An unexpected outcome

by Goldenironcannon

First published

An unknown power sends Itachi uchiha to the land of Equestria and needs to find a way to adapt or be pulled under.

As the fight between Itachi and Sasuke intensifies, an unknown Jutsu is used and Itachi finds himself in the world of Equestria.
In this new world will Itachi continue the old ways?
Or will he find a new way of living? One without his dark past.

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Chapter 1: From one world to the other.

Itachi was waiting for Sasuke to arrive, he was close, in this fortress was going to be the last time they fought. Itachi didn't know how, but, he knew he was going to die and Sasuke was the one to do it. But, he still had a role to play, and he had to make it convincing enough to work.

"Well, at least it is Sasuke who deals the final blow," Itachi thought to himself.

After a couple of minutes, Sasuke walked into the room, the hate could be felt in the air. Sasuke walked to the first step of the small stairs.

"What can you see with your eyes?" Itachi asked.

"You, dead at my feet, that is what I see," Sasuke answered with hate in his voice.

"Dead at your feet... Well, let's put that to the test," Itachi said as he used a genjutsu on Sasuke.

As expected, he fell for the Jutsu, and Sasuke fought the illusion of Itachi. Itachi just watched as his brother used his Jutsu.

"Well, that is new, Sasuke used his Chidori and spread the lightning across the floor," Itachi thought to himself.

Sasuke stabbed the illusion, in the chest falling to the floor.

"You, have gotten strong, well done... Sasuke," The fake said.

"Listen, I have one final question for you, and I want you to answer," Sasuke stated.

The double lifted its right arm, it looked like it was to poke Sasuke in the forehead, but stopped and pointed to the chair, Sasuke looked to see the real Itachi was there. He looked back to see the double disintegrate into crows.

"Damn, genjutsu, I fell for it again," Sasuke thought to himself angered.

"So, what is it? I know it won't be the last thing I hear from you," Itachi questioned.

"Alright, let's try this, one more time," Sasuke said.

Without warning a sword came out of Itachi's chest, not expecting the attack, Itachi went wide-eyed that someone got past his guard. Itachi watched as Sasuke turned into snakes.

"So, it was genjutsu, well played," Itachi said proudly.

"Listen to me, and listen well you bastard, who was the other?" Sasuke asked angered.

"Why would you want to know that?" Itachi asked with a hint of confusion.

"When I find him, I will kill him, I know you couldn't have killed everyone in our clan," Sasuke answered with steel in his voice.

"Well, you are clever, the person is... Madara, Uchiha," Itachi answered.

Sasuke was shocked that he heard that name again and remembered what the nine tails said.

"With a vision like that, and a chakra more ominous than my own, you might as well be the spitting image of Madara Uchiha," Kurama stated.

"That's not possible he was our founder, Madara should be dead!" Sasuke said shocked.

"Oh, but he is alive, believe it or not, Madara still walks this earth," Itachi stated.

"Well, if he is I will find and kill him!" Sasuke yelled as he threw a kunai across the room.

It nearly hit Itachi in the head, it missed, but, it broke the genjutsu.

"Itachi it's time that you take me more seriously, we will fight, no more talking!" Sasuke said in anger.

"Very well then, we will fight," Itachi replied.

"I won't need to use the eyes you have, my hatred for you will make my fantasy, into reality," Sasuke stated as he took his cloak off.

The two stared into the eyes of the other for a couple of seconds. Then like a light being switched on, both started to throw shuriken star knives at each other so fast enough, that no one could track them with their bare eyes. The knives only collided with one another canceling each other out, this lasted until both ran out of shuriken.

Both Itachi and Sasuke charged at each other and were locked in a stalemate. Until a clone of Itachi jumped out from behind the real one. It threw three kunai knives, Sasuke used the curse mark and made a snake and cover himself to stop the kunai knives. He turned the snake into a Windmill Fuma Shuriken and threw it at Itachi, who stopped it with a kunai knife.

The blades of the Windmill were covered in electric chakra, cutting through the knife, and hitting Itachi, where it turned out he was an illusion. The second Itachi teleported in front of Sasuke and kicked him into the wall causing a crater to form in the wall.

Sasuke got his Chidori ready, until, Itachi grabbed his arm and pulled it over Sasuke's head, he also stepped on Sasuke's foot. Itachi put his pointer, middle finger, and thumb, around Sasuke's left eye.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, I am," Itachi said.

Before Sasuke could say anything in protest, Itachi tore out his left eye. Sasuke screamed out of pure pain.

"As I told you, you don't possess the same eyes I do, you never had a chance to beat me," Itachi stated.

As Itachi stared at Sasuke, red marks started to form over his body, Itachi was surprised by that. He jumped back as the marks grew into a large hand that came out of Sasuke's back. Itachi placed the severed eye into a glass jar of water.

A clone of Itachi grabbed the back of Sasuke once again traping him. The real Itachi came to get the other eye, once he touched Sasuke's face the marks moved to his one remaining eye.

The world turned black and white, then started to split into squares more and more, until it fell apart.

Sasuke stood up with both eyes then fell to his knees as did Itachi.

"How could you have broken past my Tsukuyomi?!" Itachi asked shocked.

"Like before, I won't need to use the eyes you have, my hatred for you will make my fantasy, into reality," Sasuke repeated.

"Turning fantasy into reality, you speak such bold words, here let me throw them back, I will get your eyes," Itachi said.

Itachi closed his right eye, he crouched down and started to make hand signs. Sasuke summoned a Windmill Fuma Shuriken and threw it at Itachi, where Itachi got down to dodge the attack. The Windmill Shuriken turned into a shadow shuriken Jutsu, Itachi jumped between the Shuriken, and once they passed by, Sasuke pulled two wires which caused the Shurikens to come apart. One of the blades impaled itself into Itachi's leg.

"Well, for a second I thought that wouldn't have worked," Sasuke thought to himself.

Itachi pulled the blade out from his leg, his vision started to become blurry, and his left eyeshot with pain and he covered it with his hand.

"Well now, feeling the backlash of that Tsukuyomi, how does that feel now," Sasuke said a bit cocky.

Sasuke used the fireball jutsu toward Itachi, who jumped out of the way, followed by Sasuke attacking with his Chidori. Blowing a hole into the roof both Itachi and Sasuke flew through it.

Itachi used a fireball in retaliation, and Sasuke appeared out of the flames in half of the second state of the curse mark.

"No matter what wounds I get, it won't slow me down," Sasuke implied.

The two both used a fireball jutsu, the two clashed, it seemed the two were locked, until, slowly Sasuke was getting the advantage on Itachi. Until Itachi used the Amaterasu on the flames causing the black fire to spread over the fireball approaching Sasuke before the powerful flames could touch him. Itachi closed his right eye out of pain.

"Waht the hell was that?! Did he set fire... on fire?!" Sasuke whispered to himself shocked.

Sasuke started to run in an ark, Itachi fought through the pain and used his Amaterasu to follow Sasuke, the black flames right behind him. After a moment the black flames caught up setting Sasuke on fire, he screamed out in pain. Itachi walked over to Sasuke's half-burned body, he went in to try to take the younger brother's eyes.

Once Itachi made his way over, he got down to try and take the eyes one more time, only to find Sasuke's body melting into a large crack.

"So... Sasuke learned a lot more from that snake Orochimaru, than I thought," Itachi thought to himself angered at thinking of Orochimaru.

He saw the flame of a fire Jutsu come through the cracks forming and jumped out of the way of everyone. But, on the last one, the right sleeve of his cloak was burned off, and clouds started to form in the sky.

"Sasuke, I can tell you are nearly out of chakra, just give up," Itachi stated.

"No, I have one more attack you can not avoid just like your Amaterasu," Sasuke replied.

After that, it started to rain, soon lightning started to form from the clouds, it intensified. Sasuke jumped to the roof, then to one of the towers.

"This jutsu is called kirin, and it will be the death of you!" Sasuke called out.

The lightning turned into a dragon, it flew around Sasuke, he pointed to the sky, the dragon followed the action. Then Sasuke pulled his hand down, the lightning dragon came crashing down on the fortress hitting Itachi.

After the dust has passed, Itachi was lying on the ground looking dead, Sasuke's eyes turned back to normal, with him out of strength.

"Finally he is dead, now to find Madara Uchiha and kill him," Sasuke said to himself proudly.

"Is, this, the death, you had, in mind for me?" Itachi asked.

Sasuke watched in shock as Itachi slowly stood up, Sasuke got to the second stage of the curse mark. Itachi was surrounded by a red charka it started to form into a human skeleton.

"Thank god, if I didn't use this, I would have died, you really have gotten stronger. But, it is my turn to use my tromp card, behold my Susanoo!" Itachi Said.

"The... Susanoo?" Sasuke asked a bit shocked.

"What's the matter, out of charka already? And here I thought your hate was strong enough to kill me?" Itachi asked mockingly.

Sasuke fell in pain, he could hear the voice of another.

"I'm confused I thought you wanted to kill Itachi? You know the only way to kill him is to release me. I and only I have the power to help you kill him, free my power, and KILL Itachi," Orochimaru said.

Without warning eight white snakeheads sprung out from Sasuke's curse mark. As the snakes were growing, Sasuke was screaming in pain. As the snakes grew the Susanoo was completed.

"That is Orochimaru's eight-headed serpent Jutsu, I know that energy anywhere," Itachi said to himself.

The eight-headed snake made its way forward, and when it got close, Itachi conjured a sword of flame. He used it to cut one head off. Three of the heads clashed into Itachi's shield, countering he cut the three other heads off.

Orochimaru managed to trap Itachi's Susanoo, struggling the Susanoo broke free of the trap and cut off every head except for one. The snakehead pointed itself up and let its mouth drop open, and out of the mouth, Orochimaru climbed out covered in saliva.

He regurgitated a sword out of his mouth.

"It is finally time, thanks to you I am free, now I will take over this child's body an-" Orochimaru was interrupted by being stabbed with the sword of fire.

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!" Itachi stated in anger.

"Do you really think that will stop me, wait, no, this can't be!" Orochimaru said in pure fear.

"No, but, what comes next will put you down," Itachi replied.

"NO! This can't be the Toska Blade! Itachi you had this all this time!" Orochimaru said as his body slid down the sword.

Soon the entire snake body was being dragged into the gourd being sealed away for the rest of time. As a result, Sasuke lost the power of the curse mark. Itachi was about to say something but felt a heavy pain in his chest, he covered his mouth and coughed up a lot of blood. Falling to his knees he coughed up more blood. The Susanoo nearly lost its form.

Sasuke seeing an opening threw a kunai knife with a paper bomb, it exploded, but from the dust cloud stood Itachi with the Susanoo shield protecting him. Sasuke threw another kunai knife with more paper bombs on it. Still, the shield stood, and Itachi made his way slowly toward Sasuke.

"Those eyes, those eyes, are mine, they are mine," Itachi said shaken.

Out of desperation, Sasuke jumped into the air with his sword drawn trying to impale Itachi on it. The shield pushed Sasuke back, and he landed by a remaining wall. Sasuke backed up until he was against the wall, he felt trapped, with Itachi coming closer and no charka to use, Sasuke could only watch as his older brother walks closer. Itachi stopped, he said something, but, Sasuke could not hear what he said.

As his bloody hand came closer, Sasuke prepared for the end. Only to find that Itachi poked him in the forehead like he would do when Sasuke was younger. Itachi's head hit the wall and fell to the ground dead, (Or what looked like death to Sasuke).

He was shocked, Sasuke though he failed and his brother was going to rip his eyes out. He felt like his body was heavy, after a second Sasuke fell to the ground unconscious.

In the distance was a spectator, Zetsu one of the members of the Akatsuki. Zetsu has a split personality, the black half is named Katakana. And the white half is named Kanji.

"I can't believe it, Itachi is dead, Kanji said shocked.

"Yes, the battle goes to Sasuke," Katakana replied.

"You know, something was off about him, like how he didn't dodge some of the attacks Sasuke threw," Kanji pointed out.

"Yes, you are right, it was like he was willing to be hit by them," Katakana implied.

"Does that mean, Itachi let Sasuke win?" Kanji questioned.

"It seemed like he did, even when he could have won, I think something else was a play, but, I don't know what it was," Katakana answered.

"Wait, what is that?" Kanji pointed out.

Itachi's body was being wrapped in some sort of light, and after the light got bright and got blinding, the light vanished with Itachi along with it.

"WHAT THE HELL WHERE DID ITACHI'S BODY GO?!" Katakana questioned shocked and confused.

"Well, whatever it was I think we should go warn the others, we might have a new threat," Kanji stated.

With that, Zetsu disappeared into the ground leaving no trace that he was there.

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Chapter 2: The eyes that see all, part 1.

In an unknown cave, there was a statue. On both of the hands were projections of three members of the Akatsuki, Pain, Konan, and Zetsu.

"What do you mean his body vanished into thin air?" Pain asked confused.

"We both saw it with our own eyes," Katakana stated.

"Yes, after we spread the news, we went back to see if we could find the one who did it, but, found nothing," Kanji added.

"Who can perform a Jutsu like that? I have never heard of it before," Konan questioned concerned.

"I don't know, but, I know whoever did it was powerful," Katakana implied.

"We will investigate whoever was responsible for that, but, for now, let's keep hunting the rest of the jinchuriki down. If we plan to succeed, we need all of the tailed-beasts," Pain ordered.

The projection of Zetsu fizzled out leaving Pain and Konan alone.

"It is a shame Itachi died, but, we could recruit Sasuke," Konan implied.

"Yes, it would make sense if he did join, he is powerful if he could take Itachi down," Pain stated.

"Who will we send to recruit Sasuke?" Konan asked.

"I will make plans for that soon, continue on your mission," Pain ordered.

Konan disappeared and Pain was left alone until someone walked out of the shadows.

"So, it seems like Sasuke won't get the eternal mangekyou Sharingan after all, Madara," Pain called out.

"I would reconsider that, I may not have seen the person who took Itachi's body, but, I managed to see them leave his eyes for Sasuke. So, yes, Sasuke will get them," Madara said.

"Well, nothing changes then," Pain implied.

"Yes, I will be taking my leave," Madara said as he disappeared into a vortex he created.

"Will, let's just hope whoever this mysterious person is, stays out of our way," Pais said to himself.

Itachi was drifting in an unknown void, he felt like his body was weightless, But, he couldn't see, his eyes were gone. It didn't matter, Sasuke was the winner of the fight, that's all that mattered to him. Itachi was waiting to pass into the afterlife.

"Itachi Uchiha, you lived a life of great darkness and pain, the lives you have taken can not be forgiven. But there is another way to make immense for your sins," a figure said in a ghostly effeminate voice.

Itachi was confused, about what the ghostly figure said, what could she mean by making immense of every wrongdoing in his life. Itachi felt a large amount of pain where his eyes used to be. He covered his face with his hands as he yelled out in pain. After the pain left, Itachi took his hands away and opened his eyes.

"Wait! I can see clearly, how is this possible? I thought my eyes were gone?" Itachi asked shocked.

"You needed a new pair of eyes, so I gave you new ones, these should last much longer than your old ones. It seems your body has too many injuries, I can't heal them all," the unknown person answered.

Itachi looked around only to find he was in a white void.

"What are you talking about? And where are you? Itachi asked confused.

"If you are to start your quest, you need a new body," the person stated.

"I am not your puppet, you will not control me!" Itachi said angered.

He tried to use a phoenix flower jutsu, but his arms would not respond, no matter how hard he tried.

"W-what, how are you doing this?!" Itachi questioned shocked.


Bright lights blinked in and out, so fast Itachi had to close his eyes due to the brightness. He felt his body go limp, and everything went dark.

