> Equestria Girls: Monsters Live > by RevvEmUp > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Monsters Live > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a clear night in Canterlot City, and the girls just put a giant tortoise the size of a building to sleep, and it shrinks down to normal size before burping out a gust of magic. “Thank you all for turning Mister Tortoise-Snap back to normal.” Fluttershy said to her friends as she picks up the tortoise. “It’s no biggie.” Rainbow Dash said as Twilight Sparkle yawns. “I think we should go back home. It’s already pretty late.” she said. “With the Halloween costume party comin’ up, we gotta save all that energy for our performance.” Applejack said. “I simply cannot wait to design all our costumes!” Rarity said excitedly. “And I can’t wait to nab all that candy!” Pinkie Pie added, when catching up to them is Flash Sentry holding a purple camera. “You guys gotta slow down next time.” Flash Sentry said. “Sorry, Flash. Who knew giant turtles could be so fast?” Rainbow Dash said. “Tortoise.” Fluttershy corrected. “Let’s just take the picture for the record.” Flash Sentry said as the girls pose with the tortoise. “Cheese!” Flash Sentry said before snapping a picture of the girls. “Looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.” Flash Sentry said as he shows the picture to the girls, before he sees something on-screen that irritates him. “Hey, I’m the one who pressed the button.” Flash Sentry said to the camera. “It looks great as always, Flash. You did a good job too, Li’l Flash.” Sunset Shimmer assured to Flash Sentry and his camera. “*YAWNS* Let’s call it a night. We’ll meet at Pinkie Pie’s house tomorrow to talk about all our costume ideas.” Twilight Sparkle yawned. “I can’t wait for all the ideas to spill out like chocolate milk!” Rainbow Dash said in a teasing voice. “Rainbow, it was just one time!” Twilight Sparkle said. “*YAWNS* Time to resume by beauty sleep. Good night, all.” Rarity said. “G’night!” the others said before parting ways. “Hey, Rare, got any ideas for your costume?” Applejack asked Rarity as she catches up to her. “I want to be something beautiful and elegant, while also providing a menacing presence.” Rarity answered. “Like a vampire, or somethin’?” Applejack asked. “No, no, that’s too overdone. I have to think outside the box if I want to really stand out.” Rarity answered. “As fer myself, I’m runnin’ outta ideas, so I guess I’ll be a tree this year.” Applejack added. “Applejack, this is a costume party, not a school play!” Rarity chuckled. “That’s what I got ‘til that brainstorming session at Pinkie’s.” Applejack said as they approach Rarity’s house. “See ya tomorrow, Rarity. Can’t wait to see what the others got planned for their costumes.” Applejack said. “Good night, Applejack!” Rarity said before Applejack walks away. Rarity enters her house and goes back to bed upstairs, putting on her sleeping mask before falling asleep. As she sleeps, something speeds by her house and flings a ball of energy into her window before accelerating into the city where it approaches Sunset Shimmer’s house where she’s fast asleep. Sunset Shimmer’s pet leopard gecko Ray awakens to the sound of trash cans clattering, and crawls out of his enclosure and looks out the window. It witnesses the object speeding by, when is suddenly zips out of control when a pink blur chases after it. “I wanna be a princess…” Sunset Shimmer said as she talks in her sleep. Ray tilts his head in confusion before returning to his enclosure. The next morning, Rarity awakens to an alarm that she throws into the wall at Full Throttle to silence it. “Oh, dear… my head… Well, that’s what late nights does to a lady.” Rarity groaned as she hears a knock on her door. “Rarity! I made breakfast!” Sweetie Belle called. “Oh, it’s her turn again.” Rarity said in disgust as she walks to the door. She opens it and looks to Sweetie Belle, who looks up in fear. “What’s wrong, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked as the younger sister backs away slowly. “Aaah!” Sweetie Belle screamed as she runs away from Rarity’s room. “Is it something on my faaa…” Rarity wondered as she looks to a mirror, and is horrified to see what she’s become: a monstrous creature with a black exoskeleton, wide silver shoulders, red cables covering her torso and collar converging into a metal plate on her chest, etched with “RTY”, a skull head with tubes going into the eyes, and spider palps as her lower mouth. “I’m… I’m hideous!” Rarity cried as she feels her cold face before seeing Sweetie Belle through the window running away. “Sweetie Belle, wait!” Rarity called before running outside. As the little girl ran, she looks back to see the creature sprinting towards her. “Sweetie Belle! It’s me, Rarity!” Rarity called out. “No, you’re not! You did something to her!” Sweetie Belled yelled as she picks up the pace. “There has to be some way to convince her it’s really me.” Rarity thought as she runs. As Sweetie Belle turns a corner, she sees Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry walking and talking to each other. “I feel like I wanna go as a princess this time.” Sunset Shimmer said. “Remember the last time you tried to be a princess?” Flash Sentry chuckled. “Hehe, yeah, not that kinda princess. The fairy tale frou-frou kinda princess.” Sunset Shimmer chuckled awkwardly. “Mine’s a little specific, but what I want is an arm-” Flash Sentry said when they see Sweetie Belle running up to them. “Sunset! Flash!” Sweetie Belle called out to them. “Sweetie Belle? What’re you doing here? Where’s your sister?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Something’s chasing me!” Sweetie Belle responded manically. “What’s chasing you?” Flash Sentry asked as Sweetie Belle hides behind him. “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity’s voice shouted from around the corner before she emerges, revealing herself to her friends. “Sweetie Belle, it’s me! Your sister Rarity!” she pleaded. “No! Go away!” Sweetie Belle screamed. “Sweetie, you have to believe me!” Rarity exclaimed before extending her fingers, shooting energy bullets at them. Sunset Shimmer grabs Sweetie Belle and jumps out of the way while Flash does the same in the opposite direction before the energy bullets explode on the ground behind them. “Oh, oh no! I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that would happen!” Rarity said in shock. “What… what in the world is that thing?!” Sunset Shimmer said in horror, having never seen anything like it. As Flash Sentry gets up, Rarity runs to him and he falls back down in fear. “Flash, something happened to me!” Rarity said only for Flash to back away. “Flash!” Sunset Shimmer yelled as she reaches out to Flash Sentry. As Rarity walks closer to him, she’s tackled away from him by a green blur at Full Force. She looks up to see a green humanoid bug monster bearing a hood-like shell with a beetle horn over its alien face, a pair of sub-claws clutching its eyes, and two long pincers on its right arm, growling and chirping ominously. “Gah!” Flash Sentry yelped in fear as it turns to him. “Another monster?!” Sunset Shimmer said. “Let’s get outta here!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Get away from them you… thing!” Rarity yelled as she gets up before running at the bug creature and tackling it to the ground. “You… what are you?!” Rarity asked the monster as Flash Sentry gets up and re-joins Sunset Shimmer. “Great, real monsters show up just in time for Halloween.” Sunset Shimmer commented as they watch the fight. “That skull monster, I think it saved me.” Flash Sentry said. “We have to find my sister!” Sweetie Belle said. “Sweetie Belle, I think that really is her.” Flash Sentry said as he watches Rarity pin down the bug monster with her newfound strength. “Get away from my friends, you… vile thing!” Rarity told the monster as it fans its appendages over its face, as if it's surrendering to her. It points to a rainbow chalk drawing on the sidewalk, then mimics sprinting by swinging its arms. “Rainbow… run, no… Dash? Rainbow Dash! What have you done with her?!” Rarity interrogated the creature. The monster chirps as it points to itself with its shorter claw. “Oh… oh dear…” Rarity realized as she lowers her guard down. “Something’s happening.” Sunset Shimmer said as she sees Rarity help up the monster. “They’re teaming up! Run!” Sweetie Belle screamed as she tries to drag Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry away. “Please, if you could let us, we can explain!” Rarity said before she and the bug monster are suddenly lassoed. “Applejack?” Flash Sentry said as he turns to see Applejack holding the other end of the lasso. “Looks like I got in time before things got hairy.” Applejack said. “Applejack! