> Discoveries of love > by Comrade Abigor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It all started one morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence made a mental note to find and euthanize that dog that decided to come and empty its bladder right on the bush she was hiding in. But she paid it no mind for now. She was trying to remain hidden. And as cliché as it was, the bush was doing a pretty good job as a cover. Apart from the binoculars which could be easily noticed if one looked closely. But she paid no mind to that neither as she had more important matters at hoof. She had pointed the binoculars in the direction of Twilight's castle. She had been looking there for a while now as if waiting for something to happen. And finally something did happen. The castle's door opened and Twilight came out. She headed away towards the market, most likely to buy something. This is what Cadence was waiting for. She slowly came out of the bush, careful not to be noticed and happy to finally get out of that dog toilet. She immediately started to chase after Twilight doing all she could to remain unseen and not loose her target. You may be wondering what is Cadence doing in Ponyville stalking Twilight. Well it all started one morning... some days earlier It was a brand new day. Cadence had gotten up early so she could get ready. She had somewhere she had to go today. She was sitting at the table eating breakfast while also checking if the list of things she needed was fully checked. If there is one thing she learned from her lovely sister in law, that is that lists are very useful when preparing for something and you need to double triple check to make sure you got it all. Cadence chuckled at the memory of that one time when Twilight was a foal and tried to organize a date night for her and Shining. There's no need to get into details to know that it ended up a very awkward situation. Cadence could still remember the cute way Twilight said 'No no you're doing it all wrong' when she was looking over Cadence and Shining kissing while having opened a book called 'Dating for dummies' to make sure they were kissing properly. Where could a filly her age find a book like that was anyone's guess but having Twilight watch them kiss as if they were test subject for an experiment was cute in a creepy kind of way. Her thoughts were interrupted when the little laughter of an infant was heard as Shining Armor came in holding Flurry in his magic so that she could not escape and fly away. Again. 'Morning honey!'' Said Shining as he came to sit down in the table as well ''Morning love!'' said Cadence smiling ''What are you doing up so early?'' she asked knowing very well that Shining wasn't the best when it came to waking up early ''Guess who stole away my precious sleep with her cute loud noises'' he said as he started to nuzzle Flurry gently. Cadence chuckled at that ''Oh quit complaining. I woke up earlier than you and I'm completely fine'' she said in a mocking voice ''What are you doing up this early by the way?'' ''I need to leave on a trip. I'm going somewhere to have a few moments on my own away from the whole princess business. Call it a relaxing vacation to get away from the stress of being a royal.'' Shining gave a worried look ''You're going somewhere all on your own? Why can't i come with you to make sure you'll be safe? '' ''Shining i'll be okay'' she replied smiling warmly ''i am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.And besides with me away you will be needed here to take care of the Crystal Empire'' ''B-but what if Chrysalis attacks you like in our wedding? O-o-or even worse a gang of thugs-'' Shining's worried complains were cut in half when Cadence teleported right next to him and put one of her front legs around him. ''You know you're cute when you worry'' she said in a comforting manner ''but you don't need to worry I'll be perfectly fine. Trust me i've prepared myself so well for any dangers i could be assigned as the new captain of the royal guards'' she winked at him while rubbing his back ''and besides i will be back in three days'' ''Can you at least tell me where you're going?'' he asked ''I can't. As i said I'm going there to have some personal time and i wouldn't want to give out my secret place away from home would i?'' Shining thought about it for a second ''Well i guess that makes sense. But are you sure-'' ''Shining ill be fine. Nothing bad can happen to me there'' Shining calmed a little at that ''You sure?'' ''I promise'' was all Cadence said Shining was still a little worried about letting her go somewhere unknown all alone but he decided to trust her. After all if she was so sure she'll be fine then she must really be going somewhere safe. And he could understand the importance of having some time away from your duties and just relax spending some time alone doing what you like to do. Otherwise one would most definitely go crazy. And royal duties tend to be very stressful. Twilight would be a very good example of what happens when you only concentrate on your royal duties without taking some time for yourself. She once deprived herself of sleep for so long that when she finally gave in you could quite literally say she hibernated. That actually brought a thought to Shining's head and a curl started to form on his lips that Cadence didn't notice. ''How long did you say you'll be away?'' he asked ''Three days. Can you hold on for that long without me?'' ''I don't know i'll have to take care of both the Crystal Empire and Flurry all on my own'' she said in an upset tone but then smiled as if an idea came to him ''Hey! i can send a letter to Twilight asking her if she'll be able to come over and help me out. She and i haven't had some sibling time in a long time.'' ''That'll be great. You two haven't hang out in a while. And i bet she's just dying to see Flurry again'' said Cadence with a smile while nuzzling Flurry's which caused an adorable giggle to come from the baby alicorn. She knew how attached Twilight and Shining are as brother and sister and the fact they don't get to see each other all that much lately means they have a lot of time to catch. She hoped three days would be enough. She took a look at the clock on the wall ''Oh my. Seems it's time to go catch my train. Okay honey i must leave now'' she hugged Shining and gave him a kiss on the lips ''Take care of Flurry'' she kissed Flurry on the cheek, grabbed her saddlebag and headed for the door ''and when Twilight comes don't let her stress to too much. You know how she can get.'' ''Oh don't worry Cadence I'll make sure she doesn't get stressed at all'' he said with a smile as Cadence left out the door in hurry to catch her train. There Shining's smile turned into a grin ''I'll make sure she is completely relaxed.'' Cadence headed straight for the train station. She hated lying to Shining saying that she'll be alone but she really didn't want to expose where her destination was. Besides she didn't completely lie to him, she was in fact going somewhere to escape the stress of her everyday duties. That and some more... She entered the train as soon as it arrived and took a seat somewhere where there were no other ponies around to see her. Normally she would just teleport there and come back within the day. But since she'll be staying for a few days she thought to enjoy a train ride there and save the energy needed for teleporting on such distance. The train engine started making noise and soon it was moving. Cadence just sat on her seat looking out the window at the view of Crystal Empire getting smaller and smaller as the train moved away Back at the castle Shining was entertaining Flurry by making silly faces. Then their playtime was interrupted by a purple flash of light and the sound of teleportation. When they turned to look they saw a purple alicorn had just appeared there. Twilight smiled at them both ''Guess who's here to spend time with my favorite niece'' she said as Flurry took flight and laughing cutely she went over to her aunt and attached herself on her head. Twilight giggled, took hold of Flurry with her magic and started to nuzzle the baby's tummy in a playful manner. ''Well that was certainly fast'' said Shining as he came closer, smiling at the cute scene in front of him ''You think i wouldn't teleport here to spende time with my little niece? Well you're wrong." said Twilight while assaulting Flurry with kisses on her cheeks "And besides...'' she said pausing the kissing attack and looking up at Shining ''I also had other reasons for showing up this fast." She winked at him which caused a mischievous grin to form on his face ''You're right'' he said, putting a foreleg around her and starting to rub her back ''we haven't had some quality brother sister time in quite a while now.'' he also gave a wink while smirking Twilight chuckled ''Let's wait until Flurry falls asleep for that.'' "We can wait all we want. We have three whole days ahead after all." > The village > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train made a stop on a station that was near a forest. This was Cadence's stop. She looked around to make sure there was no pony there to see her and then exited the train unnoticed by anypony. As soon as she was out of the train she hurried towards the forest and hid behind the trees, again looking around to make sure no pony had seen her. Sighting with relief that she had remained unseen she took a look at the horizon. It was still early in the day. In the distance one could see Ponyville. In fact Ponyville was really close to where she was right now she could make the way there by hoof in two hours or so. Everytime she came here Cadence felt a tad guilty for coming so close to Ponyville and not stopping to meet Twilight. But she really didn't want to start a conversation as to what she was doing there. She started going deeper into the forest. The forest itself had a creepy vibe to it for random passersby. But it was not new to Cadence and she had grown used to it. She kept walking deeper and deeper. She knew the path so she wasn't concerned about being lost. After a while of walking she finally saw what appeared to be a village, appear in the distance. This was her destination. She came closer. The gate in front of the village had a sign over it writing: 'Welcome to BlackFlag village' Staying true to the name, the village had several black flags waving around in poles. As Cadence steped pass the gate, she saw a brown stallion with white and blue mane and an eye cutie mark, seemingly the guard. He smiled and greeted her. "Well howdy Cadence. Come to visit again?" "Hey there Watch Eye. Yes i decided to come over for three days. How's guard duty going?" "Oh you know kinda boring and all. After all not like there will be much of a threat coming to a hidden village in the middle of a forest no pony visits" said Watch Eye in an annoyed tone that spoke 'I hate my job'. Cadence chuckled "Well you still better keep an eye out. Wouldn't want uninvited travelers to learn about this place now do we. Most probably wouldn't be as understanding as i." "That true" he replied simply with a smile. "Anyways i got to go check things out now. See you later Watch Eye" said Cadence, going further into the camp and waving goodbye to Watch Eye. "Later Cadence" said Watch Eye also waving at her. Cadence keept walking and saying hello to ponies and other creatures she passed by. All of them replied to her friendly, calling her by name instead of princess. The place was filled with different creatures. Ponies, dragons, griffins even some minotaurs and changelings and other different creatures. Around all the creatures were doing various things. Some were chatting with one another. Some were doing work and fixing some of the buildings made for creatures to stay in. Some were giving medical help to some injured creatures. There was a place where everyone went to get food. There was a big playground where children were playing. There also seemed to be a stage for theater and plays that must have just been built recently as Cadence didn't remember it being there. This was BlackFlag Village. A place made mainly for the homeless, poor, needy, outcasts and ostracized but everyone, no matter species or situation was welcome to come and seek shelter in here. Here every creature helped each other and everything was shared. Money existing only to trade with the world outside.. Due to some rather illegal but overall harmless activities happening in the village and the fact that its economy was mostly supported by black market AND they didn't pay taxes, it was important to not risk the village being found and taken down by the authorities so it was hidden from the rest of the world, built in the middle of a forest no pony ever goes to. Mainly because there were urban legends spread about this forest being cursed and no pony should enter it or they die. Those urban legends were spread by the residents of the village to keep unwanted company away. And thanks to the cooperation of many talented unicorns that were resident in the village there was a magic shield that made it so the village could not be seen from the sky which is how all of this community has managed to stay hidden for so long. Until Cadence showed up. She one day made a silly bet with Shining about who could drink the most without passing out drunk. The next morning both of them were in unknown places and very awkward positions. Shining found himself upsidedown behind a public bathroom in Canterlot and Cadence found herself on the top of a tree in the middle of this very forest. After coming down from the tree and wandering around for a bit she came upon the village. After almost being killed by the guard dogs, she talked to the residents of this community and learned what the village was about. She saw no harm in what this place was about and in fact saw it as a good thing and after being explained why it was important to keep the village hidden she agreed to keep it a secret. Ever since, she has been visiting to see how things here were going and eventually she ended becoming close friends with everyone here and even ended up up becoming a volunteer as well, working as a couples counseling therapist and sometimes gardening. The princess of love and ruler of the Crystal Empire, niece of Celestia herself, forgetting all about royalty and coming to do volunteer work in a less than legal community for the poor and outcasts. Cadence was legit terrified when she imagined the number of reporters who will be willing to kill their own families just so they could get their hooves on that piece of information. Ponies everywhere would see it as a scandal of sorts. But not here. Everyone here saw her as an equal. They didn't use her royal title when referring to her but called her by her name instead and treated her as just a normal pony. And Cadence liked that. She honestly was tired of being treated as a princess. She didn't want ponies wherever she went to bow down and just wait for her orders. She wanted to actually interact with others without the wall of princesshood being in the middle. She wanted to chat with someone without them being nervous and doing their best to please her. She wanted to say hello to passersby and have them say hello back instead of bowing down and being silly. And she could have that here. Here she could hang out with others and not worry about making them nervous. Here she could be herself without worrying about people looking at her creepily and wanting to take pictures of her. Here she could escape from the whole royalty business and be herself for a little while. In addition she also got to do something more productive than parading around as the pretty princess. She could help others here. Ponies and creatures that needed help in their lives came to seek refuge in the village and everyone here would try their best to help each other. And Cadence loved the idea of contributing to that. Which is why she volunteered as couples consultant. She decided to give help on a field she actually knew something about. Love. After all who better to give advice regarding love life than the princess of love herself. Cadence walked towards a cabin which was being painted pink by a minotaur. "And....." Said the minotaur as he was giving the last brush to the cabin "Done! Phew well that's one good looking pink cabin. Bet Cadence will-" "Oh i definitely love it Thunder Horn" Cadence's out of nowhere reply startled Thunder Horn so much he practically jumped out of his skin while screaming. "Don't. Do that." he said breathing heavily to calm himself down from the unsuspected scare " Ever." Cadence chuckled at his reaction. "Sorry Thunder. I didn't mean to scare you" Thunder Horn had a hard time blending with the minotaur society outside of the village since he was easy to scare and all in all soft. That caused his family to kick him out of the house but fortunately he was found and brought to the village where he now does painting and art. "I only wanted to express how much i love what you've done. I knew you were the right person to go to when i thought of having my cabin painted pink." Thunder Horn was a little calmer now "Thanks. I knew you'd like it. I didn't know you will be coming today however." "No way you could have known. I didn't even notify Big A" said Cadence giggling "I've come to stay for three days. Spend some time here away from my life in Crystal Empire." "That's great to hear. Some people really need our love expert around here" said Thunder while laughing a bit. Cadence returned the laugh "I bet they do. Are you one of them Thunder?" She said with a smug face and wiggling her eyebrows. Thunder froze and blushed "I-uh-I...I don't know what you mean I'm not dating anyone" he said nervously "But you wish you did" replied Cadence smirking "I-" Thunder Horn gulped as Cadence came closer still smirking and demanding a confirmation. Then he sighted in defeat "How did you know?" "My special talent is love" said Cadence smiling "It is no surprise i can detect when someone is in love. So tell me." she came closer to his face with a smug and proud look of victory at having cracked through Thunder Horn "Who is it?" Thunder Horn was nervous and was thinking of a thousand different ways to escape. But it was no use. He knew Cadence wouldn't stop till she learned more. "Well..." He said and then made a move with his head to signify Cadence to look to the left. Cadence turned her head to see. There see saw a unicorn mare, with orange mane and tail, green coat and a hammer and nail cutie mark, moving some wood planks away. That was Crafty Spark. Formally known as Flaming rose. The daughter of a very rich high class family from Canterlot. Her family very much disapproved of her having a passion for doing construction work as they saw that as 'low class earth pony job'. That disapproval grew to anger when she got her cutie mark while helping a few construction workers. Besides that, her family was a little bit with the old, as one may, say so they didn't like their daughter to be doing a 'job ment for stallions'. Eventually after constant fights an them threatening to marry her without her approval, Flaming Rose ran away, changed her name to Crafty Spark and eventually she was also brought into the village. Cadence looked at Thunder Horn smiling in surprise "Crafty Spark?!" "SHHHHHHH. Stop being so lowd" whispered Thunder Horn, checking to see if someone had heard "And you stop being so shy" replied Cadence "Go talk to her" "I can't" "Yes you can" "But what if she doesn't feel the same" countered Thunder, still nervous about the whole thing. "Nonsense you two are made for each other. You both were thrown out of your homes by your families for not fitting in. You for being too soft, she for being too tough. It is as if the powers above put you here to meet each other" Thunder Horn was still unsure if he should go for it or not "You sure..." "Absolutely" said Cadence reassuringly "I am the expert at love after all" Thunder couldn't argue with that "Well i guess that makes sense but still-" He was cut in half by Cadence "If you don't tell her i will" Thunder Horn froze at that and gave a scared look at Cadence"Y-you wouldn't...." he managed to say "Wouldn't i?" responded Cadence in a smug and intimidating manner. This decided it. He could handle telling her himself but it would be embarrassing to have Cadence go and tell her. And Cadence looked like she was making no joke. She could be legit scary at times. "You hang around with Abbe too much. You are starting to become like him" said Thunder "You can learn a thing or too from him" replied Cadence smirking evily "Okay okay I'll go talk to her. Just don't tell her first" "If you promise to talk to her i promise to not tell her anything myself. Sounds like a good deal?" said Cadence in a tone that made it clear he had no other way around it. 'Thunder's right i am starting to sound a lot like Abbe' she thought to herself "Yes. Deal. Just let me tell her myself." replied Thunder Cadence smiled "Good. Tell me how it goes later. I got to go now and do my part of work. Couples need their therapist after all" said Cadence going to the door of the now pink cabin and pulling it open. "See ya" she waved goodbye as she went inside. "See you too Cadence" replied Thunder Horn. She could be scary at times but he knew she wished him well. He looked towards where Crafty Spark was. He sighed, knowing that now whether he wanted to or not he would have to tell her how he feels or else Cadence would do that for him and she won't be gentle about it. But then his face took a look of determination. "I got to stop being shy. I am going to tell her and I'm going to tell her right now" he said in an assertive voice as he started moving towards her. That's when Crafty turned around and saw Thunder in the eye as he was heading her way. She smiled at him and waved hello. That made Thunder stop on his tracks. He stood awkwardly still and blushing he waved back making Crafty chuckle a bit at his actions. "On second thought i might also tell her later" said Thunder to himself as he made a beeline for the other direction. A few hours later Cadence was in her cabin, that served both as shelter and work office, listening to the couple sitting on the couch in front of her, having come here for her advice. Crimson Flame, a red scaled male dragon with a rather lean body and Greg, a male griffin with a scar over his left eye. "You see" started Crimson "when we started dating we thought we would fit perfectly. You know. Dragons and griffins are very close culturally speaking since we both are tough live very tough and sometimes self centered and greedy and.....I'm not making a good case for either of our species...... anyways we thought two of us together could get the toughness level up." "But that's the issue" continued Greg "it seems it has gotten too much it is now causing distance between us." Cadence listened carefully to them both. "Have you considered doing something different for a change" Greg and Crimson looked at each other in confusion and then back at Cadence "What do you mean?" They both said in unison "Well you both try to be tough and rude-isj as you said. And that's causing issues. Have you tried doing something other than being tough all the time" Both dragon and griffin looked at each other again. "We..." said Greg "we actually never thought of that" "I mean yeah it does make sense" continued Crimson "but who will be the one to change his ways? I mean should it be me who tries to be less of a dragon or should Greg try being less of a griffin?" "Neither of you is going to be less of a griffin or less of a dragon. You would just both be trying acting more softer than what's usual for a dragon or more selfless that what's usual for a griffin. And i know trying to change your behavior can be hard, but i think it is a sacrifice worthy to make when it comes to love" said Cadence in a gentle and comforting voice. There was a short silence as both lovers thought about that for a moment. Then they looked at each other and nodded. "You know what. I think it's worth trying" Crimson was the first to break the silence. "Yeah. I agree" continued Greg. "Great" said Cadence "all you have to do is try to deviate from your usual behavior a little so as to break the monotony that has made you distant from each other" "Ohh we'll sure give that a try" said Crimson as he got up from the couch to leave. Greg following after him. "Bye Cadence" said Greg smiling waving goodbye as they were heading out the door to leave "Thanks for helping" "We don't know what we would do without you" added Crimson happily "My pleasure" replied Cadence also waving goodbye at the couple. As they left Cadence got up and went to grab a glass of orange juice. Dealing with couples all day sure left her tired. Thunder Horn surely wasn't lying when he said that people here really needed her. As she was drinking her juice the door opened again 'Seriously? I just finished with the last couple can't i have some break' Cadence thought to herself as the thought of not being able to even have a break for some orange juice almost made her snap. "Worry not my dear." Came the voice of a stallion that sounded very effeminate but also masculine in a perfectly balanced way "I'm not here for therapy" Cadence turned around and smiled happily "Abe!" > Abe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There stood a unicorn stallion whose fur was as white as snow. He had a very feminine vibe to him but still masculine enough to be considered a stallion. His mane was long and black as coal. His eyes were different-colored, the right one being blood read and the left being rainbow colored. Whenever someone asked him as to why his eyes were like that he just said that that's just the way they are. He had a hard to understand cutie mark that was a weir triangular symbol. Whenever he was asked about what it meant he simply said that it meant whatever he wanted it to. His face ever smiling in a sort of creepy grin and his stare made it seem as if he was looking right into your soul and fantasising about all the sadistic things he could do if chance would ever given. he was lean and tall and although not looking all that strong, he had proven multiple times that he was very capable of breaking things with just the punch of one hoof and could lift things even most earth ponies would find heavy. "I was working on the garden when i heard word you had stopped by. Seems that little bird wasn't lying after all" he said in a calm and kind manner "I am actually surprised you learned I'm here only now" replied Cadence going forwards to hug him This was Abe. The pony who started the village as a passion project of his. He was in no position of authority here as the village wasn't run through a hierarchy but he still had a lot of respect from the residents since it was his idea that made it possible for most of the creatures here to have shelter and food. He was a little mysterious as not much was known about him apart from the fact he hated governments, possessed many abilities, had a complete lack of morality, seemed to deny the laws of physics sometimes(how no one knew), had traveled a lot and was from outside Equestria. From where he was exactly no one knows as whenever he was asked he simply replied that it was a place very far away. Due to his mysterious nature, his complete disregard for any laws including the laws of nature and physics, his shameless and sometimes outright criminal behaviour and his strangely intimidating appearance there were a lot of folks that were afraid of him. Cadence however was actually quite good friends with him. She had learned that apart from his malevolent look and his amoral and perverse acts he actually meant no harm to anyone if he saw no reason to. If anything the very fact he came to Equestria and started this village is proof enough that his intentions are good, even though he himself would not want to be categorized as either good nor bad. After hugging for a couple of seconds they parted and Cadence was the first to talk "I was just drinking some orange juice, would you want a glass?" she kindly asked "Why yes it would please me so" replied Abe smiling Cadence headed towards the kitchen to get another glass and Abe followed. "So i heard you'd be staying for three