The sound of birds could be heard, Itachi felt grass on his body, he opened his eyes stood up and looked around, and saw he was in some sort of forest. It couldn't have been in the land of fire, the trees were too small to be a part of most of their forests, plus the charka felt off to Itachi.

~~One Hour Later~~

Walking threw the forest Itachi found a river, he walked over and saw his reflection. But, what he saw, shocked him to his core, he was no longer human.

"How is this possible, I'm... A... Unicorn? No, this hast to be some sort of genjutsu, no jutsu, or, man in the world can do this," Itachi thought to himself.

Itachi saw a sharp rock right beside him, he took his... Right... leg, and stabbed it on the rock. He felt pain course up, and after waiting a minute, looking at the injury to tell if it was real, he saw some blood, Itachi noticed that he was not in any type of genjutsu.

"What is this... Wait, that person said if I were to start my... Quest, I would need a new body. I wonder, do I still have that?" Itachi thought to himself.

He looked back to the river and tried to use his Sharingan, to his relief he still had those, he took it to the next level trying to use his mangekyou Sharingan, and saw he had those as well.

"This world has to be different, my ninjutsu is worthless, without my hands. I'm not going to even try to use taijutsu with this new body, the only thing I can use is genjutsu, and that can only get me so far without the other jutsus. The other weapon in my arsenal is the Susanoo, still, I need to reserve my charka in case I need to use it later," Itachi said a bit annoyed.

He headed rustling in the bushes behind him, looking around he saw a wolf made of wood, was that ninjutsu, no, its charka was natural. More came out from the bushes, one of them being bigger than the others. Itachi closed his eyes after a second, opening his eyes Itachi stared at the wooden wolves with the Sharingan with all three tomoes.

The largest one lowered its ears and ran off, the others followed out of fear as well. Turning his eyes back to normal Itachi made his way out of the forest. It was hard limping, but, having four leg's made it a bit easier. In the distance was a town. It was no great village, but, it looked to be the same size as a village in the land of fire.

As he walked closer to the town, it became more descriptive, the town was more like nothing Itachi saw. The buildings had a different style from what Itachi was used to, he bummed into someone without having a good balance with this body he fell on his butt. He was about to get up and continue until he heard a shocked gasp.

Seeing who he bumped into was a pegasus with pink hair and pastel yellow fur, their eyes were blue. Itachi noticed the pegasus was looking at his injuries, he went to speak but was cut off by the pegasus.

"Oh my goodness, you are hurt, you need to go to the hospital right away!" she said in a panic.

She dragged Itachi to the ponyville hospital, no one ever dragged him like this even as a child, he was rarely forced to go anywhere. His mother did that and only when she was mad, something was making Itachi not let go, he could not tell what it was but, this pony not even knowing his name worried over him.

"Well, at least they can speak the same language," Itachi thought to himself.

The act of taking him to the hospital was something that made Itachi think of his mother, remembering that night, brought painful feelings out. Besides Sasuke, his mother was the only person who cared about him, that night when he killed everyone, he didn't want to do it, but. The clan was going to take over the leaf village and more people would have been killed. The doors to the hospital opened, Itachi was somewhat shocked they got there that fast.

Once they made their way in, the pegasus started to walk at a normal pace.

"How may I help- Oh my goodness, are you alright?!" The nurse asked with extreme concern.

"It is like these creatures never saw any wounds this bad before... Or blood," Itachi thought with sarcasm.

"Hey, I'm fine, it is nothing I haven't gone through before," Itachi said a bit annoyed.

"Look, you might be tough, but, it needs to be treated, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way," the nurse said with steel in her voice.

If Itachi knew one thing it was to never take anything a hospital staff member said, without warning, sighing, Itachi agreed to be treated.

~~One Hour Later~~

"Well their healing jutsu, is good, but, why did they call it magic?” Itachi thought to himself confused.

Waiting in the lobby of the hospital, waiting on how much ryō he owed them. He saw the pegasus walk over.

"Uh, you can go, I paid for your hospital bill, if you don't mind," the Pegasus said a bit nervous.

"Uh, no, I don't mind, but, why? We don't even know anything about each other," Itachi stated a bit shocked.

"Oh, sorry, my name is Fluttershy, what is yours?" Fluttershy asked.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha of the village hidden in the leaves," Itachi answered.

"That is an odd name, and I have never heard of a place called the village hidden in the leaves," Fluttershy said a bit confused.

"I would not be surprised, the leaf village is not anywhere near this place," Itachi replied.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, I have never lived in these lands before, I would know, the charka is different here," Itachi answered.

"That is awful, don't you have any family?" Fluttershy asked concerned.

Itachi thought of that night, then remembering the fight not so long ago, he thought it was not a good idea on telling her what happened. If the sight of blood was enough to send most of them into a panic, how would they react to that part of his past? Itachi thought this land must have not seen war for a good long time.

"The only family I had was my younger brother Sasuke, but, he is now in a better place," Itachi said not knowing what happened to his brother.

"I-is h-he still alive?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"Yes he is, I just will never be able to see him again, he will be fine on his own, he is all grown up," Itachi said with a smile.

"Well, that is good, well, I need to go, I hope you could see your brother again," Fluttershy said as she walked out.

Itachi walked out after Fluttershy did, he watched as the pegasus flew off, it kinda reminded him of how Konan would fly off, But, instead of paper wings, they were natural for the pony. He could not help but think about why he was sent here, it couldn't have been to destroy something or someone, these ponies were a bit soft.

He could hear something bouncing he could not tell where it was coming from. He used his Sharingan, trying to find where that noise was coming from out of nowhere a pink pony blocked his vision.


Before Itachi could even do anything the pony jumped off.

"What the hell was that?! ok that has to be some sort of genjutsu, nothing alive can be that hyper," Itachi thought to himself.

He released his Sharingan, his eyes turned back to normal, and no one but the hyperactive pink pony noticed his eyes. As he was making his way through the town, Itachi was thinking about what his next move was going to be when a blue pegasus landed in his path, Itachi got ready for anything without showing it.

End of part 1.

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Chapter 3: The eyes that see all, part 2.

Itachi was waiting for the cyan Pegasus to do something, the pegasus look at him and walked over.

"So you are the new pony, my name is Rainbow dash, the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, I bet you have heard of me," the pony said.

"This pony, I don't know why, but, she reminds me of Naruto," Itachi thought to himself.

"No, I haven't," Itachi stated in a monotone voice.

Rainbow dash felt her pride being stabbed but recovered.

"Well, you will soon, I am going to be the best wonder-bolt ever, now I know you have heard of them," Rainbow dash said with pride.

"I have never heard of these wonder-bolts before," Itachi said not changing his tone.

Rainbow dash had a face of pure shock, she never heard anypony saying they never heard of the wonder bolts. Shaking her head, she got out of the stupor, she was in.

"Well, whatever... What's your name?" Rainbow dash asked.

"Itachi Uchiha," Itachi answered.

"That's a weird name," Rainbow dash said.

Itachi just gave a deadpan look and said, "And how is the name Rainbow dash not weird."

Rainbow dash was a bit mad, but remembered some other ponies saying the same thing, after that she said, "Touche."

The two were silent until Rainbow dash broke it.

"Soooo, have you seen my friend? her name is Fluttershy," Rainbow dash asked.

"Yeah, I did, but she said she had animals to take care of," Itachi answered.

"Thanks, I need to go," Rainbow dash said as she flew off.

"How is that pony friends with Fluttershy, they are complete opposites. But, I did say that about Naruto and Sasuke. Well wherever you are Naruto I trust you will help my brother," Itachi thought to himself.

With no plan, Itachi made his way to the town library, he could learn about this world, and while there, he could find a job.

"If I can get a job, I can make some cash, and if I get some information, I can learn why I was sent here," Itachi thought to himself.

~~Thirty Minutes Later~~

"This is the town library? In a large tree... I feel like the leaf village would do something like this," Itachi thought to himself.

Once he made his way in, Itachi saw this place didn't even have the same amount of books as the smallest library in the leaf village. He heard footsteps come down the stairs.

"So there are humans here," Itachi thought to himself a bit annoyed.

Down the stairs walked a small bipedal lizard, it had purple scales and green spike plates going from the tip of its tail to the top of its head.

"Can I help you?" The lizard asked.

"Who is in charge of this library?" Itachi asked.

"Oh, that would be Twilight, just give me a second... Twilight, somepony wants to talk with you," The lizard called out.

"So, do you have a name?" Itachi asked.

"Yep, my name is Spike, Spike the dragon, I need to get back to work," Spike said as he walked off.

After a minute passes, a purple unicorn walked down, she made eye contact with Itachi.

"Oh, hello you must be the pony who was looking for me, my name is Twilight Sparkle, what's yours?" Twilight asked interested.

"Itachi Uchiha," Itachi answered feeling like this was going to be common in this town.

"Are you from outside of Equestria? Cause I have never heard of a name like yours before," Twilight asked with a sparkle in her eye.

"You could say that," Itachi answered feeling a bit nervous about how twilight was staring.

"Oh my goodness, this is awesome, do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Twilight asked with excitement.

"(Sigh), I guess that is fine," Itachi answered.

"Ok, first question, where did you come from? Second, why did you come to Equestria? And third, what does U-U-Uchiha mean in your name?" Twilight questioned.

"Well, I came from the land of fire, the city I grew up in is called the village hidden in the leaves, or, commonly known as the leaf village. I was brought here with a goal, what that goal is... I don't even know that. And the last is that is the name of the clan I was born into," Itachi answered.

"Wow, I didn't think ponies still used clan names," Twilight said with wonder.

"Now, do you have a feudal lord in charge, or, do you have a Kage?" Itachi asked.

"We have a Princess... What is a Kage?" Twilight asked confused.

"Where I am from, the land has five great nations, and each has a great village. The first is the land of fire and is home to the village hidden in the leaves, their leader is known as the Hokage of Konohagakure. The second is the land of wind and is home to the village hidden in the sand, their leader is known as the Kazekage of Sunagakure. The third is the land of waves and is home to the village hidden in the mist, their leader is known as the Mizukage of Kirigakure. The fourth is the land of lightning and is home to the village hidden in the clouds, their leader is known as the Raikage of Kumogakure. The fifth is the land of earth and is home to the village hidden in the stones, their leader is known as the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure. Together they rule over the shinobi world as the great five kages," Itachi finished.

"Wow, I have never heard of that before," Twilight said in wonder.

"I would expect nothing less, it is far away," Itachi stated.

"Would we be able to go there?" Twilight asked with the hope to study in a new land.

"I don't think we could go there ever," Itachi answered.

"Why not?" Twilight asked with disappointment.

Twilight started to use her big eye cute stare, Itachi went to use his Sharingan, but, the cuteness was overpowering him with such force he had to look away.

"I-I could see if it is possible," Itachi said a bit nervous.

"Yay," Twilight cheered in joy.

"What the hell was that, it was powerful genjutsu," Itachi thought to himself.

"Are you ok?" Twilight asked a bit concerned.

"I am fine," Itachi answered.

"Oh, ok," Twilight said.

"Is there anywhere I can get a job?" Itachi asked.

"Do you know how to bake any sweets?" Twilight asked.

"No, I don't," Itachi answered.

"Well, you could work here, since you are new to these lands it would be easier for you to learn about our history. It might not pay that well, but, you could live here rent-free," Twilight implied.

"She does make a good point, I need a place to stay, and I can learn of my goal," Itachi thought to himself.

"Alright, I'll take your offer," Itachi said.

"Yes, can you answer one question?" Twilight asked.

"Ask away," Itachi said.

"What does your cutie mark mean?" Twilight asked interested.

Itachi was confused at that, Twilight pointed at his flank, he looked and saw the Uchiha clan symbol, and on the red part of the fan was his mangekyou Sharingan.

"Was that there the entire time?" Itachi thought shocked.

"Weeeell?" Twilight asked.

He thought of not telling her, but, sighed and decided to tell her some of his past.

"Well, the fan is my clan symbol and the thing on the red part of the fan is my mangekyou Sharingan," Itachi answered.

"What is that?" Twilight asked confused.

"It is my kekkei genkai, my power," Itachi answered.

"Can you please show me?" Twilight begged.

"Alright, but, this is our secret," Itachi stated with a bit of steel in his voice.

"Ok, cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Twilight promised.

Itachi only looked at the movements with confusion.

"It is something my friend came up with, it is called the Pinky promise, her name is Pinkey pie," Twilight said answering the unspoken question.

"We could go down to my lab for more privacy," Twilight added.

The two made their way downstairs to the lab, where Itachi saw equipment that would not look out of place in the leaf village.

"I need you to not freak out, alright," Itachi said.

Twilight was confused at that and thought, "Why would I freak out?"

"Yeah I won't," Twilight said.

Itachi used his charka and turned his eyes to the three tomoed Sharingan, Twilight gasped out of shock, but, her thirst for knowledge was keeping her from freaking out. He took it to the next level he brought out the mangekyou Sharingan, Twilight was staring so intensely it was as if she was trying to copy Itachi.

"So, how did you get this?" Twilight asked interested.

"I was born with it, it is called the mangekyou Sharingan, and it is my clans kekkei Genkai," Itachi answered.

Itachi turned off his Sharingan, Twilight was trying not to freak out at this new form of what she would call magic.

"Why did you want to keep this between us?" Twilight asked confused.

"The reason is others could take this power, if someone were to get my eyes they could copy any jutsu, or what you call magic," Itachi answered.

"Wait, the only way to get that power is to steal your eyes by removing them?!" Twilight asked in horror.

"Yes," Itachi answered.

"W-well, alright, I'll keep this between us, even... From... The... Princesses," Twilight stated.

"Thank you Twilight, I know that it is a lot to ask for," Itachi said.

"Well, that's what friends do," Twilight replied with a smile.

Itachi was surprised that Twilight would call him a friend, but, it wasn't that bad.

"I have a guest room upstairs if you don't have anywhere to go," Twilight stated.

"Thanks, this is my first time in this village, so, I don't have a place to live," Itachi said.

"Oh, well, ponies help each other, that is the magic of friendship," Twilight said with pride.

"The magic of friendship?" Itachi thought confused.

"Hey, do you mind if I ask some more questions?" Twilight asked interested.

~~Two Hours Later~~

Twilight and Itachi made their way out of the basement, the lights were off and Itachi could tell their multiple ponies. Before he could react, the lights turned on and all the ponies shouted.


Pinky pie was in his face again, Itachi felt like he was becoming lazy if he could be blindsided by someone who didn't even have the Sharingan.

"Ok, so she is real, that is a bit unnerving," Itachi thought a bit annoyed.

"So what do you think?" Pinky pie asked interested.

"You did this? Why?" Itachi asked confused.

"Well, everypony deserves a party!" Pinky pie answered excitedly.

Itachi looked around at the party, he saw some of the ponies that were around the town, they came even if they never met him. For some reason that brought a smile to his face.

"Well, thank you... What is your name?" Itachi asked.

"You can call me Pinky pie," Pinky pie answered with a smile.

"Well, thank you Pinky pie," Itachi said.

After the party Twilight showed Itachi to the guest room, where he was thinking of that strange person who brought him to this world.

"What does it all mean? I know something is going on, I just need to find out what it is. (Sigh), Maybe if I sleep then I might find the answers I search for," Itachi said to himself.

He got into the bed he was given, and allowed himself to fall asleep.

Luna was roaming the dream realm, even though she was freed from the nightmare, she still felt like an outcast to the ponies. Luna sensed the presence of two more ponies than normal, she spent most of the night looking for the two doors, but only found one, it was like one of the doors was avoiding Luna. When she found one door, it had a different design it looked like it slid open instead of the others and it had an odd fan on it the top part was red while the base was white. Luna could feel vast amounts of guilt coming from the door, she knew that feeling very well, Luna wanted to fix all the mistakes of what she did as Nightmaremoon.