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!” Sweetie Belle thanked gratefully as she hugs Applejack’s side. “Applejack, I don’t know or how these monsters showed up, but one of them said they’re Rarity.” Sunset Shimmer told her. “That’s impossible! She’s not a monster… most of the time.” Sweetie Belle commented. “Excuse me, young lady?! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Rarity said angrily as the bug monster shakes its head. “I believe there’s a truth to that.” Applejack said as strange grey patterns appear on her face, and her Eyes Glazing Over. Her friends and Sweetie Belle back away as Applejack changes into a grey monster with tree-like armour in the shape of a cowgirl outfit, a dead leaf boa holding up a leafy cape, grey apples hanging from a belt, and Applejack’s trademark hat on a scowling woman’s face with a crown of thorns over her eyes. “Applejack, what happened to you?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Dunno. I woke up an’ found myself like this. After panicking fer ‘bout an hour, Granny Smith helped calm me down and I turned human ‘gain. Then I thought of goin’ to Pinkie’s to show y’all. Didn’t realize it happened to anyone else.” Applejack explained as she releases the monsters. “I just need to… calm down…” Rarity said as she exhales. Sweetie Belle watches as Rarity’s body is engulfed by yellow strands of energy, reverting back to human form in her night gown. “See, Sweetie Belle! It’s just me.” Rarity assured Sweetie Belle as she extends her arms for a hug. Sweetie Belle emerges from behind Sunset Shimmer, and cautiously approaches her before going in for a hug. “Rarity… I’m sorry.” Sweetie Belle apologized. “Don’t be, Sweetie Belle. No matter what I look like on the outside, I’ll always be your sister.” Rarity assured as she strokes her hair. “Now… what do you mean I’m a monster sometimes?!” Rarity said angrily as she shakes Sweetie Belle. “If you’re Applejack, and you’re Rarity, then who’re you?” Flash Sentry asked the bug monster, who responds with growls and chirps. “This apparently is Rainbow Dash.” Rarity answered. “How’d’ja figure that out? Charades?” Applejack asked jokingly. “Well, yes, actually.” Rarity responded. “Can you turn human?” Sunset Shimmer asked Rainbow Dash as she looks into her eye sockets. The monster exhales, congeals into green goo, then turns into Rainbow Dash in her pyjamas. “That… was gross!” Rainbow Dash commented. “How’d all this happen?” Applejack wondered. “Lemme see if I can find anything in your memories you missed.” Sunset Shimmer said as she touches Rarity’s shoulder and her eyes glow briefly. “Nothing. Whatever happened to you all happened while you were sleeping.” Sunset Shimmer informed them. “It’s probably Equestrian magic. Some cruel joke considering how close Halloween is.” Rarity suggested. “Do you think the others turned into monsters? Do you think I’ve turned into a monster and I don’t know it?” Flash Sentry wondered. “We should check on them, starting with Fluttershy.” Sunset Shimmer said as she looks to Fluttershy’s house on the other end of the street. “Sweetie Belle, go home. This is a job for us.” Rarity told Sweetie Belle. “I’ll save your breakfast for when you get back!” Sweetie Belle said as she runs off. “Honestly, I’m glad this happened to I have an excuse to miss breakfast.” Rarity said to herself in disgust. They travel to Fluttershy’s house and ring the doorbell, awaiting a response. “Y’know, A.J, you kinda looked like a tree lady as a monster.” Rainbow Dash said. “Really?” Applejack responded. “Yeah, that cape and collar-thing make you look like you’re wearing a bush.” Rainbow Dash told her. “If whatever Equestrian magic that did this to us can hear me: I just said I wanted to go as a tree as a joke!” Applejack shouted into the air. “At least you look good as a tree. Look at me!” Rarity said before transforming into her monster form, the “RTY” initials holographically popping up briefly. “Literally, what even am I? I have wires in my legs, my skin feels like leathery metal, and my head is a skull! And what are these things on my mouth?!” Rarity complained as she points to parts of her monster body. "You look like some kinda weird horror robot.” Rainbow Dash observed. “At least you were something coherent: a big green bug!” Rarity added. “What wasn’t coherent was her talkin’. Couldn’t you speak a lick as a bug?” Applejack asked. “I tried, but it came out as weird bug noises!” Rainbow Dash said as Rarity reverts back to human form. “What do you guys think happened to you?” Flash Sentry asked. “It couldn’t’ve been from the turtle yesterday, could it?” Rarity wondered. “It’s a possibility. It did turn into a monster, just like you three.” Sunset Shimmer considered. “Fluttershy, you in there? It’s us!” Rainbow Dash called as he knocks on the door, when Zephyr Breeze opens it. “Hey, everyone. What’re you doing here?” Zephyr Breeze asked them nervously. “Is Fluttershy okay?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “She’s, uh, occupied.” Zephyr Breeze answered. “Zephyr, we think something has happened to Fluttershy. Has she been a little… monster-y lately?” Rarity asked. “Please, follow me.” Zephyr Breeze said as he walks out the door and leads them to a boarded-up shed at the back. “She attacked me this morning, and not verbally like usual. After Angel beat her, I locked her in the shed until I could get help. I guess this is where you gals come in.” Zephyr Breeze said. “Verbally? That doesn’t sound like her either.” Sunset Shimmer commented. “Believe me, siblings bring out a different side to people.” Zephyr Breeze said. “I’ll go. She’s been my friend the longest, so I should talk to her.” Rainbow Dash volunteered as Applejack pulls the boards off the door. “Y’ready?” Applejack asked Rainbow Dash, who nods and goes in before Applejack closes the door behind her. “Fluttershy, are you here?” Rainbow Dash called out as she hears someone crying, when a lone lamp lights up under Fluttershy, covering her face with her hands as she wept. “Oh, Rainbow Dash! It’s just horrible! I can’t believe my own brother would do this to me!” Fluttershy cried. “Fluttershy, it’s gonna be alright. I’m here to help you.” Rainbow Dash said as she put an assuring hand to her shoulder. “You are?” Fluttershy asked as she lifts her head. “Not just me, but all your friends are waiting outside to help you.” Rainbow Dash said before Fluttershy hugs her. “Thank you, Rainbow! You’re such a good… good… friend…” Fluttershy said in an increasingly ominous tone. “C’mon, let’s find out what’s happening to you.” Rainbow Dash asked as Fluttershy’s grip gets tighter. “Why don’t we eat first?” Fluttershy suggested. “What’re you feeling?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You.” she answered as a pair of giant shards manifest behind Rainbow Dash, having fallen into her Innocent Trap. “Aaah!” Rainbow Dash screamed to her friends’ alarm. “Let’s get in there an-” Applejack said before Rainbow Dash bursts from the shed in monster mode, and a ghostly image of her human self appears beside her. “Guys, get away from her!” Rainbow Dash’s ghost warns them. “Oh, this is new.” Rainbow Dash commented on her new ability before Fluttershy emerges from the shed with stained-glass patterns on her face, smiling menacingly. “Fluttershy, it’s us, your friends!” Flash Sentry pleaded to her. “I know.” Fluttershy said before her body is covered by a mirage, then morphs into a humanoid creature with yellow glass armour, and a horse-like head bearing toothy alien mandibles, then images of Fluttershy smiling deviously are reflected onto her armour. “That makes this all the more delicious.” she said before pouncing at them. Applejack morphs into tree monster form and uses liana ropes to restrain Fluttershy, who breaks out as she unleashes wings from her back and punches Applejack away. Rainbow Dash tackles Fluttershy, pleading with buzzes before being thrown aside. She advances on the others as they back away to the house, with giant floating fangs manifesting behind them. Rainbow Dash gets up and her body starts to heat up, then her shell melts off for an even bigger bug monster to emerge, with a reflective rainbow shell and bulkier chitin. “Woah, I got an upgrade!” her ghost said as she looks at herself before she runs at Fluttershy at light speed, throttling her into the fence with just a tackle. Rainbow Dash chirps at her friends, asking if they were okay. “What in the world is going on?!” Zephyr Breeze said in confusion as Fluttershy gets up and roars at her friends. “Why don’t you be a good breakfast and stay still?!” she screamed before flying at them. Rarity gets in her way and transforms, unleashing a wave of sparkles that slows down time. “What’s… happening…?” Sunset Shimmer’s voice echoed. “Feeling… heavy…” Flash Sentry echoed. “Can’t… move…” Applejack echoed as she trips. “Did I do this?” Rarity wondered as she turns to Fluttershy floating still in the air. “Fluttershy, please forgive me.” Rarity said as she winds up a punch before slamming her into the soil as the sparkles recede into her body, turning the flow of time