fluffy transportation.

Discord made a remark about it being very convinient, but everycreature ignored him.

How rude...

Cadance glanced around the lounge, because something wasn't right about this and she knew that something strange was going on.

"Hey, there's a computer inside this room," Luna said, to which the rest of the herd turned and looked at her, where they discovered that she was pointing to a security console that was behind some glass.

Nightmare Moon walked trough the entrance to the room that Luna had discovered. She noticed blood on the ground. When touching it, did it showed to be dry. At least who ever bleed out here didn't do so recently.
Why in Tarterus was there a blood stain big enough to indicate that a ponie bleed here out.
Discord wasn't telling them something about this place...

"That security console is still live." Luna stated, though there was some relief to hear in her now, because now they could figure out where they are since her sharp vision allowed her to view a ship wide map that reminded her of the alien ship named 'Mura', that crash landed on the moon so long ago.

Nightmare Moon would form a solid plan of action once they could establish where to go first. Nightmare ordered: "Cadance, log in and see what you can find. Fluffle Puff, you should stand near Cadance and follow her and see if you spot anything else that's useful to us.

Cadance complained that she was a Princess and not a Daring Do ripoff, but did as she was told.

Nightmare Moon ask her sister to try get that elevator back online. Further she explained how to actually use a Computer in the first place.

Sunset was glad that she had found relativ safety within Fluffels fur coat, while Marksaline was protectively laying over her, which made her realize that the position she was in made her unable to do anything.
She really hoped Fluffle Puff & Marksaline know what they where doing.

Fluffle Puff mounted Cadance like a mounten goat kid. She had a feeling that she needed to stay near pink M♡mmy to avoid her new friend getting hurt. Her sissy would keep them save!

Marksaline was scanning the area around them. Something was coming and if it try hurt Fluffle Puff or her pink M♡mmy, she would eat them alive after ripping them apart.

Luna stood by the door that they needed to walk though and beckoned to her sister. She was still holding the candy for unlocking the door in her telekinesis. When Nightmare levitated the candy to Marksaline did she noticed that her levitation limit was about a meter in distance. She moved closer and feed the red filly the candy. That little foal would be so cute right now if she didn't look so scary in her ominous glyph armor.

After having feeded the Alicorn filly the candy, she wondered who had successful put a foal in Celestia. Since she probably was bathing in suitors she probably never find out who the actual Stud was that could give her a Alicorn foal as well...

No matter, she get to try out her sister harem in time. Stud sausage party later, saving a filly from becoming mad now.

Nightmare Moon noticed that the door next to her had a yellow light. That door would give Fluffle Puff her chance for a candy.

Its lock had a light blue illusion in its center around the yellow encasing, to which she held a hoove out and watched as the door opened before it instantly closed again before her eyes.

She grinned for a few seconds before she had the door close shut before her.
She would have the doors cooperation or there would not longer be a door.

If a door would be able to sweating buckets out of fear, this one would do it...

Nightmare walked to her sister and see her playing a way more complex puzzle than Cadance had before. She probably would need a few minutes for that one, so she returnd to the sides of Cadance and the fillys on her back.

Nightmare Moon wondered how Cadance had three fillys on her back, yet she thought she had not mutch indication she suffered from their weight. At least this Alicorn keep in shape.

Her sister Celestia probably would look like a blob by now, as she loved to eat cakes daily. Eating cakes and bucking stallions all day long...

Probably why Celestia wasn't with them. They could not possibility fit her cake flanks in this huge ship...

Cadance wanted to check on Lunas progress while the 'diagnostic' was running. But Nightmare Moon cut her off on the door to the room and ask her to try open the yellow encasing in blue center glowing door, while she checked the 'diagnostic' running.

Cadance walked towards the indicated locked door again, however the door closed behind her.

Nightmare Moon cursed and give the door that closed infront of her muzzle a good buck. The door opened immediately, but the candy timeout timer come to its top counter as a result.

"Huh...' Did Sunset remarked, "bucking a door unlocks it, but no candy is given.

Cadance was about go to the door Nightmare mentioned before, but she worried at that exact moment why the red paint on the ground actually looked like a huge dried up blood stain.

The fact that there was a decent amount of blood on the floor fitting about what a pony could hold in their bodys made her very nervous.

"The yellow and blue locked doors are no joke." Luna said, as she had been standing in front of the elevator for a few minutes. She finally stopped looking at the lock illusion, to which she turned towards her sister: "I can't get the elevator unlocked while worrying about the rest of you."

So Nightmare Moon accompanied Cadance and let Luna continue to unlocking the Elevator after she refused to buck it open.

"Why a candy is supposed to be worth all the trouble..." Nightmare muttering drifted off, causing everyfilly to do anything but give the Queen their puppy dog eyes. Seconds past and Nightmare Moon had a new found respect for Lunas dedication to get the Elevator door opend with effort instead of bucking it open.

Nightmare glanced over to Cadance for a few seconds. Cadance had mercy on her Aunty and moved over to the indicated door to open it while Nightmare Moon would check the

Cadance take a deep breath to be sure that she was ready for whatever happened after she activated the complicated door lock.

Meanwhile Nightmare used the security console. As she tapped the screen, to which an more detailed illusory map of the Ishimura appeared in front of her. Where she then noticed that there were a few red flashing icons on the image, indicating areas of the ship that had to have been damaged in some manner.

"Huh. That does not look good." Sunset commented.
"The castle sized ship named Ishimura has taken a lot of damage."

"The transportation system is offline. Getting around is going to be difficult." Discord said, though while he sounded about that fact rather relaxed, did everypony hooves already regret that statement.

The air systems apparently came back on right after Discord stopped talking.
Which made everypony wonder that they had been breathing old air the entire time since their arrival.
"The air seems to be flowing again, that is a start."
Remarked Nightmare Moon.
"To bad it stinks as if something died in the ventilation system."

That was followed by the lights darkening while an alarm sounded, causing everybeing' senses to go into high alert as they looked around for some sort of danger.

Because the ponies sensed that this was some sort of set up to get this journey on the road.
Unless they had tripped something by activating the console diagnostic.

"What the Tarterus is that?" Cadance asked, though at the same time she sounded frightened and worried, while Luna and Nightmare Moon prepared themselves for whatever was going to happen.

"Automatic quarantine must have tripped when the air filtration system restarted." Nightmare Moon stated, echoing Lunas thoughts on the situation, though even with that confirmation she was still looking for any potential hazards that they might have set off.

Luna confirmed that happened to her as she entered the Mura on the Moon for the first time as well. Apparently a few dead Dragon adolescent corpses rotting themself in place in the ventilation shafts near the Docking area resulted in the same situation.

That was when a sound rumbled in the vents around them, telling everypony that there was something inside the vents that surrounded them, but all that did was making them laugh in nervous laughter.

A few seconds of laughter to calm themself down was enough. Every adult walked back to their place except Luna, who opend the first door the ever open to get free candy out of it.

That lock door only occupied Luna a few seconds until it opend and levitated a candy towards her.

Luna take it and was cantering towards everypony just next room. Before she could walk past the right side of the room past the glass window to open door and hoove over the Candy to Fluffle Puff, did two vents exploded. One behind and one infront of Luna.

Luna wasn't a idiot and leap over the lounge sitting couch fixed to the ground.

While at the same time Cadance and Nightmare Moon looked around, while trying to determine where the noise out the walls was coming from.

"What was that?" Sunset asked, though this time around she was more frightened than she had been a few minutes ago.

Cause now there was the potential that something was in the vents, "Did you hear that?
I mean something destroyed probably pretty well build vent covers!"

"I'm not sure..." Fluffle Puff said, unless it was Nightmarem Moon projecting her voice under Sunset.

Luna pulled up her weapon and one of the dropped ventilation spinnes and glanced around the room, while Nightmare did the same thing when not trying to override the alert system like she did on the Mura so long ago.

If there was something in the vents they were going to be prepared for whatever it was when it decided to come out and reveal itself. To her luck could they simply buck the doors open if things went to Tarterus in a hoove basket.

Sunset, Fluffle Puff & Marksaline watched as one of the vents in the room suddenly burst open besides Luna. The Alicorn expected something jump out of it, silently hitting the floor near where she was standing.

But instead five pair of Equine eyes spotted something out of the already broken open vents. Their eyes widened as they realized that Luna had not noticed the creature hit the floor and was sneaking towards her.

"What the buck?" Sunset said, though at the same time Cadance instinctivly moved a little bit away from where the vent was located in their room and shushing the foal for cursing.

Discord was surprised that Cadance priorities where so badly placed.

Nightmare Moon managed finaly to override the alert and unlock the doors even if quarantine was still running.

In the long run should she have warned Luna, but her sister had regular training with herself about situational awareness.

Nightmare Moon moved to Cadance side to pass her and guide Luna to them, since splitting up would be a bad idea. She had no idea what was lurking near them thanks to the fact that the lights were still darkened do to still running quarantine protocol.

Cadance ask Discord for help, but he was apperently busy fixing Sunset long time memories.

"I don't know whats in the room with me, but something in the room will have a bad night with me in it!" Luna called out.

As if sensing the attack from behind her she bucked blindly behind her. What ever she hit, had give to it enough to make her stagger after she had given it a crash course to the next wall.

The attacker coming from the front vent Luna was still watching was getting its face liquidated the moment it tried facing Luna.

Unfortunately to Lunas disbelive, did the attacker seem to be uneducated in its biology lessons and instead of dropping dead it started to flailing it limbs.

Luna leap ones again over the couches and let the one standing up after having left a mark in the wall have a few rounds to the head.

Now there are two headless attackers punching one another blindly while cutting one another up.

Nightmare Moon made it finally to the room with Luna and managed to shot a new enemy. The third attacker that dropped to the left of Luna silence to the ground.
While Luna run crouched to her sister giving the headless idiots still beating one another up no second glance.

With Luna and Nightmare in the small room with the security console and the others did the headless enemies dropped to the floor and the damaged but still activ enemy got a few more breathing holes in its chest curiosityof Nightmare Moon, it jump up the vent shaft and they hear beastial screaming out the vents.

They where all in the diagnostic room, but safety wasn't anything in sight for them yet.

Sunset was screaming they had to run away.
When Discord had a light with tiny arrows and exclamation marks showing towards the yellow and blue locked door. They could read over the locked and glowing with a sentance door:

26. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 2/?

View Online

26. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 2/?

Discord hoped that his warning about them run and gun away was not to tall a order for the Alicorn sisters as warriors, still it was the safety of the foals everyponys would have prioritized. Further did the expandable nature of the head of a sentient Necromorph be enough incentive to book it before they look it up.

Nightmare Moon did the reasonable thing and followed the instructions of the mad God, after all:
"Stay at your own peril", is a expression well experienced in war times. Nightmare Moon war against what ever try hunt them down started now.

Nightmare Moon established the formation and tactics quick and simple:
She herself would be the spearhead, aggressive retreating towards the enemy if needed. Cadance and the fillys on her back were top priority.

Cadance the middle of the group, to avoid getting the foals in range of the enemy and book it without looking at anything behind her if possible.

Luna as the rear guard, buying Cadance time if needed. Luna was their herds best physical warrior and would come out on top with her level headed fighting as long she had something to defend.

Simpel yet effective, when one only has seconds to make, explain and execute a plan, than that it was all they needed.

With a buck that almost dented the door and ring the proverbial dinner bell, did their escape started.

Nightmare Moon was already halfway out the door when the vent of the small security room got destroyed and a skin and fur coat missing Diamond Dog with blades in hands came out the shaft. Cadance bearly snuck a peek before she followed Nightmare Moon. Luna give a few pott shots in the attacker chest with little result before she followed the herd escape route.

Being so under pressure would make everycreature survey their surroundings more than they already were, while galloping for their lives.

For a reason beyond her imagination, did Nightmare Moon cursed up a storm that the corridor had ventilation shafts all around build in. Who ever would ever designed a place like that, would win her ire in the future...

"Luna! Behind you!" Cadance shouted, as she could see a already damaged creature coming from the security room.
Which appeared to possess a furless Diamond Dog like form with its arms raised up in the air, approaching their moving group.

"Luna! Open fire! Open fire!" Cadance shouted needless, to which she and Luna opened fire on the monster. Fortunately did Nightmare Moon had apperently already caused enough damage and with a short burst did it stopped moving.

Though while their miniature needels hit the creatures repeatedly, did they indeed not seem to die when others would have perished long ago.

They all knew that they needed to get out of this badly lit and ventilation shaft filled area.

There was currently not a shortage of attackers and they see another bursting out of ventilation shafts with the sound of exploding vent coverings.

From one second to another one, did one monstrous creature dropped down from a newly opend vent shaft.

Anywhere near where walking by, causing the ponies to turn and start firing into their pursuing enemys. While it seem to be inefficient to shot their chests, did it throw them back if not simply stopping their advance in place.

Nightmare Moon, Cadance and Luna noticed that the monsters weren't dying just as Discord had warned them. Further with all of the ammunition that was being pumped into their chests, they be running out of their offensive option very soon.

They didn't understand yet how that enemy could be possibly defeated, if they didn't die to weapon fire.

How a creature could still be functional with all of the holes that were being put in their chest was ludicrous.
But evidently they somehow managed to ignore damage to major organs.

Not wasting mind capacity towards struggling how to understand their enemy, they just all make a run for it.

"Run faster! Fasterrr!" Sunset shouted in desperation as she had the feeling to have experienced this once before...

The creatures appeared to be blocking one another approaches do to the leading ones seem to struggle to move after all the damage they received. One of the creatures had apperently enough and started tearing apart the bodies of the damaged and group slowing down creatures ahead.

Apperently was a damaged member of its pack not worth the struggle to lose its next meal.

"Fillies and Cadance, get the Tarterus out of here!" Luna called out to them, while she used her empty weapon as blunt club to bludgeon the enemy to a stand still for a few seconds.

Though that was followed by Nightmare Moon sniping some of the enemies heads off, did it not buy that mutch time.

The two were left to their fate as the Fillys on Cadance back were standing in indecision on their pink rides back.

Cadance didn't let their sacrefice go to waste and booked it as fast she could down the corridor.

When Nightmare Moon run dry of ammunition and Luna lost her Nails Rifle to one of the creatures did the warrior sisters decided that it was time for them to move their flanks.

To which they headed through the now unobstructed corridor.

Cadance had been slightly slower with the fillys on her back, now as they are a few second ahead, did they could run themself unobstructed towards where ever this corridor lead them.

By their RIGs reading was Luna now less than half her health indicator strong. Nightmare had only received a glancing hit and was almost unharmed.

As they get to galloping away before the creatures came for them, did Luna noticed that her damaged state slowed her down despite her legs being in good shape.

While it was only a little, did it make enough difference to split the sisters by 3-4 meters when Nightmare catched up to Cadance.

Cadance experienced a slight complication along the way to escape the enemy. There was a elevator infront of them, but it needed to be called up!

One of the vents that they ran under happened to explode and another one of those creatures dropped down on top of them.

Though it had to paid for its little stunt, when Marksaline tackeld it away from Sunset and her Sister that still clinged to Cadance.

Marksaline see-trough wings worked like blades and the creature was dismembered in seconds before Marksaline mind returned from her killing frenzy into guard mode and she run after her pink M♡mmy and her sister.

While Cadance and Nightmare Moon almost comical pressed the calling button in alternate order.
Did Luna could already see the group ahead trapped infront of a elevator.

With a move born out of desperation did Luna throw herself at the creatures leading body. This unexpected coming body tackle made the first two rows struggle and one even fall over.

Luna managed to get away from the group of struggeling creatures with bearly any life indication on her RIG left.

When she heavily limping was moving towards the group under horrendous pain, did Nightmare Moon switched with Cadance Nails Rifle and Nightmare Moon advanced to help her grunting in pain sister.

Nightmare decapitated many of the creatures and even removed some of their arms with blades growing out of them, until Cadance borrowed Rifle stopped working do to a empty magazin.

Nightmare used once more the blunt nature of her empty rifle in telekinesis grip to bludgeon the living Tarterus out of their attackers to stall them.

Until her sister see Nightmare Moon RIG life indication turn red, Luna used all her strength to throw her sister towards Cadance and than continued to beat the monstrositys with the dropped weapon while retreating.

When Luna noticed the enemy coming to close, did she try to turn and run away. She barely had time to turn around before one of the creatures swung one of its bladed arms and removed one of her hind legs.
With a scream did her body reaching its limits locked up.

The foul monster started to carve up the poor mares body and appeared to hack her apart...

While Nightmare was screaming at the sickening sight of her sister being stabbed until only minced meat remained of her.

Nightmare was sick to her stomach. If her body wasn't shaking in pain, would she run over and start ripping them apart by hoove!

While that was going through her mind, did another creature jumped onto Lunas corpse and started tearing her apart.

Despite the fact that the RIG of Luna had flatlined in the last few seconds, before one of the sick fuckers cut Lunas head of with a florish movement that send Lunas head towards Nightmare.

Nightmare catched her sisters helmet protected head by instinct and was surprised to see her despite being brutally murdered and sliced to ribbons, having a look in her eyes that was promising bloody revenge.

Way to late did the slow as fuck elevator finaly reached its destination and open its doors.

Cadance shouted for Nightmare to get into the blood forsaken Elevator so she could activated the door lock.

Nightmare Moon was holding her sisters decapitated head in her magic grip while limping to the elevator.

When she reached it, did Cadance immediately turned around and slammed her hind hoove on the control panel.

To which the door closed and saved them from the monstrous creature continuing to walk towards them.

But before the elevator could get finaly moving however, did one of the fuckers shoved both of its armblades into the crack between the doors and forced it open.

Nightmare Moon absolutely fucking had it.


She used Lunas horned head to stab the creature again and again with a war cry that made Discord shutter.

While Cadance moved to the back of the elevator space and stared at the absolutely stabbed to shit creature.

With a furious buck did Nightmare send the remainings of this vile being flying.

When the elevator was finaly started to descend into the Ishimura lower areas was noone under the impression that this adventure would be anything but a very bloody walk in a park...

As they tried to calm their nerves individually after the witnessed carnage, did the cargo lift was lowering its cargo unbothered to its destined halt.

It came eventually to a stop and opened up.
Everypony got out of there as fast as they could.

Though they needed a few minutes to do so, did they eventually recovered from their ordeal.

Though that situation lost a bit of seriousness when Luna started to talk about how unnecessary painful her death was and a growing headache do to her head being used as a stabbing weapon despite the Helm taking most of the beating.

Nightmare Moon hugged her decapitated sisters head in tears before Luna made shushing noises to set her sister mind at ease.

After a few minutes did Nightmare noticed everypony hugging her. That give her the physical reassurance to get back in the mindset of a warrior.

She lovingly give them all a nuzzling and they started to get back to the matter at hoove.

They checked there RIGs first.
Cadance and the fillys displayed flawless health in a blue light.

Nightmare Moon had a sliver of a red lifebar left on her RIG that was blinking.

Luna had no RIG remain on her bodyless bloodied helmet.

As everypony with exception of Luna looked around with their necks swinging from side to side did they orientated themself in their surroundings.

They noticed that they were in a area with many tools. And a in the air hovering and glowing cutting tool.
Discord give the exposition that it was a ranged magic cutter tool.
It would be excellent to dismember their enemies. After all, if they are unable to move, who cared if they are dead or alive?

Nightmare Moon studied the tool that would be a weapon for their herd.

A few seconds did she smiled to herself as she imagend to pay this vile bunch Lunas treatment back a hundred times.

She tried to pick it up, but she could not.
Discord remarked that this tool made weapon was for Sunset Shimmer alone.
She would be the only one able to lift it and use it.
Discord did not elaborate why it had to be so...

As Discord had told them, did Sunset eventually take the magic cutter in her telekinesis grip.
She pointed it at the wall, where she noticed that it felt easy to hold despite her telekinesis being rather weak in the real world.

Though Sunset had no idea how well it would serve her and her herd, would she do her part if more of those monstrous beings revealed themselves to them.

Once Sunset tested it and discovered it could be rotated, did she wondered if the displayed three point showed her the cutting path or if it only cut on this three points.

One test firing on a dead Griffon leaning against the side of the wall showed her that it was indeed slicing instead of its shot piercing like the adults nail rifles had shown to do.

While she pitied the somegriffon that had been brutally harmed by one of those creatures, did she wondered why there was a dead corpse there to begin with...
She was disturbed to notice it wearing Necromancer of Light robes.

And just for a moment did she remember the face of the Griffon, before her memory of it dissappeard.

Sunset was brought back from her flashback when Luna spoke up:
"I am happy to see that you found something to defend yourself with, more importantly your herd. We are strong alone, but stronger in numbers."

Nightmare nodded in confirmation of the obvious but still important lesson.

Cadance commented that she had the only working as weapon intended gun currently. As Cadance left them to wonder how to make up for the lost weapons did Fluffelpuff noticed something written in red paint on the wall.

Everypony turned towards her when she read it aloud despite not having learned yet how to read.

"CUT OFF THEIR LIMBS" was pretty mutch the best idea any creature could deal with being that don't die.

Marksaline wondered aloud if it wasn't better to eat all the bodies they see laying around in case they managed to make corpses into more annoying creatures.

While it was a fair point to dispose of the bodies, did Nightmare Moon & Luna could not imagen eating corpses just to get rid of them.

To their horrified look did Marksaline started to rip apart the Griffons corpse and eat it.
There mouth dropped open when Cadance joined her and remarked that the Griffon taste absolutely stale and they needed salt or some spices to make it acceptable in taste.

Fluffelpuff was drooling for some reason and Sunset face was just in a 'what the buck' expression frozen.

Nightmare remarked that they could not possibility eat all the... laying around meat to dispose of them as possible enemys since they would run out of time.

Cadance agreed, Luna exhaling in relief when she hear her niece agree.
Before Luna wondered how she actually keep breathing with her lungs currently being cut away...
Dream logic...

Though they didn't wasted to mutch time, did Discord was reminding them that the clock was still ticking down.

They eatch turned towards eatch of the rooms connors and searched for usable items.
Three nearby crates didn't opened, but the were unrealistically easy to smash in.
Discord assured them that the object it hold individually was not being in danger of being damaged even if they step on it while smashing the boxes open.

They picked up a medical pack with lube that was magicaly healing their wounds, no matter what kind of wound as long they are still alive.
Dream logic...

At that Fluffelpuff stopped hitting Lunas head with the small medical tube filled with medical solution that absolutely didn't look like the stuff her M♡ther had under her bed in a locked up chest...

Further did they acquired a thousand bit coin with Discords head displayed on it.
Discord explained that they could use the money later in a automated shop. Further did money collected by one was added to everyponys account while staying individually.

In short: One could buy something and the other didn't lose any money.
Even the dead Luna received money, but got to wait for later when they found a store while she respawned to use her accumulated dream money.

Nightmare Moon already had decided that she would split her future gains to supplement her weapon damage output and RIG armor / Lifepool.

Luna would focus all her stuff on damage output once she had a body and a weapon.

Sunset Shimmer would focus everything she had on her RIG armor and Lifepool.

Marksaline had not decided yet.

They heard the sound of someone sounding like Sunset Shimmer shouting for assistance behind the door. The urgent tone of the Filly urged them on, they needed to go through this door and save the Sunset Shimmer dream version.

Cadance glanced over at Sunsets position between the now again in formation standing filly sandwich of doom. Sunset had tears in her eyes, but nodded her head and approached the door as Cadance did. Cadance would use her empty range weapon to bludgeon the enemy until Sunset managed to cut it into pieces.
Limb by limb.
To which Nightmare raised Lunas head and smashed the panel that was preventing the door from opened. Luna remarked that the electrical shock tickeld rather than hurting her face and horn.

Fluffelpuff showed a impressive tongue length when she opened the door infront if them by hitting the green door symbol with her tongue tip.

Before Fluffelpuff could make a remark of having a taste of dirt in her mouth, did they see the door opening.
They found one of those vile creatures.
Actually this one was a normal Diamond Dog that was... Bloody hell... It was doing unspeakable things to the dream Filly spread out before it.

Everycreature was in shock or confusion looking on what was going on infront if them..

Nightmare Moon and Luna were seeing red and with a synchronized war cry, did they rammed the Diamond Dog away from dream Sunset Shimmer and stabbed that sick fucker into mince meat.
Even Discord was fuming in rage...

Sunset Shimmer could not quite make out that memory, but she feel a sharp pain between her hind legs for a moment and decided she would try to figure out this bad memory later.

Discord and the Royal sister made sure that by the end of this adventure, Sunset Shimmer would never ever remember this traumatic memory ever again.

As the Royal sisters absolutly finishing off the mutt that had been defiling the dream version calling for aid.