days." he asked "Mhm" replied Cadence preparing a glass of orange juice for Abe "I just needed some time away from the whole royal life so i came here. This place has become like my home away from home as you know" Abe chuckled as he took a sit on the table "That is why i like you Candy. You're a simple being much like me. You prefer the simple life of a commoner over the privileged life of a royal despite being a royal yourself. I respect that." "Yes, i think you have made that pretty clear by now Abe" said Cadence smiling as she brought Abe's glass of juice and hers at the table and taking a sit herself "So how have things been going?"she asked, as she continued to drink her orange juice Abe took a sip from his own glass and replied "Things have been going pretty well actually. That underground mescaline market you helped us establish in Crystal Empire has helped our economy a lot" Yes the village had an economy based on illegal drugs market and other illegal things. That is one of the reasons they were hidden from the world. "Speaking on drug markets-" Cadence started talking but she was interrupted by Abe "Speak no longer my dear i know exactly what you want" he said reaching into the saddle bag he had with him "that's why i took some with me before coming here" He took a small bag out of this saddlebag and gave it over to Cadence which took the bag on her magic and opened it to retrieve the treasures inside. Inside the bag there were small half blue half magenta or light plum color pills. These were anthflexpine pills. A new experimental drug whose effects are calm feelings of relaxation, lucid dreaming and temporary enhancement and alteration of one's senses. It was also Cadence's addiction. Princes Cadence a drug addict. Oh the scary number of reporters who would die to have that information "Thanks Abe. I know i can always count on you regarding this stuff." said Cadence as she took a pill from the bag and swallowed it "My pleasure darling" replied Abe with a smile of perverse enjoyment. He meant that sentence a little too literally. He had many weird and sometimes disturbing ways to get sexual pleasure. One of them being to watch others as they consumed substances. Cadence did not understand why but as Abe said once 'Leave others to enjoy their fetishes in peace if they don't affect you or others' so she just went along with it and enjoy the effects of the pill. A few seconds after taking the pill she felt a rush of calm and relaxation take over her body and she felt as if she was on an empty space without gravity for a few moments. The feeling was almost orgasmic. She practically collapsed on the table and just let the sensations take her over. Her senses had now stared to enhance. Everything she was touching now felt as if she was seeing them but with her body instead of her eyes. Her ears started to pick up all sorts of sounds she either couldn't hear or was ignoring earlier to the point of not hearing them. Much like the sound of the kids playing outside her cabin or the ticking of the clock and all the noises one wouldn't normally hear coming from a clock or the sound of Abe breathing....or was it her breaths? she couldn't tell at this point. Even the light around was starting to look different now She just let the new sensations, sights and sound(and even the smells but let's not touch that part) take over her mind for a few moments. "You okay up there Candy?" asked Abe. His voice sounding much louder to the now high as a butterfly Cadence "Mhmmm" was all Cadence said in reply. Her face ecstatic and body relaxed. Abe chuckled and smiled. To him the scene before him was as cute as a baby playing with a kitty. He then looked at the clock and started to get up. "I would have loved to stay around and masturbate while watching you get higher than the ceiling my dear but it seems i need to go attend other business. You gonna be okay? Should i send somebody to check on you to make sure you'll be okay?" "Thanks A. I'll be alright no need to worry" replied Cadence with a low and relaxed voice "If you say so my dear" said Abe as he started heading towards the door "If you need me i will be at the hospital. Although i would suggest you call it a day and take some sleep till the pill's effects wear off" "Okays" replied Cadence cutely in her high state Abe chuckled at that and opened the door "Bye Cadence" he said as he left the cabin and closed the door behind him "Bye A" replied Cadence. Unaware or uncaring that Abe was no longer present to hear her reply 'Maybe Abe is right' she thought to herself 'I should probably get some sleep' Back on Crystal Empire, Twilight was playing with Flurry by acting as a bear. The infant alicorn kept laughing cutely unstoppably as she was flying away from her chaser. But eventually she yawned and landed softly on the ground to nap. Twilight stopped right next to her and D'awwed hard at the cute little thing in front of her. "You feeling sleepy sweetheart?" asked Twilight, receiving Flurry's cute snores as an answer. She giggled and took hold of Flurry in her magic. Careful not to wake her up in the process as she took her to her bedroom. She put Flurry on her crib and covered her up. She gave the baby a small kiss on the cheek and slowly left the room, careful not to make any noise as she closed the door. She started to walk away from Flurry's room and headed for the throne room where Shining was busy doing some paper work. She opened the door and found him right where she left him. "Still busy with paper work i see" Shining looked up and smiled "Yeah I've been doing paper work all day. But fortunately i will be done in a little bit. Where is Flurry?" "She's asleep" replied Twilight as her face turned smug "Okay nice" was all Shining said as he was busy on his paper work. But then his head moved up as something came back to him. He started coughing and moved in a comedically seductive pose "Is she now?" he said smirking this time Twilight giggled "Don't you have paper work to finish first?" Shining looked back at his paper work with a sad and annoyed look which made Twilight chuckle "Don't worry Shining. I'll be waiting on the bedchambers till you finish." she said as she turned back to leave "Don't let me wait too long" She looked back and winked, wiggling her tail in the air. This got Shining back to work spirit "Yes ma'am" he said in a solider like salute and he got back to his paper work to finish it as soon as possible. Twilight giggled at her brother's antics and left the room, closing the door behind her > Friends and imposters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence woke up and jumped up in her bed, sweating and breathing heavily. The pill had caused her to have a lucid nightmare. She hated it when that happened but still it didn't stop her from tasting the sweet sweet effects of the drug. After calming for a bit she got off her bed and walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. One of the after effects of anthflexpine is the feeling of dehydration so she downed at least five glasses of water at once before she felt satisfied. She dragged herself over to the table and sit down. She looked around to check if her senses had gone back to normal. It looked like that effect had worn off by now. She looked out the window and noticed it was now a new morning. She remembered falling asleep last day. She intended to just take a nap but apparently had slept to the next day. She also didn't remember going to bed. She had fallen asleep on the table but she did not remember getting to bed. How had she gotten there? She decided to worry about that later and go out to take a walk. After taking anthflexpine, a walk and some fresh morning air always helped her with the aftermath of her narcotic adventures. She got up, went to the door, opened it and left outside. She seemed to still be a little sensitive to light so the sunlight blinded her for a moment. After she got used to the light she closed the door behind her and started trotting ahead. Around she saw that other residents had also woken up already and were doing different sorts of activities. Cadence trotted around the village going around in circles and taking in the views around her. Suddenly something caught her eye. She was pretty sure she saw something black moving quickly around the corner of her eye. She looked at the direction where she thought she saw something moving. She stared that way for a while but then shrugged it off as the drug still making her a little sensitive so she just continued walking. She didn't see the green flash of light coming from behind a cabin, from behind which latter came a yellow coated mare, whose intent was clearly to chase after Cadence. "Woohoo! Cadence!" Cadence turned to look at the direction where she had been called. There she saw a group sitting on a picnic table. The group was made of one orange female dragon with red spikes and same color eyes, a grey coated earth pony stallion with purple mane and tail, brown eyes and a toque chief hat cutie mark, an elderly blue pegasus mare with cian eyes and a windy cloud cutie mare, next to whom stood a bear that was apparently her pet and two identical looking female griffins who were obviously twins, one of which had called Cadence was waving at her. "Over here" she said signaling Cadence to go towards their direction. Cadence smiled and went to the picnic table whee the group was siting. "Hello guys. How is everyone doing?" she asked as she took a sit on the table next to the griffin girls and the elderly mare. "Oh you know just as usual dear" replied the mare. Her name was Flawless Breeze. She used to work on the weather factory on Cloudsdale when she was young but now had retired and was spending her retirement years here in the village since she had no other family to go to. Her pet was a bear named Berney always stood close to her. "Just the boring old stuff again nothing interesting happening at all" continued the dragon with an bored tone of annoyance. She was Burning Blaze. Or Blaze for short. She found it hard to live in the dragon society so she left the dragon land and soon found herself here in the village. "Ohh don't be such a downer Blazy" said one of the griffin twins. Her name was Greta. She along with her twin sister, Gwen, were raised as homeless orphans. Untill one day they were found and brought in here. "Don't. Call me. Blazy." muttered Blaze, angry and annoyed at being called as if she was some sort of a cute pet. "Why what's wrong with that name?" replied Greta tilting her head. "Yeah" continued Gwen "I for once find it cute" "Well i don't want to be called cute names" bursted Blaze with rage "You sure about that?" said the stallion in a very monotonous and almost expressionless voice. His mane was Gustavo Ramsay. Or just chef Gustav for short. He was a very talented and well-known cook in Canterlot. That is until a so called Zesty Gourmand gave his food a bad rating unjustly. This caused his business to crash and he eventually ended up loosing it all. Even his home. He was soon after offered help and brought here in the village where he now is still working as a cook to this day. "What do you mean by that?" Blaze threw Gustavo a glare. "What i mean is" Gustav continued in his monotonous voice and expressionless face that was turning somewhat smug "that you don't really complaining when Abe is the one calling you 'Blazy'. What's up with that? Do you like the name or not? Or do you have preferences depending on who calls you?" "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS" she shouted at him in anger "Did i touch a... touchy subject?" asked Gustav now smiling a bit. That question was obviously rhetorical. Blaze was puffing out of her nostrils in rage. She was so close to killing the damn cook. For a pony as expressionless as he was he sure was pretty annoying and irritating. Cadence steped in to make sure someone didn't got murdered today.....if Abe hadn't already snapped on somebody that is. "Come on now Blaze" she said comfortingly "don't let Gustav irritate you. Besides it's not that big of a secret you have a crush on Abe" "I DO NOT-" yelled Blaze but then lowered her voice so as to not be heard by the whole village "I do not have a crush on Abe" "Yeah. Of course." Was all Cadence said as she had a face that spoke 'do you know who i am' "Now now Blazy" said Greta much to Blazes displeasure "it's okay to have a crush there's nothing wrong with that" "I mean" said Cadence "that would be the case if this wasn't Abe we're talking about" she turned to Blaze "First of all you're gonna have some competition but that may not be a problem. And second of all, do not under any circumstances let him be aware that you have some sort of feelings for him" Blaze was confused at that last part "Why?" "Trust me, I've hung around with him enough to know that he will definitely abuse that for his own sick, twisted, perverted and sadistic pleasure. Assuming he doesn't already know." Blaze stared at Cadence for a moment. But then shaked her head to clear her thoughts "Look there is nothing for him to know or use as i don't have any feelings about him and most importantly he doesn't have any about me....does he?" she couldn't resist but ask Everyone looked at Cadence at that moment. She just stared back awkwardly as she knew exactly what they wanted but she did no have answers "I-" she paused for a moment "I don't know" "What do you mean you don't know?" said Flawless Breeze "aren't you the princess of love and the one who hangs around with Abe most often?? "I simply don't know. It's not that Abe doesn't feel love. He is very capable of loving, he does possess the emotion of love i can tell that much. But i just cannot read him like i would anyone else. I just can't tell what goes on in his heart" "That's because love doesn't reside on the heart silly that's where all the blood is. Also i have pretty strong mental security you're pretty much incapable of reading me." They all screamed, startled by the unexpected appearance of Abe just next to them all where they were sure he wasn't a second earlier. "A-Abe" stuttered Cadence "don't do that. Please. You're gonna give everyone a heart attack." Abe chuckled, clearly amused at the reaction "Please darling, it has been a very long time since I've killed someone through heart attack. If i wanted to do that now you would already be dead." "F-for how long have you been standing there?" "Not long enough i would say" He joyfully bathed in the scared looks he got from everyone and sat right next to Blaze, looking at her with the most sadistic smile there could be. She blushed hard and gulped lowdly 'If i don't move maybe he won't see me' she thought to herself "That wouldn't work but still good thinking Blazy" "Darn it get out of my head! I don't know how you do that, but stay the hell out of my head" "Oh but i can't do that. You know i suck at pulling out Blazy" he said winking which made the orange dragon turn completely red on her face and look around for possible ways of escaping. "Yup. He knows" whispered Cadence to herself while giving Blaze a look of 'I am so so sorry this happened to you'. That's when a red ball fell down on Abbe's head, surprisingly not making him move at all, and then materialized into a young pegasus filly. She had red coat and her mane was red and black stripes, eyes of a similar red colour and musical note cutie mark. She had cutely attached herself on top of Abe's head protectively while throwing a look at Blaze "Mine" she said in a cute but possessive voice which made all those present giggle at how adorable she was being. This was Scarlet Song. She was an orphan who escaped from a very abusive orphanage and was later found by Abe himself, who brought her to the village and has been taking care of her since. Here she also discovered her talent for singing. Apart from that she had apparently developed a crush for Abe. She was the one Blaze was going to have to compete with, which wasn't going to be a big problem since she's a foal anyways. It wasn't a big deal that some foal had some silly crush but Cadence kinda worried about her, knowing the complete lack of morals Abe was known for. But he doesn't seem like the type to do that at least. And as Abe himself says if he wanted to do something he would have done so by now. "Well there you are lil Scarly i was wondering where you went." said Abe crossing his eyes so he could look at her on top of his head. "Oh i was just flying around" she replied then she spotted Cadence on the group "Hi Cadence" "Hello there Scarlet. Doing good i see" "Yup" replied the filly smiling right before she started to playfully suck Abe's horn as if it was a lollipop "By the way Cadence i see the pill has worn off by now" said Abe while starting to apply makeup on his face, painting his eyelids black and putting on black lipstick. "You still taking anthflexpine?" asked Breeze "Yes and yes" replied Cadence to both of them "Although i did wake up in my bed this morning which is weird" "Why? Don't you use your bed to sleep on?" asked Gustav confused "No i do. It's just that i specifically remember that i fell asleep on the table not on the bed" "Oh about that" Abe said "I came later to check on you and found you deep asleep. I put you on the bed" Cadence blinked and just stared at him for a moment. "You what?" "I came to check on you. Found you asleep and took you to your bed." repeated Abe as he finished with his makeup "Is that difficult to understand?" "You mean..." Cadence's voice was now worried "You found me deep asleep and layed me in bed" Abe blinked in confusion not understanding where the problem was "Is there something wrong with that?" "I think Cadence is a little bit worried about the fact that you had access to her unconscious body and a bedroom" said Gwen "and since you're.....you. Well...you can get what she's worried about" Abe facehooved in annoyance, causing Scarlet to fall off his head and into the table "No i did not take advantage of her. For the love of eternity I'm not a rapist" "You're not?!" They all said in unison and gave him confused looks. He looked at them in annoyance, wearing his best 'are you for real' face. He stood silent for a few moments just staring at them "Touche." he finally replied "Still that doesn't mean i have intentions of raping Cadence. Or any of you for that matter. Trust me. If i wanted to rape any of you......i would have done so already." He said in an ominous way giving them all a predatory stare. They all looked at him with scared faces but they soon decided to put it aside as Abe just being creepy for the fun of it. "Anyways...." Flawless Breeze said in an attempt to change conversation. "So Cadence are you at least taking those pills safely?" "Oh you bet i am" she replied "wouldn't want to end up in a hospital due to overdosing on illegal experimental drugs after all." "Fair point. Although i don't see what you younger generation see so appealing about some of these drugs anyways" "Ummm" Abbe made a confused face "don't you take-" "I take stuff that keep me energetic so i can do chores better. I don't do drugs that make me see the sounds and smell the colours" "Okay fair point." At that moment Thunder Horn showed up. "Hey everyone have you seen-" "Hey Thunder Horn!" Cadence cut him in half, earning a look of fear from him "how did it go?" "How did what go?" Asked Greta. "Oh i forgot to tell you. I made Thunder Horn promise me to tell Crafty Spark about how he feels" she said looking at the embarrassed minotaur with a smug face He was blushing as red as a cherry at that point "You promised not to say" "I said i will not tell Crafty so you can tell her yourself. I didn't say anything about others" she said with a sinister smug face, earning a proud look from Abe "Well well Candy. Seems you're getting into the art of deal making as well. So what's the deal?" "Oh basically i made Thunder promise me he will tell Crafty how he feels or i will do that myself therefore ruining some good chance for romance. "Hmmm could have done better but still pretty good if i do say so myself. That's my girl" "Learned from the best" Everyone at the table was looking at the interaction with some worried looks. "Okay you two should probably stop hanging out for a bit" said Gustav to Cadence "Abe is becoming a bad influence" "Yeah that's exactly what I told her yesterday" said Thunder "Oh please now my darlings" Abe started talking "if i was trying to influence Cadence badly she would have turned into a sadomasochist perverted killer by now" "You're not making a good case for yourself you know?" said Blaze "You want me to lie?" "No it's just that you could at least....." she stoped to think for the right words "try to not be so direct about your true nature" Abe stared at her for a moment "I'm not being direct tho" Blaze blinked "You're not?" "If i was you would have lost your sanity and probably your life as well. And no that wasn't a threat" She gave him a look of confusion as she clearly did not understand what he meant by that. But she just brushed it off as Abe being Abe. "So anyways" Cadence started talking and then turned to Thunder "Did you tell her?" "Not yet in fact i was just about to ask if any of you had seen her" "Oh i know where she is" said Scarlet "she's at the storage fixing some stuff" "Oh okay. Thanks" "Well what are you waiting for?" said Cadence "Go get her tiger. Before i do" At that the minotaur disappeared in a blur, clearly not wanting Cadence to ruin that for him Abe chuckled clearly amused "How much will you bet he'll change his mind once he gets there" "Oh don't be a jerk Abe" said Breeze "I'm pretty sure he will be confident enough to tell her" "Hah. When your bear grows enough balls to face a russian all alone" replied Abbe "Ummm. What's a russian?" asked Scarlet "It's an animal that eats bears for breakfast" he answered "non of you would have heard of it tho as it isn't found in Equestria" Berney tensed up a bit in fear and Breeze gave him a comforting hug "Dare scare my lil sugar bear again and you'll end up bad." "Fuck around and find out young lady" Just as a fight was about to start between the two, much to Abe's amusement, they all heard some noise from nearby. Turning their heads they saw two ponies fighting with each other. An earth pony stallion was yelling to a unicorn mare. "I can't believe you could be this stupid" "What even did i do?" "Don't you dare speak by to me stupid mare I'm tired of your stupid bullshit" She gave him a glare "Well you know what I'm also tired of your bullshit. I'm tired of you acting like you own me all the time. We're over" she said and turned around to leave only to have her leg grabbed and forced to turn facing him again "Oh no you don't" he said furiously as he punched her in the face, causing her to fall to the ground. Abe's ear twitched. He stood up and with gentle voice he spoke "I apologize my dears but i must be going right now. Have a good day." he left the table and headed towards the couple with a smile on his face. "Oh no" said Cadence "All we can do now is start praying it will be quick" continued Breeze "Somehow i doubt that" added Scarlet "Look at what you made me do" said the stallion looking down at the mare who was bleeding from her nose and looking up at him with scared eyes. Right as he was about to strike her again, something else struk him instead. Red lightning bolts hit him and the electricity they produced caused him to shake till some smoke started to come out. Then the lightnings that were coming out of Abe's horn stoped and the stallion fell to the ground, still awake. Apparently the electricity had been strong enough to make him immobile for a bit but weak enough to keep him conscious. Abe came closer, still wearing that same sadistic smile he is most known for. He went pass the still confused mare on the ground and went over to the stallion instead. His horn started to glow in a blood red aura. The same aura covered over the stallion's tail as he then started to drag him away with his magic. Feeling that he was being dragged, the still dazed stallion looked back and when he saw Abe walking and dragging him by the tail with telekinesis he finally understood what was happening and began to panic "No. Wait. Hold on. W-we can talk. Please. Don't do this. LET ME GO" he started begging while wiggling around trying to escape the mad stallion's grasp. "You brought this on yourself dear. You got yourself to blame, not me" replied Abe without looking back at the stallion and still walking ahead with a smile on his face. "No no no no please I'm sorry i really am just let me go i promise i won't do it again please I'm begging you no" he started crying at this point which Abe enjoyed a little too much since one could clearly see an erection forming under his belly and his smile turned into a grin. When he didn't reply the stallion started panicking even more "HELP. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. NOOOOO. PLEASE SOMEBODY. ANYBODY. HEEEEELP." but non of the creatures around came to help. Non of them would dare. His screams fell on deaf ears and his crying left a trail of tears behind like a snail of terror and regrets. He keept on screaming, crying, beginning and wiggling around to try and escape as Abe keept dragging him away to one of his nutorius 'play rooms'. "Told you it wasn't going to be quick" said Scarlet as the group of friends was looking at Abe dragging an unfortunate stallion towards a horrible horrible fate. "That's why I said we could at least pray" replied Breeze Cadence got up and trotted towards the mare that was still on the ground. The rest of them followed her soon after. "Are you okay?" she asked her "I....am..." she answered still quite shocked and confused by what just happened "Is he going to be okay?" she asked pointing at the direction from where in the distance one could see Abe dragging the poor stallion inside of a cabin with no windows and closed the door behind. "He stopped being okay the moment he got Abe's attention" replied Cadence also looking into distance "But i wouldn't worry too much about him now it's pointless. Why was he hitting you?" "We have been dating for a while." she replied as Cadence helped her get up "We always had fights cause he was just a jerk. Honestly i don't even know what i liked about him in the first place" "Well you ain't gonna be dating him anymore sweetheart" said Breeze as the rest of the group arrived at the scene. "I don't think he will be dating anyone ever again in fact" continued Blaze "Not anyone he would want to date that is" added Gustav in his monotonous voice The mare looked at Cadence and after a moment her eyes went wide "Wait a moment. Aren't you princess Cadence?" Everyone exchanged looks of confusion at the questions "Ummm yes, but i don't use my title here." "You live here? I thought the authorities weren't aware this place existed" "They aren't and i don't live here. I discovered this place some time ago and come by occasionally to escape from the princess life. I'm the only royal aware of this place's existence. Didn't you know i visit here?" "No i only came here two weeks ago. Me and Cobalt, the pony you just saw hit me and then get dragged away, used to exchange love letters and the day we met i asked where he lives and he brought me here. I ended up liking it here so i moved in. Of course agreeing to keep it a secret. They didn't tell me a princess came over here as well." "Well i don't come here as a princess" Cadence replied "in fact quite the opposite i come here to live not like a princess and take a break from the royal life. But anyways i wasn't aware you were new. What's your name?" "My name is Lila Charm." she replied smiling. She had cian coat and white mane with green stripes. Her eyes were emerald color and she had a jewelry cutie mark. "Well Lila Charm, you know who i am. These are Gustav, Flawless Breeze, her bear Berney, Burning Blaze, Scarlet Song, Greta and Gwen." "Heyyy" said the twin griffins in unison "Hello dear" greeted Breeze while Berney roared "Hiya" greeted Scarlet cutely "Sup" said Blazer "Pleasure to meet" Gustav greeted in his expressionless voice "Hello" she greeted back "And that stallion you saw dragging your ex away towards certain pain is called Abe. He is the one who started the village. Don't mind him he can be scary but he means no harm....most of the time." "What is he going to do to Cobalt?" "Ummm well...." Cadence started unsure of what to say but was then cut off by Scarlet. "You needed a new boyfriend anyways so it doesn't matter" "Is he gonna kill him?" Lila asked, panicking slightly "Hopefully he does" said Gwen. "Hopefully? What do you mean by hopefully he does?" "Well" replied Greta "Abe can be a little... what's the word" "Sadistic and pure evil" said Blaze "Yeah that" "Long story short Abe's gonna have some fun with your ex" spoke Scarlet "Fun? Okay i was told there are some less than legal activities that happen here but i wasn't told of this!" "You'll get use to it" said Cadence coming closer and putting a hoof on Lila's shoulder "as long as you're nice to Abe he ain't going to harm you. Just ignore him when he acts creepy. In general he means no harm." "If you say so i guess" "There we go. So what do you say we take a walk around and talk for a while to calm you down from the earlier experience." "I guess that would help" she replied with a smile After spending some time befriending Lila, the group then split up and went on with their days. Cadence returned to her house office where she talked with some couples for the rest of the day. After finishing dinner she decided not to take anthflexpine today and prepared to sleep instead. She made the bed ready and layed down, covering herself with a blanket and turning off the lights. It was a little early to go to sleep but she was tired. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. But right then a noise was heard from within her home. Cadence shrugged. It was probably Abe coming to watch her sleep again. While she usually ignored his creepy habits she really wasn't in the mood for that right now. And she especially did not want Abbe making noises while she was trying to sleep. "Go away Abe" she called "That wasn't me, I'm in your closet" came Abe's voice from within the closet Cadence stood up with wide eyes. If that wasn't Abe, what was it? She slowly got off her bed to look around. "Did you come here with someone?" she asked Abe "No i came alone" he replied from within the closet "Watch my back" "On it" She slowly walked around, looking to see if anyone was in the house. She looked around for a little bit and saw nobody. She turned back to go back to sleep and then- "Hey Cadence" Cadence got startled and screamed a bit "Thunder Horn?! For fuck sake don't do that i almost peed myself right here and now." "Sorry i didn't mean to" replied the minotaur. That was an odd reply. She expected something of the sort 'revenge for doing the same to me yesterday' but she wasn't in the mood to pay attention to that right now. "What do you want?" "I was wondering if i could ask you for some advice" he said. Somehow he sounded a bit...off. She couldn't quite tell what but he seemed to be acting weird. "Advice on what? You want advice on how to tell Crafty?" "Uhhhh yeah. That's what I came here for." "Couldn't you come earlier. Or even tomorrow. Like I'm really tired right now and-" Cadence was cut off by the sound pf the door bursting open and exited heavy hoofsteps could be heard. "Cadence" the enthusiastic voice of Thunder Horn was heard as he came into the room Cadence and Thunder Horn were "I did it. I told her. I finally told her i can't believe i-" He froze in place and his happiness was replaced by confusion as he saw Cadence standing there with....him. But that couldn't be him because he just entered and he was he not this other dude. Who even was this guy? Cadence looked from one Thunder Horn to the other. She was just as much confused. At that moment the Thunder Horn that was here first charged towards Cadence. She reacted by instinct and managed to dodge the attack. The door of the closet burst open and Abe came out, aggressively charging into the room with a primal snarl and pouncing at the impostor, attaching onto his back, violently punching him where he could. Thunder Horn too abandoned his usually soft behavior and came punching at the impostor. Not only had this fool stolen his beautiful face, he had also just attacked Cadence. He punched him from the front while Abe dealt with the back. Caught in the middle, the impostor could only react. He punched the real Thunder Horn in the stomach, causing him to back up a bit. Then he grabbed Abe from his back and threw him hard towards the kitchen, causing him to make a mess when he landed. The fake Thunder Horn felt a hard punch on his face. The real Thunder Horn had recovered from the punch and had striken him, making him lose concentration a bit. Thunder Horn then kicked the impostor with a hoof on the stomach, sending him crashing on a wall, breaking through the latter. "Damn it i had just painted that wall yesterday" called Thunder Horn as he went to drag the impostor in for more beating. Abe's head rose up. He was grinning with a psychopathic face. He grabbed a nearby knife and got up from the mess that once was a kitchen and started slowly walking towards the fight. The impostor had pinned Thunder Horn on a corner and was punching him repeatedly. He stoped and screamed when he felt a sharp pain on his back. Abe had slashed the knife and made a very big cut on his back. The fake Thunder Horn turned around only to be met with more slashes as Abe kept cutting the minotaur all over his body, laughing like a maniac he was while the impostor tried helplessly to protect himself. He was making deep cuts but wasn't going for lethal stabs. He didn't want to kill. He was playing with him. He was having fun. In a desperate attempt to make it stop, the impostor kicked the mad unicorn, sending him flying across the room. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee" was the sound Abe made as he was on air. Then, doing some acrobatic moves he landed on his hooves, catching the blade of the knife with his teeth as if it was some sort of rose. He gave the impostor a look of amusement and desire, as if he had been longing for a fight like this for a long time now. Thunder Horn got up and went back to kicking and punching the fake him. They kept on fighting till the impostor saw that Abe was trotting towards them grinning gleefully while heating the knife up with his magic. He had realized by now that he had no chance fighting against both Thunder Horn and the mad stallion at once so he decided to change the game a bit. He pushed Thunder Horn to the ground, jumped on him and then rolled and mixed up with him. "Abe get him off me" said Thunder Horn on the bottom. "No don't trust him I'm the real one help me keep him down" said the Thunder Horn on top. "No I'm the real one" "No i am" "No I" "I" "I" "I" "Help me beat this faker up" they both called in unison Cadence was standing at a corner the whole time. She didn't know what was happening and she didn't know what to do. Right now she only hoped Abe will choose to trust the right one Abe rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed by the trick. Red lightning came from his horn and struck the Thunder Horn on top electrocuting him to the point smoke and screams filled the air and then stoped, letting the minotaur fall to the ground. Thunder Horn on the bottom got up quickly and gave a few kicks to the other for good measures. Then he stoped and started to breathe heavily to calm himself. "Hah. Now that was fun!" said Abe "H-how did you know" he asked panting "which of us was the real one?" "Oh please" Abe replied "even Koalemos could tell the difference." "Who?" "Noone you would know" At that point other residents came over having heard the noise and curious as to what was going on. They were totally confused to see two Thunder Horns. One of which laying beat up on the ground. Abe used his magic to turn the lights on and went over to check on Cadence. "You okay there Candy" he offered her his hoof to help her up. "I...think so.... just a little confused" A green flash of light covered the room and everyone gathered around where the impostor was laying. Cadence and Abe walked over there and when they arrived Cadence gasped in shock at who she saw "Chrysalis?!" > The discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All were silently looking at the sight before them. The now unconscious changeling was looking pretty beat up from the whole fight, deep cuts that bleed in green and bruises all over her body. Smoke was coming from her and if it wasn't for her breathing, nobody could tell that she was actually still alive. She must be surely regretting her decisions right now. "Candy baby, why didn't you tell me you had invited friends over for a party. I would have brought drugs!!" Abe was the first to break the silence with a chuckle. "Did you have to go that hard on her with the knife?" Thunder Horn asked "Oh please i haven't been that entertained since the plague of k19 of the Phanerozoic eon back at home hahahahaha" Abe replied, talking again about stuff that didn't make any sense to anyone around "Is that Queen Chrysalis?" asked a pony from the crowd "W-why is she here?" asked a scared changeling backing away to where she felt safe. Cadence turned her look from the beat up Chrysalis to Abe "How did she get here?" "I don't know you tell me it's your house after all" he replied, that smile ever present on his face "I meant how did she get into the village even though this place is heavily guarded from all sides." she said, slightly irritated at how calm Abe was acting in a situation like this. Abe looked at Chrysalis as if thinking about it for a moment and then he spoke "She must have shape shifted to something small enough to go pass our security" "And you don't have a barrier against changeling magic?!" Cadence's voice was filled with slight anger Abe gave her a glare "A number of our fellow residents are changelings. Do you think we would have an anti changeling barrier here?" Cadence facehooved "Of course....of course" "Anyways let's ask her what is it she wants" said Abe as he started trotting towards the devastated changeling and the grabbed her in his magic and lifted her up in the air. "What are you-" Cadence started to ask but stopped as Abe gave a hard punch in the stomach to Chrysalis which woke her up from her unconscious state. "Wakey wakey" he mockingly said to her as she was coughing up green blood."You know i don't really have a problem with showing up without invitation but you could at least knock" he punched her again "SCREW-" Chrysalis tried to reply but her coughing interrupted her "SCREW YOU, YOU MAD PONY!" "Rude" Abbe commented "but that's okay....i like it rude" he made the most predatory face he could make and licked his lips while looking Chrysalis right in the eye, making her feel a little scared. She tried to shoot a spell at him but to her surprise found herself unable to. "Oh and by the way" he continued "I'm blocking your magic. You can't do any spells to defend yourself" At that last part Chrysalis was starting to get really worried. Her earlier experience with this unicorn was enough to realize something was definitely wrong in his head and the fact that he had her in his grasp, weak, immobile and was somehow blocking her magic was not comforting at all. For her luck Cadence stepped in, pushing Abe out of the way. "Why are you here Chrysalis?" she asked with an angry glare "What else do you think Princess Lovey Dovey" she replied with a just as angry glare "I'm here for you" "Why?" "Hahaha" Chrysalis laughed "Do you seriously think that just because you caught me I'm going to give my plans that easy? Not even in your dreams dear." "Talk or I'll let Abe play with you" Cadence said pointing at Abe who was grinning wickedly That made Chrysalis feel a little intimidated. She had seen that stallion drag a screaming pony to somewhere just earlier today when she was stalking Cadence and she felt a little of his madness during their fight earlier. That was enough for her to understand this stallion wasn't as innocent as most other creatures here. "What do you mean by 'play'?" she asked "Trust me you don't want to know so please just tell me what your plan was" "Asking her won't help, let me 'talk' to her" Abe came closer, his face speaking of madness and his eyes looking at Chrysalis with hunger. He used his magic to materialize some hoofcufs, chain and a big black bag. He put the cufs on her and tied her with the chain, making her incapable of both moving and flying, as her wings were tied by the chain and then his magic let go of her and she crashed to the ground. She wiggled for a bit but her new restraints were just as limiting to her movement as his magic was. She thought that since he wasn't holding her in his magic anymore then she probably should be able to use her own magic now. She went for a teleportation spell to get the hell out of here but when she tried she felt a burning pain on her horn. She looked up and saw that small red crystals had grown over her horn. "Charming isn't it" Abe got her attention "Those crystals block your magic. Usually i would go for a ring to block one's magic but since your horn is...a little bit of an unfit shape for the ring, i decided to use an old technique i know" Chrysalis was legit starting to panic right now. Abe brought the bag near with his telekinesis and opened it. He started to bring out various tools, most of which Chrysalis was not even sure what to call. Some were.... pretty clear as to what their purpose was....and she didn't like it at all. "If we had taken this to my play room i would have access to more toys but we'll have to do with these for now" Abbe said while using his magic to heat up some sort of metallic dildo, which had very sharp spikes that looked like they could pierce bone. Chrysalis's eyes went wide with terror. She wasn't planning to deal with this. "Okay okay I'll talk whatever you want just don't let that maniac come near me!" she begged to Cadence. Cadence sighted in relief, glad she did not have to witness whatever Abe had in mind. "Okay Abe you can stop it, scaring her worked" Abe put down his toys in disappointment "No problem I'll have time with her later" "Now Chrysalis" Cadence turned to the restrained changeling "What is it you wanted?" "Ugh. I was going to replace you again and then go back to the Crystal Empire looking like you. I saw what i did wrong the last time i tried this but this time i was going to do it right and therefore have the whole Crystal Empire on my control which i could later use to get revenge back on Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Especially on that Starlight Glimmer for getting my changelings to turn on me. And then i would get those weak cowards for turning away from their queen" she threw a rageful glare at some changelings that were in the room, making them walk a few steps back by fear "I turned into an ant to sneak into this place and intended to replace you today. I didn't expect you to have company tonight thought" she continued, looking at Abe and Thunder Horn. "Yeah, try stealing my face again I'll turn yours into pudding" said Thunder Horn, punching his fists in a threatening manner. "That's really what you were going to do? That's all your big plan? Really?" Cadence asked, really irritated right now "Wow. You villains really are turning cliche lately" she mocked "How did you know i was here? How did you find out about this place?" "Well I've been chasing you that's how. You really don't know how to watch your back, princess. And then you say I'm cliche" Chrysalis rolled her eyes "I bet you couldn't keep yourself safe without that husband of yours being there to save you" "You've been following me?!" Cadence was shocked. How has she not been aware of this? "Yes i needed to get to know your behavior better this time so i can better copy you. That's what the flaw on my plan was the last time i replaced you after all. Still I'm not surprised you didn't notice you stupid- AUCH" Chrysalis was interrupted when Abe grabbed her hair and pulled aggressively, intending for it to hurt "For how long have you been aware of this place?" he asked her with a threatening voice and a stare that could burn souls. "A month ago i chased her to this place. Let go of my hair." "Have you told anyone about this village? Is anyone else working with you?" "No!" "You sure?" he asked again, pulling her hair harder. "Auch yes i swear no one else is aware of this place i didn't work with anyone else let go of my hair!" "Good" he let her go and gave her a pat on the head "Sorry for being rough but i can't allow unwanted attention to come to this village and also i enjoy causing pain so yeah" "Ugh. I really did not want to deal with this today. Thanks much for ruining my vacation" said Cadence with an angry sarcastic voice "If you think that's all I'm going to ruin for you princess then you're wrong" Chrysalis began to talk in a threatening voice "I'm going to ruin your whole life you pathetic pony! First i will- MPHH" her speech was cut in half when Abe put a gag on her mouth "Yeah yeah i know. Evil plan. Monologue. Blah blah blah. Honestly would you please not. I've gotten bored of that shit" he said with an annoyed face. "What will you do with her?" Cadence asked "What i do with all unwelcomed guests" Abe replied "Kill her?" Chrysalis went wide-eyed in panic at that "Hahahahahahahahahaha" Abbe laughed as if Cadence said something so funny he couldn't resist "Darling why would I kill her" Chrysalis calmed a little when she heard that, thinking that she would be spared "I only do that when I'm feeling merciful" Chrysalis made muffled noises through her gag, trying to speak. It sounded as if she asked 'Merciful? The hell do you mean?' having it hard to understand what Abe could mean by 'killing is merciful'. "No i will not kill her.... unless i see that as necessary. Instead i am just going to keep her" "Keep her?" "As a pet" Chrysalis started to protest through her gag and wiggle around in her restrains. She did not sign up for this. Not at all. Cadence sighted "O-okay...Fine. I guess it's only fair. Plus you kinda earned it. You helped put her down after all" she looked around. Her house was a mess now "This place also deserves some fixing i believe" "Oh I'll deal with that" the voice of Crafty Spark was heard as she came from the crowd "I'll fix the walls and all the broken stuff and Thunder Horn can do the painting part" "Speaking of which. Thunder Horn. When you came in earlier you said something about finally telling her" Cadence teased Both Thunder Horn and Crafty Spark blushed lightly "Ummmm...yeah" he replied sheepishly "And what was the answer" Cadence looked at Crafty who was blushing harder now ".....yes" she replied shyly "Oh wonderful" Cadence chimed in excitement "told you it would work out" she said to Thunder Horn giving him a light punch on the side Abe giggled at the scene "Shipper" he mockingly called Cadence "Psycho" Cadence said back to him "So where will you be staying till your home gets fixed?" "I don't know. I could go back home but i don't really want to leave yet and i want to give Shining and Twilight more time to hang out together. Maybe i could-" "I mean you could come and stay at my place i have plenty place to go around" Abbëe offered Cadence went wide eyed "Home I'll go home!" "Oh. Okay as you wish-" Abe replied but was interrupted when Cadence immediately teleported away "OH COME ON I'M NOT THAT THREATENING!" "You actually are-" "Shut up or I'll gut you" "O-okay" Abe sighted in annoyance "At least I'll have someone i can get my anger out on" he looked at Chrysalis who was now struggling even harder to get free but to no avail "Okay everyone" Abe directed to the crowd "Show's over. We had an uninvited guest but we dealt with that there is no need to panic now go to your homes and shelters. I'm sure you're all just dying to go to sleep or fuck with your partner so don't worry. I, Thunder Horn and Crafty Spark here will clean up the mess. Have a good night ya all." After Abe was done speaking, everyone left to their homes. Apart from Scarlet Song who was waiting for Abe to come since they lived together. "So here's the deal" Abe turned to Thunder and Crafty "You two stay here and fix Candy's home while i will be taking Chrysalis and deliver her punishment" Chrysalis was literally screaming through her gag at this point "Any questions?" "Umm yes" Crafty spoke "You said you would be helping clean up the mess" "True. But i didn't specify how" he gave a smug look "While you two clean up the mess that is this place I'll clean up the mess that is Chrysalis" he pointed towards the chained and gagged Chrysalis which was being playfully kicked by Scarlet "You cheating bastard!" said Thunder Horn "I know" replied Abbe as he started to levitate the screaming and wiggling changeling in his magic "I know. Come Scarly, let's go home. We have guests tonight" he said and chuckled evily. Scarlet did as told and flied into Abbe's back right before he teleported himself, the filly and his new pet away. Thunder Horn and Crafty looked at each other for a moment "Do you ever fear that he may be abusing Scarlet?" he asked "Sometimes but i assume we would have seen signs of that by now if that's the case" "True i guess" "Ohh and by the way" Abe said, having just teleported back unexpectedly and startling Thunder horn, causing him to make a girly scream "If you two feel like fucking. Feel free to use Cadence's bed. I bet she wouldn't be using it for a while so feel free to have fun. I would suggest to be gentle tho that bed isn't made to resist the force of a minotaur" he gave a wink Both looked at him in silence for a moment "You teleported back, just so you could say that?!" Crafty broke the silence "Yup" was all she got as an answer Both Crafty and Thunder Horn face palmed and face hooved. Abe was never going to change it seemed "Okay now, goodnight" was all Abe said as he teleported again "Hopefully we don't have to deal with him anymore for tonight" said Crafty "Now. Where were we?" "The bed" "Excuse me?" "I-I mean cleaning. We were at cleaning the place" Crafty facehooved and giggled "Maybe later Thunder" Cadence teleported back at the Crystal Empire castle. She seriously did not want to deal with Abe being creepy and perverted tonight. Maybe she overreacted and Abe was legit just trying to offer help, but she still didn't trust him enough in order to step into his house at night. She just hopped these past two days were enough for Twi and Shining to have their brother sister time. She walked down the hall. All the castle workers must have gone home by this hour, causing the halls to look as empty as a ghost town. She came near Flurry's room and she slowly opened the door to peak inside. The little infant was sleeping peacefully in her crib. Had she not been trying to be silent, Cadence would have made a loud D'awwwwww. She slowly closed the door in silence and walked away. She was probably going to have to wake up Shining. After all she wanted to notify him that she had come back but she did not want to disturb his sleep knowing very well he probably tired himself a lot with work. Maybe she could just slip into the bed and be there in the morning as a surprise. Yeah she should probably do that. She also wondered where Twilight may be sleeping. 'In the library probably' Cadence thought to herself and chuckled lightly. She came near hers and Shining's bedroom and noticed that the light was still on. At lest it seemed he was still awake so she wouldn't have to worry about waking him up. She was hearing some weird sounds however. She came to the door which was still opened and entered inside. That's where she froze in place There she saw Shining laying on his back on the bed. On top of him was Twilight. They were....kissing. Passionately. Their eyes were closed and they were blushing. They had their hooves all over each other. Cadence was frozen in place. Her eyes were wide, staring in disbelief at the scene. Her face had turned blood red. Her heart almost stopped from the shock. She had just walked in on her husband cheating on her. With his own sister. She quickly and silently went and hid behind the door. She wanted to run away to wherever she could. But something kept her there. She did not know what but there was something that made her curious and compelled her to stay and watch. She peeked from behind the door. Shining and Twilight were still kissing. Until Twilight broke the kiss in order to breathe. For a moment they both just looked at each other. Smiling and breathing heavily. Cadence knew that look. Not only that but she could sense it. This wasn't just them playing around. They actually loved each other. Cadence did not understand. Shining loved her, how could he love somepony else too. And his own sister for crying out loud. How could Twilight love her own brother that way. Twilight moved to be on a cowgirl position on top of Shining. Her wings were spread and horn was glowing. she used her magic to direct Shining's erect shaft to the entrance of her vagina. Then she slided down slowly, making both herself and Shining moan in pleasure as the shaft entered. When she was fully to the base, she started moving her hips up and down the shaft, trying to keep her moans as low as possible despite finding it difficult. She put her front hooves on Shining's chest for support as her hips started rolling even faster, making loud slapping sound every time they came to contact with his hips. Shining too started to thrust upward, moving his front hooves to Twilight's hips so he could pull her down as he thrusted. Eventually their moves synced with one another and their moans filled the room. After a while, Twilight collapsed down and started kissing Shining again. He gave into the kiss while also starting to make more violent frantic thrusts. Twilight pulled away from the kiss. Her face covered in bliss and her tongue was out, connected to Shining's by a rope of saliva. "I l- AHH" she tried to speak but her moans were getting in the way "I-I love you AHH!!" Cadence's heart skipped a beat Shining was moaning loudly, lost in the pleasure of the moment "I l-love you too!!" he replied with a shaky lustful voice Cadence's heart almost stopped completely. She barely managed to not drop to the ground and be heard. Shining's movements became more frantic and his face contorted in pleasure. Picking up the signs, Cadence knew what was coming next. Apparently so did Twilight. "DO IT AHH do it inside. Don't worry I'm on birth control" Shining didn't reply but he seemed to have heard as his thrusting became even more furious and he was holding Twilight as if his life depended on it. Cadence wanted to look away. She did not want to see it but no matter how hard she willed herself she was still frozen in place. Twilight yelled out, having reached orgasm. Shining pushed as deep as he could inside Twilight and with a primal groan he let out his semen inside of her. He gave a few quick and short thrusts until he was done, at which point both siblings collapsed onto each other. They breathed heavily in the afterglow, then after a few moments Twilight looked up to Shining and gave him a short kiss on the lip "I love you" she said, starting to cuddle him "I love you too" he responded, cuddling her as well and nuzzling her mane Cadence couldn't take it anymore. She broke out of her frozen state and stormed down the hallway. Tears were running down her face and her breaths were heavy. How could Shining do this to her? How could Twilight do this to her? Her own husband. Her own sister in low. The colt she loved and the filly she used to take care of. How could they do this to her? She couldn't understand. She couldn't understand what was happening or why it was happening to her. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know where she was running to. She jus wanted to get somewhere. Anywhere. Anywhere away from here. Her horn started glowing and a a few seconds she teleported away to the only place she could feel safe right now. She appeared in front of the entrance to BlackFlag. She ran in. "Cadence?" Watch Eye called her, being on night shift guard duty "What happened? Where are you going? Wait!" She didn't answer. She didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Her legs were shaking. She was running out of instinct, not even looking to see what was around her. She could barely see by all the tears. After a while she ran inside a pink wooden house. Inside there was a minotaur and a pony fixing stuff. She ran past them leaving them with confused faces. She ran to the bedroom where she threw herself into the bed. She buried her face into the pillow and broke into uncontrollable crying and sobbing. The pony and minotaur went to her and said some things Cadence could not hear. They were probably asking what was wrong or why she was crying. But she didn't hear them. All she could hear was the blood rushing in her ears. After a few minutes that same stallion that was keeping guard rushed in with another pony. A weird looking white unicorn. He said something to the minotaur. Probably asking what had happened. The he went to Cadence, put a hoof on her mane, started caressing her comfortingly and then tried to talk to her. But she didn't hear him. All she could hear were muffled voices and the boom boom of her heart. Other creatures started to come in as she kept sobbing. But she couldn't pay any attention to them now. And she did not want to speak to anyone about what had happened. She was incapable of thinking at all at this moment. All she was feeling was some hoof caressing her mane so as to try and calm her down. Eventually all light was starting to fade away. And like that she sobbed and sobbed until darkness took her over and she fell asleep. > Back home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence opened her eyes slowly. She was on a bed. But this wasn't her room. How did she get here? 'Ugh not again' she thought to herself She waited for her still waking eyes to adjust to the light. Then she took a look around. This definitely was not her room. The room was painted red and had a number of drawings on the walls, seemingly made by a child. There was a shelf with books and multiple small figurines that seemed to be made of some white material, probably bone. A locked book was laying on a table, next to an unlit candle and a pen. There were various musical instruments around and what looked to be a recording device. A closet with mirror doors was facing the bed and there was a beside table with a nightlight and a framed picture on it. Cadence looked closer to see who was in the picture. There she saw a red pegasus filly and a white unicorn hugging and smiling. Cadence's eyes went wide and she stood up. "Oh my goodness! I'm on..." She didn't manage to finish her words because right then the door of the room opened and a Scarlet entered inside. "Hey Cadence. I see you're awake" "Morning Scarlet" Cadence said, looking confused "What am i-" "Told you she'd be awake right now" Abe said, entering in and levitatinga tray with a cup of coffee and biscuits in his magic "Morning Candy. Well, not really morning, you've been sleeping for most of the day. Slept well?" "I- I don't know. What am I doing in your house if i may ask?" "Why, your house was wrecked and i couldn't let you spend the night there" he replied putting the tray on her lap "So i brought you here and Scarlet volunteered to let you use her bed" Cadence was a tad calmer to know she at least wasn't on Abe's bed. 'Wait. My house wrecked?' she thought to herself and then she remembered what had happened last night with Chrysalis. 'Well i be damned. Shining was right, Chrysalis did attack just like on our wedding' and then she remembered what happened next when she went home. Shining and Twilight.... "And besides.....when you came back crying like that last night i just couldn't leave you alone" Cadence just stood silent. She was looking at the coffee and cookies and her face showed no expression. Abe gave a sigh "With who?" Cadence looked up at him "I'm sorry, what?" "I've been around long enough and have traveled to many places. I know the look of someone who feels betrayed in love. You had that same look last night. Still do. So tell me. Who did Shining cheat on you with?" She did not expect that. She knew Abe was good at understanding things and sometimes he could be almost telepathic, but she did not expect him to get an idea of what happened to her last night that easily. And she really did not want to talk about it "Look" Abe summoned a chair and sat down "If you don't want to talk about it I'm not gonna push you. Nobody will push you. But you need to talk about it at some point" Cadence sighed and gave a weak smile "Thanks Abe. But maybe I'll talk about it later" "As you wish" She started eating the cookies and sipping the coffee. But her mind was else where. She still couldn't fully wrap her head around what she witnessed last night. How could Shining and Twilight love each other, they are literally siblings. Not forgetting the fact that Shining is married to her. How could he cheat on her like that? With his own sister! How could both of them do this to her behind her back. What should she do right now? Even tho hurt, she still loved Shining so she couldn't bring herself to call him out for sleeping with his own sister. The same went for Twilight. And she didn't want to put Flurry through the pain of having divorced parents because her dad slept with her aunt. She didn't know how to act. What could she possibly do? "So what are you gonna do?" Scarlet asked "Hmmm?" was all Cadence could say in response "Are you going to stay here or will you be going back home?" 'Oh yeah..that' Cadence thought for a moment. She really did not want to go back home. But her house here needed some time to be fixed and she really did not want to be a burden to anyone here. And besides, if she didn't go back to the Crystal Empire tomorrow they would most likely wonder why she's not coming back and they would start looking for her so she really couldn't stay here for long. So the only option she could think of was to just go back home today...as much as she didn't want to be there right now "I guess I'll be going back to the Crystal Empire" Cadence finally spoke "Flurry must be missing me" she added in hope that would be a convincing argument so that they won't push her to stay "You sure darling?" Abe asked, putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder "...Yes" Cadence replied weakly "Well, as you wish darling" both Abe and Scarlet hopped on the bed to give Cadence a comforting hug. At first she was hesitant for a second but then she returned the hug and smiled slightly. At least she knew she could always come here if she needed friends to comfort her. Crystal Empire. An hour later Twilight was about to open the door of the throne room when two crystal ponies opened it instead and came out. Seemingly citizens coming in to solve their problems. She walked in and saw Shining standing in the middle of the room signing some letter "Hey there big bro. Need help?" He looked at her and gave a smile "Nah I'm good. Why, did you get tired of looking after Flurry?" "You kidding?" Twilight asked while nuzzling the foal on her back "I would never get tired of looking after my little niece. I just thought to ask if you needed any help" "Nah I'm okay i just-" Their conversation was interrupted when the door opened and Cadence walked in. "Cadence!!" they both called in unison and ran towards her smiling. She tried returning the smile "Hey you both" They both gave her a hug. Which to their surprise she did not return. "Where were you?" Twilight asked "It's a little unsafe to go away all alone for so long without telling where you're going" "By the way did something happen during your trip? You're one day earlier" said Shining "Don't worry i was safe nothing happened" she lied "Also I'm sorry for coming back this early, I'm sure you two could have used...some more time together. As brother and sister..." "Uhh, no problem. These past two days were enough for me and Twily to spend time together" "I bet you did" Cadence said in an almost monotonous voice Both Twilight and Shining could tell something was wrong. Her smile looked fake and she seemed to look at them both uncomfortably. As if she didn't trust them or something. Seeing that Cadence looked unwell, Twilight was starting to feel a little guilty for sleeping around with Shining behind her back this past two days. Shining felt the same way. "You sure everything went fine during your trip?" Twilight asked her in a worried tone "You don't look okay" "I'm fine I'm fine. I just missed Flurry that's all. That's why I came back this early" Twilight decided to go with that explanation. She grabbed the foal on her back with her magic and smiling she levitated her to Cadence. She was surprised however when Cadence more forcefully than expected snatched the baby out of her grasp as if she was taking back some stolen item from a stranger and started cuddling her protectively. That was definitely weird. Both Shining and Twilight looked at each other in confusion and then back at her. This wasn't usual of Cadence. The castle has protective spells that made it impossible for changelings to use their magic here so it couldn't be Chrysalis acting like Cadence again. This was just Cadence acting unusual. Maybe she really missed Flurry that much. After all, motherly instincts can make you act weird. "So" Shining broke the silence "How did your trip went?" "Hmm?" Cadence looked up to them again "Oh, my trip. It was okay. I relaxed a bit. Maybe i should go again sometime" "You still aren't going to tell us where you went?" "No" Cadence replied, almost rude sounding "i said it's my secret place away from home. I go there when i need time alone. If i told you where it was it wouldn't serve that purpose anymore now would it" Twilight though for a moment "No, you're right. It's okay if you want to keep it a secret" "Good" Cadence replied casually as she continued hugging Flurry. Shining and Twilight were confused. This wasn't usual behavior for Cadence and they didn't know how to interpret it. Cadence on the other hoof was having difficulty deciding how to act. She didn't want to let it known that she is aware of what they've been doing. But she couldn't help her behavior. After all how else was she supposed to act. They've both been sleeping together behind her back and had the guts to talk to her as if nothing was going on. She didn't know how to react though. She looked at Flurry. She couldn't just divorce Shining, even though he cheated on her. Not only because she still did love him, but also for Flurry's sake. "She has been good the whole time" Twilight said with a smile, trying to warm up the situation "Yeah" Shining added, also smiling "Twilight has been taking care of her while I've been busy taking care of the Kingdom" he put a hoof on Twilight's back "Mhm. I see" Cadence replied in a cold manner, still cuddling Flurry but also looking with somewhat furious eyes at Shining's hoof around Twilight. Her look made both Twilight and Shining feel a little nervous, not knowing how to explain her behavior. Shining slowly removed his hoof from Twilight and looked awkwardly at Cadence, as if asking if he did good or something. "So..." Twilight broke the unbearable silence and awkwardly coughed a little to clean her throat "I guess I'm not needed here anymore, since Cadence is back. So i guess I need to go back to Ponyville. Starlight must really need me...If she hasn't accidentally turned the whole town into brainwashed zombies already. So I'll be leaving now and leave you two to yourselves. I'll be teleporting back home" "Good" Cadence whispered in reply, too low to be heard by anyone "Okay Twily. Goodbye" said Shining. The two siblings went to hug each other goodbye but the strange glares from Cadence made that hard to do. Awkwardly they just stood there for a moment. Twilight also wanted to hug Cadence goodbye but something told her Cadence didn't want that right now. And she had a feeling she wouldn't allow access to Flurry either. So she was just staying there in awkward silence that could choke one to death. "Okay bye!" Twilight said and teleported out of there. Shining was left alone in the room with Cadence hugging Flurry and not wanting to let go. He could tell she was not feeling well. He didn't know what was wrong but he knew one thing. He had to make it right. "Hm?" Cadence was a little confused when she felt hooves around her. It took a second to realize Shining was hugging her "Shining Armor? What are you-" "Shhhhhh" Shining put a hoof to her lips so as to tell her to stay silent "I don't know what's wrong. But whatever it is, I'm here for you" he hugged her tightly She kept silent for a bit. Still hugging Flurry tightly "Okay." "Cadence..." 'Don't' She knew what he was going to say. She didn't want to hear it. But worst of all. She could feel it. She didn't want to feel it. She didn't want to believe it. "I love you" he said. Cadence didn't want to trust his word. She wanted to tell herself he was lying. But her powers were telling her the opposite. ".....I love you too" she weakly replied after a moment of hesitation. She too told the truth. Shining just kept hugging her. She could feel his love for her. She didn't want to believe it as true but she could feel it and her talent to sense love never lied. She couldn't understand how he could love two ponies at once. She just knew that was the case. She couldn't understand. And that irritated her. She didn't know why, it just irritated her to not understand. But she knew one thing for sure. Shining still loved her, that hadn't changed. She didn't know how he could love her and Twilight at the same time, she didn't know how he and Twilight could fall in love with each other when they were literally siblings. She just knew he loved her still. And she decided that was all she needed to know for the moment. 'Maybe i shouldn't say anything, for now' she thought to herself. She just stood there hugging her baby and letting Shining hug her. After a moment she started to smile weakly. They stood like that for a while in silence, until Flurry fell asleep while Cadence was holding her and they both took her to her chambers to put her to bed. > Days of distress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dinner was going fine all in all. Food was great, the room looked quite nice. This was going to be a great evening. That is, if Cadence wasn't being all moody right now. Ever since she came back she has been like this. Sure she is a little better now than when she first arrived but she at least could just make a proper honest smile. Shining tried to learn why she was feeling like that but she kept insisting that she was fine. He had learned a while ago that if she insisted on something there was no way to make her change her mind and make her talk. So he just decided to let it be. "Ummm. So...." Shining broke the grave silence that had captured the room "How do you like the food?" "Hm?" Cadence looked up to him "Oh the food. Food's good" she replied. But in reality she had barely touched the plate. This didn't go unnoticed by Shining "You sure? You haven't really eaten anything." "I'm just not all that hungry. That's all." she replied and got up from her chair "Maybe I'll go take some sleep. Maybe when i wake up my appetite would be back" she started to trot away "To sleep? Now?" Shining found that weird. Sure it was dusk already but it wasn't late enough to go to sleep. "Yes. I'm feeling tired so maybe some sleep would freshen me up" Tired? Yes maybe that's why she's acting weird today. Maybe she was tired from her trip and she isn't thinking clearly. That was enough of an explanation for Shining "Okay hon. Go on. I'll join you later" he said with a smile "Yeah..." she said in a somewhat meek voice as she left the dining room. "Well" Shining said to himself as he was now left alone "I just hope she's better when she wakes up" Cadence stood there laying onher bed for minutes now. She really didnt feel like sleeping and she definetly couldn't sleep while she kept thinking about what she had discovered. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn't getthe images of the last night event out of her mind. How could she thought. After all it happened right here in this room. On this bed... "Ugh" Cadence got up with a peeved face "I need my damn pills" She went to her closet and opened it. She used her magic to levitate to her a small bag that was hidden well in the corner of the closet behind a few shoe boxes. Cadence opened the bag of Anthflexpine pills she had secretly brought home and took one pill out before hiding the bag again and closing the closet. She swallowed the pill and went back to bed, waiting for the effects to start. She didn't have to wait long. After a few seconds, the rush of pleasure and relaxation she really needed right now overtook her and she almost completely forgot what she was feeling sad for. She melted into the the bed and rolled in the sheets, cherishing all the sensation her temporarily enhanced senses were allowing her to experience. "Oh yeah that's the stuff" Cadence muttered ecstatically to herself She stood like that for a while listening to her own heart beat. Then her attention was taken away when she heard the sound of hoofs coming from the hall. Whoever it was seemed to come to a stop at the door of her room and opened it. She only saw the shadow on the wall as the door was opened but she could tell that the silhouette belonged to Shining. He stepped inside and she could already hear his breathing. "Honey? You awake still?" Shining asked to see if she was asleep or not "Shhhh not so loud please" Cadence replied without turning around, in a voice that sounded sleepy but that in fact was that way as an effect of the drug. And she also didn't want Shining to speak that loud. To her it sounded like yelling. "Oh I'm sorry hun" Shining started whispering "just wanted to see if you were asleep or still awake" "Somewhere there" she said, almost too cutely sleepy due to the ecstasy of the moment. "Okay" was all Shining said as he too came and layed himself on the bed. After making sure he was well covered, he started asking "So feeling any better?" "Mhmm" was all Cadence have as reply. By the sound of it he could tell she was actually feeling somewhat better. "Well that's good to hear. Seems you've been so tired from you vacation that you were acting weird all day today" he said with a chuckle "Yeah..." she simply replied in a daze Shining went to her side and put a frontleg around her, causing her to shiver slightly. Physical contact, while you are high on anthflexpine, could be tricky. "So ummm, Cadence?" "Hmmmm?" "You've been gone for two days and...I've kinda missed you" "Missed you to..." she didn't really lie as she did miss him but after she caught him and Twilight you can say there was a certain amount of time when she didn't miss him. "I bet. So..." his hoof started moving slowly down her body, sending waves of sensations down her spine. "How about we..." Cadence's eyes went wide 'Oh no' "Make up for the lost time" he planted a kiss behind her neck, making her shiver 'Oh no' "Shining i-" she tried talking but couldn't finish as Shining's hoof had arrived to her lower regions 'Oh no no no no no' She felt as his hoof got dangerously close to her danger spot. 'Oh fuck no i ain't doing this right now' "Shining I'm not in the mood" she said almost too loudly for her enhanced hearing as she pushed his hoof away. Not only had she caught him cheating on her not only a night ago so no way she could sleep with him now. She was also not really sure what would happen if one had sex while high on anthflexpine. She never tried it but she had a pretty good idea that heightened sensitivity and sex probably wasn't a good combo. Shining just stood there confused. He could understand if she wasn't in the mood but acting this aggressively was definitely new for her "You aren't?" "No i am not" she sighed "Look, I'm just tired is all" she lied "I just need some rest tonight" "Ummm okay" Shining replied "I just thought we could have some alone time together but it's fine" 'Oh for my aunt's cake devouring stomach, wasn't Twilight enough this past two days?' "Maybe some other time. But i just don't feel like it tonight" she said as she turned at him and tried smiling so as to calm the situation. Shining looked at her for a moment but then he smiled back "It's okay hon i get it. There are times when i overwork myself so much that i just don't feel in the mood later either. Get some rest, it'll make you feel better i assure you" he gave her a kiss on the lips and fixed the blankets and went to his sleeping position "Goodnight honey" "...night" Cadence replied. She stood awake even a few minutes after Shining started snoring. But eventually she closed her eyes and let sleep take over her Days passed on and Cadence tried to act normal so that Shining wouldn't get suspicious. Well at least he was easy to convince things were okay. Had Twilight been here instead she would have practically interrogated Cadence to figure out what was wrong. And the she was. Thinking about Twilight again. As much as it irritated Cadence, she had found herself thinking about Twilight and no matter how much she tried she couldn't get her out of her head. Probably it had something to do with the fact that she caught her sleeping with her husband, which happens to be her brother. As much as that hurt she was even more irritated by the fact that she still didn't understand how two siblings can feel like that for each other and she still didn't understand how Shining could love two mares at once. And for whatever reason it irritated her not understanding and she couldn't understand why she would be irritated about that and that irritated her more. She was like a bomb ready to explode and if she didn't find a solution soon she might as well do. "Morning hon" Shining said Ashe came in with Flurry on his back "How did you sleep" "...I slept great" she hadn't really. Not at all. It was easy to sleep in all this mess of a situation when you had a drug to help you but after almost going through an experience she may possibly not be ready for, she had tried not taking not any pills for a while. And that left her without a way of distracting herself enough to sleep comfortably. "Good to hear" he put Flurry on her own little baby chair, gave her a bottle of milk which dhe immediately started drinking and went and sat down on the table so he could eat his breakfast "By the way did you hear that Twilight's coming over" Cadence literally spit out the orange juice she was drinking "She what?!" Shining was startled for a moment but thought she must have gotten surprised "Uh, She's sent a letter saying she'll be coming over. With her friends. They'll be here today" Cadence tried to play it cool "Ummm did she say why she'll be coming over?" "Does she need a reason to come visit?" Shining tilted his head in confusion "No no of course not" Cadence smiled sheepishly "I was just asking. Nothing else" Shining though for a second "Well she maybe is still worried by how not in the right mood you looked when you came back five days ago so she probably talked her friends into having a trip so she could check on you" She simply looked at him, blinking once in a while "You did notify her that i was just tired so she wouldn't have to worry, right?" Shining was as still as a statue. In fact he could give Discord a run for his money. His face looked like he just remembered he forgot doing something important he was supposed to do a year ago "Ummmm.....i can tell her when she arrives" Cadence simply facehooved in aggravation . Shining was never going to change was he? Although she doubt it would have made a difference if he had notified Twilight. She would have come anyways cause all this little visit is about is so she and Shining can oogle at each other and Cadence wasn't buying any other supposed explanation. "So when will they arrive?" "In a few hours i think. We should go at to train station to get them when they arrive" he said "Mhmmm" she monotoned in reply, looking at her plate "You know what" she unexpectedly got up " i should probably go get ready for when they arrived" although hard, she tried her best to smile. Shining smiled back "Sure honey. Go on" he said and went back to eating Cadence didn't say anything. She just started walking away and once she was out of the room she trotted away fast. Once she was far away, she looked around to see if anypony was around and when she was sure she was alone, she disappeared in a flash of pink light as she teleported away. > Asking for advice and discovering secrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence knocked on the door. He should be home right now. He was the type to wake up early so he must be awake but she hoped he won't be somewhere else doing stuff. She didn't want to go around looking for him as he wasn't easy to find so she really needed him to be home. When she got no response she knocked again in frustration. Just as she knocked the door opened, all on its own. She blinked, looking awkwardly ahead. "Umm....okay...that happend..." She entered inside. Although it seemed kinda rude to enter without being invited she knew he wouldn't mind. "Abe. Are you here?" she called "Yes Candy dear. I'm in the studio" Abe's voice was heard coming from the direction of where his studio was. Cadence started walking that way, although she was having a bit of an...odd feeling, for whatever reason. She entered the studio and there she saw Abe inside, sitting on his crafting table and seemed carving something out of bone. She didn't knew what he was making but that bone piece was huge. Who knows what animal it came from. The table had a red tablecloth over it that covered it completely. Cadence guessed it was so there wouldn't be much mess to clean after Abe was done with what he was doing. Around the room were several other crafting tools and artistic equipment. There also were some paintings and other crafts laying around. The room had no windows to let the daylight in, and instead had a magic ball of light floating in the middle and illuminating the room Abe seemed to be focused on his work and he didn't look at Cadence when she entered the room but he still talked to her "Good to see you again my dear. It's been a few days by now. Feeling any better?" Cadence took a chair and sat on the table facing him. She was silent for a moment but then she sighed "Not really. In fact that's why I'm here for. I need your advice" Abe didn't stop working on the carving, that seemed it was meant to become a small pony figurine since Abbe was done carving the head. It kinda reminded Cadence of the figurines she saw in Scarlet's room that day "Go ahead dear. I've told you, you can talk to me about anything" "Yeah..." Cadence was a little nervous. She didn't know how to start it out. After all you cant just simply talk about you husband cheating on you with his own sister that easily. She knew Abe would be the kind of pony you can openly talk about that without fear of judgment but still that didn't stop her from feeling nervous "So how is my house going?Is it fully fixed yet?" Abe actually giggled at her attempt to talk about something else "Your house is doing fine it will be done in a few days actually" "Great. Oh and...Thanks for letting me sleep here that night by the way. I appreciate it" "Mi casa es tu casa" was all he said in reply, smiling as he continued to work on the figurine. Cadence smiled "Yeah..." "I believe you're not here just to thank me for that" Cadence sighed and looked down a bit. She knew she couldn't just change the subject out of it. She had to talk about it "You're right. As i said I'm here because i need to talk about something" "Told you you'll have to talk about it eventually" "Yeah. As you somehow managed to guess, when i went back home that night, i caught Shining cheating on me" "I see. I assume he isn't aware you know yet, am i right?" "Yes. They didn't notice me there that night" "They didn't notice, eh? Heh. So you saw them fuck?" Vulgarity was expected from Abe, but Cadence still hoped he would understand this wasn't the moment "...Yes..." Cadence lowered her eyes as she remembered the scene "Praytell who is Shining Armor cheating on you with?'' Cadence hesitated for a moment "He's with..." she couldn't really bring herself to say it. "Spill the beans already. Silence won't solve anything' Cadence took in a deep breath and let it out "He's sleeping with his sister Twilight" If that shocked Abe or not, that he did not show. He just kept on carving, smile ever present on his face. There also seemed to be a