> Rainbow Dash Tries Meditation > by terras > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Riverside Meditation? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't know about this Fluttershy. Are you sure that this will work? I mean, from the times that I've seen you do it, it just looks like you're napping," Rainbow Dash asked as she followed Fluttershy through a meadow. "I'm very sure that it will work," Fluttershy assured Rainbow Dash as she looked around the area. "I know that it seems like I'm sleeping, but trust me, I'm not; I'm finding my center and clearing my mind. Lyra, Bon Bon, and even Princess Luna can vouch for its effectiveness," she further assured as she tried to find a good area for the pair. "You spend time with Lyra and Bon Bon? Since when?" Rainbow Dash asked, slightly surprised at hearing that. "Ever since they hit a rough spot in their relationship. They didn't tell me much about what was happening, just that it involved oats, secrets and Lyra's obsession. It's alright that they didn't tell me, I'm always happy to help if I can, and I don't need to know much for meditation," Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash with a warm smile as she trotted off towards a soft-looking riverbank. "Soft grass, a nice breeze, a pleasant murmuring of a gentle river and nice fresh air," she said as she took a deep breath, savoring the clean, fresh air. "Ah yeah, her hooman obsession. Speaking of, have you noticed that whenever Twilight hears Lyra talking about them, she muffles her giggling before walking away? I followed her one day and saw that she went to write to Sunset Shimmer, and then she started to laugh more. I swear, one of these days, I'll find out what's so funny. I'll fly right through that mirror and confront that mare myself. Well, when I'm not busy," Rainbow Dash confidently stated. "Yes, because napping takes so much energy," Fluttershy teased with a giggle. "Hey, I also train. I train a lot; the Wonderbolts demand it," Rainbow Dash huffed in false indignation. "So you say. But we both know that Spitfire put you on 'mental health' leave so you can get your impulses under control," Fluttershy sighed as she shook her head. "Remember the saddle incident?" "Don't remind me," Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Soarin Blitz was cleaning rice pudding out of his wings for weeks. And don't get me started on how long it took Fleetfoot to remove the oats from her-" "Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy yelped with a soft blush. "I remember; I was there. The only good thing to come from that was Angel's laughter. I've never seen him laugh so hard at anything before. Maybe I should see Doctor Fauna and ask about getting him a therapist. I'm starting to think he may have a problem," Fluttershy said as she sat down by the riverside. "It took that mess for you to think that," Rainbow Dash sighed as she sat down close to Fluttershy. "Alright, Fluttershy, what do we do? How do we start this?" "Well, first off, we have to calm ourselves. Focus on your breathing and empty your mind of all your thoughts," Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash as she softly closed her eyes. "In through your nose, out through your mouth. In, out, in, out," Fluttershy calmly said as she slowly worked on her breathing. "Alright, close my eyes," Rainbow Dash said as she closed her eyes. "And breath properly. In, out, in, out, in, out," Rainbow Dash repeated as her voice slowly became drowsy. "In and out," she softly hummed as she slowly nodded her head. As the two ponies meditated, a rogue dragon flew out of the mountains and started to burn down the area. A hulking specimen of a dragon dominated the skies. As the dragon rampaged, Spitfire swiftly flew down to Rainbow Dash. "Crash, there you are. We need you badly right now. I was wrong to get you to do this. You're the best Wonderbolt there ever was. Only you can stop that dragon," Spitfire pleaded with Rainbow Dash. "Well, I know I'm awesome; any pony could see that," Rainbow Dash proudly said as she puffed out her chest fluff. "That dragon won't know what hit it," she said with a massive smirk as she flew off as quickly as she could towards the dragon. "There but for the grace of Celestia goes the greatest mare there ever was," Soarin dreamily hummed as he watched as Rainbow Dash bravely flies off to fight the dragon. "Hey, you overgrown lizard, leave Ponyville alone!" Rainbow Dash commanded as she flew full speed at the dragon. "Oh no, not Rainbow Dash," the dragon shuttered in place as she flew right up to the dragon's snout. "Please have mercy," the dragon pleaded as she bucked it right on its nose, sending it flying away into the distant mountains. Proudly flying back to the ground, Rainbow Dash was greeted by all the Wonderbolts, Mayor Mare, and the princesses. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, you're the best; please be my mare," Soarin begged as he swooned. "Get in line buddy; she's mine!" Thunderlane huffed as he eyed down Soarin. Rainbow Dash proudly watched as the two stallions fought over her. "You're clearly the best Wonderbolt there ever was; I'm retiring and making you the new leader of the Wonderbolts," Spitfire said as she gave Rainbow Dash her badge. "I hereby proclaim this, Rainbow Dash Appreciation Day, where the whole town appreciates the most awesome pony that ever existed, Rainbow Dash!" Mayor Mare happily said. "Rainbow Dash, you're more worthy than any pony ever to be an alicorn. We have decided to make you the newest princess," Celestia said as a white light surrounded Celestia. Blasting Rainbow Dash with a beam of pure white magic, Rainbow Dash emerged with a new horn and stood even slightly taller than Celestia. "Presenting Rainbow Dash, the Princess of Awesomeness!" Celestia proudly said as she showed off Rainbow Dash to the growing crowd. "RAINBOW DASH! RAINBOW DASH! RAINBOW DASH!" The crowd