Depressing Times; The upset of a party animal

by Sleepy_meep_92

First published

Pinkie must come to terms and go seek help.

Pinkie mourns by faking happiness over the loss of her older sister.
Pinkie celebrates another joyful day in ponyville with her friends!

chapter 1- Hey everypony!

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Dust covers ponyville.
Out of the dust was Pinkie Pie, she coughed as she looked around the abandoned place.
Out of it, flew a mysterious figure with cold-stare eyes, bringing it’s large wings down as it flew over to Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie, quite confused, watched it as it sat next to her on the cold, gravel floor. It stared for a second, then it spoke.
“You need to let me go.”
Pinkie happily laughed a fake laugh and stared at the keen figure. It was serious. She was wearily urging a smile.
“It wasn’t your fault,” was the last words she heard before it disappeared, leaving her in the dark.
Pinkie had these dreams for awhile.
What she had supposed to make it stop, didn't work.

She’d wake up from these dreams with a jolt and a low-pitched scream. Then, she’d shake her head ‘round and urge one of her ‘signature’ fake smiles.
Because everypony, even her knew that ever since a year ago, she would never be the same. As well as her trying to join her deceased sister She was going to be fine! Right?

Morning dusk always made her grumpy now. She never had a bright smile on her face the first few minutes up. Of course, she hides that from others, many others. She believes they’ll never understand. That is why she never told them her dark secret.
She blew a happy grin as she leapt across her hometown, waving at the ponies with worried faces. They stared, they just stared at her as she passed through. Only staring, nothing else. She jumped over to everypony’s house to greet them.
“Hiya Flutters!”
“Morning Dashie!”
“Wait! Pinkie!”
“Good day, Rarity!”
“Rise and shine, AppleJack!”
“Pinkie please listen to us now...”
“Hello there Twili-”
Before pinkie had said that and went, she had shut the door behind her, causing Pinkie to flinch.
Twilight stood there worryingly, while two pie sisters emerged from the shadows, and then she brought the rest of the main 6 next to her.
“Yo! Pinkie! We get it she’s very important to you, but for real this has got to stop, you can’t keep faking!” Shouted Limestone from behind Twilight.
“Y-you need to let h-her go.” Whispered Marbelstone next to her.
Pinkie heard it again, the same words the figure told her. It made her angry. Angry to know that her friends, even family were turning against her. And saying such foolishness! She stomped her hoof in disbelief.
“What the buck are you talking about?!” She yelled, “BUCK OFF!! JUST BUCK OFF!! LEAVE ME ALONE!” And saying this, she pounded open the door behind her and dashed off, crying all the way to her bakery. In which she threw one of her cupcake pans and thrusted her back against the wall, making her back bleed. It felt cold, but relieving. She punched her hoof on the wall, it bled satisfyingly good.

She continued her charade using a knife to slice through her hooves, making them bleed down her elbow.
If I can’t run away from it, I'll join it!!!! She lifted her knife again this time heading towards her neck when something held her hand in place.
The figure stopped her.Held her hoof in place.

Chapter 2-Let's talk

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The figure looked at her, as if it thought she was stupid, and disintegrated the knife in her hooves.
Pinkie stammered. She wanted to die! why won’t this dream creature get that?

The figure stood before her once more, this time, itself being showed what it truly was. It was no longer a yellow angelic pony of mist, but a mare. A mare with cold-stare eyes and a boulder in one hoof. She stared at Pinkie for a minute before she was bear-hugged by her, setting Pinkie to tears.

“I’m DREAMING! YOU’RE DEAD! YOU GOT KILLED BY TIREK! I SAW IT! OH! PLEASE CELESTIA STOP TORTURING ME WITH THIS!!!” Pinkie whined as she pounded on the figure’s resemblance of her sister. She shouted for it to stop, but it just stood there, and after a while, stroked her magenta mane. And gave the most sincere look when it hugged her, and teared up.

Pinkie and the figure cried for awhile, not worrying that ponies were coming in and had watched the full thing of Maud just reassuring her sister. With her wings covering them both, and her halo shining a dim light on the sisterhood.

Everypony watched as she and her sister warmly gave each other a smile, one whom had tears and the other one motherlike.
Pinkie was happy. Maud was happy. Everypony else was happy. Even the sisters, who had launched themselves toward the angel to give her much embrace after a year of remembrance.

Maud gave them one joyous look before she started to fade away, whisps of air controlling her very disappearance. She smiled as she faded, while the others held Pinkie Pie back when she reached to join her.
“You can’t leave! What about us?! What about family!”
Maud smiled as she swept down to lift the chin of her sister, and placed in her hoof Boulder, the one thing she cared about, and tearfully vanished.
Pinkie sat there.
Tears started to roll down her eyes.

Pinkie happily jumped out of her house, wearing a purple-to-blue sequin bag on her back, and dashed off to her destination. It didn’t take very long, but she made it.
“Morning class of 2034!” She said as she jumped against the floor. She smiled and went to her desk that had multiple apples on it.
“Ms.Pie?” shouted a young pegasus from the back of the class with a shy smile. “What are we learning today?”

“Well I’m glad you asked, Butterscotch!” She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a simple rock. She smiled as the class got confused very quick.
“So everypony, I’d like you to meet Boulder! He goes back very long before you all! And he will be my assistant this year to help you with class!”
A tiny unicorn lifted her hoof in the air.
“Yes Blume?”
“Why a rock? Just askin’!”
“Why a boulder, hun! Well, a very long time ago....”

Chapter 3-living and lasting memories

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The figure flew right next to Pinkie Pie as the pony explained Boulder. The figure watched as all of the kids in the class had ooh’d and aa’d at the amazing story their enthusiastic teacher spread with her words.
The memory of childhood dreams.
The memory of a special pony to her.
These words that were heard warmed the figure inside. And just as the figure was about to return home, something tugged on her dress.
It was a small pony, light blue wavy mane and pastel yellow coat. It had white iris's, pointing it was blind. But the way the pony quivered and folded it’s ear’s back meant that it saw something. It clung onto the figure like it was real, and that confused it even more.
Before it could explain, Pinkie had asked for the mare to sit down. She walked to her desk as the figure followed her, intrigued. It tapped on her, hoping it would get her attention, it did.
The tiny pony asked for it to lean closer, so now they could speak ear-to-ear.
“You and your little sister are like me and my little sister, we can’t be together for a very long time with them anymore.”
The figure’s eyes widened.
The pony smiled a fake smile and then happily drew her brother.
He had a horn.

But he also had wings and a halo.
She then smiled again at the figure, whom then turned itself back into Maud Pie.

It was repeating itself again.