> Discovering Dash > by Archy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Discovering Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another long, hard day's training, Spitfire did like to work her team hard, but today it had been particularly brutal. Soarin felt his back ache, there was a slight twinge as he trotted towards the changing rooms to get out of his flight suit, likely a symptom of doing double the barrel rolls he was used to. The suit was clinging to him as well, the stallion had worked up quite a sweat, he couldn’t wait to get it off and maybe have a bit of a scrub up to wash away the training sessions grit and dirt. Then Soarin looked at the clock on the wall, it was a little past midday and he mentally smacked his face with his hoof. Then there was a mental ‘Urgh’ that followed that up. HALF a day had gone, not a whole day, HALF. But then again with the training program Spitfire had implemented it felt like he had done a whole day. He had an hour to himself now, he’d at least get clean, change into a new flight suit that wasn’t sweaty and spend some time in the break room. He decided to get some rest for now in the break room, Spitfire had promised cookies after all for all their hard work. As he changed direction and headed towards it, he remembered Dash had been oddly absent from what had been a gruelling training session, usually he loved those, telling everypony to buck up and deal with it. Often she was the one encouraging them on to push themselves and do well, without her it had felt just that little bit harder to do. He hadn’t even had time to ask Spitfire where she was or if she was alright. In fact thinking now he hadn’t seen her for several weeks, puns aside the time did tend to fly when you were practising as much as they did. The rest of the squad had immediately made for the showers, he decided to let them get on with it and head for the break room first then go there once they had finished. It was quiet, he had the place to himself and pushed the door open, then closed it again almost immediately, Soarin wasn’t quite sure what he had just seen. It looked, looked suspiciously like Dash having at the promised cookies, at least Soarin assumed that was what it was, there were only crumbs left from the quick glance he managed. She had turned her head and seen him in that split second, there was a tiny moment of shock before the door shut which Soarin was still in. Perhaps it was a waking dream seeing as he hadn’t seen her for a while? His subconscious conjuring up an image of Dash. A very, very overweight Dash. That was perplexing, but with the cookies practically gone that weirdly made sense. He thought he better open the door again, just to make sure he was not in fact dreaming. For some reason the fact she was wearing a very stretched out, pocketed with holes with blubber hanging out flight suit didn’t register the first time around. Perhaps because he had only looked at her face for the split second he had seen inside. Dash was frozen, her cheeks puffed out with cookies with a number crammed in her jaw which she was, while still somewhat shocked to see Soarin standing there, chewing through slowly. Where on Equestria had she been? She looked so…different. Huge, obviously. Her body mass had tripled, maybe quadrupled? It was, even though her flight suit was hugging her body as tightly as it could, a little hard to tell exactly just how large the mare was. Her fat face (compounded by being stuffed with cookies) looked like it was swelling up as she chewed, her belly pressed downwards failing to fight gravity, only stopped by a hardened floor. All four of her legs sat neatly just about touching the floor, slightly being pressed to an angle where her hooves met solid ground by encroaching blubber that was looking for somewhere to go. The flight suit she wore however was for the most part being stretched backwards, the opening around her greedy maw looked like at any second she would burst forward when the material gave way, it was obvious why - two perfectly formed spherical orbs that had once been a slim and slender flank rose upwards behind her now useless wings that rested flatly on her back fat. Soarin observed all this in the short seconds he had reopened the door. Then he decided to say something. ‘Er…Dash?’ he asked. He had to wait a moment, with all those cookies still being chewed on she couldn’t very well answer with a mouth full. The air was simply filled for a moment with the noise of Dash trying to get down what she had in her cheeks as quickly as possible, before she blurted out a response which showered Soarin with cookie crumbs. ‘B-Buh, you guys always shower first!’ she simply yelled out. Clearly then this was planned, Dash likely thinking she’d somehow sneak in and out before they came to the break room. How did she find out about the cookies though? He pondered it for a second then turned his attention back to her, as well as rubbing the cookie crumbs from his suit. ‘Yeah, they did. I wanted to relax for a few minutes first.’ Soarin said. ‘Dash? What’s going on?’ Soaring asked, he didn’t need to say exactly ‘So why are you four times as big as the last time I saw you?’ because that much was obvious, plus he knew how snappy Dash could be about her looks when they were brought up so he left it open ended. Either she’d confess straight away or this was going to be a long drawn out process of trying to get the truth out of her that was wobbling and jiggling right in front of him, plain to see. ‘I uh…heard you guys had cookies.’ she sheepishly replied. There was another pause. Soaring just looked at her and raised his left eyebrow. ‘Okay okay, fine. Urgh.’ she groaned. ‘Have you got time for this? It might be a bit of a story.’ ‘Trust me, I’m all ears.’ Soaring said, he shut the door behind him and locked it just to make sure there weren't any other interruptions. Dash moved herself away from the table, towards a wide, 2 pony couch which she filled by herself. Soarin just grabbed a chair and sat opposite her, waiting for her to explain. ‘I guess you noticed I’ve been gone for some weeks, well, blame Twilight.’ Dash started. ‘What’s Twilight got to do with it?’ Soarin asked, leaning back in the chair, he relaxed and settled in for whatever tale Dash was about to tell. ‘EVERYTHING. I got invited along to one of those fancy-shmancy banquets they do at the castle in Canterlot, generally I can avoid them, stuffy rich ponies who only want to be seen with you for status, you know?’ Dash explained. ‘Yeah I know, we’ve done those for the Bolts. Fun.’ he replied, heavily implying the sarcasm in the final word. ‘Well, I couldn’t get out of this one. Not only did Twilight insist but well, no obvious excuse came to me when she asked without it sounding fake, so I went. Fancy gown, everything I could do to look pretty. Well as expected it was a snooze fest. I think they must have crammed every stuffy rich pony in Equestria into that ballroom, I was bored in ten minutes flat.’ Dash carried on. ‘So I had to find something to distract myself with so I didn’t just leave, which wouldn’t have looked great.’ ‘Okay, well, all makes sense so far. What was the distraction?’ Soarin asked. ‘The buffet.’ ‘Ah.’ Soaring thought. ‘There it is.’ he could mentally see where this was going to go, but he wanted to let Dash explain and finish first. ‘The buffet, how big of a distraction was it?’ Soaring queried. ‘Well, they had all these fancy nibbles and snacks and stuff, enough for hundreds of ponies!’ Dash started to hastily explain, she was going into that mode where words came fast as she attempted to justify her actions. It always made Soarin smile in his head, it was where he knew he had gotten her. He let her go on. ‘I’ve never really gone for the food at these things before, it was an eye opener.’ Dash said. ‘Before I knew it, I had spent an hour standing there eating way more than I had, plus with Spitfire’s strict diet regime so we stay fit to fly I guess I just…lost control.’ she finished. Soaring empathised somewhat, he had gotten those thoughts himself. Especially with pie…pie, his brain started to wander as he thought about them, then he quickly steeled himself and focused on the situation. He knew Dash had moments of weakness and with her temperament, she tended to go all in. It was just in this case her body had clearly gone all out instead with the amount she must have consumed in the time that she was gone. There was no way she had gotten this big from just that one banquet, she might have put on a bit of weight gorging herself but this was several weeks worth at least. The story wasn’t yet complete. ‘Yeah, okay I get that, but this isn’t all from just one banquet.’ Soarin said. ‘Well no, it’s not.’ Dash replied. ‘After that I sort of, well, picked up a taste for food I have just never had.’ ‘So it carried on?’ Soarin asked. Dash turned her head to a lop-sided ‘Are you serious?’ expression. ‘Yes it carried on dummy.’ Dash said, giving her large belly a bit of a prod to emphasise what she was saying. ‘I mean I was in Canterlot, it’s like the foodie capital of Equestria and what with being who I am, I didn’t even have to pay! The store owners saw it as a great boon to have me in there eating their food, almost like free advertising. Dash Approved!’ she said, giving somewhat of a grin and hoof gesture that suggested she was endorsing something in the cheesiest way possible. ‘Anyway once they all cottoned on to that, I started to get offers from the owners! That’s where I’ve been really, I somewhat overstayed in Canterlot and just kept sending Spitfire excuses why I couldn’t attend training. Friendship stuff seemed to be enough. I only got back today.’ Dash explained. ‘So where exactly did you go and what did you eat?’ Soarin asked. ‘I think everything and everywhere, I can’t actually remember leaving any of the restaurants, cafes or food vendors untouched while I was there.’ Dash replied. ‘Okay.’ Soarin said. There was silence for a few seconds while he tried to process this. In a logical way the story made sense, but it was Dash, the most athletic and speedy pony he had known all his life. What was sitting in front of him was Dash, but a different Dash, a very blubbery, blorpy and massive Dash. To pack on that much that quickly, she must have spent her entire days eating as much as she could, sleeping it off and then repeating the process the next day. Her actions didn’t completely make sense to him. He just got the whole part about this awakening something in her. With a strict diet and constantly having to train and maintain her slender physique, it was no wonder when she finally got a chance to pig out (even if it had started as a distraction) she had gone all in on it. The question he had to ask her now seemed obvious. ‘So, what do you want to do?’ ‘I don’t know.’ Dash replied, slumping somewhat within her own fatty blubber. ‘I certainly can’t train for the team like this. I can’t let Spitfire see me, she’ll explode.’ ‘I mean true, it’s going to take a lot longer to get rid of the weight than it took you to put it on. So that begs another question.’ Sorin responded. ‘What?’ Dash asked. He had spent the time sitting with her while she talked observing her body. There was something highly appealing to him about the way she filled out, There seemed to be all the right pudge in just the right places. Everything was smooth, but big. Her flanks like orbs, her stomach like a soft squishy mattress. Her face, chubbier, looked amazing. Those cheeks, he could just pinch them… He snapped himself out of these thoughts, then asked the question. ‘Do you want to lose it?’ There was another pause, longer this time. Much longer. The sort of pause where it was about to get uncomfortable unless one of them said something. Thankfully Dash broke the silence with an answer Soarin wasn’t expecting her to get to this quickly, but it was the honest truth. ‘No.’ Soaring relaxed in his chair and sat back. He had to approach the next words that came out of his mouth very carefully. ‘Well, would you like some support?’ he asked, Dash immediately looked perplexed. ‘What do you mean, support?’ she asked, the natural response. Soarin had been careful, he decided now to go all in and just be honest as Dash had been. ‘Well, you know…support!’ Soarin said, trying to explain. ‘You’re clearly enjoying yourself, I want to be honest, I’m enjoying seeing you enjoying yourself…er.’ he stopped, wondering if it was too much. She just smiled. ‘Enjoying it huh?’ Dash said. ‘I mean that’s interesting coming from you Soarin, never took you for a chubby chaser.’ This just made him blush, trying to hide his embarrassment. ‘N-Not exactly! I think this is just because it’s you Dash, I don’t know if I’d feel the same way about it if it was another pony.’ The smile before she had was playful, almost coy. Now it relaxed a little more into an embarrassed one. ‘J-Jeez Soarin is this some sort of confession? I wasn’t expecting all this…’ Perhaps he had gone a little bit far, was she getting scared about all this? He hoped not. In his head he panicked a little and tried to tone it back. ‘Wouldn’t call it that heh, look no pressure Dash. I just wanted to say that is all, it doesn’t have to go anywhere.’ ‘Well, I think first I need some help getting out of here, can you give me a hoof?’ she asked. ‘Oh yeah.’ Soarin said, getting up off the chair. There was a chance at least. He put his hooves around hers, pulling her forward up and off the couch which seemed to visibly breathe a sigh of relief as the cushions plumped up and returned to their natural shape and the whole thing un-sagged from supporting Dash’s weight. ‘Hmm, I don’t think we can leave out the door, to be honest I’d expect them to turn up any moment for well…no cookies.’ Soarin said, looking at the remains of the crumbs on the table that Dash had devoured. ‘Oh yeah…h-heh, right.’ she said. Her eyes wandered over to the lone window. Soaring saw where her eyes were looking. The window was thinner than she was. ‘I don’t know if that’s wise Dash.’ Soarin said, pre-empting what she was about to say. ‘Oh come on Soarin, where’s your sense of adventure. You’ve said it yourself, any second the team is gonna try to get in here. Just give me a helping hoof out and I’ll slip out totally unnoticed.’ Dash replied, she started to waddle her way towards the window. ‘Fine.’ Soarin said, slipping might actually be on the menu, if she got stuck he was going to have to hope the break room fridge had some butter in it. He watched as Dash moved her large frame towards the window. She didn’t have much trouble getting her front two hooves up and onto the frame, but the rest of her was going to need some assistance. As gently as he could Soarin gripped around her flanks, having to lean low to get enough leverage to push her back and rear up so he could slide her forward up and out the window. Unfortunately there was only really one place his head could go, despite the stallion trying his hardest to avoid it by positioning his body low, but as he pushed Dash up (with great effort, due to her weight) his head nestled itself right between her bulbous ass cheeks. ‘H-Hey!’ he heard Dash shout. ‘I know you said you like me like this but that’s a bit much!’ ‘I can’t help it!’ Soarin protested, pushing Dash forward, her front half was sliding forward nicely along the frame without the need of butter, her smooth blubber helping the process along. ‘I can’t really…go anywhere else!’ Soaring carried on pushing between the words, when he was sure she was somewhat balanced on the frame, he readjusted his position to something that Dash wouldn’t find a problem. This left an awkward moment where Dash was somewhat stuck, her body at the halfway point. Soaring stepped back, extending both his front hooves forward with one planted in the centre of each of Dash’s cheeks, then he pushed again. The blorpy mare continued moving forward until her hips came into contact with the frame, the widest portion of her whole body. ‘Just a little more!’ Soaring yelled. He pressed into her as hard as his strength would allow, his hooves sinking deeply into her ass as he pressed on with the job. He had to steel himself somewhat, her soft, cushion of a rear felt like heaven to press into. Soarin only got to enjoy the feeling for a moment, there was a gentle pop! as Dash freed herself from the frame, the wood splinter and some of it coming with her. She had just about managed to slide her whole body out, now on the other side stood on a fluffy cloud, panting somewhat - it seemed the effort of trying to get out even with Soarin doing most of the work had exhausted her. ‘T-Thanks.’ she managed, flopping backwards onto the cloud. ‘No problem. Look I need to stay here, I’m going to have to explain the eaten cookies…damaged window, maybe the locked door.’ Soarin said. ‘It’ll look weird if I just vanish.’ ‘Yeah, of course.’ Dash said, her breath coming back to her. ‘Can I meet you somewhere, perhaps later tonight?’ Soarin asked. ‘Sure. Actually I had a booking…’ Dash said, trailing off. Soarin expected no less. ‘Where?’ he just asked. ‘The Biscuit Binge in Ponyville.’ she stated. ‘It’s new, they asked me to come along. I’m sure a friend will be fine to be there with me. It’s on Oates Road, just off the centre from the town hall.’ ‘Alright, I’ll be there. Wait, how are you…’ Soaring started to say. ‘Going to get down? I mean I got up here. I have my methods.’ Dash replied with her trademark smirk. ‘Don’t worry about it.’ ‘Okay, well, see you tonight.’ Soaring said, shutting the window and watching as Dash slowly got up and started to waddle off. Even watching her walk was joyous, that whole body sloshing and wobbling about with every step. He went to turn and unlock the door to the break room, putting some crumbs around his mouth before he got there. He’d take the rap for Dash’s gluttony. - Soarin had managed to explain away the missing biscuits, the crumbs on his mouth had been convincing enough. Spitfire had ordered him to do several laps of the training course and replace the ones he had allegedly eaten, which was fine. None of them had suspected Dash had made a short and greedy visit. He hadn’t been to Ponyville in some months, last he recalled it was to do a flying show demonstration for the school, so he hadn’t even been to the town proper. As he flew along overhead he followed Dash’s directions to get to where he needed to go, landing at the end of Oates Road and electing to trot the rest of the way. He saw it pretty quickly. The building was quite hard to miss in fact, it stuck out like a sore hoof, looking absolutely nothing like the surrounding buildings and having a rather large and distracting neon sign. How had they gotten it built here? He highly suspected money and likely bribes were involved. Ponies were going in and out, it didn’t appear overly busy anyhow. There were a few seats outside but he couldn’t spot Dash sitting at any of them, he’d have to go in. Upon entering his nostrils were immediately assaulted by an incredibly sweet smell, like cookie dough mixed with candy. He had been expecting biscuits to be on the menu but the savoury kind, he noticed now it was the other sort, the ones that came from Trottingham which were more akin to cookies. There was a counter staffed by a number of ponies serving customers as well as quite a few booths and tables around the place. He spied Dash over near one of the central booths on the left hand side, with a few ponies around her. The table she was sitting at was pushed back a bit to make room for her gigantic gut, with the booth itself practically filled with her enormous ass which took up most of the room, parts of her blue body spilling over the sides into the ones next to her. ‘Soarin! Over here!’ Dash yelled out, as if he hadn’t seen her already. Soaring pretended to notice and trotted over, the ponies watching her vanishing and leaving the two of them alone. Dash had a table piled high with biscuits of varying sizes and variety, that she was simply having to lean forward a little to grab at and stuff into her face. As Soarin made his way over, a server came by and dropped off more, replenishing any that she’d consume quite quickly. ‘Are you sure this is wise? So close to home? If Spitfire doesn’t find out later she will sooner.’ Soarin said, taking one of the cookies and trying it. He felt she at least owed him one small treat for the trouble earlier that Dash was blissfully unaware of. It was as tasty as it looked, cooked to a crispy perfection and filled with dough that made his tongue dance as he took a bite and swallowed it. Dash didn’t seem to mind, she knew likely they’d just bring another. ‘Well she’ll find out…chomp…one way or another, I can’t keep…chew…telling her I am in Canterlot forever.’ Dash replied, taking more bites of cookies. A server appeared again to drop more off before retreating back to the kitchen. ‘I guess, or I could just cut out the middlepony and tell her.’ Soarin lightly teased. ‘Don’t you dare, I’ll…gobble…do that myself if I can.’ Dash replied, giving Soaring a hard stare, he knew when he had gone too far. ‘So, this is another one of your promotional gigs is it?’ Soarin asked her. ‘Yeah! Paid to eat! Well…slurp…not paid, but free food is practically…champ…being paid right?’ Dash responded, justifying herself as best she could. She had grown even since the meeting earlier that day, if she came back to the training camp now there was no way Soarin was pushing her out of the window. At best she would take the entire window frame with her. He guessed she had gained around a hundred pounds, mostly in her belly and flank. She had likely been here several hours already chowing down. ‘Anyway I’ve…guzzle…been thinking a bit about what we talked about earlier.’ ‘Oh?’ Soarin just asked. He had as well, mostly worrying he had said too much. He thought it would be best to just not interject here and let Dash say her part. ‘Yeah, how could I refuse? Seems…gobble…too good a deal to pass up, like this free food.’ Dash said, she was thinking of her stomach mostly. If Soarin wanted to help her gain, she was down for that. The thing was her brain had been bouncing around ideas all day on how to keep it interesting at least for him. She knew Soarin pretty well, he’d likely get bored after a week or two if it was simply getting him to stuff her face with food. She had a few ideas that she was about to run past him. ‘We could make it interesting.’ ‘Interesting huh? More interesting than me just watching you stuff your face? I mean that’s pretty interesting.’ Soarin said with a small grin. ‘Much more interesting.’ Dash replied, grinning herself before pushing another biscuit between her greedy chops. ‘But I’m sure we’ll…chew…get to that later. You know they might pay me…chomp…even more bits if you want to help me.’ Suddenly Soarin felt a little flustered, he wasn’t exactly one to turn down such an offer having now confessed his enjoyment of all this, however in a public space? He wasn’t completely sure if that was his thing. Still he had never really tried it, and it wasn’t exactly sexual. Just helping a friend make sure she was fed, that was all. Nothing odd or strange about that right? He gingerly picked up another biscuit, holding it in his hooves and getting closer to Dash’s mouth with it. The mare had closed her eyes and opened her maw, waiting for Soarin to lovingly feed her the treat, which he did so with the most care he could manage to muster. He felt his hoof shake a little, feeling the eyes of patrons on the back of his head as he tried his best to ignore the stares that were coming his way. The biscuit however vanished in a few seconds. It was all over, Dash was simply chewing her way through it before stopping for a mere moment to belch, then playfully scold him. ‘Buuurrrrrpppppp! Come on slow coach, you think just one of those things is going to fill me up? So much for being one of the fastest Wonderbolts.’ Dash taunted, grinning and rolling her eyes as she said it. ‘I bet you can’t feed me faster than I can eat.’ ‘Oh really? You’re on Rainbow.’ Soaring responded, quickly picking up another biscuit to feed her. He could be as competitive as she was sometimes, especially when challenged. It was a good thing this wasn’t a pie place, she might be fighting him for all the food. Soarin then thought about what he was doing for a moment, when another server appeared he asked if they could bring a chair. The stallion parked himself on it, freeing up both hooves so that he could double the rate of pickup on the biscuits. ‘H-Hey, I said fast but…mffff…’ Dash found her words were quickly stifled by biscuit, filling her cheeks and mouth as Soarin set about stuffing her silly until they ran out of anything to feed her with. There were frenzied shouts in the background, the server asked if he’d slow down a little, the kitchen was having a hard time producing enough to serve both customers and Dash. It was a baked good after all, so they would run out eventually, but he assumed they were cutting the things up to the right shape and doing other things back there. Soarin however, had been challenged by Dash. He wasn’t listening. It was one thing to be challenged by a rival, but to be challenged by a team member? In some respects, that was something that was even harder to lose to. He had no intention of losing. Biscuit after biscuit vanished inside the expanding blue Pegasus who was packing on the pounds like Twilight could practically absorb books. Soarin was quite impressed really with just how seasoned of an eater Dash seemed to appear to be already after only a few weeks gorging in Canterlot, she was going fast which was in her nature, but she was clearly enjoying it too, her face sinking into a lull of chews as she ate everything Soarin was bringing her way at a lightning pace. Her flanks pressed outwards from the seat, her giant wobbling ass quickly consumed her tail, cheeks swallowing up that fluffy rainbow behind her as growing butt moved upwards and oozed over the edges of the booth she was sitting in. Her stomach pressed forward, glorping belly having nowhere else to go but in front of her and somewhat downwards, starting to raise her hooves upwards as thick, chunky thighs grew as well. Dash was at least five times bigger than any pony in the store, and Soarin was hoping she’d be ten times by the time they left, if she could get out of course. The seat she was in started to struggle to not only contain all her mass but support it too. Booth seats were usually built to be reasonably sturdy, they had to support multiple ponies. However one pony with the mass of five or more wasn’t really on the cards, the whole thing started to fail as Soarin heard wood splinter and crack under the weight of blobby blue Dash. He was expecting it to be fast. At least that’s what comedic moments like this in comics had shown him. It was slow though, Dash wasn’t super high off the ground. There was a continued noise that sounded like wood snapping and cracking under her weight. Then Dash just sort of…sunk, if the seat could have let out a gentle wheeze it probably would have. Dash slowly descended a couple of feet towards the floor, completely unphased by the entire event. She just carried on eating in the now completely totalled chair that wasn’t supporting anything anymore, but she had her own rather plump cushion to take over. Soarin couldn’t help but be mildly amused and a