~~Itachi's P.O.V.~~

Itachi was reliving that night, but, instead of being the one who killed his entire clan, he was in the shoes of his younger brother Sasuke. The feeling of fear hit Itachi like a sledgehammer to the gut, staring into his own eyes, the eyes that see all, they were filled with killing intent. It was getting too much until his vision was filled with blue, then the nightmare was over.

"Wait is that a pony, what did Twilight call them? That's right, alicorns," Itachi thought to himself.

He noticed that he was still a pony even in his own mind, Luna walked up to Itachi she was confused about how he didn't show any fear.

"Little pony, why do you not fear us?" Luna asked confused.

"You are not showing anything to fear," Itachi answered.

"Well, it is nice that somepony doesn't look at us with fear in their eyes," Luna said with a smile.

"This hast to be a dream," Itachi stated.

"Yes, now tell me what is your name?" Luna asked.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha," Itachi answered.

"What caused this nightmare? And I can tell if you lie, I am here to help," Luna questioned.

Itachi thought that Luna was bluffing, but, there was a chance she was not, so Itachi decided to tell the truth.

"It was a part of my past that I am trying to make up for," Itachi stated.

"Ah, I understand that feeling, I know a pony who can help with that," Luna said.

"Who is that?" Itachi asked a bit confused.

"Her name is Twilight Sparkle, and she lives in the town of ponyville," Luna answered.

"Well, it seems like I beat you to that, cause I already met Twilight," Itachi said.

Luna gave a laugh and said, "It seems like you did... My sister keeps telling me that I need to make friends," Luna replied.

"Well, the one named Pinky pie threw me a party for just walking into the town for the first time," Itachi stated.

"Yes, I heard of that, it seems like my time here is coming to a close, I hope we meet again," Luna said with a smile.

Luna disappeared in a flash of light, leaving Itachi alone, the rest of the dream was peaceful.

Itachi woke up and walked over to the window in the room.

"Well I haven't had a good night of sleep for a long time, I guess this won't be that bad," Itachi thought to himself with a smile.

End of part 2.

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Chapter 4: A new start.

As Itachi was thinking of what his future held for him, he thought about what happened yesterday.

"Why was I that open with Twilight, I barely knew her, and yet, I showed her my Sharingan, why the hell would I do that? This hast to be a side effect of being a pony, but, if I am a pony, does that mean my diet changes to one of a herbivore?" Itachi thought to himself.

During the party, Itachi was able to use his Sharingan to copy, the jutsu, (Or magic), of levitation, instead of using hand signs, it was more of using your thoughts to move things. Itachi practiced using levitation in the early morning, and like everything, he was able to pick up the skill, like everything he learned.

Also not having clothing, at first was hard to take in, but, he got over that fact when he was in the forest. Whatever changed about him, made it so he was not exposed and Itachi got over that fact a bit faster than normal.

"Though wearing my old Akatsuki cloak would be nice, maybe if I save enough... Bits, I can ask the one named Rarity to make me one. This time without the red clouds, I never like that part," Itachi said to no one.

There was a knock at the door, he turned around to face it.

"Come in," Itachi called out.

The door was opened and twilight walked in.

"I was just wondering if you would like to join us for breakfast before we start the day?" Twilight asked.

"Alright, that sounds nice," Itachi answered.

The two made their way downstairs to the dining room, there spike was making pancakes.

"I was wondering when you two were going to come down, I got a good amount of pancakes ready," Spike said.

~~Twenty Minutes Later~~

"Well, since you are going to work here, it would be good if you learned where each book goes," Twilight stated.

"That makes sense," Itachi said.

"Great, it should only take... Three hours," Twilight replied with a happy tone.

"Why do I have the feeling that I made a mistake working here," Itachi thought to himself.

During the time Twilight was showing Itachi where each book went, he memorized it all with his Sharingan, It didn't take that long for the training to turn into a whole reshelving experience. it lasted three more hours than it was, Twilight found the whole thing to be therapeutic, while Itachi felt like he could fall to the ground out of exhaustion. It was true he could use magic now, but, since it was the first time using this new form of chakra, he was not ready for the backlash. He thought about what the differences were between magic and chakra.

"Can I even water walk? Or tree walk?" Itachi thought to himself.

"Well, that was refreshing, what did you think?" Twilight asked interested.

"Well, it was something I would say I would not want to do again soon," Itachi answered a bit tired.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad," Twilight stated.

"Well, it might be that way for you, but, I am still getting used to being a librarian," Itachi replied.

"Ok, I guess that makes sense, well, it's a good thing we are finished," Twilight stated.

"Is there anything else to do?" Itachi asked.

"Well, we just wait and see if somepony comes in," Twilight answered.

~~Meanwhile on earth.~~

"What do you mean his body disappeared?" Sasuke asked angered.

Obito had told Sasuke the truth about his clan's massacre, and how Hiruzen ordered the whole thing. It would not be far from the truth to say when he became pissed that his brother was forced to do that. His hatred for the leaf grew to, powerful levels, unlike before, now he wanted its destruction.

Sasuke also thought that Itachi must have gone through countless nightmares of what he did.

"Whoever took his body left his eyes behind for you, so I implanted them into you, allowing you to gain the legendary eternal mangekyou Sharingan. Only one other has that," Obito stated.

"Wait what?! Who would just do that? They had a powerful kekkei Genkai in their hands," Sasuke asked shocked that someone would just give up such power.

"Well, whoever it was, seems to have had powerful jutsu already," Obito answered.

"Something is not right, I know even if someone would have a powerful jutsu, would still try to get their hands on the Sharingan," Sasuke pointed out.

"Yes, that part is confusing to me as well," Obito agreed.

"So what are we going to do?" Sasuke asked.

"We catch the rest of the jinchuuriki, fulfill our goals, and bring the shinobi to peace," Obito answered with a smile, (But couldn't be seen due to wearing a mask).

"Who do we go after?" Sasuke asked.

"So, are you going to join the Akatsuki?" Obito asked interested.

"Yes, I will," Sasuke answered with steel.

"Well then, you need to go after Killer Bee, he has the eight-tailed beast," Obito answered.

"Good, soon, I will go after you Naruto, and I will avenge you Itachi," Sasuke said with a determined look.

~~Back on Equis.~~

Itachi sneezed out of nowhere, Twilight turned in confusion.

"Are you ok? Is it allergies?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, where I am from it is said if you sneezed out of nowhere someone is talking about you," Itachi answered.

"That is odd, I have never heard of that before," Twilight said confused.

"Well, there are going to be things from far lands, that make no sense," Itachi pointed out.

"I guess you are right," Twilight responded.

During the day some ponies would come to the library to read, check out books, or on one occasion buy a book. During the time he was not helping ponies, Itachi read about the land, he was right, this land hasn't seen real brutal war in at least over 1000 years. And he learned about the sisters, he was interested in Luna and how she controlled the dream realm.

"So, her name is Luna, she had an aura that felt like she was stronger with jutsu, maybe stronger than me. If Orochimaru were here, he would try to get that kind of power, or try to steal one of the princess's bodies," Itachi thought to himself.

That thought sent shivers down his spine, it was something that could spell doomsday for this world, and earth. He was grateful that would never happen, He saw some books that caught his eye, and after taking some down, he read one of the covers.

"Daring do and the quest for the sapphire stone? I have never read any book like this, but, I didn't read a lot of personal books, I guess it wouldn't hurt if I tried it," Itachi thought interested.

~~An Unknown Amount Of Time Later~~

"Well, it is close to closing time," Twilight said.

Itachi was confused about what she meant, he looked out of one of the windows and saw that the sun was starting to set.

"Did I lose myself in reading?" Itachi asked himself shocked that he allowed himself to become vulnerable.

"It does seem you did, don't worry, the ponies who came in wanted to talk with me. And I see you like the same book series, I do, Daring do... So what do you think of it?" Twilight asked interested.

"Well, it was good, I might read the rest later, but, I don't think I will be a big fan," Itachi answered.

"It is still a good read, but, I think Spike is almost done with dinner," Twilight implied.

The two walked upstairs, to find Spike was halfway in making stew.

"Hey, Twilight, Itachi, I am almost finished with dinner," Spike called out.

"I see you are making stew," Twilight said with a happy tone.

"Itachi, ever had vegetable stew?" Spike asked interested.

"Yes, I have," Itachi answered.

"Well, I do hope you like this one, I do make a mean vegetable stew," Spike stated.

~~One Hour Later~~

Itachi was thinking of his mission, he was never told what the objective was of his quest.

"Is it to just live here? No, there has to be something else, did something else from my world come to this place?" Itachi asked himself.

Getting in the bed he thought if he would see Luna again, Itachi once again let himself fall into the realm of dreams.

Itachi noticed instead of being in the nightmare, or the dream, like yesterday, he was in a starry space that was his subconscious. He looked around to find that he was right, Luna was walking over to talk with Itachi.

"I see nothing has changed with you Itachi," Luna said with a smile.

"Well, that is somewhat true," Itachi replied.

"What does thow mean?" Luna asked a bit confused.

"I'll tell you later," Itachi answered.

Luna wanted to know what the mysterious unicorn meant by that but, she would not force him to say, Luna didn't want anypony to think she was Nightmaremoon again.

"It is nice that he trusts me enough to not try and kick me out, we might think of going to ponyville to meet him in the real world," Luna thought with a smile.

After a couple of hours of talking, Luna had felt a disturbance in the dream realm, she got up to go find it.

"Is something wrong?" Itachi asked confused.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with," Luna answered with a small hint of worry.

Itachi didn't need any jutsu to tell that something was wrong, he didn't press for more information, she was one of the only people who didn't judge him. Luna left his dream leaving the unicorn alone to think of what tomorrow will bring.

The morning was the same as the previous one was, eat breakfast and get the library ready for ponies to walk into and read, check in books or check out books.

Thanks to Itachi's Sharingan, it helped with memorizing where every book went.

"Well since it is the weekend, we won't be getting as many ponies during this time, most will be spending time with their families," Twilight stated.

"Is there a lake somewhere nearby?" Itachi asked interested.

"Yeah, are you planning on reading by the water?" Twilight asked more interested.

"No, I am just planning on... Practicing my magic," Itachi answered.

"Oh, do you mind if I come?" Twilight asked with excitement.

"Sorry, not this time, maybe later, I need to make sure that my magic is fine," Itachi answered with a smile.

After saying that he remembered the many times Sasuke would ask if he could train him. And at least almost every time he had to say no due to being called by the ombu black ops for a mission on killing a target.

"Oh, well, ok, I do hope we can later," Twilight said a bit saddened.

"I promise you can come the next time I am going to train," Itachi stated.

"I'll keep you to that," Twilight said in a joking manner.

"I can take you to the lake," Spike said.

"Alright lead the way," Itachi replied.

"Hey, spike once you show him where the lake is, come back," Twilight said.

The two walked across town and to the lake, once there, Itachi gave his thanks and watched as the dragon left. Once alone, Itachi made his way closer to the water, he started to focus his chakra on the bottom of his hooves, once he felt like it was good enough he made his way to the water. It was difficult at first, but, after a couple of seconds, he got the hang of walking on water again.

After getting off the water, he faced it again.

"Alright, let's try ninjutsu, but, how... Maybe instead of making the hand signs with my arms, I can try making them with my mind," Itachi said to himself.

He focused on what the signs were, unknown to him his horn was glowing and after a second he used a fireball jutsu.

Unknown to Itachi he was being watched, in the distance watching the whole thing was Twilight using binoculars. It would be on the mark if you guessed she was shocked. She just watched a pony breathe fire like a dragon, and walk on water as if it was not water. The logical part of her mind was screaming, how that was impossible. The reasonable part of her mind was trying to come up with an answer that sounded good to be believable. And the part that wanted to learn was telling the other two to shut up so they could think.

Spike was with Twilight, he was going to protest on watching Itachi like a stocker, until he saw the fireball.

"Is it possible that he could have been taught at Princess Celestia's school?" Spike asked with shock.

"I don't know, it could also be a test that Princess Celestia sent to me to solve," Twilight answered.

"I don't know, wouldn't she have sent something?" Spike questioned confused.

"Wait, he's doing something again," Twilight pointed out.

The two started to watch the unicorn again, his magic was glowing and in a second, a cloud of smoke appeared out of nowhere once the cloud disappeared there were ten exact copies of himself. All that magic casting reminded Twilight of Trixie, but this time if Itachi (Wich he would never do), started to brag of his abilities he could back them up with proof.

"Is that the reason why he didn't want anypony to watch him during his training?" Twilight asked herself.

All but one of the clones disappeared in a cloud of smoke, the last one did the same thing but, instead of disappearing, it turned into a different creature. It looked to be as tall as Luna,

The creature was bipedal, its face was flat, and was wearing a weird type of strange clothing, wrapped around the waist was a thick purple rope with a sword on the back. It crouched down to get a closer look at Itachi, Twilight was not sure what to expect but was shocked at the look Itachi was giving.

Itachi was looking in the eyes of his brother Sasuke, as he looked before the battle, he felt so many emotions rushing through his body, the one that was the largest was regret for what happened. As the clone dispersed Itachi could feel tears fall down his face, knowing even if someone were to try to even revive him it would not work. Even after death, he will never see Sasuke or the good man Itachi knew he would become.

"No point in crying, it can't fix anything of my past," Itachi said to no one.

As the cloud that was the clone dispursed he wiped away the tears and got ready to see what else he could do with his ninjutsu, also so he didn't think of his past.

Twilight was in wonder at the skills Itachi was using, she knew he was hiding something, she wanted to ask so bad. But, if she was patient Itachi might trust her to tell her what is going on.

"Well, let's hope he can trust me that much, cause I do care about him," Twilight thought to herself.

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Chapter 5: The day zero lessons nearly destroyed the town, part 1.

Three days have passed and Itachi met the rest of the elements of harmony in a propr meeting instead of a party. The party was still good, but sometimes it was not the best place to make good introductions.

First was Applejack, at first she didn't trust Itachi, which he expected for the element of honesty, but, as Twilight was saying how the two were good friends. Applejack opened up with a shake of the hooves with strength that could rival that of Might guy.

Second was Fluttershy, Twilight was shocked that the two already met, she was as shy as she would expect. Twilight also saw that Fluttershy was a bit more open with Itachi, but, she was busy taking care of the animals around her cottage. Itachi learned that Fluttershy is the element of kindness.

Third was Rarity, she was the element of generosity, and the town's seamstress and fashionista. At first, the two didn't get along that much, but, it wasn't bad, he still gave respect to her line of work. He asked about the cloak, and Rarity thought of making it but changing the black to a dark navy blue, and golden trim on the edges of the cloak. And to shorten the caller so it didn't cover half of his face.

Forth was Rainbow dash, like before she had the same go-get-it attitude, like Naruto, Itachi thought she could be related to the number one knucklehead of the leaf village, if he was a pony and not human. Itachi was confused about these elements of harmony, he also was told that Rainbow dash is the element of loyalty.

Fifth was Pinky pie, she was just as energetic as the day the two met. Twilight told Itachi that Pinky pie is the element of laughter, she is also the party planner for everyone in the town, talk about work to rival that of the Hokage.


"So, what now?" Itachi asked.

"I just need to take care of my checklist," Twilight answered.

"This may take a while so you can start without us downstairs," Spike said.

"Alright," Itachi replied.

He went down to the main floor, to start the day's work, after ten minutes Twilight and spike left to do some shopping, today for some reason was slower than normal.

~~One Hour Later~~

The two came back and made their way upstairs, Itachi continued to do his job.

"It might not be an exciting job or one filled with danger, but, at least I don't have to kill," Itachi thought to himself.