eagerly chanted. "Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, RAINBOW DASH!" Fluttershy shouted as she surprised herself and the loudness of her voice. "Mmph, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash," Rainbow Dash mumbled in her sleep. "Oh, Fluttershy, don't you know? You shouldn't interrupt a princess; it's rude," she teased as she slowly opened her eyes. "You fell asleep and dreamed about fighting a dragon and becoming a princess, didn't you?" Fluttershy asked in a deadpan voice and with a raised eyebrow. "Hehehe, maybe," Rainbow Dash nervously said as she slightly turned away her head. "That's not meditating; that's napping. There is a difference; I can tell what it is," Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash. "Let's try again; this time, please don't fall asleep," she said as she returned to her spot on the grass. "I'll try Fluttershy; I'll try," Rainbow Dash sighed as she tried to meditate again. "Alright, Dash, you can do this. You've saved Equestria countless times; meditating is nothing compared to that," she told herself as she closed her eyes. "All I need to do is close my eyes, empty my mind, and not fall asleep. It's like napping, only without the sleep. That should be easy; I nap all the time. I have so much practice with this. I probably have more practice doing this than anypony. "I've won medals for napping that I didn't even know about because I've napped through the whole reward ceremony. With all my experience, this should be easy, a cakewalk, a walk in the park; I should be able to do this in my sleep," Rainbow Dash kept repeating out loud to herself. "Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said with a sigh. "You're not meditating. You're just closing your eyes and repeating words to yourself," she said as she tapped a hoof on the ground. "Are you sure? Cause I'm starting to feel relaxed," Rainbow Dash asked as she tried to imitate Fluttershy's humming. "You're not fooling me," Fluttershy again sighed. "Look, Rainbow Dash, in meditation, it's extremely important to clear your mind. As it currently is, you're far too lost in your own thoughts. This distracts you, leading to all sorts of problems. Remember how the saddle incident started?" "Yes, I do. Though, to be fair, who puts a bucket, twelve bits, thirty-four avocados, an armadillo, a ball of elastic bands, and a cake made of confetti on a windmill's blades?" Rainbow Dash asked in a huff. "Pinkie Pie, Discord, maybe Derpy, I think that's about it," Fluttershy answered as she scratched her head. "That was a rhetorical question, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash sighed as she facehoofed. "Oh," Fluttershy laughed with a mild blush. "Either way, your thinking about Soarin, Thunderlane, Big Mac, Shining Armor, Spitfire and I still caused you to hit the windmill. That reminds me, I'd never do that with pudding," Fluttershy firmly told Rainbow Dash as she shook her head. "I know; you've already told me that several times," Rainbow Dash sighed back as she wiggled her rump to make herself comfortable. "True. Now, shall we try again?" Fluttershy knowingly asked as she walked back to her spot. "Sure, why not," Rainbow Dash responded as she closed her eyes and began to work her breathing. "Good to hear," Fluttershy smiled as she looked out across the river and the field on the other side. "I know that you can do it." "Hah, that makes one of us," Rainbow Dash joked before her breathing steadied. Slowly, steadily breathing, Rainbow Dash drifted gently into a meditative state. With calm breathing and complete silence, Rainbow Dash sat by the river calmly. Softly smiling, Fluttershy began to resume her own meditation. "Shhggn, Hehehehehe, Shhggn, Hehehehehehehe," came from Rainbow Dash's direction. "Oh, for Celestia's sake," Fluttershy sighed as she turned to look at Rainbow Dash, only to see her snoring away. "Hmmm, maybe something else. There might be a way for Rainbow Dash to really relax without falling asleep. Though, I might have to embarrass her," she said as she walked up to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, come on, time to wake up," Fluttershy said as she lightly shook the sleeping mare. "I'm awake, I'm awake," Rainbow Dash murmured as her eyes slowly opened. Looking at an unamused Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash lightly tapped her hoofs together. "I fell asleep again, didn't I?" She asked with a mild blush. "Yes, you did. But that's OK, I have another idea," Fluttershy smiled with a bit of a smirk. "Great! You can always count on Fluttershy to help!" Rainbow Dash happily said as she lightly hugged Fluttershy. "So, what's your idea, racing through a canyon or fighting some monsters? Oh, I know, going off to the Dragonlands and wrestling some dragons, or maybe-" Rainbow Dash started to say eagerly. "Nope, none of that," Fluttershy interrupted. "We're going to the spa," Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash with a smirk. "Ugh, to the spa? I hate the spa," Rainbow Dash pouted. "That's a lie, and we both know it," Fluttershy flatly told Rainbow Dash. "I know all about your weekly pampered muzzle massage, indulgent hooficure, wonderful wings rub, and blissful belly caressing," Fluttershy told a heavily blushing Rainbow Dash. "I, I have no idea what you're talking about; I hate those girly froufrou things," Rainbow Dash stammered as she took a few steps back from Fluttershy. "Look, all of our friends know about it; it's OK, Rainbow Dash. Now, let's go to the Ponyville Day Spa," Fluttershy warmly told Rainbow Dash. "I think you'll find it more helpful than what we're doing now. And if it really embarrasses you that much, you can just say that you're here on orders from Spitfire. It's not exactly a lie," she said with a warm smile. "Oh, alright, but this better work," Rainbow Dash said as she feigned annoyance before following Fluttershy to the spa.