The Human and His Lopunny

by Burningbloom78

First published

During a crisis involving the Pokémon of Time and Pokémon of Space, a human and his partner for life is caught in the crossfire of two destructive strikes that warped their reality, opening a portal that casts them to a place of mystery.

While enjoying a festival after winning a big promotional contest in Alamos Town, Joeshur Riverside and his Pokémon gal-pal for life Nian suddenly get caught in a dispute between two legendary Pokémon, plunging Alamos Town into the throes of chaos and destruction.

Unfortunately, while directing his Mega Lopunny to protect the civilians and other Pokémon caught in the wake of the legendaries' cataclysmic battle by deflecting any wayward attacks, the two close friends are then blasted by the legendary Pokémon, sending them hurling into a portal seemingly created by their clash.

After recovering with no injuries to speak of, Joeshur and Nian find themselves on a plain unfamiliar to them. Unbeknownst to the duo, they were sent to another world.

White World, New World

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I'm wasting... wasting away. So far, so close, the grave grows ever nearer and the world is becoming dark. I'm wasting away in the cold, death's grip holds my heart tightly. I'm wasting away. I don't want to waste away...

A young boy remembers the day they met. It was a long and cold night; a wintry gloam pervaded the sky with the colors of white, gray, and deep blue. The wind was swift and harsh, its howling was the only sound that echoed throughout the muffled snow. The young boy was shivering; desperately trying to keep his hands and feet warm and flexible, but with each cruel breeze of the wind that rushed his body, they'd stiffen and lose a bit of that warmth.

Another thousand steps tread; the young boy tries to catch and steady his breath while moving one step at a time, but each step grows weak and heavy. As the young boy trudged through the four feet of snow, he comes across an abandoned vale of tears; a land where the creatures known as Pokémon used to live, but now nothing but ice and snow. He used to go there and speak and play with the various Pokémon, but after his home was struck by a never-ending snowstorm, the Pokémon had gone and left.

Other than his home, the now miserable vale used to be where he'd go to be happy. But now there wasn't a single place for the boy to play, there wasn't a place for him to smile or laugh. Through the horridness of the winter storm, his love for the vale is what kept him going, now that he was alone.

With a labored breath and an unsteady step forward, the young boy staggers further into the vale, spotting a lonesome cave where he could rest his aching body. Inside the cave, as expected, there wasn't a single Pokémon to greet him; they were truly gone, his only friends... his playmates. He looked forward and saw a large pile of snow blocking access further into the cave. It was better than nothing.

The young boy sat on the frozen floor pulling his arms and legs together in an attempt to keep warm, but his strength was waning; his little heart was beginning to slow, and his eyes felt as heavy as lead.

There's a saying that if you sleep outside when it's extremely cold, you run the risk of dying in your sleep. The young boy is well-versed in many sayings, but it seemed that this rather crucial one has gone overlooked and disregarded. The essence of sleep, just thinking about it made the young boy quite eager for rest knowing full well of the ramifications. But he did not care; what was the point of trying to survive this endless winter storm if you're all alone with no family or Pokémon? Seems like a life not worth living.

Just as the boy was about to resign his life to the sweet lull of death, he heard the rustling of something followed by grunts of something else. Having closed his tired eyes, the young boy reluctantly opened them in a soft daze, his vision adjusting to view a little brown rabbit-like Pokémon hauling a large bush vastly decorated with oran, peacha, and lum berries.

The young boy could not believe his eyes; how could a bush possibly bear any fruit during this horrible winter storm? All crops in his village died, all the meat rotten and inedible, and there were no berries or any kinds of fruits and vegetables for miles. He knows this, he and his family know this, along with the rest of the village. They searched, they scoured, they rummaged until only he was left. How could this little rabbit find something that an entire community could not? Perhaps that being a Pokémon certainly has its advantages.

He continued to watch the rabbit struggle to reel the bush of berries inside the cave. The sheer gusto and determination of the little rabbit were somewhat inspiring; the will to live and persist, the tiny rabbit's strength embarrassed the young boy. A rabbit had a larger vigor than he did.

By the grunts of frustration, the young boy had deduced that the Pokémon is female. She was brown from the top and had yellow-cream fluff around the mid-section of her body. The tip of her brown floppy ears was also covered with that lovely fluff. She had the shortest, fluffiest tail the young boy had ever seen. When the Pokémon turned to face the young boy, it had a cute pink triangular nose, and its piercing black eyes bored daggers into his soul. What he gazed upon was a wild Buneary.

Now, the young boy was no expert on this Pokémon, but during his time playing with his Pokémon pals, he has seen his fair share of Buneary, and how deadly they can be. He once saw a Buneary attack another Pokémon after being threatened to give up its food. The attack was so devastating, that the bully was sent flying in the air before crashing into a boulder. The Buneary raced over to the boulder and attempted to teach the bully another lesson with its ears, but, thankfully, the bully dodged the Buneary's strikes and witnessed its ears shatter the boulder to pieces. Afraid of being pummeled by those ears, the bully promptly left and never returned.

Now, there's a wild Buneary that appears with a bush full of berries glowering at the young boy with the intent seeming to harm. Too cold to defend himself and too tired to run, the young boy kept holding himself as the Buneary began to close in. To die by a Pokémon's hands was truly a frightening prospect, but so is freezing to death in your sleep. However, if it is by a Pokémon, at least the young boy wouldn't have to suffer... that much.

Once again, the young boy resigns his fate at the hands of the cute rabbit. He closed his eyes, waiting for the end to come, and he wished it would be quick and painless. Seconds passed, and the young boy felt a nudge on his right arm, but he didn't react. He simply thought the Pokémon was determining how to kill him, and as he thought such terrible things, he received another nudge, but this time was harder, so much so that he shouted a little in pain.

Turning his attention to his attacker, he saw the rabbit giving an angry scowl. She offered him an oran berry, but the young boy couldn't process this act of kindness. Aggravated at the young boy's dumb-looking face, the Buneary punched him in the gut, causing the young boy to lurch forward in pain, a groan escaped his lips. The Buneary then grabbed his hair and made him look her way, and shoved the berry in his face. It fell on his lap as the rabbit returned to the bush to haul it closer to the cave.

Afraid of angering the Buneary that graciously gave him food, the young boy began to nibble on the oran berry. The taste was all over the place, but it made the young boy's mouth water each time his tastebuds made contact with the berry's juicy contents.

"Uh... hey," the young boy called out meekly. "I want to say thanks for giving me some of your food. I know how scarce food has become since this winter storm started, so for you to share it with a stranger like me, well... I appreciate it. Thank you."

The Buneary that walloped him ignored the boy's sincerity and threw down a pile of sticks, some dry grass, and leaves she had gathered while searching for food. Then, she kneeled next to the pile, grabbed two sticks, and began rubbing them together quickly. She was trying to spark a flame; The young boy assumes that the Buneary has been around this wintry land a while to learn such a human skill.

As the little human watched, his eyes were amazed at the speed the Buneary rubbing the sticks; there was smoke forming between them and a small light forming on the grass and leaves. After a few seconds of waiting, a small fire suddenly sparked to life, surprising the young boy.

"Woah," he uttered in astonishment. He turned his body to face the small flames to desperately ease the frostbite accumulating on his hands and feet. He then saw the wild Buneary carrying a ton of berries.

"How did you make that so quickly? That's insane. I mean, well... I cou- OOF!"

The wild Buneary had leaped into the air and slammed her behind on his lap. The abrupt action nearly caused the boy to lose his grip on his oran berry. He felt the Buneary shimmy her fluffy behind, trying to get comfortable. The boy wanted to protest, but the Buneary elbowed him in the gut, and the wincing boy decided to withhold his grievance.

For the next five minutes, the duo was silent, the only noise they made was the delectable munching of berries. After the young boy finished his berry and was satisfied, he looked down and saw that the Buneary had hardly touched her's, opting to merely stare at the fire.

The young boy turned his gaze further down to see the Buneary's eyes fixated on the flames, almost as if she was in a trance. The boy then felt a tinge of sadness from the little rabbit; it was alone and lonely. Perhaps that's the reason she hadn't kicked him out, she wanted some company and decided that the boy had to do.

"Hey, are you okay?" The boy said softly, meeting the Buneary's eyes with his own. "You need to eat. You can't act all tough on an empty stomach."

Cut from her trance, the Buneary scowled at the boy and turned her head away.

"Come on," he pleaded, "don't be that way. How long have you been living in this cave?" The Buneary did not answer. "Maybe since the winter storm began? But... if that's the case, why didn't you leave with the other Pokémon? Surely your friends and family would've liked it if you went with them?"

The Buneary was silent, the only noise she made was a long tired sigh, then her ears drooped limply to her sides.

"Oh..." the boy muttered, realizing the Pokémon's body language. "I guess we're in the same boat; I lost them as well. We were trying to find food and a source of water since the winter storm invaded us. No matter how hard we searched, none of us in my village could find any trace of food or water. Eventually, one by one, everyone in my village succumbed to the winter's grasp and died. I was the only one left..."

The Buneary turned her head to meet the boy's hazy eyes, they were glossy and gray; the young boy has seen horrors no boy should see. He was right, he is like her, they don't have anybody else to be there for them anymore; they had all died or left.

"I'm lonely too," he whispered, staring at the fire. He absentmindedly embraces the rabbit. "Before you came along, I had given up hope of living; I was going to sleep and let the cold take me away. You could've thrown me out and left me to freeze, or you could've killed me yourself. You didn't."

The wild Buneary didn't reject the boy's embrace, rather she held onto his arms tightly with her own.

"We can be lonely together," he suggested. "We can be at each other's side; as the best of friends. I won't leave, I won't abandon you. I'll stay here with you and be your friend until I die. Can you be mine?" he politely asked.

The wild Buneary took a moment to ponder her decision and after careful consideration, the Buneary bussed the boy's arms and nodded her head silently.

The young boy smiled for the first time in months. "Now that we're friends, you need a name," he said, looking Buneary in the eyes. "Now you're tough and you don't take scrap from anybody... so maybe a girly name wouldn't fit you. How about... Nian? What do you think?"

"Bun..." she softly let out. Her voice was so soothing and delicate; It was extremely feminine. "Bun... Buneary."

"I can see why you kept quiet, but I'm glad you like the name... Nian. My name is Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short," he chuckled. "Nice to meet you."

Joey felt something poke and prod at his cheek. It was soft to the touch and quite familiar. He groaned in protest, trying to swat away the vexing touch, and after a while, it had stopped and Joey was relieved. Then he heard an annoyed huff and felt a painful punch straight to the stomach and he shot awake in pain, holding his stomach.

"Ow, what the heck?!" he cried, shifting his gaze towards his attacker. It was a Lopunny crossing her arms angrily with a scowl to boot.

The tall brown rabbit had yellow-goldish fluff along with her lanky ears the same stuff is on her arms, mainly around her hands and the bottom half of her legs and entire feet. The sclera of her eyes are completely black and her eyes are a reddish-pink pigment. Her long and well-tended eyebrows were the same yellow-gold colors.

Joey sighed loudly and said, "Nian, what did we discuss about punching me awake?! It's not healthy! I'm gonna have to let Lena look at my injury."

The unapologetic rabbit sneered at Joey and directed him to the world around them.

"Wait a minute..." he mumbled to himself. "Where are we? I remember being in Alamos Town when... when... when the legendaries fought one another! Now that I recall, we were caught in between their clash, but we should have died, yet here we are."

Nian rolled her eyes and forced Joey off the ground, aggressively dusting every piece of dirt and debris from his clothes. That was the thing about the Pokémon Lopunny, they always took care of themselves, especially their ears. The same love, care, and attention has been extended to Joey, and Nian was a militant cleaner. He remembers he had to wear an extra layer of clothing when Nian helped clean him because the rabbit would be too rough.

Oddly enough, when came to taking care of, and even pampering his hair, Nian would surprisingly be delicate and meticulous. One of the many blessings Joey had the pleasure of experiencing.

"Thanks," he said, which got an irritating huff in response. He sighed again, "Anyway, we aren't dead, you made that painfully clear." He looked around the area; it was a grassy land with hills and mounds off in the distance. It was bright and sunny, not a cloud was in the sky.

"Hmm..." Joey contemplated. "Well, it doesn't seem we're in our world anymore, which is admittedly frightening. Shall we-"

A torrent of screams filled the air, attracting the attention of Joey and his rabbit friend. The screams came from the east where a forest is seen in the near distance. Although Joey would love nothing more than to explore this world, he could not ignore those screams, and neither could Nian.

"Nian, it's time to get to work," Joey said with a smile. "You up for some action?"

"Lopunny!" Nian merrily announced, punching her left palm with her right fist as her face displayed a wicked grin.

"Then kick it up a notch; kick it up to eleven!!! Mega evolve!!!" Joey shouted to the heavens.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light engulfed Nian, changing and shifting her body into something more powerful. When the light subsided, the fur on her neck, torso, legs, and fingers has been shed. Clamped on her legs is a weird unknown material with black patterns. The delicate fur above her eyes shifted from arrows to a stunning crest that resembles a butterfly, and the fur around her wrists and ankles became less fluffy and more round, similar to wrist and ankle weights. Her fluffy ears lost most of the fluff and only two segments of fur were around her ears, resembling headbands.

After the transformation, Nian took a large intake of breath and exhaled slowly, shifting her body into a downward stance: She bends down to the ground, both arms stretched out in front of her, then she put her right leg forward and left leg back and lowered her head close to the ground. She merely waited in silence for Joey's orders.

Joey fished out of his belt a Poké Ball. "Glad I still have you guys," he murmured in relief. He taps the button in the middle as it enlarges before throwing the ball into the air, bringing out his Staraptor. The mighty avian of the skies screeched flying high above the ground.

"Nils!" Joey called out to the large avian, pointing to the forest, "I need you to hover over that mass thicket of trees and survey any openings you see! You know how we roll: Use those keen eyes and look for any creatures in distress! Once you do, call out and I'll give Nian the go-to!"

Nils screeched in confirmation, soaring quickly over the forest with powerful, almost air-rending flaps, and began to diligently hover over the forest. His sharp eyes shined and glimmered with a white gleam staring ardently at the forest's clearings below, and that's when he spots two- no, three odd-looking Ponyta; Their colors were yellow, purple, and orange and they seem to be galloping away from something. Squinting, Nils saw two large beasts roaring and chasing the fleeing Ponyta.

After surveying the situation, Nils screeched, his echoing cry piercing through the air and into the ears of his owner.

"Nian, Nils says there are weirdly colored Ponyta trying to escape a few beasts somewhere in the middle of the forest," Joey explained quickly as he kneeled next to his furry friend. "Ready?" Nian nodded fiercely. "One... two... three!!! Blitz!!!"

In a flash, a brown blur was seen speeding into the forest. With Nian gone like the wind, Joey yelled out to Nils. The avian flew to his master in three seconds flat, extending his wing to the ground, allowing Joey to climb on his back.

"Alright, Nils," Joey said excitedly, "let's head to the middle of the forest and watch Nian go to town; Just follow the trail of destruction! It's more fun that way!"

Nils screeched and followed Nian into the untamed wilderness. Inside the foreboding forest was opaque and light barely filtered through the canopy of dark trees that stretched on for seemingly no end. As Joey flew on the back of his avian companion, the ground was littered with fallen leaves, twigs, and branches.

The further he went in, the more odd things become: Trees began to creak, as the forest moaned, and there was a faint wind that howled as it flew around and through the bent tassels of whistling grass. The luminous light of the sun desperately tried to bleed through the forest canopy was beginning to die, and yet what persisted was naught but paltry beams of faded light pierced through.

It was remarkably eerie to Joey and exciting... nevertheless the human steeled his trembling nerves. Nils nuzzled the human to help calm him, and Joey greatly appreciated it; It wasn't often that Nils showed affection towards his trainer and best friend, but the avian did have his moments, and it was those moments Joey treasured in their relationship.

Beyond his shuddering anticipation, he began to hear feminine voices hollering in distress. They were different... distinct sounds. Then he heard other voices, but they bellowed and roared, their thundering cries rumbled the earth as Joey witnessed the trees move and undulate.

Although Joey wanted to ponder this, he was torn from his musings by Nils who directed the distracted human to an upcoming clearing. It was an opening, much like an arc, shrouded in bright white light.

As they got closer, Joey heard the splitting of the earth and said, "Nian is already gone to work; I guess she just couldn't wait until we got there, eh, Nils?"

The avian gave Joey a low chortle in response.

Once they entered the clearing, it was no surprise that Nian already had whatever beast had the misfortune of fighting her having their head embedded three feet into the earth's crust. And the problem with that is that Nian desired more, she wanted a struggle to flex her legs and arms; Then it would be a good workout, but unfortunately, her opposition has long since lost consciousness.

And again, to no one's surprise, another beast was sizing her up despite what happened to the other guy. What was surprising is that Joey has never seen a Pokémon with a fiery red mane with sharp teeth, finely honed white claws, and wings. It had a tail and stinger similar to a wild Drapion. Truly a magnificent creature, that was until Nian's axe kick whacked it in the cranium, sending the howling creature flying into a slew of trees with a powerful impact, effectively ending the fight nearly after Joey caught up.

Nian had that crazed glare stitched on her face; A Mega Lopunny always had this aura of battle lust; It fully awakens their competitive side and makes them extremely aggressive and dangerous, not to mention that their ears and legs become tons more powerful than before.

A Buneary can shatter whole boulders with their ears, and a Lopunny's legs are written to be "destructive" if they decide to fight. Joey knows that too well, whenever he trains with his Lopunny, mega or not, he usually has a fractured or broken bone by the end of it.

Now one would think that Joey is an idiot, and while that may be true to some extent, the reason he's so reckless is because of the Pokémon Chansey. He also likes the thrill. Whenever Joey and Nian spar, that Pokémon is present to aid Joey and administer any injury Nian inflicts.

Back on the situation at hand, Joey scans the ruined battlefield to see the multicolored Ponyta cowering on the grass. The yellow one was crying and laying down, and the one with a... hat is comforting the yellow horse. The purple one, oddly enough, has wings and a horn. In an instant, Nils flapped his wings and he and Joey suddenly faced the Ponyta.

Now, on closer inspection, and as memory serves, Ponyta had a mane and tail that was always on fire, but when Joey stared at the trio of frightened horses, they did not resemble any traits commonly found in Ponyta. The one that they shared was their physical characteristics. So... what were they? Not Ponyta... so maybe ponies? Joey had a tough time figuring out what to call them, but for now, it was time to push that aside.

As he continued to examine the ponies, he saw that the yellow one had a few cuts and bruises. Looking at the purple one, she had no injuries to speak of but Joey could see she was tired if panting was anything to go off of. The orange one sadly emulated the purple pony.

Clicking his tongue, Joey's Staraptor landed on the ground, allowing the human to disembark. The ponies were scared. If Joey was being chased by two large creatures and suddenly a tall rabbit knocks out and buries one of them into the earth, he'd be shaking in his boots as well. That and the giant predatory bird. That was also scary.

Luckily, Joey's resourceful backpack survived the clash of the legendaries. Reaching into it, he fishes out three sitrus berries for each of the ponies to calm their nerves, then on his belt, he grabs one small Poké Ball and enlarges it. Unfortunately, but not unexpected, the three ponies had their attention glued to Nils, and he doesn't blame them. Nils is physically bigger than most Staraptors.

With a few quick snaps of his fingers, the ponies were brought from their terror-filled gazes, staring at the human looming over them. He kindly offered the berries, lightly throwing them to their hooves, beckoning for them to eat.

"Don't worry," he assured quietly, his soft and kind voice soothing their worries, "this will make you feel better. Go on," he urged with a gesture, "eat up and gather your strength."

Though grateful to this mysterious being and his avian ally, the orange pony stood between her friends and Joey, glaring at him. Joey felt the pony peering into his soul as if she is trying to find traces of trickery. Joey didn't like it, it felt wrong and almost perverted, but as the feeling came, it went away. The orange pony smiled, taking the berries into her mouth and presenting them to her friends.

The yellow one was reluctant to eat, but if her orange friend decided it was okay to consume one of those berries, then the yellow pony happily tried it. It wasn't long until Joey heard a cute squeal as faint as a whisper coming from the yellow pony. The orange pony gave one to her purple friend and she tried it and nearly emulated the yellow pony, giving a look of satisfaction and euphoria. To Joey's wonder, the orange pony consumed the entire berry in one chomp. She liked it also and Joey was happy.

"Thanks, partner!" the orange pony suddenly said. The unexpected response almost made Joey yelp in surprise, but he quickly calmed himself down. "I don't know what that fruit was, but it sure made me feel loads better. Thanks for helping us!"

"Heh, I'm certainly not in my world any longer, and these aren't Pokémon," Joey uttered under his breath. "I didn't know you could talk! The name's Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short!"

The orange pony tipped her hat saying, "Name's Applejack. That there is Fluttershy," the yellow one she pointed to. She then pointed to the purple pony. "And that is Twilight Sparkle, she's a princess!"

"Howdy!" Joey joyfully said, bowing at the two other ponies.

Fluttershy was a bit hesitant to reply, so all she did was meekly give a lame wave. It was made abundantly clear that Fluttershy, hence the name, was going to be a little tough to speak to. Joey hopes to change that very soon.

Twilight, on the other hand, was speechless, somehow spawning a quill, ink, and a scroll. From that action, Joey knew that Twilight was a studious pony, he has met humans like that all the time during his travels. The interest was directed towards his Pokémon, which, to most who have seen and on occasion studied them, are quite odd and unique.

However, Joey seeing Twilight's eyes sparkle with an enthusiastic look made him a bit uneasy, especially when she was staring directly at him.

"What are you?!" Twilight blurted out, looking up, down, and around Joey like mad. "I've never seen anything like you before! Are there more like you?! What do you eat?! What are those creatures with you?! Do you have magic?! What are your day and night cycles?! Do you LIKE BOOKS?! Because I LOVE BOOKS!"

While Twilight was gushing on and on about Joey, Nian rushed between them and gave Twilight Sparkle the dreaded stink eye, which shut her up quickly. The way her ears splayed back, how her eyes bulged and widened and the way she lowered her body to make herself look smaller were on account of fear.

Though overwhelmed by the barrage of questions, Joey felt a little guilty that Nian had to stare the poor pony down with such a powerful glare. Applejack didn't like how Nian invoked Twilight with a sense of dread and was about to get up in her face, even though the pony saw what the rabbit did. That was nerves of steel; Sticking up for your friend always gave some kind of power boost or something.

Now Joey didn't want a fight, so he gently and carefully pulled Nian away. The rabbit looked at him and snorted, but when she saw that serious look, Nian immediately ceased her aggression and stood at Joey's side with no argument.

Usually, Joey lost those kinds of fights since Nian wouldn't care. She's always been a bit stubborn and being in her mega evolution wasn't making her personality any better. Still, Joey was glad that it was this instance where Nian decided not to be hard-headed.

"Sorry about that, Twilight, Applejack," Joey said solemnly, bowing before them in apology. "Nian gets overprotective when she sees me... overwhelmed, and her being in this form does the lout no favors. She was worried is all, please forgive her."

Twilight recovered from Nian's glare. "No, no, that's quite alright," she said blushing in embarrassment. "I tend to... get overexcited as I've been told. I'm sorry, Joey."

Applejack pulled off her hat. "If it was to protect ya, I understand. Just don't make it a habit and we'll be dandy."

"Yeah, deal," Joey agreed. He turns his attention to Fluttershy and frowns. "Your friend's hurt. How long has she been like this?"

Twilight moved over to Fluttershy and put a comforting hoof on her mane. "Ever since the attack," she said glumly. "We were going to visit a friend who lives in this forest, but on the way, we got attacked by two hungry manticores.

"While we were running away, Fluttershy stumbled, lost her balance, and was struck a couple of times by the manticores. Luckily, she narrowly escaped any fatal injuries and got off with a few cuts and bruises.

"I was going to teleport her to the hospital, but... now that I'm looking over her wounds, they appear to be a bit more severe..."

Joey laughed and lightly threw the Poké Ball that was in his hand, summoning forth a large, round, pink creature with small stubby arms and legs. It had three pink frills on the right and left sides of its head with the end of the frills having a darker shade of pink, along with its feet. It even had a tail, a small white skirt, and a white egg tucked away in what seemed to be a pouch of some kind. It danced slightly while chanting "Chansey, Chansey, Chansey". It was a bit goofy and bubbly.

"Lena, Lena," Joey softly called gaining the large Chansey's undivided attention, hugging the poor human as he struggled to hug back. And breathe. "I'm happy to see you as well, but before we get to dancing, I need your help."

Instantly, like a light switch turning on, Lena the Chansey stood at attention. Joey has heard stories about the Pokémon Chansey going to any lengths to help humans or Pokémon, even if it took them around the whole world; their desire to help others in need could not be matched. Of course, they'd be the perfect partner for nurses and doctors; it was kind of a no-brainer.

Joey always believed that anyone adventuring, like a Pokémon Trainer, should always have at least a Chansey in their group or party. He had Lena ever since she was a Happiny, which is the pre-evolution of Chansey.

"Always one for theatrics." Joey chuckled before he gestured to Fluttershy. "That pony needs your assistance. Care to remedy her woe with a gracious and generous Softboil, Doctor Lena?"

Quickly and with a gleam in her eye, Lena merrily skipped over to Fluttershy, kneeling next to the pony with a sweet smile. She assesses the pony's wounds and carefully retrieves her neatly tucked egg from her pouch and hovered it over Fluttershy.

"Wait," Twilight said fearfully. "What is that going to do? How would an egg help Fluttershy?"

"That egg has strong healing properties when applied correctly. Lena, my Chansey, is going to administer its effects to your friend," Joey explained plainly. "Also, it's quite nutritious and it tastes good. Watch."

A soft glow from Lena's hands poured something into the egg that Twilight couldn't discern. The egg was glowing a faint pink as it cracked open, sending a wave of healing into Fluttershy's body. Twilight and Applejack were rightly confused, but then their jaws nearly hit the grassy earth as the wounds on their friend's body started to vanish almost instantly. As the egg disappeared, another one manifested in Lena's pouch.

After a few seconds of silence, Fluttershy stretched her body and wings. There wasn't a single notable scratch, bruise, cut, or scar. She had been healed completely.

"Well, I'll be..." Applejack breathed out slowly. "It's all gone, every little bit of injury is gone. That was some egg."

To say Twilight was intrigued would be a massive understatement. The pony could barely contain herself after seeing such unbelievable non-magical healing power. She wanted to geek out so badly, but... Joey could freak out and that would mean another visit into those cold, cruel eyes of that rabbit creature, and Twilight Sparkle determined it'd be prudent to hold off on geeking out until they get to the castle.

As Fluttershy attempted to rise from the ground, she was aided by Lena who handled the pony with such care and attention that it made her blush.

"Thank you," Fluttershy whispered. "To you and Lena..."

"No problem, we're always happy to help, isn't that right, Lena?"

The Chansey agreed wholeheartedly, happily spinning and dancing around the group. Nils watched in rapt attention, Nian scowled and shut her eyes, Joey laughed along with Applejack and Twilight, and Fluttershy merely stood in silence, enjoying the goofy spectacle.

Although it was indeed fun to watch Lena go around and put smiles on most faces, Joey decided it would be smart if they got out of this forest in the concern that more monsters might show up.

Nian wasn't afraid, she could turn any opposition into mush. She would love to encourage any monster lurking in the shadows to show up and fight her right then and now. Despite her desires, Joey came first. And since he wants to be around these ponies a bit longer, Nian has to put up with them.

"Alright," Joey called out, clapping his hands together, "is there a town or something near here?"

"O-oh, of course," Twilight said. "There's a town very close to the Everfree Forest. I'll be happy to escort you there if you would... maybe... tell me about yourself and these creatures."

There's that gleam in her eyes. Joey chuckled to himself, Twilight reminded him of his sister.

"Well, I don't see the harm in telling you some stuff. Let's get going." Joey grasped Lena's Poké Ball. "Alright, Lena, I'll let you out to stretch your legs later. Return."

Lena continued spinning as the red beam of light engulfed her, sending the upbeat Chansey into the Poké Ball. Joey then grabbed Nils's Poké Ball.

"Good work today, my wonderful friend. I'll call on you again soon. Have your rest. Return."

Nils cooed as the same red light swallowed him up and he returned to his Poké Ball. Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy gasped, which caused Nian to groan and roll her eyes.

"Calm down," Joey pleaded, trying to relieve the ponies' fears. "This object is designed to hold my friends inside. From what I hear, it's quite comfy. I'll tell you all more later. Shall we get going? I'm afraid if we stay in place any longer, Nian might explode; She has almost no patience."

The vexed rabbit lightly kicked Joey in the shins, which elicited a quick yelp of pain. Joey, despite knowing about Nian's temperament, seemingly, and a lot of times unwittingly, says something that sets her off. It's usually a punch in the gut or a kick on his keister; Joey should be counting the lucky stars he got off so easily. A mega Lopunny with anger issues is a frightful thing. How's he alive for this long is anyone's guess.

Twilight clears her throat and says, "I would teleport back home, but I am afraid of what magic might do to you, so we'll just walk."

Joey nodded and let the ponies take the lead as he and his partner followed close behind.

A Home for His Family

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People often ask Joey what's his dream, his goal, his aspirations; what he strives for. They wanted to know his motivation, his reason. The answer he gave was incredibly simple.

"My Pokémon. From the moment I wake up to the moment my head hits the pillow, I'm living my dream; I have Pokémon that aren't just my friends, but my family. They are all I have to cherish, and every day I'm with them, I am content with my life. Without them, I am nothing, I wouldn't even be here. They are my motivation."

The walk to the town Twilight Sparkle called Ponyville was rather uneventful, nobody and no pony hardly said a word. It wasn't until Joey laid his eyes on the rustic village did any life sparked between the group. Twilight went on and told Joey that Ponyville is a small village next to the capital of Equestria, Canterlot City. She went on about how there are good and honest working pony folk living in that town, and that it's where she met her best friends in the whole wide world, especially when she told him she never had any before up until a few years ago.

To go a bit further in-depth, Twilight explained to Joey that she used to be the pupil of Princess Celestia, the co-ruler of Equestria, and devoted her entire childhood to studying magic after an "accident" caught the princess's attention. She continues to tell the human how she met her friends and did a quick explanation of the event that was taking place when she arrived in Ponyville.

Joey was amazed to hear Twilight's story and how she and her friends saved Equestria. He was happy that Twilight had close friends, to have those you can consider family. Joey never liked seeing a young boy or girl alone, so he would bring out Lena and start performing for them in various towns and cities. Joey even dabbled a bit in Pokémon Contest, often for a bangin' good time. And little did he participate in gym battles.

Though a Pokémon's powers are typically used to protect and assist in their daily lives or to fight in Pokémon battles with your Trainer, there was always something special about seeing those same moves used in a completely different way: not just to be knocked out and claim victory as the stronger opponent, but to delight and dazzle, to bring about a spectacle to get the crowd cheering and demanding for more amazement.

Joey began to reminisce the time he pitched the idea to his Lopunny, and how swiftly did he receive a smack on the head for suggesting such a discomfiting idea. The young man had to crawl and beseech Nian to compete in contests, even going so far as to kiss the ground she walked on. Through the constant pleading and headaches, Nian finally gave in to Joey's passionate eccentricities.

Joey's cute when he's excited.

Nian's disinterest in Pokémon Contests wasn't because she would be performing in front of hundreds of people, but because the rabbit didn't want to wear a dress. For the Pokémon Contest, it was customary, and smart, to dress up your Pokémon so they could look cool or pretty during the event; It was practically required. Don't get it twisted, most Lopunny would love to dress up and perform since they care a lot about their appearance, and Nian does care about her looks, but to wear something girly... she disliked the idea.

It took, believe it or not, a staggering amount of begging from Joey to have Nian consider thinking about wearing a dress. To secure Nian's cooperation, Joey said that he'd join, for up to three months, Nian's forenoon ritual, starting at four o'clock which consisted of a grueling ten-run lap around whatever town or city the duo was visiting, intense yoga, and sparring matches until nine o'clock.

Nian did want Joey to join her morning routine as he was getting a bit chubby at the time, so it indeed garnered some thought. However, even with the tempting offer, Nian was about to shoot him down again, but then she made the mistake of looking into Joey's eyes during his proposal. To most, there was nothing too interesting about his eyes other than they were white and hazy, but to Nian, seeing that childlike wonder in his eyes, it was too cute, and she had no choice but to accept.

Eventually, he entered every contest in Hoenn and won each of them, gaining the Ribbon Cup, which solidifies Joey as the Top Coordinator. Nian, though she hated wearing a dress and such, slowly, with each victory, came to tolerate participating in such events since one of the stages included a Contest Battle, and you better bet your Flaffy that Nian aced those rounds. In Sinnoh, the duo made a monumental impact in the contest scene, winning every contest, again becoming a Top Coordinator of that region, and claiming the Ribbon Cup.

The last, and most difficult would be participating in the Kalos Pokémon Showcase and becoming Kalos Queen. Joey... achieved this by disguising himself as a beautiful woman and taking Nian to the contests and winning almost every single one, obtaining Princess Keys to qualify for the Master Class tournament and winning the competition. Truly shameless. After that began the dreaded three-month morning routine. It was the second-worst thing in Joey's entire life.

As Joey happily reminisced those times, the good and the bad, he was pulled out of his thoughts by Fluttershy, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle.

"Huh?!" Joey shouted, looking at the faces of the bewildered ponies and the... worried expression of Nian. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"While Twilight was showing you to her castle, she was asking you some questions, but you never answered," Applejack said with a furrowed brow. "It took all three of us to snap you out of your trance. Is everything alright, sugarcube?"

Joey chuckled weirdly and rubbed the back of his head in faint embarrassment. "Sorry, I tend to daydream. I didn't mean to cause worry to anyone, especially you, Nian."

Nian sighed and gently held onto Joey's arm with her own. Over the years, Nian had gotten very affectionate and touchy-feely while on the road with her best friend. When she isn't giving Joey a hard time, she's tender and loving. Joey used his hand to stroke Nian's big ears. The delicate motion earned Joey a cute nuzzle against his side. If you ever touch a Lopunny's ears, you have to be extremely careful. If you are too rough, it'll irritate the Pokémon, and you might receive a devastating kick in response.

"Aww," Fluttershy cooed at the heartwarming scene. "You two have a special relationship, I can tell. I wish I could understand her."

Joey was confused. "Come again? Understand her?"

Twilight entered the conversation, seizing the opportunity to school Joey in Fluttershy's unique talent. "Fluttershy can speak with animals on account of her cutie mark. As far as I know, she's the only one who can."

"Really?" Joey said in astonishment. "That's pretty awesome, and what's this about a cutie mark? I don't think I have that where I'm from."

That gleam in Twilight's eye returned brighter than before. "Well, it's mainly related to ponies. At a certain age, typically around our childhood, ponies begin to get their cutie marks, which are symbols on our flanks that tell us what we're good at."

"That's interesting. Is that the only thing you'll be good at?"

Twilight shook her head. "Your main talent will be your cutie mark, but ponies in Equestria can be good at other things. If you look at Applejack's flank, you'll see she has three apples on each side. She runs an apple farm called Sweet Apple Acres near Ponyville with her family. When it comes to apples, she's your mare to turn to! However, she's also good at fixing, building, and repairing things. You can have an assortment of varied skills."

"D'aww, y'all didn't have ta give me that much praise, I'm just expanding my field a bit since I do help run the farm, which reminds me..." she uttered before turning to Joey with a smile. "Joey, whenever you get a chance, swing by Sweet Apple Acres. It's over yonder north of Ponyville, can't miss it, alright?"

Joey nodded. "I'll mosey on over one day, Applejack, I promise."

"Good deal," she responds with a tip of her hat. "I gotta skedaddle back to the farm before I get an earful from Granny. See ya!"

And just like that, Joey saw that orange mare trot off into the bustling town. He likes Applejack, she reminds him of an honest and hardworking person that toiled away in his village.

He always had a smile on his face, and whatever job he had his eyes set on doing, he'd get it done with no complaints; His rewards for his exceptional hard work around the village often came with full smiles and firsthand dibs at the new crops.

Joey never had him as a friend, and he only really knew the guy from the mouths of satisfied village folk. He remembers that hardworking guy was the first to go when the winter storm jacked up everything. It was always the folk striving to be the best a human could be that ended up perishing. After he died, morale in the village sunk and everything around the village began to deteriorate. They've lost the best of the best, and without that man's positive outlook and handy know-how, life in the village was almost emotionally barren.

One of the regrets Joey holds to this day is never getting to know that hardworking man. The guy always helped folks without a single complaint or expecting anything in return; He simply desired to make life in the village just a tad more comfortable. Looking back, Joey did himself a disservice not knowing that kind-hearted man. He didn't even know his name.

Fluttershy had to leave shortly after Joey set his eyes on Twilight's crystal castle. In a very light exchange of goodbyes, the timid pegasus fluttered to her home, which was a cottage stationed next to the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Fluttershy reminded Joey of a small girl that once lived in his village.

She was shy and scared of a lot of things, but when it came to Pokémon, Joey witnessed those fears and anxieties melting away. That little girl, whose name was Seria, was one of his only human friends in the village. They never talked much, but always appreciated each other's company, bonding over their love of Pokémon. They never had much else in common.

When the winter storm rolled in and the Pokémon either died or were forced away, an irreparable rift grew in Joey and Seria's precarious friendship. Losing her Pokémon friends shattered the poor girl's heart, and Seria fell into a massive depression afterward; She was never the same again. She shut down completely, locking herself away from the outside world. Joey tried his hardest to cheer the distraught girl, but anything he did never got Seria out of her... recession. It was at that moment Joey knew he lost a friend and that there was nothing he could do to repair it, so, regretfully, he gave up and left Seria alone.

Could Joey truly say that Seria was his friend? Any friends he had were Pokémon, and even with Seria joining him, could he honestly consider her a friend? All they had were their love of Pokémon, but they hardly talked or did any activities with one another, opting to be with other Pokémon. If anything, Seria was more of an acquaintance than a friend. They were just folks who barely knew each other.

When everyone had to leave the village to find food and water, Seria and her parents stayed behind. Her mother and her father were sick, and there was no way to move Seria during her depression. After people began to die, it wasn't long until Seria and her parents fell as well. It was extremely cold that day, and something in Joey's heart told him that Seria died.

Maybe he should have tried a little bit harder before the end came. Perhaps then he wouldn't feel sad thinking about her.

Cut once again from his daydreaming by Nian shaking him, he looked forward to seeing Twilight holding the door for him with a worried expression across her face.

"Joey, are you sure you're okay?" Twilight asked slowly. "You've been out of it for five minutes. I think you should take a rest. Sound good?"

Joey was disheartened to have caused Twilight and Nian to worry about him. He couldn't help it, Joey often finds himself looking back at the past, whether it was good or not.

He sheepishly rubbed his head and gave a long sigh before answering, "I think that would do me some good. I'm sorry, Twilight, it's just one of those days, you know? Lead the way."

Twilight gave a short smile before turning away. "We'll be resting in my study, there's a couch for you to rest on. Here we go!"

Twilight led Joey and Nian inside the crystal castle. Now most castles were lavishly decorated with all types of shiny thingamajigs and whosmawhatsits, but this castle kind of lacked any of the typical flare Joey was used to seeing on occasion. Everything was just a crystalline blue here, crystalline blue there, pretty much everywhere the human's eyes wandered.

To be frank, it was underwhelming. Long, empty corridors sadly go untread, there was a chilling draft that swept the ground floor, giant stairs leading further up into the loftier sections of the castle, and it was nearly silent.

"Twilight, this is your castle?" Joey asked incredulously. "Seems pretty empty, like you just got it."

A blush appeared on the purple mare's cheeks. "W-well, I've only been a princess for a few months, so I haven't... uh, gotten around to decorate," she stammered sheepishly, guiding Joey and his Lopunny to a large blue door. She taps it and says, "There is one place that I saw fit to decorate and that's the study!"

Twilight swung open the door and revealed a large study room filled to the brim with books. There was a large couch next to a window, a brown wooden desk adorned with several pots of ink, a cabinet nearly overflowing with unused scrolls, tons and tons of quills sticking out in a drawer at the end of the study room, and with an unlit lamp resting atop the desk's surface awaiting use.

Twilight guided the duo further in and beseeched Joey to rest on her comfy couch. The young man didn't need to be told twice. He sits on the cushy couch with his rabbit gal-pal admiring the homely feel the study exuded. Joey felt he could let his guard down and relax, not worrying about anything going wrong. For Nian, she was always alert to an extent, whether she was resting or not.

Whilst taking in the simplicity of the study, Joey's eyes locked onto Twilight who was cantering to the near cluttered desk. She used that horn to somehow levitate a fresh scroll from the pile, a nice pot of ink, and another quill before making her way in front of the human and his Lopunny.

"I want to ask you a few questions if you are ready to answer them," she said hopefully. Joey saw that Twilight tried to contain her excitement if the wagging of her tail was any indication.

Joey leaned back, groaning in relief, answering, "Sure, go right on ahead, Princess Twilight."

Twilight's smile grew as those pretty sparkles sparked in her eyes. "Of course, I am more than able to answer anything you have to ask. So, what are you and where did you come from?"

The questioning had begun and as Twilight shot out her inquiries, Joey shot back with answers. Though many were notable answers to her questions, when Twilight got to the topic of where Joey lived and what Pokémon is, the young man shifted from a laid-back attitude to a slightly serious one.

Joey divulged he's from a remote village located in between two misty mountains. The village of Willow had very little communication with the outside world, and it wasn't until Joey was healthy enough to leave the mountains when he was a boy, accompanied by his little Buneary.

Joey was never the type of person to get hung up by revisiting old memories, nor did he feel uncomfortable when another person got curious. He's not some human with deep dark dilemmas or a terrifying secret he has to hide to fit in or get by; Joey laid himself out for everyone to see. He wasn't a pretender, he was real. He'd gladly tell you about his past, both the good and the bad... if he was in the mood, which was rare if he wasn't.

Despite being a sheltered young man, Joey was surprisingly outgoing, amusing, and a general hoot to be around, if a bit oblivious to the feelings of those around him, which often got him on the receiving end of a kick or punch, mainly from Nian.

When Twilight asked why Joey left the mountains, his caramel face almost went pale. He told the mare that one day a mysterious winter storm invaded the mountains, casting all that was colorful over a blanket of knee-deep snow. Seldom would you see another color other than white, and if you had, it wasn't long until the snow buried it. Joey told Twilight how that storm ruined his life, taking away his family and the entire village.

Recognizing the grief-stricken face of Twilight, Joey believed it would be prudent to shift to answering what Pokémon was. Pokémon are intelligent creatures with mystical powers that live in Joey's world. They come in all shapes and sizes, and over time, humans and Pokémon have learned to live with and amongst one another in harmony. Some gain experience of power when battling, maturing their bodies to the point of evolution, transforming into stronger versions of themselves.

Joey explained that some evolutions only occur when a strong bond between a human and a Pokémon is established. An example of this phenomenon is Nian, who once was a Buneary and evolved into a Lopunny because of the friendship or bond she and Joey share. To have a Pokémon undergo this transformation means that no matter what, they are loyal and loving.

By the time Twilight finished her questions, a few hours had gone by and at least four scrolls were filled with this brand-new information. Outside, the sky was beginning to darken. Nian took the time to catch some sleep.

Twilight was about to shout, but she stopped and frowned slightly. "Ugh, I wish Spike was here to send these to Princess Celestia."

Joey raised his brow in confusion, rubbing his chin. "Oh... You mentioned her briefly. She was your mentor, right? And who's Spike?"

"That's right. And Spike is my assistant, but right now he's on a trip to Baltimare with a friend of mine and he won't be back for quite some time."

Joey nodded as he struggled to understand. "And why'd you need him?"

Twilight levitated the batch of scrolls over to Joey, saying, "I want Princess Celestia to read all the information you've given me. Spike can send these directly to her. She'll know who and what you are, and what an inkling of what Pokémon is... and... and, uh... How did you end up here?"

Joey laughed lightly, trying not to wake his gal-pal. "Nian and I were celebrating in this place called Alamos Town until two very strong Pokémon appeared out of nowhere and started fighting. Their scrap was destroying the town, so while the Pokémon and civilians were evacuating, I had Nian repel any attacks from two of those Pokémon. Unfortunately, she and I were blasted by those Pokémon. I don't know what happened after that, but everything was dark. Then I opened my eyes after a... rude awakening and found myself here."

"Did you have a home?" To Twilight's displeasure, Joey shook his head. "B-but why not? I know about the home in the mountains, but I thought you would've had another one."

"I'm a traveler, Twilight, a nomad; I have no home," Joey answered. "Ever since I left the mountains with Nian, I never stayed in one place. There was so much I had never seen before that staying in some village or city wouldn't make much sense. However, I have no choice this time. I'm trapped here with my Pokémon, in a place of mystery. For now, it would be smart of me to stick around."

"Why don't you use the house right outside Ponyville?"

Joey gave Twilight a confused look. "What house?"

"You were probably daydreaming at the time, but there's a house outside of Ponyville. I was going to use it for storage and celebratory occasions, but I never could find the dedicated time to renovate it. Since you have nowhere to go, you can use it for free."

Joey was whelmed at Twilight's generosity. "Twilight... that's very kind of you, but I don't need a house."

Twilight shook her head and gave Joey a serious look; her sparkling gaze no longer shined; it was replaced by a cold glare. "As a princess of Equestria, I hereby declare the house outside Ponyville officially yours and yours alone. If you do not comply with this declaration, you will be condemned to cruel & unusual punishment in the form as follows: tickle torture by use of feathers, overwhelming cuddles by the indigenous inhabitants of Ponyville, which includes Bulk Biceps, and a musical number telling you that your home is where you should begin your potentially new life.

"Resistance against these punishments is ill-advised for your health and safety, for if you proceed being stubborn, they will increase in intensity until you submit to these demands. What say you, Joeshur Riverside? Comply with this ridiculously FREE opportunity, or subject yourself to horrors beyond the scope of your human imagination? Keep in mind that ponies can be VERY creative."

Joey gasped and held his hand over his mouth in mock surprise. "You wouldn't dare subject an innocent human to your malicious whims; You would become a tyrant, a despot, a bully."

Twilight held a smug look as she teleports to the chair behind her desk and leans against it. "Choose your fate, Joeshur Riverside. Freedom or a prison of love and happiness. I suggest you come up with an answer post-haste, or I get the pink fluffy cuffs. They're AWFULLY soft."

Joey laughed again, wiping a tear from his cheek. "Alright, alright, I concede," he said, bowing to the victorious purple pony princess. "I'll take the house."

A smile reappeared on Twilight Sparkle's face. "Splendid. Now let me send these to Princess Celestia." The scrolls Twilight wrote in were engulfed in a purple sparkle before vanishing with a poof. "If I had Spike, those scrolls would have appeared in front of Her Majesty. Oh well, they'll probably be around her room somewhere..."

Twilight Sparkle teleports to the door and opens it. "Grab Nian and I'll show you to your new home."

Joey nodded, picking up his rabbit and placing her on his back. Gently, he tucked his arms back and held onto her legs with his hands while her head rested against his shoulders. After the happy fun time at Alamos Town, fending off literal legendries, being presumably killed but instead transported to a new world, and fighting two manticores, it was understandable that Nian would be tuckered out.

Shortly after Joey left the castle, he was assaulted by a pretty pink pony bouncing and spouting words at the speed of light. Eventually, in the sea of words, Joey made out the mare's name: Pinkie Pie.

Oddly enough, Joey welcomed Pinkie's erratic and hyperactive nature, he does have a Chansey that kind of acts the same. The main reason Pinkie ran circles around Joey was to welcome him to Ponyville before suggesting he should have a party to commemorate this joyous occasion. Regretfully, Joey had to decline, but he wanted one in the near future. Though saddened by his answer, Pinkie perked right back up and declared it'll be the best party Joey will ever have, and then she sped off into the crowd of ponies.

With no further interruptions, Twilight and Joey continued onward.

Outside of town, Joey gawked at a large black and brown two-story house complete with a white picket fence, a lush garden, four large trees, and a terrace.

Huh. Nils could make a nest in those trees, Joey thought internally.

Twilight turned to face Joey and spread her forelegs apart in a merry fashion before yelling, "Ta-da! This will be your new home. Take some time to get adjusted Joey, I'll speak with you soon."

"Twilight," Joey said, "won't you show me around?"

"Sorry, Joey, but I can't show you everything," she replied with a small smile. "I have to get back to the castle, Princess Celestia might've sent a scroll by now, and I don't want to keep her waiting. And I think it's fun to explore this house with your friend. Sound good?"

Joey sighed, but he kept his chin up. "Sounds good. I'll see you soon." Joey passed Twilight and opened the door. He turned around and said, "Thanks for giving me a home. We're friends, aren't we?"

Twilight held a hoof up to her mouth as a giggle escaped her lips. "Of course. You helped me and my friends. Also, the keys are on the table in the living room. Welcome to Equestria, Joey."

"Happy to be here," he responded with a faint blush.

As Twilight teleported back to her castle, Joey entered his new home and closed the door. The young man found himself in a dark room. He felt his hand along the wall in search of a switch. A smooth surface graced his fingertips, he found the switch, and then he flipped it, revealing a spacious living room decorated with a couch, a coffee table and the keys Twilight mentioned, and an entertainment center. He even had curtains.

Slowly and carefully, Joey sets Nian on the couch. He stared at his sleeping friend as a smile began to grow on his face. Despite not wanting a house, Joey was excited. He had a place to call his own, a place for his family, his Pokémon family. Years and years of being on the road, going from town to town, city to city, to islands and kingdoms. It was a nice change of pace, especially for his Pokémon. They've only known the road. This will serve as a good opportunity for them as well.

Quietly, Joey sprints off to the kitchen adjacent to the living room. It was a moderately sized kitchen if not a little small for his liking, but hey, never look a Mudsdale in the mouth.

"Huh, the... uh, fridge! The fridge is running," Joey blurted out. He had to remind himself what was what.

He looked inside and saw the fridge jam-packed with food ranging from fruits, vegetables, sandwiches, and... cake? In the freezer, Joey saw waffles, pizza, and the like, but no meat.

"Mental note: Tell Twilight I need meat in my diet." Joey went back into the living room and picked up Nian. "Time to put you in bed." He looked around and saw stairs leading up further into the house.

Joey found himself at the top of the stairs, eying down a hallway of doors. One door served as a closet, another a bathroom, and one was the guestroom. At the end of the hall was another door, presumably the master bedroom. Opening the door, Joey spotted a large black bed with white blankets. He approaches it and lays Nian upon the cushy surface and tucked her in.

"Sleep tight, Nian," Joey whispered, exiting the bedroom and making his way back downstairs. "Hmm... I think it's time to show my other Pokémon our new digs."

Like the usual Pokémon Trainer, Joey had six Poké Balls strapped around his belt. Joey goes outside, taking the whole batch of Poké Balls and throwing them into the air one by one, summoning forth the rest of his family. First was Nils soaring through the air before perching himself on a nearby tree. The second was Lena dancing out of her Poké Ball. She embraces Joey with the biggest hug of his life.

After begging Lena to release him, Joey threw out another Poké Ball, bringing about his Metagross.

The turquoise robotic Pokémon has four iron limbs with sharp claws that allow the Metagross to stand upright, even though its psychic powers can make it able to float in the air. A Metagross kind of looks like an arachnid. It has a large metallic cross on its circle-like body, although Joey's Metagross has a cracked golden cross, and it possessed deep red eyes occupying the two hollow holes on its face. With four brains, Metagross has been deemed the smartest Pokémon.

"Mechan, it's good to see you," Joey happily said. "How ya been?"

Mechan didn't immediately answer, instead, it surveyed its surroundings with a critical eye, then it tucks its four limbs against itself before using its psychic powers to levitate and flew to the top of the house to perch itself. Wherever Joey decided to sleep for the night, Mechan was always the one to scan for a vantage point. It would then use those psychic powers to erect an invisible field.

The purpose of this field was to act as a powerful security camera, allowing Mechan to sense anything and everything that invades that space. Ever since Mechan joined Joey, it has made its mission to protect and serve him with everything at its disposal.

Joey just shook his head and chuckled. "Worrywart," he muttered.

The fifth Pokémon and probably the youngest Joey brought out was a Lucario, and immediately after being released from the Poké Ball, the Lucario hugged Joey and nuzzled his waist.

"Glad to see you too Yuna, how's my girl?" Joey cooed, petting the loving Lucario.

Yuna was almost like your average bipedal, canine-like Lucario. She has dominant blue and black fur, and cream-colored fur around her torso. She possesses small spikes on her chest and forepaws, medium-sized ears, black appendages on the back of her head, a blue tail, sharp canines on the top and bottom of her mouth, and she always stands on her toes. She also has a pretty lily tucked firmly behind her left ear.

The Pokémon Lucario has red eyes, but for Yuna, they are purely white. This abnormality has caused Yuna to go blind. To compensate for this problem, Yuna uses the power of Aura, an ability tied to the Pokémon Lucario specifically, allowing them to see in ways most humans and other Pokémon cannot. In addition, this advantage assists in finding food.

Now with Yuna clung tightly to Joey's side, he throws the next Poké Ball to summon forth Jenny, his Jynx. Usually, the Pokémon Jynx is kind of round and short, wearing their signature red gown, but Jenny is... different.

Tall and slender, Jenny resembles a human female and is bipedal. She wears a long black dress and has white hair instead of blond. Her face and hands are gray, eyes round, her lips red like they were coated in lipstick, snowy arms, two golden circlets on her chest, and she had no feet under her gown. The way she moved around is by skimming across the ground.

Generally, the height of the Pokémon Jynx is under five feet, but Jenny is a staggering six feet, four inches tall, towering over their cousins and most humans. Jenny is a variant from an island far to the north in the Pokémon world. Another distinction between this variant of Jynx is that they always have a small icicle wrapped around their lips, similar to some farmers who prefer to have toothpicks or straw sticking out their mouths, typically to chew on.

As a lot of humans know, the Pokémon Jynx is a species that is hard to understand because the cries they use are complicated. To make life easier, they dance to communicate, however, their dancing has the potential to hypnotize others, forcing them to dance along. Joey's Jynx doesn't dance at all, and no one knows why. Because of the stoic demeanor of this variant of Jynx, it is nearly impossible to figure out what they want.

Luckily for Joey, Jenny has at times broken this mold to plead to him about her wants and desires. Those needs were often simple and modest, going on nightly strolls or cuddling.

Jenny walked up to Joey with a face of indifference, easily looming over the young man with those soul-piercing eyes. She lifts her left hand in front of his face, expecting the usual greeting. Quickly, Joey tenderly holds it and kisses the hand before bowing respectfully.

Satisfied with Joey's manners, Jenny sought to reward the gentleman. She leans forward and kisses him on the forehead, giving him the smallest of smiles before inspecting the house.

Usually, Pokémon Trainers have six Pokémon, and rarely would that known rule be broken, but... rules are meant to be broken. Joey has one more Pokémon, a Pokémon that throughout its history is feared and hated for simply existing. No matter how hard it tries to help, it is normally viewed as the villain, as the one who is responsible for whatever's happening. An Absol's main purpose is forewarning the coming of disaster by using its horn to notice even the smallest changes in the weather.

Joey's Absol in particular has had a rough life of being treated poorly by humans and Pokémon alike. It was an outcast, a reject. Until Joey came along, Narros had a festering hatred toward everything that breathed life.

Narros was as Absol as an Absol could get. The quadruped has pristine white fur over its blackish-blue body, a large ruff (big batch of hair) around his neck down to his chest and a black oval-shaped object on his forehead. Narros bears a face similar to a feline or cat, deep red eyes, a tail shaped like a scythe, and a long horn made to look like a crescent moon. His broad feet bore claws and the heels and elbows of its four limbs have small spikes that extend from them.

Despite Narros' harsh life, he, like all Absol, detests fighting. This makes it difficult to have Nian and Narros in the same room, as any interaction could potentially spark a fight. Nian's aggressive nature collides with Narros' way of life, unfortunately creating a never-ending tension between the two. Usually, it is Nils who can calm down the two Pokémon before they made a choice both of them will regret.

With Narros out of the Poké Ball, all of Joey's Pokémon silently stared at the Absol. It was enough tension that Yuna released Joey from her grasp. It wasn't often a human, or a Pokémon would see an Absol. In the case of Narros, he had this eerie air around him that caused Joey's Pokémon to be wary of his presence, but there was another reason.

While Joey tried to get Narros to accept him as a friend, the Disaster Pokémon had attempted to murder him at least ten times in the past. So, no matter what, all the other Pokémon always kept Narros in the corner of their eyes when he and Joey were together.

Even being his Pokémon, no one could tell what Narros was thinking, or feeling in Yuna's case. That made him especially dangerous around Joey. It was because of this reason that Nian is so antagonistic and belligerent toward Narros specifically. Narros couldn't truly be trusted, even though Joey trusted his Absol completely.

"Narros, I'm happy to see you," Joey said, hoping that Narros returned the greeting, but the Pokémon glared at Joey and turned away, looking out to the field beyond the house. "Okay... I should've expected this."

Joey scratched his head, then he got an idea. Snickering to himself, the young man marched up to Narros and hugged him. Nils, Lena, Mechan, Jenny, and Yuna all dropped their mouths in astonishment.

Joey is actually trying to die.

Narros' eyes widened as he tensed up from Joey's delicate touch. He felt Joey's fingers comb through his fur and heard the low humming of his voice. "Come on tough guy, show me a bit of love," Joey said as he rubbed his cheek against Narros' face. "Aren't you glad to see me? Your fur is more lustrous and softer than usual. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were grooming yourself to get my attention! Well, you got it; give Joey a big kiss!"

Narros glared at Joey's face. All the other Pokémon held their breaths in anticipation; Joey was dangerously close. In a blink of an eye, Narros could rip and tear Joey apart before any of the other Pokémon had a chance to stop it.

Then, as if Arceus heard their plea, the Pokémon witnessed Narros lick the tip of Joey's nose before an enormous blush turned the Absol's face completely red. Joey gave a hearty laugh as the tension in his other Pokémon slowly drifted away.

"Alright," Joey shouted, standing up to get everyone's attention, "welcome to your new home. I don't know how long we'll be here, so get comfy, guys and gals!"

The majority of Joey's team returned his shout with equal enthusiasm.

"Glad to hear it. Now, it's getting late so get yourselves ready for bed. If any of you want to sleep outside, stay within the fence; Mechan will know if any of you sneak off when you aren't supposed to. Narros, I'm looking at you," Joey said with a playful wink, making the Absol roll his eyes.

"So, who's staying outside tonight?" Joey heard Nils screech, Mechan was obvious, and Narros was almost a given. "Good. Lena, Yuna, and Jenny will sleep inside. There is a guest bedroom upstairs, you girls can share that. At the end of the hall is the master bedroom, but don't go in there, Nian is sleeping. Is that cool?"

Lena, Yuna, and Jenny agreed, and they slowly filed into the house and upstairs.

"Alright," Joey whispered, trying to figure out what else to do. Whilst pondering, a scroll appears out of thin air and hits Joey on the head. "What... a scroll? Perhaps it's from Twilight."

Joey picks up the scroll and began reading its contents. It was indeed from his little purple friend. Twilight informs Joey that Princess Celestia desires his presence first thing tomorrow morning. Reading more, it seems that Princess Celestia is currently in some kind of conundrum, and she believes Joey might be able to help. Joey does like helping folks. To get to Canterlot Castle directly, Joey will be flying in a golden chariot.

Joey could just use Nils to fly up there, but it might be prudent to go via chariot to not induce panic using the giant predatory bird. At the end of the scroll, Twilight Sparkle says that she will accompany Joey to the castle as his guide.

"Hmm, that's cool," he uttered to himself. "Well, it seems I'm due to meet with one of the rulers of the entire nation. Neat. Should I bring Nian along? Nah, she needs to be around the other Pokémon. I can count on Nils and Mechan to keep the peace." Joey rolled up the scroll and began to head inside the house for the night.

Celestia's Plight

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Of the past a tale of solemnity.

A four-legged creature was forced to commit crimes for a criminal organization to protect Pokémon in cages ever since it was little. It did horrible things, actions that can never be fixed, but it did it in the hope of saving those Pokémon.

One day, it reluctantly helped smuggle Pokémon into an abandoned warehouse. The ones with the burning 'R' etched across their uniforms began to abuse the Pokémon into submission. That day, it had enough and fought against the organization, but only to fall and fail close to death's door. The crest across its face, once proud, now cracked and rent, served as a shameful reminder of its failure.

When all seemed lost, a group of Pokémon Rangers stormed in, assisted by a non-member with a Lopunny. They defeated those criminals and shut down their entire operation, and then aided the tortured Pokémon. Meanwhile, the human and his Lopunny rushed over to the four-legged creature and nursed it back to health.

After a while, a connection was formed between the two and the human asked the creature if it would like to come with him. Smitten by this hero, the four-legged creature made it its mission to help and serve him in any way the human desired.

Morning has made its way bright and early. The rising sun's blissful light listlessly filters through the glass window, flooding its illustrious luminescence into the dark bedroom. The warmth of the sunlight gracefully touches the furry cheek of a Lopunny. She giggled in her sleep, shuffling on her comfy bed as her hand mindlessly searches for her partner, feeling the section where he should be, but alas, there wasn't that warming, soft, sensitive surface.

Disappointed, but not deterred, the Lopunny stretches her arm to continue searching for her comfy pillow but to no avail; She couldn't feel him anywhere on the bed. She couldn't feel Joey.

An irritated groan escaped her lips as her eyes slowly fluttered open. She sits up with a hand lazily gripping the covers over her chest and peered to the left, confirming her suspicions. Joey was not in bed. What is Nian to do without her human pillow? She always slept on Joey's torso ever since she was a Buneary. She loved hearing him breathe lightly in her ears, feeling his chest rise and lower with each muted breath; It was so soothing for her. Without him, the poor Lopunny couldn't go back to sleep.

Slightly vexed and groggy, Nian huffed and veered her head around the room, looking for any trace of Joey. His shoes were near the bedroom door, but his clothes are nowhere to be seen. Then her ears perked up and alerted the Pokémon towards the bathroom. Nian heard the water running. Nian wondered why Joey was up so early. As she continued to listen, the water shut off and she could hear him walking toward the door.

Joey stepped out of the bathroom and stretched, popping a few bones in the process. Nian saw him fully dressed and couldn't figure out why.

"Oh, Nian, you're awake," Joey said gaily, walking to the Lopunny and planting a tender kiss on her forehead. "Glad you took my advice on giving your daily regimen the backseat; The additional rest will do you wonders. So, how's my sweetheart today? I hope I didn't wake you, I tried to be quiet."