For some reason did not even Marksaline wanted to feed on this corpse of a stabbed to bloody rag Diamond Dog.
Something simply told her that this meat was beyond anyone's taste...

After they had consoled the dream Filly, did Sunsets slight burning between her hindlegs stopped completely and Sunset feel as a weight she could not remember before carried around lifting off her.

Once this adventure was over, would Discord have restored certain things and removed well healed scratch marks that where once on her back.

As the dream Sunset Shimmer dissappeard with a thankful smile after a while, did dream memory Sunset dropped two clips of magic cutter tool ammunition fir them to pick up.

One of the mutated creatures started to sneak up to them when they helped healing the dream Sunset overcome her trauma with hugs and group snuggels.

It turned out that Marksaline was a well atuned filly to her surroundings, she noticed the sneaky enemy and with a hiss jumped at it.

Unfortunately did she receive a hit by it, still did she dismembered it with her wings just like a masterswordsmare would do.
Marksaline showed impressively to Discord how somepony dispose of a enemy in war times a zombie like being.

Marksaline still was blue on her RIG, but she could almost use up the health pack on her own, that it dropped once defeated and kicked one final time for good measure.

With the in the room found and from this enemy dropped small healing gel container used on Nightmare Moon, did she feel well enough to walk around with manageable discomfort.

Sunset ones opened fire on the Diamond Dog that had attacked her dream version. She actually expected something to happen. But this useless meat puppet was truly so empty, nothing came out of it.

Fluffelpuff turned towards Marksaline and noticed that the bone blades were floating around her. Apperently did her sister wanted to keep the bone blades for some reasons.

What ever her reason was, she tapped on the main body of the mutated Diamond Dog and with a *pompf*, did it turned into a 'Crimson Cookie' that could be split in half.
Marksaline eat her half and Fluffelpuff got to eat the other half as Sunset Shimmer decline to eat the other half of the crimson cookie.

Nightmare watched as Marksaline examined her makeshift weapons for a few seconds before carefully nibbeling the rest of the meat and other organic remain of it cleanly off.

Only once the bone remained, did she nodded and stuck one to Luna neck who hold it by having it logged in her head. She would have preferred to hold it in her mouth like a commando Ape might carry it for later use. But they would make do. While Nightmare Moon received the other blade as close combat aid.
Better a bone blade than nothing at all...

As they continued down the corridor did they find a pair of boxes and smashed them with their hooves.
They found one magic energy containers for Sunset cutting tool which would allow her to restock her weapon by 5 shots if she ran out of ammunition that had a 6 display on it.
A ammunition counter was indeed coming in hoove to know when to retreating for reliable reload without getting hacked to meaty ribbons.

Luna mumbeld a remark that until they can get back to the lounge area and claim the lost guns, these blades have to serve them for some time.

Cadance had no idea if it was possible to pin the creatures in place, but if it would not work do to sharpened bones not indefinitly pinning the creature in place, than that had to be enough until they get to a shop for hopefully a few weapons and ammunition for them.

For now they would have to stick together like a tick to a Yak and improvise the horseapples out the Ishimura surroundings, until they could decently defend themselves.

27. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 3/?

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27. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 3/?

Nightmare Moon with two small health items had healed enough to make up the front again with her improvised weapon
'The mighty Alicorn Skull'.

Meanwhile did the Fillys get back into the Filly sandwich of doom formation, while Fluffelpuff decided to walk on the ceiling. While it was slightly disorienting Sunset, she would cope.

Cadance made up the rear guard with her empty nail rifle.

Before they moved to far along, did Luna having nothing better to do as being levitated and being used as improvised stabbing weapon start a conversation with some points they really had to discuss:

"About the creatures that keep sucking up lethal damage like Celestia do stall- ... Cakes, as Celestia suck cakes in... What do we know about the mutated enemies?
What exactly are these definitivly undead creatures?"
Luna asked their group just as mutch the ever watching Chaos god.

Luna didn't expected a instant answer to her question, while the Herd walked into the hallway that was in front of them. But it had to be ask even as they keep their guards up.
Or in the Fillys case upside down...

Just in case the hord of enemies chasing them earlier managed to catch up to them.
Or more troublesome, more of them showed up and regroup with the already for them hunting pack.

Cadance with some uneasiness answered:
"I love to say that 'i have no idea', but the truth is i have somehow a idea. Its extreamly disturbing actually since technically if i am not mistaken half the royal family is made out of them..."

Discord very appropriately inserted a 'car crash soundtrack with a William scream' in it as Nightmare Moon come to a so abrupt hold that she face planted with her rump high in the air.

When Queen Nightmare Moon, former Queen of Equestria looked with a expression of horror and 'are you fucking with me right now' towards Cadance, she could do nothing but sheepishly smile and wiggle one of her hooves at her in greeting.

Breathlessly did Nightmare ask:
"Come again? I might have suffered a minor case of major brain failure, when i obviously mishear you saying basically that you and more than just you are actually these things, just not as ugly as the backside of a Draconequus is...!"

Discord wanted to take offense to this, but decided to wait until they forget about his little Elevator prank, that just horrendously when south...

"I have never seen these before tonight, but as far as my Aunty Celestia is speculating, did Marksaline turned her into a royal version of this things when she revived her after she had been murdered by a assassin."

Nightmare Moon hearing that her sister was murdered and turned into a undead left her week in the knees, so mutch so that she dropped Lunas head to the ground, Luna didn't even complain that she just was standing upside down with her horn inbeded into the ground.

Luna was that flabbergasted.

Cadance continued:

"I got murdered by Discord and than revived by Marksaline as well... Did you know that after you die as a Alicorn, that you just stopped to exist?
I wouldn't even know it, if Marksaline had not revived me and let me think about it...
We really have to talk about this in detail once this dream rescue adventure to save Sunset Shimmers mind is successfully over..."

Discord had a bad feeling about this. Unfortunately could he not just snap himself out of existance for tonight. Something told him he shouldn’t play harder pranks towards the Alicorns for at least three millenia, until they started to forget about his involvement in Cadance... Ascending...

Lunas upside down frown looked almost like a smile if one would invert everything besides her mouth, did Fluffelpuff wondered.

Marksaline perked up when they started to talk about her and her M♡mmys.
Now that she think about it, she could need one or two mommys more since Sun and Pink M♡mmy are so often distracted playing with their boring paper...

Eating their paper toys never worked, so it stand to reason that making more M♡mmys would fix her problem. They probably stop living eventually, she would make them her M♡mmys next!

Marksaline was smiling open mouthed.

Fluffelpuff had a pleasant chill running down her spine. Since she was so fluffy, did it only happend if her Sissy had a good idea that she would Iike herself or she accidentally closed herself in the icebox again when going for some ice cream raids.

Nightmare Moon and Luna used telepathy to exchange some heated words that basically was boiling down to: "Are we sure the Moon isn't safer if these things run around on Equus?"
"Let us wait for Discord and Celestia to explain themself, before we decide to flee with the Moon for another sun system if Equus is full of those monstrous things..."

Cadance was nervous how Luna and Nightmare Moon did stare alternating between her and the Fillys.

So after about ten minutes of standing around did she told them they would talk about it if they are not in the middle of a with ventilator shaft infested corridor to be potencial ambushed.

Nightmare Moon agreed, Luna added that if they try to bite her, that she would bite them back.
Cadance just hoove palmed at that statement.

Also she swore not ever to mention that she could practically change her teeth from pony maulers to dragon like teeth within a minute.
Not until they eventually become 'Necromorphic Alicorn themself'.

Also it might not be a good idea to mention the thing about the ascending realm to soon...

They find it probably out on their own eventually...

Come on Girls, let us keep moving to a safer space and see if we can't find a place to make conversations with the only Draconequus that might provide us information on Necromorph Alicorns and this very ugly creatures. I actually didn't get all of it at the first time when i was a bit distracted about things like not having a Soul, stopping to existing if i ever die again and why pigs should be more available be breed in general if the hunger pangs strike them again..."

Discord just checked to be sure if he could not find another Draconequus to take 'the talk' off his shoulders. Unfortunately did the copy he snapped into existence for that purpose give him a deadpan look and snapped itself out of existance.
Sometimes it sucked to be the one knowing all the important stuff...

Nightmare nodded as their group came to a door, to their luck did they find on the other side a small medical gel pack that they used to bring Nightmares health indicator on her RIG to almost full. It was helpful to everyones moral that Nightmare wasn't occationaly grunting in pain anymore and she lost her heavy breathing.

Their herd then walked down the short ramp in front of them and found a crystal memory ball, which Discord explained was someone recording something for others to hear and see their experiences, they found out the information on the Crystal memory ball was that the undead creatures used the vents to get around the ship and the Griffon that made the recording warned them to stay away from the vents if possible.

That made Cadance a little more worried than she had been a few seconds ago, since she remembered that when they flee from the undead beings for the first time, that the vents one by one got explosively opend to add one attacker more to their hunting party for every vent to the enemy pack.
Once the memory crystal ball was done the herd opened the door to the transportation control room. The lights slowly and reluctantly at places powered on the moment they walked into the room.

The Herd watch around the room from the left to the right, where the controls were located as Luna stated to everypony what to look for.

As the Fillys watched as the metallic rod shields that were on the exterior and interior of the room pulled back to allow looking through and revealed that way the other side of the tracks that the transportation platform would move on.
Their adult companions had noticed three Discords on the oppositional side.
One was busy typing on console without holographic display, through others did seem to enjoy themself in the mean time.

One was dancing on a strange platform that was lighting up when stepped on and there was a ball that looked like Lunas armor over him blinking randomly by all kinds of colors.

The last Discord was netting strings out of nowhere and seem to make a endless Tapestry out of it...

Everpony was observing Discord for a few moment, they all relaxed before out of nowhere a image of the main Discord appeared in front of all with a suit on, Luna had to watch on to Nightmares illusion screen since the piece creating the illusion was not currently present with Luna...

Discord explain to them that they all had a communication device in their suit and he would show them how to use all their suits functions in the following minutes.
First he started with what he called what was displayed infront of them all with a suit.
This was a video connection, essentially allowing them to speak to one another despite the fact that they were in two separate locations at the moment.

While it had its occational problem was it still the best way they had to talk to one another, if they should be splitting up for any reason.

Next he showed them how to use the map function. It showed their position in real time.
If Luna was looking right her body was dragged somewhere after Nightmare had checked for her deceased body. Curious...

Than he checked with them all the inventory they had stored in hammerspace. He showed that eatch of them could carried throughout the adventure up to four different weapons on them.

Sunset had a magic cutter in her displayed icon.
Cadance had her empty shot Nails Rifle displayed.
Nightmare had a comical dead Luna head with crossed out eyes and her tongue laying limp to one side displayed as improvised disposable weapon...

After Luna remarking that this joke was in bad taste...
Did Discord finaly explained to them about the text and memory crystal log and the mission objects explanation.

They just ignored that his Discord copys in the background were doing very distracting things like the dancing Discord adding backflips and the Tapestry nitting one adding silly glowing pictures to his displayed work.

While Luna & Nightmare Moon really wanted to know about the undead creatures that apperently were described as 'Necromorphs', did he reminded them that they could learn all this after Sunset mind wasn't falling apart.
The Filly didn't like that remark to mutch with misty eyes...

So they hold everything bare bones and on the walk, since Discord could give occational tidy information packages in between their race to save Sunset from the coming darkness.

As slightly redundant as it was they confirmed to one another how the enemy have proven that they are capable of moving quickly and attacking with very lethal force.
They have to be very careful from this point forward. Respawning was very limited, since it could only happend twice. Ones on the Ishimura and one time later...

Also Sunset Shimmer has a special case and the Lord of Chaos would not count on her respawning, so they have to keep her as safe as possible.
At that Sunset wimper in worry...

Discord ask despite actually see it all happen, how they had been holding up.

They say not well...
With Luna dead and everyone basically out of ammo besides Sunset Shimmer with her magic cutter.
Discord recommended to collect and use the blades of the enemy he dubbed 'the Slasher', they could stretch their offensive options with them later with this blade like objects even more.
The Alicorn adults nodded and would now collect the blade parts of the arms of those Necromorphs from now on as recommended.

As Sunset had actually never seen somepony torn apart like Lunas was, did her question if they had to face many of this scary monsters a surprise to no pony, but it only got a telling pitying face from Discord.

While Fluffelpuff didn't know Sunset well enough to know why she was so scared of this oddly looking Doggos, did she had consider she didn't like to see her new 'first friend forever' saddened and would make their deaths therefore fast and switching them to Crimson Cookies when they had taken their cutting toys away.

While Marksaline was letting out a sigh of relief that noone annoyed her with sadness anymore, did the not sister indicated that she was unhappy, what in turn might make Fluffelpuff unhappy.
Marksaline would destroy what would make her sister unhappy! But since destroying the not sister would make Fluffelpuff unhappy, did the Doggos are the ones that needed destroying!
Marksaline was proud of her pure genius-ish thoughts sometimes.

Discord said before they started to move on that he was happy to see that them all had survived and Luna would get a respawning soon enough with a reminder that Luna would have to be a lot more careful, since she would not respawning again inside the Ishimura after getting 'killed again'...

Discord assured them that if they listen to him, he would most certainly get them all out of here with Sunset Shimmer mind save and sound.

What he didn't give assurance for that they be in one piece. Seriously, the Necromorphs had a un-cany ability of amputation after all...

The Fillys and adults watched as Discord at his station was doing something they could bearly make out on their displayed monitor.
He seemed to study its result for a moment, to everyponys surprise did their suits seem to reboot for a moment and than reopen the video chat.

Once the connection was stable again did the Game Master Discord lord of chaos and change showed where they hd a new function. Now they could 'ping' one another's location and find one another if they didn't knew the location of the others. Cadance used he function for a few minutes and switch from one user to another.
Now a illusion line in coloration of ones fur color surrounded by a blue line was connecting to one another if needed in a few hooved commands.

The information would allow them to tell what was the right or wrong direction to find their Herd mates location in chaotic situations.

Once that all was cleared up by everyone, did Discord got to explaining their first mission related objectives.
"The brain nodes in this section of her memories are damaged. If it would be mechanical i say its a fried main component, but there should be a easy way to get around that, while i fix it later.

I have a emergency override option if you get in a maintenance bay near your location. It will suffice to get a override component there. Once everything in this area is fixed temporarily i fix the problem completely once you leave the area of the Ishimura for another part."
Once Discord exchange some medical four dimensional 4th wall bending details with someone unseem he continued.

"If we are carefully everything that was in Sunset mind would be unlocked and she be smarter and more capable than she would otherwise."
Discord mumble something about idiotic use of mind bending magic noone really made out enough to understand.

They unanimously came to one conclusion, they just ignored Discord being Discord and focus on their first task.
Something that made them annoyed, was that apperently there is also a broken transportation blocking the pathways in her brain that needs to be repaired. Everything on the journey they can't reach yet, needed it to work to get from here to other places.

To which the Draconequus raised his lions arm and looked at the device that was allowing them to speak with the ponies.
The chaotic god showed them a brief improvised animated picture video of them fight those creatures to make whatever repairs they were talking about earlyer.

Discord finished heir conversation with:
"You fix the transportation and i will help reducing the difficulty of the area for now until you all had better odds defending yourselves."

But he warned them that the enemy waves later on had than the ones they avoided now added to other waves. So they better map out the areas the would move around in their head, to keep their distance to the enemies for better placed precision shots.
Low ammo could be made up when ever shot was precisely placed to dismember the enemy faster.

They all tensed up for a moment when they hear some noises coming from the walls. But Discord assured them that this room and a few others he would have prepared as safe zones. No matter the enemies, as long them stay in that room they are perfectly save.

That said, the time was still ticking away, one second at a time...
The heat of what they would gone through could be coped with later, now it was time to move out.
The mental battle field that was the Ishimura was to be fix and Sunset Shimmer mind needed to be rewired to reunite her with her traumatic memories she had to overcome. But this time she had a Herd to help her through it all!
Step by hoove step!

They hoped that whatever was going to happening, they could escape this living bad dream together. And the fillys looked forward to snacking on the door candy along the way ♡

28. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 4/?

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28. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 4/?

The Herd took a moment to calm themselves down with a few breathing excercises, after the noises of scratches in the walls had stopped disturbing the peace of the dread filled corridors of the Ishimura.

Since they were inside what was guaranteed to be one of the safe rooms of the Ishimura that Discord created for them, they know the moment they go over the threshold the enemy might attack at any moment.

With renewed focus did they left the safe room behind them to get the adventure started properly.
Everypony seem to have perfectly calmed down now and that give Sunset mostly peace of mind, because she was not longer alone after this night. She would finally have a loving herd.

Still was she slightly freaking out on the inside, as something that she had never done before was demanded of her.
One of the monsters come towards them, it had already lost its legs somehow.
She take carefully aim and dismembered it with one shot to eatch arm.

The Alicorn adults complimented her on her steady aim. Fluffelpuff dropped of the ceiling and landed surprisingly softly on the ground.
That or her fluff was compensating the impact force for Sunset and Marksaline on Fluffelpuffs back.

Once Fluffelpuff had touched the remainings of the enemy, did Marksaline and Fluffelpuff had some 'Crimson Cookies' to snack on.

It was strange seen someone being dismembered in such a manner, but at the same time she was sure to have the feeling to have seen it somewhere before...

Anyway was everyone relieved that they had now 4 bone blades overall and more to come with every defeated 'Slasher'.

While Cadance was still freaked out about what was going on at the moment, she didn't let it show. She had a filly to save and her auntys to impress. She didn't had the luxury to freeze at the wrong moment, because with those creatures running around the ship she knew that they needed to be ready for their return in force eventually.

Luna was looking forward to her returning to the action in time, especially with their new knowledge how to deal with their opposition.
They would have to start with already limited resources and they probably have to watch their ammunition all journey long, but that was only going to be a challenge rather than a problem.

Because while they only had two weapon at the moment, once she was back, they would have her close combat experience and her sisters Nightmares precision to make up for Cadance inexperience.
By the end of this dream realm rescue mission they would had a battle harden niece in their family.

Nothing to replace combat prowess than actually experience it.

They had pretty big storage capacities shared among them all. It would allow them to hold on to the bone blades that she had removed together from the defeated creature that had been killed by their group effort.

They all be sure that they put them aside when they found alternatives to defend themselves, but even if they found new weapon / advanced tools they be collecting the blade weapons.

Nightmare Moon remarked that something more useful was needed long term for them to fight more than 1-3 of these Necromorphs at a time, but they make do with what they had at the moment.

One pony might see only scrap metal, but for someone creative it was another ponies improvised throwing weapon.

They all moved towards the other entrance that the transportation control room corridor had, to which they carefully opened the door. One of the fillys enjoyed a candy, while they made their way into the area that was connected to it.
Eventually they came to a split in their path, as they could choose from heading to the left or heading to the right.

Though time was not on their side they would walk around slowly and in a group. Better they all arrive with their herd close to the deadline of the night, than not at all.
They knew that it was best to be careful than to end up like brave Luna in her currently bodyless state...

The reasoning behind that decision was only common sence, because it seemed to be rather ludacris to do otherwise.
Its not as if they had any idea what was coming their way after all.

While the guiding system that Discord provided them let their herd know where they were going, which was understandable since he made the Ishimura environment, did something was odd about this all...
Still at some point in the future after tonight they really had to learn where this place existed.
It was to alien, yet well structured to be just a randomly generated area by Discord.
Especially the details like dirt stains and trash laying around made little sence, even if Discord had fun in being like that in general. It simply was to structured to be the draconequus doing.

He knew where they needed to go, so they remained silent, but this mysterious environment had to be explicitly be explained once they had time for it.
If it was on Equus, they had to watched out for those creatures not to escape it.
The 'usually encountered undead' in old times were never that resilient or adapted to their territorys.

This Necromorphs could not be allowed to continue to exist unless Cadance and Celestia could assure them to be under their control.
While Necromancer are not well liked anywhere...
If they are indeed Necromorphs themselves with self awareness, than she pick them control these monstrositys over anything, than they being on the lose and carve a path of dead and destruction around them on their own.

Celestia was unexpectedly woken up by a full bladder that she had to take care off.

Once she returned to her bed, did the fillys had started to snuggeling Sunset in their sleep.

Celestia wondering how even Marksaline seem to have a neutral face instead of a pout or a grimacing expression as usual, when she was sleeping. Perhaps this 'Necromancer of Light cult filly' would make for a good adoptive daughter.

Faust mercy... Everypony knows Marksaline could need somepony to keep her busy during the hours she spent to take care of paper work.

It would get her friend 'Raven Inkwell' of her back about having to make spare papers in case Marksaline got the idea eating the paperwork to try get a few minutes of extra attention from everypony especially herself. Again...

Once she lay down on the bed, she snuggeld the sleeping fillys and for just a moment did Celestia see her dear daughter Marksaline smiling, while nibbeling in her sleep at Sunsets mane.

Their chosen path followed Discords mission direction indicator, since they had not to mutch time exploring the area. They should come around this area when they returned from their first mission objective. Only than would they make a small detour to explore the area for usable objects.

Once they got to another door in their indicated way, they carefully opened the door. Until they are not sure if the area was clear one filly would have a pouting face for a few minutes longer, until she could enjoy her candy.
They rather avoid having Sunset distracted enjoying the candy should one of the ugly mutated undead would come for a surprise visit.

Since they already know that Fluffelpuff could walk on the walls and ceilings, did it didn't surprise them to see a new kind of enemies to lay motionless in waiting on them.

They greeted it with Sunset removing one of it's legs. Or at least Sunset tried it. This clever thing had used a corpse it had been dragging along as some kind of meat shield. The enemy retreated and the meat shield was falling from the ceiling and hitting the floor in front of them.

They recognized it as Lunas bodies remains, due to the suits reflecting surfaces.
To which Luna made a displeased nickering sound as she see how mutch her body was mangeld up.
This was her lower backside of her body that had one left leg remaining before Sunset shot it, believing it to be part of the new enemy type.

They keep their raised weapons towards where the undead had hidden.
When the area went still once more, did they search Lunas remains for anything useful.
To their surprise was a blade arm stuck in it.

After collecting it did they had 5 blades at their disposal. They really hoped Discords recommendations to collecting this things would pay of soon...

They wondered how her body came from so far behind them to be found by them now.
They could not see a vent leading there...
Apparently did this undead meatsacks could use more than just pony sized ventilation shafts to move around.
Clever assholes...

If only a small area opening allows them to fit them to reach another area than they had indeed only Discord designated safe zones to take a break in.

Taking that into consideration, did the keep heading deeper in to the ship to finaly reach their first big mission objective.
Which meant more fun playing around with the undead.
Noone cheered for that kind of fun...

They had not really started to move out of their contemplations when another Sunset Shimmer dream filly was coming from the way ahead, closely followed by a 'Slasher'.

No doubt was the dream Fillys terror filled expression do to the threat following her.

She managed to get away from the creature that was chasing her, thanks to the herd taking care of it.

Nightmare 'yeeted' Lunas helmet protected head at the incoming threat.
It was very effective!

The enemies right leg was pierced and it ripped off by the knee join. The enemy come into a short tumble before Cadance and Nightmare hold eatch of its arms down, so Sunset had a easy shot to cut them off.

It needed 3 shot for the arms to come off eatch.
Very annoying was that she had to reload in between cutting the enemy apart. Making Cadance and Nightmare struggle quite a lot holding it down.

Even with only one leg and its head remaining, did it tried to struggle.

To their surprise did the dream Sunset Shimmer made a bucking jump towards its head and decapitated it. The undead fall motionless after that one hit.

After a few soothing snuggeling for the dream filly, did she dissappeared and left a small medical gel pack behind that was used to heal Nightmares RIG health indicator to top out.

Once Cadance stomp on the last remaining limbs of the enemy, did it dropped one small medical gel pack as well.
That in turn healed the last slightly damaged member of the herd and Marksaline give a little purrring sound from her reaching full health.

Discord was happy to see all ponies healed up by their own actions, but he was still concerned about their ammunition situation. Until they finally reached the kinetic add on that would unlock their horns long range kinetic option and the ability to use the blades of the Necromorphs collected as impaling weapons, until than they would still be in danger of being overrun...

The two Alicorns shared a look with each other complimenting their archivment in working together.
They collected Lunas head impaled in the corridors ground and let the fillys enjoy their candy for a moment before continuing their way towards the next unwelcome surprise.

When they get the uphill corridor up, did they find the second half of Lunas ripped apart dead body.
Unfortunately was nothing of use to find on it.

Before they started to walk that hallway down that was infront of them, did they received a message from Discord about the creatures they had fought while on the Ishimura so far.

'The Slasher' was a Diamond Dog transformed to a Necromorph foot soldier, the most common enemy they would encounter during their adventure throughout the Ishimura.

