Summer's Serene Siren Song

by Septia

First published

Stallion lured into Eel mare maze. Tail vore, presumed fatal.

(Kink information and guide available in the full description.)

This is your warning~.

Available for writing Commissions.

A lovely day at the beach is interrupted by a mare in danger? Far away from the others, our brave stallion leaps into action. Or you could say they, took the bait?

I wrote this story as a part of the Summer Snarfing Pony Vore Art pack, released in summer of 2021, and now it is available to all~.

Proofreader for this story was Dendollae, who also did the icon, many thanks to them.

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(Character Quote: "Rosenade to the rescue." -Rosenade )

(Quick guide:

An Intro to the beach.

After 1st: Helping a mare in need, underwater maze, exhaustion, pony tail vore, tail maw.

After 2nd: Post-Vore relaxation, uncertain fate, eel mare slumber and kneading. )


Cent: Short term for centimetre.
Deci: Short term for decimetre.
Chronicle: A series of stories conneted but not sequential. Ongoing stories without regular updates. Rapacitor: A predator who eats for the sake of greed and gluttony.)

Available for writing Commissions.

Unwilling Soft-Vore 3rd-person Same-Size Fatal Implied-Digestion onomatopoeia Male-Prey Female-Pred Original-Character Post-Vore-Scat Art-pack pony-prey My-Little-Pony Eel-Mare Sea-pony Tail-Vore Ocean Sea Beach Underwater Eel Tail-Maw Maze Baltimare

[Story preview:

Sunlight sprawled across Autumn beach. Since early morning its warmth had siphoned into the sand and refracted into a turquoise gleam through the waves slapping into the shore. Despite this a significant amount of the beach laid in shadows; the surrounding trees, the hills with their mountainous roots marking the northern end of the beach, and lastly, all the citizens of Manehattan there to partake of their share of the summer heat…
As the sunlight bathed in the froth encrusted waters, so did the inhabitants of Manehattan. Ponies waded through the churning waves with friends and family, whilst others relaxed on blankets sipping on refreshments and baking in the warmth, attempting to tune out the ponies engaging in sports of leisure in the sands. All throughout, the beach was alive with the bustle and enjoyment of a summer forenoon.

Continued in the story above.]

Summer's Serene Siren Song

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Summer's Serene Siren Song

Written by Septia.

Sunlight sprawled across Autumn beach. Since early morning its warmth had siphoned into the sand and refracted into a turquoise gleam through the waves slapping into the shore. Despite this a significant amount of the beach laid in shadows; the surrounding trees, the hills with their mountainous roots marking the northern end of the beach, and lastly, all the citizens of Manehattan there to partake of their share of the summer heat…

As the sunlight bathed in the froth encrusted waters, so did the inhabitants of Manehattan. Ponies waded through the churning waves with friends and family, whilst others relaxed on blankets sipping on refreshments and baking in the warmth, attempting to tune out the ponies engaging in sports of leisure in the sands. All throughout, the beach was alive with the bustle and enjoyment of a summer forenoon.

~ 1 ~

Darkness. Encompassing, violet, stained with streaks of aquamarine glow. It all carried a uniformity, but as he took another stroke forwards, the surroundings morphed. In the act of swimming, the dusk encroached on the light and darkness sifted and shimmered, inviting, an endless abyss of shimmering, liquid crystal. A tug in their chest. The deep umbra expanding into cyan, and white once they closed the surface.

-Lfpsghs- “Phaaauau, haaa.” Rosenade breached into open air, the earth pony's lungs chugging down air to replenish him, threading water as they let their eyes adjust from the brine.

“Should mnng maybe get some goggles,” he said and wiped at his eyes afflicted with salted irritation. The ponies at the beach were cloaked in an aura of fuzz. After a few blinks, he realised just how far away they were. Or, perhaps the opposite.

He turned to see the hills, a grassy edge descending into a pillar of rocks delving into the ocean. A bit further than intended. Though, Rosenade wondered if the views would be the same on the way back. They drew in a deep breath, chest distending, closing their eyes and hoisting their hooves up.

-Sppltthhch- A splash.

His eyes flicked open. A splash close by… that wasn't him. He shifted, twisted in the waves, scouring his surroundings. Further north, past the hill, was a purple mare. Once he caught a sight of her, she waved. Seems he wasn't the sole daring enthusiast around. He waved back.

-Chrllpssthsh- and she was gone… An after-image of the mare drawn beneath the surface, of her outstretched hoof shifted from composed to flailing, just before immersing in the blue depths. Rosenade's throat snarled.