back to normal. Rainbow Dash chirps at Rarity, gesturing as if she’s surprised. “Come again?” Rarity asked for Rainbow Dash to morph into human form. “You can slow down time?!” Rainbow Dash repeated in surprise. “What happened in there?” Sunset Shimmer asked Rainbow Dash. “She was trying to eat me, or something! She had these giant floating fangs that came out of nowhere!” Rainbow Dash explained. They gather around Fluttershy’s monster form buried into the ground to see her morphing back into human form. “What do we do if she wakes up?” Flash Sentry asked. “No, we’re not going to do that.” Flash Sentry said to his camera. “Let’s take her inside. If she wakes up, hopefully she won’t attack us. If she does, then I hate for all this to happen again.” Sunset Shimmer suggested as she looks at the devastated backyard. Inside Fluttershy’s house, she’s bound a sofa with Applejack’s liana ropes as her friends and Zephyr Breeze sit around her. “As far as we know, four of us turned into monsters, and one of us attacked us.” Sunset Shimmer summarized. “Pinkie and Twilight are probably affected too.” Flash Sentry added. “And we have no clue how this happened.” Rarity added. “I’ve texted ‘em, but neither replied.” Applejack added. “I didn’t think it’d get an upgrade! I ran even faster than when I’m using my Geode! If you two have monster modes, you better hope they’re as awesome as mine!” Rainbow Dash said to Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry. “I think it’s best if I think I don’t have one.” Flash Sentry answered. “Is this normal for you?” Zephyr Breeze asked. “More or less.” Sunset Shimmer answered. “So, now that I’m a monster, you still like me now?” Rainbow Dash asked Zephyr Breeze smugly as she gets close to him. “Rainbow, it's the inside that counts.” Zephyr Breeze answered before Rainbow Dash suddenly morphs into bug monster form and raises her claws to scare Zephyr Breeze, who only smirks. “Gross. Gross. Gross.” Rainbow Dash said in disgust as she throws her hands up and walks away, when she passes by Rarity drawing in a sketchbook. “What’s that?” Rainbow Dash’s ghost asked as she looks over Rarity’s shoulder. “Making the best of our situation, darling. I thought I could draw inspiration from our new monster forms. Yours, for example, has a divine rainbow sheen.” Rarity said as she shows Rainbow Dash a sketch of her new monster form. “Y’know, I wouldn’t mind being a monster until the party.” Rainbow Dash commented. Then, Fluttershy opens her eyes and sees her friends before her. “Hi, everyone. Uh, why am I tied up?” Fluttershy asked, when Rainbow Dash rushes to Fluttershy’s side and chirps. “Aaah! Monster!” Fluttershy screamed. “I must’ve hit her harder than I thought. It seems she’s forgotten what happened.” Rarity commented. “Fluttershy, what’s the last thing you remember from today?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Today? I just woke up.” Fluttershy answered. “You don’t remember attacking me?” Zephyr Breeze asked. “Or trying to sink giant floating fangs into us?” Flash Sentry asked. “Or Rarity slowin’ down time?” Applejack asked. “What? I’d never do that to you all.” Fluttershy responded. “Fluttershy, I hate to break this to you… but you became a horse monster and tried to eat us.” Flash Sentry said as he shows her a picture of her monster form. “That’s me?” Fluttershy asked in horror. “Y’ain’t the only one who’s been monsterified.” Applejack said before morphing into her tree monster form, then Rarity transforms into her weird skull monster form, and Rainbow Dash reveals her ghostly projection waving at Fluttershy. “My, what happened to us?” Fluttershy wondered. “We’re wondering the same thing.” Sunset Shimmer responded. “We have to check on Pinkie and Twilight. Who knows what anguish they’re having over their new forms?” Rarity said. “Can we eat breakfast first? I’m starving.” Fluttershy asked. “Please don’t tell me you’re hungry for humans!” Zephyr Breeze said as he shields himself with a pillow. “Let’s get a handle on that. We don’t want her to eat anyone else while we’re out.” Rainbow Dash said. “I have an idea. Fluttershy, do you have a pair of headphones?” Rarity asked. At Pinkie Pie’s house, they wait at the door as Fluttershy wears headphones playing classical music. “How are you feeling, dear? Is the classical music playlist helping?” Rarity asked. “Why yes, it is. I don’t feel hungry anymore.” Fluttershy answered. “If that fails, we can always gag her with a piece of bamboo.” Rainbow Dash joked. “I think we should stick with the playlist.” Fluttershy said. “Pinkie? Are you in there? It’s us, your friends!” Sunset Shimmer knocked on the door, and it opens to reveal Pinkie Pie smiling widely. “Hey, all! Ready for the storming of brains?!” Pinkie Pie greeted them excitedly. “Actually we’ve come to-” Rarity said before they’re all pulled inside the house. “Come in! Come in! I’ve set up everything needed for brainstorming!” Pinkie Pie said as she leads them to the living room, decorated with brain-shaped baubles and balloons. “I even made brain cupcakes for the occasion! It’s raspberry and strawberry!” Pinkie Pie said as she presented a plate of cupcakes with pink brain-shaped frosting. “She’s as peppy as ever. That’s a good sign.” Flash Sentry commented as he snaps a picture of the room. “Pinkie Pie, there’s something happening with us today, and-” Fluttershy said before Pinkie Pie suddenly pushes them onto the couches. “Okay, okay, lemme go first! What if… I go as a roller derby girl! I’ll have skates, and-” Pinkie Pie said before being interrupted by Rarity. “Pinkie Pie, have you felt… strange as of this morning?” Rarity asked. “Say, where’s your sister?” Applejack asked. “Maud? She was being a party pooper, so I got rid of her.” Pinkie Pie said to everyone’s surprise. “What?!” they all said. “Yeah, she didn’t wanna join the party, so I put her away.” Pinkie Pie said as she reaches into a shelf, and takes out a puzzle box illustrated with a “terrified” Maud Pie. “You turned her into a puzzle?!” Rarity said in horror. “How did you do that?” Fluttershy asked in concern. “That’s not important. Back to the costume; I need a whole lotta hairspray for my do!” Pinkie Pie continued. “Pinkie Pie, you’re not feeling well. Let’s put Maud back together and-” Sunset Shimmer stood up before Pinkie Pie pushes her back onto the couch. “Sit. Down.” Pinkie Pie said sternly. “Forget the party! We’re all in trouble!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “The party’s not over ‘til I say it is.” Pinkie Pie said as a pointed white staff digitally manifests in her hands, now more than eager to turn her friends into People Games. “Aaah!” Fluttershy screamed before Pinkie Pie swings it at her, but she dodges and it instead hits the couch, turning it into puzzle pieces. “We’re gonna have fun, or I’ll make you!” Pinkie Pie screamed before she’s engulfed by orange goo to her friends’ horror. The goo bursts, revealing a humanoid robot with deep pink geometric armour and a horse head with a light pink mane. “Get a hold’a yerself, Pinkie!” Applejack exclaimed before Pinkie Pie kicks her into a lamp, then she transforms into a tree monster and tackles Pinkie Pie into a wall. “Pinkie Pie, I don’t wanna have to beat you black an’ blue!” Applejack pleaded before being kicked away. “No, you stop! You’re ruining the decorations!” Pinkie Pie said before swinging her staff at Applejack, only to be caught by Rarity. “No party’s worth hurting your friends!” Rarity said before transforming into her monster form. Pinkie Pie responds by punching her into the table, scattering Maud Pie’s puzzle pieces across the floor. “Rainbow Dash, get Maud to a safe place and put her back together! Maybe she’ll turn back to normal when she’s completed!” Rarity commanded. “Got it!” Rainbow Dash acknowledged before gathering the pieces, narrowly missing Pinkie Pie’s staff. “I have to help them, somehow.” Fluttershy said to Sunset Shimmer. “No, we can’t risk you losing control again.” Sunset Shimmer disagreed as Rainbow Dash runs past them with the puzzle. “Let’s get outta here, let them take care of her!” Flash Sentry suggested. Rainbow Dash assembles the puzzle at another table, when her hands congeal into goo, as if she’s transforming. “What?! I’m not doing this!” Rainbow Dash said as her hands turn dull grey. “Maud, you’re okay! Nno time to explain! Let’s get outta here!” Sunset Shimmer said to Rainbow Dash. “Wait, I’m not Maud!” Rainbow Dash said before being dragged outside to safety. “Where’s Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy wondered as she looks around. “I’m Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash pointed to herself. “But… you’re Maud.” Flash Sentry said to Rainbow Dash’s surprise. She turns to the window to not only see Rarity shooting energy bullets from her fingers at Pinkie Pie, but finds Maud Pie in place of her own reflection. “I’m Maud?! What?! Why?! How?!” Rainbow Dash yelled in Maud Pie’s voice. “Rainbow Dash? What happened to you?” Fluttershy asked. “I was doing the Maud puzzle, and when I touched it, I… no, she’s still inside!” Rainbow Dash realized before running back inside the house when Pinkie Pie throws both Applejack and Rarity out the window and onto the lawn. “Rarity, can’t’cha freeze time like before?!” Applejack said before whipping Pinkie Pie’s incoming staff away with her liana tentacles. “I don’t know how to! It just… happened!” Rarity said as Pinkie Pie fights Applejack, who restrains her staff with her tentacles. Pinkie Pie turns the tentacles to puzzle pieces, then Applejack takes a rotten apple hanging from her belt and throws it at her staff, rotting off the end. “My stylus!” Pinkie Pie screamed before slashing Applejack’s with the rotten end of her staff, tearing a gash on her chest and causing blue flame to spew from the wound. “Applejack!” Rarity cried as she rushes over, when Pinkie Pie intercepts her. Pinkie Pie trips her with her staff, making her fall flat on her back before planting her foot on her stomach. “No mercy to party poopers!