Seven Minutes In Heaven

by DHeroRedMagma

First published

Holding a costume party, Flanksworth has two lucky guests enter their "special" Seven Minutes in Heaven room. Which lets guests get the most out of their seven minutes.

Deciding to host a costume party full of debauchery, Flanksworth also takes this as an opportunity to test out their new special Seven Minutes in Heaven room for two lucky guests to win. What happens next is a test to see what can really happen in seven Equestria minutes.

Rift Gate Belongs to B00mt00b
Cover art done by B00mt00b

The following fic contains: A drunk princess, costumes, time chamber, rough sex, futa, anal, dick growth, cum inflation, boobjob, double boobjob, prostate orgasm, anal and enough cum in seven minutes. Reader discretion is advised.

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It was a night of celebration in Ponyville’s adult club Flanksworth, as they were hosting a costume party. In hopes of drumming up business an idea Scorch came up with and even went as far as inviting Princess Luna and Celestia to boot. Which has the party going quite well with drinks, food, games and plenty of fucking. Ponies all dancing and drinking, whereas Luna may have taken it a tad bit too far.

“Bartender!!!” The slightly sloshed Princess of the night yells out. She has had waaaay too much to drink and has been partying hard dressed like Daring Doo. “Another sex on the beash! Extra dirty!” she slurs wanting yet another beverage.

“Luna I think you have had more,” Celestia, dressed like a cat informs her sister.

“Excusssse me? I think I know when I have had enough!” Luna proclaims pointing at her. “I was stuck on the moon for soooo long and had to use rocks as dildos. Do you know what that’s like!?” she responds by making quite a scene drawing the attention of the party goers.

“Luna calm down and maybe lower your voice,” Celestia tries to defuse the situation, feeling eyes begin staring at her and her tipsy sibling.

“I’ll tell ya how they feel, cold, rugged and coarse!” Luna spits back. “It took me centuries searching for a good rock that was shaped like a dick that could get me off!” she proclaims out loud embarrassing her elder sister.

In the corner of the room watching this madness going on were two unicorns, one a blue mare with a brown mane dressed like a galko and the other a red stallion with a light blue mane dressed seemingly like some sort of demon.

“Man she is hammered,” the blue mare replies.

“That she is Rift, that she is,” the stallion replied.

“So back to you Magma, how are things with the misses? Figured she’d be here,” Rift points out.

“Yeah but she is working on one of her weird cases,” he responds. “Something about a sperm bank robber,” he recalls. “So she’s gonna be a bit late,” he finishes.

“Well it should be interesting meeting this supposed horny changeling your with,” Rift responds as they’re attention is turned back to the two Princesses.

“Hey everypony look over hic here!” Luna proclaims, standing up on the bar. “There’s a full moon tonight!” she announces before turning around and mooning everypony who can see.

“L-Luna!” Celestia shouts, turning pale as many of the party goers cheer at the sight of the princess of the night’s jiggly butt.

“Man she really does have a bit of a dump truck ass doesn’t she,” Magma comments which causes Rift to snicker.

It is at this point the master of ceremonies makes himself known by walking up to the now exposed Princess.

“Hey hey everypony!” Scorch announces to get everypony’s attention. “Thank you Princess Luna for getting their attention,” he mentions giving her ass a gentle pat. “And thank you all for coming to tonight’s Flanksworth costume party!” he adds which gets a rousing cheer. “And now we will begin to announce the winning numbers for the chance at our special seven minutes in heaven raffle!” he begins to explain, as he walks over to a door with a plaque over it reading ‘Seven minutes in Heaven’. “Remember as you entered Flanksworth you were given a ticket with a number, if your number is called you and somepony else will be entering our special room for what would seem like seven minutes… out here at least,” he finishes. “And our lucky number winners are…forty five and sixty eight!” he announces.

“Huh hey I got number forty five!” Rift tells Magma as she pulls out her ticket.

“Really? Cause I’m number sixty eight,” he responds, flashing his own ticket.

“Go figure… guess this means we better… ya know,” she says trailing off. Realizing they both won a chance to fuck each other appearently in a supposed room.

