> Minxy's New Adventure > by Within Dusk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: New Lands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last thing I remember was finally beating Bevark and then passing out because of my injuries, I felt like I was laying on something, something comfortable, I thought I heard a voice but I was sure it was just Temaila patching me up until I heard another unknown voice then I knew wasn't back at base, I slowly woke up trying to sit up but my chest hurt so I slowed down until I was sitting on the side of what seemed to be a bed, "No wonder it was so comfortable" I said with a small smile. I looked around the room and stood in a small bit of shock, this is not base at all, not even my own home, something was wrong. Twilight was talking to her friend Fluttershy about the condition of the creature found near Ponyville, it seemed he was making a decent recovery "Wait, He?" Twilight asked a bit surprised, "but the clothes are female?" "Well yes they are but maybe it's a style choice, you remember how fashion is different in that human world you went to right?" Fluttershy wondered to herself after saying this. "Maybe it's a 'fashion statement' like Rarity would say?" I couldn't believe it, there were 2 creatures talking, specifically what looked like very small horses, I think the word was Pony? at least I think that's the word to describe small horses right? well I have to make contact and they speak English so it should be easy "Hey there, uh.. thanks for patching me up." I said as friendly as possible. Twilight and Fluttershy turned to see the creature talking to them and they could understand it surprisingly, the creature seemed to be quite tall, at least compared to them, maybe a bit taller than Luna, not counting her horn, Fluttershy stepped forward saying, "It's no problem at all! may I ask if anything else is hurting?" This yellow and pink one was very kind and even offered to help even more, "Nah I'm good, everything is good to go!" I began to walk towards the door but the Purple one stopped me. "What are you anyway? no pony has ever seen anything like you before?" Twilight asked the tall creature and she could tell it meant no harm as it smiled and went to the couch and sat down. I sat down and signaled them forward, "Let me explain" I said as they sat down, "I'm what's known as a hybrid, specifically I'm genetically combined with a Human and a Fox person from the Fox Clan of the world I'm from!, I can tell I'm not on my home world just by looking around!" I laugh a little showing there's no issue with it, and honestly there wasn't, I left behind strong warriors who could protect the world for as long as needed. "Incredible! does that give you special powers? OH! what about magic?" Twilight asked excitedly. she wanted to study this new being, what abilities does being a hybrid give, especially if they're from another world. "Hmm I mean I have powers but I don't think I'm at full strength yet, before being here I had just barely defeated someone super strong." I said, a little disappointed that I wasn't stronger. "Maybe later, ok?" "I understand, in fact, you should come meet my other friends!" Twilight says leading the creature and Fluttershy into Ponyville. The citizens stared in awe but slight nervousness at the tall creature being escorted by Twilight and Fluttershy, it had decently long pink and light blue hair, a yellow Stetson hat with a purple ribbon around the center area, it wore a plaid red, black and grey shirt with a dark grey undershirt, it has a necklace on with what looked like an engraving on it, it wore a navy blue skirt with long black and dark grey socks, it had orange gloves on, and snow shoes, definitely an odd combination. "So they're all waiting at your home?" I asked, kind of wanting to make conversation since everyone was staring at me, makes sense, they've never seen me, I've never seen them. "Yep! we're almost there!" Twilight said with a smile. it was such an exciting thing, a completely new creature from another world. she would have the study him sometime, what genetic composition made him the way he was. We had made it a crystal tree castle, but like, literally, it was a castle integrated with a crystal tree, and as we entered I thought I saw myself charging right at me, this pink blur had knocked me over and started talking in such a high pitched voice that I genuinely thought I was a piece of me that had escaped or something "Woah! Woah! slow down there!" I laugh and stand back up as it gets off of me. "I'm sorry! I'm just so excited to meet a new friend! one that's never been seen in all of a Equestria! oh! are you an ancient hero! oohh! does this mean an ancient evil is going to return! or are you from another planet!?" Pinkie Pie just couldn't contain her excitement at least until her friend Apple Jack calmed her down. "Now hold on there Pinkie, let's have our new guest get their surroundings in check first." Apple Jack knew for sure there would be a massive party after all the introductions were made, it was inevitable, classic Pinkie Pie. I whistle as I look around, "Man who knew a tree could make a genuinely good castle" I walked and sat down on a nearby sofa. "Alright, so one at a time, what do you all wanna know?" Rainbow Dash couldn't help but stare at the creature, it had such confidence and had an air of kindness yet knowing their own strength, "How strong are you?" she blurted out, the mentally cursed herself for being so blunt but was surprised at getting the answer. "Well as of now since I haven't fully recovered I'd say I'm decently strong, though my full power is slowly coming back, why? you need a trainer?" I smiled as I asked her but noticed she seemed a bit defensive now. "You think I need training? hah! I can beat you in 10 seconds flat! I am the fastest flyer alive after all!" Rainbow Dash said as she puffed out her chest. I saw she was serious but I wanted to pump her up more. "Oh really? you faster than me? hah! you sound like you're a fake me! and I don't take kindly to fakers!" I said standing up and doing my best to seem serious as I glare at her. "Let's take this outside then!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed flying out the door, she was taken aback as she saw the creature flying as well. "So you ready to give the citizens here a show? cause I sure am!" I said with excitement, yeah I was still recovering but maybe this would help me get stronger. "Alright everypony! here's the rules! first one knocked out will be declared the loser! on go you may begin! remember this is a friendly match don't overdo it, Rainbow." Apple Jack said as she stepped in to be a referee of sorts. I laugh as I look around at the audience, they seemed to have calmed after hearing it was a friendly match. "Alright! before we begin I must warn you, I'm very strong!" I point to her "This is your chance to back down!" this seemed to fire her up more. "Me back down!? no way! you're going down!" as she's flying she did movements like a boxer also looking very determined. Apple Jack raised her hoof and began to countdown, "Three, Two, One!" She lowered her hoof "GO!" she said as loud as possible. "heh!" I yell out as I charge at her and she begins to charge as well. we clash and realize she's stronger than I thought and as I'm flung back I mentally hype myself up! "haha, You're good! really good! I'm pumped!" I charge myself up, revealing a small bit of my power, releasing my aura. Rainbow Dash stared at the brilliant aura, that shade of blue was beautiful, wait what was she thinking, she's in the middle of a battle, she can't get distracted! "You think that aura makes you tough! just watch!" "Alright! show me your power then! let's go!" I yell out as we both charge in again clashing once more. I was pleasantly surprised she could handle this level of power, this was a multiplier of fifty and she was keeping up perfectly. "You're awesome! this is incredible!" we continued to fight, taking each others blows until I noticed her power growing and saw she had transformed somehow, her mane and tail were flowing like an aura and her markings were everywhere, I grunt in pain as she slams me into the ground. "Gah! damn!" Rainbow Dash lands in front of her opponent and is in awe as he