There was a shout of shock upstairs, Itachi thought something was wrong and ran upstairs thinking they were being attacked. Once he made his way to the second floor, he saw Twilight freaking out about something he didn't know about.

"Spike, what's going on?" Itachi asked confused.

"Twilight is freaking out that she doesn't have a lesson to send to the princess this week," Spike answered.

"If I don't send a letter to the princess about learning a lesson on friendship today, I'll be... TARDY!" Twilight said in a panic.

"Say what?" Both Itachi and Spike asked at the same time.

"T A R D Y, late, I will be late, how could I have let this happen, I'm always on time with my assignments," Twilight said feeling worried.

"Oh come on, it is one little assignment, I'm sure she will forgive you if you missed that," Spike stated.

"With all the things you have told me, she seems like she is a forgiving pony," Itachi added.

"Can't take the risk, she is the ruler of all Equestria, the one pony who holds my fate in her hooves. What if she doesn't think I'm doing good enough?" Twilight said.

"If she doesn't like that you couldn't do this assignment... Listen, I'm sure if you explain she will understand," Itachi replied.

Twilight teleports by the two, causing both Spike and Itachi to jump back in shock.

"What if she thinks I'm not doing good enough? Waht if she makes me go back to Canterlot to finish my friendship studies there? What if she makes me take a test? Waht if I fail?" Twilight questioned becoming more panicked.

"Why wouldn't you pass?" Spike asked confused.

"She is the teacher, do you know what they do to those who don't pass? The student gets sent back a grade! And she won't just send me back one grade no no no, I'll go all the way back to... Magic kindergarten," Twilight said in shock.

"Magic what now?" Itachi asked spike confused.

"Magic kindergarten, where everypony starts to learn magic," Twilight answered.

"Twilight, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard," Spike stated.

"I agree with Spike, I'm sure Celestia wouldn't do that," Itachi said.

"Yeah, you are both right, I don't have anything to worry about, because I will salve a friendship problem before sundown," Twilight stated with pride.

Both Spike and Itachi, facepalmed, but Itachi flinched back when his hoof hit his face, it wasn't enough to leave a bruise but it did sting.

"Note to self don't do that again," Itachi thought a bit annoyed

"So, do any of you have any problems only a good friend can help with?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I, no wait, uh, maybe, uh, no, sorry I got nothing," Spike said.

Twilight looked to Itachi and waited for him to answer.

"That is a road you don't want to go down... That is a can of worms you don't want to open," Itachi stated.

"Oh, aren't we friends?" Twilight asked with a big eye face.

"Trust me on this, it's because we are friends that I'm not telling you... I'm just not ready to talk about that part of me," Itachi answered.

He was thankful that he could keep that part of his past to himself.

"Oh, ok well if I can't find a friendship problem I can find one out in the town," Twilight stated as she walked out of the treehouse.

"This can't end well, Itachi can you please keep an eye on her, I'll hold the fort down here," Spike requested.

"Yeah, I'll make sure nothing bad happens," Itachi said as he followed Twilight.

Twilight walked around the town when she heard a scream from Rarity, she ran over to see what was wrong, and as Twilight makes her way in she saw Rarity lying on the floor.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help!" Twilight stated with pride.

"This can't be happening, out of all things this is the worst, possible, thing!" Rarity said saddened.

"What happened are you ok, are you hurt?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"No, I lost my purple diamond-encrusted ribbon, I have searched high, and I have searched low, low and high, high and low. But I can't find it anywhere," Rarity said as she pulled over a fainting couch to fall on.

"Don't worry, as your friend I wi-" Twilight was interrupted by rarity.

"Oh, there it is, I swear it is in the last place you look," Rarity stated.

"So... You just lost your ribbon?" Twilight asked confused.

"Yep," Rarity answered.

"Is there anything else you need me to help with as your friend?" Twilight asked interested.

"Well, I think I left my measuring tape over there, could you be a friend and get it for me?" Rarity asked.

With a defeated face she got the measuring tape and gave it to Rarity.

"Measuring tape, yeah, I can do that," Twilight said saddened.

She walked out of the boutique after giving the measuring tape.

"Twilight is... Everything... Alright?" Rarity asked a bit concerned but saw that Twilight was not in the boutique.

"How could I have lost track of her? All of this new magic is messing with my Sharingan," Itachi thought annoyed.

When Itachi left to follow Twilight to make sure she didn't do something stupid, he lost sight of the purple unicorn. Even with his Sharingan, it was sometimes hard for Itachi to tell who's magic was who's, he was still getting used to magic, but, managed to push through.

"It's ok Twilight, Rarity is only one of your friends, you can just ask one of your other friends," Twilight said to herself.

She heard a crashing sound come from Sweet Apple Akers, Twilight looked to see what was causing the sound and saw Rainbow dash flying through an old barn of the Apples. She thought that Rainbow dash and Applejack had a bad fight, she walked over thinking she could help with this 'friendship problem'.

"RAINBOW DASH STOP!" Twilight called out.

She used her magic to catch Rainbow dash's tail, who was confused at what Twilight was doing.

"Listen Rainbow, I know you are upset with Applejack, but, don't worry, because I am here to help," Twilight said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow dash asked confused.

"Don't worry Dash, you don't have to hide your feelings from me, I can tell what fight the two of you had was bad," Twilight answered.

After a couple of minutes, Twilight had a clipboard and Rainbow dash laying on a bench.

"Now, you can tell me all your issues with Applejack," Twilight said.

"What, I don't have issues with Applejack," Rainbow dash stated.

"You don't? Then why were you destroying her barn?" Twilight asked confused.

"Cause she asked me to, isn't that right!" Rainbow dash called out.

"Yep, that's right, I would like to build a new barn, but, the old one needs to come down, so ya can continue," Applejack responded.

Rainbow dash flew up high in the sky Twilight was confused about what the pegasus was doing.

"Ya might want to get to cover," Applejack pointed out.

High in the sky Rainbow dash charged down to the ground. Twilight jumped into the trench with Applejack when the pegasus crashed into the barn a small mushroom cloud colored like a rainbow flew into the air.

In the distance Itachi heard the explosion, he looked around and saw the mushroom cloud. He didn't know, but, he thought that Twilight would be there, with a sigh, he started to body flickered over to the explosion.

Once over Itachi saw a barn in ruin, he expected shouts of anger, but, he didn't hear that. He looked around for Twilight and saw her walking away a bit disappointed. He made his way over to talk with the unicorn.

"Twilight, there you are," Itachi stated.

"Oh, hey Itachi, what are you doing here? Not that I'm saying you can't be here of course," Twilight said a bit panicked.

"Twilight calm down, I'm just doing what Spike asked me to do," Itachi replied.

"And what would that be?" Twilight asked confused.

"He and I are worried you might do something... Brash," Itachi answered.

"What me, brash, please, I am not brash, in fact, I am the opposite of brash, I'm calm," Twilight said with one of her eyes twitching.

"Yeah... (Sigh), Alright, I'll take your word, just don't do anything reckless ok, Spike cares about you a lot," Itachi replied with a hint of worry.

"I promise, I won't do anything brash, or reckless," Twilight stated.

After that Twilight walked off, she made her way to Fluttershy's cottage to find a friendship problem.

"Why didn't I do this from the start, Fluttershy is always trying to get over some fear, as a good friend I can help her with that," Twilight said with pride.

When she walked over she saw Fluttershy standing in front of a grizzly bear, the large bear roared at her. Fluttershy flew under the animal to get behind it when the bear looked under its legs, the pegasus delivered a hard kick to the back sending the animal to the ground. She started to pull one of the legs, the bear was crying out in pain, after that she delivered several kicks to the back, then she picked the head of the bear, and twisted it, the bear fell to the ground.

"What?! How is this possible?! Out of all of the days that Fluttershy had to stop being a scaredypony why today!" Twilight questioned in shock.

When Twilight walked off, she didn't see the rest of the massage Fluttershy was giving to Harry, who had a happy smile.

"You have so much tension in that shoulder of yours, you should have come to me sooner," Fluttershy said in a loving tone.

~~One Hour Later~~

Twilight was lying on a bench curled up, she was petting her tail.

"It is totally fine, the day isn't over yet, but, sometime it will be! No no, you are Princess Celestia's student, you can do this, you can do anything! But what if I can't! You can, you are Princess Celestia's best student, you can do anything, just keep it together," Twilight talked to herself.

Both Spike and Itachi found Twilight and could tell something was extremely wrong.

"Twilight are you talking to yourself?" Spike asked a bit worried.

Spike shook his claw in front of Twilight's face, Twilight was broken out of her, self staring contest, three fillies nearby were playing hop scotch. In her mind, the fillies were laughing at her, due to her not having a letter for Celestia ready.

"Twilight?... Twilight? SNAP OUT OF IT!" Spike yelled.

After that Twilight was broken out of her mind the three looked back to see the fillies were still playing their game, unaware of what was going on right by them.

"Listen, we are starting to worry, you are letting this letter thing get the best of you, here, you are so worked up you forgot about the picnic," Spike pointed out.

"It might be a good thing for you to spend time with your friends," Itachi added.

"The picnic, I should go see my friends," Twilight said with an unnerving smile.

Both Spike and Itachi flinched back out of shock, Twilight grabbed the cupcakes and walked off.

"Glad to see you came to your senses," Spike said happily.

Itachi did a facehoof, forgetting that it hurt the first time.

"It may be time to call in the big guns," Itachi thought to himself.

End of part 1.

Page 6.

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Chapter 6: The day zero lessons nearly destroyed the town, part 2.

Pinky pie was jumping to the picnic with a basket, once she put it down she took the top off to reveal balloons, they floated away, taking the basket with them. Applejack put a red and white colored checkerboard blanket on the ground, so the group didn't eat on the grass.

"Oh, please do not tell me I forgot the plates. I did forget, how could I forget the plates, out of all the things this, is, the, worst, possible, thing!" Rarity said as she pulled out a fainting couch from nowhere to lay on.

She noticed that some of the group were staring with deadpan looks.

"What? You really didn't think I was going to lay on the grass did you?" Rarity said confused.

The others just went back to what they were doing, Rainbow dash put on her sunglasses and lay on the blanket. She noticed a box drop by her head and looked up to see who dropped the box, and she saw Twilight with a creepy smile. Rainbow dash jumped to her hooves out of shock, and the rest of the group watched, Worried that Twilight may have lost it.

"Uh, Twi, ya good?" Applejack asked concerned.

"No, I'm not alright," Twilight answered saddened

The girls were worried that something bad was going on.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"It is the most terrible thing is what it is," Twilight said.

"Yes?" The group asked at once.

"My letter on learning a friendship problem to Princess Celestia is almost late, and I haven't learned anything about friendship," Twilight said in a panic.

The group gave sighs of relief, they thought something bad had happened.

"Oh, thank goodness, I thought something truly bad had happened," Fluttershy said relived.

Twilight was shocked at the fact that her friends treated her problem as if it was not important.

"But it is bad if I don't turn in the letter by the end of the day, I'll be tardy, TARDY!" Twilight stated panicked.

The group after hearing that, laughed at Twilight, she was starting to become mad.

"Sugercube, it seems like you are getting worked over nothin," Applejack said.

"It is not nothing, it's everything, I need to send a letter to the princess about a friendship by sundown, or my life in ponyville will be over!" Twilight stated a bit mad.

"Wow, you are a crack up," Pinky pie replied while laughing.

"Come on, Twilight, just sit down and stop sweatin about the small stuff," Applejack said.

Twilight walked off angry that none of her friends didn't think her problem was important, after taking a couple of steps, she teleported away.

"I have never seen Twilight that mad before, I hope she is ok," Fluttershy said worried for her friend.

"Well, she was acting like of complete drama queen, (The others looked at Rarity), relatively speaking," Rarity stated.

~~One Hour Later~~

"The clock is ticking, keep it together Twilight... If I can't find a friendship problem, I'll make a friendship problem," Twilight said with a creepy smile.

"Itachi do you ever get the feeling something bad is going to happen?" Spike asked.

"I do sometimes, and why are you sitting on my back again?" Itachi questioned a bit annoyed.

"Well, I'm not as fast as ponies," Spike answered with a sheepish smile.

"(Sigh), Fine, wait, I see Twilight, and, the look she has is not good," Itachi pointed out.

"Realy, how bad is it?" Spike asked worriedly.

"Spike, how do you send letters to the Princess?" Itachi replied.

"Is it that bad?" Spike questioned even more worried.

"Yes," Itachi answered.

"We need to get to the library soon!" Spike said in a panic.

"Alright, hold on tight," Itachi stated.

Spike held on to Itachi bracing himself for the running that was about to happen, but, he was not ready for the speed Itachi used the whole world looked like a blue of pure colors. And in seconds they were in front of the treehouse.

"I, think, I left my lunch back two blocks," Spike said in a frazzled state.

He shook himself out of the lightheadedness he was in and ran into the tree after righting a letter, he came back out.

"Alright, I sent the letter, all we need to do is find Twilight," Spike said.

Itachi picked Spike up and put him on his back.

"Do we need to do that?" Spike asked worriedly.

"It is the only way we will find Twilight in time," Itachi answered.

"Ok, I'm ready-" Spike was cut off as Itachi, body flickered to find Twilight.

Once finding Twilight both Itachi and Spike saw the whole town was fighting over a stuffed doll. When Itachi saw the doll, he felt a genjutsu try to take over his mind, trying to make him want the doll, he used the release genjutsu on himself to break the spell. He saw that Spike was not so lucky though, before the small dragon could run after the doll, Itachi grabbed him in his magic, and he placed his hoof on Spike's back.

"Release!" Itachi said out loud.

His eyes that had turned into harts turned back to normal.

"Did you break the spell on me?" Spike asked in wonder.

"Yes, I broke you out of the genjutsu you were under," Itachi answered.

"What's that?" Spike asked confused.

"It is a form of mind magic," Itachi answered.

Behind them, the main six ran over.

"Twilight there you are!" Spike said as he ran to give the unicorn a hug.

"Spike whatever you do, you can't look at smartiepants!" Twilight said in a panic.

"Uh, I did," Spike said out of embarrassment.

"Uh, how are ya not under the control of the spell?" Applejack asked confused.

"Itachi helped me by breaking the spell... On me," Spike answered.

The six, (Especially Twilight), to hear that Itachi did that, they looked over in his direction.

"Can you do that for the town before the sun sets?" Twilight begged.

"I have never done A whole town before, I don't think I can," Itachi replied a bit nervous.

At that moment the sun had set, and Twilight was speechless, she ran out of time, the problem she made is too far out of control she failed.


An orb of white light and Princess Celestia appeared, and with a wave of her magic, the spell that had everypony in its grasp was broken. The ponies of Ponyville looked at each other, then looked at the doll they all fought so hard for, some were blushing out of embarrassment. And they all walked away as if there was never a town-size brawl. Big mac, seeing his chance took the doll for himself and ran to his home with his prize.

"Well, I guess it wasn't a complete loss... For him," Itachi thought to himself.

"Meet me in the library," Celestia ordered.

She soon flew off to wait for her student at the treehouse.

"Well, if you want to visit, I'll be in magic kindergarten, back at Canterlot," Twilight said walking away saddened.

"Magic kindergarten?" Fluttershy asked nopony.

"Canterlot?" Rainbow dash added.

"We will never see Twilight ever again!" Pinky pie shouted in shock.

The five turned to Itachi and Spike.

"Did you know about this?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, I and Spike were trying to assure Twilight that everything was going to be fine," Itachi answered.

Rainbow dash flew up to Itachi's face and said angered, "Well, why didn't you try to stop her?"

The rest of her friends (Except Fluttershy) gave mad looks at the unicorn.

Itachi didn't get mad, he didn't change the look on his face, he dragged Rainbow dash back from his face.