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she prepares to plunge her staff. As Rainbow Dash morphs into monster form to save her, Pinkie Pie has already penetrated Rarity’s chest with her staff’s rotten end, causing her to convulse and spark before exploding. “Nooo!” her friends cried out. “Rarity… this… this is just a bad dream! Please let it be a bad dream!” Applejack told herself in shock as she falls to her knees. As Pinkie Pie stood there, she realized what she did and drops her staff. “No… no, no, no! Rarity, I’m so sorry!” Pinkie Pie panicked as she’s once more covered in orange goo before reverting back to human form and kneels on the ground. “Rarity’s gone because of me! She was right! No party is worth any of this!” Pinkie Pie cried. Her friends watch as she cries into the lawn, Applejack and Rainbow Dash turning back to human form. As they all stood in shock, silver “RTY” letters drifts from the sky and lands before Pinkie Pie as her tears soak the grass. “Pinkie…” Rarity’s voice echoed. “Rarity?! Please don’t haunt me! I’ll make your funeral the best funeral ever!” Pinkie Pie pleaded as she sat up before looking at the letters. The letters float up and are engulfed with energy strands, reforming into Rarity. “Rarity… you’re alive!” Pinkie Pie said before hugging her tightly. “How’d you do that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I’m not sure. I thought I was done for, then I found myself like this!” Rarity explained. “Rarity, I’m sorry! Ever since I woke up, all I could think about was making the perfect party, but I forgot to consider who it was all for. I guess the feeling kinda took over.” Pinkie Pie apologized. “Pinkie, it’s alright. I forgive you.” Rarity assured. “There’s one more person that needs an apology from you.” Rainbow Dash said as she holds Maud Pie’s puzzle box. “I gotta put Maud back together!” Pinkie Pie said. “Can’t’cha use yer powers to turn her back?” Applejack asked. “What’s the fun in doing a puzzle if y’don’t put in the effort?” Pinkie Pie said before taking the box and dumping the pieces onto the footpath, speedily assembling it in seconds. “It’s not working!” Sunset Shimmer said as she looks to the inert Maud Pie puzzle. “Oh no! Is she gonna be a puzzle forever?!” Pinkie Pie panicked when Rainbow Dash gives her two puzzle pieces representing Boulder. “Oh, that’ll do!” Pinkie Pie said as she takes the pieces and completes the puzzle, causing it to pixelate and turn into a dizzy Maud Pie. “Maud!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed before hugging her sister. “I’m sorry for turning you into a ten-thousand-piece puzzle and then stuffing you in a box! Will you ever forgive me?” Pinkie Pie apologized. “You’re my sister, of course. Just please… don’t do that again.” Maud Pie said monotonously. “So… we’re all monsters now… huh.” Pinkie Pie said as she looked to her friends. “Not all of us. As far as we know, Flash and I aren’t monsters.” Sunset Shimmer corrected. “So, you turn things into puzzle pieces? That’s your monster power?” Rarity observed. “I can also do this!” Pinkie Pie said before a plate of brain cupcakes materialize in her hands. “You have party powers? That doesn’t sound too out of the ordinary for you.” Fluttershy said as Pinkie Pie offers a cupcake. “An’ we found ‘nother power of yours, Rarity; regeneration!” Applejack said to Rarity. “Don’t forget ‘bout me! I can change into other people!” Rainbow Dash said as she changes into Maud Pie. “Look, we’re basically twins!” Rainbow Maud smiled as she pulls Maud Pie to her side to compare. “Here’s another one! Maud, I know what you ate for breakfast this morning.” Rainbow Maud said. “I-” Maud Pie said before her clone interrupts her. “Nothing! You turned into a puzzle before breakfast! I can read people’s memories after copying them!” Rainbow Maud said before reverting to Rainbow Dash. “Looks like you’re outta a job, Sunset.” Rainbow Dash teased. “At least until we turn everyone back to normal.” Sunset Shimmer added. “No, we’re not taking advantage of her and doing that either.” Flash Sentry said to his camera. “Are you talking to your camera?” Maud Pie asked Flash Sentry. “Uh, no.” Flash Sentry denied as he hid it behind his back. “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who talks to inanimate objects.” Maud Pie said as she shows him Boulder. “This is Boulder. Say hi, Boulder.” Maud Pie introduced her rock. “Um, this is Li’l Flash. Say hi.” Flash Sentry said awkwardly. “Wow, okay, rude.” Flash Sentry said to his camera. “Don’t worry, Boulder gets that a lot.” Maud Pie responded. “He’s not exactly a people camera either.” Flash Sentry responded awkwardly. “All these new abilities makes ya wonder what other surprises we’ve got in store.” Applejack wondered. “I hope I find out I have laser eyes!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. “With Pinkie sorted, let’s find Twilight!” Rarity said when they see Timber Spruce walking nearby. “Timber! Hey!” Pinkie Pie waved to him, who looks confused at the devastated state of Pinkie Pie’s lawn. “Hey, guys.” Timber Spruce said dejectedly as he approaches them. “Something up, man?” Flash Sentry asked. “I’m… good.” Timber Spruce said blankly. “Timber, I know that look. Flash had it when I told him the bad news.” Sunset Shimmer said. “Dude, I’m so sorry.” Flash Sentry said as he puts his hand to his shoulder. “What? What?!” Rainbow Dash asked impatiently. “Twilight, she… she broke up with me!” Timber Spruce teared up. “But you two were so steady! Why did she break up?” Rarity asked. “She said she didn’t wanna be with some backwards forest boy, and never wanted to see my dumb face again!” Timber Spruce cried harder. “Timber, something happened to her, and I’m sure she didn’t mean it. We’ll talk to her and make sure she clears things up with you.” Rarity assured. “It’s no use… I’m never gonna love again.” Timber Spruce said before Flash Sentry slaps him in the face before he grabs Timber Spruce by his shoulders and pulls him forth. “Get a hold of yourself, bro! We know Twilight, and she doesn’t break up over stuff like this! We’re gonna make you love again, if it’s the last thing we do!” Flash Sentry told him sternly. “Ow, thanks. I needed that.” Timber Spruce said as he rubs his cheek. “What kind of monster did she turn into for her to do this?” Sunset Shimmer wondered. “We’ll have to find out ourselves!” Rainbow Dash said. “Come on, let’s find Twilight!” Rarity said before they run off. Meanwhile, The Dazzlings are loitering in some women’s washroom. “Sonata, you done yet?” Aria Blaze groaned before she hears a toilet flush from a cubicle. “Hooh! That was a toughie!” Sonata Dusk said as she leaves the cubicle. “T.M.I., Sonata.” Aria Blaze groaned before looking to Adagio Dazzle staring at herself in the mirror. “Where did it all go wrong?” Adagio Dazzle groaned. “The Battle of the Bands, duh!” Sonata Dusk said before Aria Blaze slaps the back of her head. "Honestly, I don’t know why we’re even trying anymore. We’re never gonna find any Equestrian magic!” Aria Blaze told Adagio Dazzle. “Especially when those girls keep scoopin’ them up all the time, like whatever the heck happened at Equestria Land, and even Camp Everfree!” Sonata Dusk said. “We have to keep trying! I know we can restore our powers if we get even just a little bit of magic!” Adagio Dazzle defended. “Face it, we’re never singing again.” Aria Blaze said in defeat, just when a purple hand slinks through the door and snaps its fingers. “Where do we go…? Every day’s the same…” Adagio Dazzle hummed. “Did we lose the magic, magic magic…?” Aria Blaze added. “So ordinary, stuck on repeat…” Sonata Dusk hummed. “Gotta find the passion, passion, passion…” they sang in unison before realizing they sang. “Did you hear that?” Adagio Blaze asked her sisters. “We sang, for realsies!” Sonata Dusk said excitedly. “Now we can have