gets back up "How!? that should have knocked you out cold!" she stepped back getting ready for a round two. "You can't keep me down with one hit ya know! This is the next level of my power!" I yell out as I go into my ascended level of power, my aura now light blue with pink lightning, I always called these forms 'Super Fox' so this would be Super Fox 2, I grinned as I saw her look at me in awe. "What? giving up?" I saw her glare at me and was surprised still that even this level wasn't enough. "Oh shit!" Rainbow Dash grinned, "I don't know, are YOU giving up?" I flew back quite a bit, "I guess it's up to 3 now! heh!" I shout as my aura becomes dark blue with purple lightning, "This is nearing my full power! if this isn't enough well, then you ponies are more impressive than I originally thought!" I smiled as we continued the fight, it becomes more intense by the minute and it seems were nearly even, I'm still not fully able to keep up! so I pull my final trump card and burst into Super Fox Okami and slam her down, she's knocked out of her powered up form which I later learned was something called Rainbow Power. Rainbow Dash lays there in shock, "I can't believe it, I lost.." she looks down but then sees the creature reach his arm out. "Don't feel too bad, you made burst into my Super Fox Okami form, that's impressive, honestly I think we should train together!" I say as I help her to her hooves, every seems to start congratulating us on a fight well fought, but that's when I feel a strong presence and I look up to see something incredible. > Chapter 2: Hail to The Sun and Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I looked up to the sky I see a large pony with wings AND a horn, I can't help but bow as I can sense the massive power radiating from her, and as she landed I lowered my head as a sign of respect but she quickly said something that shocked me. "There's no need for that, however I do appreciate that someone like yourself is bowing." Princess Celestia said as the creature stood up once more, it couldn't have been much taller than her sister Luna, "I must say that display was quite the show." I rubbed the back of my head a bit nervous, "You think so?" I say with a slight hint of my nervousness. "No need to be so nervous, I know for sure the Element Bearers are very capable of handing things like that." She could see no pure evil in the creature only the hidden feelings of pain and sorrow, in the creatures different colored eyes was a longing to be as strong as possible to protect innocent lives, she could respect such a sentiment. I sigh in relief, "Heh! you had me going there! I thought you were mad! haha!" I laugh in relief and she said something that kind of threw me off. "walk with me, tell me your desires and I may be able to accommodate." Celestia said, intending to talk to the creature about itself and it's past, hopefully it wasn't too painful to remember for the being. I begin to walk to her, "Sure, we can talk" I smile and as the two of us walk we find a place to sit and as we sit there looking over the horizon she completely shocks me as she begins to use her horn to lower the sun. "Incredible.. absolute amazing.." I say in pure awe. "Tell me, what is your name?" Celestia asked, giving a comforting smile. "Minxy, and your name?" I asked with a similar smile. "You may call me Princess Celestia, I rule this land along side my sister Luna, she raises the moon as you can see." Celestia said nodding to the now rising moon. I couldn't believe it, two beings capable of moving such things like the sun and moon, that level of power must be hard to achieve, amazing, "Wow.. such a beautiful sight.." Celestia smiled at Minxy, and realized her upcoming offer wouldn't be a bad idea, Luna was always looking for a protégée, "I want you to train under my sister and her guards. My eyes widen as she said this, a literal goddess wants me to be trained by her sister and her most likely very powerful guards, I couldn't say no. "Really?" I say with surprise, "It would be an honor!" And so began my training the next day, I was being escorted to a training area for Luna's high ranking guards, the reason why Celestia wanted me to train under Luna wasn't just because she wanted a protégée but because she and Luna ranked their guards differently, Celestia ranked them by time and loyalty while Luna ranked them on power and skill, and I was about to face the fifth strongest in her most powerful squad, these guys are trained in case of a mass scale invasion, so I knew I had to go all out, luckily for me, I was fully recovered so this would be a good battle to say the least. "Are thou ready to commence your training? My sister said thou are powerful and surpass most of my guards in your second form alone!" Luna asked the being known as Minxy, she had never seen anything like this creature before, but based on it's features this must be similar to the humans twilight described after her journey through the mirror. "Yes ma'am! I'm prepared!" I said determined to meet this opponent. "Good, now then, Dark Matter, show the rookie here how it's done!" Luna shouted to the fifth strongest of her group known as 'The Shadow Chasers', they were her highest level guards so if Minxy could keep up with him, then maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to take down Storm Razer and the others. "Yes ma'am!" just then a dark purple and black blur speeds past Minxy. I was in awe, he was fast, sure Rainbow Dash is a bit faster but if he's only fifth strongest then I may have some problems, I get into the training ring and get into my fighting stance, "Alright, Let's do this!" The fight was amazing! Dark Matter was so strong! I could only keep up in Super Fox 3, which told me that Rainbow Dash's transformation was a multiplier like mine, so after a good few round we take a break and we began to talk. "You're not a bad fighter Minxy but you definitely need some training, but no worries! me and the others will help ya!" Dark Matter said to rookie, he was very strong but like he said he needed more training. I smile as I give him a thumbs up, "Yeah! let's all get stronger, together!" after a while we got back to training, for what seemed like hours me, Dark Matter, Storm Blast, Star Shine, Shadow Blaze, and Luna herself, I was surprised at her strength, her and her sister are Leagues above me, maybe I'll be able to surpass them, who knows. The next day at the castle was good, we had a nice breakfast and Twilight and her friends came over, though Twilight and Celestia seemed to have been having their own private talk, I'll have to ask her if anything is wrong later on, but for the moment I was enjoying some amazing pancakes. After everyone had their breakfast I caught up with twilight and asked her what was wrong, she said it was nothing but trying to be polite I didn't pry but I'd have to be careful of any odd behaviors or well anything that could say that something was indeed wrong, but either way I went back to train with Luna and her squad, it was a good workout, though I couldn't shake this odd feeling that something was going to happen soon, well either way I'll be ready. > Chapter 3: A Night to Remember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been maybe a week of training, and Luna seemed to have grown fond of me, it's not all the time she meets a creature with such ability and power, she had told me the strongest mortal was someone named Lord Tirek when he gained all the pony magic in Equestria, this Tirek guy sounded like someone I had fought before, so I told her the time I fought Merath, a fighting who had taken the power from those he defeated she scoffed and said he fought dirty and thus had no honor, I agreed. "Tell me Minxy, how would like you be part of an upcoming night show for the Grand Galloping Gala? after that display last week, I asked my sister if we could bring back the arena and she said yes, would you like to compete?" Luna asked, smiling because she knew the answer very well. "Ha! you think I'd back down? especially with an audience? Don't worry! I'll give it my all!", I said, giving a thumbs up and so training began, during my week stay at the castle I was given my own room and training quarters to use, and soon the night arrived. Twilight and her friends