It had basically three ways of attacking:
- It could eatch of them, up to three times launch a vomit projectile. That was not just incredible disgusting, but was unfortunately very corrosive towards them.
They had to watch out for that because it could not just slow their motion down, it also could 'damage their suits' that would 'need replacing' if hit to often that way.

Discord at least lay their conserned mind slightly to rest, since a suit needed to be hit 20 times by vile bile projectiles to be destroyed.

The other two attack are:
- Slashing and stabbing with their bladed arms.
- Biting down with incredible strength down on them. So mutch so they could remove a affected limb if not dislodge within seconds.

The adult Alicorns were cursing how increasingly dangerous their enemies seem to be.

While it was good to know how mutch was needed to destroy a singel suit, was the narrow corridors and rooms overall didn't give mutch space to dodge...

And with their promise of the adults that they defend the foals from harm as good they managed, dodging was almost a non viable option...

It still had to do... They just had best to carrying around metal scrap around to use as make shift shields.
That should make it unlikely for them to suffer to mutch from vile bile long range attacks.
Sure was that they struggle to make it work until they had all a working weapon, but once Luna was back they somehow would make it work.
They had to...

Fluffelpuff to their surprise said with confidence that:
"We ll get out of here together and than we be baking more cookies to eat!"

This spontaneous sentence give them a slight chance to forget the seriousness of the situation for but a moment and give them all a small moral boost.

When they continued on their path Marksaline ask if she could use the bladed bones.
Once noone raised a objection since they had no real use for them yet and eatch of the adults minus Luna who had a blade stuck in her head...
Could call one bone blade their own.

Marksaline stored all remaining blades by keeping them in her inventory slots of her suits hammerspace.

After that explanation that Discord provided to have forewarned the herd, did everypony had resealed their helmet. Exception of Fluffelpuff who had no helmet or suit, since she was a interactable object rather than a player in this dream realm mission.

With a nod of encouragement from Nightmare, did Cadance temporary take over the head of the formation.

Luna whisper to the fillys to "keep an eye out for those ugly things since there was no telling how many of them are lurking in the vents or clinging to a ceilling or wall covered in shadows."

Since they were going to have to fight their way through a few packs of them just to repair the transportation platform alone, Cadance better lost her hesitancy to hurt the enemy even if it was a undead. Ponies are rather pacifists by nature and whatever else needed fixing on the mind construct that was the Ishimura could probably see them short term splitting up.
Better to make sure they managed to attack and defend in the safety of a herd than locking up when alone.

Given the current situation they could still kinda eased Cadance into bludgeon someone to a bloody pulp...

Cadance opened the door in front of them and stepped out into the area in front of the herd.
They discovered that they were in the area that rested beneath where the transportation platforming was usually moving.
Though it was extremely badly lighted up and left mutch to be desired in visibility, there was more than enough room for them to move around in case they would be attacked.

Luna would be shaking her head in disbelief, knowing this area they are in basically screaming for a ambush of some kind.

Interesting to noticed was that there appeared to be a broken transportation platform lay obviously blocking on the rails, which had to be hopefully be salvageable per hooves...
How are they were supposed to either fix or remove it otherwise was beyond her.

She didn't see how they were going to fix it from down here, it looked rather stuck in place.
Marksaline turned her gaze towards the area that was around them, something was watching them and it was not her chew toy Daddy as she was sure that more of those bad doggos were around here somewhere.
But something was very familiar about the unseen eyes that keep looking their way.
To familiar...

Before they moved towards a noisy squeaky thing infront of them around a conor obscuring their view, did Cadance found two bodies.
After a short inspection, rather an unfortunate Minatour that had been ripped in half by the now in view malfunctioning door that was in their way.

The fillys had to worry about one door candy less to enjoy, while the adults are unsure how to pass the door without ending up like the cow on the ground.

Discord caught their attention with pointing verbally out that the cows left hand was holding a golden briefcase. As Cadance had picked up the briefcase with telekinesis, did it open itself.
While everypony was noticing that their left forleg gained a new add on.
While they could not instantly see how it was to be used or for what it was, did Discord enlighten them to this little mystery.

As Discord told them to watch one another's flanks where usually their cutie mark was placed, did a illusion showed a full circling display.
They all studying it on one another. The Draconequus explanation of the device was brightening up their night:

"What you see placed on your left forleg is a so called 'Stasis add-on', it allows the active player to slow down fast moving objects and more importantly to slow even the undead creatures IF one manages to hit them."

He than let them use it on one another to test it. Since the area was currently relatively safe.
No matter if standing, laying down or in the air, it slowed objectively everything down it effected.
IF IT could be EFFECTED it in the first place.

They had to test out what it worked on. He warned that not everything was effected by it at all. But if it worked for example on one slasher, than it would work on all slashers of the Ishimura.

While Cadance had never seen anything like this before, did Luna and Nightmare are reminded of a spell that was a lot more effective than what they see this add-on managed.
But despite the fact that they had a more effective variation of it. This dream realm would not allow for its use.
But if they ever fight this things in the real world, the Necromorphs would be running from them instead of the other way around...

Cadance was reminded of a spell that mimicked the add-on effect in reverse, speeding the user or target of the spell up. Unfortunately was that spell rather taxing on the body and while it made the affected target of the spell faster, did it not increase reaction time.
It was to be used only on Pegasus, Griffons and other winged being already in the air.
Very useful for long range delivery service couriers.

They were taken out their contemplations about spells when they hear Sunset screaming said something not to do it.

To their horrified eyes did Marksaline used Fluffelpuff in her telekinesis grip to defeat the malfunctioning door with the pure power of pink fluff.

It worked for about five times, until Fluffelpuff meet the same end as the Cow. Literally top and bottom part landing beside the dead female Minotaur.
Fluffelpuff had unexpected only a pout on her face instead of a pained expression on her.
Her hind legs brutally disconnected by the force of the door still wiggle around.
Sunset with a shaking head, tried to make head or tails out of this.
The situation was explained with Discord making a audiable facepalm that kinda echoed through the ship and calling out 'dream logic'...

To their surprise did even the poor cow suddenly facepalm at Fluffelpuff antics.

Fluffelpuff tapped the supposed to be dead cow and she turned into a hamburger. Cadance wondered why it wasn't a steak or something, but this was a Fillys dream logic...

Marksaline give a surprised Cadance the hamburger who destroyed the food within seconds with a delighted humming.

When someone chaotic with a Talon snapped did Fluffelpuff half body parts got *poofed* out existance and with a tailsnap from 'the god of making no sence' had Fluffelpuff in all her glory in one piece.
Marksaline placed a confused Sunset Shimmer on her place in Fluffelpuff rear fluff and waited for the adults to come up with a better idea...

The powerful brain of the adults had to come at least a meter farther before being cut in half...

They all first recharged their stasis on the charging station that Discord highlighted for them.
Than if anything to go by they tried slowing the door down. After three tries and one recharge Cadance managed to hit the door. She observed with all the stasis effect length and discovered it to be identical to the time they had, when they hit one another for a test run.
So Cadance slowed down the door again and everypony but her passed it safely.

Once the recharge station was well... Recharged, she slowed down the door and filled her stasis up before running through the door herself.
Safe and sound did 6 ponies with 5 stasis modules / add-ons had 15 charges of statis ready to be used.

Noone was wondering if this would help them defeat those creatures, they already know a hit would slow them down enough to the point were Sunset could shot them to pieces.
Since them hacking them apart before they have a chance to escape the stasis would not work with bones as tough as iron swords...

But how well they could coordinate the stasis use was only to be find out in action.
Because as simpel as it sounded, untrained as the Fillys are would their three charges probably hit the already almost stunned enemy hit again while still effected and wasting their charge, while the adult didn't need more than calling out their shots.

But if to spite them, did another Sunset Shimmer run around the conor to run away from a slasher was hit by three adult ponies in tandem that reactionary stasis the Tarterus out of the filly, only for it to get decapitated with a single swing by a slasher.

The fillys head landed before them and was pouting about their brilliant action, while the adults all facepalmed at their mistake.

The Slasher was laughing his ass off about this outcome before Marksaline stasis the still laughing enemy, while Sunset take of his arms and head with only 6 shots.
Apperently did the magic cutter hit more than one surface and managed to inflict piercing while slashing / cutting damage if hit from the side and had the appendages aligned.

Discord had saved this priceless failure in a memory crystal one of the Alicorn had, stored in their inventory to exchange the recording of the warning about the vents with this very memorable failed reaction shot and its consequences...

Than he snapped the dream construct into reality where it would stay on Celestias bedroom work table as to let her see their amazing teamwork with a written explanation of what she would see once she viewed the memory crystal.

By the end of this night long experienced journey there be multible memory crystals snapped into existence to make their most memorable moments last for a year or three...

Seeing how the foals might actually make a passable work with stasis somehow... They continued on to meet more of those creatures to field test their teamwork.

Cadance take point again and as they slowly ascend the smooth uphill floor something sent a shiver down the candy flanks spine. She warned everypony about her premonition and they take at least one meter to one another distance to not be possibly bowled over by a charging enemy.

The fillys take the rear guard, since the malfunctioning door made clear that noone would attack from there backside that way.

Cadance secured the left side of the T-Formed corridor and Nightmare Moon the right one.
Luna called out that something was giving her chilled ear tips.
When suddenly the light went out, Sunset was out of fear wimpering into the almost pitch black area.

The area had no full energy outages since the door was still audiable closing and opening, but they would have to fight in the dark now...

This just changed the hole situation, they could see one another do to having a glowing RIG life bar indicating their lifes on the rear below the neck ending near the tail dock bone. The sides are illuminated on the flanks with the stasis charge and the front do to ther helmet being lighten up the face area, but only Cadance and Sunset Shimmer had a weapon with laser sight showing where it was aimed and produce some light. Both weapons had rather insufficient directional light on their fronts.

Fighting Necromorphs that way was redicules difficult with them already having shown having a affinity to sneak towards their enemys if they don't burst out of a vent.

They waited roughly two minutes, but Discords effort to restart the lights didn't work for some reason.
Marksaline told the scared adults to stay calm, she would protect them. While her life vision wasn't working in the dream realm, was she still able to sence the enemys position roughly if close enough.

Marksaline scouted out the right corridor all on her own. The adults protested, but she did it anyway.
Marksaline put Sunset in Nightmare waiting forlegs, while Cadance rifle stayed ready to pummel the next unlucky fool into a bloody pool.
To Lunas surprise did Fluffelpuff take her in her own fluff and used her magical coats gripping field that everypony used to hold things on them, to carry Luna around. Luna had no idea why Fluffelpuff didn't just left her laying on the ground, but stopped thinking about it once the fluffyness factor was over 9000.

Marksaline returned to the herd with Lunas shredded upper torso impaled on Lunas horn. First they didn't know what she needed it for, than she ask her pink M♡mmy to aim at the torso.
To the adults surprise did somehow Lunas discoball like suit somehow absorbed the light of the aiming laser and slightly illuminated the area.

Fluffelpuff had just somehow made out of the torso and aiming laser combined a foals night light. Not one of the adults expected Marksaline idea to work.
It was weak, but it worked well enough to see about 10-15 meters.

They all nodded to one another and followed Marksaline into the right corridor, to search it for loot or another light source.

Discord fast forward a multiverse internet video about Dead Space 1 the original and the remake. He didn't see that feature there anywhere...
Marksaline had just effectively invented a game feature.
Clever filly...

Marksaline was grinning like the kitten that had catched the bird.
While birds tasted bad to her or at least Raven and Crows did... She showed how clever she was!
The pink fluffyness vs broken door didn't work, but this one worked all the better!

While Cadance had to keep the laser aim at Lunas torso pointed, did they not really lose anything with her weapon being currently empty anyway.

Nightmare left hoove aimed towards the rear in case someone wanted to sneak up on them.
Cadance was aiming with her right forleg towards the suit to light the area, while waiting with the left forleg for the slightest movement to happen at a moments notice to stasis the enemy that might come from the direction they walked toward.

Noone made a remark about Cadance remarkable bipedal walk, which was unsteady but surprisingly silent.

Once they walked down to the end of the corridor with Marksaline leading them for the moment.
After they make sure that there wasn't any enemies in the area to flank them, they reached the locked door at the end of the corridor.

Marksaline picked up the two thousand credits that were laying there. Discord had increased their loot. One compensation for them having to survive in the dark. Everycreature would deserve a surcharge for that bullshit situation...

The adventure on the colossus of a ship might be made after the dead Space game saga, but in essence was the ship still only a dream construct.
Something was fishy here.
Someone was playing unfair, Discord hated it if someone cheated during his games if it didn't benefit him or his pawns...

They might be running on less time if he could not fix the light problem. The ponies had serious issues seeing in the dark. In the real world did Nightmare Moon, Luna and the Necromorphic Filly sisters had night vision, but somehow it didn't work in this dream environment.

Someone was pissing of the lord of chaos, he would give it back twice once he found out who messed with Sunset Shimmer mind, while he was trying to fix it.
Because if the power started going out ship wide than he was sure that the Ishimura might drop out of space and collide with Equus despite his script making that impossible.
At the same time however, he was sure that if the light was starting to go out without him causing it, than Sunset Shimmer had more problems than what the 'Necromancer of Light' did to her head...

There had to be a way to restore light to the entire ship illumination system, once he know who was behind this manipulation would Discord definitely know how to counter it!

As they walked up the corridor back towards the way they came, Fluffelpuff insisted on checking the bathroom. They hoped to find anything that somehow might have a fix for their light or ammunition problem.
Cadance, Fluffelpuff, Disco Luna and Marksaline entered the bathroom and returned with one containers of magic energy for Sunsets cutter and two ammunition units for Cadance nail rifle.
Cadance was back in action!

With those Cadance had one fifty shot ammunition magazine in her weapon and one spare reload.

After Fluffelpuff remarked that the colt toilet had been cleaner than the fillys toilets had been...
Did Fluffelpuff hooved over one doubled medical gel pack. Discord explained that the healing pack come in three sizes:

Small - One tube healing one full life brackets.

Medium - Two tubes locked together healing three full life brackets.

Large - Three tubes locked together healing all life brackets.

"And no, you can’t combine three small medical gel packs. There is a trick to it that i don't care to learn, i have already to mutch on my talons to work as to fix it up for you..."

Once again they walked together to the only remaining side of the corridor where they came to a door that was marked as the 'transportation platform maintenance room', which happened to be what they were looking for a while.
With their first main objective infront of them, did they had no illusion that this would get fixed unnoticed.
At least they hoped they find something to improvise weapons from or sharp objects to throw around with. At that time their ammunition situation wasn't the worst it had been, but far from anything to fancy either...

Before they could attempt to unlock the door to get a candy for the fillys and progress in the mission something fall directly on top of them.

On instinct alone did Cadance released a stasis blast at the attacker. And hit Nightmare instead.
Marksaline lose a stasis blast and hit Cadance.
Sunset Shimmer confused as all Tarterus lose a stasis shot on her own and hit the one they tried to hit all along.

Once everyone came out of stasis, did the object that had fallen on them all, seem to be Lunas rear body part. Once it was last seen where the unknown enemy variant had been spotted was clear that someone was trolling them.
Discord did preemptively said that he did not do anything because it would be in very bad taste, all things considered.

With already most of their stasis used up they unanimously voted to get it recharged. After roughly 8 minutes had they managed to return where Lunas body dropped on them, while this time everyone had full stasis charges.
This would made their next confrontation a lot easyer, so they hoped at least.

While there was no way of telling where their enemies were lurking, they would kick ass and taking names for sure. Since these things had no name tags on them, would they focus on kicking ass.
And by that they mean shot them to pieces.

Before they open the door Sunset spotted something glowing laying on the ground. What she had just found was a stasis recharge pack.
Discord explained that it would allow the use to recharge their entire stasis module / add-on.
He recommended only to use it if they ran out of power for the stasis, since it used its full charge up as it was a one use item like the medical gel packs they had used.

Sunset remarked it odd that the casings of the medical gel packs vanished once they used it.
Discord reminded the foal that the dream realm dispose unusable thing by default and the topic was pretty mutch forgotten 5 minutes later...

29. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 5/?

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29. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 5/?

As soon as the herd walked into the maintenance room was clear that the lights worked in the wide room, but that this would be a ugly confrontation non the less. It was very open and there are more ventilation shafts as actually needed, since there was a huge part of the room exposed to open air. It was frankly a redicules design.

At least they noticed that the larger open air doors which allowed the transportation platform to be taken from the tracks and be later fixed, if this all wasn't a huge dream construct that would dissappear in a few hours when Sunset Shimmer woke up...

While to their surprise a new one was put in place, ready to be exchanged already.
Discord was apperently rather viligant in making Sunset Shimmer mind accessible for them to fix it together.

It was clear once they opened the area to make large changes it would produce enough sound and trembling to send a few waves of Necromorphs their way.
They entered the area and take a hard long look before they even thought as to approached the main console.

After a short discussion did they started to literally drag everything they managed and that was not bolted to the room to be collected towards the middle of the walkway on their right side. It looked the most defensive position to hold.

Fluffelpuff spotted a box on the wall and opened it. Discord remarked it to be a 'upgrade node'.
Everypony pet Fluffelpuff for her great contribution to the team on her head.
With exception of Luna who was only a head.
Fluffelpuff pet Luna instead.

While Fluffelpuff keep herself busy by petting Lunas head despite her admittedly rather damaged helmet, did everypony else constructed a rather solid construct of metal cases and boxed, tools and spare parts with unknown purpose.
How many Necromorphs would be coming for them? The barricade would hopefully stop them long enough to deal with them one by one.

Once they are reasonably ready, did they ask Fluffelpuff to use the consoles on the middle of the room and than to book it back to their position.

Fluffelpuff had no idea what a book had to do with anything, but she used both consoles before wall walking toward her herd.

The left grappling arm connected, but the right one refused to connect.
No Necromorphs so far.

They ask Fluffelpuff to try the right consoles in the middle of the room again.
Same result.

This time did two Necromorphs showed up on their right side and they were rather easily dealt with, one by Marksaline ripping it apart and one cut apart by Sunset.
After Sunset reload her magic cutter, did Fluffelpuff turned the Slashers to crimson cookies and they collected the bone blades.

Than they tried to use stasis on the right grappling arm. It worked like a charm.
When Fluffelpuff used the middle console, did a mechanical voice sounding like
'Eris - The old goddess of Chaos and change'
Told them to please waiting for personaly fixing the problem in a moment.

That was when all Tarterus broke lose.
6 Slasher in short succession come out of the vents of their right side and Sunset as Cadance were rather hard pressed to keep them busy by shooting them to pieces.

At least Nightmare Moon managed to counter all the vile bile projectiles coming from them by deflecting them with metal plates collected before hoove further did she interfere in their enemys attack by throwing tools at them that staggered the attackers long enough for Sunset and Cadance to finish the last of the six to be neutralized.

Sunset had used up all her ammo and Cadance was down to 25 in her currently used magazine.

But before Nightmare could direct them to loot the corpses of the not really dead enemys, did their reinforcements arrived. There was simply no time to do it at their currently used configuration.

Nightmare take over Cadance nail gun and take her spare reloading unit, than she let the Necromorph come closer while pelting them with spare tools and what ever they had collected before hoove as improvised throwing weapons.

Cadance and Sunset had still not looted everybody by the time the first Necromorph reached the barricade. Fortunately was it more solid than expected and Luna managed to shot two of the 8 attacking Slashers the arms of before the barricade started to give in.
By the time Nightmare Moon had two other relieved of their bladed arms, did the barricade finally collapsed.

To the bad luck of the Necromorphs did Luna pinned one unharmed Necromorph to the wall near the ground once Nightmare *yeeted* Luna through its chest to the ramp wall.
That one would not come lose in time to help the others.

Which had to struggle with Sunset having finally reloaded her magic cutter. While Nightmare sniped the heads off the previous dis-armed enemies, did Sunset focused to remove one leg and one arm eatch of the other Slashers.

Unfortunately did Sunset run out if ammunition, while Nightmare reloaded, did Cadance told them that they only had small medical gel packs salvaged from the bodys left.

That was when Marksaline started to rip and tear them one by one apart.
By the end of the confrontation was Marksaline hissing in pain, down to one life bar.
But fortunately had they exactly enough small healing gel packs to get her back to full.

Their currently relatively good health that has everypony topped of, was greatly upset by Sunset being totally out of anything.
The other are the same with only Nightmare having now 40/50 shots left in her nail rifle after a reload.

Marksaline gestured to the two glowing screens that were to their right and left, both being inactive and the middle one waited for confirmation to release the platform.

After they salvaged the torn apart Necromorphs ammunition did they had one full load for Sunset and one completely reloaded nail rifle.
The rest was just stuff that the inventory space called to be expensive components in yellow and gold and ruby red.

If they had one more big confrontation they be very hard pressed to make ends meet...

They than bludgeon the last activ Necromorph that Lunas head was holding pinned through the chest valiantly near the ramps top, until it was roughly consistent as thick soup.

The royal Necromorph Sisters had a very well deserved crimson cookie feast, while everypony take a 5 minute break to relax.
A well earned victory.

Once they collected all bone blades, they had in total: 47 bone blades.

They really hoped Discords promised use for the bone blades come very soon...

"Alright herd, that was the easy part."
Did Discord informed the ponies.

Luna meanwhile was very grumpy about missing out on all the fun, further pissed because her helmet just disintegrated from overuse and knowing her usefulness had reached a end as a stabbing or blunt weapon replied:

"Unfortunately i doubt i can last any longer...
One attacker at most and i am out completely.
When do i get my respawning ?!"

Discord told them they are supposed to do one more major task, but could delay it for the respawning objective.

Everypony agree on Luna coming back to action.
Discord let's them know they have to return to the Kellion to respawning Luna as a active player.
Following by everypony cursing foal friendly and Sunset wanting to go home already...

Celestia almost asleep got woken into alert when something was teleported into her bed room.
A impossible feat unless someone not making sence did so regularly...

Celestia gently levitated the fillys to bed and moved to see what was important enough to disturb her peace.

Celestia got very intrigued by the description of the memory crystal ball containing memory.

Celestia got a second memory crystal popped into existance in her bedroom.
Celestia watching the containing memory uncensored and without context.
See her future daughter to be put through a horrible traumatic experience.
Than see her sisters accidentally cursing a Fillys looking exactly like the Cult filly soon to be daughter...
Being decapitated by a 'undead monster'. . . . . . .

Internal panic sets in and after the fillys still all breathing confirmed, are surrounded by sound and protective spells not in use for a few centuries.

Following by High Princess Celestia Solaris Stellar calling all guard and defenses to full alert.

Solar Nova/-Celestia Solaris Stellar:
Best Alchemy expert to exist currently.
Current leader of Equestria.
Guardian of the Day.
Shepard of the Sun.
Just declared 'MARSHALL LAW' and to arrest all Necromancer of Light members temporarily until the rogue faction members are determined and apprehended to be put in magical interrogation and be punished as needed.

One Diamond Dog with description about doing... unforgettable, unforgivable crimes.

The hunt was finally on.

Nightmare Moon was in thought. Deep down she was pleased to hear that this was going to be an easy task and not something that was complicated to restore her sister, but her herd survival was in doubt. Since they get through a area most violently evacuated, and had to stay alive doing so.

But because she had no sort of training like her sister studying the 'Mura' layout and functions was it imperative to restore Luna fully and keep her besides the Fillys second highest priority.

Luna was not a engineering prodigy, but had a lot of time spend and knowledge collected walking inside the Mura on the moons surface.
If anyone could fix the Ishimura, than it was Luna.
While she herself unfortunately was pretty much useless in that respective field.

In this scenario Luna was a engineer and she was the security guard keeping the area safe-ish as long she was fixing stuff up...

"We can go and find that data board Discord told us about later-" did Nightmare explained.
"- we need Luna restored to get through this all alive, no arguments?"
Nightmare ask with a stern expression.
Cadance and the fillys fully agreed.

Discord was fixing Sunset magic pathways when the dancing Discord finished rearrange Sunset locked memory to be solved and teleported into parts unknown, because chaos levels near the Canterlot Castle in the waking world was unexpectedly raising.

Something just gone unexpectedly wrong...

As the herd regroup they started to organize their inventory and separate items to one another. They had one medium healing left. That was given to Nightmares inventory store, while all valuable components are stored with Sunset Shimmer for safe keeping. By the time they lost anything do to Sunset dying, anything was lost anyway.

Marksaline get the one stasis recharge unit, she had a way easyer time in close combat if the meaty target was affected by stasis speed debuff.

Nightmare Moon now permanently keeping the nail rifle on her as her precision was the highest, since it was originally from Cadance, did she had to give a short nodded acceptance before it permanently switched ownership from Cadance to Nightmare Moons weapon slot.