little aroused, the slowness of the whole thing had really let him enjoy the event. All the while he was still feeding her, ass fat practically bulging as Dash ruined the seat to fill the gaps it had created. The biscuits were starting to run down a little, he could see Dash was starting to feel full, he was having to wait a few moments before putting in the next treat. She was starting to pant with whatever breaths she could muster between mouthfuls. He slowed down with her, he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. This also freed up a hoof for him to calm her with. He was over the apprehension about being in a public spot now, although his first kneads of her were a little apprehensive. On looking around, some patrons were still watching, but their eyes were focused on Dash filling her face with biscuits, they weren’t paying a jot of attention to what Soarin was doing. He started slow with the free hoof, he was positioned just to the side of Dash, leaning into her flab a little so he could easily grab the biscuits but get close enough to her mouth. There was just, so much of her, it was hard to know where to begin.. He chose her middle though, that soft doughy belly that was warm to the touch and the softest thing he had ever laid his hooves on, then into, as Soarin quickly found a hefty bit of blubber that he could slip his hoof between. Feeling that squish, it was sheer heaven. He had no idea how Dash must feel, but it must be this times ten. He couldn’t help but just gentle swish his hoof around between her rolls, all the while still feeding her the remaining biscuits. ‘Heh…chew…let’s call the competition a draw. Enjoying yourself?’ Dash teased, soaring just smiled back. ‘Very much, would more of this be off the table?’ he asked. ‘Let’s see what happens, although I’d…gobble…maybe like to go somewhere a bit more intimate.’ Dash said. ‘I’ve got a place.’ ‘I hope it’s on the ground, I can’t really see us getting back up to camp.’ Soarin mused, pushing another biscuit in. Only a couple left to go. ‘Oh trust me…mfff…more than enough space.’ she replied. ‘And food.’ ‘Oh? Food? You’ve been stockpiling Dash?’ Soarin asked her. ‘Believe me, it was difficult not to just devour…chomp…it all, but somehow, all this other food has filled the void.’ Dash said with a little bit of sarcasm. ‘Part of the payment for doing all this wasn’t just bits, it was more samples of food. H-heh.’ ‘How many samples?’ Soarin asked. ‘Still a bit surprised you didn’t manage to eat them.’ he carried on, moving his hoof from her belly rolls to her flank, that huge wobbling smooth rear that he just admired by gently rubbing. Dash didn’t seem to mind, in fact she seemed to be enjoying it as she finished off the final biscuit. ‘Well I was in Canterlot, there was a lot! I had them send them here.’ Dash responded. ‘Okay, understandable.’ Soaring said. He was now completely free to do what he wished with his hooves, the food eaten. He gave her flanks a little squeeze as he stretched himself wide to try to encompass all that mass, barely getting even half of it. If he tried, he could easily nestle himself right between those monster orbs of hers, but it might be a little more here. ‘I’m starting to feel a little frisky with all this, I won’t lie.’ ‘I can tell.’ Dash giggled. ‘Let's get out of here, I’ve certainly fulfilled my end of the bargain by giving them all this publicity.’ there was well, struggled movement. Dash tried to push herself forward but immediately flopped back into the seat and her rotund rear. ‘Little help?’ she asked, Soarin getting off her and moving round to her front, gripping her front hooves tightly. He pulled her as best he could, Dash wiggling her useless rear legs to try and free herself. Thankfully with the seat now a ruined mass under her it was possibly to pull her free, but with a lot of effort. As Soarin pulled her, he felt her weight shift towards her front, giant stomach forcing him backwards as he heaved her over herself. He managed a ‘W-Woah!’ as he fell backwards onto the hard floor, rather quickly being half pinned by an extremely wobbly blue belly that sloshed forward on top of him. He felt her weight, she was as heavy as a loaded cart. How she could move herself was quite frankly, amazing. But she was standing just about on her hooves, fighting the fat of her belly and ass to keep them all grounded so she could gently shuffle herself forward and out the building. There was a slight huff as her body settled. ‘Don’t get too comfy under there.’ Dash teased, leaning herself into him a little. Soarin blushed, but pulled himself out and upright, standing by her side. ‘Lead the way then.’ he said, semi-embarrassedly waving goodbye to the staff and patrons. He hoped wherever it was wasn’t too far, he was eager to get back to having some fun. - The journey back was…interesting. Soarin had to walk at the same pace as Dash. The place was only a couple of streets away but it took around half an hour for Dash to move her bulk there. It didn’t really help that ponies kept stopping to ask her things, most to do with her size. Eventually however they made it, right on the edge of town to what looked like a storage barn. ‘Applejack let me use it, they tend to keep the stuff they bring to town here so it’s closer for market, but right now they’re growing crops so got nothing to sell. I promised her I’d get it cleaned out before she needs it in a few weeks, I’m sure you can help me with that.’ she said with a small smile. Soarin just nodded, watching as Dash fiddled with the lock and then stepped forward to heave the door open with her. They had to open it all the way so Dash could get in without doing damage to the large barn door frames. Once inside, she flicked the switch and turned on the lights. ‘Holllllyyyy…’ Soarin started to say, but then just gawped instead. Various packed food was piled high at each side of the barn, almost like two walls. He would swear they were somehow supporting the structure if it wasn’t for the actual walls which he couldn’t see. ‘How much did you get sent!?’ ‘Just enough.’ Dash replied with a wink, plonking herself down right in the middle of the space with her giant ass wobbling and her massive belly sloshing as she did so. She was positioned sitting on her stomach so to speak, leaning forward using her belly as a comfy seat. ‘You can still fly, so you can reach the top stuff. Start up there and work your way down.’ Dash said, it was almost commanding, that confidence of hers coming through again now they were alone. Soarin could see she was waiting, no point wasting time. He fluttered up to the top layer and grabbed a couple of boxes of what appeared to be small cakes and brought them down, opening the box and presenting one to Dash. They had only just left the restaurant, but the mare in that walk here had worked up enough of an appetite again to eat…and eat, then eat some more. The cakes vanished quickly, Soarin working his way down the layers of food that Dash had stored in the building. There wasn’t just cakes, there was all sorts of treats for her to eat. Fritters, sweet pies, chocolate chip cookies and plenty more. Soarin started to lose interest in what he was actually giving Dash and was far more fixated on watching her grow, giving her a little bit of attention with each trip back to her. A rub here, a smooch there. Dash was quite enjoying it all, she loved being the centre of attention after all. It clicked for Soarin perhaps this was the ultimate form of it, a way to make herself stand out even more and get even more ponies looking at her. That was why she was clearly enjoying it such a great deal. He could feel his suit tightening around the middle. The bigger she was getting the more he was showing his enjoyment of it as well. With the flight suit, it was pretty hard to hide these things. About halfway down the first wall of food, Dash hit immobility. Her belly spread enough that her rear legs rose up and stopped touching the ground. It was a good thing, that massive bulk under her nicely supported that huge bulk that was rising up behind her head. The orbs were becoming mountains of mass, giant wobbling cheeks that he wondered if there was enough food Dash would eventually hit the roof of the structure with them. He could only feed her and find out in time. ‘More…mfff…more…’ Dash was really going the whole hog on her gluttony, Soarin was feeding her as quickly as he could be here she was, asking for even more to be pushed between her greedy lips. He filled his hooves with as many cookies, pieces of cake and fritters as he could, watching as they completely filled Dash’s waiting mouth as he pushed them in and watched her chew for a short while, then swallow. It was as if her jaw had somehow stretched to accommodate even more food than she could eat before. He felt a twitch below, it was incredibly arousing to watch her do this. To just pig out beyond anything he had ever seen. He was right on board with her request for more. He grabbed more, upping his speed at which he was getting food to feed her with. Everything he brought her she was greedily gobbling down at a rate of knots. Her body swelled, fat piling on fat, blubber forming a top even more blubber. Her stomach practically sloooosshhheeedd and her ass bwooomppheeddd without a break as Dash got bigger and bigger. ‘Gosh you’re gorgeous, I’ve never seen you look this amazing.’ Soarin managed to whisper in her ear between trips to get more food for her. He saw her blush, but she said nothing, too preoccupied on chewing what she had to eat. She couldn’t speak anyway even if she tried, her mouth was absolutely stuffed with food. The bigger Dash got the more incredible her body shape and size just became. Soarin was eager to see her grow just so he’d get to enjoy where she got to. She seemed quite game, what with the little teases and noises she was making. She was almost purring like a kitten at this point, sunk into her bloated body, revelling in her mass. He’d have to pick his spot carefully though, there was just so much Dash to enjoy, which part of her would she appreciate the attention on the most, and he’d really get to work on, hmmm… He’d save that for the end though, Soarin finished off the first wall of goodies and moved to the next, starting at the top once more. As he continued to feed Dash more treats, he wondered if some gentle teasing might help. Work her up a little for what was to come once he had finished with the final wall. As at the restaurant, Dash was still chewing her way through all the food at a fast pace, but was starting to slow a little as she filled up. It gave him a few moments to whisper things in her ears as he made each return trip. ‘You know you wouldn’t just break all the records for size, but all the scales too.’ he started with. ‘I bet if I gave that ass of yours a good wobble, it wouldn’t stop for hours.’ was another. ‘Your gut growls, as if it’s full, but it certainly wants more, like you do.’ he carried on. Every word was making Dash redder and redder as each trip he continued to keep coming back with something new to say about her body. Whether it was about her bloated cheeks, her wobbling belly, her thunderous thighs that could likely crush an elephant under them, if she could even move them at this stage. Her poster had somewhat morphed a little as the pounds packed on, her rear hooves and thighs somewhat swallowed up under tons of wobbling ass and belly. The wall was about halfway down now, Dash had grown to fill quite a large proportion of the warehouse. By the time they were finished, he was sure her body would be pressing up against the walls at least, she was quite close now, the odd bit of flab wobbling its way towards them before retreating back. The feeding slowed a little, but Dash kept going. She had started with adorable little burps between bites. The odd ‘Urrpp!’ and ‘Bwaarrppp!’ here and there just to let out some pressure, this had now morphed to rapturous explosions of gas that Soarin was amazed nopony had come to investigate, he thought they were making the whole barn shake as Dash let another one go. ‘BWWWWwwwWWWwwAAAARRRRrrrpPPPPPPPPPP!!!!’ ‘Mmmm, let it out. Make room for more.’ Soarin teased, pushing one of the final pies between her mouth. She was in a total food coma now. Anything that came her way she just chewed and swallowed, looking like no thought was happening in her brain. It was pure instinct to just eat everything. Soarin had made it to the final line, he savoured the last lot of treats, the ones that would bring Dash to her final, immense size. As the last few went in he saw the sides of her belly push into the walls, just shy of doing any damage. Her ass quivered upwards and gently brushed the ceiling. Her whole body wobbled and jiggled as she let out a final belch, the loudest yet. ‘UUUURRRRrrrrrrrRRRRRRaaaaAAAAAaaaaPPPPPPppppp!!!!’ ‘You ate it all, you greedy blubberbolt.’ Soarin teased her. ‘Every crumb.’ Dash said nothing, she was taking it all in. The amount of gorging she had gone through, all she could do was lazily pant and process it all. Her body was fully consumed by making sure all that food added to her already impressive mass. After a minute of this, she finally managed to get enough energy to utter a few words. ‘B-Best…meal….ever.’ she said, letting her fat head flop back a little into a hefty neck roll. ‘Gosh you’re a good feeder Soarin.’ ‘Not that it’s very hard mind you.’ he replied, this just made Dash grin. ‘What?’ ‘I was going to…huff…make a joke there.’ she said, her eyes wandering towards his lower middle half. ‘I can see what kept driving you to stuff my fat face.’ ‘Oh…yeah h-heh.’ Soarin said. ‘Suits make it hard to hide.’ ‘Well, I didn’t…huff…want to get this big just to be immobile and not be appreciated.’ she winked at him. Soarin didn’t need telling twice, he loosened the zipper on his suit, his brain racing at a million miles an hour trying to decide where he should go. Then it seemed obvious, a spot that would let him release a bit of tension and show Dash just how much he loved her. He flapped around her body, nestling himself right at the top of where that monumental ass started, burying himself in those flabby cheeks but far enough forward that he could reach Dash’s head, giving her loving smooches and being able to carry on with the dirty talk. ‘You flabby…nghhh…fat ass, you’re never gonna make the team now.’ he started to say, grinding himself against her rear, which bounced about like a fresh jelly pudding, she was so soft, so warm. He doubted he’d last very long, having been pent up all this time, but he’d certainly try to keep this going for a little while. ‘B-Biggest mare in Equestria?’ Dash asked him, giving him a smooch. ‘Easily, you’re a mini mountain Dash…mmmff…a wobbling, jiggling mountain I can’t resist.’ Soarin said, pumping himself a little harder. A little deeper. A little faster. ‘I want to be bigger, you know…’ Dash said. ‘I’ll make you…hfff…bigger, blobbier, so you rival Canterlot itself…’ Soarin said with a gentle moan. He could feel himself starting to let go, it was no good trying to restrain himself. He just couldn’t help it, being with Dash was driving all of his wildest desires to the edge and over them. He wrapped his lips around hers and with a few more frantic thrusts, the stallion felt his lower nether region give in and release a days worth of pent up lust right between the fat, blubbery cheeks Dash had developed. He gripped her ass tight, thrust after thrust releasing a love load that screamed ‘More, more of you, MORE!’ as he finally let the final of his appreciative juices out and relaxed, rosy red cheeked and in total bliss. Like Dash, he took a minute to compose himself, the feeling of ecstasy taking a moment to pass before he was himself again. ‘I’m going to…uurrppp!...take you up on that offer.’ Dash cooed, giving him another kiss to reassure him. ‘I didn’t doubt that.’ Soarin said, still somewhat lost in the moment. ‘I bet I could burst you out this barn and go even further beyond that.’ ‘Gosh I feel…so…amazing.’ Dash said, leaning into herself. ‘Even bigger, it would be even more amazing.’ she concluded. ‘I don’t disagree.’ Soarin said, giving her mane a little stroke and positioning himself closer to her head at her side. ‘The future is bright, and big.’ he finished with, nestling himself next to her head. A dream come true, he’d give her everything she wanted and perhaps a little more. The mare of his dreams, what a girl.