“Well yeah are you cool with it?” Magma asks unsure how she feels.

“I am if you are, plus I am a bit curious,” Rift points out as she leads the way with a sexy sway. It’s only now does Magma notice that her massive mammaries can be seen even from the back due to how big they are and can already feel the blood rushing to his groin.

The two make their way to Scorch showing they’re tickets as he smiles at them. And sees the numbers on their respective tickets.

“And here are the two lucky ponies!” he announces which gets a fair amount of applause and some rumbling jealousy. “You two have fun in there,” Scorch mentions opening the door and gesturing for them to enter. The two give a look and shrug, figuring what the hell and go in only for Scorch to close the door behind them.

“Who wants to eat my ass!?” Luna asks aloud, still hammered and with her bum exposed shaking it.

“Dibs!” Scorch yells bolting over to the twerking princess as Celestia resides in a corner dying of embarrassment.

In the seven minutes room, Magma and Rift not on the rather size of it being about as big as a janitor's closet and is completely empty.

“Huh wasn’t sure what to expect here,” Magma notes.

“Me either, but how about me and you get down to business,” Rift suggests pushing her jumbo size sweater stretchers against Magma’s chest. Grinning from ear to ear he quickly tears open her shirt and frees the behemoth breasts as they flop free sagging down but still maintaining a firm bounce. Wasting no time he palms them in both hands eliciting a cute moan from her, squeezing and playing with her bosom while she sneaks a hand and unzips his pants allowing his red rocket to spring free fully erect and pulsating. She grasps it at its root and begins to give it a few gentle pumps, getting a gauge on his trouser snake, as he begins gently tugging on her nipples causing more moans to escape her. Leaning down he extends his tongue and brushes it lightly against her nipple before eventually taking it into his mouth and giving it a few test sucks before popping it out to see her face turning slightly crimson.

With a grin and a wink she sinks down causing him to retract his grabby hands as she grabs ahold of his schlong and licks her lips before opening wide and accepting his first few inches into her maw. Using one hand to stroke his base and another to caress his meaty sack. He lets out a groan as he slumps back against the wall of this small room letting her handle his meat, with her growing with confidence each time she bobs her head forward taking more of him as she does so. After some time she takes her hands off and just uses only her bobs, taking him all the way in her throat and sucking him off like a true champ and occasionally flexing her throat muscles to give a pleasant vibrating sensation to boot.

With a sharp wince sucking the air in through his teeth is the only warning he gives off as he begins to fire thick ropes of cum down her gullet as she keeps herself with his rod fully crammed down her letting him fill her belly with spooge. Holding her position and deepthroating the red tool until his orgasm dies down she pulls off leaving a trail of salvia across his length and still connected via a strand of it to her bottom lip.

Phew that was quite the meal,” Rift teases, giving him a few more pumps. “Still good to go a few more rounds?” she asks him.

“Oh definitely, I got plenty left in me,” he informs her. “And I want to stick myself between those titties first,” he declares, licking his lips.

“Oh? A stallion after my own heart,” Rift adds as she soon surrounds his meat stick between her chest pillows. Only Magma takes control placing a hand on her shoulder for balance as he thrusts to see his blunt tip poke out only to return back into her cleavage like a groundhog that is scared of its shadow. “How do you like it?” Rift asks him. “Enjoying my supers stuffed up milkies? My honker bonker doinky boinkies?” she continues with a smug grin. He only responds with a grunt as he begins to strengthen his upward thrusts aided by the saliva and pre cum his cock is producing. Gritting his teeth, his dick head now booping Rift’s nose and putting some pre on it which she happily laps up now with expert timing.

“I swear titfucks are the best no?” Rift begins to mention. “Nothing like a big throbbing prick wrapped between my girls or me using magic to give myself one to wrap into some other girl's sweater stretchers,” she comments with a content sigh as her blueberry colored gal pals shake and jiggle in her hand from the impact of his thrusts.

“So warm… so soft…” Magma trails off as he keeps humping her hooters. In order to get more power he places his second hand on her shoulder and continues going at a rapid pace against her melon's, feeling secured against a warm soft fleshy pillow.