“I t-think somepony needs help, anypony, help I-i think she…” If anypony was even within earshot, it would take too long for them to arrive. His eyes fixed back on the ripples of the mare's disappearance, stabilising his breathing, one massive gulp of air… -Spllttsh-.

The darkness held another quality now, an alarming serenity of absence, there was only a fright of the lost mare. He swam deeper, holding the direction she had plunged by… a flick of purple. There she was, left, zipping just out of views. He dove after, feeling his heart bumping in his barrel. He was aware of the chances she was simply out of breath or cramped were slim, a sense that became all the harder to ignore, when he made out motions beneath the mare, stretching far longer than her. The mare's path twirled hard, from north back west, into the mountain itself. The rock formations up the hill were littered with hollows and tunnels, forming a porous maze akin to a sponge, jail-house, or… net. The stallion watched the mare flailing, bubbles pouring from them, as their shape was swallowed by one of the mountain's orifices. Again, he was haunted by an after-image of her hoof, clinging to the brim.

“Phaaaou,” he surfaced, panting, turning to and fro, he was behind the mountain now, if no pony could hear him before there was no chance they'd see him now. And by then, it could be too late.

“Hang tight. I-… I'll save you myself.” he called out, in a faint attempt to reach the mare, or any pony else around to grasp the dire situation, his sturdy earth pony lungs braced themselves once more, for the depths.

The white rock cut through the darkness, his mission was clear, unable to forget the passage the mare had been engulfed by. And speared his way through with a sweeping stroke. Pockets of luminous crystal dotted the tunnel, Rosenade defiantly soared through the path towards wherever the mare was dragged. The tunnel forked. Hesitation. Decisions. The larger pathway was more likely. Through there, another option soon presented itself, three split tubes. He surfaced in a pocket of air, taking the sparse breath to concentrate. Where could she had been taken, how would he even find her? But every moment he waited, she could be… Another dive, following the tunnels which felt… right. Always a path forwards, often more. The stone scraped against his coat, fur tangling in the protrusions of marble, feeling ahead through the tunnels lacking light. It kept going…

Then and again, Rosenade saw her, a glimpse of purple dragged off down a tunnel, clearing his head and launching after them. Always out of reach, always around another bend, through the tunnels which seemed, far too tight for them to pass, but he could always follow, despite the strain the scraping rock put on his muscles, despite his chest beating for air in between the small gulps he could allow himself in the porous catacombs… a maze had been the right word, and a haunting insight crawled up his spine: how would she be saved, if he had no clue how to escape?

Rosenade gasped in the brief reservoir of breath, lungs beating against his rips. Then ducking beneath the surface to stare down the catacomb, then another path, then the third path… another gasp of air. Then looking down again, following one trial he recognized, leading to another pocket, his throat aching as he darted to it and gasped, chugging in a gulp of water he hawked out in the bubble of wind… his hooves were strained keeping him above surface… How long, had he been here? When was the last he saw her…? This one chamber led along six others, the chance to find her was the roll of a die, roll after roll, as time dragged on. Rosenade's grasp faltered. His muscles refusing to listen, head hazy and soaked in brine. He sunk.

-Bbrllbgs- a rush of bubbles sloughed out through a tunnel by an orifice by his side, tired eyes trailing towards it, just as the tunnel grew fangs, eyes, and a throat, projected out at his tail.

-Cshhrllgogsmph- The onyx maw entombed his tail, lips clinging into his flank with a sensation like the grasp of rubber, grinding into him.

Rosenade gasped, unleashing a cascade of bubbles forming a shroud in front f him, clasping over his muzzle to keep the little breath he could in…

-Chgglprghs- oomph- the lips eased and thrust forwards -Chrrllsths- drawing over his flank and hind legs, up around his back, folding him into the humid clasp of the abyss below. His rear besmearing into a slick basket of flesh as the maw crawled up to envelope his folded frame. The shroud cleared just in time for Rosenade to watch his crossed throne cutie mark to -Shlglpgmpsh- dip past the crease of the black lips, his hind legs clamped against his torso and pinned in a vice grip of sleek, supple flesh. The lips shifted between rest and briskly sprawling with the creature's swallows. The sensation of being cocooned in a soaked towel, drawn up along his frame. The stallion struggled, flinging his hooves towards' the being's head, but the water buffered his force, and the creature -Chllrpgusgm- -Gomgpsh- arched its neck back in swallows as he swung. The provisional pauses between swallows too sparse for any blow to land. And at every swallow, the skin tautened to his coat, as if the towel was twirled and spun to encroach in an ever tauter clutch around his body.