hint of pleasure on his eyes, as if working on that figurine brought him too much enjoyment. "Hah. Classic" was all he said "Classic? What do you mean by classic?" she gave him a suspicious glare "Oh nothing my dear. It's just that you walking in on Twilight having sex or doing something naughty, especially with Shining, is kinda cliche" Cadence wasn't sure what he meant by that "And besides. You royals are known for having a thing for incest. So it isn't that shocking" She was a little annoyed at the fact Abe decided to mock the stereotype that came from a practice royal families of Equestria used to do but she decided to ignore it "It doesn't shock you two siblings would love each other that way?" "Nopes. As i said two royals doing it isn't much of a shock. Plus i myself have done some incestuous stuff in the past so it isn't new to me" Cadence eyes went wide "You've what?!" "I've done it with my flesh and blood before. Brother, sister, cousin. Nephew that one time. I've been around a lot as you can guess" Cadence was out of words. She knew Abe was a pervert, everyone knew that. but nobody knew he would be into this. It only made the look of pleasure in his eyes even more unsettling. "But anyways enough about my love life and back to yours What is it you plan on doing?" She completely erased what she just learned from her mind and took a deep breath "I don't know Abe. That's why i came here" "Want me to help you kill them?" Cadence's jaw fell open and her eyes went wide in shock once again "What?!" "I can help you get rid of them if you want" he said casually as if he wasn't talking about murdering two ponies "We can even have a little fun while at it, i can rape Shining for cheating on you and you can rape Twilight for going with your husband. And after that we kill them" "No!" "Okay then. I'll rape Twilight, you rape Shining" "NO!!" Cadence yelled "No rape. No murder. No!" Abe gave a disappointed sigh "Okay killjoy. So what do you want to do with them?" Cadence went silent and said nothing. A thoughtful look on her face "That is the issue. I don't know. I have no idea how to deal with this" "Divorce is a thing, you know?" "I can't do that" "Why not?" "Because of Flurry. I can't cause my daughter to go through the experience of having her parents divorced because her dad slept with her aunt" "Hmmm I see how that could be a problem for you" "Yes. And besides, Shining still loves me so i don't think i could do that to him either" "Still loves you, you say. Do you still love him after this?" She paused to think for a moment ".....Yes. I do" "Interesting. I assume you know he loves you still due to your powers. Tell me. Does he love Twilight? Or are they just fucking for fun?" Cadence paused again "...They both do love each other. Which is what bothers me honestly" she started speaking in an irritated tone "How can they both love each other when they are siblings and how could Shining love both me AND her at once? It just doesn't make sense" "What do you mean it doesn't make sense? People falls in love in the most unique and unexpected of ways sometimes. Sometimes folks fall in love with one partner, sometimes with multiple partners. Sometimes that partner is not related to them and sometimes they share a bloodline. Simple as that. It isn't hard to understand" Cadence just looked at him dumbfounded. From what she saw, Abe wasn't really shocked at the fact Shining was in love with her and Twilight at the same time. Almost as if it was normal to him. "You're kidding right? There's no way you're reacting as if this is something that's normal" "As i said Candy. Incest is not new to me and i have had love affairs with multiple partners but even if i hadn't, it still isn't out of the usual for me" After a few seconds he suddenly paused working on th figurine and he slowly raised his gaze upwards. He looked at Cadence with a confused and surprised stare "Hold on a minute" he finally spoke again after long seconds of silence "You know nothing about polyamory and consanguinamory?" Cadence just looked back at him with a just as much confused face. Her confusion grew even more when Abe started laughing so hard, he seemed to be having it hard to breathe. "Hahahahahahahahaha oh this is pure gold" he was quite literaly tearing up at this point "What is so funny?" she asked with an annoyed look "You. The literal princess of love. Our village's couple counsellor! Hahahahaha. Our local shipper for crying outloud!" his laughter was getting even more manic "Yet you know nothing about untraditional forms of love!" Cadence went still as Abe was trying his best to stop laughing "What do you mean?" Abe went back to working on the figurine so he could calm himself from all the laughter, although he was still giggling "You see my dear" he finally started talking again "The way i see it, your idea of love is...pretty limited" "Limited?" Cadence tilted her head in confusion "Yes. You seem to belive love is something that can be uniform. Only one way of doing it. Therefore you put limits on it. Limits on who gets to fall in love with who and how. Limits such as, blood relatives can't fall in love with each other or someone can only love one partner. I mean, let's be honest, you only discovered about interspecies love affairs after you found our village. It's ironic that a pony who's special talent is love is so ignorant about it at the same time" Abe actually gave a smug look. One that was ment to make its target feel defeated. Cadence could only look back dumbfounded. She actually didn't know how to reply to that. She never thought of it that way. "Oh that's ridinculous i know all about love. Like for real, what would you think if your parents came to you and asked to fuck you?" She still wouldn't just accept it that easy "They're both dead from plague so i can't really know how that scenario would go out" Cadence worried she may have touched a soft spot, although Abe's expretion hadn't changed from the look of pleasure and focus he had been wearing since the moment she arrived "Although, in case i didn't want to have that kind of interaction, i would kindly say no and move on with my day. Plus as i said i have engaged in incest before so it doesn't cause me any discomfort" Cadence had to admit. That was an actually decent argument. Abe was now finally finished carving the small, equine, bone statue and was inspecting it for any details he might have missed. "And no. You apperently don't know much about love. You're as ignorant about it as a new born infant is about talking. They can make sounds yes but they can't form coherent sentences. Again, it's ironic since you're supposed to represent love and all that" Now Cadence really didn't know how to answer. She only stood there silent. Could it be true what Abe was saying? Could there be more to love than what even she's aware of? Maybe there was. But then again, how does that solve her problem. "Okay. Maybe you're right but how does that-" she couldn't finish as Abe suddently grunted and grit his teeth, the carving tools falling from his grasp "What happend?" she asked concerned "Phew" Abe wore a face of relief "Oh don't worry dear it's alright. I just came, is all" Cadence went wide eyed "You....what?!" Abe chuckled "Just in case you get the wrong idea. I was getting a blowjob under the table and i just came. That's all" Now Cadence was scandalised. She looked at the tablecloth and realised it was big enough to hide someone under the table "You mean..." "Yup" 'Oh. My. Goodness. What have i walked into' Her face was as red as a cherry. She remembered the look of pleasure Abe has had this whole time and now it made her feel even more uncomfortable. This whole time she had been talking about how she found Twilight and Shining sleeping together while he was having someone orally pleasure him under the table. "Ummm. If you don't mind me asking. Who's under-" she couldn't finish that question and instead went wide eyed as from under the table, Scarlet came out. Cadence looked at Scarlet. Then at Abe. Then back at Scarlet. Then Abe again. Then Scarlet. Then Abe. Then Scarlet. Then Abe. Then Scarlet. Then Abe. Then Abe. Then Scarlet. Then Abe. Her mouth was open in shock. Her erilier feeling of embarasment was replaced by slight discust. "Hey Cadence" Scarlet said as she was cleaning her lips with a napkin "How're you holding?" Cadence didn't reply. She just stood silent, looking at them in shock. "She'll be okay" Abe said when he saw Cadence wasn't going to reply "Ayways here's your gift" he gave her the small figurine which she happily took "Thanks" she flapped her wings and flew up to quickly kiss Abe in the lips and then flew away with her present "Oh and" she turned at Cadence "Don't worry Cadence. I won't tell anyone about your 'family isues'" and with a wink she went off. Once she left the room Abe looked at Cadence, that grining smile never leaving his face. Cadence was as shocked as one could be. It took her a while to finally be able to speak again. "...A-Abe?" "What?" "P-please tell me this is a prank" "Wish i was that good of a prankster" "H-have you done what i think you've done?" "Depends on what you're thinking" "Oh my goodness!" she almost fainted "You're ABUSING SCARLET!?" Abe shrugged "Sheesh Cadence not only are you jumping to conclusions but you're freaking out about it, chill out" he said, completly ignoring Cadence's outburst and acting as normal a usual. At least as normal as Abe could get "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO REACT?" Cadence was furious. This was the one thing she did not expect Abe to do although she feared it a little. "You're literaly sexually abusing a little girl who is practically like an adopted daughter to you. You're taking advantage of the fact she has a crush on you for your own perversions, and you dare to say I'm overeacting!!?" Abe manifested two cups of tea with his magic and took a sip out of his cup while levitating the other to Cadence "Yes. I do dare say you're overreacting. Plus proving my earlier statement that you don't-" "For how long?" Abe shrugged at being interrupted but just went with it "Since the begining one may say. She fell for me the very day i found her. Wasn't long till i returned the feeling. What you witnessed is one of our, usual love rituals as they say. What happens is that i go and find a dragon. Then i trick said dragon into getting greedy so they will grow. Once they've grown enough in size i kill them and take a little bit of their bone, just enough so i can craft a small statue out of it. I bring the bone here and Scarlet gets under the table. She orally pleases me while i craft a small figurine out of the dragon bone. We compete as to who will finish they work first. Then in the end i give her the figurines as a gift. She doesn't really play with them, rather uses them to decorate her room" Cadence was quite honestly horrified. She remembered the small figurines she saw when she woke up in Scarlet's room. They were many. It terrified her now that she realised they were made out of murdered dragons Abe killed everytime he wanted to perform his perversions on Scarlet. "And she does know about where the bones come from by the way in case you're wondering" Abe continued "I even let her pick the dragons from time to time. If you're afraid that might scar her don't worry, she's as fucked up as i am" "Do others know?" she asked in a somewhat hostile tone "Half the village knows. Other half doesn't because they wouldn't understand" "Oh and the other half seems to understand somehow?" Abe chuckled "You see, some people are here for housing and a place to go, or perhaps a loving community to live in. Some are here to escape from the world out there and get a sense of freedom and peace. And some are here because practically everything is allowed here" Cadence looked confused "What do you mean" "You see Candy" he took another sip from his tea "here we respect free love and hedonistic pursue of pleasure, if that's what one wishes. Out there this is limited. You have your little laws that restrict the will of the individual. For example. If your husband is exposed to have an affair with his sister, they will both be at risk of going to jail, unless their status as royals helps them not get into much trouble but still the point stands. In here that isn't a problem there's nobody telling you who to fuck or who to love. Or the case for me and Scarlet. Out there i would be seen as a monster of sorts but in here i can do whatever I want. You can't really have an age of consent if there is no government to enforce age of consent laws now can you. So you can consent to sex even if you're underage here. And it is exactly that freedom that brings so many people here. As i said, some are here for shelter and home. Some are here for a way of escapeing their troubled lives. Some are outcasts and looking for an accepting community. And some others, they come here so they can have a place where they can indulge in their, forbidden desires, as they're called" Abe simply smiled as Cadence looked at him with wide eyes "You mean.....there are others here who do what you do?" "Countless. I mean, do you think i would have so many playrooms and be the only one to use them? Hah. No. And since they're open minded they are part of the half of the village that knows about me and Scarlet. The other half wouldn't understand as i said. They may in time, but for now I'll like to take things slow and give everyone time to adapt. For now I'll just let the saints live their lives in peace while the sinners live their own lives in the shadows. But yeah, folks of all sorts come here in search of the freedom to do what they like. For example do you know Night Shift? That half thestral half changeling lady that works at the hospital" "....Yes" "She's sleeping with a little colt" Cadence's jaw fell open and her eyes went wider than they've ever been "Oh or that dragon that does construction work. He joins me sometimes when i do any of my, rape and murder parties on my victims. He has some weird fetishes, but i can work with that. Who would say no to that reptile dick anyways" he giggled in a sensual manner "Oh or Greta and Gwen for example" "WHAT??" Cadence was shocked to hear their names. They were two of the nicest girls she has ever met in this village "What do they do?" "They fuck each other" Abe said and took another sip from his tea Cadence went silent "You mean..." "They do what Shining and Twilight do. Just without a dick.....well...they do use a strap on from time to time but still you get the idea. There also is Flawless Breeze. She fucks with Berney" Surprise was an understatement of what Cadence was feeling right now "Her pet bear?" "Well to her is less of a pet and more of a lover. But yeah" Cadence certainly didn't expect an old lady like Breeze to engage in sexual stuff. Let alone with a bear, and she wasn't even sure how that would work. Who knows what the rest of her friends here were into. "What about Gustav. Who is he sleeping with?" "Gustav isn't sleeping with anyone. He ain't interested in that stuff" 'Well at least he seems to be normal' Cadence though to herself "But he does engage in cannibalism from time to time" "What?!" "Yeah i know. A cannibal cook is so cliche. But hey I'm not complaining. It's his stomach after all and i also need someone to make use of the bodies when I'm not using them. Plus his cannibalistic dishes help bring some tourists here who are looking to sate their...dark appetites, through black market cousine. Plus they're delicious" Cadence was honestly scared to ask by this point "....Blaze?" she meakly spoke "She simps for me" Cadence went from horrified to surprised and confused "That's all?" with everything she's heard she expected Blaze would be into something "Despite her tough appearance she's rather shy so she doesn't engage in much. She is a little bit of a sub tho. Scarlet would love that, hehe" his face was dreamy for a second or two There was a moment of silence before Cadence took in a deep breath and let it out "So let me get this straight" she started speaking "you're telling me that this isn't just a place for the poor, homeless and ostracized that tends to host some illegal activities at times, but it also is a gathering area for deviants and criminals to come and indulge in their dark passions, such as sex with foals and murder cannibalism, without getting caught by the law?" "And we sell weapons too. Yes we're armed" "Is there anything else i should know about this place?" Abe paused for a moment Deep underneath the ground under the village. Beneath all the tunnels. Beneath all the secret labs, all the dungeons, all the pipes, all the hidden rooms and storage areas. There was one particular area that had some really interesting details about it. The room was large. Very large. In the middle there was a portal on the floor, from which different creatures entered in and out. The walls were decorated with various runes and they seemed to emit light. But what was the strangest about this place we're it's occupants. They all seemed to be talking, however not with words. They weren't talking in any way any normal creature could understand. Their forms were weird, strange looking and incomprehensible. They were so deep underground that their unholy sounds couldn't be captured by the ears of those unfortunate enough to hear them. "....Nope. Nothing else. Just that. Nothing else you should know Definitely not a gathering spot for the eldritch" "What was that?" "I said there's nothing more!" Abe grinned sheepishly She looked at him for a moment but then she got up "Okay then" "Where are you going?" Abe asked as he saw Cadence getting ready to leave "You didn't finish your tea" "I can tolerate you being creepy" Cadence replied in a hostile tone "I can tolerate you selling drugs, heck even i use drugs. I can even tolerate you making victims out of some bad assholes like you tend to do. But i cannot tolerate you using Scarlet for your perversions and murderous activities and have half the village support and indulge in stuff like that. I thought you would be the right pony i could come to to talk about my problem and that this village was where i could feel safe but it seems i was mistaken. I'm gonna go talk to someone about this" she said and turned her back on Abe and headed for the door. That was her mistake. "Oh no you don't" Abe said in a low voice which Cadence didn't really hear. His eyes started glowing brighter, his smile faded, his mane started flowing and tendrils started to appear from his back. Cadence was at the door. She went for the door knob to open it. But suddenly, there was no door knob. There wasn't even a door actually. The door was there a second ago but now there was no door. She looked at the wall confused for a moment, before she felt an unknown force raise her in the air and throw her to the other side of the room crashing to the wall making her yelp in pain. She was then crushed to the other wall before she was thrown in the middle of the room. She layed there dazed and it took a few seconds for her to be able to see clearly again. What was that? She turned her gaze towards the door and saw it was back where it always was. She looked at the one direction she knew she could ask for answers. She saw Abe still sitting in the chair, as if whatever happened didn't affect him at all. He looked as normal as ever. Appart from one single detail. His face. Usually his expression was always calm and friendly. He always had a smile that although threatening, Cadence was kinda used to. But now, he wasn't smiling. He was instead pouting. Even though trying to keep it calm his eyes were burning in rage. His gaze always have a threatening feeling but his gaze now made Cadence feel like she wanted to gauge her eyes out. She had never seen Abe like this. She was used to the creepy, crazy and jolly Abe. The Abe who was always smiling and and being funny, although in a dark kind of way. She wasn't used to this. She had only seen him not smile when he was either bored or annoyed. She had never ever really seen him angry. Now that she has, she never wanted to see him angry like this again. "Listen Cadence" his voice was even more unsettling to hear as well "When i came here and built the first house that would start this village, i had a plan. I was going to show the creatures of this world a new way of life. Give them a taste of something more. This village is that taste. This is my work. And i believe you know very well what happens when others ruin my work. So let me tell you this. If you go out there and say anything that could jeopardize my work, i will make sure you regret ever having spawned into existence you miserable royal SLUT!" Cadence winced when he started to yell "You think you can go out there and talk things you shouldn't? Well guess what bitch. I know things as well. Open that whore mouth of yours the wrong way and i swear the next day the newspapers will be having this as a headline: 'Princess Cadence. A drug addict royal who abused her power to establish drug trafficking networks on the Crystal Empire, is associated with illegal groups and has her husband cheating on her with his own sister'. How's that for a headline bitch!?" Cadence was paralyzed from fear. She just layed there, staring in disbelief. Abe would sometimes make threats just for fun. But she could tell this time he was more serious than ever. She now realized where she made a mistake. She allowed Abe to have dirty information about her. And he was the last pony you would want to have dirty information about you. He now had the power to completely destroy her's, Shining's, Twilight's and Flurry's lives just by talking to the newspapers "And don't you go and tell me I'm abusing Scarlet. Accuse me of that again and you would beg me to kill you. Even though I won't. You know, you should be thanking me. When i heard news that a princess had suddenly arrived at our doorstep, normally i would have locked you in a basement and turned you into a rape slave before finally snuffing you up. But i didn't. You know why? Because i saw something in you. I saw that you hated the life you lived and wished to escape the burdens or royalty. And i had what you wanted. So i spared you and gave you the chance to live free of royal duties without having ponies acting silly in your presence and kissing the ground on which you walk. I gave you peace. All for free. Hence i think i at least deserve a little gratitude for not letting you get eaten by the dogs that day. So get your sluty royal ass over here and sit on that fucking chair cause we ain't done talking. NOW!" Cadence was scared to the point she almost wet herself right there. Since she was paralyzed in fear it took her a moment but eventually she got up from the floor and started to slowly walk towards the table. Once there she sat on the chair and then she simply looked at Abe, fear still present in her eyes. She didn't want to anger him anymore than he already was. They just looked at each other for a few then Abe closed his eyes and rested his forehead on his hooves. He sighed and then went silent for a few moments. Cadence didn't even dare to move. "Your tea has gone cold. Want me to heat it up?" he finally spoke but didn't move at all "Wha-" Cadence looked down to where her cup was. She touched it and it had indeed gone cold. She looked up at Abe again. From his voice he sounded somewhat calmer "Uhhh....yes please" Abe didn't say anything, or look up at all. His horn started glowing and a red aura engulfed the cup. In a few seconds, steam started coming from the tea and Abe stoped his magic. "There" "....Thanks" Cadence replied as she levitated the tea to her mouth with her magic and took a sip. And like that they stood silent for a few long moments. "I apologize" Abe broke the silence and grabbed Cadence's attention. He finally opened his eyes and looked up "We both lost our temper there. i know i scared you but i wouldn't if you hadn't threatened an expose. And i believe i just gave the wrong idea completely with that scene earlier so no wonder you freaked out. Can we just start it over so we can solve this shit?" his voice was much calmer now and his face didn't have the hostile expression it had earlier. Cadence was still a little scared, but seeing that Abe was now calmer her fear also calmed a little. ".....I.....suppose" she finally replied after a long moment of silence "Great. So first of all. No, I am not abusing Scarlet with my perverse activities. She and I. We're a thing. Yes we are literally lovers. The perverse stuff we do, that's just fun time activities we do from time to time. Most of those that don't know about this think I'm like her adoptive father or something but we never claimed that. I can tell you're having a hard time understanding it. As i said earlier, you seem to be ignorant about your own art so you can't understand how me and Scarlet can love each other despite age difference. But don't worry, we can let you study us to learn more if you want. As about the murder thing. As you know i try to keep things ethical when i do that. I might not have morals but i at least have standards. As about the others doing their own things. That is not my responsibility and i don't have to explain anything" Cadence wanted to reply but she didn't know what to say. He was right in a way. She didn't understand how he and Scarlet could actually be a couple. And although she hated to admit, he also didn't have any obligation to answer about what others did here in the village. "I see" she finally spoke after being silent the whole time "and i would also like to apologize. I know how much you don't want any harm to come to this village or anyone living here. So i kinda get why you reacted the way you did. Kinda" "Guess i too overreacted, eh?" Abe said, his smile starting to return a little. "Yeah. Don't blame you, but when i saw Scarlet come out from under the table, i kinda got disturbed and over reacted. In fact i still disturbed not gonna lie. As you said i don't understand how that can work. Sorry if I made any claims that upset you, it's just.....a foal? I mean i have known she had feelings for you but i never thought you would accept it like that" Cadence said in a tone of disbelief "You'll understand as time goes on. Don't worry, you'll get used to it" "I don't know if I'm ever gonna get used to that. I don't know if you noticed but i almost vomited earlier. No offense" "By the looks of it you also almost peed yourself there" he mocked with a smug look "Well wouldn't you love it if i did. Although i must admit i never thought i would be that scared of an angry face before" "I can be scary when angry" "Don't get angry again please" "Don't get me angry and i won't" "By the way what was that thing with the door? You know, how it disappeared and then i was sent flying across the room" "Oh don't bother your mind with that. It's nothing that would be of interest to you" "If you say so i guess" "So anyways, i think we were talking about your problem" Oh yes that. Cadence got so distracted with what just happened and what she learned, she almost completely forgot why she came here in the first place. She took another sip from her tea and thought for a moment. "I'm not sure anymore if you're the right pony to ask for advice regarding this but i don't know where else to go. So I'll hear if you have any suggestions" Abe chuckled a bit "Candy dear, if we're talking about morals i never was the right pony to ask for advice from to begin with. However i will help. What are friends for after all" he also took another sip from his tea "Why don't you talk to them about it?" "I can't. First of all i don't know how to approach it, i can't just go and tell them that i know. And secondly i don't even understand it. I can't go and talk to them about something i don't understand. I might say or do something i might regret" "Like you did earlier just now" Abe said as he finally finished his tea. "Yeah...like that" "So why don't you understand them then?" Cadence looked at him in confusion "Excuse me?" "I said why don't you understand them" "I heard what you said but how. How can I possibly understand them when i don't even feel safe talking to them about it" "Well you don't really have to talk to them about it" She raised an eyebrow "What do you mean?" "You see Candy, when you perform