our revenge!” Aria Blaze added before they all get together. “Eeee!” they squee as they skip giddily together. “C’mon, girls. We have an audience waiting for us!” Adagio Dazzle said as she kicks the door open. As they leave, a hooded figure stood beside the door, giggling as their glasses glint under the hood’s shadow. At a park, people are going about their day around a small, vacant stage where The Dazzling run up to. “Good morning, Canterlot!” Adagio Dazzle called out to get everyone’s attention. “Put your hands together for your new favourite band: The Dazzlings!” Adagio Dazzle announced as the people gather around them. “And one, two, three…” Adagio Dazzle counted as she taps her foot. “Oooh-oooh-oooh-oooh, let’s find, Oooh-oooh-oooh-oooh, let’s find, Oooh-oooh-oooh-oooh, let’s find…” they harmonize as a green mist emerges from behind the stage, and the crowd is figuratively mesmerized at their performance. “…Let’s find the ma-a-agic!” The Dazzlings continued to sing when they realize their voices crack. “Can I fi-i-ind beauty in the…” Adagio Dazzle continued to flounder as she sees the crowd laughing at them. “B-but we sang for realsies just now!” Sonata Dusk panicked. “Let’s save what dignity we have and scram!” Aria Blaze said before they run away as the crowd continues to laugh at them, passing by the hooded figure from earlier, who takes off their hood to reveal Twilight Sparkle with a devious smile, holding a terrified Spike. “Yes, despair!” she giggled as she strokes Spike’s back. The Dazzlings run away and duck behind a tree. “I really thought we got our magic back. For just a moment, we had hope!” Adagio Dazzle cried. “Maybe we’ll never get our magic back.” Aria Blaze groaned. “Guess we’ll just live… without magic.” Sonata Dusk said as she sat down against the tree. “Hello, new, sad life.” Adagio Dazzle sighed. Elsewhere in the city, the friends are running to find Twilight Sparkle and are explaining to Pinkie Pie what happened before meeting her. “And I apparently tried to eat them, when Rarity stopped time and defeated me.” Fluttershy concluded. “Once again, darling, sorry.” Rarity said as she sketches in her book. “Applejack’s a tree lady, Rainbow Dash is a bug, Fluttershy’s a monster horse, and Rarity… I’m not sure what you are.” Pinkie Pie said. “And you’re a robot horse.” Sunset Shimmer said. “All of this is so fascinating… except when Pinkie Pie destroyed me, but overall; fascinating.” Rarity said as she continues to sketch Pinkie Pie’s monster form. “What’s with the monster themes? Applejack’s makes sense, but why am I a bug of all things?” Rainbow Dash wondered. “You of all people should know that magic here makes no sense.” Flash Sentry said as they cross the road, and at Sugarcube Corner nearby, Sweetie Belle meets up with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “Then she shape-changed back into her Applejack self.” Apple Bloom concluded her side of the story. “You should’ve seen Rarity. She had a skull, and there were tubes all over her!” Sweetie Belle said. “Have ya seen what Rainbow Dash looked like?” Apple Bloom asked Scootaloo. “No, but I bet it’s something cool!” Scootaloo said excitedly. “She’s a big green bug. I can still remember the sounds she made.” Sweetie Belle said in fear, just as a familiar face approaches them. “Hi, giiirls!” Twilight Sparkle greeted them in an unhinged tone. “Oh, hi, Twilight. How’s it go-” Apple Bloom greeted her before Twilight Sparkle gets in her face. “Great, just great! You three look like you're doing great too!” Twilight Sparkle said as she grabs Scootaloo by the shoulders. “Yeah, we are. We were just talking about something weird that happened to our sisters.” Sweetie Belle said. “And what might that be?” Twilight Sparkle asked with a wide grin. “Well, Rarity… she became a monster.” Sweetie Belle said. “Same with Applejack, but I’m not letting that bother me. I think it’s pretty awesome.” Apple Bloom said. “Monsters, huh? That sounds terrible!” Twilight Sparkle commented, feigning concern. “So long as they’re our sisters on the inside, that’s all that counts.” Apple Bloom assured. “But what about the outside? Monsters don’t have a place in this world, and what might everyone else think? You’ll be known as the girls with monsters for sisters, and who would wanna know someone like that?” Twilight Sparkle responded. “But you’ll turn them back to normal, right?” Scootaloo asked. “Oh, I’m not sure. If they can’t be cured, they’ll be monsters… forever!” Twilight Sparkle said. “I love my sister, but… I don’t wanna have her as a monster forever!” Sweetie Belle cried as her friends comfort her. “Yes… despair…” Twilight Sparkle muttered as she walks away, when her friends spot her. “There she is!” Flash Sentry pointed. “Twilight! Twilight! I’m glad we found you!” Sunset Shimmer called out. “Twilight, how’re ya feelin’ today?” Applejack asked. “Fantastic, better than ever!” Twilight Sparkle replied giddily. “Twilight, something's happening to us… we’ve turned into monsters.” Rainbow Dash said as she morphs her hands into bug claws. “What kinda monster did you turn into? Is it something with four arms? Or can you turn into goo?” Pinkie Pie asked as she gets really close before being pushed away. “Get away from me! I don’t wanna be friends with monsters!” Twilight Sparkle feigned disgust. “Twilight, why did you break up with Timber? He was so upset when we met him.” Rarity asked. “I don’t know why I fell in love with a smelly forest boy like him in the first place!” Twilight Sparkle answered as she crosses her arms. “We have to figure out why our friends turned into monsters, and we need your help.” Flash Sentry said. “Friends? You’re not my friends. You’re monsters; that’s all you’re ever gonna be!” Twilight Sparkle said to her friends’ shock, Fluttershy tearing up. “That’s enough, Twilight. This isn’t like you.” Sunset Shimmer said as she reaches out to Twilight Sparkle, who immediately grabs her wrist tightly. “Get away from me, human filth!” Twilight Sparkle growled before tossing Sunset Shimmer aside. “That’s it! We didn’t wanna fight you, but it looks like we gotta!” Rainbow Dash said before morphing into rainbow bug form. “You think you can defeat me?” Twilight Sparkle threatened as her eyes glow cyan, beginning her Alteration. “Oh no…” Sunset Shimmer said as she lies on the ground. Twilight Sparkle's body is engulfed in purple, flame-like aura, emerging as a cyan-eyed, dark purple woman wearing a jagged purple dress, and a wide-brimmed witch hat. “Midnight Sparkle?!” they all said in surprise. “But she got over her at Camp Everfree!” Sunset Shimmer said as she re-joins her friends. “No, she looks different, namely that traffic cone that could be called a hat.” Rarity pointed. “And she’s not giant, or flying.” Flash Sentry added before taking a picture of her. “Fall into despair!” Midnight Sparkle yelled as she summons a cyan sceptre to unleash a wave of blue fire at her friends, but Applejack extends her leafy cape into a hedge around them that burns up on contact. “Twilight, snap out of it!” Rarity exclaimed. “Seeking out magic isn’t worth this!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed. “Magic? I have all the magic I need, and I don’t need friends or that stupid Geode! All I want now is to spread despair!” Midnight Sparkle roared before charging at her friends, when Pinkie Pie gets in the way in her robot horse form. “Look at my monster form! Isn’t it awesome!?” she said before being whacked aside, when Rainbow Dash rushes into Midnight Sparkle and slams her into a tree. “Despair?” Rainbow Dash’s ghost asked as she puts her in a chokehold. “Despair is a catalyst for great power, power such as the one I hold!” Midnight Sparkle said before blasting Rainbow Dash away with her sceptre. “You four get outta here!” Applejack said to Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry, and Fluttershy before running at Midnight Sparkle. “Five! Li’l Flash counts!” Flash Sentry points to his camera as Rarity sketches in her sketchbook. “Rarity, you’re still drawing at a time like this?