The Lopunny shook her head, feeling the spot Joey kissed her and smiled. Usually, when Nian and Joey were around other people and Pokémon, she didn't like pet names, especially when the rabbit presented herself as a feisty go-getter. Alone, however, is a different story. She loved it when Joey gave her a lot of affection.

"Good, I was worried. Come on and get out of bed, those lovely ears of yours need a good brush, or do you need me to carry you?"

Nian blushed. Joey was too nice for his own good.

He chuckled, saying, "I'll take that as a yes! Alright, here we go... hup-hup!"

Joey slid his hands under Nian's legs and behind as she squeaked in surprise, instantly picking her up as if she was a feather, revealing a dark blue robe tucked firmly around her body. Whenever Joey decided to sleep in a town with a hotel, Nian usually wore a night robe to bed. She loved how it felt against her silky fur.

Joey guided Nian to a mirror resting atop a desk next to the window. He pulled up a chair and sat her down, reached to the foot of the bed for his backpack, fished out her brush, and began to lightly stroke Nian's ears, which got a delightful murmur in response.

Joey always knew how to get Nian calm or relaxed, it has saved him from her wrath many times in the past. He loved doting on the rabbit and spoiling her on occasion, and Nian relished every second. To Nian, getting her ears brushed is her favorite activity with Joey; They were alone with no interruptions, happy and enjoying each other's company; She had Joey all to herself.

"Nian, your ears have been getting quite fluffy lately," Joey commented, making the brown rabbit blush. "You've been taking extra care of them. Is there a reason?"

"Lopunny," she let out happily with a defiant huff.

"Ah," Joey replied with a chuckle. "To be the best Lopunny around, right? Well, you are certainly paving that road!"

"Lop... Lopunny?" she questioned her partner.

"Where I'm going so early? Well... I, uh, I got a scroll from Twilight yesterday informing me that the princess of this nation wants an audience with me today."

Though Nian was thoroughly enjoying Joey's delicate strokes, her brows furrowed slightly in vexation. "Lopunny...? Loppy. Lopunny?"

"I don't really know exactly what she wants," he replied. "I was told that this princess has some kind of problem and that she wanted to know if I could help. And... you know me, always one to help, so I accepted the invitation. Twilight will be here shortly."

"Lopunny," Nian stated firmly, attempting to disrobe herself, but Joey stopped her. Confused, Nian turned from the mirror to look at Joey. "Lopunny?"

Joey sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "I know you want to come, but I... decided that it'd be better if you stayed here until I came b-"

Immediately, Nian slammed her fist on the desk with a fiery scowl causing Joey to recoil in surprise. He should have known Nian would react this way regardless of how he tried to word it. At least she's fully awake.

"Lopunny!" Nian slammed the desk again. The rabbit was absolutely livid. "Lop!"

"Look, I'm only going to be gone for an hour or two and I thought this would be a good opportunity for you to bond with the other Pokémon," he reasoned with the angry rabbit. "I'll be back before you know it, I promise."

Nian huffed, storming from the desk and shoving Joey away. She turned and glared at him. "Lopunny," she stomped the floor as it shook from her irritation. "Lop, Lopunny!"

"N-Nian," Joey stammered, "I, uh, I-I know you don't want to be downstairs with the others, but you can't keep separating yourself from them." Joey slowly approached the fuming rabbit and kneeled to meet with her eyes. "I'm not bringing anyone else, okay? I'm just going to see what's wrong and I'll come right back." He gently cupped Nian's cheeks with his hands. "Stay here and try to get along with everyone, especially with Narros. Can you do that for me?"

Nian lightly slapped Joey's hands away, but he grabs her again, this time by the arms. "Lopunny..."

Joey pulled the rabbit for a tender embrace. "I know... I don't like being away from-"

A soft knock on the door alerted Joey and Nian.

"Come in," Joey calls out. The door opens to reveal Yuna holding her paw against her chest. "Yuna?" Joey stands and walks over to the demure Lucario. "What's the matter?"

Yuna hesitates when she saw Nian upset, but then she says, "Lu... Lucario?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong," Joey assured the wary Lucario. "Nian and I were just having a small disagreement. Did we wake you?"

Yuna shook her head quickly and shifted her white eyes toward the floor, twiddling her fingers. "Lucario... Lucario?"

Joey gave the sweet Lucario a faint smile. "I won't be gone long." He leans forward and whispered, "Do me a favor and stick by Nian until I return. She's going to need the company. Can you do it?"

Yuna looked over Joey's shoulder and saw Nian glowering at her. Shaking, she turns to Joey with an unsure murmur.

Joey sighed and rubbed the top of Yuna's head as her tail began to wag. "Come on... Where's that beautiful smile of yours?" Yuna's cheeks turn red as a cute grin formed on her face. "There it is. What do you say?"

Yuna meekly clenched her fist and tapped it across her chest. "Lucario!"

Joey gave a hearty laugh in response. "That's my wonderful Yuna!" Joey turns to face Nian who was more than a little miffed at the moment. "Nian, treat Yuna well. As the alpha of this group, I expect you to work with little Yuna and be friendly. Understood?"

With a dark grimace, Nian crossed her arms and grumbled something under her lips. Little Yuna is the baby of the group, constantly following Joey around like a Boltund to a moving stick, and Nian had to look after the baby as leader of the Pokémon team. When Yuna was a Riolu and hadn't perfected the skill to properly use her aura on account of her blindness, she often waddled away from the group with only Nian noticing and chasing after her. This caused the two to go on wacky adventures that typically ended with Nian getting extremely dirty, which is the most dreadful thing for a Lopunny since they loved to appear clean and groomed.

"Come on, Nian, work with me here," Joey pleaded, but the Lopunny wasn't having any of it. She just wasn't cooperating. An idea sprang into Joey's mind as he walked up to Nian and whispered something in her ear.

Confused, Yuna witnessed Nian's face going from anger to confusion, and then to complete and total shock. Nian's hands rose to her cheeks as a valley of red flooded her face. She shook lightly as Joey continued and bashfully turned her gaze to the ground in clear disbelief. Eventually, Nian agreed to Joey's wishes without a single complaint.

"L-L-Lopunny," Nian muttered, trying to wrap her head around what Joey stated. "Lop... Lopunny..." She saw Joey slowly bobbing his head up and down, then she elicited a squeak.

"I'll do that for you once I get back, no excuses," Joey said with a smug smile. "With no brush. And I'll be thorough."

Another squeak escaped Nian's quivering lips as she put her hands on Joey's mouth to get him to stop speaking about it aloud. Yuna was quite curious. What did Joey say to make Nian agree with him? Perhaps head pats and cuddling. Yuna loves to curl up and snuggle.

"Lucario?" Yuna let out.

Joey pulled Nian's small hands away. "Oh, you want to know what I said? Well, it's a special treat I give Nian where I tou-"

"Lopunny!" Nian doubled her efforts and pinned Joey to the floor and put her arm over his mouth before promptly turning to Yuna and saying, "Lopunny, Lop, Lop! Lopunny!"

Joey could only laugh at Nian's embarrassment, but when he saw his rabbit clenching her fist, Joey put his arms in the air to surrender. As much as it was a joy to see Nian drop character and get flustered, the teasing could only go so far before bones start breaking.

"Nian, could you please get off me?"

Nian looked at Joey with a glare, slowly removing herself from her partner. Taking a deep breath, Joey rose from the floor and dusted himself off quickly just before he heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh," Joey exclaimed, "Twilight's here." He looked over to Nian and kissed her on the forehead again. "Let's go meet her."

To say Twilight was a little uneasy isn't wrong. The moment she stepped past the fence, Mechan and Nils stared at her in silence. Having a large bird eying you down like a mouse wasn't exactly thrilling nor was the metallic creature perched on the roof. Though slightly apprehensive, Twilight had made her way to the door and rang the bell.

She tapped her hoof in wait, cautiously looking back at Nils staring her down from the trees. He didn't move an inch; he was like a statue, and that glaring stare sent chills down Twilight's body. Promptly taking her eyes off the large bird, Twilight gazed at a white creature with a curved horn basking in the sun's warm rays.

"These creatures are truly magnificent," Twilight said. "All of them are Joey's. I have got to ask him more about these... Pokémon."

While Twilight gushed internally at the prospect of learning more about Pokémon, her attention was dragged to the front door where she sees a human dressed in a black jacket with a dark blue shirt, blue jeans, a black cap, black fingerless gloves, and white shoes. His white eyes shined in the sunlight and his beaming smile was etched across his caramel face.

Though Twilight appreciated Joey's manners, his attire left her curious. "Joey, why are you wearing black? It's warm outside today. I don't want you to have a heat stroke. Also, good morning!"

Joey waved off Twilight's concerns. "Mornin' to ya, Twilight. I wear all of this because I get cold easily, but I thank you for showing concern... I appreciate it."

"No problem," she replied. "Our ride is here to take us to Canterlot Castle." Twilight gestures to a golden chariot manned by two pegasus stallions in gold armor. "Also, I was recently informed that Princess Celestia is currently in the royal garden, so we'll meet with her there. Are you ready to go?"

Before Joey could answer, Twilight saw a slightly annoyed rabbit in a night robe holding Joey's arm protectively and glaring at the Friendship Princess, but the purple pony noticed Nian's glare was a lot tamer and reserved.

"Good morning, Nian," Twilight greeted, hoping to get an answer. All interactions between her and the rabbit have unfortunately been quite negative, and Twilight would love nothing more than to start well again.

"Lopunny," Nian grumbled before getting in front of Joey. Nian didn't tower over Twilight, but she was a head taller than the alicorn. It was enough to make Twilight step away. "Lop... Lopunny. Lopunny."

Twilight couldn't understand Nian's speech, but judging from the tone, it was intimidating and expressed caution.

Joey placed a comforting hand on Nian's head. "Nian is saying to be careful with me, she gets worried when we're separated," he told the purple pony. "How long do you think I'll be gone? I aim to abate my rabbit's concerns."

"Well," Twilight started, "the ride to Canterlot will take ten minutes, and the meeting with Princess Celestia could last twenty minutes to an hour. You'll be back home just before noon." Twilight began to canter to the chariot. "The faster we get there, the faster you'll be back home, so let's get to it."

"Got it," Joey called out. "I'll be there in a second." He turns his attention to Nian and cupped her cheeks again. "I'll be fine," he assured his partner. "Hold the fort until I'm back. Love ya."

Nian held onto Joey's hands with her own. "Lopunny," she whispered. "Lopunny..."

"That's my feisty girl," Joey breathed. He and Nian shared a heartfelt nuzzle before he lets her go. "See you soon."

Joey jogged over to Twilight and got into the golden chariot. He waves from the seat as Nian returns the gesture before the two guards sprinted and flew off the ground. Nian watched as the chariot got further and further from view. Yuna comes to Nian's side and places a paw on her shoulder.

Groaning, she looks around outside and sees Nils roosting and... Narros sunbathing. Private time with Joey will have to wait.

True to Twilight's words, the duo had indeed arrived at the castle resting along the mountain, and as Joey has seldom seen castles as opulent and decorated, even the city below, which Twilight informed is Canterlot City, shared in the castle's lavishness.

Although Joey wanted to see more than just mere glimpses of the city, he had to stay on track. The golden chariot descends downward to the castle's main gates with a gentle landing and pulled up to an entrance leading into a lush garden. The vibrant colors caught Joey's eyes as he leaped from the chariot to examine the garden's verdant beauty.

Twilight was quite surprised by Joey's speed. Up until now, Joey hasn't shown any signs of physical activity on account of being buried in thick clothes, often walking and taking in the sights at a leisurely pace, but as she saw, the clothes have done nothing to slow him down.

Teleporting off the chariot and bidding farewell to the stallions who pulled the chariot, Twilight canters up to Joey and nudges his hand with her snout.

"What's up," he says.

Twilight gestures with her head toward the entrance of the garden. "Come on," she said, "Princess Celestia is waiting inside. We don't want to keep her and please be delicate with the flowers, they wilt easily from touch."

Joey quickly reeled his hand away from the flowers as a chuckle escaped his lips. He walks with Twilight deeper into the grove of the garden, and at the very end is a figure of an alicorn, white and golden. As Joey got closer, he felt an unseen presence pervading the area around him; it was calm and comforting like he could let go of all his fears and worries.

Her holy stature demanded respect and loyalty, her majestic rainbow mane and tail flowed slowly like seaweed, forever beautiful in endless motion, and her large, immaculate wings clung to her sides. The alicorn turns to meet her guest, revealing an exalted three-pronged crown, a large golden necklace, or a collar around her neck with a purple gemstone embedded in the center. Her purple eyes shined with mysterious luminance. Her cutie mark is the sun.

"Wow," Joey breathed, taking in Princess Celestia's sheer beauty. "She has ruler title written all over her. Wow."

Twilight giggled at Joey's astonishment. "It's not polite to stare, silly. Approach and listen to her problem. Meanwhile, I'll be staying right here."

"You mean you aren't going to be by my side?"

"I'm afraid not," Twilight replied before laying on the lush garden surface. "This is a meeting between you and her. I won't be going anywhere if that's what you are worried about."

"Alright, alright," Joey said. "Let's see what this princess of yours wants."

Slowly and carefully, Joey walks up to Princess Celestia and bows in respect and she reciprocates the gesture.

"Raise your head, I want to have a good look at your face," Princess Celestia told the human. He did what she desired and stared directly at Her Majesty's heaven-touched countenance. "Your eyes... are beautiful; white is precious and rare, I've only seen two other ponies who share those eyes. From Twilight's letter, your name is Joeshur Riverside, yes?" The human nodded, but he said to call him Joey if she wanted. "Good. My name is Princess Celestia, but you may call me Celestia."

Joey rubbed the back of his head. It wasn't often he met with royalty, and rarer still be the chance to hold a conversation, but from Celestia's affable and approachable disposition it was easy for Joey to get comfortable around her. It was like Princess Celestia, though exalted and demure, is more of the everyman.

"It's nice to meet you, Celestia," Joey said trying to not sound like an idiot, but that's half his personality. "I was told you had something bothering you. Well, I would like to help."

To know Joey was willing and able to help her even when he doesn't know her at all really touched Princess Celestia. There's a saying: the only way to trust someone is by trusting them, essentially putting your faith in them and seeing if they pull through. Right now, Joey trusts Celestia, and he is putting his faith in her to pull through.

Princess Celestia turned her gaze out to a horizon. Joey joined her and stared at the wonderful view.

"This world is a beautiful place," Celestia whispered. "It's filled with many wonders, both good and bad, and those in between. Every day I wake up to view this beauty, Joey, but you know what they say about beauty; there's always something ugly behind it. Something that offsets the charm... Of something that stalks just below the surface. There are good ponies and there are bad ponies, and scarcely would there be those in the liminal middle, before they choose a side.

"Some uphold the honor and sanctity of the world, believing peace and justice rule all with a kind yet firm hoof. Some act selfishly, coercing others into giving them what they want, a means to their end. There's always turmoil just festering below..." Celestia's horn glowed as an object appeared in Joey's view. It was a bottle filled with a mysterious purple liquid. "You want to know what is bothering me? This is what."

Joey studied the bottle that floated in front of him, but nothing came to mind. He's never seen something like that before.

"What you see here is a magical concoction created for illegal use. This purple taint, when drunk, heightens the magic of a pony for a short time, but it comes with a harmful drawback," Her Radiance explained. "It causes internal pain and severe nausea. I have sent guards all over Canterlot to ensure nothing leaves the city without being thoroughly examined.

"I contained the problem; most who're responsible have already met their comeuppance, and there are still a few that linger out on the streets of my fair city, and through rigorous investigation, the remaining criminals may be held at an old warehouse near one of the exits of the city.

"This is my plight. This is a covert operation led by only two of my royal guards. What I ask is that you assist me in this endeavor, scope out the warehouse, and identify the felons and the goods. Do not worry, you will be compensated for your involvement."

"Alright, I'll do it, but there is one thing I want to make clear," Joey said seriously. "I and my partners do not kill."

A smile appeared across Princess Celestia's face. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Life with the Family

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Of the past a tale of solemnity.

There once was a little bundle of joy living in the slums of a forgotten ruined settlement. She was abandoned, left to fend for herself in the hostile hamlet full of dangerous wolf creatures, frightening bugs, and menacing abominations.

Lost and without her trusty egg, the joyous tyke tried her best to survive, but every day presented challenges the tiny Pokémon just couldn't handle, and she got sick as a result. One day, she was being relentlessly hunted by a tenacious giant purple terror with a tail laced with poison. She ran for her life, ducking and dodging the monster's harrying strikes, but then she came to a wall that impeded her escape.

Fatigued and sick, the little tyke couldn't muster up the strength to defend herself and resigned her fate to the vicious claws of the monster. As the creature closed in to deliver the killing blow, a Lopunny came to the rescue accompanied by a human with bracers clasped tightly around his wrists.

He dived into the terrified tyke, deftly blocking the murderous strike with his bracers before cradling her within his arms while issuing commands to the eager Lopunny. The brown rabbit was nimble, easily avoiding the purple creature's dark slashes. She dodges a powerful sweep from the creature's tail, then climbs onto it and dashes towards the creature's face to deliver a swift and destructive kick that whiplashed the air around the two Pokémon; The Lopunny's Mega Kick cracked the creature's hardened shell, knocking the horrid beast out cold as it fell to the ground in silence.

Now victorious, the human began to heal the sick Pokémon with powerful medicine. Safe and saved by her heroes, the little tyke gave them both a hug, but then she felt sorrow wash over her as she realized one thing: She didn't have her egg. It was separated from her when she was running from scary-looking wolves. The human laughed and told the little pink Pokémon he and his Lopunny will help her find the egg. Eternally grateful to her new allies, the little Pokémon and her saviors set out to find the lost egg.

During their search, a budding connection began to blossom between the human and the little pink tyke, and when they did find the egg, the human asked if the little Pokémon would like to come with him. Without hesitation, the Pokémon merrily danced around the human and his Lopunny accepting the invitation to become part of his family.

Nian stared out at the distant blue sky. The brown rabbit already missed her partner; she missed being by his side. She was forced to stay behind to be around the other Pokémon. Nian didn't hate the others, she loves most of them, but she was always around Joey ever since they met. The rabbit preferred to be with him than anyone else.

As Nian lamented Joey's absence in silence, she and Yuna heard the rambunctious singing coming from the happiest Chansey they've ever known. They turned to see Lena dancing down the stairs with a smile permanently plastered on her pink face. The upbeat Chansey wrapped Nian and Yuna in a heartfelt hug that wrung out all the air from their lungs.

Lena vehemently shouts, "Morning, sisters!" Her bubbly voice rang into the eardrums of the captive Pokémon. "I'm so, so, so, so happy to see you both! I came down to fix everyone's breakfast! Happy times ahead!"

Yuna, and even Nian surprisingly, struggled to escape Lena's killer embrace. They tapped on the pink Chansey's head in a desperate attempt to breathe in life's sweet oxygen. Fortunately, Lena obliged their fervent requests and let them go. The two Pokémon fell to the ground gasping for air.

Lena shimmied her way towards the kitchen. "Yuna, do you want to help? Your eggs are so delicious; you HAVE to show me how you cook them!"

That's right. Yuna, Lena, and to an extent, Nian, all know how to properly cook food. They gained this skill by having Joey instruct them; Joey and his parents were usually the ones who prepared the village's meals, so naturally, he passed the skills to his Pokémon that were willing to learn.

Yuna and Lena were naturals while Nian... wasn't that good. She almost poisoned Joey one time with her cooking, and since then the rabbit never held a skillet again, not that Joey allowed it, but because the rabbit was afraid of hurting her partner.

"O-okay," Yuna murmured, holding her paws against her chest delicately; Yuna always had a maiden's modesty and gentle nature. Nian always wondered how beautiful Yuna would look in a dress. "I'll be t-t-there soon." Yuna meekly faces Nian and shakes lightly, saying, "Be r-right back, okay?"

Before Nian could respond, the two Pokémon saw Jenny skimming down the steps gracefully; she left a fading trail of beautiful frost behind. She approaches the two Pokémon, towering over them with those mysterious cold eyes and bows. Quickly, Yuna sloppily bows back almost slipping while Nian gave a quick nod.

Jenny was always a hard Pokémon to pin down; she never drops her icy demeanor, but that didn't mean she never reward anyone for showing manners. She takes the long icicle out of her mouth, which is called a Nevermeltice, and studies Yuna. As the name suggests, it is ice that never melts. Jenny holds it like a pencil and expertly draws in the air a miniature ice sculpture of Yuna and hands it to her as a gift. Being part Psychic certainly is a major blessing.

Yuna's eyes glistened as she hugged Jenny before going upstairs to put the sculpture in a safe place. After, Jenny studied Nian's well-toned figure and attempted to draw her, but the brown rabbit respectfully declined Jenny's gift.

Lena peeks her head out and says, "Jen! Good morning!" Jenny bowed as Lena did the same. "Going outside?" Jenny nods silently. "Okay! I'm making breakfast with Yuna, so be sure to come inside once we're done. Speaking of... Yuna, let's go already!"

"S-sorry!" Yuna replied from the top of the stairs. She makes her way down and stood in front of Lena. "O-okay, I'm ready..."

"Then come on, let's get cooking!" Lena grabs Yuna and drags her into the kitchen.

Nian sighed and shook her head. Lena was always a joyful Pokémon, even when times were tough for Joey. Lena was always there to put a great big smile on that loveable idiot's face, and Nian, though she never told the Chansey, was eternally grateful.

Following Jenny outside, Nian leaps onto the roof and confronts the ever-vigilant Metagross. Being a large robotic Pokémon, Mechan barely eats or sleeps opting only to survey its surroundings instead. A short memory serves that Joey had to force Mechan to eat... well... anything. A Pokémon is still a Pokémon, whether it is flesh or not.

"Joey has gone away; he left his home and flew towards a castle off in the distance," Mechan spoke coldly. "Estimated time is... inconclusive; additional information is required. Nian," it says, "what is the purpose of your visit?"

Nian informed Mechan of the errand Joey was running and how he decided to not bring her along. She went on about how rightfully angry she was since she and Joey always did everything together down to insanely personal things. Even with that spiel, Nian told Mechan that here she was, chilling at the house while Joey went with some purple horse. As far as Nian was concerned, Joey could be in danger.

"Do you doubt Joey's strength?" the large robot asked, shifting its eyes towards the blue sky. "Hmm... Do you believe Joey is incapable of handling situations without your aid?"

Nian told the Metagross she had no reason to ever doubt Joey in any capacity. How could she? Before she came along, Joey was surviving an endless snowstorm without her help up until she met him. She could never doubt his strength, she trains with him regularly in hand-to-hand combat; What was there to fear from Joey getting into a fight? He'd be able to snap the neck of virtually any living creature if he wished, not even counting the bracers which ensure his protection.

Joey isn't a fool; he's not some gullible punk that is easily tricked into doing things he's not fully aware of. She trusted Joey's wisdom to make the right judgments. If anything, it was Nian who would require help in many situations; The Lopunny is a feisty Pokémon, and she knows she can't punch and kick her way through many problems.

"Then why worry about our human when he can take care of himself?" Mechan asked, but it already knew the answer. "Your fear and worries are valid; Joey went to an unknown location with a character we know hardly anything about to talk about something in an indefinite amount of time. However, this is Joey, nothing out here could hinder or harm our human friend. Calm yourself."

Nian sighed and rubbed one of her long ears. She told the Metagross that it was right. There was a saying: Even if you had complete and total faith in your friend or loved one(s), that never stopped the feeling of uneasiness you would feel, that you care for them and their safety. Nian has full faith in Joey's abilities, but that didn't mean she worried.

To veer from this gloomy conversation, Nian told the Metagross that Lena and Yuna are making breakfast for all the Pokémon.

"Really?" Mechan said with a slight interest. It tore its gaze from the sky to Nian. "I haven't had their food in quite some time. It's Joey who normally cooks for us. He's been feeding us regular human food for a while."

Mechan was right. Most Pokémon are omnivorous while other types of Pokémon fed on elements like electricity and fire, dreams... nightmares, even emotions like love and anger... or anything else along those lines. The human even made curry when he visited the Galar Region. Joey didn't leave anything out; he cooked a myriad of food for his Pokémon family: Poké Blocks, Poffin, and Poké Puffs were often treated as sugary delights or dessert after a hefty meal.

Nian's mouth began to water at the thought of tasting Joey's delicious, succulent Poké Puffs. Every human has a guilty pleasure and the same applies to Pokémon. Sadly, those small, cake-like confectionery delights were... heavily limited on account of Nian's greed. There was a time when Joey made a whole batch of Poké Puffs one night and Nian ate every single one, leaving none for the rest of the Pokémon. Her love for Poké Puffs had at one point gotten her pretty chunky and Joey had to put his foot down, making the sugary pastries once every six months. The worst part was that Nian had to share.

Shaking herself from the vivid daydream, Nian bid farewell to Mechan and jumped from the roof. She skips over to Nils's trees and called out to the mighty avian.

Heeding the call, Nils flew from his nest and glided to the ground to greet his buddy. "Well, if it isn't Miss Iron Legs. How's ya doin'?"

Out of all of Joey's Pokémon Nils is the only one who speaks with an accent often heard from the metropolis of New Tork City in Unova. Nils claims he stayed there for a few years on account of finding strong Pokémon and Pokémon Trainers, and over time, the city's dialect crept into his speech and never left.

"Hey, hey, I got a new one for ya," the bird said excitedly as he attempted to stifle a laugh. Nian facepalmed and groaned. "Aw, come on Miss Iron Legs, it's a good one. Okay, okay, here it is: What do ya get with a buck-toothed rat playing the drums, huh? A Rattata! Get it?!" Nils began to wheeze from his poor joke, falling to the ground with tears in his eyes. Nian was unfazed. "Hahaha! Because... because rat-a-tat-tat-a-tat-tat when you play the drums, and Rattata the Pokémon?! Priceless!"

Nils had a thing for terrible jokes. This infatuation was manifested during one of his travels to look for strong opponents when he met a Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. Nian had those freaks to thank for the bird's endless streak of bad jokes she and the rest of the Pokémon had to endure. The only person to, unfortunately, enjoy these travesties was Joey, and it served as the main justification for why Nils won't shut up.

The brown rabbit wondered why she even cared to approach the 'jokester' if she knew this would be the outcome. Wishful thinking, perhaps. She turned to leave but the large bird pleaded with the rabbit to wait. Lamenting her choice to stay, Nian faced her irksome brother.

"Whew... Miss Iron Legs is a tough crowd; I thought I had to find an Audino to keep my fragile emotions in check," he quipped as another giggle escaped his sharp beak. "Taking a crack, I assume you didn't mosey on over here to listen to my wonderfully constructed jokes, huh? What's biting ya, a Chewtle?"

She had to make a mental note to kick Joey later. Nian gritted her teeth and struggled to tell Nils about Lena and Yuna making breakfast today.

"Thanks for the heads up, Miss Iron Legs," Nils said happily. "Are you just a messenger bird today? Funny, you don't look like a Pidove."

Nian warned the avian there will be no jokes at the table or else she'd be clipping some wings. Now, Nils knew that when Nian made a threat, it wasn't a hollow one. His backside still hurts a little from when the rabbit plucked his tail feathers. Remembering that horrible memory, Nils promised to try and not make many jokes. The bird, like most, loved his wings, and he really wouldn't want to be considered the closest relative to his ancestor, The Flightless Bird Pokémon Archen.

Satisfied, Nian started to walk toward the house, but Nils calls out to her. "Are you going to tell Narros?" he asked. "I have to stay and preen my feathers; I can't go to breakfast looking like a hot mess."

Nian didn't say a word, she didn't even turn around. Seconds pass and the rabbit told the avian what would be the point. Narros would rather be alone than be surrounded by other Pokémon; that's his nature as an Absol, and it's only been exacerbated due to his lonely upbringing.

Nils looked at Nian with his critical red eye. "Eventually you will have to stop ignoring him. He will join the others in time, so why wait?" The large bird walked over to the rabbit and started circling her. "We all know why you hate him, it's quite difficult to forget when any of us look at that Pokémon; those times are as fresh in our minds as an Alakazam using Future Sight." Nils stops in front of Nian and looked her in the eyes. "He licked Joey on the nose yesterday."

Now that got a reaction from Nian. She gets up in the avian's face and demanded to know why he or any Pokémon let Narros get that close to Joey.

"Calm down, calm down," he hissed, struggling to ease the tension the rabbit had over his feathers. Nian was no predator, but she had the eyes of one, and Nils respected that. "It was when you were asleep. Joey moves pretty fast, and before we knew it, he already had his arms locked around Narros' body. We should have a Clefairy count our lucky stars Narros decided-"

A loud, but cheery voice grabbed the two Pokémon's ears. It was Lena informing everyone that breakfast is ready and to get their butts to the kitchen table. Nian turned her attention to Narros who didn't even respond to Lena's announcement.

It seems Narros still prefers to be alone rather than be with the rest of Joey's family, and Nian didn't mind. That Absol could lay all day in the sun for all she cares.

"Hey, sis, why don't you go on ahead and I'll meet ya and the family at the window, eh?" Nils began to clean his feathers at a rapid pace; It seems the rush to get to breakfast didn't affect his skillful preening.

Nian agreed and she, with the rest of the Pokémon who were outside aside from Narros, filed into the house and made their way toward the kitchen to begin eating. Yuna and Lena made a lot of eggs: scrambled eggs, eggs over medium, eggs sunny side up, side down, with waffles laced perfectly with golden brown syrup for everyone.

Although Joey taught some of his Pokémon how to cook, he often had to watch over them to make sure they didn't go overboard. And he still hasn't taught them how to make a variety of food yet; You got to start somewhere. Unfortunately, in Joey's absence, Yuna and Lena had made too much food.

Time passes, twenty-five minutes and most Pokémon had finished their food. With all the satisfied looks on most of their faces, Lena scoops up the plates and set them in the sink to be washed. Before she did, Lena reveals a fresh plate of scrambled eggs and waffles. Nils noticed along with the other Pokémon, who all had confused faces... well, except for Jenny.

The frills along the sides of Lena's head drooped, but her smile remained if only slightly less bright. "This is for Narros," she said. Everyone glanced to Nian who had her arms crossed with an annoyed glare. "This plate... it is for him, but he never came to join us. I was wondering if anyone would like to give this to him; I need to clean up."

With a hopeful look, Lena scanned the Pokémon huddled around the kitchen table for any volunteers, but as she waited and waited, no one said anything.

"A-anyone?" All the Pokémon were silent. Lena's bright smile faded.

"I'll do it," a voice said suddenly. It was incredibly feminine, but it expressed reluctance. Lena looked down to see Nian standing in front of her with the rabbit's hands waiting to grab the plate. "I'll go and give it to him."

To Nils, this was a clever excuse for Nian to question Narros about yesterday. The avian knew he shouldn't have said anything; Tension could escalate if Nian pesters Narros.

Nils squinted at the brown rabbit. "Nian, going over there and cau-"

"I won't cause trouble if that's what you're worried about," she said, cutting the bird off. "And I do have something to say to that... to Narros, but I won't snap his neck. Besides, Yuna will come with me."

Instantly, Yuna began shaking. The bashful Lucario is fearful of Narros. When she and everyone else looked at Narros, they were reminded of the attempts he made on Joey's life, so suffice to say, Yuna didn't enjoy the idea of getting anywhere close to that Absol. Even so, Joey counted on Yuna to stick by Nian until his return. She has to stay committed.

Although Lena was delighted someone wanted to give Narros his food, she was anxious when Nian volunteered. The Chansey carefully handed the plate to the rabbit. "Are you sure?" she tentatively asked the rabbit with an unsure look. Nian can be quite passionate and protective of Joey. It was one of the first traits Nian made crystal clear. "You don't have to, Ninny..."

"Lena, listen to me," Nian said with a calm yet firm tone. "Nothing will happen. Narros likes being alone, it's in his nature, but he'll come around. Yuna, let's go." Nian began to leave the kitchen with the demure Lucario scrambling after her.

"C-coming, sis!"

The duo made their way outside to find Narros still sunbathing. As they got closer to the white creature, Nian looked up to the sky towards the castle with a muted sigh. It has been thirty minutes since Joey left. Nian hopes the human got back soon.

As Nian and Yuna, who took shelter behind Nian, approached Narros, his ears flicked to alert him of their presence. He yawns and lifts his head to see Nian holding a plate of scrambled eggs and waffles without syrup. It seems Lena thought Narros wouldn't appreciate the syrup on account of his fur. And she would be right.

Narros and Nian stared at one another in a dreadful silence. Yuna was shivering; looking at Narros' eyes frightened the poor Lucario.

"Nian." The Absol's deep voice sent chills down Yuna's spine.

"Narros," Nian said with hardly any emotion. Yuna noticed Nian's left hand was gripping the plate quite hard. She hoped it wouldn't break.

"You aren't going after my throat, so I assume you have something to say?" That distant, nonchalant voice annoyed Nian to no end. It was like Narros didn't care about anything.

Nian let out a dry chuckle. "You would know a thing or two about going after throats, wouldn't you?"

It was already happening as Nils feared. The Absol barely said anything to the rabbit, and she got riled up. He and Mechan watched from the house along with Jenny leaning against the doorframe and Lena who nervously shuffled in place.

Nian presented the plate, gently setting it down in front of Narros to inspect. The Absol gave a sinister grin that showed his sharp canines; Yuna yelped and almost cried as she held onto Nian for dear life. Narros chuckled at Yuna's timidness which only fed Nian's building rage. The Absol didn't have a twisted sense of humor, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity to scare the anxious Lucario.

Narros asks, "Did you make this for me?"

Nian squinted and balled her fists. "No," she answered. "Lena did. If I did, I would've stuffed it down your throat and watched the life from you get choked out."

Narros looked to the house and saw Lena giving the smallest of waves. Lena felt like all the other Pokémon did toward Narros: She was apprehensive and wary, as well as a little angry. Even so, Lena knew that Narros is part of Joey's family, which makes him her brother, and Lena loves her brothers and sisters very much.

Despite what he made an effort to do to Joey in the past, it didn't stop her from caring about him. Maybe it was in her nature as a Chansey.

"Then I'm glad you didn't," Narros replied in his usual no-care attitude. He tasted the food and loved it, but he didn't express any signs of satisfaction. "After I'm done, I'll offer my thanks for the meal. Is that all you've come over to do or is there something else?"

"I was told you licked Joey. Why? It isn't like you."

Though trenchant and angry Nian was, Narros was surprised she kept a level head. "Easy, boss," he quipped. "You aren't the only Pokémon here who loves Joey. I may not love him as much as you do, but I do love him. He's the only person who truly accepted me... even when I tried to kill him. Is that all?"

Nian huffed and stepped away. "It is for now," she replied. "However, you have a lot of work to do to be accepted by everyone else. Do you understand?"

"I know that already," he whispered before going back to his meal. "And thanks for not killing me. You've handled yourself quite well. Also, having all that anger fester isn't good for you; Only a Gyarados should harbor that much hate."

"Don't push it," Nian muttered before stepping away with Yuna.

Shortly after the quick conversation, a familiar voice from the skies aroused the Pokémon to raise their heads. They saw a golden chariot descending to the ground with a gentle thud. Then, the Pokémon gazed upon a figure jumping out of the chariot. It was Joey.

The human spoke to Twilight Sparkle before they parted ways. He waved to his Pokémon with a cheery smile as he approached the white fence. "Hey guys, I'm back!"

Most of the Pokémon rushed to Joey and welcomed him back. "I have some big news! We got a job!"

Time passes and night rolled around. Joey had told all of his Pokémon about Princess Celestia's proposal, and all of them, save for a few, were pretty amped. As a nomad, Joey never had a concrete job since he never stayed in one place. However, he has worked for and with on multiple occasions, Pokémon Rangers, an organization of people who uses Pokémon to solve problems in nature, stop criminals in the Pokémon world.

He's helped them an innumerable number of times, and he was often compensated for his aid. It was because of his involvement with the Rangers that Joey met Mechan a few years ago.

The job Princess Celestia gave Joey starts tomorrow night as she needed to get a few things done before then. He pondered the reason behind Princess Celestia's willingness to allow him to join the operation. She wanted to see how he and his Pokémon would do. Well, if that's what she wants, she picked the right human for the job.

"I don't think I'll need everyone, but just in case... you may never know," the human told his rabbit. Joey was in the master bedroom wearing pajamas while going through his backpack.

The human had to thank a certain Professor in the Galar Region for giving him such high-tech equipment, and he wondered why all travelers like Pokémon Trainers and those of the like don't have this essential bag. To put in quick and concise words, the backpack is designed to hold a lot of space by use of advanced technology Joey didn't really understand.

"Lopunny," the brown rabbit said. She jumped on the bed and nuzzled Joey lovingly before laying on her stomach on his lap. "Lopunny..."

Without a single thought, Joey's hand graced Nian's head and rubbed it. "Yep, it all starts tomorrow night. It's been... a year since we did anything relating to criminals, and to be frank, I'm a little bit nervous."

Nian sat and leaned against Joey's chest. "Lop, Lopunny. Lopunny."

Joey chuckled and revealed three thin, silvery plates clasped tightly around his wrists. They were dark and faded, heavily deteriorated from use, and very well-worn with scratches and dents. Though old and worn are the bracers, they have served Joey well by giving him the means to fight alongside his Pokémon during certain circumstances his Pokémon alone cannot deal with by themselves.

"Do not worry," the human softly said to his rabbit, "Princess Celestia told me there should only be a few of them left, so it'll be a quick and easy job." Joey rubbed his face and sighed. "After that, we can just chill out for however long we are in this world. Have you ever wondered if we could go back?"

Nian nodded silently, but Joey knew that the rabbit didn't particularly care where she or he was because they would always be with one another. It didn't bother her in the slightest that she and Joey, along with the rest of their family, have been whisked away to some new world they never thought existed.

Just being with Joey is enough; he is her home as she is his. Joey is the home for all his Pokémon; that's why they never cared or wondered when they were ever going to finally settle down in some nice town or village. The circumstances of meeting him may differ from one another, but their desire was the same.

Nian asked if Joey wanted to go back. The question made Joey look to the ceiling.

"Would I want to go back?" he thought aloud. "Nah... there's nothing back in that world. I have a family; my loveable gang of Pokémon, what would there be left to go back to? All that is left there are old memories, and memories should stay as they are."

Nian reached her hand to grab Joey's and bussed it tenderly. He smiled faintly, remembering the time the rabbit accepted to be his friend.

"It's been fifteen years since that day," he whispered. "How crazy is that? We got a whole lot more years ahead of us hopefully. You ready for tomorrow?"

"Lopunny!" Nian exclaimed joyfully.

"Of course, I should've known. Well... before that time, let's get into that special treat. Ready?"

Nian laid down on Joey and closed her eyes, a shy murmur escaped her lips.

Joey placed his hands on her back and began massaging her lightly. "I'll be gentle. Relax and let Joey take care of you..."

It's as Simple as it Seems

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Of the past a tale of solemnity.

Once upon a time, there once was an avian who made the skies his domain. He soared through the clouds, feeling the wind whisk through his lofty feathers; he loved the thrill, the pure adrenaline coursing through his body. He was strong, he was skilled, he was free: more than anyone else; the avian was untouchable.

Unbarred by fate and left to burden his uncertain destiny, the avian challenged other Pokémon without reason; there was no true sense for his challenge, no true goal to attain, he just wanted to flex his power by any means necessary.

Day by day for years since he was a fledgling, he fought against others and won every fight. His strength was special, his conviction unmatched, and for as long as he could remember, the avian considered himself a rogue: an unnamed warrior whose life was filled with nothing but fighting.

However, even when he was free and almighty, he didn't have friends or a family. His upbringing was that he fended for himself. He didn't truly have a home to call his own. He ate alone, slept alone... flew alone. He was always alone, left to his own devices. As the avian flew to nowhere important, his mind was stricken with this outlook of his life and a question constantly gnawed at his mind: "What else is there to do with my life?"

Brought from his musings, the rogue spotted a human and his Lopunny traveling down a well-trodden road. There was something about those two, and the avian had to see what. And what better way than to fight? So, he flew down in front of the two travelers, landing with a mighty crash and challenging them to a battle. The human wasn't too privy to fight a large bird, but his Lopunny was nothing but willing to crack a skull, so the two friends accepted the avian's challenge.

The first round was the Lopunny against the avian, and what a doozy of a fight it was because it was the first time that the avian lost. He lost. He lost to someone else. He lost to someone stronger than him, who had more conviction and strength. He lost for the first time in his entire life. No one else came close.

It took some time to recover from this new revelation and after the avian accepted his loss, it was time for the human to face him, and the fight that took place was tamer, ending in a tie. The bird couldn't believe it. A human and his Lopunny were able to hold their own against him. He was shocked, yet something he rarely felt coursed through him. It was happiness... excitement, and dread. He loved their fight, he admired the duo, most notably the human.

He felt something deep within his battle-ready heart. He never felt this way before, and he wanted to feel it over and over again. Suddenly, the human proclaimed that he would make camp so he and his rabbit friend could spend more time with the avian. The bird was positively ecstatic. They stayed with him, even if it was just for the night, they stayed. A connection was quickly formed between the human and the avian. He has friends, something he never thought he'd have; for once in his life, he lives not only for himself but now for others, and it felt good.

When the dawn of the next day hit their rejuvenated bodies, the avian desperately desired to journey with the human. Coincidentally, the human wanted the avian to join him. Without hesitation, the bird joined the human's family.

It was time; the next night rolled around, and Joey, packed with the Poké Balls of his family and next to his partner for life, flew in a chariot that took them to the near-empty streets of Canterlot City. The city is usually bustling with ponies going to and from places, but when night falls over the city, just about everypony turns to rest until the dawn of the next day.

While Joey waited for the two royal guards to show, he noticed Nian's large ears twitching. He paid close attention to Nian's disposition as her eyes scanned the darkened streets. Eventually, the rabbit turns her head to an old, shaded alleyway where she spots two black figures slowly cantering towards her and Joey.

The rabbit cracked her bones and braced herself to fend off whatever was approaching, but as she waited in anticipation, Nian's propensity for violence was, unfortunately, not met with equal enthusiasm. Two unicorns: a mare with a black mane wearing a white cloak, and another mare with a white mane wearing a black cloak appeared in view.

"I am Karla, you must be the human we were informed of," the mare with the white mane said with a smile.

"Indola," the mare with the black mane muttered. "We were briefed that you would enlist your services to my sister and me in regard to investigating the warehouse."

Joey rubbed the back of his head as he glanced back and forth from the mares. "I'm Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short. And this my partner, Nian."

"Lop," the brown rabbit said gaily.

Something was intriguing about the two unicorns; the mares shared the same physical appearance down to their blackish-white eyes. The only way he could tell them apart is from their attire and manes.

Curious, Joey just had to ask. "Twins?" Karla and Indola nodded their heads in unison, bumping their flanks against each other. "I haven't seen another pair of twins in a very long time. It's... nice to see it. So, what's the plan?"

Indola approaches Joey and fishes something out from the inside of her cloak. It was a small black sphere she levitated towards the human.

"This is a Magi-link Communicator; you put it in your ear so that we can speak to one another from a distance," she explained plainly. "New tech is quite advantageous in our line of work, and now it is yours, for the time provided in this mission and future operations."

"I understand," Joey says, taking the black sphere and lodging it in his right ear. It was smooth and fit perfectly around the inside of his ear. "So, where is this warehouse?"

Karla, followed by her sister, exited the alleyway and on the barren streets before pointing to a large building in the near distance. "That's the supposed 'abandoned warehouse'," Karla told the human. "Indola will give you a run-down on our mission. Before that, however, we need to tell you what exactly these tainted tonics are. Sister?"

"Understood," Indola coldly replied. She steps forward and faces the human and his Lopunny, using her horn to conjure an image of the tonic. "Princess Celestia might have given you the most basic knowledge of this concoction, but she didn't delve too deep into its inner workings. Lucky for you, I and my sister have.

"The name of this vile vial is the Fool's Poison, a concoction that is used to boost the magic of ponies by an ample amount. As you no doubt heard from Her Highness, this potion will eventually cause sharp stomach pain and brutal nausea; we have ponies holed up in the hospital because this concoction screwed up their system. The only way to alleviate or even cure ponies of this tonic is a ton of bed rest and medical potions, but the process has been quite slow."

"All the more reason to put an end to this operation," Joey said.

Indola nodded. "Now I will tell you of our mission. There is an empty building scheduled for renovation near the warehouse. Karla will stay in that building to be the eyes of the group and silently snipe with focused magic. You and I will sneak around the warehouse to find where the magical tonics are located.

"When we find and identify the tonics, I will signal Karla from a nearby window to cast a spell into the sky that tells all the guards on standby to come to rush to the warehouse and procure the illegal tonics. After, we must make sure none of the smugglers leave the building."

"These criminals are elusive and quick on their hooves," Karla chimed in.

"Right," Indola said before continuing. "If we get spotted at any point during this operation, the smugglers will attempt to escape. Remember: we must identify what we're looking for before calling the guards and taking these criminals down."

Joey nodded. "Got it. And what do you mean by 'snipe'?"

Karla chuckled. "We got a few minutes so let me explain. See, Indola and I are mages, unicorns whose cutie marks specialize in magic specifically, like Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"I have extreme magical control, which allows me to use something I call 'Snipe Magic'. When I harness this magic, I can conjure small, condensed, non-lethal magical rays that are shot from my horn over long distances," she deftly explained.

Indola chimes in, saying, "Karla also can use her magic to enhance her eyesight and see through walls, allowing her to have greater accuracy when firing her magical ray. In operations like these, she is quite valuable."

"Oooooh," Joey let out, somewhat enthralled. He was quite intrigued by magic. "What about you?" he says to Indola. "What can you do?"

"Indola's magic is a bit more... spread out than mine," Karla began to explain. "Instead of focusing her magic on one thing, Indola can spread her magic around her body, allowing her to float, climb on walls, that sort of thing. The reason Indola is going inside the warehouse with you and your furry friend is that she can use her magic to silence her hoofsteps."

"Enough idle chatter," Indola said, walking towards the warehouse. "Let's go and get this done. These smugglers have been quite the headache for Princess Celestia; The faster we do this, the faster Her Highness can rest."

Joey was confused. "Rest?"

"You may not have noticed since Princess Celestia has a good poker face, but she hasn't slept in four weeks."

Joey's eyes widened from shock. "She's been awake for four weeks...? Why hasn't she rested?"

Karla sighed and said, "Because these ponies are running amuck in her city giving unsuspecting ponies a drink that screws up their body. These punks lurk in the many corners of this city. It has been a very stressful experience for her. Princess Celestia has been too troubled; she cares about her ponies more than her well-being. As Indola says, the sooner we do this, the sooner our princess can finally rest."

When the group neared the abandoned building, Karla used her magic to teleport to the highest floor. She signals to Joey and the rest with a hoof waving out one of the windows.

"Joey, touch the device in your ear and it'll activate," Indola ordered.

"Got it." Quickly, Joey turned on the device. A low droning sound vibrated in his ear before it stabilized. "Alright, it's on," he tells the unicorn. "How does it work? And are there more of these?"

Indola turns hers on before answering, "By using magic. It establishes a magical link between yours, mine, and Karla's. It transmits through the air to locate any others within the vicinity and links to them. That's where the 'Magi-Link' stems from. To sever the connection, simply turn off the device by touching it again.

"And to answer your other question, no. There were only two created for me and Karla, but since you came along, Princess Celestia decided to authorize another one for this very mission."

"Why does Celestia have to approve it?" Joey asked, confused.

Indola pointed to her device, saying, "This is a powerful technology, Joey, and there are ponies and creatures out there who would love to use these things or even how to make them for their gains. Princess Celestia has a personal loyal team of mechanical engineers for stuff like these. This ensures that nothing they make will ever get into the clutches of those whose morals are less than Princess Celestia's."

Suddenly, the device in Joey's ear vibrates and he began to hear a voice in his head. It was Karla's. "Guys, get in the warehouse by using an open window located at the far right of the building," she bade seriously. "From what I can see with my magic, the FP could be on the third floor, but I'm not completely sure; It is hard to properly discern what's on these floors."

Quickly, and silently, Joey, Nian, and Indola reached the open window, and, one by one, entered the building. Three muffled thumps hit the floor and six eyes hastily scanned their surroundings carefully. The base of the building is as Joey would've thought to expect it from what he had been told. It was empty; nothing but dust covering silver blankets over large crates, rubble from the building lay scattered about, and light barely filtered through the grimy windows around the first floor.

"The first floor is clear, as you said," Indola whispered.

"Do you see anything of interest?" Karla asks.

"Nothing's caught my eye, sis," Indola replied.

"Alright. There should be a flight of stairs leading further up the building near your position. When you both climb up, you'll encounter some trouble. I'm looking at three; lucky for us. Take them out silently and then proceed onward," Karla ordered.

Carefully, the trio made their way to the stairs and ascended. They reach the second floor and looked around and saw three stallions in heavy clothing with masks over their faces. One was pacing in a circle, another was sitting on one of the draped crates, and the last one is sharpening his knife over some metal.

Quickly, Indola, Joey, and Nian all set their sights on each of their targets and sprang into action. Indola used her magic to quiet her hoofsteps, sneaking up on one of the stallions and grabbing them. One hoof over the captive's mouth and another against his side. With one quick motion, the stallion became limp and silent.

Next was Joey's turn. He stalked his target and with one sharp leap, he pounced onto the stallion's head, knocking him out cold.

Nian's approach, though quiet, wasn't without her usual flare; The rabbit dashed at the stallion tending to his knife and clutched her hands around his neck, and slammed the stallion so hard into the floor, that his head broke through.

Although Joey and Indola would've preferred a less... barbaric approach, the deed was done, and they still retained the element of surprise. After taking out the smugglers on the second floor, the trio located the next flight of stairs leading up to the third floor. On that floor is where their objective is.

Entering the third floor, the trio scanned the floor and saw a small group of ten smugglers lumbering about the center of the room; none of them doing anything of interest to warrant any caution. Some were unicorns and others with earth ponies. Silently, like shadows, the trio skulked the room searching for any signs of the Fool's Poison.

Suddenly, Joey's device vibrates in his ear as a hushed voice began to speak within his head. "It's Indola," the speaker says. Joey carefully browsed the floor for his ally, and out of the corner of his eye he sees Indola waving at him from the opposite side of the room; She was the closest to the smugglers than he or Nian was.

"What's up?" Joey asks the unicorn. He sees Indola pointing her hoof at a few small crates draped over long black cloths located in the far right corner of the room.

After Joey sees the crates, Indola says, "Those may be what we're looking for. You and your furry friend need to identify the contents within those crates. If that truly is what the tonics are stored in, I'll give the signal."

Joey nods. "Got it," he says quietly. He turns to Nian. "Alright, let's go."

"Lop," she said, ready to move.

Light in step yet quick as a fox, Joey, and Nian avoid all scrutiny by staying in the shadows, making their way to the crates suspected to contain the tonics. Once they reached them, Joey takes another look over the room and made sure no pony was watching. Acting quickly, Joey investigates the crates: lifting the black cloth slightly to reveal a symbol he could not discern; It is an illustration of a pony surrounded by jagged, wavy lines.

Muddled by the symbol, Joey reluctantly ignores it and pops one of the containers open with little effort. He lifted his head and peeked inside, peering his eyes inside the container to find large bottles with an odd liquid inside.

"What the heck?"

The one Celestia showed was only half the size of these bottles. At closer observation, the liquid in the large bottles appeared purple, similar to the one from before. This is clearly what he was ordered to find, but what reason would there be to have these bigger? Just to perhaps sell them at a higher price. Joey thought that only this crate and the ones next to it only had this variant. Princess Celestia didn't mention anything about these.

Whilst pondering, Joey continues to study the bottles. There were so many of them, and these, from what he was told, can make the magic of ponies more potent. So, it's an illegal elixir made with a less-than-moral intention than Her Highness.

"Interesting," Joey muttered.

For what reason could these criminals possibly have to supply this "taint" to gullible bystanders susceptible to this ill-advised elixir? Perhaps to those who are weak to the lulls of power? Or maybe to those who feel frail and desperate? Or maybe simply for those who need an extra boost to overcome some trial or problem, or even to possibly take revenge on those who wronged them in the past? The possibilities swim through Joey's mind, but one thing is for certain: it isn't worth the drawback.

Joey closed the container and looked toward Indola's position. "I found the tonics," he whispered. "These are a little bigger than the one Princess Celestia showed, but it is what we're looking for."

"Good," Indola said. "I'll perform the-"

"Hold on," Joey interjected. "These bottles are much bigger than what I was shown by Her Highness. Indola, are there any others the guards could have confiscated?"

The mare was silent for a moment, but then says, "None that I know of. Sister and I have been working with the guards since the beginning of this mission, and we've seen every single bottle up to this point. The bottles the tonics come in are the ones Princess Celestia has already shown you. Anything else?"

"No," Joey answered. "Anyway, it's safe to say the rest of the crates are the same. Signal to your sister."

"Understood," Indola says. Indola hastily makes her way to a window without being noticed by the smugglers. She opens it silently and looked out to see the street and the building across from it. With a deft eye, Indola spots her sister and discretely flashed her horn three times.

Karla, noticing the signal, charges up her horn and shoots a pink ray into the sky that made a small popping sound. Royal guards stationed around the city saw the blast and immediately sprang into action, forming groups before making their way to the building.

"Now what?" Joey said through the device.

Indola glares at the unsuspecting smugglers and smirks. "Now for the best part of the job. We know the Fool's Poison are certainly here, and the guards are on their way. We make sure these punks don't leave. Take these colts down and the guards will put them through the wringer."

"So... reveal ourselves?" Joey asked.

"Yep," Indola simply says.

Joey turns his gaze at Nian who was practically shaking with excitement; her quaking fervor for some violence was only being held back by Joey's loose lips. Nian needed to punch and kick something ever since she talked to Narros, and with each passing second, her mettle whittled away while her passion mounted.

Though Joey did not know of this, he knew he couldn't deny his rabbit the sublime opportunity to elicit some good old-fashioned justice; she wanted to flex her limbs and who is Joey to not allow his rabbit such desire?

"You up for some action?" he asks his pumped-up rabbit. She only nodded. "Then let the feast commence."

Joey and Nian jumped from behind the crates, landing with a boom on the floor, drawing the surprised ire of the smugglers. Indola joined them, leaping into the air and landing next to her allies.

"What the hay?" said one of the smugglers. He looked at the human and his Lopunny, but then his gaze locked onto Indola and his eyes became widened in terror. "Ponyfeathers, it's Indola!"

"It's one of the Mage Sisters!" another stallion shouted in panic.

"Wait. If you're here, then your sister is- ACK!"

A smuggler was shot at the back of his head by a pink ray of magic, knocking him out. The other smugglers turned to the windows and saw a faint twinkle coming from an adjacent building.

Another smuggler clicked his tongue and yells, "Get away from the windows! Karla's gone fishing!"

The smugglers began to scatter like the disease-ridden, misbegotten cockroaches that they are, retreating hurriedly from the windows that which the light bleeds through for fear of Karla's harmful magic, but sadly, they were misinformed by their fellow roach-in-crime.

Outside, Karla chucked to herself. She held a magically conjured crossbow with bolts coated in a purplish-pink aura. "For all the time I've been in this city, I thought the cretins of Canterlot would at least figure out that my magic can go through walls. Oh well, maybe one day a smart goon will have the brains to realize what's obvious."

Inside the building, Joey, Nian, and Indola had engaged in combat with the smugglers and held their own quite well. With Indola's powerful magic and the teamwork of Joey and Nian, most of the stallions were dispatched quite quickly and shoved towards the stairs.

Of the ten smugglers, only one was left awake. "No!" he exclaimed vehemently. "If you think I'm going to the slammer, then you pansies got another thing coming!"

Indola stamped on the floor and boldly stepped forward. "We're taking you and this entire operation down," she declared. "Stand down or get a hoof full of magic against your skull!"

"Ha!" the stallion yelled as he scrambled to the crates containing the tonics. "You may have gotten most of us, but as long as I'm still around, you and that petulant princess will never stop us!" The stallion drank some of the bottles without hesitation and roared, slamming the empty bottles against the floor, shattering them. "Come get some!!!"

"Those bottles are huge!" Indola spat. "Are you completely insane?! A full cup of that garbage is enough to knock out a stallion!"

"That isn't good," Joey uttered. "He just downed five bottles." He turns to Indola. "What's the verdict?"

Indola groaned. "Ponyfeathers," she cursed. "The idiotic lout just dug his grave downing that gunk!"

Then, the trio witnessed a purplish aura beat within the lone stallion, and the unicorn charged up his horn and blast forth a ray so powerful it destroyed an entire wall, leaving a gaping void that viewed the streets of Canterlot City.

The stallion laughed. "That's magical power right there! I feel as if I could take on anypony!"

"Holy hay," Indola said in shock.

"Indola, Joey, what the hay just happened?!" Karla demanded over the device. "That was a large amount of magic!"

Indola lifted her hoof to her ear and said, "One of the smugglers just killed himself; he drank five bottles of the Fool's Poison! Tell the guards outside to be on standby. They are not allowed in until we deal with this idiot!"

"I have the guards surround the building, so this stallion won't be able to escape," Karla said. "And hurry up and finish this; the guards are getting antsy."

Indola sighed. "Don't worry, we'll get this done quickly." Indola turns to Joey. "Alright, human, we're on borrowed time. Knock this dumb colt out!"

"Alright," Joey told the mare and turned to his Lopunny. "Nian, it's time to take it up a few notches; crank it up to eleven! Mega evolve!"

Like before, Nian punched her left palm with her right fist as a bright flash of light burst forward before settling down to reveal the rabbit in her Mega Evolution.

Nian took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled before a devilish grin etched itself across her mouth. "Lopunny!" the rabbit shouted as she began to adopt an eager stance; She balanced on her right leg, lifted and tucked her left leg, and then placed her arms in front of her and bawled her fists.

"Now that we have the swagger, it's time to cause an uproar," Joey whispered. "Nian, use Hyper Voice!!!"

Nian snorted out steam and pounded her chest as she rears her head back and takes in a large amount of air.

"Indola, cover your ears!" Joey asserted.

Although the mare didn't know why Joey ordered her to cover her ears, Indola assumes that something big was about to be unleashed, so she did what Joey said. It wasn't long before Nian let loose a terrifying, echoing shout that whiplashed and warped the air around everyone, causing the entire building to tremble and shake. It was louder than an Ursa Major and stronger than a full-on smack from an adult hydra.

Outside, Karla and the royal guards witnessed the Hyper Voice rattle not only the building but the very streets. They shook with intense vibration before being knocked to the ground.

"What in the hay was that?!" she shouted. The device in her ears short-circuits, causing Karla to yelp in pain. "Come on, come on... work already!" Karla touches the comm device, and though she can get through, it was mostly static. "Ponyfeathers! What in the burning hay of Tartarus was that feathering thing?"

Nian's Hyper Voice was so strong that Indola was knocked to the floor, short-circuiting her communication device, and it wasn't even directed at her. The jacked-up stallion caught that full blast and then some. Hyper Voice blasted him against a wall so hard it cracked on impact. The stallion yelled in pain before conjuring a magical barrier to desperately attempt to stave off Nian's attack, and it worked. A few moments later, Nian's Hyper Voice ended.

"Whoop!" Joey exclaimed, massaging his ears. Luckily for the human, his comm device remained functional. "Haven't done that in a while!"

The stallion groaned and stumbled to his hooves trying to steady his balance. His ears rang constantly, and his vision darkened and blurred. The stallion was muddled. How could that creature deliver such a horrible blast? He bit his lip as blood was drawn. His hearing returned to him, and his vision cleared up.

Joey stepped forward. "Tell me your name," he demanded. "And just so you know there isn't a way out for you; this is the end of the line however this turns out. You might as well come clean."

As much as the stallion hated it, Joey was right. He knew he didn't have much time to do almost anything before his body shuts down.

"Fine," the stallion said. "Roady. That's my name."

"Okay, Roady. Tell me why you and your band of misfits thought it would be wise to poison your fellow ponies."

"We just wanted to make a quick bit," Roady answered truthfully. "'Our fellow ponies' are nothing but gullible mooks that take little to no effort in swindling. You should've seen how easy it was; all it took was a few fancy words and their fates were sealed."

Joey narrowed his eyes. He didn't like Roady's motive or the vilipending of his fellow ponies. "Is that truly the intention of this entire operation?" the human asks, striving to find anything momentous. "Fool others and make money? There isn't some deeper meaning behind your actions?"

Roady merely shook his head. "It's as simple as murder, freak," the stallion snarled. "I was raised on the streets and found that the only way to get up in life is to make sure others fall. It was a good idea..."

"Until you were found out and hunted," Joey pointed out shrewdly. "How did you make these tainted tonics?"

The stallion smiled. "A bit of basic knowledge of potion-brewing and magic goes a long way. When I knew I could mass produce this stuff, I quickly got to work."

"So, you are the leader of this operation? Why wouldn't you just stay in your little lab instead of being out in the open with the rest of your grunts?"

"Princess Celestia's royal hound dogs," -gesturing a hoof to Indola, which got the mare to scowl- "love sticking their noses in all the nooks and crannies of this city; It was better to always be on the move. When the city went into heavy lockdown, there wasn't much I could do at that point anymore. It became too hard to relocate."

Joey stretched his arms out wide. "And here we are." He lowered his arms and placed a hand on his hip. "And we know what comes next. I wish it didn't go down like this. You could've been something more, with what you applied yourself. Sadly, this is what you did for yourself, and I understand growing up or living by yourself, as an orphan. The family I made would show you honest sympathy and understanding, even if they saw what you have unfortunately turned into."

Roady knew this was the end for him, but he couldn't just lie down and give up. Oh no, that wouldn't do at all, not after he juiced himself up. He charged up his horn as a stunningly red glow illuminated it. He lowered himself to the ground and glared at his opposition.

Joey sighed sadly, saying, "Nian, time to rev it up; Power-up Punch!"

Nian's smashed her fists together creating a red spark. Then she did it again, and again, and again until her fists were coated in daunting crimson lightning. "Lopunny!" she announced vehemently, amped and ready to go.

It must've been perfect timing as Roady finished charging up his horn. With a little bit of aiming, the stallion locks onto the rabbit and blast forth a ray of magic. As the beam nears Nian, Joey jumps in front of her, crosses his arms, and uses his bracers to clash against Roady's magical beam.

Steeling the death-dealing beam; Joey grunted and struggled to keep his balance. He could feel the heat the spell was giving off; the attack is heavy and strong; and with great struggle, Joey deflects the spell which rebounds from wall to wall, cracking the building's interior before the beam obliterates one wall, causing the building to shake again.