had arrived to the castle, Starlight Glimmer was there along with Spike, and most surprisingly Sunset Shimmer, who had come to visit after Twilight had described Minxy to her, she wanted to see this person to see if she could connect it to anything from the Human World, the night went on, laughs were had and conversations filled the room, eventually Princess Celestia and Luna took stage and Celestia began with her announcement "With a night as wonderful as this me and my sister have agreed that this very night will contain a very special show! we hope you enjoy it! please head to the door on the left side." Celestia told the crowd, smiling as they discussed what it could be, Twilight and her friends including Spike, Starlight and Sunset were escorted to VIP booths, and that's when they realize they'll be watching Minxy and Luna's guards fight for the final show of the night. As I sit on a bench looking out the gate of my side of the arena I can't help but notice Twilight and her friends, mainly thanks to the fact that Rainbow Dash is jumping for joy at most likely the thought of seeing a good fight, I chuckle as I hear the DJ, DJ Pon3 aka Vinyl Scratch read out the lines me and Luna agreed on. "Alright everypony! for this night! we will see the greatest warriors Equestria has ever seen duke it out with a new challenger! but first! let's see which Guard will be up first!" Vinyl Scratch looked down at a list of who will go one by one, "Alright! First up! Dark Matter!" Just then Dark Matter zipped out the open gate and began to accept the cheers with open arms, I smiled as I stood up, ready to be introduced, Walking forward as the gate opened. "And on this side of the arena! the newest warrior to join their ranks! Minxy!" Vinyl Scratch said and she began to play a remix of suspenseful music. I walk out and open my arms as the crowd cheers once more, I smirk over at Dark Matter, "What's wrong!? did I take your popularity?" I lay my arms to my sides and put my hands on my hips, "Let's give them a show am I right?" I get into my battle stance. Dark Matter get into his battle stance, ready to fight, saying "Yeah, Let's make sure they know who's stronger." He smirked and flared his wings up. "Ready?" Vinyl Scratch said in suspense, "Set!" She slowed her words, "GO!" She yelled out and the crowd began to cheer. I charged forward and was able to catch Dark Matter by surprise, knocking him back with a swift kick, "Letting your guard down isn't healthy ya know?" I charge again but that's when I'm hit in the side, he had used the dust as a distraction and got to the side of me, I yelp in shock more than pain, "Damn.. alright, good hit, good hit." I say as I charge back in, hitting him square in the muzzle, "HAH!". This continued on a nice back and forth and it seemed we were even, that's when I turned Super Fox and blew everyone's minds! and that's also when Dark Matter knew he should tag out, Storm Blast, then walked out while Dark Matter returned to the stands. I got back into my fighting stance, "So you're up next?" I smirked. "Of course I am, you underestimating me?!" Storm Blast said, getting a little hot headed, "You know damn well I'm stronger than that form!" "Oh really? prove it!" I say as I charge forward, we fight with all we got and in the end he pushes me into Super Fox 2, and the fight goes on, he can just barely keep up with me, it's an amazing fight and ends with me knocking him and away, he tags out and lets Star Shine have a turn. "Alright, this is where your win streak ends!" She said proudly, getting ready to strike and charging forward, hitting me right in the chest. "AH!" I yell out in pain, "Damn ok! let's go!!" I turn into Super Fox 3, Letting my aura light the arena in a nice Purple and Dark Blue, "You're almost to my full power!" "Almost!? hah! I bet this is your full power!" Star Shine said charging forward once more but was surprising that she was counter and thrown to side like she was nothing. "Like I said.. almost." I said smirking, and that pissed her off, we fought like there was money on the line or something, even though we'd all be paid very well, we clash a final time and after one decisive blow to her chest she fell and let Shadow Blaze have his turn, and so would begin the final round. "Alright Minxy, You know how this goes, do it, GO ALL OUT!" Shadow Blaze shouted as he charged forward, planting a massive hit to my face. I flew back and caught myself before I hit the wall, "Damn.." I stood back up and turns into my full power, Super Fox Okami, Yelling out as a Red and Blue Aura surround me, "THIS! This is what you were all waiting for! my full power!" and this I charged forward and while it seemed me and Shadow Blaze were even I was running low on energy, I needed to end this quickly so I kicked him up into the air and flew up and punched him back down to the ground, he was okay, only unconscious. "You're all so strong.. Thank you.. all of you.." I passed out. I wake up in my bed, "ugh.. damn.. that was a good fight.. haha.." just then Rainbow Dash came in with a bag and tray of food on a table with wheels, she set the tray on the table beside me and put the bag next to it, "So how did I do?" I asked her smiling. "You did awesome! I've never seen a fight like that before!" Rainbow Dash said, smiling at Minxy softly, it had been an amazing fight, she never thought that within a week Minxy would evolve their power by that much, she couldn't help but be envious. "That's good", I picked up the apple off the tray and took a bite, "So what's going on now?" I say tilting my head. "well that depends on if you're gonna stay here.." Rainbow Dash said a tinge of sadness that she hoped wasn't noticeable. "Something wrong?.." I said looking at Rainbow Dash with some concern. "Minxy..", Rainbow Dash said but paused, "I think we should talk." > Chapter 4: Truly Felt Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash led Minxy out to the balcony and looked out into the night, she couldn't believe she was about to show this side of her but she couldn't contain what she felt within, it was an undeniable feeling, and if her friends have taught her anything. it's that she shouldn't hide her feelings. She sighs and looks over to Minxy who's looking out to the night. "A wonderful night, right? man back home the moon usually isn't this bright, But I forgot why.." I held my head feeling a slight headache, it was probably nothing but who knows. "Minxy.. I have to tell you something.." Rainbow Dash said looking into Minxy's eyes. she thought she could see every adventure he'd been on through his eyes. "What's up?.. something wrong?" I asked her kneeling to get closer to her level. "ok there's two things I have to tell you but.. the second thing is.. it's.." Rainbow Dash just couldn't do it, she flew off quickly, tears in her eyes. I step back in surprise as she flies off, I fly up and look around, "Rainbow?.." I fly off to meet up with the others but Rainbow isn't with them, I hope she's ok. The next morning I flew off to look for Rainbow Dash, I eventually found her in the garden, a surprising place for her but I didn't question it, "So.. what's wrong?.." I ask softly. "Minxy.. You.. I.." Rainbow Dashed stammered. "You can say it, we're all friends here!" I smile as she walks up to me, "So what's got yo-" I'm cut off by her lips pressed against mine, I gently accepted it kissing back a little before breaking it slowly, "Now I understand" Rainbow Dash blushes but realizes he's hugging her, "You're not mad?" I smile, "Of course not! though, I do prefer males.. but in a world of magic, I'm sure we'll figure something out" I wink and chuckle as I see her blush even more, "though that comes later on of course!" "well it's already been figured out" Rainbow Dash said smirking. I look at her confused, "Huh? how?" "Follow me!" Rainbow Dash says flying off back to her room in the castle through the balcony. I follow her and look around, "wow, they gave you a pretty good room" I say. I yelp in surprise as something quickly pushes me onto the bed, as I lay on my stomach I look over and see Rainbow Dash, still smirking. "Like I said, it's all figured out~", She said in a seductive tone, getting on top of me. I look forward and see the mirror, looking at her on top of me, I couldn't help but blush and bury my face. "C-come on Dash, it's a bit early isn't it?..", I let out an embarrassing squeak as I feel something prodding against my skirt and rubbing against my ass, "W-woah.. uh.. i-is.." "Yep! It's real~ now, try not to moan too loud ok?