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “I must admit, Twilight’s dress is absolutely divine! Although the hat could be improved upon, or removed entirely for all I care. It looks too tacky to compliment a dress as wonderful as her’s.” Rarity sketches a base human frame when Sunset Shimmer pushes it down. “Our friends are in danger, and you’re worried about our costumes?!” Sunset Shimmer scolded. “There won’t be a costume party if we’re destroyed!” Flash Sentry added. “You’re right. I don’t know why I’m so obsessed over this.” Rarity said as she throws her sketchbook aside. “I’m gonna help my friends!” she said before running into battle, but goes back to pick up her sketchbook and hand it to Fluttershy. Midnight Sparkle tosses aside Applejack onto the road where an incoming car is about to hit her. She stands up and her legs plant themselves into the asphalt before fusing into a single trunk, while branches grow from her arms to stop the car. The driver screams and evacuates the car as Applejack looks at her new form; ashen leaves growing on her new branches. “Looks like you’ve gone full circle with the tree thing!” Rainbow Dash’s ghost said as she stops by before rushing towards Midnight Sparkle. “Well, ain’t this a hoot an’ a half!” Applejack said as she throws her branch-arms up, flinging a barrage of rotten apples that rots anything they touch, destroying signage, and melting holes into walls. As Rarity rushes into battle, one such apple lands near her foot and melts through the pavement. “Applejack, you’re an actual tree?!” Rarity said in surprise. “Guess I got a super monster form like Dash. Unfortunately, I can’t seem t’move.” Applejack said as she moves her shoulders around in an attempt to mobilize. “Are you in need of help?” Rarity asked. “Forget ‘bout me! Get in there an’ beat some sense into Twilight!” Applejack told Rarity. Rainbow Dash rushes at Midnight Sparkle at light speed, but the witch effortlessly flings her around like a pinball with her sceptre before finally restraining her to the side of a wall with telekinesis. “I know all sorts of spells, from telekinesis to restoration, and I’ve only tapped the surface. Let’s see if I can re-wire your mind to do my bidding!” Midnight Sparkle said as she floats over to Rainbow Dash, when Pinkie Pie tackles her with her own staff. “I can make things into puzzles! Wanna see?!” Pinkie Pie asked Midnight Sparkle as she stood over her. “Very much.” Midnight Sparkle said as she thrusts her sceptre into Pinkie Pie’s head. “Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash cried out before freeing herself from the wall and rushing over to the fallen Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, are you okay?” Rainbow Dash’s ghost asked as Pinkie Pie’s eyes glow cyan and a flaming blue bridle materializes in her mouth. “The party will never end!” she screamed before swinging her staff at Rainbow Dash, missing and turning a traffic light into puzzle pieces. “Pinkie Pie, what’s wrong with you now?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed after dodging her attack. “She’s my loyal minion. If you’re smart, which you aren’t if your grades are anything to go by, you’d join me too.” Midnight Sparkle told Rainbow Dash smugly. “Wow, you’re really not pulling any punches.” Rainbow Dash said before dodging another swing by Pinkie Pie. Just as Rarity arrives, Pinkie Pie sets her sights on her and prepares to attack, but not before Rainbow Dash rushes into her and takes her away. “Hello, Rarity. How are the costumes going?” Midnight Sparkle greeted her condescendingly. “Twilight, I didn’t wanna have to fight you, any of you, but if it means turning us back to normal, I shall.” Rarity said as she thrusts her fingers at Midnight Sparkle, but nothing happens. “Hahaha! What was that? Trying to shoot lasers from your fingers, or something?” Midnight Sparkle laughed. “C’mon, time-stopping powers, do your thing!” Rarity said as she continues thrusting her fists at Midnight Sparkle. “Stop this!” Midnight Sparkle challenged as she swoops into Rarity and sends her rolling back to Applejack, still in tree form. “Rarity, you ‘kay?!” Applejack asked in concern. “I still don’t know how to stop time!” Rarity said as Midnight Sparkle lands before them. “I knew Rarity would be the easiest to take care of, right next to Flash and Sunset. Now, despair for fear of death!” Midnight Sparkle said as a cyan energy ball forms in her hand. “Wait!” a voice called out to the surprise of Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, and Flash Sentry when they see Spike running past them. “Twilight, please stop! You don’t spread despair, you spread hope and joy with your friends! Don’t do this!” Spike pleaded to her tearfully. Midnight Sparkle dispels the ball and bends down to Spike. “Oh Spike, you know I love you…” Midnight Sparkle said to the dog as she tips up her hat. “…But not that much.” she added before violently kicking him to the side. “Spike!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed before she catches Spike. “Did you really think those puppy-dog eyes will work this time?! The Twilight you know is gone! All that’s left is me! Ahahahaha!” Midnight Sparkle cackled. “Hey, nobody kicks Sp-” Applejack yelled when Fluttershy steps in front of her and stares at Midnight Sparkle before taking off her headphones and dropping the sketchbook. “Nobody hurts an animal in front of me and gets away with it!” Fluttershy exclaimed as her face is covered with strange stained-glass patterns. “Fluttershy, stop!” Rarity yelled as Fluttershy runs at Midnight Sparkle before morphing into her glass monster form, pulling off her wings to wield as hatchets. “Nobody! Nobody! Nobody!” Fluttershy screamed as she swinging her wing-hatchets at an inhuman speed into Midnight Sparkle before launching her into a tree. “I’m glad she’s on our side.” Flash Sentry commented as Fluttershy bursts into a sprint at Midnight Sparkle, then the witch thrusts her sceptre into her head, knocking her down. “You’re hungry, aren’t you? You’re very much welcome to feast on these humans to your heart’s desire.” Midnight Sparkle told Fluttershy as she lifts her head by her chin, and a burning bridle manifests in her mouth. “Hungry…” Fluttershy growled as she faces Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer. “Y’were sayin’?” Applejack said to Flash Sentry before Fluttershy comes at them, but is grabbed by Applejack’s tentacles and slammed into the ground. Rarity grabs her sketchbook and comes to Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry’s side before Pinkie Pie is thrown past them and Rainbow Dash skids to a stop. “Rarity, get ‘em outta here!” Applejack told her before Fluttershy frees herself and buries her hatches into Applejack’s trunk, causing her to scream in pain before being swatted away by a fan of liana tentacles. “Come on!” Sunset Shimmer shouted before the three run away into an alley. “Twilight… no, she can’t be gone!” Flash Sentry panicked. “Poor Spike…” Sunset Shimmer said as she looks to the unconscious dog in her arms, finding Twilight Sparkle’s Geode bow hanging around his collar. “Can’t you go into your super magic form and talk some sense into Twilight like in the Friendship Games?” Flash Sentry asked Sunset Shimmer. “I had the help of my friends to achieve that state. Now look at them.” Sunset Shimmer said as she peeks around the corner, seeing Applejack out of tree form combating Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash with beetle wings taking her fight with Fluttershy to the sky. “Despite fearing for my very life more than ever, I know you’ll save the day, like you always do.” Flash Sentry assured. “I hope so.” Sunset Shimmer said before looking to Rarity sketching in her book. “Oh, if only I could have a closer look.” Rarity said as she stares at the fight before being pulled back by Sunset Shimmer. “Rarity, stop with the drawing!” Sunset Shimmer scolded her. “You’re being awfully obsessive with the costumes… just like Pinkie Pie was with the party.” Flash Sentry realized. “Is… this part of my monster self? No! I mustn’t let it overtake me!” Rarity said as she tosses her sketchbook aside. “Rarity, you need to stop time and beat her! I don’t think even Twilight can counter that.” Sunset Shimmer said. “I tried, but I can’t! I can’t even transform into a monster ever since Pinkie Pie destroyed me.” Rarity answered, just when Midnight Sparkle finds them hiding in the alley. “Peek-a-boo!” she giggled. “Sunset, Rarity, run!” Flash Sentry said to them before tackling Midnight Sparkle out of the alley, allowing them to escape. Midnight Sparkle smiles at him and rolls over, slamming Flash Sentry into the pavement and pinning him down by his neck. “Looks like we’ve got a hero! Face it, Flash; you’ll never be a hero like us!” Midnight Sparkle taunted as she tightens her grip. “I don’t need to be. I’m just the supporting man in your world. I’m here to cheer you on…” Flash Sentry choked as he points his camera up at Midnight Sparkle’s chest. “…And take pictures for the record!” he exclaimed before a burst of purple energy blasts Midnight Sparkle off him, allowing him to escape. “Ugh, that band geek and his accursed camera will pay for that… right after I deal with them.” Midnight Sparkle growled as she gets up, then turns her attention to Rarity and Sunset Shimmer running away. “Y’know, sometimes I wish my Geode power was a something little more tangible!” Sunset Shimmer said to Rarity as she looks back to Midnight Sparkle chasing after them in a full sprint. “Geode power! That’s it!” Rarity said before stopping and turning around. “I may not have my monster powers, but I still have my Geode powers! Hopefully this opportunity will make up for not using my new tactic on that Zap Apple tree!” Rarity said before throwing spinning diamond