While Cadance keep Luna in her telekinesis ready to strike for one last use if no alternative was given.

The Fillys give each other a short hug before returning to Filly doom formation.

- Fluffelpuff the fluffy transportation platform and legs of the team.
- Sunset Shimmer the fixed long range weapon and utility user.
- Marksaline as the living weapon and shield of their formation, as long she had not leave her place to attack.

However before they moved together into the still darkness swallowed corridor, did Nightmare suggested with Marksaline on her back once to walked though the hole corridor. They had better cleared it out before the hole herd committed.

Nightmare heard the sound of Marksaline telekinesis keeping a bone blade ready to try parry a surprise attack.

So the two brave warriors moved on alone for the safety of the herd.

Both ready for action, yet wary of packs rushing them if they got unlucky. But better them than the others...

When ever they hear something crawling or bumping outside the corridor, did they pretty mutch expect a attack. But apperently was the enemy playing on time or on mental warfare because noone actually started a attack.
As they retrace their steps back to the area just past the first split in the path.

In a unclear to view cable shaft that was above their heads was a enemy, but that thing was not interested in fighting it seems. Not yet at least...

Following downwards the shaft along, did it decided leaving for the moment once it was spotted.
Best case it was scouting, worst case it was going to calling its ugly bretheren to rally for a attack.
Marksaline and Nightmare with a determination filled expression nodded to each other, it was time to kick some ass.

As they were sure that they hadn't seen the last of that type of creature after only a few packs of Slashers having chased them so far.

Something that had stand out even in the badly lightened area where they just had meet it, that this was a slightly different form than the others attackers.
Its build that had a beak for example.
Probably what could happen to a Griffon being turned Necromorph.
Due to Griffons being already dangerous Predators, did the fact that it was now undead and probably making their survivel odds drop by attacking in packs.

If it was using additional body morphed weapons or armor using its talons to crawl lower on the floor for lower attack angles and most likely going for the legs to immobilized the target before killing it by gutting it with beak and talons.

Before they managed to headed back to get the herd, did the herd already come their way with the warning that Necromorphs started to come through the vents.

Once more it seemed to end in a retreat towards enemy lines!
So they rushed galloping down the ramp that brought them to the malfunctioning door.
After Cadance loosed a stasis charge at the door, did everypony run through.

Good they recharged as common knowledge demanded missing charges back in the maintenance room with its charging space...
Yet did Nightmare noticed that they forget to use it in its last encounter.
All the better that the enemy probably didn't expected a stasis lock on mass.
This surprise would ruine their charges on their prey.

The Herd as a hole come running back into the area that was below the tracks.
As expected by Marksaline and Nightmare already with the enemy waiting.
Only this time the Ponies would dictate the speed of battle.

Lucky for the ponies and very inconvenient for the Necromorphs, did every feral Necromorph around got stopped in their tracks before they could charge.

They were attacked in total by six of the new creatures. Not a singel slashing type that they first encountered.
Would make sence not to mix types to keep tactics back for later encounters.
As they keep the six later named 'Leapers' stasis locked, did Nightmaremoon spotted them quickly to use their arms to move around as if someone already removed their legs.

So as to keep the enemy in low initiative she focused to cut eatch of the six one arm off.
All had one right arm missing when Nightmare rifle stopped working.

At least they had the initiative on their side to move faster around, than the crippeld enemy who could only move by dragging their sorry carcass around.

Unfortunately did everypony stasis run out.
Marksaline started bravely to attack teeth and bladed bone hooved? That one was new...
While two of the crawling type they had before them seem to focus on Sunset and Fluffelpuff.

Sunset used the recharge station and screaming demanded a full retreat.
A indeed surprisingly sound plan.
While the enemy was screaming their protests against them running away could they do nothing to stop Sunset to stasis with 1of 3 her charges the damaged door.

Cadance Fluffelpuff with Sunset on her back moved first through.
A few seconds later did a half to death beaten Marksaline run right behind Nightmare into the stasis door with Sunset having used up 2 of her 3 charges that the charging station had allowed her.

The enemy had sence enough not to get slaughtered by the door after one tried to time his attack without stasis to keep the door open.
At least 1 of 6 'Leapers' was disposed off.

More lucky and convenient was it, when it drop a 5 shot capacity shot for Sunset magic cutter.

They galloped as fast they could ignoring all possible dangers in the dark corridors to the Maintenance room.

There to their luck did no enemy waited for them.
Probably having left to join the slaughter with the Leapers.

They managed all to recharge their stasis modules before a singel Necromorph Slasher pulled a 'Geronimo' and charged them sprinting.
This things really could move when they wanted...

Only to be slowed down by stasis using Sunset before Marksaline dismembered it as it was nearly helpless in its slowed down state.

It dropped another 5 capacity charge for Sunset Shimmer. It could currently hold 7 charges.
But Sunset would add the 5, when her currently 5 loaded shots are used up.

They let Sunset refill her one shot on the charging station and galloped to the door, opend it and than to the malfunctioning door.
Nightmare Moon had used the group recharge time to recommend not to use the retreat to recharge tactic in that maintenance room again.
She doubted it would work twice in a row.

Once they reached the door, did Sunset ask Nightmaremoon to stasis the door. Sunset with Fluffelpuff and Marksaline formed the spear of the head of the herd.

Thanks to the combat adrenaline was little Shimmers combat high overriding her fear responses and sharping her combat performance.

As they rushed towards the open area did Cadance got jumped by a Leaper, that got pinned to a section on the ground through its chest by Lunas last attack.

Another unfortunately managed to get Nightmare pinned and they struggled in a one versus one, while Sunset with two shots managed to damage another one Leaper remaining left arm enough for Marksaline to rip it off in one go and stay unharmed from her attack.

2 of 6 Leapers defeated with 1 pinned to the ground.

While Nightmare keep the teeth of her attacker laying on her body in check with her rifle casing, did she had to manage to move her head out of the way of some kind of stinger attack.
Apperently did 'Leapers' didn't lose their legs. They morphed it into some kind of tail blade.

Nightmare got saved when Cadance grabbed the beastly monstrositys tail and pulled it off.

Cadance and Nightmare keep harshly pulling on its bladed tail that in its current form made very slight damage to Cadance, while Nightmare Moon really was going to town on its head until it finally lost its ugly as horseapples skull.
Cadance and Nightmare played tug of war with its body, Cadance holding its tail and Nightmare tugging on its last arm until its arm got ripped out of its socket.

3 of 6 Leapers defeated with 1 pinned to the ground by Luna struggeling to keep it there.

Meanwhile was Sunset on Fluffelpuff rear fluff trying to aim while the two remaining Leapers played catch that fluffball. Using her stasis if they come to close.

Nightmare and Cadance give themselves a moment to catch their breath, while using their stasis to help buy time for the fillys.
Marksaline focused on dismembering the pinned Leaper.

4 of 6 Leapers defeated. When Cadance pulled Luna of the ground, did her horn come off. Now Luna really had become useless as a weapon.
Nightmare, Cadance and the battle fatigue and battle wounded Marksaline focused on salvageable loot.

They found 2 times 25 shots for the nail rifle that was promptly given to Nightmare who loaded the 2 times 25 shots in her 50 shot magazine of her weapon.

The other two bodys unfortunately only dropped two small medical gel packs.
Both consumed by Marksaline to return to 3/4 RIG life indication.

In the meantime did Sunset roughly started to predict Fluffelpuff moving patterns and with three shots remaining in her cutter, removed one of the attacker remaining left arm before she loaded her last 5 shots into her magic cutter.

As if suddenly aware of it being alone, did the Leaper looked around itself and see 2 Alicorn coming its way. Since they unlike the fillys didn't evade it, did it crawled towards them.

Only to be blindsided by a certain furious Necromorph filly that was healed back to 3/4 blue RIG lifebar and not longer being hindered by battle wounds Iike the yellow state enforcing it on them. Further did the use of stasis made sure they get almost injuries free of this scuffle.

Marksaline had a go at it as Nightmare hold down its arm, while Cadance again take the tail captive and was taking some damage.

They learned that slowing a Necromorph was not taking any force out of it's movement out.
Also how redicules strong they are in general.
Or maybe this dream realm had them a lot weaker?

With their 6 enemies defeated, did they made a fast assessment of their situation:

- Nightmare Moon with 3/4 RIG life brackets displayed.
50/50 nail rifle shots loaded, but no reload.

- Cadance with 3/4 RIG life brackets displayed.
Basically defenseless and has to improvise offense and defense.

- Luna is deceased in game currently.
As mutch worth in her current state as a fleshy Basketball.

- Marksaline with 3/4 RIG life brackets displayed.
Has a massive collection of bone blades, but can only use them like very sharp knifes to hold on to enemys until she chew through their limbs.

- Sunset with 4/4 RIG life brackets displayed. 5 shots loaded into her Magic Cutter, no reloads available.

- Fluffelpuff being fluffy as ever.
Always pink, never anything but pink...

They all had used stasis as needed, when they actually hit. Aiming with the module was something that wasn't so simple as they expected.

Watching in every direction, did it seem that they had earned themself some breathing time.
Unfortunately did this enemies only dropped credits as loot.

They could really need a shop to spend all their earned credits on and spend the one upgrade nodes on a Workbench.

Discord remarked that he added a shop and a workbench inside the Kellion for their convenience, since they are really fighting redicules odds they earned their herd two game balances waiting for them in the Kellion.
It would also be a safe zone that Necromorphs could not enter or damage.

They deciding to play it safe at the moment and risk staying to recharge their Stasis.
They backed up to the stasis recharge station and powered their module back up to full charge.

Apperently did the Necromorph commander told the Slashers to stay away with two recharge stations in reasonable reach.

This beasties sure are not to bright, but something was guiding them as this ambush clearly showed.
Once they are safe inside the room of the transportation control room they had to clear up with Discord what in Tarterus was going on here!

Nightmare give everypony praise for pulling of a impossible well improvised combat performance.
Never had she been more impressed to see fillys
fighting like full grown mares.

The praise was very welcome for the sisters who enjoyed the words almost as mutch as cheap candy.
Sunset Shimmer in opposition was taking this words like the biggest archivment anyone of her age ever earned.

She was shaking from all the adrenaline and stress overall. At least she had been unharmed so far what helped her cope with this bad dream come true...

They decided to in general slowed down the attacking forces until they run out. Marksaline was their most valuable offensiv option with combination of stasis use.
The crawling enemy might be redicules strong, but just being strong didn't help if one could only move in a snails pace.

They would opened fire on their limbs only if more than one enemy appeared. They should be able to conserve ammunition with Marksaline using her close combat prowess and everyponys stasis support.

Discord was smiling in relief, when the herd finally managed to come back to the transportation control room.

While everypony relaxed for a few minutes, did Discord out of pity granted Luna one last attack that would make her skull a one enemy destroying bomb. Without chance on friendly fire.
That made Luna happy since she would be one last time be useful to the herd, before she needed to wait for her full body respawning.

She figured that if they get ambushed they could needed a tie breaker in their herds favor.
She could easily be toss across a room at an enemy.
It was on the herd to continue to battle their opponent in any manner until they managed to reunite once more.

Further did Discord showed them how they might spend their hard earned credits in case they wanted to buy upgrade nodes.
They costed 10.000 credits what was a huge sum as a big healing cost the same, but at least a upgrade node would stay permanently.

But long before they could gathered the spoils of their victory, they had to make it to the Kellion to spend their credits on ammunition and some medical gel packs. They could only buy small ones at the moment, but with only 4 RIG life brackets they started well enough with them.
After all 3 small gel units would restore currently 75% of their total life indication.

After having rested their dream bodys and minds, did Discord added a estimated time until Sunset was going to wake up.
It didn't look to good.
With only estimated 12 hours left to complete everything and noone knowing how long they would run around the Ishimura, was their time table rather tight.

Discord seem to check something in a crystal ball and told them that the time should be more than enough with 3 hours to spare, but with someone playing against them that estimation was highly suspiciously to be accurate.

To everyone surprise did Discord confess that the system he used was to be only under his influence, but something infuriating happend.
Something or someone had somehow managed to effect this dream construct.
They where no longer alone in Sunset Shimmer mind.

While it could do nothing to harm Sunset outside the dream realm, did it try to harm Sunset within the dream realm by taking control of the enemy and guiding them.
Discord had managed to have enough influence to make sure the 'escape from the lobby incident' would not happening again, since it could only use Discord prepared problems that needed solving BUT:

- Up to 8 enemys can be summoned by the entity to attack the herd.

- It could reduce it influence at any time from guiding up to 8 enemys in exchange of actually taking full control of a simple enemy and use it within limitations in unexpected ways.

- It could change the intended spawn of enemies listed that needed to be handled.
(Example: Instead of 6 Slashers as intended, it take 4 Leapers and 2 not yet encountered enemy types out of other areas and exchanges them with the intended 6 Slashers and add until 8 enemys are reached.

At least Discord made sure that this didn't get overboard as they are not ready to face a high end enemy with bearly any tools for their defense.
The entity seem surprisingly forthcoming to not cut its 'fun short'. Sooo... Silver lining and all that.

Also it could only control common enemy types and not what one could call boss monsters.

But it might play dirty with what it has at its disposal, so they needed to be careful at all times.

As they walked sober minded out of the transportation control room they noticed something strange.
There was a pony infront of them.
Another creature that wasn't any of the Necromorphs.
It was a Kirin if the royal Alicorn sisters remember correctly.
It was apperently a stallion. The Kirin stallion introduced itself as 'Challus Mercer'.

He was unarmed and could there for not help them defend themself, but he could give them Blueprints for a tool as improvised weapon and guide them throughout the ship via video chat.

He would stay in this relatively safe area and make himself... Useful.

30. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 6/?

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30. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 6/?

Dr. Challus Mercer was kind enough healing the group completely and giving them a Flamethrower schematics, since they don't all had weapons to defend themself.
He personally rather used his
'Stasis and run as fast as possible away' approach to any lethal hostile situation.

Marksaline give the nice stallion her Stasis reload item as to thank him before biting a small piece of his tail hairs off.
She could track him that way if needed.
He seem to be slightly disturbed about that turn of events, but wished them good luck and started to chill out in Discords save room.
Preferring to spending the rest of his hours before the Ishimura was eventually overrun by this monsters in safety.

He would occationaly helping them with system assistance if possible, but that was unfortunately all he could do for his fellow equines.

As the Herd continue on their way towards the Kellion to respawning Luna and using the Shop on it to get Flamethrower for everyone, was Challus Mercer rather giddy to meet Discord.
Hello there Discord, i think we need to talk...

Somewhere in the gutter of the Ishimura sewer system something was moving and preparing for things to come...

At the same time on a not to far away area of the Ishimura, did the Herd of heros continued their journey towards, the unknown.

The RIG of everyone received a update, Mercer was added to their list on teammates even if he would not join them actively.

The connection was shortly after severed, after Dr. Challus Mercer had them also send a tutorial about how to use something called a kinetic module that usually was used on ones right forleg to pick stuff up. He had successfully used it to defend himself by throw stuff at Necromorphs.

He also remarked that a fully upgraded kinetic module allowed to use enough force to pin a Necromorph with two of their own bone blades to a nearby wall. So he recommended to collect them even if its was inconvenient and rather disgusting to collect them. Pretty inventive to weaponize their enemies body own blade arms for their herds own gains. After all they supplied them with every single Slasher coming their way!

Also long range blunt force trauma could similiar effectively destroy Necromorphs, but only temporarily if their bones are merely broken.

Hearing how Discord earlier recommended collecting of blade arms now was confirmed, made them anticipatory towards finding the kinetic add on.

Once they had twice seen Dr. Mercers introduction video on creative defense and offensive use of non weapons, did they started to retrace their steps back to the room that they found Sunset magic cutter in.

It was nice that they had not been harassed this short way, because where they know that they probably are spared to continually get stopped by singel enemies, now a higher intellectual being was coordinating this undead beings all over the ship.

While they don't have to fear more than 8 enemys as once making a break for them, was nothing stopping the Necromorph commanding entity to stuff areas full of this things before leaving them to stand around to call another pack and repeat the process.

Quantity is a quality all on its own...

The Kirin stallion Dr. Challus Mercer was a agent of the dream realm manipulating entity. Discord and the entity discussed rules and limitations for the game on the Ishimura they would play.

One of the rules are no spoilers towards future events for the heros to forewarn them.
Like for example the tentacles surprise attacks.

In turn would the Necromorph commander focus on murdering first Sunset Shimmer companions before going for the main player.
Of course was it not to be blamed if Sunset Shimmer was unfortunately selected by a not under the entity controlled or guided straggler selected Sunset as target by its own.

Tentacles and all Brutes of the games would 'mostly' ignore Sunset until everyone without Fluffelpuff counting was... Disposed off...

A few other rules and regulations where talked about and unfortunately, did Discord closed some loopholes for the entity. In general would both leaders have a entertaining match with one another, while the Herd was struggling for the main goal to safe Sunset Shimmer...

While the herd continued forwards had they make sure that no Slashers or Lurkers were waiting for them around every conor to try getting a cheap shot in.
After all: Even thousands of minor cuts can make the biggest titan fall eventually.

With medication supply only having been composed of Nightmare Moon one medium healing item was their situation rather tender if the enemy should get a drop on them.

Until they had the chance to finally buy stuff for themself, would they have to watch out for already destroyed ventilation shafts and other things that no longer could alert them to incoming enemies.

That made them noticed the prior not destroyed ventilation shafts had now been destroyed and someone had made sure to collect the metalic rotation devices that usually remained when a ventilation shaft was opend through brute force.

This was problematic because even if they lacked a kinetic modul, they would not have mutch use out of it once they obtain it.

Funny how the Necromorphs keep cleaning up the place and denied them use of lose metal objects.

Though they were lucky that the enemy was apperently very distracted, with the base intelligence this task was probably to mutch to be automated so to speak.

As they finally reached the lift without having to fight more enemies, did they wonder if the enemy already know the events to come, or was precisely planning every encounter ahead.
When the herd reached the top of the lift they expected thick concentration of enemies, to their surprise was nothing coming their way.

However when the enemy would finally show their ugly visage, they would have to rip and cut or blast their way through.

With Lunas head they had one explosive option, yet they wondered if any kind of explosives might be improvised to aid them in crowd control.
A pack of 8 Slashers in tight attack formation would be perfect for area of attack effects.

The Herd stuck to the walls and sharpened their hearing for any Necromorph ready to jump out of the already open ventilation system.
No attack so far. But their ears keep scanning the area for suspicious sounds.

Once they reached the door to the security room of the lobby from the long corridor, they finally encounter some Slashers.
One of them to their dismay jumped rather impressively into a ventilation shaft to escape its vivisection.

As it was would that happened to be in their favor for now. They stasis the lone Necromorph, when it come their way and Marksaline had no problem dealing with it on their own.
When they checked the ventilation shaft was the Necromorph bearly to see and certainly not easy to target, yet did Cadance was rather good in thinking outside the box.

Cadance throw Marksaline up the shaft and apperently was it so tight in there, that it could not fight back after Marksaline had chewed its head off. Marksaline usual first target the head when she noticed how stiff they moved once the enemy was directly infront of them.

Without a head to 'chop' down on their victim, their offensive potency dropped drastically.

Marksaline had two more blades in her collection once this Slasher was dismembered.
After Marksaline stopped her effort dragging the body out of the shaft do to it being heavier than anticipated, did the herd continued on their merry way. To bad for the fillys, one less crimson cookie for the Necro-sisters...

Though their foes caught them by surprise when they opend the door. A Slasher was there and hit Nightmare nail rifle in the air, disarming her unexpectedly. The enemy was unfortunately not able to make it count, when a stasis blast hit its torso and they caught it off guard in turn.

Marksaline once more dismembered it by starting with the head and than taking its right arm off before shortly after doing the same to the left one.

They took their sweet time checking out the diagnostic display and read though it.
The Ishimura as the representation of Sunset mind was pretty mutch damaged in every singel section of the ship.

Mostly inoperable engines was one of the things stand out the most. It was definitely one of their biggest worries to keep the colossus in the air. But for how mutch longer until they failed completely?
That would be on Discord to tell them soon enough. As to not prematurely have them failing their journey.
He organized their objectives after all, so they trusted him to send them where they are most needed.

Perhaps more pressing was their air production down to less than 50 prozentual digits.
Pretty sure breathing wasn't exactly one could skip for longer periods of time, than again... Dream logic? They would have to see...

Than came something abbreviated, the so called AAS canons. Unfortunately was no option for a description to be selected. But them all being offline doubtfully was in their favor.
Many other things displayed as particularly operational or inoperable all together as well.
They sure had their work cut out for them and noone was jealous about Discords mountain of problems to fix.
Everypony just hoped the remaining 11 hours and 45 minutes are really enough to do the most pressing matters...

Discord was worried, mapping them a way out without being hurt in the process after every task was fullfilled was going to be very hard, since the Necromorphs didn't follow the original script anymore.
Even once those planned foes were taken care off, they were able to make their way back to the room where the safety would usually allow players to rest and inventory manage their stuff.

The enemy wasn't resting anymore and waited idle for their ques to fill out their designated roles, though at the very least the dream echos of Sunset are all unaffected and their opposition wasn't trolling them by going out of their way to deny Sunset to get to them and have them and their problem resolved.

As the herd walked into the room they had previously defeated some Necromorph, they noticed that the bodies of the damaged or defeated had been taken by their allied creatures away.

To their luck did they found something nice thought lost. One of their two weapons lay on one of the lobbys couches. To which Cadance grinned as she collected it. One more weapon for the herd defense. She wondered is avoiding her RIG's vital upgrades would be perhaps better in offensive areas. What would the nail rifle be able to be updated? She wondered...

Discord established a connection to them, apperently was the Kirin stallion Challus Mercer not the only surviver of the Ishimura...
At least two more surviver could be added to their ranks.

Nicole Brennan was a medical doctor like Mercer and would be able to be added to their recruitment with a unnamed reward if she was brought to the transportation platform that now was a save area that enemies could not enter, damage or otherwise effect. This was a optional objective.

As the connection was terminated, did the herd already decided to make her a priority. Since doctor Mercer had given them a free healing and a weapon schematic, did it stand to reason that doctor Nicole would benefit them similarly.

So they walked over to where they needed to head for the Kellion's position. As the heroine's headed towards the door they had walked through to enter the lounge area, they had again a chilling sensation glide over them.
Something was going to happen.

As they walked out of the lounge area over on the walkway that would take them back to the Kellion, did a surviver come towards them.
Another surviver to aid them! Perhaps doctor Nicole Brenner?!
But before they could reach one another, did a Leaper jumped off the sign above their heads and landed some distance in front of the surviver.

They knew the weakness of their enemy, but could not risk hitting the surviver.
However who needed to risk it with stasis add ons at their disposal?
After stasis hit their undead nuisance was it easy to dispose of it.

They contemplated to lifted their weapons and opened fire, but that would be unreasonable use of limited ammunition.
Once the stasis wore of, did it get stasis locked once more into almost motionless easy to dispatched practice dummy mode.

Marksaline once more with glee tore off the leaper's head and right arm, before they take the safe route and re-stunned the crippeld Leaper before Marksaline chewed its remains into pieces before Fluffelpuff *poofed* it into a crimson cookie that unexpectedly got completely given over to Cadance.

Apperently was is a delightful treat despite it being made out of... Yeah...

Meanwhile did Cadance give Luna head over to the face numb survivers care.
It came to everyone surprise when Luna complained about a tingling sensation before she blow up like a bomb, killing the surviver by ripping her apart.

Before anyone had recovered and standing up from the harmless shockwave that had pressed them all to the ground, had noone a chance to even look at the body that rolled of the walkway.

Everypony with the fillys not included had a few profanitys to vent out, because Discord 'gift to Luna' just backfire spectacularly and cost them probably a useful reward.

Once that was taken care of the herd approached the Kellion, though while they did that they marveled at the new look it had. It was twice it original size now.

They decided that this was a good opportunity to check out what Discord had prepared for them and hoped it didn't blow up in their face, like Discords 'last gift to Luna'.

When they entered the Kellion to use its benefits as praised on by Discord earlier, did Luna to their delight pooped into existance with the sound of a soap bubble bursting.

A herd grouphug later they boarded the Kellion cockpit and found nothing of notice. They started checking the ship for additional systems and the shop that was promised to them.
To Discords luck was there indeed a automated shop in it that Luna a Nightmare Moon recognized. Therefore was the little surviver accident quickly forgiven.

There was apperently a memory crystal ball infront of its keyboard. So they took their time studying it.
They expected a hoove manual how to use it, rather they get a introduction to their enemies ranks available threats against them:

"While each variety is scary in its own right, there are some that truly stand above the rest in terms of their creepiness and utter monstrosity."