~" Rainbow Dash smiled more, rubbing her mare-cock against Minxy's soft skirt more, "You don't want anyone else to hear us right?", She used her hoof to move the back of Minxy's panties down, revealing the virgin hole underneath. "D.. Dash.. please.. just be gentle..", I said shyly, raising my ass into the air a bit. This got her going and she began to prod more at my hole, "D.. Damn..~" "Heh~ ready?~" Rainbow Dash asked as she managed to pop her tip into Minxy's ass, cause him to yelp in pleasure. "Seems like you are~" She began to thrust a little, and little by little slide her cock deeper and deeper into Minxy's ass. I moaned a little each time she went deeper, eventually she was all the way in and she began to buck her hips more, completely enthralled by the pleasure she was feeling. We continued this for a good while until she sped up more, sighing and moaning, I began to moan a little louder and eventually we came at the same time. We cuddled for an hour or two, cleaned up and flew over to see we were just in time for a ceremony of sorts and Luna beckoned me over, I went over to her and she told me that this ceremony was to welcome me into the ranks of the warriors that defend Equestria, apparently The Pillars, Element Bearers and She, her sister and her sisters niece are here, and as the ceremony begins I walk to the center ready for what comes next, and Luna whispers to me. "Any words you must share?" Luna asks Minxy, signaling that He should say a speech of some sort. I nod and step to the podium and clear my throat, beginning my improve speech, "As I stand here I see the heroes of the past, present and future, being surrounded by such heroes is an honor beyond my own beliefs, and no matter what challenges are ahead we shall fight for a better world, we will work together and be the heroes that Equestria needs, I'm proud to call this land my new home, the future remains bright as long as we stick together!", as I end my speech the crowd cheers and I'm given a chest piece with a logo that looks like a fox on it with a Jewel in the center filling the logo, it was a wonderful Blue Sapphire, the chest piece itself felt like iron covered in gold making it heavy for anyone else. Days went on and eventually me and the others headed back to Ponyville, on the way I asked Rainbow about the second thing and she said not to worry about it right now, I couldn't help but wonder what it could be, eventually we arrived and set off to our homes, me and Rainbow Dash went to her house up in the clouds, surprisingly I was able to walk on the cloud, mainly thanks to my ability to fly apparently, flying creatures can walk on clouds with no problem in this world. After a few months I couldn't help but worry about what that second thing was so I went to twilight but before I got there I sensed a massive presence, and evil one, pure malice at that, I sped off towards Twilight's castle to warn her of the potential incoming danger, little did I know it couldn't just be solved with me and the others alone. > Chapter 5: A Dark Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I enter Twilights castle and begin to look for her, "Twilight! where are you?!" I yell out, I see her poke her head out of a doorway and I approach her, "Twilight, I sense a dark presence awakening, it's pure malice, and I fear we may not be enough to stop it if it reaches full power! It's faint.. but it's there.. we need to prepare!" Twilight was shocked, was it Tirek, maybe Chrysalis? it didn't matter, if Minxy is worried then it must be something powerful. In a secluded place, deep in the Everfree Forest, an ancient evil has returned from his prison, Grogar, Father of all evil has gathered villains such as Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra and Cozy Glow, Grogar masks their presence and begins to explain his plans for total control of Equestria, the villains smile, seeing this as a chance to rule their own kingdoms. "Huh?.. that presence is gone!.. something is up.. but.. still let's be ready!" I say to Twilight as I use one of my recently learned abilities to teleport to Canterlot, the guards let me through and I meet with Celestia and Luna. "We never sensed anything, how can we be sure that this power you felt is truly malicious?" Luna asked, she had been training with Minxy on and off for the few months he was here, he had gotten significantly stronger, so to think he'd be worried of a dark presence was startling to put it lightly. "It disappeared not too long ago! but I felt it! we must prepare for anything!" I said looking up at Celestia, waiting for her word. "Training would be beneficial even if there is no threat." Celestia said turning to her sister and saying, "Gather your strongest and begin training, I will contact The Pillars, Twilight and her friends, it's better to be safe than sorry." So training began, the unicorns like Rarity and Starswirl focused on their magic while more the more physical based warriors like Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack and others trained their base strength and speed, along side Luna's strongest guards I trained like no other, focusing on maximizing my power in Super Fox Okami, hoping to find something above it. Months went by, even a year with no sign of that dark presence until we heard reports of ponies losing their magic. "Ah I was just starting to enjoy my vacation!" A voice said out of thin air. I get into my battle stance, not recognizing this voice, but Twilight reassured me, that's when an odd creature appeared out of no where, apparently this was their ally Discord, how had I not sensed him until now. "Look I would love to help but I think your friend here is motivating you all enough as it is, besides you all seem plenty strong now, isn't that Minxy?" Discord said getting awfully close to the Fox Hybrid. "I'm sure we're stronger than before but I'm unsure if it'll be enough." I said and the spirit of chaos chuckled. "I could maximize the efforts but only for one day." Discord said, opening a portal to a pocket dimension he had made just now. "This will take one year in here, to one day out here! it'll maximize your potential, and give you ample time to plan something." "Thank you Discord, alright let's do it!" I say as I hop into the portal and the others follow suit, and thus begins a supposed second year of training. it's during this supposed year I discover a new form, but I vowed to only use it in an emergency, it's also I learn energy blasts for more distanced attacks as well as other neat tricks. Discord sat there for the rest of the day waiting, and once time was up he open the portal again and let everyone exit, "So did everything go well? you certainly all seem more confident." "Yeah, we're ready! and just in time too, I feel it again, it's stronger now!" I say as I create a field around us and teleport us to where the energy was, and we come face to face with an empowered Lord Tirek, a powered up Queen Chrysalis, an Alicorn Cozy Glow and Sombra and seemingly the one behind all of this, Grogar, despite being smaller than the other four I could tell he was stronger than all of them. "Tirek! Chrysalis! Cozy Glow! Sombra! and.. you!, You're all here! what do you intend to do to this land!" Celestia said, her calm demeanor replaced with one of anger, Sombra, Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow were bad enough, and now they have new power and Grogar on their side, this was going to become a fight for the world, she knew it. I stared in determination at the ram known as Grogar, I walked to the front of the group, "You all can either surrender now or face the might of Equestria's strongest warriors!, I turn Super Fox 3, letting my aura burst out. Grogar was impressed though he didn't show it, this being he had never seen before was quite strong, in fact, in this power he had, he seemed to be stronger than the newly empowered King Sombra. He raised his large hoof, "Destroy them!" I charged at Grogar as the others took care of the other four, knocking