"And why didn't any of you five acted like real friends? You five are supposed to be her friends, and yet, you blew her problems off as unimportant, I thought you were the elements of harmony. A friend of mine said those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, (Sigh), if you are real friends with Twilight. Go and try to convince Princess Celestia into letting Twilight stay," Itachi said.

The five were looking at the ground taking in everything Itachi said, Twilight and Itachi had only known each other for days. Yet he did more to help Twilight than they did, and they knew Twilight for close to a year. His words might have been harsh, but, they were words of truth, they needed to help Twilight at that moment.

"Your right, we need to be there for Twilight," Rainbow dash said with determination to help her friend.

The group ran back to the Golden Oaks Library to try and help Twilight out of the mess she was in.


"But Princess, I was supposed to send you a letter every week, I missed the deadline, I failed, I'm tardy, I am a bad student," Twilight said saddened.

"Oh, Twilight you will never be a bad student, I don't need a letter every week to know that, you are a great student. You may have slipped up, but, you are only one pony, you are not perfect," Celestia said with a calm voice.

When the group got to the door, they ran through, Itachi walked to the side so he was not in the way of the five.

"Wait, please don't punish Twilight," Rainbow dash said.

"Yeah, it isn't her fault," Applejack added.

"Alright, I'm listening," Celestia said interested.

"Please Princess, we all knew that Twilight was upset."

"But, what she was worried about, we thought wasn't we should have worried about."

"When she ran off all worked up, none of us tried to follow and help."

"We are Twilight's good friends, we should have been more understanding and we should have helped her."

"Please don't send her away for our mistakes."

"Please don't send Twilight to magic kindergarten!"

"Well, it seems you all have learned a good lesson today," Celestia said happily.

The six agreed.

"Ok, I will forget Twilight's punishment, only on one condition. I would like you all to write to me on the discoveries of the magic of friendship, and only when it happens, not on a timed schedule," Celestia said.

The six cheered in joy, Twilight noticed that Celestia was headed for the balcony of the Library.

"Wait, Princess Celestia, how did you know I was in trouble?" Twilight asked confused.

"You can thank Spike and Itachi for that, they both care for your well-being," Celestia answered.

Twilight smiled that the two would do that to help her.

"I would like to speak with this Itachi, can you please bring him out?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, yeah, just give me a minute," Twilight said as she walked to get the unicorn.

After a minute Itachi walked onto the balcony, and Celestia closed the door to give them some privacy.

"I would like to thank you," Celestia said.

"For what Princess Celestia?" Itachi asked confused.

"Well, I know you only knew Twilight for a couple of days and you went out of your way to help her. You reminded the elements of what it means to be friends and to never abandon them. And you treated my sister as a pony and not a monster. That is what I am thanking you for," Celestia stated.

"Well, I guess, you are right there," Itachi said.

"I know you are not from this world, I am wondering, why are you here?" Celestia asked.

"Well, I guess nothing get's by you," Itachi stated.

"You do gather tricks of your own when you are my age," Celestia said with a laugh.

"I didn't come here of my own choice, I don't know what it is, but, I was brought here to stop something. What that something is, I don't know," Itachi said.

"So, evil is poking its head, and somepony thought it was so bad, they sent you to help," Celestia pointed out.

"I guess that is right," Itachi agreed.

"Tell me, are the stars the same here as in your homeworld?" Celestia asked.

"Yes and no, my world's sky had stars, but, this night sky is more beautiful. I don't mean any offense, but, I always found the night to be more lively, with so many stars, and how it looks like a painting, it's a shame we sleep through such beauty," Itachi said with a smile.

Celestia gave a small laugh at that and said, "No offense is taken, it's nice to see a pony love my sister's work if ponies in the past were like that. Things would not be the way they were."

"That is in the past, the best thing we can do now is to learn from that, and grow so we don't make the same mistakes," Itachi stated.

"(Heh), You have good wisdom for a pony your age, well I need to go, I'm expecting mail. Before I go, I would like it if you could send me some friendship report letters as well," Celestia said with a smile.

In a flash she disappeared, Itachi walked back into the library, and as Spike was finishing the letter they all worked on, Spike sent it off in a magic flame. The rest of the ponies went home to sleep.

"So, what did you and the Princess speak about?" Twilight asked interested.

"It seems she wants me to send letters as well," Itachi answered.

"Wow, I didn't think she would ask that of you, what do you think of it?" Twilight asked.

"I don't see it as a bad thing, it just makes my time here a bit more interesting," Itachi answered.

"Well I don't know about you, but, (Yawn), this dragon is tired," Spike stated.

"Yes, it is late we should hit the hay," Twilight agreed.

The three went to their rooms to sleep, Itachi was thinking again about what he needed to do here, it was the one question he could not answer at that moment.

"Well, I'll try to make the best of this," Itachi said to no one.

End of part 2.

Page 7.

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Chapter 7: New foes come out of the shadows.

Itachi was by the lake using his jutsu, training, the last time he trained like this was before the massacre. He made every Saturday a day where he would train his ninjutsu, or taijutsu, for two hours, if the library was not getting anypony. During the week Itachi wrote one friendship letter, it was something he was not used to writing. When he did make letters, it was a mission report on him killing his target and if he had to keep others from spilling his secrets to the world.

"I think that is enough for today," Itachi told himself.

During the week he learned there wasn't that much difference between magic and chakra, the two were closer to one another than he thought. It wasn't very clear, but, if Itachi was correct then he could learn magic like jutsu, he would have a harder time, due to not using hand signs, but, it wasn't going to stop the Uchiha.

Itachi saw a glimmer of light from the Ever-free forest, Twilight told Itachi that the forest was dangerous, she said that the animals took care of themselves, and the plants grew by themselves. And the weather moved on its own, He thought that was a stupid fear to have there was a forest in the land of fire that was called the forest of death. It was 100 times more deadly than this Ever-free forest, he didn't tell Twilight that, he figured that she would have nightmares for weeks if the Ever-free was able to scare his new friends.

He followed the glimmer of light into the forest, as he walked through the trees, Itachi saw a bed of blue flowers, for some reason he felt a strange chakra flow through the blue flowers. Itachi thought nothing of it and walked through, if it was any genjutsu he could break out of it.

After walking halfway through the forest he heard the whooshing sound of something coming at him fast, he ducked out of the way and heard the sound of a kunai knife cutting into the tree.

"What the, who in this world has that?!" Itachi thought shocked.

He saw more kunai fly towards him, he took the kunai embedded in the tree and used it to deflect the others. He picked the others and placed them in his saddlebags Twilight gave to him to Carey things without having to use his magic. Itachi used his Sharingan to find the attackers and saw two unicorns dressed in ninja clothing. Making identifying who was attacking him impossible to know, it didn't matter, he was going to get answers, also, they were terrible at hiding even genin were better at hiding than these ponies.

By the time he placed all but one of the kunai knives into the saddlebags, the two unicorns jumped out of the shadows, one had a straight katana blade. Even from here Itachi could tell the sword was poorly made, he used the kunai to block the blade it snapped in half, leaving the pony in shock that the sword broke so easily. The pony was not ready for the kunai to come to his throat and feel his neck being cut, after the attack, the pony used their magic to stop the bleeding, but it was too late. The unicorn fell to the ground dead, the knife that dealt the final blow cut far into the neck and sliced both artery vanes.

The remaining unicorn was in shock that this pony they were tasked with catching killed without mercy, filled with rage at the death of the pony, the other used a blast of magic. To try and hit Itachi. Seeing the attack coming before it happened he jumped out of the way and threw the kunai into the leg of the unicorn. The pony screamed in pain, feeling the warm blood gush from the attack, the unicorn's rage turned to fear, and ran away. Three more kunai hit the other legs of the unicorn, who fell in pain, tears falling from the pony's eyes.

Itachi used his magic and ripped the cloth off the ponies face, he saw a mare that seemed to be in her mid-early thirties, she was scared at this monster of a pony. Itachi noticed the smell of someone losing control over their bladder, yes this mare pissed herself that is how scared she was of him. It was clear these ponies were not trained to fight at all, so whoever sent these ponies knew they signed their death warrants, it made Itachi a bit mad.

"Who sent you?" Itachi asked in a menacing voice.

Even though she was scared to death of this pony she would not tell who sent them.

"I-I, w-won't t-t-tell you!" The mare shouted back.

Itachi was getting tired of this, activating his mangekyou Sharingan and using the Tsukuyomi on the poor mare, the world was colors of red, black, gray, and white. Seeing a vast ocean of water, the pony noticed she was hanging on some sort of T-shaped cross. Her target standing in front of her with a stare that sent so much fear not even Sombra would be able to pull off. It was those eyes, those unnatural eyes.

"This is my Tsukuyomi, you are the first pony I have ever used it on," Itachi said with a wicked smile.

His face went back to that of a neutral one, he pulled out a kunai and stabbed into the gut of the mare, not deep enough to hit vital organs, but, enough to send pain. The mare grunted in pain, then passed out, once she woke up, she saw there were two of the same pony, even though she passed out it felt like only a second had passed. She looked down to see the wound was gone.

"Who sent you?" Itachi asked again.

Feeling not as fearful the mare replied, "I told you I won't tell you."

"Think about what you say... in my Tsukuyomi, time, space, even physical matter, it is all under my command in this place," Itachi stated.

Normally he never told anyone this, but, he only told those who he was going to kill, again the mare refused to answer. This went on for hours, every time Itachi asked, she didn't answer, he would stab her until she passed out, and when she woke up another Itachi was there. Itachi started to clone his target and do the same with that one. He had to admit this pony was impressive, he was thinking about not killing her, but, she knew too much, he was going to continue until.

"STOP! Just stop, I don't know who hired us, but, he asked us to capture you," The mare said sobbing.

"What can you tell me about him then?" Itachi asked feeling good he was getting something.

"All I know is that his eyes are not normal, like yours," The mare said still crying.

"Eyes like mine?!" Itachi thought shocked.

Even though 72 hours passed after he tortured the mare only a second passed in the real world. After breaking the Tsukuyomi, he saw the mare was a blubbering mess, her eyes were bloodshot from crying, and it seemed like the whole thing broke her. He walked over, the mare noticed Itachi moving closer, and started to back up trying to escape death. It seemed to the mare this pony was the reaper and he was here for her soal. Itachi plunged the kunai he had deep into the pony's neck, she gurgled on her own blood and fell to the ground her eyes trying to find a way to live but clouded over, dead.

He picked up the bodies of the unicorns and placed them in a small pile, he used his Amaterasu to burn the two to ash, leaving no trace of the ponies being there. Itachi made sure nothing saw the act of death, and after not seeing even one living thing nearby, he breathed a sigh of relief, he was told that Fluttershy could talk to all types of animals. Itachi didn't want the yellow pegasus to think of him as an evil person.

Itachi saw a river, he walked up to it and washed the blood off himself and the kunai, after cleaning, he made his way out of the forest.

"Yeah, this forest was not scary at all," Itachi said to no one.

Once he made his way out, he looked at one of the kunai in more detail and saw it was more different than the ones he used to use. The kunai looked like it was cast in a mold, and to be made of bronze and not steel, there was magic on the knife, there was a faint glow, to anyone else they would not notice. But, Itachi had sharp eyes the kunai had a pinkish glow to it. The blade was not as thick, and instead of a ring at the base, it was flat and had a dark red leather grip.

Itachi thought it was odd that it had a handle, but, it could be for non-unicorn fighters

There were at least twenty he got from the two, he made sure to place them in the saddlebag so they didn't cut the bag open, they might have been made of bronze. They were still sharp and strong as steel. The kunai he collected were sturdy, it most likely had to do with the magic running through them, making them strong. Itachi did know he would have to fight something, he was sent here to fix something, and he decided to keep the kunai just in case he was attacked again.

"Whatever this problem is it was bad enough to send me, and they have knowledge of my world's weapons. Maybe I can ask Twilight what jutsu this is? Maybe not, she would ask questions, and ones I can't answer right now," Itachi thought to himself.

Before walking into the town he put the kunai in his bag, holding a weapon while walking in the town would send fear into the ponies. It was high noon, and Itachi was thinking about who wanted him dead or alive. When he walked into the library, he bumped into Twilight, when the two landed on their back ends, Itachi saw two golden pieces of paper land on the ground. He picked one up to read it.

Grand Galloping Galla ticket.
Only good for one pony.

"Sorry, I was, (She saw that Itachi was looking at one of the GGG tickets), (Sigh) Let me guess, you want to go to the Galla as well?" Twilight asked annoyed.

Itachi raised an eyebrow at Twilight's attitude and asked confused, "What do you mean?"

Twilight looked into Itachi's eyes and realized she got mad at him for no reason.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to get mad at you like that, my friends were just asking me if I could take one of them to the Galla," Twilight said apologetically.

"Don't worry, I won't ask, I'm not the type of persor-pony to go to large parties like that," Itachi replied.

"Well, at least that makes two of us, parties like that are just girly," Spike said not wanting to go.

"It isn't that bad Spike," Twilight said annoyed.

"Well, if this Grand Galloping Galla is anything like any of the larger parties back at my home, this Galla is more for keeping peace with the neighboring countries," Itachi stated.

Both Twilight and Spike were in a small bit of shock that Itachi said that, it wasn't that they thought Itachi wasn't smart, it was more they didn't expect him to say that.

"Well, that is what it was when it started out, but, it's more for tradition," Twilight said.

Itachi gave the ticket back to Twilight.

"It is nice to see at least two of my friends won't beg me to take them to the Galla... Not that I am saying I wouldn't take you if you asked," Twilight said a bit nervous.

"Twilight I did say that I was not interested in that, there is no reason to be worried," Itachi replied.

"Oh, alright, I'm going out to eat, do you want to come?" Twilight asked.

"I'll be fine here, someone needs to keep an eye on the place if someone comes," Itachi answered.

Twilight gave her goodbye for the day and walked into town Spike behind her. He was going to ask her if she could just ask Celestia for more tickets. But, if others found out that the princess was treating one pony, (even if she was the star pupil of Celestia), with more kindness, they could get jealous and that could start a fight. So Itachi didn't ask, of course, when it came to fights between civilians in this land he doubted it would get too bad.

"If she does ask for more tickets let's hope it doesn't go bad," Itachi thought as he went upstairs to drop off his bags in his room.

After an hour or two Fluttershy walked into the library and saw Itachi was dusting the shelves.

"Oh, hi Itachi I didn't think you would be here," Fluttershy asked a bit shocked.

"Well, I do work here," Itachi said in a joking way.

Fluttershy blushed at that, she felt stupid for forgetting he worked with Twilight, she came over to clean the treehouse to get the ticket, but, seeing Itachi cleaning made her want to help him.

"Hey, Itachi do you mind if I help you clean?" Fluttershy asked.

Itachi stopped what he was doing and stared at the pegasus, he knew something was up he thought about what Twilight said. He was confused about this obsession with the Galla, he was going to say no, but, decided to not do that. Fluttershy knew Itachi saw through her lie, she was going to leave but stopped when he spoke.

"I don't mind if you help," Itachi answered.

Fluttershy was shocked did he say that to get her to stop with the Galla, or did he not mind at all, either way, this was a good chance to learn about the mysterious unicorn.

After cleaning half of the bottom floor Twilight and Spike walked in, as the purple unicorn looked around she saw animals cleaning the room with Itachi and Fluttershy.

"Not you too," Twilight said disappointed.

"Well, at first it was because of the ticket, but, I changed my mind, I wanted to help Itachi clean the tree," Fluttershy stated.

"Yeah, we got half of the room clean, we might be able to finish the top floor before dinner," Itachi added.

Twilight breathed out a sigh of relief that Fluttershy didn't ask for the remaining ticket, she was going to ask her to leave, but, saw Itachi had everything under control.