an experiment on a living subject you don't let the subject know they are being experimented on. That way the results will be as natural as possible. You don't have to talk to them yet. You can just watch them from afar. Figuratively speaking when I say afar. You get the idea" Cadence just looked at him in silence for a moment "Are you suggesting i spy on them to learn why they love each other?" "And to learn how Shining can love you both. Told you i wasn't the right person to ask for moral advice. But it's an advice nonetheless. A pretty good one if i do say so myself. I mean you, being the princess of love, would get to learn more about love and it's different forms and in the meantime you would also figure out a solution for your situation. It's a two in one package. It's a pretty good chance if i do say so myself, i wouldn't let it go if i were you" Cadence though about it for a moment. In one hoof it sounded like an insane idea she shouldn't listen to. After all who would spy on their husband having an extramarital affair with his sister. But on the other hoof Abe was right. She could learn from this. She could learn to understand how Shining and Twilight could fall in love together or how Shining could love them both at the same time and she could find out how to solve this mess. "I... suppose you have a point" "Of course i do. Now what do you think. Can you handle studying them without them knowing?" She thought about it deeply for a few seconds. Well what other choice did she have. "I guess I can" "Great. Now all you got to do is figure out how and when and the rest you can do yourself" At that moment Cadence remembered something "Oh my" she got up from the chair "Twilight will be visiting Crystal Empire today. She must be on the train by now" she quickly finished her tea and started to trot away "Bye Abe. Thanks for the advice" "You're welcome. Oh and Cadence.." Cadence turned to see what it was that Abe wanted "You learned stuff today that probably changed your view of this place and me included" he spoke in a gentle voice "Just so you know, you are not forced to come here if that makes you feel uncomfortable. However you are always welcome know that" Cadence paused for a moment but then she walked towards him "It's okay Abe. I'm admit, some of the things you told me are going to completely change how i saw this place. But don't worry, that ain't gonna stop me from coming to visit from time to time. After all, this is where I can escape my royal life. Although I'm still disturbed by some of the things i learned I'm not gonna do anything that would risk this place" "You say that last part cause i threatened you" Abe said "A little, yes" she replied "But i do really mean it" "So we're still friends then?" he asked "Yes. We are" Abe got up from his chair and gave Cadence a hug. Normally with Abe, the line between a hug and a bad touch was next to non-existent. But this one was a legit friendly hug, with no ulterior motives. One that Cadence returned. They hugged for a few seconds untill Abe broke the hug and showed a clock he somehow had in his hooves right now "Well don't you have a train to wait for. Go on girl, don't get them worried about you" Cadence looked at the clock. Twilight mist be arriving in an hour or so. She must be there when she does. "Okay Abe I'm leaving bye" she said in hurry before teleporting away "Bye" Abe said before sitting back on his chair and chuckling "Oh this is going to be entertaining. Right when i was getting bored. You can come out now by the way" A secret hidden door on the wall opened and Scarlet came out of it "I knew this hidden rooms you've built will get useful someday. Especially for listening in on conversations" "Well don't you love listening in on conversations now" Abe teased "Not as much as you love lying" she replied smugly as she flied to sit on the table right in front of Abe "I didn't lie about anything. In fact i was more honest with her than I've ever been" "You lied about there being nothing else about this place" "I didn't. I said there is nothing else she should know. And based on my evaluation she shouldn't know about the little gatherings of cosmic entities i host underneath this place. Or about the true nature of my being" "Well you told her about you and me so why not about that" "She can comprehend you and me, Scarlet. Although barely. I don't think she would have a very fun time comprehending me being an eldritch god in disguise. Trust me, she isn't ready for that information. And besides. I think i would want her attention to be elsewhere right now" his face was that of a schemer "She has just discovered something that might be a good source of entertainment" "The moment you suggested her to stalk them i knew you wanted to just get her into it" "Oh don't be like that now, you know i have good intentions as well" Scarlet giggled "I know you do Abi. Now how about you forget the good intentions for a moment and.... return the favor" she spoke in a sultry voice "I got you off but you didn't really reciprocate earlier. How about now that Cadence is gone-" She didn't get to finish her sentence, as two tendrils appeared out of nowhere and took hold of her forelegs, pulling down to lay on the surface of the table and holding her in place. Abe got closer and brought his face right in front of hers. "You know you don't have to ask me twice, ol boaluahe" he said in a feminine seductive voice, looking at her with a hungry look "Well you know what happens if i speak twice" she said assertively while giving a teasing smile "So get to work now" "As you wish" at that moment his tongue came out of his mouth. But it didn't look normal. It was much like a long tendril that was wriggling around. Suddenly the strange tendril entered Scarlet's mouth and continued going deep until their lips finally made contact. And these stood like that kissing and cuddling on the table while Abe produced strange noises, untill a sudden unexpected noise interrupted the moment of passion. The ceiling cracked and right next to them a changeling fell to the ground. Pharynx rubbed his head and tried to get himself out of the dizzy feeling. He didn't expect the ceiling to crack and make him fall down. He started living in the village a while after Chrysalis lost control of the hive, since he was the only changeling that didn't accept to be reformed and hence the hive didn't really like him being around anymore. A few days ago he heard that Queen Chrysalis had attempted to make an attack on the village but was captured by that mad pony, Abe and was now held as his pet. He saw this as an opportunity to reunite with his Queen and restart a new hive, so he planned to rescue her. The problem was he didn't know where exactly she was. For days he had been breaking into Abe's various 'playrooms'. When he found nothing he figured he must be keeping her in his house. And that's why he was here. He figured Abe would be out at this time so the house would be empty. But failing to porn the front door he tried going for the attic. Unfortunately for him, the damn attic floor had a part of it that was weaken by time and right when he stepped on it, it cracked he fell right through it. Even more unfortuatly, he fell right into the last room he wanted to be in right now. When he looked up he saw Abe kissing Scarlet, while she was being held by some strange tendrils that seemed to be coming from the shadows themselves. They both looked at him awkwardly. It took him a while to process the information and realize he had just walked into something he wasn't meant to witness. This didn't usually go well. Abe stoped the kiss and removed his long tongue from Scarlet's mouth, letting it go back into his so he could talk again. "Well damn" "Oh fuck" was all Pharynx said, his face having a sad expression, knowing very well what came next "I have to kill you now" Abe said casually "I know" Pharynx replied, laying on the floor and just accepting what was coming, regretting his decisions "I know..." > A plate of curiosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train engine made noise as it came to a stop. As soon as the door opened, Twilight and her friends stepped out and into the Crystal Empire train station. "Boy hasn't it been a while since we've all been here" Applejack was the first to speak. "Oh indeed it has darling" Rarity replied "Oh how I've missed seeing the sights here" "Yup" Pinkie bounced up and down happily "It's a good thing they needed us here for the story's sake so we had to come here" "Uhhh...what?" Rainbow asked Pinkie, looking at her with a confused face. "Spike?" Starlight said "What, in Celestia's name, are you wearing?" she asked the little drake who was covered from head to toe in clothes that made him look like an undercover detective. "Shhhhhhh" Spike tried to shush her "Don't say my name!" he whispered Starlight facehooved. She forgot Spike was a sort of a Celebrity here. "Well I was here only recently so i can't say it has been a long time. But it's still nice to come here eitherway" Twilight said as she was looking around searching for some pony "Where are Shining Armor and Cadence by the way?" Applejack asked, understanding what Twilight was looking for "I would be right here" Shining's voice was heard and they all turned their heads to see him standing there and smiling. Twilight ran to him and hugged him "Shiny!" she said joyfully "Missed you so much" "You were only here a few days ago" he chuckled and hugged her back "Doesn't mean I can't miss you" she broke the hug and looked around "Where's Cadence?" "I'm here!" Cadence was heard calling from afar. Twilight turned and saw her quickly trotting towards them with Flurry in her magic "Sorry" she said when she reached them, breathing heavily from how much she ran "had to change Flurry" Twilight ran to her and hugged her as well. Cadence hesitated for a moment but after a second she returned the hug. Wanting to be included in the hug, Flurry escaped her mother's magic and went and wrapped herself around her aunts head. An action which made everyone present giggle "So" Cadence started speaking "How is everypony?" "Oh we're fine princesses, don't ya worry a bit" Applejack replied "Yes. But how are you feeling Cadence" Twilight said "Last time i was here you were...a bit off" Cadence giggled sheepishly "Oh that. Pfft. I was just tired from my trip is all. No need to worry Twilight" Twilight looked at her thoughtfully for a moment. Cadence was really good at lying. But seeing that Cadence seemed to be feeling better Twilight just went with it "Okay, if you say so" she said "But why didn't Shining write a letter to tell me you were okay?" They both turned to look at Shining, although Cadence's face bore a more annoyed look. Shining simply scratched his head and smiled sheepishly "Ummmm...i was going to do that. Today. In person" Twilight facehooved "He's never going to change is he" she asked "Nope" Cadence replied "Ow ow ow" Pinkie started making noise so she could have everyone's attention "I have an idea. How about we-" "Start a party" Rainbow interrupted her, knowing very well what she was going to say "START A PARTY!!!" Pinkie shouted in excitement "I was actually going to say go sight seeing but a part is way better. Thanks for the idea Dashy" Rainbow facehooved and internally cursed herself for opening her mouth and giving Pinkie ideas "How about we just go sight seeing instead darling" said Rarity " we can do the party later.... perhaps" "Okie dokie lokie" Pinkie sad as she started bouncing around They all started walking towards the palace where they will be staying for the rest of their stay. Pinkie happily bouncing forward on the front followed by the rest. Cadence kept her pace just the right way so she, Shining and Twilight could be just next to each other with Shining on the middle so that she could observe them better. Thoughts were running through her head as she was watching them, careful to not let them know she was doing so. How had she not noticed before? She could sense when ponies love one another, how could she had not known this was going on. Maybe she confused it with platonic sibling love? Her powers weren't really specific if two ponies love each other in a platonic way or romantic way. She had ended up making her mess when she saw two ponies fighting and used a lover spell on them so they would stop fighting and go back to being lovers. But apparently her powers had tricked her since there wasn't any romantic feelings between her in the first place and they were actually mother and son and she got them in trouble with her love spell. She stopped doing love spells after that. Could it be a similar confusion had caused her to not see that Shining and Twilight had feelings for each other. Or maybe it was Shining's love for her that had hidden his love for Twilight? That could also be a chance. After all she was with Shining when she saw them together so she may have been confused by Shining's love for her and not realize he also loved Twilight. That could also be a possibility. Or maybe they only fell in love during her stay on BlackFlag and this is something that started recently. Who knows. She may only know the answers to those questions if she asked them and she needed to understand more about their relationship before she could even talk to them about it. They surely weren't showing it right now. That means this probably wasn't something that started recently as they had clearly learned how to hide it. Although debatably it would be more like Twilight to put a barrier that would prevent those outside from hearing or seeing anything within it. Probably lust was strong enough to defeat Twilight's paranoia and precaution. If that was the case then Cadence was thankful for it otherwise she would have never learned of this to begin with. Now that she was aware she wouldn't rest till she finds a solution to this situation. Aldo she could actually come to learn a thing or two about how two siblings can have romantic feelings for each other. It was her duty as the princess of love to know and she was going to know even if it was the last thing she did. "Cadence" Sure she would have to fight her jealousy and the urge to just throw it at them right then and there but she could handle that "Cadence" All for- "Cadence!" "Huh?" Cadence was interrupted from her thoughts when she realized Twilight had been talking to her. She and everyone were giving her worried and confused looks "Oh. Sorry" she giggled sheepishly "I was lost in my thoughts for a moment" "You sure you're okay" Twilight asked worriedly "Yeah yeah I'm okay no need to worry" she said reassuringly "What were you trying to say" Twilight gave her a suspecting and worried look but she decided to accept her explanation "I was trying to ask if you wanted to get something to make a stop at this restaurant since Rarity is really persistent about checking it out" she said pointing at a restaurant right next to them with a sign writing 'The Red Star'. It was a big, blood red building that seemed rather luxurious from the outside. "Here?" Cadence asked. She knew this place. More specifically, she knew who ran this place. This was gonna be awkward "You sure?" "Why yes princess. This place looks simply simply and i simply must see if their food is any good. If you don't mind that is. Why? Is this not a good restaurant?" "Oh no no it is a good restaurant. In fact it is very new it was just recently built" Cadence added "Well i was wondering why i haven't noticed it before. Well if it is new then i simply must check it out" she said as she walked ahead towards the fine looking establishment. Twilight shrugged in annoyance "Well looks like the Belle made the decision for everypony" "I heard that" Rarity called "Good" Twilight replied with slight hostility "i intended you to" Cadence stepped in "It's okay Twi. We can make a stop here. it wouldn't hurt" she said reassuringly yet somewhat half heartedly as she didn't know how to feel about bringing them to this place. Twilight felt a little calmer "I guess. If you say so" she too started to walk towards the restaurant followed by the others. Cadence was the last to follow "Oh boy" she whispered "here we go" "Oh. My. Goodness" Rarity awed as the looked at the interior of the restaurant. The inside was the same red colour as the outside, apart from some parts that were painted black. The walls were decorated with different paintings and the tables were fixed in such a way that one would think they will have to save a lifetime in order to make a reservation here, even though quite a few ponies were currently dinning here, most of which didn't look like upper class "This place is simply marvelous" Everyone seemed to share her opinion on that matter. Soon a black unicorn crystal pony stallion with white hair, a multicolored heart cutie mark and a fancy suit approached them and greeted "Welcome to the Red Star. How may we service you today?" he spoke in a french accent, much to Rarity's enjoyment. "Why, thank you for the hospitality good sir. I saw that a new restaurant was opened here and since i and my friends had come over for a vacation we decided to check this place out" "You decided" Twilight said in a low voice but just enough for rarity to hear and throw her at glare "Why, we are honored you took to consideration to visit our establishment. And bring their highnesses with you" he said wile bowing down in respect before the three royals. Although Cadence knew very well it was more mockery than respect and she could quite clearly see the smirk he was trying to hide "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Half Moon. I will be your waiter. May i fix you a table?" "Why, that would be delightful" Rarity replied gleefully as Half Moon started to lead them towards a table where no pony was sitting. "Please. Take a sit" Half Moon said and everyone took sat down on the table. Everyone apart from Cadence. "I'm sorry can you tell me where the restroom is?" she asked Half Moon. "Of course your highness" Half Moon said, having taken the message "Follow me" "I'll be back in a bit everypony. Don't order without me" she said to the rest as she followed Half Moon to where the restrooms were Once they arrived Half Moon started to speak while smirking at Cadence 'Here are the toilets your highness. Would you like me to 'help you sit on the stool' so you can relieve yourself-AUCH!" Cadence grabbed his mane on her magic and pulled him inside the restroom and made sure no pony was inside to see them. Then she locked the door so nobody could enter levitated Half Moon on the air. "Listen here Half Moon" she started talking with a hostile tone "If you put anything weird in or foods or drinks you are going to drink the water out of this toilets while they are not flushed and then I'll personally tell Abe to chain you upside down, whip you a thousand times and have a dozen minotaurs sodomize you to death!" Half Moon was looking at her wide eyed "Goodness calm the fuck down Cadence i'm sorry for making that flirty joke geez. Hanging out with Abe surely is affecting you the wrong way. And no i will not put anything in your food or drinks I'm not that stupid so let go of my hair" "Just making sure you know the rules" Cadence said as she put him down Half Mood went to a mirror to fix his hair "You know, sometimes the fact that you rule this place worries me knowing how harsh you can be at times" Half Moon also worked for the village but lived here so as to sell drugs so as to boost their economy a bit. Cadence offered him to come here on the Crystal Empire and helped him built this restaurant as a front business. On the bright side the food was good although Half Moon had an annoying habit of drugging ponies without them knowing. "Remember who helped you build this restaurant in the first place" she replied with hostility before sighing and trying to regain her calm demeanor "Anyways. How is business going?" "Front business or the other business?" he asked "Both" "Both are doing good. Ponies love both our food and our drugs" "Good to hear" Cadence said as she went and unlocked the door "Now wait a few moments after I leave before you come out" Half Moon shrugged "Yeah, like ponies are ever going to think you would fuck me" Cadence wanted to yell at him again for being this vulgar to her but then a thought came to her mind "Can you do me a favor?" she asked "Do I have a choice?" Half Moon asked sarcastically with an annoyed look "Can you lend me some aphrodisiac? Half moon looked at her with confused eyes "The fuck would you need aphrodisiac for?" "You don't need to know. Can you?" He though about it for a moment but then replied "I think I might have some left. How strong do you want it?" "As much as possible" "Okay. When do you want it?" "Now" Half Moon was even more confused "Right now?" "Did I stutter?" Cadence said "N-No" Half Moon did "Also I would need another thing" Cadence came back to the table where everyone was waiting for her. Conveniently enough, Twilight and Shining were sitting next to each other and had saved her a place right next to them. She just went and sat down with them. "I'm sorry for taking so long. You know how these things are" she said sheepishly hoping they would buy it "Oh worry not princess" Applejack said "We all can have moments when we need a little bit too long on the toilet. Trust me. Ah know" she cringed a little internally at some sort of memory. "Can we please like. Don't do the princess thing" Cadence asked "We're not strangers here" "Oh sorry prin- ehh...Cadence" Applejack replied "Just force of habit" "I really hope you don't do that with Twilight" Twilight at hearing that chuckled like crazy "Oh no they don't" she kept chuckling but then her face turned serious as she turned to look at her friends "They wouldn't dare" All the main five, Starlight and Spike winced and started smiling sheepishly, especially Rainbow who was experiencing PTSD from what happened once when she decided to take teasing Twilight a little bit too far after she became princess. Cadence and Shining looked at the scene awkwardly, not knowing what to make of it. "Ummmm....i don't know what's with that but how about we order?" Shining tried to end the awkward situation "Yes I agree" Cadence also took the menu up to read it "Oh absolutely" All of Twilight's friends agreed simultaneously while they awkwardly took the menus and hid their faces with them. "Good" Twilight said causally as she too started looking at the menu "I have my eyes on you" Everyone shivered at that but Rainbow was the one to make a silent cry "Why?" she whispered quietly a small tear forming in her eye "I've learned me lesson, Why?" Trying to get out of this situation, Rarity decided to actually read the menu in front of her face. There she was actually surprised so much she forgot what just transpired. "Uhhh this isn't right" she spoke "What's wrong Rares?" Applejack asked "Is anything the matter?" "Oh nothing darling it's just the prices seem a little.... ridiculous" They all looked at their menus to check at the prices but they were just confused. "I don't see anything wrong" Applejack replied "Seems fine to me" Rainbow said "Yeah they're not like supper expensive or something" Pinky added "Well that's the problem. This looks like such a high class restaurant you would expect the prices to be a little high. But his prices are just....cheap" A chuckle was heard and they turned to see Half Moon who was waiting to take their orders "Well ma'am, we don't do that here. Here at the Red Star we try to keep our service accessible to all no matter their economic status. Which is why the prices are that low" Rarity gave a confused look "But how do you finance this place if you keep such low prices?" "We have our resources ma'am you can rest you worries and trust my word when I say we're more than capable of surviving as a business. So we just generously offer our services to everypony no matter class. I would expect you to know a thing about generosity aren't I right, madame Rarity?" His tone had a bit of hidden smugness in it when he said that last sentence. Rarity was silent. She didn't know if that was a personal attack or not but whatever it was she wasn't looking to press on it any further "Yes yes" she sheepishly laughed "Makes sense, let me see what to order" she went back to reading the menu but not without stealing a glance at Half Moon "So what would you suggest?" She asked him "Why, I'm glad you asked. We have a special dish today from a traveling chef who is a close friend of our restaurant. May I suggest a plate of Beshbarmak?" "Uhh what even is that?" Cadence asked with a suspicious look "Foreign cousine" Half Moon replied simply with a smile "I'll take it" Rarity said almost too vigorously "Alright madame" Half Moon wrote down "and the rest of you?" "I'll take some apple soup" Applejack said "Do you ever consume anything without apples in it AJ?" Rainbow Dash teased "So says the cider addict" Applejack replied with a smug earnings a glare from Rainbow. "I'll take the maple pear tart" the blue pegasus said causing Applejack to glance at her angrily while Half Moon took note. "Just a salad for me please" Fluttershy said "Uh uh uh" Pinkie raised her hoof "Do you have cupcakes" "Yes, we do" Half Moon replied "I'll take seven" Half Moon looked at her with a confused face "Uhhh....you sure about that?" "You know what, you're right. Make it ten" Pinkie replied "Well who am i to judge" he wrote that down as well "I assume the little dragon would prefer something with gems in it. May i suggest a Red ruby tart?" "Boy you read my mind" Spike said happily "And you madame?" Half Moon asked Starlight "Hmmm i don't know" she said "I'm looking for something new to try but I'm not sure what" "May i suggest you something exotic?" "Sure" "Would you prefer a plate of Araignées frites??" Rarity's eyes went wide. She wasn't sure if she heard that right or not. "Ummm doesn't that mean-" "Sounds good" Starlight interrupted "I'll take it" "Umm darling. I'm not sure if you'd like that based on the name" "I'll take my chances" "Wouldn't you like to know what it is you're ordering?" Half Moon added "Surprise me" Starlight said confidence "Sure can do" Half Moon replied as he wrote down while Rarity winced in discomfort hoping that the name wasn't literally what the dish was. Back at the village, Abe and Scarlet were sitting on a couch watching the whole event happen on a sort of magical surface on the wall as they ate popcorn. "She really should have asked what those are" Abe giggled as he took some popcorn with a claw that had replaced his left front hoof. "Well at least they're delicious" Scarlet added, munching on some popcorn herself. Scarlet giggled "Thank you" she said while continuing to watch the event shown on the magical surface "And what would their highnesses like to order" Half Moon continued Cadence ignored his hidden mocking and decided to instead see what to order "Hmmm i don't know. Maybe...." she thought for a moment "What do you think Twilight?" "Huh?" Twilight was confused at the sudden question. "What would you order?" "Oh. Uhhh" Twilight looked at the menu "I guess I'll take a carrot cake" 'As i expected' Cadence though to herself 'You still like food with carrots in it' "Sounds good. I'll take one as well" she said much to Twilight's confusion. She didn't understand why Cadence would ask about her order before ordering the same thing. But maybe she shouldn't overthinking about that. Maybe Cadence simply had a hard time choosing and wanted some suggestion. "Well make it three" Shining added surprising Cadence a little. She didn't know Shining liked carrot cake. It could be that he ordered it because she and Twilight did. Or perhaps he and Twilight had similar tastes in food and Cadence just wasn't aware. You would think she would be aware if her beloved liked carrot cake. "Alright three carrot cakes" Half Moon wrote it down "And for drinks" "I think some cider would do" Twilight replied "Oh and" Cadence spoke "Would you bring something for Flurry too" she said as she used her telekinesis to take hold of the foal that was playing with Pinkie's mane "Okay, cider for everyone and something for the foal. Anything else?" he wrote down and when he heard no response he closed his note "Alright then I'll go tell the chef to prepare your meals. Be back in a bit" and with that he left. "Nice fella don't you think" Pinkie was the first to talk. "I don't know" Spike said "He seems a little sketchy" "Says the one dressed like a spy" Rainbow teased, referring to Spike's over the need use of clothes "Hey!!" Spike responded with annoyance "This are necessary" Everyone had a little laugh at Spike's expense, much to his annoyance "So Twilight" Cadence decided to start a conversation "How long will you be staying?" "Excuse me?" she replied "I'm asking how much time we have to spend together" "Oh. Well" Twilight though for a moment "A few days should be fine. I made sure there are no duties i need to take care of back in Ponyville and even if it was i don't think Starlight would allow me to stop my vacation" 'Just enough time i guess' Cadence though "Because you sure as heck need one" Starlight started "You work yourself too hard!" "Well duh!" Twilight went to counter "It's almost as if it's literally my job" "Sarcasm is unbecoming of you" Starlight said teasingly, causing Twilight to shrug "Like you're any better" she returned with a smirk Cadence decided to step into the conversation. She put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder to grab her attention "She's right, Twilight. You don't have to stress yourself so much. It's important to take a break from time to time." Twilight looked at her and smiled " Thanks Cadence. But you know me I just like do do things perfect i sometimes forget to take care of myself in the process" she giggled " Hey, maybe you can show me your secret vacation spot and we cam go there together to take a break and spend some sister time together!" Cadence winced. "Well.....I'd love to" she laughed sheepishly "but that place is secret for a reason" her tone was more serious when she said that. "Oh. Okay" Twilight replied having taken the hint. "Chef Gustavo!" Half Moon called as he entered the kitchen "We need a plate of Beshbarmak ready" "On it!" Gustav said as he got to work with the ingredients laid before him twenty minutes later "This must be a joke" Starlight complained while looking at her plate. The plate was nicely decorated and would look really delicious if it wasn't for the fact it had literal spiders on it. "This isn't a joke madame" Half Moon replied politely "That is what you ordered" "I didn't order spiders!" she snapped at him "You did' Half Moon looked unfazed " Araignées frites is french for fried spiders" Starlight went wide-eyed "What kind of restaurant serves fried spiders!" "You asked for something new and exotic madame, we served you something new and exotic" "You didn't tell me it was spiders!" "It was in the name. So I did" "What kind of restaurant serves spiders?!" "A restaurant with a diverse clientele" Half Moon said with a little hidden smugness "But i assure you madame, you won't regret ordering this plate" "Why you-" "Starlight" Twilight stepped in just as Starlight was about to lash at him " Please, don't make a scene" she looked around to make sure nopony was paying attention to them. With three royals on one table it was a little hard not to draw attention. 