Grogar back I fired a blast and it looked like it hit him dead on, but he stood strong. "Damn. you're tough! but we won't lose!", It's then I feel a massive hoof make contact with my chest, I shout in pain, it's then Grogar was crushing my chest with his hoof. "You are not strong enough to face me.." Grogar said, pushing his hoof into Minxy's chest more, smiling as the they yelled in pain. "I will not.. GIVE UP!" I turned Super Fox Okami, this seemed to have him a bit worried, "This is my full power! so be ready!" I charge forward but I fake him out by teleporting behind and blasting him in his back, we began to fight and as he knocked me down, he brought out a bell of sorts and a beam hit me but I realized it didn't effect me. "What?! how is this possible! your power should be mine!" Grogar yelled out, kicking Minxy to the ground, "You're not of this world.. meaning your power cannot be stolen.. so I'll kill you instead!" "So my power does scare you?.. heh.. then I'll be the one to finish you!" I put my arms back, charging up one of my most powerful attacks, "Spirit Flash!", I thrust my arms forward and he tries to push it back but is surrounded by the blast, launching him into a hill nearby, "Hah.. had enough!?" It's then I sense the struggle happening right now, I teleport to my friends and they're holding off a combined black from the other four, I fire my own blast helping them push it back, but Grogar returns and begins to use his own blast. The ensuing explosion knocked both sides back, and as I stand up I see that The Pillars are out cold so I teleport them away, "Damn.. that hurt..", I then look and see Tirek and Chrysalis approaching me, "Haven't had enough? come on! show me what you got!". I charge forward and knock Tirek back, teleporting behind Chrysalis and Knocking her into the ground. Tirek catches himself and lands a punch onto Minxy knocking him into the ground, "You don't seem to understand the stakes now." He snaps his fingers and shows that he has Twilight, her friends, and the Princesses captive. I stare at them in shock, how did this happen? I was sure we could win, we trained basically 2 years for this, I felt nothing but anger, it reminded me of when my friends almost died cause of my weakness, I yell out for the heavens to hear and turn Ultimate Fox Okami, my newest form above Super Fox Okami, a natural evolution. "You messed with the wrong Fox Hybrid.. you all made one fatal mistake.." It's then I catch King Sombra in the process of trying to sneak up on me, holding him by his throat, "You messed with my family and friends.. and you don't do that without paying for it!", I blast King Sombra into nothing, he was gone. I then teleport to Cozy Glow and use my binding ability to keep her still, not willing to kill her as she was young. Tirek and Chrysalis were shocked, almost scared, the creature had powered up more and had killed a powered up King Sombra, and is containing an Alicorn Cozy Glow with no issue, Tirek Charged forward but he had missed his punch, stumbling forward he threw his arm back again, this time Minxy caught it. "This is the end!", I blast Tirek and he's flung into a mountain, I turn to Queen Chrysalis and as I watch her charge forward I teleport behind her and blast her into the ground, I fly up more and charge up another Spirit Flash, "Begone!!" I blast her and she loses her powers. She struggles to get up as she curses me, I then look back to Grogar. "So you finally show your true power, well.. I'll still destroy you.." Grogar says darkly, stepping forward. "No.. it's over for you..", I charge forward punching him in his muzzle making him fly back and as he catches himself I blast him with another Spirit Flash. "It truly is over..", I raise my arm for another blast attack right to his face, "Flaming Spark!" I blast him causing him to disappear for good. I sense that his spirit becomes trapped in his own bell, I'll have to find a place to contain it later on. "Damn.. I'm almost out of energy..", I go up to the bubbles containing Twilight and her friends and free them, "it's over.." I fall to the ground passed out. > Chapter 6: A Well Deserved Rest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the all out war against Grogar, Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and King Sombra, everyone took a well deserved rest, I trained off and on for the time being, Rainbow Dash kept telling me take more time to rest but I just couldn't. That thing Rainbow Dash wanted to tell me, what could it be? well I took today off to ask Twilight herself. I flew over to her castle but couldn't find her. "Twilight!", I shouted, "Where are you?..", I wondered around until I found her throne room and found a note. 'To anypony who finds this, I'm with the princesses discussing an important matter, when I return I will hold a meeting to discuss future plans, your dear friend Twilight Sparkle.' "So that's what's going on, alright." I say, flying off and meeting up with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, Scootaloo was very interested in my abilities so I showed off my transformations, she couldn't help but stare at the auras. Me and Rainbow Dash are eventually called to Twilights castle and she began to tell us that she would be joining Celestia on a trip to somewhere special and that I would be tagging along. "For security I assume?" I ask, expecting a yes but was shocked when Twilight said no. We left the next morning, I couldn't help but be on alert when we were on the open road, but Celestia assured me that we would not be in danger, still I kept my eyes sharp. We eventually made it to a check point and my eyes widened, the check point officer looked so similar to be, I stared and as we passed I had to ask. "I have origins here? I mean.. they look different but it's clear I'm derived from them!" I exclaim, being surprised that at least a variant of the Fox Clan existed here. We continued forward and eventually stopped in front of a palace and as we entered I felt a strong power nearby. We approached a throne room and we bowed before the leader of the Fox People. "It is an honor to meet you sir." I say bowing my head more. He then held his hand out and let me up. "A power such as yours has no need to bow for such an extended time.", King Venix said, as he led the three guests inside his round table room, he sat in one of the chairs and we began to discuss creating an alliance and economic trades. He then turns to Minxy, "What do you think? would an alliance be beneficial to our respective lands?" "Of course sir! the ponies are very strong allies! in fact it's thanks to them Grogar and his allies are now imprisoned!" I exclaimed confirming they helped with their defeat. "It would be in everyone's best interest for an alliance.", I said smiling. King Venix sat there contemplating, thinking on his next actions and words. He looked to Minxy, "If you can impress me I will guarantee an alliance." "Impress you how?" I asked, Tilting my head in slight confusion. "We will battle and if you can impress me, an alliance will be made immediately." King Venix stood, leading the three to his arena. "This will be our battle ground, please, do not hold back." I get into my battle stance, "Alright, no holding back it is!", I turn into my Super Fox Okami form, rushing forward and clashing with King Venix. He caught my punch with no issue, I tried again but he blasted me back. I yelped in pain, hitting the arena wall, "Damn.. you're tough..". "I'm a king for a reason. show me the power used to defeat Grogar." King Venix said, getting into his battle stance. I yell out and turn Ultimate Fox Okami, "I haven't fully mastered this form but here it comes!", I charge forward and this time it seems more even. I began to notice changes to his body, eventually he knocked me down and I saw a brilliant orange aura surrounding him. "This is crazy.. I've never felt anything like this before!" I exclaimed as he helped me up. "The power you show is promising, I'll make sure the alliance is made." King Venix said, walking back to his throne room, before the doors close he turns and says, "Thank you.", walking into the throne room. We were escorted back to our carriage and began to travel back to Ponyville. We arrived back home and everyone welcomed us back, Rainbow