Angel hearing that she changed her mind like that made him mad, he would have thrown a fit but unknown to everypony Angel saw Itachi stare at him. Angel felt a killing intent come from the pony, not enough to cause the bunny to die on the spot, but, it was enough to send the message to not even try it. Angel feeling fear for his life just continued to toss the salad he was making for Twilight, he gave the salad to the purple unicorn and went to help clean.

~~Ten Minutes Later~~

After Twilight ate the salad Angel gave to her she made her way out, once the door was opened Twilight was pulled through, The first level of the house was finished. After a couple of minutes, Itachi heard the shout of multiple ponies.


"May Hashirama have mercy on her soul," Itachi thought worried for the unicorn and baby dragon.

The hours passed by, and Twilight and Spike haven't returned, he went upstairs to see if he could find her on the second floor. He heard to sound of a pop where he was before and heard Twilight telling Spike to lock the door and windows, with turning the lights off.

He was about to go downstairs to see what the problem was when he heard Twilight yell out in shock. Itachi out of sight saw as all the ponies he would call his first friends were comforting her. All saying they no longer wanted the tickets, he thought this was a perfect time to go downstairs.

"Hey, Itachi, didn't notice you were here," Twilight said shocked.

"I was cleaning my room when I heard a shout, I thought something was wrong," Itachi replied.

"Well, if something was wrong her awesome friends would help her," Rainbow dash said with pride.

"Spike please take a letter. Dear Princess Celestia. I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there are not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. If my friends can't go I would feel awful if I didn't go, so I won't, I hope you can understand, from your faithful student Twilight Sparkle."

The five were trying to talk Twilight into keeping the tickets, but, it was too late.

"Girls, I rather go to the Galla with all of you," Twilight said.

They were hugging one another, which made Itachi smile.

"This magic of friendship is contagious, but, it isn't that bad, if only Sasuke was here," Itachi thought with a saddened smile.

Spike like any boy his age would pretend to be sick until he grabbed his stomach.

"Well isn't that typical of a boy who can't handle a little bit of sentiment," Applejack said annoyed.

Spike burped up a cloud of fire and smoke, it turned into a scroll.

"If only we had that, it would make missions easier," Itachi thought to himself.

Spike opened the scroll to read it, "My faithful student Twilight, Why didn't you just say so in the first place?"

He had in his claw six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.

The ponies were excited that they all could go.

"Here let us treat you to dinner," Rarity said.

The ponies made their way out of the house, once they all left Spike noticed he didn't have a ticket and became upset.

"Why didn't I get a ticket?" Spike asked saddened.

After burping up another scroll he opened it to read it.

"And here is one for you Spike and one for Itachi,"

After giving the one ticket to Itachi, they both followed the group, Spike was happy he got to go, and he stopped when Applejack saw.

"I mean, yuck I have to go too," Spike said in a fake annoyed tone.

He ran off to join the rest.

"And here I thought ya the type who didn't like to go to big parties?" Applejack asked Itachi.

"I never said I wouldn't try if I was given the chance," Itachi answered.

The two walked to join the group for the night. Through a crystal ball, a pair of eyes golden eyes with slanted pupils were watching with an evil grin.

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Chapter 8: The poisonous joke.

The night was high, and Itachi was awake thinking of that day's events, he was still shocked that there could be another Uchiha in this world.

"How was this possible, another Uchiha in this world? Who sent them, and why? I won't be able to get answers like this," Itachi thought confused.

He got into bed thinking of how to deal with this new threat.

~~The Next Day~~

The sun was shining in the room, stirring Itachi awake, he got out of bed, and after stepping off the bed he noticed that something was off. The world seemed like it was taller, or larger... Or both, it was hard to tell, maybe he was still sleeping and this was a weird dream, if it was a dream it was a very realistic one.

"No this isn't a dream, something is off," Itachi thought to himself.

He looked at the mirror in his room, and what he saw shocked him, the reflection showed a younger version of Itachi still as a pony. His face was the same but, it was not as squared, it was softer and his eyes were more round, he looked like his body was slimmer than normal and looked more like a female body.

He concentrated on disrupting his chakra flow, it worked but saw that he didn't change, which was not good for him. It meant that it was not a genjutsu but something else. This was becoming tiring, being turned into something else you weren't, if Itachi was not trained to let his emotions get the best of him, he would be on fire with rage.

"(Sigh), Well, I guess this is a new start... Again," Itachi told himself annoyed.

There was a knock on the door and Itachi turned to see who it was, to his horror it was Twilight, who had a face of shock. A minute passed with both not saying a word, Twilight realized what happened to Itachi.

"I guess you crossed pass poison joke flowers," Twilight said.

Itachi was confused at that, he never heard of poison joke until a memory came to the front of his mind, in one of the books he read there was a picture of a blue flower. It was called Poison joke, it was like poison ivy, instead of giving rashes it gave random effects to ponies, no one effect was the same. It was as if the flowers knew your thoughts and made a joke out of you.

In the book, Twilight wrote a note saying she had a theory that discord made the flowers before he was banished for the first time.

"Now I remember, I should have not walked through that patch," Itachi thought to himself.

"Well, I would get the cure ready, but, I don't have it," Twilight said a bit nervous.

Itachi didn't answer for a minute then said, "Just give me a minute."

He flinched back at his own voice it was not his own but one that sounded like a girl, Twilight noticed the action. Twilight thought Itachi was, up to this point had been talking in his own mind.

"I'm going to wait downstairs," Twilight said.

"(Sigh), Alright," Itachi replied annoyed.

There really wasn't any form of blaming anyone, but, he didn't sound happy at his predicament, Twilight walked out of his room and went down to wait for Spike. After waiting for thirty minutes Itachi came downstairs with a smaller saddlebag, Twilight was confused at the smaller bag and how Itachi got it. She decided to ask later about that, they needed to get to the spa, but, remembered that it was closed today.

"Alright, I guess we could go to Rarity's, she would have the soap," Twilight thought to herself.

"What are we going to do?" Itachi asked.

"We are going to Rarity's, she has the right soap we need to get rid of the poison joke," Twilight answered.

"Alright," Itachi just said.

Again he flinched at his own voice, Twilight didn't want Itachi to become silent throughout this whole day so tried to get him to talk to at least get used to his temporary one.

After walking out of the door, Twilight saw the CMC, running off to "try" and get their cutie marks.

The three were walking through the town thinking about what cutie mark to get next. They walked by the library and saw Twilight and an unknown filly unicorn. The three were interested in the new pony, so they walked over to talk, to the other ponies. Itachi saw the fillies walk over, he knew who they were, Three of the elements had sisters, and they looked like their older counterparts. It wasn't like they were clones of the three but it didn't take a genius to tell they were related to Applejack and Rarity, Even though Rainbow dash said she was not related to Scootaloo. Itachi could not help but see that she was biologically related to the blue streak.

"It has to be a pony thing, I mean some humans looked to be biologically related when they weren't," Itachi thought.

He was also told that Scootaloo could not fly, if he had the byakugan he could tell what was wrong, his sharingan was good, but it could not look on the inside of a person.

"Hey Twilight, who is that?" Apple bloom asked interested.

It was something Itachi was not expecting the pony to ask, but, something had to be done before this got out of hand or hoof. Itachi hoped he didn't spend time with them, it wasn't that he didn't like children it was that his job didn't give him the time to form a social life. Itachi thought about what life would have been like if he was not born an Uchiha, but, every time those thoughts came to his mind they would be swept away. Any life without his younger brother and his mother is a life he would not want to think of.

Itachi was pulled out of his thinking when he realized that someone was pulling him off to somewhere, he looked back and saw Twilight was giving an apologetic look.

"What the hell is going on?" Itachi thought shocked.

~~Thirty Minutes Later~~

"Alright, now, how did ya get your cutie mark?" Applebloom asked interested.

"No no no, I think we should ask when she got her cutie mark," Sweetie bell implied.

"That is the wrong question, we should ask her what the cutie mark means," Scootaloo stated.

"That is a good idea," Apple bloom replied.

The three looked at Itachi to answer the question, he took a deep breath and said.

"This part of my... Cutie mark represents my family," Itachi said.

"So like how my family has apple-themed cutie marks?" Apple bloom implied.

"I guess?" Itachi answered.

"Cool, what is your family called?" Scootaloo asked.

"My family name is the Uchiha clan," Itachi answered.

"I have never heard of that family before," Sweetie bell said.

"Well it would be due to my clan not living in the country," Itachi replied.

"Wow, I didn't think ponies lived out of the country," Apple bloom said in wonder.

"I always thought that was illegal," Scootaloo stated.

"Now that is stupid Scootaloo, why would living outside Equestria be illegal?" Sweetie bell questioned with an eyebrow raised.

The two went on about that, for three minutes, until Apple bloom broke the argument.

"Alright! Stop arguing, we are asking Itachi how she got her cutie mark!" Apple bloom stated.

The two stopped and looked at Apple bloom they both gave their apologies and turned to Itachi.

"So, how did you get your cutie mark? And can we get something like that?" Scootaloo asked with wonder.

Itachi knew they could never get the same skill as he did, but, even if for some reason they could he would make them give up. Even though his sharingan was a birthright, he treated it as a curse, and one he hoped to never pass on.

"You don't want what I have, trust me," Itachi stated.

"Aww, why not?" Apple bloom asked saddened and confused.

"Yeah, it looks cool, not as cool as Rainbow dash's, but, still cool," Scootaloo added.

"It would only bring you pain," Itachi said in a monotone voice.

The three tried a big eye stare at Itachi, which slammed into his heart like a tailed beast bomb. He somehow managed to stand firm in his choice to not even try and help the three in that quest, it would only bring them pain.

Seeing that Itachi didn't budge under the three combined power of cuteness, they realized whatever gave her the cutie mark, made Itachi stand against cuteness, which in their minds was a bad thing.

"Alright, we won't ask again," Apple bloom said disappointed.

"Thank god, I thought I was going to have to argue with these three," Itachi thought happily.

An hour or two passed, and it was hard for Itachi to tell the time, the talk of cutie marks made Itachi feel like he was in some sort of genjutsu that went on for years.




"Alright, what do you think Itachi?" Apple bloom asked.

He was broken out of his thinking at the question, he was confused at what Apple bloom asked.

"Can you repeat what you asked?" Itachi said confused.

"We are planning on trying to get a cutie mark in garbage collecting, what do you think?" Apple bloom asked again.

"Do you really want to do that for the rest of your lives?" Itachi asked confused.

The three were in deep thinking about what Itachi said, they realized if at least one did, it would be a mistake. Apple bloom would not be able to spend as much time on the farm with her family as she would have wanted. Scootaloo thought that Rainbow dash would find the job to be boring and not hang out with her as much. And Sweetie bell, thanks to Rarity cared about her looks, if she was a garbage pony she would be dirty a lot of the time.

"No," The three all said at the same time saddened.

Itachi felt like he just stomped on their dreams even though being a garbage collector was not the best job to have. Itachi could feel the angry glare of his mother, it sent shivers down his spine.

"Well, it doesn't mean you should stop, why don't you try something you like," Itachi stated.

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked confused.

"Well, some peop-ponies tent to find there... Cutie marks in something they like to do," Itachi answered.

"I guess, well, anyway, how long have you been in Ponyville?" Apple bloom asked.

"At least a week?" Itachi answered a bit confused.

"Do ya like it here?" Apple bloom asked.

"This place is nice," Itachi answered.

"That's awesome, Ponyville is the best place to be!" Apple bloom said with pride.

Itachi started to feel out of place, so he stood up and slowly made his way to the door, not being noticed.

"I think I'll be taking my leave," Itachi said as he tried to leave.

"What! but, we still have questions," Scootalo said a bit disappointed.

"Come on, please?" Sweetie bell begged.

Before he was assaulted by more cuteness, Itachi used his body flickering technique to move outside of the treehouse, leaving the three shocked at the speed of the unicorn filly. Up to that point, Spike was the only one to know of Itachi's true speed.

"Did she teleport?" Scootaloo asked confused.

"No, I would have been able to sense it, I don't know why, but, unicorns can sense nearby powerful spells, well that is what Twilight says," Sweetie bell answered.

"Did Itachi move faster than Rainbow dash?" Apple bloom implied in confusion.

"NO WAY! Nopony is as fast as Rainbow dash no unicorn can be faster than her... No offense Sweetie bell," Scootaloo said.

~~One Hour Later~~

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, looking for his coworkers, after finding the unicorn he jumped down to the floor, he was thankful that his skills didn't disappear. For some reason Twilight was nervous, about what he didn't know, but, he would find out, Itachi walked over to talk with Twilight.

"Twilight, why are you nervous?" Itachi asked.

Twilight jumped in shock, he was not expecting Itachi to ask her a question, she thought that Itachi was still with the C.M.C.

"He must have somehow got away from the three, even Rainbow dash would have trouble with that," Twilight thought.

"Uh, Twilight, are you ok?" Spike asked worriedly.

"Huh, oh, yes, how was your time with Apple bloom, Sweetie bell, and Scootaloo?" Twilight asked interested.

Itachi gave a glare, but, for some reason, it looked like an angry pout, Twilight could only laugh at the attempt at anger. It was something he was not happy at his predicament, his killing intent was nonexistent, and this was the worst day for Itachi.

"Well, we managed to get the cure to the poison joke," Twilight stated.

"Then why are you nervous?" Itachi asked confused.

"Well... It is that the smell is lavender, and... I didn't know how you would react," Twilight answered.

Itachi gave a deadpan look and said, " Twilight I am a shinobi, a worrier of my village, I don't care for menial things like smelling like lavender. Some shinobi used that to their advantage by hiding their sent with it."

"Oh, that is good, now then let's go back home, to fix this," Twilight announced.

~~One Hour Later Again~~

"Well, next time I go in that stupid forest, I will stay clear of those flowers," Itachi thought annoyed.

He walked out of the bathroom back to normal, his pony normal, deep in his mind he was hoping to be turned back to human, but it seemed like that would not happen.

"So are you doing well?" Twilight asked a bit concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it feels nice to be back to normal," Itachi answered feeling better.

"Well that is good," Twilight said happily.

"Now I'm the only short one here again," Spike said a bit annoyed.

"Don't worry, you will get your growth spurt someday," Itachi replied with a warm tone.

Spike was happy at that, during the time Itachi was living at the library Itachi acted like a big brother to Spike. Even though Shining Armor was a big brother, he could feel that the elder unicorn didn't fully see Spike as a part of the family. With Itachi he could care less about the fact Spike was a dragon or not, he treated the young drake as family.

Seeing that made Twilight happy to see one pony, not prejudiced against dragons, she never really understood why ponies could be so rude to other races of the world.

"Well, it seems like we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want," Twilight pointed out.

"Awesome!" Spike said happily.

"I guess I can read some more daring-do," Itachi said to himself.

"Great idea, I can get some reading in as well," Twilight added.

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Chapter 9: The bells of a royal wedding.

The day was lovely and there were little to no clouds in the sky, it seems that seven ponies took advantage and had a picnic. In the distance was Spike running over, he seemed to be in a rush to get somewhere, Itachi had sensed the small dragon before the others.

"I wonder what has Spike running here like that?" Itachi thought confused.

Spike ran to the picnic and gave Twilight a letter before collapsing on the ground from exhaustion. Twilight opened the letter to read what was on it.

Dear Twilight.

I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot. I will be presiding over the ceremony, but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music. Pinkie Pie, I can think of no one more qualified than you to host the reception. Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception. Rainbow Dash, I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their "I do"'s. Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids. And as for you, Twilight and Itachi, you both will be playing the most important role of all: Making sure that everything goes as planned. I hope to see you all very soon.

Yours, Princess Celestia.