Taking the opportunity during Roady's recharge, Nian dashes at him with her fists fully powered up and attempted to sock the stallion in the jaw, however, the stallion quickly conjured another barrier to shield him from the rabbit's lightning-coated fists, but he did not anticipate the sheer destructive force behind Nian's vigorously unfettered attack.

It demolished his barrier with such a devastating impact that Roady was violently impelled against a wall; he rebounds off of it and crashed into the crates containing the Fool's Poison. The violent burst of Roady's barrier sent Nian and Joey flinging back to a wall.

Luckily for Indola, she had gripped the floorboards and was able to stay in place after Roady's barrier exploded. Opening her eyes, Indola saw the countless bottles of the taint were broken and scattered around Roady, spilling copious amounts of the purple liquid as it began to soak into the floorboards. Turning her attention to the left, she saw that the aftermath of Nian's attack had shattered the windows. As the mare tried to regain her footing, the building's structure suddenly buckled and split; the building had begun to destabilize.

To her right, huddled against a wall, are Joey and Nian slowly recovering. And with everything happening inside the building, outside the must be looking worse with all the debris from the broken walls. That means, for the time being, Indola was on her own; Joey and Nian are currently out of commission, and Karla has to be busy on the outside seeing that her sister hasn't made any attempt to assist.

"Flying feather," Indola hissed under her lips with venom.

She sees Roady, depleted hopefully of magic, and beaten, laying limply around the broken bottles of FP. She canters to him and notices he was still awake and alive, albeit struggling to move.

"Good, he's still alive," she muttered. She lightly kicks his side, jolting Roady's eyes open. "Wake up, you idiot; rest doesn't come to the wicked."

"Argh..." Roady attempted to stand, but his body refused to comply. "Ah, son of a hydra..."

"It seems your body is already shutting down, rejecting your commands," Indola spoke coldly, but the icy glare in her eyes softened, and her face shifted to a sullen expression. "You are going to die soon, but you might have a few hours left. That would be enough to put you through the wringer."

Roady began to sweat; the thought of being interrogated, and by the royal guards no less, was quick to induce fear in his eyes. "Y-you wouldn't subject a pony through torment just for information, w-would you?" he asked shakily. "That would be cruel!"

Indola scoffed and rolled her eyes. "What? Do you think we'd strap you down and jam scorching hot metal pipes into your flesh? Or cut your ears or break off your horn just to get you to sing? We aren't evil. If anything, we'll put you in a cell and ask you questions. After that? Prison."

"I won't let it end this way, not by your hooves!"

Indola was bewildered and taken slightly aback by Roady's outburst. "Wh-what do you mean? There's nothing else you can do to escape; you've damaged your body drinking FIVE bottles of that revolting gunk! What can you do?!"

Roady chuckled, coughing up a bit of that purple liquid. "There is always a way out, for every single one of us, and it's that only way that we have complete and total control over. I've gone and grown into a stallion who takes from and fools others to survive." His horn began to flicker. "Look there."

Indola saw Roady's hoof point to a damaged crate inundated in the Fool's Poison. The mare squinted and saw a symbol of a pony surrounded by jagged lines.

"Everything you confiscated up to this point was the mild stuff," Roady weakly uttered. "However, these bottles of the supposed 'Fool's Poison' are of a stronger variant I was planning on selling. This is all I have left, and it shall be the last thing you'll see."

"What're you-"

Suddenly, magic coated Indola's hooves, catching the mare off guard. Surprised by Roady's ability to still cast magic, Indola attempted to break from his hold but found that she was unsuccessful.

"I go on my terms; you don't get to pick that, nor do your princess; no one does, but me!"

Roady shot a weak ray of magic that hit the floor around the crate and instantly a fire sparked to life. Indola's eyes widened as she realized what just happened, and what the symbol means. The symbol conveys a warning: that the contents inside the crate are liable to explode.

Speechless, Indola turned to Roady, who was grinning. "That..."

Roady nodded. "If the liquid comes into contact with fire, it will ignite and explode. A bottle is nothing but a spark, however, with three crates? Well, it'll blow like fireworks."

At this point, Indola was understandably shaken. Roady was planning to blow himself up along with not only Indola but also Joey and Nian. Indola grunted and struggled against Roady's magic, but it was too strong. She couldn't use magic to break free; Roady's magic was too powerful.

"If I'm going down, I might as well take you with me!"

"Ponyfeathers," she cursed.

Just as the fire was nearing the crates, Joey jolted awake along with Nian and surveyed his surroundings. He looked forward and witnessed Indola desperately struggling to break free of Roady's magic.

"Indola!" Joey called out.

The mare turned to him with fear in her eyes and sweat barreling down her disturbed countenance. "Joey, the crates are about to explode! Get everypony out of here now!"

The human's eyes became wide in shock. "What?! What about you?!"

"Listen to me: I can't break free of this magic. Don't worry about me, get those stallions and the ones on the second floor out of the building, that's an order!"

Joey merely shook his head and turned his gaze to Nian. "Nian, fling me towards Indola; I'll save her."

"Lopunny?!" she questioned. "Lop, Lopunny!"

Joey chuckled at Nian's concern. "Don't worry about them, we got just the Pokémon for the job."

Quickly, Joey fished out of his belt Mechan's Poké Ball and summoned the robot forth.

"Meta!" it cried.

"Good to see you, but we got a situation. Mechan, perform a psychic barrier around the stallions next to those stairs. Understood?"

Mechan nodded without hesitation and used its psychic powers to shield the unconscious stallions.

Joey smiled. "Good job," he praised his Pokémon. "Now do the same for you and Nian on my call. Got it?"

Again, Mechan nods in understanding.

"Nian, you ready?"

Nian didn't like this plan, but she trusted Joey to come out relatively unscathed, so, reluctantly, she agreed. She grabs Joey's arms and spins him around before flinging the human toward Indola with his bracers glowing a brilliant blue just before the explosion went off.

Time seemed to slow. Indola watched as her eyes witnessed the explosion coating everything in a large fiery white flash. As her eyes reflected the fiery brimstone quickly approaching her, the mare's peripheral vision caught something closing in on her. She couldn't see what it was as she was paralyzed with terror.

Outside, Karla and the rest of the guards have been ducking and dodging fallen pieces of the building. Civilians that lived extremely close to the abandoned warehouse have been evacuated swiftly from their homes. The explosions have caused multiple residents in Canterlot to be curious about what's been going on outside.

With all the rumbles and big booms, ponies started exiting their homes to look at the disturbance. Karla and a few guards have tried to calm down the residents, and though they have been slightly successful in this endeavor, all of their efforts were sadly in vain.

It was loud and scary, with slabs of burning chaos plummeting onto the streets below. Karla looked up in horror as a flash of white overcame her vision. A violent rumble knocked everypony flat on their flanks, but they couldn't be bothered to even react. When the light subsided, the warehouse was in a sorry state: large split cracks appeared on the sides of the building, and every single window shattered.

The eyes of those outside the warehouse saw the building begin to crumble.

Karla uses her magic to see inside the building, but she couldn't see anything; the smoke had obscured her vision. Cursing, the white-maned mare thought about rushing inside but she quickly abandoned that idea immediately. It was foolish and rash, but her sister, Joey, and his furry friend were in that mess.

As the mare worried for her sister and friends, she sees the doors of the warehouse forced open, revealing a white creature with a curved horn carrying three stallions, a blue creature hauling two, and a brown creature, Nian, carrying three. From one of the holes Roady made, Karla saw a large bird descending to the streets with four stallions on its back.

Karla rushed to Nian as she and the rest of the Pokémon carefully laid the unconscious stallions in a pile.

"Nian," Karla frantically said, "where's my sister?! Where's Joey?!"

Nian stomped the ground to quiet Karla and then pointed to the warehouse. "Lopunny, Lopunny," the rabbit calmly said.

"I don't understand, but we need to get them out! They might-"

"Lopunny!" the rabbit shouted. She puts a hand on Karla's withers. "Lop, Lopunny."

Though Karla could not figure out what Nian was telling her, the tone did well to convey her message. "Alright," she sighed. "I'll calm down. I just hope they get out of there soon..."

Inside, Joey cradles an injured Indola. The entire left side of her face had terrible burn marks, and her comm device was destroyed.

"Lena, what's the call?" Joey asked his pink buddy.

With Lena examining Indola's injuries, the cheerful Pokémon told Joey that Indola will heal with tons of medicine and rest. With his fears abated by his Pokémon, Joey returns Lena to her Poké Ball.

Jenny was sent out after, and Joey ordered the Jinx to quell the flames using Blizzard. Jenny complies, taking the icicle from her mouth and blowing forth a powerful tempest of ice and snow that takes the flames out quite quickly.

Grateful, Joey kissed Jenny on her hand again and returns the Pokémon to her Poké Ball.

Next up was making sure the warehouse didn't cause any damage by crumbling to the ground, Joey sent Mechan to the roof of the building. Using its powerful psychic powers, Mechan hovered above the roof of the abandoned warehouse and stabilized it with little to no effort. With the building stable, the rest of the criminals were rescued, and the flames were put out, Joey calls out to Mechan as it appeared in front of him and told the Pokémon to teleport it and him outside, to which the robotic Pokémon happily consented.

Appearing outside, Joey was met with a frantic Karla looking over her sister. "Relax, she's fine," Joey assured the stressed mare. "The fur around the left side of her face has been scorched pretty badly, but with tons of care and attention, it'll grow back."

A hefty breath of relief escaped Karla's lips, carefully taking Indola in with her magic. "Thanks for not only saving her but the criminals as well. If you weren't here, I wouldn't have a sister."

"I'm just glad I was able to think of a plan fast enough," the human said as he returned the rest of his Pokémon, excluding Nian, into their respective Poké Balls.

With everything calming down, Indola was taken by some of the royal guards to the hospital while Karla and Joey stayed behind. Eventually, Princess Celestia arrived on the scene and told the human and Karla that she and the rest of the royal guards that have stayed behind will take over.

Before leaving, Karla and Joey informed the princess of what's been going on up to this point. Relieved to have her sister alive and well, Karla chose to be with her, leaving Joey and Nian alone with Princess Celestia.

This is the first time Nian gazed upon Princess Celestia's heavenly visage and lightly scowled, gripping Joey's right arm around her own tightly. The rabbit wasn't particularly averse to the alicorn's majestic presence, she just didn't like the air around her.

"Joey," Celestia began, "I would like to thank you and your friend for assisting me." With a warm shine from her long horn, Princess Celestia summoned a golden bag full of bits and handed it to Joey. "Since you are quite new here, I would like you to get a head start. This bag full of bits is more than enough for you for the time being."

Joey's eyes nearly bulged as he struggled to casually carry the bag of bits Princess Celestia graciously gave. "Celestia, I do appreciate this, really I do, but I think this is a little bit too much," Joey said meekly.

Celestia chuckled, saying, "You are quite modest, but you deserve this. From what I've heard from you and Karla, you did more than enough, and I will not accept your refusal of this well-earned compensation. Go home and rest. And by the way, there's a chance I might call upon your aid. Also, keep the Magi-link Communicator."

Though it was kind of difficult trying to carry a bag full of golden coins, Joey managed a bow. "No problem, I and my family would like to work with you again. Have a nice night."

Princess Celestia bowed. "And to you as well."

With that over and done with, Joey summoned Nils from his Poké Ball as he and Nian got on the avian's back and flew towards home.

Chilling with the Family

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Take me to the blue and show me something new down by the soiled strand with you and my feisty mother too.

Hold my paw as we yell, cry, and screech across this lofty sandy beach to places unknown.

Let us listen as the salty wind blow to and fro; the sough of the ocean grafts my ears and the sand tickles my toes.

Take me to the blue and show me something new down by the mysterious waters with you and my silly father too.

Like in the past, grab my paws and swing me high to view the ocean vast.

This world is beautiful and precious, and like our never-ending love, forever refreshes us.

Take me to the blue and show me something new down by the waters with my mother, father, and the rest of our family too.

It has been a week since the incident and Joey has done nothing but visit the local clinic located around Ponyville. When Indola fell into an unconscious state after sustaining severe burns, she was taken into medical care in Canterlot, however, Karla believed it would be better to have her sister relocated to the Ponyville Clinic to be as close to their hometown as possible while she recoups.

After finding out from word of mouth, Joey began to visit Indola every morning; and Karla appreciated his loyalty. Whenever the human showed his face, Karla always had a smile across hers, but Joey knew that her face hid a deep, unknown sadness and fear that her sister might not wake up. The sweet human would stay and tell Karla and her comatose sister stories about where he came from and what adventures he had. All in all, it was a good time.

Today after Joey visited Indola, the human marched back home for today was a special day for some of his Pokémon: Bath Day. Joey could never figure out why one particular Pokémon was so opposed to getting clean. Pokémon experts typically hold the Trainer responsible since their Pokémon usually adopted the mannerisms and lifestyle of their owners, for better or for worse.

Most of his Pokémon he could deal with, but there was one that made his job surprisingly difficult, and still to this day, Joey could never figure out why. Out of all of his Pokémon, Mechan would surely have been the most acquiescent since the Pokémon is ardently, and, at times blindingly, loyal and pliant to Joey's commands, but every single time it's Bath Day, Mechan usually disobeys him with no real reason. He dreamed that this time Mechan would just listen to him.

What's funny is that Narros, the least trustworthy Pokémon on Joey's team, never put up a single fight when Bath Day rolled around. So, why would Mechan, his most loyal Pokémon aside from Nian and Yuna, be so uncharacteristically difficult?

Though Mechan proved to be a valiant adversary, Joey always won in the end and hopefully, that trend continues today. Once the human got home, he sees Yuna uttering with her eyes closed a melodic song.

He always admired the young Lucario's voice; if only the human could get the bashful canine to have more confidence in herself, he knew she would become something truly special. Yuna had the voice of an angel, and he knew that she practiced day in and day out whenever she got the chance as he would occasionally listen to her in secret.

Thankfully, Yuna doesn't seem to mind it when Nils was around since the avian sleeps in the mornings on occasion, so his presence never bothered her thin self-esteem. Another reason Yuna sings in the morning is that most of the Pokémon is asleep, aside from Mechan, and she usually finishes just before everyone wakes.

Joey used to be part of this camp, but since the human made the effort to visit Indola, Yuna sang after he departed from his home.

"Yuna!" Joey called out.

The Pokémon immediately ceased her singing and used her aura to see Joey walking toward her. Excited, Yuna rushes over to Joey, almost stumbling, and embraced the human lovingly, nuzzling his side and holding onto his left arm.

"Whoa there! Someone's glad to see me," the human said gaily as he graced Yuna's cheeks with his hands, causing the young Pokémon to squeal in utter delight. "Who's my little girl? You are! Yes, you are!"

"Lucario!" Yuna shouted happily. Her tail wagged like a Yamper desperately desiring delicate desserts, jumping and embracing Joey madly. Little Yuna always loved to be with Joey no matter where he went, even if it was to a scary place, she would stand by him no matter what.

When Joey and Nian ventured to the Sinnoh region, he and his gal-pal met Looker, an international police officer who investigates numerous criminal organizations. Finding that his cover was blown, he tells Joey and his rabbit friend about Team Galactic and offered the human and his Lopunny some recompense if they decided to assist Looker's endeavors, and they agreed.

After confronting Team Galactic time and time again, Joey and Nian are told by Looker about potential goings-on around a location called Iron Island, an old mine that can be reached by boat in Canalave City, and sends the human and his Lopunny to investigate.

Upon reaching the island and entering the cave to start their investigation, Joey and Nian meet a mysterious man clothed in deep blue clothing and a fancy-looking hat. The stranger reveals themselves as Riley and asks the duo to help in kicking Team Galactic off his island. Seeing that their interests align, Joey and Nian happily agreed to help Riley.

After a few hours inside the island and confronting members of Team Galactic, Riley became very impressed with the synergy between Joey and Nian. When the trio was successful in driving Team Galactic off the island, Riley rewarded Joey with an egg that contained a Riolu and told the human that it will need tons of love and attention. Shortly after, the trio went their separate ways.

Ever since Yuna was brought into the world, Joey was always there. Whenever she cried, or when she got upset or even sad, Yuna knew Joey would make everything better. When she became a Lucario, the loyalty and love she expressed were simply overwhelming; Yuna always supported Joey and his decisions.

That's one of the best and potentially worst things about a Lucario, as they have been documented by Pokémon Researchers to be able to feel the emotions of others and what they are thinking due to having a connection to Aura. This means that if your Riolu evolves into a Lucario and it can read your thoughts and feelings, it could reject you, no questions asked.

This Pokémon only obeys those who possess good, honest hearts and a sense of justice. For many people, especially Pokémon Trainers, it is usually rare for one to have a Lucario. Thankfully for Joey, Yuna accepts him wholeheartedly. Anything her human ordered, whether small or big, easy or difficult, monotonous or draining, Yuna did it, occasionally with a bit of coaxing; she was eager to please him.

While Yuna enjoyed being doted on, she and Joey saw his Pokémon: Nian, Lena, and Jenny exiting the house. Shortly after, Nils and Mechan joined also, and Joey greeted his Pokémon with the usual. As expected, Narros wasn't present.

"Alright everyone, it's Bath Day," Joey said with a loud clap. "Now, all of you may be wondering how this will go, and I'm glad you asked. I want everyone at the back of the house, I've set up a pool that was given to me three days ago."

One day, Joey was wondering about Ponyville with Twilight Sparkle when he quite literally bumped into Pinkie Pie. They exchanged pleasantries and went to this bakery called Sugarcube Corner. When Joey went inside, he was greeted with streamers and confetti.

Pinkie called it his "Welcome-to-Ponyville-Party" and told the human, "Let's get this party started!"

And as the pretty pink pony said, the party did indeed start. Joey was welcomed by a lot of Ponyville's residents, one of them was named Rainbow Dash, who Joey did find slightly annoying due to the pony's boastful nature, but he still enjoyed her company.

As the party began to calm down, Joey asked Pinkie Pie a favor to which the earth pony was more than happy to help. He explained that a tradition between him and his Pokémon was coming up and that he had no way of doing it without this particular item. Joey asked for a 20ft inflatable pool he could put at the back of his house.

Squinting, Pinkie Pie rubs her chin thoughtfully before gasping loudly and disappearing into a cloud of smoke. Three minutes later, the pink pony returned with a shiny box that contained what Joey needed and happily gave it to him.

At the back of the house, Joey turns to his Pokémon, his Metagross specifically. "Now," Joey began, "Mechan, are you going to give me any trouble this time?"

Mechan shook its head.

"Huh, well that's a surprise," Joey murmured. "No energy today?"

"Meta, Metagross," it told the human with a bow.

Joey rolled his eyes. "Mechan, you don't need to be so formal with me." The human walks up to the Metagross and rubbed its right front leg. "I'll let you be the first to be cleaned, alright? Then you can go back to protecting our home. If you would?"

The robotic Pokémon nodded seriously and teleported into the pool. Instantly, the Pokémon felt relaxed, its mind drifting to a whole different world. Although Nian and a few other of Joey's Pokémon groom themselves, in their varied ways, they still assist in cleaning the other Pokémon.

To get ready, Joey dashed into the house up toward the master bedroom and dug into his backpack, changing into his wetsuit: a sleek red and black garment he acquired when he visited the Alola Region. He makes it back outside only to see Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash passing the white fence.

Instantly, Mechan teleports out of the pool and to the front of the house, landing on the ground with a firm crash, startling the mares.

"Intruders detected." Its voice varied in pitch, yet it sounded threatening, nonetheless. None of the mares knew what it was saying. "Attempting to incapacitate trespassers with moderate force, initiating Steel Beam, providing executables; power surge attained." Its eyes turned red as it began charging up a large beam attack, bright flashes of white and gray overcame their sight. "Executing action."

Joey's eyes grew huge and ran in front of the mares, stretching his arms out wide. "Mechan! Terminate the executables; cease your Steel Beam, now!"

Upon hearing his voice, Mechan stood still as a tree, not daring to move or fire its attack. Joey had come into view, and it felt its rage disappear. The flashing gray light vanished from its face and Mechan lay down on the smooth grass with a vacant stare peering at Joey. It waited for his orders.

Joey let loose a large sigh and lowered his arms as they limply fall to his sides. "Whoop," he shouted, glad he got to Mechan as fast as he did. He ordered the giant robot back to the pool, and it obeyed, teleporting away. Turning, he faces the mares and gave them a smile and a wave. "Hey girls, what can I do y'all for?"

Fluttershy cowered behind a shocked Rainbow Dash and Twilight, who all had their mouths agape in surprise. That was the first time any of them stared directly at the face of their demise. Rainbow fell on her fall and Twilight followed suit.

"I'm very sorry that almost happened to you three," Joey sadly said, fervently bowing to the mares in forgiveness. "Mechan isn't usually like this, much the opposite. It is quite tame and cautious but seeing that you have visited on our weekly ritual, I should have expected that it would be distracted. Are any of you hurt?"

Rainbow was the first to snap out of her daze. "That. Was. AWESOME! Do it again!"

Twilight groaned and shot a piercing glare at her enthusiastic friend. "We almost died! Take this seriously!"

Rainbow chuckled and shuffled the back of her colorful mane. "Alright, alright, take a chill pill, Twi. I was just caught up in the moment... all of us were actually."

Joey looked over the two mares and saw Fluttershy cowering before them, degraded into nothing but a whimpering, shaking mess. He saw Rainbow and Twilight attempting to calm the mare down, but as he witnessed, nothing worked. It was to be expected: seeing your life flash suddenly before your eyes, without warning, as death would appear just sheer moments after is quite troubling; traumatizing in fact.

Joey knew he shouldn't do this, but the notion wouldn't go away. He was compelled to move forward, past Rainbow and Twilight, and in front of their sniveling pegasus friend. Instinctively, Joey scooped Fluttershy up in his arms and cradled her, stroking her pink mane. Remarkably, Fluttershy didn't "shy away" from Joey's touch as he had thought she would, given their interactions a little over a week ago.

Occasionally, Joey would visit daycares in the Pokémon world to work with kids and edify them about the mystical creatures they share in their world; with even the hope of inspiring a few to go on their Pokémon journey to experience what he had. He even worked with newly hatched Pokémon in Pokémon Centers as a way to understand them.

Though Fluttershy wasn't a child by any means, Joey still held her like one, and she seemed to greatly appreciate the attention; It seems to Joey that these ponies are quite... reciprocate to physical contact. She embraced the human, planting her face against his chest as he soothed her with inaudible sounds of comfort.

After some time, Fluttershy calmed and broke her face away from Joey to look at him with a small smile across her face. "Thanks," she whispered.

"Happy to help," Joey spoke merrily as he turned his attention to Fluttershy's friends. "You guys caught me at an odd time. Need something?"

Twilight shook her head. "Honestly, we were just coming to visit, to see how you've been doing over this past week. And..." Twilight took the time to see what Joey is wearing. "Are you... in some kind of wetsuit?"

Joey nodded. "Today is Bath Day... Well, it's more of grooming actually, and you caught me right at the beginning of the whole thing. Remember that favor I asked Pinkie a little while back?"

Rainbow bobbed her head up and down. "Yeah... yeah, you wanted a pool or something. I thought it was odd, wondering why you needed something like that, but now we know!"

"Yep," Joey chirped and beckoned the two mares with his head. "Wanna help?" All three mares nodded. "Come on and I'll show ya."

Joey guided his friends to the back of his house where the mares saw his Pokémon lolling in or around the massive pool. They saw towels buckets of water and sponges galore.

Nian was soaking in the middle of the pool in a laid-back posture with sunglasses over her eyes, basking in the sky's bright rays beaming from the warm sun. Mechan is seen with its eyes closed and enjoying the water against its metallic exterior.

Jenny was under a tree blowing cold air into the atmosphere with a listless, mysterious gaze out to the fields beyond Joey's home. Yuna is kneeling next to the pool, dipping her fingers into it and swirling the water playfully. Lena, as usual, is energetically swimming around the pool with that wonderful smile of hers.

Nils is seen roosting next to the pool with his eyes closed and puffing out his feathers to feel the warm breeze flow through him. And, as Joey surveyed the calming scene, unfortunately, Narros is seen away from the pool, huddled up next to a tree with his face looking away from everyone.

With a heavy sigh, Joey shifts his worried frown into a beaming grin and guided the mares closer to the pool, announcing to his Pokémon that they have visitors. Most of them greeted Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy.

"Everyone, these three lovely mares are going to help with the grooming, so all of you best be on your greatest behaviors," Joey announced. Most of his Pokémon replied with cheers. "Let's get started!"

Throughout the time spent, Joey has told the mares everything they needed to know about how to groom his Pokémon. It was fairly simple: brush Yuna's fur in a firm yet controlled manner; be hard, and rub Mechan's body fiercely, Nian will only be brushed and pampered by Joey himself, Jenny with her nails and hair, rub down Lena's egg-shaped body, but hold her down since the Chansey is quite ticklish, and help Nils preen his feathers.

All in all, it was a good time with everyone getting along quite nicely, resting, and having fun around the pool. Rainbow Dash, in her usual boastfulness, said how awesome and fast she was while helping groom the Pokémon, much the annoyance to Nian. Nils surprisingly, through Joey's translation, calls the mare a show-off and slower than a Slowpoke's pain receptors.

Rainbow Dash is angered by Nils's words, getting up to his face and challenging the large bird to race to Cloudsdale and back to Joey's house. Nils, giving a tittering chortle that peeves Rainbow Dash further, accepts the pegasus's challenge with a mighty flap that sent a whiplash of wind toward the mare and knocks her down.

Though her pride is unshaken, Rainbow Dash feels as if she may have gotten herself into a small problem that she won't be able to simply get out of. Nils is the type to do battle, as was his upbringing, no matter who the Pokémon was. Hearing Rainbow Dash boasting about her skills with such pride and bravado, instills the thought inside the avian that there might be some merit behind her arrogance. Annoyed, Nils is not. Curious? He is.

To have a fair race, Rainbow Dash tells Nils where Cloudsdale is located. The two stood side by side, waiting for Fluttershy of all ponies to give the go-to. She lifts her hoof in the air and drops it quickly to signal the race had begun.

Rainbow, as she was beginning to take off, suddenly felt a rush of wind smacking her right in the face, causing the mare to barrel backward a few feet. When she recovers, she saw Nils already high in the air. She saw the bird flap his wings gracefully but with such power and strength. As a mare who prides herself in her speed, it was admirable and quite praiseworthy.

Caught in her revelry, Twilight shouts to Rainbow Dash to get her tail in the air and catch up to Nils. Back to reality, Rainbow Dash blasts off the ground in a blur. It took some time but after a while, the two racers came back to Joey's house with Nils narrowly winning the race.

Although he won, Nils had Joey translate to Rainbow Dash that the avian loved the race and would like to spend more time with the rainbow-maned mare whenever she's visiting.

In the past would dictate Rainbow Dash acting like a sore loser since it would be the obvious outcome for a mare with a prideful and competitive nature. However, even though she lost, just barely, Rainbow Dash liked the idea and told the avian she would gladly spend more time with him if the bird taught her some techniques with his wings. The avian agreed wholeheartedly. To Twilight, a new friendship was beginning to blossom right before her eyes, and she loved it.

As the day begins to wind down, Fluttershy noticed Narros alone and sought to include the Absol in their pleasant activities. When the mare began to flutter over to the white creature, Joey promptly, yet kindly, got in the way of the timid pegasus.

Confused, Fluttershy says, "Joey, i-is there something wrong?"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight joined their yellow friend. "Yeah, what gives, tall guy?"

"Narros doesn't like anyone to touch him other than me," Joey told the mares. "If Fluttershy went over there, she would've caused a scene."

Understandably, Fluttershy was taken aback by Joey's reluctance to allow the feeble mare to groom Narros. "I won't hurt him; I love animals!"

Joey gave a small smile and petted Fluttershy's mane. "And I'm glad you do, but Narros will not accept you touching him. There's a reason only I'm allowed."

As usual, curiosity got the better of Twilight Sparkle. "Can you tell us why?"

Although Joey didn't want to divulge too heavily into Narros's past, he thought a quick explanation would most definitely suffice.

"Narros has had... issues relating to Pokémon and people. You guys see that horn?" The mares nodded. "An Absol, which is Narros's species, has the power to sense shifts in nature, mostly about the weather with their horns. Most of their existence is solitary and they only show themselves to others to give warnings of a coming disaster.

"The ability, which is supposed to help and prepare others, is seen as an ill omen. A lot of people hate what Narros is, and it led to him becoming very bitter toward anyone..."

Fluttershy, with tears in her eyes, says, "How cruel! All he was doing was helping!"

Rainbow agreed with a scowl. "Talk about a bunch of ungrateful folks."

"If Narros led such a life, why is he with you?" Twilight wondered.

Joey let out a long and heavy sigh. "I wanted to help him, to show Narros not everyone hated him, that he was welcomed and loved," he answered verily. "It took a long time along with... complications, but Narros eventually accepted me, and I brought him into my family."

"What kind of 'complications'?" Twilight questioned.

"All you need to understand is that Narros, at first, didn't necessarily desire my help, and he tried doing things to make that crystal clear," he explained. "Narros doesn't like to be touched by others; I'll handle him. Understand?"

The mares nodded, though it was clear they wanted to know more about these "things" Joey said. The human grabbed a brush lying next to the pool and began to walk over to Narros. Unsurprised, Nian is by his side, but Joey stopped her.

It was clear as day that Nian didn't trust Narros at all and with very good reasons, but Joey knew the rabbit wouldn't contain herself if Narros made any movement she would perceive as death-dealing, and the human didn't want any kind of surface tension. With reluctance, Nian obeyed her partner, but she told Joey if Narros makes any sudden movements, he would be buried.

Joey knew, as well as all his Pokémon, that Nian doesn't make bluffs or veiled threats; and he understood wholeheartedly. Joey does not kill and his Pokémon shares in his sentiments. However, Joey knew that Nian, if she was to defend his very life, would kill without hesitation or remorse.

With that in the back of his mind, Joey resumes his approach toward the white creature.

It didn't take long for Narros to notice something was approaching; his ears have never deceived him. The steps were heavy yet light and quite familiar to him. He knew those footsteps and his niggling appendage from his backside began to move with excitement. His tail betrayed his enthusiasm; the meddlesome turncoat swished and swept the grass, thumping madly the closer the human got.

"Someone's glad to see me!" the human laughed, his joyously deep and soothing voice was carried into the eardrums of his Pokémon; causing the Absol to shiver in delight.

Embarrassed, Narros' cheeks turned crimson. Despite his glaring chagrin, he liked it, of course, and he could never hide it from Joey. Narros turned his head to confirm his thoughts: Joey, without Nian, is approaching him with that handsome smile of his.

When the human got to Narros, he petted and rubbed his head smoothly: a gracious touch here, a thorough loving stroke there; Narros adored those magical fingers caressing his fur. Joey was so delicate and careful when it came to Narros' body, and the Pokémon appreciated it.

"Hey bud, how's it going?" the human whispered, greeting Narros with a happy smile. He got on his knees and rubbed the Pokémon's cheeks with his thumbs. "I haven't forgotten you."

Narros graciously accepted Joey's soft ministrations, slowly leaning into him, taking in his strong scent with a content sigh. The Pokémon's usual cautionary glare melted, shifting to a visage of pure bliss; Joey knew just where to touch him, where to get him comfortable and yearning for more. The human's delicate ministrations were so pleasurable that Narros began to purr; a low rumbling groan to signify Joey was doing a damn good job.

"I'm fine," Narros muttered under his lips, blushing. His usual no-care attitude was completely absent, instead, his voice sounded gentle; relaxed, and his body gave a submissive pose. "And... thanks for not bringing Nian with you; I did not want to be stressed. Are... are you doing well?" He looked up at Joey with glistening, ruby-red eyes.

"I am, just a little tired," he answered lazily. "I brought the brush to attend to your gorgeous coat. Are you ready?"

Again, Narros' cheeks flooded with redness at the sweet compliment. Though he is a male, female Absols share no profound or defining physical characteristics from their male counterparts, so they all look the same; androgynous in appearance, other than the obvious biology between them. Narros prided himself on his pristine white coat, so with such praise coming from someone, especially Joey, and with his lonely upbringing, the Pokémon took it to heart.

Narros looked away from Joey's snowy gaze and shuffled closer to him, giving the human permission to brush his fur as much as he wanted. "J-just be gentle," he stammered quietly. "Go ahead."

Twilight, along with her two friends, watched endearingly at Joey's soft and careful approach toward the white creature. It was amazing. Joey acted just as Fluttershy would but even more gentle and loving.

Twilight Sparkle looked at the human's Pokémon team and a wave of dread and fear washed over her like an enormity of heavy rain pelting her coat mercilessly. It wasn't long until Rainbow Dash noticed as well, and although it isn't in the mare's prudence to remain silent, the rainbow mare knew to keep her mouth shut. Fluttershy saw as well, and, as usual, cowered slightly at the Pokémons' powerful gazes.

Nian held a stern, unblinking stare toward Narros; constantly observing his body language with intense scrutiny. Nils, though his gaze isn't as strong as Nian's, still held strength and caution. Yuna looked worried, Jenny's expression changed to a small frown, Lena held a sad gaze, and Mechan's face was unreadable though it must have contained the same ire Nian's did.

Twilight did not know why Joey's Pokémon stared so intently, but she thought it must have been what Joey had told them about how Narros tried very hard to stop the human from helping him. Whatever that meant, Twilight knew it was something so great that the other Pokémon looked upon the white creature with such sharp scrutiny.

Minutes pass, and Joey left a content Narros alone lying on the grass and returning to the group. All the Pokémon broke their strong gazes and resumed their activities like nothing ever happened. Twilight and her friends were surprised how the other Pokémon returned to normal; making them unnerved and rattled, but they made the effort to hide it from Joey so the human wouldn't ask questions.

As the day passes by slowly, Nian is seen lolling on the grass with everyone going about their own around the pool. Eventually, the brown rabbit felt a slight chill creep through her body; a shadow has blocked the sun. Irritated, the rabbit opens her eyes to see Yuna standing over her leader, shyly twiddling her fingers.

Begrudgingly, Nian lifted herself off the ground and sat in a lazy posture. "What's the matter, Yuna?" the rabbit asked listlessly. The Lucario murmured something under her lips. "Yuna," Nian said with a bit more force, "come here."

Yuna nodded obediently and approached closer to Nian, though her hazy eyes looked away. Nian got up, stretched, and graced her hand over Yuna's left cheek softly, a loving touch the young pup knew all too well. When Little Yuna wasn't waddling off to another adventure as an adventurous Riolu, she stayed close to Nian who taught the pup all she knew, often with guidance from Joey. After all, they were parents to Yuna and she is their responsibility.

The Lucario appreciated Nian's sweet gesture and leaned into the rabbit's touch. "S-s-sorry, Mom- I mean Nian!" Yuna stammered bashfully. She began to panic, stumbling over her words as her anxiety built. "I d-d-didn't mean to call you... I-I mean..."

"Yuna," Nian called out with a firm tone, gaining the stuttering Lucario's attention. "Calm down and slow your tongue. I don't mind it when you call me your mother, since I was the second thing you ever saw, just after Joey. Understand?"

"Y-yes, ma'am..." Yuna muttered quietly, slightly embarrassed at her silliness. Timid and cursed with a stuttering problem that has plagued the young pup since birth, Nian had learned to be patient with the Lucario and when to interject when the young Pokémon had too much coming out of her mouth.

"Now," Nian began smoothly, "what is it that you want? You can tell me."

Yuna tried her best to stop her legs from fidgeting, but she had always failed spectacularly. Nian did not rush the young Pokémon; patience was needed and after many days and nights with a little Riolu under her care, a delicate embrace was in order. Nian, with Yuna in her arms, sat the young Pokémon down and idled patiently for Yuna to speak.

It took some time, but the sweet little Pokémon said, "I w-want to... to spar- continue sparring with you. We, uh... umm, we haven't resumed s-s-since the f-festival in Alamos T-town."

Nian was surprised, unable to suppress a happy chuckle at Yuna's sudden but welcomed boldness. What surprised her, even more, is that it was Yuna who wanted to continue their sparring rather than the other way around.

Nian thought back too many a time that she had to drag a reluctant Yuna to spar. It would take days for Yuna to even attempt to spar, so when the young Pokémon finally wanted to start again, Nian was more than joyous to oblige.

"I'll go and tell Joey if we can spar just beyond the fence, okay?" Nian's voice was filled with pride. She thought Yuna had finally started wiggling out of that shell of hers. "Wait for me at the entrance to the house."

Yuna nodded and got up almost too quickly, promoting Nian to lightly scold the pup about lightheadedness. Apologizing profusely, Yuna scrambled over to the entrance of Joey's house.

Nian sighed and shook her head. "That silly little pup," she muttered amusingly.

Time flows by five minutes, and Yuna stood shivering lightly against the white fence waiting for Nian. The young Pokémon kept twiddling her fingers as her heart began to beat quicker with each passing second. Yuna never liked training or sparring, but she knew if she was to help and even defend Joey, she would have to suck it up. And she longed to please her father.

A noise came from the house, alerting Yuna, and drawing the pup from her musings. She uses her Aura to see Nian bounding over to her.

"Field, out, now," she ordered the Lucario.

Yuna nearly froze at the rabbit's words, as if Nian was angry or desperate. Without a word, Yuna obeyed the rabbit's declaration and scrambled, almost tripping, toward the field with Nian hopping close behind.

The curious eyes of the other Pokémon lay upon Nian and Yuna, wondering what those two were up to. Even Narros, still isolated from the others, watched with minor curiosity. Twilight and her friends were holed up inside the house talking to Joey about their world and his.

Seeing from a window that Joey is busy, Nils told the rest of the Pokémon that they should figure out what Nian and Yuna were doing. Most Pokémon aside from Narros and Mechan, who told the group it would watch from the top of the house, agreed and followed the enormous bird out to the field where they caught up to Nian and Yuna.

What they saw shocked them: Yuna had conjured a large white bone flowing with a mysterious blue aura to her side. Nian held herself tall and firm with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Well, would you look at that," Nils wondered aloud, his rapt eyes staring forward unblinkingly. "Little Yuna is about to spar."

Lena looked worried, as a Chansey should, and she knew better to interfere after the match. However, she was happy to see Yuna back in training. "Let's just hope Nian goes easy on her," the Chansey muttered hopefully.

Jenny agreed with the round Pokémon, but her icy gaze studied the two Pokémon with enthusiasm. Jenny is no fighter, she barely has any fighting skills, nor the three out of four primary moves had any way of doing damage.

"No need to worry," Nils assured Lena softly, although his voice remained excited. Nils was born to fight. Seeing a sparring match about to commence filled him with much happiness. Ever since Joey and the rest of the Pokémon came to this world, everything the group normally does was halted and slowly came back little by little. "Nian isn't sparring with Joey, but with her daughter. She would never be too intense. If anything, she'll give the young girl a few bruises."

Though Lena knew Nils was trying to make her feel better, the Pokémon couldn't see Little Yuna all bruised up.

"Are you ready to begin?" Nian asked.

"Y-yes, ma'am," Yuna answered respectfully, trying in vain to calm her nerves and steady her trembling paws.

"Your Aura," the brown rabbit said, gaining the bewilderment of her opponent.


"I shouldn't need to tell you how much of an advantage that power gives you. You use it constantly, day and night." Nian gave her daughter a straight look. "Your control over Aura is great, I can tell, but you do not use it for battle. If anything, you do everything in your power to not fight.

"Even Joey decided to not use you for any battling, but me? I don't share the same idea. Defend yourself and fight for Joey. He will need you. Use your Aura and come at me!"

Yuna, shaking from her paws to her toes, attempted to control her body with every ounce of strength she could. It did not work as she fully intended, but the unsteadiness did ebb away slightly. She inhaled the bracing clear air into her snout and exhaled, calming her heart, allowing Yuna to grip her bone weapon more tightly as if strengthening her. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she focused on her opponent: her mother Nian, leader of the Pokémon team blessed with a destructive strength able to stand against Pokémon of Old; legendary entities powerful enough to level cities and mountains.

The tell-tale Aura around Nian gave away every bit of her power to Yuna, hence the fear of sparring with her especially. Nian's fiery Aura shone like the reddest light she had ever beheld; the sheer ferocity of it was almost too much to stare at, but over the years, Yuna managed. Nian's Aura was special, as no other Pokémon or human she came across ever had the same flare.

"What's the matter, pup?!" Nian's voice was challenging and invigorating, knocking Yuna out of her thoughts. The Pokémon watching suddenly stood at attention from Nian's echoing shout. "Are you coming to hit me or not?! I won't tell you again!"

Yuna knew she had to attack; she would have to put her thoughts away for now. Clutching her bone club, Yuna dashed at Nian with the weapon held up high, leaping into the air and descending to strike, aiming for the rabbit's skull. Instantly, in the blink of an eye, Yuna found herself flung back, tumbling to the ground.

The young Pokémon coughed and kneeled atop the ground, using her bone club as support. Nian still stood at the same spot.

"Get up," she bade briskly. Her voice wasn't cold or demeaning, but rigid and harsh. "I said get back up, pup! We aren't done; you wanted this. Now get up!"

Yuna knew Nian was right. When the rabbit guided her to the field, the young Pokémon told her mother to not go easy on her. In a way, Yuna regretted it and almost desired to break the sparring match and walk back home. She half-expected to hear Joey ending the match, but she did not hear his voice. The young pup shook the thought from her mind and stood back up and pointed her bone club at Nian.

Nian saw Yuna's white eyes narrow and smiled inwardly, proud that Yuna wanted to keep going. "I'm still waiting. Are you going to stand there?!"

At that moment, Yuna dashed again at her mother, swiping the bone club at her feet, hoping to sweep the mighty rabbit off the ground and go for a critical hit. Her hopes were dashed as Nian lifted a powerful, well-toned leg above her head, slamming the ground with a mighty crash. The sheer force blew Yuna away, causing the Lucario to skid on her paws across the ground, but she stood firm.

"I-I'm ready," she shouted back. "Let's keep going!"

Nian chuckled. Her right hand began to vibrate, glowing with an eerie red light. Yuna knew what the rabbit was using: Drain Punch, a move as tenacious as a rage-filled Gyarados hell-bent on leveling whole cities that can suck your spirit dry. Yuna staggered, afraid to attack the brown rabbit. She stepped back one space as Nian stepped forward.

"No running this time, Yuna," Nian said coolly.

Joey walked outside with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy after telling them the story of how he met Jenny. To no one's surprise, Twilight had asked Joey more questions about his world and Pokémon, and Joey happily agreed, being so open and willing to talk.

The four friends heard a loud boom coming from the field beyond the house. Alarmed, Twilight and her two friends rushed over to the commotion with Joey yawning and lagging behind them. Twilight saw Joey's Pokémon: Nils, Jenny, and Lena watching Nian and Yuna fight with Yuna not looking so hot. Nian didn't have a single bruise.

Confusion washed over Twilight, shocked to witness such a fight. "Wh-what is going on here?!"

Rainbow, though she was excited to find who would win shared Twilight's worry. Fluttershy hated it. To see friends fight each other like that filled the timid pegasus with terror, and she was about to get in between the two Pokémon to break up the fight, but Joey stopped her before she had the chance.

Fluttershy turned to Joey, worry clear in her eyes. "Joey, stop them! Somepony is going to get hurt!"

Joey tilted his head, looking over the pegasus to see Yuna desperately trying to block Nian's advances, and losing by the second. A surge of pride and happiness flowed through his chest, and he denied Fluttershy's feverish request calmly as a look of astonishment came from the mare.

"Relax," he whispered to the anxious mare. "This is normal with my group, though it's still surprising to see Yuna battling so passionately. Me and my Pokémon spar and train all the time to keep our strength up."

"B-b-but this is barbaric," the yellow mare stammered scornfully, pleading with Joey to cease the fighting. "And it's cruel and irresponsible!"

"Listen to me," Joey began, petting the mane of the anxious pegasus, "this is how we are, and I understand, I truly do, but this is what I and my family does. I'm not asking you to like it, far from it. However, I expect you to respect it. You can help Lena patch up Yuna after."

Before Fluttershy could say anything, Rainbow interjects. "What? You don't think Yuna can win?"

"Rainbow!" Twilight hissed quietly at her brash-headed friend.

Joey laughed and said, "It's okay Twilight. Yuna isn't strong enough to win against Nian, the rabbit is FAR too powerful. Yuna is merely trying to stand her ground. It doesn't matter if she loses or wins; it's a good experience."

Yuna looked dirty, and she was panting, out of breath. Nian looked the same as she always has, although a smile could be seen if one squinted hard enough. She wasn't even in her Mega Evolution; she was just too strong.

"Shall we call it a day?" Nian questioned her fatigued daughter, stretching in delight as her bones popped. "Your legs look as if they'd give out at any moment."

"No," Yuna vehemently retorted. Her bone club vanishes as the young pup jut her arms out and paws together. An orb of azure energy began to materialize in the middle of Yuna's paws. "I'm not done yet!"

Nian glared excitedly. "Bringing out the big stuff, huh? Well then... come on and shoot it!"

The orb of energy was an Aura Sphere: the signature attack of Yuna's species. This mystical ball of power cannot be avoided and must be met head-on if the opponent had any hopes of retaliating. Yuna shot the attack at her opponent with all the might she could muster. The orb was huge, bigger than Nils, rapidly approaching Nian as the rabbit held her ground. The rabbit scrapped the ground with her foot before leaping into the air with her right leg sparkling faintly.

Everyone except the mares watching knew what Nian was using. It was a move she often used to end fights definitely: Mega Kick; her most powerful attack, enraptured her right leg in a faint glow of white sparkles, descending hurriedly toward the giant Aura Sphere.

The small crowd watched as Nian collided with the orb of azure light in an uproarious show of white and blue lightning, arcing just below her in frightening flashes. The orb under Nian's well-toned leg warped and groaned in an alien drone, and then it split in half, plummeting to the verdant earth in a startling crash and exploding in a coruscating flash of light before fading.

Nian landed gracefully on the ground without a single scratch or bruise upon her; she went completely unscathed. Everyone aside from Yuna and Joey had their mouths agape in awe; Nian's strength was a sight to behold, even if she wasn't giving her all.

Yuna sighed and attempted to move forward to strike her mother, but she staggered and fell on one knee in exhaustion. Sweat streamed down her dirty countenance, her bones ached, and she was short of breath. Yuna willed herself to stand with great effort, wobbling and stumbling on her toes, yet she managed to steady herself.

"Yuna," Nian called out, "this will be your last chance for tonight. Are you ready?"

Yuna took in a large amount of breath and exhaled. "Yes, ma'am. I understand. I'm ready!"

"Then don't just stand there," Nian bashed playfully. "Come and get it!"

In an instant, Yuna's fists turned into metal. She smashed them together, creating sparks and taking a stance that put her fists in front of her face. The move Yuna is using is called Bullet Punch: a strong attack fit for close-quarter combat.

Nian laughed loudly, smashing her fists together as they arc with red lightning. Power-Up Punch: a potentially dangerous and death-dealing attack that amps the user's fists with a strength able to shatter the earth easily with a quick series of strikes or with a single, powerful attack to knock out just about anyone.

If Yuna was hit with that move, she'll be sore for months, even with Lena's potent healing ability. But the young Pokémon wasn't going for multiple hits, but a single strike to end the match. If she knew Nian, and she knows her mother well, she'll do the same. Yuna just hoped she doesn't break her fists.

The spectators watching the sparring match witnessed Nian blitzing over to Yuna as the young pup dashed forward and collided with one another in a startling flash of light that warped the air around in a split second. Enraptured, the spectators watched on in anticipation to see who had won the exchange.

Unsurprisingly, Nian stood over a deftly beaten Yuna, who lay under her mother splayed out in utter defeat. Nian did not have a single mark on her body while Yuna looked dirt-ridden and drenched in sweat that made her matted fur glisten faintly in the orange sun's blissful light.

Nian kneeled to her still-conscious daughter with a look of pride and joy. "Good job today," she praised happily, gaining a small smile from Yuna. "We can try again when you are ready. Lena!"

It took only the round Chansey's name to hurry over to Yuna with a look of mild worry and admiration. "Oh, you poor baby," Lena cooed soothingly, gently picking Yuna up in a tight hold. "Let Auntie Lena take care of you!"

"Lena, I'm n-not a little pup anymore," Yuna protested quietly, a streak of red flooding her cheeks as she was carried away into Joey's house, followed by the rest of the Pokémon.

Twilight, to no pony's surprise, had discreetly spawned a quill drenched in ink, eagerly jotting everything she had seen in a scroll. Rainbow Dash noticed how vigorously Twilight was scribbling the information into the scroll that she thought steam came from it. Perhaps it was just her eyes playing tricks on her. If not... that was worrisome. They followed the other Pokémon back to the house, leaving Joey and Fluttershy alone.

Fluttershy had a distant look on her face, and Joey knew it wasn't anything too pleasant. He understood, of course, to see what Fluttershy views as harmless animals fighting each other not out of necessity or the will to survive, but to battle needlessly. He knew she didn't like it.

Tapping a finger on his chin, Joey thought about how to begin a conversation. "Are we still friends?"

Fluttershy turned to Joey with a shocked expression across her visage, as if offended or appalled. "Of course, we are," she answered tersely, fluttering to Joey. "I just don't... approve of fighting, especially if it's animals. But... I do understand; you and your family come from a completely different place. I would assume you don't pit them against others for needless fighting?"

Joey chuckled. "Never," he answered verily, putting his hands behind his back lazily. "They are just as intelligent as you or me, and sometimes even more so. They do not have to follow my orders; they can leave me whenever they feel like it. I do not take away their freedom and force them to do my bidding; that's slavery.

"They aren't bound to me, Fluttershy, and they never will. They stay with me because they love me, and I love them; that's why we're a family."

Fluttershy sighed. "I understand," she murmured as she went on, "and I trust you and your words. It'll just take me a little while to get used to it. I'm sorry for what I said."

Joey couldn't contain himself; he grabbed Fluttershy in a warm hug, carrying the mare in his strong arms. Thankfully, Fluttershy didn't resist this action and couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

"Let's join the others," Joey said. Fluttershy agreed and Joey carried the mare back to the house, followed closely by Nian.

When they got to the house, Twilight and her friends said their goodbyes and went to their homes. As the day lowers ever closer to bringing about the night, Joey and his Pokémon retired into the house to rest the night away.

The Sound of Silence

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Of the past told in burning memories.

It was the toughest winter she had to endure; alone, anxious, and scared, buried deep in the freezing blankets of chilling stars. Once again, for a time she doesn't know, got up and kept going.

Her shimmering hair was unkempt and frozen dry, her once-glorious clothes, now shamed and lost their luster, are tattered and ripped from defending what little life she had left. Her skin was cracked and split and her eyes were dull and empty.

She had trekked the mountainside seeking refuge from the horrible winter storm, but no matter how hard she tried, she was neglected every step of the way. No one opened up to her or showed her kindness; rejecting her without a single thought. The horrid chill of wintery death was upon them all and none could bother to help one another, so she continued braving the howling wind by her lonesome.

Still, as if expecting something to change, she begged and pleaded to people and Pokémon for shelter, yet none would give her aid. They've all left her to struggle against death's encroaching grasp.

Desperate and forlorn, the broken Jynx continued forward aimlessly through the blackened gloam.

It was an eerie night, bringing about a tumultuous blizzard stronger than the last that ravaged the mountain mercilessly, pelting the weakened Jynx with hailstones until she let the elements blow her over, once again being buried within the endless sea of snow. She lay still amongst the thrilling, unforgiving wind, gazing up into the gray gloam that covered the sky in frightful darkness.

Her mind takes her back to the start: she was going on one of her nightly strolls until she was ambushed by a group of ravenous Pokémon who nearly tore her to shreds. She was lucky that her Perish Song was enough for her to flee but not without sustaining a near-mortal injury.

It was a mistake to roam about, and now this is her punishment: death. She should have been more careful. As she lay there dying from her wounds, the Jynx hears the crunching of footsteps approaching. The Jynx did not move; she was exhausted. Instead, against better judgment, she lay there, her body gradually being engulfed in a snowy burial, accepting her fate at either the hands of her killer or the winter storm.

That was it. Her life amounted to nothing in the end; taken by others too soon. If she could cry, she would in a heartbeat, but she had no more tears to shed.

The steps got louder until the Pokémon heard them from her side. A baleful shadow loomed over her frozen aching body. She heard an indistinct murmur; she strained her ears to hear a male's smooth timbre. She tried to look at her would-be killer, but her eyes were dull and colorless like the black sky above; bleary, unable to properly distinguish the creature.

She waited for the end to come; to let death sweep over her like an icy wind creeping across her skin, but instead, she felt something warm and soft gracing her chilly cheeks. Another murmur came from the blurry shadow. It sounded concerned, for her. The Jynx tried desperately to strain her waning eyesight until the image of the unknown creature slowly came into view: a human donned in winter gear with a mask that covered his face.

Was this an angel the Jynx saw? Not some death-dealing horror, but a benevolent hero? His soft ministrations calmed her, still murmuring something that was assurance or of an oath. The Jynx could not understand, but she knew that this human was in concern for her. Her nerves calmed and her body had relaxed. Perhaps she could finally rest without worry knowing she was in good hands. At long last, she fainted, letting the encroaching darkness take her.

When she awoke, the Jynx was resting in a small bed inside a warm cottage. She flexed her feeble muscles as they ached but not as much as before. Where was the constant sting of pain and agony, the harrowing numbness? Confused, she looked at her wounded arms, expecting to see splits and cracks, but they were meticulously wrapped in bandages. She couldn't remember what happened before she lost consciousness. One thing was for certain: she had survived, and she was in the hands of a human she did not know, not that she knew any before.

As she wondered in silence, the Jynx heard the sounds of a wooden door creaking open irritably, gaining her scrutiny and her annoyance. She attempted to defend herself with Blizzard, but she was too weak to conjure even a pitiable powder of snow. She could do nothing but wait in grueling anticipation.

The door opened fully to reveal a human with a caramel face and limpid white eyes entering the room with his Lopunny right beside him. The human carried a plastic bag full of Pokémon and regular human food. He approached the Jynx with a handsome smile and pulled up a chair next to her bed.

"You're awake. Can you understand me?" the human asked soothingly. His voice sent a wave of shivers across the injured Jynx's body before she nodded. "Good." The human dug into the plastic bag and presented a poffin. "Here. This is for you."

The Jynx stared at the mysterious poffin, skeptical. It did smell good at least, and it is being given by her savior. She realized that she could trust this human. And it would be rude to turn down such an offer; the Jynx couldn't remember when the last time she had eaten. Taking it as a gesture of goodwill, the Jynx attempted to take the poffin from the human, but her arms weren't responding to her command. Fear flooded the Jynx's face as she kept trying to move her arms, but nothing she did made them move.

"Oh..." the human's voice trailed off. "Three days and they still haven't been healed completely."

Three days. The Jynx was astonished; to be in such a pitiful state filled her heart with worry and shame; she felt embarrassed in the presence of her dutiful savior. Her savior must've looked at her as completely pathetic and worthless.

She heard him chuckle. "Oh well, it can't be helped," the human said merrily, leaning close to the Jynx. "I'll just have to feed you. Saaaaay 'ahh!'"

Being so close to the human's face made a rush of red flow around the Jynx's cheeks. She felt his warmth practically radiating off of him. Unable to turn away, she stared into those beautiful white pools; completely and utterly entranced by the human.

It couldn't hurt, right? He is offering to feed her. She didn't shy away as she felt her glossy red lips part as her mouth opened slightly, waiting patiently to be fed. She closed her eyes. Again, she blushed; her heart thumped and throbbed excitedly as she heeded the human's orders obediently. She must have thought how naughty she looked right now, all messy and dirty, helpless and weak, relying on someone else. She could feel her mouth water eagerly, waiting for the poffin to be laid onto her rousing tongue.

She felt the human lightly put the treat in her mouth and told her to chew slowly. She did what he said. The taste of the poffin was sweet, exploding in her mouth with a mountain of flavor, causing a moan to escape her quivering lips as she swallowed the tasty treat.

"Feel better?" the human asked hopefully, putting a hand on the Jynx.

She almost flinched, feeling the human's strong hand grip her delicate shoulder. To be honest, she began to like it. She could feel the hand's warmth. She nodded quickly.

"Good," he said, heaving a large sigh from his lips. "I was worried about you. I saw you lying in the snow and carried you to this cottage. Good thing I was out there." He lightly took her hand into his and rubbed it softly. "My name is Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short. What's your name?"

He was such a gentleman: benevolent, handsome, and generous. She thought it wouldn't be a bad thing if she spoke to her savior. He saved her life and gave her food and shelter. It's the least she could do.

She told him her name.

"That's a very nice name," Joey said, making the Jynx blush. "Now," he began, "let us get you up and healthy, yeah?"

She tried her hardest to clench her hand around Joey's, and she had been successful. The warmth coated her hand. He was so warm...

Jenny woke up with a start, finding herself encased in a small crystal of ice in one of the corners of the room. She looked around to see Lena snoring lightly with Yuna cuddling up beside her, mumbling in her sleep while suckling on one of her digits. Jenny was surprised to see Yuna still sleeping, seeing that the sun has risen in the early morning. The sparring match from yesterday really had tuckered her little sister out.

As she watched over them in silence, Jenny looked outside the window. It's a beautiful morning, perfect for a short stroll. She covered her chest with a hand as she thought about Joey accompanying her. She ought to ask him. What's the worst he could say? That it's too early?

With the idea fresh in her mind, she made her icy dome disappear and went silently out the bedroom door. Into the hall, Jenny quietly trailed down the stairs and outside the front door, and onto the porch. She inhaled the fresh morning air and took in the sun's early rays that graced her tall body, feeling the light rush of wind pass through her as she waited for him eagerly.

She whisked her hand in a graceful motion, conjuring a torrent of snowy sparkles as her Nevermeltice appeared between her two fingers. She put the tip into her mouth and inhaled slowly, absorbing the cool vapor into her chest, indulging herself. Seconds later, she blew the vapor out in a chilly cloud of mist. Jenny loved her Nevermeltice, as it was a gift Joey almost risked his life for.

The human was in a cave up in the snowy mountains of her home, trying to figure out a way to heal the Jynx after she sustained near-death injuries. When he found the Nevermeltice, he brought it back to Jenny to inhale. To his surprise, the item did wonders for Jenny's health when she inhaled its chilling moisture. From that point forward, Jenny always had the Nevermeltice either in her hands or in a place she can summon it.

Having the Nevermeltice always soothed her worries and anxieties to the point of making them nearly non-existent. She needed it as much as she needed Joey by her side ever since that fateful day. As she waited for her human, Jenny began to daydream...

Jenny was outside with an intense blush on her face, her hands gripped by Joey's. It's been a few days since she was rescued from the icy grasp of death. After obtaining the Nevermeltice, Jenny's arms and hands have healed quite well, allowing the damaged Pokémon to possess some manner of control over them.

Knowing Jenny is making good progress, Joey decided to take the Jynx outside to get her back on her non-existent feet. Jenny has always hovered by the use of her psychic powers, but after nearly dying, her psychic powers haven't been useful at all; she could barely keep up the concentration of making her skim across the ground. So, the human thought it would be prudent to have Jenny use her powers little by little until it all came back to her.

Jenny was having a rough time. Her body ached as she tried to move forward, struggling and wobbling like a newborn Ducklet. She felt foolish and humiliated, shying away from Joey's beaming smile. She knew she shouldn't feel this way, especially around her savior who has done so much for her.

"Come on," he urged encouragingly, persuading Jenny to take a couple more hovering steps. "Take it slow... Don't rush, I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

Jenny loved hearing Joey's voice utter sweet somethings in her ears; she felt embarrassed, but in a good way, and wanted more of it. She wished it didn't stop...

Drawn from her memories, Jenny opened her eyes and saw Joey approaching the Jynx with a friendly wave and that handsome smile. It was time for her favorite thing with Joey: him bussing her hand with the care of a knight to his queen. She loved having his powerful hand in hers and letting his soft lips grace it with such care.

She couldn't wait any longer. Joey was already standing in front of Jenny, beaming at her with that handsome smile. She lifted her hand in front of his face and watched expectingly. She hopefully peered at Joey with those unwavering eyes as the human held her hand and kissed it.

There it was. The thrilling heat surged around Jenny's hand and flowed throughout her cold body. It was so warm and pleasing like she was covered in a blanket of embers igniting her soul in a burst of comfortable flame. She wanted more of it, thinking about urging Joey to pelt her with an endless firestorm of kisses. She wanted to embrace Joey and feel his burning everything, but she willed herself from enacting such passionate desires. She will dream about it tonight.

"Jenny, you're looking lovely this morning," Joey complimented happily.

Jenny gave the human a small smile. She pointed at him and then beyond the fence, drawing a question mark with her Nevermeltice in the air before it melted away.

Joey gave Jenny a giggle that made her heart light aflame. "I just came from the Ponyville Clinic; I visited Karla and Indola." He stretched and yawned. "Oh boy, I tell ya, getting up in the early hours of the morning is... quite challenging. But enough about that. You're up early."

Jenny nodded. She brought a finger and twirled it in her hair while ardently staring at Joey.

"Oh, you were going out?" he asked in mild surprise. "Alone?"

Jenny shook her head and gestured her Nevermeltice at Joey's chest before putting it back in her mouth and blowing out a chilling cloud around Joey. The cloud didn't bother Joey at all. He liked it.

"I'd be more than happy to go on a walk with you," Joey told the Jynx merrily, giving her that radiating handsome smile. "I know we normally do nightly strolls, but an early morning stroll might be good."

Jenny was never great at reliably expressing herself since she always had a stoic, unreadable face. The only times she would show anything else were extremely rare or whenever she was directly around Joey.

Joey gave Jenny his arm as the Jynx held it with her own. Like a gentleman, or a knight servicing his fragile queen, Joey led Jenny past the white fence and into the breezy field. He was so warm, practically blazing. She felt so happy and safe with just the two of them enjoying each other's company.

As they strolled to nowhere important, Jenny began to reminisce again and started blushing profusely.

It's been a whole eight days since Jenny regained consciousness in the warming care of Joey and his Lopunny friend. The Jynx has gained full control over her body to act fully independent from Joey, but, if the Jynx was honest, loved it when Joey took her everywhere; always being so close to him... feeling his blazing heat overwhelm her feeble body.

She huffed in disappointment, cutely puffing out her cheeks, wishing she was still damaged enough to have Joey looking after her twenty-four seven, but alas, all good things must sadly come to an end. Lamenting her situation, however selfish it was, Jenny heard the door open and saw Joey striding majestically into her room. Well, it was more of a saunter, but Jenny likes to imagine it being more... grand and dramatic.