shields sideways at Midnight Sparkle. The witch zips past them and prepares to thrust her sceptre at Rarity, but is blocked by a bigger diamond shield. “Give up, Rarity! Join me in my quest for despair!” Midnight Sparkle cackled as her sceptre’s energies tries to break through the shield. “I will not! And you’re wrong, we know the real you’s in there somewhere, hiding under Midnight Sparkle!” Rarity called out before throwing her shield aside and flinging another spinning shield into Midnight Sparkle, grazing her arm. “Graaah!” Midnight Sparkle roared as she covers her wound. “Has anyone told you how annoying you are?!” Midnight Sparkle said before snapping her fingers, and on cue an injured Rainbow Dash and Applejack are thrown past Rarity and Sunset Shimmer, and the hypnotized Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy come to the witch’s side. “Applejack!” “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity and Sunset Shimmer called out to them as they revert to human form. “Despair! Despair knowing your defeat by the hands of your own friends! Despair knowing your free will shall be stripped away! Despair knowing friendship won’t save you this time!” Midnight Sparkle cackled. “Get up! Get up!” Sunset Shimmer shook her friends before they awaken. “I’ve… still got some fight in me!” Rainbow Dash grunted as she clutches her arm. “I’ve always got fight in me.” Applejack said as she stands, but collapses to a knee before being caught by Rarity, who finds her skin flaking into ash. “Applejack! You’re turning to dust!” Rarity said in concern before Applejack stands up. “What… what’s happenin’ t’me?” Applejack wondered. “Looks like you’re falling apart after all that fighting. Why don’t I put you outta your misery?!” Midnight Sparkle exclaimed before gesturing Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy to attack, and in response Rainbow Dash and Applejack transform to defend their friends. “We can’t keep going on like this.” Sunset Shimmer said in a hopeless tone when she sees Rarity sketching in her book again, her stare fixed directly on Midnight Sparkle floating in the middle of the battle. "Rarity, when did you get that back?” Sunset Shimmer asked Rarity in surprise, who snaps out of her trance and looks down to her book. “I don’t know. Come to think of it, when did I get this in the first place?” Rarity wondered as she looks at the light blue cover. “No mercy!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she runs at Rarity, who thrusts her fist at her, manifesting a diamond that drills into her armour and flings her far away. “Rarity, is that a new Geode trick?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “No, my monster powers are back!” Rarity said in surprise as she shows the diamond drill spinning in her hand to Sunset Shimmer. “Congratulations!” Midnight Sparkle clapped as she floats to them. “I was worried our fight would be too one-sided.” Midnight Sparkle said. “For the last time, we don’t have to fight! Please, come with us and we’ll find a way to cure ourselves!” Rarity pleaded with her. “And give up this power? Never!” Midnight Sparkle declined before blasting Rarity with her sceptre, and she swats it away into a car without batting an eye. “Then I really don’t have a choice.” Rarity said before roaring at the top of her lungs as her body is engulfed by blue energy strands, bursting to reveal not her hideous skull-creature form, but a well-toned female humanoid with porcelain skin, wearing a dark blue gothic dress with separated frilled sleeves, a skirt split at the front to reveal black tights, diamond-plated pumps, and a marble face with the upper half of her head made of a massive diamond. “This fight gets better and better!” Midnight Sparkle observed Rarity’s new form excitedly. “Hey, welcome to the super monster cl-” Rainbow Dash’s ghost said to Rarity’s new form before being slashed by Fluttershy’s hatchets. “Rarity, whatever you’re doing, do it now!” Applejack said as she restrains Pinkie Pie with tentacles before she turns them to puzzle pieces, freeing herself. Rarity glances at an adjacent storefront and sees her reflection, feeling her stone-cold face and armoured dress. “I’m… gorgeous! It’s beautiful, elegant, but provides a menacing presence with its colours and shape!” she complimented herself, right before seeing Midnight Sparkle coming at her from behind. She swiftly turns around and punches her in the face with a diamond drill, dizzying her from the impact before spin kicking with her diamond-tipped shoes. “Hahahaha! More! More!” Midnight Sparkle cackled as she feels the cut on her cheek before winding up her sceptre. Rarity knocks it away with her drill fists and throws a series of hooks at Midnight Sparkle before punching her into a car. “Come on, give it to me!” Midnight Sparkle exclaimed manically before summoning her sceptre. Rarity stands still as Midnight Sparkle unleashes a barrage of magic missiles upon her, which deflects from her body like light on a mirror, blowing up the ground behind her. “Is that really all you got, darling?” Rarity taunted to Midnight Sparkle’s annoyance. “I’d ask the same of you!” Midnight Sparkle barked before she runs at her at full speed, winding up her sceptre as it charges up. Rarity holds out her hand to Midnight Sparkle, and blue sparkles burst from her body, slowing down time before freezing everything entirely. Rarity snaps her fingers in front of Midnight Sparkle’s frozen, cackling face, receiving no response. “Oh this… this is perfect.” Rarity said as she removes the sceptre from Midnight Sparkle’s hands before looking at her dress. “Now that I have a better look at you, your dress looks even better! Even the hat appears to be more than just a compliment.” Rarity said before sketching finer details into her drawing. “Rarity…!” a squeaky voice echoed. Rarity looks around to see Applejack burst into blue flames as Pinkie Pie winds her staff to strike her, Rainbow Dash grabbing Fluttershy by her neck in mid-air, Flash Sentry escorting Sweetie Belle and her friends away as he snaps a picture of the fight, and Sunset Shimmer watching helplessly as she holds Spike. Rarity looks to the frozen Sweetie Belle reaching out to her, then lowers her sketchbook. “What am I doing?” Rarity said as she looks at her reflection. “This sketchbook, I understand now. My monster power came from my desires, and the more I sketched in it the more I fed it, giving me this new form.” Rarity exclaimed as she throws it into the air. “Well, no more!” she shouted before manifesting diamond drills in her hands and shredding the book to pieces. “My friends come first!” she declared. She takes Spike from Sunset Shimmer and puts the Geode bow on Midnight Sparkle’s dress before dragging her away by her wrist. Then, she hands Spike to Flash Sentry, and before leaving her, she gives Sweetie Belle a warm hug. Then, she pats away the blue fire engulfing Applejack’s body before dragging her and Pinkie Pie away, after disarming her of course. She then manifests diamond platforms to jump onto and reach Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, separating them before dragging them to the ground. Finally, she carefully carries Sunset Shimmer into a circle made with her own friends holding hands, with a gap between Applejack and Sunset Shimmer. “Everyone, I’m truly sorry for what happened to us. Just like Pinkie, I’ve been so obsessed over the Halloween costumes that I couldn’t focus on your suffering. I should’ve chosen saving my friends first, but now I am. While we may never find out why this happened, we can at least save ourselves from it.” Rarity spoke to her friends before taking her place in the gap, holding Applejack’s and Sunset Shimmer’s hands. One by one, her friends’ Geodes glow and unleash their power, while Rarity’s skin changes from a shining ivory to a glimmering gold, and with the receding of sparkles, the flow of time returns to normal. “No! No! My power!” Midnight Sparkle screamed as she’s engulfed in a white light with her friends that lifts them off the ground. Flash Sentry watches with Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and a recently-awakened Spike as the ball of light lowers to the ground before it dissipates, revealing the six girls collapsed and turned back to normal. “They did it!” Flash Sentry cheered. “Ugh, did anyone catch that truck’s plate?” Pinkie Pie said dizzily as she clutches her forehead. “I’m not on fire no more!” Applejack said in relief. “Oh dear, was I really starving for human life?” Fluttershy said in shock before Rainbow Dash hugs her. “Yeah, you were. It was pretty awesome. Scary, but awesome.