'B-but" Starlight wanted to talk back but she understood Twilight's worry. She turned to the one pony she knew would be with her on this. To her shock, Rarity was snout first on her plate eating in a very unladylike manner like a wild beast. She looked up and froze when she realized everyone on the table was looking at her in confusion. She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck while cleaning herself with a napkin "Sorry. I kind of got distracted by the food" she said awkwardly. Cadence facehooved. This all went into chaos very quick. It was obvious why Half Moon was one of Abe's favorites. She could see him nodding in approval with a proud smile if he was here. In fact it was almost as if she could hear him laugh right now. Strange. It almost sounded like she could hear both Abe and Scarlet laughing. Her thoughts got distracted when she felt something touch her hind leg. She looked down and saw that it was a small bag. Looking back at Half Moon she understood it was what she asked him for so she carefully picked it up without anypony noticing and sheltered it within her wing. "Well I'll leave you to enjoy your food then. Bon Appétit" Half Moon said and started walking away to another table. "Wha-but-wait-" Starlight tried in vain to stop him but he was already gone. With a sigh of defeat she looked down at her plate. It would be rude to not eat something after you ordered it and she was kind of hungry. Well it could be worse. Cadence on the other hoof had her attention elsewhere. She was making sure to pay attention to everything Twilight and Shining did. If one wasn't looking they would probably not see anything amiss. However if you really payed attention you cold see them stealing glances at each other in a manner not fit for siblings. She noticed again that they were very careful not to be noticed. Had Cadence not be aware of what was going she probably wouldn't have noticed either. Twilight started eating her carrot cake, containing a moan of pleasure as she took the taste of it in. Soon followed Shining who's reaction wasn't as exited as that of Twilight but he still seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot. Finally Cadence too decided to join in on eating. Carrot cake has never been particularly her favorite. At least not when compared to cherry pie. She had only tried it once or thrice and even then just because Twilight asked her to. Yet it always surprised her that despite being made with carrot it never really tasted 'carrot-y'. You could barely taste the carrot actually. It was more sweet and crumbly and she could even taste that this one had some nuts in it as well. It now makes sense that Shining ordered this since he really likes nuts. And Twilight had actually shown a preference for carrot cake with nuts over carrot cake without nuts, more than once. So perhaps these two do really have similar tastes. So that is one thing they have in common. Other than the fact they were siblings. That will never stop confusing her. Cadence decided to try something else. She leaned in towards Shining in a loving way and started nuzzling. He was a little surprised by the sudden gesture but soon he smiled and nuzzled back. Cadence made sure that Twilight saw the act and secretly kept her eyes on her to see her reaction. Strangely enough she didn't notice any jealousy. She just looked at them and smiled. Which just confused Cadence even more. Like, not even a bit of jealousy? How can one not be jealous for someone you love. Maybe Twilight learned to suppress jealousy after Shining and Cadence married. If this has been going on for that long. That would make some sense. Either way, it was confusing. Maybe there was some book regarding this. But she's not really going to ask Twilight if she has any material on that. That could give her out and also would be an awkward conversation to have with her sister in law. "Oh my" Starlight's voice caught everyone's attention. She was happily eating her food, seemingly ignoring its contents "These are actually good" "Told you!" Scarlet said while taking another hoofful of popcorn > Punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say Cadence finally felt relief after they left Red Star was an understatement. Despite the 'spider diish' there were no further incidents, fortunately. As they walked out of Red Star she couldn't help but notice how much Shining and Twilight tried to stay close to each other. She couldn't help but wonder how many times they've disguised flirtatious moves as innocent sibling love. She could only guess it's happened a lot. Walking away from the restaurant and towards the castle Cadence thought of something. What next? Will this keep on forever? Will it stop someday? If so would it end in a good way? She had a lot of questions and no answers. She could only hope she could find a solution soon enough no matter what it takes. "It's getting kinda boring" Scarlet complained. "Oh trust me it'll get better soon" replied Abe, playing with one of his tentacles. "How soon?" the filly shrugged in annoyance "Make it fun right now" "Si të urdheroni, zonjë" Abe smirked and got up approaching the magical surface and putting a finger on it. He grinned and chuckled as his eyes turned all black. Chaos broke loose. Apparently some crystal ponies recognized Spike and he was now running for his life away from the crowd, with Starlight chasing after to help. Pinkie Pie forced Fluttershy to enter a singing competition while Rainbow Dash and Applejack get too competitive to the point Rainbow decided to forcefully grab Applejack and take her towards the sky to see if she feared heights or not. Didn't take long for Rarity to get distracted by some fashion parade that was happening nearby and also dip. Cadence didn't even remember anything about a fashion parade happening. At the very least she hoped Rainbow didn't drop Applejack by accident. But something good came out of all this. She was now alone with Shining and Twilight. Well, unless you counted Flurry but she wouldn't cause any issue. "So," Cadence decided to speak "Anything you'd like to do?" "Well i was planning on some group activities before all my friends scattered around like pigeons!" Twilight replied a bit pissed off. Cadence couldn't really blame her. She could only assume she planner a whole schedule for coming her as is usual for her and now all that was kinda blown away. Still, it didn't mean it was all bad. "Don't worry much about it, look at the bright side. Now you have more time to spend with us" Twilight smiled "Yeah, i guess you're..." she looked around in confusion "Where's Shining Armor?" Cadence now was made aware of the absence of her husband and also her daughter. She looked around in worry until she finally spotted them both. Flurry chasing after some bird and Shining chasing after her hoping to catch her. Both she and Twilight giggled at the adorable display and decided to let Shining deal handle it on his own. Together they headed to the castle and went inside. Once they reached the parlor they started chatting around about different things. There Cadence decided to strike. "So Twilight, any love interest yet?" Twilight just froze in place, looking at her with wide eyes. She was more than surprised by the sudden question. Her cheeks turned red and she gulped, barely resisting the urge to back away a few steps. "W-what? I-i don't have any. Why do you ask?" it didn't take somepony with Cadence's skills to understand she was lying. An attempt which made her giggle out loud, much to Twilight's discomfort. "Please Twily, I'm not one you can easily fool with that. I'm the princess of love after all." Cadence said with a smile. Although she tried to hide it, Twilight still had a glimpse of fear in her eyes. Had Cadence found out? Was she aware? Did they get caught? All sorts of things must be running through her mind at the moment. Cadence suppressed a chuckle. Oh she was starting to enjoy this. Knowing about it and using it to play with her like this gave her an absurd sense of sadistic enjoyment she didn't know she had in her. "Come on, you can tell me. Who is it?" she came closer with a smirk on her face. Twilight just got more and more nervous. A drop of sweat was falling down her forehead. She finally took that step back as Cadence approached. All her fear and terror materialized in her throat and she had to gulp it down. She looked right and left for a way to escape but to no avail. Finally she decided to give in and tell only half the truth. "Okay okay you got me. There IS somepony I've been looking at" 'You sure that's all you've been doing' "Ohh tell me" Cadence faked excitement "Who is it?" Twilight thought for a bit. Her anxiety raising up she was in desperate need for a solution and she needed it fast. "W-well. I'm not really ready to share it with anypony yet. I...I just want to keep it a secret for now, i hope you understand." she gave a smile, hoping Cadence will leave it at that. To her luck Cadence didn't really need to push much further either way. She smiled back and approached her. "Don't worry sis. Whenever you feel ready" she put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder in a comforting manner "But at the very least you have to tell me about them you can't escape that" Cadence chirped Twilight sighed. She could satisfy her with this. As long as she didn't give any information that will raise suspicion then all will be okay. "So tell me" Cadence continued "Is it a mare or a stallion?" "Umm.... a stallion" Twilight replied after a pause. She was going to have to be very careful with her answers. Should she say something that will reveal her and Shining things can go bad. Really bad. "Ohh? Tell me, do i know him?" somehow Cadence found playing innocent rather pleasing. "Ummm no... i don't think you do" She replied with a sheepish smile. 'Lieing to me, eh Twilight? Oh you're gonna get it' "Tell me about him" Cadence acted exited and curious. Even though in all honesty she was a curious as to what drew Twilight to her brother. "Well..." Twilight hesitated "He's... nice." "And?" "And, uhhh. Handsome" she blushed a bit when she said that 'Well you're not wrong' "What do you like about him most?" Cadence went straight fir the big fish she hoped to catch. "Ummm well... i like that he's a kind pony" her blush deepened a bit. It felt weird talking about this. Especially to Cadence. But at the very least Cadence didn't suspect anything about the identity if this so called crush and was simply asking about her love life in general. After all who could think she would ever have an affair with her own married brother. Or so she thought. "And also he's always been there for me when I've needed the most. And I've known him for a while. And, well, he's kinda handsome" she giggled sheepishly at that and blushed. An act that made Cadence giggle along. "Well he does sound pretty nice. Have you made a move yet" at this Cadence wiggled her eyebrows, not letting much to imagination as to what she was referring to. Twilight blushed even harder and her nervousness levels got sky high. "Umm... no not yet" she lied through her teeth with a sheepish grin. Being lied to on her face made Cadence really angry, especially since she already knew the truth. She had to contain the urge to just pin her down and make her clean her hooves with her tears and tongue.... wait did she really just think of that? She mentally distracted herself from the thought and focused on the current situation. Despite knowing it was a total lie she chose to act convinced. "Well whenever you feel read to take a step don't forget, I'm always here to help my sister" she said with a smile. Twilight smiled back. "Thanks Cadence" The two shared a hug for a few seconds. But got interrupted by the sound of breaking glass and screams. They turned and saw Rainbow Dash carrying a traumatized Applejack with her. Upon landing she out down the farm pony who proceeded to crawl into the fetal position and rock herself back and forth. "Who's the coward now, scared filly" Rainbow said with a cruel smirk. "Rainbow!" Twilight yelled "What did you do to her?!" "Huh?" Rainbow looked at Twilight "Oh nothing i Just took her really high, flew her through a storm cloud, did some acrobatics and crashed through that window over there" "I'M NEVER FLYING AGAIN!" Applejack screamed bloody murder. Laughter enveloped the room as both Scarlet and Abe enjoyed the chaos that was happening in Crystal Empire. "Told you this was going to be fun" Abe said as Scarlet was trying to breathe from all the laughter "I can say it's one of the best dates we've had so far" she replied. "Oh it's about to get better" he smirked grabbed the filly with one of his claws and brought her face to face with him, giving her a small lick on her snout causing her to giggle. "How say we put my tendrils to good use" "Oh my" Scarlet laughed and blushed a bit "You know what to say to put me on a mood" "I'm known for knowing" Abe grinned and gave her a kiss "Now let's do a quickie before the good part starts" "Good part?" "Oh yes" Abe chuckled "You'll love it" A bit later After calming Applejack down the group finally gathered in the castle and then everyone sat for dinner, this time with less arachnid dishes. After that everyone went to their rooms for the night. With exception of Cadence, Twilight and Shining Armor. "What a day, right?" Shining said "Mhm" Twilight responded with Flurry flying above her head in circles like a shark. "I'm glad you all decided to visit" Cadence added with a smile "But of course" Twilight smiled back "I couldn't not visit you all" "Twilight" Cadence said in a slightly more serious tone "I know you came here to check on me. Yes, my state a few days ago was less that good i will be honest about that but i assure you there's nothing to worry about I'm fine" she smiled comfortingly, earning another smile from Twilight. "I know Cadence. But It doesn't mean i can't look after my you whenever i see you're down" "I appreciate that" the two shared a hug making Shining almost shed a tear looking at the exchange. "Well i say we drink something" Cadence said suddenly and went to a nearby shelf and levitated a bottle and three glasses from it with her magic. "Ummm Cadence I don't think wine would be good right now" "Oh nonsense Twilight" she said as she poured the wine in each glass, secretly putting something else in two of them "There's always room for more celebration. Besides we're only having one shot" Twilight was a bit reluctant. She wasn't a big fan of alcohol in general. She looked at her brother and saw that he was simply smiling and decided not to let her own ideas ruin the mood for the two. *Well who am i to say no" she finally said. Cadence approached with the wine and gave them each their respective glasses. "How about a toast?" Shining said "To what?" Twilight asked "How about... Our family" Cadence suggested. Shining and Twilight smiled and nodded in agreement. With a toast the three downed their drinks and Twilight could almost swear she saw Cadence smirk when they did. But she chose to ignore it as her eyes playing tricks on her. The wine wasn't even in her digestive system yet and she already started seeing things. She didn't like where this was going. But again what harm could one drink bring. Cadence looked at her back to see that Flurry had gone and used her as a makeshift bed and was snoring peacefully. Everyone present giggled at the sight. "Well i suppose it's late. We should all go to bed for tonight." Cadence stated. "Yeah i agree" Shining yawned "Alright I'm also heading to my room" Twilight said as she hugged them both goodnight and headed off. Shining went to their bedroom and Cadence stayed behind with Flurry. "Don't be late, darling" he said as he left "I won't" she replied while cradling Flurry. As soon as she was left alone a devious smile formed on her face "To the family indeed" Day was going fine. His sister came to visit woth her friends, his wife seemed in a better mood. But now all of a sudden he was painfully erect and aroused but Cadence decided that Flurry was going to sleep with them tonight. She hadn't really slept with him in that way for a few days but with Flurry here there was no way she'd agree to do anything. Here he was, stuck with a raging erection but his own daughter in the middle of him and his wife. He needed to do something. Maybe go to the bathroom and finish himself? That could work perhaps. Whatever it was he needed to do something because it was starting to get painful. He'd never been this aroused before. He was even starting to sweat. An idea came to his mind right then and there. Twilight was here. Maybe he could... He slowly got up, careful not to wake neither Cadence nor Flurry. Even if she woke up he could make the excuse he was going to the bathroom. He slowly walked towards the door making sure not to produce any noise and left the room. 'Predictable' Cadence thought as she opened her eyes. She carefully let Flurry on the bed and got up as well. She cast an invisibility spell on herself and quietly followed after Shining. That drink certainly didn't do well with her. Twilight was practically melted into her bed, simply laying lip and relaxed beyond what would be considered normal. She even had trouble mid way coming here. Her senses had hyped up and she could now hear and smell even the slightest of details in her room. She wasn't aware alcohol could have this type of effects. What kind of wine was that? Well whatever it was the message was clear. Don't do alcohol kids. Trok trok trok She heard trotting from outside her room. Didn't take long before the door creaked open with an almost deafening sound. Then more trotting. "Twilight?" the voice of Shining Armor was heard whispering "Are you awake?" All Twilight could do was moan in response. From outside it almost sounded like just sleep slurring but she was completely beyond the capability to form speech right now. However her ability to analyze wasn't gone and she could tell that Shining's voice was breathy and he almost sounded in pain. She wanted to open her eyes to see but whenever she did she just got welcomed by a variety of lights and colors greeting her and dancing around in her sight. She was essential useless and super sensitive right now. That's it, no more drinking for her. "Umm" Shining continued "Can we like... you know... Flurry is sleeping in our bed tonight so me and Cadence can't and I'm really, really desperate right now." The scent of must and sweat assaulted Twilight and overwhelmed her. She didn't need much time to figure out what Shining was talking about. Had it been a different situation she would have gladly helped him out. But right now it didn't seem like a proper situation to do any of that. Still not like she could really say no at the moment. And not like Shining was waiting for a yes either. Right now he was thinking with pure instinct, whatever had gotten to him blurring his mind to the point he almost forgot where he was. Whatever left of his rational mind put up a barrier that blocked sound from going out. He climbed on top of the bed causing Twilight to flinch at the sound of creaking caused by the extra weight. Carefully but still frantically he positioned himself on top of her and moved her tail out of the way. The fact that Twilight was laying on her belly didn't make it any easy for her to do anything about it. "Shhh...Shin..." she mumbled incoherently Oh the side of the bed Cadence was trying to be as quiet and still as possible. With Twilight's enhanced senses she could be spotted despite being invisible. Not that Twilight could focus long enough for that anyway. Having put a powdered version of anthlexpine but with abit stronger effect on her drink and giving a dose of powerful aphrodisiac in Shining's she knew for a fact that what was about to happen would be essentially torture. She probably wouldn't divorce Shining and publicly expose them but that doesn't mean she was going to leave them get away with it. If Twilight wanted to sleep with her husband that much let's see how she likes it now that she can feel ten times more than what she normally would. Maybe they were right when they said Abe was rubbing his sadism on her. But at the moment it was so worth it. Twilight's face contorted in what seemed to be fear as her breath deepened. Her cheeks were flushed with red. Shining himself was breathing even more heavily and was positioning his painfully erect penis in the entrance of Twilight's vagina. "Wuuu-Wait..." Twilight mumbled again but to no avail. Shining wasn't present at the moment, mentally speaking. She could feel the tip of his cock trying to enter inside and even that felt more intense than anything she'd ever felt. She was already moaning, and even thought the nature of the situation her own arousal took her over eventually. Without warning or care Shining pushed forwards and like that his shaft was enveloped by Twilight's inner walls. The alicorn turned into a screaming, shaking mess. With some new found strength she brought her head upwards and her eyes rolled behind her back as she yelled a primal cry. She fell back down with her face planting inti the pillow and her breath shakey. She'd never felt like this before. It felt good of course, but it felt too good. To the point it almost hurt. She could feel everything. He hadn't even started yet and she was already painfully close. Her whole body shook from the sensations. Her face was now completely red and was shaped by agony and arousal as tears fell from her eyes. The amount of overstimulation was unbearable. Which is exactly what Cadence was hoping for. She smirked as she watched her little sister in law be reduced into nothing more than a writhing mass of overly sensitive flesh by not other than her own brother. A punishment fit of the crime, Cadence thought. 