Dash asked about the King and I told her it was a great experience seeing people so similar to me, after Pinkie's welcome back party me and Rainbow Dash went home and slept. I awoke in what seemed like a lab, I wondered around and eventually heard voice reading out numbers, '20 8 5 16 1 19 20 9 19 14 15 20 18 5 1 12' is what I heard, I found the source and found it was an old radio. As I stepped near the radio I heard another voice behind me. "Subject seems cooperative, I know not everypony will understand but this experiment is crucial to my studies on the true nature of the magic of friendship, up to now I never really questioned it.", The voice said. I turned around and saw it was Twilight, it was then I was pulled out of my dream by the numbers flashing before my eyes. I sat up a bit startled, what was that? what was Twilight talking about, experiment? I would have to talk to Twilight in the morning. I slowly drifted back to sleep, cuddling Rainbow Dash for the rest of the night, not realizing that Luna also saw what I had seen. Luna had her suspicions, and while this didn't fully confirm anything, she would have to keep an eye on Twilight, at least for now, she exited the dreamscape and began to rest for the rest of the night. She had a lot to think about. > Chapter 7: Investigations and a Crashed Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna woke up in the morning, she had some research to do today. She began to go through any books that may have had folklore on a powerful being from the Fox Clan, but found nothing. She knew she would have to confront Twilight about this. Twilight sat on her throne in her castle holding face in her hooves, she was doubting her ability to keep this secret much longer, and while the secret may not be painful to the point of true betrayal, but it won't be painless to say the least. She heard a voice call out to her and as she turns around she sees Princess Luna. "OH! hello Luna! what brings you here?", Twilight asked stepping towards Luna. She then noticed the serious look Luna is giving her. "Is something wrong Luna?..", Twilight asks. "Tell me, where did you hear of Minxy, don't think I haven't noticed your way of research.", Luna said, thinking back on the times Twilight took notes when around Minxy. "None of the books in Canterlot have any mention of such hybrids existing and if he was transported here me and my sister would have noticed a disturbance in dimensional bonds. Twilight looked down defeated, "He is technically of a different world.. but it's.. complicated.", Twilight said sitting back down. "Then explain it as best you can.", Luna said sitting across from her. She listened as Twilight explained how the Human world had folklore of an ancient race of warriors known as the Fox Clan and how she read all known stories of their battles and culture before they went extinct or at least went missing. "He's of their world yet was created here using magic, I made him as a result of wanting to know more of the properties of the magic of friendship, it wouldn't have worked without creating some form of life for him to live off of." Twilight said, looking down sadly. She then led Luna to her lab where she showed all the research she had put into creating the warrior they know. "So you took research from the elements of harmony before they were destroyed and used their properties to create Minxy.. a genius thing indeed." Luna said walking to a whiteboard seeing all the research and notes. "He's slowly finding out you know?" "I know, I knew the false memories were going to ware off soon but I didn't think it'd be this soon.", Twilight said, looking through one of her books before Luna had her set it down. "It's for the best if the natural course of actions take place.", Luna solemnly said walking over to the exit of the lab. "I must ask if you will let the others know.", Luna stated seriously, looking back at Twilight expectantly. "I will let them know, In fact I'll let them know today.", Twilight said, beginning to write letters to each of her friends. When I woke up it was later in the day, shoot I guess having odd dreams will do that to you. I flew around town to help wake myself up until I noticed that Apple Jack wasn't at her farm and Rainbow Dash was no where to be found. I began to get worried so I flew over to Twilight's castle but I began to get a headache, I started hearing those numbers again. I headed back home and rested for the rest of the day. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe it, Minxy was a creation of her friend Twilight, nothing more than an experiment. She knew Twilight had been taking notes about Minxy but she didn't think it was for this. She stepped towards Twilight saying, "I don't care if his past isn't real, he's my lover, he's the hero Equestria looks up to! he's one of us!", She flew upwards, "In fact! I'm gonna get married to him! that's how much we love each other!", She stammered, "He's real to me!" Twilight began to get tears in her eyes, "I'm not saying he's not real, he's just as real as all of us! it's just his past isn't.". This was what she was worried about. She hugged her friend, the others joined after, hugging Rainbow Dash. A few months past and during that time Rainbow Dash purposed and I obviously accepted, we had planned it to take place in Canterlot. We had decided on what Rainbow Dash called a reversal wedding, I would wear the wedding dress and she would have a suit. I usually wasn't one for full on dresses but for this, I would deal with it. As I prepared to walk down the isle I thought I had sensed something off but it quickly disappeared, I assumed it was Discord so I ignored it. I begin to walk to the door and as I open it I see Rainbow Dash smirk at me, I walk down the isle. As I step onto the platform everyone gasps as Discord falls flat, I look over and that's when I sense the darkest power I've ever felt, I look up and see an Alicorn King Sombra empowered by Grogar's bell and Discord's Energy. I fly towards him but he blasts me piercing my chest. I fall to the ground and the last thing I remember is everything going dark and hearing Rainbow Dash crying then screaming. I heard her shouting for someone to let us go, I then lost all consciousness King Sombra had never felt such power before, the power from Grogar and Discord was incredible and he was able to steal some of the princesses magic as well, though not all of it. He flew back to the crystal empire and within moments he blasted through the barrier and began his plans for world domination, converting the Chrystal guards to his legion. I woke up in a cell, chained down with a device around my neck. I struggled in the binds but found my power was depleted, my body used it all to heal me, and while I would be stronger once it was all back it could take hours, days even. I look over and see Rainbow Dash and rush to her barely about to reach her. "That bastard..", I say as I pass out again. > Chapter 8: Corrupted Power > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke once more to the sound of Rainbow Dash crying. I try to stand up and I'm barely able to stand, I struggle as I begin to comfort her. It's then a sense King Sombra approaching, I do my best to get into a battle stance. "Ah you've awoken, perfect, now we can begin the process.", King Sombra said grinning with sinister intent. He lit his horn and aimed at Minxy. I braced for impact but instead I felt dark magic surrounding me and I could feel it trying to take over me. I yell out as I try to burst my aura to resist. I feel unbearable pain as I feel things growing out my head. "YES!", King Sombra shouted, "Give in to the darkest nature!" Rainbow Dash looked at the scene scared, Minxy was growing horns that looked just like Sombra's. Her hope returned as she heard Luna's royal canterlot voice yell out to Sombra, telling him to face his fate. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Twilight and the others arrived, ready to face down King Sombra. They were shocked when not just Sombra but Minxy showed up as well but he had horns coming from his head. Luna shouted in anger at the dark Alicorn, "What have you done to him!?" "I merely gave him my abilities and made sure he was obedient to me!", Sombra said laughing as the ponies looked on in Terror as Minxy stepped forward and aimed a blast at Celestia. I resisted the dark urge for as long as I could, mentally I screamed that I should have made sure he was gone. I slipped and the blast hit Celestia but she was able to make a shield around her and the others. I felt the fight between me and the ponies, I could see it all. After what felt like hours Sombra commanded me to stop. I did so, and I saw him approaching Celestia and Luna and teleporting them to cells and imprisoning them, making sure they could not use their magic to escape. He then had his guards escort the others to their own cells. I stood in front of the door guarding the prison from inside, I could see all my friends, defeated. As I stood there I was helpless to save them, Sombra made sure I wasn't able to save myself. I looked around and noticed Rainbow Dash was gone. It was then I heard her screams, she was asking for someone, anyone to save her. My eyes seemed to have returned to normal and I quickly released everyone and teleported to where Rainbow Dash was and saw Sombra holding her in a magical grip. I yelled out, "Let her go you bastard!!", I turned Ultimate Fox Okami from sheer will alone and blasted him through the wall. I helped Rainbow Dash to her hooves and she hugged me tightly, she let go as Sombra shouted out, saying he would destroy me. I leapt out of the hole in the wall and sped down towards to quickly ascending Sombra, punching him back into the ground. "How did you break free of my spell!? It's impossible!", Sombra shouted, readying his horn to blast the hybrid into nothing. He fired his blast and was surprised to see that his opponent had taken no damage. He began to throw blasts at a rapid pace before he was grabbed by the throat and thrown into near by pillars. "Because my will, my love, and loyalty.. they are all stronger than you will ever be! so now.. we finish this!", I said in a determined tone, charging forward I ram Sombra into a wall and begin throwing a barrage of punches and kicks, burying him into the wall. He tried to charge forward but I grabbed him by the horn. I look him in the eyes and say, "Let me tell where you made your first mistake in this whole plan of yours.", I punch him in the face and knock him to the ground. "You messed with my loved ones, and thus you've awoken my true power!", I charge a blast. King Sombra charged forward and began to throw Minxy around in a bout of rage. "I am King Sombra! The rightful ruler of the Chrystal Empire! My power is here to stay!", He said charging a massive ball of energy. "Spirit Flash!", I shout as I blast the ball of energy, forcing it to dissipate. "You can't rule an empire if you're completely erased!", I say charging forward and our fight begins for real. Rainbow Dash and the others watched as Minxy fought off King Sombra, seeming to be equals but they watch in horror as Sombra blasts Minxy causing Minxy to fall to the ground. King Sombra then brings Minxy to them throwing him to them. "If that was his best then I'm certainly disappointed.", Sombra said, he then smirks seeing Minxy try to stand, "Twilight, Tell him the truth." "What?.. what are you talking about Sombra!", I yelled, confused as to what he was talking about. Twilight looked away ashamed, "Minxy.." I look to her, and see that she's crying, "What?.. what is it?" Sombra then takes out a notebook and shows me it. "Read it.", He said as he opens to a page showing an exact depiction of me, but the date was before I arrived. I looked at it in shock and I kept reading, I was nothing more than an experiment, a creation of one of the most powerful beings in this world. I fell to my knees realizing that everything before Equestria was nothing more than implanted memories. "It can't be..", I said, beginning to tear up. Rainbow Dash stepped forward and began to encourage Minxy, "Your past may not be real! but look at you now! You're strong! you're looked up to as one of the defenders of Equestria! Our love is as real as ever! You can do this! I believe in you! we all believe in you! bring King Sombra down!" "You're right! I have a life here and now! King Sombra.. My past may be false but my present and future are true!", I say, turning back into Ultimate Fox Okami and as I do that, the horns on my head shatter. I punch Sombra and then teleport behind him, slamming him into the ground. I took down at him. "This is where it ends Sombra!" > Chapter 9: A Battle for The Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stood tall above King Sombra, watching as he stood up again. I kick him back into a pillar and throw a blast to him. He dodged the blast and charged at me. Blocking his attack and throw him into the air and throw a barrage of blasts at him, they hit him and eventually he powers up using the bell, absorbing all the power as a last resort. "ENOUGH!!", He shouted in a booming voice, "You cannot stop me! I am the most powerful King to exist! I am King Sombra!", He charged at Minxy, slamming his into the ground. He continued to slam Minxy into the ground and into walls using his magic even using the chaos magic from discord to cause lightning to strike him multiple times. I yelled as the lightning struck me over and over, I burst my aura and expand it, "Here goes nothing..", I yell out, attempting to raise my power, hoping to find a new power above where I am now. I yell into the heavens causing the shadowed clouds in the sky to spread out, making way for the sun to shine through. I then feel it, my friends are giving me power. "Thank you.. It's time to end this!", I charge at King Sombra slamming him around. Our fight could be felt by all through the Chrystal Empire and even all the way to Ponyville. Every punch, kick and blast created shockwaves. We clash and as I stare into King Sombra's eyes he asks me. "Why fight!? Why not just let go!?", He said, pushing Minxy back a little. "Let go!? Never! I fight for my friends and family! I fight to protect those who cannot fend for themselves! I am the warrior born from rage and sorrow and it doesn't matter if those memories are fake! it's who I am! I am Minxy! ALLY TO LIGHT! NIGHTMARE TO YOU!", I slam Sombra into the ground and jump up and rain blasts down upon him. I fly down and begin to repeatedly punch him deeper into the ground. "Every cell! every thought! I fight to keep balance! but you! there's no peace! and you will never rule!", I slam one final punch, causing an explosion of energy to erupt from the crater I pummeled him into. I fly backwards and wait for a response, I step back shocked as he is healed thanks to the chaos magic. "HAHA! I wonderful display! but.. it's futile!", He says as he charges at the warrior slamming through the castle walls and then launching him into air and blasting him. "You're power is fragile, the power you show is nothing more than false hope!", He aims his horn to Twilight, her friends and the princesses. "NO!", I teleport and create a barrier in front of me and my friends. I turn to Twilight, "He has most of the magic in Equestria, I can sense it, I need you to do something for me!". Twilight looks to Minxy, "What!? what must I do!? I'll do whatever it takes!" "Good! I need you to be ready to return here! I'm gonna teleport you and everyone to Canterlot! and I want you to seal the Magic that will explode from Sombra into relics of some kind! please! it's the only way to truly save it without it dying out!", I yell looking at her determined. "I understand.. good luck!", Twilight said, bowing her head seeing no reason to argue. I reach my hand back and teleport them to Canterlot. It's then my shield breaks and I'm hit with the blast. I yell out in pain and power up more. Twilight after being teleported whispered thank you under he breath before heading off to create or find a relic to contain the magic that will explode from Sombra once he's defeated. She finds 3 crystals and Rarity uses her magic to cut them into, wings, a horn like shape and a circle to represent the three pony tribes. Twilight works her magic to make them capture and contain the respective magic types into them. Me and Sombra continued to fight, giving it everything we had. For what felt like hours we fought and fought, powering up more as we did. I could feel myself getting stronger just as I could