1. Slasher
Slashers are the footsoldier of the Necromorph forces. They are the most common existing encountered enemy when ever a outbreak happens.

Most bipedal species create it.
They stand upright on legs, and their original arms which have been reduced to deformed useless appendages, are located in a bloody hole in their bellies. From their shoulders protrude massive arm like ending in scythe like protrusions. Their name come from their main attack by charging and viciously flailing their scythes. Their heads are small and encased between their arms, and their lower jaw is replaced by small red dagger like tentacles.

This variation has uniquely a ability to vomit long distance vile bile projectiles up to three times to damage suits and slow down its prey short term.

A slasher is easily defeated by dismembering both arms and its head. If a leg is severed it ability to sprint is taken away and the slasher can only drag himself along the ground towards its enemy.

2. Leaper
Leapers are scorpion like Necromorph, Griffon corpses whose legs were merged together to form a long spiked muscular scorpion or Manticore resembeling tail. Whose arms became more muscular and have knife like talon more sharpened than usual. They are very fast and can leap great distances. They attack by flailing their long tails or by biting viciously with their beaks. Should their beak be compromised before or after they are mutated than they develop sabertoothed mouths.

Its rather surprising that they don't use their talons more than the occasional talon swipe. Leapers can be a problem when they ambush is prey by taking advantage of their ability to crawl on walls and ceilings combined with their long distance leaping abilities thanks to their feathers.

The safest ways to kill the leaper is to dismember both arms, then remove the head. Its very meaty tail is generally a bad target.

3. Lurker
Lurkers are the result of the Necromorph infestation on a equine foal or similiar smaller creature. They usually looks disturbingly like monstrously mutated adolescents. They are small and walk on all fours preferably walk on walls or ceilings out of reach of their prey.

They rarely attack with a manner that allows close quarter combat. With three tentacles that protrude from their backs they usually attack until they used their up to 30 long range attacks that never seem to suffer from arching like a bow projectile would.

The tentacles can also fire noxious poison needles that cause muscle relaxation. Making it easyer for them to combat enemies.
The Lurkers are individually weak, but their small size and ability to climb on walls and ceilings with their ranged attacks will pose a seriouse threat.

Severing two tentacles is enough to defeat a lurker, although an enhanced lurker may require all three severed. They are for unknown reason partially stunned if they are effected by flames.

4. Pregnant Slasher
Pregnant Slashers walk on two legs like their slim variation. Pregnants are hideously obese and sickly green in color, with scything talons that are almost twice the size of a normal Slashers.
They are usually slow and walk at a very lumbering pace, but when prompted to attack they can display frightening bursts of speed.

While they are indeed perilous, the greater danger comes from their bellies: A Pregnant that is shot in its bloated body will spew several Necromorph forms or some other vicious payload, adding to the number of enemies to defeat.

Your herd can pick off the two arms to kill the pregnant safely and prevent it from rapturously releasing its payload. If one of its leg are severed it usually has a tendency to use one arm to release it stored Necromorph by cutting itself open and uses it as distraction to reach its victim.

5. Divider
Divider are disturbing looking and extremely tall enemies. Dividers have elongated limbs tipped with claw like hands or talons. They are very thin and slow in their normal walking movements, but are capable of bursts of speed similar to other Necromorph like the Slasher.

They strongly focus on slashing or choking their prey and attack with tentacles from their bellies and striking almost independently from eatch limb, what can make them look uncoordinated sometimes. As their name suggests it can divide itself into lesser forms when damaged. Usualy once defeated their head, torso, arms and legs become independent creatures. It's rather annoying how they keep continuing to stalk and assault their prey. As divided monsters they are fast and hard to hit, but much weaker.

They're best destroyed with a combination of stasis, and either the flamethrower or a explosive blast to destroy their weaker overall structure. Even if it does split after the initial attack, any components should be low on durability and destroyable in one good hit. If you want to conserve ammo stomp on their squishy bodys down.
Watch out for the head, it has a tendency to take over usable body or take over its attacking prey by replacing the existing head by prying it off.

6. Guardian
Guardian are some of the strangest of all the Necromorph forms. They are enormous lumps of flesh attached to vertical walls, from which protruded is a victim turned Necromorph. The torso with its intestines dangling under it is a really gut emptying sight. It wails and screams a lot, as to inflict mental distress since they appear to suffer while still alive, what they are not for quite some time.

Tentacle armed sacs comes out from its belly. Guardians cannot move and while they can flail their viscera in a whip like fashion is it usually absolutely deadly to approach them while they are active. They have a affinity for trying to piercing through the body of prey approaching or decapitating said prey.

They can create little fleshy sacks that act like under developing Lurkers without mobility. The little creatures spawned are their primary offensive capability.
They are defeated by destroying the tentacles attached to the wall. For a quick and efficient kill is the use of explosive materials recommended, since their structure is strongly weakend overall.
Their head is mostly decorational.

7. Twitcher
Twichers are rare, yet still common considered enemies. These Necromorphs were workers or soldiers whose bodies were infected and mutated into gray skinned and bulky looking forms who are in fact, rather hollow.
They are a heavily armed versions of ordinary Slashers. While very strong, their most frightening virtue is their speed: As a worker or soldiers they all possessed stasis modules that were assimilated into their bodies during mutation.

As a result, they are so fast that they're capable of dodging enemy fire. Their reaction time can not quite manage their own bodies speed, that is why they keep twitch uncontrollably as a side effect. They are slightly more durable than normal Slashers, but are a far greater threat since they are like slowly faster sprinting Slashers.
These enemies are known to need complet dismembering to become no longer a threat.

The mutated stasis module has traveled inside their head. Stomp or otherwise destroy it to prevent other Slashers to use it to mutate to Twitchers.

8. The grabber
The grabber is a Necromorph that merged with a kinetic module users corpse. It can grab incoming big roughly made objects and returned it with increased force.
It can also grab victims to smash them on walls and ceilings.

It usually has the body structure of a Slasher or a Leaper.
It can be distinguished by its missing head and its hollow looking torso.
It's legs and arms are tougher than usually encountered Necromorphs.

Always stomp or otherwise destroy the infected and mutated kinetic module on one of it's arms or another Slasher or Leaper will take it and morph into a grabber!

9. The voice trap
The voice trap is a Necromorph who can parrot several sentances. It presents himself as badly injured surviver. It very unusualy is very weak in attack and structure for a Necromorph. It usually is never alone with other enemies nearby to start a ambush.

Keep in mind that in the dream realm there is noone to save that is badly injured and screaming for help... Unless we are mistaken?

There are others, but i unfortunately can't warn you about them.

After they had discussed the list did it suddenly dissappeared as if used up like a medical gel pack.
Good that Nightmare & Luna had memorized it.

Now they sold of the shit they collected during all confrontations and had all 55.500 Credits to call their own.

55.500 x 5 times... They are bloody rich unless the shit they wanted to buy are redicules priced.

》》They had access to:《《

- Small medical gel pack = 2500 Credits
- Stasis pack = 2500 Credits
- Flamethrower 2.500 Credits
- Magic Cutter ammunition with 10 capacity
= 2500 Credits
- Upgrade Nodes = 10.000 Credits
- Suit upgrade to second tier = 10.000 Credits
Suit level 2 – 18 inventory slots, 5% armor bonus (found in any store)

What should they buy for all their money?
Did Discord ask the 4th wall he was inside because why not...

State of player:

》Sunset Shimmer《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Magic Cutter - No upgrades, currently 10 shots total. 5/7 loaded with weapons capacity of 7 and 5 shots ready to be loaded.
11/12 inventory spaces are free.

Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
No weapons, but can perform surprisingly effective finishes on normal Slashers and Leapers. Takes half a RIG life bracket damage if the target is not stasis effected.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.
The Slasher blades collected are stored in her mission inventory space because she can...

》Nightmare Moon《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 50/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
One medium healing stored in Inventory.
11/12 inventory spaces are free.

Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 50/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.

》Cadance 《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 00/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.

31. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 7/?

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31. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 7/?

State of player:

》Sunset Shimmer《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Magic Cutter - No upgrades, currently 10 shots total. 5/10 loaded with weapons capacity of 10 and 5 shots ready to be loaded.
11/12 inventory spaces are free.

Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
No weapons, but can perform surprisingly effective finishes on normal Slashers and Leapers. Takes half a RIG life bracket damage if the target is not stasis effected.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.
The Slasher blades collected are stored in her mission inventory space because she can...

》Nightmare Moon《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 50/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
One medium healing stored in Inventory.
11/12 inventory spaces are free.

Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 50/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.

》Cadance 《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 00/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.

They noticed that a 'Workbench' was resting in a nearby seperate room. They watched as Nightmare activated it and in response it showed that her personal items could be upgraded. Her RIG showed:

Very interesting was a available overview how a full upgraded RIG would be looking in comparison:

She could upgraded with her own upgrade nodes her owned items. Once a node was installed the item was permanently marked for a player, it still could be used by others but no longer be affecting its performance. It was temporarily swappable, but noone could upgrade the stuff from another player as one of the compromises Discord and their mysterious enemy had made up.

Her nail gun was without upgrade opportunities.

When Sunset Shimmer approached the terminal of the 'Workbench' and activated it, where she laid her 'Magic Cutter' on it and watched as the upgrade screen appeared updated before her.
Her screen showed the 'Magic Cutter' on default:

As well as full upgraded in a preview:

When Nightmare buy a Flamethrower for Sunset as a gift, did it suddenly appeared on her 'Workbench selection'.
The default Flamethrower showed:

Full upgraded would the Flamethrower look like:

Luna spoke up:
"The weapon upgrades will drastically improve our chances of survival, providing statistical boosts as well as alternative modes of fire."

Discord cut in:
"To make it more challenging i intended for you to tracking down the best weapon upgrades. Since the Necromorphs are now questionable intelligent since they are guided by a sapient and unpredictable and creative individual, is it vital to even out the playing field."

Cadance really was unsettled to fight sentient enemys, but guided by something sapient made her almost break out in sweat.

"Since every confrontation could be lethal, as to standing a chance against the endless seeming tide of Necromorphs on the Ishimura, your getting them all fully stocked and have only to find them on your journey as you all struggle to not get eliminated."

Discord generously told them.

"Em... thanks i guess?" Did Cadance with a questionable shaking voice thanked him.

Discord continued:

"The weapon upgrades of all carried with you tools, can be accessed at 'any Workbench'. Each upgrade reaches with nodes also gifts you with an additional reloading if you fit a capacity upgrade with at least one use left."
Discord had some smugness to his voice at that.

"O come ooooonnnnn!" Did a voice sounded from somewhere in the Ishimura sounding suspiciously like Sunset Shimmer, just slightly distorted.

Discord gleefully continued:
"You can find ordinarily some upgrade nodes scattered throughout the Ishimura. They are quite rare to come by outside of purchasing them from the shop, so it is important to use them wisely if you are looking to upgrade your weapons to their full potential."

Everyone noded to that with Fluffelpuff mimicking them out of herd mentality.

"Without further ado, go explore the Ishimura in a rather linear experience since we are short on time.
This is shaping up to be one of the most intense dream realm adventures you will all experience either way!"

Did Discord out of place cheerful declared what confused the adults, while the foals cheered because it sounded fitting.

"But before you actually go-"
Apparently Discord still had something to say so the herd stayed and listened:

"As you noticed each tool turned weapon has a unique upgrade path with nodes to improve damage, ammo capacity, reload time, and rate of fire. Unlocking the weapon upgrades requires inserting the 'Power Nodes' adjacent to one another. This allows you to extend the branches of the upgrade path accordingly.
I will make it rather simple for you since noone of you is actually a engineering prodigy, so just follow the places it shows on the magical illusion before you display on the Workbench.

In addition to the unlocking of weaponized tools with upgrade nodes, did you have nothing to worry about else.
They will not break down under any circumstances and work properly as long you don't have a uncomplet reloaded tool, because you get interrupted while reloading.

They might cost a little time to complet, but since i keep this all rather linear and simple you can't really complain about it being unfair.

It would be rather worthwhile the effort to practice reloading. Unloading a not emptied ammunition unit will get automatically stored in your inventory. You can reload you weapons even when they are full, but remember to complet the reloading sequence or you find yourself unable to use it.

Also the ammunition cases look very distinctive so you can’t really mistake them for something else, still i let them blink occationaly in a magical glow. So keeping a eye out for hidden stuff would be highly recommended. Somehow i know the fillys going to enjoy this aspect of gaining stuff to use."

Despite the lethal situation, did the fillys looked forward to a good easter egg hunt, just with stuff other than actual eggs...

Discord was still not done wasting time with good informational stuff:

"The upgrades can range from a considerable increase to a particular statistical thing like damage or gaining special effects as incendiary ammo that can make a huge difference to how combat plays out over time.
After all time spend reloading in combat can cost you more than time, yet if the enemy is set on fire even running away screaming has its time and place."

That joke was so bad noone chuckled, so Discord continued before it become to awkward:

"The weapon upgrades nodes can be found throughout the Ishimura as you complete Sunsets mental rescue mission. They can be identified from afar by the yellow light they emit, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble picking them out in the darkness.

So take your time checking out every conor of a room and you might get a nice freebie."

The entity complaint about next time checking the rule set before blindly agreeing to generally taking it as it was intended before taking part in it...

Apparently did Discord was on a role, so he give some examples:

"Magic Cutter – Heat Accumulator: Makes the enemy burn on its hit appendages. Very useful to make it stiffen up, when the flesh burns to charcoal.
Unfortunately will the smell be something you will have to ignore..."

The fillys had a feeling that they might have to struggle to keep their cookies in them.
Until Discord reminded them if they collect cookies until they are in cleaned roomes and than eat them, they spare themselves time taking helmets off and on again and with the air filtration installed in them, smells would keep the mostly unaffected as long they keep their helmets on.

Discord had one last thing to say about the Flamethrower before he leave them for the time be and resumed fixing everything in the background, while everyone struggle for their goals:

"The Flamethrower – Gellified Hydrazine: Once it was reached with a upgrade node, would it burn hotter and burn longer."

He calmed Lunas worries down about setting one another on fire.
Weapon 'Friendly Fire' was impossible on their herd, surprisingly was the enemy entity the one insisting on it.

That surprised everycreature and they wondered who exactly the enemy commanding the Necromorph actually was...

Discord continued:

"The Flamethrower – Macroliter Fuel Tank: Once reached via Workbench improvments the capacity would increase a lot and decrease reloading necessary mid combat thanks to the fuel neededing longer to be spended.

The Flamethrower – High-Pressure Nozzle: Would effectively double the range enemies have to fear being set on fire. It also helped spray the area wider with the burnable substance the advanced tool could hit with every spraying."

Now did still was to decide what to buy from the Shop.

Everypony designed as player had with exception of Nightmare Moon 55.500 Credits at their disposal. With one found 'Upgrade Node' by Fluffelpuff that stack up to everyponys count on upgrade nodes count that could be seperately and individually spend.

What would they spend it on?

Readers might make suggestions that i will probably follow.
What would you make the herd spend all their money on?

Outside upgrade nodes that get collected anyway, trade in items later is highly likely.
So one charater could carry theoretical all medical supplies, while the rest carries ammunition.

Just keep in mind to leave 1-2 slots free for loot encounter during their adventure!

32. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 8/?

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32. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 8/?

State of player:

》Sunset Shimmer《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Magic Cutter - No upgrades, currently 10 shots total. 5/10 loaded with weapons capacity of 10 and 5 shots ready to be loaded.
11/12 inventory spaces are free.

Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
No weapons, but can perform surprisingly effective finishes on normal Slashers and Leapers. Takes half a RIG life bracket damage if the target is not stasis effected.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.
The Slasher blades collected are stored in her mission inventory space because she can...

》Nightmare Moon《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 50/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
One medium healing stored in Inventory.
11/12 inventory spaces are free.

Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 50/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.

》Cadance 《
Suit level 1 = 12 inventory slots (base suit)
Nail rifle - No upgrades, currently 00/50 capacity in ammunition loaded. No reload in inventory stored.
12/12 inventory spaces are free.

As the mares and fillies talked about how to use their resources the most useful did Sunset Shimmer had a pretty brilliant idea, all of them buy 5 Upgrade Nodes. When Cadance told Sunset that this would use up basically all they had and they should not waste everything they had at once, did Luna argue that Sunset was right. They all had individual Credits, BUT they had collective Upgrade Nodes! Every node one got was counted to them used individually.

In other words if they eatch buy 5 nodes for 50.000 Credits, they have 25 new upgrade nodes individually to use. While they can't swap weapon to upgrade them after hooving them to one another, was there still a major benefit to the system.
They would exploit the Tarterus out of it.

Somewhere in the guts of the Ishimura was a certain entity cursing up a storm and had decided to take the silk hoove covers off, if they play dirty than they better don't mind going down hard.

Sunset Shimmer had her 'Suit level 1' with 12 inventory slots.
Her 'Magic Cutter' used 21 upgrade nodes, currently 23/23 shots total. 23/23 loaded with weapons capacity at its peak and almost everything, but two reloading nodes completely upgraded.
With 5 shots ready to be loaded.

With her remaining Nodes she used for 5 upgrades on her RIG:
Twice HP,
- HP - Increases the users overall 'health'.
- AIR - Increases how much spare 'oxygen/air' the user has in low air environments.
- ERG - Increases the amount of 'stasis energy' user have to supply their stasis module.
- DUR - Increases the duration of the targets affected by the users stasis module.

With all they had left in Credits they buy 9 times 10 packages of magic cutter, eatch ammunition pack with 10 capacity.
95 magic cutter ammunition overall in reserve.
While it means the Flamethrower for all was out of the question, did the magic cutter simply was better in overall performance in its excellent upgraded state.
The one flamethrower that Sunset had would most likely be the only one they ever use.

A slot in the suits could hold 25 capacity of magic cutter ammunition, so Sunset was holding 4 slots occupied.

With 08/12 inventory spaces are still free to use for Sunset.

In opposition did everypony else used 25 of 26 'Upgrade Nodes' to max out their RIG Node Upgrades. Keeping eatch with exception of Sunset 1 upgrade node in reserve, mainly because they had nothing to spend it on.

And like that they are all ready to go and continue the adventure.

Challus Mercer contacted the herd via RIG link video message:
"Hello everypony, I've managed to patch myself into the transition desk's security system." Apparently did the surviver Challus Mercer made himself already very valuable. Mercer said in a celebratory tone that he had some good news to share with them all, which was likely something that was related to their current objective:

"It took some work, but I managed to open the door to the maintenance bay. Since it is now unlocked you can go in there and find the replacement part i need to get the transport wagon back in working order to help your friend Discord to fix the Ishimura. The data board spare part should be somewhere inside, further keep you eyes open for a upgrade node. Its a part used to open some doors for supplies that are usually only used with the 'Captain's authorization' or if one is willing to use the emergency lock release via a upgrade node.

Be warned though, you will not be able to remove it once it is inserted. Don't ask me who design a system like that, I am a doctor not a engineer.

As the adults nodded their heads in understanding and Fluffelpuff started to annoying Marksaline with her redicules long tongue because she was bored, the link disappeared as Mercer ended the transmission.

As they all left the Kellion to once more stand bravely ready to save Sunset Shimmer from a very unkind fate, was noone really surprised as they stood outside the Kellion and there was another slasher group walking towards them.

Luna, Nightmare and Cadance stand ready to rain projectiles to dismantle the enemy, but Cadance mentioned only 7 Slashers coming their way.

Before they started shooting the still normal walking speed coming enemies towards them, did a squeaking Marksaline got everyone attention.
A 'Grabber Necromorph Soldier' had just taken apart the 'filly combat formation' by grabbing Marksaline and currently wiggle her in the air rather comically.

Sunset Shimmer jumped up the fluffy companion and grabbed Fluffelpuff, if the adults had any time to see the redicules duel between Marksaline and Fluffelpuff being thrown against one another they migh have suffered a minor laughing fit.

But they had their own questionable fun shooting the 7 Slasher coming their way into pieces before they reached melee range.

The grabber keep trying to smash Marksaline into Sunset Shimmer, while Fluffelpuff was used, as bouncing shield to prevent damage by sending Marksaline with a comical squeaky sound back towards the Grabber.

Interesting enough did the Grabber take colliding damage from getting Marksaline bounced back to it, while the tough filly only complain about getting dizzy in Lunas voice.

While the fillys are in their duel against the remote controlled 'Grabber Necromorph', did the adults give the Slasher Necromorph a good fight.

Cadance cursed foal friendly, when the weapon she held remembered with clicking noises that it was still empty. Luna and Nightmare in the mean time sniped with controlled short bursts eatch slasher a leg off.

35 shots are used up by Nightmare and Luna in total to remove eatch Slasher a leg, as to slow their movements down and denie them a sprint towards them.
Another 35 to remove from eatch Slasher one arm, slowing down their movements toward the herd even more.

With 10 shots left for Nightmare Moon and 20 for Luna, did Luna stopped shooting. Nightmare was simply the better long range shooter in speed and precision and she would give her rifle to her sister, once she had emptied her in use Nail Rifle.
Nightmare managed to destroy 2 Slashers enough with her 10 remaining shots to have only be worried about the remaining 5 that slowly crawled with gurgeling noises toward them.

Luna give her weapon to her sister and in turn receive the empty gun.
Since the docking bay was pretty huge and the path the Necromorph had to still crawl over to reach any of them, did Nightmare decided to finish the fillys squeaky duel prematurely.

Nightmare noticed that instead of 5 shots to sever a limb, 10 are required to cut of one of its legs with the Nail Rifle she used.
The default strength and unable to be upgraded Nail Rifle was better than nothing, but was clearly inferior to Sunset Shimmer fully damage upgraded Magic Cutter.

When Nightmare used her last 10 shots to cut of the kinesis module arm of the 'Grabber Necromorph', did it started to crawl towards a very disorientated Marksaline that dropped hard on the walkway but fortunately unharmed life bar wise.

The adults of the herd bludgeon the 'Grabber Necromorph' remains to a unusable state, while Fluffelpuff take her still dizzy sister into her fluff for safe keeping.
Sunset in the mean time used her default flamethrower to finishing of the attacking 5 Slashers. Despite the fun she had burning them to a few pieces of charcoal, was the weapon simply not worth keeping it.

She put it away in the ship store, since only ammunition for weapon they had with them would drop.

The 'Grabber Necromorph' was apparently a special enemy that give a selling piece that give on the shop 10.000 Credits. They used the 50.000 Credits they got accumulated via group bonus to buy supplies that got distributed between them.
Namely 12 small medi gel packs, 4 stasis recharge packs and 40 additional Magic Cutter ammunition.

With total 135 shots for Magical Cutter to reload, did Sunset Shimmer would not run out to soon on ammunition. Still would she not try to be wasteful.
Their 12 small and 1 medium medical gel packs would keep them healthy for some time.
The 4 stasis recharge packs would help them slow many Necromorphs down for Marksaline to dismantle by chewing their heads and bladed arms off.

Overall the had all pretty good chances to make it for a while with all their supplies they would carrying among them.

Since Marksaline would be using stasis to attack in general, was she given all stasis recharge packs to her inventory.

Fluffelpuff had not been idal all the time, she had transformed the bodys into crimson cookies for herself and her sister. To everyponys surprise did the weapon or rather module arm of the 'Grabber Necromorph' was a unexpected boon. When Fluffelpuff give it to her sister, did it dissappeared in a flash of light and made a new apperance on her with her wings no longer being see-through.

Marksaline got her telekinesis add on that could hold a object in eatch wing.
Discord give them a short audio message that Marksaline could now used all the collected bladed weapons to pin Necromorphs to walls or the ground.

Marksaline had a delightful smile on her face, with to prospective chance to impale her enemies brutally to surfaces.

Another growning from the entity was to hear throughout the ship.

Finaly ready to move on the herd started to move down toward the flight lobby.
But apparently was there fight in this area still not done, as multible Leapers came out of the areas below them and jumped towards the side of the walkway, before they climbed onto the walkway proper to get into a attacking position.

They had nothing against this area to be used to give Sunset some more experiences to get used to the hooving of the Magic Cutter tool made weapon. Fortunately for the filly did the Leapers had to reach them first. In this wide room the enemy could not use a corridors tightness to force them together for easier areas for them to attack.

All this room give Sunset enough space to cut them down, before they could really do anything but become target practice.
Sunset blasted their arms off with three hits to the limbs, what was apperently sufficient to make them unable to move. A singel shot to rhe head finished them off.

They dropped eatch a small medical gel pack and with it being 4 Leaper, they had now 16 total in small healing items.