“Shit, I’m about to cum,” he warns with a growl as he slows down but decreases his power behind them.

“Come on and cover my tits with your nut butter!” she barks at him, practically foaming at the mouth eager for him to spray his load. As requested the first shot blasts out like a geyser hitting her right in the face with some dripping down and landing on her tatas, hot on the heels is the second wave which doesn’t reach the height of the first one but is able to cover more of her chest along with the third one hitting more of her right melon. A few more blasts of cum erupt from him before finally settling down with her boobs now covered white with seed.

“Nice, got some firepower when you bust a nut,” Rift comments, wiping some cum off her face and releasing him from her titty stranglehold on his donger. She then stands up scrooping up a bit of cum off her melons and devouring it before feeling her lower garments drop and herself scooped up into his hands and his still rock hard erection aimed dead center at her cunny.

“And I’m still raring to go, although I think you should get some pleasure too,” he teases before dropping her down on his cock. Her eyes cross with pleasure as she clenches around his fuckstick spasming rapidly as he begins to plow her wetlands properly. The squishy meaty sounds of sex echo in the small closet room accompanied by the moans of the throws of passion the two unicorns emite along with the musky scent of each other driving them wild with lust. Rift’s tongue falls out in pleasure as she is constantly speared on him repeatedly, her pussy spreading to accommodate him in it’s damp warm depths, to the point of it causing a slight bulge everytime he rams himself home. His barrage of plaps sounding like a hamster taking a bath in a tub of gogurt echo loudly with his meaty sack constantly hitting the underside of her cooter. He only now notices he can see her melons flopping about due to how large they are despite him being behind her, he can still see them bounce up and down sometimes nearly socking her in the face, which would have caused him to burst out into laughter and drop her.

The rumbling of his nuts and the tell tale twitching of his dick easily are enough warning to him that he is about to blow another load, he attempts to warn her until she violently throws her head back eyes crossed and lets out a pleasure filled cry as her cunt seizes down on him as her juices gush out and coat his dick and balls. Unable to hold out he joins her, filling her with his cock cream filling every nook and cranny he can, causing her belly to round out due to the volume he is producing with some backwashing out and onto his own sack and dripping on the floor creating a small pool of spooge. Pulling out he shoots the last bits into the air with a few having enough hangtime to hit the underside of her boobage, both are drenched in sweat and panting for air as he drops her down only for her to lose her balance and bend over and press her palms against the wall.

It is at this time Magma notices something, she actually is quite caked up. It may be because her bodacious chest bongos immediately steals the attention away but damn she got back, and while contemplating this the blood continues to rush towards Magma’s cum cannon keeping it nice and hard. He seizes his opportunity and spreads her cheeks feeling the soft cushions of her bum revealing her chocolate starfish,he soon takes aim and begins to dip his coated cock into the tight hole causing a yelp of surprise from Rift realizing where he’s poking at.

She soon feels himself ease on in and sprays more of her own lube out along with copious amounts of spooge cascades out of her snatch coating his lower half, pants and the floor. Grabbing her hips he begins to work like a jackhammer in and out of her asshole watching her ass cheeks ripple with every impact as meaty plap plap sounds fill the room, the two lost in primal lusty actions with him having put his dick in every hole she has. Rift’s eyes have remained crossed and her mouth hangs open with her tongue fallen out, given into ecstasy only focusing on squeezing the intruder dry of all it’s fluids. Flexing her anal muscles she squeezes down on him as he grunts and grabs a handful of ass, watching her rock back and forth with her massive udders swinging back and forth.

“Sh-shit I’m getting close again,” he warns his stamina drained and his meat spear sore and tender from consecutive orgasms and rough and through fucking. His twin cum factories are in no better condition barely producing enough to keep up with his horniness and back to back sessions. He howls as he rams home allowing her to quite literally see stars as he cums deep in her ass firing what much of his baby batter he had left in him, the two moan in unison as both hit their peaks together riding the wave of orgasm for all it’s worth, it was like the Elden Ring of cumming.

After several minutes of bliss he pulls out, letting loose the rush fo cum from her asshole as he stumbles back into the wall and slowly slides down until he is sitting on the floor with his half erect member. Desperately panting for air to fill his lungs after such a vigorous session.