'Do her' As if hearing her inner thoughts, Shining started rocking back and forth causing Twilight to scream and cry louder annd louder each time. Thank goodness for that sound proof barrier or else all Crystal Empire would have gathered here by now. "NNNN! NAAHH! NUUUU!". Twilight tried again to plead to her sounds of pain fell on deaf ears as Shining was reduced to nothing but a wild beast right now as he kept thrusting in and out of Twilight and grunting, seemingly without a care for her cries. Eventually he picked up pace and started rutting her more viciously. Twilight shrieked at the top of her lungs. She had never been stimulated to this point before. It didn't take long for her to reach orgasm and shake uncontrollably as she squirted all over Shining's cock. She tried moving away but she felt too week plus Shining was holding her down. It was painfully unbearable. She could do nothing but scream and cry out with every thrust that assaulted her inner parts with an avalanche of sensations and stimulation. It didn't go long before she had another orgasm. Then another. And another after that. It kept going on and on. Cadence thought if she maybe over did it. There was punishment and then there was this. And as angry as she was she still didn't want to traumatize Twilight for life. Nopony would be able to survive this without some sort if trauma. Still, she told herself that it was already being done and she could do nothing about it. Instead she just used her magic to prolong Shining's orgasm so he could go on longer. She could tell that he was desperate to release but she wanted this too last and maybe that way she can also punish Shining by denying him orgasm as long as possible. Not that he was complaining much. He just kept going even harder. His thrusts more fast and frantic. Twilight squealed pathetically, hoping for some merciful miracle that somepony came snd stopped the blissful torment. The pillow was soaked in tears and the sheets were soaked in their sweat amd her leaking juices as she orgasmed again. "PLE... PLEAZE... PLEASE!" she yelled as much as she could for Shining to be done already and the torture to be over. Shining's thrusts were becoming even more violent and desperate causing her to shake uncontrollably from the overstimulation as she screamed again in yet another orgasm. At that moment Cadence decided to let go and allow Shining to finish. On cue he ejaculated all he had inside Twilight, who could feel every shot of semen inside her. a minute passed like that and eventually he pulled out and collapsed into the bed unconscious. Twilight was shaking and convulsing violently, as if she was being electrocuted. Eventually she too subsided and fell into unconsciousness. Cadence simply stood there. She looked down at her work, both of them being melted into a puddle of sweat, tears, semen and mare juices. Twilight looked completely destroyed. Her mane was a mess and she was still twitching at moments. Her face was still read from arousal and her eyes still flowed with tears. She almost wondered what they tasted like. She stopped herself. Shocked that she would even think of such thing. But then she carefully looked at hem again to make sure they were fully unconscious and slowly leaned down towards Twilight and licked at the side of her face. The tears tasted somewhat salty with a bit if sweetness to it. She quickly leaned back up, not sure how to feel of ehat she just did. She decided to clean the mess she made. She cast a spell to mmake sure Twilight didn't get pregnant. Then she used another spell to clean off Shining before teleporting him back to their bed. She decided to leave Twilight like this to wake up in the morning and herself teleported back to her room and got back to bed. She stayed there awake with Shining and Flurry. Both of them deep asleep. She thought of what she just did. She literally tortured them. And she kinda liked it too. But yet she felt somewhat guilty. Maybe she went a bit too far? She was suppose to use them to learn more, not ruthlessly hurt them. She thought of the state she just left Twilight in. She looked.... broken. Almost.... seductive really. And her tear did have a rather... interesting taste. "Oh gosh..." Cadence said to herself "What's happening with me?" She looked at Shining. He was passed out senseless. Seems he tired a lot. She leaned closer and kisses him on the lips, careful not to wake him. She would think about this again tomorrow. Right now, she also needed some rest. > Morning after > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight slowly opened her eyes. She felt a sore and her head ached a bit. Other than that she also felt really thirsty for some reason. She tried sitting up and noticed the disheveled state of her bed. Then her eyes went wide. She looked at herself to see that she wasn't in any better state than her bed. The blurry memories of last night coming to her like lightning. She looked down. The sheets were stained by semen and mare cum where her behind was. She panicked as she reminded she didn't have morning after pills with her. It wasn't a risky time but she still felt a bit scared. But then she felt the traces if an anti pregnancy spell on her. Maybe Shining cast it on her before he left? "Damn it Shining" she cursed outloud. What was that last night? Shining has never been so.... rough. Nor has she been so sensitive before. Was it the wine? They only had one glass each. Surely that couldn't that been much. She didn't drink much to know either way. She even always drank cider without alcohol in it. She hadn't heard that wine can make one so sensitive to stuff. How many times did she finish... She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Using a quick clean up spell she got herself and the bed in they suiting state. She got up and fixed her mane and fur in the mirror. After tidying the sheets of her bed she headed outside the room and towards the kitchen. Shee needed to eat something and moisten her sore throat before having a talk with a certain stallion. Cadence sipped her third or so coffee. She didn't usually drink a lot of coffee. But She needed all the coffee she could get to stay awake after all those.... weird dreams. She was still a bit confused by ehat happened last night. She planned it and carried it out but still it left her a mess if emotions and confusion. It only hit her this morning that she was somehow okay watching those two... do it. And even worse she somehow almost enjoyed it. Almost. What changed? When she first caught them it hurt her deeply. Why didn't it this time? She still felt angry and jealous and furious enough to do even more torture at the two but somehow, it wasn't as bad as the first time. And it confused her. And then those dreams after. She did not even want to think about them. She thought about what she did. Whether Twilight enjoyed or dreaded it was a question of it's own given the fact the orgasmed multiple times but at the same time was screaming and begging for it to end. But one thing was for sure. Even if she didn't enjoy, Cadence did. She was starting to worry that maybe she was a sadist. She dreaded the idea of becoming like a certain perverted unicorn. Not to mention the fact she went so far as to lick Twilight's tears and liked the taste even. Was she- "Good morning" Cadence got startled out if her thoughts and almost dropped her mug when Twilight all of a sudden entered the kitchen. "Twilight! Hi! Morning! What you doing here?" Cadence spoke awkwardly with a sheepish smile. Good thing Twilight was too sleepy to notice or else she surely would have gotten suspicious. She slowly walked towards the table rubbing her temples. She didn't look much in good shape. Cadence didn't need to think as to why. Twilight sat down sleepily and yawned while rubbing her eyes. "Umm... want some coffee?" Cadence asked. "Sure" Cadence slowly goes and grabs another cup in which she pours more coffee into before going and giving it to Twilight. "Here" she puts up a smile as she hoofs over the cup. Twilight takes the cup in her magic and quickly takes a few gulps from it. Pulling back she sighs in satisfaction and puts a smile of her own. "Thanks Cadence" she says as she makes eye contact with he sister in law. She hated that. Everytime after she and Shining would have done something together she hated looking at Cadence in the eye. It felt wrong. Too wrong. It was that feeling of guilt neither she nor Shining could escape no matter how much they tried to or even denied it. Although right now something was weird. It almost felt as if Cadence's eyes were... there was something about the way she looked. She couldn't quite poot a hoof on it but something felt off. Whatever it was she didn't pay to much attention to it. They have kept eye contact for a bit too long now and she didn't want to give any weird impression. She blinked and cleared her throat a bit awkwardly as Cadence did the same. "So how did you sleep?" Cadence asked in a rush to start a conversation, only to mentally kick her own flank for asking that specific question. "Oh umm i slept okay i guess. But I'm not drinking alcohol again" Twilight replies with a sheepish giggle to which Cadence responded with one of her own. "How did you sleep?" Twilight asked back "Oh i slept alright" Cadence replied throwing a hoof in the air "I kinda got up earlier and couldn't go back to sleep so...yeah" "Feel ya" Twilight added while rubbing her temples. Cadence needed a way out. The tension was growing so thick one could make a sex joke about it. She needed to think of something quick. She... Cadence paused her train if thought for a moment. She went this far. She shouldn't act nervous now. Still. She couldn't help the feeling. She found herself looking Twilight up and down. What exactly does Shining like about her? She does have nice fur. And her facial features are rather pretty. And she too was an alicorn which automatically gave her sex appeal in the eyes of basically everypony, a fact even Cadence was aware of and had to put up with. Put it simple Twilight was quite attractive. She did look like someone one would like to go to bed with anytime, anywhere. Maybe- Cadence stoped. Why was she checking Twilight over? She tried clearing her mind and think of an excuse to leave. She seriously needed one right now. "I must go check on Flurry. You finish your coffee" Cadence said simply and took off before Twilight got a chance to say anything. "Uhh see ya?" Shining has had better days. He certainly could do without the terrible headache he was having. Then he was also having it hard to remember what exactly happened last night. He was in a mood. Cadence was with Flurry. He went to Twilight. And then? It all got blurry past that point. All he knows was he woke up back to his bed with Cadence and Flurry gone. Was it all a dream? "Hi there Shining Armor!" He was startled by a pink smiling face that appeared right in front of him. Pinkie Pie was continuously bouncing up and down in place. Her typical happy demeanor never leaving her. "Uhh morning Pinkie. Why are you up so early?" "So that i can enjoy the early morning silly" the jolly mare replied with a wide grin. "Uhh okay" "By the way Twilight is in the kitchen" Pinkie said as she went on to bounce away. "Uhhh... okay?" he would never understand the pink pony, and that scared him a bit. But at least he understood something Twilight was in the kitchen. Maybe she could fill him on what happened last night. Scarlet came into the living room yawning and rubbing the sleep off her eyes. She walked to the coach and took a sit. "Someone's up early" Abe called from the kitchen "That's an achievement if i do say so myself" "Don't judge me" Scarlet responded "You don't even sleep." "So i can prepare your breakfast faster missy. Now come here to eat." Scarlet did as told abd walked towards the kitchen where she found Abe putting plates down on the dinning table. " So what's for breakfast?" "Eggs, salad, some basturma Gustav gave me and some orange juice." Abe replied The filly took a sit and got ready to eat when she noticed there was only one meal for her. "Hey what about you?" she asked with a bit of annoyance. "Oh i have nor need nor desire to eat right now darling don't you worry not." "I've told you i don't like eating alone when you don't." Scarlet narrowed her brows and stared right at Abe. He sighed in defeat and sat down, in an instance another meal appeared in front of him. "Only to make you comfortable" he smiled Scarlet smiled back and the two started to eat. Until a loud pop accompanied with a pink flash of light interrupted them. "Abe!" Cadence called startling both ponies and causing Scarlet to choke on her food. Abe immediately went and gave her back blows till she was able to breathe again. "For the voids Cadence don't you know of the door!" Abe yelled. "Oh umm sorry. I just needed someone to talk to" Cadence replied with a sad expression. Abe sighed "Okay sit down we're eating so you'll eat with us and tell us about it" "But-" "No buts.". A chair and a third peal spawned on the table. "Now sit" Cadence did as told and sat down. She turned to look at Scarlet who had just gathered herself from just choking. "Morning Scarlet. Sorry about that" she said sheepishly. "Better be worth it Cadence" Scarlet replied. Cadence looked at her still hot meal. Fried eggs with hay salad, a glass of orange juice and some stuff she didn't really recognize but it looked edible. "Did you have this ready just now -" "No questions just eat" Abe commanded and Cadence did as told and started eating. Soon the other two joined her and started eating their respective meals. "Now Candy. What's all the fuss about?" Shining walked into the kitchen still rubbing his temples. He also started getting thirsty so he could do with some water. "Well look who showed up" Shining looked up to see who talked when he felt himself get dragged inside the room by magic as the door closed shut. Coming out of the daze, Shining found himself face to face with an angry purple alicorn. "Oh morning Twily. What's wro-" "Don't you 'Twily' me! What was that last night?!" Twilight practically yelled in agitation. "What do you mean? I barely remember last night." "Well let me refresh you a bit then!" the princess spoke with fury. " First we get drunk, then i start feeling all sensitive. TOO sensitive. And then you come here, all worked up and decide to go down on me WHILE I WAS SENSITIVE without so much as ask for approval! Not like you were being gentle either!" Shining went silent and tried to remember. "Oookay i think i remember a bit of that." he said while smiling sheepishly "Sorry about that. It's just that Cadence decided that Flurry would sleep with us last night and i was really in the mood so-" "And you think that justifies what happened last night?!" Twilight interrupted him, murder in her eyes. "N-no! Look" Shining broke himself free of his sister's grasp "I'm not quite sure what happened last night myself. All i know is i just woke up with a head ache and a hazy memory" Twilight started pacing around and hyperventilating. Panic clear in her eyes. "What is someone hear us?! I wasn't being exactly quiet, not thanks ti you!! So somepony must have heard us! Frick i would be surprised if someone didn't hear us! What will i tell my friends? What will we tell Cadence?! Oh sweet Celestia what if Cadence heard us?!" "Calm down i think i remember putting up a sound proof magic barrier around us." "You just think you did?!" The paranoid alicorn came face to face with her brother, clearly worried about the fact he didn't know for sure. "Twilight, relax" Shining said trying to calm her down "If somepony heard we would have found out by now. Plus I'm positively sure i put that spell around. Worry not it's all gonna be fine." As if on que the door bursts open and Applejack comes in yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Well boy do ah need mah coffee" she said before looking up and seeing Twilight and Shining standing there "Oh morning Twilight. And Shining. Did y'all sleep well?" Applejack smiled and went ahead to pour herself a cup of rejuvenating miracle juice. "How did y'all sleep?" Both siblings shared a worried glance for a few seconds before Twilight turned to reply " We uh- i mean i... slept alright. Kinda woke up with a headache. Probably from the drink i had last night. How about you AJ?" Had the farm pony been more awake she would have noticed Twilight wasn't exactly telling the truth. But luckily for the two siblings she still hasn't gotten her daily dose of caffeine. "Oh i slept like a piglet in its mama's belly. Warm and quiet. Suspiciously too quiet. Triggered mah paranoia a bit. But oh well at least nothing disturbed mah sleep" Applejack took a big sip from her coffee mug. In a second or two she looked wholy rejuvenated and ready to fight a chimera head on. "Umm so why are you up so early?" Shining asked "Oh this is normal waking hour for me. Back at home we wake up early in the mornin" and finish our chores just in time for supper." "Ooookay" was all shining said "What about the pink one? She wake up this early too? I saw her on the halls a few minutes ago." "Pinkie Pie? Oh I'm not sure she even sleeps. Almost as if she doesn't need to." "That doesn't seem healthy" "Tell that to Pinkie. That girl's unstoppable. But anyway." AJ finished the whole mug in one gulp and gave a satisfied sugh "I'll go do some stretching up and morning exercises and come get some breakfast later. See y'all" And with that, Applejack walked outside, leaving nothing but silence between the two remaining ponies in the room. A silence Shining went ahead and brike first. "See? Told you i out up that spell. Nopony heard a thing, nopony suspects a thing. We're fine." He said with an assuring smile. "We're not fine. We just got lucky. You should learn to control yourself, mister. We have to be careful." Twilight scolded "Yeah you're right* Shinning put on a guilty face " Sorry about that. I don't know what got over me" "It's alright. Just be careful next time." She smiled and gave him a hug which he returned. "That doesn't mean i won't punish you later" Twilight smirked evily and Shining's eyes went wide. "Please don't tell me you mean-" "That is exactly what i mean." Shining sighed in defeat. He did kinda deserve it. > Hit the books > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So let me get this straight." "As straight as you can get" Scarlet teased but Abe chose to ignore it. "You met Half Moon. Got some hard aphrodisiac and an experimental powdered version of another experimental drug that enhanced your senses, and used them to punish your husband and sister in law for sleeping together behind your back by making him so fueled with aphrodisiac he would fuck her while she was so sensitive that she could suffer throughout the whole experience." "When you put it like that it's not the most sensical plan" Cadence admitted "But it did work out flawlessly" "And then you watched it happen, started enjoying it a bit too much and licked Twilight's tears and liked the taste so now you feel guilty about it and are a mess of confusion and emotions." ".... yes. Basically" the alicorn lowered her ears. She really didn't know how to feel about what she did. On one hoof it was pride that she showed Twilight her place. On the other hoof she felt ashamed and guilty she actually enjoyed that. "And you came here because you needed to talk about it" "Yes. That about sums it up" Abe sighed and rubbed his temples, a look of annoyance in his face. He looked down at the now empty plates on the table and with a quick spell he teleported them away. "I'll do dishes later. Now, Cadence." he turned to the alicorn with a serious look "We're friends. And i love you for that. I also admire your desire to learn more about this issue you have. And i respect you for not being like the rest of the royalty here. And I'm thankful for your help around here. But with all due respect, quit being a pussy." "W-what?" Cadence went wide eyed. She certainly didn't expect that response. "Do i approve of what you did? Not quite but I've done worse. However what i find annoying is that you're crying over it. Yes you did it and you enjoy it. Grow the fuck up and own your shit." Abe had a stern look you would expect from a father telling his son to be tougher. "B-but. She's my sister in law!" "It's also your husband's biological sister but they don't seem to care" "And i shouldn't be enjoying that! What happened was meant just as a punishment thing. I shouldn't be enjoying it like that! Let alone with Twilight. I shouldn't be thinking any of this. Like what is wrong with me?!" "Nothing" Abe's horn began to glow and in a puff his make-up tools appeared in the table. He brought the mirror to his face and started putting his usual black facial decoration. "You're merely someone with some sadistic tendencies and just so happens to like the taste of tears. Which doesn't mean much it probably just means you like salty stuff." At that he smirked and chuckled a bit. "Wonder if the same goes for semen. But either way. Yeah, basically you're just discovering you're a bit of a sadist and a cuckquean by the looks of it nothing too bad and it's okay to be a bit confused at first it happens to the best of us. And I'll help you deal with it if you want. But to do that i need you to stop whining about it and accept things as they are. You did do those things to your husband and sister-in-law, you did enjoy tormenting them, you did enjoy watching them have rough sex, you did enjoy licking your sister-in-law's tears, you enjoyed it all. Now my question is do you want my help figuring it all out or are you going to keep whining about how wrong it was for you to do it?" Cadence went dead silent. She didn't know how to reply. She did want help understanding, she couldn't deny that. But she couldn't exactly throw her moral compass away like that. But what other choice she had. She had come so far. This was the point of no return. She crossed the forbidden line last night. Figuring stuff out and understanding her current feelings may help her gain some control over the situation. "I....I want help" She replied "The correct answer" Abe got up and started walking away "Wait here" he said as he went upstairs. It all fell to silence as Cadence and Scarlet were left alone. The filly had taken to drawing with her crayons, smiling and humming as she did. At that moment Cadence got reminded of what she discovered yesterday. She went back to feeling uneasy as she stared at the small foal. She looked happy. But Cadence still couldn't shake the feeling. It's not surprising Abe would go to this length but she was still shocked he would actually do something with a kid. It felt... wrong. And to think a minute ago she was thinking of herself as a horrible person. "You know, if you keep looking at me like that i may get the wrong idea that you want me, Cadence." Scarlet suddenly spoke before giggling. Cadence blinked. Was she.... flirting? "Umm sorry" she averted her gaze awkwardly. Causing the filly to giggle even more and look up at her. "It's okay i like attention. Besides i can get an idea as to why you're looking at me like that." "Yeah..." Cadence stated simply. "Tell me. How did you feel when you found out. I heard you yelling a bit so you must have been mad. Understandable I'll say. But i assure you there's nothing to worry. He doesn't force me to do anything and i don't mind doing stuff with him" "But how do you know that. You're-" "A foal, yes i know. That doesn't mean I'm stupid." Scarlet said that with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "Okay okay but how can you be sure Abe's not-" "Taking advantage of me? Abusing me? Trust me, he's not." "But how do you know" Cadence persisted causing Scarlet to sigh in irritation. "Because I've been abused before and he's not doing that. End of story." and with that she went back to drawing. Cadence on the other hoof went silent again. She couldn't quite argue against that and further more it felt like she reminded Scarlet of something she didn't want to remember. It was probably best not to push it. "I'm sorry" she apologized. "It's alright" Scarlet replied. "So, uh, what are you drawing. Cadence asked to which Scarlet pulled up her drawing and showed it to her. To Cadence's shock it was the scene from last night. Her standing next to a bed and Shining and Twilight having sex. It was, oddly too detailed, even for a foal's crayon drawing. Twilight was even showed crying. Cadence looked to Scarlet who was smiling while holding the piece of paper in her mouth. "Did you just... draw what i said i did last night?" Cadence asked. "Mhm" "Well you sure seem to be mature for your age" Scarlet lets the drawing down and smirks at Cadence. "Told you. I'm young but not stupid" "I guess you're right about that. So. How did you manage to woo Abe. I know you've had a crush on him for a while." "Oh hehe how you ask... " Flashback Black started coming out. Strange. She expected red. She pulled the knife away. It was covered on this black stuff that came out. It was weird. Looked like if it almost moved. Maybe it was a trick if the light. It was rather dark after all. Her breath got shacky, heartbeats got faster. Realization on what she just did hit her like a thrown rock. She started crying and backing away looking down at the mess she caused. She killed him. "I just.... charmed him with my personality is all" Scarlet replied "Plus I'm cute. And it's not like Abe can say no to me for anything." "I see. But why do yo-" Boom Cadence was interrupted when a huge stack of books landed on the table. She looked at them dumbfounded then turned to see Abe smiling as usual on the side of the table. "Umm... what's this?" She asked. "Some books I'm lending you." he replied simply. Cadence picked some of the books in her magic to check them out. Intro to incest? Polyamory 101? How to harem? Cuckoldry for dummies? Sadomasochism and bondage? Taboo love? A dive into consangunamory? Polycules and more? Guide to sadistic pleasure? "Am i supposed to read all this stuff?" Cadence asked with red cheeks. Some of these definitely had something pornographic in them and she didn't feel quite like having to read that. "Eyup." Abe nodded. Cadence merely sighed in defeat. She did need to learn so that will also include reading apparently. "At least tell me these don't have lewd stuff in them." "Whaaa?! Noo how could i? Of course not" Abe put his best mock shock performance and Cadence got the message. "Okay whatever but this doesn't solve my problem" Cadence frowned sadly. Abe sighed as he took a chair and sat right beside her. "Look. I know how you're feeling. It's normal to feel that way actually. But you have to trust me that guilt tripping over feeling a certain way isn't going to solve a thing. You have to face your feelings in order to understand them, not run away from them. I mean, look at me. Do i look bad to you? I have no guilt at all over what i do." "Yeah you're not the best example to take if I'll be honest" Cadence replied to which Abe frowned. "Whatever. What i mean is, you need to accept your emotions and face them for what they are. Otherwise you won't have harmony within you." Cadence sat in silence for a few moments. It was true, she needed to understand. Running away from it wouldn't help. So maybe exploring could help her understand a bit more. After all, how could she hope to understand Shining and Twilight if she was having trouble understanding herself. "Thanks Abe" She smiled. "Don't even mentioned" he replied, also smiling "Now, take these books with you and head home or else they start wondering where you are." Before Cadence could even process it, Abe's horn began glowing and she along the books were teleported away. "Now that's dealt with." Abe said with a satisfied smile as he started drinking from a cup of tea he all of a sudden had in his magic "Let's wait and see what happens" he grinned and gave a sinister chuckle. "Don't you know what will happen?" Scarlet asked all of a sudden. "What?" "I mean, you are essentially a god. Can't you like, see the future." " What the.. No!" "Why not?" "Look" Abe rubbed his temples "First of all, it's not that simple. I can only see all the possible futures and while i can calculate which is more likely to happen given how chaotic everything is the outcome is always changing. And second of all it's kind of a selective ability thing and I'm choosing not to use that right now." "Why?" "I don't know, why do you ponies blindfold yourself while playing pin the tail on the pony or during BDSM. It's more fun that way. Think of it as the godly version of sensory play." "Okay i guess that makes sense." Cadence found herself in her room. Before she realized a rainstorm of books fell on top of her head. 'Darn it Abe' she thought as she pulled herself out of the tsunami of books. Had Twilight seen this she would have probably orgasmed more than she did last night just from the sheer amount of books. Who knows, maybe she's into that. Cadence stopped again. Was she really considering exploring this? Up until last night she had no idea she could ever have these feelings. Now she's considering going through with them. She looked at all the books. Well she'll need to hide this somewhere. Who knows what would happen if someone found these. She opened her closet and swiftly opened the secret door in the back of it. Quickly she put the books inside and the closed it back again without a trace. Satisfied she prepared to leave the room. The exact moment she opens the door she is startled by a pink scare straight out of the most absurd nightmares. "Hi Cadence! Whatcha doing? Were you doing something? Why are you all alone? By the way wanna come and hang out with the rest of us? Oh and also i was wondering around and i got Flurry for you." Pinkie Pie didn't even breathe as she spat word after word after word. Then she lowered her head to show the infant foal that was playing with her puffy mane. Fkurry Heart giggled and laughed as she treated the pink made like a fluffy teddy bear. "I found her awake so i decided to spend some time together. Want her back?" Cadence took the baby in her magic and away from Pinkie's head, much to the foal's dislike. "Ummm, Thank you Pinkie." "No problemo! Oh are you hungry? I'm hungry. I think we should go get snacks together and maybe check out that restaurant we went to yesterday and oh oh oh i know LET'S HAVE A PARTYYYYYY!! We can play pin the tail on the donkey, or hide and seek or or or-" Cadence started thinking that maybe a few years in Abe's playrooms would be a nice vacation if it meant being away from this. Pinkie Pie would never stop talking of she started. And as they were walking to go and join the others, with Pinkie bouncing merrily up and down, the pink mare never stopped talking. Not even to take a breath which made Cadence wonder if the overenergetic pony needed oxygen at all. No matter what, she needed to go through this treatment until they reached where the others had gathered. She needed to keep up the facade. Not let Shining and Twilight know she knew about them. And not let anyone else notice something was going on. She had a lot ahead. And she had come so far. She couldn't let any mistake ruin everything. Socializing would help her observe and maintain the status quo at the same time. So from now on she decided not to come up with excuses to leave the room. Less it was really necessary of course. But from now on she will not run away. She would face things as they are, even if that meant having to listen to Pinkie talking nonstop. With Flurry on her back, the babbling Pinkie by her side and a determined look on her face she marched forward towards their destination. She will not run away this time.