The entity commanding the Necromorph had noticed how fruitless this area was and let them alone, at least until they reached near the elevator downstairs.
Than they get jumped by squeaky fleshy Necromorph that clinging to them and seem to leave slightly acidic substances behind inflicting minor damage to them. But with the all punching and smashing this small swarm of attackers with blunt force, they bearly did any damage.

They started to slightly anoy them though, when another swarm on the elevator dropped down on them when they used it to drive towards the lower levels. It was slightly harder in this confined space to kill them all by punching and kicking and so they all had half a bracket of life damage suffered by the time they exit the elevator.

Another foe coming from the path infront of them made a apperance when they exited the workroom.
The 'Grabber Necromorph' showed how nasty it could be when it had a box in its grip and showed Nightmare how hard a kinesis Modul could throw a metalic object.

Wasn't to surprising that Nightmare suffered half a bracket life damage and cursed verbaly this 'horseapples sucking bastard' for hitting her with a environment found box. A helmet might reduce head trauma, but could not negate it entirely. Nor did it stop the protective helm itself to ring out like a low grade tower bell.

4 shots to a leg from Sunset cutter tool deprived it of movement speed and 4 shots later of its ability to use its mutated in kinesis module.

After the herd had some fun beating it to pieces with their weapons, did Sunset Shimmer get next the kinesis module in form of wings.
Sunset was finding it sad that she would not be able to try fly with them, but since pegasus had something like junior flight schools. She rather not want to hurt herself trying to fly in a deadly environment.

When the herd didn't get any resistance until they reached the room Mercer would be in did the group relaxed and let their guard down for a few seconds, exactly for that did they got punished when to their surprised a swarm of the tiny fleshy and acidic Necromorph dropped down on them infront of the door of the transportation control room. It seemed the entity somehow managed to surpress its squeaky war cries somehow.

Apparently did they all needed to check the ceiling more often in the future.
While the little terrors again only managed minimal damage, did the ponies hoped that the acid damage of the tiny Necromorph didn't count as suit damage that would require a new suit eventually to be acquired via shop.

Unfortunately it did count just like being hit by a acidic Slasher range attack made out of corrosive bile, what was suddenly showed to them with a new integrity indicator that Discord snapped into existance for the herds benefit.
Further when the ponies fully entered the safe room, did they noticed that Discord was no longer standing in the opposed room. Mercer and Discord had a cup of tea, while they talked about something while one of his copies was busy on one of the rooms consoles.

This time Mercer unfortunately had nothing left to heal them all up, further did he seem a bit offended when noone was using the flamethrower weapon schematics he gifted them.

Sunset explained that is simply was to inefficient and her Magic Cutter was way more efficient in every statistical value. After using it she said it was very entertaining to use, but they are not here for fun.
Mercer just nodded and continued to talk about chocolate rain coming out of cotton candy clouds.
As non sense their dialog obviously was, did it only helped them to lose interest in the three occupied individuals in the safe room and they moved on.

Unexpectedly did they meet a surviver that was screaming for help, why was obvious when a Slasher was dragging it by a impaled foot behind it. When the Slasher noticed them, did it ripped itself free from the surviver foot without luckily not ripping the pierced part free of the legs joint.

The diamond dog surviver was whimpering on the ground. With new prey to toy with did it was coming the herds way to add to its prey collection so it could torment them for its amusement it seemed.
The Necromorph seem to do have value for living prey of the surviver from the Ishimura after all. The groups take the not killing of its prey as evidence of that fact.

The foe was turned into a bunch of bloody meat pieces when Marksaline practiced to cut of limbs with her collection of bladed bone pieces. Interesting was that she could with some difficulty cut its arms off with a steady hit.

When their foe were taken care off, did Nightmare recommend to pin down one of its legs next time, with Marksaline being on Fluffelpuffs rear standing did she had enough angle to get a leg impaled to the ground in a diagonal direction.

The surviver was still whimpering on the ground cradling its injured leg. They wondered if the survivors RIG was malfunctioning, because it showed no life indicator. They used a small medical gel on the foot wounds to seal it, yet it still didn't change his life indication.
Perhaps not only the ship suffered from losing power.

The surviver thanked them and introduced himself as 'Red Hering'.
He had left his group of survivers to find some food for himself and the 7 other survivers of his group currently holding out in the maintenance bay.

Since the herd just came from a room with food dispersion stands, did they moved back to the safe room.
The surviver said he needed a moment of rest, so he waited outside the room heavy breathing.

Nightmare and Luna stayed with him since he was outside the Necromorph safe zone, a easy target unguarded in the hall before the save room.

Cadance and the fillys smashed the food dispersion stand and stashed all they managed in their inventory.

They give the surviver some soft drinks and candy bars they had floating in their magical grip.
He thanked them and after he ate his share, lead them to the maintenance bay.
Actually to the elevator to the maintenance bay, but he wondered what they wanted in there because the broken tram was not replaced yet.

They called Discord about the wagon they replaced, but the Draconequus confirmed that they had in fact not given the final confirmation to the main console to place the new wagon on the rails.

So they moved to the room of the wagon replacement area and had indeed only to confirm with a press of a displayed button the placement of the intact wagon.

They expected a attack after having a main objective completed, but nothing come their way.
It was strange, it seems the entity had its own plans how to surprise the herd in the near future.

The herd and the surviver than continued to their next objective. They all expect a attack in the dark corridor that had lost its environmental lights, but again nothing happend.
Something was up and they didn't like the waiting for the trap to spring.

The Elevator was to small for them all, so the fillys and Nightmare drive the elevator down first.
When they arrived downstairs they see the survivers doing some repairs apparently.

They video message the others that the area was clear, so they come down after letting the surviver Red Hering drive down the elevator.
When everyone was finaly together again, did the surviver called out the others to come to them.

They shuffle tiredly to them and take the food and drinks the Herd had stashed in their inventory for them all. Red Hering was thanking them profusely for saving him and for delivering food and soft drinks for his group.

The survivors got back to what ever they where doing and the leader of the group Red Hering guided them through the area to the spare part.
It was very strange, not a singel Slasher or other Necromorph seem to make a apperance in the area.

When they all come down the elevator from taking a in the area used elevator to reach a key they had near a console, did they wonder what the enemy was occupied with. Red Hering told them with the key they had the ability to unlock the door and get the spare platinum control piece they needed to fullfill the reactivation of the transit system.

The survivors had a gift for their heros, they collected all the explosive barrels in the area in one place and offered to refill their flamethrower.

Red Hering was surprised they didn't had any with them. Apparently Mercer forget to mention that to them.
Luna wondered why Mercer didn't tell them about the survivers of the maintenance bay, but guessed that they had not linked one another's RIG communications list.
Or more likely, the powered off RIGs probably mean their communications was down as well.

Red Hering guided Nightmare Moon to the explosive collection of barrels when he wanted to give over a riot shield with spikes on its front to her. It seem to be perfectly welded together to use as blunt weapon and as shield against Necromorph that would charge them in the future.

One of the very tired looking Diamond Dogs had casual left his active welder infront of a explosive barrel and sit down besides it. He invited them all to join him.

Nightmare inspected the riot shield that the bipedal Dogs had made for them, while the other moved on to the sealed room to retrieve the needed part and a upgrade node they spotted in the room. When the herd entered without Nightmare did suddenly a deafening explosion was to hear.

Following by Nightmare RIG flatline.
They stormed out the room to investigate what happened.

Apparently did a explosion of all explosive barrels of the area had somehow detonated simultaneously the collection of welder and flamethrower fuel and ripped the survivers and Nightmare Moon to bloody unrecognizable pieces.

They all cursed that Nightmare got taken out alongside a huge group of Diamond Dog survivers by a accidentally occurring work related incident.

Fun fact: When old age is no longer a factor, than any other death cause becomes more likely... like working accidents.

They moved unchallenged back to the transportation control room. Apperently did Mercer and Discord had moved to the transportation stop of the area.

When they replaced the damaged control platinum piece, did the system got restarted and the wagon halted before Mercer and Discord.
They send them a voice message that they would drive over to the bridge and check for survivers and ship access to further their goals.

They moved back to the ship to respawning Nightmare and buying some more small medical gel packs.

No resistance towards them until once more time in the elevator ride up to the flight lounge a swarm of the really annoying fleshy Necromorph had to insisting on being harassment of the kind that sticks to ones memory because they are quite unique that way.

Once more did the swarm was quickly dispatched, but had again inflicted herd wide half a bracket RIG damage and one more suit damage.
Cadance noticed it was rather clever to use a enemy type that could inflict minor damage, but didn't reward them by defeating them via any loot.

Further would their suits eventually give them reasons to spend individually 10.000 Credits on a new suit.
At least they would get more inventory space and armor out of it.
Suit level 2 – 18 inventory slots, 5% armor bonus (found in any store) would benefit them, unfortunately did the herd not know what would happen if they buy it and the needed again their suit replaced.
Would it cost them once more 10.000 Credits to buy a new suit?

They opend a voice message link to Discord and ask, Discord had anticipated this question. A suit replacement of the same quality was going to cost them 50% less. Still they would have to indeed buy a new one to replace the old.
Further would a 100% breached suit lost 50% of its air capacity.

That was very concerning, they had no idea what air insufficient areas would look like. The first time they would experience would without a doubt be a major event.

They had to interrupted conversation with the Draconequus and their contemplating about things to come, when once more the annoying swarms of fleshlings come their way.

They used stasis to stun the little buggers and eliminated them one weapon smash at a time.
They didn't deal mutch damage but cost the group suit integrity and time.
Than Sunset Shimmer decided that the Flamethrower schematics had their use after all.

When they reached the actual lobby did they meet a singel surviver going through some of the contents of the briefcases. The Griffon surviver had like the others before him no RIG life indicator, something they would have to ask Discord about. Would be extreamly inconceivable to run through the area without a life indicator and the holograms that showed inventory and other stuff.

Unfortunately did they meet a new type of alien or more likely Necromorph. It attacked the surviver from behind and stabbed the surviver repeatedly in the chest, before it paused and with a mighty attack pierced the survivers forehead.

It seem to disappearing into one of the room open ventilation shafts. But what the adults and Sunset witnessed in the following seconds was simply gut emptying.
The body of the poor former surviver contorted and suffered muscle spasmodic movements, before his body deformed and they see the creation of a Leaper in pony.

Apparently did they just discovered how Necromorph are created, Marksaline seem to react like a disappointed mother that just see one of her sons wasting all his potencial.
It was quite bizarre coming from the little devilish cute monster in her ominously glowing glyph armor suit.

The Leaper followed through the same ventilation shaft into parts unknown, but they all knew that they didn't see the last of them.

One of Discords copies was watching how many Necromancer of Light members of all races got herded or flocked together while they didn't resisted and got treated to good food and drinks, but he did wondered what was going on.

He teleported to Celestia who was currently in her bed chamber with her way to tight battle armor. Celestia cursing about fluffy penguins and to tight armor limitations.
It was quite entertaining.

A snap of his Griffon talon made the armor form fitting before a second snap placed it as intended on Celestias body.
She looked surprised and than thankfully into the direction of the chaos god.
He didn't expect a cold armor hug, he got flashbacks to Cadance tricking him and germane suplex the Tarterus out of him when he assumed it to be a perfectly safe normal hug.

To his surprises of this evening was added when she let him go and give him a short kiss on his right cheek. What ever he did to deserve this, he decided he needed to do it more often...

Celestia thanked him for sending her memory crystal balls of future events so her family would not suffer.
Discord had no idea what she meant and just nodded, no need to not take anything good coming his way.
She ask him to stay here and watch over the sleeping fillys.
Once she was back and had stopped who ever would try to hurt the fillys would she come back and reward him handsomely.
The purr in her voice made him blush purple with red stripes.

When they exited the Kellion did Sunset had bought a upgrade node and with the one found in the maintenance bay, had upgraded the Flamethrower she owned and retrieved it out of storage.

She bought one ammunition and than upgraded damage and capacity. She had after the capacity a free reloading of her weapon because it had more than 0 ammunition in it.

Every little exploit counted in a fight for once survivel.

They all buy flamer fuel and magic cutter ammunition beside a few small medical gel pack to get everypony back to 100% health.

The entity that was controlling the Necromorph had a minor laughing fit before they exited the Kellion again, why was clear as they spotted redicules amounts of Necromorph fleshlings coming their way.

This time the actual Sunset Shimmer had the last laughter. She had more than enough fuel in her inventory to burned them all, not even one got close enough to cause damage.
The aggravated "O - come on!"
from the entity was music in Sunset ears.

She reloaded her last fuel reload into her flamethrower and the herd moved towards the flight lounge to use the elevator there to use the transportation wagon.

They send a short thanks to Mercer for the Flamethrower tool made weapon schematics, it was a pure life saver after all.

After the call was ended did Mercer kicked over a few stacked together boxed and Discord was laughing himself to pieces, literally.
After Discord recombined his pieces more or less where they should be, did he needle Mercer a bit.

"Not only did your rigged maintenance bay explosive trap failed to kill them all, now the weapon you expected to be a waste of money and upgrade nodes become a valuable asset after all. Your master will not be pleased."

Mercer was sulking and kicking someones cut of foot into a conor where noone would notice it in frustration.

He answered:
"I did exactly as ordered and did nothing wrong, my participation in the entity plans was flawless and random luck prevented us from victory.
I will play my part, once the filly dies will I ascend as my mistress had promised me.
I will not disappear like any dream construct, I will survive this night and I shall be a better Sunset Shimmer than this brat could ever be!
Besides... once I have Sunset Shimmers body when her soul dies, I will somehow convince Marksaline to make me a Necromorph pony and I shall life for-everrr!"

Discord had a foul taste about this dream constructs ambitious plans. Survivel was understandable, but as ruthlessly as Challus Mercer was presumably be not just in this endeavor was clear that he had to save Sunset alone for the fact that he didn't want to ever see the likes of him after tonight had ended.

33. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 9/?

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33. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 9/?

Nightmare and Luna had hugged one another when they meet in the Kellion again, she was still mortified that a accident instead of a enemy attack had killed her.
A humbling experience that reminded her how anything else than old age was causing a Alicorns death in the normal realm.

The dream realm of Sunset Shimmer had her a lot less durable as she noticed by being killed in it as it followed its own rules in a instant like one would have expected to happen to a mortal and was still wondering what just happened in detail.
One moment she was inspecting a riot shield that the Diamond Dogs survivers had made for them to use, the next moment she was floating several meters where she remembered standing on her hind legs and using her forelegs to test for weaknesses in the shield smith work.
Her disembodied state was quite chilling as she was able to communicate, but unable to effect anything once she had died. Odd being unable to effect anything physically as mutch as to lift or push a singel sheet of paper.

Rather embarrassing to die to accidents in times like these than to actually attacks or schemes, unless a Necromorph somewhere hidden had detonated the collection of flamer fuel.
While it was teaching them to take greater care around explosive material, was also clear that they needed to be more careful now in general.

What would be more dangerous, the enemy that moved and acted partially predictable or the Ishimuras environmental dangers that are a unknown in its current half functioning state.

Luna and Nightmare had been killed already once and only Marksaline and Cadance had a spare life to spend. Otherwise would they lose a player.
What would denie them carrying capacity and offensive and defensive options.
They most likely would need every singel player and surviver found on ship to go through this Nightmare of a adventure.

Speaking of survivers even if they are only dream constructs made from Sunset Shimmers mind, it was sad to think that a hole group was wiped out in a blink of a eye.
After all they might have yet become somehow useful to the herd.
But there was no point in speculation, they would work with what they had.

They stocked up on flamer ammunition for Sunset for future Necromorph swarms, when they found weapon fitting canisters under tables and on high shelves, further did Cadance get hooved over the Flamethrower in case the enemy combined fleshlings with other Necromorph combat form more often.

It was time to join Mercer and Discord in the safe room that was the tram control room and plan their way from there on out.
Time was running out eventually and they had bearly started to fight the terror within the Ishimura.

On the path to their flight lobby, did they witnessed a new enemy type coming their way.
They are the size of a young foal perhaps, but size wasn't important with enemies that could be immobilized but not killed.
At least did Fluffelpuff and Marksaline take care of defeated bodys, before the entity commanding the Necromorph might get the idea to build barricades out of them or something equally morbid.

Most certainly would a Grabber Necromorph use environmental items and perhaps dead bodies as ammunition in the near future as Nightmare Moon already experienced once in the not so far past, when she got a boot metal container to the head.
The enemy entity guiding the undead menace had ways doing something unexpected like that.

The size of the new enemy type alone was a problem for any attempt of dismembering them from a distance, but when they suddenly grow or revealed multible appendages and started to fire spikes out of hardened bones at them?

They sure had no fun in playing dodge the steel hard bone spikes and tag with the enemy.
Worst was when the herd tried taking some out from closer range and the Necromorph foal sized enemy retreat and seem to taunted them out of fire range by sticking to the walls of the pathway.
The railing wasn't exactly making it better to hit them either.

So they ditched the enemy and run over to the flight lobby elevator, Cadance and the Fillys had the first elevator ride. After they confirmed to Luna and Nightmare it was currently clear, did the Alicorn sisters called the elevator up to them and proceeded to join the rest by riding the elevator down.

Once they reunited did they see multible ways to get somewhere. They contacted Discord via RIG video call.

He told them that they had still to get results and in a few minutes they had more concrete informations and objectives for them.

Until Discord had more informations for them and their next destination, would they have circled back to the entrance of the safe room.

Keeping the enemy entity guessing what the herd was up to would keep it hopefully distracted enough to make less efficient ambush point ahead of there future objectives.

Be it to keep them busy or something similar, did the enemy commander prepared rather sloopy roadblock ahead of the group.

A Slasher that was suspiciously resting in front of the them in the corridor fooled noone, as if it was trying to ambush someone else... hopefully the entity wasn't purposely hunting the Ishimuras survivers now, the more problems they could resolve tonight the better.

Sunset loosed a stasis blast on a slasher that came from around the corner and cut off both of its arms and its legs. It kinda looked funny how it pouted at them, since it literally couldn't do anything anymore but growning at them.
The herd walked to the tram control room and entered what had been their safe haven for a few times by now.

From there did Luna walked over to the machine that the data board was supposed to go into and slipped it into the slot that was open with a hologram requesting a spare part.

Perhaps indicating that Mercer had been about to repair it before giving up, since he was a medical officer and not a engineer specialist.
With the necessary part replaced was a automatic computerized voice telling them that the console was now active.
Cadance approached a lit up console and pressed the button that reactivated the entire transportation system.

That was followed by the computerized voice announcing that the system was online and that the tram was arriving at the station, where the herd hear the screeching of the transport vehicle and watched as the tram blocked their view of the unoccupied tram station.

The quarantine was announced to have been lifted.

"Whatever was remaining in the flight lounge must have left. That is lucky for us, allowing us to move on unless something still needed fixing?"
Nightmare ask with uncertainty in her voice, though at the same time she turned towards Mercer and ask him to keep a eye out for the activities of the tram if he should stay in this safe room.
With him staying here, he could watch out for activities of survivers and guide them to this safe room.

Maybe a few of Sunset Shimmers surviver copies could find their way to this place?

Discord told them that he find out what they can do from the bridge and they meet him there, shortly once they checked the Kellion again, he had a air container schematic for them, that could be redeemed now.

With the entity changing things up, would one small breathing container be a good idea to have for a eventually up coming emergency, especially with Sunset unlike the others having only her default RIG state. The other having 120 seconds of air should the enemy entity somehow make it count to fight them in air insufficient areas of the Ishimura.

While they all with exception of Sunset had their RIG updated to full capacity, would Sunset really have to be careful not to suffocate should they get hold up in a air insufficient area. Sunset only 70 seconds of air was almost half the time the others could hold out in a vacuum.

With Discord having departed in the tram and Mercer wishing them good luck, did the herd moved towards the Kellion.
Bearly out of the room into the next corridor did they had to slow down with a crawling enemy Lurker coming their way.
Cadance opened fire with her Stasis Modul and Sunset open fire on its spike shooting limbs, while Marksaline stasis dealt with a sprinting Slasher enemy that she had to chew into submission, starting for once with the legs instead of going for head and arms.

It seem to be inconsistent, but at best removing 3 limbs of a Slasher defeated it, although it wasn't to rare that 4 limbs had to be removed.

Of course was the enemy again annoying them with a small group of fleshy necromorph swarm forms coming out of nowhere.

Once the enemy was nothing but cut or chewed to pieces charred corpses, unusable for the enemy, did they continued towards the Kellion to redeem their air container schematic.

The magic cutter in its upgraded form sure disposed enemies with a surprising swiftness and while Sunset Shimmer RIG was still default, did her offense was through the roof.

While Sunset Shimmer probably had her main weapon already until the night was over, did the other wondered what weapons or tools they would get for their use. Unless it would be only additional Magic Cutters?
They hoped for some variation, since it was unlikely that 1 weapon alone was ideal to deal with all enemies coming their way.

A lone Necromorph Slasher found that it had its legs and one arm severed and suffered additional burning damage after bearly having left the already broken open ventilation shaft.
The undead creatures burned surprisingly well on their own. How hot was the Magic Cutter to set them aflame at the areas they got hit?

As it stumpy limb corpse still tried to comprehend how fast Sunset had learned to dismembering something that usually inspired hesitation upon other with its emerging.
While the filly was still fearful, did her shaking body didn't seem to effect her telekinesis guided Magic Cutter precision to mutch.
Fluffelpuff was passively also giving the filly some courage with her immense fluffyness.

The entity noticed that without a distraction even a personal controlled Necromorph was to easy to dispatch. It was time to start testing out different tactics. Until she could started taking them out, one by one.

Swarm Necromorph forms seem to be a nice time sink for the herds attention, especially since they could jump into the room rather swiftly and their main goal was to damage their suit integrity instead of the health points.
Their size alone made it easy to set a ambush, something she would ruthlessly use to her advantage later on.

Though since they appeared to be handling the Swarm efficiently would they really be mostly a inconvenient time sink at best.

Sunset and Marksaline seem to be dealing quite well on their own, even when Sunset was still quite shaking whenever enemies come her way.
She was a foal after all, unlike her group that surrounded her. Adults and less obvious Necromorph creatures fighting for her side.

Cadance decided that she might focus on keeping a general overwatch, with the enemy coming slowly up with more cunning ways to ambush them. Their journey had bearly started, yet their enemy had already learned a respectable degree of proficiency to make their life a hard one in the corridors of the Ishimura.

Marksaline had been carrying their bone blades since quite some time, she would try to use them now, having a impressive collection of them already. Her telekinesis throw got even stronger when she made her suit better. This is where she could have more fun with the walking food opposing them.

Luna wanted to requested Sunset Flamethrower since she could only use one weapon at a time, but Cadance seem proficient enough in its use, that it seem to be a better fit for her niece.
Luna still was annoyed that she basically only could delay the enemy with blunt force attacks, incoming enemies didn't suffer mutch damage with her empty Nail Rifle beating down on them.
She hoped that the next weapon they got might be something she could use for the herds benefit.

By now she even would take a blunt object to take the heat of battle further away from her herd.

So far Nightmare clearly was better in using the Nail Rifle for dismemberment of their opposition before it could reach them.
Cadance would take on the focus of burning the Fleshlings Necromorph, while Nightmare was sniping the enemy once they found some more ammunition for her weapon.

Marksaline did pretty good so far with Stasis support and apparently she was now also ready to use the bone blades. How efficient this was going to be had yet to be seen when more than one or two enemies come their way.

Marksaline meanwhile wondered if she could stick Fluffelpuff full of bone blades and throw her at the enemies, because she figured that if she needed something to distract the walking food, that might just work. On the other hoove she didn't feel to good after she got thrown around for some time, so it might be a bad idea after all.
So far they only had throw around her fluffy sister a few times.
Would be a shame for her to waste the delicious flesh cookies she had eaten, if she had to puke I up because she got dizzy from getting thrown around to mutch.

But with her having a lot of bone blades and their enemies keep giving them a fresh set, when they could rip it off Slashers after destroying their bodys, would they have fun with the enemy one way or another.
She could easily toss a few at them and see when the enemy stopped being a threat.

Grabbing one blade with her magic double horn and eatch one per wing, did she prepared to impale the next enemy coming for them.
Something that would be quite fun in battle, since it pinned down enemies to a wall or the ground rather well, if she managed to hit them in the first place.
Her opponents would by that manner of attack be delayed quite a bit, until they ripped themself free of the bone blades.

With their enemies defeated, if they are Slashers, would their supplies in impalment weapons last for quite some time. Unless there was a way for the enemy entity to use non Slasher enemies?
But they would probably manage no matter what would come at them next, as long they stay together.