Jenny greeted him by blowing a powdered kiss in his direction using her Nevermeltice.

He caught the kiss in his hand and tapped it on his chest. "Jenny," Joey sang in a deep tone, sending shivers down the Jynx's spine, "it's time for your clothes to come off so I can fix them up!"

Everything stopped for Jenny, like a billowing tide being suddenly frozen over, seized and unmoving. She was still weak and unable to defend herself. She wouldn't be able to stop Joey even if she tried. The thought of him disrobing her felt... heart throbbing and naughty. Jenny felt dirty just thinking about it... and she wouldn't have to think of it for long.

Being stripped naked by Joey was horrifying and... desirable; letting him see her gorgeous, fragile, perfect skin, especially now that her injuries have been healed. He'll be able to see everything; Jenny thought of Joey scanning her hungrily with his scalding eyes. That sheer blazing heat searing into her without being shielded by her clothes made Jenny shudder in anticipation.

She didn't object, not even once. She stood above him, her shadow looming over his body, and waited. She felt his hands remove her clothes slowly until everything was off, every article of clothing stripped bare, and she didn't even flinch. She had let Joey see her completely, and she loved every second of it.

Already, she had decided to become more than just Joey's beautiful patient. She wanted something far more. She wanted to be with him forever. Jenny just needed to know if Joey wanted it as well...

Jenny was happily strolling around the field with Joey right by her side, their arms interlocking like they were star-crossed lovers meant to be together. It was a nice thought, at least; Jenny adored thinking about those daydreams far too often... and it wasn't too healthy. Jenny didn't rightfully care.

Joey was as cute as ever; the human cheerfully strutted, his eyes closed, and he hummed happily. Jenny stared ardently at him, feeling his happiness blaze like the burning sun; she loved it! She never had an issue being cold since she is an Ice-type but having something warm and comforting shielding her was a whole lot more pleasant.

"Hey, Jenny," Joey called, gaining the Jynx's total attention. "How do you feel about being here? You haven't been very verbal since we came here. You like it?"

Jenny skimmed closer to Joey, brushing her shoulder against him lovingly. She took her Nevermeltice and drew him surrounded by a heart before it melted away.

The human chuckled lightly. "Yeah, you're just like Nian," he said. Jenny looked at Joey's pure white eyes, they looked distant. "It doesn't matter where we are as long as you're with me. I like that. I was worried if you were a tad bit unhappy, but it's nice to see I was mistaken."

Jenny drew a question mark, confused.

"Well... I don't know why I thought that Jenny," he muttered. "Maybe I'm concerned... maybe I'm a little unhappy, but I certainly don't feel it. It's an odd feeling..."

Jenny grabbed Joey and shoved him against her supple breasts without thinking, trying to comfort him. Unknowingly, she was suffocating him, but the muffled yells from Joey silenced his sudden distress. Gingerly, yet with the speed of light, Joey tapped Jenny for air, and she lets him go. The human nearly fell to the ground gasping for breath; Jenny had a deceptively iron grip. Recovering, Joey stands up straight and leans against Jenny which the Jynx adored.

"Give me a warning next time that happens again, please," he said tiredly. Jenny nodded obediently. "Good. I do appreciate it; you were just trying to cheer me up."

Jenny bumps Joey with her hip. He looks and sees another question mark formed from Jenny's Nevermeltice and a sullen expression across her face.

Joey sighed. "I'm perfectly fine, I promise you that," he assured Jenny, holding her arm a little tighter. "Although..." he paused for a long while. "I had this feeling ever since I came back from the Ponyville Clinic. I think I finally realized that we may very well be stuck here forever. It never truly occurred to me until today, even when I know it'll be fine living here, it's just that... I feel the whiplash of the situation that we're in.

"It hit me harder than I thought, and I do feel a little sad despite what I've said before, though what was said is truer than anything. I think I'm a little homesick."

Jenny stared at him for a good while, taking in his words carefully.

Joey looked away and rubbed the back of his gorgeous hair sheepishly. "Sorry," he said, sighing. "This was supposed to be a nice walk. I just wanted to let it out, and you are a good listener, Jenny. And once again, I'm sorry."

Jenny didn't mind it at all; she would listen to Joey all day and all night. She couldn't be tired of the human even if she wanted to. She found it important and an honor that Joey would talk to her about anything troubling, which was rare in itself since a lot of things don't bother him.

Joey always came to her when something was weighing on his mind. She remembers that Joey often had private talks about something bothering him and that he would ask Jenny for her two cents on the matter. Though he was much closer to Nian than any other Pokémon, which Jenny found envious, the brown rabbit wasn't always the right one to turn to when it came to more sensitive subjects.

"It's okay to miss home," Jenny whispered, her angelic voice was as quiet as a mouse and as fragile as a falling dew drop after a rainy day; it would put Princess Celestia to shame. "This is a beginning for all of us; think of it as a brand new adventure. I and the rest of your family are here for you." Jenny turned to the house, lightly pulling Joey with her. "You need to rest; you are tired. Let's head back."

"B-but we haven't been out here long enough like we usually are," Joey stammered.

Hearing that Joey insists they stay outside makes her happy, knowing that even with his problems he puts her first. Jenny would love nothing more than to stay outside and stroll to nowhere with Joey, but his well-being was far more important than her desires.

"We can walk aimlessly tonight, under the stars, " Jenny suggested.

Joey smiled. "Alright," he said, "we will do that. Lead the way!"

Jenny nodded. "Gladly, " she uttered under her lips.

With nothing more to say, Jenny and her human sauntered unhurriedly back to their new home.

"Sure," Joey said merrily, clasping his hands around Jenny's. "Of course, you can join my family. I was going to present the question to you today!"

Jenny felt her heart burn with love. He wanted her, with him, forever, as a part of his family. She can always feel his warmth and see that handsome smile every day for the rest of her entire life. She was wanted. Jenny held back the flood of tears in her eyes, failing spectacularly as they streamed down her face.

She wasn't going to be alone anymore, never again trek the world by her lonesome; she had found a home; close to a comforting fire.

A Coat as White as Snow

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Of the sayings from the one he loves.

It's not your fault, you were just trying to help. That's all you wanted, wasn't it? To make sure people and Pokémon are safe. But the stigma can't be rid of; they'll only blame you. They always will, and I'm so, so sorry.

If you need to yell, then yell. If you want to scream out your pain, then scream. If you need to shout out your frustrations, then shout. No more bottling it up.

If you need to hit something, hit it over and over until it is destroyed. Unburden your anger and let it flow freely until it is gone forever. If you want to bite something, bite it with all your strength. Rip, tear, and shred as much as you need to.

You don't want to be alone, but you are afraid. That's okay. Just lift one paw after the other; go at your own pace, and don't feel ashamed. Don't shy away, I'm here. You will always know where I am.

If you need to cry, then cry in my arms. If the world becomes too loud to bear, I'll turn it down. I'll give you happiness and a home. I will never abandon you.

No matter how many times you push me away, I'll always come back. You are deserving of love, and I will give you all I can.

"Joey," Narros nearly cried aloud. He opens his ruby-red eyes briskly, veering them around Joey's home in a daze. He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "It was a dream," he muttered, trying to fight the redness threatening to flood his cheeks. "Another dream about him..."

Nightfall loomed overhead. The stars above Narros sparkled and shined beautifully without a single cloud in the encroaching dark blue gloam.

Stars? So early? he thought listlessly, stifling a large yawn threatening to escape his mouth. Night has barely arrived. This world is quite odd.

He darted his eyes around to see Joey stargazing with a telescope, happily gazing at the twinkling stars. Joey had acquired a telescope from Twilight Sparkle who visited the human again a week after Bath Day. She brought him the telescope so they could stargaze together every other night.

Narros grumbled, "That purple nuisance has been hanging around Joey too much..." He fought back the urge to curl his lip into a snarl and bare his sharp teeth. "She's so noisy, and that yellow pony has been cuddling him like a stuffed Teddiursa toy." That should be me! I should be his cute, fluffy cuddle toy!

Narros' ears pricked and his tail began to lash behind him, thumping and scraping the ground in vexation. He didn't like Twilight or Fluttershy getting too close to Joey; instead thinking that it should be him.

He's cuddled with Joey before; he knows exactly what positions Joey loved to lay in. He would have curled his body around Joey to get him nice and comfy, then the human would put his head on top of Narros' stomach. Narros would give him heart-warming nuzzles under his chin, granted if they weren't being watched, the occasional small, playful licks on his cheeks, and have him listen to him purr like a Glameow in his ears, which often got the human to lull into a delicate slumber.

That's what should happen, not with those ponies, Narros thought haughtily, huffing in annoyance. I should be used like that! If not, then... what else am I supposed to be?

Seeing Joey sleep soundly under his protection was heaven to Narros. He'd look so serene and cute. He imagined Joey holding him like a pillow, never wanting to let go... always needing him. To be in Joey's powerful hold, feeling his magical fingers caress him over and over, and feeling his face rubbing against him. That's the dream.

Narros shivered in anticipation before he blushed. "I have to stop thinking like that," he chided, trying to cast the delightful thoughts away. He felt his tail thumping the ground behind him. "Stupid tail... Aren't you supposed to be on my side?!"

Narros continued to watch Joey intently. His annoyed gaze softened to a look of longing seeing Joey excitedly explore the stars. It was pretty late; not another Pokémon was awake aside from Mechan, but that loud robot never sleeps, and Narros could always feel it staring at him no matter where he was. That was annoying also.

Perhaps Narros should join Joey. Nian isn't awake to threaten him with death, so there shouldn't be any interruptions. He could cuddle up to Joey; offer his body up as warm bedding for the human to rest. It was getting nippy outside with the wind blowing and Joey didn't have a sweater or long-sleeved shirt to combat the cold.

Perhaps, he thought hopefully. This could be my chance. He will need me. I want to be needed.

Narros started to get up and walk over to his beloved human, but he hesitated. Maybe he doesn't. He seems okay. I would only get in his way. Narros' face grimaced and he shook his head. No, I want to be needed, he decided. He could get sick! Just go over there and stop wagging your tail like a lovestruck pup! Control yourself!

Narros took in a large breath of air. "Okay," he muttered, putting one paw after the other. "This is the perfect opportunity to only spend time with Joey and to make me useful."

Narros cautiously bounded over to Joey, who was busying himself with the telescope. He was so close he could smell his human's strong, comforting scent fill his nostrils; his soothing fragrance scented of chamomile and lavender. Just being around Joey made him calm and relaxed, like he didn't have to be constantly on his guard.

I want more...

With a great surge of confidence, Narros gently nudged Joey's warm leg with his nose, gaining the human's attention. As Narros saw Joey's mysterious white eyes looking down at him, little by little did he feel all his confidence ebb away, receding like a wave from the shore. Instinctively, Narros tucked his tail between his legs, and his ears flattened across his head.

Joey's big, beautiful, bright smile overwhelmed him, further obliterating his confidence. No, Narros thought desperately to himself. You can be lost in those big, beautiful eyes later, but you need to stay on track; Joey is waiting! Say something for Arceus's sake!

Narros jolted; his heart rate increased, and his cheeks began to feel warm. "H-hi, Joey," he stammered sheepishly, his voice squeaking much higher than he had thought. If anything, it sounded kind of girly. Narros cleared his throat and tried again. "Nice night for stargazing?"

Joey chuckled as he nodded. "The stars have never been so clear in this world," he said, stricken with awe. He caressed his Pokémon's cheeks lovingly. "Are you here to join me? I would like that if you were."

Narros nearly became lost in Joey's delicate touch, leaning into his hands. This is where Narros should be, receiving Joey's love and being by his side, not those petulant ponies hovering over him like a swarm of misbegotten Beedrills!

"I... I noticed you weren't wearing anything warm; it's getting a little cold," Narros pointed out quietly. Be clearer, act more sure! "I-I don't want you to catch a cold, so... I would like to offer myself, t-to keep you warm, that is." Smooth move, you bumbling pup.

"You're right," Joey said, feeling the crispy wind flow around his skin. His eyes sparkled with moonlight. "Sometimes I wish I had a wonderful batch of fur like yours, Narros. Alright, I'll do as you ask."

Joey adjusted his telescope, lowering the stand close to the ground as he sat on the mossy earth. Narros followed suit, curling around his beloved human, making sure he made Joey quite comfortable. His tail thumped, causing Joey to giggle, which made Narros blush and scowl at his niggling appendage.

He doesn't dislike his tail, but he'd rather have it covered in his fur so he could wrap Joey around it, offering it as a blanket of pure, soft warmth. Narros could see it now: Joey snuggled his cheek against his tail, smelling his sweet scent as he dug his nose deeper into the sea of flurry whiteness, hearing HIS human utter happy noises.

Stop thinking like that! Narros chastised, but he couldn't get the images out of his head. Why are you always thinking about yourself and him?! It's... it's not normal. It's wrong, but... it feels so right.

Narros scraped bashfully at the ground, trying to force any words out, but his mouth remained clamped; he was nervous and excited. Narros is hardly ever given the sublime opportunity to service Joey since Nian would bar his way in the certainty that he was up to no good.

That was another thing that annoyed and made Narros fearful of Nian: her overprotective nature when it came to Joey. It doesn't help that she's justified in treating Narros like an outcast or excluding him from Joey because of his past misdeeds.

He couldn't hate her for that, he knew that. However, he could hate that the rabbit rarely gives him any chances to make up for what he had tried multiple times to do; her belligerent tendencies and overprotectiveness gave little leeway into properly owning up to his transgressions to the point he has to take any opportunity he can get when she's not around, which makes things even worse if she somehow catches him with Joey; instilling the notion he's trying to murder him at the perfect time.

Narros thought about the potential repercussions and shuddered. He never liked fighting; he would actively avoid it unless he had no other choice. With Nian, however, the rabbit gave very few options, and Narros often, and rather begrudgingly, has to stand up to her in a bid to defend himself. But he knew that if he and Nian fought for real, she'd kill him, if accidentally, in a fit of unrestrained rage.

The only reason she hasn't done it already is that Joey prevented her from committing the deed, even though Narros knew he deserved it. As he became clouded with dark thoughts, Joey rested his head against Narros' stomach, bringing him out of his daze.

Calm down, calm down, he thought anxiously, feeling his heart throbbing as he tried hard not to sweat. Joey's rubbing up against me! It feels so good... Stop that! Ignore it! You are supposed to help him, not give in to the pleasure, Pidove-for-brains!

As he panicked, Joey used his hand to stroke Narros' front paw, instantly calming him and taking Narros out of his thoughts. "Relax," Joey whispered, "and enjoy gazing at the stars. How are you liking our new home?"

He speaks as if we are... Well, I do love thinking about that very much. Me and him, together.

"I like it," Narros murmured close to Joey's ear, nuzzling his human lovingly. "Although..." Narros paused, a grimace etching across his face.

"What?" Joey asked worryingly. "Is there something wrong?"

It's cute of you to act all worried; it makes me all... warm inside, Narros thought longingly.

"No," he answered. "There's nothing wrong with anything involving you. It's Nian... You know how she is." A Sharpedo would turn tail and run if it angered the beast within that rabbit...

Joey sighed and brought his face closer to Narros. The Absol felt his fur bristle with nervousness and his cheeks began to heat up. Joey was getting very close; too close in fact, as Narros could only see those clear, beautiful white eyes.

Oh no, oh no, oh no! Is he going to... No, he wouldn't. Would he? I mean, I'd let him do anyth- Stop that! Oh, why am I cursed to feel this way?!

"I'm sorry," Narros heard Joey say. There was a hint of regret and sadness, making Narros silence his thoughts. "I know it hasn't been easy since you joined me, and I have tried many times to get Nian to at least talk to you."

"N-no, it's not YOUR fault. Why would it? I mean, you aren't threatening to take my life, so you shouldn't feel bad or anything," Narros sputtered, trying desperately to make Joey feel better. He hated seeing his human look glum.

"I understand why she acts the way she is toward you, and so is the rest of the Pokémon for that matter, but I don't like it. If I could just get through to her, I know the rest of our family will follow.

"You are a good Pokémon, Narros, and a good companion. I'll keep trying; I don't want you to feel... ostracized in this family, and quite frankly, this has gone on longer than it should've. But Nian can be... challenging, and she doesn't easily bury a grudge. I want you to feel loved."

A look of deep longing came from Narros as a pang of sorrow hit his chest. Joey was right. Narros is lonely, he's been that way all his life, and even when he joined Joey's family, he would be lying if he said he still feels a little bit lonesome. Perhaps in time, he'll be accepted, as Nian told him, but that hope was many days ahead of him, almost too many. At least, for now, Narros has gotten the most important person by his side: Joey. He'll always be there like he promised. A surge of emotions rose within Narros' heart as he began to feel warm again.

"Joey," he began sheepishly, "do you love me?" A sharp prick, like a jab from a Sandslash's quills, landed deeply in the Absol's heart.

"More than you can even imagine," Joey said verily, his response sending a massive jolt of emotion through the Absol's coat. "I love you, every part of you, always. Never again will you be alone; I won't allow it. You are never going to feel that pain ever again." After a few seconds, Joey asked a question. "Do you love me?"

I love you more than anything else. If only you knew how much. Narros responded with a deep nuzzle against Joey's cheek, followed up by a comforting lick.

Joey laughed and snuggled comfortably against Narros. He pets him before closing his eyes. "Don't worry," he said in between yawns, "I'll make sure you're forever welcomed." With a few heartbeats of silence, Joey drifted into slumber.

He looks so vulnerable when he sleeps. Narros felt a sudden urge, an urge all too familiar. Maybe... I could give him some more... of my love. He's safe and secure with me, at least until I wake him to head off to bed. I want this.

Narros calmed his rising nerves and lowered his head to kiss Joey on his cheek. It was quick but it felt like it lasted a lifetime. He wished it could last forever, but for a short time, it can feel that way.

While Narros watched Joey sleep, he felt a daunting presence emanating behind him. It was cold and overwhelming, like casting a freezing shadow across his body. He's felt this one too many times in the past, but this was worse. The intent to kill was incredibly strong. Frozen with terror, Narros turned his head slowly to see Nian standing eerily in the doorway to the house, her eyes seemed to glow a malevolent red. Narros could feel her gleaming gaze burn into his chest. The rabbit had an unreadable expression across her face, but the way she looked at him said it all: Nian was not happy.

Oh no, what do I do?! Narros panicked. He felt his heart race as Nian encroached closer with each silent step. I can't run; Joey's head is lying on me. I'm nowhere near strong enough to fight her. Joey is compromised, and helpless in his sleep. Maybe I can talk my way out of it, but if I say the wrong thing, Nian will smash my head in. What do I do?!

Before Narros knew it, Nian stood over him with a malicious gaze so strong he thought his heart stopped. Eventually, he coughed and started inhaling air; he had forgotten to breathe.

Narros willed himself to speak. "Nian," he said slowly, masking his worries and fears, "if you do anything to me..."

"Joey is a heavy sleeper, he won't wake up until morning," she interjected coldly, instantly shutting Narros down. "I've been watching closely. That no-care attitude is nothing but a farce, isn't it?" Narros opened his mouth to retort, but Nian's glare shut him up. "Don't lie to me. If you do, I'll break your neck right here and now. And you're long overdue. Do you understand?"

Narros nodded nervously, casting his fearful gaze to the ground. He knew she was serious. He knew Nian didn't just make threats. If he lies, or if Nian perceives it as lying, he dies. He'll be a corpse by morning. Narros clawed at the ground, shaking with apprehension at his potential murderer looming over him.

Mustering up the courage, Narros looked up and saw Nian leering down at him with her arms crossed, waiting. She's giving me the chance to explain myself. I can't delay this, Nian isn't particularly known for her patience. What should I say? I can't lie. I mustn't lie. She'll know. She saw everything. I can't wiggle my way out of this.

Narros gulped and steadied his breathing. "Joey was stargazing," he began, "and I noticed that it was getting a little cold, and I didn't want him to get sick, so I offered to warm him, and he agreed. We were just talking until he fell asleep, honest! I... I wanted to be useful, and I care deeply for Joey. Nian, please, you have to believe me. I wouldn't do anything to harm Joey!"

"Not anymore, so you claim," she growled, piercing him with a killer glare. "How much do you care about him?"

Wasn't that explanation enough? I guess I have no choice...

"I..." Narros paused, glancing at Joey's sleeping face. He turns back to Nian and continues. "I love him... a lot."

Nian raised her brow. "I love him too."

Narros shook his head. "No, I meant love him," he stressed. "In a romantic way..."

"Why?" she asked.

The Meowth's outta the bag now, he thought sadly. "Joey never gave up on me, even when I did," he said. "I was bitter and angry at the world for rejecting me when I was only trying to help. Being hated day and night no matter where I went was so... draining. I felt as if I had nowhere to go. I became depressed.

"I was lonely and afraid. I just wanted to help, that's all I wanted! But I wasn't wanted. I wasn't needed. Nobody needed me. Nobody cared about me. Everybody hated me. For the longest time, I felt as if I didn't deserve anything, that I was just destined to be alone because I'm an Absol, and that it's just how it is.

"When Joey found me, he wouldn't leave me alone. I tried to force him away, but he kept coming back over and over again until I got sick of it. I snapped and tried... to kill him, but I failed time and time again.

"I told him everything. I thought if I did, he'd finally leave me alone. My pain and suffering, my loneliness. I told him no one cared about me, and that he didn't either. I thought he was mocking me. I felt that, for some odd reason, it was some kind of sick punishment for being what I am. But..."

"But what?" Nian pressed.

Narros faces Joey again and gave a warm smile. "Before I woke up, I had a dream. It was when I told him everything. Everything I had bottled up flowed out, and I started crying. I have never felt so much despair and sadness. Joey held me close and whispered promises in my ears. He wanted me to let everything go: all my pain and suffering, my anger and hatred. He told me to let it all go, so I did. He said he'll always be there for me, that I'll always know where he is.

"Joey said that I am deserving of love and that he'll give me all he can. Joey made me feel special. He made me feel wanted... needed; loved. I knew at that point I couldn't survive without him. That I loved him. I needed him more than anything else because he was the only one to make me feel that I had a place in the world.

"I remember he asked me to join his family. After everything I'd done to him, he still wanted me. He wanted me to be by his side. He wanted to give me a home. Without hesitation, I said yes."

Narros noticed that water dripping onto Joey's face, but it wasn't raining. It took a moment for him to realize that he was crying sleek tears of joy and sorrow over his wonderful human.

"You know he'll never feel that way with you," she uttered. "Even with me. I don't think he'll ever see us in that way."

That was the cruel truth. A truth almost every member of Joey's family knew. A love that could never be met.

"I know," Narros croaked, choking back sobs. "Joey doesn't see any of us in the way we do to him. I see him as a mate I'll never have, he sees me as nothing but family. I want to believe that isn't true. That there's a chance. But I'm a fool."

"We all are," Nian confessed. "We can be as close to Joey as humans and Pokémon can be. That's all we need."

Narros nodded. "I'll have to accept that eventually, but I want to keep feeling this way a little while longer." After a few moments of silence, Narros spoke again. "Are you taking him inside?"

Nian stared at Narros for a long while before shaking her head. "Wake him up soon," she sighed. "Give him a good nudge and tell him to go to bed."

Narros was surprised. "You are leaving him with me? Does that mean you-"

"No," she said, cutting him off. "I will never forgive you for what you tried to do. However, I understand you better, and I know I can leave Joey in your care without worrying. This is just a step toward your redemption. Don't you forget that."

Narros' excitement nearly died, but at least he can snuggle with Joey for a while longer. For Nian to grant him that speaks volumes to him.

Narros dipped his head. "Thank you."

Nian turned to the door. She looks over her shoulder, her red eyes boring into Narros. "Love him as much as you want," she told him, her voice as soothing as Joey's scent. "Never stop. Maybe one day Joey will see us as something more. One day..."

With that, Nian entered the house, leaving Narros to look after Joey. The Absol has got to give the rabbit props for holding back that rage. He even gained respect for her too.

Narros sets his head on Joey and listened to him sleep. "I will protect you, Joey. I'll be by your side. Always."

Joey Over Yonder

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The memory is the distant voices and fading echoes of a past in mourning.

He's just a little boy in a sea of voices trying to keep his own. Little by little, like snow, gradually burying the earth with its freezing flakes, the voices around him muffled and died; voices of those he once knew were going away and leaving him behind.

He heard the voices of his people fading into the snow. Those he didn't know too well went first, then voices he was familiar with were muted and then gone. The faint voice of his first friend he could not save, who was hurting and cold, vanished beneath the snow; her voice died.

His dutiful father's voice perished. His gentle mother fell after, her voice drowning before being silent. Then his sister, his avid twin who had so much to give, fell against the snow. He held her, desperate to keep just one voice among his, but it was too late. Even from all his pleading and begging to Arceus to let him keep her, his cries were not heard. His sister lay limp in his arms, stiff and lifeless, her voice as silent as the others.

Distraught, the boy yells and screams as hard as he could, trying desperately to will back all that he's lost, but there was nothing but the wailing of his echo fading into the frozen trees. He was alone, completely alone. He lost everything. He had to trek the hoarfrost wasteland of snow alone, accompanied by the looming shadow of death over his head.

His voice was nothing but an echo amongst the howling icy wind. One grueling step after the other, the boy began his solemn journey in dreadful silence.

He is the last echo.

It was a wonderful sunny afternoon. Joey was outside his home making curry in the big pot for his Pokémon pals: Nian was lying on the ground next to him bathing in the sunlight. Yuna was playing with Lena with Jenny and Nils looking after her. Mechan was still perched atop the house and Narros was watching Joey affectionately.

"Ahh," Nian let out, stretching and popping her bones. "Joey, when's lunch going to be ready?" Joey didn't respond. Furrowing her brows and opening one eye, Nian says, "Joey? Is lunch almost ready?" Still, he didn't answer.

Curious rather than annoyed, Nian reluctantly sits up and looks at her partner. Joey looked to be concentrating. Narrowing her eyes, Nian looks at Narros and saw that the Absol had a worried look on his face.

Something's wrong, she thought.

She looks back at Joey and nudges his leg gently. No response. Huffing, she kicks him, sending a sharp jolt of pain that forced Joey out of his daze.

Groaning and rubbing the back of his leg, Joey says, "Nian, what's the big deal? What did we say about kicking me?"

Nian merely shook her head. "I've been talking to you, but you haven't responded to a single thing," she explained, crossing her arms over her chest. "You looked out of it. Were you daydreaming?"

Joey's eyes dulled and his usual smile was absent. "In a way," Joey confessed, his voice a whisper. "I was thinking about... I don't want to talk about it right now."

Nian placed her hand on Joey's waist. "We can talk about it tonight if you want. I was just worried. You looked... sad."

Joey shook his head and smiled. "I'm perfectly fine, sweetie," he said, stroking her head.

"Are you sure?" she asked, unconvinced of Joey's assurances.

"I told you, I'm fine," he stressed. "We all get lost in our minds now and again. Look. Lunch is nearly ready. Why don't you corral the rest of the Pokémon?"

Nian sighed. She knew something was bothering Joey; it was plain to see, but she would not force her human if he didn't want to speak about it at the moment. All she hoped is that it isn't anything serious.

"What about Narros?" she said. There was no hostility in her tone and that made Joey quite surprised.

Never before has Nian attempted or even considered attempting to include Narros in anything ever since he joined their family. But now, for some reason that Joey couldn't find, his rabbit thinking about Narros' inclusion or expressing even the slightest tinge of concern for the Absol. That was quite curious.

Joey was at a loss for words. "What, uh... what do you mean?"

Nian scowled, making Joey flinch. "I meant is Narros going to eat with us?"

There was something definitely going on here that Joey couldn't put his finger on. He must've missed something important. "Narros might be uncomfortable with the rest of the Pokémon," he said ruefully. "The stares could make him feel unwelcome."

"Then I'll eat with him," Nian declared.

"But why?" Joey asked, genuinely confused. "You've never done anything like this before. I'm not opposed to this, but did I miss something?"

Nian shook her head. "Nothing that should be of concern," she replied. "Only I will eat with him, the rest of the Pokémon should carry on as if everything is normal. Now, get the plates ready and fill them with curry; I'm starving over here."

Shortly after their talk, Joey and his Pokémon family were chowing down on some good old-fashioned curry. It was quite a surprise for the rest of the Pokémon to see Nian eating with Narros. They chalked it up to Narros doing something he shouldn't have or Nian just threatening him as usual. Even so, it's still a wild thing to witness.

Joey gathered the staring Pokémon and told them to quit gawking and start eating and they obeyed. I do wonder why she's over there; I had to have missed something, he thought.

Nian was sitting on the ground taking in a spoonful of her curry while Narros looked hesitant to eat. It's only been two days since he confessed his undying love for Joey to Nian in a bid to escape her deadly clutches. Since then, Nian has backed off, albeit slightly, so the Absol could spend more time with Joey without her looming over him.

Still, it surprised and even frightened Narros that Nian was sitting mere inches away from him, acting as if there was never any bad blood between them. It didn't help that the rabbit didn't look deterred or angry; she was calmly and quietly eating her food like everything was normal. Seriously, where's the fire?

Did he do something wrong? Had he said something he wasn't fully aware of, blurting it out like a Chatot singing with a band of dancers from Unova until the Milktanks came home? The more Narros questioned, the more he became anxious.

"Eat," Nian ordered briskly, her voice was icy and left no room for argument. It was enough to send shivers down Narros' spine. "Tell me if the food tastes good."

Not wanting to anger Nian, Narros obeyed his leader, putting his tongue into the bowl of curry and lapping at it for a few seconds before reeling back. Nice, hot, and slightly spicy.

"It's delicious," Narros murmured, blushing. Joey's wonderful cooking made him feel warm and tingly inside like he could taste the love. "So..." he paused for a moment, shuffling his paws. "Am I in trouble?"

Nian stopped eating. It was so abrupt that it made Narros flinch. "No," she told him, but that didn't get rid of his unease. "What did you see earlier?"

Narros was confused, but he knew Nian didn't want to delay whatever she wanted to talk about with uncertainty butting in. "Joey daydreaming?" he answered, trying to quell his apprehension.

Nian nodded, signaling a wave of relief over Narros but he made sure to not show it. "That's right," she said quietly. "There was something else you noticed, wasn't it?"

"There was," he said. "Joey looked... distant and sad. It made me feel sad. Did he tell you what's wrong?"

Nian looked up from her plate of curry, her red eyes gleaming ominously in the sunlight. "What makes you think something is bothering him?"

Narros tried his best to not shrik away from Nian's powerful gaze. "I don't think it was purely a daydream," Narros said, his tone airing his concern. "I think he was remembering something that made him sad. It's weird... there's not a whole lot of, well... anything that makes Joey sad. He's usually how he seems all the time, so to see him, even for a little bit looking like that, tells me that something is on his mind."

Nian's eyes narrowed. "Your perception is quite accurate, Narros," she uttered. Complimenting him made Narros feel a little relaxed. "For the time being, I think it would be best if Joey got out today."

"But Joey goes to see Indola every morning," Narros said, trying to not make it come off as an argument in an attempt to not incur Nian's wrath. "Doesn't he look around?" He went back to lapping up some more curry from his bowl.

Nian shook her head. "Joey goes to the Ponyville Clinic and then he comes back here. He doesn't take time for sightseeing. Also, I was told yesterday that Indola is being admitted from the clinic today, so he didn't visit this morning."

Narros raised his head, sweeping his tongue around his mouth to wipe away any traces of curry off his muzzle. "Then what should we do?"

Nian heaved a hefty sigh and looked at the dull clouds moving listlessly above her. "I won't make Joey leave the house if he doesn't want to. Perhaps we'll get a few visitors today to help keep his mind off of whatever is bothering him."

Narros stayed silent for a moment before he agreed. "That's fine. As long as he's happy."

"Good," she said, going back to her food. "Finish your lunch."

As all the Pokémon were finishing up, a loud holler came from beyond the fence that leads to Joey's house. "Howdy, y'all!"

It was Applejack hauling a cart full of apple-flavored foods accompanied by Karla and her sister Indola, who had bandages covering the left side of her face. The injured mare was leaning on Karla for support; it seemed that physical exertion was tiring the poor mare out.

Quickly, Joey bounded over to greet them. "Indola," Joey exclaimed happily, "you're awake and moving about! How do you feel? How's your face?"

Indola groaned, saying, "Better. And my face feels fine."

"She'll be able to take the bandages off only to apply new ones until the scorch mark is completely gone," Karla said.

Joey smiled. "That's good, that's good. What're y'all doing here?"

Applejack stepped in. "My cousins wanted to come to visit ya," she answered mirthfully. "I was about to sell some good old-fashioned Apple Family delights when I saw them stumbling about in the center of Ponyville. Well, it was jus' Indola doing most of the stumblin'."

Joey scratched his head in faint confusion. "They're relatives?"

Applejack nodded. "The Apple Family has relatives all over Equestria, so much that I can't even keep track of them all. I haven't seen Karla and Indola in years!"

Karla chuckled and ruffled the back of her mane lightly. "Well, we've been stationed in Canterlot almost all our lives; we practically live in the castle, and we never had much reason to come to our hometown until I decided to move Indola here."

Joey bobbed his head up and down, understanding. "When are you both going back to Canterlot?"

"Not until Indola is fully healed from her injury," Karla answered. "We have a house in Ponyville next to the path leading toward Sweet Apple Acres."

"That's the farm Applejack told me about," Joey said.

The orange mare nodded merrily. "Since you're up and all, you feeling up to visiting? I'd love to introduce you to my family. You promised you would, ya know."

"Hmm," Joey contemplated. "I don't know about today..."

Perfect timing, as if Arceus Himself willed this to happen, Nian thought.

Nian hops to his side. "You should go," she encouraged, giving Joey a little shove toward Applejack. "It would do you some good to sightsee a little."

Joey raised his brow. "You think so?" he asked his rabbit, still uncertain.

Nian puffed out her chest and stood tall. "Think so? Hah! I know so! Just go and have a little bit of fun. I can take charge around here."

Joey rubbed the back of his head. "Well... I could go," he suggested. "Wh-who's going to come with me?"

"Take Nils," she said quickly. "That bird brain cracks as many jokes as a Snorlax eats, and that's way too much for me to handle right now."

Joey chuckled. "Alright, you win," he conceded. "Nils, time to go!"

Without hesitation, Nils darted to Joey's side, his outstanding figure dwarfed the three ponies in front of him. He looked so menacing that the mares started to back away slightly.

"Sweet Celestia," Indola breathed in awe. "That's a large bird."

"You think he's going to eat us?" Karla asked Applejack.

"Don't know," she whispered back to her cousin. "He looks mighty hungry."

"Don't worry," Joey assured the mares. "He just ate. And he doesn't eat ponies, to my knowledge."

Nils gave the apprehensive mares a deep chortle that rippled through their coats. "Haven't tried ponies before. You think they're tasty?" Nils asked in a teasing tone, further emphasized by licking his beak with his tongue.

Joey nudged Nils' chest with his elbow. "Reel it back, bird brain," he said, chuckling before turning his gaze back to Applejack. "I'll go with you to the farm and Nils will join, if that's okay."

Applejack smiled warily. "Of course," she said. "Also, this is long overdue but y'all want some apple-made food cooked by yours truly?"

Joey nodded. "Sure." He turns to his Chansey. "Lena, we got gifts!"

Before the three mares knew it, a pink egg-shaped Pokémon dashed to the cart. Applejack had to reel in her amazement; Lena moved faster than Rainbow Dash with a ticket to see the Wonderbolts.

"Y'all can take as much as ya need," the farm pony said.

Joey shook his head as Lena carefully took a few stacks of apple-flavored pies and dishes off the cart and into the house. "Thanks, but I don't want to take too much off your hooves. You going to sell these?"

Applejack nodded. "Gonna go and set up shop in the middle of Ponyville; rush hour hits pretty hard and all those mouths from hardworking pony folk will be darting around like chickens with their heads chopped off tryin' to find a place that'll fill their bellies with some good grub."

"My sis and I can ferry the storm of hungry patrons for ya, cus', just say the word!" Karla said abruptly, gaining everypony's attention. She chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry. Being around Applejack is causing my country roots to show. But I'm serious. You can take Joey to the farm while Indola and I watch your stand. Sound good?"

Applejack studied her cousins for a long while before bobbing her head. "Fair deal, if y'all can handle it. It's fixin' to be rush hour."

Karla blew a short raspberry. "Indola and I are part of the royal guards; we're the Mage Sisters. We'll have those hungry ponies caterwauling for more good ole fashioned, down-to-earth Apple Family grub!"

"Alright, alright," Applejack said, unhitching herself from the cart as Karla hooked herself up to it. "Y'all settle down now and be honest to the customers."

Karla gave a mock salute. "You got it, boss!" She turns to her sister who was swaying a little. "Hmm... Indola, you should head to the house. I don't want you to overexert yourself."

Indola has been staying quiet ever since Joey greeted her. She had been slowly falling asleep. "The walk back will take too long, just take me with you," she said with a yawn.

"She could stay here," Joey suggested. Lena reappeared from the house and stood by Joey. "Lena can look after her. Her species revolves around helping and healing others. Lena will take good care of your sister, isn't that right?"

Lena's eyes gleamed with pride as the biggest smile the ponies had ever seen is strewn across her face. "I will look after Indola with my very life until Karla comes by to pick her up," she announced ardently. "You can count on me, Joey!"

"Uhh..." Indola wasn't quite sure what was happening. "What is she saying?"

Joey nicked his head with a finger. "That's right, none of you know what my Pokémon are saying. I got to remember that. Lena is saying she'll look after you until Karla comes back."

"My, that's quite kind of her to do that," Karla said. "Would it be okay if Indola stayed for most of the day? She really needs to rest."

"No problem," Joey said. He taps Lena and whispers something into her ears that makes the Chansey stand at attention. "Doctor Lena will see you now."

Indola was confused. "Docto- WOAH!"

Before she knew it, Indola was swept off her hooves into the loving arms of Joey's Chansey. Her grasp was tight but comfortable and Indola, much to her chagrin of being treated like a sick foal, began drifting off to sleep. She didn't even have the strength to protest. There was something about being in Lena's hold that made the mare quite drowsy. Perhaps Indola was simply more tired than she thought. She had just woken up from a small coma, so she wasn't at full strength.

The mare didn't resist and let her muscles and mind rest, falling into sleep in mere seconds. Quietly, Lena took Indola inside Joey's house to rest.

"Wow," Karla breathed. "I've never seen Indola act so... relaxed. I don't know what Lena did, but I sure do appreciate it."

Joey chuckled. "Think nothing of it. You can trust Lena. I trust her with my very life."

Karla smiled and bowed graciously. "Well, I best be off. Ponies to feed, food to sell. Once I'm done, I'll head back over to your place, Joey. Sound good?"

"Yeah," he responded. "I'll see you later."

With that, Karla was off. It didn't take long for Joey, Nils, and Applejack to head off themselves. Joey hadn't seen Applejack since his official Welcome-to-Ponyville Party. The road to Sweet Apple Acres was mostly quiet, occasionally Joey would say something, and Applejack would respond, but they enjoyed each other's company.

For Nils, he welcomed the serenity of the town, taking in the new sights and smells. He even waved to passing ponies, who all, respectfully, shrank away from him due to the avian's daunting size. It was normal for most people, and ponies apparently, to steer clear of the giant bird's path since most thought for a Staraptor of that size certainly partook in the devouring of humans and ponies.

To be fair, and honest, it wouldn't be the first time Nils wondered how they would taste. But he was a bird of morality, and he would never try his claws to prey upon them. He didn't want to be admonished by Joey or punished by Nian. That was more than enough for Nils to be on his best behavior. Though still... the thought was pleasant.

When they reached the gates that held the apple farm, Joey was met by a headbutt from a little filly with a bright red bow on the top of her mane. Perplexed and somewhat amused, Joey continued to watch the filly bang her head against his legs. It didn't even hurt.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack's tone was harsh and commanding, instantly gaining the attention of the rambunctious filly. "What do ya think y'all doing?"

The little filly smiled. "Trying to get my cutie mark in headbuttin'," she answered gleefully, unaware of Applejack's shout. It seemed that the filly has gotten herself into many situations that landed her in this very position.

Joey chuckled, happy to see the fire in the youth's eyes. I wonder who she is. Maybe a part-time worker on the farm? She's really cute, and she has a fire brimming inside her.

Applejack turned to Joey with a worried and sorry look on her face. "Mighty sorry, Joey," she said, dipping her head in forgiveness. "My little sister is trying another one of her crazy ideas to gain her cutie mark. She didn't hurt ya none, did she?"

Joey shook his head, further patting the spots Apple Bloom rammed. "I'm alright, but this is your sister?"

The farm pony nodded, grabbing her little sister in a tight hug to which the youth cry out her protest. "This is Apple Bloom, an Apple Family pony through and through." She turned her gaze to her little sister and scowled some. "Listen here, missy: apologize to him right this minute!"

Struggling under her older sister's hug, Apple Bloom says, "Alright, alright, I'm sorry! Can you let go now?"

No longer wanting to hold her squirming sister in place, Applejack lets her go. "This here's a guest and I want you to treat him like one. He's Joey, the human I told you about."

"And who's that?" Apple Bloom said, pointing her hoof at Nils.

Joey stepped in. "This is Nils, a companion, and family member. He may look imposing, but the bird's a good bunch."

Apple Bloom gaped at Nils' height for a second before turning to Joey. "You think I could headbutt you again? I still don't have my cutie mark."

Before Applejack could protest, Joey cut in. "I got a better idea. How about a cutie mark in bird riding?"

Apple Bloom's eyes lit up. "Yes, yes, yes!" Her shouts echoed throughout the entire farm; Joey, Nils, and Applejack had to brace their ears from the filly's squealing.

Once Apple Bloom settled down, Applejack glared steadily at the human with a skeptical look. "Joey..." Applejack's tone was firm and serious.

"Nils will take it slow; he's quite good with kids," Joey assured the farm pony, giving her a smile that seemed to ease her anxiousness slightly. He turned to Nils. "You don't mind?"

Nils shook his head and lowered a wing to the ground for Apple Bloom to climb. "I'll take the pony around the farm's sky, show her how an avian like myself flies."

"See?" Joey said to Applejack. "Nils is more than happy to give your sister a ride. While that's happening, you can show me around."

Applejack was quiet, studying Nils feverishly. Eventually, she sighed resigning to Joey's suggestion. "Alright, fine," she said finally. "Y'all take it easy. Understand?!"

Nils nodded as Apple Bloom laid at the back of his neck, holding onto the bird tightly. If Nils felt the tightening grip, he didn't say anything. Perhaps the young filly was slightly afraid; possibly regretting her decision, although her childlike wonder overwhelmed her fears.

With confirmation to take off by a flick of Joey's hand, Nils spreads his powerful wings far and wide, the sun behind them casting a looming, cold shadow over Applejack and Joey. With a single leap that almost blew away Applejack with a strong force, Nils took to the sky, flying high above the farm with Apple Bloom squealing in both terror and amazement.

For a few seconds, Applejack was breathless. Birds always had a sense of grace and elegance, but Nils had that and then some. Whenever Nils flaps his robust wings, Applejack could see the air being sliced and rent effortlessly, as if he wasn't even trying.

"Shall we?" Joey asked, drawing Applejack's attention as he walked the path to enter Sweet Apple Acres. "You know, when I was young, I had a farm."

Applejack's brow raised with interest as she trailed next to the human. "Really now? What y'all grew?"

Joey's look became distant and longing as a small smile slowly grew. "All sorts of vegetables: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, stuff like that. We even grew fruit."

Applejack chuckled, bumping Joey's leg with her flank. "You know where you are right now?"

Joey mirrored the farm pony's amusement. "We grew apples. The land was quite fertile on that mountain, almost like it was blessed."

"What about meat?" Applejack said steadily.

Joey showed the farm mare his canines. "Humans can eat meat as well. Sure, we don't have to, but I like having the best of both worlds. I assume ponies don't eat meat?"

Applejack thought for a moment and shrugged. "Most don't, little do. It's quite rare to come across a pony who likes meat, even more so if that pony admits to it."

Joey rubbed his chin. "Is it taboo?"

Applejack shook her head. "Ponies don't need it, it's more of a preference. You won't come across a meat eater for miles. That type of folk is in smaller villages or backwater towns 'round the more obscure parts of Equestria, even beyond the borders."

"What would happen if ponies around here knew I eat meat?"

Applejack shrugged again. "Y'all might get some odd stares, and you are something none of us has seen before in Equestria. As long as those teeth don't sink into the hides of ponies, you'll be right as rain anywhere."

As they talked, Applejack led Joey to the vast apple trees as far and wide as the eye could see. He was amazed; never before had he seen so many apples. As he gawked, Joey spotted a stallion bucking the apple trees. He was big, lean, and muscular, as bright as an apple could be with a short orange mane.

As they got closer to the stallion, Joey could see that the stallion's cutie mark is a green apple.

"Howdy, Big Mac! We got a guest!" Applejack's shout drew the stallion from his work as he turned to greet her and the guest. "This here's Joey, the human who saved me and my friends."

Joey watched as the stallion marched up to him, eying him up and down like an inspector searching ruthlessly for cracks that weren't what they seemed. Eventually, Big Mac's hard gaze softened as he dipped his head to Joey.

Joey knew this was a sign of thanks as he experienced this gesture many times on his travels.

"Big Mac thanks ya for what you've done," Applejack said after a few seconds had passed. "My brother doesn't talk much; he speaks only when it's something he needs to say."

"Brother?" Joey stared to and from the two ponies but couldn't see a connection other than their cutie marks. It was odd to him; these ponies, their colors, are very different.

"Applejack! Why didn't ya say we got a visitor?!"

A voice, old and well-worn and wise, was carried through the air. It wasn't necessarily pleasant, but it didn't seem to grate the ears of whoever was listening. Joey turned to see an old, green-coated mare straggling out of a door that led into a house that has seen through many repairs. Joey watched on as the old mare dragged herself close to him, studying the human with wizened eyes. Her eyes gleamed faintly in the sunlight before she took a step back and gave Joey a nice smile.

At one point or another, Joey noticed Big Mac had somehow managed to slip away. He saw the bright red stallion out on the field of apple trees, going back to his work in silence.

"Sorry Granny," Applejack said, rubbing the back of her mane. "Things kinda just went right. This is Joey. He's the human I told you about."

"I know, I know," the old mare said with a bit of flare. "My ears and my memory work just fine! I am Granny Smith, but you can call me Granny. Everypony else does."

Joey bowed slightly. "It's nice to meet you, Granny."

"What brings you here, young 'un?" she asked. "Did Applejack fancy ya? That filly is always wondering when you gonna be over here."

Applejack's face went red. "Granny! It's not like that! I just wanted to show him around the farm."

The old mare snickered slyly. "I remember when I brought my stallion here. I showed him all around the farm. I showed him out back and gave him a good view of my outhouse!"

Joey was confused. "Uh... outhouse?"

"Granny, don't tell him that, it's nasty!" Applejack's face went beet red. "Why don't you head back in the house and cook up something good for Joey?"

Granny Smith waved her off and turned away, slowly heading toward the house. "That's a good idea!"

Joey could hear the spunky old mare grumbling many things under her breath, but he chalked it up to just be nothing but muttering nonsense.

"Sorry," Applejack muttered solemnly. "Granny has a knack for saying just about anything that's on her mind, no matter who's around."

Joey chuckled. "It's alright," he told her. "It's nice to see such a... lively mare. Anyway, tell me about the apple trees."

Applejack passed Joey and signaled with a hoof a beckoning motion to follow. "I'll show ya!"

Joey walked with Applejack toward the massive range of apple trees where Big Mac was setting some apples in wooden buckets placed around the tree. Joey noticed that there were a lot of wooden buckets, in groups of four, surrounding the many trees.

"It's Applebuck Season," Applejack announced heartily, trotting up to her brother and helping him put the fallen apples into the buckets.

"Applebuck Season?" Joey asked, confused as he trailed up behind the farm mare. "I'll admit that I don't rightfully know what that means."

"It's the season when the apples from our many orchards are ready to be harvested," she told him with pride. "Big Mac and I buck the trees, that means kicking the trunks, to make the apples fall by the force of our hind legs shaking the trees. It's a big job, and it's not for one pony to do alone; trust me, I learned that with the help of my friend.

"When we're done, we collect the apples by using these buckets. Afterward, we sell them. But that's not all we grow here: this big apple orchard also contains corn, grapes, and carrots."

Joey nodded along with Applejack's explanation. "You guys sell anything particularly rare?"

Applejack grinned, setting another apple into a bucket. "You got it," she replied. "Sweet Apple Acres is well-known for our Zap Apple Jam!"

Joey raised a brow. "Never heard of it. It sounds interesting though."

Applejack shook her head as her brother went to another tree. "Usually, I would be shocked to know ya didn't, but you aren't from around here," she said. "Zap Apples grow when signs are appearing around the farm. Granny planted them here a long time ago when she was around my age. They are magical apples that cannot be forcibly removed from the trees and will fall when they are good and ripe. If you try to remove them with force, you'll get hit with a not-so-pleasant shock.

"Granny is the mare who knows when the Zap Apples are comin'. They are so important that everypony on the farm has to be on the lookout to make sure we don't miss any. After they're harvested, we mush them up to make the jam."

Joey was intrigued. A lot happens around this farm more than he thought. The human had to remind himself that magic and such are truly a thing and that ponies have integrated that into their lives.

Zap Apple Jam sounds pretty good, even though I just ate, Joey thought to himself. Maybe one day I could not only help with the harvesting of the Zap Apples but also get a little taste of it.

"Why don't I help you with your applebucking?" he asked.

Joey's suggestion made Applejack squint her eyes at him with a thoughtful expression across her face. "Sure," she said after a few seconds of silence. "Although, I don't know how you'll knock those apples loose with those legs of yours. No offense, but they ain't looking as strong as ours."

Before Joey could answer, Nils comes swooping down next to him, landing gently on the ground.

Joey could see Applejack's uneasiness at Nils' hulking frame as plain as day. Big Mac was a slightly different story: the stallion held a firm stance accompanied by a steady gaze; he was wary of Nils as most should, but it would've been difficult for anyone to notice if he looked this way all the time.

Joey looked at the avian and saw his piercing red gaze meeting Big Mac's. He seemed to be appraising the stallion, scanning his body and gauging his strength. Before Nils met Joey, the avian was a powerful warrior that had no home; he flew anywhere he wanted, challenging Pokémon and Pokémon Trainers whenever he had an opportunity.

Nils was a ferocious combatant, almost as ferocious as Nian, who holds the pristine title of being the very first Pokémon to defeat him in a battle. Since then, Nils never challenged Nian again, not out of fear, but out of respect and admiration.

Joey thought Nils must have been serious to consider issuing a battle against Big Mac. The stallion looked strong if the rippling of his well-toned muscles was any indication, but Joey knew Nils would win. The avian fought Nian for Arceus's sake, and though he lost, he gave Nian a good fight.

It was praiseworthy, at least, to see a glimmer of challenge in the stallion's eyes.

Suddenly, almost in response, Nils let out a deep, boisterous laugh that unnerved Applejack and made Big Mac stiffen, although only Joey and Nils noticed. The near-mocking laugh reverberated throughout the farm.

Huh, Joey wondered thoughtfully. That's odd. Nils isn't going to challenge Big Mac. He's showing some remarkably strong restraint.

Seconds after, Apple Bloom is seen sliding off Nils' back, making an ungraceful landing. She looked as if a hurricane had blown through her mane. Then, she wobbled away. How she was able to remain upright was anyone's guess.

"Nils," Joey began, "how was the flight?"

Nils puffed out his chest and smoothed his magnificent crest with a powerful wing, saying, "The little tyke enjoyed every second, as I knew she would."

"Just as long as you remain gentle," Joey warned, "then I won't have a problem with it."

Nils saluted Joey, a mix of playfulness and respect in the gesture.

"I was just about to offer my help to Applejack and Big Mac in knocking down apples from these trees," Joey said. "Would you like to help?"

"Of course," Nils cooed happily.

"Good deal," Joey responded. He turns to Applejack and her brother. "Alright, lead away!"

Joey and Nils began knocking apples off the trees and into the buckets with the farm ponies. It was nice for Joey to flex his muscles since he helped Princess Celestia a few weeks ago. He hasn't heard from the princess in quite some time but chalked it up to being that she's simply busy.

As the evening rolled around, Joey and Nils are treated to some ice-cold lemonade made by Applejack. Thankful, the two friends, along with Big Mac, took a rest enjoying the reward of a day's hard work. Shortly after, Granny Smith comes out with a freshly baked apple pie and told everyone to dig in.

While everyone was happily indulging themselves, Joey noticed Applejack looking a bit restless. Her ears were pricked, and she scanned the entire farm with those green eyes over and over, as if trying to spot something out of place.

He saw the worry in her eyes. What is she worried about? Is there something out there? It wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Hey, Applejack," Joey called, gaining the farm pony's attention. "Something up?"

The orange mare sighed and nodded. "Apple Bloom," she answered quietly. "She hasn't been around since we nearly finished applebuckin'. She...might've gone to see Zecora, but she should've told me if she had."

"Zecora?" Joey mumbled. "Who's that?"

"Remember why Twilight, Fluttershy, and I were in the Everfree Forest?"

Joey nodded, the memory faint in his mind. "You three were going to visit a friend who lives in there."

"That's right," she said. "Her name's Zecora, and she's a bit peculiar but she means well. Apple Bloom often visits her to learn how to brew potions and whatnot, but she never leaves without telling me." Applejack groans. "Ain't no telling what goes in that noggin of hers. And it's getting dark... Nasty things roam when the sun falls."

After listening, Joey stands up beside Applejack. "Let's go get her," he declared. "I don't feel comfortable having her inside that forest at all."

Applejack nodded. "Usually, there's a certain path made by Zecora herself we take to avoid any monsters, but Apple Bloom might not have taken it. If she didn't say anything, she must've been in a rush. Let's go."

"Got it," Joey says. He looks over to Nils smoothing his hat-like crest with a wing. "Nils, we're going!"

Instantly, Nils stood next to Joey. The abrupt movement caught the attention of Big Mac and Granny Smith. "What's wrong?"

"Apple Bloom is in the Everfree Forest and she might be in trouble," he told the bird briskly. "It's dangerous in there, especially at night. We are going to go get her."

"Big Mac, Granny, y'all stay here in case she comes back!" Applejack began to bound toward the Everfree Forest. "Joey," she called, "get your rear in gear; let's go!"

Without another word, Joey and Nils rushed after Applejack.

In the Everfree again. Joey never liked the forest, it always seemed to be...watching him, making him feel alert and aware. At night was worse. Every time an eye searched only darkness stared back. He was thankful that the faint beams of the evening sun broke through the thick forest canopy and illuminate the opaque forest floor.

He wanted to be in a clearing, only then will he be able to see more than five feet in front of him. He looked to his right and saw Nils' hulking figure beside him. In the vast darkness, the avian looked like a demon, his red eyes gleaming.

He's getting excited, Joey thought warily. I might have to wrangle him if Apple Bloom is being attacked by a creature to prevent him from killing it.

As the trio runs through the forest calling out to Apple Bloom, they hear the shrill scream of a little filly pleading for help.

Apple Bloom, Joey thought hastily. Listen closely...

By the sound of the terror in her voice, the filly was tired and probably disoriented in her panic.

She's been running for a while judging by her screaming. She's being chased... but by what is unknown. Don't worry, Apple Bloom. We'll save you!

Faster, the trio broke their way into a small clearing in the Everfree Forest. They skid to a stop when they see Apple Bloom galloping as hard as her hooves could go on the mossy earth. They saw her trip and land face-first into the ground, tumbling and skidding to a deafening halt.

Before Joey could say anything, he saw Applejack bolt like lightning toward her injured sister. She holds the crying filly close to her chest, trying to calm her down.

"What happened?!" Applejack demanded, trying to keep her voice calm. She looked at her sister over and over. "Are you hurt?!"

Catching her breath, Apple Bloom says, "N-no, I'm okay, honest! When I was heading off to see Zecora, I was attacked by something I couldn't see! I don't know what it was because it was too dark! Am I in trouble?"

Applejack let out a long, winded sigh as she held her sister close. "No, but you should after you didn't tell me where you were going," she admonished, causing Apple Bloom to flinch at her words. "However," she began, "you won't be punished. I hope you understand to never go to Zecora without telling me OR go when it's getting dark."

Joey couldn't hear anything else from the sisters, they were speaking too low for him to hear. What was she running away from? Joey wondered, narrowing his eyes.

As he watched on alongside Nils, he sees a large, dark, red-eyed mass with four black hairy outstretched legs slowly skittering out of the shadows. Squinting, Joey saw its fangs dripping with some sort of liquid substance.

He heard Apple Bloom scream. Applejack turns to see the large creature. She was frozen in place; her legs wouldn't move, locking her in place. It was a creature she had never seen before looking at her and her sister with hungry eyes. It lurched like a blood-crazed beast, its many steps stomping the forest floor as it gradually got closer and closer to the horrified sisters.

It's some sort of arachnid, and a big one too. Those fangs look like they might do some damage if that creature bit us...

Without hesitation, the giant beast lunged at Applejack and Apple Bloom, both of which are terrified. Acting quickly, Joey rushes over to them to intercept the beast, jumping into the air and swatting the creature across its face with a powerful kick that sends it reeling backward, letting out a screech in pain.

Applejack watched in awe of Joey's strength. It was nearly identical to Nian's kick. Nils flew beside Joey, awaiting his orders.

Joey turns to her. "Applejack!" His sharp command brought the farm mare out of her daze. "Grab Apple Bloom and hightail it back to the farm!"

"What about you?" she asked, trying to hold her breath steady. "That thing is dangerous!"

Joey gave her a small smile. "Nils and I will be fine, don't you worry," he assured the mare with his soothing voice. "We'll see you and your sister at the farm. Can you find your way back?"

Applejack nodded. "We can," she answered. She picked up Apple Bloom and put the filly on her back. "Thanks, Joey."

With that, Applejack rushed off into a slew of dark trees, disappearing within their shadows. Alone with Nils, Joey faces the large arachnid with a look of excitement.

"Now Nils," Joey began tersely, "go easy on the ole beast; we aren't going to kill it. Understand?"

Nils let out a low chortle. "Against this thing? I'd rather not turn it into a Ghost-type and have it haunt me with that ear-bleeding screech. Let's send it home crying like a Sobble!"

"That's the spirit," Joey said with a laugh. "Nils, use Hurricane!"

A brisk chill suddenly filled the clearing and a foreboding mist emerged from the edges of the tall trees. The once-still air roused up quickly howling like a symphony of Houndoom into the night sky. Joey's clothes swished and flapped around and against him as he stood his ground to prevent the strong winds from lifting him off his feet.

Nils' red eyes glowed with an azure gleam as dark grey clouds formed just above the clearing. He had a wicked glare strewn across his face; he was enjoying himself, conjuring such a dangerous gale. This was the first time he has been able to do anything remotely related to fighting.

By now the wind was roaring fiercely like a Pyroar and Joey witnessed an enormous spiral of wind churning menacingly. The vicious creature bared its fangs threateningly as it attempted to charge forward to sink them into Nils' flesh, but it never got the chance. Hurricane was complete, barring the creature's assault as it screeched in agitation.

With a single, strong beat of Nils' wings, Hurricane shot forward, rending and sundering the earth beneath it as it trapped the creature within it. The abhorrent arachnid squealed horribly as it felt itself being swept off its feet and into the air, bouncing and rebounding back and forth inside the tumultuous gale.

Joey watched on as the creature spun madly in the air, tossed and thrown around like a pitiful twig. At long last, Hurricane settled down and dissipated, and the arachnid fell to the rent earth with a large crash. Its legs wiggled and jerked in the air, trying to roll itself off its back.

When it had succeeded, Joey noticed the dark creature struggling to remain still and focused; it had become confused, desperate to steady its dancing footing like a tipsy Spinda using Teeter Dance.

Without another second to waste, Joey calls out to his avian and commands, "Nils, throw me!"

He leaped toward Nils' as the bird rears back and grips Joey's arm in his massive talons, spinning and flinging him like a human missile. The monster had attempted to defend itself from the attack but it couldn't through its vexing confusion.

Joey mashed his bracers together as a blue glow wrapped around him barely before he collides with the four-legged monstrosity with a powerful impact. The horrid beast let out a blood-curdling screech as the force from Joey and Nils' team attack propelled it back, crashing through a slew of tall dark trees.

Joey lifted himself from the ground and listened carefully in the direction where the arachnid crashed. Seconds passed and Joey didn't hear a single rustle. Worried, he thought he might've killed the creature by accident, but as he strained his ear to pick up any sound, a meek whimper was heard, and the scurrying of legs retreating.

Joey visibly relaxed, letting out a small sigh of relief as Nils flew next to him.

"See?" the avian said with a yawn. "We give that pitiful excuse of a Spinarak something to skitter on home about. I had hoped to stretch my wings a little bit more since that fight was so short but we can't always have a good thing. Are you ready to head back and see Apple Bloom get scalded? Not the painful kind, the reproachful kind."

Joey chuckled. "I'm sure this is punishment enough for Apple Bloom; it'll keep her from trotting off without notice. Let's go."

When Joey and Nils reached Sweet Apple Acres they saw Apple Bloom entering the house tiredly with Granny Smith trailing after her. It was getting pretty late, the sun had begun to set. It had occurred to Joey that he had been out since noon.

I need to get back home right after I talk with Applejack.

Reaching the house, Joey saw Applejack galloping toward and knocking down on the ground, standing over him with a worried expression.

"Thank Celestia you're back!" Applejack gave Joey a strong hug that nearly squeezed all the air out of his lungs. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? I was going to come to look for you. I was so worried!"

Wow, she's really worried.

"Applejack, I'm fine," he said softly, rubbing her mane. "How's Apple Bloom?"

Applejack slowly eased herself off of Joey with an embarrassed look across her face. "She's fine," she told quietly, dipping her hat to Joey. "Thanks for your help."

Before Joey could respond Big Mac came up to him with a soft gaze. It was clear that he was happy Apple Bloom was alive and well.

"Thanks," he said deeply, dipping his head in appreciation. With no other words, Big Mac retired into the house.

Applejack made her way toward the door. She turns and says, "Thanks again. I won't forget this, Joey. You heading home?"

"Yeah," he said with a happy nod. "This is the first time I've been away from my new home since I arrived here. I had a nice time helping you and your family out with Applebuck Season."

Applejack rubbed the back of her leg. "Well... would you like to come back and visit sometime soon?" she asked hopefully. "I mean...having you around is nice."

Joey smiled at the bashful mare. "Sure, I would like that." He rose from the ground and stretched. "See you later and tell Apple Bloom I said bye."