sense him getting stronger as well. Our battle continued to damage the empire he so badly wanted, causing him to become angered. I continued to push myself to fight more, to fight longer. He continued using chaos magic to strike me with lightning and blasts. I continued to get back up anytime he knocked me down, telling him over and over that if I didn't beat him then who would, I continued to battle and eventually it came to a standstill. "It seems we've reached a stand off, well then, I'll just use all of my true power!", Sombra yelled, using the bell to absorb the rest of the magic, turning him into a monstrous alicorn, 4 wings and demon horns along side his normal horn, his eyes were now pure read with dark purple pupils and his aura was one of pure evil, a dark blood red. He stood taller and began to laugh. I stood tall in defiance and began to power up more, channeling the power given to me, I felt myself ascending my power and I mentally thought of a name for this new form. It's then I burst into a new form, Pure Okami. I stand there, staring up at the large demon alicorn. I chuckled to myself, knowing that we're still equal in power but it'd only be a matter of time before I had to teleport the others back here, I took a mental note to mentally communicate with Luna. Twilight, Celestia, Cadence and Luna helped with making each crystal compatible with certain magic types, their work was almost complete, so they handed the newly formed relics to Starswirl to begin casting his spell. This had to work. > Chapter 10: Final Resolve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl had finally finished the preparations for the crystals to be used, he went back to the group and gave them to Twilight. It's then that Luna hears Minxy's voice telepathically. "He's ready for us to teleport back!", Luna said waiting for everyone to be close by. Once everypony was in position she told Minxy they were ready and were teleported back. Luna and the others stood in shock at what they found, Minxy was bloodied and beaten, just barely hanging on. "Hey guys.. glad you could all make it.", I said weakly, I cursed myself, I should have been stronger. I watched as Sombra stomped on my chest, I cried out in pain. Gritting my teeth I burst my aura once more. "So.. here's the plan, once he's weakened, use the crystals to contain the magic, after that, I'll handle the rest. I charge forward and kick Sombra into the air and blast him with a spirit flash, I then teleport behind him, grabbing his head and slamming him into the last remaining pillar. "Come on, just stay down!", I said charging up another blast, "Hyper Shock Flash!", I yell out, firing the blast, causing an explosion of blue and yellow. I yelp in shock and pain as he charges through the flames and hitting me in the face. I catch myself and uppercut him in the jaw, chasing after him I throw a barrage of punches, keeping him in the air. I kick him into the rubble of the castle. I stay flying watching him as he stands again. "Stubborn bastard!", I throw a barrage of blasts down on him and I cough out some blood as he charges through and kicks me in the stomach. I stand up and power myself up more, "This is it!", I charge forward punching him and using another one of my attacks, "Spirit Crusher!", I yell out throwing an orb of pure light magic at Sombra, causing the chaos magic to leave him and go back to discord. "This is my fight to finish!", I yell out as I see Discord charging himself up. I turn back to Sombra who's back to being a normal alicorn. I drop out of my Pure Okami state and back into Super Fox Okami. "Damn it, I have to finish this now!" I charge forward and me and Sombra begin to fight once more, it's clear he's still beating me so I manage to go back into Ultimate Fox Okami and it evens out the fight more. Sombra and I exchange blows taking damage from each other, every clash causes a shockwave. I fly back and land on my back. "Damn it, he still so strong!", I stand up once more and I begin to slowly lose consciousness, "I can't.. give up." Sombra laughs and throws a blast but is shocked when he finds that Minxy has the blast in his hands. I breathe slowly as I open my eyes, they're now both silvery grey and my hair flows with an natural wind. I turn to him and I begin to attack rapidly, and dodging all his attacks, I then knock him back and blast him with a quick Spirit Flash. I look at my hand and see the flowing aura around me, I then realize it's the flow state, a form of pure self movement and concentration. I breathe out and dodge his blast and then throw him back. "You can't beat me.. not anymore.", I feel myself flashing back to base. I charge forward and punch him in the face and kick him in the chest, I then blast him before I go back into my base form. "No.. damn it!", I say and I then feel Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Twilight giving me energy again, I mentally curse myself for needing more of their power but I'm thankful nonetheless. I stand up and I turn Pure Okami once more, "I know how to defeat you now.. once and for all!", I charge forward and punch him in the face once more, knocking him into the ground. "I have to erase every bit of you, all of it! so that way.. you'll never return again!" Luna realizes what Minxy means and reaches her hoof out, "NO! don't do it! we can seal him away!" "NO!", I shout, "He'll return! and who knows how much stronger he'll be! so.. It's better this way!" Rainbow Dash began to cry, "You can't do this!" "I know but I must, don't worry! a gift will be on it's way afterward! you'll be able to create the linage you wanted..", I say turning to Sombra who looked confused. "You'll never return after this, trust me.", I say, a field of energy surrounds me. I look at him smirking, "You'll be turned to nothing and the world will be safe for the future." I expand my energy causing the area to become bright and the shadow clouds to disappear completely. The field grows bigger and bigger until it surrounds me and Sombra. I reach my hand back and Teleport Rainbow Dash and the others back to canterlot. "Farewell Rainbow Dash.. Farewell to you all.. until we meet again.", I say smiling. I yell out to the heavens making the energy explode and I smile as I see Sombra scared seeing himself get erased complete, I then see his horn break and disappear. I let the explosion continue to be sure and eventually I feel my energy deplete and I feel myself turn to stone, I make sure to give a thumbs up as I'm engulfed in stone. After returning to the once beautiful Crystal Empire, Celestia and the others find that Sombra is completely gone and a statue of Minxy is standing proudly with a thumbs up. Rainbow Dash sobs but soon hears a voice along side everyone else. "Don't be sad forever, I shall return with time, and when I do, It means the world needs me once more, you all are stronger now, and you can protect this world from anything, as my first gift, these crystals now contain their respective magic types, please, protect them and let the ponies know that they are safe, Rainbow Dash, your personal gift will be here soon! I promise!", I say from my statue, comforting them. Minxy's statue was moved to the Canterlot statue garden, he was put up as a statue of Sacrifice and Hope, internally Minxy meditated and focused on mentally training himself to hopefully be stronger for future threats, during this time of peace the gift Rainbow Dash was waiting for arrived, and she raised a strong child that was very similar to Minxy but had wings like Rainbow Dash and had Magenta eyes like her as well. Twilight became the official ruler of Equestria, Celestia and Luna retired. Cadence and Shining Armor helped Twilight rule, with the Crystal Empire being rebuilt in the mean time. The Crystals were kept in a shrine in Canterlot, keeping the magic protected and active. After years Blitz Dash was a teen and began to train seriously, he hoped to someday free his father and work along side him, but he knew that with time, he'd meet him. Blitz wondered Equestria, watching it change more and more, he quickly learned that he and people like him aged slower than anyone else, he had seen Equestria fall into turmoil and division, but he held out hope, he then stumbled across a new town, Maretime Bay.