As predicted did the next enemies got pinned down by Marksaline rather well to walls and the ground, though Marksaline had problems hitting Lurkers due to their size and some Necromorph rather rip off a impaled arm or leg as to improve their escaping speed, continuing their attack as time efficient as they managed.

They gathered the spoils of their victory, occational ammunition, mixed between Magic Cutter clips, Nail Rifle magazines, Flamethrowers containers and some credits here or there, before they started to continue towards the Kellion.

The Flamethrower was used only against fleshlings, yet they noticed that they could need a lot more spare ammo containers to keep the fleshlings in check. It was by now obvious that the enemy entity was stalling for time and trying to make the herd expand their ammunition.

The Ishimura was pretty packed with Necromorph opposition, the fleshling swarms alone probably had been about 300 alone on their own. They could only hope that they didn't have a unlimited number of enemies to keep them occupied. Every encounter cost them time and they still bearly started their adventure on bord the Ishimura, the mental representation of Sunset Shimmers mind conjured by Discord.

The herd noticed that Fleshlings on occasion all on their own hide behind debris in the corridors and behind connors, more annoying than anything else.

Further did the Slashers absence of vile bile attacks made them uneasy, every Slasher could use it, yet the entity was not using them up?
There had to be a reason for not using them... perhaps something that was making it to ineffectiv? They seem to have to stay still for it to be used as far they could tell, something Sunset would use to cut off their legs, as to take away their sprint attack.

Something new was done by the entity with the next wave of attackers, when Leapers and Fleshlings cling to the ceiling and attacked simultaneously with on the group walking Slashers. Now they had to use Stasis to delay the enemy and slowly retreat, until Sunset managed to deal with the bigger enemy forces threat on the ceiling.
Nightmare Moon had unfortunately run out of ammo and could only smash and bash the Fleshlings coming to close towards them, if the Flamethrower use wasn't warranted with at least 2-3 crawling besides one another.

After the latest wave of attackers, did they nodded confirmation towards one another that bo enemy was in sight.
Thank to Sunset Shimmer relative steady aim and them all using their Stasis modules coordinated, did noone got hurt and ammunition got spend pretty efficiently. Bearly losing more than they gained from the enemies that dropped defeated.
Though they still slowly run out of ammunition in time. Good they are already moving towards the Kellion as to restock what they needed the most.

Though they definitely started to run low on Stasis to, something that might yet become a bigger problem. Though they seem all pretty happy about their progress, even Marksaline seem less grumpy than Cadance was used from her, apparently destroying undead creatures formed up to be a future hobby of the little adorable monster.
She was so proud of Marksaline having found a productive hobby.

However Cadance distraction fawning over Marksaline skill and new hobby almost cost them getting hit by a singel Slasher having sneaked up on them. These Necromorph under the entity direct control seem to stop making any growling or growning sounds at all. Rather terrifying how silent these things could be at times.

Luna and Nightmare had that singel sneaky Slasher under control, once Sunset jumped up Fluffelpuff and 'throw Fluffelpuff like the Item she was counted as' at it. The fluffball forced it with the power of the kinesis add on to stumbling backwards.

While the tight corridors really made it hard to dodge in general, did Nightmare & Luna really showed how nimbel they are, when they keep parry bone blades stabbing attacks and bash their weapons on the attackers head and limbs.

Though they needed at least a minute longer than Marksaline to make significant damage to a singel Necromorph.

A couple of Slashers and a Leaper entered the area in front of the herd, keeping Marksaline and Sunset occupied while Cadance wasn't sure who to help now with both front and rear being attacked simultaneously.
Though Fluffelpuff in contrast was a great distraction when she started to bite one of the feet of the Slasher that got pummeled by Luna and Nightmare in tandem.

The encounter just lasted roughly 90 seconds, but it definitely showed Cadance that they had to keep a rear guard from now on.

When they finally reached the Kellion, did the lobby and the flightlounge seem to suspiciously empty. Though they didn't mind a little breathing break.

They redeemed the little air container schematic that when used added 30 second worth of oxygen to the counter. Not mutch, but with a 120 second limit of a fully upgraded RIG SUIT the time they would spend in a vacuum was probably not that often or to long.

On bord the Kellion they bought eatch one air canister for 1.000 Credits, than pulled all their remaining money together for ammunition.

The drawback on swarming the herd with attackers was that Sunset had now 136 Magic Cutter shots in her inventory, when they had emptied their Credit accounts. With Luna and Nightmare having 50 shots in their Nail Rifle and one 50 shot reload eatch. Cadance had one full canister loaded, 4 full canister and a half full one.
Giving her 275 units in total. Hopefully enough to keep the Fleshling Swarms at bay, because they had become quite bothersome on occation.

While their ammunition situation wasn't critical anymore, did they had unfortunately run all out of Stasis recharge packs. With eatch costing 5.000 Credits, was it to costly to buy some. They had to retreat more often and watch out not getting cut of when retreating. Something that bothered Cadance greatly, since Sunset and Marksaline had their relief within battle only do to the big use of Stasis module usage of them all. She hoped Sunset was good under pressure, because she would now have to aim for Necromorph moving at normal speeds.

After everypony had recharged their Stasis module in the Kellion, did Discord contacted the herd via video RIG message.

He seem to have a troubled expression on his face and that for good reasons, since he estimated him being from now on constantly busy with what needed fixing in Sunset Shimmers mind and body.
Apparently what ever was done to Sunset had damaged her magic pathways and explained why her telekinesis in the waking world was below average, fortunately he could fix it all before their journey tonight was over, unfortunately would he be pressed for time and be less attentive towards the herd in general.

In other words, he be unable to warn them about bigger threats, until they are practically infront of it already.
So he could only wish them the best of luck and send their RIG SUIT a marker to follow for the next objective.

The adults all checked their RIG SUIT maps while Fluffelpuff and Marksaline enjoyed the huge collection of Flesh Cookies they had collected, but had no time to eat with them constantly being under attack.

Sunset got the few door candies they had collected and after roughly 5 minutes did everyone was ready to depart.
Suddenly did the Kellion shuddered and shake hard enough to tip the ponies almost over.
The run out the Kellion to find out what the Tarterus in a hoove basket was going on.

A Swarm of Fleshlings was gripping to the Kellion and was attacking its docking clamps, loosening the ship holding clamps. Suddenly the ship fall to the side rather anticlimactic.
Maybe if it exploded or was important in the first place, like in the waking world for example, would they be worried. But since this was a dream construct?
They shrugged it off as if someone stubbed their hoove frog on a stone and relaxed walked towards the flight lounge lobby.

The entity had that moment somehow more dramatic in mind, unfortunately was the Kellion a safe room and she could not make it explode from the inside or something dramatic like that.

Guess that was a fruitless effort for nothing...
go figure.

While the herd was beating some already damaged Slashers and Lurkers to a pulp, did Fluffelpuff ask if the ship falling on its side was a problem, with Cadance giving a "mehhh" as answer, was it clear that it was rather a inconvenience if the needed to restock later in the area.

Fluffelpuff made a shrugging gesture and continued to turn the defeated Necromorph into Flesh Cookies for later nom noms.

The entity had forgotten that this ship wasn't really important and wasted effort into trying to sabotage it. Mistakes had been made...
back to trying to murder them all.

That failure fueled the entity anger and her determination to make Sunset Shimmer desperate despite her having a solid support group. She would now be throwing at them even more creative ideas. She would go for more gore and hope that it stick more than this failed attempt at shocking them.

When the herd had finished off their enemies and Fluffelpuff had stashed away her newest Flesh Cookies, did their links activated with Mercer on the line, apparently he had been contacted by someone that needed food supplies and ask the herd if they kindly break open the nearest food dispenser and get it to him near the tram, so he could bring it to the survivers with the tram system being operational again.

They agreed and wasted about 5 minutes on the task before continuing on their way.
Discord called them and wanted to ask if anything happened, because he had a strange feeling about something and he wasn't sure what it was.

Nightmare revealed what had happened to the Kellion, only for Discord to shrug it of like the others did. They wished eatch other good luck and cut the transmission.

Cadance used the lull in activity to take some time to observed the piece of technology that was her RIG SUIT.
She looked damn good in light green, further did she noticed upon closer inspection that her SUIT integrity was 3 hits before it reached 0.
Apparently did the Fleshlings had accomplished material fatigue over time.
The others had similar results with only Sunset Shimmer being mostly intact, thanks to Fluffelpuff and Marksalines efforts.

As it was standing there wasn't any ither item of interest, she was slightly fascinated that the entity might have deliberately left out to use vile bile attacks to make them lose sight of the Suit integrity indicator. Clever.

Still even if the lose 50% oxygen they still would have 60 seconds of air, being similar to Sunset Shimmer air limit.
But unfortunately are they out of money to buy a suit replacement anyway and so they just ignored the coming problem until it became more of a pressing issue.

Silently did the adults freaking out about this whole situation, but by playing it cool, did Sunset Shimmer and the others didn't get needlessly stressed out.

However it was clearly going to become a issue eventually, so it came to be no surprise that they keep observing their environment more carefully to avoid being jumped by a Fleshlings acid attack on contact.

Though without no shielding would they have to hope their weapons and reflexes would make the cut to keep them safe.
Sunset and Cadance weapons would make things easier, the Flamethrower if it was empowered later might even make the entity drop the Fleshling delaying tactic for effective enemies instead. Until than they simply had to tolerate the unbalanced little annoying Necromorph.

They started to move towards the next door so they head back to the tram control room and get this venture over in this area.

The tram system was back online and waiting for the herds first use, once they had given the snack and soft drinks to Mercer that they didn't keep to themself.
Nougat Bananas with sprinkles had been unanimously voted to be consumed by the herd, damn be the dream constructs artefical need for dreamed up snacks.

Unfortunately did the easy going levi of the situation was gone with the next wave of attackers.

As the herd started to crossing a walkway that was in front of them, did Necromorph sounded off in the area. Either the controllable Necromorph trid a rather ineffectiv intimidating tactic or the entity didn't care to keep them quite.

Only two more Slasher enemies appeared in their way, but they looked differently from the other Slasher be it male or female. This one was rather bulky and black, kind of shiny as well. To which Sunset paid not to mutch attention and blasted with her Magic Cutter towards the enemies legs.

The one in front of her switched places with the the in the back now taking the beating primarily, when the second had also taken some damage did a new arriving enemy spared it to be cut down. One normal Diamond Dog Slasher jumped out of the vents, now tanking the damage for the black Slashers. Before to long they reached the other side of the short walkway, where they come into striking range.
Though Cadance lighting them up wit the Flamethrower seem to be enough to distract them for Sunset to finally cut of eatch of the enemy right leg, before taking their left arm off heir shoulder.

The discovered a new Slasher variable. The new bulky body was if Nightmare didn't mistake it in her observation able to tank 2 hole hits more on a limb of its body, further did they moved more swiftly. Though that was all she could glimpse from this short encounter.

They are pretty mutch in the starting area of their adventure, yet that had survived a vast amount of enemy variations in enemy types and tactics.
One one hoove did Nightmare loved the challenge, on the other did she wondered what the Tarterus was yet to come... further did she doubt that no matter the outcome:
That poor group of fillies would never forget this horrible journey.

The amount of blood and guts that had been spilled would have a village guards trembling in his armor. The fillies has been remarkable for their age to endure so mutch.
Unfortunately had this gore filled adventure bearly begone and something told Nightmare that she be having bad dreams before the night was over... especially considering that her niece seem to be similar to them.
More elegant and reasonable, but still a creature of death and darkness.
She really hoped her rather innocent personality was not just a mask she was welding.

Luna walked with her temporary herd through these gods forsaken corridors, filled with horrors like one hoped to be in long forgotten and never to be seen again times. Yet she wondered... what had become of her sister Celestia?
She regret all the mean spirited moon messages over the years.
Her next message would be a simpel one:
'I miss you, beloved sister. Take care until we meet again. In this life or the next.
Your sister of the night, Luna.'

Fluffelpuff had fun, so mutch yummy cookies, she also had her new playmate to cuddle. Actually she got cuddled mostly, but that was fun to.
Her sissi had a lot of fun ripping and tearing the mean Doggos and Birb-Cats to pieces.
This was a fun night!

Marksaline had fun, this was the most fun she had since... ever ♡

Sunset Shimmer wanted this all to end, she just know it became at least 100 times worse before it would get even a lot more unbearable.
If not for everyone else she probably would have not come anywhere this far.
Marksaline was scary.
Fluffelpuff was fluffy and nice, but scary as well.
The royal Alicorns are awesome, but terrifying.

She just wanted this night to end... alive if at all possible. What was happening?
Why was her head hurting so mutch?
Why was her heart so heavy?
Why would her tears not stop dropping?
When would the pain stop?!

34. The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 10/?

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34. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 10/?

Cadance recommend that they all return to the area where Nightmare Moon had died, since they didn't had thoroughly searched it, because they were in a hurry to get their team together again.
While the enemy entity had given them quite a metaphorical and at time very literal a run for their money and life, did they had no contact with Necromorph in the area.
It was also a very open area giving them the opportunity to split up and search the wide place, while giving one another still fire support.

Currently they had quite the abundance in ammunition, while their 'Statis Recharge Pack' supplies was to run out. So they could probably simply shot off a limb like a leg and run around to keep them occupied, since the limit of the entity was 8 Necromorph, the Fleshlings not counted.
Though they should try to count them eventually if given the chance.

On the other hoove these annoying creatures seem inconsistent in their swarm sizes, so perhaps it was a mute point.
Fluffelpuff to everyone surprise had actually counted them on occasion, when she got nothing to do but wait for the next chance to get a new 'Flesh Cookie' collecting opportunity.

Cadance still was getting used to it that Fluffelpuff could talk in the dream realm and had the voice of her Aunty Nightmare Moon, though she wondered if Marksaline and her most fluffy sister would actually have their dream voices as actual voices in the waking world, once they grew a little bit older. So far Marksaline spoke mostly selective words and didn't give mutch opportunity to hear her young voice.

The longest sentences that Marksaline had managed so far in the waking world in Cadance presents was:
"I am hungry!", "Dinner ready yet?, "Where is m♡mmy?" and "Lets bake Cookies~♡".

Fluffelpuff in contrast had never spoken a singel word to this day... yet.
Though she was constantly 'pffft' and making gestures similar to hoove sign languages so it might not count.
She wondered if she should try understand their substitute communication or wait for them to grow older and start speaking to one another just as everycreature else usually would.

When Fluffelpuff informed the herd about the Fleshling Swarm to be at least 5 seperate beings at the least and 10 at the most. In the case where they come in a huge swarm near the Kellion, when the entity was laughing in glee at them, before Sunset had annihilated them with her Flamethrower, did Fluffelpuff counted 80 individual swarming Fleshlings.

So 5-10 Fleshlings made up a counted enemy unit, rather good to know that their enemy had a solid capacity limit on its currently most annoying enemy to send out for the herds detriment.

Luna elucidate to her sister how she plan their team to work when having split up into two groups, while they indeed would have more problems keeping everyone safe that way, the entity had to either ignore one group or have the Necromorph forces split up.

Nightmare accepted her sisters logic, but disagreed in the configuration of the groups she proposed.
Luna wanted the fillys and herself in one group, probably gaining the entity main attention if not all of it, while Cadance would search and loot anything with Nightmare turning their enemies into minced meat enough to cripple, but not terminate them as a threat and there for stopping the entity to spawning new Necromorph to replace the defeated one.

Instead did Nightmare decided she would take Marksaline and Sunset on her back, while she basically run from one end to the other of the room hopefully triggering all enemies to follow her and giving everyone else time to loot all there would be for them to get.

Luna didn't like the idea, because Nightmare could not concentrate on precision shots while galloping through the area with two fillies on her back, on the other hoove did Sunset and Nightmare are the most efficient long range option and would make either a very tempting target to swarm or if ignored, give the best long range support for her group.
Begrudgingly Luna would do it like Nightmare Moon planned, but she wasn't sure why Marksaline would be with them as well.

They had to shortly split up, since the elevator wasn't comfortable to use as a herd, further would they be in a huge disadvantage if the elevator was to packed with occupants to defend from a Necromorph attack from the moment they arrived.
Luckily it seem the entity was occupied or had the decency to wait for them to arrive at the area.
Either way they looked around the area from the elevator exit point, split up as previously decided and high tailed to their respective task separately.

The entity was either unsure how to react so suddenly seeing them split up or was waiting for them to spring a prepared trap, no matter the reason, both group moved in jogging speed toward the opposing side of the huge spaced area.

Cadance with Fluffelpuff on her back and Luna keep the already broken open ventilation shafts in view as good they managed. The vents had been undamaged when the Diamond Dog survivers had been holding there ground here.
Now all the vents had been forced open already.
So the entity had either guessed their return now or this area would yet be of importance after all.

So far, nothing had triggered a attack of the Necromorph and the other group moved unimpeded as well.
Either luck was on their side for once or something big was about to be sprung upon them.

Nightmare Moon was confused about their smooth slow gallop so far, no attack was coming her or Lunas groups way... yet.
The area had been definitely been a good decision to loot with multible boxes being visible in the area. So far she had found 3 small medi gel packs and some credits got tugged towards her thanks to Marksaline telekinesis module with her attentive eyes spotting hidden loot from areas she would have not been able to reach with her hooves.
Meanwhile Sunset was keeping strictly her eyes open for any threat trying to ambush them.

Something Nightmare Moon had not considered was to look up, something Sunset motioned at with a previous word combination to warn Nightmare Moon without making someone listening to them aware of a spotted enemy.
Nightmare flinched slightly, but otherwise didn't show any indication that she had spotted the Necromorph hiding above them now.
Sunset had a good set of eyes to spot the nearby enemies laying motionless above them, avoiding detection by playing dead.

Though Nightmare guessed that 'playing dead' was a order given to keep them from giving themself away with moving around and making their usual sounds.

It was hard to tell if they would jump from above at some point or planned a ambush toward who ever would use the in area lift to reached the higher level.

Nightmare Moon deliberate in her mind to warn the others of the spotted Necromorph above them, though it might tipp of the entity, that the ambush was spotted and had lost its most effective element, surprise.

Who is to tell them how good their hearing is or they notice being already spotted by being aimed towards with their laser sight aim support... for the time being Cadance and Luna would have to stay in the dark about the enemy in the waiting, enjoying the calm just before the hailstorm.
After all, she know that Luna and Cadance would meet up with them before ever stepping a singel hoove in the lift to the higher elevated area.

Meanwhile a unsuspecting Luna keep their surroundings and Nightmares group in sight, so far smooth looting commenced on both sides, with Cadance flinching when ever her stomping on boxes seem to echo through out the area in a echoing that they could have sworn to be impossible to not hear in a wide enough area to lure Necromorph by random chance alone. Cadance was thanking her lucky stars that they got so far with no trouble in sight. She had found quite collection of small medical gel containers, something that would come in hoove once the Necromorph spring their next successful attack on the herd.

No Necromorph in earshot and nothing standed out to her yet, when she tried to spot a obvious trap or a potencial enviromental threat.
Maybe the entity wasn't expecting them to return to this area for looting?

Though that wishful thinking was interrupted, when they reached the door that had hold the spare part for the transportation system.
The door was now locked!
Very intriguing, yet if anything was calling out for a trap, ambush or distraction to play for more wasted time than it would be this.

Where would the door key be now? When she tried to open it via the door lock puzzle, did a projected message appered and ask for a key to unlock the door.
They had looted the room for the main objective and some credits, what would the room still hold of value? Perhaps Sunset or Marksaline 'Telekinesis Modul' would reveal something that was overlooked in their haste after the explosion that had killed Mercers colleges and Nightmare Moon?

Luna agreed upon asking that this was to intriguing to ignore, even if it was a trap, it would at least be worth to see what the entity was up to.
They had not mutch to judge her/his/its behavior and that would be a good chance to see what it could come up with.

Once the current accessible area was looted on this level did the herd meet up, the fillies resumed their combat formation of fluffy death.
Nightmare Moon told them not to look up and how a Necromorph ambush waited above them.
Quickly did they decided to trigger the ambush from below by shooting the Necromorph from their nearest position allowing for line of sight confirmed with their tools aiming laser sight, targeting at legs exclusively.

To their surprise did not a singel Slasher moved when their legs got shot off, that didn't make any sense since Necromorph could not die, just be immobilized. This made them very nervous because suddenly they grow uncertain what the Tarterus was going on, further did this behavior damage their confidence on having figured out the behavior pattern of the enemy.

Even Marksaline commented that it was very unusual that they ignored being attacked, something that should have woken their hunting instinct and send them into a frenzy of anticipation for a fresh meal. Just like a catbirb would enjoying its prey to fight back or flee before it is hunted down and consumed.

Very interesting to learn about was that Marksaline explained that what they see in a Necromorph Slasher walking around was mostly a meaty puppet, the Necromorph worked with parasitic bare bone constructs.
They converted most bone structures in the body to a very dense and flexible thin body within the host, the surrounding flesh and blood being after the transformation mainly used to feed the Necromorph parasite. The surrounding organic matter also was a distraction from its main structural form hidden in the center of the victims.

If one would to strip off all flesh layers surrounding the Necromorph Slasher, one would see a bone exterior that protected highly condensed worms that acted like the muscles of the body that control its movements, perhaps a better example would be the strings of a puppet for controlling its movements from walking, to stabbing or simply staying still, until it was time to strike out at the nearest victim.

Nightmare and Luna were very intrigued by the in depth explanation of the Necromorph Slasher composition.
Though most Necromorph followed this concept, it was just one of many.
The Swarm Fleshlings are meat mostly and have no bone core, it was kind of like a rolling around stomach filled with acidic fluids that helped to make a solid mass easier to consume. The liquidity as a result to the biomass being broken down for consumption or recycling for other purposes.

Cadance was surprised how mutch the filly know about them, some dread spread through her body about the next question she would ask Marksaline.

The royal sister were rather morbidly intrigued when Cadance ask if she was the same like these Necromorphs they encountered.

Marksaline give Cadance a blank stare, after a few seconds ask to not move and proceeded to step of Fluffelpuff and Sunset to walk around Cadance body.

The alicorn sisters had the impression a artist was inspecting a art piece of its design and flaws when Marksaline eyes started to glow in the darkness of the room and fixated at Cadance repeatedly circled her.
After a few minutes she returned wordless to her roosting position on Fluffelpuff rear with Sunset Shimmer under her.

With baited breath did Marksaline seem to composed her thoughts that let the often rather expression bland filly look like she was going through a storm of emotions.

Finally she informed them that Cadance was very different from the Necromorph they encountered here.
She had self awareness and higher reasoning, her body was not converted but assimilated. Mixing Necromorph potencial with that of her original structure.
There was no parasite in her to control the body like the enemy they had to fight currently, with the body being simply enhanced rather than used as raw material for construction and a food source.

If these Necromorph Slashers attacking them where tools or meaty puppets to use like weapons to hunt down prey for more biomass for the greater goal, Cadance would be a puppet master that pulled the strings, rather than being a puppet with its strings being pulled.
Marksaline herself was a puppet master maker or if she ever needed it a meat puppet maker.

But she regarded these Necromorphs send against them as wasted opportunities for creating something more valuable.
A difference between buttered slice of bread and a 5 course meal with appetizer and desserts.
One was very crude without the need of skill or any time spend for finesse, the other was genuine a masterpiece that take time, effort, skill and dedication to create.

A Slasher was like a hammer or a butter knife, Cadance was a beautifully masterpiece of bioengineering, endless potencial and versatile uses.

Comparing herself with them was a insult, they where like a cooked seed ready for a nearly worthless nutritional consumption, she was one of her m♡mmys, perfection given form.
Meaning given in a worthless universe filled with nothing of importance.
She was greater than life, she was beyond life, she was ever lasting, she was the definition of worth, worthy of attention and love.
She was her pink m♡mmy.

Fluffelpuff had tears in her eyes, her sissy was so smart and pretty in her words.
For once everyone could hear how smart her best big sissy forever was.

Everyone was stumped at Marksaline depth, for some adults never reached anything so refined in their life. Though it was somehow tangible that while it was her opinion, the words are like readed from a playbook, not her own words.
Marksaline had managed to sound very impressively, but had mostly read of a page from a book, having remembered the words and partially its meanings, but lacked some of its understanding.

Cadance moved over to Marksaline and nuzzeld her with love and gratitude, at that Marksaline smiled honestly for the time it lasted.

Though the moment was ruined when she stated that the Necromorph above them acted nothing like regular Necromorphs and are there for unpredictable, so it was dangerous being anywhere near them.

Getting eaten by them would be a waste, so they better don't let them get eaten alive by them. It would be beneath them to be used as simple biomass.