Applejack waved after Joey. "I'll do just that, don't you worry!"

With that, Joey and Nils headed back home.

Approaching the house, Joey is immediately greeted by Nian who bounds toward him and hugged him to which Joey returned to comforting gesture.

"Welcome back," she said happily, holding onto Joey's arm.

"I'm glad to be back," he responded gaily.

"Hey," Nils called out to Nian, feigning hurt. "What about me? Don't I get a cute hug, Miss Iron Legs? For what happened with those farm folk, I think I deserve some recompense!"

Nian rolled her eyes and sneered at Nils. "I could knock you over the head with my legs," she jeered. "And what's this about the farm?"

"There was some trouble with a filly named Apple Bloom venturing into the Everfree Forest and getting attacked by a monster," Joey began to explain. "Applejack, Nils, and I went into the forest to go and find her and ended up fighting that monster."

Concern flashed in Nian's eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, come on," Nils said in mock frustration, putting a wing over his head in distress. "What am I? Chopped Basculin? Could you at least worry over me too?"

Joey chuckled and smoothed Nian's head with his hands. "I'm fine. Everyone is. Everything okay here? Is Indola well?"

Nian nodded at Joey, choosing to ignore Nils' fake tears. "Karla came over a little while ago to pick her up and go home. And...while you were away, you got a letter."

Joey raised his brow in confusion. "A letter? Who delivered it, where is it, and who's it from?"

"It was delivered by some pony in golden armor, it's in the living room, and it might be from Princess Celestia judging by the sun insignia," Nian deftly responded. "I don't like it. You should take a look at it soon. For now, you can relax."

"Fair deal," Joey said, groaning as he stretched his limbs. "Nils, you can go now. Thanks for your help."

"At least SOMEONE appreciates, not like a certain rabbit, not naming any names, my assistance, and loyalty," he huffed, striding over to his trees and flying up to nestle himself comfortably.

"Ugh, what turned him into a wannabe drama queen?"

Joey laughed at Nils' antics. "That's just Nils for you. Anyway, I think I know why you insisted on me going to the farm."

Nian's loppy ears moved slightly. "Oh, do you?" she asked innocently. "Just to let you know that Narros was in on it. Do you feel better?"

"Of course," Joey said. "I'm sorry to have worried you. It's hard for me to shove those memories away. They just... hit me hard when I'm not expecting them."

"You don't have to shove them away," Nian whispered. "You don't want to forget your family. I don't want you to. Just... We are your family now: Nils, Mechan, Lena, Yuna, Jenny, and Narros. We need you, Joey. You are the most important person to all of us, and it hurts to see you sad."

Joey breathed in deeply and exhaled a tired sigh. "I was... remembering their deaths. Every single one. All of their voices were fading echoes, being muffled by the blizzard. I try to not think of that memory, but it slipped by. I'm sorry to have worried you."

"Narros too," Nian pointed out. "He was the only other one to see that something was troubling you."

Joey studied Nian for a moment. He knew something had to have happened recently to bring about such a sharp change between Nian and Narros, who before acted like a Seviper towards a Zangoose; hostile against one another, tensions naturally running high.

"Nian," Joey began slowly, "what happened between you and Narros?"

Nian remained silent for a few heartbeats. "Let's just say we came to an... understanding. Don't worry, nothing bad happened. The whole 'Seviper and Zangoose' theme we had going is hopefully taking a permanent break."

"Well... okay," Joey said. "I'm glad you two have sorted out your differences. Why don't you head inside? I need to talk to Narros."

Nian hesitated for a split second before attempting to calm herself down. She had given Narros more chances to be around Joey since his confession two days ago, but still... if she is honest, the fact of Joey being alone with Narros bothered her. She has to trust Narros, and that is something she had to get used to.

"Sure," she said, trying not to sound utterly bothered by it. "I'll see you inside."

With that, she bounded into the house leaving Joey alone. The human walked around to the back of the house to see Narros staring at the night sky, his tail swishing and cutting the blades of grass.

He's worried, Joey thought to himself.

He walked up to Narros and softly called his name. With his focus suddenly broken, Narros jerked his head to see Joey sitting right next to him. Instantly his heart began to beat twice as fast.

"Joey," Narros squeaked quietly. Once again, he clears his throat. "H-how was the farm? Did you have a nice time?"

"Yeah, I did," he responded, edging himself closer to Narros. "I wanted to see you before I retired for the night. Are you well?"

Narros felt his coat being brushed by Joey's hand and shuddered. "I'm okay," he said meekly, boldly resting his head on Joey's lap. "Are you okay?"

Joey pulled Narros' body closer to him. "Yeah," he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Thank you. And I'm sorry to have worried you."

Narros' tail wagged. "Don't be," he said. "As long as you're alright and happy, I am too."

Celestia's Predicament

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Of the recent past is a story of tragedy and sorrow.

It was silent as the dead of night. The blood-curdling screams and battle cries had finally died away, only to be replaced with the heavy throng of melancholic rain.

The gloaming air was thick with the strong, acrid stench of spilled blood, pervading the sickly atmosphere with a miasmic fog of despair.

The faint sounds of dread and dismay came from him as he limped and careened like prey on its last legs. He felt sick and light on his fragile hooves; the putrid stench of blood wafted through the air and assaulted his nostrils, making him emetic.

Struggling almost in vain to prevent vomiting, he felt the burning pain flare around his throat. It was slashed and blood slowly pooled out. A pang of fear and anxiety shot through him as he placed a hoof against his throat, clutching tightly in a desperate endeavor to prevent more blood from oozing out.

He felt cold to the bone and beaten without mercy, yet he still stood alive and breathing. His eyes dart around, blurry with blood. Then he stiffened. His glazed eyes pierced through the wall of red; he gazes despairingly upon a familiar body.

Frantic and forlorn, he plodded despondently toward the body that lay as motionless as discarded carrion, scrunching the blood-soaked leaves that surrounded them with heavy hoofsteps.

A sharp pang of sorrow wrung tightly around his heart. "No!" he wailed pitifully, but the painful cry came out as choking and garbled nonsense as he stared stricken at the body.

Her once unsoiled coat was drenched in a massive, disgusting clot of blood as it pooled under her belly and made a small puddle. It clung to her coat, bleeding from wherever an eye wandered; she looked like a mutilated corpse.

"Silver," he gurgled through his blood-drenched throat as tears streamed down his scarred visage. "Silver, please... please don't leave me; you're all I have!"

Grief stabbed at his heart as he fell on the white body in a maniacal attempt to keep it warm, but each breath grew shallower than the last, and he too knew that he'll fall soon.

He gurgled and choked out unintelligible words, as if he was trying to say, "Everything will be okay. This is not where we die. We won't die... I won't let us. We won't die. We won't..."

They had failed Princess Celestia. The pony they were supposed to safeguard with their lives, vanished in the thick legion of trees, clutched in those bloodied claws of that monster. He could still hear the screams and cries rattling inside his skull, daring to escape.

He shuddered horribly for a while as he tried in vain to control the raw memories from threatening to overtake his damaged mind. He knew he would have nightmares that not even Princess Luna could banish; he would not find solace so easily.

He knows they cannot perish here. They can't perish here. This isn't their place to die. He has to push through and get them to safety. He has to get Silver to safety: She is everything; nothing else mattered.

Clenching his blood-stained teeth followed by a long, agonizing groan, he lifted himself from the sanguine earth with newfound conviction. He carried his unconscious partner with amazing effort and slogged on his shaken hooves, desperate to escape this evil place.

A fiery vow escaped his gurgling throat. "I will not forget this, and I will never forgive you."

The next day after the visit to Sweet Apple Acres was nice and warm; the bright sun shining brilliantly across the cheeks of those under it. It was morning and everyone was awake and going about their activities.

Joey and Nian were spending some alone time together, opting to stay in bed and cuddle. It's been a while, according to Nian, since the two had the morning all to themselves without any interruptions.

She missed Joey's warm body in the morning, feeling his strong, naked chest raising and lowering, hearing his calm breathing filling her ears with serene tranquility, and his powerful yet soft hands rubbing and smoothing her body. She didn't care where the hands wandered, she'd let Joey touch her anywhere without protest. She had missed this, and she knew Joey did as well.

Nian looked at her beloved human with a gaze of longing. Joey's eyes were closed as he absentmindedly stroked Nian. He had a content look on his face accompanied by a small smile that made Nian's heart flutter. He looked so peaceful, so untroubled, and happy.

This is Joey through and through, a happy person surrounded by those he loves, she thought warmly, continuing to watch her human through lazy, half-lidded eyes. That sweet, innocent smile... It should be protected.

As Nian watched on listlessly, she suddenly felt a prickle of annoyance edging around the back of her skull.

The letter, she thought bitterly.

A letter arrived yesterday while Joey was out with Nils. It was delivered by a stallion donned in gold armor, the powerful symbol of the Royal Guard, a legion of soldiers that serves Princess Celestia and keeps the peace in Equestria.

The letter instantly sullied her mood; just knowing it came from Princess Celestia was enough to make the rabbit scowl and think dark thoughts, which she invited. Ever since she met the stellar alicorn, Nian didn't like her or the air around her. She felt as if she had to protect Joey from her or not let the alicorn touch him.

Nian knew she shouldn't be this way, but her deep feelings for Joey passionately said otherwise and she didn't fight it. Princess Celestia may be a benevolent ruler, but Nian disliked that the pony would dare dump her problems on Joey. Nian's human. HER human. It's as if the alicorn couldn't be bothered to deal with this on her own. Now that annoyed her.

The letter detailed a situation that transpired just before Joey ungracefully arrived in Equestria, asking for his aid. It was concisely worded to mirror concern and fear. The end of the letter said that Princess Celestia herself would arrive at Joey's house sometime in the morning.

Nian was angry. She didn't want to help that alicorn, all of her instincts going off like blaring lights. If it was up to her, she'd tell Princess Celestia to go drown in a pool infested with famished Carvanha, but the decision was ultimately up to Joey. Nian could only give suggestions and her suggestions isn't what Joey would agree to.

Brooding, Nian lifted a finger to poke at Joey's chest. She was trying to make herself feel better. Princess Celestia could be a nice pony, but Nian hated the air around her. She thought that she was treating Princess Celestia like a mini Narros; that she seems untrustworthy and troublesome, and she had.

Dumb rabbit, she admonished silently in her mind.

Poking Joey wasn't enough; Nian needed to indulge herself to feel better. Huffing, she thrust her face against Joey's neck and greedily drank in his precious aromatic scent. Joey didn't seem to notice, he only continued to stroke Nian as he was lost in some daydream.

Little by little did Nian's anger and dark thoughts begin to gradually ebb away, vanishing into obscurity within the depths of her mind. Just being with Joey made Nian so much more bearable and kinder. If she never met him, she might've died in the mountains, unable to make the journey to leave. If she had left the mountain, Nian could've been a force of nature, her unrestrained anger lashing out at whoever she came across. She was willing even to kill.

Because of Joey, she became something better. She did save him from giving his life to the cold. She gave him food and cared for him as he cared for her with companionship after they both experienced heavy losses. She needed Joey more than anything in her life, and she would kill for him if it came down to it. Or... she'd sacrificed her own.

Eventually, Joey opened his eyes and yawned, smacking his lips slowly. He looks down and sees Nian kissing his neck.

"Hey," he said groggily.

Nian stopped what she was doing and looked into Joey's limpid white eyes. "Hey," she whispered. "Ready to get up?"

Joey nodded. "Princess Celestia will be over soon," he said, groaning as he stretched. "I want some more info on this situation she's in."

Nian began to frown but she stopped and adopted a neutral expression. "Are you going to help her?"

Joey holds Nian and sits up slowly. "I might, but I want to know more before I make a choice." Joey yawns again. "Alright, let's get ready."

After getting ready Joey and Nian head outside to take in the fresh morning air. However, when they did, they were met with a chariot, four royal guards, and Princess Celestia herself landing just past the white fence.

Nian scowled as she studied the uninvited visitors with a glare, more directly at Princess Celestia herself. All of Joey's Pokémon were outside and they all, including Narros, watched on, curious as the white alicorn gracefully made her way toward Joey, her guards just behind her with one bearing nasty scars across his neck and face. Nian saw them leering at Joey's Pokémon as if any of them were about to attack their princess.

Do something stupid, Nian thought crossly as she watched the guards in fervent silence. Give me a reason to bury you.

Joey bows in respect as Princess Celestia does the same. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Celestia," Joey said. He remembered to call the alicorn by her name without the title included. "I got your letter last night and I wanted to know more information before I make a decision."

Princess Celestia gave Joey a gracious smile as she sat on the soft grass. "I am glad it catches your interest," she said coolly. She beckoned one of the royal guards, the one with the scarred face, to sit beside her. "I want to enlist your aid in the rescue of a young mare named Orah. She's in deep peril."

Joey sat on the grass with Nian following suit. "Orah?" he asked seriously, his eyes narrowing.

With a glow of her long horn, Celestia conjures a detailed illustration of the mare in question. Joey stared at it, scanning the image to notice that Orah was a beautiful, amber-eyed earth pony with a long silver mane, and a crimson coat, with long black marks across her legs, chest, and back.

Joey saw that Orah's right eye was closed with another long black mark over it, but something was different with this one. While the other black marks seemed to be drawn or painted on, the mark over the right of her eye was jagged and uneven, smaller than the others. It seemed this was a scar rather than some odd tattoo.
And if that's the case, then... Orah was half-blind.

Joey didn't know what to make of this revelation. How could something so peaceful-looking and cute be stricken with such a terrible and potentially traumatic experience? Only a malevolent creature could have done that. Indola suffered a horrible scorch mark sure, but she protects others and put herself in the way of danger, as is what her important job demanded of her.

"Tell me about her," Joey said briskly. Time to rapidly fire some questions."Who is she and where is she from?"

Princess Celestia cleared her throat and began to explain. "Orah is a pacifist from beyond the border of Equestria, living in a tribe of indigenous ponies out on a vast, grassy plain. She's an enchantress whose magic is entirely different from any other in Equestria. She was making the journey through the Forbidden Jungle with the escort of two royal guards when she was ambushed by a dragon and was abducted," she explained, her voice suddenly heavy with guilt and sorrow. "One of those guards is right here," she gestured to the one beside her.

"I see," Joey said, rubbing his chin with a hand. "Why did the dragon take Orah away and why was she going on a journey?"

Princess Celestia looked away for a moment before turning to meet Joey's white gaze. "She was making the journey to Canterlot to provide her skills to my service," she answered verily. "She wrote a letter telling me about her magical skills. From what I had read, it seems that Orah can turn any natural object into something else; plants, rocks, or what have you. I assume that the reason she was... taken is that the dragon must have overheard Orah explain her unique magic to her escorts."

"And if it heard about what she could do, then it must've thought that Orah could be useful for something," Joey wondered aloud. "How did you know and what's in it for the dragon?"

"After my royal guards returned to Canterlot, I sent scouts into the Forbidden Jungle, and they say that the dragon might be inside a cave around the center. For your second question: Most dragons in this world are obsessed with gems, crystals, or jewels; they are, generally, greedy creatures at heart, as is their nature, and they will do anything to expand their hoard of treasures.

"If the dragon did overhear Orah, then that means he could use her to turn ordinary rocks into precious gems. And if that is true... then Orah has become a slave."

"Do we know who this dragon is?" he asked.

Princess Celestia nodded. "The dragon's name is Lunaris."

"Tell me about him."

"He was banished from the Dragon Lands, his homeland because he was extremely voracious and covetous of others, often lashing out in violence toward his kin, and even trying to kill them for their treasure.

"After making an effort to murder his leader, the Dragon Lord, failed, he was exiled to the Forbidden Jungle and was bound to never leave until he could change his ways, but to my knowledge, Lunaris sadly never did."

Joey's face turned grim. "He sounds awful and dangerous," he muttered thoughtfully.

Princess Celestia agreed with a brisk nod. "Memory serves that he's been confined to his prison for many years. If you accept the mission, this royal guard will accompany you."

At once, the scarred guard stood up and saluted Joey. He was an earth pony with a brown coat, a mane and tail that looked like charred stone, and black eyes. He bore an ugly scar over his right cheek and a terrible gash down his throat. Squinting, Joey could see other scars hidden under his armor. He also had these gauntlets clasped around his front hooves.

This stallion has been through a lot to bear those injuries, and he wore them seemingly with pride, Joey reckoned thoughtfully. However... his eyes are dull and faded, almost like they were dead. It's unsettling.

"This is Rockfall," Princess Celestia said, introducing the stallion. "Through... much coaxing on his part, he will be under your command during the rescue mission."

Rockfall trotted nearly with a limp and stared at Joey for a couple of heartbeats before bowing his head in greeting and saluting.

"My name is Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short," he said to Rockfall. He gestured to Nian who was standing next to him. "This is Nian, my partner."

Nian protectively stood closer to Joey, but she dipped her head in greeting as a grumbling escaped her lips.

The stallion didn't say anything, merely saluting respectively at the rabbit.

"Tell me about yourself, Rockfall," Joey said, trying to engage in conversation, but as he waited for the stallion to speak, he didn't utter a single word. Joey could see the stallion's eyes glimmer faintly.

Princess Celestia stepped in. "If it's okay with Rockfall, I can inform you."

Rockfall turned to Princess Celestia and nodded, giving the alicorn permission.

"Rockfall is well-known and renowned around the Royal Guard for his staunch and steadfast loyalty," she began to explain. "He grew up in Ponyville before moving to Canterlot to pursue his dream as a Royal Guard. You can find no other like him, and he will follow your orders without question. I trust him with my life."

Rockfall did exhume this aura of safety as if you could be as defenseless as a foal with him around. As Joey looked at Rockfall, he studied his scars and saw they were fresh, like he just got them.

"If I may be bold," Joey began, "how did Rockfall come across those scars? They look recent."

At that moment, Joey noticed Rockfall's stature crack, but only for a second. He saw the faint gleam in his eyes die to be replaced with a cold, listless stare as if he was remembering something tragic. He looked old and tired during that second, and Joey knew those scars told a sad story, and that he regretted asking about them.

Princess Celestia stayed silent as she glanced at Rockfall and mirrored Joey's sadness. Rockfall gave the alicorn a hesitant nod to tell Joey about his scars. If he was going to be under his command, Rockfall knew there shouldn't be anything between them.

Most ponies in Equestria are trusting and friendly, often wanting to make connections with others. They can be emotional and quite gullible and breaking or hurting any pony is a high offense that could lead to irreparable relationships.

"Rockfall is one of the two royal guards entrusted with escorting Orah through a place called the Forbidden Jungle," she explained. "Unfortunately, he was ambushed by Lunaris and a battle took place in which Rockfall and the other guard lost, and Orah was taken away.

"Rockfall was badly injured by Lunaris. He arrived in Canterlot with the other guard in a heap of blood, with ragged breath, and dying. When he was rushed to the medical center, he sustained a... gruesome injury to his throat that prevents him from speaking, rendering him mute for an unspecified amount of time."

How horrible, Joey thought sadly as he glanced at Rockfall. You've been through much.

"Who was the other guard?" Joey asked.

"A mare named Silver Mantle," she answered. "She's... Rockfall's wife. Like her husband, Silver Mantle, or Milly as she was commonly called, is a well-known and respected pony. Sadly, she was maimed quite heavily during the fight and lost consciousness. She remains in a catatonic state and... has shown no signs of waking for a... very long time."

After a moment of silence, Princess Celestia began again. "I know you must assume I appear to burden you with my dilemmas, but I came to you, and wrote that letter, because I believe you can truly help us, especially in the Forbidden Jungle."

"Talk to me about that place," Joey said grimly. Gather more information first. That's all that matters right now.

Princess Celestia shuffled her hooves and twitched her wings slightly as she opened her mouth to explain once again.

From Her Radiance, the Forbidden Jungle is an extremely dangerous place located south of Equestria in the Mysterious South, past the Badlands and the high-elevated Macintosh Hills. It is ruled by deadly creatures and uninhabited by ponies or any other sapient species. Orah had to travel from the jungle's exit to a chariot that waited at the jungle's entrance.

The main reason ponies just don't fly over the jungle is that the location harbors an unexplainable magic seal around the area, rendering all magic useless and the Macintosh Hills are too elevated to fly over because of the thick, condensed air, so most would have to make a long detour around the mountains if they didn't brave through the Forbidden Jungle, which is the most direct route yet filled with dangers.

The Forbidden Jungle is traversed by earth ponies since they have the least amount to lose: Pegasi lose the ability to fly, and unicorns can't use magic. Earth ponies lose their attunement to the earth, making them unable to grow anything. It is generally, trained or not, impossible for a pony, even an alicorn, to live there because the pony race relies on their magic to see them through each day.

Rockfall will be mostly unaffected since he's an earth pony, and Joey and his Pokémon have no magic at all, so they would be just fine in the Forbidden Jungle.

"Alright," Joey said quietly. "How do we get there?"

"My guards will fly you there in a golden chariot," she answered. "Once you land at the jungle's entrance, they will wait for your return."

"How long do you think this should take?"

"Hopefully the rest of this day and tomorrow." Princess Celestia rose from the ground as Joey followed. "Joey... Orah has been missing for four weeks, and none of my ponies can hardly navigate through the Forbidden Jungle without being gravely injured. Please... help me."

Joey stayed silent for a while. This had nothing to do with him... This started before he unceremoniously landed in Equestria. There's no reason to stick his neck out for this pony. If anything, he should turn her away to deal with her problems.

But that's not the right thing to do, he argued silently. I like helping folks, and Princess Celestia came to me personally to ask for my aid. I can't turn her away, not after learning about what's happened to Orah, Rockfall, and Silver Mantle.

With a deep breath, Joey says," Okay, I'll do it. Lena, Narros, Jenny, we're going!"

As Princess Celestia smiled at Joey's decision, she sees the Pokémon he called rush to his side. It was quite a variety of creatures.

"Nian," Joey began, "ready to kick some dragon tail?"

The rabbit, though she wasn't entirely happy with Joey's decision, gave the human a wicked grin and a brisk nod of her head. Joey grabbed his Poké Balls and returned Lena, Narros, and Jenny to their respective capsules.

"Nils, Mechan, and Yuna. Hold down the fort until we get back!" The confirmed cries of his Pokémon reached his ears. Joey nodded as he turned to Princess Celestia. "My no-kill policy is still in effect, got it?"

She nods. "And like I said before, I wouldn't have it any other way. Also, try to approach Lunaris peacefully first, but if he gets aggressive, respond in kind and take Orah back by force. Good luck to you and your Pokémon, Joey. Come back safe..."

The Forbidden Jungle

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Of the present is a living blight that besmirches his kind.

Behold: a traitor of nothing, scrounging the moss around the jungle floor like a famished bottom feeder. A disreputable, fidgeting recreant imprisoned to pay the price of his vice; a once proud creature reduced to digesting vermin and lapping the salt off of rocks.

Behold a fictitious king of frivolity, an unsightly wretch of triviality mislaying his sanity. Robust, ebony scales that once shined in the moonlight, are now ineffectual and dull. Lofty, mighty wings reduced to mere rent decoration. Pristine white talons, broken and dirt-ridden, are a shadow of what they once were. And his flames, his scorching flames, nothing but tiny, pitiful embers.

Behold a chained bastard, whose insatiable greed and covetousness condemned him to the jungle of mindless beasts, forever bound until acceptance of his vices and an honest will to seek penance is realized. But here he lay still, banished; unwilling to atone for his sins. So here he will lay until the day he dies.

Behold a worthless, unsatisfied beast.

Joey was sitting quite comfortably inside the golden chariot being flown over the Badlands with Nian by his side. Rockfall was to his right gazing out to the wide horizon of land with a look of uneasiness. Joey could tell that even when the stallion persuaded Princess Celestia to allow him to go on the rescue mission, he was shaking slightly and taking in quick breaths as if trying to control his anxiety.

Rockfall's eyes were dull and cloudy, remnants of the clear black rivers that once swam freely; they were drained of their color. Joey did not see vengeance in those lonely eyes, just misery, and grief. Surely Rockfall wanted revenge for his wife, but ever since he met the stallion, he just didn't seem to harbor any resentment.

Joey could understand to a degree since he wasn't married; he lost his entire village to a snowstorm that never ceased its bitter winds. Silver Mantle wasn't dead, but she feigned it; entrapped in a slumber that mirrored death with no signs of improvement. That was worse than death, to know that a loved one appeared dead but merely in a long slumber one can't hope to wake them from. One would feel useless and fearful for them. Rockfall feels that pain, and it happened in the worse way he could think of.

Now he was going back to the place that nearly got him and his wife murdered. Going back to a place where Orah was abducted and enslaved. Back to the place of his failure. The fresh wounds left behind will rip open again, begetting new scars.

Joey wondered if he should have declined Rockfall's willingness to participate in rescuing Orah, that it might have been the correct and responsible course of action. He wondered if it was a good idea. He could have said no and still gone without the guard by his side. Rockfall could spend more time with his wife and not with some stranger he just met.

Joey glanced at the stallion. Maybe it isn't my place to say, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. Rockfall barely got out of the jungle alive. He could die this time, and what would be of Silver? What if she woke up and was told her husband died trying to rescue Orah from Lunaris? Not only would she be heartbroken, but she'd wish that she was dead so she could be with Rockfall. I have to make sure Rockfall doesn't perish; he and Silver have suffered enough for one lifetime.

Joey wanted to comfort the forlorn stallion, but he looked so distant. He wanted to tell him that everything will be okay, that
things will turn out fine and that everything that happened before will get better, but he knew that was not true. A tragedy had befallen this stallion.

For the time being, it would be best if he left the stallion to his thoughts, however, Joey did smooth Rockfall's mane and the stallion gave him a small smile, appreciating the gentle gesture.

All was quiet until Joey felt the wind shift and noticed the chariot was making a descent down to the ground. In the short distance, Joey saw a massive legion of tall trees casting a looming shadow over the earth. When he landed with his allies, they jumped out and marched up to the entrance of the Forbidden Jungle.

As Joey began to bask at the Forbidden Jungle, a voice called to his attention and he saw one of the guards, a pegasus, unhitching himself from the chariot and approaching him with a wary expression. In his armor, the guard fished out a map that was clearly drawn on a short notice yet was detailed enough for Joey to figure out how to navigate it.

"We'll be waiting for your return right here," the guard said with a brisk salute.

"I understand, thank you," Joey replied with a small smile. He turned toward the Forbidden Jungle and narrowed his eyes. "Is it truly a magic seal?"

The guard nodded quickly. "It is. Let me show you."

The guard flew toward the entrance of the Forbidden Jungle and entered. Joey saw a faint blueish-purple glow surround the guard for a moment before he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Joey watched on as the guard flexed his wings and tried to take flight by jumping in the air, but he did not fly, only dropping down to the earth.

With the demonstration over, the guard waltzed out of the Forbidden Jungle as the same blueish-purple glow passed through him. Then he opened his wings and flew next to Joey.

"How did that feel?" Joey asked, intrigued.

"Like losing something I had all my life," the guard answered with a shudder. "My wings felt cold and numb when I passed in and out of the area. It lasted only for a second, but that second felt like a lifetime. Now that you know, be prudent and proceed with caution; monsters inhabit that forsaken place."

Joey nodded. "I will," he affirmed lightly. "Be ready to go when we come back with Orah."

The guard saluted and made his way back to the golden chariot still flexing his wings in an attempt to shrug off that cold-numb feeling. Shortly after, Nian appeared next to Joey's side with Rockfall on the other.

Joey looked down at the guard trying to calm himself. "Rockfall," Joey called soothingly, "are you going to be alright?"

Rockfall took a moment to respond until he gave a quick salute. Despite Joey seeing the unmistakable fear and uncertainty in Rockfall's eyes, he could faintly discern a small glint too. It was a fire.

Joey chuckled. That determination will serve you well.

"Alright," Joey began tersely, "let's go and get Orah out of this place!"

Stepping to take the lead, Joey braves through the entrance of the Forbidden Forest followed by Nian and Rockfall behind her. As Princess Celestia said, Joey felt nothing as he passed through. With a glance over his shoulder, he knew Nian didn't either. With Rockfall, there was a short shudder as the magic seal's flow passed through him, but other than that he remained unaffected.

We won't need your connection to the earth in this place, Joey thought silently. We have to find her soon as possible.

The Forbidden Jungle's wild atmosphere was drenched in humidity as the beams of sunlight bled through the canopy, illuminating the jungle floor. Leaves flittered around them as they fell slowly to the ground; there was never a moment of silence when every foot, paw, or hoof stepped on a crunching leaf. There were many sounds: Joey could hear the rustling of the bug-infested trees and the creaking of their branches, birds or other creatures echoing out their cries, and the arid wind weaved and moaned through the trees.

It was odd that so many sounds were so vibrant like any forest or jungle he's ever been in. But there was something dramatically different between them: wild Pokémon usually left a Trainer or any human alone, rarely coming up to them as a sign of goodwill and friendship, opting to keep their distance. In the world of Equestria, the Forbidden Jungle harbor no friendly or docile Pokémon. If he comes across any creature that thinks it would get a good lunch in, it'll do it; it'll try to kill them without a single thought.

Despite the overall friendliness, Equestria was much more unpredictable than his world of wild creatures.

Looking at the map, Joey could determine the path the scouts traveled to get to the center of the forest. The mouth-drawn map had a small legend; there were tiny pictures that could guide him to the center of the jungle without getting lost. He wondered how long it took the scouts to come up with this map and how long they had to stay in the Forbidden Jungle.

They must have been frightened beyond measure, he thought ruefully. I won't let this go to waste.

One of the small images closest to the entrance is four trees with a boulder in the middle. Following the path on the map toward the location, Joey could tell he was on the right track. All he and his friends had to do was follow that path toward the four trees surrounding the boulder, and then he'll be able to continue from there.

Relaying what he had learned to Nian and Rockfall, they agreed and followed Joey as he took the lead again, carefully keeping his eyes open and his ears strained for danger.

A few hours have passed since Joey, Nian, and Rockfall entered the Forbidden Jungle. They took two breaks, but on the second break, they were ambushed by a wild and ferocious Manticore. The horrid beast was bathed in blood and bore terrible gashes: its wings were torn and rent, its tail ripped off, multiple teeth were missing, and it was balancing on three legs rather than four.

Joey knew that this beast had lost a fight recently and was very hungry despite its glaring injuries and that the blood around its matted and dirty fur was not of its enemy. Despite the wounds it sustained, it still held itself high with whatever strength it retained left. He felt sorry for it, for he knew that this beast wouldn't be feasting on him and his allies. It wouldn't matter anyway: it was dying.

A short fight broke out with the Manticore losing, further wounding its already damaged pride. It slumped to the ground in a pool of its own blood as it waited to die from its mortal injuries. There was no fight left in it, only a faint sadness and pain that glittered in its faded eyes.

A pang of sorrow washed over Joey as he approached the dying creature. Nian would've pulled him back, but she knew that the beast was beaten and that it had no intention of hurting Joey. When Joey came as close as to touch the dying beast, he placed his hand on it and smoothed its ruined mane. The beast hadn't protested and let Joey's gentle ministrations soothe it.

After the beast let Joey touch it, the human summoned Jenny and Lena from their Poké Balls. Though he knew that the beast's wounds were too severe to mend, it wouldn't be bad to give it a peaceful passing. He told Lena to heal the wounds to lessen the pain and the pink Pokémon did as she was told.

A faint glimmer of blue light in the form of a dew drop manifested over the Manticore's damaged body, descending onto it like a ripple from a lake as it wrapped the beast in its warming glow. A small shudder and a sigh came from the beast, feeling the pain slowly ebb away. When that was done, Joey told Jenny to use Sing. The Jynx did as she was told and lulled the massive creature into a deep slumber so its last moments could be filled with painless bliss. Joey watched on as the last few short breaths left the Manticore. It jerked once and then it lay still. It was dead.

After a few moments of silence, Joey thanked Lena and Jenny and return them both to their Poké Balls. Rockfall was amazed by Joey's benign and tenderhearted nature even when he fought like a warrior. He watched on as Joey and Nian dug a grave for the fallen creature and buried it.

Joey could never bury his family or the village residents properly, the snowstorm gave him no option but to leave them behind. Joey thought that although the Manticore was an enemy, he could give it a burial that was robbed from him during his time in the frost-forsaken mountain.

After the burial was finished, Joey, Nian, and Rockfall continued forth to the four trees that surrounded the boulder.

As they marched onward, the trio of friends finds themselves in a clearing with four massive trees surrounding a large boulder. Eventually, Narros came out of his Poké Ball and traveled beside Joey. They had made it to the first landmark etched on the map. Joey bounded forward with Nian and Rockfall just behind them as they reach the boulder and look around from its position.

"Okay, where to now?" Joey murmured as he glanced around.

Checking the map, there should be a path lined with rocks splinted above the mossy earth and forming a jaggy line that leads to a fork going east or west. Squinting, Joey would need to take the west path to get closer to the middle of the jungle. After that, then he'll have to locate the cave the Lunaris the dragon is holding himself and Orah, his hostage, in.

While Joey was checking the map with Rockfall coming up to sit beside him, Nian and Narros were scanning the location for any potential dangers. Jenny stood under one of the four trees inhaling the chilling moisture of her Nevermeltice and blowing out puffs of white mist from her mouth.

"There are too many noises around here," Narros grumbled as he attempted to block out the noise by flattening his ears across his head. "I don't remember hearing this much racket while on the road with Joey."

Nian rolled her eyes and scoffed. "That's because you were brooding inside your Poké Ball most of the time," she pointed out with an edge to her voice. "You better get used to it if you're going to be outside your Poké Ball from now on. Straighten those ears."

"Sure thing, boss." Though reluctant, Narros obeyed and let his ears be open to the noises from all around him. He fought to stop himself from flinching at every high pitch sound. "You think we can save Orah?"

"Yes," Nian replied tersely. "I don't like doing the bidding of Princess Celestia, but it's the right thing to do, I suppose. If Joey says we do, then we do."

"You really dislike Princess Celestia," Narros pointed out. "She seems nice, and she respects Joey."

"I dislike being handed other people's responsibilities when their problems aren't my own," she muttered, her foot stomping the ground in agitation. "It makes me angry. I already have enough things to do with looking after six other Pokémon. I don't need something like this."

"But Joey doesn't seem to mind."

"Joey's a nice man," Nian said softly. "He'd help you even if it's a bad idea. I've been trying to teach him to say no so no one can easily take advantage of his generosity; he's too kind for his own good."

Narros shook his head. "I like that about Joey, his willingness to help others in need when he doesn't have to. If he wasn't like that when we meet, then... I'd be dead."

Nian snapped her head to him and glowered. Narros shrunk away slightly.

"I'm sorry. I know you don't like to hear that type of talk, but it's true," Narros reasoned. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Joey extending his kindness. For what it's worth, I don't particularly like being out here descending into danger to save a pony I've never heard of or met before. I like my fur to stay clean. But... it is the right to do."

"Yes, I know," Nian sighed. "Ugh! I hate feeling like this. Do you think I'm being unfair about Princess Celestia?"

Narros have never seen said alicorn until earlier this morning, so he couldn't really give his genuine opinion of her to Nian yet but judging from what he heard and what he saw today, he could give some simple conjecture.

"Princess Celestia is alright so far," he started, "and she seems like the type to solve her own problems if she had complete control over them. But this is the Forbidden Jungle and Princess Celestia has little to no power over it; heck, ponies can't even live here. With a problem like this out of her control, it's smart to ask us to head inside instead. I don't think she'd willingly let Joey careen into danger."

It wasn't often that Nian growled or snarled like a furious Arcanine, but when she did, it was terrifying. Narros had to step a few feet away from her as she fumed in silence. There wasn't much for him to say, so he padded away to join Jenny. The rabbit may be hot-headed and brash, periodically a bit crude and violent, but she had a brain and she used it quite often.

"Thank Arceus," Narros breathed.

Narros knew that on the inside Nian was thinking about what he said and mulling over her attitude toward Princess Celestia. He has been traveling with her and Joey for well over a year and a half now, and around that time, at least to him, Narros could tell when Nian was angry or when Nian was angry and thinking.

When Narros reached Jenny, he slowed to a crawl; he was uncertain if he should get any closer to her. Jenny never seemed to hold any contempt other than a ghost of a frown he was able to discern through narrowed eyes; he didn't feel uncomfortable around her, but he did not like the frown. It frightened him a little.

He also thought about Lena, noticing that the Chansey was nowhere to be seen. Guess she rather rest in her Poké Ball until she was needed, he thought.

Narros never disliked Lena. She was tolerable. Before Nian gave him more room to prance around Joey, Lena was the next Pokémon to not harbor any resentment toward him even though he deserved every bit of hatred and vitriol sprayed his way. Lena just looked sad or worried whenever she glanced in his direction, and he noticed. It made him feel guilty and regretful.

He knew if he is going to gain love and trust from the rest of Joey's Pokémon, Lena should be a good start.

"Jenny," Narros finally spoke, "what do you think about us being out here risking our lives to save Orah? Nian is... reflecting at the moment. You got any thoughts while we wait for Joey and Rockfall?"

Jenny continued to indulge in her Nevermeltice in a nice, very long intake before letting it out slowly. The cold white mist swished around Narros and flowed through his fur, causing him to shudder uncomfortably. Jenny seemed as if she wasn't interested in what he had to say, even going so far as to ignore him.

"Or you could not," he muttered.

The second he finished speaking, Jenny's eyes locked on him. Her gaze was dark and cold, and the frown on her face was more apparent. Seeing Jenny scowl creeped Narros out and he had to look away to avoid his body from giving more shudders.

"S-sorry," he said quietly, inching himself away from Jenny's ice-cold glare. "I'll leave you alone." Clearly, I'm not wanted.

Then, Narros heard a small thump coming from behind and turned to see Jenny beckoning to him, wearing her usual stony expression. Though reticent because of Jenny's blatant mistrust, Narros obeyed and padded up to her and stood looking up at the towering Pokémon's face.

He watched as Jenny took the Nevermeltice out of her mouth and expertly drew an image with the aid of her psychic powers. What came into view was Orah herself and a question mark to her side. Narros looked at Jenny as the Jynx tilted her head.

Narros continued to watch, witnessing the image of Orah now with him, Joey, and everyone else together. Obviously, Jenny believed it was worth the trouble. At least she had to kindness to include him in the image.

"Alright, I understand," he said. Narros tried not to avoid Jenny's cold gaze. "I feel the same way. I just hope we can get through this without much trouble."

Jenny agreed with a nod of her head. The Jynx never liked to get dirty, however, if Joey asked her to, she would try even when she wasn't much of a fighter.

Narros stared at Joey with longing in his red eyes. He never fought for Joey; this would be the first time he might be used in battle and Narros strived to make Joey proud if the worse comes to pass and they have to fight Lunaris. He just hoped everything goes smoothly.

As he watched on, Nian appeared in the corner of his eyes. He whipped around to see the rabbit tapping her foot feverishly on the mossy earth.

"It looks like Joey is about to head off," she said. "C'mon, let's go."

"Sure thing, boss," Narros replied. "Thought about your feelings on you-know-who? Better to accept than to resent, am I right?"

A killer glare blazed in Nian's eyes and Narros thought he might have gone a bit too far. He should've known better; Nian was finally giving him some space to be around Joey, branching out her trust to him, and now, with what he just said might've broken what little trust the rabbit gave him.

As he waited to be punched or reprimanded by his leader, Narros was surprised when Nian turned away grumbling dark mutterings under her seething lips. He glanced at Jenny and saw the Jynx look away, opting to indulge herself in her Nevermeltice, but Narros knew she was paying attention.

Narros shuffled his paws. Perhaps he went a little too far regarding his tenuous relationship with Nian. "N-Nian, I spoke out of line. I'm sorry." Narros knew Nian was a complex creature, probably the most complex creature he's ever had the opportunity to... or the misery to know.

"I'll talk about it later," she grumbled through clenched teeth. "We're moving."

And she's grouchy, Narros thought sullenly. At least I'm not dead, that's a plus.

With nothing else to say, the three Pokémon corralled around Joey and Rockfall as the human began marching off west in relation to the map.

The group continued forward. It wasn't long until Joey found a path littered with pointed rocks. It was obviously a trail and one that wasn't naturally made; it had to have been Lunaris. It must've served the purpose of helping the misguided dragon find his way back to whatever cave or hovel he called home. And looking back at the map, Joey and his friends will need to follow it.

Trekking the Forbidden Jungle wasn't entirely a dangerous venture; most confrontations could be avoided if Joey and his team stuck to the shadows or be hidden in thick foliage whenever a creature came prowling about. Other than the Manticore they had the misfortune of fighting: Joey and his friends fought a Chimera; a flying beast of burden called a Roc. Joey even came across, by mistake, a Cragadile; those creatures that masquerade as rocks, often catching weary and inattentive travelers by surprise.

Joey and his band of allies bested the beasts without ending their lives, and without gaining so much as a few cuts and bruises all of which were healed quite nicely with Lena's healing skills. By the time they realized how long they'd been out journeying the Forbidden Jungle, the sky was beginning to turn red; they have been in there for hours.

Joey remembered the times when he and his Pokémon family went out and traveled to many places. Equestria was quite an interesting place with what little he has explored, and he began to think that after Orah is safe with Princess Celestia that he would like to do some scouring.

As they continued, Joey suddenly finds himself in another clearing; a wide-open space stretched around them giving way to nothing but something odd in the near distance: a slew of trees, contorted; they bent in an odd arc giving way to an entrance in the middle. Judging by the map, that is the place Joey, and his friends must go into to reach Lunaris' home, which is a cave.

"If I'm reading this right, then this is the heart of the jungle, and Lunaris is right there," Joey mumbled. "Eh, he looks to be just off the side."

Nian hopped next to him. "That's the place?" she asked. "That's where Lunaris is?"

Joey nodded solemnly. "Yep," he answered. "There is a cave marked on the map, detailing Lunaris' location." He gazes up toward the reddening sky. "It seems we made good headway despite the obstacles we ran into; we can do this and return home just before nightfall."

"Narros and I will go on ahead," Nian said tersely.

"Good deal," Joey said. "Rockfall and I will catch up momentarily. I need to talk to him. Go on."

"Narros," Nian called, gaining the Absol's attention, "let's scout ahead."

Heeding her order, Narros trots to her side. "Alright," he began, "lead on." He turns his head to Joey with a loving look. "Catch up with us quickly, okay?"

"I will," Joey replied. "We'll be right behind you."

With that, Nian and Narros bounded off quickly, striding to the large entrance. Joey slowed to a crawl with Rockfall following suit. Ever since they set a single step into the Forbidden Jungle, Rockfall has been fidgeting and alert, and Joey knew why.

"Rockfall, you ready?" Joey asked softly, patting the stallion's mane. "You'll have to keep it together; freaking out will not help you, me, or Orah."

Rockfall, unable to speak because he sustained a gruesome injury to his throat, nodded slowly. His ears and tail twitched, and he had this stoic look, yet he was trembling. He is so close to confronting Lunaris.

"Rockfall, calm down and take a deep breath," Joey suggested. "We need to save Orah; Silver Mantle is waiting for you. Wouldn't it be great to tell her that Orah is safe when she wakes up?"

Rockfall ceased his trembling, though it took a major effort. He took in long, deep breaths. Joey watched on as Rockfall stamped his forehooves into the ground, each stomp more powerful and vigorous than the last; it was clear the stallion was attempting to dispose of his fears and latent doubts and summon upon the biggest amount of courage he could.

His eyes began to light ablaze and the usual bleak gray clouds pooling around his eyes cleared to be replaced with rivers of black; it was intense, Rockfall suddenly looked much younger than he appeared before: he snorted with passion, his muscles rippled and flexed to show years of work & dedication, and he had this look of willpower.

Above all else, Joey noticed, that Rockfall was angry. Angry at Lunaris for taking Orah away, for nearly killing him, and for placing his wife in a coma, and angry he let Lunaris enslave Orah for weeks. It wasn't the anger of pure, unbridled revenge, but the righteous kind; a reckoning: Lunaris must be punished for his horrible misdeeds, and Rockfall knew he was going to give it to him with Joey by his side.

Rockfall looked into Joey's mysterious white eyes with a look of conviction; there wasn't anything else to say. With silent understanding, Rockfall galloped in a magnificent stride with Joey running just behind him.

"We're coming, Orah," Joey said.


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Of the present is a dream dreamt by a distant wailing plaything.

She blinks slowly, darkness enveloping her vision. With a great effort her eye opens, and the young mare finds herself lolling listlessly on the swaying grass of a vast, peaceful plain.

She gazed at the moonlight that brightened the land in its beautiful luminous effulgence. The gentle breeze of the wind whisked through her coat and filled her nostrils with the redolent scent of dew drops after a light rain shower.

She blinks once more and the churning blackness shrouds her vision, inviting back a world of darkness. Then they open with less effort than the last. Light overtook her sight, and she finds her legs moving without command, guiding her down a well-trodden path to a small mystical lake. It glistened with the silvery specks of the ever-distant stars.

She knows this ancient area. It was a serene place, a zone of calm where those of her tribe go to clear their minds of frustration, loss, distress, or weariness, collecting themselves and their rattled emotions; she often spends her nights around the lake to clear herself of the lingering doubt and the fear of her ever-encroaching future.

The young mare blinks again and she finds herself in a dark place where the tall trees creak and their branches crack, alone and cold; many unknown noises echo from the darkness. Confused and scared, she trotted forward in the hope of finding her escape, but no matter how far her hooves manage to carry her, the mare seemed to never get anywhere.

Growing weary and starving, the mare stops to rest. Then she heard something thundering recklessly in the verdant darkness, stomping on bushes and tearing down trees. The sounds of destruction were louder than she thought, and they filled her skull until it thumped with pain as the disturbance got closer.

Unsettled, the mare tried to figure out a way to escape the ever-encroaching disturbance, however, before she attempted to scurry off further into the dark unknown, she spots a ruined body of a mare lying motionless in a thick pool of scarlet blood. It took all her strength to not vomit as she spotted another body, a stallion, drenched in blood clutching his throat with his hooves as a pained gurgling and choking came from him.

Before she could do anything like run or hide, an ugly claw caked in dirt and filth reached out from the darkness and grabbed the young mare, clutching her within its talons and wrenching her into the black depths. Her eye bulged as she let out a blood-curdling wail, screeching for help, but no creature heeded her distressed pleas, and she was swallowed up in the maw of darkness, never to be seen again.

Orah awoke with a scream. She veered her frightened gaze around in panic, panting and gasping for breath, but all she could see in the darkness was a distant light she didn't dare to follow. The ground felt mushy and warm under her hooves and a fuggy odor pervaded the air, making it difficult to breathe.

She felt stiff and sore like she was battered by stones, and she was filthy: her black-striped, crimson coat was dull and matted, her mane bedraggled, greasy, and caked in dirt, and she smelled horrible. Even her good eye, which the other was lost due to a horrific incident, made things hard to see properly.

It was an amazing effort to even attempt to move; it was in vain. Something caught her eye. She turned to a corner of the chamber to spot a hoard of gems and jewels clumped together in an ever-accumulating pile. At first, she was confused, and rightly so. Why was she here again? How did she get here and why did she stay instead of leaving? She continued to stare at the pile of treasure until sharp pain pulsed at the front of her skull. To another corner was a pile of rocks.

Realization hit her as a dreadful headache made her wince. I shouldn't be here...

Before she could say anything, a deep slimy voice caught her attention.

"Are we doing well this evening?" the sonorous voice asked soothingly. "I would... dislike it if we weren't."

That voice... the deep bellow of a slithering creature. It shook Orah to the core. It was Lunaris. She dared not to speak for fear of angering this foul beast.

"Orah," Lunaris growled, "you're trembling." His malignant blue eyes, which glowed ominously in the darkness, drifted slowly toward the pile of rocks. A disappointed sigh filled Orah's twitching ears. "Why haven't you turned those rocks into gems?"

Orah's heart began to beat so hard she thought if Lunaris could hear it. She was tasked with changing those rocks into treasure for Lunaris by the use of her unique magic that was unfettered by the Forbidden Jungle's magic seal. She had fallen asleep before doing what was demanded of her.

Orah's lips were quivering as she tried desperately to find the correct words to explain her disobedience. "L-L-Lunaris," she stammered pitifully, her voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper, "I... I-I just don't kn-know what h-h-happened. I'm s-sorry!"

Orah watched as a large ugly black head move forward from the cover of darkness, revealing rows of broken and yellow-stained teeth. Lunaris was not happy. In response, Orah shrank in the face of Lunaris' disappointment.

"You aren't supposed to rest until you were finished," he told her coolly, his tone was icy calm. "Yet you disobeyed me. Again. Do you know what's going to happen next? I think you do."

A menacing chortle filled the depths of Orah's mind with despair. She's made this mistake one too many times, but it wasn't her fault. How could it? She was working too hard with very little food to eat or water to drink; she ran her poor self ragged trying to please this abhorrent creature, collapsing from overusing her magic and blacking out. It wasn't her fault.

He's going to hurt me, she thought, tears beginning to well up in her eye. I don't want the claw... I can't have the claw! Not again!

"Lunaris, s-sir," Orah began, fumbling over her words, "I'm... trying to, umm, to work as f-f-fast as I possibly can, but... but I need rest."

Lunaris said nothing, he only stared at the exhausted mare with a malicious glare. Orah at this point was hyperventilating and sweating, her chest heaving as she tried her best to breathe in any air inside this stuffy old cave.

"Are you saying I'm working you too hard?" he asked innocently. "Because the way I see it, you get to keep your life in exchange for making me treasure with that unique magic of yours. Your life, preserved, I get everything I want; this deal is quite efficacious for the both of us."

"Bu-but Lunaris, I can't keep making gems if... if I-I pass out," Orah whimpered. "Please, I beg you... let me have some moments of rest."

"I'm afraid I can't agree to that," he said. "Didn't you just wake up? It seemed you did; you were having a nightmare. You got your rest, now I expect some gems."

"But... but..." Orah was at a loss for words. "Lunaris, please... I can't."

A clawed fist slammed next to Orah, causing her to scream in terror. She felt the ground below her rumble and shake.

"Orah, do as I say or else," Lunaris threatened.

"I-I can't!" she shouted, her exhaustion and head pain overcoming her fear and distress. "Let me go. You can't keep me here anymore! Please, I can't do this anymore..."

Lunaris was eerily silent, and Orah thought he hadn't heard her voice her misery, but then she saw his eyes narrow into slits as a venomous smile became strewn across his snout.

"Okay, go ahead," he whispered, his voice as sweet as honey. "You aren't constrained. You can leave anytime you are able. You can waltz right out of this cave, and I won't stop you. But I know you won't. You'll die out there.

"You are a deprived pony; vulnerable and powerless to fend for yourself; ensnarled in a dangerous world teeming with beasts that would love nothing more than to rend and tear the flesh from your feeble body and leave your festering corpse for the maggots! So go on and leave but know that you are safest with me, and I demand very, very little from you."

Orah was speechless. What Lunaris spoke rang true and she knew it. Orah could leave and try her luck out in the wilderness if she didn't want to stay with him any longer, but they both knew she couldn't. Orah was never versed in combat; she's of a peaceful tribe. If she had, she might have been able to save her other eye from being torn out.

"You've been cowering in the darkness for so long, you wouldn't last five steps out there without the light dazzling your sight," Lunaris taunted, his face scrunched to give the trembling mare a derisive sneer. "Look at you: you won't even be able to stand let alone have the strength to defend yourself."

Again, Lunaris was right. Orah looked gaunt and skinny, her ribs showing underneath her coat. She wasn't in the best of health, and she looked as if she'd keel over at any second.

"So... what will it be? What will the pathetic mare do?" the black dragon asked, smirking.

Hurt by Lunaris' constant jibs and insults, Orah looked downward at the moist ground, defeated and tired. His words bashed the inside of her skull as her confidence, or what little retained, began to vanish.

She wasn't pathetic, right? She thought she was doing the right thing and taking control of her life. She wanted to be a part of something big and grand, to have an importance many would look upon with respect. With her unique magic, Orah wanted to make others happy and put smiles on their faces with the guidance of Princess Celestia lighting her path even further. But now it seemed to cause nothing except pain and woe.

The dream harkens back to her, and Orah is reminded of the two royal guards who risked their lives to see her through the Forbidden Jungle, only for them to meet a fate unknown to her. She shuddered. The body of the mare laying seemingly dead on the ground and the stallion choking on his blood... Orah felt drowned in guilt; her desire to become something even more than herself has caused pain or even death. Just thinking about it made her emetic. She could only pray for forgiveness.

Now here she was, starved and potentially ill, entrapped to serve a dragon who views the despondent mare as a tool to be bent and used until she couldn't any longer, a means to his end. He need only to care for her as little as possible, to make sure she didn't die, at least.

"Why...?" Orah's quivering plea was barely audible. "How c-c-could you do s-something like this?"

Orah heard Lunaris chuckle. "It's simple," he said without a hint of remorse. "I'm a dragon and I love treasure. I was sentenced here because I tried to kill and murder my people for their treasure. They bound me in invisible chains, hoping I would change my ways, and left me here until I gave in. But I didn't. I am a dragon, no matter what others say or do to me. I love treasure and I will never change that. I won't let them win; I will not conform and prostrate myself to them. Never.

"I'm going to continue doing what makes me... me. I will never change. And look what happens when I persevere. You come along with the magic to create anything from Mother Nature. What's, even more, is that your magic stands against this jungle's influence, unhindered by its rules; I'm just lucky to have come across such a great find. Why would I want to change that? I may be bound till the end of my days, but I will be surrounded by glittering gold, shining rubies, sparkling emeralds, and beautiful sapphires. In the end, I have won."

I am trapped here forever, Orah thought depressively, her eye becoming dull and empty. She tucked her hooves under her the best she could. He won't let me go. I can't escape. I'm going to be here until the day I die, enslaved to this unquenchable dragon. He'll keep hurting me... I'm going to get the claw until I break. What am I supposed to do?

Suddenly, Orah found herself knocked to the ground and onto her back, exposing her belly. It was riddled with black scars left by Lunaris as prior punishments for Orah's disobedience. Filthy claws pinned her legs firmly to the ground as Lunaris loomed over her with an ire that shone like the brightest flame. "I haven't forgotten your punishment," he snarled.

He raised a claw and bathed it in puny flames that sputtered from his mouth. The once white claw, now brown, was radiating a reddish-orange tint and he dangerously hovered it over Orah's heaving belly. The heat from the claw began to hurt Orah, gradually burning her underside.

"Maybe this will remind you of what you will always be: my prisoner."

Through gritted teeth, Orah strained desperately to fight back, squirming and making an effort to move her bound limbs, but nothing worked. Tears began to stream down her eye as the pain began to mount; she screamed and shouted in some last act of desperation, still hoping she could get away. If she would die by going outside the cave, then that's what she'd do. She'll take her chances; anything was better than being with this horrid creature.

But alas, her efforts to break free from Lunaris' hold were in vain, yet she continued to move as an echoing wail came from her; the burning claw had made contact with her scarred belly.

Everything swirled around Orah's blurring vision as the claw moved agonizingly down her belly. All she could see was Lunaris glaring mockingly at her and the encroaching darkness closing in as she screamed for the torture to stop.

Then, unable to take her cruel punishment any longer, everything went black; she gave one final shudder and became still.

Destiny Split: One Goes, One stay

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Of the past is a solemn interaction between a neophyte and his senior; a potential presentiment of the distant future.

It was a cold night in winter; crisp winds blew erratically, assaulting the ginger coat of a young stallion donned in bronze armor; a symbol of his newness and inexperience, as he struggles in vain to keep his limbs from shaking and his teeth chattering.

He looks toward the winter gray; the sky churning menacingly in an enormous, spine-chilling spiral; he felt puny and daunted as his eyes stretched from here to there at the seemingly encroaching sky blotting out everything he could see with a worldwide shadow; though his fears were for naught, as he was skittish and prone to delusions exacerbated from the spitting mouths of his much older brothers and sisters-in-arms.


A voice called from behind, strong and husky, temporarily jolting the anxious stallion from his terrors.

The young male turns to see another stallion far older than him donning the prestigious golden armor he often dreamed of wearing; a symbol of unwavering loyalty and devout conviction to serve a much higher power. His black eyes gleamed with years of experience, and his scars, from victorious battles, lay marked across his face, down his dark brown body hidden by armor.

The young stallion saluted. "Sir Rockfall," he muttered in awe and apprehension, "it's... i-it's more than a pleasure to meet you, sir."

Rockfall held a powerful stride until he was almost nose-to-nose with the young stallion. "What are you doing out here, Sunspot?"

"G-guarding, s-s-sir!"

Rockfall raised a brow, incredulous. "Alone?" he assumed, veering his gaze around. "There are normally two ponies guarding the entrance into the castle. Where's the other?"

"He had to turn in, complaining of a horrible ache in his head and back," Sunspot answered quickly. "I told him I could handle guard duty."

Rockfall huffed and studied Sunspot's shivering stance. "You seem embroiled in some kind of fear. Straighten up, boy!"

Frightened by Rockfall's sudden outburst, Sunspot immediately straightened, his posture mirroring the proud and dignified image all guards on watch duty are known for.

"That's better," Rockfall grumbled. "Now, what's gotten you spooked?"

Sunspot gulped and pointed toward the sky. "It churns unending into this spiral of encroaching darkness that cloaks everything in its shadow; though I know it isn't moving toward us, it just makes me feel so puny. And then I looked around and saw more of it; the shadowy sky was all around me, threatening to overtake me."

"Good thing I came when I did or you would be cowering in your armor," Rockfall said. "That is what you fear? The fury of the elements?"

Sunspot was puzzled. "Uh, no sir. I fear being swallowed in the darkness, with no hope of escaping. When I gaze up to the sky it reminds me of my fear, and I shudder horribly."

"It's quite scary, isn't it?" he asked, but he went on. "This fear that you is shared by many others. Though I have to ask: what compelled you to seek the life of a guard of Her Majesty?"

Sunspot looked taken aback by Rockfall's sudden question. "Well, I wanted to conquer my fear of the darkness, and I thought that joining the guard would help that desire. I thought I could become tougher, be stronger."

Rockfall narrowed his eyes. "Is that all?"

Sunspot rapidly shook his head, trying to not flinch under the black gaze of his superior. "No. Although my initial desire for joining was getting over a fear, over time I found that there was something more important and profound: that my fears were nothing but a distraction. I felt a sense of responsibility and duty over the few weeks I've been here; the importance of being a guard to Her Majesty, and that having this apprehensiveness would get in the way of that responsibility; I am on guard duty here specifically to be rid of it. What if something happens on a day like this? I would be too petrified to be of any use."

"Well, though you were shaking in your armor, you didn't run or get another guard to cover for you," Rockfall said. "That's good. If you like, I will stay here. Facing something alone is all well and good, but you have allies, so I hope you won't refuse my company."

"Of course, I wouldn't, Sir Rockfall! Please stay."

The older stallion nodded. "Alright."

As Rockfall took his position beside the castle entrance, Sunspot had a niggling question in his mind. He looked to Rockfall to gain his attention.

"What is it?"

"I would like to ask, if I may be so bold, is what do you fear, sir?" Sunspot asked.

Rockfall stared at him for a moment before letting out a muted sigh. "There aren't many things that scare me, none that are related to my job at least. Do you know my wife? Silver Mantle?"

Sunspot nodded; his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "She gave me a stern lecture in front of the other rookies. She can be quite scary." He shuddered. "Oh! No offense, Sir Rockfall!"

The older stallion merely chuckled. "None was taken, boy. Milly's tongue was always sharper than her spear, and twice as painful; she even snaps at Princess Celestia on occasion, but she tells you things because she cares. We grew up together in Ponyville with dreams of becoming royal guards.

"She was always the better fighter, but I knew how to talk with some clarity and diplomacy which often landed me in the position of emissary by Her Majesty. You know, Milly is barred from attending any meetings with other royal kingdoms; her silver tongue wasn't just sharp, it was also quite foul; courtesy of the dead ringer of her sea-faring mother."

Sunspot was trying to contain a snort of amusement. "She got anything from her father?"

Rockfall nodded. "His eyes and his temperament."

"She seems like a wonderful wife."

"When she isn't chewing your ear off," Rockfall muttered, but his face displayed a fond smile.

"So...she is what you fear?" Sunspot asked.

"Ah, yes! You did ask that. Not exactly. I fear dying."

Sunspot was silent for a few moments. "But you are Rockfall, a strong and deeply respected pony. How could you fear anything?"

"A pony's a pony," Rockfall answered. "I don't fear myself dying."

"Then who?"

"Milly," he whispered. "We were always together if our duties didn't separate us; when Shining Armor and his old friend Spearhead were still in the royal guard, they'd often say that Milly and I were joined at the hip, that one of us wasn't without the other, and they were right.

"Despite being together every opportunity we had, Milly was always more independent than I was, more eager to learn, and quite extroverted. I couldn't do much of anything without her when we were younger; her father had a thing for mechanics and her mother always knew how to fix just about anything; those were their talents, and they were heavily ingrained within Milly's life.

"It's humorous that Milly's cutie mark symbolizes a pedagogy in training the future generations of guards, royal or not, but I guess it just goes to show you: she loves teaching. She taught me how to fight and defend myself; we would spar and she always beat me, but she never boasted. She was just happy to spend any amount of time with me.

"I fear her death because I wouldn't be able to cope with it. I always depended on her, asking Milly for her opinion on things when I go on diplomatic missions, though her advice remained crude and... very amateurish, I still valued her words; they did prove useful when venturing to the Griffon Kingdom but were impractical anywhere else."

"She seems quite the treasure," Sunspot regarded.

"One of a kind. If I were to pass away, I'd know Milly will take it in stride and recover; that mare's a strong one. But if she died, that would be the end of me. If there is anything I could do to prevent Milly's death, if it was in my absolute power, I'd do it without hesitation.

"Milly was always more important than I was and the skills passed down by her parents, coupled with her own, make her much more valuable. If you were torn between who you should look up to, look toward my wife rather than me, however, try and retain some sense and a sanitary vocabulary."

Sunspot struggled to find a way to speak. He didn't like how Rockfall demeaned himself, yet there was this sense of acceptance wafting from the older stallion and Sunspot knew that whatever he would say, whatever he could mean, nothing would derail Rockfall's outlook on himself and the pedestal he puts his wife on. Rockfall was right. Milly often took in more work than he did and most of her time is with training soldiers, and any time left was together with Rockfall.

It was sad, at least to Sunspot. Rockfall didn't seem to be bothered as if he had already resigned himself to this way of thinking, and in a way, Sunspot respected that.

"Your loyalty and honesty are inspiring, sir," Sunspot said at last. "I would like to learn from both her and you. It sort of reminds me of this colt I used to know during my education at the School of Magic. A good friend."