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Rarity, you did it!” Sunset Shimmer said as she looks to Rarity. “As usual, I couldn’t have done it without everyone.” Rarity said before she turns to Twilight Sparkle on her knees with her head lowered. “Twilight…?” Rarity called to her. “I’m sorry…” Twilight Sparkle muttered before lifting her head to show her teary eyes and the cut on her cheek. “I saw everything Midnight did; breaking Timber’s heart, giving false hope, worrying Sweetie Belle to death, pushing away my friends… and I couldn’t stop her! I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Twilight Sparkle cried as her friends gather. “Twilight, that wasn’t you. Whatever she did were her own actions, not yours. You don’t have to worry about her anymore.” Rarity assured before her friends all come in for a group hug. “Girls! You’re alright!” Flash Sentry called out as he, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo run to them. “Spike!” Twilight Sparkle called before Spike jumps into her arms. “I’m so sorry, Spike. I love you with all my heart!” Twilight Sparkle cried as she holds him tight. “I know you didn’t mean it, Twilight.” Spike assured before they hug. “Ow, easy on the hug, I think one of my ribs is broken.” Spike yelped in pain. “Rarity!” “Sweetie Belle!” the sisters called to each other before they hug. “I’m so glad you’re not a monster anymore!” Sweetie Belle said with tears in her eyes. “Sweetie Belle, remember: I’m always your sister, no matter what form I take.” Rarity assured. “This was some adventure.” Sunset Shimmer commented. “Let’s hope it never happens again.” Applejack added. “I kinda miss my bug mode. It’s like me, but faster and bulletproof.” Rainbow Dash added. “I think we’ve had enough monster stuff for today. Let’s brainstorm costumes some other time.” Pinkie Pie said. “But first, I have some apologizing to do… a lot of apologizing.” Twilight Sparkle said worriedly. “Hmm…” Rarity hummed curiously as she picks up a scrap of paper from her ruined sketchbook. As the girls gather, Flash Sentry sees six red cards on the ground where the girls activated their friendship power and picks them up. Weeks later at school, a party is thrown at the gymnasium, decorated with spooky spiders and jack-o-lanterns, and the students are dressed in all kinds of Halloween costumes, mingling with each other when the doors burst wide open to their surprise. Emerging from the doors are the six girls, dressed in costumes just like their monster forms, Sunset Shimmer wearing a stereotypical white princess dress, Spike dressed as a superhero’s sidekick with a body cast, and Flash Sentry wearing a white jacket with a red right sleeve, a red monster claw on his right hand, and his hair combed down over his right eye. “Woah, sweet costumes, guys!” Bulk Biceps, dressed a werewolf, complimented them. “Thanks! Rarity made them for us!” Pinkie Pie said, her voice muffled by her giant horse head. “Oh, thank you. We went through a great deal of effort to make them.” Rarity responded. They soon join the party and draw attention to their costumes. “Everyone, check this out!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as Rarity redirects a spotlight to her costume for it to glitter and shine with a rainbow of colours. “It took forever to find the right paint.” Rarity commented as she sees Fluttershy feeling the air as she walks. “I can’t see properly in this.” Fluttershy said as she walks aimlessly. As Wallflower Blush took some punch dressed as a suit-and-tie-wearing alien, a shadow looms over her, and she turns around to see Fluttershy in her mutant horse costume. “Hello?” Fluttershy said for Wallflower Blush to freeze in fear before Fluttershy takes off her horse head. “Oh, hi Wallflower. Are you enjoying the party?” Fluttershy greeted for Wallflower Blush to nod. “Oh, that’s wonderful.” Fluttershy said before putting the helmet back on. “Because I’m going to drain your life force.” she said for Wallflower Blush to faint. “Too scary?” Fluttershy asked in concern. “So, you’re a robot horse?” Micro Chips, dressed as a mad scientist, asked Pinkie. “I suppose I am! I use this pole-thing to turn people into puzzles!” Pinkie Pie answered before softly tapping a P.V.C. pipe on his head. “That’s oddly specific.” Micro Chips added. “It kinda is, now that I think about it.” Pinkie Pie said as she leans against her pipe. She then taps Micro Chips on the head again. “Did y’seriously come as a monster tree?” Apple Bloom, dressed as a flying monkey, asked Applejack as she drinks punch. “It’s a better tree than what I was thinking of.” Applejack responded. “Applejack, this is a party, not a school play!” Apple Bloom said. “At least I came with a cool enough costume this time.” Applejack responded. “Yeah, I guess it is pretty cool… even though it broke five windows and a wardrobe.” Apple Bloom said before sipping her punch. Twilight Sparkle stood around idly with her witch hat lowered to hide her eyes. “Where is he?” Twilight Sparkle wondered before Timber Spruce, dressed as Star Swirl the Bearded, approaches her. “Hi, Twilight.” Timber Spruce greeted her, when she suddenly hugs him. “I’m sorry for all the mean things I said! Will you ever forgive me?” Twilight Sparkle apologized. “Twilight, I’ve already forgiven you. I know you’re not that kinda girl. Let’s just enjoy the party.” Timber Spruce said as he wipes her tears away. “Flash, hey! Nice costume! What are you, though?” Sandalwood, dressed as a Leshy, greeted him. “Arm demon possessing a guy. Like it?” Flash Sentry answered as he wiggles his costume arm at Sandalwood. “Did you dress up your camera, too?” Sandalwood asked as he notices an origami horn taped to his camera’s flash. “He’s a unicorn. It was his idea.” Flash Sentry answered. “Yeah… okay…” Sandalwood said in confusion. “Sunset, dear, I hope your princess costume isn’t too plain for you.” Rarity said. “No, this is perfect. It’s everything I wanted it to be. At least I didn’t have to go through becoming a monster for you to get inspired.” Sunset Shimmer responded. “Speaking of, why weren’t you turned into a monster with us?” Rarity wondered. “The less we think about it, the less worry we put on ourselves.” Sunset Shimmer said. “At least some good came out of that debacle. Not to brag, but I adored my form. It’s as if it was pulled straight from my imagination.” Rarity said. “Your monster power really came from you obsessing over making our costumes?” Sunset Shimmer asked for Rarity to flip up her diamond mask. “I think it was more drawn from my desire to help my friends; the costumes being one way to do so. Before we all turned back to normal, I felt some sense of relief, satisfaction, and great power before, poof, it all went away.” Rarity explained. “Magic of Friendship, am I right?” Sunset Shimmer giggled. “Hehe, I suppose so.” Rarity said. "It's almost time!" Sunset Shimmer said as she looks to her phone before running off. Sunset Shimmer takes the stage, grabs the mic and taps it to get everyone's attention. "Good evening, C.H.S.! We hope you're having a great night, because it's gonna get even better! Put your hands together for…" Sunset Shimmer announced as spotlights turn on to reveal the girls' instruments. “The Rainbooms!” Her friends hop on stage and give the audience claws-out poses as they cheer on. “Monsters: live on stage!” the Rainbooms shouted before taking their places. “One, two, three, go!” Rainbow Dash counted before Pinkie Pie starts going wild at the drums. As Flash Sentry watches the performance, he sees something on his camera screen, then leaves the school to the Wondercolt statue pedestal. “Where is he?” he wondered when a purple hand reaches from the statue’s shadow. “Here they are. Hopefully, they won’t cause any more trouble from now on.” Flash Sentry told them as he hands the cards, bearing portraits of the girls’ monster forms, framed with barcode patterns. The hand takes the cards and another emerges to give him a thumbs-up before disappearing back into the shadows. “Another successful mission, eh, Li’l Flash?” Flash Sentry said to his camera as he walks back inside. After finishing their performance, the girls leave the stage and talk to each other about their night. “This has gotta be our best costume party yet!” Rainbow Dash said as she holds her bug helmet under her arm. “You’re telling me!” Pinkie Pie said as she removes her helmet for candy to spill out of her costume. “Thanks to whatever happened to us.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Next time, I’ll find inspiration without having to fight my friends.” Rarity said. “Let’s take a picture for the record!” Flash Sentry said as he sets up a tripod and mounts his camera. “Come on, Flash! Get in here!” Sunset Shimmer hurried Flash Sentry as he puts his camera on a timer before he joins them. “Happy Halloween!” the girls and Flash Sentry smiled as they look to the camera before the flash goes off. As they laugh, the camera displays an image of them smiling, when as if on its own, flips through pictures of the girls’ monster forms from the incident, sending them to an unknown recipient before deleting them. “Happy Halloween, indeed.” a voice like Flash Sentry’s spoke from the camera, followed by an evil cackle. THE END