-Glblpgmgs- The creature's maw shuffled over his torso, flapping open to warp along his contours as it went, his hind sunken past the far reaches, and the clasp of its the maw's membrane compassing the stallion's entire barrel… the snout of the monster bumped against his head, scuffing up his mane as it struggled to swallow. Lips clasping and easing around his shoulders, whisking its head to thrash him to and fro…

Maybe it was toying with him, at the precipice of its depths, the body of the creature steaming him while his chest ran cold…

-Flpfsh- Then… soaring through the water behind him, emerging above… with a sheen of plaster purple, … was the mare. A sliver of levity blossomed in his chest. Reaching his hooves out towards the mare. It could be too late, but she could escape, he could still save her. His hooves met hers.

-Cslgpthshts- The lips of the beast squelched when the mare shoved his hooves inside. Holding his gaze with a smile as they smothered his muzzle with her stomach, and jammed him past the reaches of the mouth… Rosenade watched as the black lips and purple coat merged together, with the lips clasping--… -Shrl-cllpthgs- shut…

Rosenade laid sealed in a casket of brine and flesh, the maw broad enough to encompass his body, though folding him together firmly to the walls of flesh. His head was beating in his skull, begging for reason, an explanation, but mostly air…

-Chrlrlrughs- -Chhsffhs- A contraction of meat and tissue, another guzzle around him. But not meant for him… he felt the surface of the water drain, filtered out through the chamber and, leaving... The absence of the ocean giving him pause for breath, and seperating him from it…, entirely. Only the contracting tissue remained. -Ghhrlgh- the throat undulated, the rattles of flesh parting and coursing up the maw. Rosenade felt their rear -Shshtpsths- slot into the deeper padding of plush meat, a canal of skin and vanish…, with meat contracting and bulbing to buffer against his coat, tethering vines of congealed lubricant phlegm over his body…

“Mff-fmwa w-whaa wmm-wahtgsm mpghgsf phaa please why OOfmpwffgpsh-.” The stallion groaned, pleading as the expanse of maw around him transitioned to a smooth oesophagus trudging him downward in a languid pace of burgeoning padding knocking into his frame… The stallion swallowed, and flushed into the guts of the ocean dwelling hunter.

~ 2 ~

-Bhuraaahfllp- “Fhsoo that hit the spot,” the voice claimed after unleashing a belch that rippled through the brine… A contorted scramble of bulges gradually shifting down along the black tail, scales exterior latching over the vague outlines of a stallion, muzzled smushed taut against its surface, and their open maw cratering the skin to give in a sense of terror from the engulfed pony…

“Summer really is here, there are few ponies who dare to swim so far in the colder seasons.
But when the waters are warm it calls to them, like worms called to the surface by rainfall.” The purple mare eased back into a chamber in the mountain. They huffed whilst massaging down their clogged frame. “This one took a while to tucker out tough, just got to hope he doesn't scramble through my insides as much as he did with my house~.” She cooed, as the bulge in the dark skin drew ever upwards, and the lumps of the shrink wrapped stallion transitioned and converged into the purple coat, the mare groaning as her stomach enraged, distending and warping to the whims of the broad lumps of the hooves and legs. -Chgngnlgl- -Krhrrllflfsthst- A creaking of tautened musculature and stretching rubber as the broad bulge of a sagging gut bloomed outwards, inflating with the bulk of the stallion, until the bump of his head overlapped with her navel… -Chlrpthst- The stomach sloshed and snapped back, swaying in its thrust buffered by the waters to a smooth sway, coursing to and fro as the searene mare cradled and jabbered her hooves into her gut in kneading drags, displacing and fondling their dinner's lumps together, coursing thrills through her spine, all the way down her tail towards the gape that had engulfed him.

“But now, the waters are warm enough to thaw all these hefty, nourishing pony dumplings, and I just have to reel them in.” she mused as her tail curled around her, bumping up against the gut and letting her rest it against the coils, delighting in sensing the struggles displacing her well knitted scales, the soft bumps bulbbing up and sailing along her coat and scales, her hooves continuing to massage and ply into the gut in a dreamy haze.

“Mmhaayawfmm, haawm, you really tuckered me out with all that mm, swimming, my bundle of blubber to be. But you were worth, it isn't enough to tide me over for all of summer, but… Enough that I can relax on my vacation~,” she mumbled, tapping a hoof over her yawning face. She cuddled back, swirled and coiled in the depths of the tunnelled hill, where the catacombs churned a lullaby of crashing waves, complimenting the grind of Rosenade mush congesting her core.