"I do?" Rockfall asked, sounding intrigued.

Sunspot nodded. "He was very passionate about the study of magic, and he was quite the bookworm. He knew everything there was to know about magic. There was nothing he couldn't understand and no pony who knew more. We got along quite well, and although he could understand magic, he was untalented at casting it, and eventually, he dropped out."

"I'm sorry to hear that, he seemed like a promising youth akin to Twilight Sparkle."

"He was."

"Where did he go? Did you keep in touch?"

"We kept in touch," Sunspot said, "and I recently learned he currently lives in the Crystal Empire."

"What's his name?"

"Sunburst," Sunspot answered. "At first, I thought he was my cousin since our names are so similar, but it was just a coincidence. However, his diligent studying inspired me to complete my education."

"Glad to hear it," the older stallion said. "After guard duty, how about you, me, and Milly get together? We can teach you a few things that can help forward your career."

Sunspot was beaming. "Truly?"

Rockfall chuckled. "Of course, boy. Besides, I'm not getting any younger. It's better to pass on some skills to the youth in the hopes of building a better future for Equestria."

A sharp prickle of anxiety shot through Sunspot's heart as he gazed at Rockfall. "Sir, you sound as if you're going to die soon."

Rockfall turned his black gaze toward the wintry gloam. "I'm getting old, Sunspot," he said, his voice losing its calm timbre. "Underneath all this armor and muscle are feeble bones; I was thinking about retiring soon and moving back to Ponyville. There's a home waiting for me."

"But what about Mil- I mean Silver Mantle? Both of you have always been together. You can't separate now."

"I know," Rockfall muttered, "and I'm not saying I'll leave now. I got a few more good years before I lay down my armor."

"And about Silver Mantle?"

"She'll be staying after I retired," he answered. "She's a few years younger than me and sprier; the only way she'll retire is if she's forced to. That mare's a hot-blooded one; Princess Celestia will have a tough time trying to make her see sense."

Rockfall glanced at Sunspot who had a dejected look across his face. "Oh come now, boy," he said. "Don't look at me like that. I'll still be here for a while."

Sunspot sighed. "I promise to be the best royal guard I can be. I'll make you proud, sir!"

Rockfall chuckled. "Good deal, but you have to become a royal guard first. I'll be waiting for that ceremony."

Rockfall blitzed with Joey by his side as they entered through the arched entrance to come out the other side to view a mound surrounded with rocks and layered with deep imprints on the ground. The prints of a dragon; a proud creature of immense strength, to whom is reduced to something far less but more fitting: an imprisoned fool.

Rockfall glared scornfully at the imprints, parting his lips and baring his teeth in rage. He then turned his fierce gaze forward and stared defiantly at a large gaping hole brimming with foreboding darkness surrounded by a thick legion of charred trees.

There it was. Lunaris' home.

A rustle in some foliage alerted Rockfall, but he relaxed slightly as Nian and Narros appeared. The brown rabbit held a serious expression Rockfall could look to admire, while Narros' expression portrayed wariness, which Rockfall respected. They were going to confront a dangerous enemy, but they were ready.

Joey stood beside his Pokémon, facing the grim entrance of Lunaris' cave.

"As a refresher, we are expected to settle this peacefully," Joey said, "but if things go south, we take Orah back by force. Rockfall, are you prepared?"

The dark brown stallion nodded his eyes burning with determination.

"Alright, let's announce ourselves."

It didn't take long for Rockfall and his friends to wait for a response from within the cave. The stallion stood his ground as a large black shadow appeared within the cave's entrance. He saw the slitted blue eyes bare menacingly upon them. Putrid black smoke bellowed from the darkness and Rockfall had to stifle a cough.

"Who are you?" the voice said, deep and chilling. "Wait... just a moment. One of you is familiar."

A black head came out of the shadows of the cave. There was a crooked sneer splayed across his face, revealing rows of stained and broken teeth.

"Are you Lunaris?" Joey asked.

Rockfall was amazed at Joey's courage; his voice was commanding but also friendly, and Rockfall saw that Lunaris' appearance had not stirred a single scrap of fear. Rockfall, though he is determined to rescue Orah, had his legs tremble slightly and he could feel his heart beating faster than before.

"I am," the dragon answered. He glances at Rockfall and felt his eyes widen. "Yes... you do look familiar. That scar snaking down your throat... I know the wounds I inflict quite well. You and that other pony failed to protect Orah. Yes, it's quite clear!"

Joey glanced sideways at Rockfall and watched the stallion stiffen.

"Well, well, ain't this a surprise!" Lunaris exclaimed, chortling but immediately giving rise to a coughing fit. "Look at what we have here; I do remember you! How could I forget? It's the failure who ate dirt after a swipe from my claw! How're those scars I've given you holding up? Does it hurt to see them every time you look in a mirror? Does it remind you of how weak and helpless you were?!"

Rockfall did nothing.

"How's the mare, eh? Is she still kickin' or is she six feet under for the maggots to gnaw on her rotting flesh? She was banged up pretty good after I was done with her. I should've done more, you know? Played with her a while longer; give you a front-row seat to her screams and cries."

Rockfall felt his dark brown coat ripple with frustration and shame; to be mocked and humiliated like some pathetic excuse of a royal guard. When he and Silver Mantle were ambushed, Rockfall almost immediately fell against the dragon's sneak attack; his throat was slashed and he took a massive beating until Silver Mantle had to go and rescue him.

A prickle of sadness and guilt wormed into his heart yet again. If only he had been more alert Silver Mantle might not have been in a coma and would be standing next to him right now.

He has to make this right. He can't feel sorry for himself right now. He tried to imagine Orah under the ruthless rule of Lunaris and felt his sadness be replaced with righteous anger.

He glared challengingly at Lunaris to which the dragon held his gaze with his own.

"Hey... why are you looking at me like you're going to do something? I hate that, it's ugly. And where was the fire? Aren't you going to spout curses as that mare did?" Lunaris studied Rockfall's wound more closely. "Wait... the neck wound I gave you. It should've taken your life but it seems did take something away. You can't speak! What a riot!"

"If you're quite finished," Joey said, interrupting Lunaris' taunts, "we have come for Orah. We want her back."

Lunaris snorted and rasped, "Is, uh... is this it? This is the rescue party coming to whisk that sniveling pony from my talons? No... no, no, no... this can't be it. A loser, a freak, and his furry pets?! I'm a dragon! You insult me!"

Lunaris glared at Rockfall. "Where is she? Huh! Where's the mare that tried to slice my belly open?! Where is the challenge? Is it you, the one who went down without me even so much as batting an eye towards? An afterthought my talons managed to swipe? A pebble my tail bowled over?! Where is she?!

"What? Is she dead? She doesn't have the right to die until I sink my talons into her flesh and rip her apart! You, the worthless loser, dare to come back without her?! Huh?!"

Although Rockfall didn't take his fierce gaze off of the dragon, he flinched and recoiled at the sheer passion coming from his mouth.

Nian huffed angrily and attempted to take a step forward to pummel Lunaris with her fists; she was itching for a fight and she was getting tired of the dragon's insults. Unfortunately, for her at least, Joey held her back.

"We can solve this without fighting," he told her. He turns his white gaze to Lunaris. "All we want is Orah back. She doesn't belong here, no pony does."

Lunaris had barely shifted his eyes to Joey since their confrontation, and when the dragon got a good look at Joey's face, a glint of wonder found its way to his own.

"Your eyes," Lunaris said solemnly, "are so exquisite. So rare; so beautiful... They glisten with mystery and wonder; they mesmerize me like gems; white diamonds. I never had the pleasure of having one or more." Lunaris shook his head trying to focus. "I'm not giving her up. She's mine; my little gem maker. I will not give her up!"

Joey sighed. "We don't want a fight, but we won't leave until you give her back."

"Then so be it!" Lunaris spat crossly. "I may be stuck here forever in this forsaken place, but I won't let you have her. She does everything I demand. I will not give in to defeat!"

Lunaris sprang forward with a decrepit lunge as if he had hardly moved, roaring. Everyone scattered, narrowly avoiding his lunge.

"Nian, Narros! Do your thing!" Joey commanded.

Nian smirked, dashing up to Lunaris, and used Mega Kick. Sparkles eclipsed her right leg as she sends the attack straight to Lunaris' chest, creating a wind-shattering impact that forced the dragon to reel back in pain. Recovering quickly, Lunaris retaliates, swinging his enormous tail onto Nian. She blocks it but the sheer force of the attack sent the rabbit crashing into a slew of trees.

Lunaris shifted his ire into Joey and was about open his mouth in an attempt to incinerate him, but the large dragon was interrupted by something that threatened to slice his back open. Squealing in rage, Lunaris whips around to see Narros using the move Night Slash. The dragon's eyes widened as the Absol reared his head back, the scythe-like protrusion glowed an eerie purple. Narros jerks his head in a wide-sweeping motion, shooting the attack from his horn.

Lunaris dodges, slithering his massive body to slip from Narros' onslaught. When the attacks let up, Lunaris charges at Narros, stretching out his flesh-rending claws and taking swipe after swipe at the Absol. A glint had appeared in Narros' eyes: Detect, a move that allows the user to protect itself by foreseeing the near future. Narros uses the move to effortlessly dodge backward and sideways Lunaris' dirt-ridden claws, but the dragon was persistent and ruthless and Narros found it harder and harder to evade his foe.

Just before Lunaris could finally hit him, a brown blur shot from the trees and smashed into Lunaris. The blue-eyed black dragon screeched and fell to the jungle floor in a crash. Narros squinted his eyes to see Nian punching the daylights out of Lunaris' snout with the latter snarling and trying to swat the brown rabbit to the ground.

Meanwhile, Joey and Rockfall raced toward the entrance of the dank cave and peered inside. There was nothing but the acrid stench of must and blood. Joey could barely breathe in the odor without recoiling in disgust. Rockfall mirrored Joey's abrasive reaction.

"I'll head inside and see if I can find Orah," Joey said, giving the cave a rueful look. "You stay out here and help Nian and Narros, but be careful to not get hit with any of their moves: they do not discern friend from foe."

Although Rockfall wanted to protest and head inside the cave alongside Joey, he was not the leader of this rescue team and Rockfall had explicit orders to aid him. With that in mind, Rockfall begrudgingly complies with Joey's command, turning his back away from the cave and charging to join to fight against Lunaris.

Joey heads inside the damp odorous cave, his shoes sinking into the moist ground and making squelching sounds as he treks. The sounds of battle gradually died down as darkness surrounds the human. Though he could not see, Joey used his sense of smell, to his dismay, to help guide him through the long stretch of darkness. Minutes go by and Joey finds a dim light source up ahead.

Quickening his steps, Joey reaches a small hollow space lit by a few large branches on both sides of the hollow's entrance. Joey steps in and lays his eyes on a feeble mare huddled around a vast collection of rocks that varied in size. To his right, he sees a pile of gems and jewels. To his left were more rocks.

Focusing his attention on the mare in the middle, Joey witnesses a pale white light glowing from her and inched himself a tad closer, careful to not interrupt her concentration.

What happens next shocked the human. The bundle of rocks began to shift and rattle before mystical light enveloped the stack in its pleasant glow. Joey had to look away as the light began to hurt his eye, and when he turned back to see the rocks, they were replaced, and rubies were in their place. Joey watched on as the mare weakly shoves the rubies into the pile of treasure before getting another bundle of rocks.

He heard her coughing and hacking up something fierce, her body giving way to horrible shivers. The mare wheezed tiredly, struggling to keep herself from collapsing, but the strain was too much, and she fell to the moist ground with a resounding splat.

Rushing over to the mare, Joey was horrified by the black scars sliding from her chest down to her belly, most notably one that looked very, very recent. The mare was malnourished and her ribs showed underneath her crimson dirt-encrusted coat, her silver mane and tail were a shaggy mess, and the sides of her mouth were shriveled from lack of water. Her tongue lolled out to the side as if the effort of keeping it in her mouth was too much.

It was a pitiful sight.

Joey was staring at the defeated body of Orah, the pony he and the rest of his team were tasked with rescuing. She looked so small, and she looked sick.


Before Joey could say another word, the mare shot from the ground and forced her body against a wall, her eyes wide and scared.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to sleep," she cried, her fears of Lunaris clouding her perception of Joey. "Lunaris, please, don't give me the claw! Anything but the claw!"

Joey was shocked at Orah's delusional outbursts and nearly recoiled at the fear strewn across her scarred visage. He saw her keel forward, clutching the fresh scar that ran down her belly. She wailed in distress, begging for the pain to stop.

"Orah, I'm not Lunaris," Joey said, daring to take a step forward.

Orah lifted her head, her eyes widening again. It's as if she had forgotten she wasn't the only one in the small cavern.

"Stop!" she wailed. "Get away from me; don't touch me! Lunaris, I'm sorry!"

"Orah!" Joey shouted, silencing the mare to mere whimpers. "I'm sorry I had to shout, but I need you to listen to me. I'm not Lunaris." He took another step closer. "Look at me: no claws, no sharp teeth, no tail, no dragon. I won't hurt you, I promise."

At this point, Orah was trying to heave in as much air as she possibly could. Then, as Joey approached her, Orah eyed him with suspicion.

"Am I dreaming again?" she muttered, her shuddering breaths coming in rapid gasps. "Is this another cruel fantasy? How do I know you're real?! How do I know I'm not making up this delusion?!"

By now, Joey stood in front of her. He reaches out a hand and strokes her cheek gently. Orah immediately started to scream in terror but with every stroke, her terrified wailing lessons until it became a faint whimper.

She looked at him, tears streaking down her face. "You... you are real," she rasped. "My prayers have... not gone u-unheard. I thought I was abandoned, left to this fate at the claws of my oppressor, but...but here you stand before me. I had resigned myself to death, but knowing you are here now... I may still have a chance at freedom. Who are you?"

Joey gave the mare a smile that melted her heart. "My name is Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short," he said, introducing himself.

"Joeshur." She whispered his name a couple of times, staring at the ground. She looks up with fondness in her gaze. "You are my savior. I am forever in your debt. And your eyes mystify me. I've never seen something so beautiful; so pure and white."

Joey chuckled. "Thanks for the compliment. Are you able to move on your own?"

Orah grunted, trying her best to rise to her full height, but the action was too taxing and she fell on Joey's chest.

"I can't," she murmured miserably. "It's too much of a strain. I'm sorry, Joeshur."

"It's okay," he said. "I can carry you. But first..."

Joey reached into his backpack and grabbed a spray bottle of Potion.

"Alright, I'll need you to lay on your back so I'll be able to use this potion properly," Joey instructed. "It'll sting, but only for a moment."

Orah was reluctant to expose her belly again and for good reason, but Joey's quiet assurances and smile won her over and she did as he asked. At once, Joey sprayed the bottle of Potion over her wounds, and although she felt a jolt of pain, she felt much better after. The pain was still there but it was lessened and Orah felt she didn't feel as if she was dying every second.

With the medicine applied, Joey gently lifted Orah's weakened body and held her close to his chest before turning away and heading toward the exit of the cave.

The battle outside was raging. The area was scorched and small craters were littered about. Narros lay on his sides panting. Nian stood over him, protecting him from Lunaris. The rabbit knew if something happened to Narros Joey would be distraught, and if she can prevent such tragedy, then she will. While Joey was busy finding Orah, Nian, Narros, and Rockfall sustained a few injuries but not without inflicting their own on their dragon adversary. Lunaris was covered in bruises and lacerations, and he looked fatigued and breathless.

It should come as no surprise: Lunaris has been confined to the Forbidden Jungle as punishment for not only attempted murder but also attempted regicide. Lunaris has been bound by the Dragon Lord to never escape the clutches of the Forbidden Jungle until he shows a genuine change of character and a desire to seek penance and forgiveness, however, the dragon has refused to change.

Being in the Forbidden Jungle is perilous for any predator as something can come along and kill them just like they kill prey to survive. To protect himself since he was a more sapient being, Lunaris created a home for himself to stave off the ruthless wilderness lurking in the shadows, but over the years he's gone weaker; a poor version of his past prime as a strong dragon, though dregs of his old life clung with him being a ferocious fighter.

Now he was tired and unsteady on his claws as if he'd keel over at any second. He glared warily at Rockfall who mirrored his exhaustion. They were both old; mighty creatures now past their prime who retain fleeting elements of their younger days.

"You've proved to be able to defend yourself properly this time," Lunaris gasped, sneering at the old stallion with a look of contempt. "And you have gotten me to take you a little more seriously, but it won't be enough. Those gauntlets clasped around your forelegs are sharper than they look; hidden blades that not even I can see. Seems you've come here to kill me first and save Orah second. Aren't you being a little selfish?"

Rockfall snorted, scraping the ground with his hooves. He coughed hoarsely, blood sputtering from his mouth and onto the earth. He staggered back but he forced himself to remain standing.

Lunaris bared his teeth, chortling at his joke. "It seems we both have death looming over our heads; this is too much of an exercise for you. It's nothing short of a miracle that the gash snaking down your throat hasn't claimed you as it should have. You ponies are truly something else; it's quite unexpected that I, a dragon, could struggle against something as puny as you. Congratulations."

Limping forward, both opponents flew into battle. Lunaris attempted to rip Rockfall apart by tearing his flesh with his claws, but the old stallion was able to narrowly dodge and retaliated with his gauntlets. A few quick blows tore at Lunaris' legs and the dragon screeched in pain. He manages to smack the stallion with a clenched fist, sending Rockfall barreling to the earth before skidding to a halt.

They kept going, attack after attack, almost blow for blow connecting, but none of them let the other gain a foothold over the other as they fought viciously. Lunaris tried to breathe a torrent of flame from his throat, but it came out pitiful embers raining down upon Rockfall as the stallion attempted to weave around the burning specks, but he staggered, and a large ember hit him directly on his right hind leg. A noiseless wail escaped Rockfall as he tumbles to the ground and writhed as the ember burned through the hairs on his leg and to the skin until a foul odor of burning flesh pervaded the air around him.

Desperate to quell the burn, Rockfall sweeps his right hind leg across the earth, smoldering the burn, but his leg still stung and he could barely move it.

Taking the opportunity, Lunaris flaps his ruined wings and hovers toward Rockfall, who strained his eyes through the pain to see Lunaris looming over him. He was going to crush him in a bloody pulp!

Before Lunaris could get into position, a voice came from the cave. It was Joey, and he was carrying a barely conscious mare in his arms: it was Orah! The human threw a red capsule and spoke the words, "Lena, use Gravity!" and Rockfall witnessed the large pink creature that helped put the dying Manticore to rest manifest from the mystical light. She dropped to the ground and waves her little pink nubs in a swaying motion before shouting.

Rockfall watched on in awe as a sphere of darkness manifested over Lunaris' head and collapses onto him. In an instant, confused, Lunaris found it harder and harder to stay in the air no matter how hard he flapped his wings. Then, almost without warning, Lunaris plummeted to the battle-scarred earth, crashing and letting out an agonizing screech that pierced the eardrums of Joey and his allies forcing them to cover their ears for fear if they didn't, they'd bleed.

Once the screech died down, Joey thanks Lena and returns the Chansey to her respective Poké Ball. Before Joey could issue any other orders to his Pokémon on the field, Lunaris whips around and opened his mouth to bring forth a cascade of embers.

With quick thinking, Joey swaps Lena's Poké Ball with Jenny's and summons the Jynx to block the incoming embers about to spout from Lunaris' mouth. Heeding her orders without hesitation, Jenny takes a huge intake of the Nevermeltice's chilling vapors and blew a torrent of mist on the ground in front of her and ice began to form an immense barrier.

Just after Jenny finished, Lunaris' ember attack came out fiercer than she or Joey had thought; a surprising beam of orange fire burst forth from the dragon's mouth and collided with the barrier of ice. Jenny was taken aback by the force of Lunaris' attack, but with Joey behind her, she dared not move a single muscle. She attempted to withstand the flames by blowing more mist into the barrier to prevent it from melting but the longer she tried to stave off the torrent of flame, the weaker she became; this wasn't the same flare that enraptures her whenever she was with Joey, this was something far more deadly.

Thinking fast, Joey barks an order to Nian and the rabbit obeys. She leaped away from Narros' side and rushed to Lunaris and socked the dragon right in the jaw with Power-Up Punch, forcing the dragon to cease his roaring flames. Jenny thanks Nian with a dip of her head before Joey returns the Jynx in her respective Poké Ball.

Rockfall, with Lunaris stunned, takes the opportunity to end the fight. Ignoring the lingering burn on his right hind leg, Rockfall scrambles on his hooves and darts to Lunaris' neck, reaching out with one of his forelegs to slice the dragon's throat. Unable to react quickly enough to get away, Lunaris' throat was slashed cleanly, but not before swinging a claw toward Rockfall in desperation. The claw narrowly tears open Rockfall's neck wound and both adversaries fall to the ground in silence.

Joey, Nian, and Narros looked on in horror as Lunaris gave a whimpering twitch of his body before going limp. Joey rushed over, ignoring Lunaris' corpse, and kneeled over Rockfall while Nian and Narros watched on in silence.

Joey saw Rockfall's bruised and battered body and sent Lena out to check over his wounds. Examining Rockfall's body quickly, Lena shook her head miserably, telling Joey there isn't anything she can do. He was going to die in a matter of seconds. Thanking her, Joey returned Lena to her Poké Ball.

A heavy sigh escaped from Joey's lips. He had never known Rockfall, and he wished there was an opportunity to know him before all of this, but the time he did spend with the stallion would be cherished. As he stared at Rockfall with Orah barely able to keep her eyes open, Joey saw that the old stallion's glazed eyes glimmered faintly with a pink shine before fading. Suddenly, a smile appeared on Rockfall's face, then he heard a slow breath exhaling from his lips, and then he lay limp.

"What was that glimmer I saw?" Joey wondered. "It looked almost... mystical." Then he sighs again, closing Rockfall's eyes. "Nian."

The brown rabbit bounded up to Joey. "Yes, Joey?"

"I want you to carry Rockfall's body," he ordered, standing up and getting a better grip on Orah. "He will not be buried here. We saved Orah as well, but Lunaris..." He looked at the dragon's body. "He should be laid to rest and his home's entrance blocked. The treasure inside is made up of blood, fear, and tears, and no creature should be allowed inside that cave. Get Narros to help you. Understand?"

"Why should we?" she asked crossly. "Lunaris doesn't deserve to be buried. He should rot."

Joey narrowed his eyes. "It's the right thing to do," he said calmly, his tone icy cold. "Please do as I said. I'll help after I get Orah comfortable."

Although she wanted to protest further, Nian dipped her head and said, "Okay, Joey. I'll do it."

Joey smiled. "Thanks," he whispered.

By the time they were finished, Lunaris was buried in front of his cave, the cave's entrance was demolished by Nian and Narros, and the team began their cautious trek through the Forbidden Jungle to reach its entrance. With the map's directions firmly planted in Joey's mind, the team exited the Forbidden Jungle in two hours.

The guards awaiting their return saw Rockfall's dead body and dipped their heads in respect and grief. While they were gone, a legate gave the two guards a message from Her Majesty. After being asked what the message was, the two guards say that Princess Celestia is awaiting their return at Canterlot, or more specifically the Canterlot Infirmary.

Joey grunted and wasted no time getting into the golden chariot with Nian and Narros. He cradles Orah closely as Nian carefully hauled Rockfall's body into the chariot with Narros giving his back as support for the deceased royal guard. With everything carefully in place, the guards take off to the skies and head to Canterlot with news both good and bad.

Meanwhile, in the Canterlot Infirmary...

Just outside a patient's room, a doctor is speaking to Princess Celestia in a hushed whisper as if he were afraid of anypony overhearing their conversation.

"Princess Celestia, I believe that Silver Mantle," he glances to the door with a countenance of sorrow, "won't make it. We've tried everything, but nothing has made a difference. I fear...I fear she will have a few hours left."

"But how?" Her Radiance muttered solemnly; her face scrunched to an agitated scowl. "All the medicine, all the healing magic, all of the professional aid, and she still has not shown any signs of recovery? How?!"

The doctor was taken aback by the ferocity of Princess Celestia's tone. It wasn't often any pony would witness Her Majesty's ire; it was an emotion best left behind closed doors, but now Princess Celestia could not stymie the rage boiling underneath her skin.

"I-I do not know, Your Majesty," the doctor stammered, taking a few cautious steps away for fear of his safety. "The wounds she sustained during the fight were grievous; she should have shown signs of life by now. Princess Celestia, I know how frustrated you feel, I feel it too, but it's out of our hooves now."

"No... no, this can't be. Silver had so much to give," Princess Celestia muttered sadly. She tried her best to stop the onset of coming tears. "I've known her ever since she came to Canterlot with Rockfall, and I watched them grow into such fine pairs of ponies; I even went to their wedding and gave them the blessing of good fortune and a long happy life together. What would I say to him now? He felt so guilty. How could I look at him and tell him his wife died under my watch?"

Princess Celestia felt her legs buckle underneath her grief and, without warning, fell to the floor in despair. From her shuddering mouth came a despairing exhale of sorrow.

"Your Majesty!" the doctor shouted, kneeling toward her. "Are you okay?!"

"She was my friend," she croaked hoarsely. "I've lost so many over the years, but this? Oh Rockfall, I'm so sorry."

Wallowing in the pit of her grief, Princess Celestia heard the sudden stamping of hooves and a door opening that led into Silver Mantle's room. She lifts her head and sees the fear-stricken yet relieved expression of a nurse.

"Princess Celestia, Dr. Ail, there is something you both need to see now," she said.

Dr. Ail stood up with the Princess by his side. "What's wrong? What's happened?"

Unable to contain herself any longer, the nurse exclaimed, "She's awake! Silver Mantle is awake!"

"But how?!" Dr. Ail said in shock. "There were no signs of her getting better. She only had a few more hours to live. How is she even awake?! She's supposed to be in a coma!"

"I... I don't know how, but she's awake right now and the wounds are nearly gone!"

Heart lifting, Princess Celestia lightly barged her way past the two awestruck ponies and entered the room. A wave of relief washes over Princess Celestia's coat as she sees a white-coated, golden-maned mare wrapped in bandages staring out a window. When she turned, her emerald eyes glistened and shined.

Ecstatic, Princess Celestia hurries over to the mare to embrace her but she halts abruptly. The glistening she saw seconds prior was tears welling up in her eyes. Princess Celestia's heart plummeted as sorrow and horror were plastered all over Silver Mantle's face.

"Gone..." Her whisper was so inaudible that Princess Celestia had to strain her ears. "He's gone forever."

Princess Celestia stiffened. This wasn't what she expected. She expected Silver Mantle to spout curses, fling the covers off of her body, and storm out of the room with the determination to find her husband. But that was further from the truth. She looked defeated and tired; there was naught a single spark, not a fleeting morsel of an ember. There was just a cold sadness in her gaze. Princess Celestia was so taken aback by this sudden change she didn't know how to address her old friend the way she normally would.

"Silver, what do... what do you mean?"

"I felt it," she croaked. "In my heart, I felt him vanish. Then, I felt something flow into me, and I awoke. How close was I to death?"

Princess Celestia stood silent over Silver Mantle's heart-wrenching words. Eventually, the nurse and Dr. Ail entered with their ears and heads drooping slightly, a sign they had overheard.

"You weren't getting better no matter what we did," Dr. Ail began. "You were in a very deep coma. You only had a few hours to live."

"You should have not been able to wake up or live," the nurse added. "Despite everything we did to help, you were going to be lost to us. Whatever happened to have you not only stay with us but to be awake is nothing short of a miracle. A blessing."

"But he's gone," she repeated. "I felt him go away."

Princess Celestia stared blankly at Silver Mantle. "The magic of love is mysterious; I've seen it performed before. It's a rare sight, but I think I know what Rockfall did. The love between you two is as strong as Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, or even more so. The love you two shared manifested into a wish granted in the form of love magic. His wish was that you survived."

"The power of our love did that?" Silver Mantle rasped. Then a fire lit in her eyes. "Well, I don't want it! Not if it means I have to live without him. Tell me how to reverse it. Tell me how I can save him. I'll do anything that's needed!"

Princess Celestia shook her head despite wanting to do what Silver Mantle demanded. "I can't do that." It broke Princess Celestia's heart to see the flame in Silver Mantle's eyes peter out. "If Rockfall wished for you to live then that means the worst has come to pass. It's a marvel to know that kind of power that has been performed in the Forbidden Jungle could overwrite its rules; he brought you back in the name of love. I'm so sorry, Silver. Rockfall is dead."

Time to Unwind

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Of recent memory is the events after losing a royal guard.

It was three days after Joey, Nian, and Narros, along with the support of Lena and Jenny, rescued Orah. Unfortunately, Rockfall died fighting Lunaris, a dragon that was confined to the Forbidden Jungle for trying to commit deeds such as attempted murder of his kind for their treasure and attempted regicide, all of which had failed. The dragon had died alongside Rockfall when the stallion had sliced the dragon's throat.

Though he died, Rockfall's love for his wife, Silver Mantle, who he calls Milly, manifested into magic similar to the instance when Shining Armor and Princess Cadance used their love to banish the Changelings during the invasion of Canterlot. With the power of love, Rockfall had, in his final moments, made a wish that ensured Silver Mantle's recovery, to whom would have died from her injuries inflicted by Lunaris weeks ago.

When Joey and his Pokémon pals, Nian and Narros, had arrived in Canterlot, more specifically the Canterlot Infirmary, he was immediately greeted by a grief-stricken Princess Celestia trotting up to him after the golden chariot had landed. Very few words were spoken as Joey gingerly held the limp body of Orah; she looked gaunt and ill with horrible scars snaking rigidly down her belly; a result of Lunaris' neglect and cruelty.

Almost at once, nurses led by Doctor Ailment had approached Joey with a stretcher and told the human to lay Orah's unmoving body onto the stretcher so they could take care of her. He did as he was asked and settled Orah gently in the stretcher before she was carted off into the building.

Doctor Ailment stayed behind. He wanted to be completely sure if Rockfall was truthfully dead. He trotted to the chariot and peered his gray gaze inside and saw the motionless body of Rockfall. The scar down his neck had reopened, blood staining the base of the chariot, and he was not breathing. Ears drooping accompanied by a long and heavy sigh; Doctor Ailment turned to Princess Celestia with a gaze to suggest what the alicorn already knew.

Princess Celestia had hoped what she concluded with Silver Mantle was just a hunch, pure speculation, and wished that the mare had gotten better by some mysterious miracle and not by a rare blessing from Rockfall. She wanted to believe it so badly. A lie. And she knew better. Everything she said had unfortunately been true, and it didn't halt the fresh tears threatening to slide down her tired visage.

Doctor Ailment would call for another stretcher to whisk Rockfall away. Princess Celestia had looked on as the body of an old friend she cherished vanished within the Canterlot Infirmary.

It took several seconds of dreadful silence before she had the strength to look at Joey, who, with Nian and Narros, were practically silent since they landed. The alicorn gave him a shadow of a smile, thanking the human and his Pokémon for saving Orah and that he would be rewarded for his aid sometime later. She was dull and tired like Princess Celestia had gone through Tartarus and back several times that day.

Joey, with the Pokémon by his side, dipped his head in a respectful bow. He knew the pain of losing a loved one. And he hoped that Silver Mantle would recover from this ordeal. Princess Celestia told him that Silver would and dismissed the human with a polite nod before heading back into the Canterlot Infirmary, probably to pay her final respects to the fallen soldier she called friend.

It was a blissful morning and Joey with Nian by his side was ambling toward a bridge outside the village of Ponyville to meet a friendly pegasus named Fluttershy. Joey met the shy yellow pegasus when he dropped unceremoniously into the world of Equestria next to the Everfree Forest. Joey and Nian had saved and comforted Fluttershy and her friends Twilight Sparkle and Applejack from a tenacious duo of vicious and ravenous Manticores.

Since then, Fluttershy has been visiting Joey every other day alongside Princess Twilight Sparkle whenever she wasn't engrossed in some kind of experiment and or task from Princess Celestia.

Joey felt that since Fluttershy visits so often, he should visit her on occasion to repay the kindness. Initially, it was just going to be him, but Nian had insisted she tagged along to which Joey was happy. Out of all the ponies Nian has been around, Fluttershy is the most well-known. And it was one of the few ponies Nian didn't grimace towards so that was a plus in Joey's book.

Narros was coming as well but when he heard that Joey was going to visit Fluttershy, he changed his mind and stayed behind to look after the house in Joey's absence.

When two close friends crossed the bridge and went a little way down a well-trodden path, they were met by a beautiful cottage resting in the near distance. Approaching closer to the woodland cottage, Joey spots a group of animal burrows, birdhouses sprinkled around the area, and a miniature house that, on closer inspection, says the words, "Angel's House".

Many animals frolicked and cavorted wherever an eye wandered and they were quite friendly: little mice danced around Joey's shoes, birds perched atop his head and shoulders, and cute insects like butterflies fluttered lazily around him. It was cute and kind of funny, Nian had to contain a snort of amusement at the dumbfounded and almost flustered face Joey made.

"Joey?" A voice, meek and reserved, came from the front of the woodland cottage. Veering his limpid white eyes, Joey spots Fluttershy fluttering out of her cottage with a bag of animal food.

Almost at once, the animals rushed excitedly over to their pony caretaker with smiles of hunger and joy. Fluttershy, using her soothing voice calmed the rambunctious yowls and cries of the animals into mere whispers as she distributed the animal feed among them. Joey watched on as the animals mowed down the food just as it fell to the ground. Fluttershy had a contented expression, and the human knew she enjoyed her life. Harkening back to a memory of the day he arrived unannounced, Joey is reminded that Fluttershy could talk to animals as it pertains to her cutie mark and that she was the only one to his knowledge that had this ability. Oddly enough, when came to Pokémon, Fluttershy couldn't make heads or tails of what they said.

After Fluttershy was done feeding the famished animals, she turned her beautiful eyes to Joey and Nian, his gal-pal for life. She gave a meek wave, beckoning the two visitors. "It's nice to see both of you," she said with a smile strewn across her face. "Have you both come to visit?"

Approaching the timid pegasus and hugging her before backing away, Joey says, "Yep! You always come over to my house, so I wanted to visit you for once. Are you doing well today?"

Playing with a long lock of her mane, Fluttershy nodded bashfully. "I am, thank you for asking. I was thinking about having a sanctuary near my home shortly, but I haven't figured out all the plans yet. Would you both like some tea? I have one already brewed."

Before Joey could answer, he and Nian spot a cute white bunny hopping out of the miniature house and yawning, stretching its limbs luxuriously. It turned its beady black eyes toward Nian and froze.

Fluttershy giggled. "Uh-oh. It looks like a certain rabbit caught the eye of my bunny."

"What do you mean?" Joey asked.

"That's Angel Bunny, my pet bunny," she answered mirthfully. "He can be a bit demanding, but he has a good heart. And it looks like it's been stolen by Nian."

It took a few moments for Joey to register what Fluttershy meant, but when it clicked, it clicked. "Ooooh," he drawled. He looks at Nian. "Looks like you got an admirer."

Nian looked incredulous. "Excuse me?"

Nian was a very beautiful Lopunny. She has performed in and won most Pokémon Contests in the past. Her beauty and grace, along with the battle sections of the Pokémon contest gained her a lot of notoriety as the Lovely Lopunny, and was the target of positive inspiration from the masses, much to her chagrin. And her beauty was purely natural, discarding the usage of Pokémon poffins that enhance a Pokémon's physical features to make them look outstanding.

Joey remembered that he was approached multiple times in the past to have Nian lead a career in Pokémon Modeling, which is one of the highest honors in the contest scene, though Nian declined the frequent offers. So, it should be no surprise that Nian would steal the hearts of many Pokémon during her Pokémon Contest journey, and Angel was no different.

The enamored white bunny had leaped from his house and bounded over to Nian and hugged her right leg. He looked up at her with a large, toothy grin, his fluffy tail wagging like a Yamper's.

Immediately, Nian glowered, almost in disgust. "Beat it, shorty," she spat harshly, but her sharp words were shrugged off as Angel didn't relent. " something or I will."

Joey rolled his eyes. "Nian, relax. It's just a bit of puppy love, and it's not like we're staying all day. It's just a visit. Surely you can handle this without resorting to violence?"

Nian groaned and fought from baring her teeth at the little bunny. "Fine," she muttered. She peered at the lovestruck bunny, and her face softened a little. "You can stay, but if you start humping, you get turned into paste. Got it?"

Angel, positively ecstatic, vigorously bobbed his head wildly, climbing to the top of Nian's head and hugging a tuft of brown fur. Nian groaned, but she didn't protest.

After a sweet comment from Fluttershy, the shy mare leads Joey and Nian into her cottage. Inside, the cottage was layered with everything nature: the yellow mare even had birdhouses, an abundance of plants giving off a wonderfully soothing aromatic scent, and gloriously painted artworks of vast plains and cozy forests. Merely existing inside the cottage made Joey feel he had grown up there or he was reminded of his old home in the mountains before the snowstorm ruined everything.

In front of a couch decorated with illustrations of flowers and butterflies were a coffee table and a tea set. Sitting down with Nian close to him, Joey watched Fluttershy flutter to the other room to get more teacups for her guests, assuming it led to her kitchen. When she returned, the pegasus set teacups down and lifted the teapot to pour the tea inside. It scented of apples from his old home, and when Joey took a cautious sip, it tasted sweet, and it soothed his throat.

"This is good," Joey commented warmly, taking more sips from the sweet-tasting tea. "It reminds me of my old home. My mother had a tendency for brewing tea, although I never could remember all the scents and different flavors."

Fluttershy beamed at Joey's praise. "It's nice to hear my tea makes you so happy," she murmured amicably. "Your mother loved tea?"

The human nodded. "My mother was always one for trying out new things, and when she got into brewing tea, she made all sorts of stuff, though I could never tell you; I was too young then."

"She seems like a person I'd love to meet," she regarded.

Joey bobs his head in agreement. "She would have loved it too. Anyway... how is everything here? Are you doing well?"

"I am," she said, taking a sip of her tea. "The animals are doing great and I'm healthy." She turns her attention to Nian, who had not taken a sip of her tea. "Oh my. Nian, do you not like tea?"

The rabbit's piercing scarlet gaze almost made Fluttershy's fur stand on end. "Chamomile isn't my favorite," she remarked tersely.

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes as if willing herself to understand Nian's words, but she could not. It was odd to Fluttershy and those who knew her that she couldn't speak with the Pokémon as she could with other animals, let alone understand them. It was frustrating and a bit demoralizing, to say the least.

"Nian says chamomile isn't her favorite, but she will drink some to show courtesy, wouldn't she?" Joey said, glancing at his furry partner.

Nian grumbled something under her lips as she took a cautious sip of the tea and nearly recoiled from the taste. She didn't want to make Fluttershy feel bad about the tea she brewed, so the rabbit willed herself to drink more of the beverage, much to her dislike. Angel had hopped down from Nian's head and landed on her chest fur, to which the rabbit almost snarled. Oblivious, Angel wanted a taste of the tea. Taking the opportunity to share the agony, Nian happily allowed Angel to drink her tea, and until they left the cottage, Nian never drank it again.

After engaging in some small talk, Fluttershy eventually says, "I heard about...well, you know...about your mission."

Joey was perplexed, but he didn't show his surprise. "Not that it's a bad thing, but who told you?"

"Twilight," the yellow pegasus muttered. She set her teacup on the coffee table. "She visited Princess Celestia after receiving a letter from one of her guards, telling Twilight that the princess needed some comfort. When she came back, she told me that a close friend of the princess, Rockfall, had...sadly passed away during a mission you both were on. Joey, are you here just to see me? Are you okay?"

It took a moment for Joey to respond. "In a way," he said finally. "I wanted to visit you just because I wanted to. And I didn't want to sulk around my house. I never knew him, but I could feel that Rockfall was a special pony, and in the short amount of time I knew him, he grew on me, if only a little."

Nian gave Joey a withered glance and touch her paw to his hand. Joey was no stranger to loss.

"All I knew of Rockfall was that he was deeply respected by his peers and that he was a close friend of Princess Celestia," he continued. "Even when we just met, he followed my orders as if he's been with me for my entire life; that type of loyalty is often hard to come by, and I wished I knew him more. Sorry if this is too depressing."

Fluttershy shook her head, the long pink locks of her mane swaying gently. "I've known loss too," she muttered, veering her gaze out a window that showed the animals playing. "I have a connection to all my animals, and when it is time for them to pass on, it breaks my heart, but I know a better life awaits them after this one. I'm just sorry you haven't gotten the chance to know him, and from what you told me of him, it makes me want too as well."

After moments of silence seemed to stretch on, Fluttershy asked, "Do you work for Princess Celestia? N-not that I want to pry or anything, just curious..."

Joey set his teacup down and leaned back on Fluttershy's comfy couch. "Not really," he answered with a yawn. "She asks for my assistance on occasion, but I don't work for her. A few weeks ago, she had some trouble with some ponies soliciting an illegal drink to bystanders that messes up their insides. She had Twilight fetch me to ask if I would help out, and I said I would."

Fluttershy held her hoof to her mouth with a gasp. "Oh my! Did everything go well?"

Joey briefly hesitated before nodding. "For the most part, there was an accident, but all you need to know is that everything is okay now."

As they continued to talk, a red bird flies through an open window and perches comfortably atop Joey's head. A couple of rodents scurried inside the cottage appeared and began to corral around his shoes.

Fluttershy giggled. "You sure have an affinity for animals, Joey. Were you around a lot of Pokémon?"

Carefully as to not disturb the bird and the animals around his shoes, Joey bobbed his head slowly in confirmation. "I never really had many human friends when I was young, so I often went to this valley where a lot of Pokémon lived and played with them. When I wasn't working on preparing and maintaining the village's food with my family, I would be there instead to pass the time."

"You didn't have a sibling to play with?" Fluttershy asked.

"I did. A sister, a twin, but we never had much in common, funnily enough," he answered absently. "We got along just fine, but that was the extent of our relationship."

Fluttershy noticed the faraway look twinkling in Joey's limpid white eyes and felt a sudden pain when she gazed at him. She has a brother, one that she cares for very much despite his annoyance but listening to Joey telling her about his sister there seemed to be regret and guilt, but also something else. Maybe the desire for a second chance. Regardless of what she thought, it was clear how Joey talked about his sister.

"Joey," Fluttershy began tentatively, "has your sister passed away?"

"Yes," he answered simply. "She died during a snowstorm."

"What was her name?" Fluttershy saw a brief sign of hesitancy in Joey, but he shook his head as if to clear his mind.

"Her name was Josie," he told the yellow pegasus. "She was smart, that one. Smarter than I ever could be." Joey shook his head.

Fluttershy let another few moments of silence pass by before shifting the conversation. Since Joey was around Pokémon at a young age, she had asked him about his connection to them and how he can understand them.

"Pokémon and humans can develop a deep bond with one another that can lead to a multitude of things." He went on. "Pokémon are mysterious creatures, and their powers are even more so when you incorporate a bond. The close friendship between Nian and I caused her to undergo an evolution, essentially changing into a completely different form than her previous one. It's a display of our connection and relationship with one another.

"A boon for having such a close connection with Pokémon is for someone like me, and many others, to be able to either interpret what Pokémon say or be so connected to Pokémon that you can fully understand their complex language."

Fluttershy had her eyes widen with interest. "Does it mean that if I am around Pokémon long enough, I'll be able to understand them?"

Joey nodded. "Develop a connection and let time take its course and you'll find yourself being able to understand what Pokémon are telling you. There's also body language, but they'll usually just talk to you." Joey stretched before lifting himself from Fluttershy's comfy couch. "I think I'll go and talk to Twilight. I haven't seen her since we got back, and I'm sure she'll have questions about Pokémon."

Fluttershy nodded before taking another sip of her tea. "I don't think she's left the castle all week; you got her interested in Pokémon. When she finds an interest in something, Twilight will do her best to the detriment of her health. Try to convince her to take a rest, okay? She'll listen to you."

"Will do," Joey answered, lifting himself off the couch and stretching. He turns to Nian. "Let's head off."

Obeying his orders, Nian lifted herself from the couch. She gently took Angel in one of her paws, much to his dismay, and set him lightly on the coffee table.

"Sorry, shorty," she spoke cooly, "but I have to go." She saw the heartbreak in Angel's deep black pools and gave the sad bunny a swift peck on his head with her lips. She saw him instantly perk up with a strong energy that seemed to pulse in his veins. She gave the bunny a good-natured smile. "I'll come and visit you again."

Angel Bunny gave Nian the lovestruck a lame salute before passing out in bliss on the coffee table. Nian rolled her eyes and elicit and gave a suppressed chuckle.

Saying their goodbyes, Joey and Nian left Fluttershy's cottage, but the human halted for just a moment. An idea popped I'm his mind; he could kill two birds with one stone. Perhaps he should do it. There was no harm in trying.

Turning to Fluttershy waving her hoof, Joey says absently, "Fluttershy, I have a problem and I don't know what to do. Do you think you can help me?"

Fluttershy gasped, bringing her hoof across her mouth. "Oh my, a problem? What's wrong?"

"Yuna loves flowers," Joey began. "Because of her enhanced sense of smell, she has developed a particular fondness for them. She always had one behind one of her ears, but ever since I landed here, Yuna never got another flower to replace the one that wilted just recently. I had told her I would go and check for flowers in Ponyville but she didn't want to be a burden; she is very modest.

"To respect her words, I did not go looking for flowers in Ponyville, but I could see that not having a flower bothered Yuna, causing her to be distracted, and she is one of the most attentive Pokémon in the family. I don't know any places outside of Ponyville that grow flowers. This is where you come in. Do you know a place I can find that doesn't involve spending money?"

Fluttershy nodded seriously. "I maintain a garden behind my cottage; I could pick her some and give them to you."

Joey beamed at her answer, but he wasn't done yet. "I appreciate it, Fluttershy, but instead of just doing that why don't I send her over? That way, you can show her the flowers and allow her to choose what she wants. During that time, you can ask her to help you around the cottage. The longer you spend time with her, the easier it will be to understand the Pokémon speech. Efficacious, right?"

Fluttershy nodded absently for a moment before she realized what Joey meant and a smile stretched across her face. "That would be lovely!" she shouted, but it barely increased in volume. "Send her over anytime, as long as she wants to!"

Joey bowed his head at Fluttershy. "I will, thanks," he said before turning away and leaving her home with Nian at his side.

To Fluttershy's kind request, Joey and his furry partner headed to the large crystal castle in Ponyville to check up on Twilight Sparkle. When they approached the door that led into the castle, it suddenly swung open nearly striking Joey in the face. Behind the door is the back of a small purple and green-scaled creature with an exasperated expression etched harshly across its face while small holding a bucket of blue and red gems.

"Twilight, if you aren't out of that room when I come back, I will have no choice but to force you out, alright?!" the small creature spat tiredly.

A frail voice responded to the creature; grating and layered with exhaustion. "No time to rest now, Spike, not while there is so much to know about Pokémon!"

The small creature known as Spike groaned in frustration. "I just got back this morning and you're already spouting nonsense! This 'Pokémon' business is being taken too far and you need rest! I'm off to see Rarity for a bit, and I'll drag you from that room if you aren't out and resting when I get back!"

Spike waited for a response but nothing, but an indistinct murmur sounded from within the castle walls, alluding to Twilight not taking Spike's words seriously and brushing them off. Holding back another yell, Spike turns around and sees Joey and Nian looking down at him with perplexity in their eyes.

Spike snorted. "You Joey?" he asked almost accusingly, pointing a claw at him.

Joey nodded. "That's me," he answered. "Are you Spike?"

"Yeah, that's me," he muttered with an edge to his voice, "but more importantly, I need you to march into Twilight's study room and talk some sense into her. I've been out of town and I'm too tired to deal with Twilight at the moment. She hasn't slept in days, and you seem to be the reason why! Talking about Pokémon and whatnot has gotten that mare in full study mode!"

Nian glared at Spike, but Joey quickly held her back by placing his hand on her head. "I understand and I will try to get Twilight to take a break. I promise."

Spike eyed Joey sternly before accepting his word with a tip of his head. "Promises are important and I'm trusting you on this," he said, trying to force back a yawn. "We'll talk later when I'm not so tired and cranky. Good luck."

With the eventful meeting now over, Spike walked past Joey and Nian, sticking a few gems in his mouth before muttering something under his breath. Sighing, Joey and Nian entered the crystal castle and located Twilight's study room. The door was slightly ajar, so carefully, Joey slowly eased himself and his furry partner inside.

The study room had seen better days: open books and stacks of mashed-up parchment were discarded callously among the blue crystal floor, making it impossible for one such as Joey to traverse without eliciting a crinkling sound. He looked around and saw a purple alicorn fluttering feebly over a desk littered with scrolls scribbled madly with black ink.

Twilight had a star-speckled blanket Rarity had made for her as a birthday present over her back. Her mane was messy and out of place, invaded by the enemy of long manes: cowlicks. When Joey called out to the alicorn, she whipped around, revealing sagging, bloodshot eyes.

"Joey!" she exclaimed happily, fluttering awkwardly over to him and giving the human a soft embrace before pulling away. "This is a pleasant surprise! Visiting?"

Though Twilight was ecstatic to see her human friend, she noticed Joey had his hands on his hips and he had a stern expression across his face, and, with his misty white eyes, caused the alicorn the flinch away slightly.

"I met Spike at the door," he told the mare, his tone strict. "He told me you haven't been taking care of yourself lately because you are so engrossed about Pokémon." Twilight was silent, looking down as if caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. Joey cleared his throat. "Twilight? Is that true?"

Still silent, the purple mare nodded. She was on the ground now, panting lightly; the energy to hover herself off the floor had finally become too arduous to maintain, and with Joey admonishing her, she didn't feel like flying anyway.

Joey sighed. "I know how it feels to become lost in something that interests you greatly, but it isn't worth the hassle if you neglect your health," he reprimanded. "You have Spike worrying about you."

"Yes, Joey," she murmured, shuffling her hooves in embarrassment. "I'm sorry..."

"And this place is a mess," he continued. "Princess or not, you should keep things tidy; I can't take a single step without putting my foot on discarded pieces of paper. Understand?"

"Yes, Joey," Twilight responded quietly. "It's just when I get caught up in something it's hard to stop; I've been doing better, but some habits are difficult to break. I'm sorry, I am. And I need to apologize to Spike when he comes back. But before anything else happens, can I just ask a few more questions about Pokémon?"

"Of course, if it means you'll take it easy," Joey said. "Shoot."

Twilight agreed. "How does Nian transform into that version of herself when we first met, in the Everfree Forest?"

Joey exchanged a glance with Nian who didn't care about the purple alicorn's questions.

Joey turned his white gaze to Twilight. "It's a special evolution a select few Pokémon can achieve called Mega Evolution, a transformation that allows Pokémon like Nian to have access to a greater power. It's usually attached to an earring, a necklace, an arm brace, a headband, on the tail, or hidden under the fur on a Pokémon."

As if on instinct, Twilight's horn glowed, but it flickered rapidly, probably from overuse. She levitated a scroll, quill, and a pot of ink and started scribbling the information down.

"For certain Pokémon like Nian to Mega Evolve, two things are needed: a particular Mega Stone for Nian, and a Key Stone for me to possess, because without it, Nian wouldn't normally Mega Evolve," he continued tersely.

"What's a Mega Stone?" Twilight asked, entranced.

Joey chuckled. "During my travels around a region named Kalos, I learned that Mega Stones are evolution stones, those are stones that can make certain Pokémon evolve, that were enhanced or empowered by two extremely powerful legendary Pokémon. That's a popular theory in a sea of theories anyway. I subscribe to a more...particular one."

Twilight, despite her glaring fatigue, nodded vigorously. "What's next? What about Key Stones?" she urged with hunger shining in her eyes.

"A Key Stone is a smaller stone that affects the Mega Stone; it allows the Trainer to activate it, unlocking the full latent power of the Pokémon affected," Joey explained. He motioned to his wrist where his bracer occupied. "A Trainer usually has a Key Stone right there in a special case or accessory, and all we have to do is tap it to activate the Mega Stone. It's seemingly 'impossible' to achieve this evolution otherwise..."

Twilight nodded eagerly, but then her face scrunched in confusion. "But you don't have one on your...wrist? Did you leave it at home? Also, Nian doesn't have a Mega Stone, not that I could visibly see; it could be concealed under her fur."

Joey gave the confused mare a titular smile. "Nian and I do not have a Key Stone or a Mega Stone."

Twilight was baffled and a bit incredulous. "But you said Pokémon cannot Mega Evolve without those items. I'm struggling to understand how Nian can Mega Evolve otherwise!"

Joey put his hands up in mock defense. "That's true, for the most part," he said. "Usually, a strong bond can bring out a Pokémon's powers, yet having a close connection with a Pokémon doesn't matter when it comes to Mega Evolution; all you need are the two stones and you and your companion are good to go."

"But that isn't the case with you and Nian," Twilight pointed out. "If your bond with Nian is so strong that the items required for the evolution aren't necessarily needed, then Nian can Mega Evolve anytime she wants." She stared in astonishment at the two. "How deep does your bond go?"

Joey shrugged, placing a loving hand atop Nian's head. "Deeper than any of us knows," he murmured. "It's a special bond for sure, one that can surpass Mega Evolution." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, if that's all, it's time for you to take a rest."

Twilight began to protest but a loud yawn escaped her lips. Embarrassed, she quickly covered her mouth with a hoof. "This information is critical for the understanding of Pokémon. Thank you, Joey!"

Just as Joey was about to say something, he saw Twilight suddenly wobble on her hooves and moved forward to catch her before the mare fell to the floor.

Twilight groaned, cradling her head with her hooves in an attempt to massage them. "Oooooh," she cried painfully. "My head hurts..."

"Seems all that fatigued caught up to you," Joey remarked. "A good nap will do you wonders. Do you know where your bedroom is?"

Twilight shook her head and moaned lowly. "Can't think... put me on the couch over there."

Swiftly yet gentle, Joey carried Twilight over to the couch which surprisingly was not littered with a mess like everywhere else and set her down. Twilight snuggled within the star-speckled blanket and squinted at Joey.

She sighed. "Thanks," she uttered. "I wish Spike was here, he'd know how to get rid of this Celestia-forsaken headache; it's too painful to sleep..."

Joey stared at Twilight for a few seconds before an idea went off in his mind. "Cover your ears," he told the mare.

Although bewildered, Twilight did as she was told. Sure, it seemed silly, and she knew this wouldn't make her head pain go away, but the mare suspected that the handsome human had a plan.

She watched on as Joey turned to the study room's door entrance and placed his hands on the sides of his mouth before inhaling a lung full of air. She saw Nian do the same.


Even with her ears covered, Twilight winced and flinched at Joey's shout. As the ringing in her ears began to settle down, Twilight felt her couch rumble as if an earthquake had occurred in Ponyville. It took only three seconds until she saw a large, rotund, pink creature dancing merrily around Joey and Nian. It was Lena!

She watched as Lena the Chansey embraced Joey in a hug that was reminiscent of Pinkie Pie's hugs.

"Lena, stand at attention; I got a mission for you!" Joey declared hotly. "Princess Twilight Sparkle isn't feeling too particularly well...and she can't take care of herself at the moment. I want you to take care of her using your valuable, expansive repertoire until a small creature named Spike returns to this convalescent quadruped. Then you can head back home. Got it?"

Lena gave a brisk salute. "You can count on me, Joey!" Lena exclaimed mirthfully. "Are you and Nian heading home?"

"We are," Nian responded. "Take care of princess over there. Don't stay longer than you have to."

"Yes, ma'am!" Lena responded, joy overcoming her voice. She stood next to Twilight, leaning down, and began using Life Dew to soothe the alicorn's throbbing headache.

With that taken care of and seeing the literal watery wave of relief wash across Twilight's face, Joey and Nian exit the crystal castle to head home. When they had gotten back, Joey called out to Yuna, who was resting peacefully under Nils' tree.

Upon hearing Joey's resonant, rich call, the little Lucario scurried clumsily to her paws before rushing over to greet the human with an embrace filled with happiness. Nian broke away from the two and headed inside the house.

"I'm happy to see you, Yuna!" Joey said, giving the canine Pokémon warm caresses with his hands; he fondled her cute cheeks which rewarded him with a squeal of utter delight. "Who's my Lucario? You are! Yes, you are! I have something to tell you."

Yuna giggled under the weight of Joey's love. "What is it?"

Joey ceased his sweet caresses and pointed to Yuna's ears. "Your flower crisis? Consider it averted! Fluttershy has agreed to let you pick whichever flower you desire from her garden, but in exchange for her kindness, I want you to help the mare around the cottage. We can go over there tomorrow so you'll know the way."

Yuna's tail wagged with excitement. The prospect of being around so many flowers seemed heavenly to her. With the vigorous bobbing of her head, the little Lucario agreed.

"Awesome," Joey said to Yuna, booping her nose with a finger which made the canine giggle uncontrollably for a few moments. "Now, go on and see if Jenny wants to play. Ask her to conjure a slide of ice for you. And before you go..." Joey motioned to his cheek.

Ever since she hatched from her egg, Yuna was no stranger to public displays of affection, especially when it came to Joey. She leaned towards Joey and tenderly bussed him on the side of his face before giving the human another hug and darting off in a klutzy manner.

Joey rubbed his cheek and chuckled. "Slow down you silly Ducklet!" he merrily called after her. Yuna was quite accident-prone when she was excited. "And be careful on your paws!"

Do Humans Dream of Fence-Jumping Mareep?

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Joey gasped suddenly, his body jerking awake. He lifts his head and scanned the environment with his limpid white eyes; it was dark from all sides; nothing had appeared to him. He lay atop a watery black surface in a daze, confusion plastered across his caramel face. Silent, he finds the strength to heave himself to his feet.

Joey blinked once and when he reopened them he was assaulted harshly by a tsunami of color; he recoiled from the sight, desperately shielding his snow-lidded eyes. Eventually, the initial flash subsided and Joey opened his eyes reluctantly to view a vast grassland with all of his Pokémon in the near distance: Nian, Narros, Nils, Mechan, Yuna, Lena, and Jenny. Some were playing while others watched them with calm, contented expressions etched across their varied countenances.

It occurred to Joey that he was dreaming again. Joey attempted to take a step forward to join his Pokémon, but he was shot with a brisk wind that sent waves of chipped ice down his back. Flinching because of the sudden cold, Joey veered his snowy gaze around and saw something looming just off into the distance. Enormous blue-gray clouds. Joey knew that type of cloud. A snowstorm was on the way.

There was something that caught Joey's eye. There was this large thin line; an awning of transparent blue containing the threatening snowstorm. Joey remembered this dream; he's been here so many times he willed a protective veil to halt the oncoming snowstorm for fear it would take his family away from him...again.

"Ho there, newcomer!" called a lucid voice. It was welcoming yet filled with a hidden ardor. "To convene at last is simply joyous. I was assured time and again that my copious endeavors to reach you would be successful; as it stands, they have finally borne fruit!"

Joey gazed at the pony who landed in front of him with a questioning glance. He studied the visitor: tall with large wings and a long horn; it was an alicorn, a mare specifically, but one he had never seen before. Her lustrous coat was dark blue, her turquoise eyes seemed to twinkle like a star on occasion, and her mane, like Princess Celestia's, sparkled and flows ethereally on its own, and she bears an image of a half-moon as her cutie mark.

"Were you looking for me?" Joey asked the alicorn.

"Correct," said the mystery mare. "I have heard extensively about you from my sister; she regales your influence during the stint of the Fool's Poison, and recently of your precarious venture traversing the perilous Forbidden Jungle to reprieve Orah from her wretched situation." She dipped her head gracefully. "I thank you for your cooperation."

A jolt of worry pulsed in Joey's heart. "How is Orah?" he asked, concern layering his voice.

The mystery mare chuckled lightly. "Even being showered with praise matters little," she told him. "Orah is mending, but she calls out your name during her slumber; she dreams of you. Her savior. I advise you to visit her in Canterlot soon."

Joey visibly relaxed, sitting on the ground with a sigh escaping his lips. The mare follows suit and lays comfortably next to him.

"What about Celestia?" he asked.

"You do not call my sister by her full title?" the mare queried. Then a smile stretched across her face. "She thinks highly of you indeed. My sister buries herself in her burdens, but she has exhibited signs of improvement after Rockfall's passing. Sister will recover; stow the perturbance plaguing your heart, Joeshur."

Joey released a large breath he was holding. He was glad Orah and Celestia are doing well. In his mind were fears of Orah's health and the possibility of her death, but now he can discard those anxieties. But Celestia? He found that he couldn't banish those feelings. He saw how broken-hearted she was, and he wondered if this mare was speaking the truth or if this was an attempt to calm him down. It was appreciated. Regardless, the worries for Celestia were still firmly entangled in his mind. He would have to see her himself.

Now onto other matters. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you? You say your Celestia's sister."

Joey caught a twinkle in the mare's eyes. "I am Princess Luna," she told him. "I have been waiting for some time to meet you, Joeshur."

Joey rubbed the back of his head in front embarrassment. Who knew a princess wanted to meet with him so badly? She did say she had been trying to meet with him all this time. Joey considered himself lucky.

"You already know my name, but you can call me Joey if you like," he said. "Why have you appeared in my dream and how? And excuse my ignorance, but I never knew who you were until now."

Princess Luna blinked at Joey before turning her gaze to his Pokémon playing in the distance. "I desired to encounter the human my sister speaks favorably of, and I have the magic to roam into dreams as it pertains to my royal duty."

Joey was perplexed. "You can walk in dreams? That's pretty awesome, but if you wanted to meet me, why didn't you just come over? You don't have to be in my dreams, not that it's a problem."

Princess Luna was silent for a moment. "I am inactive during most of the day, and I work all night coming and going into my subjects' dreams and banishing their nightmares. When my sister raises the sun, I become too wearied to stay awake and fall into slumber shortly thereafter."

"But if you can roam in dreams, why have you appeared now?"

Princess Luna unkinks her wings in a luxurious stretch, swishing her ethereal tail across the grass behind her. "Your dreams are...difficult to wander."

Joey raised his brow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You often have your dreams guarded," she told him succinctly. "You leave very little opportunity to roam inside." Princess Luna looked at the looming mass of clouds fettered by the veil. "Pray tell, what does this dream imply?"

Joey gazed at the stymied snowstorm. "It's from my past. A snowstorm took away my home, my family, and almost my life. Years later, I've built a new family, but I fear a disaster similar to my youth will come and take them away from me. Those Pokémon are all I have left in the world..."

Princess Luna gave the snowstorm a sullen expression. " erected a barrier to stave off the dream from spiraling into a nightmare; one that spelled tragedy before. You are acquainted here, you are a lucid dreamer; able to control your dream with a full conscience. That is interesting."