The group of ponies minus two chaired at the news, then Twilight asked the biggest question that part of the day.

"But, wait, who is getting married? I don't know anypony getting married," Twilight questioned confused.

"Oops I was supposed to give this to you first," Spike said a bit embarrassed.

Twilight opened the scroll and read it out loud, "Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and... (gasp) My brother?!"

The group was silent at the news, it was a shock to all before the silence could continue Applejack broke it.

"Well congrats Twi, it's always nice to hear that family is getting married," Applejack said with pride.

"Yeah, nice to hear that a brother is getting married by a piece of paper!" Twilight said annoyed.

"Uh, Twilight, are you ok?" Fluttershy asked worried about her friend.

"(Sigh), no, I thought that Shining armor would tell me something that important eye to eye, I mean he is my B.B.B.F.F." Twilight replied.

Everyone except for Spike looked confused at the last part Twilight said.

"My Big Brother Best Friend Forever" Twilight stated as if it was obvious.

"Oh," Five of the six said at once.

"Before I came to Ponyville, I had no friends, I only had Shining armor," Twilight said with a small hint of sadness.

"Do I hear music?" Itachi thought shocked.

At first, he thought someone put him under a genjutsu, but, found that he was not under any mind game. Itachi was truly taken back, Twilight had begun to sing, it was surreal, after a couple of lines the other ponies joined in. It was like a sitcom, seeing the ponies sing out of nowhere, and where was that music coming from?

In the end, Itachi was in silence, the singing was shocking at most, he had never seen anyone break out into song before. The others look at him in confusion, until Pinky pie asked a question, "Have you ever seen anypony sing before?"

"Not out of the blue like that," Itachi stated.

"Soooo, have you ever sung before?" Pinky pie asked interested.

"No, I don't sing," Itachi answered.

Applejack had turned her attention to Twilight and begun to talk.

"Well, as one of your P.F.F.s. I got your back," Applejack said with a friendly tone.

The look of confusion returned.

"Pony Friend Forever," Applejack stated in a monotone voice.

"Your brother has to be special if he is marrying a princess," Rainbow dash implied.

"Well, you are right, I mean, nopony is just made the royal guard captain," Twilight stated.

"Your brother is the Captain of the royal guard, and he is marrying a princess!" Rarity said in excitement.

"Well, we better get a move on," Rainbow dash said impatiently.

~~One Hour Later~~

"A sonic rainboom at a wedding! Talk about the best thing ever!" Rainbow dash said in excitement.

Itachi felt like he was in a vortex, the cart of the train was uneasy, and he felt sick, he knew this was natural, no genjutsu. Fluttershy looked over to see that Itachi had a tent of green, even through the fur on his face. She walked off to get something for her friend, Fluttershy never liked seeing her friends in pain.

"Here, drink this it will help," Fluttershy said in a caring tone.

Itachi had taken the cup and downed the contents, it had a bitter taste, but, after a couple of seconds, all of his senses came back. It was as if they were never affected at all, it was odd, but, stranger things happened back in his old world.

"Thank you, Fluttershy," Itachi said in his normal voice.

"You don't have to thank me, I just did what any friend would do," Fluttershy replied.

Those words had two effects on Itachi, it made his heart warm up at the fact she would do something this kind. And a cold stab, remembering what he did to all his friends and family, he thought if he really deserved a second chance. Even if he was here for a month he felt like it would all be taken away, like this was a dream.

"WERE HERE!" Pinky pie shouted in joy.

As the train neared the city, they passed through a pink wall of energy. It was as if the energy was reading them looking for something, it was unknown if it was good or bad.

"Somethings up, and I have a bad feeling about this," Itachi thought concerned.

Itachi was no stranger to royal weddings, but to have a forcefield over the entire city, that was only for invasions.

"I can only guess, the power of that shield, was coming from a single spot. Is it possible whoever is casting this spell has Kage-level magic?" Itachi whispered to himself so only he heard.

As the train came to a stop the group made their way off, and into the city, all of the ponies had gone their own way. Itachi was going around checking things off on the list, while Twilight gave Shining armor a word or two.

An hour had passed and Twilight joined Itachi, and the two were watching the cake being made. Itachi was fascinated at how big the cake was, and how it smelled so good, Twilight on the other hand was annoyed. He asked why the purple unicorn was upset but only got an, "I don't want to talk about it."

Applejack walked over to an ice statue to finish it off, then walked over to the oven and pulled out bite-sized apple fritters. She had given one to Itachi and one two Twilight, they both tried it, and both had happy smiles on their faces. It seems the Uchiha was not immune to the sweet taste of apple family home cooking, it made him feel happy, genuine happiness.

"I think that is all for the food part," Twilight started with that smile.

On one of the counters, Spike was sitting with the small replicas of the bride and grume. Twilight used her magic on the two cake toppers and put them on the counter, he gave an embarrassed smile with a chuckle. The door opened and Princess Cadence walked in, and the others bowed to the royal pony.

"Hi, Princess," Applejack said in respect.

"Please call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza," Cadence said with a pompous attitude.

"Well hi Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I assume you want to see what will be on the menu?" Applejack replied.

"Yes, I do," Cadence stated.

Itachi felt something was off with this princess, so He used his Sharingan just below mangekyou state. What he saw was shocking, the Princess was some sort of pony bug hybrid, there was a layer of magic hiding her true form. It seemed to be a mixture of illusion magic, and transformation magic, it was something to look into later until he got more information.

Applejack had given the Princess a sample, and she took a bite, even a blind man could see her act, she didn't like the food. After being given a bag of the heavenly fritters, Itachi watched as they were dropped into the garbage bin when Applejack didn't see them, which made Itachi feel a spike of anger. He understood why Twilight was not happy at Cadence being in the same room as her.

~~Three Hours Later~~

The night sky was hard to see in the city, all of the lights were blocking the stars, plus the pink dome over the city made it more difficult. The ponies were having dinner at a local restaurant, the more Itachi stayed in this city the more he didn't like it.

"I can tell you Cadence is the worst bride to be," Twilight said with annoyance.

All minus Itachi gave looks of shock as if what Twilight said was taboo.

"Darling what do you mean? she was nice," Rarity asked confused.

"She was so demanding, how can you say she was nice?" Twilight replied shocked.

"Well that is expected, her wedding day is coming up, she must be stressed," Rarity stated.

"Applejack didn't you see how she through your food away in the garbage?" Twilight questioned.

"Well, I'm sure she had a good reason for doing that," Applejack replied.

"Well she was only being rude, and insincere," Twilight said a bit annoyed.

"During the rehearsal, she did raise her voice to one of my birds," Fluttershy said.

"See, nothing but mean!" Twilight said feeling like she won an argument.

"But, he was singing off key," Fluttershy replied defending Cadence.

On Fluttershy's right front leg was a bird, it tried to sing but it was off key by a lot, the others flinched back at the sound. Twilight went to ask Pinky pie about the Princess's behavior, only to see that the pink mare with Spike was playing with the cake toppings.

"Rainbow dash, you are with me right?" Twilight asked.

"Sorry, I was too busy training for the wedding to notice anything about the bride," Rainbow dash replied.

"Well what about you Itachi, you were with me all day?" Twilight asked hoping for him to agree with her.

"I agree that she was acting a bit harsh, but, I don't think I can answer that right now," Itachi answered.

Twilight was confused and annoyed that none of the others agreed with her, she gave an annoyed grunt and walked away.

~~Ten Minutes Later~~

Twilight had burst through the door as if she had bad news, she went to speak but stopped when she saw what her friends were wearing. Rarity, Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, Pinky pie, and Applejack were wearing dresses, all suited for them.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked confused.

"It is wonderful, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza made us her new bride maids," Fluttershy said happily.

"And what happened to the others?" Twilight asked with suspicion.

"She never told us, but, she loved the idea of us being bride maids a lot," Applejack answered.

"She must have thought our hard work was worth being bride maids," Rarity said with joy.

"And you thought she was bad," Applejack added.

"Are you sure this is good for flying, it doesn't feel aerodynamic?" Rainbow dash asked trying to get comfortable in the dress.

"You might be right, here let me make some adjustments," Rarity replied.

Twilight could only watch as her friends were not letting her warning of Princess Cadence. She hugged her head and left the room, at that moment, Itachi needed to get information on the Princess.

"It's time to pay this Princess Mi Amore Cadenza a visit," Itachi thought.

When none of the ponies were watching him he used a body flicker to leave the room, he thought none noticed. But, one pink pony sensed the departure of the unicorn, she didn't tell the others, she had a feeling this was for the best.

"Well of course, I mean he is my friend, after all, I wish that I can give him a nickname, it is hard to work with Itachi," Pinky pie thought to the author.

Walking into an alleyway he transformed into his human form, instead of wearing his normal attire. He was wearing a black body suit, with a cloth mask covering his entire head except for his eyes. Jumping from roof top to roof top he had made it to where the princess was staying, keeping to the shadows he used his Sharingan to take in all information he could.

"Alright, let's find the skeleton this princess has in her closet," Itachi thought interested to see what he would find.

Itachi got in a position so he could not be seen, he watched the princess looked around to see if she was being watched. Too bad for her she was, after the searching she relaxed, then Cadence was consumed in a green fire shocking Itachi. He watched as the fire dissipated to see the same bug pony from before, it was shocking, that this world had a version of the transformation jutsu.

"My plan is so close to succeeding, soon this world will be mine and the ponies will be food for my children," Chrysalis said in a creepy voice.

Itachi needed to tell someone about this, he used the body flicker jutsu to leave. Chrysalis had felt someone leave, it shocked her that something managed to sneak close to her like that.

"I know I was spied on, but, who could do that, I may need to act sooner than I thought. No calm down, the plan will work I just need to get them before they could warn any of the ponies," Chrysalis said to herself.

Tomorrow Canterlot would be witness to an event that will never be forgotten.

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Chapter 10: The Battle of Canterlot, part 1.

The day was lively and ponies were having a good day, Itachi was making his way to the castle in a somewhat hurry. He was going to expose this pony, he knew that was not the real Cadence, or even if she ever existed in the first place. There could be a war, and Itachi hated war most of all, he is a man or pony of peace, even if he had done awful things, it was all in the name of peace.

Applejack, Pinky pie, Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity were walking down the red carpet in a row. They were practicing for the real wedding, and some of the group could not contain their excitement.

"Very good, and after you take your places Cadence will walk in," Celestia stated.

The two doors opened showing Cadence who had begone to walk down the same carpet, after making it to the others, the doors were closed.

"I'll say a few words and after the vows will be said, then Shining armor will get the rings from his best mare," Celestia said with a small hint of pride.

Shining armor turned to ask Twilight for the rings only to see she was not there and Spike playing with the wedding cake toppings.

"Has anypony seen Twilight?" Shining armor asked with confusion.

The doors opened, and all the ponies were expecting to see Twilight, but, in the doorway was Itachi with his neutral face.

"Sorry to interrupt, but, I have grave news," Itachi announced.

"Is Twilight hurt? Where is she?" Shining armor asked worriedly.

"She is fine, I am talking about her, she is an imposter! It is hard to explain why but she is a fake," Itachi said pointing at Cadence.

"That is a bold claim, can you back it up?" Celestia asked in shock.

That was going to be a hard task, he had to say something and luckily Celestia knew enough about magic to know as well.

"You better have a good explanation, or I will have you detained for this," Shining armor demanded with a threatening voice.

Itachi was not scared for even a second, before anyone could talk he started, "She has some sort of illusion spell over her body, if you scan her, you will be able to find it."

In his mind Itachi had the biggest shit-eating grin until 'Cadence' started to cry, his eyes widened by a small unknown amount.

"Why would you say something so mean, Shining armor let's just leave," Cadence said with tears.

The two ponies flashed out by a teleport, and the others only looked disappointed at Itachi. For some reason that hurt more than he thought, they didn't say anything and left.

"I am very disappointed in you Itachi, you should apologize to Cadence when she allows it," Celestia said upset at what happened.

"Was, was I wrong?" Itachi asked no one shocked.

He felt like someone punched him in the gut, it was a strange feeling, thinking his Sharingan was wrong. No, he had to be right, but, those tears were too good to be faked, this world was changing him, and now it was for the worst. He was thinking that he lost everything at that moment, he looked up to see Cadence walking up to him.

"(Sigh), I was wrong, I guess I was paranoid... I am sorry," Itachi apologized

For a brief moment Cadence's eyes flashed green for a second, then she had a snarl on her face.

"You will be," Cadence stated in a frightening voice.

Being taken off guard by that change, he was caught in a bubble o green energy and was dragged down to the ground. The next thing Itachi felt was a pain in his head, it was dark, too dark, he used a light spell he learned from Twilight, and he saw Twilight was knocked out on the ground. Running to her he made sure she was alright, and thankfully she was unharmed, shaking Twilight awake she got to her hooves confused.

"Itachi, where are we?" Twilight asked confused and worried.

An evil laugh sounded through the cave, and one of the giant crystals showed Cadence's face.

"You are in the caves below the city, greedy unicorns tried digging up these gems and now this will be your grave," Cadence stated evilly.

"Stop hiding and show your real face, you coward!" Itachi demanded.

"So you are the one I sensed spying on me from before, well, you will die soon so fine," Cadence replied.

Her image disappeared and the face of Queen Chrysalis appeared, shocking Twilight.

"Like my look?" Chrysalis asked in a mocking tone.

"You are a changeling!" Twilight said in a shocked tone.

"Yes, but sadly for you I already won this game, and Equestria will be mine to rule!" Chrysalis said with an evil laugh.

Twilight shot a lavender beam of magic out of anger, the queen's face apaired on a different crystal and Twilight shot a magic beam again. This happened for a second or two until Twilight hit a shard at an odd angle causing the bolt of magic to bounce off the walls. Both Twilight and Itachi got to the ground to not be hit by the deadly shot. It crashed into a wall causing it to collapse revealing a beaten Cadence, Twilight still inraged at what Chrysalis did attack pinning the pink alicorn to the ground.

"Twilight wait it's me!" Cadence said scared.

"How can I trust you?" Twilight asked with suspicion.

Cadence managed to get out from under Twilight and answered with, "Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake."

Twilight was thinking, then had a smile on her face, she hugged Cadence making sure to not lose her balance.

"You remember me! I thought you forgot," Twilight said with happiness.

"I would never forget you, now who is your friend over there?" Cadence asked interested.

"He is my friend, his name is Itachi, we work together at the library in Ponyville" Twilight answered.

"Oh, he is your friend, is that all?" Cadence asked with a playful tone and smile.

Both Twilight and Itachi blushed at what Cadence implied, Itachi was confused at why he was acting like this.

"Anyway, we need to get out of here, if my double marries Shining armor, Canterlot and Equestria will fall," Cadence stated in a series tone.

~~Canterlot Castle~~

♩ This day is going to be perfect, The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. Everypony will gather around Say I look lovely in my gown What they don't know is that I have fooled them all! ♩

♩ This day was going to be perfect, The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. But instead of having cake With all my friends to celebrate My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all… ♩

♩ I could care less about the dress I won't partake in any cake, Vows, well I'll be lying when I say That through any kind of weather I'll want us to be together. The truth is I don't care for him at all No I do not love the groom In my heart there is no room But I still want him to be all mine! ♩

♩ We must escape before it's too late Find a way to save the day, Hope, I'll be lying if I say. "I don't fear that I may lose him To one who wants to use him Not care for, love, and cherish him each day" For I oh so love the groom All my thoughts he does consume Oh, Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon! ♩

During the escape, the three got in a mine cart down the rails, before any of the ponies could react the rails ended. They were sent flying in the air headed for sharp rocks, before they got close Itachi summed his complete Susanoo, catching both Twilight and Cadence in its hands and flying the rest of the way. Landing they ran the rest of the way to stop the wedding.

