The Eggcellent Fight

by Dragon-In-Black

First published

Pinkie Pie gets into a Street Fight with an Egg

Pinkie Pie gets into a Street Fight with an Egg. Her friends are unsure of how to stop it.

The Eggcellent Fight

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Twilight stretched her legs as she woke up in the morning with a loud yawn. Last night had been one epic party.

You see, Twilight and her friends were celebrating some pony’s birthday and since it was Pinkie Pie who threw the party like usual, it was a colossal affair. There were presents, cakes, pastries, drinks, party hats, you name it. It was one big party that she truly enjoyed.

Half the town of Ponyville was there anyways, there was no way no pony noticed that something was going on!

Twilight went into the bathroom, took a shower, and brushed her teeth while walking down the memories from last night.

She had met up at Fluttershy’s cottage to help her shy friend set up a few barriers so Timberwolves wouldn’t bother her while at the same time, not interfering with the wildlife. She thanked Celestia that she studied runes when she was still a student.

Then she and Fluttershy decided to walk to Sugarcube Corner and get smoothies when they ran into Pinkie Pie who was setting up the party. When they asked what she was doing, she informed them of the birthday party and invited them to help her and to the party.

Not being able to deny their friend, they went to the party and saw their other friends, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Spike. The girls were chatting with one another and a few of the residents of their small town. Spike was talking to a few of the guys like Big Macintosh and Discord who had looked to be in a very serious discussion.

All-in-all, the party had been fantastic, it was enjoyable and the birthday stallion was grateful and proud of his day.

Twilight walked out of the bathroom and headed down the staircase and into the kitchen where she expected Spike to be making breakfast since she didn’t find him anywhere else. Strangely though, he wasn’t there. But there was a note on the table.

“Dear Twilight,

I saw that we had run out of a few ingredients for breakfast and food in general so I’m heading out shopping. It might take some time because of how early it is.

Your assistant, Spike.” Twilight read out loud with a chuckle. “You're more than a simple assistant, Spike, my friend.”

Deciding that she could head back to Sugarcube Corner to have breakfast there, she packed a small stash of bits and made her way into the small town.

While walking to the popular corner, she met and waved to the many ponies around the town she had gotten to know over the years.

It was strange for Twilight to think about how much she had changed over the years from when she first landed in Ponyville to where she is now. She had changed from being the isolated academic to being the academic friend who wasn’t isolated. She went out of her way to meet new ponies and made sure all her friends had it good as well as her fellow ponies and creatures that settled down in the small town of Ponyville.

Before she could continue her musing, however, she came to a halt when there were multiple ponies blocking her way.

They weren’t facing her, but they seemed to all be looking at something.

“Um, what’s going on?” She asked confusedly as the other ponies turned to stare at her before they parted ways with a small bow in respect.

“Well, we don’t know how to explain it, so it's probably best we show you,” A mare with a white mane and tail responded with a look of complete bewilderment. She motioned for Twilight to look where she had stood a second ago and Twilight wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or not.

“You thought you could get away with this didn’t you?!” came a squeaking voice.

“Look, we can work this out, we don’t have to do this!” Replied a pleading voice that immediately had Twilight’s attention. Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, but we have to. You see, you have been using my kind since the dawn of pony kind as if we don’t have feelings. For that, I cannot allow you to hurt my fellow eggs!” Explained the squeaking voice.

Twilight looked all over until her eyes landed on Pinkie Pie who was looking down at something. She walked closer until she saw that where the voice came from was an...


Twilight shook her head. She was being ridiculous. Eggs couldn’t talk—

“What are you shaking your head at?!” The egg asked her with narrowed eyes.

Twilight’s eyes bulged when she realised that the egg was talking. And it had eyes! How was this possible?!

“I... um... I,” She tried to formulate but the situation was so weird that she didn’t know what to say. Just then she was hugged by the pink party pony.

“Oh, Twilight! Thank Celestia you’re here, I need you to tell Mr Egg that I haven’t done anything towards his fellow eggs except make delicious cakes. He just doesn’t believe me!” The pony frantically explained.

“You are certainly right that I don’t believe you, why would I believe you?!” He demanded with narrow eyes.

By the sidelines, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy were watching with confused stares.

On the other side facing the “back” to the egg were Discord, Spike and Big Mac. They were sniggering at the bickering between the pink pony and the egg, it was just too funny.

“Besides, I know what you have done with my fellow eggs... you took them to chocolate paradise!” He bellowed with rage fuming from his eyes. “You chose every other egg except... me,” He started to tear up. “But I won’t wait any longer, I will have my revenge for this neglect!”

Before Twilight could respond, and for Pinkie to apologise for her criminal behaviours, the egg attacked Pinkie by lunging towards her. Or... tried to.

The Egg didn’t get very far before it landed on the ground with a splat causing every pony to gasp.

Discord, Spike and Big Mac had tears in their eyes from laughter. This was too funny!

“Ugh, you may have won this time... cheerful pink donkey... but you won’t win next time...” Was the reply that the Egg gave.

That was it. Discord, Spike and Big Mac burst out laughing like lunatics, causing the ponies around them to jump and glare at them, but it only caused them to laugh more while the main six, particularly Pinkie Pie looked devastated.

“Rarity... do I look like a donkey?” She asked.

The ponies of Ponyville hoof palmed while the three pranksters were laughing harder.

“ Best prank ever!” Discord, Spike and Big Mac chorused.