"Is it uncommon to be in control of one's dreams?" Joey asked. He liked the fact he can be fully aware even when sleeping.

"Verily," she answered, "however, few can be lucid dreamers. Have you always dreamed this way?"

"No," Joey replied. "It was after I left the mountains. Are you here to help me?"

Princess Luna stared at Joey for a couple of heartbeats and shook her head. "Nay. You are in full volition here; you have been maintaining this dream since your adolescence. I will not influence this dream, however, if you desire something to change, like the harrying snowstorm, I can ameliorate it. I only desired to meet you, after all."

Joey gave the princess a grateful glance before setting his eyes on his Pokémon. "I understand. Will I see you in the waking world?"

"If I have the time and energy, then yes," Princess Luna answered. "For now, however, I must depart from here; there are many dreams I must alleviate. Perhaps we can be...friends?"

Joey nodded. "Of course," he told her. "You are welcome either in my dreams or at my home. I live just outside Ponyville, near the outskirts. If you need someone to chat with, you'll find that I'm usually available."

Princess Luna beamed joyfully at Joey. It looked as if she was going to celebrate but she reeled in her excitement and dipped her head in gratitude.

She turned to fly away, but she glanced at Joey and said, "Your eyes are beyond beautiful; white is captivating and exceptionally rare. Has anypony told you that?"

Joey rubbed the back of his head to mask his embarrassment. "Some do; your sister spoke of something similar."

Princess Luna chortled. "Sister and I mean what we say, and we mean that your eyes are ravishing and recherché." She opened her large wings, preparing to take flight. "We will meet again. Farewell!"

Joey waved his hand in farewell. "See you soon, Princess Luna."

"Nay!" she said hotly, taking into the air. "From here on, you shall address me as Luna!"

Joey fought to contain his amusement at Princess Luna's declaration. "Okay, okay," he said. "You are Luna now!"

Satisfied, Princess Luna turned away and disappeared with a flash of blue light. With her gone, Joey shifts his attention to his Pokémon in the distance and took the steps to join them, unafraid of the snowstorm looming close by.

Rough and Tumble!

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Of the past is a lingering memory of a little babe's fear and the reassurance of her father.

It was dark with naught a single paltry sign of light for many, many miles. Everything was black: the sky was black, the horizon was black, and the ground was black save for faint rippling shimmers that offered no real aid.

She shivered, rubbing her paws against her arms to keep herself warm, but it seemed to get chillier the more she tried, and she felt lonely too.

The little pup called out to the echoing darkness, desperate for the voice she longed so much to hear. "Daddy! Daddy, where are you?!" But her pleas weren't heard, yet she didn't give up even when her cries became laced with fear. "Daddy," she continued to wail, "where are you?! I'm here! I don't know where am! Daddy, help me please!"

Her heart began to pound as unknown noises assaulted her sensitive ears, causing to small Pokémon to shriek and huddle into a ball. Tears streamed from her clouded eyes as she veered her horrified gaze around her, the frightening noises becoming louder and louder, making her ears ache. She longed to stop the unnerving sounds, but fear had frozen the tiny Pokémon to the ground.

She clenched her chattering teeth as the chill began to seep through her fur and grace her skin. She held her head with her tiny paws, her eyes widened to large orbs as she rocked back and forth, begging for the pain to stop. She needed him here to calm the world around her. She needed his warmth and protection from the cold. She needed to hear his voice.

With fear overtaking her cold body, she opened her mouth to call out to him again. "Daddy!" she wailed, her voice cracking.

Suddenly, something touched the tyke's back, and she whipped around to see something with a glowing white outline kneeling behind her.

"Focus," the voice soothed, embracing the scared Pokémon; the warmth was nearly overwhelming. "Breathe in and breathe out, sweetheart."

Entranced, the little pup did as she was told. She took a deep breath, smelling the sweet, calming scent of flowers, and breathed out slowly. The sounds that had threatened to break her whittled away, the cold had left her body, and her heart began to slow to a steady beat. She gazed up at the white figure and saw the glow fade to reveal the face of her father; her Aura had allowed her to see him, albeit vaguely.

"I'm here, my adventurous little Riolu," he whispered, wiping the tears that stained her face. "You were just overwhelmed; you're still very young to use your Aura properly. I know being blind is hard, but that will make your Aura and your senses stronger as you grow older."

Still feeling the fear gripping her heart, the little pup buried her face against her father's chest, holding onto him tightly for if she thought she did not, he'd be gone forever. "I was so s-scared and alone. I-I-I didn't know w-w-what to do, and I co-couldn't find you, and... and... and..."

"I know, but I will always be here for you," her father murmured, stroking her head; the comforting gesture made the Pokémon sleepy as he picked her up and held her close as he could. "Let's head back. Your mother is frantic."

"Thanks, Daddy," Yuna whispered with a yawn.

"Anytime, sweetheart. Anytime."

Joey awoke the next day feeling rejuvenated. He sat up in his bed and turned to the left to view Nian snuggling close to him, cradling his arms while she slept. He fought to suppress a chuckle at Nian's snoring; her snoring was light but long, and Joey thought it sounded cute. He watched on in blissful silence until Nian began to stir. She opened her eyes and gazed up at the human, shuffling closer to him and contently breathing in his sweet-smelling aroma. This is when Nian was at her sweetest when she didn't act all sassy or violent.

Aside from Joey being the Trainer the Pokémon obeyed without question, Nian was the one they answered to as well; she was the leader when Joey wasn't giving out commands or orders. All the Pokémon, including Narros, respected Nian for not only her strength but her diligence and duty when it came to taking care of others. Pokémon like Nils and Narros even call her 'Boss', solidifying her role as the go-to leader of the Pokémon team.

After exchanging a few words, Joey and Nian leaves the bed and get themselves ready for today. When they had finished freshening up, they headed down the stairs, greeting Pokémon like Jenny, Lena, and Yuna, all of whom had left their room to head outside with Joey and Nian.

Outside, Nils is seen lazily preening his feathers, enjoying the wind flow through the air. Narros is seen curled up against a tree furthest away from the house and the Pokémon fast asleep. On the roof, Mechan, as usual, is scanning the area for any potential dangers or intruders. So far, everything was great.

"Alright!" Joey announced; he clapped his hands together as the sound resonates around his home, gaining the attention of all his Pokémon. "Gather around everyone, it's time for some sparring." He points to the open field just beyond his home. "Let's go!"

Following Joey's joyous declaration, the Pokémon, excluding Narros and Yuna, all cheered with him. They fell in step behind Joey as the human marched out to the open field. When everyone was situated, Joey calls out Nian's name. She bounded up to him while Joey called for Mechan, to which the giant robot teleported in front of him awaiting orders.

"Okay," Joey began tersely, "we'll start slow. Mechan, I want you to try and knock Nian on her back while she tries to do the same to you."

Mechan nodded seriously. "As you wish."

"And Nian," Joey said, turning to his furry partner, "you are not allowed to use your Mega Evolution. That clear?"

Nian agreed with a bob of her head. "Crystal clear, Joey!" The rabbit was jogging in place excitedly, punching the air as if she was fighting an invisible enemy, dodging and weaving. "Come on, come on," Nian urged with a fire in her eyes. "My paws are aching for some action!"

"All right, then." Joey steps away to join the other Pokémon on the sidelines. "Let the sparring begin!!!"

Nian Vs. Mechan

In an instant, Mechan levitates off the ground using its psychic powers. Its giant metal claws shined with a silvery hue: Meteor Mash, a devastating move that can knock out any powerful Pokémon if they weren't careful.

Mechan rushed toward Nian, rising its glaring claws to bear down on her skin. The rabbit braced herself, crouching low to the ground slipping out of the way at the very last second as the attack destroyed the spot she stood. Though she dodged, the force of the attack sent Nian tumbling to the ground before skidding her to a halt. Mechan was always a strong opponent no matter how many times the brown rabbit sparred with it.

Nian felt excited; she could feel the weightlessness of her paws, her steely eyes blazed with ardor, and her fur began to tingle uncontrollably. "Is that the best you got?" she goaded. "Bring on the big stuff!"

"We are sparring," Mechan reminded her, "not destroying one another. Your attempts to rouse me into annoyance are ineffective, Nian." A shadowy blob began to materialize in front of Mechan. "However, I will entertain you. This attack will suffice, for now."

Nian let out an exclamation of shock and bewilderment. What was the point of using a Ghost-type move on a Normal Type like her? It won't have any effect; it'll just pass right on through her as the wind passes through the rustling leaves on a tree. The brown rabbit stood her ground, unafraid of Mechan's odd choice, and faced its move head-on! Nian watched as the shadowy blub of darkness grew in size and was aimed right at her.

Mechan releases the black orb as it shot through the air, but something about the trajectory of the dark ball confused Nian. Why would it be aimed at the ground near her paws? As the orb of darkness got closer, Nian suddenly knew why Mechan had it fired so oddly. When Shadow Ball hits something, it explodes!

Nian prepared to evade the clever attack, but the brown rabbit found that her paws wouldn't obey her commands; she was firmly rooted to the ground like a Cradily! But why? Nian snapped her head down to her paws and saw that they were coated in a pinkish-blue hue. Realization sparkled in the brown's rabbit's eyes. She gazed up at Mechan, whose eyes were a bright blue instead of a deep red; it was using Psychic to hold her in place for the Shadow Ball to explode next to her.

Although she figured out Mechan's ingenious plan, it was too late for Nian to break free of the psychic force Mechan had over her paws. Suddenly, as if abruptly taken out of her thoughts, Nian's eyes were filled with smoke and debris, and the sound of an explosion rang in her ears. She felt her body lift off the ground without her doing so, and she felt a pain shoot up her back and head as she hit the ground tumbling, skidding halt, and resting on her belly; dazed.

When the smoke cleared and Nian could see, she saw Mechan hovering over her with its bright metal claws shining and knew the Metagross attempted to use Meteor Mash again, but Nian would not let Mechan win. She bent her knees and tucked her legs close to her stomach and gave a swift leap back on her paws before narrowly dodging Mechan's attack.

Nian was impressed; it wasn't often Mechan participated in sparring matches, but when it did, it always became a fun time for her. And since Mechan's hard metal body could withstand most physical attacks, Nian didn't have to worry about hitting the big lug too hard; she knew that it could take most of anything she dished out.

"Clever trick," Nian complimented.

Mechan dipped its head briefly. "Your praise is welcome, but please be more attentive in the future. Never mistake an attack as something not worth caution; you might set a bad example for Yuna."

Nian huffed, slightly vexed. "Did you have to be critical like that? Besides, Yuna does well enough on her own."

"She takes after you in a certain aspect, as a child should to their parent," Mechan said, causing Nian to tip her head in confusion.

"Oh yeah?" she retorted. "Like what?"

"Not looking before you leap," it said. "Also, underestimating your opponent, which I can understand. You are a special Lopunny with feats that most Pokémon cannot regularly achieve on their own, despite the guidance of a Trainer."

"Are you trying to make me happy or angry?"

Mechan shrugged. "Take my words with what you will. We've dithered enough; let us bring this bout to a close. Other Pokémon are waiting for their turn, and we mustn't keep them."

Nian punched her fists together creating a spark of red lightning that flowed around them. If Mechan desired to end the sparring match quickly, then Nian would happily oblige with Power-up Punch. It was a fierce move that not only packs a powerful blow, but also amps the user's strength with each spark, and Nian planned to give Mechan that and then some.

Mechan responded by channeling a move very few Steel-type Pokémon could possess. A move that is dangerous to the user but with a reward that was well worth the pain. Nian scarcely recognized it; a move so rare and rarer to use: Steel Beam, and of course, Mechan knew it. Nian remembered the time she saw it last. She and Joey, along with Mechan, were pursuing one of the remnants of Team Rocket that stole a valuable gem capable of enhancing a Pokémon's inner strength; the Team Rocket member used the gem's arcane powers to boost their Pokémon's powers in an attempt to escape.

The Pokémon was a large, centipede-like creature, vicious and unnaturally quick on its many legs. Amped with the gem's power, the Pokémon was going to send Nian and Joey six feet under the earth if it wasn't for Mechan using Steel Beam, instantly winning the fight and incapacitating the Team Rocket Grunt and his Pokémon, allowing Joey and Nian to capture them and return the stolen gem to the owner.

With that memory fresh in her mind, Nian was mindful of Mechan's attack, yet she would meet it without hesitation. "Bring it on!" the brown rabbit shouted, bounding swiftly toward the Metagross. Mechan didn't flinch at Nian's fierce yell. With its Steel Beam fully charged, Mechan shot the brilliantly silvery beam toward Nian, who raised her fists in response. The force of Steel Beam was magnificent; three shining silver rings rippled like waves on a water's surface, and Mechan had to dig its sharp claws into the earth to balance itself.

Nian thrust her fists in front of her as they met the Steel Beam. Immediately Nian began to be forced back, but she plants her feet on the ground, stabbing through the earth and making two deep furrows in an attempt to fight back. Although she tried her best, Nian found that she could not withstand the attack much longer without being forced to the ground, she uses her paws, with great effort, to deflect Mechan's attack, sending the Steel Beam high in the sky as it slowly faded into nothingness.

Nian saw a jolt of silver bolts travel around Mechan's body, making it flinch with slight pain, but then it shook off the recoil quickly. That was the thing with using Steel Beam; it damages the user substantially. But Nian knew Mechan wasn't too badly affected by the harsh drawback. Despite being the oldest Pokémon Joey has, the robot was tough and always ready for battle; all Joey had to do is tell Mechan to do something, and it will do that thing to the best of its ability.

Nian fell to one knee, panting. Mechan always outputted a lot of power during a training session, but that is what makes it so fun for Nian to fight. "That all you got, Mechan?!" the brown rabbit jeered, forcing herself off the ground and hopping in place. Her strength had returned, and the rabbit threw punches into the empty air. "You got to try harder than that to take me down!"

Mechan nodded, its face giving nothing away as usual. "Of course," it said, its head giving off a sparkling glow. "Then this should be more up your alley."

Before Nian could speak, Mechan rushed forward in an almost blinding blur. That move, Nian realized, was Mechan's Zen Headbutt; the large robot was going to ram her. Nian braced herself and shot forward, her arms outstretched. They collide in a large crash, sending dirt and dust flying around them. The Pokémon and Joey stood on the sidelines watching with anticipation. Even Narros turned his head to glance at the fight, though he looked disinterested as an Absol usually is.

After the dust clears up and the audience could see, Nian had caught Mechan's body in her paws. Her feet dug hard into the ground, and her limbs were trembling with the strain to Mechan from running her over. Though she is the nimblest Pokémon Joey has, Nian couldn't blitz around Mechan as much as she liked to. The giant robot was smart enough to halt any sneak attack the brown rabbit could think of, and with it being a Psychic Type, Mechan could easily stop her movements, so the direct approach was the only option she had.

Nian grunted with the effort of holding Mechan back; the robot wasn't letting up, and if the fight goes on like this, Nian knew she would lose. With her kick and punch moves off the table, Nian only had one other option of attack, and since Mechan was right in front of her, it would have no means of escaping while it tried to bowl her over.

Nian took in a large intake of air, rearing her head back with her cheeks puffing up. Then she shoved her face right in front of Mechan's and lets out a horribly loud, resounding shout. It was so strong that it sent ripples through the air, warping the area around her and Mechan. Joey and the rest of the Pokémon had to cover their ears the best way they could. Mechan, hit directly by the powerful force of Hyper Voice, staggered back in a dazed stumble. Being struck by a close-range Hyper Voice in a battle is nearly assured to knock out the opposing Pokémon, but although Mechan had trouble focusing after the attack, it still stood on its four wobbling legs with a conviction to win, as all Pokémon with trainers strive to do.

Taking the chance while Mechan is recovering, Nian dashes up to the dazed robot and used Mega Kick on the ground, causing a slab of rock to split from the earth underneath Mechan, propelling the robot into the air with a staggering force before it plummeted to the ground on its back, defeated.

"Nian wins the sparring match!" Joey exclaimed, the sounds of the other Pokémon, excluding Narros, cheered for Nian.

With the match over, Lena skips over to Mechan to check its injuries while the robot sits in a comfortable position on the grassy earth.

Victorious, Nian pumps her arm in the air. "I am the winner!" she rejoiced merrily. She hops over to Mechan who was enjoying Lena's Life Dew coating its metal in a shining blue. "That was a good fight, Mechan; you had me on my toes," Nian said, dipping her head respectfully.

"Our bout was a sufficient experience; the next time will be different," it said tersely, its eyes narrowed as Lena continued to heal the injuries.

"Nian, your next, and this time there will be no exceptions. Understand?" Lena murmured as she concentrated on Mechan's wounds.

Nian never liked being fussed over, especially when she was hurt, and Lena would be all over her. She understood that Lena is the main reason she, Joey, and the rest of the Pokémon can train and spar more roughly than most, but she still disliked having to sit and wait. However, when Lena tells you to do something, you do it, and Nian didn't have a choice to refuse.

"Alright, fine," Nian grumbled, thumping her foot on the ground impatiently as she waited for her turn. "Joey," she called, "who is going up next?"

Joey rubbed his chin with a hand as he thought about who else should spar. He looked at the Pokémon lolling on the grass: Yuna, Nils, Jenny, and Narros. It was obvious Narros wanted nothing to do with any session that involved fighting, and Joey knew he wouldn't force him. Nils, though he was awake and invested, still looked a little tired. Yuna was playing with a flower over one of her ears when she visited Fluttershy, while Jenny watched the vast plains with an unreadable expression across her face.

"Hmm, perhaps that would work," the human muttered with his eyes narrowed. "Jenny. Yuna." The two Pokémon looked at him expectedly. "Would you two like to spar with one another?"

Yuna stiffened and turned her cloudy gaze to Jenny. Although Yuna couldn't physically see Jenny because of her blindness, her Aura would tell all that she needed to know. "Umm... I g-guess, uh, we c-c-could."

Jenny gazed at the anxious Lucario and nodded. Jenny was never a fighter nor was she a good one, but if it was to please Joey and help Yuna gain some measure of confidence, then she'll do it. She skimmed across the ground with Yuna dragging her paws behind after her.

"Mechan, let's clean the mess up a little, yeah?" Joey said. Immediately Mechan obeyed, using its psychic powers to repair the ground where it and Nian sparred. It wasn't perfected, but it was a whole lot better than leaving it a hazardous mess.

Jenny faced Yuna who stood a couple of feet away, summoning her Nevermeltice with a flick of a finger and placed it in her mouth, breathing in its chilling mist and blowing out a billowing white cloud. She crossed her arms and tilted to the right slightly, her eyes narrowed with anticipation.

Yuna was the opposite; she didn't have the willingness to fight unless she had no other choice, or if Joey asked her to. Sure, she wanted to spar with her mother Nian, because she had mustered up the courage. That courage was gone now, and Yuna was reluctant to fight, but she couldn't get out of it now, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

With her knees knocking against one another, Yuna stammered, "I-I-I'm r-re-ready!"

Jenny looked incredulous; she didn't seem convinced. No one was.

Joey had to walk up and kneel to her level and whisper in her ears, "Jenny will go easy on you; just do your best and I'll be proud of you, okay?"

"I'm s-sorry," Yuna murmured, her cloudy eyes fixed on the ground.

Joey watched as Yuna strived to stop the shaking in her legs but found that she couldn't; she needed help. He sat down in front of her and gently gripped her legs and he felt them trembling as if she was out on Mt. Silver overnight.

"Just breathe," he whispered, rubbing her legs. Joey hasn't done this since Yuna was a Riolu when she needed constant care and attention whenever available. "All I want is for you to just try. I don't want you to overexert yourself for my sake. I just want you to give it what you got." Though the trembling lessened, it was still there. "How about this? You and I, at the end of the day, will stroll into Ponyville and get some tasty treats if you spar with Jenny and give it your honest try," he bargained.

Yuna shifted her blind gaze to Joey. Her legs had stopped shaking, and Joey could tell his bargain interested her. "I'll try," she whispered, breathing deeply and exhaling. "I'll t-try for you..."

Joey nuzzled Yuna's face as she did the same, giggling. "That's my brave, wonderful girl. I'll be cheering for you. Nian too. Do your best, sweetheart."

Joey could see a small fire being lit in Yuna's eyes. "I'll make you and Mom proud!" she declared.

Joey backed away until he was with the other Pokémon. He saw Nian fidgeting under Lena's care, grumbling and thumping her foot on the ground. When Joey joined, it was announced that the fighting would begin.

Jenny Vs. Yuna

The battle kicks off with Yuna summoning a thick bone coated with blue energy. The move Bone Rush is a natural sight on a Lucario that has many creative uses for certain situations; Yuna summoned the long version gripped tightly with her paws.

She leaps toward Jenny, aiming for her stomach, but she never got close as something snared one of her hind paws, making the Lucario shiver. Yuna looked down and, using her Aura, to see her right hind paw is ensnared with ice, rooting her to the ground. A white cloud of mist wreathed around the paw; a constant sting of pain, making Yuna grit her teeth and wince. Thinking fast, Yuna uses her bone club to smash the ice around her paw, releasing the young pup from the creeping chill of pain.

Yuna gazes back at Jenny, who still had her arms crossed as if she was bored or daydreaming, inhaling her Nevermeltice in long huffs. "He-here I come, Aunt Jenny!"

Yuna rushed at Jenny again, mindful of any frosty tricks. As she drew nearer to her target, Yuna's cautiousness was rewarded, as Jenny tried to ensnare her paws again; the Lucario evaded the trap and closed the gap between the two. She thrust her bone forward, landing a direct hit on Jenny, but the blow softened by a thick layer of ice.

Jenny repelled Yuna with a wave of ice erupting from her, causing the Lucario to skid across the earth. Then, before she could recover, looming above Yuna was a white cloud. It sent small icicles cascading down, threatening to slice her flesh. Using her Aura, Yuna was able to avoid the attack using her bone club to deflect the shards of freezing ice. When it was over, Yuna saw Jenny clapping her hands together, clearly impressed. Yuna blushed at the praise, but then she shook herself; she mustn't lose focus.

Yuna broke the bone club and threw it at Jenny at fast speed, but the Jynx was faster; she avoided the attack with ease, teleporting out of the way as the bone clubs dissipated. Not letting the Jynx retaliate, Yuna punched her fists together like mother Nian does, coating them in steel: She was going to use Bullet Punch. She rushed at Jenny, almost taking her by surprise. Jenny used Blizzard to throw shards of spine-chilling ice, but Yuna was able to dodge the attack with ease as she struck, not too hard, the Jynx's stomach and chest, making Jenny stumble back.

Yuna could hear Joey and Nian cheer her on and felt elated; she was doing it. If she kept this up, they will be very proud of her.

"Yuna!" called a voice. It was Nian. "Head in the game, you silly pup!"

Distracted by the praise, Yuna hadn't noticed Jenny channeling a clump of snow and frost on the ground. It shot forth and bowled the Lucario over, causing her to barrel across the ground. When Yuna stopped, her body was weighed down as if she was buried in an avalanche. Then she realized that the snow was coated with a shiny blue outline; Jenny was using her psychic powers to hold her down.

Yuna gritted her teeth and struggled against the chilling snow and biting frost, straining to break free of the icy bonds. Thinking fast, Yuna uses Bullet Punch to soften the ever-hardening snow, each rapid blow shattering the snow until she was able to break free. She panted, the cold air making her feel weak and tired. She realized that the longer she fought Jenny, the quicker she'll lose the fight.

"I have to end this now or I lose..." Yuna struggled to her paws, the cold sapping her strength. "I got an idea," she murmured under her lips, her breath billowing out white mist.

Yuna's muscles began to ripple; a dark gray aura emanated from her, allowing the Lucario to build her strength as well as her defense. She was using Bulk Up, a move that increases the user's physical capabilities. Then, Yuna coated her fists into steel, using Bullet Punch. She rose her paws in the air and began punching the earth rapidly as clouds of dust began to engulf the field in murky brown darkness, obscuring Yuna from Jenny's view. For Yuna, she was able to see Jenny clearly through the use of her Aura.

Hidden by the dust cloud, Yuna held her paws together and gathered energy to use Aura Sphere. She knew the shine of the attack will give away her position, and that was just what Yuna wanted; She was going to trick Jenny. She stretched her arms wide to each side and concentrated hard. Manifesting mere inches away from one paw was the blue energy of Aura Sphere and then to the other, creating two. The light from the murky darkness didn't give away both of Yuna's Aura Spheres, so she had to assume Jenny only suspected one.

"Okay, it's now or never," Yuna puffed under her breath.

She chucked one of the spheres while she hastily made her way forward. She watched as Jenny was alerted to the sphere and used her ice to deflect it. This was her chance while the Jynx was distracted. Yuna leaped forward still in the dust cloud and throws the second Aura Sphere. That one caught the Jynx off guard. Jenny tried to deflect the sphere, but it was too late, and it detonated right in her face, causing the Jynx to stumble back. The explosion swept the dust cloud away.

With Jenny straining to regain her senses, Yuna shot forward, summoning just enough strength to conjure another Aura Sphere. She shot it and watched as Jenny was powerless to defend herself. The third sphere detonated, sending the Jynx flying backward and tumbling on the ground before skidding to a halt. Yuna watched Jenny struggle to stand but was too tired and stayed down.

Yuna heard Joey say, "Yuna is the winner of this sparring match!" and she felt excitement and happiness burn like the sun over her fur as she leaped in the air.

"I did it!" she shouted triumphantly. She turned to her parents, Joey and Nian, who were cheering for her. "I did it! I did it!"

Nian bounded up to Yuna and embraced her. "That's my daughter," she said cheerily. "Good thinking with the dust cloud hiding your movements!"

"Thanks, Mom!" Yuna replied, smiling wide, but then she stumbled, suddenly weak and tired.

"Take it easy," Nian soothed, stroking Yuna's head fur gently. "You aren't used to fighting so hard."

Out of all the Pokémon, Yuna was the one with the least amount of experience, and it showed. The Lucario nodded wearily, leaning onto her mother who gently eased her toward Lena who was going over Jenny's injuries.

Yuna turned her head to Joey, her father, and saw his caramel face beam with pride and joy. She showed him how strong she could be, that he could rely on her more. With the sparring matches over, everyone slowly traveled back to the house.

Night has fallen...

Narros stirred next to Nils' tree, opening his red eyes to view the dark grass lit by the moon. He stood up and arched his back in a luxurious stretch before yawning, showing rows of thorn-sharp teeth. He narrowed his eyes and pricked his ears: Sounds of Nils snoring and the soft-blowing breeze reached him, ruffling his snow-white fur. Most Pokémon, and Joey, have retired into the house to sleep. Only Mechan was awake, staring out to the horizon scanning for any signs of danger.

Narros gazed at the robot as it stared back. He could feel his fur rising from the glare Mechan gave him, but the robot soon shifted its iron gaze elsewhere. Narros assumed Mechan had better things to watch than him, and he was thankful.

Narros turned his sullen gaze beyond the white fence that bordered Joey's territory, stretching in the direction of the fields where the sparring match took place earlier on in the day. He was never one to fight or to watch fights, opting to sleep instead, but he did take glimpses of Nian's and Yuna's matches. He was impressed.

Narros thought about his battle skills. He seldom used them since he joined Joey, and his latest fight was in the Forbidden Jungle. He held his own pretty well, but he was rusty, and he had to rely on Nian to protect him from Lunaris' attacks.

Narros knew if Joey wanted him to fight he would without hesitation; he'd even kill for Joey. Ever since the Forbidden Jungle, Narros was brooding more than usual, often seen curled up in a ball of white fur no one would disturb; Pokémon could sense anger or frustration if it was strong enough. Narros, with his current reputation in the family and the recent events, was completely alone.

"Except for Joey," Narros murmured, his glaring eyes softening as the feeling of anger began to ebb away. "He'll always be there for me..."

Narros trailed slowly beyond the white fence and made his way to the sparring area. He saw the remnants of the past matches scouring the earth, although Mechan had indeed repaired most of the damage. He stood in the middle of the area, his claws shredding the grass under them into small strips. The fight in the Forbidden Jungle showed that he had to work on his battle skills, for Joey's sake. He had surprised himself with how well he was able to hold his own, but it wasn't enough.

"Look at me, an Absol trying to refine his battle moves," Narros said absently, feeling a small prickle of unease ripple throughout his fur. "Next thing is a Chansey murdering a Togepi..."

Narros spread his legs across the grassy earth, lowering his head as his scythe-like horn glowed an eerie purple. He reared back and swept his head forward sending out an ominous purple crescent wave. It rents through the air, cruising across the earth, leaving scars in its wake before dissipating. It wasn't too big, but the scars that tore the earth were deep.

"Not bad, but I could do better," Narros said, repeating the move over and over until at least ten scars were left on the earth. By the time Narros was finished, he was panting.

But he wasn't done yet. Before he could do anything else, a slow clap came from behind. Fur raising from the familiar scent, Narros turned to see Nian on the sidelines, her scarlet eyes glowing eerily in the moonlight. Immediately Narros began to tremble. It wasn't too long ago that Nian nearly murdered him because the Absol was curled around Joey. Since then, there has been some type of understanding between them, but Narros wouldn't put it behind Nian to break his neck.

Narros dipped his head. Regardless of if he feared her or not, he respected her and recognized her as his leader next to Joey.

"Night training?" Nian asked, not bothering to dip her head, not that Narros expected her to.

"I am," Narros muttered, trying not to meet the brown rabbit's gaze for fear he might see something he wish he hadn't. "I wanted to hone my skills for a bit."

"Why?" Nian asked. Narros glanced at her and saw the rabbit crossing her arms.

"I want to be of more use to Joey," he answered. "Lunaris made me recognize how out of practice I was."

"I was wondering why you were brooding more than usual. Look at me," Nian ordered, her foot tapping the earth. "You aren't a child."

Ears flattening at the insult, Narros met Nian's eyes gingerly. He flinched at them; sheer intensity flowed in those eyes, and the lingering resentment she had for him was still burning.

Narros shuddered, but he fought to keep his gaze on Nian's. "Shouldn't you be sleeping with Joey?" he asked.

Nian shrugged her shoulders. "Joey will be fine without me for a while. I saw you leaving and followed you. Those Night Slashes were doing you a service, but it isn't enough."

Narros looked away. "I know that. Why do you think I'm out here?"

Nian glared. "No reason to get snippy, especially with me. You know better than that, Narros."

Narros sighed and dipped his head again. Nian was right. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I just want to be of more use is all."

"Then why not spar with me?" Nian suggested, putting her paws on her hips. "It's better to train with someone else. Doing it alone only takes you so far."

Narros shot Nian a wary look. "Is that a good idea?" he murmured, shuffling his paws uneasily on the earth. "You and me, alone."

Nian narrowed her eyes and smiled. "What? Do you think I'd kill you by accident?" When Narros didn't reply she chuckled. "You might have been right," she said, sweeping on, "if that was a few weeks ago. I would have killed you, but not anymore."

"You don't inspire me with confidence with that confession," Narros said. "Will you be able to control yourself?"

"Of course," Nian replied, but then she leaned forward until she and Narros' noses nearly touched. "I'm not a murderer... Yet."

Nian was menacing when she wanted to be, but Narros knew that it was just to mess with him. He couldn't blame her for saying those things to him; he deserved it.

"Please don't do that," he pleaded, his claws scraping the ground anxiously. "Will you help me or not?"

Nian chuckled again and reeled her face away from Narros. "I will," she answered, stretching her limbs. "Let's focus on your dodging skills for tonight."

Narros looked confused. "Why?" he asked. "I use Detect to see into the near future; I can dodge anything."

Nian sighed. "You can only move so fast, and the more you focus on your speed, the better you'll be able to become untouchable. You are already strong, but focusing on your defense is better for now."

Narros rolled his eyes, but he didn't argue. "Alright, so what-"

Narros was cut off by a brown leg sparkling bearing down on him. With little time to think, he used Detect. He dodges, albeit narrowly, hearing the air roar above him, and the sheer force of the attack sent him pressing his belly to the ground.

Narros felt his fur rising as if he was in mortal peril. He looked up warily to see Nian's intense scarlet eyes glimmering in the moonlight. Whether with malice, excitement, or both, Narros did not know.

"I thought you said you could control yourself," Narros hissed, trembling. "Using Mega Kick could have killed me!"

"No, it wouldn't," Nian retorted. "It would've hurt, but you would not have died. Have some faith."

Narros snorted, easing himself off the ground. "Give me a warning next time," he grumbled.

"Okay, fine," Nian conceded. "Are you ready to continue? We have all night."

Narros nodded, now cautious of Nian's every move. "Let's start."

"Great," she said, lifting her leg off the ground as it began to sparkle. "Let's see how you handle this!"

Celestia's Request by Proxy

View Online

Under the black pall of the moon, famished mutterings fill the still air near a house in the mobile city of Cloudsdale.

"So what's the plan?" said a stallion, his coat shadowed against the moonlight. His wings fidgeted uncomfortably as he tried to sink into the fluffy cloud.

"Yeah," said another voice. It was a mare. She stamped the cloudy surface fretfully, veering her gaze around as if afraid of being caught. "What are we going to do? We sent the letter, but nothing's changed!"

Another stallion sat in front of the other two ponies. "We gave them a warning and they chose to not heed it, so we will take matters into our hooves," he whispered.

The other stallion and the mare blinked and stared at one another, confused. "What are we thinking of doing, Blackwing?" the other stallion asked. "You had me and Slither Flight meet you out here very late."

"I know, Feather Sight, and I called you and Slither here to look at something I purchased," Blackwing murmured. He pushed a saddlebag between the three of them and opened it.

Slither Flight's eyes widened. "Necklaces? How could those help us?" she asked, sounding incredulous.

"These are special necklaces," Blackwing stressed, picking one up with his wing. "They are magical artifacts from a curio shop, kept under a glass dome. The shopkeeper warned me their danger, but he changed his tune after I gave him a large sum of bits. We put these on, and we'll gain a magic boost."

Feather Sight shuffled his hooves uncomfortably. "Blackwing, is this truly what we want to do?" he asked, sounding unsure. "I know we were angry that we weren't selected to join the Wonderbolts, but surely there are other positions..."

"We should have been picked!" Blackwing spat angrily, causing Feather Sight to flinch. "That know-it-all disastrous excuse of a pegasus shouldn't have even been considered! We were right for the job. We worked day and night. We exhausted ourselves. This was a dream we shared. And now it's gone!"

Slither Flight edged close to Feather Sight until their coats brushed. "I was angry and bitter, and I won't lie saying those feelings are gone, but..." She paused before going on. "Is this the right thing to do?" The mare shook her head anxiously, unsure of herself. "Feather?"

The pegasus was quiet for a while, his eyes fixed on the cloud under him until he spoke. "We've gone this far already," he whispered. "Although I'm unsure, what else are we supposed to do?"

"So you'll join me?" Blackwing asked, pleading. "We've always done everything together. I know this feels wrong, but what else can we do? We can't just simply accept this without doing something about it. It isn't fair!"

Slither Flight gazed at Blackwing and then at Feather Sight. She dipped her head in reluctance. "I don't want to hurt any pony..."

Blackwing put the necklace back into the saddlebag with the others. "And we won't," he assured her. "We'll just give folks a scare, and put that speed demon in her place. Feather Sight. Are you with me?"

Feather Sight shifted his worried gaze to meet Slither Flight's. It softened. "I'll do it if this is what Slither wants."

Blackwing looked expectant at Slither Flight, willing her to agree with him. "Slither?"

The mare sighed and gazed at him. "I'll help you, Blackwing," Slither Flight said, conceding. "You're my older brother, and as bull-headed as you can be, I'll stand by you. I always have." She shot a gentle glance at Feather Sight. "And you..."

Blackwing nodded. "Then in a few day's time, the plan will be set into motion..."

It was the early morning; a swift, cool breeze of the wind flowed through Joey's hair as he sat on the steps that led to his front door. Ever since he visited Indola at the Ponyville Clinc some time ago, Joey found that he enjoyed rising early in the morning; he'd take in the peaceful tranquility. Nothing went on, and it was quiet. His Pokémon were safe and well. He closed his limpid white eyes and inhaled the crisp air, slowly taking in the redolent scent.

"I think I'll stay home today," he decided with a yawn, stretching his arms until he heard them crack, making Joey elicit a groan of delight. "Ahh, that's the spot!"

Joey leaned back and watched the cloudless sky above. The warmth from the sun laved his caramel skin; it felt pleasant with the cool wind blowing through the air, creating the perfect weather. He narrowed his eyes as he espied a shadow falling into view, getting larger with each passing second. Joey then heard a raspy voice and suddenly all he could see was blue.

Whatever it was crashed into him on purpose, letting out girly squeals of excitement. As he fell back holding the pony, he recognized the voice. "Rainbow!" Joey called with mirth, ruffling the mare's mane as she pressed against him. "Early bird, eh?"

Rainbow Dash met Joey's clear white gaze and gave him a cocky smile that showed off her pearly white teeth. She was excited about something, that was for certain. Rainbow's wings twitched and her hooves lightly stamped the ground.

"You seem very excited," Joey said. "What's got you so riled up?"

Unable to contain herself any longer, Rainbow Dash shouts, "I'm a Wonderbolt!"

It's been a little over a month since Joey began living in Equestria and one of the things he had to know was how awesome the Wonderbolts were. From his understanding, the Wonderbolts are a group of elite pegasi that perform daring aerial acrobatics and life-threatening maneuvers to dazzle and impress crowds of ponies. Rainbow Dash had expressed very openly her desire to join them; she trained and trained, performing tricks, daring aerial gambits, suffering hospitalization time and time again, but never losing the drive to reach her dream. At long last, she had achieved it.

Joey gave Rainbow his congratulations. He knew how important it was for her and he was happy for her. "So, are you going soon?"

The rainbow mare rubbed the back of her mane, the ardor suddenly vanishing. "Yeah, I'll be away more often," she murmured, sounding slightly unsure. "I talked with my friends, and they support me like always, but..."

"But what?"

Rainbow sighed. "After a less-than-stellar day with the Wonderbolts and making a complete rear-end of a donkey of myself, I found that they weren't what I cracked them up to be."

Joey didn't say anything. He only sat next to Rainbow Dash, putting a comforting hand over her back, and waited for her to speak. There was uncertainty gleaming in her large, round eyes, and he knew something must have happened. When Rainbow Dash stayed silent, it was as if she wasn't sure what to say.

"What happened?" he asked her, his rich voice low and soft. "Did they do something to you?"

Immediately Rainbow Dash shook her head quickly. "No, not at all!" she said hastily, waving her wings in protest. Then she calmed down. "But after I messed up the most basic rule at the Wonderbolt Academy, they started calling me Rainbow Crash; a nickname I've been called ever since I was a filly. They weren't trying to be mean or anything, but it hurt a little, and it doesn't help they're justified in saying it too..."

Joey understood, nodding his head solemnly. "It seems your first impression didn't pan out like you wanted. The Wonderbolts are your idols, the whole reason you trained day and night, to have a shot at being with the big kahunas. Now you think it's all going to fall apart and that you won't be able to pick up the pieces, right?"

Rainbow nodded, a distressed look across her face. "If I don't do something soon, I'll be known as Rainbow Crash by the Wonderbolts for the rest of my life!" she cried out. "I have no idea how to make them forget that blunder!"

"Calm down, calm down," Joey whispered. He placed his hand atop Rainbow's head and caressed it. The soft ministration began to smooth her ruffled feathers and bristling coat. "You just need a good plan. Have you talked to Twilight and your friends about this?"

Taking pleasure in Joey's fingers smoothing her skull, Rainbow almost didn't answer. "No, I wanted to see you first," she murmured, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment. "I don't know how my friends will take it; they might think I'm a fool."

"Nonsense." Joey nudged Rainbow with his elbow. The abrupt action almost sent the mare toppling over, but she steadied herself and gazed at him. "Talk to your friends," he urged, "and they will help you. The first impression isn't everything. If you mess up the first time, prepare for the second; improve the situation by being better, more alert, and willing to contribute. Twilight might have an idea or two; she seems like the type of mare to channel those attributes pretty well."

Rainbow Dash gave Joey a small smile and nodded, giving what he said serious thought. He could tell she appreciated his input.

"And whenever you and the Wonderbolts have a show, try and sneak me an extra ticket," he said slyly, sticking his tongue out playfully. "I want to see the fastest mare in Equestria strut her stuff among the big leagues!" He could see the sullen look on Rainbow's face brighten with her usual cocky grin, then she took to the air, performing a few tricks to his amazement.

"Of course!" she shouted with gusto. "I'll be the best member there. My flying skills will leave you speechless!" Rainbow Dash fluttered back down and hugged Joey. "And thanks for the little pick-me-up. I gotta go see my friends. See ya!"

As Joey watched the mare blitz off into Ponyville, he heard the door open and turned to face Nian. She skipped over to him and sat beside him. "You think she'll be fine?"

"Of course," Joey said. "Rainbow's a tough one. All she has to do is make her second impression better than the first. It'll all work out." Joey stood up and began heading toward the open field beyond his house. "Now, how about we get to sparring?"

Nian cracked a smile. "Sure. Lena, field, now!"

The Chansey rushed out of the house. "Take it easy you two, we don't want to cause too much damage to ourselves!"

A few days pass until Joey heard a knock on his door. He was in the living room with Yuna, Nian, and Jenny. He was painting Jenny's nails red and Yuna painted his blue, while Nian watched the three with half-lidded eyes, dozing.

When he stopped to carefully open his front door to not ruin his freshly painted nails, a light brown stallion with a brown mane, blue eyes, and a cutie mark displaying a stamp with a heart waved at him. He was greeted by mailpony and resident beekeeper Parcel Post.

"I have a letter for a Joeshur Riverside," announced the stamp-loving stallion.

"That's me," Joey said, raising his hand. "What's up?"

The stallion dug into his bag of letters and perfectly fished out the envelope and handed it to Joey. "Looks like you got something special today!"

Perplexed, Joey examined the envelope carefully: white and signed with his name in cursive. Joey almost scowled; he loathed reading words in cursive; it made everything look messy. Scanning further, the middle of the envelope was emblazoned with a type of lightning bolt insignia.

"Huh," he murmured, rubbing his head with a palm. He looked at the stallion. "You say it's special?"

Parcel Post bobbed his head eagerly. "Judging from the unique emblem, it's an invitation to see a show!"

"An invitation?" Joey stared at the stallion, then at the letter, and back.

"It's the symbol of the Wonderbolts!" Parcel told Joey mirthfully. "Usually, to get a ticket, you'd have to order one in advance since Wonderbolt shows are typically held in a few weeks when tickets are selling, but yours is pretty special! It came from within!"

"Within?" Joey asked. "A member of the Wonderbolts sent me an invitation to their upcoming shows?"

"Yes, sir!" Parcel Post replied with unrestrained glee. "You're lucky, the next show is in three days! Whoever gave you that must think highly of you. Well, I'm off!"

Now that Joey thought about it, the letter may have been from Rainbow Dash. It must have been a gift for talking with her a few days ago, though, Joey would have happily paid for his ticket. Regardless, he was thankful. Waving his goodbyes, Joey returned to his activities with his Pokémon, excited about the upcoming Wonderbolt show.

The next few days flew by until the Wonderbolt show arrived. Joey was getting ready when a knock on the door grabbed his attention. He opens the door and sees a stallion with a ginger coat wearing the armor synonymous with the royal guard.

"Are you Joeshur Riverside?" the stallion asked briskly. Joey thought he heard an edge to this guard's voice, but he quickly dismissed it.

He nodded, saying, "I am and who are you?"

The guard stood at attention and saluted. "I am Sunspot Rise," he told the human. "Rockfall was my mentor."

Joey felt a fresh pang of hurt in his heart at being reminded of Rockfall. Perhaps the edge he thought he heard from the stallion was true. Sunspot must think it was partially Joey's fault Rockfall was dead.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Sunspot," Joey murmured, his voice wrought with sadness. "I didn't know Rockfall well, but the time I had spent with him will never be forgotten." Joey thought he saw Sunspot relax a little at his sorrowful words. "What can I do for you?"

"Princess Celestia requests your aid," he said.

Joey was perplexed and a bit hurt; Princess Celestia usually went to him personally and gave him information. She still needs time to grieve, he thought.

Sunspot continued. "I know this has sprung onto you suddenly but listen. The Wonderbolt event happening in Cloudsdale's Cloudeseum might be subjected to sabotage. The Wonderbolts have been threatened by an unknown third party, most likely a group of pegasi since the Cloudeseum is only accessible in the air, to demand the event be canceled or fear possible action. The Wonderbolts had refused to cave in."

That was surprising, a party of ponies threatening to cause harm to innocents. Joey was reminded of Roady and his Fool's Poison debacle. When a pony would consume the contents of the Fool's Poison, they were hospitalized for days, all for Roady to make a quick bit. But this was something different, more personal. This was to harm others for simply going to see a show performed by amazing ponies.

Joey's eyes narrowed, solemn. "What do we know about these ponies?"

"Not very much," Sunspot lamented, shrugging. "They're pegasi for sure, but we don't know why they are targeting the Wonderbolt show."

"Perhaps there's a connection?" Joey entreated. "I wouldn't think a pony, or a group of ponies would target the Wonderbolts if it wasn't for a reason; we need to figure out their motive. What I know is that the Wonderbolts held tryouts for ponies to become new Wonderbolts some time ago. Maybe that's the reason?"

Sunspot stared at Joey for a couple of heartbeats, taking in what the human suggested with a grimace on his face.

"Getting into the Wonderbolts is a big deal." Joey went on. "It takes a lot of skill to become one of them from what I learned, and when you do you are practically set for life, provided you do something idiotic that gets you thrown out."

Sunspot slowly bobbed his head. "You may be right," he uttered under his lips. "It takes a lot of heart and passion to go for something like that, and when you don't make it while others do it may create something unwarranted. Do you think these pegasi are ponies who failed the Wonderbolt tryouts?"

Joey shrugged. "Maybe, but I don't know," he said to the ginger-coated stallion. "It's possible. People can do a lot of foolish things, especially if they're envious."

"Right," Sunspot agreed. "We'll just have to be on patrol and look out for anything suspicious. Also, this is an operation best left out of any pony's ears; keep this mission radio silent. Got it?"

"Got it," Joey replied. "Twilight and her friends will be over in an hour to go to the event. Will you be at the Cloudeseum?"

Sunspot nodded, gesturing to his wings. "I'll be around the area. When you get there and have Princess Twilight and her friends distracted, slink away and meet up with me near the Cloudeseum's entrance gate so we can start scoping around. There will hardly be a pony traipsing about while the show is going on. We may see something then."

Joey nodded. "See you then." He watched Sunspot take to the air and fly away, leaving the human with a concerned look on his face.

"Joey, what's going on?" called a voice. It sounded groggy and grumpy. It was Nian.

"We got another mission from Celestia," Joey told her. "A bunch of fools might be targeting the Wonderbolt show later today."

Nian narrowed her eyes with contempt. "The event in the clouds, right?" Joey nodded. "But why?"

"Jealousy and passion are an ugly mix, and I suspect that Rainbow Dash is in the middle of it," he assumed, sighing. "I wouldn't be shocked if that mare had unknowingly garnered some unwanted attention."

"Who will you be taking?"

Joey placed a hand on his chin. "Nils, Mechan, and Lena," he decided. "Yuna needs to feel the earth under her paws, Narros doesn't do well with heights, and Jenny may cause a few problems with her Ice typing. You're coming of course."

Nian nodded, pleased with the selection. "Lena may prove to be highly useful in the skies," she pointed out shrewdly. "Two of her primary moves are perfect for hindering folks who're always on the move."

"You are right," Joey agreed. "Lena hasn't participated in a battle since Lunaris. Alright, let us get this mission done!"

"It's strange," Nian murmured. "How will we stay in the air? Nils can't carry us the entire time."

"Twilight may have a solution for that," he said. He wasn't sure either, but if some of Twilight's friends who didn't have wings are going, then there must be something the alicorn will be able to do. "We'll just have to wait and find out."

The Cloudeseum

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In a veil of shadows provided by an arching structure, a mare paced anxiously in a circle while a stallion watched her.

"Slither," whispered the stallion, his tail flicking. "Slither Flight, calm down and breathe, for Celestia's sake! You're making a rut in the cloud!"

Slither Flight looked at him, worry in her bright green gaze. "But how, Feather Sight, can I when my brother is acting so unnaturally?!" she wailed. Her wings trembled and her coat spiked as if a cruel breeze swept through her fur. "It's like I don't know him at all!"

Feather Sight brushed his coat against Slither's and held his hooves onto her own. "First things first: breathe. Getting yourself so worked up won't help."

"But..." Before Slither Wing could ramble further, Feather Sight kissed her on the lips, silencing her whimpers. Then he broke the kiss and stared at her, his bright, crystal blue eyes shining.

"Breathe, Slither," he murmured softly, his muzzle touching hers tenderly. "Just breathe..."

Slither Flight stared at him for a moment before doing what he asked. She took in a large breath through her nose, inhaling Feather's sweet scent in her nostrils, and then she breathed out slowly.

"Better?" Feather Sight ventured.

Slither Flight nodded before glancing briefly away. "I'm sorry," she rasped, remembering to lower her voice. "That necklace...changed him."

Feather Sight turned his eyes toward two necklaces laying on the cloud next to him and Slither Flight. "Then it's a good thing we didn't wear them at all," he commented darkly. "Ever since our meeting, Blackwing had his dangling from his neck. I've noticed his change too; he never was so aggressive. Brash, sure, but nothing like this."

"What are we going to do?" Slither Flight whimpered, pressing her muzzle against Feather Sight's neck. "He attacked you..."

Slither Flight was right. There were a few black hoofmarks embedded on Feather Sight's face and flank when he tried to talk Blackwing out of their plan to terrorize the Wonderbolt Show.

"As long as he didn't hurt you, I'll be fine," he assured her, but Slither only looked more distressed. "Listen. We need to head to the Cloudeseum and stop Blackwing from hurting any pony. He'll wait for his opportunity to strike during the middle of the show." Feather Sight's eyes grew dark. "We have to talk him out of it."

"If he wouldn't listen to me or to you, he won't listen to no pony," Slither cried out, tears staining her face. "I want my brother, but I don't know how to get him back!"

Feather Sight placed his wing over Slither Flight for support, holding her close to him. "We'll have to try something...without those." He shot his and Slither's necklaces a disgusted glare. "Those things are nothing but trouble."

Joey sat on his couch with Nian by his side, waiting. He was decked out in dark-colored clothes: jet-black pants, auburn-colored shirt and shoes, and a black cap. Twilight and her friends would be here any minute to take him to see Rainbow Dash perform in Cloudsdale's Cloudeseum as an official Wonderbolt. He would have rather worn lighter colors, but he needed to not stand out more than he already did, being a human and all.

Joey was also worried, but only slightly. He was thinking about the threat Sunspot had informed him, of a group of pegasi looking to stir up some trouble at the Wonderbolt show. He was to work with Sunspot Rise, the pupil to the late Rockfall, and snuff out the troublemakers.

As he waited, Joey shot a weary look at his painted nails. His nails were painted sapphire during a play session with Yuna and Jenny earlier, and they were dry. Joey never liked painting his nails, though, he wasn't averse to it either, or he would be remiss if he hadn't indulged his daughter, Yuna. Although the Lucario had indeed evolved quite some time ago, she was still very young and playful, the youngest by far in his family.

Joey heard Nian snicker and turned his limpid white eyes on her. "Find something funny?" he asked his partner, giving her a well-intentioned but playful shove.

Nian didn't budge, instead sticking out her tongue. "Never thought you'd go with blue; you like red instead," the brown rabbit told him. "The way you scowled uneasily was quite entertaining."

Joey shrugged, chuckling. "Yuna likes blue, and I couldn't say no. Besides," he added, admiring his nails, "the color's growing on me."

Nian just shook her head. "She could always wrap you around her paw, Joey; all she has to do is blink cutely and you crumble. The next thing Yuna will suggest is playing Dress-Up." She narrowed her eyes playfully. "You still have those dresses when you were striving to be Kalos Queen a few years back."

Joey scoffed. "Not 'striving'. Strived. I won that year; I look good in a dress, so I wouldn't mind."

"Of course, Queen 'Jolene' of Kalos, of course," Nian bantered, her nose twitching.

Joey chortled with glee. "Don't deny you had fun."

Nian snorted with amusement. "After I broke in the dress and knew that battles were a part of the contests, of course I would have fun; knocking out a few skulls eased my discomfort."

"You're welcome," Joey said. "Anyway, you should join next play session. Yuna would appreciate it."

"I prefer to watch, but if you truly want me to, then sure," she conceded. She cast a glance at her nails; they were hidden under her well-groomed brown fur. "Green or red?"

"It isn't my decision; Yuna is in charge during playtime," he replied with a yawn. "She'll probably paint them pink."

"Ugh, pink?" Nian said, disgust across her face. "I'll never hear the end of it from Nils. He'd call me-"

A ring from the doorbell alerted the two close friends. Joey answers it, and sees Twilight and her friends: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and a new pony with a white coat and purple mane.

"Ready to go?" Princess Twilight asked, her horn glowing. "The show starts in twenty minutes; seats are already being filled, so we got to go now to get a good view of the show."

Joey nodded, Nian by his side. "And who is this pony?" Joey pointed to the pristine-looking mare.

"Oh, that's right! You two haven't met yet." Twilight extends her wing and puts it on her friend. "This is Rarity, a well-known fashionista who runs the boutique in Ponyville. She recently came back with Spike from a business venture in Baltimare."

Joey watched as Rarity bowed courteously and he did the same polite gesture. There was an air of regalness this mare exhumed, and the human might've thought that Rarity could have been born in Canterlot; that's where most haughty-like, regal ponies usually lived as he was informed by Rainbow Dash. Regardless, he was happy to make her acquaintance.

"So, Twilight," Joey began after pleasantries were done. "How will we get to Cloudsdale exactly? Nian and I can't walk on clouds."

Twilight's eyes sparkled; she surely had an idea. "No problem," she started with a small bounce. "Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie aren't able either, but I used a spell that allowed my friends to walk amongst the clouds. If it worked on them, then it should work on you and your friend."

Before Joey could answer, he noticed Rarity looking about his front yard with worry etched on her face. He followed her gaze to see Nils roosting in his tree. The massive predatory bird had certainly caught the mare's attention, but that was normal.

"Take no notice of Nils, he's just resting, and he doesn't eat ponies," he assured Rarity gently. "He's quite the wisecracker, frankly."

The mare gazed at him with an awkward chuckle. Joey must've thought Rarity found herself rude to assume such things. "Of course, of course," the white mare said, waving her hooves in the air nonchalantly as if she wasn't plainly worried at all. "Twilight informed me of these...Pokémon. They look very lovely, especially the one next to you. Her eyes are quite striking, and yours are beautifully uncanny. Your eye color is quite rare!"

Nian snorted rudely at Rarity's compliment, but she reluctantly dipped her head after Joey gave her a warning glance.

"I am told my eyes are very rare amongst the ponies, and never have Nian been praised for her eyes before. You're very sweet, thank you" he replied, turning to Twilight. "Spell ready?"

The alicorn nodded, but before she could cast the spell, Joey had walked to the middle of the yard and called Mechan, Nils, and Lena to stand beside him.

Twilight looked confused. "Surely not all of these Pokémon are going to see a Wonderbolt show. I thought only you and Nian were coming."

Joey was told to keep the mission Sunspot Rise told him as a secret from Twilight and her friends, because having large group of ponies, the Elements of Harmony no less, looking for potential trouble could scare off the pegasi threatening to sabotage the show. Subsequently, it would reduce the risk of more ponies being injured or worse; Joey had enough of ponies' lives being lost during his missions.

Besides, the mission called for him anyway, and he would rather not involve his new friends if he could, at the start. If everything goes well, and Joey hoped it did, then the mission would be completed without too much trouble.

"Okay," began Twilight, her horn glowing. "Just stand still and the magic spell should work."

Joey complied with his Pokémon. It took a few seconds until he felt something warm flow through his body, swirling inside him, and then he felt it expand and expand until the feeling was suddenly gone. He studied his Pokémons' reactions and saw that they felt the same thing; the warm feeling had come and went.

Joey then shifted his gaze at Twilight and saw that the alicorn was panting. That was odd; Joey had learned over the weeks of being in this world that Twilight has a certain affinity for magic. She was able to cast large-scale spells and use other spells like teleportation and levitation to the maximum extent, yet he saw that casting magic on him took its toll. Now that was peculiar.

"Twilight, are you okay?" Joey saw the mare hold up her hoof, signaling that she was fine. "Are you sure?" he pressed.

Twilight was leaning on Applejack for support. "Yes, yes, I'm fine," she assured Joey. "That was strange. Casting magic on you was more difficult than I had thought." Her eyes glimmered and a smile found its way on her face. "Maybe you could come over later so I can study this odd phenomenon?"

Now Joey knew how deep Twilight could get when she applied herself to a project. It wasn't too long ago that the alicorn was depriving herself of sleep and food because of her interest in Pokémon. He had to scold her like a father did to his daughter in order for the mare to stop and focus on her health.

Joey didn't want that to happen again, however, since he would be project Twilight wanted to study, he knew that with the right words, he'd be able to get her to listen to him.

"Alright, but after the show," he told the alicorn. Before Twilight could squeal in delight, Joey had stopped her. "Let's focus on getting to the show. So, what method of travel shall we take?"

Pinkie jumped in place, spouting, "Twilight is going to teleport us!"

"Have you ever teleported before, Mr. Riverside?" Rarity asked shrewdly, her diamond-blue eyes sparkling. "It can be an... unpleasant venture if you are not prepared."

"Of course," Joey answered, gaining the shocked eyes of the ponies.

"But how?" Twilight questioned, craning her head toward Joey much to the annoyance of Nian.

"I can't teleport, but Mechan can," he clarified. "Have you forgotten what almost happened a few weeks ago, Twilight?"

Twilight blushed in embarrassment, rubbing the back of her mane. "Oh, yeah. I remember now," she murmured awkwardly.

"Did something fun happen?!" Pinkie cried out.

"Not necessarily," Twilight said, casting a quick glance at Pinkie Pie. "I'll tell you later. Fluttershy is waiting on us."

"I was wondering where she and Rainbow were, but it makes sense, for Rainbow at least," Joey said aloud, stroking his chin.

"Rainbow's getting ready to perform and Fluttershy went on ahead to cover our seats," Applejack said.

"We better get going," Twilight pressed. "Ready, Joey?"

"Yep," he answered, grabbing Nils, Mechan, and Lena's Pokè Balls, returning the Pokémon inside them before strapping the capsules around his waist. "Let's head for Cloudsdale's Cloudeseum!"

With a bright glow from Twilight Sparkle's horn, a flash happened, causing Joey to avert his eyes. When he opened them again, the color blue filled his limpid white gaze. He felt light and shivered a little from the base of his shoes; he looked down and saw that he was standing on a large white cloud. Though the cloud looked that it shouldn't be able to let him stand on it, he felt as if he was solid ground. He gazed down at Nian and knew she was feeling the same thing.

"Welcome to the city of Cloudsdale!" Pinkie Pie announced cheerily, bouncing up and down.

Joey looked around the large cloud city and couldn't stop smiling. Pegasi ponies were flying everywhere he turned: pools of rainbows were along the edges of the city, spilling down to the earth below, and a factory off into the far distance where even more of the rainbows flowed. The city structures were supported by large stone columns; houses were dark in color, of varying shades of blue, purple, gray, and white, and patterns such as swirling clouds and winds were depicted everywhere along with lightning bolts too.

Through the means of magic, Joey was able to visit a place that otherwise wouldn't be possible. Sure, he could fly on the back of Nils, but that wouldn't be the same as walking among the crowd. Here, he could head to the Cloudeseum with his friends while exploring the city.

Ponies, pegasi, stared at the human with odd but knowing looks, muttering to those next to them. Some were holding newspapers; they would look at Joey, then at the paper, then at him again and point with eager murmurs. It seemed whatever was in the newspaper caused a lot of pegasi ponies to stare at Joey. Whether with cautious glances or meek stares, he did not know.

"Are you sure haven't visited here?" Rarity asked Joey, trotting up to him and examining his clothes absently. "The pegasi here seem to know you, yes?"

Though confused as to why Rarity was appraising his clothes, Joey didn't have the faintest idea why ponies were staring at him. Nian got in front of Rarity and snorted crossly at the unicorn who backed away with a sheepish grin.

"Are you famous?!" Pinkie blurted, appearing behind Joey's back and clinging onto him. "Look at those faces!"

"I don't know," Joey said, bewildered. "I never been to Cloudsdale; and I never met any of these ponies."

Applejack chuckled as she began trotting forward, Pinkie and Rarity following after her. "Y'all seem to have made a name for yourself," she commented. "Ponies stare at us from time to time, 'cause of our exploits in saving Equestria; get used to it the first few times 'round."

Rarity agreed beside her orange friend. "And it's natural for a dashing young creature such as yourself being something a lot of these ponies haven't seen before. You are quite handsome, and your eyes are incredibly striking; white is extremely uncommon."

As Joey watched Twilight's friends trot on, the alicorn appeared next to him. "You have worked for the princess on multiple occasions," she pointed out as she trailed after her friends. "News travels fast around here. Don't worry if it bothers you; the fame will trickle down over time.

Joey found himself agreeing with Twilight. He was a key player in the Fool's Poison debacle and with saving Orah in the Forbidden Jungle. Tales of his exploits seemed to be getting out and ponies were noticing. The stares, as he now suspected, may be looks of admiration and curiosity; his fame was growing.

Nian glared with mistrust at the ponies who were passing by and staring widely at Joey. "As long as they keep their hooves to themselves," she grumbled, her piercing scarlet eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Joey placed a hand on Nian's head to settle her nerves. "Relax," he soothed, walking behind Twilight Sparkle. "I would've gotten some odd stares anyway. Let's focus on getting to the Cloudeseum and settling everybody down before we meet up with Sunspot."

The walk to the Cloudeseum didn't take long, but there were a few road bumps, most notably pegasi trotting up to Joey and asking him for his autograph. He had learned that a lot of them had indeed heard about his involvement with the Fool's Poison and the rescue of Orah from Lunaris at the Forbidden Jungle.

It took a lot of coaxing for Nian to keep her paws to herself as ponies continued to get in the way. Though slightly overwhelmed by his sudden fame, Joey had indulged the ponies and gave them autographs. Some wanted one on their wings, hooves, flanks, and face, and as weird as it was, he complied.

Joey had to admit he enjoyed the swarm of fans. Even Nian got a few, but, like bad-tempered Houndoom, the rabbit snarled viciously, making them scatter.