♩ Finally, the moment has arrived For me to be one lucky bride. ♩

♩ Oh, the wedding we won't make, He'll end up marrying a fake Shining Armor will be... ♩

Mine, all mine. [evil laugh]

The three made it to a ledge, the Susanoo disappeared from exisence, in front of them was the way out, and the way to stop the changeling queen.

"What was that?!" Twilight asked amazed at the orange chakra construct.

"I'll tell you later, we need to stop the queen," Itachi answered.

"Yes you are right," Cadence agreed.

Before they could continue three mares walked out of the shadows with the same green glowing eyes.

"You're not going anywhere," Minuette, Lyra, and Twinkleshine said at the same time in creepy voices.

"Well talk about creepy," Itachi said sarcastically.

~~Castle throne room~~

Celestia was getting ready to finish, "Princess Cadence, Shining armor, it is my honor to pronounce you both-"

"STOP!" Both Twilight and Itachi yelled at once stopping the wedding.

Both Twilight and Itachi were standing in the doorway, and Applejack and Rainbow dash were confused about what was happening. Rarity was annoyed, Fluttershy was worried for her friends, Spike looked disappointed and Pinky pie... was doing what Pinky pie does best.

"Arug, why are they bent on ruining this!" Cadence said half angered.

Celestia looked at her adopted niece with a confused look, she had never seen her act like that. To her, something was up and she was thinking if what Itachi said was true and that Cadence was a fake.

"Why does she have to ruin my special day," Chrysalis said with fake crying.

"Because this isn't your special day, it's mine," Cadence stated with steel.

The crowd gasped as the same pony as the bride walk into the room.

"How did you escape my Bride maids?!" Chrysalis asked in annoying shock.

"It was simple," Twilight stated.


As the three brainwashed ponies were walking up to the group, Cadence picked up a bouquet of flowers. She used it to get the attention of the three which worked very well, she threw the flowers to a different part of the crystal caves.

Minuette, Lyra, and Twinkleshine jumped after the flowers saying at once, "I WANT IT!"

"I can't believe that worked," Itachi said dumbfounded at what happened.

~~End of Flashback~~

"How in the world can there be two of the same pony?" Applejack questioned confused.

"She is a changeling, she takes the appearance of the one you love and steals it to make her stronger," Cadence said to everypony.

Chrysalis getting mad that her plan was coming undone by the second, dropped the spell. The fake Cadence was consumed in a gree fire the dress ripping as Chrysalis turned back to her original size, Pink fir replaced with charcoal shell, feathered wings turned into transparent bug wings.

"Right you are, and as the Queen, it is my duty to find food for my hive. And these lands have so much, I will feed my hive for generations!" Chrysalis said with pride.

"You will never win, Shining armor's shield will keep you out!" Cadence protested.

"I don't think that will last for long, isn't that right sweetie?" Chrysalis asked Shining armor.

"Yes my dear," Shining armor answered in a drone-like voice.

As chrysalis was laughing she sensed danger and raised a shield to protect her, a second later black flames hit the shield. Seconds passed and Chrysalis saw the flames were burning the shield, it started to crack and small whisps of the heavy fire slipped through wanting to burn her alive. Chrysalis out of self-preservation pushed more power into the shield, and the cracks disappeared.

The crowd got as far from the flames as they could, Twilight saw that Itachi was focused on the flames and that his right eye was bleeding. Itachi was forced to close it due to pain from using Amaterasu for that long without training. He collapsed on one leg from the strain. The flames disappeared into nothing, dropping the shield Chrysalis saw it was Itachi who made those flames, she readied an attack until she stopped because of Celestia.

"Don't forget me!" Celestia shouted as she attacked.

The two ponies locked horns, and Celestia flew back, firing a beam of magic at the queen, who returned the attack. It seemed Celestia was going to win, but then Chrysalis pushed back hitting Celestia's horn and sending her to the ground. The crowd gasped again and ran out of the room hoping to get as far from the Changling queen as they could.

"Well, it seems Shining armor's love for you is stronger than I thought HAHAHA," Chrysalis said with an evil laugh.

"the elements, you must get the elements of harmony and stop the queen! You are our last hope," Celestia said weakly.

The six ran off to stop the invasion, and as they were running Chrysalis was laughing.

"And what is so funny?" Cadence asked annoyed while helping Itachi up.

"The shield will fall, my army is chipping it down as we speak!" Chrysalis answered.

Up in the sky were hundreds of Changelings smashing down causing cracks to form on the barrier, soon the entire shield was destroyed. Green fireballs flew crashing into the streets of Canterlot, and ponies were freaking out, guards were mobilizing and chaos was forming from everywhere. A certain statue was wishing it had popcorn, oh well when you are a god of chaos you can have as much popcorn as you want in your mind.

Canterlot was attacked by an army that appeared out of nowhere, it is unknown if the capital will survive or fall under this new power.

To be continued.

Page 11.

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Chapter 11: The Battle of Canterlot, part 2.

The sounds of battle were everywhere in the city, and ponies were being captured, some buildings were on fire. Cadence watched in horror as the guard were failing to stop the invasion, everypony who tried to stop the changelings were captured. Itachi ran out of the doors, Cadence was shocked at what he was doing.

"He will not be enough to stop my army!" Chrysalis said with pride.

"Just you wait, you will still fail this day!" Cadence shouted back.

Itachi saw as ponies were placed in groups and bounded with some green sticky slime. A changeling landed in front of the unicorn, but, was kicked in the throat hard enough to snap the neck killing it. Others saw the act, different reactions were on their faces, civilians were shocked at the open act of killing. Guards were mentally kicking themselves they didn't even use lethal forces to fight the enemy, and other changelings were enraged at their comrade being killed. They charged at the unicorn, they learned that was their last mistake when they made eye contact.

"Amaterasu," Itachi said under his breath.

The six bug ponies burnt into nothing, not even leaving ash behind, Itachi used charka to free the ponies. The guards thanked him and the civilians ran away fearing him, Itachi knew that would happen, even if it hurt. He continued his attack on the enemy forces. Down one street ponies were being herded, and some were being attacked.

"Fire style phoenix flower jutsu!" Itachi called out.

The fire projectiles flew through the air only hitting changelings, they thought it would do nothing, but they were wrong. The fire was burning them alive, and their burnt corpses dropped to the ground leaving an empty shell, with the smell of burning flesh in the air. Itachi freed the ponies before they could say anything, he then vanished with a body flicker.

Soon he landed across some more changelings and attacked.

Itachi yelled out "Water style water bullet jutsu!"

Small balls of water shot out of his mouth at fast speeds, they didn't blast through their bodies but hit with enough power they still died from the force. This was happening through out the city, Itachi would flicker over and attack with the intent to kill. He stopped when he saw his friends were about to be killed, he knew that if he did what he was goinf to do, they will hate him.

"I will rather be hated than see my friends die!" Itachi said to himself.

He flickered in front of the six ponies who were tasked in getting the elements of harmony, they were all shocked, especially Rainbow dash, she had never seen speed performed so silently before.

They all saw him take a large breath of air puffing his chest out, before they could react they saw what happened.

"Fire style fire annihilation jutsu!" Itachi thought.

A large fireball exploded from Itachi's mouth, Twilight and Spike knew he could do that, but this was never that large. The fire formed a wall and pushed fowared burning the unlucky shapeshifters alive. The smell of death was starting to fill the air, and before anyone could react, a green blast hit Itachi in the face, sending him to the ground.

Again the group was surrounded by the enemy, with no choice they surrendered, and the eight were taken to the throne room. Celestia was in a cocoon hanging off the ceiling, seeing that everypony failed in stopping the invasion it felt like nothing could stop Chrysalis.

Itachi had a lot of restraints, on his legs, horn, and muzzle, Chrysalis had a shit-eating grin on her face.

"See, useless in the end, I will win, now go my children feed!" Chrysalis said with pure pride.

"Uh, queen, our forces were cut by half," one of the changelings said.

"WHAT! How is that possible?!" Chrysalis questioned in rage.

The changelings all pointed at Itachi, and Chrysalis's rage was so strong you could swear she was going to burst into fire. The changelings reading the room left to avoid what was going to happen. Chrysalis picked up Itachi and threw him to a wall then to another, this continued until she dropped him on the ground, he was bloody and badly hurt.

Twilight saw some of the ribs were broken but they didn't puncture a lung, she still saw that he had a hard time breathing.

"Why would he kill them? I just don't understand? No, something is not right, he has to have a good reason for that... Right?" Twilight thought worried about what the future held.

"That, you rat, is for killing my changelings! It's funny, really both Itachi and Twilight had suspicions of me from the beginning, and what good friends you all were not even trusting them for a second. In fact, I am more shocked at you Celestia I thought you listened to your ponies, I guess I was wrong. And because of that, your friend is going to die, and after saving your lives," Chrysalis stated in a mocking tone.

The six realized that Chrysalis was going to kill Itachi, before they were captured they were going to stop Itachi from killing. In their minds he was just as bad as them, but, hearing he did it to protect them reminded five of them of a certain memory over a month ago.

"A friend of mine said those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum" the voice of Itachi echoed in the minds of Twilight's friends.

Could they forgive, even after what happened, it may be hard, and they were going to do it without knowing what to do but they could, nothing was stronger than friendship.

"I'm sorry Twilight, Itachi, we should have at last put more faith in the both of ya," Applejack said to the two.

"It is all right, she fulled everypony," Twilight replied.

"Hmmm, yes, yes I did," Chrysalis stated.

♩ This day has been just perfect, The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. Everypony I'll soon control Every stallion, mare, and foal, Who says a girl can't really have it all? [evil laugh] ♩

She was looking over the city on the balcony not noticing what was happening behind her. Twilight sneaked over to Cadence and with her magic freed the pink alicorn.

"Go to him, he needs you," Twilight said.

Cadence walked to Shining armor who was still under mind control, Cadence gave a smile trying to get a reaction. She hugged him as she cried, using some of her last power she cast a spell, that was in the shape of a heart. When it landed on Shining armor's face, he blinked a couple of times, his eyes returned to normal looking around confused he asked, "Is the wedding over?"

"It will all be over," Chrysalis said as she landed in front of the two.

"Your spell, use your spell!" Twilight shouted.

Shining armor concentrated his magic on his horn, but after a couple of seconds, it fizzled out of excistance.

"HAHAHA, You're too late, the city is under my control already," Chrysalis said in victory.

"Here let me lend my magic," Cadence offered.

Shining armor tried again, this time Cadence used her magic in the spell, instead of a pink glow, it turned into a purple light. It expanded into a dome of magic pushing Chrysalis and the remaining changelings out of the city into the badlands. The dome had freed the captured ponies and healed those who were injured, Itachi stood up, to see the ponies who he called friends walk over.

"I guess this is it," Itachi thought saddened.

The seven had walked up and were getting ready to speak, but, none didn't know what to say until Fluttershy walked closer.

"You did something at was awful today, and horrible, I wished you at least tried... A non-deadly way, but, you were scared of losing us, so, I am willing to forgive you," Fluttershy said as she hugged Itachi on his neck.

"I know that was not cool, but, you did save our butts, so, I am with Fluttershy as well," Rainbow dash added joining the hug.

The others joined in as well, even Spike joined in, and unseen by the others a couple of tears fell from Itachi's face. This world was changing him and this time it was better, he was expecting them to reject him, but they did the opposite, and accepted him.

"Sasuke, I wished we lived in this world, we could have had a normal life one without war," Itachi thought saddened for his sibling.

Celestia walked over and said, "I am sorry that I didn't take your warning seriously, I knew there was a threat, and I ignored the possibility that somepony impersonated Cadence."

"Don't worry about it, we can't turn back the clock and fix our mistakes," Itachi replied with a long look into space.

"(Sigh) Yes you are right, still, I felt I had to apologize for what I said to you before," Celestia stated.

The group looked at Cadence, and Shining armor, seeing how the two were just happy to be close to each other.

"I guess, love is stronger than I thought," Itachi said to no one.

The group burst into laughter, and Itachi was confused at what everypony was laughing about.

"Yes, love is very strong when allowed to bloom," Celestia stated with a smile.

~~Two Weeks Later~~

During the two weeks, the city was repaired, and both Itachi and Shining armor got to know each other. Shining armor tried to use the big brother tactic to scare Itachi only to find it didn't work, Itachy assured the unicorn he had nothing to fear, and that he is also a big brother. The two bonded fast, they talked about their time as soldiers, nothing to classified, and during one night, Shining armor asked Itachi to be the best stallion with Twilight being the best mare.

On the day of the wedding Twilight and her friends were dressed in dresses, and he with Spike were both wearing a tuxedo suit. Itachi was not used to this style of clothing, for some reason it itched in places he could not reach.

The doors opened and the birds began to sing here comes the bride, as she walked down the carpet. In front were Apple bloom, Sweetie bell, and Scootaloo, Itachi remembered his time with the three fillies when he was affected by the poison joke.

"Ok, I know why the queen of the changelings wanted to be with you(Itachi fought back a laugh at that), but how did you Get Cadence to marry you?" Twilight asked interested.

"Well, I just said that not only would she get a great husband, but she would also get a great sister as well," Shining armor answered.

Rarity was wiping away tears, and Applejack put on her hat while Rarity wasn't looking. When Cadence was standing next to shining armor, the two turned to face Celestia.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Cadence, and Shining armor, the bond between these two ponies is clear. The power of their love is undeniable, the rings if you please," Celestia said.

As spike handed the rings over, Celestia took them with her magic.

"By the powers invested in me, by the country of Equestria, I pronounce you, husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride," Celestia announced.

Cadence and Shining armor shared a kiss, Rainbow dash remembering her queue flew up into the air causing a sonic rainboom to a pair. Itachi was shocked at the display, and the others had a knowing look on their faces.

"Twilight, Itachi, you both won this day as well, don't forget the extent you both went to keep Equestria safe dont forget that," Celestia said in a caring tone.

~~Three Houres Later~~

The sun set but the party was still going on, Pinky pie parties are the best parties, and everypony was having a good time. Both Cadence and Shining armor were having their dance, Luna flew in and joined the party.

"Greetings everypony, did I miss anything," Luna asked interested.

Twilight gave a nod and Pinky pie ran over to the D.J. booth and put on a different song, she tossed a microphone to Twilight who began to sing.

During the party, Luna walked over to Itachi.

"So we finally get to meet not in the dream realm?" Luna implied.

"Yes, it is nice to meet you in person," Itachi said.

"And it is nice to meet you in person as well," Luna replied.

"How has your time with young Twilight?" Luna asked.

"It has been nice, at least I managed to convince Shining armor I mean no threat to Twilight," Itachi answered.

"Ah, yes, older siblings always want what's best for their younger siblings," Luna stated.

That punched Itachi in the heart, even though he wanted what was best for Sasuke, he still turned out hate-filled like the other Uchiha that came before.

In a cave far away, a pony was sitting on a throne in the shadows, their fur was white as snow, and had an aura of power around them.

A pony dressed like a ninja walked up and bowed.

"My lord, I have news of the invasion," the ninja said.

"And, I don't have all day?" the mystery pony asked a bit annoyed.

The ninja gulped and said, "I-it failed, it seems there was a pony who cut the changeling forces by half. They said he breathed fire like a dragon, and that he used powerful forms of water attacks. Lastly, they said his eyes looked like they had three-pointed throwing stars instead of normal eyes."

The pony on the throne widen his eyes, and asked in a demanding voice, "WHAT IS HIS NAME?!"

"H-h-h-his, n-n-name i-i-is, Itachi Uchiha my lord," the ninja said fearing for his life.

The pony gave a loud laugh, and said, "Thank you and from now on say my name."

The ninja nodded and replied, "Yes lord Orochimaru."

End pf part 2