Luna and Nightmare had lost their fear about Cadance nature, even if she had lost her life and was not a pure Alicorn anymore, she was still a respectable individual, maybe slightly more dangerous than the regular Alicorn, but she was no longer in their eyes a potencial danger waiting to become a ravenous undead, only being fixated on the next victim to consume.

Giving both Alicorns hope of their sister to be who she,was before she got killed, hopefully more mature than when he decided to banishing her sister for taking away for cake dessert and attention and respect of their subjects.

After having this moment of education about their enemies composition and a heartfelt affirmation of Cadance nature, did it was high time to continue on their journey.

Sunset and the fillies would stay down, even if the enemies somehow managed to fall below, they still would be crippled in movement speed and allowed the fillies to outrun them with ease.

Luna and Cadance placed themself in the conors of the left far wall opposite to the lift entry and exit, Nightmare would go alone. While the queen of the night would loot the area, would Cadance and Luna give fire support from the lift insides.

The nerve of the adults were strained, yet they denied their uncertainty to get in the way. So when they reached their destination and Nightmare advanced, did everyone expect the Necromorph to spring into action.

Step by hoove step did Nightmare advances after scanning the area around her, but besides the obesity plaged Slashers did nothing was spotted to be a threat. Nightmare amputated one of the Slashers arms to trigger a attack, but still nothing happend.

Nightmare Moon instinct screaming that she already had been moving into a deathtrap, enough so that she returned to the lift and ask Cadance to take her place.

Cadance of course sputtered a protest before Luna argued that she still had a life to respawn.
Even with the Kellion sabotaged and unreachable by normal means granted by the dream realm rules of this construct.
Discord could give them a alternative for certain.

Cadance whimpering accepted, but when the lights of the area shut down all of the sudden, was th horrible scene perfect.
The pink Necromorph princess of snu-snu wasted easy 8 minutes before she had the courage to pass the 8 obesity plaged Slashers after poking them with her telekinesis holded nail gun, to check if they would suddenly jump into action.

Besides their bellies constantly moving did nothing indicated of them being active. The uncertainties slowly zapping Cadance confidence getting away with just walking past them.

Eventually Cadance past them with tears on her eyes, but eventually resolute to trigger the trap.
When she passed all the belly moving Slashers... did nothing happend.

That only increased the tension of all, because what could be more ideal than a single player being surrounded by a group of a Necromorph.

Luna called out to Sunset if everything was alright down on their level. Sunset confirming that nothing was coming from below, above or from the sides.
Only the creaking and growing oppression of the ambience sounds seemingly eroding their confidence through certainty.

It was so strange... they had been pounded non stop by Necromorph wave after wave, but now?
What was the entity up to? Why wasn't anything attacking them or reacting to their attacks on their bodies?
What in Tarterus was going on?

The entity was wiggling and shaking in glee, after all the aggressive tactics she had decided to play it subtile and use their dream realm settings to her advantage.
The fun she had in giving them a sense of certainty to understand the situations and tactics they would face.

Only to have their expectations be false in the end, since what she made wasn't making sense to them.
Basically because that was the intention.
It was time to become again unpredictable and let the horrific settings of this construct be experienced.
A bloodied flying fortress, filled with the dead, the undead and the uncertainty of what was to come.

Nightmare Moon & Luna are experienced warriors but had both been killed once already, Cadance was still mentally unstable and refused her Necromorph instincts to take hold, the fillies were a unknown factor, but they knew something was happening, just not what.
Uncertainty breed fear, fear was infectious, fear lead to hesitation and finally hesitation lead to mistakes.

Luna and Nightmare had lost a life, that was sufficient success for the time being.
Now it was time to demoralizing them, filling their determination filled minds with whispering of doubt.

The horror of the Ishimura was awaiting them, there are plans to be had for their guests here.
This was going to be f~u~n♡

With the keycard in hoove did Cadance returned to the cargo lift, the sisters give their unnerved niece a hug separately, since they still expected a attack out of nowhere.

They expected to shot down a Slasher or another enemy that was patrolling in the area, but nothing happend. Making everypony wonder what was going on and having a feeling of eerie foreboding that a major threat was somewhere nearby hiding.
The adults rode the lift back down to the level that was below them, upon being reunited with the fillys, did a few hugs were exchange to mend frayed nerves.

While a certain entity was watching in glee, how the herd started to fall into doubts of its coming actions, did it used the now measly crippled and almost useless bodies for a little scare, as the entity let them with assistance of gravity fall down below into the area far below them.
Making the herd anticipate a attack, just to be dissapointed again of what was to come.

As the herd continue to walk along the walkway they had passed already one, did a dull impacting sound halted their progress.
To everypony horror with exception of Marksaline and Fluffelpuff, did someone seem to bash his head from inside the closed room against the window.

With disgusted certainty did they could see that a survivor had horrific slashing and cutting wounds all over their body. It was a Zebra if they are not mistaken, though it was missing a ear and had a broken muzzle. Its neck gold rings give it away as a Zebra, no culture other than them had a 3 to 5 ringstyle gold necklace.

But as blood drenched as it was would noone be able to say if it was a stallion or a mare without checking its hindquarters.
Marksaline started to salivating at the sight unnoticed by the adults who pitying the equine for its obvious pain was driving it crazy enough to try knocking itself out by bashing its skull against the window.

When Cadance used the key to open the door, did a wet cracking and a wet splatter made it obvious that the former survivor had managed to end its struggling once and for all.

Sunset burst into tears, while Fluffelpuff was giving her sad newest playmate a hug and nuzzeld her, until she stopped crying.

Marksaline hunger was ruined when Fluffelpuff got sad because 'not dinner' was crying.
Marksaline was frustrated that the sister stealing 'no dinner', was making her sister sad and she couldn't do anything to make it stop.

Cadance keep guard over the distracted fillies while Nightmare Moon searched for anything useful in the room. Besides 500 Credits that got probably overlooked last time there wasn't anything really worth the trouble they had been through since they re-enter this area.

Discord contacted the mare of the night, the love of his previous version via RIG video call and ask for a update.
Nightmare Moon said simply that they been seeing better days and Sumset would need therapy before this night was over.
Discord said that he could fix Sunset most pressing neural problems, while most non life or physical threats would be fixed by him later.

Now he would need them to move on because they had only estimated 10 hours and 15 minutes left to fix Sunset Shimmer situation, otherwise there simply would not be anything to fix later on worth saving.
With time mercilessly moving on and not many options left but to press on and get everything done, did Cadance placed Fluffelpuff and Sunset on her back, while they moved towards the main elevator to leave the area behind.

In the waking world did Celestia in her thanks to Discord help now form fitting solar armor, started to show off parts of the crystal recording and demanded to know the identity of the Diamond Dog in Necromancer of Light ropes that violated the filly Sunset Shimmer.
Further did she show how through divination magic a undead and mutated creature decapitate the same filly shortly after.

Celestia argued that the mut probably would try cover his dirty deed up in the near future by killing the foal, something the Alicorn of the sun would not stand for.

Unfortunately did noone recognized the Diamond Dog in this crystal recording, though some suggested that if the culprit wasn't under the Canterlot Necromancer of Light members, then it would be very likely that Necropolis slowly recovering population would most likely be where this criminal was to be found.

Celestia thanked the cooperation willing interrogated prisoners and ask them for some patience, once everyone was questioned they would be shortly released after.
Though the filly in question would be to see them through a one sided mirror if anyone was recognized that helped in her mistreatment.
Though they all know Sunset Shimmer face and unfortunately what happend to her in this recording of the past and possible future, would Celestia make sure no other filly must suffer through these unequine fates.

Discord now understand the missinterpretation of the situation, but he would not mind having this mut be dragged before Celestia and be punished for his deed. Only few things raised anger and disgust in him, this dog definitely had earned his displeasure.

Maybe once Celestia had her temper cooling down over the span of a few hours, would he be able to calm her concerns.
If he could get Celestia further to seek him out for a honest hug for some coping, he wouldn't mind it.
In fact he would look forward to maybe help her to relax, a tea and cucumber sandwich with mayonnaise might be what she needs to get her mind away from less welcoming things to think about.
Though he might want to create a time displaced copy of himself to practice hugging and petting a pony, it might come in paw in a few hours after all.
Better to have it and don't be in need of it, then having a need of it, but not having it at his disposal.

35. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 11/?

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35. Marksaline the Necromorph Queen

The Ishimura, save Sunset Shimmer 11/?

They walked slowly towards the elevator to leave the area, still nothing had happened that would be arguably be worth so mutch build up and wasting opportunities to attack them.
The looting was resulting in growing their medical supplies up and increasing their Credit count.
Though they still had not the means to buy a replacement suit once their current worn version hit their durability limit.

Cadance and the Fillys stepped into the elevator and press the button to move, just as the door had closed was Necromorph attack roaring to hear, just as they suspected had mostly their calm before the storm run out and it was about to get busy again.

When the elevator door opened, did a swarm of Fleshlings used the opportunity of the open door to flood the elevator.
Cursing about bucking cheap shooting enemies did Cadance changed from her Nail Rifle to the borrowed Flamethrower and user the fact that friendly fire wasn't a concern to bathing the elevator in 'friendly fire'.

Marksaline bite down on one of the Fleshlings jumping at her and had a brief moment of joy that it tasted like spicy chicken.

Sunset was busy using her 'Magic Cutter' as crude hammer, the weighted attached add on for the weapon being more than sufficient overkill to smash them.

Fluffelpuff noticed that she was on fire, though it didn't hurt her or the others and looked kinda funny.

Once the Necromorph surprise attack was over did they leave the elevator and send it down to their companions.

Meanwhile was Nightmare Moon busy keeping the enemy bearly out of striking range, while shooting at knee joints to halt their relentless charge out of the same vent.
Luna in contrast had been unfortunate jumped by a Lurker and was bucking and jumping to get her unwelcome rider off her rear.
At least did the Lurker was to busy holding on to Luna as to attack her, though it almost managed to distract her long enough for Nightmare to be overrun.

4 Slashers had come in short succession out the same vent and going straight for Nightmare after a Lurker had snuck up and take a hold of Lunas rear, playing bucking bronco at the worst of times.

With 5 enemies would the other probably be enjoying the hospitality of 30 Fleshlings or would have to endure the harassment of other Necromorph attackers.
This attack was a far cry from the expected big ambush and showed once more that the entity apparently had other thought pattern than they expecting it to have. Very troublesome.

After Nightmare Moon having finished to cripple the 5 Slashers by removing one leg and arm, did she had to duck when the Lurker having been bucked of Luna was about to go for Nightmare next.

A swipe of her telekinesis holded weapon battered the litter bugger straight in the air to fall to its doom into the deep far below area underneath them.
Luna proceeded to give fire support helping her sister to make short work of the crippled Necromorph Slashers and after hastening having looted the bodies of the Slashers bodies moved to the already ready to use elevator and moved to regroup with the others.

While the royal sisters had not suffered any injuries, did Cadance, Sunset and Marksaline lacked 1/3 if a life hole life bracket. Bearly any damage, but Cadance and Marksaline suit integrity was down to one point and would suffer major penalties for breathing air once completely breached.
At least their fully upgraded suit would still hold 60 seconds of air in areas where a air supply was mandatory.

The entity was happy that her surprise attack on both groups worked, though it was far less effective than expected. Still something to keep the herd on its hoove edges to keep them guessing about the next attack to come.

Meanwhile would Mercer and his underlings start the next phases of the plan to demoralizing the herd and guiding them into a trap.

Unfortunately would the high explosive collection of gas tanks be to obviously to work again, though there might yet be a use for them yet.
Further would her puppets be a great distraction to waste some of their precious time, the way she was able to manipulate the Necromorph are rather impressive, even if still lacking depending on the used Necromorph variants.

Though it would be quite the challenge to balance time consuming obstruction and seriouse harming attempts, something that was quite difficult with a capacity limit of being only able to employ 8 non boss enemies.

Perhaps the coming environment hazardous area would be ideal to give them a hard time, like Necromorph no matter how loud they are, could not be heard in the vacuum of space.

Currently did the herd moved towards the transportation area where the tram would be transporting them shortly to the bridge where Discord and Mercer would be waiting alongside a small group of survivers.

Though they argued currently if they wanted to sell some small medi gel containers for the goal of being able to buy a replacement suit, those would most likely be shortly needed if the entity was so Tarterus bend on bringing the integrity down. At least even if their suit finally reached its limit and had a penalty of 50% capacity until they got exchanged for a intact version, had them with 1 minute of air and with eatch of them owning a oxygen tank of 30 seconds air, would they hopefully not be to hard pressed to staying alive.

Sunset said she was thanks to Marksaline and Fluffelpuff still almost full in suit durability, her 70 seconds current capacity would be drastically worse if her suit had a breach.
Though that was when her tone took on a uncertain tone since even hers would eventually be taken down, as they all understood the situation that they were in with exception of Fluffelpuff who was unaffected by it all, being a in-game item instead of a player.

By any chance did Cadance had a idea and ask Fluffelpuff if she could try to wall walk while Cadance alone was holding on to her, unfortunately did it turned out that Fluffelpuff could hold on to a spot with one adult weight down on her, but she could not move around with one as a passenger.
It was a nice try though, because it might have had become a useful creative idea for what ever awaited them in the Ishimuras corridors.

That said, Lunas discoball panel covered suit was still a nice illumination help for the area when one or two players aimed it on her with their laser aiming sight activated.
At times like this where the light are insufficient powered or even went out completely.

The small talk and the light reflections from Lunas suit was actually a great way to make sure that everyone stayed calm, though they all knew that it was impossible to give them long term down time with the bloodied walls and ground, not to forget that they still had to considering that the time was slowly running out and noone know how mutch there was yet to overcome.

A pinging sound got everyone attention before Discord made a apperance via RIG video link, he made it to the bridge of the Ishimura though he is incapable of getting into the captain quarter where full access to all systems could be rerouted for emergency situations like a pirate attack.

Mercer and Discord standed behind a crew mate of the Ishimura that was typing away at a console, Discord ask him if he could access the emergency command computer without the captain personal RIG codes.

The crew mate stated that since the attack started a lot of remote access line got damaged and finding alternative systems to bypass it would take time.
The crew mate indicated something offscreen that they had either been working on earlier or had entered a simple command and found something wrong.
There was a lot of technical explanation that got over everyone head, though Discord seem to understand it and had a short conversation with the crew member.

But the short version was that there was an executive lockdown of all primary systems. Without the Ishimuras Captains authorization, noone could access them directly.

Sunset was apparently running out of patience and ask where the captain was:
"Well? Where is the Captain of the Ishimura?"
Sunset was feeling silly, because it was her brain and body, but she would play along as needed to move in as short a time as possible from this situation.

Though even as she said that she had the feeling that everyone knew what the answer was more or less, which was mostly based on everything they had seen so far since their arrival in this dream construct.

The herd and Discord watched as the crew mate did something and entered a few commands into the console and there was some muttered between some of the crew on the bridge and the operator of the console.

When it was clear that this all would take a few minutes with the adults indicating that it was taking some time to figure out what needed to be done, did the foal entertained themself by eating snacks.

Some of the crew ask politely to leave something for them, but the survivers where ignored because when the dream realm would be dispersing in a few hours, so would the survivers of the Ishimura.

When they found something that would be useful did Mercer seemed disappointed and defeated, for some reason.

"Here she is." Discord said more to himself than anyone else.
He let out a sigh as she spoke, confirming that it would not be as simple as starting a RIG video link and ask for the codes.

The adults know something terrible had happened to Sunset Shimmer if her mindscape was so messed up, indicating by the level of trauma throughout the Ishimura overall condition.
Captain Sunset Bookworm Shimmer . Location... medical deck, status... critical condition.

Sunset shakingly but firm in voice demanded to know what they needed to do and stop wasting time so they can move on.

While they genuinely are interested to learn in what capacity the Captain got injured it was good to hear that they might save another one of Sunset copies for a great reward, while getting closer to finishing the journey to save the filly.

Hearing that they needed to move to the medical bay of the Ishimura give them a solid target, it complicated the entirety of their objective that communication on the ship had mostly broken down, but they would cope with what they had at their disposal to survive and find a way off the Ishimura once Sunset Shimmer mind was saved.

Discord ask the crew member where exactly the Captain currently was, but near the medical areas was all that he get as answer.
When he ask what happened to the Captain in the first place did the databank requested a medical officers RIG code to access it.
Mercer typed apparently his code in and they see that the Captain had neurological scaring and a magical blockage of her memories in place.

What they could do to fix it was unknown, Mercer stated that he can't access that information. They sigh of course because they hoped to get something useful out of their waiting time, as it appeared that everything on board the Ishimura was going to be hard on them.
Discord told them to search the Captain and find out his RIG codes.
If nessesary bring him to the bridge so he unlocks the captain quarter by proximity.

Mercer excused himself, he had a idea how to help the situation resolution out. He would be leaving the bridge and than joining them in the tram.

The herd wished him good luck and moved on to see him soon at their location.
Together would they get to the medical deck and find that RIG as fast as possible.

Before either could say a temporary goodbye to Discord, did they heard the sound of one of the creatures burst into the area that their companions were in, though as the survivers on the bridge started to run and some started to charge with improvised weapons towards the Necromorph Leaper, they saw the shape of another Leaper enter the room before the connection of the RIG video link was terminated.

They glanced at each other before they headed towards the lounge and the area that their companions had been a while before.
After going through the short path leading to the tram a elevator ride and a few doors later, did they found themselves standing in front of the tram.

To their right stood a store of some kind, so they checked their current credit stand and noticed that they had almost enough credits to buy a new suit. Instead of worrying about it now did they boarded the waiting tram.
Mercer was not present and they hoped nothing had happend to the helpful Kirin, Fluffelpuff pressed the icon for the medical deck and they settled in for a short and swift ride.

Everypony would do their best to survive the horrors of the Ishimura and the twisted dream reality that was now Sunset Shimmers internal life... and pray that the filly made it back to Equus without going mad in the process.

Celestia was still waiting for all Necromancer of Light members in Canterlot to be brought to the castle, the interrogated cult members all had cooperated so far, currently did she enjoy some fruit tea and Discord had made cucumber sandwiches with mayonnaise.
The conversation they had was rather mild, though she enjoyed a short lived tease when some of the mayonnaise dripped of on her muzzel.
Discord blushing purple with red stripes when she moaned suggestive at him, it was priceless entertaining goofing around for Celestia.

Unfortunately did the current situation was less than ideal and she would have to continue these kind of entertainment on another night.
Discord was so kind as to connect to crystal balls with one another and Celestia could see the fillys snuggeld forms in her bed, giving her great peace of mind.

If the cult filly really was befriending Fluffelpuff, than she might make their sleeping arrangements permanent.
Not necessarily going as far as adopting her, but if she could keep Fluffelpuff and Marksaline busy for but a hour or two daily while she was doing her paper work undisturbed, than this filly would be a very valuable investment for the future.

On second thought adopting her might be worth it, her sisters would return in not to long when the banishment spell would run out.
Sunset Shimmer would make for a good test run towards her sisters.
Celestia doubt that they would harm one of her daughters, but if she had to endangered someone than it would not be Marksaline or Fluffelpuff.
Sunset Shimmer would have a great life with them, best case scenario it would continue once her sisters returned. Worst case... did the adopted filly would make for a convincing decoy to keep her other daughters safe.

Heavy is the crown and its weight, but she had always somehow managed. As long the fates and Harmony was with her, would she continue to do her best.

The herd remained mostly silent as the tram moved from the lounge and headed towards the medical deck, currently everyone was checking their ammunition.

Sunset had 123 Magic Cutter ammunition with 100 in her inventory stored and 23 in her weapon, thanks to the 'Weighted Blades' did her Magic Cutter made Slashers and other Necromorph stagger back, while receiving deep cut wounds.

Luna had given her ammunition mostly to her more precise shooting sister, she herself had 10 shots left in her Nail Rifle, while Nightmare had 49 rounds left in hers.

Cadance had still 50 shots in her Nail Rifle, but would mostly try to wait until Nightmare run out and could than use her weapon, in a quick weapon trade. Since the Nail Rifle was within upgrade possibilities did Luna and Cadance agreed to let Nightmare use it mostly as the sniper of the herd.

Nightmare accepted her duty as sniper and left the close combat to Luna until further notice and Cadance for the Swarm Fleshlings extermination.
Though they really hoped for weapon options, be it another Magic Cutter or anything else of equal versatile or damage wise performance.

With the Nail Rifle being able to be retired perhaps since it was the weakest weapon but seem to be dropped the most, a very frustrating waste of ammunition drop chance.

Meanwhile Marksaline had now 152 Bone Blades in total and after cleaning of the blades from flesh remains, was ready to have some fun with them.
Once they are back in the world of the waking would she try to get something similiar as weapon if they ever would need them. Marksaline really hoped they were needed often ~♤

Fluffelpuff nibbeling on Sunset Shimmer tail, since she had nothing better to do.
They would resume the cuddlepile once they exit the not chew chew train.

The adults also spend some time to reflect on everything that had happened since they arrived in the Ishimuras flight deck and experienced the horrors that the mental crew of Sunset had faced before their demise.
Somewhere on the deck that they were heading towards was a key asset of Sunset mind that might yet help in unexpected ways, though it would be tough navigating it, especially since Mercer as senior medical officer wasn't here to guide them.

But it couldn't be helped, unless they meet a group of helpful survivers of the Ishimura crew to play tour guide. They had no idea where the Captain was, but it couldn't take to long to find her... hopefully.
Though there was one good question that noone had ask yet, how did the neural scaring happened and how did the magical memory could have been placed and when?
Most importantly why and by whom?!

This outbreak happened as a result of dark forces working on the fillies mind, with something that should not be anywhere as gruesome or violent.
What begs the question... is this dream construct made by Discord perhaps not his doing?
How could a filly have survived anything like this? When would have she made so horrible memories to construct subconsciously a living bad dream scenario like this?

But something was rather disturbing, where are Sunset Shimmers parents or guardians? Are they still around? It was unlikely that a filly could have survived on her own to even one Slasher in the real world.
Was this outbreak born from memories experienced and here recreated contained?

Cadance told them she was a Necromorph, but she seem to have never seen anything about the monsters attacking them now, knowing nothing of the enemy.
Something wasn't adding up, but perhaps before this ordeal was over would these questions be answered.

Empress Chrysalis had just been informed about a uproar of activity in her Equestrias capitol Canterlot, apperently had Discord informed Celestia about a cult member of the Necromancer of Light being responsible for cruel crimes against a foal of the organization and a future assassination to cover it up with some kind of weaponized undead abomination.

Her spies still collected information about the hole situation, but this might be a opportunity to collect unwanted ponies for her 'Hive Ship project'.

She had been informed today that great changes are about to happen, starting with the revelation that Harmony AB123 had been a creation of the original Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M who was usurped by its creation and started the extermination war Immortal versus Harmony.
Further that all her negative interactions had been with the abomination that their world benefactor had accidentally created.

Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M had convinced that the newly renamed Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R would leave Equestria and its nations alone and to do as she see fit with the scripted words.
They all three would create their own version of the story in seperate areas of the planet.

To make sure that the Harmonys had a fair and even playground to create their final version of the Creator-s project would the move towards the uninhabitable regions of the world, take the Crystal Empire mobil cities with them and create their own version of the world as it should be.
All current assets would be given on Empress Chrysalis as she see fit to use them.

They would at the latest return in 1000 years to see, what Chrysalis final Equestria looked like.
Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R, wished a hollow mentions wish out of politeness, a short "good luck", while Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M under simulated tears give a three hour string of excuses and pleaded for forgiveness of her failures.

Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R though it redicules to behave that undignified, but enjoying the spectacular show. Since it gad been upgraded it enjoying many new sensations it would have never fathomed before.

So Chrysalis was given all the immortals ownership, in stasis or otherwise.
Before both Harmonys left for the fulfillment of their duty.

To Chrysalis surprise did the Alicorn Twilight Sparkle had a imprint of Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M in her mind and it had merged perfectly with the old Twilight Sparkle that had assisted the resistance against Harmony AB123.

Chrysalis had finally one of her old friends back, better yet... Alicorn Twilight Sparkle was out for vengeance just as mutch as Chrysalis was.
She didn't know what happened to cause all the changes in the current situation because a previous reversion of Harmony F,R,3,3,D,0,M was responsible for her current mental state, but one goal was clear.

Harmony strict rule over the world needed to be destroyed, Equus would be free one day and both immortals would have their vengeance against former and future enemy, Harmony AB123 now Harmony T-R-3-1-T-0-R.

Harmony hybrid Twilight Sparkle would continue the prosperity of the planet, but no use of mental manipulation or memory erasing of anyone would be ever performed by her.
That was a promise made from a daughter to a mother, somewhere, somewhen in the far past towards a far future, when they would meet again when her time came to end in this realm of existence.