With the help of Rarity and Applejack, the crowds of pegasi that were steadily increasing broke up and went to their own devices, leaving a flustered Joey grateful for his friends' intervention. The squad continued forward down a crowded cloudy pathway. Slowly did he notice a mass of pegasi wearing shirts and hats, hoisting and swinging flags, lightning bolt-like markings streaked across their faces, and various merchandise of the Wonderbolts were on their person.

Suddenly, a large weight on his shoulders nearly made Joey lose balance, and when he looked behind to see who it was, he saw Pinkie Pie smiling widely. "Enjoying the view up there?" he asked her, a hint of humor in his deep voice.

Pinkie Pie nodded vigorously, her forehooves stretched to let the breeze flow through her coat. "Not long now," she uttered in anticipation. She looked as if she was ready to burst. "Oooh, I can't wait to see Dashie flying with the Wonderbolts; it's been her lifelong dream!"

Joey knew that; everyone did. It was one of the first things a person would know about Rainbow Dash. He recollected the times Rainbow had visited him just to talk about her idols and how often he indulged the mare, asking questions and being genuinely impressed by her passion. That's what he liked about her: Rainbow's unwavering determination and confidence.

Now that her dream had finally came true where she could fly with her idols, it became more and more apparent of the potential danger she and everyone else was in while inside the Cloudeseum. Once Joey gets to his destination, he would almost have to slip away to meet up with Sunspot Rise.

Pinkie Pie continued to ramble on and on while her friends would occasionally comment until the squad ended up facing a large oval structure hoisted by white marble columns. A mass of ponies congregated at the broad front gates with two symbols of lightning bolts emblazoned on the greyish-white surface.

Joey watched many of them line up in two long, huge groups, and steadily did they ease themselves up the white steps and inside the wide building all the while chattering excitedly about the upcoming show.

Joey was guided through the crowd with Twilight Sparkle at the head with the rest of his friends following after her. He noticed how the two groups of pegasi made a little bit of room for Twilight; he had forgotten that she was considered to be a princess of Equestria, and that the ponies were showing their respect and politeness. At least he and Nian didn't have to be pushed or shoved trying to get inside.

When Joey got inside, he was surprised how spacious it was. Lively voices filled the large dome, a steady, comforting breeze flowed through him, shops manned by pegasi were positioned at the edges of the interior, selling Wonderbolt merchandise. Food stands were here too, selling popcorn, hay burgers, and apple cider, the works. It was really crowded, and he thought that if he lost track of his pony friends, he'd never find them.

Luckily, Joey knew where everypony had gotten off to: Pinkie Pie was happily battling her way to one of the stands to get some food for the group. Applejack and Rarity went to one of the stands that sold the Wonderbolt merch to show their support for Rainbow Dash. She was arguing with Rarity about how it didn't matter if they were wearing matching shirts or hats while Rarity argued that it did.

Shaking his head, he saw Twilight standing next to one of five entrances that most likely led into the Cloudeseum seats. She turned her head back and forth as if she was searching for someone. Then, a yellow pegasus fluttered out of the second entrance and stood in front of Twilight, hugging her in greeting. It was Fluttershy, wearing a lightning bolt cap on her long pink mane and a shirt that had Rainbow Dash on the rest of the Wonderbolt squad printed on the front, looking brave and courageous.

Joey began walking to her with Nian beside him, who was looking wary and giving mistrustful, hostile glares at the pegasi. He assumed Nian was just anxious; they haven't been around too many ponies since they dropped unceremoniously in their world. Being surrounded by loud ponies must make her feel uneasy.

"It's okay," Joey soothed his partner reassuringly, placing his hand atop her head. He saw Nian's floppy ears twitch, and she eased some of the tension in her well-toned muscles. "Everypony here has been friendly."

Nian held onto one of Joey's arms firmly. It wasn't for her to feel safe, but rather to protect him. "There's a group meaning to do harm here," she said, a hint of a snarl in her voice. "Let's just hurry, get our friends seated, and get this mission done."

Joey sighed and nodded. Nian was in full protector mode; anything he could say would be brushed off. When he and Nian reached Fluttershy, he greeted her with a smile. "Good to see you, Fluttershy," he said merrily as the mare trotted up to him and gave him a hug. "It seems you're ready to cheer Rainbow Dash on!"

Fluttershy nodded excitedly. Under her wing, she revealed a blue and white spray can used to spray marks on a person's face. "I was going to spray some lightning bolts on my face, but I need help to get it right. Is Rarity here?" she asked, veering her soft gaze around the crowd of ponies, searching for her white friend.

As if she had summoned her, Rarity along with a slightly annoyed Applejack, who was carrying some matching shirts, hats, and couple of foam fingers on her back, trotted up to the group. Pinkie Pie came shortly after, carrying bags of popcorn on her withers.

"Have no fear, Fluttershy; I can help," Rarity announced. She turned to Applejack, a look of triumph across her face. "Applejack, do be a dear and follow Pinkie Pie to our seats, would you?" She batted her eyes innocently; Applejack only grumbled, but there was a good-natured gleam in her bright emerald eyes.

The yellow pegasus began to look meek. "Our seats are the fifth row from the left at the very top; there is a reserved section for us," Fluttershy informed to her friends as she gave the spray can to Rarity.

Twilight looked confused. "Reserved seating?"

Fluttershy shuffled lightly on her hooves as Rarity got to work spraying the lightning bolt marks on her cheeks. "Rainbow Dash mentioned to the Cloudeseum organizers that you and the rest of our friends were coming. You know how ponies are..."

Twilight sighed and shook her head. "I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I can't blame them for wanting to please a princess and give me an enjoyable time with my friends, but honestly... Regular seats would've done us just fine."

"No sense in grousing, darling," Rarity commented as she stepped away with the spray can. "I'm finished, Fluttershy!"

Joey watched silently as Fluttershy thanked Rarity for her help. The time was growing near to start the mission. He wondered where Sunspot was among the mass of ponies that were beginning to go through the one of the entrances that led into the stadium outside. He was supposed to be here.

Joey scanned the crowd and saw a blue-eyed, ginger-coated pegasus with a light brown mane and white splotches on his back and chest. He looked serious and distracted, but Joey knew that was Sunspot. The stallion was hardly recognizable without his armor; Joey assumed that looking like a guard would deter the group of pegasi that were threatening the Cloudeseum.

Their eyes met and Sunspot nodded, looking away and going to one of the stands to purchase some Wonderbolt merch as a means to look nonchalant.

"Joey, are you okay?" Twilight asked, almost startling the human. He looked down and saw she was wearing a blue and white hat and shirt that depicted the Wonderbolts. She gestured to her friends trotting together into the stadium. "Everypony is going to sit down. Is everything alright?"

"Yes," he told her. "I was just lost in thought."

Twilight Sparkle gazed at him for a few seconds before shrugging. "If you're sure, then let's catch up with everypony," she said, trotting after her friends. She looked back, worry in her eyes. "Are you sure everything's okay?"

Joey nodded, walking behind her with Nian scowling. "I really do appreciate your concern, but there is nothing wrong, Twilight," he insisted. "Let's head on."

"You didn't have to lie," Nian said, her eyes narrowing as she glanced at their surroundings.

"It's fine," he told his partner.

Nian shook her head. "You're worried, and I can tell. Are you sure we shouldn't tell Twilight and her friends about the mission?"

"I'm sure." His limpid white eyes were staring ahead. "This assignment calls for a more covert approach, and having ponies that often express themselves so openly could be a detriment. Besides," he added, "if things start going bad, then I'll tell them, but for now, there's no need. I would rather deal with this without much fuss and worry."

"But you are worried," Nian pointed out. She stopped him with a slight tug. "I know you don't want another pony to die. Listen, I think that you should at least tell Twilight, just so she can know what to expect. She is a princess and all."

Joey gazed down at Nian silently, and then he dipped his head, agreeing. "Alright," he conceded, running up to Twilight who was trailing behind so he could follow her.

Ears twitching, Twilight looked up at him and stopped, perplexed. "Something on your mind?"

"There is," he replied, crouching to the floor so he was the same height as her. "Twilight, I need to tell you something. I'm not just here to watch Rainbow Dash perform..."

Bluestream Fulmination

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Of the past is one of the many divides between those who were once close.

"Rainbow!" called a black colt, his wings flapping angrily after his friend. "Rainbow, what the hay was that back there? You left me behind! Again!"

Rainbow Dash was ahead of him, her multi-colored mane and tail swishing behind her. Arrogant, she looked back to see the pegasus struggling to fly after her and rolled her eyes. Disdain and agitation glinted within them.

"I didn't leave you behind; you were too slow, as usual," the filly retorted, halting in the air and turning to the colt. He stopped too, but it was sudden and clumsy. "The Fantastical Flashbang would've worked if you were able to keep pace with me like you should've! We've practiced this so many times, but you always lag behind me, and I don't know why!"

The black colt snorted in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you that we don't need to go as fast as you think we have to? We save energy better if we keep a steady pace, not flying as fast as possible and being too tired to perform any tricks!" He sighed in exasperation, his hoof rubbing the side of his head. "We're supposed to be a team, but you act as if you are a one-pony show!"

"But we have to go faster for the Double Flyer Competition, and keeping a steady pace won't wow the judges," she argued, fluttering up at her friend's face. "We have to impress them, not make them bored out of their minds!"

"The trick would have been something no other pegasi had ever seen before, but because you can't be bothered to be on a team, it didn't work!" the black pegasus spat, his face touching Rainbow's. "Winning by tiring ourselves out won't impress no pony and you know it. Why do you keep screwing things up?!"

Rainbow Dash looked offended, and her face went red with anger. "Me? Messing things up? Ha!" she laughed. "Have you seen your flying lately?! You can't even keep up with me during a regular flight!"

"Just because I don't have the same amount of endurance as you do doesn't mean I suck at flying!" the black pegasus hissed quietly. "You get so into the performance that you forget everything we've practiced and start showing off! We are a team!"

"How can I work with a teammate if said teammate can't even keep up with me?!" Rainbow interrogated, her eyes narrowing with fury. "I want to win!"

"And you think I don't?!"

Rainbow shrugged. "We didn't do the trick because you were too slow for the dive! Just ask Feather Sight and Slither Flight, they were watching!"

"You were showing off when you should have been working WITH me, but you seem to do anything but that," he told her. "That's what's so annoying about you, Rainbow. You can't be bothered to be a team player, not even with me! I thought you wanted to work with me!"

Rainbow forced her face away from her friend's. "I did, but I don't think I will anymore," she spat harshly, turning her back to her friend. "I can do this without you; Gilda's coming to visit, so I'll ask her to be my partner instead of you!"

The black pegasus was silent for a few moments. "Do you mean that?"

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash shouted, not a hint of remorse in her voice. "I don't need a slow pony like you dragging me down, Blackwing!"

"But...we're supposed to be a team..." His voice sounded hurt, but then it hardened. "Fine. Be that way; see if I care!" He turned away and flew off.

Rainbow Dash glanced back at her friend silently, watching him fly further and further away until he was out of sight. She kicked herself and sighed. She and Blackwing, though they were friends, often argued, but this time Rainbow feared she might've gone a bit too far with the words she spoke.

"But...I can't win with him," she told herself, trying to convince herself it was true. "Whatever. He can go sulk for all I care..."

Joey was sitting with Nian in the reserved section along with Twilight and her friends, watching Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Wonderbolts perform for everypony in the Cloudeseum. The enraptured crowd of pegasi roared in excitement as Rainbow Dash began to do fifteen aerial loops in rapid succession while the other Wonderbolts flew fast in a circle below her. The special effects on their suits gave off a thin flash of light that dazzled the crowd like lightning.

On Rainbow Dash's suit, she was able to create a smoke cloud the color of rainbows. She flew around the Cloudeseum, leaving giant traces of the rainbow-colored smoke until she made a circle. In the middle of the circle, the rest of the Wonderbolts created a crosshair, indicating to the crowd that something would target it.

Sure enough, as the crowd watched with anticipation, Rainbow Dash blitzed upward high in the great blue sky until she was nothing but a mere speck in the far distance. Then, as soon as she got far enough away, she plummeted downwards toward the smoky target.

Everypony heard a high-pitched sound and saw Rainbow being gradually engulfed in the wind that got narrower and sharper. Static formed around the mare, and when she managed to hit the crosshair, she suddenly darted up, causing a sonic boom that rippled throughout the stadium with a colorful blast. The sheer force of the shockwave made everypony reel back, and when the sonic boom subsided, a lot of ponies' manes were blown back, but their eyes were alight with uproarious delight.

Joey and Nian were the only ones who withstood the sonic boom, though they had to grip onto their seats to prevent themselves from being blown back. He watched as Rainbow Dash twirled in the air and gazed at the silent, awestruck crowd with a prideful grin. Seconds later, the stadium roared with cheering pegasi, Rainbow's friends joining in, all desiring more awesome stunts from her and the Wonderbolts.

As the show continued, Joey felt that it was time to slip away with Nian. He gazed at his friends and saw that they were too engrossed to notice his absence. Well, except for one: Twilight Sparkle. The mare cheered the least and her face conveyed concern and an uncertain fear. She was looking at him, her purple eyes round with worry. Joey had told her about his mission at Nian's request, and the mare was speechless upon listening. He was to root out a team of pegasi threatening to terrorize the Wonderbolt show for reasons none of them knew. He told her after everypony was distracted, he'd meet up with Sunspot Rise to try and deal with the situation as covertly as possible.

Twilight Sparkle had wanted to tell her friends about the mission, but Joey had persuaded her not to. A large group might scare away the pegasi, and that wasn't ideal if Joey and Sunspot were to find and capture them for arrest. He did ask her to keep a sharp eye out for anything suspicious while he was gone, and Twilight had agreed to do so.

As purple alicorn turned her gaze away from Joey, he and Nian got up from their seats and carefully made their way through the pegasi and into the main lobby of the Cloudeseum. Looking around, the lobby was mostly empty with the vendors from earlier still manning their shops, but they were preoccupied with a few newspapers or listening intently at the performance outside. A few other pegasi were milling about the lobby, speaking excitedly to one another, but little to attention to him.

Joey saw Sunspot Rise near the entrance into the Cloudeseum, looking grim and a bit anxious by the way his hooves shuffled under him. He assumed the pegasus was eager to get this mission over and he shared his sentiments. He just wanted to have a good time, but that can't happen if the stadium is likely to be attacked.

Joey walked up to Sunspot with Nian beside him. "Alright, I'm here," he said, greeting the pegasus. Sunspot turned to face him and saluted. "Ready to start?"

"About time you got here," Sunspot said in annoyance, but he looked uncomfortable. "As a guard, I am allowed to patrol the stadium, so while you were trying to get away from Princess Twilight and her friends, I did some scoping."

"Did you find anything?"

Sunspot nodded. "Outside the Cloudeseum, I saw a... black pegasus with a necklace angrily looking around the area before flying around the back of the building. Suspicious, I followed him quickly but stayed out of sight, however, when the pegasus went around a bend, I had lost him," the stallion explained.

Joey started to digest the information; he noticed how restless Sunspot looked. "What's the matter?"

"I never done anything like this before," the stallion told him anxiously. "I have hardly been in any conflict before, and now that there's a potential attack on the Cloudeseum, I'm afraid." He stamped his hoof on the cloudy floor. "I'm a royal guard, for Celestia's sake, but here I am acting like a scared colt!"

Joey placed a comforting hand over Sunspot's back. "I've felt like this once before back in my world," he told the stallion.


Joey nodded. "Of course. It was when I met one of the first members of my new family. I had saved it with the help of a few rangers from a smuggling operation many years ago. I was scared, but I wanted to save the Pokémon being mistreated, so I gathered my courage and went on, with Nian by my side. She can be quite supportive."

Sunspot Rise glanced at Nian who glared at him, her arms crossed as if she was annoyed. "Her?" he asked. "Supportive?"

Joey chuckled. "Don't mind her manners; she's just worried. The point is that this is going to be scary. Heck, I'm worried about all those ponies in the stadium, but we gotta press on, right?"

Sunspot gazed at Joey for a moment before dipping his head in agreement. "You're right," he said, his voice hardening, his light trembles ceasing. "We got a job to do."

"That's the spirit," Joey said. "So, was there anything else weird about that black pegasus?"

"As I said, he looked angry, and he wore a peculiar necklace, and..." Sunspot Rise paused before continuing. "Ah, yes! I saw something blue flickering around his body, kind of like lightning or something. I wished I caught up to him..."

"He had electricity flickering around him?" Joey wondered, baffled. "That's certainly interesting, but we can still track him using Mechan."

"Mechan? Who's that?"

"My Metagross," Joey answered, grabbing the Pokémon's Pokè Ball from his strap. He pressed a button in the middle and the red capsule enlarged in his hand. "It'll be useful tracking down the pegasus; the electromagnetic current around our mystery pegasus should entice it to seek out the disturbance."

"Mechan can do that?" Sunspot asked, amazed.

"Of course. Plus, the Metagross is a very smart Pokémon, so we should be able to find the pegasus with little to no effort," Joey explained, smiling. "Now, let's-"

"Hang on," Sunspot rasped, his voice suddenly quiet. His eyes were narrowed, and he seemed to be looking at something.

"What's up?" Joey asked, following his gaze.

A beautiful orange-peach-colored mare with a grayish-white puffy mane and tail similar to Pinkie's was peeking out a door that led into a restricted part of the stadium meant only for employees. Her striking green eyes darted fearfully around before she closed the door.

"Well, that's suspicious," Nian commented dryly, her knuckles cracking. "I think we just saw a friend of the black pegasus."

Joey agreed, his limpid white eyes narrowing. "She looked worried," he told her. "I wonder..."

Nian snorted. "Doesn't matter," she retorted. "I say we rush in there and give her what's what."

"We aren't going to do that; however, I agree we should confront her." Joey rubbed his chin in thought, then he snapped his fingers and turned to Sunspot. "Sunspot, I'll lend you Mechan so you both can track down the other pegasus while Nian and I follow the mare. Fair?"

Sunspot looked a little confused. "Uh, lend me Mechan?"

Joey nodded. He opened the red capsule and Mechan came out. The Metagross towered over Sunspot, looking down at him with deep red eyes. It turned to Joey, awaiting orders.

"Mechan," Joey began, "I need you to go with Sunspot and track down the black pegasus. You'll be taking orders from him for the time being."

Mechan nodded, its red eyes glowing blue; it was using its psychic powers. "There is an acute disturbance here," Mechan said robotically, its eyes seeming to follow something invisible in the air. "Electric trail detected."

"Good job," Joey said happily. He turned to Sunspot. "You go on with Mechan."

Sunspot gazed at the metallic creature, looking incredulously at the Pokémon. "Is it safe?"

"Of course," Joey replied. He effortlessly hoisted the reluctant stallion on Mechan's head. "It'll take orders from you until I say otherwise. Now hurry up and follow the trail before it gets cold. Nian and I have a feathered pony to catch up to."

Giving Mechan the signal to head off. the giant robot hovers off the ground and begins to track the electrical trail with Sunspot on its head. Joey watched them before shifting his limpid white gaze towards the door the mare peeked out of and pursued her with Nian hopping just beside him.

When Joey opened the door, he was treated to a long staircase: one led to the top while the other to the bottom. "Nian, what can you sniff out?"

Nian pointed her nose in the air and took in a long breath before exhaling. She pointed to the stairs that led downward. "She went down here," she told him, leading the way. "It's odd... The smell is overwhelming with fear."

"That's interesting," Joey murmured. "It could be that the mare is afraid of getting caught, but somehow that's not all."

"Regardless of what it is, she has to be a part of this whole thing," Nian said grimly, hopping down the steps. "My paws are aching for some action."

Joey continued to follow Nian down the spiral of steps until they got to the bottom of the stairs, where only a few doors leading to maintenance closets were seen. However, there was another door that led outside the Cloudeseum, and judging from Nian pointing her nose towards it, that's where the mare was.

"Alright," Joey started, giving Nian was cautionary glance, "we don't just go in looking for a fight; we need information first. We fight only if we get attacked. Okay?"

Nian grumbled something under her lips, but she agreed with Joey. "Can we go in now?" she asked impatiently, her right foot thumping irritably on the cloudy surface.

Joey nodded. "On three," he told her, putting up three fingers to start the countdown. Nian placed a fist on the door that sparked with red lightning, tensing her muscles for the blow; she was going to use Power-Up Punch. "One. Two. Three!"

With little to no effort, Nian punched the door, sending it off its hinges, and then the two dashed out the other side. Joey saw the mare looking shocked, her bright green gaze widening while another pegasus, a stallion with black marks along his face and body lay crouched on a cloud. There was a pain in his eyes.

"Alright, no pony moves!" Joey ordered, standing a few feet away from the two pegasi. Nian was on their right side, giving them a baleful glare. He saw the mare standing over the stallion protectively, her legs shaking with fear, but she stayed where she was. "My name is Joeshur Riverside, and this is my partner Nian, we are here at the request of Princess Celestia."

"P-P-Princess C-Celestia?!" the fearful mare sputtered, terrified. "You're that creature from the newspapers..."

"That's right," Joey affirmed, his limpid white eyes unblinking and narrowed cautiously. "I am here because the Wonderbolts were sent a letter of warning by a group of pegasi. The letter was a threat, saying if they performed, there'd be trouble." He pointed an accusing finger at the mare. "I saw you in the foyer, looking suspicious. What are you and your friend doing back here? None of you look like you both work here."

As he waited for an answer, Joey saw Nian inching closer to them, a fearsome glint in her scarlet eyes; she was using a scare tactic, but Joey wondered how fake Nian was being. Her fists were bawled up, arcing with sparks of red lightning. Power-Up Punch. She slammed her fists together, creating a large spark that scared the mare, but she still stood over the stallion.

"We aren't doing anything wrong," the mare said hastily, glancing fearfully at Nian as the rabbit took a few threatening steps forward. "Please, we aren't!"

"Then why are you two back here?" Joey asked, his tone reproachful. "None of you should be back here."

"We came here-" She was cut off by Nian slamming her fists together again, making a large crackling sound, causing the mare to scream.

"Nian, that's enough," Joey ordered. Nian snorted and backed away. "Continue."

"We... We came here to stop my brother from doing something foolish," she said when she calmed down.

Joey looked inquisitive. "And who is your brother?"

"Blackwing," she murmured shamefully. "He's a black pegasus. He came here to cause some trouble."

"And what about you two?"

The mare glanced shyly at the stallion and pressed her coat atop his, still looking wary. "My name is Slither Flight, and this is Feather Sight, my mate and Blackwing's friend..."

Joey looked at Feather Sight. The stallion looked very tired, his eyes were barely open, and it was clear he was still in some kind of pain with the black marks across his face. He glanced at Slither Flight for a moment before shaking his head as if to cast away a question from his mind.

"He doesn't look too well," Joey pointed out, gesturing to Feather Sight. "How did he come to acquire those black marks? He should be resting, not outside."

Slither Flight gazed longingly at her mate before looking back to Joey. "Blackwing hurt him," she murmured. "I tried to stop him, but he wanted to stop Blackwing from making a mistake."

"Is Blackwing normally violent?"

Slither Flight shook her head quickly. "Never, but he's been changed..."

"In any case," Joey began, taking steps toward them, "those wounds should be looked at. Let me help."

Slither Flight stood rigid over her mate. "Why should I trust you?" she asked warily. "This could be a trick; I won't let you hurt him!"

Nian snorted, half with amusement and half with contempt. "That pretty pegasus has a backbone, but it's stupid to turn down help."

Joey glanced at his partner briefly and then at the mare. "I promise I won't hurt you or Feather Sight," he assured Slither Flight. "I have someone who can help him heal those wounds quickly. After, all I want to do is ask a few questions."

Slither Flight hesitated for a moment longer before reluctantly removing herself over Feather Sight, instead opting to lay beside him with their coats brushing against each other. "Okay," Slither conceded, "but just be careful, please."

Joey reached for a Poke Ball strapped to his belt and held it in his palm. He tapped the little white button in the middle, enlarging the capsule, and held the ball out in front of him, calling forth Lena, his Chansey. Lena appeared out of the capsule, spinning and dancing merrily.

"Lena, Lena, calm down and listen, ya goof," Joey said, a smile across his face. Once he got Lena's attention, the Chansey saluted to him, awaiting his order with boundless enthusiasm. "We have a patient in need of your expertise." He gestured to Feather Sight. "That pony needs a nice wash from Life Dew to keep him going. Think you can do it?"

"Yes, sir!" Lena responded, giving another salute. She turned to the ailing stallion and whirled one short arm in the air, conjuring a large crystal-blue waterdrop hovering over Feather Sight. As if it was on a leaf, it dropped and fell over the stallion, but it wasn't a splash, instead a wave that swept over him, and the black marks on his body gradually vanished.

"There ya go," Joey told the stallion. "How do you feel?"

Feather Sight was confused by the whole thing, but when he moved himself, he didn't wince and flinch out of pain. "The pain is... it's gone as if it had never been," he whispered, a whimsical look in his blue gaze.

Slither Flight nuzzled her lover, gratitude across her face. She turned to Lena and Joey. "Thank you both," she said, her bright green gaze shining. "I was so worried about Feather."

"Happy to help!" Lena told the young mare. She began to spin happily in place until Joey thanked her and returned the Chansey to her red capsule.

"Now, what can you both tell me about Blackwing?" Joey asked, sitting on the cloud in front of the ponies. Nian joined him but she opted to stand instead. "If Blackwing isn't as bad as you say he is, why is he doing this? And how involved are you both in this?"

"The three of us shared a dream," Slither Flight murmured, her tone wistful and longing, "about becoming Wonderbolts. We trained and trained for years ever since we were as young as fillies and colts."

"We entered many competitions to test ourselves," Feather Sight said, his deep voice quiet. "We won many and lost few until the Wonderbolt tryouts came around; the time to put all of our work to the ultimate test. Blackwing was the most passionate out of us, and he often led us to many victories. But...something happened at the tryouts."

Joey tilted his head to one side, interested. "What?"

"Rainbow Dash," Slither Flight whispered, sadness layered thick in her fragile voice. "She and Blackwing were close once, very close, but after a series of quarrels, a rift came between the two, ending their friendship. When Blackwing saw her at the tryouts, he was fuming. He was never fond of her showing off and boasting about her skills."

"That was often one of the main issues when they argued," Feather Sight chimed in, a look of sorrow across his face. "Whenever they met during the tryouts, it was always one spat after the other, not ending until the tryouts were over. Rainbow Dash became a Wonderbolt after one of the members retired to pursue another profession."

"You can imagine how angry and jealous Blackwing was," Slither Flight said, sighing. "We all were, so when Blackwing came to us one night about a plan to get back at Rainbow Dash, we agreed to help."

Joey nodded seriously, taking in every bit of information. He suspected Rainbow Dash was a part of this, but he didn't think it would be so personal. "Passion and jealousy are a bad mix," he said, shaking his head. "How were any of you going to pull off such a stunt?"

"On the night we gathered together, Blackwing presented three necklaces he bought from a curio shop," Feather Sight began to explain. "He was told that the necklaces held a type of magical power that could help us scare ponies and knock Rainbow Dash down a peg."

"And you both had agreed to this idiotic plan?" Joey said, surprised that these ponies, who look like they wouldn't harm anypony, would help do something like this. "What were you two thinking?"

Slither Flight filched slightly from the human's words. "We were blinded by jealousy, and angry that we didn't achieve our dream," she told him, but her voice fell as she knew how silly and stupid her reasoning was.

"I agreed to do this if it was something Slither wanted," Feather said. "Both of us had our doubts, but we and Blackwing stuck by each other for so long. It was wrong and stupid to try and do. Just before the Wonderbolt show, me and Slither had told Blackwing that weren't going to help him. We felt guilty and foolish."

"And judging from your injuries a few minutes before, I take it he wasn't too happy with any of your decisions."

Slither Flight shuddered and pressed herself closer to Feather Sight. "I had never seen him so furious. He attacked Feather and flew off to go through with the plan. We're here to talk to him and maybe get him to abandon this dumb plan."

Nian snorted and crossed her arms on her chest. "Fat good that did for you both," she spat, a growl rumbling in her throat. "Sounds like Blackwing needs a few particular feathers clipped."

"We aren't going to do anything like that," Joey told his partner, giving her a serious glance that caused her to look away. "We'll have to subdue him the best we can."

"As long as I get to break a few of the hay brain's bones," Nian retorted. She was stamping the cloud impatiently. "When am I going to knock some sense into that pony's skull? My paws are aching for some action."

Joey sighed and turned his attention back to the two ponies who were looking at him and Nian in confusion. "Never mind that. A guard I'm working with saw Blackwing with a necklace. He's busy tracking him with a friend of mine. Once they come back, we'll go and face Blackwing," he explained to them. "You told me that Blackwing isn't normally violent, right?"

Slither nodded her head quickly. "It's the necklace," she told the human, her green eyes becoming glossy. "It changed him, made him angry and violent. If we can take off the necklace, he might turn back to normal."

"And if he doesn't?" Joey asked, but none of the ponies answered him. "Listen. I will try my best to subdue and capture Blackwing and present him to Princess Celestia in the safest way possible. He's going to be in deep trouble because of what he's trying to do. You both should be lucky that your punishments won't be as severe as Blackwing's will be."

"We want to help," Feather Sight said, rising stiffly to his legs with Slither Flight. "He's my friend and my mate's brother."

"At least they have some courage," Nian pointed out. "If they want to come, then let them. I don't know how useful they'll be, though."

"Blackwing might try and hurt both of you, maybe even kill you," Joey warned them. He saw the two ponies look at him in horror. "I know it's hard to believe, but judging by what you both had told me, Blackwing probably won't settle for just terrorizing ponies. He might do something extremely rash, especially since Rainbow Dash is here performing. There's no telling what he might do. Are you both sure about this? No offense, but you both look as if none of you have fought before."

"We haven't," Slither confessed, dipping her head. She stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking. "But we still want to help. We have to talk Blackwing out of this and get rid of that necklace."

Joey stared at them for a long moment. They looked scared; their wings trembled, and their eyes were wide. "Okay," he sighed, rising from the cloud surface. "Stay out of harm's as best you can, and you both can come."

"Then it's settled," Nian said to Joey. "I hope that Mechan hurries up; I'm getting sick of standing waiting for something to happ-"

A loud explosion cut off Nian's words. Everyone shook and fell on the cloudy surface. Slither Flight was screaming in terror while Feather Sight held her close. Joey and Nian looked toward the Cloudeseum behind them and saw streaks of blue electricity flickering madly.

"What in the world?!" Joey was about to rush to see if any pony was hurt, but then he saw Mechan and Sunspot high in the air. He watched as Mechan evaded bolts of lightning while Sunspot held onto the robot as if his life depended on it. "Mechan," he called, "what's going on?!"

Immediately, the large robotic Pokémon shifted its gaze onto Joey and flew down quickly to meet him. "I have found the disturbance," Mechan said, its deep red eyes fixed on Joey. "Cause of said disturbance is a black pegasus wearing a necklace; he had hidden himself behind a stone pillar."

Sunspot leaped off of Mechan and faced Joey and the two pegasi behind him. "I tried to talk Blackwing out of going through with his plan, but he didn't listen." He gazed at Slither and Feather Sight with a look of suspicion. "I guess these were the other ponies helping him?" he asked. "Good job, Joey. At least we only have to deal with only one pony today."

Joey shook his head, explaining to Sunspot what the other two ponies had told him.

"So... Take off the necklace, and everything turn back to normal?" he wondered, sounding incredulous. "I don't know about that. It's hard to believe."

"It's the truth," Slither Flight said. "Blackwing was never like this. We have to help him!"

Sunspot Rise shook his head. "I don't know how we can. Blackwing is shooting bolts of magic like crazy; if we get hit with that stuff, it's goodbye life!"

A distant rumbling shook the Cloudeseum, and then a purple barrier suddenly appeared where the ponies were sitting to watch the show. It must be Twilight's magic barrier, shielding the pegasi and her friends from Blackwing's assault, but Joey wondered how long the alicorn could keep the barrier from breaking.

"We'll just have to try," Joey told the stallion. He thanked Mechan and returned the Pokémon to its red capsule. He turned to Nian, a gleam of excitement in his limpid white eyes. "You ready to rumble?"

The rabbit gave a devious grin, pacing in place. "Always," she said, her fur beginning to bristle with anticipation. "It's been a while since I could lay a smackdown on something!"

"That's the spirit," Joey said, chuckling as he threw another Poké Ball in the air, summoning Nils. He leaped in the air with Nian by his side, landing on the bird's back. "Nils, it's time for action!"

Nils gave an exhilarated screech that made Sunspot, Slither Flight, and Feather Sight tremble. "Let's go and be like a tumblin' Brambleghast, riding the wind!" the raucous bird exclaimed.

Nian groaned. "Please, no jokes or else. I'm serious, birdbrain!" she warned, giving Nils a dark glare.

Nils gave a haughty huff, his sharp curved beak in the air, feigning offense. "Miss Iron Legs, do I look like a Pidove to you?"

"You act like one and that's evidence enough," Nian retorted sharply, her voice flat.

"Alright, that's enough you two," Joey cut in. He gazed down at Sunspot and the other two pegasi. "Try and steer clear of Blackwing while me and my Pokémon get to work; I don't want none of you getting too close. Feather and Slither, I'm sorry but it's too dangerous for you both to get involved. I will help Blackwing; I promise. Stay with Sunspot." The three pegasi nodded silently.

With the order for liftoff, Nils sprang into the air and darted quickly over the dome where Joey saw a black pegasus, Blackwing, standing on top of Twilight's magic barrier slamming his hooves in an attempt to break it. Joey thought there was no way for the pegasus to break through until he saw a flash of lightning rain down from the sky and hit the barrier, causing it to crack and splinter.

"Well, that's certainly not a good sign," Joey observed grimly. "That lightning looks extremely dangerous, so stay in the air and maneuver around it cautiously, Nils. Stay on the outer rim and be on standby if anything goes less than pleasant."

The large bird nodded, gliding around the Cloudeseum in a wide circle. "What will you and Nian do?"

Nian snickered, flexing her paws. "I'll give you three guesses."

"Nian and I will confront Blackwing and attempt to settle this peacefully," he replied, though he wasn't hopeful. "We should always try and avoid conflict if we can. And we aren't killers." He turned to his furry partner. "Nian, get ready to jump on the barrier."

Nian nodded. She was clenching and unclenching her fists; the rabbit was restless. "Just give the word," Nian uttered grimly.


They leaped off of Nils to the barrier below, landing on it. The purple barrier felt like solid ground, but Joey could see plenty of cracks in it. They were all over the place. He looked at the ponies shielded inside: they were trembling and scared, and he noticed Rainbow Dash looking appalled and hurt, most likely seeing Blackwing commit something so horrible.

"Do not worry, everypony," Joey assured, attempting to calm the pegasi. "Stay in the barrier and your seats. Everything will be fine; do not panic!"

The raucous cries from the ponies were still raging, but it was quieter, shifting to more anxious murmurs and cries. Joey gazed forward and saw Blackwing trying to break the barrier, his amber eyes smoldering with rage. If he were to take Slither Flight's words as truth, then this is something Blackwing would never do without some outside influence. Perhaps the necklace was corrupting him.

"That's enough, Blackwing!" Joey called, his voice booming. The pegasus shot up his eyes and glared at him with a dark menace. "I don't want a fight, but if you continue going through with this foolish plan, then you will leave me no choice but to act. You can stop this and stand down!"

Blackwing didn't say anything. Aiming a hoof in Joey's direction, the pegasus shot a powerful bolt of blue lightning. Acting quickly, Nian deflected the deadly bolt with a strong kick. Joey stood unfazed, his limpid white eyes narrowing.

"I was told you and Rainbow cared deeply for one another but grew apart," Joey said to the stallion. Blackwing's eyes grew wide, but then he snorted crossly and didn't say anything. "She's down there with a lot of innocents. Surely, you were only going to frighten them and not attempt anything else?"

Blackwing growled and shot another bolt of lightning which Nian deflected again with supernatural swiftness. "He's not listening," she told him. She placed a fist on her paw. "I say we beat him until he's as blue as the lightning. Maybe then he'll have the sense to cooperate."

That might be what Joey had to do, but he wanted to keep trying and talk sense into Blackwing. "Your sister and best friend are here," he told the stallion, his voice tense as tried to make him understand. "I heard that you attacked Feather Sight, your best friend. Slither Flight misses you, and she wants you to stop this foolishness. This will only get worse for you."

"Doesn't matter," Blackwing said gravelly. The necklace, which was silver with a golden pendant, glowed with an eerie red light. "What matters is now."

Joey sighed dejectedly. "You don't have to do this. You can stop this right now and the consequences won't be as dire. This isn't you. We don't have to fight!"

Blackwing snorted. "This is me," he told the human, his amber eyes glowering. "I know who you are, and you won't stop me!"

"Joey, nothing is working; he's getting more aggressive," Nian said, sounding impatient. "Let's just nail this guy if he won't listen to reason!"

"You might be right," Joey conceded as Blackwing began to aim another lightning bolt at him. "Let's kick it up a notch; kick it up to eleven! Nian, Mega Evolve!"

Smacking her palm with her fist, Nian transformed into her Mega Evolution. Her scarlet eyes were lit ablaze with battle, she paced in place as if her feet were on fire, awaiting Joey's command.

"Drain Punch!" Joey commanded.

Nian stood her ground, her right fist glowing an eerie red. She thrust it forward colliding with the dire bolt of lightning. There was a frightening, blinding flash that caused Joey to look away briefly. When he reopened them, Nian stood tall and unmarked. She had absorbed the lightning.

Blackwing looked shocked. "W-What kind of creature is that thing?!" he sputtered, taking a step back. "She doesn't have a horn; she isn't a unicorn. She couldn't have absorbed it!"

"Don't look so tough now, don't ya, hay brain!" Nian sneered.

Joey was glad Blackwing showed some measure of disconcertion. "She's a Pokémon," he told the stunned pegasus. "You'd be surprised by what else she can do." He placed his hands across his ears. "Nian, bring the boom; use Hyper Voice!"

Inhaling an enormous amount of air and rearing her head back, Nian shot out an ear-splitting screech that shook Twilight's barrier, producing a large circular wave of sound. Despite covering his ears to stave off, the sound was deafening to Joey. Gazing forward, he saw Blackwing's coat rippling chaotically as he tried to stay on his hooves, but the force from Nian's Hyper Voice was too much, and he was swept into the air like he was a twig in a tornado.

Blackwing spun and twisted in the air until he crashed hard on the barrier. For a few moments he laid motionless, letting Joey believe he might've been seriously hurt, but then he saw the pegasus stir and heave himself to his hooves. Nian gave a contemptuous snort.

"Blackwing, stand down," Joey ordered, but the pegasus was ignoring him. "Blackwing, just listen to me! You're going to hurt your fellow ponies; see sense in what you're trying to do!"

"You think I have just lightning?" he spat, rage filling his voice. "This necklace gave me more magic than you can ever imagine! I have thunder and lightning under my control; I will not be stopped by some two-legged freak and his pet!"

The crazed pegasus slammed his hooves on the barrier, causing it to crack. Then, to Joey's astonishment, clones of Blackwing began appearing in rapid jolts until at least ten were in view. They all pointed their hooves at him, charging another electrical blast.

Joey didn't know if Nian could deflect all of them at once, so he got in front of her and lifted his wrists; his bracers might be able to withstand the attack, but then his mind suddenly raced. If Blackwing and his thunder-formed clones shot him, it might make an explosion big enough to shatter Twilight's magical barrier, leaving countless civilians, plus his friends, in peril.

Joey glanced down at Twilight's horror-stricken face and saw the strain she held to try and hold the barrier in place. Joey assumed Twilight had never created a barrier this big before, and maintaining the barrier was taking a toll on her magic. He also remembered when she cast magic on him and how it seemed to make her tired. That could have added to her strain.

Quickly, he ordered, "Nian, disrupt!"

The brown rabbit shot forward before skidding on the barrier, her fists arcing with red lightning, but instead of using Power-Up Punch, Nian slammed her hands together, sounding like a thunderclap, and discharged a wave of red energy that swept over Blackwing and his clones. They all stumbled backward; their electrical blast shooting upward into the sky, producing a violent flash of white light.

"Twilight," Joey called urgently, jolting the alicorn out of her stupor, "do not drop the barrier! You're the only one separating these ponies from Blackwing, so whatever you do, do not drop it!" He saw the frightened mare nodding, pain clearly across her face.

"Joey!" called a mare. He turned to see Rainbow Dash from the stands; her face twisted with horror. "Don't hurt him; Blackwing isn't normally like this!" Joey was surprised to hear pain and urgency in her voice as she pleaded; he was nearly taken aback. "I don't know what's wrong with him, but Blackwing wouldn't try and hurt other ponies like this. Help him!"

Joey was trying to do just that without escalating the situation, but Blackwing was making it difficult. He needed to get that necklace off of the pegasus if he was to take Slither Flight's word as truth. If that didn't work, then he would have to incapacitate Blackwing the hard way.

"I'll try, but no promises," Joey told the rainbow-maned mare before shifting his focus back to the battle. Good thing too, since Blackwing and his clones seemed to have recovered from the thunderclap.

Blackwing glared at him and Nian before sending a current of electricity across his and his clones' bodies, and as Joey took the time to blink, the ponies were dashing at him with a dark menace. With no time to think, Joey was knocked off his feet by a few clones barreling into him, almost forcing him off the barrier. He heard Nian fighting against the other clones; he knew she would be okay without his direction.

Joey fought the clones: he swatted one away with a terrific punch that went sprawling across the barrier's magenta surface. Another clone coated its hooves with electricity to buck him, but Joey dodged just narrowly out of the way and grabbed the clone with his hands clutched tightly around its neck, and then slamming it harshly on the barrier, creating a large crack on the surface. The other clone dashed from side to side before leaping on Joey, sending him face-first into the barrier. He groaned before he surged upward, knocking the clone away and slamming his fists on its face, incapacitating it.

The three clones vanished, flickering out. That was three down and seven more to go, and as Joey turned his gaze to Nian, he saw with relief that the brown rabbit had the bodies of four clones littered around her with a fifth one struggling in her grasp. Nian snorted disgust before shifting her hand one way; Joey heard a crack, and the clone went limp as Nian let the body fall to the barrier's surface. Understandably, Joey was worried that Nian could have killed Blackwing, but the brown rabbit turned to him and rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry," Nian said, letting a breath of exasperation, holding one of her floppy ears and rubbing it tenderly, "I made sure neither one of these punks was the real Blackwing."

Before Joey could say anything a large stray bolt of lightning came from the sky towards Nian, who seemed to be unaware. As he braced himself to call out, he saw Nian's leg sparkle white and she lifted it over her head to strike the lightning bolt with deadly accuracy. The startling collision caused Joey to avert his eyes as another white flash lit up the sky, thunder crashing overhead. When he opened them again, he saw that Nian was perfectly fine, if not a bit annoyed.

He raced to her, stepping over the clones' bodies as they vanished, and placed a comforting hand atop her head, looking relieved. "Just dodge next time; it'd be easier for my heart," Joey murmured.

Though she relished in Joey's comfort, Nian lightly brushed his hand away. "You know I'm stronger than I look, but it stands that you always worry about your Pokémon family a bit too much." She looked him over, dusting his wrinkled shirt and pants. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Joey shook his head. There was a slight pain on the side of his right cheek, but it felt dull. He looked at the five Blackwing clones. "Where are the other two and Blackwing?"

Nian shrugged, her ears twitching in annoyance. She glanced to the sky and pointed up; swirling black clouds had begun to blot out the blue expanse, faint traces of lightning arcing around them. "Somewhere up there," she suggested as her face turned grim from a sudden gust of wind buffeting her fur. "Blackwing is getting serious."

"You're right, and being in the air with Nils doesn't seem like a good idea now," Joey put in. He glanced at Nils looking wary at the storm clouds gathering. He whistled to get the bird's attention.

Nils swooped towards the barrier and landed gracefully. "What should I do now?"

Joey grabbed Nils' Pokè Ball. "Return for now. You might be needed soon; I rather you not get struck by a stray bolt." Returning the bird to his capsule, Joey grabbed another and sent out Lena.

"What can I do for you, Joey?" Lena asked merrily, her pink, bulbous shape bouncing with a barely contained excitement.

Joey put his hands in front of him to try and calm the energetic Chansey down. "Just be on standby to use Gravity; it should prove useful here," Joey explained. Lena had the ability to shift the weight of gravity to her will. She used Gravity once before to stop Lunaris from taking to the skies in the Forbidden Jungle.

"As you wish!" Lena gazed up at the blackening skies and gave a small grimace; a rare expression, Joey noticed. "I can feel something coming," she murmured.

"As do I," Nian grumbled, her scarlet eyes scanning the dark clouds above. "Blackwing is going to try another thunderbolt."

"But from where?" Joey wondered, his limpid white eyes peering into the sky. "There doesn't seem to be a break in the clouds to indicate Blackwing of his location."

Thunder rumbled eerily above them, arcs of lightning flashed before their eyes, and the dark clouds lit up white as Joey, Nian, and Lena searched for Blackwing and the other two clones with him. It was getting dark now, the wind was picking up, threatening to sweep Joey off his feet, and that's when he saw it in the corner of his eye. A brief flicker came from the other side of the Cloudeseum. As he turned to look, a series of lightning bolts gunned toward him in jagged, wavy motions. Lena and Nian saw it too, their eyes widening at the large bolts.

Thinking fast, Joey sent out Mechan and ordered it to produce a psychic barrier around them, just before the lightning bolts struck them with a resonant snap. Mechan's and Twilight's barriers shook, cracked, and split, but both held firm. Joey could feel the devastating weight of the bolts above him, the searing heat making him uneasy and nauseous, and he took a knee to the barrier floor. Nian and Lena stood over him protectively as if to shield him from the lightning bolts if any managed to break through.

The grueling attack went on for a few seconds more, emitting ear-splitting cracks and heart-thumping rumbles. When the attack subsided, Twilight's barrier was on the verge of breaking; Joey saw the purple mare sweat and pant, being supported by Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who looked up at the crisis with terror. All the ponies screamed, and shrieked, and yelled, and hollered, but they seemed to have enough sense to stay where they were, as Twilight's barrier was their only bastion. A bastion beginning to crumble under the pressure.

Recovering from the barrier's surface, Joey returned Mechan back to its capsule and looked around with Lena and Nian in search for Blackwing. They didn't have to wait long as the black pegasus swooped down from the skies and towards them with the other two clones, their coats shimmering with a white-blue-like glow.

"They're covered in electricity!" Lena yelped.

"No problem," Joey said, narrowing his eyes. "Lena, use Gravity!"

Instantly Lena jumped in place before waving her arms into the air, dark purple and black energy gradually surrounding her. The area began to twist and distort, warping the very space above her, and then she motioned her arms in front of her. As Blackwing got closer to try and deal some serious damage, a black force above dropped on him, causing him to crash onto Twilight's barrier along with the two clones.

"What is this? What have you done to me?!" Blackwing roared, struggling to force himself of the purple surface. "It's as if a weight had landed on my withers!"

"Good work, Lena," Joey praised. Lena embraced him lovingly. "Now, before you return back into your Pokè Ball, use Thunder Wave!"

With a wave of her arm, a yellow jolt of lightning shot forward and arcing over Blackwing. Joey watched as the pegasus attempted to stand, which he did, but only to be forced back down with Thunder Wave acting as a temporary prison. Blackwing tried to overpower his lightning cage, but it seemed to be ineffective. With the pegasus seeming to be subdued, Lena returned to her red capsule as Joey and Nian, who cracked her knuckles, confronting Blackwing, both wary and cautious.

Being weighed down by Gravity and imprisoned in a cage of yellow lightning, Blackwing could only glare at Joey and his partner with malevolence, though he still tried to free himself. His clones were worse off; Nian had slammed their faces against Twilight's barrier so hard that they didn't move, vanishing into nothingness. Joey was glad those were just clones. He imagined Nian attempting to split Blackwing's skull open, and that would not have been a pleasant scene.

"Get me out of here!" Blackwing demanded, his voice booming with rage. "Release me!!!"

"Blackwing," Joey began calmly, his clear eyes intense and never leaving the pegasus, "you are under arrest and will answer for your crimes in the presence of Princess Celestia." His lucid gaze softened at the struggling pegasus. "You are being influenced by that necklace. It has caused you to commit horrible things, but from the accounts of your sister, your friend, and Rainbow Dash, whatever sentence you might have will be more lenient, at least I hope so. All you have to do is stay down and let me remove that necklace."

Blackwing wasn't listening, he was thrashing inside his thunder cage, each flailing, agitating movement becoming more uncontrolled and violent. His amber eyes began to glow with an eerie white shine as blue electricity started to arc around him. The dark clouds that blotted out the sun and its warmth had begun to undulate and twist, amassing into a bone-chilling, unending spiral of menace.

Joey and Nian backed away cautiously. An odd sense of foreboding swept across the Cloudeseum. A white flash overhead followed by a series of sickening crackles assaulted the barrier; terrible bolts of lightning rained down from the dark clouds. Joey and Nian had to evade the enormous bolts, but when one cracked right beside them, they were forced away, sliding across the shattering magic barrier.

A scream of anguish wailed from within the barrier and Joey glanced down to see Twilight's horn flickering, her face twisting in agony. She was being comforted by her friends, but they were all terrified. Joey knew that Twilight's barrier would give in soon; he had not been able to subdue Blackwing long enough; he was getting to be too strong.

"For the love of Arceus, the barrier is about to break!" Nian exclaimed as another series of lightning bolts attacked the barrier, drowning out her words. "Joey, what should we do?!"

Joey clenched his teeth. He didn't know what to do now. Blackwing has been freed from his yellow prison and it looked like Gravity would have no more effect since the pegasus was standing, unburdened. He wanted to do this without no pony dying, but it seems that this has gotten to a point where he might have to break his rule if he didn't find some other way of dealing with Blackwing.

"Joey, look at Blackwing!" Nian yelled, drawing his attention out of his thoughts. "He looks as if he'd keel over at any point!"

Nian was right. Blackwing was panting so heavily his chest was heaving. The necklace's eerie red glow brightened immensely; it must be surging more magic into Blackwing, giving him the power to carry out his plan in a last-ditch effort to satiate his anger and bitterness. But he was gathering too much.

"Blackwing, stop this!" Joey pleaded, trying to inch his way to the black pegasus, but the force of the storm and the rapid strikes of lightning bolts harrying the surface of the barrier made it difficult. "This isn't the way! Stop, Blackwing, before you do something terrible!"

Blackwing did not hear Joey's pleas. He was gathering so much power granted by the necklace that he started to levitate, surrounded by a bright blue and white aura. Joey knew this would be the attack that will completely shatter Twilight's barrier. Quickly, he dragged his feet against the tumultuous gale with Nian by his side, evading bolts of lightning the best they could, but again they were flown back.

Despairing, Joey saw a glittering blue glow lighting up a spot on the barrier. His clear eyes widened as he gazed up into the sky: the point where the dark clouds, the eye of the storm, converged, flickering madly with rapid jolts of lightning. He heard the loud crackle and saw a bolt of white being sent down from the eye and strike the barrier, another flash of light enveloping his vision.

Joey then felt weightless and chilled. He felt his clothes ripple madly against his dark skin and heard the roar of the wind as if something fast was constantly passing him by. He felt dazed by the white flash, and as he tried to recover, he suddenly recalls the sound of something breaking and a cry of pain: Twilight and her barrier!

His limpid white eyes shot open, and Joey found himself freefalling, his body twisting and turning as he tried to keep himself upright. He saw the Cloudeseum above him and shards of Twilight's purple barrier falling and fading into nothingness.

Joey looked for Nian and saw the brown rabbit a few feet away. Then he gasped in horror: ponies, pegasi, some were falling, too panicked to save themselves. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy dived after some yet so many more were going to be out of their reach, but then he saw Feather Sight, Slither Flight, and Sunspot Rise diving after them to help.

Grabbing Nils' Pokè Ball, he summoned the massive bird along with Mechan. "Nils, Mechan, help Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy rescue the falling pegasi," he ordered swiftly. "Don't worry about me. Go, now!"

Heeding his orders, the two Pokémon raced after the falling ponies. As he watched them go, Nian manages to get to him. She was pointing down.

"Blackwing!" she yelled. "He's unconscious!"

She was right. Blackwing's limp body was descending towards the earth at a startling pace. Joey's heart skipped at beat; this was their chance to put an end to this madness.

"Nian, with me!" he ordered. "Get on my back and use Mega Kick with both legs; we got to catch up to Blackwing before it's too late!"

Nian nodded fiercely. "Understood!"

Getting to him, Nian fastened herself firmly on Joey's back, tucking her legs in until they sparkled. Seconds pass until she kicked out strongly and a devastating force from behind Joey propelled him forward so fast, he had to squint his watering eyes to see.

Joey reached out with his hand as he got closer to Blackwing's limp form, both of them was nearing the ground with each passing second. The necklace around the pegasus' neck suddenly glowed and stray bolts of lightning threatened to strike Joey and Nian. Trying to maneuver the best they could, Joey and Nian managed to evade the death-dealing bolts.

When they finally got as close as they could get to Blackwing, Joey grabbed the unconscious pegasus and held him tight against his chest.

"Nian, get in front of Blackwing and be ready for another Mega Kick!" Joey instructed as Nian clambered over him and to Blackwing, her legs sparkling. "Tuck in your legs and be ready for my command!"

"Ready when you are!" she told him. "Just say the word!"

They were getting closer to the earth. Joey narrowed his eyes, waiting for the right moment.

"Joey?!" Nian hollered, sounding a tad uneasy. "Anytime now!"

Only when they a few seconds away from hitting the earth did Joey say, "Nian, now!"

Nian struck the air below her so hard with Mega Kick that the force from the attack made a whiplash, generating a powerful gust of wind that strikes the ground, slowly making their descent safe. Feet firmly on solid ground, Joey snapped the necklace off of Blackwing and laid him gently on the earth. The pegasus was hardly breathing; his shuddering chest rose and lowered in unsteady, slow breaths. Joey was worried about how much power Blackwing used and how much it affected him, but for the time being, the pegasus was unconscious and longer a threat.

Nian glared at Blackwing and shook her head, an ire of distrust and disgust on her face. "What an idiot," she grumbled, turning her back to the pegasus. "All of this nonsense over jealousy. He's mad. Even if he succeeded in this foolish plan, it wouldn't change a thing. What a lucky punk; we just saved him from a world of regret."

Joey stared unhappily at Blackwing's limp body and suppressed a sigh of pity. "I don't think he'll be the same after all of this," he muttered, watching the black pegasus' dark mane flow faintly in the breeze. "He could've done a lot of serious damage, and he almost did."

"Only thing he ended up hurting was those close to him," Nian sneered uncharitably.

"Right," Joey agreed sadly. He gazed up to the dark clouds beginning to break and saw Mechan and Nils landing beside him. "How did it go? Is any pony hurt?"

Mechan shook its wide steel head. "All ponies who fell have been rescued and safely secured back on the Cloudeseum," it said deeply.

Nils stretched out his wings, triumph glittering in his sharp eyes. "Everything is as well as a Sewaddle nesting peacefully in the loving arms of a Leavanny! Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack are trying to calm the ponies down."

Joey put his hands on his hips, looking pleased despite everything. "Great job, the both of you," he praised them. "Mechan, please contain and levitate Blackwing so we can present him to Princess Celestia shortly."

"As you command," Mechan replied, using its psychic powers to encase Blackwing in a barrier and lifting him into the air. "Mission complete."

"Indeed, it has," Nian said. Her ears suddenly twitched, and she pointed in the air. "Looks like we got company."

Joey saw a gloomy Rainbow Dash accompanied by Sunspot, Feather Sight, and Slither Flight. When Rainbow landed, she raced past Joey and his Pokémon and stared numbly at Blackwing suspended in the air, unmoving. Sunspot stood beside Joey while Feather and Slither Flight held back.

"Is Twilight alright?" he whispered to the stallion. "Trying to maintain that barrier was hard for her."

"She's resting with most of her friends watching over her, so try not to worry too much," Sunspot consoled. "Twilight is strong and she'll recover just fine.

Joey nodded slowly, relieved. "Everything seems to be okay...somehow. Thanks for helping the pegasi."

"It's my duty," Sunspot told him humbly, though he sounded a tad proud. "I'm just glad no pony was killed."

Rainbow Dash shook her head, turning to Joey, her glossy eyes watering. "What about Blackwing? Is he..."

Joey shook his head, ordering Mechan to set the black pegasus on the ground next to Rainbow. "He's only unconscious," he assured the distressed mare. "He expended a lot of magic and energy. It seems unlikely he'll reawake until later."

Rainbow Dash comforted Blackwing, holding onto him tightly. Joey was surprised by how much she cared for the wayward pegasus. He recalled how close she and Blackwing used to be from Slither Flight and Feather Sight's accounts. It seemed that Rainbow still cared deeply for him, even after all this time.

"We had a lot of fights," Rainbow Dash murmured, "and many of those was started either by me or because of me. I was kind of a jerk back then, and I didn't change until I got older, but by then my and Blackwing's relationship was over." She placed her head atop his. "I had a chance to make things better at the tryouts, but..."

Joey walked up to Rainbow Dash kneeled beside her, a hand over her back. "I was told that you and Blackwing fought a lot there. It's difficult to reconcile after a long fallout, and old grudges come back stronger than ever." He gazed at Blackwing and then back at Rainbow. "It seems too late to go back to the way you both were together, but we can only wait and see. I'll give you some time with him before we go."

"Thanks, Joey," Rainbow Dash murmured. She looked at him, sadness and gratitude in her glistening eyes. "Do you think Princess Celestia will go easy on him, Feather Sight, and Slither Flight?"

Joey shrugged helplessly; he didn't know what would happen. "Blackwing will get the worst of whatever punishment Celestia gives him, but for the other two, their punishments may be more lenient since they realized their mistakes and sought to correct them," he told truthfully. "They even helped in saving some of the frightened pegasi from falling to their deaths, so that has to account for something, and Celestia is a kind and just ruler from what I've seen."

Rainbow nodded silently and went to comforting Blackwing. Leaving her alone in peace, Joey sauntered over to Feather Sight and Slither Flight watching Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks for the help," he told them proudly, kneeling to their level. "Your aid in saving the pegasi was much appreciated."

Feather and Slither Flight bowed their heads. "We just wanted to help in any way we could," Feather Sight said, glancing at his marefriend.

Slither Flight nodded, her coat brushing against Feather. "I just hope Blackwing gets better... It isn't just us who still needs him."

Joey looked over his shoulder: Rainbow Dash was uttering something inaudible in Blackwing's ear. He didn't want to soil her alone time with by asking her questions; it wasn't appropriate.

"I didn't know she cared about him so much," Joey said.

Slither Flight let out a tiny chuckle. "Well, we did say those two were very close," she reminded him.

"How did Rainbow react to seeing Blackwing at the Wonderbolts Tryouts?" he asked them.

"At first glance she was happy to see him, from my perspective," Feather Sight replied, sitting on the ground with Slither Flight following suit. "She was hesitant to approach him because of their old spats and kept at a distance."

"She looked sad then," Slither Flight murmured. "I could tell she had a lot on her mind, words that she wanted to say going unsaid. It didn't help when they delved into their old habits again; it was one fight after the other, though, they tried to keep it contained in front of the Wonderbolts."

"I see," Joey muttered, rubbing his chin. He shrugged and got to his feet. "I think it's time for us to see Celestia in Canterlot."

Something bright had flashed behind Joey, startling him as he turned with everyone else except for Rainbow Dash.

"There's no need," pronounced a profound, regal voice. It was Princess Celestia, her pristine white coat rippling faintly in the leisurely wind and her magenta eyes glinting. Everypony except for Joey, his Pokémon, and Rainbow Dash bowed. "We can settle things here."

Joey gazed at the powerful alicorn, his heart lifting as the sorrow and misery that had once previously graced Her Majesty's captivating visage after Rockfall's death seemed to be gone. He sauntered up to her with Nian sticking close by his side.

"Celestia, it's good to see you after a while," Joey said happily, bowing his head to show respect as the alicorn returned the gesture. "The mission is complete; no pony or creature was injured badly." He presented her the necklace, the source for all the trouble. "This necklace is a magical artifact. I'm not too savvy with how it works, but it gave Blackwing, the one mostly behind all of this, control over lightning whilst seemingly corrupting his mind."

Princess Celestia stared wordlessly at Joey for a long moment before seeming to collect her thoughts. She studied the necklace and gave a disapproving shake of her head. "I know what this is," she told the human before going on, "and I know there should be two more. Do you have the others?"

Joey didn't. The rest were on the cloud where he had met Slither Flight and Feather Sight before everything went from bad to worse. "The rest are on a cloud behind the Cloudeseum," he told her. "I didn't have the time to confiscate them when Blackwing started the attack."

"There's no need to worry," Sunspot spoke, fluttering beside Joey. He bowed to his ruler before presenting the other two necklaces with his wing. "While Joey was occupied combating the threat, Slither Flight and Feather Sight, Blackwing's sister and friend, gave me their necklaces to seize." He gestured to the ponies with a hoof, and they got up and sulkily stood before the princess. "These are them. When the barrier conjured to protect the Cloudeseum was broken and ponies were falling, they helped to rescue them."

Princess Celestia examined the two pegasi and gave them both a faint smile. "I am relieved you both did the right thing," she praised them much to their shock. There wasn't any hint of threat or rightful anger in her voice. "I am thankful for your help as well; ponies could have died today. I will discuss both of your punishments in a moment. I want to see this Blackwing I have been told about. Come with me."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Slither Flight and Feather said in unison.

"Joey, can you bring me to him?" she requested.

Nodding in silence, Joey guided Princess Celestia over to Blackwing, who was still being held in Rainbow Dash's grasp. "That's him," the human finally said.

"You have done me a great service once again, Joey," Celestia told him with a grateful dip of her head, her magically flowing mane shining in the sunlight. "Your job here is done; you will be rewarded for your selfless aid in the coming days. For now, I would like to speak with Rainbow Dash, Feather Sight, and Slither Flight alone. You may head home. Thank you again."

Although Joey wanted to stay and hear what would happen to Blackwing and the others, he thought that whatever was going to happen, it would between them and only them; it wasn't any of his business. He also wanted to know what artifacts those necklaces were and how any of worked. He guessed Twilight might know; she's an astute alicorn with a mind for magic, but she was probably busy calming the ponies down up at the Cloudeseum, and no doubt she was tired after the whole Blackwing ordeal.

Returning Nils and Mechan back into their respective red capsules and Nian shifting out of her Mega Evolution, Joey bids his farewells to everypony. After everything that happened, he just wanted to head back home and rest.