“Oh sweet fucking Celestia,” Rift comments losing control of her legs too while searching for air and words. “I see why you have a lust changeling now,” she pants, her horn lighting up as she begins to use a spell.

“Yeah… granted it was hard at first but nowadays it’s pretty easy… sometimes…” he trails off watching as suddenly all the cum that was in Rift suddenly vanished from her returning her tummy back to it’s normal size.

“How about a boobjob for the road?” she asks. “If you still got it in ya,” she says with a wink moving over to him.

“Sure I got one more left in me,” he comments with a dopey smile. To which she wastes no time and wraps her luscious melons around his staff once again. “Say what was that spell you just used?” he curiously asks as she begins working her chest pillows.

“Portal spell, easy way to get rid of the mess without waiting,” she explains, as she gets into a nice rhythm.

Outside the room sitting in a corner table watching as her sister is getting anally fucked by Scorch is Celestia who sighs in disappointment.

“Is there any way this could get worse?” she asks herself, unaware of the portal that opened overhead that begins to rain down on her landing all over her mane, outfit and in her drink. After several minutes she simply blinks before throwing her drink on the ground and shouting. “Fuck it!” she booms. “I’m going to destroy somepony’s dick!” she yells before storming off to go find a penis to torment it appears.

Brushing past the angry cum covered princess is Hollow, having finally arrived still in her detective garb from Ponesona. She scans the room searching for her hubby with no luck whatsoever but is able to spot Scorch who was balls deep in moon butt.

“Hey Scorch,” she greets slapping him on the back as he is clapping cheeks.

“Oh hey Hollow, bit busy here,” he explains before brushing her off and focusing on the ass in front of him. Offended by being brushed off and feeling mischievous, she takes her middle finger and puts it in her mouth suckling on it for a few seconds before letting it out with a pop. With the aim of a master archer she instantly rams said finger deep into Scorch’s asshole wiggling around to find his prostate and effortlessly stimulating it which leads to him instantly cumming right on the spot. “F-fuck! Why Hollow!?” he complains as he creams the moon princess’ butthole.

“You know where Magma is?” she asks, pulling her finger out with a sly grin.

“That room over there, he went in about four minutes ago,” he explains, disappointed he came so quickly. “He and somepony else won the grand prize of seven minutes in the special time distortion room,” he finishes.

“Sheesh just my luck I got the one pump chump,” Luna complains, still loaded and disappointed by Scorch’s sudden orgasm.

Hollow grins and heads over swinging the door open and entering the special room while shutting the door closed behind her.

The second she turns around she spots Rift giving a boobjob to Magma who had just started painting her blue tits white again.

“Oh hey Hollow,” Magma casually responds, seeing his bug wife now here.

“Hey honey, who’s your friend?” she asks with a ravenous grin already letting the wheels in her head turn.

“My name’s Rift and I just finished giving him the best titfuck of his life,” Rift interjects.

“Oh that’s nice, maybe we cou- wait,” Hollow stops dead in her tracks processing that. “The best titfuck? No no no, that belongs to me,” Hollow boasts feeling a bit challenged.

“Really? Hard to say since his cum is all over my rack,” Rift snickers.

“Please, a lust changeling like me can tittyfuck double the amount of dicks as you can,” Hollow protests.

“Is that so?” Rift responds ready to step up to the plate. “Care to put your money where your titties are?” She dares.

“Bring it but you don’t have a cock!” Hollow points out to which Rift stands up using her magic suddenly growing from above her crotch as if being molded by clay a sixteen inch horse dong with a set of two baseball sized balls to match.

“You were saying?” the unicorn smugly remarks.

“It’s so on!” Hollow says practically tearing off the top of her outfit and dropping to her knees before smothering Rift’s newfound tallywhacker with her udders. She soon jiggles them together before spitting on the blueberry colored dong and begins working her magic on it, squishing her chest bongos together and moving them up and down the pole. Rift decides to ease some of Hollow’s tension by reaching down and holding the bug’s bosom against her shaft only to have her hands shooed away as Hollow continues to work the cock with gusto.

“Not bad, definitely got a nice pair there,” Rift compliments the bug who puffs her chest in pride before letting her tongue fall out and using her changeling magic to have it extend almost snake-like and wrapping it around the blue peener. Surrounded by the softness of titflesh and now being suddenly tongue jerked off Rift begins to feel her legs wobble as the dopamine fills her head with pleasure neurons which leads to her moaning at Hollow’s tongue jujitsu jack off. In no time at all Rift lets out a cute moan as her dong erupts shooting her sticky goo that merely gets picked up by Hollow’s tongue that is still surrounding her rod expertly scooping it all up. By the time Rift’s orgasm has died down Hollow releases her from the titty and tongue prison putting her tongue back in her mouth.

Haaaa haaa fuck,” Rift says searching for oxygen.

“Was the best huh?” Hollow snickers.

“I’d say four point five out of ten,” Rift informs her. “You kinda cheated with your tongue jacking me off,” she points out which visibly annoys Hollow. “It’s a boobjob not a tonguejob,” she berates the bug.

“Alright then it’s my turn!” Hollow proclaims using her own magic to grow a seventeen incher with a pair of apple sized nuts.

“Okay, watch how a pro gets it done,” Rift declares, closing the gap and sinking to her knees before making the changeling’s penis disappear in the valley of cleavage. With a smug smirk Rift goes to work with her fun bags lifting them up and down Hollow’s length which is only aided by getting greased up by the pre cum the lust bug begins to produce making her blue melons shine. Hollow bites her lower lip realizing that the blueberry unicorn has some skill with her milkers, determined to hold out as long as she can

“Holding up okay there?” Rift questions to which Hollow merely nods before going back to work, licking the tip of the blunted bug cock scooping up the pooling pre that gathers there. Hollow squirms in place feeling her sack tremble and tighten ready to discharge her load but trying to fight it as much as she can. But alas the lusty changeling soon gives in to her primal desires letting out a roar of pleasure as she lets a jizzcano erupt shooting her load up in the air only to land on Rift’s soft boobies coating them with as much spooge as her balls can produce as they go into overdrive to meet the demand.

After unleashing a monster orgasm and painting Rift’s chest white, Hollow soon falls to the floor landing on her jiggly rump with Rift looking at her with a grin.

“And the verdict?” she asks, flicking cum off her melons.

“Okay you are pretty good but we need an impartial third party to settle this!” Hollow declares to which both of them turn their heads towards Magma who after watching all that got hard again.

“Uh oh,” Magma says as the two pounce on him before smothering his dick between both their respective titties. With nowhere to go the duo begin shaking the milkshakes with Magma’s rod sandwiched between the softness of tiddy, he can only enjoy the pleasurable prison he is trapped in as he poor soldier is grinded on.

“C’mon Magma, decide who’s giving you the best action, me or her!” Hollow requests not wanting to be out done by Rift.

“You're doing this for competition sake,” Rift points out. “I do this cause I love fucking somepony with my tits or fucking a nice rack myself,” she adds on.

“I’m enjoying this too!” Hollow protests. “After all I feed off lust and this room is nothing but pure undiluted lust,” she explains as she begins to roll her melons while Rift shakes hers against his meat rocket.

“C-can’t take it anymore!” Magma lets out as his eyes cross and he can only see true heaven in his eyes as his own rod shoots out what little jizz remains in his hefty sack coating each set of tits respectively. It is only now Magma reached Nirvana sandwiched with his fuck stick firmly set inbetween two lovely chest pillows.

After his final orgasm the two mares look at each other trying to snap him out of his stupor with no success.

“Draw?” Hollow suggests.

“Draw,” Rift confirms as the two get up and sloppily redress and help put his pants back on.

The two emerge carrying the blissed out stallion with them as his arms slung one another's shoulder with them carrying him out. Looking over they see a lot of ponies surrounding Luna who is busy sucking and jerking off ponies with the party having gone wild

“We should do this again sometime,” Rift suggests.

“I’m game, but maybe we should give him a little something so he doesn’t pass out like this,” Hollow points out as the two share a laugh and carry the dopey stallion home.